oh-heartlessman · 7 years
Heyyy lets not forget about plrg!the best gals!
1. First impression: Oh this poor girl’s all alone at this party---I need to step in,2. Truth is:  I adore you.3. How old do you look:  204. Have you ever made me laugh: Oh, oui! All the time! We giggle over everything!5. Have you ever made me mad: Oh nonon, not at all. 6. Best feature: Can I say everything? I love your spirit and your eyes and that little smile you get when you get all excited.7. Have I ever had a crush on you: Of course not.8. You’re my: person
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duchesslablanc · 7 years
🌱- When is their birthday? Where were they born? What was the time of day?
Their first child, a beautiful little girl, is born January 25 at 6:30 am. Their second, a handsome baby boy, is born August 3 at 5:45 pm. Both are born in France.
🔠- Who named them? What does their name mean?
From thee moment of conception the group discussed names. In the end Duchess won out on naming their first child Renee Rose Khan O’Malley. Their second child, while planned, is a bit harder. They fight over his name because Duchess, being the woman that she is, has already picked out names. But Thomas and Shere both want to have their say. In the end the boys got their way and Advik Connor O’Malley Khan was chosen.
💤- Was it difficult to get them to fall asleep at night?
Both babies were particularly fussy when it came time for bed. But they could be soother. Renee often drifted off easier while listening to Duchess’ lilting French songs and Advik dosed off to stories told by any of his parents. It was safe to say both children enjoyed their parent’s voices.
🌀- Were they a social, giggly baby? Or were they a shy baby who did not like forced socialization?
Surprisingly, Renee did not like socializing. She was very shy and often stuck close to her parents. Advik on the other hand. Oh my God that boy was a flirt and a social butterfly. It was so easy for him to make friends.
🍳- What is their favorite childhood dish?
Just like her mother, Renee was very fond of coq au vin (the very same recipie Duch’s nanny made). Advik was the pickiest child and only ate freshly made tomato soup and grilled cheese.
🐻- Did they have a favorite teddy bear/stuffed animal?
Renee had a raggedy Anne doll that she toted around everywhere. Duchess mended it so many times it was ridiculous. Advik, ever the peculiar child, had a stuffed aardvark he got on a school trip to the museum. Everyone was confused by it but no one questioned it. Duchess also spent a ton of time mending it.
🏡- What kind of environment did they grow up in? Was it in a rural or farmlike home? Or did they grow up in the cities? Or were they a small town/suburban child?
Once the children were born, they all settled in Swynlake even though both children were born in France. Duchess stayed fond of the town and both Thomas and Shere wanted to stay at their places of work. It was an easy decision to stay in Swynlake where the trio had met.
👦🏻- What was preschool/kindergarten like?
A nightmare. Duchess wanted to do a private institution but it wasn’t possible so they attended a public school. It was nerve wracking and they totally went over board by being those parents who attended every single PTA meeting and every teacher conference. The kids loved it. They liked finding their little group of friends and enjoyed being able to play all day with less strict rules.
👧🏻- What was elementary/middle school like?
IT DID NOT PREPARE THEM FOR ANYTHING. Renee Rose had a boyfriend by the time third grade rolled around and Advik got into trouble for being the class clown and overly social. 
👱🏻‍♀️- What was high school/college like?
High school gave everyone gray hair. Both children had come out of their shells by high school and it was just… so much. There was constantly teenagers at the house and a never ending barrage of school events. But sending them off to college was the actual worst. Duchess cried when they left, both studied abroad, wanting more than what PrideU could offer them.
🌋- How often did they get caught doing something bad?
Advik was always caught with his hand in the cookie jar. When Renee got caught she offered innocent looks that sometimes got her out of trouble. Not always, though.
🌡- Did they get sick a lot as a child? Did they ever have to go to the hospital for any reason?
There was one time when Renee was a couple of months old that she had to go to the hospital. It was the scariest moment in all of their lives. She’d gotten the flu and they couldn’t get her temperature down and she cried, oh God she wailed. In the end they spent two days in the hospital praying for their baby girl to get better.
🎀- What kinds of games/activities did they like to play?
Renee enjoyed dress up. Saturday mornings were always the days where Duchess would let the little girl into her closet and dress her up and even do her make up. Advik enjoyed playing games that required imagination. The den always had couch pillows and throw pillows on the ground to protect them from the lava or made up into a fort. 
