#pills ♡
gradientsuns · 1 year
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falling6in6the6black · 4 months
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miunadoll · 1 month
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casart · 1 year
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Meds don’t work for everyone. And sometimes it’s trial and error to find the right ones. But for me, mine helped me see colour again after everything had become so grey
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princessbrunette · 3 months
someone poisoned the princessbrunette castle vent!!!!!! evacuate!!!!
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dulcet-decay · 6 months
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brunettegirlwrites · 5 months
what’s in my bag!
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and yes…my five day streak of no vape has been broken 💔😔 i’m a weak woman
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plan-3-tmars · 1 year
Tried writing up something about kazui's parents but I'm so insanely tired that from 1 paragraph I had to correct so. many. grammar errors (like an embarrassing amount) so I'm just gonna do it tomorrow so expect that :p
I have Thoughts and Ideas about them
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sirenhub · 28 days
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reminded me of <us3 bcs we are <them3
can you tell me to kill myself ❤️
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strangebnny · 1 month
Survived another 3 day migraine when will it end
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roadkill-dreaming · 5 months
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e-m-p-error · 7 months
Our Distance And That Person
Why My Angel Dust went to the hotel fic. Put under a cut for length.
Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, M/M, AU - Canon Divergent, Cheating, Emotional Manipulation, Stalking, Coercion, Suicide, Forced Suicide, Hypnotism, Gaslighting, Daddy Kink, Jealous!Vox, Vox Is WAY Worse Than Val, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Valentino always thought he was slick.
No blame could be shelved on his beautiful shoulders because he was too sneaky to be caught with his hands in the cookie jar. But he had four spindly hands that were constantly digging into the heart of every pie in front of him without care.
Vox knew what his little love was doing. Hell, Valentino knew what he was doing. If there was a manipulative little bitch in Hell, there were a million manipulative little bitches in Hell. But there wasn't a manipulative little bitch in Hell that could hold a candle to Valen-fucking-tino.
If Val wanted to run around on him, fine. If he wanted to run to some other poor fool's bed, then fine. But this wasn't simple cavorting. It was more than just playing with other toys while he waited for Vox to calm down and apologize. 
This was retaliation.
This was overkill.
This was war.
If Valentino wanted to get Vox's attention, he sure had it. Vox kept his eye on him through his browser history, through his phone, the texts he sent, and the songs he listened to. He knew that Valentino had listened to Nazareth's Love Hurts for the last two days straight whenever he was alone. Unfortunately, he knew that Valentino was spending less time alone than Vox would have liked.
No, he was out playing games with that cocky little whore of his. As if Vox of all people wouldn't notice them going out to that dance hall that Valentino liked Vox to take him to. Or the steakhouse they went to for their anniversary that year. Or the expensive lingerie store that Valentino liked almost as much as he liked getting things from Velvette. Valentino was putting his new dalliance on display, and Vox had had just about enough of these theatrics.
There was no Daddy in Hell like Vox, and it was about damn time that he reminded his runaway Bunny of that fact.
Angel Dust was a monkey in the fine-tailored cashmere suits that Valentino was dressing him in. He was a gangly, senseless lout with a mouth bigger than anything else he could offer. Uneducated, undisciplined, unimpressive. The only thing he had going for him was his looks.
Vox, meanwhile, was the whole package. Successful, intelligent, charismatic, reliable, hypnotic, sensual, powerful. 
Whatever Valentino saw in his little pawn was little more than wishful thinking. Even Velvette hadn't been able to pull out of him what he saw in Angel Dust that didn't involve his fucking legs. Or his chest. His looks.
Well, Vox was a looker, too. And he was perfectly capable of making sure that Angel Dust wasn't worth looking at anymore. If Valentino hadn't wanted misfortune to befall his little starlet then maybe he should have kept his scrawny ass out of this.
But he hadn't.
He hadn't, and now they were both going to pay the price.
When he checked Valentino's calendar, he ignored the glaring ANGEL CAKES <3 with the hot pink background on Valentino’s off hours. He needed to focus on what he was actually doing, he wasn’t going to mess around in Valentino’s spare time. No, what he was looking for was the club schedules. He didn't want to get Angel before a porn shoot, that seemed... Well. If Vox wanted to work this angle, he'd need to do so in a way that wouldn't put his precious Bunny out too much. Missing out on a day of filming If You Say So might have clouded the feelings of Rejection that Vox wanted to cultivate. There wasn't much that could sway Valentino's feelings like that, but bleeding money?
