#photobomb in the garden
kittzuxp · 6 months
My answer to ship disputes will always be to make them a polycule.
Stan x wendy or stan x kyle? How about all three of em
Argos x mr plant or mr plant x mr flower (or argos x mr flower)? How about all three of em
Sunny x kel or sunny x basil (or sunny x aubrey)? HOW ABOUT ALL OF THEM.
Sonic x amy or sonic x shadow? HOW. ABOUT. ALL. THREE. OF. THEM.
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uxbridge · 3 months
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Coral honeysuckle "John Clayton" and "Major Wheeler"
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brynn-lear · 2 months
Note: these are all yandere characters I had back in 2022. I'm describing them very vaguely. I can't bring myself to spoil even minute details I find intruiging even though it's unlikely I'll make this webtoon-isekai-otome game concept come to life. Shoutout to mochi and harmony. I would've forgotten these men exist if it weren't for them lol
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Yan!Butler: People kept mistaking your deceased brother's butler as a nobleman, especially with how you both appear to be best friends rather than master-servant. His butler is one of your greatest allies and critic; not once has he missed his chance to tease you in such “polite” yet convoluted ways. But you at least know his sharp tongue comes from a place of affection, and not from disdain as he would with other nobility. Your older brother took him under the family's care when his small village was brutally extinguished by unknown assailants. That butler thinks all other nobles deserve gruesome ends. There's not a single day where he does not feel paranoid. So when you feel as though the pavement you passed by in your private gardens had splotches of red… you turn a blind eye. You trust your brother and his allies. As long as you ignore that what he does is far beyond ensuring your brother's safety, you can go on sleeping peacefully at night.
Yan!Eccentric Immortal: You honestly thought it was so weird for a wandering pink-haired tourist to wear red shades and a short-sleeved shirt with tons of hibiscus printed on it, but whatever floats his boat. At least, that's what you thought at first before you struck a conversation with him out of pure boredom. No matter how… “modern” he looks, he was dejected enough at the time to confess that he came to see how his hometown looks— only to discover it is practically unrecognizable. He kept pointing to business shops, claiming some used to be parks, a small forest, his favorite bookstore, and a place his old buddy used to have a successful shoe factory on. And then it hit you. This man you're with… is one of your ancestor's mayor turned revolutionary best friend who struck a contract with the devil. There's one small problem... You're involved in said contract.
("Oh, so he's immortal, huh… no wonder he was burying his face in his mushroom hat when we were walking around in the museum. On one hand, impressive that he was the first man ever photographed, but he's also the first photobomber ever. He was just cleaning his shoes and got in the way…")
[More descriptions utc]
Yan!Crown Prince: He is your childhood friend crown prince, who was once a quiet and lonesome kid. You belonged to the very few children who properly befriended him, but in each playtime, he always clung to you tightly. The adult nobles in your life had always made it a point to remind you to be wary of his lineage. “The royal bloodline’s first love is their last— and such obsession reigns supreme.” There is also a legend of how the first king confessed to his tactician after the war. However, he dismembered & hid her limbs when he faced rejection. The royal family has been plagued with unrequited love and unhappy marriages since then, yet you don’t believe him capable of perverse and violent thoughts. He harbors a hopeless puppy-like “one-sided” affection on another childhood friend of yours (THE main female lead) but he takes it “like a champ”, you're sure of it!!! Plus, the prince has grown so mature and independent, always asking for your counsel on politics more than personal affairs. You haven't met a man who enjoyed his duties as much as he does. If anything, he has distanced himself from you… Right?
Yan!Doctor: As a child from a loving noble home, you had remained firm in your stance on committing acts of kindness. When an injured kid your age was starving outside your estate, you did not hesitate to order your brother's butler to fetch food and drinks. Since he was nameless and you weren't one to gloss over a book of baby names— you gave him one that sounds like a dog’s. Years later, you've fallen gravely ill. No physician across the continent could help you despite your philanthropist reputation. But there was one who had done the impossible. The doctor cured you in under a month, and when you tried to cover his services, he said everything was paid with “three glasses of milk and a box of biscuits.” Honestly, you should've remembered who he was sooner, considering how strange his name was. Despite such a grand revelation that he apparently owes you his life, there's unbridled hunger beyond his “kind” eyes. Something lonely and unhinged.