And every Friday night the whole family would build a very elaborate fortress out of pillows and linens and blow up mattresses and watch movies. The children often opted to crawl all over their parents, disrupting the movies, but none of them cared. The house was filled with laughter and that was important.
🎏- Did they have a lot of friends? Can you describe a few? 
Christ almighty. Advik had so many fucking friends. There was Thomas, who liked to eat glue (or so their son said), and Charlie, who was actually a girl her parents just liked to be funny, and Lucas who could climb any tree and not be scared.
Renee had Cynthia, who liked pink just like her, and Samantha, who had two moms!, and Lucy, who wasn’t really allowed over because her parents didn’t understand how Rose could have one mom but two dads.
💢- Did they ever have a rebellious phase?
Renee got very angry once and wore nothing but black and dyed her hair outrageous colours (her parents didn’t really care but they understood they needed to act like it was #bad). And Advik, spent much of his pre-teen and teenage years acting antisocial and yelling whenever they asked him to do something.
❓- Did they ask a lot of questions when they were younger? Did they like to explore the world?
They were fairly curious kids. Being the kids of two teachers and a well traveled woman, there were plenty of trips to foreign places where they could put their curiosity to the test. Most of the time Shere and Thomas would devise little treasure hunts for them whenever they went to new cities to keep them interested and satiated in terms of knowledge.
🗯- How well did they get along with their siblings?
They got along pretty well, actually. Of course there were little spats here and there but at the end of the day they loved each other very much and was always there to defend each other.
🔷- Free question!
excuse me while I go cry
@professor-lungri, @omalleyofthealley
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kovette being happy and having a family tho can you imagine?
They have two children, a girl and a boy. The girl they have first, naturally and unplanned, named Sikudhani Tish Sauda who goes by “Tish.” The boy, they decide to adopt after some odd amount of years in which Kovu gains confidence in his ability to be a father. He’s younger than Tish but still fairly old for a foster kid, because they wanted someone troubled they could help give a better life. His name is Andrew. 
🌱- When is their birthday? Where were they born? What was the time of day?
Tish was born in November, a fall baby that was most likely the product of celebrating Valentines Day. She was born in Swynlake’s Hospital late one night during a storm, terrifying her parents. They don’t know much about Andrew’s birth circumstances besides the fact that his birthday is in July, but they got him from The Next Town Over, and he was given up due to a magical ability that centered around strength, which is what drew Kovu and Annette, two personally strong individuals, to him. 
🔠- Who named them? What does their name mean?
Kovu really expressed the importance of wanting a Swahili name for their first child, since it is a family thing, and one he wants to turn into a pleasant Sauda trait. They decided on the names together, liking that Sikudhani meant a pleasant surprise, which is exactly what she came to be, and Tish, which mean a strong will or will-power. Andrew came with his name already in tact, and they did not want to change it.
💤- Was it difficult to get them to fall asleep at night?
Luckily they didn’t have to worry much about Andrew since he was older when they got him, but Tish was a bit difficult when she was a baby. She fussed a lot and thus Kovu worried a lot, but she grew better as she got older.
🌀- Were they a social, giggly baby? Or were they a shy baby who did not like forced socialization?
Tish was such a happy baby that it made her parents light up every time the little girl smiled or tried to make contact with family and friends. It also made them a bit nervous when she’d go running off to hug a total stranger, however. Andrew was very stand-offish and didn’t like social interaction, which Kovu was surprisingly very patient and understanding with.
🍳- What is their favorite childhood dish?
Tish loved traditional English foods and despised anything with too rich or spicy of a taste, much to her father’s dismay. She always had a sweet-tooth, loving pastries the most. Andrew didn’t “care what was on his plate because it was all the same bullshit going into the same bullshit” for a long time, but they eventually learned his favorite was a simple staple - peanut butter and jelly. 
🐻- Did they have a favorite teddy bear/stuffed animal?
Of course, Tish inherited Kovu’s stuffed lion cub, though the thing was falling apart by the time she reached double digits. Andrew was too old for stuffed toys, but he did have a yo-yo he always played with.
🏡- What kind of environment did they grow up in? Was it in a rural or farmlike home? Or did they grow up in the cities? Or were they a small town/suburban child?
Kovu and Annette raised their kids in Swynlake, since Annette always called it home and thus Kovu learned to love it as such. (Home is where she is, always.) They probably had a fairly average home. Not too fancy, but not too shabby either. A big enough front yard for the kids to run around in and a second story for the bedrooms.
👦🏻- What was preschool/kindergarten like?
