#physiotherapy glasgow
physioeastkilbride · 4 months
Physiotherapy East Kilbride
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At Physiotherapy East Kilbride we see physiotherapy as a way of relieving pain, optimizing physical function, and ultimately improving performance, whatever form that takes. Physiotherapy East Kilbride, College Milton Industrial Estate, East Kilbride, Glasgow G74 5NT, 01355 640 269 https://physioeastkilbride.co.uk/
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tutorsindia152 · 2 years
How to Write A Master’s Dissertation?
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In Brief:
You will find the best dissertation research areas / topics for future researchers enrolled in Engineering & Technology
In order to identify the future research topics, we have reviewed the Engineering & Technology literature (recent peer-reviewed studies).
Every master doing graduates are looking the basic way to write an original, informative and plagiarism free research content in a professional and scientific manner mainly ready to prepare and succeed in the Master’s degree.
Especially, student understood their research part well can complete within 3-8-month if they could dedicatedly spend their time span 50 hrs./week.
If you’re a master student from prestigious universities like University of Wales, University of Leicester, or Sheffield, eagerly searching for the query in the search engine box “How to write a master’s dissertation?” then this blog is a perfect place to learn A to Z of Master’s dissertation for the Universities across the World. Every master doing graduates are looking the basic way to write an original, informative and plagiarism free research content in a professional and scientific manner mainly ready to prepare and succeed in the Master’s degree.
Is it mandatory to complete dissertation in order to get my UK / US / Australian degree?
 Yes, it is mandatory to complete your Master’s dissertation. However, as you think it’s not such tuff, but it demands certain style of writing. The research master’s dissertation is a formal document that is presented with standard “rules “and structure of writing. Every varsity and educational institutions has included in their syllabi to complete dissertation and  made it as the mandatory factor because it is the best-proven result for the professional masters and doctorate students, other words, it offers the opportunity to showcase your talent that you have grown up with the essential skills and knowledge  to explore  your academic context through the research project.  Moreover, these dissertations are show /demonstrate well that you are capable of delivering the essential skills in the particular subject area and knowledge to conduct and organize a research project.
You will find the best dissertation for future researchers enrolled in engineering and management. These topics are researched in-depth at the University of Glasgow, UK, Sun Yat-sen University, University of St Andrews and many more.
Even though, students are having a professor or assistant from Top universities/college to guide you. It is an essential factor to any professional graduate students to be keen and definite about, how to write a dissertation in Master? What should I write in dissertation particularly in masters? How to present carefully with complete professional way?   Hearing this listed number of question, freshman get messy initially how to start these things. As students think, master dissertation template vary according to the subject  : Chemistry, physics,  BioChemistry, Biological Science, Microbiology, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Anatomy, and Physiology,  etc., Health and Medical:  Medicine, Public health,  Food Science & Nutrition, pharmacology, politics & sociology,  history, etc. Engineering: Chemical, computer science, electronic, and more.  Despite the subject, there are certain basic template, where any master’s student can follow.
Quick review of how to write dissertation:
TITLE[GA1]  PAGE – The first page including all the applicable information about the dissertation.
ABSTRACT – A short-term project summary including background, methodology and findings/Data analysis.
CONTENTS – A list of the parts and figures limited in your dissertation.
PART 1 – BACKGROUND – A description of the justification for your project.
PART 2 – LITERATURE REVIEW – A summary of the literature supporting your project.
PART 3 – METHODOLOGY – A description of the methodology used in your research.
PART 4-6 – DATA ANALYSIS – A description of the technique used in evaluating your research data.
PART 7 – DISCUSSION – Important conclusions based on the data analysis.
BIBLIOGRAPHY – A list of the references cited in your dissertation.
APPENDICES – Extra materials used in your research.
How long its take to complete dissertation?  
Before writing a dissertation, it is a notable factor that a dissertation is typical covers in the range of 50- 200 pages and takes people years to complete.  Especially, those understood their research part well can complete within 3-8-month if they could dedicatedly spend their time span 50 hrs./week. However, it is challenging for master’s student whose total academic duration is two years so completing their theoretical coursework and attending the classes, labs, cultural, student’s conference as well as writing essays, assignment and other coursework writing shrinking time of plagiarism free dissertation for master’s degree student.
Tutors India has vast experience in developing dissertation topics for students pursuing the UK dissertation in business management. Order Now 
For More Info (Source):  bit.ly/3BiBItz
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drnumanpt · 4 years
Neurological Physiotherapy Book Free Download
Neurological Physiotherapy Book Free Download
If You looking for a Neurological Physiotherapy book then you are at the right place to download the book free in pdf form. We have the latest edition of Neurological Physiotherapy and the pdf is ready for download. Book Name Neurological Physiotherapy Author Cecily Partridge File Pdf Edition Third Source External     Now the book Neurological Physiotherapy is ready for downloading. You…
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the-real-tc · 2 years
Bad Business Ch. 6: Fragile
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To the childless wife he gives a home, and gladdens her heart with children.
- Ps. 113
Chapter 6
Ty had to hustle to keep pace with Jack after parking the truck as the older man nearly ran through the hospital Emergency entrance to reach the admittance desk.
"I'm Jack Bartlett," the cowboy said breathlessly to the nurse, not bothering with any pleasantries. "My wife, Lisa Stillman, was admitted here earlier by ambulance."
"Yes, please have a seat, Mr. Bartlett," the admitting nurse said. "I'll need you to wait until I can get one of the doctors to come see you."
"But," Jack said desperately, "is she okay?"
"I don't have an answer for you other than that she was taken in for surgery. Please, sit. I promise someone will be out to see you."
"Let's go, Jack," Ty said, putting a hand on Jack's arm to lead him to the chairs.
Obediently, Jack walked with Ty, still unable to process what had happened. He sank into an empty seat next to Ty, alternately cycling between acute rage, fear, and despair.
How? Why? Who could do such a thing to her?
Ty wanted to say some sort of words of encouragement, but after seeing for himself the extent of Lisa's injuries, he, too, feared the outcome might not be what any of them hoped for.
"We need to let the rest of the family know," Ty eventually uttered. "I'm just going to step outside. Be right back."
"Okay," Jack replied quietly.
With that, Ty retreated to the exit and pulled out his cell phone to call his wife, who this morning seemed to be in much better spirits than she had been since miscarrying. Now he would be calling with more bad news.
At around 4:00 p.m., Jack was finally greeted by one of the surgeons dressed in light blue scrubs. "Mr. Bartlett, I'm Dr. Perry," the middle-aged, bespectacled man said. "I'm the thoracic surgeon on call today."
"How's my wife doing, Doc?" asked Jack, trying to read the man's expression for any hint of what answer he should be prepared to expect. Ty bounded up next to him for support.
"She's alive, Mr. Bartlett," replied Dr. Perry.
Both Jack and Ty sighed in relief.
"Her injuries are still rather grave," Dr. Perry warned. "She was a twelve on the Glasgow Coma Scale when admitted, and—"
"Is-is that good or bad?" Jack interrupted, thinking the "Glasgow Coma Scale" thing sounded familiar, but could not remember if a twelve was a favourable number or not.
"Fifteen is optimal; anything lower than eight, not so much," Dr. Perry answered. "But a twelve isn't terrible, and means she's not comatose. We're mostly concerned about the internal injuries caused by the bullet to her side."
"Just tell it to me straight, Doc," Jack said. "Is she going to be okay?"
