#Jasper Clawthorne
sleepyhoneybunn · 1 year
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My Belos/Phillip grimwalker oc if he met @catboymoments Belos/Phillip grimwalker oc Hyacinth! Hyacinth is my favorite boy and I like to think these two might get along. They both have chaos flowing through them and I love them both.
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ashanimus · 1 year
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Fanart for @polyhexian's Jabberwocky.
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TW: hanging, colonial gun violence
Jasper led the way through the woods of the Human Realm with his friends Dexter, Kirce, Archie, and Blythe behind him. Was he using this excursion as an excuse to show off?
Perhaps a little.
Out of the five of them, he had the most experience in the Human Realm. So when Kirce, the girl he had a massive crush on for the past six months, started talking about how much she wanted to visit, he had jumped on the opportunity to be a guide.
“It’s kind of creepy here, isn’t it?” Dexter said. He had been reluctant to agree to come in the first place, ever since people started going missing a few years ago rumors were circulating that the Human Realm was no longer safe.
“What do you mean?” asked Archie.
“I figured in the Human Realm we would see Humans.” Dexter said, “But we’ve been walking for at least a mile and I haven’t seen anything. It’s weird. It makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.”
“You can always go back if you’re too scared.” Blythe teased.
“I am not scared!” Dexter retorted quickly. “If anyone should be scared it should be you. You don’t even have a palisman yet.”
Blythe, who was Dexter’s younger sister turned red. “If you brag about that stupid thing one more time I’m going to shove the whole staff up your…”
Kirce’s palisman, Toadles jumped on Blythe’s head and croaked loudly.
“Knock it off,” Kirce said, “You two are worse than children.”
Jasper’s palisman, a blue jay named Elinor rolled her eyes. Jasper smiled at Kirce, to show that he agreed with her and was happy that at least the two of them were mature and reasonable. Kirce however wasn’t looking back at him, his heart sank a little.
“What was that?” She asked.
“What was what?” Jasper followed her line of sight, he couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
“I saw something move in the trees.” Kirce said.
“It was probably just an animal,” Jasper replied,
“There are a lot of them over here.” He hoped whatever she had seen was familiar to him, he would love to have the chance to impress her with his vast knowledge of Human Realm fauna.
“What if it’s a human?” Blythe asked excitedly. “I’ve always wanted to see one!”
“It could be a witch hunter.” Archie said, “OoooOOOOoooooOoo….”
He wiggled his fingers right behind Kirce’s ear. Kirce elbowed him in the stomach.
“Knock it off, it’s not funny!”
“Kirce, I have been coming here for years,” Jasper reminded her, “and I have never seen one of these so-called witch-hunters. Relax. Most humans will go out of the way to avoid you, and the ones who don’t are more curious than dangerous.”
“Hmm…” Kirce didn’t looked convinced. “Toadles, go check it out anyways.”
Blythe rolled her eyes. “Worry wart.” She said, “No offence, Toadles.”
Toadles responded with a croak, though Jasper did not know him well enough to tell whether or not he was offended.
What happened in the following few moments happened so fast that Jasper could hardly keep up. There was a loud cracking noise immediately drowned out by a scream of anguish as Kirce nearly collapsed onto the ground. Jasper rushed to her side as Dexter and Archie cast a plant spell to pull whoever was hiding out into the open. A human boy fumbled to hold onto his own strange looking staff as he was hoisted into the air by Dexter and Archie’s vines. He dangled by his ankles and the staff slipped from his hands and clattered down amongst the tree vines. It took Jasper a moment to realize that the boy’s staff was dripping in bright green magic. Palisman blood…
Kirce was nearly hysterical.
“You’re going to pay for that!” She screamed, summoning fire to her hands.
“Kirce, stop!” Jasper grabbed her arm.
“He killed Toadles!” Kirce screamed, “I’m going to kill him! I’M GOING TO KILL HIM!”
Dexter, Blythe, and Archie all turned to try and console Kirce, or restrain her. Jasper had heard it said that the pain of losing one's palisman was enough to drive a witch mad with anguish. Kirce wasn’t thinking straight. In the state she was in, she could easily lose control and end up hurting herself or one of them. Jasper was too preoccupied trying to calm her down that he didn’t even think of watching the human. The next thing anyone knew, the human had escaped.
Kirce ripped herself away from her friends’ restraint.
There was a loud bang that rattled Jasper’s eardrums.
He saw Kirce’s body fall back and hit the ground as if time had stopped moving properly.
“KIRCE!” He screamed, he fell to his knees beside her. Blood poured from a hole in her chest.
Her eyes stared blankly at nothing.
Jasper shook.
She was dead.
She was dead.
For a moment no one could move. No one could breathe. No one could think.
When thoughts returned to Jasper’s mind they all repeated the same thing.
He killed Kirce.
The human killed Kirce.
Fury filled Jasper’s mind and body.
The world seemed to turn red, red like the blood blossoming across Kirce’s dress.
Instantly, Elinor transformed into a staff in Jasper’s hand. This human was going to die. He was going to pay for Kirce’s death with his own blood.
Before they could act there was another boom, like the one that had killed Kirce. More humans rushed forward from the trees, several of them carrying the same staffs that the boy had. Others had various other weapons.
Outnumbered, Jasper mounted his staff and took to the air.
A moment too late he realized that Blythe did not have her own palisman yet.
He summoned shards of ice around her to try and fend off the humans, Dexter and Archie each summoned their own defenses, but there were too many humans.
“BLYTHE!” Dexter screamed, as his sister was pinned down by the mob of angry humans.
“We have to go!” Archie shouted.
“Not without Blythe!” Dexter insisted.
Jasper dove for his younger friend.
Before his eyes, Elinor exploded from the front of his staff. He felt it in his chest.
One moment she was there, the next she was nothing but a spray of bright green magic.
One moment his heart was beating, the next it was shattered like the shards of palistrom wood that flew back to hit his face.
The world was spiraling.
There was no up, no down, no future, no past.
Just that moment of watching Elinor explode in front of him.
He felt an arm around him, but was too disoriented to realize it was Archie’s until they were almost back to the portal. They crossed the threshold and collapsed into the red grass on the other side.
“We have to go back!” Dexter shouted. “We have to go back!”
“Are you insane?” Archie asked, “They’ll kill us!”
“They have Blythe! They have my sister!”
