#pino pasta
uhoh-peppinos · 1 year
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You guys will truly never guess who he's looking at... erm... [shoddy colored version below]
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tedslander · 1 year
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Ex-tective Slander's Underground Agency (Pizza Tower AU heavily based on Evil Peppino) blog run by @uhoh-peppinos [email protected] Current Location: New Orleans, LA Info: Ted J. Slander May 24th, 19?? (34 yrs) Cis Aro-Bisexual | He/Him (of Cajun French + Mexican Descent) Partner: Talia "Rach" R. Lamb May 23th, 19?? (31 yrs) Cis Pansexual | She/Her (of Creole Descent) - - - - Target: "Pino Bowtie Pasta" Unknown (estimated 35 yrs or older) Cis Bisexual | He/Him (of Italian Descent) The local frozen pizza factory he owns is just a cover... I know it... Associates: Cleveland "Slim" Branch (aka Cleave) Unknown (estimated 35 yrs or older) He/Him A close hand for Mr. Pasta; quite literally. He's tasked with inventing new prosthetic hands for Pino to use (and the creator behind his current... pizza cutter adorn. Seems a bit silly.) I believe he is also seen as Pino's money handler and manager. Phillip "Bells" Capsi Unknown (estimated late 20s / early 30s) He/Him Admittedly, I'm unsure what this brute's been hired for. Perhaps he's just that, but he seems a bit cowardly - or not much one for physical fights. Maybe doesn't want to dirty himself, or wreck his... "pretty face?" (Not sure how the expression goes...) "Aimless" Unknown (estimated mid to late 30s) He/Him Irony to his nickname, he is a rather skilled marksman; an alleged assassin(?)* hired by Pino. I have only ever seen him once, and I am frankly thankful to have dodged him. (Without any troubles - he's never literally fired at me.) (*I've since done a bit of research and turns out Aimless is a hitman; rumored to be retired. But what business would he have with Pasta...? If he's no longer in that business... and on top of that, I've never known Pino to actively target anyone to kill them. Not himself...) - - - - Only Outside Witness So Far: Tony "Crusty" Napoli Unknown (estimated early 30s) He/Him
Claims to be under debt to Pino by quite a lot, but it appears to be willingly...? He is the only proof I have, but he slips away often. And he does not like revealing too much; already being on Pino's bad side enough, it seems. Every time I have him in custody, he manages to slip away. I wish he'd understand I'm trying to help him...
- - - -
If there is any more information we should know, or anything else I could help you with; feel free to file in. I will get to you as soon as possible.
(Ask Box is Open)
[Last Updated: 9/10/23] // To Be Further Edited/Revamped as of [1/31/24]
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Hi Pino! I'm sorry about what's happening, I hope you're alright.
I wanna let you know that we love you. We love you a lot, lil Pino, everything will be okay.
You must be hungry. Here, have a giant bowl of pasta 🍝
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“Uhh… Thanks? I um.. really like it-
T-this is a lot of new stuff.. ehehe..”
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therealaiko-yumei · 11 months
Aiko's character profile(Prob wip will change every now and then)
Name: Yumei Aiko
Kanji: 夢依 あいこ
Kana: ユメイ アイコ
Age: around 18(not confirmed due to being an orphan)
Birthday: September 15th, 2005/1994(Also not confirmed😓)
Sign: Virgo(probably not confirmed too🥰)
Nationality: Filipino/Japanese(The Filipino part not confirmed 😓😓)
Species: Half-human half-vampire(Explains why she has natural fangs😯‼️‼️)
Blood type: A
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual(heavy on women)
Pronouns: She/her
Occupation: third year high school student/student council secretary
Japanese voice actress: Yui Ishikawa(violet evergarden)
English voice actress: Erika Harlacher(Violet evergarden)
Nicknames: Schelm(the user she goes by online), Ai-chan(what her friends(Aisy, Yuki, and Rinsuu) calls her)
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Hair: Aiko has short and soft black hair with a fringe that is divided into three strands: one falls on her face, and the remaining two blend into two longer strands that end on her shoulders. At the back, using the two remaining strands of her hair, she ties them together to make it look like she has a half pony tail.
Eyes: Aiko has dark magenta eyes. She also has slight dark circles under her eyes due to lack of sleep.
Body type: Slender body. C cup I guess
Height: 170 cm(5'7)
Weight: 49 kg
School uniform: She wears the standard Ryoutei Academy uniform, but she puts the bow in her uniform under her collar. She also braids her left fringe and ties it with a magenta ribbon.