"She's still in what we'd call critical but stable condition. We're cautiously optimistic, Mr. Bartlett," Dr. Perry began. "There was a good deal of internal bleeding and we had to re-inflate a collapsed lung. We ascertained she was shot twice. One bullet perforated her left arm through the bicep. It penetrated her left side between her 8th and 9th ribs, nicked the intercostal arteries, skirted across the abdominal wall in a slightly downward trajectory and ended up lodged above her right pelvic bone. She has a tube in her side to facilitate drainage, and that will stay there until we're sure everything is clear.
"The damage to her left bicep was a clean through-and-through, and my colleagues and I don't anticipate any lasting effects or impairment. With time and physiotherapy, that arm should be just fine, but for now, we've got it immobilised and in a sling."
"Doc, what about the other bullet?" Jack asked.
"As near as we can determine, the second bullet hit her skull at an oblique angle and fortunately glanced off without penetrating," Dr. Perry said. "The impact still caused a hairline fracture. We were concerned there might be some brain swelling, but the CT scan showed that's not the case. We are seeing a small extradural hematoma and we're choosing a wait-and-see approach with that one. Sometimes, the body can absorb a small amount of blood in cases like these. We'd rather not have to go drilling into her skull to drain the blood between her skull and the dura mater—that's the tissue that surrounds the brain."
Perry noticed Jack's pained, pinched expression at the description of Lisa's litany of injuries.
"It could have been a lot worse, Mr. Bartlett," he said, trying to put a more positive face on things. "She's on oxygen and we'll keep her sedated in the ICU overnight, keeping a close eye on that lung and that skull fracture. The last thing she needs is for the lung to collapse again or for the hematoma to worsen."
"Can I see her, Doc?" Jack asked, hating that it sounded like he was begging.
"Ten minutes," Dr. Perry said. "She probably won't know you're there because of the heavy sedation, but..."
"Thank you," Jack said. He looked back at Ty.
"Go ahead," said Ty. "I haven't been able to reach Tim yet, so I'll hang back here and keep trying."
Jack was unprepared for how frail Lisa appeared lying in the hospital bed. For a second, he thought he was experiencing an attack of angina, but it was simply a sensation of his heart being torn apart at the sight of his beloved's critical condition.
"I'm here, Lis," he whispered as he slowly brought himself to a seated position beside her. "Though the Doc says you probably won't know it."
There was no response from Lisa, whose pale face and bandaged head remained motionless. Jack was encouraged, though, by the slow rise and fall of her chest.
I hate hospitals, Jack thought, fighting to suppress painful memories of when Lyndy was dying.
Moisture brimmed under Jack's eyelids. This cannot be happening. This is insane. Who did this to you? You have to pull through, Lis. You have to pull through, because I don't think my heart could take it if you didn't.
The ten minutes sped by much too quickly for Jack's liking as a nurse came to retrieve him. He reluctantly got to his feet to vacate the room, but not before planting a soft kiss on Lisa's cheek.
"Please come back to me," he whispered in parting. "I love you."
His ears ached to hear her endearing "I love you more". Instead the silence mocked him and chilled his heart as there was no response.
"I, uh, I was able to reach Tim. He's on his way," Ty said to Jack when they met up again in the waiting area.
"Good," Jack said. "Thanks. I think I'll stay here and wait. I want to be here when she wakes up."
Ty was encouraged that Jack said "when" and not "if".
"Okay," he said with a nod. "I'll stay, too, at least until Tim gets here."
Jack nodded tiredly.
"We'll get through this, Jack. She's made it this far, right?"
Jack nodded again. "Right."
An hour slipped by. Activity around the ICU flashed past without Jack's awareness. Patients were wheeled through the halls on gurneys by the porters; custodial crews cleaned; doctors and nurses filtered past. At some point, Ty went to find coffee and something to eat, items Jack barely tasted, but nevertheless consumed. Eventually, a familiar voice invaded his mental space. Up to that point, Jack's thoughts were fixated solely on Lisa, and what he would do if she did not pull through.
"Jack," Tim said upon spotting his ex-father-in-law. "What the hell happened? Ty said something about Lisa getting shot?"
Jack bobbed his head once in response.
"Well, do they know who did it?" Tim asked.
"No," Jack uttered darkly. "Some yahoo on the road."
"'Some yahoo'? That's all you got?!" Tim exclaimed.
"The police are investigating," Ty broke in. "I was there with Scott right after it happened."
Tim turned to look at Ty. "You were there? And you didn't see anything?"
Ty sighed. Having been over the scenario a hundred times in his own mind, it was exhausting to have to tell Tim now what he witnessed out on the road that afternoon after having told Chief Parker.
"Not really," Ty answered. "All we know is there was a guy on a motorbike shortly before we saw Lisa's Porsche in the ditch."
"That's it?" Tim snapped. "'A guy on a motorbike'."
"Pretty much."
"You saw a guy on a motorcycle?" Jack said in surprise. "You didn't tell me that."
"Sorry," Ty said. "It was so fast, Jack. I didn't really see anything clearly. I didn't want you to be torturing yourself thinking about it."
"Well, that's great! Super helpful," a sarcastic Tim said. "All we gotta do now is get a list of every guy in Hudson who rides a motorbike and say 'Hey, did you shoot Lisa Stillman?'"
"Tim..." Jack uttered. "Enough. Ty and Scott saved Lisa's life out there."
Tim sputtered incoherently for a few seconds before simmering down. "So now what?" he finally said.
"We wait," Jack said simply, feeling totally drained.
"I'm gonna head back to Heartland," Ty said.
"Go ahead, Ty," Jack said. "Thank you for everything you did today. For Lisa."
"Of course," Ty said. "Call us if there's any change, okay?"
"Yeah, I will."
With that, Ty left Jack and Tim.
"Thank you for coming," Jack eventually said to his ex-son-in-law after Tim sat down in the chair vacated by Ty.
Tim's expression softened. "You're welcome."
Several beats of silence passed, interrupted by the occasional public address system announcements. Hospital staff continued to go about their duties.
"You doing okay?" Tim eventually asked.
"No," Jack's voice cracked, rough as sandpaper and choked with emotion. "I can't lose her, Tim."
Tim clamped his lips shut, unsure of what to say or do next. His ex-father-in-law had certainly seen more than his fair share of loss; now this. He reached out a hand and laid it on Jack's shoulder in an act of solidarity and, hopefully, comfort.
Ty could have sworn his boots' soles were made of lead weights. Every step he took as he ascended the stairs to the loft was slow and painstaking. Amy was waiting for him. She sprang up from the couch as soon as she saw the top of his head.
"Ty," she said, voice halting. She knew her recent avoidance of him had hurt; knew no explanation for that would suffice, but now they had to pull together if they were going to make it through this latest crisis.
"Amy," Ty replied unsteadily, unsure of her emotional state. Would she welcome the sight of him, or reject him as she had lately?
But she approached him without hesitation, taking him in her arms for a quick hug. She stepped back and looked at his haunted expression. She smoothed back his hair before bringing his face to hers and kissing his mouth firmly. Amy felt him relax as he wrapped his own arms around her, silently begging for a deeper kiss, which she obliged.
"I'm so sorry for pushing you away after—"
"I know, Amy," Ty responded swiftly. "I know all that was hard on you." It was hard on me, too.
"But I didn't have to push you away like I did. Not after all we've been through," Amy said, looking into his green eyes. She gave a sad laugh. "You'd think I would have learned by now, but I was so afraid."
"Afraid of what, Amy?" Ty asked, pained to hear the tremor of fear in her voice.
"That you'd blame me for losing the baby."
"Blame you?" a grieved Ty uttered. "I could never. It wasn't your fault. Don't ever think it was your fault."
"I know that," she said in a rush. "I know. But I was afraid you'd blame me, anyway. That maybe you would think I was working too hard; not taking it easy with the client horses; taking too many risks by choosing to ride this time."