“Did you see how fast they murdered Kirce? That human didn’t even draw a spell circle. Blythe is probably dead already.”
Dexter jumped on Archie and started punching him.
“She’s my sister!” he screamed, “She’s my little sister!”
Jasper was still in shock, still covered in the splatter of Elinor’s blood, but Dexter was right. They couldn’t leave Blythe.
He forced down his own grief and tried to keep his hands from shaking as he pulled out the vial of Titan’s Blood and re-opened the portal.
“You’re mad.” Archie said. “They’ll kill you, too.”
“If she’s still alive, we have to try.” Jasper said.
Dexter and Jasper returned to the Human Realm. They stumbled through the underbrush, trying to follow the sounds of shouting. Jasper felt half asleep. The world seemed like a blur of nightmare and reality.
They caught up with the crowd of humans. Dexter tried to run ahead, but Jasper held him back, evaluating the scene before moving. Jasper didn’t think there was anymore room in his mind for horror. Between seeing Kirce’s body lifeless on the ground and watching Elinor explode before his eyes, it seemed impossible for any more atrocities to take place within such a short amount of time.
Then he saw Blythe’s body.
She was hanging from her throat in the branches of a tree as the Humans gathered around. Her face was bloated and purple, blood seeped from her eyes which were bulging out of their sockets. Jasper had just enough sense left in him to body block Dexter before he could run out and expose them both. He put his hand over his friend’s mouth and wrestled him back deeper into the woods. They managed to make it back to the portal before Jasper vomited. Before he knew what was going on, Dexter was on top of him. Jasper didn’t even feel the first couple of punches. He wasn’t even fully aware of what was going on until Archie pulled Dexter off.
“You said it was safe!” Dexter shouted. “You told us the Human Realm was safe! You had been there dozens of times! You said there was nothing to worry about!”
Jasper tasted blood in his mouth. His brain still couldn’t quite connect the pain coming from his face with the blood pouring from his nose or the fists that just assaulted him.
“I…I thought…” He struggled to speak, “I…Nothing like this had ever happened before…”
“Blythe is dead!” Dexter screamed, “Kirce is dead!”
“I…” The world still didn’t make any sense. Jasper was shaking.
“It should have been you!” Dexter shouted, “You were the one who led us there! If anyone should have died, it should have been you!”
Jasper couldn’t disagree.
He was still in a daze when he stumbled home. Upon seeing the blood covering him, his mother ran to his side. His little sisters stared at him in terror. Both of them were still in their nightgowns, stuck in the house after catching the common mold at school. If they hadn’t been sick, surely, they would have gone with. Evelyn was older than Blythe by two years after all. What if they had been there? They would be dead now, too, just like Blythe and Kirce were.
Jasper couldn’t breathe. He broke down. None of the boys talked to each other again after that. None of them fully disclosed what they had seen. Jasper made a new palisman, and Blythe and Kirce’s deaths were chalked up to tragic accidents. But Jasper never forgot, and he made a vow to himself that he would never lose anyone else like that again.
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Hey what do you guys think the hexsquads middle names are? <- coping with despair
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So… hunter’s palisman is Caleb’s (the original him) witch girlfriend Evelyn? Did anyone else catch that because I don’t hear anyone talking about it. Belos squished Flapjack and said “goodbye Evelyn”. So are palisman the souls of witches of the past? Is this a known thing or am I missing something lol. They are made of the wood of a special tree, maybe it’s kind of an “all things become the earth when they die” sort of thing. You eventually decompose and fertilize the earth, which helps to grow a tree, someone carves that tree and you get reincarnated into their palisman. That would make sense as to how the palisman hold power, because they’re former witches. Idk if this has already been talked about
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polyhexian · 4 months
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I have finally designed Nym! he is a half demon and the deputy of Tyrian Murex when he was head of the Abominations coven. He's older than he looks, but he's deeply amused by this. He eventually falls in love with a wild witch and defects to become a palistrom keeper apprenticed to Dell Clawthorne before he's kill by the current Golden Guard Jasper.
We see a few abomination witches in toh, and most of them are super messy and always covered in goo, but the two highest ranked ones we see are Darius, abominations coven head, and Professor Hermonculus, abominations professer at Hexside. Darius obviously keeps himself quite manicured, but Hermonculus also wears a frilly outfit with an ascot and is not covered in goo despite being carried around by an abomination all day. My headcanon is that for Abomination witches, being very clean and well dressed is a bit of a flex and a way to show one is highly skilled.
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wowa-bublord · 9 days
Your trademark is Zack’s enormous hair:)
Him, Eda Clawthorn, and Jasper steven universe have the same barber
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yuriolympics · 1 year
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looking to sign-up for YSO but not sure what team you want to join? here are all the teams that need members to stay in the race!!
Arcee/Aileron (Transformers)
Adachi/Shimamura (Adachi and Shimamura)
Amanai Kanoka/Yachi Hitoka (Haikyuu)
Asa/Yuko (Chainsaw Man)
America Chavez/Ramone Watts (Marvel Comics)
Alice/Robin (Once Upon a Time)
Alice/Marisa (Touhou)
Alpha Hatsuseno/Kokone Takatsu (Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō)
Aya/Chisato (Bandori)
Celestia Ludenberg/Kyouko Kirigiri (Danganronpa)
Darcy/Tara (Heartstopper)
Edelgard/Monica (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Emu Otori/Nene Kusanag  (Project Sekai)
Faith/Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Haruno Sakura/Yamanaka Ino (Naruto)
Heather Chandler/Veronica Sawyer (chansaw) from Heathers
Hikari/Tairitsu [hikaritsu] (Arcaea)
Ishmael/Don Quixote from Limbus Company
Jane Crocker/Meulin Leijon from Homestuck
Kafka/Himeno from Honkai Star Rail
Kaguya/Mokou (Touhou Project)
Kaede Akamatsu/Tsumugi Shirogane (DanganRonpa)
Kanade/Mafuyu [KanaMafu] (Project Sekai)
Kouyou/Yosano (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Koishi/Flandre (Touhou Project)
Keiki/Chimata (Touhou Project)
Lapis/Amethyst (Steven Universe)
Lapis Lazuli/Jasper (Steven Universe)
Lucina/Severa from Fire Emblem Awakening
Minori/Haruka (Project Sekai Colorful Stage)
Momo Yaoyaorozu/Jirou Kyoka (BNHA)
Marianne/Hilda (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Mimi/Nyami (Pop'n Music)
Nastya/Aurora (The Mechanisms)
Nobara/Maki (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Nue Houjuu/Minamitsu Murasa (Touhou project)
Okuu/Orin (Touhou Project)
Okina/Yukari (Touhou Project)
Panette/Alear (Fire Emblem Engage)
Raine Whispers/Edalyn Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Rebecca/Sasha (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners)
Rachel/Quinn (Glee)
Renko/Maribel (Touhou Music CDs)
Riko Sakurauchi/You Watanabe (Love Live Sunshine)
Robin/Nancy (Stranger Things)
Ruby/Klaasje (Disco Elysium)
Ryne/Gaia (Final Fantasy XIV) 
Satoko/Rika (Higurashi) - team leader: tbd
Scorpia/Perfuma (She-Ra)
Shenhe/Ganyu (Genshin Impact) 
Susie/Noelle (Deltarune)
Sylvanas/Jaina (World of Warcraft) 
Ty Lee/Mai (ATLA)
Ty Lee/Azula (ATLA)
13th Doctor/River Song
Yuzu/Satsuki (Konohana Kitan)
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childlikegoblinqueen · 10 months
Huntlow Week Day # 6: Opposites/Owl House.
