bbbarneswrites · 7 years
What if Bucky was a single dad?
Notes: Nearly 3k words of single daddy!Bucky and teacher!reader just because me and @pimpdaddysebastian​ love corny shit. Happy reading!
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A few years in into being an official member of the Avengers, Bucky thinks he’s got everything figured out.
After the accords fiasco and his homecoming, Bucky seems to think that joining the Avengers is the only way he can redeem himself for the harm he’s caused with HYDRA and so he falls just right into the team with his skills, being assigned to special and specific missions by Steve and Natasha.
Since Romania, many things has changed for him – now he’s back in America with his best-friend by his side, a new arm that doesn’t feel like a dirty reminder of his past and a mind to call his own thanks to T’Challa and the wakandan doctors. He’s no longer considered a fugitive, he doesn’t have to worry about looking for his back anymore and he’s glad about having a proper roof upon his head for a change. 
Bucky thinks he’s got everything figured out until he’s assigned to a mission in Germany. 
The gruesome memories of his past hits him hard as he enters the shady lab, originally meant to experiment on humans and mutants but now looking recently abandoned at the word of the Avengers arrival. And even though the atmosphere is way too familiar for his own comfort, Bucky is set and focused to finish the mission. 
That is, until the hears the soft cries of a baby coming from one of the cells. 
He nearly doesn’t believe his eyes once he breaks the cell’s door and and sees the small body rolling around on the floor, protected with just a few pillows and a thin blanket. Bucky doesn’t waste any time on crouching down to cradle the baby in his arms and he can’t help but feel angry at the monsters who left the child behind without second thought. 
To say the team is surprised to see him stepping into the quinjet with the baby curled up against his chest is an understatement but nobody dares to say a thing, even after they land at the base and Bucky’s storming off to his room with Steve and Sam on his tail. 
Steve and Sam don’t even know what to say when Bucky states he’s keeping the baby no matter what, immediately turning down every other option they give. All that’s left for them to do is to help him settle for the night with Wanda’s help, feeding and bathing the baby as best as they can with no resources or skills at all. 
Bucky spends that night completely awake, eyes set on the small child sleeping soundly beside him on the bed. A brown haired baby girl that holds a pair of big hazel eyes that he names her after. 
The next day is just as eventful as the previous one as he goes out shopping for baby stuff with Steve and Sam.
It’s a sight to behold really, Captain America pushing a cart with a chirpy baby girl sitting inside while the Falcon and Winter Soldier fight over what to buy in the middle of a Buy Buy Baby store. 
The first week is confusing and difficult at times but Bucky doesn’t mind one bit as he starts to remember helpful bits and pieces of his childhood with baby Rebecca. By the second week, all Natasha can do is tease him about being a father, Wanda is surprised that he’s picked up the skills this fast and Steve and Sam are still clueless as ever, so much that Bucky actually starts to teach them how warm Hazel likes her milk, how to hold her during a feed or what they should use to give her a bath. 
With Helen’s help (even though dealing with babies is not even near her speciality), they find out she’s probably nearing her 6th month and Bucky straight up dives in websites and books to learn more about the said stage. 
Some of her actions start to make sense once he reads a book about baby development – she’s always grabbing at whatever she can reach as she’s growing fascinated with feeling different textures, her eyes are always in alert and she seems to notice every little detail on whatever it’s around her and every once in a while he catches her babbling to whoever is speaking at the moment. 
That means she’s fascinated in grabbing (more like pulling) his hair and feeling his beard, highly attentive to people (she likes to stare at Vision a lot) and very well-acquainted with FRIDAY (the A.I. seems to love her babbling just as much she loves its voice). 
Hazel completely warms up her way up into everyone’s hearts and soon there’s an actual fight over who’s going to be her godfather and godmother. 
Steve looks like he’s about to burst with joy when Bucky announces there’s no way her godfather could be anyone but him and Natasha...just threatens anyone who try to fight her for the godmother spot. 
The Avengers routine gets completely upside down with the baby girl’s arrival and after a while they all have an actual schedule as to when to prepare her meals and milk, to put her to take a nap, to take her for a bath and bed. Not to mention the base itself that is now littered with baby accessories and toys everywhere, all the possible dangerous places babyproofed or locked. 
Hazel starts crawling about her 10th month but when she actually starts walking nearing her 1st birthday, everyone goes in full panic resulting in a constant proud superheros watch over her every step. 
Her 1st birthday party is just a small gathering with the team but still memorable enough. 
The living room ends up completely taken by colorful balloons as they all wear rainbow colored party hats, with Hazel looking nothing but delighted during the whole ordeal. The party also ends up resulting on Hazel’s first meeting with the God of thunder (who actually wanted to take her to Asgard for a quick visit) and a series of photos (Bucky especially loves the one his baby girl is all dirtied up with cake) that turn into a cute scrapbook made by Wanda later. 