"I did not think any of those things," Ty said, taking her in his arms again, wanting with all his might to drive away her misplaced guilt. "All I could think about was how grateful I was that you were going to be okay; that I hadn't lost you, too; that Lyndy was still going to have both her mother and father in her life."
When they finally broke apart, Amy took in his handsome face again. There was still some pain he was trying to conceal, but she could sense it did not have to do with their own situation; that was already starting to heal.
"Ty, h-how bad is Lisa?"
He turned away from her at that point, wanting to spare her the details of what he had seen and experienced on the side of the road that afternoon.
"Ty?" Amy spoke again, the tremor returning to her voice.
Ty sank into the leather seat Amy had once bought him for an early birthday present, giving rest to his weary feet on the ottoman. "Not good."
Her eyes went wide. "What does that mean?" Ty was never one to sugar-coat anything, but those unnerving words were hard to digest.
He stared into his lap for a few moments before raising his eyes to meet hers.
"She was hurt pretty badly," Ty said dully. "She could die. Scott and I, we did what we could. Then the paramedics got there, and they did what they could. I don't know if it was enough. I mean, the surgeon used the phrase 'cautiously optimistic', but... They've got her in the ICU. Any number of things could still go wrong."
"But who could have done something like this?" Amy questioned, seating herself on the sofa. "When you called and told me, I couldn't believe it."
"I know. It's crazy."
"And you didn't see anybody on the road?" Amy asked, suddenly gripped with the wild, possibly irrational fear he might have seen Lisa's assailant—and if so, would that person now want to silence Ty in order to avoid identification and arrest?
Ty looked up before giving his head a long shake in the negative. "I told Chief Parker the only other person we saw was a guy on a motorbike. He nearly ran into Scott, in fact. We were just coming over a hill, and there he was, right in our lane."
Amy let out a small gasp. "You don't think that that was Lisa's shooter, do you?"
"Chief Parker asked the same question. I honestly have no idea. Maybe. I didn't see a gun. But right before we avoided slamming into him, I thought I heard what sounded like a car backfiring a couple times." He shuddered. "It's obvious now what those sounds really were."
"Gunshots," Amy whispered in horror.
"Yeah," Ty nodded in agreement, hating himself now for also concealing that part from Jack.
Tentatively, Amy asked: "How's Grandpa?"
"I've never seen Jack so angry," he answered. "I'm actually worried about him. His words were—and I quote—'If she dies, I will kill the bastard responsible.'"
Amy's jaw dropped. "Grandpa really said that?"
"Yes. And it sounded like he meant it."
Hudson Times—Online Version
Nadir Jutley
May 2, 2019
Motorist Shot
Hudson Police are investigating the shooting of a motorist on Range Road 292 earlier this afternoon. The middle-aged female victim was taken by ambulance to the South Calgary Health Campus and is listed in critical but stable condition. Authorities do not currently have any suspects in the shooting and have not released the name of the victim.
More information to follow as details emerge.
• Email: nadir_jutley
By nine p.m., there had been no discernible change in Lisa's condition.
"Go home and get some rest, Mr. Bartlett," one of the ICU nurses advised. "It makes no difference if you're waiting here or if you're waiting at home, and I'm willing to bet you'd be more comfortable waiting at home. We'll call if anything changes."
"Let's go, Jack," Tim urged. "Come on. Besides, have you notified Lisa's sister? Her aunt?"
"No, I haven't," Jack admitted with a sigh, dreading having to make those particular calls.
"Someone needs to call the rest of the family—Lou; Peter," Tim said. "And I'm starving."
"Trust you to think of food," Jack grunted, but nevertheless realised going home for the night was the right decision.
It was nearly midnight in New York when the call startled Lou from a deep sleep. She sucked in a breath, her heart hammering in her chest. The noisy chimes of her cell phone continued, louder than her half-awake brain wanted to tolerate. Lou reached blindly for the device, wondering who might be calling at such an ungodly hour. She peeled open one eye to squint at the bright screen that lit up a small patch on the bedside table.
The number was instantly familiar: HOME.
Lou's racing pulse skipped a beat. Foreboding enveloped her as she knew in no uncertain terms there was nothing but bad news on the other side of that call. Still, she managed to compose herself while mentally stamping out bleak memories of years gone by of a different call informing her of her mother's death and Amy's grim situation.
"Hello?" she said, throat gritty.
"Lou, honey," a familiar male voice spoke.
"Dad..." Lou said, voice wobbling, an ache clutching at her heart. Please, please don't let it be something wrong with Grandpa.
"Lou, there's been an accident," Tim pressed on. "You should probably come home as soon as possible."
"An accident?" Lou repeated. "What's happened? Is Grandpa okay?"
"Yeah, he's... it's not Jack. He's... unharmed," Tim replied.
"Oh, thank God. Wait, is it Georgie?!" Lou exclaimed, her thoughts now striking out to her daredevil daughter. Please, not my child. She's been through so much already.
"No, Georgie's fine, Lou."
"Katie?!" Lou asked in a panic, then instantly decided Peter would have been the one to call if that were the case, unless both of them—.
"No, it's Lisa," Tim replied with impatience before Lou's next frantic guess jumped to Amy or Ty. "I don't know how else to say it, but they're saying someone shot her when she was driving up to Calgary for a meeting this afternoon."
"Shot her?!" yelped Lou, this time mentally reeling back to an incident involving gun-toting, low-life cattle rustlers and her father using his own body to protect his youngest daughter. "You said it was an 'accident', Dad!"
"Well, there was," Tim said defensively. "Her SUV went off the road. Thankfully Scott and Ty were heading back into town right then and found her in the ditch."
"Is she all right?" Lou dared to ask while fearful of the forthcoming answer.
"Jack says she's critical, but stable; whatever that really means," Tim grumbled. "Anyway, you gonna come home, or not?"
"I think I have to. I mean, I wanted to come when Amy—you know—but I was at a crucial point with the franchise stuff and there was a lot to get done. But now..."
"Yeah, yeah, fine. Just let me know when you're getting in."
"I'll get on the booking site right now."
"Okay. 'Bye for now."
Hudson Police Headquarters
The half-a-dozen officers who gathered in the conference room fixed their collective gaze on the large flat-screen TVs mounted on the wall.
Portraits of Val Stanton and Lisa Stillman appeared side-by-side, along with bullet-point details of their respective cases.
"Anyone see what I'm seeing?" asked Chief Parker.
"Two blonde, blue-eyed, middle aged women; both residents of Hudson; both involved in the horse business," offered Detective Constable Jennifer Patterson.
"Stanton was shot first. She was killed while riding a horse belonging to Stillman. Stillman discovers Stanton's body. Then Stillman winds up shot, too," added Detective Toby Kavanaugh.
Parker nodded encouragingly. "Keep going, Kavanaugh."
"From a distance, it's not that difficult to mistake Stanton for Stillman, I should think."
"So, where are we going with this?" asked Patterson. "Do we think it was a case of mistaken identity in the Stanton case? That someone might have been aiming for Stillman in the first place?"
"Maybe," Parker uttered. "We can't rule out the possibility. Stillman told me she has a fairly regular routine of riding out to Lookout Point in the mornings. The trouble is the M.O.s are substantially different in these shootings, and Stanton was shot later in the morning—later than Stillman claims she would normally be out there."
He pointed out differences between both incidents.
"Val Stanton was shot once from behind while on horseback, right through the heart, with a .308 caliber round. Reconstruction of the shooting showed a trajectory of about 80 yards, placing the shooter in a copse of Aspen. The shooter also policed his brass. That indicates this was a very professional job.