For Tish, she was pretty wild and curious. She had a hard time staying still and a habit of drumming her hands and fingers and tapping her feet. However, she was naturally eager to learn so luckily it only effected her studies when her energy was particularly high. (First thing in the morning, after recess, etc.) From what they could gather about Andrew, he had a rough time focusing and was very sullen and a loner.
👧🏻- What was elementary/middle school like?
Tish went through a roller coaster from elementary to middle school, being popular but feeling insecure every so often and beating herself up over it. (Puberty, y’know?) Still, she was a fairly good student who loved her friends. Andrew, they received when he was in middle school, and so he was very moody and angsty and, honestly, awkward.
👱🏻‍♀️- What was high school/college like?
Tish was just starting high school when they adopted Andrew, so she had a little bit of a hard time at first with the adjusting to having a brother suddenly, especially one as closed off and troubled as Andrew. She had to learn to balance school, friends, and her new addition to the family. After a few years, her friendships dwindled to a smaller yet closer circle, and she really focused in on her studies as she matured. Andrew got better when he was in high school, opening up more and starting to really make friends. He even joined in some sports teams, eventually finding a passion for basketball.
🌋- How often did they get caught doing something bad?
Tish was caught doing typical things - sneaking treats before dinner; sneaking out of the house as she got older - even though she knew these things were wrong. She learned from them, but they were just tempting at times. Andrew got caught doing the worse things - graffiti, picking on kids, etc - though grew out of it as he grew older.
🌡- Did they get sick a lot as a child? Did they ever have to go to the hospital for any reason?
Tish was pretty healthy. She had seasonal allergies and got sick about as often as the average child. She went to the hospital once for a broken wrist after injuring it during recess one day as a kid. Andrew didn’t end up sick or in the hospital so much as he ended up getting patched up by his mother after getting into fights or hurting himself skateboarding or playing sports. 
🎀- What kinds of games/activities did they like to play?
Andrew got into sports in high school, mainly basketball. Tish was never much of a sports girl. She participated during recess and tried track one year... for a few months. She was actually more of a fan of the intelligent activities, liking debate and creative writing classes.
🎏- Did they have a lot of friends? Can you describe a few? 
Growing up, Tish had a very wide, diverse friend group that included a lot of different cultures. She was popular, but not in the “snooty squad” sense of the word. She just made friends easily and they were all so very different that it made them interesting to hear about. Her best friend wound up being a hearing-impaired girl named Samantha, who taught her sign language so that they could always communicate. Andrew didn’t make friends until high school really, and then it was only two boys who he played sports and did typical guy stuff with. 
💢- Did they ever have a rebellious phase?
Andrew had the biggest one when they first adopted him. He was very moody and at war with the idea of suddenly having a family, so he acted out a lot. Eventually, he saw how much Kovu and Annette cared for him, and through the love and strict hand of this family, came around. Tish wasn’t so much rebellious as testing the limits when it came to her parents leniency. (Which basically translates to: Daddy’s Little Princess could always get him to say yes to just about anything.)
❓- Did they ask a lot of questions when they were younger? Did they like to explore the world?
Andrew was always very quiet, while Tish was always asking questions. Mainly: Why? She always needed to know the ‘why’ behind everything. “Why can’t I eat ice cream before dinner? Why can’t I wear my shirt as pants? Why do birds make that noise? Why can’t animals talk? Why can’t I stay up and watch the adult tv with you? Why can’t I say that word? Why do girls have to get periods?” You get the point.
🗯- How well did they get along with their siblings?
Tish and Andrew’s relationship was weird, at first. Tish was both weirded out by the idea of suddenly having a brother not much younger than she was, and excited at having a sibling. And then Andrew came with a tough past and rough attitude and that didn’t make things easy. But eventually the fighting turned into sibling rivalry which translated to love. 
🔷- Free question!
Tish looks like Ashley Moore, which basically means she’s as beautiful as her mother with the same mysterious air as her father. She’s brave and wild and intelligent and everything good that was in her parents. Andrew is of mixed background, they believe, with mostly middle-eastern roots. He looked sort of more unapproachable and ‘emo-kid’-esque when they first took him in, but grew up to be a very handsome young man.