That was more likely to make him mad. Vox wanted despondent, needy, and pliant.
It wasn't uncommon for his performances to be at Club Hell 666, and when he found the one on the schedule for tonight, he smirked. Checking the time on his internal HUD, he hummed as he strode to one corner of his control room. With a glance at the screen to make sure that he was flawless—and he was—the Sinner disappeared into the camera with a static hum. 
It had been a long, long night. Angel Dust was still sore from the shoot yesterday, and then having to pour the rest of his energy into keeping Val happy? The spider was dog-tired. But that didn't matter. What mattered was Valentino’s happiness. Only part of this thought was that he loved him–and he did–the rest was to say that Valentino would be somewhat tolerable if he was kept happy during his fight with Vox. It wasn’t the first, it wouldn’t be the last, but it was the current one, and that made it the worst ever.
A little more blow disappeared up his nose and he closed his eyes, sighing softly. His lower hands gripped the vanity, and his upper hands combed through his hair slowly. Microdosing on affection helped him at his job more than he'd like to admit because it kept him grounded despite the overwhelming desire to flee. Well, usually. Tonight, the throbbing of the bass from another dancer's routine was doing little to quell the pain in his chest. 
Valentino didn't love him, of that much he was sure. Angel wasn't the smartest man in any room he'd ever been in, but he knew a setup when he saw one. Valentino's goal, in the end, was Vox. He'd known that even back when Valentino was still charming him. His priority had always, always been Vox.
That didn't stop him from growing feelings in those early decades, though. From watering them and talking to them and letting them flourish. Even now, with Valentino treating him like dirt half the time and like he was a little piece of Heaven the rest of it, he loved him.
And he hated it. Drawing in a deep breath, he reached for the vase of red roses on his dresser and his eyes slammed open again. Hurling it across the room, his chest heaved with heavy panting as he growled, eyes narrowed. It was the turning that brought his attention to the Overlord looming behind him, just out of sight of the mirror he’d been standing in front of.
Shit. Shit. Fucking shit, fuck, fuck, fuck.
”Uh— M-Mistah Vox!“ He chirped suddenly, putting on his customer service voice as his eyes shot open wide and his smile formed tight over his teeth, tense, just barely shy of a grimace, ”Ta what d'I owe da plea...sure?“ 
”Oh, Angel,“ Vox began as he placed both hands behind his back, ”Pleasure's more... Valentino's thing, wouldn't you say?“
Angel didn't like how he said that, how he kicked his leg forward when he started across the room. He'd seen his share of snakes in his day, but this was more of a shark. Wading, waiting, watching. Ready to consume at any moment.
The way he felt seen right now was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before, and he was a Satan damned pornstar.
”I, uh. I... Y-yeah, I guess so.“ The spider trapped himself against his vanity as Vox finished his strut to the door, pressing his palm flat against it. For a second, he considered his next actions, before closing his eyes and reaching out an invisible tether to the nearest security cameras. Figured that they would be outside of Angel Dust's dressing room and also inside it. Using his tether to the one outside, he swung it from side to side to ensure that the coast was clear. When it inevitably was, he returned it to its perfect angle and immediately cut the signal of both cameras.
Most likely, Valentino wouldn't notice, and it wouldn't take him long to do what he came here to do. He'd flip the switch back when he was finished.
Valentino didn't need to hear his little boy toy scream in agony when the inevitable happened.
”So, can I do sumtin' for ya...?“ The high pitch in Angel's voice told him that the spider had some level of an idea of what was about to happen to him. It was about to hurt, whatever it was, and he could see that when the TV swiveled on his neck. God, he hated it when Sinners did creepy shit like that, but it kept him struck to the spot regardless.
”I don't think so, no.“ Vox's voice was dismissive, colored with static as he turned suddenly on a dime, pivoting like every move he ever made had been meticulously practiced, ”But I can do something... To you.“
”Oh, nothing, nothing. It shouldn't hurt... Too much. I just need to send a little message to you that I don't think you're willing to receive if I'm not in the room with you.“ A cruel grin overtook his mouth as his left eye widened and the bullseye there pulsed. Angel's eyes reflected the black growing in waves, and he smirked.
”I need you to fetch a piece of that glass.“ Vox told him, turning to look at the broken vase, ”And I need you to draw it across your wrists. And then your throat. You can do that for me, can't you?“
”Yes, Vox.“ Angel's voice was on autopilot as the spider began to move, and Vox tutted.