Yan!Ex-Hitman/Politician: There was a boy you've always seen each time you went to church. You see him every week that you both watched each other grow up. Apparently he came from a noble bloodline just like you, but despite being the eldest, his parents greatly favored his younger sibling. Deciding he had no talent to best him, the boy went to the monastery to practice the word of God instead. You always thought he was an ambitious and good-hearted person— especially since it's not exactly common for someone in their late twenties to aspire for the position of prime minister and appear so incredibly wholesome. On your quest to find someone to help you solve the mystery behind your older brother's death— you found out that the kind mint-eyed man who often carved wooden toys and sewed plushies for the orphans was the notorious hitman who killed plenty of corrupt nobles in his prime. Could he be behind your brother's death…?
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addicted2wasps · 3 months
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I FOUND A GIANT RESIN BEE (Megachile sculpturalis) AT THE ORNAMENTAL GARDENS TODAY!!!!! 😃 Of course, she got photobombed by a smaller bee, plus other finds from today!
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raouls-fine-horses · 10 months
I went to see From The Rehearsal Room at the Savoy and I compiled notes. Keep in mind I wrote this on the tube on the way back from it so it might be a bit crazy but yk…
- Before the show we went on stage to look round and Hadley and Ramin were there to tune their guitars so they performed Hushabye mountain for us and then the group was taking a picture and Hadley snuck in and photobombed
⁃ They wore matching sockssss and it wasn’t even deliberate
⁃ I cant even remember why he brought it up but once Hadley had a bear on the roof of his apartment and they had to tranquillise it
⁃ He also performed once with a racoon staring at him
⁃ Ramin was singing this really beautiful song and Hadley was in the back with his legs crossed and one elbow resting on the piano and he was chugging water as everyone was crying
⁃ They bashed on people who watched I’m A Celebrity which was kind of funny tbh
⁃ Hadley is a Lord Of The Rings girlie which we love. He’s got that deluxe Lord Of The Rings trilogy swag
⁃ Hearing Hadley talk about the Pirate Queen was very lovely
⁃ They were talking about the Secret Garden and they asked if it was ‘the’ Secret Garden or just ‘Secret Garden’ then they started using different words instead of ‘the’ and then Hadley started speaking in a northern accent and it was oddly good. I know he’s an actor but have you heard him in the Pirate Queen lmao
⁃ I don’t condone shipping irl people but once you see it live you can’t deny it. My mum literally thought they were husbands
⁃ Ramin sang a song and then afterwards Hadley said how the love just CAME OUT of him for Ramin
⁃ They held handsssss
⁃ After the interval Hadley sang Funny from City Of Angels and oh my golly goodness gracious it was absolutely brilliant. It’s one of my favourite songs ever and aaaaaaaaaa it was so good
⁃ Also Hadley got us to do three part harmony and he started speaking French??? It sounded angelic tho it was so beautiful. I love Just Let Go so so much it was so good with 1000 people singing it in beautiful harmony
⁃ Also the way he taught it: my choir teacher could never
⁃ He’s so patient and dad-like
⁃ Well he is a dad
⁃ A dad I’d like to-
⁃ He didn’t win the dilf awards I can’t finish that sentence
⁃ Just a reminder that I was there for the dilf awards 2022
⁃ Also it’s confirmed that Hadley’s mum calls him Robert which I always wondered about bc his name isn’t actually Hadley
⁃ Also right right right
⁃ Sheytoons turned into Gaytoons bc during the line “this time there’s no way of hiding the way you feel” Ramin got really tense and then he was properly reacting to the song but subtly and I don’t think it was deliberate
⁃ Babygirl this time there’s no way of hiding the way you feel for Hadley Fraser
⁃ Empty chairs at empty tables
⁃ Empty chairs at empty tables
⁃ I am not okie dokie
⁃ It was beautiful
⁃ So so beautiful
⁃ And then when they did the iconic harmonies I started sobbing
⁃ It was too much for my brain to handle
⁃ Then they said they couldn’t leave us on a sad note so they did YOULL BE BACK
⁃ So it started with Ramin, all bouncy and funky and stuff
⁃ But then oh my golly goodness gracious Hadley
⁃ He OWNED King George III so so hard
⁃ He did a very posh British accent and acted the living hell out of it
⁃ It was the best thing I’ve ever seen
⁃ And then he stuck one of his legs out in sort of a tango way and was very flamboyant and I’ve seen silly Hadley but I’ve never seen truly campy, flamboyant Hadley and it’s the best kind of Hadley