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professor-lungri · 7 years
Thomas/Shere the dorks
that’s their ship name now, ‘the dorks’
who said i love you first? thomas, singing a chessy ass french song or some shit idfk
who laughs when the other trips? thomas laughs at him and shere hits him with his cane. the students make bets about them being in a relationship. jenny is the ringleader. 
who pays the bills? they both doooooo
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? SHERE THO OMG Thomas wants to strangle him sometimes
who’s more clumsy? Surprisingly, or not, Thomas is. 
who checks their daily horoscope? neither
who sings louder in the car? Shere and then Thomas tries to match his pitch and it gets all bad from there
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? THOMAS MEFFING O’MALLEY
who is more up to date in pop culture? thomas. he teaches kids how could he not be
who insists on going to see the newest movies? thomas again
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? omg both of them it’s so bad
who’s the lighter sleeper? shere. he’s caught thomas being a sap so many times it’s great
who believes in ghosts? both?
who does the grocery shopping? Shere insists bc otherwise Thomas comes home with enough sugar to feed a child army
who updates their facebook status more often? thomas probably, if he has one
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lady archer + lady lion because im selfish love me
Lady Archer
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone: Annette Grant
what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone: A pic of her with Angus [eventuallyyy]
what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone: prooobably nothing fancy, Merida would have a standard ringtone for all people 
my muse’s last text to your muse: “Angus was asking about you today. Think sooooomeone’s got a crush (I blame the sugar cubes).” 
Lady Lion
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone: Annette 💖💖
what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone: A pic of themm after working out, like showing their biceps lol 
what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone: Fifth Harmony’s “Power”
my muse’s last text to your muse: “We still on for the gym Saturday morning? We should get smoothies after!” 
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calliope-hesiod · 7 years
alana/hook(because why not lol)/win
Alana challenges Hook to a game of poker at one point and he’s like sure i can totally take this girl but she ends up beating him because she has a really really good poker face. last round though, he manages to take it all, but still, he’s quite impressed
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tink-bell · 7 years
duchess and o'malley
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone: Mister O’Malley (when she’s not around Marjorie), T (When she is around Marjorie)what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone: it is a candid taken when he wasn’t paying attention (a shock I know). He’s staring at the lake and he has a very pensive look on his features. Duchess found it strangely alluring. When Marjorie is around it’s a picture of a tabby cat.your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone: him strumming a few chords, she recorded it when he decided to play guitar for her one day.my muse’s last text to your muse: I am at another gala (you should have come) and if I have to hear of another scandalous pregnancy I’m going to pull my hair out. Why do the elite get bored and have sex? You could have lectured them on the importance of safe sex.  
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delightfully-daisy · 7 years
Join Me - Poor Little Rich Girls
“What do you think about us being roommates?” said Daisy.The two of them were getting coffee and Daisy had had the idea a few weeks ago,since—though she did like being on her own and having her own space—her flathad been feeling rather lonely. She knew that Annette still lived at home,which was all well and good (Daisy did like being home when she wanted to), butthis could be a little kick of freedom—close to home, but not under the sameroof.
“The lease on my flat ends next month and I could renew or Icould switch to a two bedroom,” she said, with a nod. “It’s a great location,and the price is reasonable, and you’d still be very close to home.” She gave alittle nod. “I mean, I’ve still got some time to figure out my lease, but Ithought I would put the offer on the table—I won’t be offended if you say no,but I thought I would ask.”
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Drink Me - Lady Lion
“I can’t do it--”
“Oh yes you can!” laughed Nala.
“I’ve never done it before,” whined Annette.
“C’mon, what happened to getting out of your comfort zone? It’ll be fun,” she nudged Annette forward, toward the man she’d be doing the tequila shot off of. “Good luck,” she giggled and winked. 
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lou-bonfightme · 7 years
Get High with a Little Help from my Friends || [Louette]
Toulouse had spent the early afternoon wandering in the woods. It was one of his favorite places to come when he was feeling that heavy darkness in his chest, which made it hard for him to leave his bed, but too restless to sit still.
Wandering in nature had been something of a respite for him since he’d been a child, sneaking out of his window and shimmying down his lattice outside his childhood bedroom window. They lived across from le Jardins des Tuileries, and beyond that the Seine. He used to give Nounou a heart attack disappearing the way that he did. Or his mother, if she happened to be home (though, he left less when she was.) It was funny how things changed. Now, Nounou did not care where Lou ran off to and it was his mother at home that made Lou too restless to stay inside the house. 
It had been a few hours, and he knew he would be expected home for dinner, so he left the pool with the fairies (which was where he went to gather himself. No one else was ever there and the fairies were good company, mostly because they couldn’t talk besides to jingle. Sometimes they brought him flowers and sometimes they hovered around his head and braided pieces of his hair.) 