"In the Stillman shooting, the weapon was a pistol. Stillman was shot twice—once in the left side and once in the head. The surgeons recovered one of the bullets while they were operating. The other was recovered by our guys from the inside of the SUV's ceiling after it bounced off Stillman's head; we found the .25 ACP casings in our sweep of the crime scene area. We're quite sure the shooter was riding a motorcycle. Ty Borden and Scott Cardinal weren't able to get a good enough look to positively identify the bike, so that's probably a dead end. Stillman remains in critical but stable condition in the ICU. Despite all that, something about this one seems decidedly amateurish."
"Do you think it was just someone out shooting at drivers for kicks?" Patterson asked.
"Maybe," Parker said with a frown. "If so, I don't like it. That kind of activity speaks of someone who's mentally unstable—and liable to do it again."
"We've been over the hunting accident theory in the Stanton case," Patterson said, looking again at Val's picture.
"And discarded it," Kavanaugh said.
"Right," Patterson said. "But that leaves us with very little to go on in terms of motive or suspects."
"You two questioned her children," Parker said. "I've read your reports, so I know you're not keen on pinning their mother's murder on either of them."
"No," Patterson said slowly, "but Jesse Stanton did seem to me like he was trying to hide something. I mean, he has a clear alibi for his whereabouts when his mother was shot, but..."
"But what?" Parker pressed.
"I just don't like the guy," Patterson said with a shrug. "He was too smug. All his answers sounded like they were rehearsed."
"I agree," Kavanaugh said. "I don't like him, either, but that could also be I just don't like spoiled rich kids."
Patterson nodded. "Unfortunately, being a 'spoiled rich kid' isn't a motive."
"No, it isn't," Parker said. "Let's keep digging. If it is a case of mistaken identity with the Stanton murder and Stillman was the intended target, we need to find out why. If the cases are unrelated, then we're still looking for two shooters and two motives, and to be honest, I hate both options."
"Love or money," Kavanaugh said offhandedly, as he stood to leave the meeting.
"Or both," Patterson said.
"Whichever one it is," Parker said seriously, "find out, and find out fast."
"Yes, Chief," the pair replied in tandem.
Chapter 7: Every Breath You Take
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isitgintimeyet · 4 years
Just A Friend
Wow. I’m so, so grateful for the lovely response to chapter 1 of this story. I’ve never had so many notes on one of my posts before, so many, many thanks to everyone who took the time to read, like, reblog and comment on it. i do appreciate it
Thanks also to @wickedgoodbooks for the beta
Previous chapter
Chapter 2: From Scrubs to Sauvignon
Sunlight streaming through the shutters wakes me before the alarm. After the previous seventy two hours with too much alcohol, not enough sleep and shared hotel rooms, last night’s sleep was a solid nine and a half hours and I feel so much better for it.
Trying, for a moment at least, to ignore both the demands of my bladder and my desperate need for caffeine, I gaze up at the ceiling and contemplate the surgery ahead of me. Whilst it’s a comparatively routine procedure for me, I always think about the families — parents, grandparents, siblings. It’s an anxious time for them, never routine, a step into the unknown and they are putting their trust in me to look after their precious child. Their faith in me is something I take very seriously.
I have a ritual I follow every time before theatre. I take a few minutes to close my eyes and let the procedure play inside my head, my hands echoing the images in my brain. I trace the path my scalpel will take on the skin; I position, in mid air, the locations of the clamps; I work with my imaginary mallet and chisel honing the bone, the X-ray images clear in my head.
By the time I’ve finished closing the incision, the demands of my bladder can no longer be ignored. That’s my cue to get out of bed and start my day.
Before I put my scrubs on, I pay a visit to the side room where Robbie, my seven year old patient has spent the night. His parents have already given consent for the operation, but I like to go and do a final check.
Robbie is sitting up in bed, a bit subdued but in good health. His mother is sitting expectantly, nervously playing with the skin around her nails. The foldaway bed has already been put away, but, judging by her red rimmed eyes, I don’t think it got much use. Robbie’s father follows me into the room, two coffees in his hands.
“Sorry, Doctor Claire,” he nods at the coffee. “I didna get ye one. D’ye want one?”
I let the doctor reference pass. As a surgeon, my title is no longer doctor. Officially, I am Miss Beauchamp, but prefer my juvenile patients to call me Claire. Quite a lot of the parents seem to call me Doctor Claire. I suppose they like the reassurance that I am actually a proper doctor.
“No, thanks.” I smile. “Are we all set then?”
They nod nervously.
“Aye,” Robbie’s father agrees. “We need tae get it done.”
“How long will it take?” Robbie’s mother looks directly at me, wanting a definitive answer.
I hesitate. I don’t like to give precise times. If the surgery goes longer then parents start to fear the worst, and that’s not always the case. So I give a vague answer. “‘Till lunchtime… you could always go and sit outside in the little garden, it’s a lovely day.”
His mother looks down at her hands and shakes her head. “No, I want tae be right here …”
She doesn’t finish her sentence, but she doesn’t have to. I know exactly what she’s thinking.
I turn to Robbie, blissfully unaware of his parents’ thoughts. He beckons me to him.
“When I wakes up,” he begins in a stage whisper. “Can I have a treat?”
“What sort of treat did you have in mind?”
“Can I have a MacDonald’s? But no’ a kid’s meal. I’ve never had a Big Mac.”
I glance at his parents who nod at me before I whisper back, “Of course you can, but don’t let nurse Geillis see, will you? She can be ever so naughty. She’ll be trying to steal your chips away, if you’re not careful.”
And with that, I stroke Robbie’s little cheek before saying my goodbyes and head out to get changed.
Robbie’s surgery went to plan, no nasty surprises or tricky complications. I call in to check on Robbie’s parents before they head to recovery. They look totally different to when I saw them this morning. Still worn out of course, I don’t think they’ll sleep properly until their little lad is home with them, but their faces shine with sheer relief. I have warned them about the long road ahead, with many hours of physiotherapy and exercises, but, for today, I’ll let them have their moment of pure happiness. Reality will hit them again soon enough.
As I leave the waiting room, making my farewells, Robbie’s dad thanks me once more. I can tell he’s unsure whether hugging me is appropriate or not, so he settles for a handshake. His wife has no such qualms, wrapping me tightly in a hug, whispering her thanks until her husband reminds her that they need to be with their son. I point the way and head down to the nurses station.
Geillis is sitting there, looking very busy on the computer. I pull up a chair and sit next to her. The screen is filled with images of our weekend in Barcelona.
“What?” She looks at me as if I’ve accused her of something. “I’m on ma lunch, aren’t I?”
“How was your night then?”
Geillis beams from ear to ear— she’s like the cat who got the cream. “Nay bad, nay bad at all. After two nights away, Dougal realises what he’s got wi’ me, and he dinna hesitate tae show me, if ye ken what I mean?”
She winks at a poor medical student, who blushes and busies himself with a set of medical notes.
“Geillis,” I warn. “Behave yourself.”
“Anyway, pet, how was yer evening? Another tryst wi’ Professor Randall?” Her face says it all. Geillis thinks about as much of Frank as he does of her. Literally the only thing they have in common is me, and it’s getting pretty wearing.
“No, I was worn out and— oh, that reminds me.” I fumble in my pocket for my phone as I carry on talking. “I’ve got someone else’s suitcase. I hope they’ve got mine.”
I glance at the screen. Two missed calls and one message. All from the same number. All from the number I called last night, the James-Fraser-isn’t-here-don’t-call-again-ever number. Looks like this James Fraser has a jealous or suspicious wife-partner-girlfriend-housekeeper.
“Catch up later, Geillis, I need to deal with this.”
I rush back to my office to try and sort the suitcase problem out.
The message is brief and to the point.