⁃ Then the whole audience did the da da da da das and it was so neat singing with Ramin and Hadley live
⁃ Then it ended and we did a meet and greet and Hadley asked my name and I said it and Ramin and Hadley both shook my hand and then Hadley recognised me (it’s complicated to explain but basically he once saw a picture of me) and went “oh Maddie!!! It’s so good to see you!” Then he hugged me. Robert Hugh ‘Hadley’ Fraser hugged me. He didn’t do that for anyone else. He opened his arms and said “come here” in a nice way not a creepy way den
⁃ Overall such an insane experience, if you thought either of them were good in recording it’s just even better live. I’ve never heard them sing so well.
If any of you were there watching it please add anything I missed on
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garden update // september 24th
phew! today was busy! rain is supposed to fly right on thru our area very quickly because of Helene so i have been busy shifting gears into prep mode for that.
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the biggest deal was getting these basil seeds inside. i would rather have them sit on the plant for another 3 or 4 days... but i also would rather not have them drenched in downpours and end up rotted. so i cut a majority of the basil heads and will let them dry inside in a paper bag before processing. it's spicy globe basil - my absolute favorite basil variety ever - and since it's so tight and compact the bees love sleeping there at night, like this little guy. so i did leave some for them, especially the not-too-developed seed heads. hopefully it'll all be ok.
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a lot of the no longer baby plants in the greenhouse are now in their semi-final home. transplanted like crazy the past two days! the cilantro doesn't have true leaves uet, but they were stretching like cray cray in the greenhouse since i have shade cloth on it, so i went ahead and put them in their pot. i say semi-final home because it's their final home in my garden before they are sold at the market. typically i transplant, let them grow in their new pot for 2 weeks, then consider them for market inventory. those 2 weeks allow for root growth and for them to get used to their new surroundings outside the greenhouse. kinda like hardening off, but not really.
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went from 8 trays down to 4 in the greenhouse. the heating pads are NOT on, just don't have anywhere to store them so they just stay put. next week this will be back to full after i start more seeds. these were the only babies left without any true leaves. kohlrabi, cabbage, lettuce, collards, and celery.
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so early this spring hubs and i pruned a pomegranate tree that's at the farmers market. not the best time to prune tbh but that's ok. i took 50ish cuttings and tried to root them. only these two did so. admittedly i'm a novice at rooting cuttings so honestly surprised i got these two. now i need to find a final home for them by next fall... for this winter they'll go in the greenhouse.
pro tip (like, the only tip i know about cuttings): the best way to tell if your cutting is still alive or transformed into a stick is to take your thumbnail and scrape a tiny dent into the bark. if the layer underneath is green, it's still alive and would prefer to not be knicked again plz thank you. if brown, then it's now a stick and you can toss it in the compost pile or to your dog. they are still babies so they don't like to be knicked so do this test as tiny as possible. its like checking to see if the chicken is raw after cooking... if you have to squint and hold it up to your face to try and tell, then its cooked dont worry. if you have to hold the cutting up and squint at it to find the green layer then its cooked, too.
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peas are happy. the daikon totally wasabi *wink wonk* radishes have transplanted well. the cantalope from the compost pile is photobombing the peas and daikons.
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last but not least, cascading over the raised bed edge appreciation photos. although deer have been coming by to eat the sweet potato leaves. but that's ok. and the creeping rosemary is absolutely loving its spot under the blueberry bush. i have had horrible luck trying to grow normal rosemary, but this creeping variety is more visually fun.
hopefully next week we will get a break from freak pop up tropical systems and i can finally get my two new metal raised beds in place! yippee!!