Casual wear: She wears a white dress shirt underneath a black sweater and black pants. She doesn't braid her left fringe(sometimes she wears something else). But in general, Aiko's clothes are more tomboyish than girly. She also prefers wears a black suit and neck ties instead of skirts and gowns on special occasions.
Aiko's wardrobe in general:
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Aiko is a quiet, intelligent girl who is usually seen alone or with the other members of the student council. Aiko is a student with high honours. Aiko is said to excel in both academics and sports. Hence, many individuals set high standards in her when it comes to those topics. However, she is still in the top 2 in her classes, Sakamaki Reiji being the top 1.
Aiko is aloof and usually shows a calm demeanour even when in serious situations. She is also pretty blunt.
According to google, INTJs is a person with the Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging personality traits. These thoughtful tacticians love perfecting the details of life, applying creativity and rationality to everything they do. Their inner world is often a private, complex one.
Positive personality traits:
Hard working
Negative personality traits:
Slightly mean once she gets comfortable with you.
Does not care about her mental health
Will NEVER get therapy
Carries a pepper spray
Knows self-defense
Knows how to use a bow and arrow
Her loved ones
Color: Black
Food: Pasta
Drinks: Nothing in particular
Game genre: Indie horror
Favorite video game: Alice: Madness returns
Music genre: Alternative rock/pop, J-rock, gothic metal and a bit of classical
Favorite music artist: Mitski, Das Feenreich, Malice Mizer
Favorite songs:
Flower: Irises
Other things she likes: Quiet places, listening to music, playing the piano, her thoughts, goth/ouji
More facts abt her if u want lol
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Aiko was an abandoned child since birth. She lived in the streets, and yk was homeless and shit. Aiko's health was bad, and she gets nosebleeds often. Aiko felt empty like there was something missing in her life. One day, when she was around the age of 6, she was founded by an orphanage who took her in. The orphanage staff taught her speech, writing, reading, and other things a child should know. Aiko's health was also getting better. One day, while she was playing piano in the orphanage, she encountered a new kid. The new kid's name was Isabella. Isabella and Aiko soon became very close friends, and Aiko soon gained feelings for Isabella. Isabella was the one who filled the void in Aiko's heart. However, when Aiko was 10, Aiko got adopted and not Isabella. Aiko was devastated when she heard that she won't be with Isabella anymore. Aiko tried everything she could to make Isabella stay with her. But nothing worked, and they got separated.
Aiko's parents were not the best. Aiko's parents were strict, distant, and ignorant to Aiko's feelings. They always had high expectations with Aiko, which REALLY pressured her to the point that she changed herself around her parents and to her elders just to please them. When she enrolled in Ryoutei Academy, her parents went overseas for work matters.
Mother: Unnamed foster mother
Father: Unnamed foster father
Others: Mukami Yuriko(Friends), Sakamaki Reiji(Lover/Acquaintance), Hoshiko Yuuki(Friends), Tanako Roo(Acquaintance), Rinsuu(friends), Yuki(friends), Aisy(friends), Kauze(Friends?), Scarlett(Acquaintance), Komori Kianna(Friends?), Yui Komori(friends)
What Aiko thinks about the diaboys
(This part of Aiko's char profile will be updated depending on her interactions with other OCs or canon characters)
Other character info
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tbthqs · 4 months
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Em 2014, a personagem Marcelo Dragna (@mdragna) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences: um cartão de memória Sandisc, máscara de gás, relógio de orientação militar travado às 3h15 minutos do dia 9/10/2013, capacete tático com a logo da Merryweather e uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma contendo 6 unidades de um bola de fibra de carbono, com pino e um bilhete "Granada Matéria Negra aka "Imã do capeta". Quando aberta,Utiliza pequenas quantidades de matéria negra para criar um campo de alta densidade. Gera uma área de gravidade extrema, atraindo e imobilizando qualquer coisa dentro do raio de 2m3. Não utilizar sem o uso de roupas de proteção. Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Em 2014, a personagem Maxwell Jenkins (@capstaoo) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences: uma pasta preta com uma etiqueta branca na capa escrito "Relatório do teste de 9/10/2024", cópia da agenda de Isaac Dragna no dia 9/10/2024 e uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma uma arma modificada com um pente de 16 balas e pentes reserva e um bilhete "Pistola de Neuroparalisantes aka "Garrafada de Tequila". Pequenos projéteis que, ao atingir o alvo, liberam um neuroparalisante que temporariamente imobiliza o sistema nervoso. Paralisa temporariamente o alvo sem causar danos permanentes, permitindo capturas ou contenção segura.. Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Em 2014, a personagem Riley Kalman (@thepartyanimalkalman) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences: uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma contendo uma arma shotgun modificada com espaço para 6 cartuchos e 16 cartuchos adicionais e um bilhete "Shotgun Sônica aka "Marretada". Balas que liberam uma onda de som sônico de alta intensidade. Desorienta e incapacita alvos através de ondas sonoras intensas, causando vertigem e perda de equilíbrio. Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Em 2014, a personagem Ollie Priestly (@wxllflowerss) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences: luvas táticas pretas, mapa da ventilação do segundo subsolo da Dragna Towers, uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma contendo 6 unidades de um tubo de metal vermelho, com pino e um bilhete "Granada de Radiação Ionizante aka "Hora da Naninha". Quando aberta, Emite radiação ionizante controlada. Pode desativar eletrônicos ou causar leves distúrbios biológicos sem causar danos fatais.no raio de 2m3. Não utilizar sem o uso de roupas de proteção. Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Em 2014, a personagem Ringo Miller (@ringostxr) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences: camisa polo preta da Merryweather, máscara de gás, botas pretas, uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma contendo 2 unidades de um tubo de metal com um gatilho e um bico que parece um isqueiro, com 4 tubos de recarga e um bilhete "Lança-Chamas aka "Fogo no Parquinho". Quando disparada, espalha um lança chamas de com alcance de 2m2. Não utilizar sem o uso de roupas de proteção. Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Em 2014, a personagem Theodore Clarke (@imperfekt) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences: colete a prova de balas preto, um cartão de acesso no nome de Michael Rosenthal da Dragnatec, uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma contendo uma submetralhadora modificada e um bilhete "Submetralhadora Ácida aka "Bafo de Pimenta". Seus projéteis que liberam ácido ao impacto. Corroe armaduras e materiais resistentes, penetrando defesas convencionais. Não utilizar sem o uso de roupas de proteção. Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Em 2014, a personagem Vincent Kingsley (@thefallenn) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences: Uma Barbie, ainda na caixa, da edição especial “Pretty In Purple” lançada apenas na Inglaterra, no ano de 1992, com a inscrição “Feliz Natal! Para minha filha, com amor, papai. JJH-1982”, uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma contendo 6 unidades de um tubo de metal com uma tela de led indicando a quantidade de fluido dentro, com pino e um bilhete "Granada PEM aka "Noite Eterna" Emite um pulso eletromagnético que desativa dispositivos eletrônicos e cibernéticos.Ideal para imobilizar alvos com implantes tecnológicos e desativar equipamentos sem danos físicos no raio de 2m3. Não utilizar sem o uso de roupas de proteção. Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Os Itens estavam acompanhados de um bilhete que dizia "Faça bom uso, mas tome cuidado para não perder." Os objetos são presentes referente as tasks.
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phantomdoofer · 11 months
Chapter 13: Vacanze di Natale
Peppino woke up in possibly the worst position on his couch he'd ever experienced. As soon as he woke, his back, neck, knees, elbows, and every possible muscle filed formal complaints about the experience and demanded to speak to the manager. He groaned and tried to sit up. Instead he gave a little shriek and laid back down. After the pain lessened, he tried again, this time with more success. He reluctantly admitted he would have to start turning the heat on - it was getting too cold out now, and it was making his body ache. He groaned. Maybe Seppe's right. I should get a bed.
He stumbled into the shower and let the water run over him. After a few minutes, the aches and pains lessened, and he started to loosen up. Getting old is literally a pain.
Afterwards, he poked his gut. His running sessions with his brother were having an effect - he was starting to look more like his old self, in his youth. Probably never lose the gut entirely, though. That was fine - he refused to give up pizza and pastas, and they were the primary perpetrators anyway.
His phone rang in the other room. Nobody calls me this early. He picked it up. "Pronto."
"Pino?" his Mama's voice rang from the other end.
"Oh, hello, Mama. What makes you call this early?" Peppino was perplexed. She never called until after work.
"Well, I wanted to ask you something."
"Sure, Mama, go ahead."
There was a brief pause. "I know you've never had the means to take more than a day or two off for Christmas before, but... I was thinking, with your brother around now, and things going so well for you, do you think it would be possible this year for you to take a little time off?"