Walking back, he lit his second joint of the day, which he’d rolled before he left the house, letting it burn slow as he made his way back to the path. Once he hit the edge of the woods, the lake shimmering gold from sunset in the near-distance, he blew out a cloud of smoke and spotted--
“Annette,” he said, a smile tugging onto his lips as he strolled towards her, a hand in his pocket. “Bon jour, how are you?” It had been too long--with the holidays and Lou’s medicine and then Lou not-on-his-medicine. 
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displacedprincess · 7 years
  Elena Flores / Ximena at the Election Night Ball
extra af but i love it <3
Elena was born extra, I couldn’t stop her
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bdrpscrapbook · 7 years
Tumblr media
Annette cuddling with Patch Patts. {Taken by Darla Grant, 2018}
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professor-lungri · 7 years
//cracks knuckles i’m so ready rn
@duchesslablanc @omalleyofthealley
Who gets excited about Halloween in July: God if anyone I want to say Thomas. I feel like he gets so hype for the costumes and the candy and the activities.
Who starts wearing sweaters and scarves on the first day of September and completely overheats: Ngl probs my sweet tiger son. He would be the one to sport a scarf early. Unless Duch beat him to it.
Who thrives in Fall/Who prefers Summer and warm weather: Shere loves the weather where it feels like a thunderstorm is coming, where the sky is heavy and hot. But he also enjoys the cooler weather of fall, though it tends to mess with his leg more. I feel like both Duchess and Thomas probably enjoy the cooler weather. Thomas probably whines when it gets hot lbh
Who thinks the other looks so cute when they’re cold and trying to fight it with 50 sweaters: DUCHESS
Who offers the other their jacket: Shere and Thomas both offer Duch their jackets. Or Shere gives his to Thomas. 
Who doesn’t want to get out of bed in the morning because it’s too cold and has to run from the warm covers to the shower: If Shere can be persuaded to get up late this is definitely him. If not then it’s probably 99% of the time Thomas
Who touches the other with their freezing cold feet at night: NGL I feel like Thomas or Duchess and they do it on purpose
Who makes the hot cider to snuggle under a blanket and drink: Shere makes them all cider so they can snuggle. It’s his fave, what a sap
Who loves carving pumpkins and buys about 300: Hmmmm idk tbh?
Who is terrible at carving pumpkins: Again idk but maybe the non-artistic one of the trio (probs Shere then, the most he can do is sing)
Who thinks pulling the pumpkin guts out with their hands is icky: Duchess probably
What is their favourite Fall activity: Snuggling up under blankets on Shere’s couch or at Duchess’ house and watching old movies and eating takeout/whatever one of them decided to cook that night
Who gets scared when they watch Horror movies: ALL THREE. They try to deny it but they all scoot a little closer together
Who hands out candy to trick-or-treaters: I feel like they all would tbh
Who accidentally scares the kids: ahhahaha SHERE omg he would feel so bad
Who suggested the couples costume: Duchess wrangled them into them somehow
What is their couples costume: Shere as Batman, Thomas as Joker or Riddler, and Duchess as Catwoman y’all
What is the best Halloween they ever had: Their first Halloween together is the one Shere counts as their best, if he’s being honest. It was calm and easy and fun and they could just be. Sure, Thomas was being a lowkey jealous bitch and Shere felt like he was imposing but later on he realizes that was probably the most fun he’d had in ages.
What is the worst Halloween they ever had: They never speak of the time Duchess got them really drunk and they went caroling on Halloween night in costume
Who eats too much candy and ends up sick the next day: Thomas, the enormous kid that he is. It’s ok they still love you bb
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also andy cat because obviously lol
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone: Jellybean Farmer [changes every day/whenever they text]
what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone: Changes every day but rn it would be JELLYBEANS 
what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone: click this
my muse’s last text to your muse: “ok but how much would it take to convince you to do a shot of toxic blue-green algae asking for a friend” 
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calliope-hesiod · 7 years
Once they were hanging out at Daisy’s apartment and it started raining and Daisy decided this was the PERFECt time for an impromptu photoshoot and they roped idk Hermes probably into taking a picture of the singing and dancing in the rain and it’s like really cute they’re both twirling and laughing and their hair is wet and the caption was, obviously, “singing in the rain” and it was ADORABLE
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hellfire-damnation · 7 years
( @pidgedarling )
The way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine Open hand or closed fist would be fine The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.
But I want it It's a crime That she's not around most of the time.
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