”Ah, ah, ah. Wait a moment. When you come back... I want you to leave. Don't return to work. Let Valentino think you don't want him anymore. Am I understood?“
”Yes, Vox.“
”Good. I'll leave you to that, then.“
There was a pause.
"Oh, and Angel? Remember. This is our little secret. It wouldn’t do for you to go and run your mouth about this, so how about you do us both a favor and forget I was even here?"
“Yes, Vox.” Vox didn’t stay long enough to hear his name being said. The camera fizzled back online as Vox disappeared once more, leaving Angel Dust to his fate.
It wasn't even two hours later that Vox got the call. Valentino's precious 'o' face appeared on Vox's screen alongside his pet name on Vox's phone as Paul Anka’s Put Your Head On My Shoulder began to play.
Bunny Is Calling!
Vox wanted to be in caretaker mode the second he answered the phone, but he knew better than to give away his position like that. The pathetic little sniffle that started the call, however, did touch his black little heart, and he sighed.
“Are you drunk?” He questioned, “I'm not ready to apologize to you.” What a good liar, he was. Especially to a drunk Valentino.
“D-Destello,” Valentino whimpered, sobbing openly into the palm of his upper left hand, “He's— He—” Another shaky breath, and he let out a whine, “He killed himself.”
“Who, Bunny?” Sitting up, his brow creased and he threw the call onto one of his other monitors, watching as Valentino's face filled the screen. He looked like a mess, glowing pink tears slid down his cheeks and stained his skin and fur, and Vox could confirm that he was, indeed, drunk. And at home.
“A-Angie.” Came the broken reply, and the moth let loose another little whimper, soft and desperate, “I don't wanna be alone, Daddy. Please. Please.”
“Oh, Bunny. I am… I am so sorry. Maybe the attention was just too much for him.” Vox suggested, keeping the smile off of his face, but only barely. The proficient look of concern on his face was one that he had meticulously planned and practiced, and it was well worth it. Val was buying it, hook, line, and sinker, “Do you need anything?”
“Y-You,” This time, another sob shook his shoulders and Valentino dropped his phone onto the couch. Curling up beside it, he let the video continue to display the ceiling of his room, “C-come see me. I'm...”
Was he going to apologize? Vox perked up a little more, his lips parted in curiosity.
“Lo lamento, Destello. Ven aquí por favor.” 
Wow. He really did apologize, and in no small words, either. Lamento, huh? Valentino really must have been feeling lonely. Perfect.
A patient, gentle smile and ooey gooey eyes worked onto Vox's screen and he nodded solemnly.
“It's okay, Bunny, don't worry your pretty little head over it. This has obviously gotten to you, and I accept your apology. Let Daddy come and make it all better. We could go shopping if you want?”
The suggestion danced around Val's head for a little bit, before he nodded at the ceiling. Reaching over, he grabbed his phone and turned it so that it could see him again. He nodded once more as the screen rotated and the picture became widescreen.
“Y-yeah, yeah. Si. Let's do... Do that.” Oh, Vox was going to get back in with him so good. This plan was working out so well that he couldn't have even paid for it to go any better.
“I'll be right there, Bunny. Daddy's going to fix you.” He promised with a purr, rising from his seat and adjusting his bowtie, “Just a second, Bunny.”
“Uh-huh. Se-See you soon.“
”See you in just a few seconds.“ As soon as they hung up, Vox had to laugh. It turned into a violent cackle in mere seconds. He'd won! He’d won because of course, he had! Disappearing into the nearest camera with an electric hum and the scent of ozone, he was in Valentino's room in record time with a gracious smile on his face and his arms open wide, ”Bunny? Daddy's he—”
Vox didn't get to finish his sentence before Valentino crashed into his arms. Clinging to his lover tightly, the moth buried his face in Vox's neck. Clutching Vox's suit jacket with his lower hands, his upper arms wrapped tightly around Vox's shoulders. The electric Sinner gently wiggled his arms free, shifting Valentino's arms to wrap around his chest so he could hold him close.
“There, there, Bunny, it's okay—” Vox purred with a whirr of his mechanics, and he rubbed the other's back. Holding him close as the other sank to his knees to make up for the height difference, he hummed softly, “Daddy's here, Daddy's got you. Nothing's going to hurt you, now.” 