Meet me at the Owl House at sunset. - H 💚💛💚💛
Willow ran her fingers over the sharply written script.
As always? Hunter's handwriting was very distinct.
Very recognizable.
His t's always crossed at the same angle. All letters written at the appropriate heights -- sitting exactly on the line below.
Belos had trained him so very well.
As a child, Hunter was forced to write line after line, copying the exact form and wording as directed by the man monster who had forced him into a tight mold. Belos took Hunter from the ground, and like so many who'd come before -- all the others who had been cloned from the doomed model that was Caleb Wittebane -- the Emperor had covered Hunter's face in a mask, wrapped his body in a uniform, and proceeded to break and re-make him until there was no piece of Hunter permitted beyond what his creator had allowed.
So of course, when Willow saw the green and gold hearts Hunter had added to his signature -- a symbol for the connection between them -- she melted immediately.
It had been a year since Willow had met Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams Hunter at Hexside and the plan had been that the two would go to see The Bloodied Teeth -- and specifically Captain Vyra Spidervein play the Screaming Sidhe in the Flyer Derby Playoffs. Unfortunately the game had been postponed due to an outbreak of the fire flu which took out three members of the Sidhe and two of the Teeth.
"I'm gonna make it up to you." Hunter told Willow.
"Pfft." Willow had waved him away. "It's not like you have anything to make up for! It's not your fault they got sick. They'll reschedule the game when everyone is better and we'll go then."
"Oh nonono." Hunter shook his head quickly, "We'll go to the game, but that won't be on the actual anniversary of the day we met! A - a-and I want to make it special for you!"
So on the morning of the first anniversary of the day they had met, Willow was awoken by the a soft cooing sound on her balcony. Owlbert stood perched with a note in his beak inviting Willow to the Owl House.
As she approached the front door, she saw Hooty -- in his usual spot -- with a sly smile across his round face.
"Helloooooooooooo Captain!" Hooty's smile spread. "Hoot Hoot."
"Hey there Hooty!?" Willow said brightly. She was surprised to see him there, honestly. Hooty spent much more time with Lilith than in the actual Owl House. "Whatcha up to today?"
"Ooooooooooh. Something....." The Owl Tube sang dramatically. He blushed coyly, wrapping himself around Willow's back, he nudged her inside. "I heard today was a SPECIAL day for you and your LOVERBOY!"
"Waaaaaait a minute." Willow crossed her arms. She spun around to look at Hooty, nose to beak. "Please don't tell me you kidnapped Hunter to do a Tunnel of Love thing?"
There was no question that the letter had been from Hunter, but Hooty was relentless. Golden Guard or not, given the chance? Hooty would beat Hunter in any fight.
"Tell me the truth Hooty!" Willow leaned in. "Where is he? Did you make him write that letter to me?"
"Cool your jets lady!" Eda sassed from inside. The Owl Lady was smiling coyly. "Blondie actually set this up for you himself and it took him three whole days to work up the courage to ask for use of the tunnel under the house so..."
"Make sure you give him a SMOOOOOOOOCH! Hoot!" Hooty smiled again. "SEEEEE YOU DOWNSTAIRS!" He sang. With that the house demon curled into a heartshape and slithered away.
Eda smiled and handed Willow a piece of paper featuring an intricate glyph. Willow tapped the middle and it folded, lighting up to for a light in the shape of a flower.
"Follow the light." Eda nodded, "he's waiting for you."
Willow's face flushed just a bit. The flower light began to hover over her hand guiding her down the stairs though the basement to a platform lined with flowers. In the middle stood King Clawthorne. The child titan wore a little tuxedo.
As Willow approached King cleared his throat. "Invitation please?" He reached out a claw.
"Invitation?" Willow but her lip. "Oh!" She reached into her pocket and handed King the letter from Hunter."
"Hmmmmmm." King produced a little monocle from his pocket and placed it on his eye. He perused the letter before returning it to Willow with a nod. "Yep. That is authentic! Please step on!"
Willow stepped on the platform and King pulled a level slowly floating them down to a dock where Raine Whispers stood playing their violin.
"Ah! Hey there." They smiled as Willow approached. Clearing their throat Raine leaned in and looked towards the empty dock. "Listen." They said. "Just so you know, he's been practicing for 48 hours straight, and I think it's perfect, but you know him and..."
"Raine." Willow wiggled her nose. "I have no idea what's going on, but whatever Hunter's got planned ? I already love it."
"That's what I told him!" Raine threw their hands up, "But you know him? Everything's got to be perfect and -- well?"
Before Raine could say anymore a swan boat pulled up -- with the face of an owl. On top stood Hunter, guitar slung over his back. He slid down Hooty's neck and met Willow at the dock.
"My lady?" He said formally. Dressed in what looked to be a handmade suit in the colors of the Emerald Entrail's uniforms, Hunter bowed his head and held his hand out. Willow took it and he helped her into the boat. She took a seat as the Hooty-swan boat pulled away from the dock.
"Aren't ya gonna sit next to me?" Willow shrugged.
