#picking up the peices celeste
putpphotography · 7 years
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ikemensweetheart · 4 years
OH OH I’m sorry I love requesting this will be the last one I promise Comte ikemen vampire x reader like the theo fic u did with taking care of there baby maybe something similar to that idk I just like babies <3 ( if u can’t do Comte how about Leonardo ) EITHER WAY Tysm and love your writing <3
Oh, Comte would absolutely be a fantastic father. Dealing with 10 grown children for as long as he has, a baby is nothing.
I think I rotted my own teeth with how fluffy this peice is.
Taglist: @stardust-dreamer13 @hamster-damn @canaria-blackwell @nad-zeta @tickotaku @thesirenwashere
"You're sure about this?" You turned to give le Comte a worried look.
Your husband was standing behind you in the foyer with your little girl in his arms. "We'll be fine, ma chérie." He assures you with a gentle smile.
He had made arrangements for you to go to a spa in the country for the weekend for some much needed respite from work and taking care of your daughter.
You worried, though, you had yet to be away from her for more than a twelve hours. You weren't sure if she would be okay with it.
"Celeste and I will be fine." The golden haired male insisted again, wrapping his free arm around you. "Go and enjoy yourself." Celeste cooed in his arms, as if agreeing with her father.
"Okay, then." You finally acquiesced with a sigh. "I'll see you guys later than." You gave Celeste a kiss on the head. "Be good for your father." You then kissed le Comte. "Don't spoiler her too much while I'm gone."
"As you wish, ma chérie." Le Comte kissed you back. "Have a good time." He waved you off as you stepped out the mansion's front door and into the waiting carriage. Celeste burbled as she mimicked her father's movement.
They stood at the front step until your carriage is out of sight, le Comte then turned his attention to his daughter. "Now, We have the entire weekend to ourselves, ma petite étoile." He said as he stepped back into the mansion. "What shall we do now?" He asked. Setting his her down on the floor.
She babbled as she tottled around the froyer. Meandering in the general direction of the stairs. Cooing and gibbering to herself as she went.
"Careful, little one." La Comte urged as she reached the stairs and began in climb up them.
He stayed close to her as she began her ascent, but kept enough distance to let her make her way up the stairs herself.
However, she was halfway up the stairs, he could see she was tiring. She turned towards him and held out her arm. "Pa!"
The greater vampire's heart melted at the word. "It's quite a long way up, isn't it?" He smiled as he picked Celeste back up. "But you got further than you did last time. Well done, ma petite étoile." He added as he walked the rest of the way up the stairs.
He set Celeste down once more and she rushed off in the direction of the music room.
Once there, she stood, listening to Mozart's music for a moment, bouncing along to it, her little face lighting up before she rushed back to her father.
"Da! Da!" She yelled excited, latching onto his pant leg. "You would like to dance?" Le Comte chuckled. "As you wish, mademoiselle."
Leaning down, he took her tiny hands in his, he gently swayed back and forth to the music as Celeste waddled along with him. Le Comte smiled down at his little girl as she gazed up at him with the biggest smile on her face.
"My, you're such a wonderful dancer, mademoiselle. " Le Comte commented. Celeste giggled in response as they danced.
When the music stopped, the pair stilled. "Perhaps you would do this gentleman the pleasure of partaking in a midday snack?" Le Comte suggested.
Celeste burbled in excitement and her father scooped her up in his arms once more. "Let's see what's in the kitchen then."
Together, the duo meandered back downstairs to the kitchen. They found no one else in there upon their arrival.
"Sebastian must be elsewhere." Le Comte mused.
"Pa! Pa!" Celeste said excitedly. "Hm? What is it, little one?"
Celeste directed her father's attention to a bowl of peaches sitting on the counter.
Le Comte chuckles. "Perhaps your mother and I should have called you Peach since you love them so much." He joked as he picked a pair of peaches. "Now, let's go outside to the gazebo, how does that sound?"
"Ga-bo." Celeste agreed.
"Very well then."
Armed with their snacks, father and daughter went outside in the garden.
The sun was bright and warm out, birds twittered as they flew past the garden as the paired walked and there was a pleasant breezed stirring the air.
Once at the gazebo, le Comte sat down with Celeste in his lap.
"Alright, here you go, ma petite étoile." He said as he handed her a peach. Celeste took it in her little hands and eagerly bit into the soft fruit. Happily slurping up the sweet juice.
"You have a mess there, little one." Le Comte paused eating his own peach and pulled out his handkerchief to wipe her face. "No!" Celeste said turning away from him. "But you're going to get all sticky." Le Comte countered as he tried to wipe her chubby cheeks. "Nooo!"