Hi, Jamie Fraser here. I think I have your case too. Can we arrange a swap? I live in Glasgow. Hopefully you too. Where and when? I’m free after 5 today.
After five will work for me too, I just need to pop home and pick up his case. Now, based on his wardrobe choices and his one message to me, he doesn’t actually seem like an axe murderer or sex pervert, but you can’t really tell, so I think about a public location.
How about the benches by the cafe at Kelvingrove Park? 5:30? Claire Beauchamp
A couple of minutes later his reply appears on my screen.
Fine. See you then.  I’ll be the one wheeling a black Samsonite. JF
It’s another glorious sunny day here in Glasgow. Just ideal for going for a stroll in the park. I do feel a bit conspicuous with a suitcase trailing along behind me — kind of like an upmarket bag lady.
There are no other suitcases around, so I perch on a bench. I fire a quick message to Geillis, just so that she knows where to direct the police if I disappear and then wait. It’s not too bad waiting. The sun is still warm, so I stretch my legs out trying for a tan. With my eyes closed, I lift my face up to soak up the rays. I may get panda eyes with my sunglasses on, but I don’t really care. The warmth is so good and I can feel myself relaxing totally —
I am conscious of a shadow across my face. I open my eyes and quickly stand up.
He’s tall. That’s the first thing I notice. A good few inches taller than me, and I’m 5 feet 9. And broad. Broad enough to block my sun. His hair is red, very red and the sun behind him creates a fiery corona around his head.
He’s a Viking. A Viking in a navy blue suit and a crisp white shirt. How many of those white shirts does he own, I wonder?
“Claire Beauchamp, I presume. I recognise the case. That red ribbon on the handle, such a unique idea.”
He smiles, a lopsided half grin and holds out his hand for me to shake. “Jamie Fraser.”
“Claire Beauchamp,” I say somewhat unnecessarily as we shake hands.
He sits down. “So,” he begins politely. “I hope ye havena come far out of yer way.”
I join him on the bench.
“No,” I gesture vaguely to my right. “I live not too far from here. How about you?”
That lopsided grin appears again. “Nah,” he gestures to his left. “No’ too far at all.”
There’s an awkward moment of silence. We are not really here for small talk, but is it too rude to just dive in and do the swap?
“So,” Jamie breaks the silence. “About the cases…”
Apparently it’s not too rude.
“I ken ye have ma case there, on account of ma contact details being in it, but what about this one? How do I ken this is yers? Black Samsonites with wee red ribbons seem to be awfa common ‘round here. As proof, can ye mebbe tell me something that’s in it? Something identifiable?”
And at this, my mind goes blank, what did I pack?
“Er, denim shorts… black flip flops… white vest—”
“Weel, they’re all verra common. Is there anything a wee bit more… unique?”
Is it my imagination or is there a twinkle in his clear blue eyes as he says this? And then I remember exactly what’s in my case and start to blush.
“There may be some hen party bits and pieces in there too. It was my friend’s hen weekend, so I think there may be some, er, stuff from that, you know, er, handcuffs… shot glasses…”
He puts me out of my misery. “Och, that’s fine. It’s yers, right enough. Here ye go.”
And we do the exchange, just like in the spy movies. Except in those, the cases are filled with bank notes and the top secret blueprints for a submarine base, and not white dress shirts and an assortment of shot glasses shaped like penises.
Our phones beep practically simultaneously. I pull mine out of my pocket. Jamie does the same and glances at his phone.
Mine is a text from Frank confirming tonight’s arrangements “I’d better go. Plans for tonight, you know.”
“Snap. Plans here as well.”
“Goodbye then. I’m not sure whose fault it was, the mixup at the airport. So why don’t we both say sorry, or neither of us?” I suggest as I stand up and smooth the creases from my skirt.
“Sounds good tae me. How about neither?” He smiles again. “Ms Claire Beauchamp, nice to meet you.”
“Mr Jamie Fraser, likewise I’m sure.”
And with that we head off, me to the right and Jamie Fraser to the left.
Frank had said 7:30, and, sure enough, at 7:28 my intercom buzzes and I let Frank in. He arrives at my door carrying a large bunch of lilies and roses. No, not a bunch, I can’t describe it as a bunch… carrying a large bouquet of lilies and roses, beautifully arranged and hand-tied. Clearly not a supermarket purchase. Nor is the wine he also hands to me. A chilled bottle of my favourite Sauvignon Blanc, only available from quality wine merchants in the city.
Frank can be incredibly thoughtful and generous, and I am suitably grateful. I pop the flowers into the kitchen sink while I try to locate a vase big enough to hold them.  He walks in as I’m scrabbling around on my hands and knees, bum in the air, head buried in the cupboard under the sink.
“So what are we having for dinner?” He asks as he pours the wine. “Are you cooking?”
I emerge victorious, having found the vase wedged between a bottle of sink unblocker and an unused can of spray starch.
“Dinner?” He repeats, helping me to my feet.
“I’ve not had a chance to cook. I told you about the suitcase confusion, didn’t I?  Well, I had to get that sorted. I thought we could have something delivered. That’s ok, isn’t it?”
“I’m sure that will be fine, darling. What would you like?”
What would I like? What I would really like would be a huge, great pizza full of carbs and grease and pepperoni and cheese that pulls into strands when you try to take a slice. And to sit on the floor with the pizza box between us watching Netflix and drinking beer.
But, that is clearly a rhetorical question.
“Thai?” Frank doesn’t wait for my answer.
Thai is the only acceptable takeaway in Frank’s eyes, eaten at a table, on proper plates. I nod my agreement. After all, he’s brought me wonderful flowers, and a gorgeous bottle of wine. He deserves to have the choice. And I can have pizza with my friends any time.
“You ring the order through then, while I arrange these beautiful flowers.” I say and kiss his cheek.
And that is our evening sorted - takeaway, a couple of glasses of wine, Newsnight on the television and then to bed for a bit of sex.
So, that’s food, drink, mind and body all sorted. I should go to sleep feeling satisfied with everything. I should… shouldn’t I?
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my18thcenturysource · 5 years
Life Update... again
So, I’m still on production dates (from today to Tuesday, I’ll have no rest), so, no new posts. BUT here a little update of stuff happening:
At my work, we make a fall and spring issue about all the new cool stuff we’ll have in the store (think about it like a version of the Vogue September and March issues, but with way less money) and it is based in all the long research I make about fashion and consumer trends, that eventually turns into ads and the messages that entire company shares. Yeah, that went big quite fast XD. Also sometimes when we have big projects I help at production with fashion styling, being in touch with the brands, manage samples, etc. 
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Today was the first day of production and let me tell you all that this fall 2019 season will look SO BLOODY GOOD. We have not only a wonderful crew of makeup artists, hair stylist, art directors, and photographers, but we managed to get a magnificent cast including (just mentioning the ones I worked with today): a girl doing sign language showcasing high jewellery, a male model with rockstar vibes making magic tricks, a girl dancer having fun in funky jumpsuits, and first dancer at the Compañía Nacional de Danza who I happened to see on his instagram that he was just booked in a modeling agency, so we hired him (it’s Sebastian Vinet, if you wanna scroll through his instagram). Also we had the support of all kinds of brands, all important to the business, from the highest fashion houses like Chanel (I’ll make a video about a dress we got) and Christian Dior, to marvelous tailoring from Dolce & Gabbana (you cannot imagine the amount of detail in those suits) and Ermenegildo Zegna, to very small local brands like Alexia Ulibarri, or sportswear stuff from Under Armour and DC. And of course the teams from the jewellers and watches brands, who go to the production and wait and wait and wait until we use all the pieces they brought, making them feel certain that each pieces is properly showcased. I’m very thankful today. And tired. Mainly thankful. And excited about the next days, that even though they’ll be long and tiring, good stuff wil come from this. As soon as it is published, I’ll show you all.