Peppino started to protest, but stopped. The pizzeria was doing well. Very well, in fact - he was well in pocket these days, his loans were all paid off, and he was thinking of hiring more help. I could, really. He knew his Mama would be tickled to have them both around. "Maybe, Mama. I'll talk to Gus today and see what we can work out."
"All right Pino. Let me know. Talk to your brother about it, too! Buona giornata al lavoro!"
"Grazie, Mama. Ciao!" As he hung up the phone, he felt himself resisting. But he knew it was just habit. You can do this, Peppino. It's just some time off.
The thought of it still filled him with dread for some reason.
"I think it would be a great idea!" Gustavo said.
Peppino was surprised at his enthusiasm. "Will-a you be OK Gus? I wouldn't-a be able to pay you..."
Gustavo waved a hand. "It's no problem. I'm in good shape these days too. I think we'd all be good for a rest. Come back refreshed and ready to go."
Peppino tried another angle. "But-a what about-a the customers? We just-a got a good base! What if-a they get angry and stop coming?"
Gustavo patted his arm. "Peppino, most places close for Christmas. Just make sure to put some signs up, say, a week ahead." Gustavo looked thoughtful. "You know, we should think about starting a website. People could get updates, and order online. Yeah, it'd be great!"
Peppino's eyes bulged out, and he waved his hands in front of him. "Gus! One-a thing at a time, amico!"
Gustavo laughed. "I didn't mean right now, Pep! I'm just thinking ahead, that's all. Besides, neither of us know how to handle something like that, anyway." He patted Peppino's arm again. "But yeah, let's close up for the week of Christmas. We can open up the next day. Trust me, people won't leave."
Gustavo turned back to the pizzas, humming happily to himself. Peppino walked back out to the counter. A whole WEEK? Mio Dio, can I handle a whole week with nothing but time?
He wandered towards the door to the basement. Maybe Fake can talk some sense into me. Then he reevaluated that thought. I'm going to talk to a man made of dough, with five personalities, only one of which is human, and expect them to talk me out of this. That's it, I really do need some time off.
From down below, he heard Fake's voice. "We heard you talking to Gustavo. Rest is good."
Peppino's face turned red. "STOP-A EAVESDROPPING!"
"Glee hee hee..."
Peppino taped the sign up on the door with some apprehension, then went back behind the counter. That's it, we're committed now. Shortly after, customers started asking.
"You'll be open after Christmas, right?" "Is everything OK?" "Hey, good idea! You guys have been going nonstop for years!"
Peppino was surprised at the positive response. He'd expected more protests. Then he looked up and saw Pepperman turning himself to fit inside. "B-biongiorno, Pepperman. Rare to see-a you here. What brings you out?"
The giant pepper adjusted his scarf. "Well, I'd heard you'd be closing for a while and decided to stop by! I haven't had one of your creations in ages."
Peppino looked nonplussed. "Oh, uh, okay. What-a would you like?"
After placing his order, Pepperman waved for Peppino's attention. "Actually, I had... a second reason for coming in."
When he paused, Peppino crossed his arms. "OK, what-a is it then?" More silence. Peppino rolled his hand in a "hurry up" motion. "I don't-a have all day, Pepperman."
Finally the pepper looked up. "I... Ever since your brother appeared, I've been intrigued. The idea of the same person living two different lives... I wish to study it, see it's effects on the body. I haven't spoken to your brother yet, but when I saw your sign, I had to ask. Do you think the two of you would be willing to sit for a session?"
Peppino's jaw dropped. "You-a think we'd be OK with-a that?? I wouldn't be OK with it, I doubt my-a brother would be!"
Pepperman waved his hands. "You misunderstand! This wouldn't be a nude study! I simply wish to paint it! You could come as if sitting for a portrait!" He stood up, a hand to his forehead dramatically. "And now I've offended you! Oh, I'm such a fool!"
Peppino made a conciliatory gesture. "Calm-a down, drama queen. I'm-a sorry, I guess I overreacted." Don't just assume, Pino. "You said a portrait? That I might-a consent to. What-a would it involve?"
Pepperman glaced at him, smiled, and sat back down. "You and your brother would only have to sit for a few hours while I fill in the roughs. After that, I would be able to finish on my own. Simply dress as you would like."
Peppino thought about it. "Let-a me call my brother, see what he thinks."
Pepperman smile his huge smile. "Wonderful! I will have to wait for the pizza, anyway. I have all day." He moved away from the counter and sat at a table, browsing his phone and chortling occasionally.
As Peppino took the next customer's order, he considered. Really, it wouldn't be that bad. But will Seppe consent? If he won't do it, I won't either.