Ever since Bucky got the baby books months ago, he’s been actually conversing to Hazel as a way to encourage her speech. It isn’t unusual to find him randomly talking to her in every room of the base and everyone gets used to it at some point though there’s an occasional teasing jab here and there sometimes. 
Nobody thinks much of it until she’s a few weeks past her 1 year-old mark and she starts calling out Bub up and down everytime Bucky’s in the room. 
(After a week, everyone is fed up with Bucky and his constant smug smirk whenever Hazel calls for him).
If the place had gotten sweeter upon her arrival months ago, now that Hazel’s actively speaking and walking it’s decidedly even better. 
She picks up some russian terms of endearment Natasha’s teached and starts calling everyone that way (even FRIDAY), sings a few of the indie songs Wanda plays with her guitar (and dances to match it), learns to call all the team as auntie and uncle (though Vision doesn’t understand why) and runs everywhere around the base with her toys (so much they thought they’d lost her once). 
To Bucky, her arrival means more than he’d ever imagined. 
He gets to fall asleep everyday with his baby cuddling his side and wake up to her either taking up the whole space on the bed or palming his cheeks with her little hands as she kisses him good morning. He gets to hear her giggle and watch her dance and sing and run as the healthiest and happiest kid he’s seen. He gets to tell her stories about his childhood with Uncle Steve. He gets to see her face light up as she screams his name excitedly everytime he comes back from a mission. He gets to see her worried about his injuries and he gets to cheer her up when she’s sad. 
His little baby changes his life completely and though he’s never planned or even thought about having a child, he can’t think of any other different way to live his life from now on. Hazel completely owns his heart and he’d do anything for her. 
Watching her grow up is a painful but yet pleasing feeling and when she completes 4 years-old, she’s so smart and outgoing that Bucky decides to sign her up for school as much as it worries him. 
(Her first day goes as smoothly as it can and despite Bucky’s absolute denial, he nearly tears up when she runs up the school’s stairs without a single bit of hesitation). 
Now that she’s in school, there’s a new routine – Bucky wakes up a little earlier to get her ready, Steve or Sam prepare her lunch after their breakfast and they all drop her off in the building before their usual morning run. 
(Hazel only leaves after she says goodbye to everyone in the base with sleepy kisses and hugs so every now and then they get a little late). 
Just like Bucky wasn’t expecting Hazel to appear in his life, he isn’t expecting you. 
The first time he actually speaks to you isn’t on a good note. 
All that he knows is that you’re Hazel’s kindergarten teacher and all the interaction you both had had been just a wave or a smile here and there when he dropped her off. Until mother’s day comes along and obviously an issue is raised in that matter. 
You know that Hazel stands out in the class for being an Avenger’s daughter and when it’s time to make crafted artworks for mother’s day, you quickly encourage her to do one for her father just as much you encourage the other kids who are in a similar situation. 
But the little girl is just too curious for her own good and once she starts questioning why she has to make it for her father instead of a mother, you can only think of calling the said man to explain the whole ordeal. 
Bucky has been through hell and back during his life but once you explain what’s been happening, he can’t help but feel insecure. During all those years, he’s been doing his best to raise her but at that moment all the can think of is that his best isn’t enough for Hazel. That maybe she could’ve been better with an actual normal family, not a bunch of superpowered people that could die at any moment. 
He doesn’t know how but you seem to pick up on his sudden nervousness but hearing that he is doing a great job by raising a sweet, smart, polite little girl calms his heart to no end. 
Past the mother’s day incident (that Hazel overcame by doing crafted artworks for the whole team instead), the little girl seems to grow fond of you by each day. 
Bucky grows used to seeing her say goodbye to her teacher with a tight hug and a big kiss and listening her gush about all the things Ms. (L/N) does for her in class. Coming to think of it, that’s probably how the both of you end up getting closer to each other – due to Hazel’s innocent matchmaking. 
It starts off with conversations solely focused on Hazel but after a few weeks, you both notice that the chats start to escalate to more than just school subjects. 
He doesn’t know if it’s Hazel’s doing or not but Bucky notices that Steve and Sam are picking up on it too and so they start to constantly tease him for it. So much that now they insist on going to pick her up too just so they can watch his misery. 
(There’s this day where Steve and Sam randomly show up at the school in time to catch you and Bucky talking rather excitedly as Hazel cuddled up to your side. 
You swear that the sight of the two Avengers smiling smugly at you as they stood with their arms crossed will never get old). 
As father’s day comes along a few months later, Bucky gets a better surprise. 
