#physio therapist vet etc.
tenrose · 2 years
When I go home after work and immediately do one chore I feel unstoppable. Yes I do lie in bed for hours after that one single task, but it's not the same. It's better.
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illustrate-her · 4 years
So many Star Wars headcanons and questions and things I can’t get out of my head right now. Questions first:
1. Where do the Resistance get their X-Wings from? It’s not like there’s a factory somewhere supplying them with fresh X-Wings. Do they build them at the base from old scrap? Why are there not more ragtag random fighter ships in their squadrons? I want to see some old, repurposed Naboo starfighters in the ranks!
2. Is there an X-Wing combat pilot training program?
3. Fascinated by all the ground-crew, mechanics etc. It takes so so many “civilian” or non-combat people to make an operation like the Resistance run. Who are the unsung heroes? Who runs trips for food, supplies, munitions?
4. When a Resistance member is wounded in battle, what are the medical facilities actually like? Do they have specialists in certain things? Do they have physios to help get people back on their feet? Do they have therapists to help those with PTSD? Are their gyms and training rooms?
5. Is there crime amongst the Resistance? Are there unsavoury types who are needed to gather information and parts and supplies, at almost any means? Are they tolerated but not welcomed amongst the Resistance ranks? Are there people secretly dealing spice or stims to traumatised vets?
6. Are their bars and recreational areas? Rooms set up for worship for different faiths?
7. Do they all eat together? Is there a big canteen or refectory? Who cooks? Is there a range of food or do people just eat what they’re given?
8. Are their children? What if someone gets pregnant?
And here are my headcanon thoughts:
- The pilots are forced to go to the refectory and eat immediately after a mission. Most of them don’t want to - some will just bring it all back up after - but if they’re not sat down, food put in front of them and forced to eat they just wouldn’t do it since they’re so hyped up. They burn a lot of calories and a lot forget to eat and end up passing out from hunger, or keeping themselves going on whatever the Star Wars equivalent of coffee and cigarettes are. So Leia makes sure they’re all there after a mission, and she will usually go and walk amongst them chatting and guilting them into eating just a bit of food since it’s not like it’s easy to smuggle in rations and supplies and they shouldn’t let it go to waste.
- After a mission lots of the pilots are incredibly achey and sore, gripping their controls so tightly and being so tense throughout a fire-fight. They have a couple of physios and massage therapists in the med bay if necessary.
- Therapists. The pilots hate going to them but sometimes they have to. There’s only so many times you can almost die, and oh, see countless fellow pilots die before you really, really need to just talk to someone. The therapists can also keep an eye on pilots, along with squadron leaders, to make sure that they’re all in their right mind to fly before a mission. If they’re not they’re unceremoniously pulled and told to take a break. Everyone hates being benched but knows it’s sometimes necessary, even Poe Dameron. In theory there’s a rota which means every handful of missions each pilot has to take a turn sitting it out, but they’re usually so pushed for numbers that they have to go out and end up missing their rest days.
- The groundcrew and mechanics would do anything for the pilots but sometimes they feel completely invisible, and they do like to have a good bitch about the pilots when they bring back their ships completely burnt up and trashed. There’s a tally going for how many times a particular pilot comes back with their ship absolutely ruined, and Poe Dameron is winning (but they all know this is because he can pilot a bashed-up X-Wing that another pilot might not be able to bring home)
- Oh and finally: I don’t particularly ship Poe/Rey, and neither does he, but when he first sees Rey flying Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing (legendary) there’s a tight hot pool in the bottom of his stomach because fuck, she can fly, and fuck, that fighter was flown by Luke Skywalker, one of the galaxy’s best pilots, and it brought down the Death Star and...wow.