He sighed and straighten up. As Celeste settled back down, thinking she had won he struck. Swiftly wiping the peach juice off of her chin.
"Bah!" Celeste shouted, unhappy at being out witted
"You'll have you try harder than that, little one." Le Comte chuckled and he placed a gentle kiss upon the top of his daughter's head.
Celeste let out a pouty grunt before she resumed eating her peach.
(Disclaimer: I used Google Translate for some the French. Anyone who knows French please feel free to let my know if there is anything incorrect and I will be more than happy to fix it.)
Thanks for reading. I hope you all enjoyed!
Stay Safe
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futurebicon · 4 years
Family Skate Through The Years
“Heads” Sirius called like always. Dumo called tails.
“Heads” Finn announced as he turned over the coin in his hand. “Siri-”
“Remus” Sirius chose before Finn could finish talking.
“No!” Dumo shouted.
“Sorry Pascal, but he’s my boyfriend” Sirius smirked, kissing Remus when he skated over.
“Kasey” Dumo chose.
“Good, Loops can beat him again”
“I’m not letting him score this year” Kasey demanded.
“James” Sirius picked.
Remus got 2 goals. Each time pissing Kasey off more and more. He was skating down the ice beside Sirius, waiting for a pass. 
Sirius passed it to him, letting him score with ease for the third time. Sirius skated over and pulled their helmets off, kissing him hard as Kasey continued to yell that it wasn’t fair.
“No” Sirius stomped his skate against the ice.
“Sorry Cap. I’m stealing your fiancé” Dumo patted him on the shoulder.
“Se dévisser“ Sirius shrugged him off. 
“Sorry baby” Remus kissed the pout off his face before going over to Dumos side.
Dumos team won. Sirius had chosen Kasey, Dumo had let him. His anger had become a new tradition. 
“Good job baby” Remus kissed him.
“You too, l’amour”
“You got the venue yet?” Lily asked them as they ate.
“No” They both answered.
“Why not” she whined.
“Because it���s stupid.” Sirius said as he shoved cake into his mouth. Remus nodded in agreement.
“What’s stupid?” James asked as the rest of the team came over.
“These two think it’s stupid to pick a place to get married at”
“What?” Everyone let out sounds of confusion.
“We didn’t say that” Remus rolled his eyes. “We just think it’s stupid to make a big deal out of it.”
“Lily, you and I are taking over wedding planning. Nat and Dumo you’re helping too” Celeste announced. Those named nodded in agreement.
“But it’s where you’ll get married. That’s a big deal” Finn pointed his fork at them.
“Fine, we’ll pick a place.” Sirius said. “Kasey pick a place.”
“The Zoo”
“Perfect, our weddings at the zoo. See, settled.” Remus nodded. 
“No” Dumo told them.
“Olli pick a place” Remus called down the table.
“Great idea” Sirius clapped his hands together. 
“That’s actually a pretty good idea. You’ve already picked your best mans. And your ring bearer and flower girls.” Nat nodded.
“See, done” Remus took a bite of cake.
“Oh my god” Dumo put his head in his hands and shook his head.
“Wait so it’s not at the zoo?” Kasey asked.
“No babe”
“Aww man”
“Heads” Dumo called out before Sirius could call it.
“No” Sirius scowled. 
“Tails” Finn told them.
“Haha, thank you Dumo” Sirius smirked. “Re” 
Remus skated over and kissed his husband before standing behind him and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Picking all of the newly engaged Cubs. 
Remus got 4 goals under Kasey this year. 
“C'est quoi ce bordel“ He shouted after the fourth one went in the net. “No, no, no” He groaned. 
“4 goals? Damn” Sirius smiled.
“Think it’s newly weds luck?” Remus smirked. 
“Hmm, probably” Sirius kissed him. 
The wedding had been 2 weeks ago, they wanted to get married quickly and would go on their honeymoon in the offseason.
“Fizzy” Sirius called over to the bench. “Heads or tails?” He asked his 2 year old daughter, Felicity.
“Tails” she shouted with a giggle.
“Tails” Finn turned over the quarter.
“Thank you Fizzy” Sirius smiled at her. “Re”
“You’ve gotten him for 2 years in a row.” Dumo whined. “Let me have him”
“He’s my husband, Dumo. Too bad”
Dumo rolled his eyes.
Remus got 2 goals in. Dumos team got 1.
“Good job, baby” Remus kissed him with a smile, keeping up with tradition.”