During all these years, Hazel’s always called him Bucky like everyone else. She grew up used to that and he’s never thought of changing it. She’s always been his daughter for him but there was always this small bit of insecurity that held him back of seeing himself as a father, especially with his past. But then there’s day she comes home from school with a pretty colored father’s day card a handmade gift that she hands him after a hug and a kiss and his heart is completely melting. 
Bucky doesn’t think it can better until she just nonchalantly calls him daddy for the first time later in the same day.
He’s just getting the plates out for her lunch when she goes, daddy, can I have some juice? and his heart is beating so fast that he feels it might jump out of his chest. The best part of it is that Hazel seems to be unfazed to his sudden wide eyes, rather seeing the whole situation as natural. 
The second best part is seeing the team’s reaction when she suddenly screams daddy! as Bucky enters the tv room before the movie night. Bucky has to yet see the Earth’s mightiest heroes that surprised again. 
At her 5th birthday party, Bucky gathers enough courage to invite you even though he knows he most definitely would have given up if it wasn’t for Hazel’s insistence. 
He isn’t expecting you to stay once the party’s over, protesting that you want to help with the clean-up despite the late hour and the lame excuse that there isn’t much to actually help with. 
As much as he tries to not to, Bucky can’t help but see you in a different light after that night. It feels good to know that there’s a connection between you two that goes beyond Hazel. You’re suddenly not just her teacher anymore though it warms up his heart to see that you and his baby still have some sort of bond even outside the school’s confines. 
Any shade of doubt Bucky previously had is thrown away when you kiss him midway through the clean-up, your smiling lips against his as you joke that you most definitely shouldn’t be doing this. 
Your relationship progresses with baby steps as you’re both trying to not mess the whole situation. 
Hazel is technically still your student and neither of you want to mix things up too fast in fear for your job, Hazel’s wellbeing and your blossoming partnership. The dates are quiet and intimate at small restaurants or your place. The nights you spend together (while the team babysits Hazel) are a delight even though Bucky always has to leave in the middle of the night in order to get Hazel ready for school in the morning. The phone calls and texts always have that teasing sense attached showing how comfortable you both grew to be around each other. 
It comes to the point where you think that maybe this could be real for good. 
It’s a challenge to convince Hazel that she can’t talk about them to her classmates and that you’re still her teacher no matter what’s been happening. But the little girl is just so ecstatic with the news that she promises (with both pinky fingers) to keep the secret if that means Ms. (L/N) will be around all the time. 
Bucky’s life after Hazel’s arrival had been amazing and he didn’t think it could be better until he saw himself with his two girls. 
There’s no words to describe the hapiness Bucky feels when he receives cute selfies and texts from both of you as you’re babysitting Hazel for the weekend with the whole team on a mission. Or when he’s welcomed home in the sweetest way ever with kisses and hugs and joyful giggles. Or when he falls asleep right in the middle of you cuddling the hell out of him and wakes up in the morning to see you happily interacting during breakfast. 
His girls never fail to amaze and overwhelm him – with love and affection, the little but sweet actions (handmade gifts and letters and drawings that never get old), little quirks and the loving relationship that is build (so much that Hazel’s second mother’s day gift is given to you). 
What Bucky feels for the both of you is beyond him but once again he finds a new purpose when Hazel gets a baby sister a few years later. 
Brooklyn is born a few months after Hazel’s 7th birthday and despite her first jealous reaction, she’s just as excited as her parents to welcome (and actually name) her little sister. 
And it’s only then, with his now three girls, that Bucky thinks he can finally say he’s got everything figured out.
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bbbarneswrites · 7 years
What if Bucky was a regular soldier?
Warnings: Mental health issues, pregnancy Notes: Here’s +2k words of modern!au with Bucky, courtesy of yours truly. Enjoy! <3
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When Bucky comes back from war, he knows he’s different. Despite what people say to try to convince him otherwise, he knows he’s not the same man anymore.
To match the two tours as a soldier to the American army, he comes back with longish hair, severe scars on his left arm due an injury and a real messed up head. Panic attacks, bad dreams and sleepless nights are his best-friends in the following months of his return and the walls of his dull, always empty apartment are painful witnesses to his struggles.
Going outside feels like hell everytime but he still gives it a go occasionally.
Even if most of his attempts end up with him panicking in the middle of a crowd or a random store, the little coffee shop by the corner of his building gives him a slight bit of comfort as the place is never too crowded or too noisy. It’s familiar and just what he needs as he tries to adjust himself into the world again.
Hence why he’s completely thrown back as person after person start to fill up the place in a random Wednesday morning.
Bucky swears he tries to not panic through the loud atmosphere. He remembers his therapist’s words – close your eyes, try to regulate your breathing and count until you reach 100 – but he can’t even get past by 5 without losing count. 