Hunter shook his head quickly. "N-no ma'am." A self assured smile crept up on his face. "Not yet at least?"
"Hunter." Willow sighed, "What's this all about? You know you didn't have to go through all this for just the anniversary of the first day we met?"
"But I did," Hunter sighed. "B-because you changed so much for me that day. A -and I don't think I realized how much until --things went wrong? And then I didn't see you for a long time, but I thought about you a lot and -- "
"Hunter?" Willow smiled warmly, "Again. That's water under the bridge! Sit with me!"
"No. Not yet." Hunter shook his head. He moved his guitar to playing position and covered it with various glyphs as the boat began to move. "Willow Park." He began. "So much's changed since we met, and there was so much I wanted to tell you back then -- but I couldn't. S-so I wanted to show you what it felt like -- to meet you."
Hunter's body began to glow -- his guitar burst into a ball of light as each glyph awakened. He began to strum a giddy tune, and he sang.
Ooh, you make me live Whatever this world can give to me It's you, you're all I see Ooh, you make me live now, honey Ooh, you make me live
Oh, you're the best friend that I ever had I've been with you such a long time You're my sunshine and I want you to know That my feelings are true, I really love you Oh, you're my best friend
All around the scene -- set up with cheesy hearts and animatronics changed to a garden of beautiful flowers and vines.
When the song was finished, Hunter let out a long breath. Willow just sat. Her words sat in the back of her throat, where her heart pounded. She remained silent.
Hunter's confident smile faded. "O-oh. Was that too much?" her murmured. "I told Hooty that the normal tunnel wouldn't be enough, but he swore that's how Luz and Amity got together and -- mmmph."
Willow launched forward covering his mouth with her lips. When the two broke apart she smiled coyly.
"You serenaded me on a boat." Willow smiled. "This is the best anniversary gift ever."
"Better than Vyra Spidervein?" Hunter scratched the back of his neck.
Willow laughed. "Yes, actually."
"Oh. Cool." Hunter shrugged. "Then I guess I can sell those tickets for the rescheduled match and--"
"DON'T YOU DARE!" Willow growled playfull.
Hunter chuckled softly and pulled her into a hug. "Happy anniversary, Captain." he whispered.
(Yes Vyra Spidervein is from @lollytea's fic <<< Link)
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Full bracket:
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Round 1 Masterpost
Side A
Round 1, Part 1
Gideon vs Scorpia
Sailor Uranus vs Pearl
Bitch vs Motoko Kusanagi
Amaya vs Tsubomi Kido
Round 1, Part 2
Undyne vs Furiosa
Noi vs Zero
Haruhi Fujioka vs Gebura
Han Sooyoung vs Casey Jones
Round 1, Part 3
Kaoru Seta vs Baiken
Quanxi vs Shima Nishina
Kotoko Yuzuriha vs Percival King
Mitsuki Koga vs Lupe Garcia
Round 1, Part 4
Jolyne Cujoh vs Rekka
Sevika vs Fu Hua
Tao vs Korra
Jasper vs Maki Zenin
Side B
Round 1, Part 1
Rika vs Naoto Shirogane
Vi vs Tain Hu
Yuu Kashima vs Villanelle
Utena vs Lin Beifong
Round 1, Part 2
Susie vs Graham Eaton
Lady Oscar vs Xena
Beau vs Sakura Oogami
Catra vs Max Chapman
Round 1, Part 3
Olivier Armstrong vs Anne Lister
Juri Arisugawa vs Joan Watson
Eda Clawthorne vs Adora
Bismuth vs Ellen Ripley
Round 1, Part 4
Merrin vs Akira Kenjou
Kira Nerys vs Reinhardt
Ermes Costello vs Amanda O'Neill
Lady Maria vs Pyrrha Dve
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sleepyhoneybunn · 1 year
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Oh what a surprise- another TOH oc. I wanted to make my own little grimwalker guy- this is Jasper and he's just a silly little guy. No crimes committed here!
Jasper was created by Belos on the basis of him thinking 'Hm, all these grimwalkers I keep making from my dead brother keep betraying me... Maybe if I make this one from my own bones this time it won't betray me??' And Belos made Jasper roughly two years after Hunter just in case Hunter didn't work out. But with his curse still in play, Jasper didn't exactly come out right. He came out really sickly, small and stunted with a weaker heart, no bile sac, and a horrible immune system. And Belos basically threw the kid out, and was thankfully found by Eda.
He's pretty feral on some fronts, not afraid to choose violence and his headspace is usually "I'm here to cause problems on purpose." And Eda's very proud of her fledgling. He's a big nerd and a bug lover- he likes to run through the woods, and tries to act cooler/older than he is.
Jasper is my hyperfixation right now and I love him v much. 💕 💕 💕
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parliamentoftoh · 2 years
Had the wildest fucking crack theory just now
So I know other people have theorized that not only is Evelyn a Clawthorne ancestor but also that Evelyn and Caleb started the Clawthorne name
With that in mind, I was like what if Evelyn’s family name before marrying Caleb was Bloodwilliams
And what if the child that she was implied to be pregnant with in the Hollow Mind portraits was named Jasper
So like, the full fake name Hunter gave in ASIAS was taken from his actual history
I just think that’d be hilarious and neat
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aroarachnid · 2 years
Hi my name is Hunter Wittebane Clawthorne Deamonne Noceda Jasper-Bloodwilliams and I have long blonde hair (that’s how I got my name) with brown streaks and a long strand that reaches my eyes and dark red eyes like spilled blood and a lot of people tell me I look like Caleb Wittebane (AN: if u don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Chief O'Bailey but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a grimwalker but my ears are long and pointed. I have pale white skin. I’m also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hexside in the Boiling Isles where I’m in the seventh year (I’m sixteen). I’m a golden guard (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly yellow. I love wolves and I sew them on all my clothes. For example today I was wearing a yellow corset with matching lace around it and a black leather trousers, brown gloves and brown combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hexside. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of witches stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
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ALSO after careful consideration (some light googling) I've come up with middle names for the hexsquad
Luz's middle name is Manuela. It's a feminine form of Manuel which I figured could very well be her dad's full name. Luz's connection and similarities to her dad are very important to her and to the story overall, so an homage to him feels sweet and fitting!