“Why'd he— He just—” Valentino blubbered against his shoulder, hiding his face there, now. He didn't wear his glasses, and the lights in his room were all off. The curtain was drawn on the window, letting in as little light as possible. Clearly, he didn't want to be blinded.
“He just...?”
“He k-killed... Himself at work.” A sob, “Did he w-want to get away-haay-haaaaaay from m-me so b-b-baaaad?” There it was, the sobbing, the carrying on, the glowing, pale pink tears streaming down his cheeks. Rubbing Valentino’s back a little more, Vox pressed a kiss to the top of the other's bald head. The taller Sinner was on his knees to be held properly, his thighs quaking.
“Noooo, no, Bunny. Nobody wants to get away from you. You're an absolute delight,” When he was behaving, anyway. Vox knew just what to say to at least get Valentino's antennae to perk up from where they laid flat against his head, “He's just some stupid junkie. He never knew what he had. He probably couldn't hack being in the spotlight with you. You're so much better looking than he is, and all he's got are his looks. You are the entire package, Baby. There’s nothing you can’t do, nothing that you aren’t. This is why Daddy wants you so badly. You’re perfect, and you’re perfect for him.” And Vox’s entire brand was perfection.
Simpering as though Valentino were a child whose ice cream had slipped down his shirt and it was such a shame, Vox cupped Val's cheeks in his claws. Kissing between his eyes, and then down to his lips, he smiled softly.
“Don't you worry about this, Beautiful. Daddy's got you. Daddy loves you. He's sorry we had that stupid fight.“
”M-mee-hee-heeee tooooo-hoo-hooooo.” Another sob wrenched from his lips and he clung tight to Vox, kissing him again as the tears continued to flow. Well, those were going to stain his screen, but it would be worth it. Valentino was his again. And that was fine by him; He’d expected this would be how this would end.
“Say it, Bunny.”
“I luh-huuuuh-hooove you, tooo-hooo-hooo.” Valentino whimpered, and Vox kissed him again, slow, shallow, careful.
“There's Daddy's good Bunny. Let's get you cleaned up and we'll go out on the town tonight, Daddy's treat.” 
At least the option of spending Vox's money was always a good way to perk Valentino right up. He wiped futilely at his cheeks and sat up on his knees with another kiss and a pathetic sniffle. It would be a solid two hours of beautification before they were heading to the limo and on their way to wherever Valentino wanted to waste some big bucks, but that was fine. Vox enjoyed watching Valentino get ready for things, it was oddly calming to him to pick out the routine.
Vox was back, baby.
Lo lamento, Destello. Ven aquí por favor. - Spanish - I'm sorry, Spark. Please come here.
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junibb · 8 months
i'm so spacey today, maybe its the painkillers?
someone break my brain the rest of the way♡
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darkvveb · 2 years
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yeah.... that's it..... that's the while thing.
if you'd died, that's the thing that'd keep you alive forever tbh....like 100% ngl pink scrub pants lmfao...like... I ♡ hot dads shirt is really it.......1000%... like....I feel like I'm in WWII trenches and this is what I see and this is what I choose to die for lmfaoooo 90000% that is it. Burkett is coming and I am 1999% near death, that is it....ily ♡♡♡♡
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REALLL. listen i know what im here for and i know what i signed up for and this is it
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sirenhub · 2 months
SIREN… WATCHING U DO THIS THEM IN REAL TIME WAS INSANITY BUT IT CAME OUT SO… oh my god.. sooooo goooodddddd. i love it so bad. i love YOU so bad.
it’s dripping down my thighs like… i can’t make it stop im trembling and everything.
as 1/7 of ur evil wives i demand ✂️✂️✂️ NOWWW!!!
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LFMAOWODF SHUT UPPPP!!!! exposing me to the world 😓😓 yeah i made a pornhub acc and it leon’s acc and YEAH! i commented under a random video just to get that pic..and..i didn’t even use it LMFAO i ended up changing the name like that’s embarrassing 😖 BUT! i deleted the comment immediately after cause LMFAO
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this is what i wanted to recreate!! i committed to the bit ❤️
OHHH pillsy my wife..one of my seven evil wives ❤️❤️ thank you for enduring me tweaking out over what i wanted to do ❤️ i was indecisive and stupid..what would i do w/o you!! cmere ✂️✂️✂️✂️
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angelbvn · 1 year
We're gonna get some anti crazy pills because the humans think we're strange!!! :0
amdjksjs let them think we’re strange!!! hehee what are they gonna do? nothing i cant handle >:3
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