With his leather journal between his trembling fingers, Bucky doesn’t even notice when she sits down beside him with her hand carefully covering his own. All he can register is the warmness of her skin and the softness of her voice mumbling soothing words as she tries to pull him out of his attack. 
He doesn’t exactly know what to do once he calms down. 
Not once he’s had someone to help him like this, even more a strange person in a public place. So to say he’s surprised to find a pretty girl staring worringly at him as he opens his eyes is an understatement. She knows exactly how to act around him – slow movements, quiet voice and non invansive contact, all so he won’t panic again. She’s the prettiest girl he’s ever seen and probably way too kind for her own good so when she offers her number with the excuse of provide help if you need, Bucky immediately says no. 
His old self is long gone along with his natural flirty, charming attitude and the last thing he wants is to bring someone else to the mess that is his life. But when he finds a small orange post-it glued up to the back of his journal (with a number scribbled on it with the words just in case J), the day immediately feels better despite the struggles. 
It takes five days, three sleepless nights and countless failed attempts for him to finally gather enough courage to call her. It makes him anxious because it’s just a phone call and yet, he found himself giving up at the last minute most of the times. 
Bucky’s a nerve wreck when she picks up though and he can’t help but think that she knows it, given she starts offering comforting words and assuring him that she’s happy he called during the entire talk.
That’s how she starts helping him. 
She recommends him quiet places that he’ll be comfortable at, she sends him playlists with soothing songs that can snap him out of his panic attacks, she offers to be with him as he tries to gradually get used to crowded places again, she talks with him through his sleepless nights even if it means she’ll be miserable in the morning. 
The pages of his journal that usually held tough moments are replaced with happy and good memories, both old and new photographs and notes from his best-friends and little sister so he can read on bad days. 
Bucky starts to feel safer and calmer – especially when she’s around. He knows she won’t judge him and the fact that she doesn’t expect anything from him or his old self (differently from his friends and family) just makes it better. 
Something changes in their relationship when she finds another place to go – a hole in the wall little restaurant. And then, he’s asking her to come too with the word date playing around in their minds for a moment. 
The night is the best one he’s had in ages and Bucky’s sure it’s only because she was with him. 
Though he doesn’t admit it to himself, the pages of his journal are getting more and more filled with descriptions of his moments with her. Her polaroids (taken with the camera they’d found in a thrift store) keep taking up space and he longs for her presence more than ever. But admitting it makes everything more real and Bucky thinks he isn’t even near to be what she deserves. 
Whenever she was in a crowded place with him and he managed to keep himself on his toes for the time being, she insisted to give him rewards. 
There was Coney Island and the round of hot-dogs she payed for, there was their Star Wars movie marathon at the cinema and the late night burguers they had after, there was their walk through Times Square and the photo they took together with a random superhero. He genuinely loved all them but he never thought it would result in more than a simple, silly thing like those. 
And then there’s the day she takes him to a local fair. Bucky thinks he’s handled the whole situation this good so far solely because he’s focusing on her but the fact she still wants to reward him makes his heart warm up instantly. 
He just isn’t expecting the reward to be a kiss. As soon as they step in his apartment building, her arms are around his neck and her lips are meeting his own in a loving, slow kiss that he can’t help but be overwhelmed with. 
The relationship they build after that is slow and quiet. Mornings with soft, slow kisses, afternoons with his head on her lap as they read something, nights they spend watching movies and eating from takeout menus. It’s slow and quiet but they’re both completely content with that. 
Her presence in his apartment makes everything different. 
The place has been always quiet, being too dark and empty. Now Bucky finds comfort in hearing her playlists in the background while she showers (poorly singing along though he never says anything), smelling the scent of the sweet treats she can bake (even if she can only do a few), seeing the doodles and messages she leaves on his fridge before she leaves (like female stick figures with this is me. i love u that are also in his journal) and finding her clothes in every corner of the rooms (she blames him for a lost bra in the kitchen). 
Bucky knows he isn’t the best boyfriend in the world or the most stable man around but he does the possible and impossible to let her know how much he loves her. She never fails to amaze him and more often than not he finds himself just staring at her, thinking back on how much his life changed after she came along. 
And he may not have his old way with words anymore but he does shower her in compliments and sweet words because that’s the least she deserves for putting up with him. 
(Bucky absolutely loves calling her beautiful because her whole face lights up everytime and she always smiles cheekily before saying I know, you tell me that all the time).
 That doesn’t mean everything is easy for them.
 There’s the days where he’s isolating and stressed, days where he doesn’t want to leave the bed, days where all he can think about is the nightmares he’s had in the night before and the painful memories of his war times. Even so, she’s still there. Giving him his space but offering support in the best way she can.