I was torn between Amity's middle name being either Regan or Cordelia. Regan because I thought "little ruler" sounded EXACTLY like something odalia would've chosen for one of her kids, but I think overall I prefer the verbal flow and meaning of Cordelia (which means "heart" btw). I just think it'd be nice if Amity had this imposing last name with a threatening legacy and then a first and middle name that represent the things actually important to her
Back when the toh "next time on..."/"pilot" was released and we all found out that Willows pilot name was Paulina/Polleena (I prefer the latter spelling since it's plant themed! Pollen and whatnot), I saw some people suggest Polleena as her middle name, and the hcs just stuck ever since! It fits since (going off the spelling I decided) pollen helps things to grow, and Willow not only has a very fleshed out arc, she's also the catalyst/important to many others! Also again, it just rolls off the tongue well. Can very clearly picture Harvey or Gilbert saying "Willow Polleena Park >:(" in their Dad Voice.
Since Gus' full name is Augustus, I immediately thought of the Roman emperor and started looking at other Roman names for him, before settling on Antony. The most obvious reason for this is alliteration and the fact it sounds really nice to say "Augustus Antony Porter". His first name means "venerable" or "sacred", and Antony means "priceless". Hence, I think it'd be cute if (consciously or unconsciously) when Perry named him he was just hammering home how much he fucking loves his boy. Alternate ideas with the same scheme though is Julian (comes from Julia which means "youthful", Gus' age is relevant to his character in many ways.)
Hunter...doesn't even have a confirmed last name. In demon realm paperwork? It's probably Deamonne. But as much as I love dadrius, I am also a fan of the "it takes a village" approach and you can pry Hunter Noceda from my cold, dead hands. So no matter who he lives full time with, I hc hunter sees a lot of different people as "family". He'd be excited about it! He went from no parents to, like, 4! That's counting Darius, Camila, Eda and Raine (though tbh I hc the latter as more "cool aunt and her cool partner" in hunters eyes but Dells like a cool grampa to him. He's not gonna turndown the clawthorne name!) All this to say, I think Hunter is an elusive tripple-barreler for last names. So I hc he takes part of his alias from ASIAS and uses that to complete his silly, dramatic name, officially crowning himself "Hunter Jasper Bloodwilliams Noceda-Clawthorne-Deamonne". What a guy. I love him
In conclusion I love giving characters middle names so FUCKING much. Get birth certificate-ed idiot!!!
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mint-hiddenite · 4 months
Vriska Undertale
Ace - Luke Skywalker (he/him) [Star Wars] (Dermal Human)
Ace’s Father - Anakin “Darth Vader” Skywalker (he/him) [Star Wars] (Dermal Human)
Alexandrite - Eda Clawthorne (she/her) [The Owl House] (Violet Aquarist Fusion Troll)
Amethyst - Asuka Langley Soryu (she/her) [Neon Genesis Evangelion] (Rust Arist Troll)
Andy DeMayo - Miguel O'Hara (he/him) [Spider-Man Spiderverse Trilogy] (Dermal Human)
Angel Aura Quartz - Giffany (she/it) [Gravity Falls] (Rust Arga Troll)
Aquamarine - Eric Cartman (he/him) [South Park] (Rust Arittanius Troll)
Aubergine Pearl - William Afton (he/him) [Five Nights at Freddy’s] (Olive Leittarius Troll)
Baby Melon - Baby Groot (he/it) [Guardians of the Galaxy] (Sentient Tree)
Barbara Miller - Frye Sparkle (she/her) [Splatoon 3] (Inkling)
The Best Diner in the World's Waitress - Draluc (he/him) [The Vampire Dies in No Time] (Vampire)
Big Bird - Big Bird (he/they) [Sesame Street] (Unknown Fusion Troll)
Biggs Jasper - Bowser (he/him) [Super Mario Bros] (Rust Arcer Troll)
Bill Dewey - Arataka Reigen (he/him) [Mob Psycho 100] (Dermal Human)
Billy Bank Assets - “Big” Jack Horner (he/him) [Puss in Boots 2: The Last Wish] (Dermal Human)
Bismuth - Undyne (she/her) [Undertale] (Violet Aquara Troll)
Bixbite - Roxie Richter (she/her) [Scott Pilgrim] (Lime Canlo Troll)
Blue Chalcedony - Crab Rave (she/he/they) [Crab Rave] (Purple Caprittanius Troll)
Blue Diamond - Tallest Megamind (he/him) [Megamind] (Blue Scoro Troll)
Blue Pearl - L Lawliet (he/they) [Death Note] (Olive Leittarius Troll)
Bluebird Azurite - Meowth (he/they/she) [Pokémon] (Green Scoricorn Fusion Troll)
Buck Dewey - Castiel Reigen (he/him) [Supernatural] (Dermal Human)
Buddy Buddwick - Stanford Filbrick Pines (he/him) [Gravity Falls] (Dermal Human)
Cactus Steven - Cagney Carnation (he/him) [Cuphead] (Sentient Flower)
Carnelian - Paintbrush (they/them) [Inanimate Insanity] (Rust Armini Troll)
Cat Steven - Vodka “Mutie” Mutini (she/her) [Homestuck] (Cat)
Cherry Quartz - Makima (she/her) [Chainsaw Man] (Rust Argo Troll)
Chert - Lady Luck (she/her) [Dicey Dungeons] (Rust Ariborn Troll)
Chrysocolla - Frieza (he/him) [Dragon Ball] (Bronze Taurun Troll)