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Other news: I was going to NY later this week but now not anymore. I hope I can manage to go before the Camp exhibition is closed.
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More news: I got diagnosed with hamstrings tendonitis (which is why I had been feeling pain on the back of my knees after the last weeks production), and I have to go to 8 physiotherapy sessions, I’ve done 5 and I’m finally feeling better. I might need to get some extra exercise that is not ballet to gain muscular strength, and then finally work towards recovering my flexibility. So hyperextension is not fun.
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More more news: there’s a new Future Learn course I got into (and you might be interested too!). It’s “The Scottish Highland Clans: Origins, Decline and Transformation” by the University of Glasgow. It sounds awesome. Also, how is the University of Glasgow so consistently awesome with its history courses?
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Finally: I FOUND A BAROQUE DANCE CLASS IN MY CITY. Like, I’m SO gonna get in. It’s twice a week and man I want a pair of Pompadour shoes from American Duchess just for the lols. It starts in September. I’m so excited. I hope I can get a place in the class.
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someshbhatt-blog · 5 years
Can You Rely On Physiotherapy Treatment?
Most of the people in today’s time live a sedentary lifestyle and this is what leads to various aches in the body. The most common issues that people face are related to the muscles, joint aches, and back pain.  There are also many other dysfunctions in the body that need proper treatment and care.
If you have any such kind of issue related to pain, it is important to consult an expert therapist. There are some of the known physiotherapists in Glasgow, by contacting an expert, you can easily get rid of all kinds of pain that are there in your body. The choice of professional matters the most if you want to see good results.
Is it the right treatment to opt for?
Most of the people rely on allopathic medicines for the different issues that they face in their body, but the fact is that the medicines only suppress the pains, but alternative treatments such physiotherapy eliminates it.
Physiotherapy is completely safe, you will not face any kind of complication after going through the treatment. The only thing that you need to keep in mind is to look for an expert that provides physiotherapy in Glasgow.
How long does it take to heal with physiotherapy?
The duration of the treatment depends on the condition of a patient. The kind of pain you have is what will decide the physiotherapy sessions that you will have to take to get rid of the pain.
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harberrytraining · 3 years
Sports in childhood plays a crucial role; it can help build a child’s confidence, their motor skills, help with both their physical and mental wellbeing and is a building block for social skills. However, according to the Royal Society of Medicine, almost half of the sport injury-related cases in A&E are that of children and teenagers.
It is crucial to catch injuries early on before they cause serious damage. In this article, we will discuss the most common sporting injuries in children, how they occur and how we can avoid these injuries. When it comes to first aid for sporting injuries, parents may be able to treat them using Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation (RICE). If the injuries are far more serious, it’s best to seek professional, medical attention.
Although sprains are extremely common, it is important to know what to do with a sprained limb such as an ankle sprain. Sprains occur when the ligaments that support the wrist or ankle are stretched and torn. Your child could experience severe pain,  swelling and bruising making it difficult to put weight on the joint. Basic first aid training  would include compressing the area with an ice pack to combat swelling.
Concussions are injuries involving the brain. They can occur when a collision results with a direct blow to the head. This causes the brain to shake within the skull, which can result in a multitude of symptoms. This includes headaches, nausea, blurry vision, and dizziness. Concussions can cause prolonged brain damage if there is a series of concussions. Use an ice pack on visible bruising and seek medical attention immediately.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tear
The ACL is one of the most common injuries that occurs in sports. The ACL is a major ligament that helps to stabilise the knee joint. It’s primary function is to connect the femur to the tibia. A tear can occur if there is a blow to the outside of the knee. They may also occur after a jump or twist of the knee. As ACL tears are serious sporting injuries, it is important to see a physician immediately. They can cause severe pain, swelling and minimal movement in the knee. Whilst waiting for medical attention it is important to protect the injury, allow the injured to rest, place ice on the swollen area, provide support and if possible elevate the leg to reduce swelling.
Little League Elbow
This is elbow pain associated with sports such as basketball or volleyball where there is repetitive movement such as  overhead throwing. This pain is caused by the stress placed on the growth plate inside a child’s elbow, which will result in swelling, pain and difficulty straightening the arm. In order to treat Little League Elbow, it is important to rest the area and gradually return to the activity. Parents should seek additional help from a physiotherapist which will set up a rehabilitation programme for your child’s mobility.
Common dislocations include the shoulder, where the arm and shoulder don’t lay straight when held straight out. A dislocated shoulder can be determined by the sound of a “pop” followed by severe pain. It is important to note that dislocated joints must only be placed back in place by a licensed health professional such as a coach, paramedic or physiotherapist. For future prevention, parents should seek to have their children strengthen their shoulder muscles through physiotherapy.
At Harberry Training, we provide first aid training courses in Glasgow and Belfast and know how important it is to be prepared in the unfortunate event that your child sustains a sporting injury. Get in touch to find out about our first aid courses and how you can get booked on and prepared.
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The Break Up: Part Four.
Part One.
Part 2.1.
Part 2.2.
Part Three.
...and so on to the next section...
Conversation had flowed for a while as Claire and Jamie re-acquainted themselves with one another. It was easy, Claire surmised, to fall back into the same patterns again. They were the same people they had always been, still connected to the other via something unknown, but an elephant hovered in the room with them still, a large grey vacuum that sat like a void between them as they talked softly. Neither mentioned it, but it was still there nonetheless.
“...and yer doing well there then?” Jamie asked, his tone light as he coughed and pushed himself further upright. Clearly he was interested, but it seemed as if he were leading her to something other than her promotion prospects.
Blushing, Claire nodded. Taking a sip of her water, she slowly screwed the lid back on top of the bottle before placing it on the bedside table. “Yes, I am. It’s a lovely hospital and all the staff are amazing to work with. I was really lucky, truly.” Said with a hint of sorrow, Claire noted Jamie’s slight melancholy as she spoke.
Not wishing to decrease the tenor of the mood anymore than they had already, Claire withheld the fact that although her colleagues were, in fact, lovely people, she had no real friends or social life. Her lips twitched into a sad smile as she plucked some invisible fluff from her jeans.
‘I miss this…’ Claire very nearly said, the words worming their way ap and along her throat as if trying to forcibly escape from her esophagus. ‘...I miss you.’ But she held them back not thinking herself worthy of voicing them.
Outside in the corridor the bell rang signalling the end of visiting hours.
“I guess I’d better go,” Claire whispered, the momentary lapse dissipating as the nurses began to wander up and down checking the rooms on their rounds.
“You’ll come back again tomorrow?” Jamie asked, his leg twitching nervously beneath the sheets.
Picking at the skin at the side of her nails, Claire glanced towards the open door as the noise outside intensified. “I think your sister wants a bit of time with you, Jamie,” she replied cautiously. “You’ll have physiotherapy starting soon and I’m sure she’ll be the one attending them with you. I don’t want to monopolise all of your visiting hours…” ‘...and you know I can’t be here whilst Jenny is,’ she thought but didn’t add to the end of her sentence. Trailing off instead, she  chuckled humorlessly as Jamie nodded.
“I’ll have Murtagh call ye then?”
“Of course.”
Waving goodbye, Claire heaved a huge sigh as she made her way towards her newly purchased rental car. Things seemed to be going well between Jamie and herself but fear was beginning to take root within her. Jenny still hadn’t looked her directly in the eye, neither had Ian. The only member of the family to truly welcome her home had been Murtagh and she knew it wouldn’t be long before the thin ice that was barely holding her and Jamie up would crack plunging them deep into the glacial waters below.