She hugs him tight with kisses and reassurances when he’s crying in a sleepless night, sometimes craddling his head against her chest or her lap with fingers running through his hair as she hums a song to calm him down. If it’s a nightmare then it’s a long warm bath together, her arms around him and fingers running through his chest and shoulders as he sits with his back against her. Bucky always falls asleep with her spooning him after, her lips pressing little soft kisses on his back and shoulders. 
And in the next morning, she never says anything but does prepare a hot cup of tea or chocolate for him (because that’s what calms her down, she says once) and waits until he’s ready to share something. 
That’s a secret nobody knows but the first time she really meets Steve is the day she’s left alone in Bucky’s apartment while he goes out to visit his baby sister. 
His best-friend and also soldier is most definitely surprised to find a girl opening the door of the apartment and if the interrogation he puts her through is any indication, he’s a bit on the edge with her presence. But it’s clear that Steve cares for Bucky just as much as she does and funny how quickly they bond over the fact once the wariness is gone. 
Her meeting with Sam and Natasha is better and they seem to love her right away. Natasha is tough and scary looking (the woman is a part of a black ops team after all) and Sam is all sassy and snarky (she can’t believe he’s a pararescue of all things) but she can instantly see how much Bucky means to them. 
(It’s cute how Sam thanks her for what she’s done and says how much Bucky has improved since she came along. Especially because right after...I care about him buT DON’T TELL HIM I SAID THAT). 
With a few months into their relationship, she asks Bucky if he wants to be a volunteer in her workplace as she knows how hard it is for him to adapt to the job market again.
It really isn’t his first option but that’s how he ends up at the local dog shelter, finally feeling useful again as he helps with the day-to-day tasks and loving every second he has with the dogs and kittens he’s helped name. It’s also how Bucky ends up adopting a gray pitbull (that was a part of a fighting ring despite its loving manners) as his service dog that keeps her own tiny legged corgi company whenever they’re over his apartment. 
He’s grown so used to their presence at his place that it feels natural to ask her to move in. 
Her decorations seem match with his, her clothes are a beautiful contrast to his dull ones in the closet and their dogs seem all too happy to be together for good (even more when she brings random puppies and kittens to foster until they get adopted). 
Neither of them think life can get any better until a few years later, when she reveals their baby girl is on the way and set to be born in the same month of her auntie Rebecca. Bucky is just so happy that he doesn’t even care about the video she keeps sharing around to their friends and family – him opening the small box and falling into tears as soon he sees the small purple shoe inside. 
Bambi Barnes is born on June 23rd as a perfect mix between her parents that everyone is delighted to welcome.
The little girl grows up to behave more and more like her mother even if she starts to look a little bit more like him as time goes by. 
She loves animals as much as her mom and showers him with so much love and affection that he can’t help but be emotional everytime. She’s the light of his life and he’s more than happy to be a stay-at-home dad, enjoying every bit of an experience he’s never even dreamed of having.
And honestly, Bucky’s life isn’t perfect and he’s well aware of that but he damn knows that with his family he can get through anything and much more.
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bbbarneswrites · 8 years
What if Bucky was a barista?
Notes: Whole ass +1k words for barista!Bucky! Enjoy!
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Bucky’s job isn’t very exciting or fancy or classy at all but he loves it anyway. Every morning, he opens up the small coffee shop in Brooklyn and waits for the ever up and coming flow of people coming in and out with their coffees everyday.
He puts his long hair up in a tight bun, cleans up his stubble a little bit and serve everyone in the kindest way he can – even when people don’t seem to care about kindness at all.
It’s a slow day when she comes in for the first time. There’s barely 3 people scattered across the room but she still chooses the farthest spot around before bringing out a pile of books, several colored pens and notes plus her laptop. He swears he tries to hold the thought because that’s most definitely something he should not think about but she’s just way too pretty for him to ignore.
Their first interaction goes as good as it can be but even so, Bucky doesn’t think she’ll be back. Too much flirting, he thinks to himself once he’s about to close the shop later in the night, too unprofessional.
She surprises him in the next day when she comes to him in the counter and asks for his opinion about the greatest drink in their menu. Then, the next day again. And the next.
He’s labelling her as a regular by the middle of the second week and by the end of it, he’s writing messages on her cups that makes her smile every time once she sits on her usual spot. He catches that moment every day but he never mentions it to her. Even after they get together.
She comes in every afternoon and she doesn’t need to say her order anymore because he knows. She comes in every afternoon and she doesn’t need to look for a spot because he always make sure her usual one is available. She comes in every afternoon and she doesn’t need to buy anything to eat because he always sneaks up a pastry for her.
(Sometimes it’s on the house and sometimes it isn’t. Bucky pays for it occasionally but he figures she doesn’t need to know that).