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cheaperbythedozen · 3 years
cherry! cherry!! cherry!!!
and now i’m on post limit again. and i keep thinking of all the things i’ve wanted to be. and if i’ve been them in some way or another. i think i have. in one way, or another.
a singer, a violinist [retired], a musician, a writer, a poet, a lyricist, a tutor [was for summer etc]. a singer, a violinist [retired], a writer, a poet, a lyricist, a tutor [etc]. a classroom primary music teacher [what i had in my year 6 graduation thing].
an astronaut, an astronomer [i have been an amateur one], an historian [my own history and family history etc], a librarian, an academic [with the way things are today i was/am], an actress [was in school etc], a singer, a composer [have composed things before but also idk this kind of reminds me of songwriter in that i don't care for it as much as i thought], a pianist, a violinist [retired], a musician, a dancer [*], a ballerina [*], a choreographer [*], a writer, an author [i have done this/i am this etc], a poet, a gymnast [*], a lecturer, an archeologist [what nic said on tinder etc], an anthropologist [like the historian thing], a playwright [*], a musicologist, a lyricist, a psychologist, a sexologist, a curator [i curate these blogs and my room and my life etc], a forensic pathologist, a criminologist, a political theorist [again i have done this], a detective [even this in it's own way], a collector [yes], a picker [yes], an antiques dealer [yes i tried this too], an artist [i have been this/i am this], a nurse [for/with mum etc], a nanny, a ceramicist, an administrator [have done this before], a pianist [...just realised this is in here twice... maybe because i remember wanting to learn piano more than anything for so long...] , a history teacher [same like the historian thing but when relaying it to others etc], a housewife, an english teacher, a spy [basically been like a neighbourhood spy etc], a foreign correspondent, a diplomat [have been this with friends or other situations etc], a health scientist [semi-retired], a nun, a bookseller [also have done in some way], a director, a sculptor, a tutor [with summer etc], a public intellectual [same like the academic thing], an interior designer, a zookeeper, a literarian [i have been this/am this], a sociologist, a stay-at-home mum [in it's own way been this too], a therapist [have been this before with friends etc], a masseuse [natural hands etc], a vet & a physio.
a singer, a musician, a writer, a poet, a lyricist.
an astronaut, a musicologist, a psychologist, a sexologist, a forensic pathologist, a criminologist, a nanny, a ceramicist, a foreign correspondent, a nun, a sculptor, a sociologist.
“if i was a sculptor [...] but then again, no.” an astronaut, a nanny, a ceramicist, a foreign correspondent, a nun. i guess i’ve kind of been a nanny too... that whole term of a nanny... so just; an astronaut, a ceramicist, a foreign correspondent, a nun. but even a foreign correspondent involves being a reporter. which for some reason has always been that one thing i never wanted to be or to do. so just; an astronaut, a ceramicist, a nun.
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daremegofundme-blog · 6 years
Go Fund Me
The Last 12 months have been tough. Before I launch in, let me say I am here to do things FOR your donations. You can dare me, and as long as it doesn't cost me money OR harm anyone, I am in! I have some suggestions. You can follow me on Instagram at daremegofundme where i will post dares. LINK!
12 months ago, if you had told me that I would be financially unstable, my savings gone, my health gone, and debt up to my eyeballs I would have laughed. But here we are. SO what is the damage? Total Loan - $10200 ( behind in repayments by 5 months) Total Credit Card -$12000 (behind in repayments) School Fees - $250 Monthly expenses Rent (395 p/w) 2 weeks behind Electricity $100 (on time) Internet $60 (120 behind) Hot Water - $120 , but I am $400 behind Travel $80 ( i try to walk to work where health permits) Medication $20 plus anything extra prescribed by doctors. Phone $83 (two plans) Monthly expenses i can no longer afford Physio for pinched Nerve Therapist - Kid and myself Incoming Costs Work May - $1200 total income Work April - $1300 total Income Work March $1200 total Income. How did I get here - Loan was for kids medical expenses. a second loan to pay rent. Credit card one maxed to pay for food. Credit card 2 maxed on vet bills as one of our cats came down ill and medical bills. Medical issues: Kid is Trans and has some mental health things. They have a separate go fund me which has raised about $300 in almost a year. this covered the fees for change in school and one day off work for their appointments I currently have a pinched nerve in my neck caused by stress; Depression, Anxiety, Suicidal Ideation, Short term memory loss for which I have had MRIs etc etc and they think is caused by the depression. 