“Good job Daddy ‘n Papa” Felicity clapped as she skated a little wobbly over to them. Even though they had only adopted her at the beginning of the year she fell in love with skating and made Sher parents teach her every night for months.
“Thank you Fizzy” Remus scooped her up. Kissing her cheek as he tickled her stomach, causing her to shriek with laughter.
Sirius smiled at his little family and pecked Remus’s lips.
“Fizzy, no.” Sirius pulled her hand away as she tried to reach for her cake. “I know it’s good but you have to eat your lunch first.”
She whined but ate the bite of ham Sirius held in front of her as she sat in his lap.
“You guys any closer to have one of these soon?” Remus asked the newly wedded Cubs as he ruffled his daughters brown hair.
“Trying too. But, you know it’s pretty hard when you’re gay and being poly doesn’t help at all. Plus with our schedule with games and practices...” Logan trailed off sadly.
Leo kissed his temple as Finn squeezed his hand. Logan loves kids and the team knew how much he wanted a few of his own.
The team hated that they had told them they actually started the adoption process while they were engaged so that they could adopt a kid very soon after they got married but haven’t gotten anywhere with it.
“If any agency’s reject you they’ll be attacked by the best team in the NHL and their fans” Sirius told them. It had happened when they were going through the adoption process and were rejected for ‘being sinners’ as the rejection paper told them.
“You’ll have a kid of your own soon enough” Remus promised.
“New friend?” Fizzy gasped with a wide smile as she picked on bits and peices of the conversation.
“Yeah, Fiz. You’ll have a new friend soon” Finn told her. All of them smiling at her innocence as she cheered and took a final bite of mac-and-cheese.
“Cake now?” She asked Sirius with puppy eyes.
“Yes you can have cake now” Sirius smiled as he kissed her cheek.
“Heads” Sirius called out.
“Tails” Finn smirked.
“Haha, Remus” Dumo chose.
Remus kissed him. “Should of stuck with Fizzy’s answer” he smirked, earning an eye roll from his husband.
“Kasey” Sirius picked.
“I’m not letting him score this year.”
“You’ve been saying that for the last 5 years babe” Nat kissed his cheek.
“Well I mean it this year.”
He didn’t mean it, Remus got 2 goals in.
“Yay” Fizzy cheered as her and her basically cousins skated out onto the ice to congratulate or comfort their parents.
4 year old Harry was scooped up by Lily and laughed at James who was pouting at his lose.
Jay, the Cubs 2 year old son was scooped up by Logan and kissed on the cheek by Finn and Leo. Jay clapped at their win.
“It’s so sad” Dumo sighed at lunch.
“What is?” Remus asked as he took a bite of salad.
“Sirius was that closed off stern faced 18 year old skating God that feels like my son. You were that PT that came out of nowhere that we really didn’t know much about but then the team all just kind of accepted as one of our own. Logan was a loud, obnoxious rookie that we all still loved, living in my basement and who is also like a son to me. Finn was the red haired semi nerdy boy who screamed and punched the air when Logan was drafted to the Lions. Leo was the tallest rookie I’d ever seen, a little shy but still fun to be a round. And James was- still is the loud, insane, mind of a 5 year old player.” He said.
“And now I look around and all of you have kids and are married to the loves of your lives” Everyone was crying at the words.
“And it just makes me feel really fucking old” he sighed.
“Oh my god Dumo.” Logan laughed as he wiped his tears away.
“You give this tear jerking long speech about us just to end it by saying it only makes you sad because it makes you feel old? Wow glad to see you have your priorities straight, Pascal” Sirius shook his head.
“I does” he laughed.
“It is crazy though” Finn sighed.
“Did you two think 8 years ago that this would be your life?” Lily asked Sirius and Remus. “Best player in the NHL with a team that’s your family. First openly gay couple in the NHL. Married to the teams PT and teams Captain. And have an adorable daughter?”
“God no, never in a million years.” Sirius’s smiled at his husband and daughter. Kissing Remus and then their daughters head.
“And you three” She looked at the Cubs. “Ever think that you’d be playing for one of the best teams in the NHL. “Married to 2 people. One of them the man that you loved for 8 years but never said anything. And have an adorable son.”
“Never” Finn smiled kissing both his husbands and son like Sirius had done.
“Okay. Enough of the sappy stuff.” Celeste said a few seconds later, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Who wants cake?”
This is longer then I planned but I like how it turned out.
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putpphotography · 8 years
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this is my catus Sully
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putpphotography · 8 years
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