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onlydylanobrien · 2 years
Another video of Dylan O'Brien when he was photobombing the Knicks Dancers while they recording a new TikTok video during the New York Knicks vs. Phoenix Suns basketball game at the Madison Square Garden in New York. (January 2, 2023)
🎥©: knickscitydancers on TikTok I the other video
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marcholasmoth · 3 months
OSRR: 3627
today my bagel was correct. it was nicer out when i walked into work than it has been in like three weeks.
i walked into a shitshow.
there was a spill that they thought was oil so they had to contain it and they found it was not oil but suspected it to be a bromide from its blue color and smell so our lab services people had to come clean it up.
mercury panels in argentina got disconnected so i yelled at IT over chat until they were restored.
i read an entire webcomic that was very cute.
i DID have my lunch today bc ken said something more than two minutes before he had to go. that was nice.
i was bored most of the day except for the few times i did what i was supposed to.
joel texted me and said he got back to boston and was going to magic tonight. he's home now, i think. i'm glad he's back.
at the end of the day leo showed me some arcade games that i really want to play and some kirby lore and i was just happy to listen.
it was drizzling on my way to my car. i saw eight bunnies.
i stopped for gas and got olive garden for dinner. the girl in the booth next to me was out with her boyfriend for her birthday, and when they took pictures together i snuck my hand in with my fingers in a little heart to photobomb because they were adorable and photobombing is what i do.
dinner was good. i got more chocolate cake that i once again didn't eat. i'm bringing one to work tomorrow.
a bitch is tired. it's me.
it's sleepy time.
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aria0fgold · 2 years
Photobomb! Aesthetic/AU
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Royal Swap AU! Featuring Commoner Aubrey and Knight in Training Basil.
Coming from a family of prestige, Basil was forced to follow the same path his father chose for his older brothers. Although, he would skip out some of his training to spend time with his grandma, the royal gardener. It works each time, unaware that his brothers, Rowan and Flower, covers for him.
Aubrey lived most of her life in the slums with her neglectful mother. Learning how to fight and defend herself up until meeting Sunny and Mari that got her and her mother a house nearby them. She later met Basil and quickly became friends with him.
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zecretsanta · 2 years
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To: @heypilot
From: @juricha-art​
Notes on piece #1:
This one was possibly the hardest to work around, since there is a pretty small chronological window where they would be able to spend some quality time together, so I'm sorry if this isn't exactly "growing up". I knew I had to include Akane though, since she was such an influential figure in K(yle)'s life. I imagine that all three of them would enjoy spending the time in the Biotope Garden. Akane would teach them a lot of things, read aloud or tell stories about her life. She was probably telling them about the meaning of different flowers and of love, and that would inspire Luna to make those flower wreaths for everyone (that one she's making is for Sigma) while Akane would take a nap on K's shoulder - she's just an old woman, after all. Considering the calla lily's symbolism, I'd say it is rather fitting for the place - purity, faithfulness, death. I tried to make it sweet and a bit melancholic. Materials used: watercolors, watercolor pencils, Faber-Castell Pitt pens.
Notes on piece #2:
This one really stuck with me, because I love those two and that timeline still gives me the feels. At first, I'd wanted to make it into just a makeshift wedding. Then - bam! - I remembered the famous painting by Gustav Klimt, "The Kiss". Thus, this one artwork was born. The story is that Sigma wanted to make something to cheer Diana up after they find out that she is expecting, and to prove his love to her, so at least if something happens, they would be together. And so he secretly prepared all those elements and clothes and rings (he's so skilled on tech stuff - and most likely chemistry as well - that it wouldn't be a problem at all to do even with scarce supplies. My headcanon is that he would also be good at sewing and such, with his fine motor skills). The environment is the mix of the Healing Room elements and also that official artwork where Diana is holding a skull and a bouquet of daisies. You can tell that I've got just a little bit carried away, lol. I've specifically left it up to the viewer's interpretation, so it could be both happy and angsty at the same time. Remember: Memento mori if the nineth lion ate the sun. Materials used: gouache, Faber-Castell Pitt pens, Sakura Pen-Touch gold marker.