There’s this one day that his shift ends while she’s still there and he can’t help but go to her to see if she’s satisfied. That day also happens to be the first day they spend together. Maybe our first date, as she says to him in their first anniversary. Their first date of many, given she started waiting for his shift to end almost every day from that moment on.
Bucky realizes she’s way more than just a crush when she arrives at the coffee shop later than usual with puffy eyes and red cheeks. An exam gone wrong and she’s upset and he’s suddenly asking for an early leave, just so he could stay with her rather than just watching from the counter.
It takes some time until they officially start dating but his co-workers at the shop say that he’d been dating her since the moment she stepped in the place.
Their life isn’t fancy or classy at all but neither of them would have it in another way. It can sound silly to other people’s ears but the domesticity they live in is just enough for them and to be honest, with the amount of stress they endure every day, it’s just what they need.
A part of their life revolves around cooking and baking and Bucky is pretty sure she’d say it’s her favorite.
Working in a coffee shop earns him some pretty mad skills with food in general, while her constant studying and working routine gives little to no time to think about cooking at all, leaving her to rely on takeout menus constantly. Bucky never really says it but she just can’t seem to cook or bake at all.
But she’s a good helper when it strikes in him to do a new recipe, even if she ends up sitting on the kitchen’s counter while eating half of the ingredients before it makes to the bowl.
Sometimes she tries to cook under his supervision when she finds a nice recipe in the internet and more often than not, they end up in the nearest grocery store with way too much ingredients and unnecessary things on their basket. Still, 99% of the time the recipe fails.
(Though she blames him. Apparently, it’s impossible to cook with her body all wrapped up in your big arms, Bucky, and your chest pressed against my back. Jesus!).
The takeout menus are still there but with time they’re totally forgotten over his homecooked meals and fresh baked pastries that she swoons and kisses him for everytime. Bucky knows he doesn’t have much to offer but he loves the fact that he can do this for his girl and that she loves it so much.
Pancakes and fresh coffee in the morning that results in content hums against his mouth, nuzzles against his neck and lazy thank you’s until she realizes she’s late for class. Instagram food posts that she jokingly sends while asking for him to cook only to come back home to the said dish and a cute dinner.
She has credit in this too, given she’s the one who introduces him to different and peculiar types of food and sweets like Japanese seafood flavored Kit-Kats and hot chili lollipops. She’s the one who suggests a day out every week just so they can taste weird food.
(She’s the one who comes up with the idea but she never finishes what they buy).
But there’s normal restaurants and new introduced dishes that it suddenly becomes his new favorite. There’s feeding each other between laughs and scooping a little bit of the other’s dessert. There’s kisses that tastes like wine and tomato sauce or chocolate and strawberry.  There’s finding out new restaurants and cheap diners and low-key bars with acoustic music and a local singer.
Also, it’s funny how people at the coffee shop are already used to her presence.
Sometimes she just pays these little visits and Bucky starts to notice that not just his co-workers but other regular clients also know her. It’s pretty impossible not to, even more when they make a point of asking about your girl, Barnes, or when they tease him to death with the help of his co-workers.
Ever the worried and busy woman she is, Bucky isn’t surprised to know she often overworks herself with study and her job. She’s incredibly smart and he genuinely admires how dedicated she is.
He’s seen her spend nights awake just to finish a college paper, he’s seen her cry in frustration over that one subject she didn’t understand while studying for an exam, he’s seen her run up and down the city in order to do something for her boss. There isn’t much he can do to help except his little things.
Back rubs and massages and 5 minute breaks when she needs to stay up until late, tea and coffee and sweet pastries and sweet good luck kisses in the next day when she’s got dark circles around her eyes. Slow readings and quizzes when she needs to grasp a hard subject. A way or two of carrying her up to the bed when she falls asleep in weird positions on her desk. A celebration coffee as he waits for her outside the university building after a good exam.
Their first five years together pass by as a lightning.
She’s nearly over with college after several times of him leaving hickeys on her neck and thighs, almost getting her in trouble for it, after several glares when she sees him at the coffee shop, after several of his smirks as a reply.
She’s nearly over with college when he buys her a puppy, brown and caramel and grizzly with blue eyes that she insists it looks like him.
She’s nearly over with college when he realizes that maybe, this is just the beginning.
And then, it’s her graduation day and he feels like he can burst with pride and joy for her but also of nervousness because nobody knows, but there’s a little red box inside his black tuxedo that might change everything for them.
(It changes. But just for the better).
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bbbarneswrites · 8 years
Gymnophoria with bucky pleaseeeee
I’m sorry for the long wait, bb! 3
Gymnophoria - The sensation that someone is mentally undressing you + Bucky
“Something’s wrong.” Youmuttered into the comms, your eyes scanning suspiciously the room as you triedto mingle around the mass of people in the ballroom. “I’m having this weirdfeeling.”