Chunk Truck - Fantoccio “the Great” (he/him) [Billie Bust-Up!] (Sentient Marionette)
Concrete Heat - Barnaby (any pronouns) [Billie Bust-Up!] (Ghost Owl)
Cloud Connie - Sprite Miku “Hachune” (she/they) [VOCALOID] (Sprite)
Comby - Scissors “the Duel-Bladed Duelist” (it/its) [Paper Mario: The Origami King] (Star Droplet)
Connie Maheswaran - Miku Hatsune (she/they) [VOCALOID] (Dermal Human)
Cookie Cat - Constable Whiskers (it/its) [Cookie Run] (Cookie Cat)
Crab Monsters - Zodiac Crabs
Crazy Lace Agate - Marie “Agent 2” (she/her) [Splatoon] (Rust Armini Troll)
Crystal Basilisk - Zodiac Basilisk
Crystal Shrimp - Zodiac Shrimp
Dante Barriga - Anthony J. Crowley (he/him) [Good Omens] (Dermal Human)
Dashing Danny Doober - Ash “Ashy Slashy” Williams (he/him) [Evil Dead] (Dermal Human)
Demantoid - Skeletor (he/him) [Masters of the Universe] (Indigo Sagisces Troll)
Derrick - Jake Park (he/him) [Dead by Daylight] (Dermal Human)
Desert Glass - SCP-3232 (it/its) [SCP Foundation] (Olive Lepia Troll)
Dogcopter - Rocket Raccoon (he/they) [Guardians of the Galaxy] (Anthropomorphic Cyborg Raccoon)
Doug Maheswaran - Kaito Hatsune (he/him) [VOCALOID] (Dermal Human)
Dr. Gero - Dr. Drakken (he/they) [Kim Possible] (Dermal Human)
Dr. Stromberg - Dr. Colress Akuroma (he/they) [Pokémon] (Dermal Human)
Dr. West - Dr. Realist (he/him) [VOCALOID] (Dermal Human)
Drew - Blackjack O’Hare (he/him) [Guardians of the Galaxy] (Anthropomorphic Cyborg Hare)
Drill Parasites - Zodiac Drills
Earth Beetle - Herbert (he/him) [Homestuck] (Firefly)
Electric Skulls - The Phantoms (it/its) [Animal Jam] (Sentient Goop)
Emerald - Lord Dominator (she/they) [Wander Over Yonder] (Lime Camini Troll)
Empire City Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Employee - Lusamine (she/her) [Pokémon] (Dermal Human)
F-3 - Meg Griffin (she/her) [Family Guy] (Hiveman)
Fable - Princess Luna (she/her) [My Little Pony] (Unknown Being)
Flint - Bullfrog (he/him) [Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix] (Rust Arsces Troll)
Fluorite - Philip “Belos” Wittebane (they/he) [The Owl House] (Teal Limino Fusion Troll)
Foxman - Rigby “the Raccoon” (he/him) [Regular Show] (Anthropomorphic Raccoon)
Frybo - Lotus Dragon Cookie (they/them) [Cookie Run] (Cookie Dragon)
Garbanzo - Ash Ketchum (he/him) [Pokémon] (Dermal Human)
Garnet - Dirk Strider (he/they) [Homestuck] (Violet Sagio Fusion Troll)
Garnet's Doppelgänger - Dirk Strider’s Doppelgänger (he/him) (Dermal Human)
Gary - Preminger (he/him) [Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper] (Dermal Human)
George - Aku (he/him) [Samurai Jack] (Prospit Angel) 
Glass Ghost - Snatcher (he/him) [A Hat in Time] (Ghost)
Green Light - Auspice Prospit (Angel)
Greg Universe - Sans Undertale (he/him) [Undertale] (Skeletal Human)
Grossular Diopside - The Muse (it/its) [Alex Bale's Muse] (Purple Caprius Troll)
Harold Smiley - Alastor (he/him) [Hazbin Hotel] (Anthropomorphic Deer)
Handsome Hank Hackleschmidt - Gummigoo (he/him) [The Amazing Digital Circus] (Anthropomorphic Gummy Crocodile)
Heaven Beetle - Serenity (she/her) [Homestuck] (Firefly)
Hessonite - Funny Valentine (he/him) [JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure] (Indigo Sagirius Troll)
Holly Blue Agate - Papa Emeritus IV (he/him) [Ghost] (Rust Armini Troll)
Holo-Connie - Holo-Miku (it/its) (Hologram)
Holo-Pearl - Holo-Onceler (it/its) (Hologram)
Hopper - Lola Bunny (she/her) [The Looney Tunes Show] (Anthropomorphic Bunny)
Hoppy - Kitty Softpaws (she/her) [Puss in Boots] (Anthropomorphic Cat)
Howl Jones - Jack Box (he/him) [Jack in the Box] (Dermal Human)
Indigo Light - Infinite Prospit (Angel)
Invisible Manta Ray - Zodiac Manta Ray
Jamie - Ken Beach (he/him) [Barbie (2023)] (Dermal Human)
Jane - Pomni (she/her) [The Amazing Digital Circus] (Dermal Human)
Jasper - Catra (she/her) [She-Ra and the Princess of Power] (Rust Arcer Troll)
Jasper (Eyeball) - Wilford Warfstache (he/him) [Markiplier] (Rust Arcer Troll)
Jasper (Skinny) - Jax (he/him) [The Amazing Digital Circus] (Rust Arcer Troll)
Jay-Ten - Xavier (he/him) [Xavier, Renegade Angel] (Hiveman)
Jeff - Jeff the Killer (he/they) [Creepypasta] (Dermal Human)
Jenny Pizza - Dean Winchester (he/him) [Supernatural] (Dermal Human)
Kerry Moonbeam - Anthony “Angel Dust” (he/him) [Hazbin Hotel] (Anthropomorphic Spider)
Kevin - Ji-Woon “Trickster” Hak (he/him) [Dead by Daylight] (Dermal Human)
Kiki Pizza - Samuel “Sam” William Winchester (he/him) [Supernatural] (Dermal Human)
Kofi Pizza - Robert “Bobby” Steven Singer (he/him) [Supernatural] (Dermal Human)
Lace Amethyst - Starlight Glimmer (she/her) [My Little Pony] (Rust Arist Troll)
Lapis Lazuli - Reagan Ridley (she/her) [Inside Job] (Fuchsia Pimini Troll)
Lapis Lazuli (Mean Lapis) - Mean Reagan Ridley (Rafe’s Enemy) (she/her) [Inside Job] (Fuchsia Pimini Troll)
Lapis Lazuli (Nice Lapis) - Nice Reagan Ridley (Robot) (she/her) [Inside Job] (Fuchsia Pimini Troll)
Larimar - Kitty (The Mask) (she/her) [Courage the Cowardly Dog] (Lime Cano Troll)