Notes on piece #3:
This was the first out of the three I'd finished actually. I didn't want to repeat myself, so I've made them don the traditional Japanese kimonos and make Carlos go and visit Kurashiki family in Japan instead. Uchikoshi did say that Akane is an ideal Japanese woman, after all, and she certainly lives up to the title here, hehe. Guess who got drunk and is about to get an earful from his sis because of  photobombing: "It wasn't THAT finger!". Carlos is very excited to be celebrating the holidays with the crew (Maria is the one taking the photo), and Junpei is just very proud of his wife and children (Rei is holding a temari ball and Quark a kagami mochi. Nova is just there being cute) . I aimed for a very light-hearted vibe here. Materials used: alcohol markers, pigment liner, Uni Posca pen, Sakura Pen-Touch gold marker and several types of washi tape (which were a major headache to work with, and I had to use tracing paper to stick them on and then cut them out. I hope it was worth it).
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kittzuxp · 5 months
1, 4 and 14 for the fandom ask game! :3
1: probably plargos. I have NEVER EVER been so FUCKING invested in a ship I think it's effected my life (in.. a brainrot way dk if it's good or bad)
4: ok so ..(sorry for the enjoyers,, I am sharing my opinion):
Garden of love ( Argos x Mr flower x Mr plant / twomp)
Any Sally face ship rlly (unless it's incest and age gaps I hate incest and age gaps, counting by-law-only siblings btw, I'm looking at u sal x Larry shippers)
Victor Frankenstein and Elizabeth (Frankenstein book) ( I DO NOT CARE IF THEY WERE COUSINS OR FOSTER SIBLINGS, THEY HAVE A FAMILY CONNECTION AND I DO NOT LIKE THAT. I also do not know if it's a popular ship but who careees)
Any omori ship (excluding solar system/photobomb/suntan/sunflower/Aubrey x kel/kel x basil etc etc I like ships with the gang a normal amount)
14: honestly for me 2 write a fanfic solely about a ship means I either have brainrot or I REALLY fucking like it. But I added some flopsy x lotus 2 one of my fanfics as a side ship ig so I think that counts. Never thought I'd write Abt them
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cheeriofluff · 2 years
Photobomb headcanon: Basil grows veggies in his garden to help Aubrey feed Bunbun
I very much deeply apologize about how long this took, i wasn't on that much onine today.
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Bun bun gets food, and basil gets kisses. It's a win-win.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 1 year
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They've gotten so big now ;-;
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Quattle and Hennifer; please note how goddamn massive Hennifer is. She's probably a rooster, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Jeff: ever thought about crime, Quattle?
Quattle: girl, you're gonna get kicked out if you keep this up
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Snowflake tries to take a nap and Grub interrupts.
Grub: we can both fit
Snowflake: your butt has its own gravitational pull
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Splash, a Bean-lookalike. She is also one of the fledglings
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And on the topic of Bean-
She is being guarding by some siblings for some reason. She's fine, just sittin'.
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Olive roosting on a cabinet :D
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Nugget is very cute, but he is very useless (affectionate).
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Nugget, Peanut, and Hennifer, lording over their kingdom like the majestic roosters they are.
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Bean is cuddled by her sisters (and photobombed by Roostifer's iridescent butt)
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Bean and Wave. Wave is so incredibly fluffy >v>
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Jeff considers crimes from atop her perch.
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Oh no, she's influencing Bean to do crime too (#°Д°)
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Indominus Rex, still looking very much like her ancestors
And now, what I'm sure you're all waiting for-
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Morgoth the Destroyer cannot be contained by human means! She roams free!
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She follows her mother to the food bag so she gets to eat by herself >v>
My sister said a day or so ago that she pulled up to the house and Morgy had already escaped the pen and come running towards her. Very cute and sweet, but like, girl. There are foxes out here. Please be careful.
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Morgy was briefly put in chicken jail to prevent her from escaping the pen, but my sister didn't have the strength to keep her in there because she just looked so sad :C
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She wants to be close to mother and the house! Here she is in the garden and being held <3
My sister plans to get her a small coop to keep in the garden and have her and a sister or two in there, closer to the house so she doesn't try to run off.