Putting on her strongest front, Claire clicked the button to open the car, slid inside the sleek leather interior and pulled out of the hospital. Resigned, she knew that she would stay until Jamie was fully on the mend at least. He hadn’t yet asked her to leave, so Claire took that as her incentive to stick around. Having extended leave helped, the Glasgow A&E sister had phoned her department at Boston General relaying the news of Jamie’s injuries and that had been enough to secure her the time she needed. Thinking him to be close family, Claire’s boss - with the assistance of a very helpful Joe - had accepted that she was required elsewhere...for the moment.
Rain battered the windows of her suite pulling Claire from her restless sleep. Peeling back the curtains, she sat and watched as the rivulets cascaded down the thick glass, enjoying the rhythmic pounding of the thick droplets as they splattered against the glass and ran before her eyes. She’d been dozing on and off for days now. Murtagh had called with a little information but Jamie had been eager to get back on his feet again and, as such, that had meant Jenny sticking around through most of Jamie’s visiting hours as well as his physio sessions.
Murtagh had tried to convince Claire to come in and see Jamie but she couldn’t ignore the small voice at the back of her mind that reminded her of Jenny’s anger. The eldest Fraser was certainly a tour de force when it came to matters of family and since Claire had so callously and without *good* reason thrown that away, she seemed adamant that Claire be kept at arms length as much as possible.
She wanted to walk. The sensation of guilt gnawing more heavily at her gut as she wrestled with herself. Thoughts of leaving re-emerged and, feeling useless, Claire bent her head to rest against the cool glass.
It should have been an easy choice. Stay or go. But neither option seemed to bring much relief. If she left there would be no turning back, that would be her decision made. Staying, though, meant facing up to Jenny once more and that in itself seemed like a mammoth task. Claire could picture the rage already alight in her deep brown eyes and it turned her stomach.
The bleep from her phone brought her out of her trance and she sloped back over to her dresser to retrieve the small plastic mobile from its charging point by the small television. As usual it was Murtagh giving her small updates on Jamie’s recent progressed. He missed her, she could tell. Even in those few words, Murtagh could convey a message that only Claire would understand.
*Come* - it said - silently, *come and interact with us all...we miss you.*
Sitting on her overflowing case, Claire brushed away the tears that lined her rosy cheeks. A whole twenty-four hours later she had changed her mind a million times but was still sat, completely undecided. She had packed her belongings, keen to be away as soon as possible. Away from the people who had once been such close companions but who now all seemed like distant memories. She didn’t feel as if she belonged, but she also didn’t feel able to leave either.
Running her shaky fingers along the length of her rigid case, she tried to conjure up any sound reasoning that might help her to decide, clearly, one way or another but her mind was blank. Fate, it seemed, was leaving this one up to her.
Picking up the phone, she dialled Murtagh’s number, her heart beating quickly in her chest as the ringing began.
The voicemail message sounded loud and crass in her ears as she hear Murtagh’s voice grunt out his missive; “I canna get to ye, leave a message, aye?”
“Murtagh,” she began hoarsely, “I just-- I know you want me to come down there, but I don’t think I can...I don’t know what to do…” Trailing off she held her hand to her mouth as she clicked the -end call- button and placed the mobile face down on the table in front of her.
She felt sick; her heart pounding furiously now as if it might suddenly crawl along her throat and scamper free in the fray. Pacing the length and breadth of the small hotel room, Claire clenched and unclenched her fists as if trying to dispel the tension that had suddenly arisen within her. She had promised to fix this, that’s what she’d prayed for the whole way over here committing herself to Jamie’s renewed good health in the aftermath of the hit and run, though now she was here and he was awake that seemed like an utterly impossible task.
Suddenly the room began to spin, causing Claire to turn on her heel and flee towards the bathroom. Falling to her knees, she clung to the white porcelain as the contents of her stomach rushed along her throat. Hunching her shoulders, she gagged and retched, her mouth tasting distinctly of acid. As the sick feeling began to subside, her belly emptied now of her last meal, Claire panted, her sweat coated brow scrunched as she trembled. The bathroom floor was faux-marble, a horrid cold amalgamation of black and grey swirls that hurt her knees as she continued to hug the loo for all she was worth.
She was so taken with the steady sway of her whole body that Claire failed to hear the ring of her phone as it vibrated across the table. Curling up at the foot of the toilet, she kept her eyes closed now as she fell in and out of sleep.
It was the strong arms she noticed first as they lifted her off the cool slabs beneath her. A rush of frigid air swirled around her as her rescuer carried her out of the ensuite and back into the main bedroom, placing her softly in the centre of the large queen sized bed. The covers felt inviting as she tried to burrow into the pillows.
“No ye dinna, lassie,” Murtagh’s amused voice said as he prodded her swiftly in the side. “I want to make sure yer no’ really poorly afore you drift off on me, aye?”
“I’m fine, honestly,” Claire whispered, lifting her head just enough to muffle the words across the soft down cushions at her head. “Just fatigue combined with stress and a tiny bit of jet lag, that’s all.”
“It’s all this hiding away, Claire, my favourite wee sassenach,” he quipped, sitting on the bed beside her, “I ken it isna easy, but Jenny isna going to get over her ire wi’ you sulking away over here, is she?” He said, making a very valid point - much to Claire’s immediate disapproval.
She grunted, shrugging her shoulders as if to try and ignore Murtagh’s insightful words.
Noticing the mostly finished packed, Murtagh’s brows drew together as his hand reached up to rub Claire’s back soothingly. “Going somewhere, are ye?” He asked curiously.
Shrugging again, Claire shook her head and bit her lip. “No - yes….*no*,” she mumbled, her teeth chattering a little as she pulled her knees up to her chest in an attempt to get warm. The room was feeling more fresh now, a slight breeze wafting over her as she lay with her back to the windows. Murtagh must have opened one to let some clean air in.
“Sure about that, Claire?” He asked, his interest piqued now.
“That bad, eh?” Murtagh sighed, his mood fluctuating between sombre acceptance and deep anguish. “Is there anything I can do to help ye wi’ your decision?”
“Tell me what the future holds?” She asked, her joking tone not masking the desperate need she had to actually find the answer to her almost philosophical question.
“The only way to really ken that, Claire,” Murtagh began, his old-world approach at advice coming to the forefront, “is to stay here and face yer demons...head on, lass.”
...to be continued...
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manordrivephysio123 · 4 years
Who is the best physio in Worcester Park?
Physiotherapists are the superheroes helping people suffering from any injuries, disabilities or illness through training a movement and exercise, manual exercising therapy, motivation education and correct advice.
 They are responsible for maintaining physical health for people, including all ages, by helping their patients to manage pain and prevent future disease.
Many individuals may assume that physiotherapists mostly deal with injuries related to back and sports, but that's not always the case. Physiotherapists are highly trained health practitioners who offer care for individuals suffering from accidents, illness, disability and aging physical difficulties.
If you are looking for a physio in Worcester Park, then you must read this article.
Let's find out some of the best physio in Worcester Park in this curated list.
1.  PhysioONE Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic: 
physioONE is the place providing a friendly and professional physiotherapy service by a Chartered Physiotherapist Laura Forsyth at your home. Some of the areas covered by the clinic are Bookham, Fetcham, Leatherhead and nearby locations. Professionals use physical and massage therapy to heal patients.
2.   Bearsden Foot and Physio-Matt Williamson Physiotherapy: Matt works in Glasgow and Stirling. He is a well-qualified physiotherapist having a distinction from Glasgow Caledonian University. He offers a wide range of physiotherapy services as he has experience working with everyone, including the elderly to elite athletes.