Laramie “Lars” Barriga - Mordecai “Motti” Crowley (he/him) [Regular Show] (Anthropomorphic Bird (Bluejay))
Lemon Jade - Zoe (she/her) [Monster Prom] (Lime Canus Fusion Troll)
Lina - Princess Leia (she/her) [Star Wars] (Dermal Human)
Lion “Boo” - Lion “Kovu” (he/him) [Lion King 2] (Lion)
Lock Ness Bloggster (Ronaldo) - Gizmo Goth 2000 (Guillermo) (he/him) [What We Do in the Shadows] (Dermal Human)
Lonely Pearl - Virgil Sanders (he/him) [Sanders Sides] (Olive Leittarius Troll)
Malachite - Hexxus (he/they) [FernGully: The Last Rainforest] (Teal Libries Fusion Troll)
Martha Barriga - Aziraphale Crowley (he/him) [Good Omens] (Dermal Human)
Marty - Aloysius O'Hare (he/him) [Lorax (2012)] (Dermal Human)
Mary - Ahato “Dedf1sh” Mizuta (they/them) [Splatoon] (Octoling)
Mega Pearl - Kokichi Oma (he/they) [Danganronpa] (Olive Leittarius Troll)
Mearl - Oldler (he/him) [The Lorax (2012)] (Dermal Human)
Mike Krol - Gerard Way (he/they) [My Chemical Romance] (Dermal Human)
Mollusks - Zodiac Mollusks
Monster Lizard Gem - General Yunan (she/her) [Amphibia] (Bronze Taurittanius Troll)
Moonstone - Freddy Krueger (he/him) [Nightmare on Elm Street] (Purple Caprio Troll)
Mr. Fryman - Almond de la Cruz (he/him) [Cookie Run] (Dermal Human)
Mystery Girl - Loona (she/her) [Helluva Boss] (Anthropomorphic Hellhound)
Nanefua Pizza - Mary Sandra Winchester (she/her) [Supernatural] (Dermal Human)
Nephrite - Meruem (he/him) [Hunter x Hunter] (Gold Gemza Troll)
Obsidian (1.0) - Cecil Gershwin Palmer (he/him) [Welcome to Night Vale] (Fuchsia Pisci Fusion Troll)
Obsidian (2.0) - Misha Collins (he/him) [Real Life] (Fuchsia Pisci Fusion Troll)
Ocean Jasper - Big Mama (she/her) [Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles] (Rust Arcer Troll)
Onion - Little German Boy (he/him) [Tumblr] (Dermal Human)
Opal - Princess “Bonnie” Bubblegum (she/her) [Adventure Time] (Jade Virra Fusion Troll)
Orange Light - Philia Prospit (Angel)
Orange Spodumene - Octodad (he/him) [Octodad] (Teal Liblo Troll)
Padparadscha - Raymond [Animal Crossing New Horizon] (Jade Virittarius Troll)
Patricia and Daniel - Jessie (she/her) and James (any pronouns) [Pokémon] (Dermal Human)
Pearl - Onceler (he/him) [The Lorax (2012)] (Olive Leittarius Troll)
Pearl's Doppelgänger - The Greedler (he/him) [The Lorax (2012)] (Dermal Human)
Pebbles - The Gnomes (pronouns vary) [Gravity Falls] (Star Droplets)
Peedee Fryman - Gregory de la Cruz (he/him) [Five Nights at Freddy’s] (Dermal Human)
Peridot - ZIM (it/he/they) [Invader Zim] (Purple Caprimini Troll)
Pink Pearl - Natural “N” Harmonia Gropius (he/they) [Pokémon] (Olive Leittarius Troll)
Pinto - Liko (she/her) [Pokémon] (Dermal Human)
Plant Monster - Demencia (she/her) [Villainous] (Unknown Troll)
Prism Fusion - Bezel (he/they) [Chikin Nuggit] (Anthropomorphic Clock)
Priyanka Maheswaran - Meiko Hatsune (she/her) [VOCALOID] (Dermal Human)
Pumpkin - GIR (he/him) [Invader Zim] (Robot)
Purple Puma - Bob “Beelzebub” Velseb (he/him) [Spooky Month] (Rust Arist Troll)
Pweepwee - Kirby (he/they/she) [Kirby] (Unknown)
Pyrope - Krang One (he/him) [Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles] (Indigo Sagicer Troll)
Quentin Frowney - Johnny C (he/they/it) [Johnny the Homicidal Maniac] (Dermal Human)
Rainbow Cloud Monster - Slenderman (he/it) [Creepypasta] (Unknown Troll)
Rainbow Quartz - Spock (he/him) [Star Trek] (Rust Arza Fusion Troll)
Rainbow Quartz 2.0 - Wally Darling (he/him) [Welcome Home] (Rust Arza Fusion Troll)
Red Eel Monster - Sal (he/she) [Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea] (Unknown Troll)
Red Eye - Neco-Arc (she/her) [Tsumehime] (Robot)
Red Light - Spirit Prospit (Angel)
Rhodonite - Simon Petrikov (he/they) [Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake] (Bronze Gemus Fusion Troll)
Ricky - Cedric (he/him) [Sofia the First] (Dermal Human)
Ringo - Joy “Jobu Tupaki” Wang (she/her) [Everything Everywhere All at Once] (Demigod Human)
Robot Shooty Thing - Pea Shooter (it/its) [Plants vs. Zombies Series] (Bio Machine)
Ronaldo Fryman - Guillermo de la Cruz (he/him) [What We Do in the Shadows] (Dermal Human)
Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond - Nagito (Danganronpa 2 outfit)/Komaeda (Academy Uniform) (he/him) [Danganronpa] (“Rust Arpio”/Blue Scorrius Troll)
Rose Quartz (Hippie) - Moon (he/it) [Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach (Ruin)] (Rust Arpio Troll)
Rose Quartz (Shy) - Eclipse (they/them) [Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach (Ruin)] (Rust Arpio Troll)
Rose Quartz (Superfan) - Sun (he/it) [Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach (Ruin)] (Rust Arpio Troll)
Ruby - Lance Charles McClain (he/they) [Voltron: Legendary Defender] (Rust Arittarius Troll)
Ruby (Army) - “Commander” Peepers (he/him) [Wander Over Yonder] (Rust Arittarius Troll)
Ruby (Doc) - Francis Mosses (he/him) [That’s Not My Neighbor] (Rust Arittarius Troll)
Ruby (Eyeball) - The Nostalgia Critic (he/him) [Channel Awesome] (Rust Arittarius Troll)