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Morgy is truly the sweetest lil chimkin ever and we all love her <3
I visited the other day and was allowed the honor of petting her. Before Nugget came over and tried to eat my fingers, that is. Goddammit, Nugget.
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gardengobbo · 2 months
July 23rd 2024
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The last of the original lilies from the catnip garden opened up today. One of them has its petals overlapping, which is kinda neat.
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The sun this morning hit the survivor fern beautifully.
Mom's Sad Pathetic Cactus ™️ is doing alright, still getting nibbled when flowers start though. I've been trying to put cayenne pepper water on them to keep critters from munching, but I'm pretty sure it needs to be fresh peppers and not predried powder to work.
Haustas are getting stalky too.
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I swear I can't photograph catnip to save my life. I dunno why I just hate all the photos I take of them, but I keep taking photos of them so I end up with an excessive amount. These ones are decent.
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Got photobombed by a bee.
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nonbinaryaubrey · 1 year
Least favorite of these ships? And least favorite name for photobomb?
least favorite of these ships? or ship names.. uhhhh..
least favorite ship on ehre.. kimsil ? ig?
least favorite ship name is a tie between herwin (altho its making me giggle.. thats not heroxbowen that is someones grandpa) or stutters (sounds bad + dont see how its. relevant to the ship)
least favorite photobomb shipname hmmm... aubrasil.. just kinda boring
and garden shears.. not bc its bad but how come its not a sunflower ship name (joking... kinda... i mean itd make sense even outside of that.thing. bc.. idk. knives. yknow ??? gestures)
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77ngiez-archive · 1 year
basil and kiibo for the ask game
favorite thing about them the love he has for his friends and his photography themes! the way he takes photos of the things hes most afraid of losing.. augh..
least favorite thing about them not abt him as a person per se but i hate hate haaate yandere characterizations of him. shut up go away!!!
favorite line "these are all our memories together.. they’re a little sad now.. but we should be glad they happened" top 10 lines that break me
brOTP him and kim should be friends full stop
OTP SUNFLOWER CACTIFLOWER SUNKISSED. also i CAN like photobomb On Occasion but im verrryy picky abt it.
nOTP generally i dislike photobomb.. also i dont like kimsil. sir that is a gay man and a lesbian
random headcanon during the fight thing he pulled out sunny’s eye with his bare hands, as opposed to just cutting it with his garden shears like the majority of the fandom thinks he did (is this based off my kin mems? yes. shut up-)
unpopular opinion see the least favorite thing… also i wish people wouldn’t act like it was """creepy""" for him to have the idea to fake mari’s suicide. guy was clearly mentally ill from a young age + he was trying to protect sunny! stop trying to make him out to be a weirdo or a yandere or whatever
song i associate with them community gardens by the scary jokes (my friend recommended this song to me the other day and. yeah. babil song)
favorite picture of them i love how happy he looks here :]
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favorite thing about them i loove his intensity <3 love how invested he is in everything he tries
least favorite thing about them the "robophobic" thing bugs me because its clearly meant to be a homo/transphobic joke on sjws or whatever
favorite line "my status as a robot does not mean i am capable of performing superhuman feats! my vision is somewhat poor, and i only possess average physical strength and intelligence!" LOOK AT THIS FREAK /AFF
brOTP him and chihiro are fun! in my human kiibo au i hc them as stepsibs. also i like him and tenko or him and kaede
OTP SAIIBO. FULL STOP. kiinaga (is that their ship name?) is cute as well.
nOTP kiiruma… chiibo…
random headcanon worlds first autistic robot
unpopular opinion let him have hobbies and be weird and stop reducing his characterization to robot jokes.. this is an issue w the fandom in general but it’s especially prevalent towards v3 characters and kiibs is no exception. ALSO WRITE HIS NAME AS KIIBO AND NOT KEEBO YOU FUCKING COWARDS-
song i associate with them ik i already said this for chihiro but! digital/physical heart by vane :] and the disappearance of hatsune miku by
favorite picture of them
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