3.        Guy's and St Thomas' Private Physiotherapy Service: They provide a knowledgeable & highly experienced outpatient physiotherapy service to help clients manage musculoskeletal problems. They are experts in various fields (including exercise prescription, massage and manipulative therapy, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, occupational health, hand therapy and women's health).
4. Manor Drive Physiotherapy Clinic: It is owned and run by Chris Newman. He is a Chartered Physiotherapist with more than 20 years of experience in treating musculoskeletal conditions like back pain, neck pain, sports injuries, chronic pain, and post-orthopedic surgery rehabilitation and so forth. 
He graduated from the University of Cape Town in 1997. He spent his initial days working as a qualified physiotherapist in South Africa working in the public and private health sector, for a local professional rugby team, and the South African Men's Softball Team.
The above mentioned are the top-rated physio Worcester Park. Are you still confused about whom to choose? Then I would love to help you! Manor Drive Physiotherapy Clinic is the best center for physiotherapy in Worcester Park. To know more about Manor Drive Physiotherapy Clinic, please visit https://www.manordrivephysio.com/.
I hope you have found my blog interesting. If yes, then please share it with your friends and family.
Take care,
Thank you!
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glasgowdubai-blog · 5 years
At Glasgow Medical center we strive to give you the Best Back pain treatment in Dubai when it comes to back pain. Every case is approached holistically as we believe that each individual is unique and after performing the necessary lab investigations and scans, we prescribe a natural homeopathic remedy which targets the root cause of the issue. That's why we stand as one of the Top Homeopathy treatment in Dubai
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Many of the time the mental stress at work and at home adds to the pain. So we try to understand what exactly the patient is dealing with. Also, we advise a diet favorable for the overall health and which reduces inflammation. Coupled with Physiotherapy sessions we make sure you are on the road to a good recovery. We avoid NSAIDS and ointments as they do not take into account the root cause of the problem and give only temporary relief.
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Award-winning sustainable innovation
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In the era of smart tech and automation, a low-tech idea that seeks to benefit developing countries impressed the judges at the recent 13th Biomedical Engineering Society Student Meeting.
25-year-old SITizen Isabel Ang Shi Qi, a final-year undergraduate with University of Glasgow for the BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Design Engineering programme, clinched the Silver award for the IES Innovation Challenge for the Community, as well as a Merit award for the Undergraduate Podium for her innovative tilt table for cerebral palsy treatments.
As a machine that assists in the blood circulation of cerebral palsy patients and the improvement of their overall bone density, tilt tables are typically expensive due to electrical and motorized elements. Judges were particularly impressed by Isabel’s tilt table design that fully utilises sustainable resources such as wood and bamboo poles, which are generally found in abundance in developing countries that lack access to electricity.
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PHOTO: Isabel Ang demonstrating how her tilt table prototype works  
A multi-disciplinary collaboration between SIT Engineering and Health and Social Sciences clusters
Through a humanitarian trip to Cambodia, faculty representatives from the Health and Social Sciences and Engineering clusters identified several service opportunities for the university to embark on. One of the initiatives was to offer probable solutions to the challenges faced by a physiotherapy clinic in a remote village.
Due to the lack of funding and access to technological resources, the clinic has not been able to acquire proper therapy devices required for cerebral palsy children to train on, and have been relying on various ingenious alternative ways to assist patients in rehabilitation.
As a result of the close consultation with her Engineering professor, as well as faculty members of the Health and Social Sciences cluster who dispensed valuable expertise on the treatment and care pathways for cerebral palsy patients, Isabel applied her engineering know-how acquired from the course of her studies to the concept and design of the tilt table.
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PHOTO: A key feature of Isabel's tilt table includes the pulley system that acts as a counterweight to prevent the machine from toppling over
A purposeful, cost-effective solution for developing countries
Isabel’s innovation is a much needed one given that tilt tables in the markets sold for cerebral palsy treatments are generally expensive due to their high-tech nature. Her tilt table infuses the best of engineering methodologies to ensure that the product does not compromise on the therapy required, despite the absence of motorised framework gadgetry.
Crucial toIsabel’s success were the features that were carefully considered to ensure the ease of use, stability and safety of the device, including:
a rotational crank -in place of a motorised button- that could be easily be operated by physiotherapists;
an additional set of structure that acts as a safety feature to prevent the main frame from overturning when a patient is placed on it; and
a pulley system that acts as a counterweight to prevent the machine from toppling over.
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PHOTO: Accepting the award at the Biomedical Engineering Society's 13th Student Meeting
“Through a personal encounter I previously had with a cerebral palsy child, I saw first-hand how patients struggle with everyday motor skills that we tend to take granted for. I can only imagine the challenges that physiotherapists in developing countries face in acquiring the machines needed to help in cerebral palsy treatments. That motivated me to work on this project, and spurred me on to find a potential solution that is accessible to remote villages in developing countries,” shared Isabel.
“We are currently assessing if Isabel’s prototype can be further refined and potentially replicated for implementation in Cambodia,” Associate Professor Alfred Tan, Programme Director of University of Glasgow’s BEng (Hons) Mechanical Design Engineering programme, said.
Our heartiest congratulations to Isabel for her recent award wins! We wish her and our team of faculty the best in pursuing the implementation of this device to the benefit of developing communities.
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ptmasterguide · 4 years
Glasgow Coma Scale
In this article, we will discuss the Glasgow Coma Scale. So, let’s get started.
Glasgow Coma Scale
Systemic assessment of the unconsciousness patient is an important part of neurological examination. An application of Glasgow Coma Scale not only provides a grading of coma by numerical scale but allows serial comparisons to be made for prognostic information particularly in traumatic coma.…
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jami1690 · 7 years
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Why Not 🤨 Bunch of grapes 🍇 Always reminds me of The Biggest empire🤔Ever. So what usually pops into my wee 🧠 is a Gorguess Cleopatra like girl feeding me them. But here’s me on xmas eve Feeding myself them #happydays #grapesforbreakfast #livingthedream #2018 be more #workhardplayharder or #workhard 🧐 #lessemoji2018 #firsthashtag 😁#workoutmotivation #physiotherapy 💪🏽#healthylifestyle now way 19700 people spelt #helthyfood 🤔am I wrong or #american #spelling #queensenglish especially for years 👀 #spellingbee 😂So serious Tomato Tomatoo 🍅 #Romans #cleopatra #dirtybeggars #yolo #out 🎅🏼 #bekindman Top up your #karma by doing something good for the Homless, Poor kids Lucky to get a heat never mind a present. #radioclyde Have brought all this to our attention in the west #glasgow ! Shocked but I have been there and it’s not nice as you would expect. Could be you next ! You never no what life can through at you next. But you need to get on but a little help goes a long way #charity rather 👀 the person am helping or a #volunteer thing. Like @rangersfc last week done a bring a bag of food to donate to give people a decent dinner over the holidays 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇬🇧
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daretodanceblog · 8 years
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Audition season is starting to take its toll on my body but I feel amazing after an emergency early-morning physio session 🌸🌸🌸 here's a little throwback to Glasgow, 📸 by @jakeowensphoto 🌸 #ballet #dance #auditions #auditionseason #physio #physiotherapy #dancer #ballerina #hotel #glasgow #citizenm #colour #photography #nikon (at citizenM Glasgow)
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pharmacyinpractice · 5 years
Scottish A&E physiotherapy team trebles in size
Scottish A&E physiotherapy team trebles in size
  A programme that placed a physiotherapist into the emergency department of Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital has now trebled in size after a successful trial.
  Over 90% of patients seen by the physiotherapist were discharged from the emergency department following treatment. The average time to first assessment was just 56 minutes, with the time in physiotherapy treatment taking 43 minutes.
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