Ruby (Giant Ruby) - Buck Toothsome (he/they) [School for Vampires] (Rust Arittarius Troll)
Ruby (Leggy) - Daffy Duck (he/him) [The Looney Tunes Show] (Rust Arittarius Troll)
Ruby (Navy) - Astarion (he/him) [Baulder’s Gate 3] (Rust Arittarius Troll)
Rutile Twins - Ingo and Emmet (he/him - individually) [Pokémon] (Olive Leus Troll)
Sabina - Yun-Jin Lee (she/her) [Dead by Daylight] (Dermal Human)
Sadie Miller - Twilight Sparkle (she/her) My Little Pony] (Alicorn)
Sapphire - Keith Akira Kogane (he/him) [Voltron: Legendary Defender] (Jade Virga Troll)
Sardonyx - Discord (he/it) [My Little Pony] (Gold Gemries Fusion Troll)
Sea Wasp - Mr. Krabs (he/him) [SpongeBob SquarePants] (Anthropomorphic Crab)
Shadow Connie - Derse Miku (they/them) (Derse Antiangel)
Shark-O-Mania - Dr. Livesey (he/him) [Treasure Island (1988)] (Dermal Human)
Shell - GLaDOS (she/her) [Portal] (Troll Artificial Intelligence)
Shep - John Doe (any pronouns) [John Doe] (Dermal Human)
Slug Monster - Zodiac Slug
Smoke Monster - Queen Watevra Wa'Nabi (she/her) [The Lego Movie 2] (Unknown Troll)
Smokey Quartz - Beetlejuice (he/they) [Beetlejuice] (Dermal Human/Lime Camino Fusion Troll)
Snowbeast - Snow Miser (he/him) [The Year Without A Santa Claus] (Unknown Troll)
Snowflake Obsidian - Envy (any pronouns) [Fullmetal Alchemist] (Indigo Sagipia Troll)
Soup - Frisk (they/them) [Undertale] (Dermal Human)
Sour Cream - Jack Frost (he/him) [Rise of the Guardians] (Dermal Human)
Spinel - Pinkie Pie (she/her) [My Little Pony] (Indigo Sagilo Troll)
Squaridot - TAK (it/she/they) [Invader Zim] (Purple Caprimini Troll)
Squash - Apple Bloom (she/her) [My Little Pony] (Pony)
Steg - Leon Scott Kennedy (he/him) [Resident Evil] (Dermal Human/Blue Scorrius Troll)
Steven Jr - Moon Moon (he/him) [Tumblr] (Wolf)
Steven Universe - Vriska Undertale (she/they) [Homestuck] (Dermal Human/Blue Scorrius Troll)
Stevonnie - Rika (she/they) [Pokémon] (Dermal Human/Blue Scorrius Troll)
Sudsies - Waddle Dees (they/them) [Kirby] (Waddle Dees)
Sugilite - Lychee Dragon Cookie (they/them) [Cookie Run] (Violet Aquapia Fusion Troll)
Suitcase Sam - Rayman (he/him) [Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix] (Unknown Alien-Bird Hybrid)
Sunshine Justice - Miss Piggy (she/her) [The Muppets] (Anthropomorphic Pig)
Sunstone - Vinyl “DJ PON-3” Scratch (she/they) [My Little Pony] (Olive Lepio Fusion Troll)
Susan - Chuck (he/him) [Angry Birds] (Bird)
Tiger Millionaire (Steven Universe) - Marquise Spinneret Mindfang (Vriska Universe) (she/they) [Homestuck] (Dermal Human/Blue Scorrius Troll)
Tiny Floating Whale - Handsome Squidward (he/him) [SpongeBob SquarePants] (Anthropomorphic Octopus)
Tongue Monster - Pyramid Head (he/him) [Silent Hill] (Unknown Troll)
Topaz - Steve (he/him) [Minecraft] (Rust Arcen Troll)
U-12 - Yan (he/him) [Library of Ruina] (Hiveman)
Uncle Grandpa - Uncle Grandpa (he/him) [Uncle Grandpa] (Dermal Human)
Unknown Giant Bird - Unknown Zodiac Bird
Unnamed Dog-like Ally - R2-D2 (he/it) [Star Wars] (R2-series Astromech Droid)
Unnamed Robot-like Ally - C-3PO (he/it/they) [Star Wars] (3PO-series Protocol Droid)
Vidalia - Angela (she/her) [Library of Ruina] (Dermal Human)
Vine Monsters - Zodiac Vines
Violet Light - Kismesis Prospit (Angel)
Watermelon Stevens - Groots (he/him) [Guardians of the Galaxy] (Sentient Tree)
Watermelon Tourmaline - Zora Salazar (she/her) [Epithet Erased] (Bronze Taurlo Troll)
Wedge - Han Solo (he/him) [Star Wars] (Dermal Human) and Chewbacca “Chewy” (he/him) [Star Wars] (Wookie)
White Diamond - Tallest Walter White (he/him) [Breaking Bad] (Blue Scorpia Troll)
White Topaz - SCP-2309 (it/its) [SCP Foundation] (Rust Arcen Troll)
William Buford Buchanan - Sus Gabriel (he/him) [The Mandela Catalogue] (Demon)
William Dewey - Thomas Jefferson (he/him) [Hamilton] (Dermal Human)
Wy-Six - 2-D (he/him) [Gorillaz] (Hiveman)
Yellow Diamond - Tallest Bill Cipher (any pronouns) [Gravity Falls] (Blue Scoriborn Troll)
Yellow Light - Allegiance Prospit (Angel)
Yellow Pearl - Raito “Light” Yagami (he/him) [Death Note] (Olive Leittarius Troll)
Yellowtail - Mordecai Heller (he/him) [Lackadaisy] (Anthropomorphic Cat)
Zebra Jasper (Fusion) - Mephiles the Dark (he/it) [Sonic the Hedgehog] (Rust Arcer Fusion Troll)
Zebra Jasper (Singular) - Perry the Platypus (he/him) [Phineas and Ferb] (Rust Arcer Troll)
Zircon (Defense) - Phoenix Wright (he/him) [Ace Attorney] (Gold Gemrius Troll)
Zircon (Prosecuting) - Miles Edgeworth (he/they) [Ace Attorney] (Gold Gemrius Troll)
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Been thinking again about what Hunter’s last name would be since it wasn’t answered in the Post-Hoot and you know what? This man had Flapjack give him the name Caleb to use and he immediately tacked on “Jasper Bloodwilliams”. He absolutely, legitimately goes by Hunter Noceda-Daemonne-Clawthorne. 
(Plus it reminds him that he has not one but three different families who adore him and I think he wants to remember that in as many ways as he can)
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