18 MOnths ago I blacked out and ended up in Hospital. I had tried to commit suicide and have no memory of this.  I am a single parent with no family I can lean on for financial support. This week we cannot afford groceries, bills, or bus fare because I was paid $838 for the Fn. my rent is 790. Phone was due, a $117 loan payment due. I decided to pay one week rent, and pay other bills. I had to pay for my Lexapro, and Valium because I cannot sleep. I received word on Tuesday the 29th of May that the balance of one loan of $9404 needs to be paid in 4 weeks or I will have a credit default listed against my name. It is dire. I wasnt able to work for 2 weeks due to Laryngitis and my call centre job could not find any work for me to do, so i had to take unpaid leave.  I am looking for a new Job. I try to supplement income by selling things at markets. I have managed one in 6 months and made $100 What a sob story am I right? What am I willing to do? Can you donate even $2??? if I can get a bunch of people to donate $2 I will clear $1 per person after fees! You can dare me things like - draw a one minute drawing (i will tag you on insta and post to tumblr) I will set up rewards on the side! Please share. Help. I dont want to end up homeless with myself and a 15 year old. $2. Every $2 helps. $2 - Pick a dare. Suggestions include 1 minute drawing,  celebrity impression, 1 minute plank, 1 min plank in public.... i dont know. have fun with it! 1 Minute Drawings will be posted on BigCartel to be sold afterwards and I will collate them into a zine as well.  I will clean them up when they are posted on Big Cartel. They will be $5 plus postage. I will put other items on BigCartel This way you can buy things without donating and I will appreciate i promise! Thanks so much and again, please share, follow etc. What will I do if I somehow raise enough to fix myself up? everything extra will go to helping other people get out of debt.
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hatewearceo · 4 years
all the things i’ve wanted to be and/or thought of being: (in no particular order) an astronaut, an astronomer, an historian, a librarian, an academic, an actress, a singer, a composer, a pianist, a violinist, a musician, a dancer, a ballerina, a choreographer, a writer, an author, a poet, a gymnast, a lecturer, an archeologist, an anthropologist, a playwright, a musicologist, a lyricist, a psychologist, a sexologist, a curator, a forensic pathologist, a criminologist, a political theorist, a detective, a collector, a picker, an antiques dealer, an artist, a nurse, a nanny, a ceramicist, an administrator, a pianist, a history teacher, a housewife, an english teacher, a spy, a foreign correspondent, a diplomat, a health scientist, a nun, a bookseller, a director, a sculptor, a tutor, a public intellectual, an interior designer, a zookeeper, a literarian, a sociologist, a stay-at-home mum, a therapist, a masseuse, a vet & a physio.
62 things. for the age mum was when she was at uni with me. and things i know i've never wanted to be and so on. a doctor, a surgeon, a realtor, a dentist, a dental hygienist, a journalist, a photographer, a graphic designer, a pharmacist, a manager, a pilot, a glass blower, a songwriter, a midwife, a farmer, a salesman, an electrician, a chef, a cook, a waitress, a model, an optometrist, an optician, a fishmonger, a video editor, an animator.
floor rug. i’m on post limit so here we are using this post again. i don’t want to have a copy and paste note like i’ve done previously. so floor rug. the orange one. sunshine and all that. ruby and moving and the lockdown and so on.
and things that i am or have been or such... or could be and could've been etc. in some way or another. again, in no real particular order or anything. a singer, a violinist, a musician, a dancer, a writer, a poet, a musicologist, a lyricist, a sexologist, a collector, a picker, an artist, a nurse, an administrator, an english teacher, a health scientist, a tutor, a literarian, a sociologist. (seventeen years of frankie.) a singer, a violinist, a musician, a writer, a poet, a lyricist, a collector, a picker, an artist, an administrator, a tutor, a literarian.
wait... i made a previous edit but it hasn’t shown up... for fuck's sake. going back to edit that in. again. oh, and the glass thing/s.
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