#phoenix account
stuffilike6677 · 1 year
We’ll i was burned, terminated or whatever. The network and huge stash of pics etc was bad enough but I lost some messages from conversations with a friend who died. But do they care? Nope.
So I’m. Back to start again. 🙌 Filth ahead.
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started with 4 and then it got a bit out of hand
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reikacchan · 1 year
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Compilation of all chibi Apollo I've done in the past years
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phoenixyfriend · 24 days
Accountant of Theed
Read on AO3
After all is said and done, someone needs to balance these books, and nobody actually told the accounting department how they paid for this new hyperdrive. Mimi really hopes it's not a loan from the Hutts.
Disclaimer: I am not an accountant, but I work in an adjacent field (and have been considering getting a certification, but that's neither here nor there). While I did take some courses on it, I asked an Accounting Person to look over the excel sheet before I went forward with the rest of the fic to make sure it's internally consistent. Thank you to @gnomer-denois for confirming my balance on these works!
The reconciliation sheet does NOT follow contemporary guidelines in terms of format etc, but that is because it is:
In space! Standard practice differs from Modern United States or what have you.
Not the primary balance sheet, just the simplified version made to show to Queen Amidala.
If you'd prefer to view the Excel sheet in a more easily navigable form, there is a google drive link available. This is also your best option if using a screen reader.
Theed is safe. They are rebuilding. There is even financial support, aid, from the Republic.
It comes with strings attached. Oversight. Auditors.
Wouldn’t want Naboo to misuse funding after that nasty mistake with the Trade Federation, right? Sure, Naboo wasn’t the one at fault, but one can never be too careful...
Mimi, as an accountant for the government of Naboo, does not in fact want to commit fraud, or enable corruption, but the rolling audits do feel a little like the Republic is punishing them for getting invaded.
“Hey, boss?”
That tone. Mimi does not like that tone. “Please tell me it’s not another unauthorized purchase with a missing receipt. Which account did they pull from this time?”
“Um... we don’t know?”
Mimi gives them a moment. No elaboration is given.
“You don’t know?”
“We don’t know,” the younger employee repeats.
“What do you mean?” Mimi asks. “People charge things to accounts or cards. They forget to submit receipts. We hunt them down for receipts, and make sure nobody is skimming off the top. That’s how it goes. Unless this is a purchase on a personal and we need to reimburse—”
“Um, maybe?”
“In which—what? That’s just... okay. There’s a process for reimbursements. You aren’t following it, which means... what? What do you mean, you don’t know? Did they use cash, or pull from an account?”
The younger employee looks down at their datapad. Looks back up at her. Looks baffled and a little scared. “Um, it’s... we still don’t have a receipt, but we also don’t know where the money for it came from? But nobody’s put in a reimbursement request and I can’t imagine anyone on the mission had those funds on them, not even the Queen herself.”
“The money for what?”
“Um. It sort of just... showed up?”
“So, it’s some kind of gift?” Mimi presses.
“Too big,” the younger mumbles, refusing to meet her eyes. “It would have to be disclosed.”
“I am giving you five seconds—”
“It’s a hyperdrive!” they yelp.
“One of the mechanics was looking over the Royal Cruiser, and found that there was unrecorded repair work to the hyperdrive. The ship took enough damage during the escape that he wasn’t surprised, but then he noticed that it was from an earlier run of the part, and when he checked, the serial number was completely wrong. The hyperdrive was completely replaced.”
Mimi closes her eyes and takes a breath. “The mechanic doesn’t know?”
“He said there’s nothing in the records that matches it at all, and it’s a big enough part that there’s no way it would just slip through the cracks, not when it’s that expensive and going on the Royal Cruiser.”
“So,” Mimi says, “we have a part worth almost as much as the rest of the cruiser combined, that just... came out of nowhere, and nobody claiming for reimbursement.”
“Yes, ma’am. That’s what it looks like.”
Mimi has no interest in fraud.
“Find out who was piloting when Queen Amidala escaped, and see if they have any answers,” Mimi tells them. “If we can keep it to just the hangar staff without drawing in the Royal Retinue, it’ll be easier on all of us.”
“Here’s hoping, ma’am.”
(Continue on AO3)
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sailor-tri · 2 months
Mall day
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(Close-ups under the cut)
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(Plus the sketch/line phase I was supposed to stop at)
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ironically i came down with a fever while working on this so like don’t worry phoenix i get you
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project-sekai-facts · 7 months
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Multiple early events had their names changed on the EN server despite already being in English, such as Color of Myself! -> My Color! and Period of NOCTURNE -> Nocturne Interlude. The first events with English titles in the original game that were not changed for EN were Secret Distance and STRAY BAD DOG, releasing in the same month. When this was posted to Twitter, many fans celebrated the names staying the same, with the official account responding to one user joking that STRAY BAD DOG will “still be Lost Happy Dogs” in their hearts, mocking their own localisations.
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evpeters87 · 1 month
Cuteness overload 🥰
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The Laywright date went well all things considered (They didn't have any milk or juice. The tea bags aren't in the fridge.)
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muisley · 2 years
oh my god totally random question not provoked by anything,,,, would you draw phoenix for me? Maybe a beanix even?
i actually drew beanix earlier for a similar request so i'll post it here!
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reikacchan · 1 year
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(old) styupid sexy phoenix
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californiatowhee · 3 months
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In a world where your soulmate mark represents the way your soulmate will most hurt you, Phoenix's words are "Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death". Or: the one where soulmate marks make everything worse, and how Phoenix and Miles slowly walk the path toward forgiveness.
This fic is my offering for the Narumitsu Big Bang 2024 event! I was paired with Rebel, who created this lovely art for the first chapter, which I am posting on their behalf since they don't have Tumblr. I hope you enjoy!
Epoch by citsiurtlanu | Phoenix/Edgeworth | 45k
(other art for this fic: chapter one (you are here) | chapter three | chapter five)
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
something something one of those those "Jango falls for Courtesan/Stripper/NightclubSinger/TrophyWife!Obi-Wan" AUs...
But instead Obi-Wan actually being a sex worker, he's undercover and still a Jedi, and either:
They split ways and run into each other a few months later with Obi-Wan in full Prude Beige Knight mode OR
The situation goes pear-shaped while they're still flirting and Obi-Wan has to break cover to grab a senator and jump out a window and suddenly this half-dressed glittery Person is batting away shots with a lightsaber and there's a bratty twelve-year-old who ALSO has a lightsaber threatening people with I Will Eat Your Liver if they keep staring at his dad's ass just because the sequined sheathe dress tore in a sexy place
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okartichoke · 2 months
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phoenix sketches
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ratotoing · 3 months
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hi moots random bots that follow me and people that know me from drawing silly characters from other acc!!✨ even being very more active on my instagram, I thought I should post these arts from a project called #ABPRIDE2024 that I did! hope you guys like it <3
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anglerflsh · 1 year
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it's been about two years since the time I drew them constantly. btw
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