“Now, that’s just yourparanoia talking, baby doll.” Bucky instantly replied, making your skin shiverat the low teasing tone he was using even though he was miles away from you. “You’redoing good, just knock them dead as quick as you can.”
Well, that was exactly the part you were having a hardtime with.
When Steve assigned youto this mission, you got nothing but giddy because honestly, undercover missions were your thing and you were gladthat you were still a low-key agent slash Avenger that nobody seemed to knowabout just yet.
It was the typicalin-and-out strategy – except you were doing it at a rich man’s house while hewas hosting a ‘charity’ event. And with Bucky having your back.
As soon you entered theplace, all (most) eyes were on you and your killer black dress but you stilldidn’t understand why you were feeling thisuneasy. You’ve done this before and you never felt such a weird feeling likethis one, almost as if you could feel people undressing you in their thoughts.
But deciding to ignorethe sensation and focus on the mission, you gave a deep breath and adjustedyour dress before walking further into the place to find the party’s host.
“I’m going for him now.”You playfully hummed for Bucky, almost failing to hold back a smile when youheard him hum contently in reply. “I wish I had time to look myself in themirror. What if there’s something out place?”
“You look fuckinggorgeous, doll.” Bucky mumbled under his breath, watching with a proud smile asyou walked flawlessly through the place from his hidden spot in the ceiling. “Justdon’t get too personal with him.”
You laughed quietly andstopped just a few steps away from your target, quickly grabbing a flute ofchampagne from a waiter as you waited for him to spot you.
“Now, why would I do that?” You feigned anindignant scoff, taking a sip of your champagne with Bucky chuckling againstyour ear. “I’ll give 5 seconds until he looks at me, wanna bet?”
But before Bucky couldeven think of a reply, the man had his eyes on you while finally walked to yourdirection. With a small smirk on his lips, he was looking way too confident andcocky for your liking and suddenly you couldn’t wait to get your hands on himin the most painful way possible.
And you absolutely lovedthat Bucky seemed to be onboard with you.
“Showtime, baby girl.”
It was just so easy to lure the target into hisoffice that it even got you annoyed. 
No challenge and no gameshappened to bore you sometimes but thankfully, Bucky was there to spice thingsup a bit.
Once you had the man vulnerableby sitting down in one of the armchair’s with his tie loosen and shirt loosenup, Bucky strutted into the room from the fucking ceiling and it really didn’tsurprise you that the guy was out cold before he could even understand what wasgoing on.
“Warn a girl, baby.” Youcomplained playfully, your scowl melting into a laugh as he stepped closer toyou and pressed his lips against yours with his arm around your waist. “Thanksfor the help though!”
“Yeah, like you werepretty helpless without me.” Bucky joked as he adjusted his guns, walkingaround the table to turn on the computer and get the files. “Did he touch you?”
You couldn’t help butlaugh and squint your eyes at him once his words settled down.
“What do you take me for,Mr. Barnes?” You sighed dramatically, taking a seat in the armchair beside theunconscious man before glancing furtively between him and Bucky. “A fucking rookie?”
Bucky didn’t reply butthe amused laugh he gave was enough for an answer. In less than three minuteshe was all set, intel secured into the drive as he turned off the computer and proceededto wipe up any evidence of it.
When he looked up to youthough, you felt it all over again.
The same sensation wasback but now that was clearly under Bucky’s eyes, you kind of relished on it. Youknew exactly what he was thinking soas you stood up, you made your best to give him a show with the slit of yourdress and your cleavage before walking up to him to sweetly wrap your armsaround his neck.
“All set to go, soldier?”You smiled innocently before pressing a small kiss to the corner of his mouth,feeling his arms tighten around your waist. “You can really undress me when we’re back home. Girl scout word.”
His smirk was more thanenough for an answer.
“Let’s go home, doll.”
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bbbarneswrites · 8 years
I blame @pimpdaddysebastian​ for this. But I also love her to death. Here’s some pointless headcanons about how Bucky’s s/o fully adores his ass.
Here’s the party’s looks for Bucky and reader.
Bucky starts to pick up your habit with small things.
(That he secretly he loves it).
The first time it happens it's during a mission and though the team is still finishing off, the atmosphere feels lighter than it was when you first arrived – the place filled with guards and agents.
You're just about to go back to the quinjet when he passes by you to get out of the room, a grin spreading through your lips as you lower your gun and playfully give a slap to his ass when he walks the doorway.
He doesn't even comment on it, just turns his head around to glance pointedly at you and receive a cheeky smirk in return.
"Celebratory slap!" You beam up with wink, the corner of your eyes crinkling in amusement as he narrows his eyes. "You did great today."
It happens again when you're off mission and several times.
On Sam's birthday, the whole facility goes into a frenzy with the preparations of his birthday party and Bucky is left alone as you're helping up the crew to set up the whole thing.
It's only when you're getting yourself dressed up for the night that he's got a moment with you, being more than content in leaning against the bathroom's doorway to watch you fumbling over your make-up and hair stuff.
You notice him immediately, smiling knowingly at him through the mirror before turning around and pulling him by the hand to crash your bodies together.
"You look beautiful." Bucky murmurs with a lopsided smile, running his fingers through the extent of the exposed skin of your backless dress. "Let Tony know you're keeping this dress."
"He's gonna kill me. Last time you made him buy me a Versace." You joke lightly with a laugh, throwing your arms around his neck with a sigh. "Ripping off that dress wasn't exactly a smart move, Mr. Barnes."
Bucky doesn't do much but shrug nonchalantly and grin smugly at you.
"I don't even know who Versace is."
With a laugh and a playful shove to his chest, your hands are soon smoothing the fabric of his black button-up shirt and the lapels of his jacket – clothes that Tony himself picked up from some designer alongside your dress.
"You don't look so bad yourself, Bucky Barnes." You state with a rather dreamy sigh, hands running through the front of his jacket until you're closing your arms around his waist. "You can clean up pretty nice when you want to."
Another smile from you is all he needs to take a step forward and crash his lips against yours, pressing  you against the bathroom's sink and taking the opportunity to run his metal fingers through your back as the other hand is firmly cups your cheek.
But he still can't say he's expecting when you expertly slide your hands into the pockets of his trousers and give a soft squeeze to his ass, making him part the kiss with a huffed laugh.
"Come on, soldier! We're gonna be late!"
He doesn't understand your fixation with his ass honestly, but with time he gets used to it.
Neither of you really address to the habit – even because he's got his own thing for your thighs – but it's still funny to see the team pick up on it.
There's this day where Bucky's just coming back from his morning run with Sam and Steve and you're sitting by the counter in the common kitchen with a coffee mug and remote control in hand while watching the morning news.
Sam and Steve just give you their usual greeting and busy themselves with getting their coffee while Bucky comes up to you to get his usual and much needed good morning kiss.
He strategically stands between your legs and places his hands on each side of you, leaning forward with a content hum as you meet his lips with a soft laugh.
Bucky's seen it coming – your arms wrapping his waist and hands going down the waistband of his sweatpants until your fingers are playing with the edge of his boxers.
Sam doesn't.
"Oh, come on! Not in the kitchen!" Sam grumbles under his breath, huffing in annoyance as the both of you don't show any signs of stopping. "That's it. I'm outta here."
With Sam spreading the word, you're not safe from the team's constant mocking. Tony's got a bunch of nicknames for you already and Clint and Scott just bury you deeper with them.
That's why you (and Bucky too, for that matter) love when it's just the both of you in lazy Monday mornings or late Sunday nights after movies, cuddling the hell out of each other.
Late Sunday nights when he's lying limply on the bed, stomach pressed to the mattress as you whine something about wanting to go out for hot dogs and ice-cream.
"Bucky, come on!" You shove his arm playfully, only getting a groan in response that makes you bite back a laugh. "We can go to that place you like. I won't even complain if you get too much hot dogs."
He doesn't move a single bone of his body and it doesn't take more than a minute until your hand is colliding with his boxers clad ass, making him yelp in surprise and prop himself up to his elbows.
"Now that's just harsh, baby doll." He teases with a tinge of mischief to his voice, trying to push you down to him but missing his chance when you get up from the bed with a shriek. "I can make you some hot dogs if you come here."
Smiling smugly at him, you walk to his side of the bed and swing a leg over his hips, down right sitting on his ass as he brings his hands back to rest on your thighs.
"I want Gray's Papaya hot dogs." You protest in mocked firmness, wiggling yourself against him just to make your point. "And Baskin and Robbins ice-cream."
You can say you're ready for some random joke involving Scott. But not for him to expertly turn around and take you down to the bed with him hovering above you.
"Keep doing that and the only thing you're getting is your arms tied up to the bed."
Needless to say, you wake up pretty late on Monday.
A Tom Ford black tie lost on the ground and piled up with your Yankees shirt and lace panties, plus Bucky's black and white Calvin Klein's boxers to make a point of how the last night ended up.
All things that Bucky is used to.
Besides your usual good morning squeeze to his ass and kiss to the dimple on his chin.
"Good morning to you and that fine ass of yours!"
And oh-so-subtle greeting.
(That he secretly loves it). 
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