Shortly after, he stepped into the break room and called his brother, outlining the giant pepper's request. Peppino could practically hear his brother's grin over the phone. "Audacious veggie, isn't he? Actually, that gives me an idea. And yes, I think you taking a week off is a great idea. Let me know when he wants us to sit, and I'll be there. Wear your nicest outfit, fratellino."
Peppino looked down at his outfit - still the black-shirt-and-tank combo. Never got around to updating that. Of course, it's kind of my trademark now. "I'll-a, I'll-a have to go buy something, then..."
"Actually, never mind," Giuseppe said, "That gives me an idea too. I'll take care of it. Let me know when you start your vacation, Pino. Ciao!"
"Ciao," Peppino said as he hung up the phone. He sighed. I guess I'm committed to this now, too. He picked up Pepperman's order and walked it out to him. "Giuseppe's all-a for it, Pepperman."
Pepperman took the pizza with a giant smile. "Splendid! Shall we say, the second day of your vacation? The twentieth?"
Peppino nodded. "Si, that's-a fine. That should give me time to steel myself for... whatever this is going to be.
Peppino rolled up in front of Pepperman's studio overlooking the cliff. He leaned the scooter over against the building. Shouldn't require chaining out here. He knocked, and Pepperman quickly opened the door. "Peppino! Welcome, welcome! I'm just finishing the setup, come in and warm up!"
Peppino nodded and took off his hoodie, gloves, and scarf. He rubbed his hands together. Shortly after, there was another knock, and Pepperman welcomed Giuseppe in. His brother held a large, bulky package, and was dressed in a fine military outfit, festooned with decorations. He'd also obviously had a beard trim - it was less wild and bushy. Peppino stared. He'd never seen his brother look so formal. Sometimes I forget just what his life was like.
Giuseppe walked over to Peppino. Peppino punched this arm. "Looking sharp, fratello. Too-a bad I look so frumpy." At least I got properly shaven this time. He rubbed his chin. He'd finally managed to remove the stubborn stubble on his chin, after careful shaving. It'd be back tomorrow, of course - it grew like weeds.
Giuseppe smiled hugely. "Let's fix that." He held out the bulky package. "This is for you. Consider it early Christmas. Part of it's from Gustavo, too."
Intrigued, Peppino opened the package and gasped. Inside was a beautiful white chef's uniform, the breast and sleeves freshly pressed, the black slacks smooth and clean. A glossy black pair of dress shoes sat at the bottom. A pair of black socks were tucked into them. The hat was finely crafted and bright white. The whole ensemble appeared to be made of silk and fine leather. Underneath it was an intricate chef's apron, just as he'd always said he wanted. It was like a dream come true. He looked up at his brother, who was still grinning hugely. "Seppe, I - how?"
He laughed. "I found a good tailor in La Crosta. Port city, you know, you can find anything if you look hard enough! He took my measurements and made some educated guesses based on my descriptions. The apron's from Gustavo, though. He said he'd been planning to give you that already. Go on, try it all on!"
Pepperman was staring in awe. "Oh my, Peppino, yes! That will be magnificent! There's a changing room right over there, go, go!"
Peppino quickly moved everything to the room and changed. Reminds me of my old school outfit, but so, so much better!
He stepped out and both Guiseppe and Pepperman turned. Giuseppe smiled, and Pepperman held his hands to his face. "Magnifique!"
Peppino did a little twirl and smiled. "It's a perfect-a fit!" He walked over and hugged his brother. "Thank-a you so much, fratello! I've wanted something like-a this for so long!" He felt tears welling up.
Giuseppe laughed and reached up, wiping his brother's eyes. "Come on, Peppino, we don't want red, puffy eyes in this thing, after all! While you've been changing, I've been telling Pepperman my idea. He seems to be in agreement." He told Peppino what he was planning.
Peppino smiled. "That's a great-a idea, Seppe! Good thinking." He turned to Pepperman. "Are you ready, signore?"
Pepperman clapped his hands. "Yes! I have the backdrop and props set up already! Come, I'll show you."
The brothers followed the giant pepper into his studio, laughing.
The next day, Peppino had ridden over to Tower Town and parked, then took a walk. All this time and I've never actually explored it! He waved at several villagers who had greeted him. He was in a lighter mood than he'd been in ages. The air was crisp, but the sun was shining. The weather forecast was predicting a bad snowstorm a few days after Christmas, but right now it was beautiful.
Peppino strolled from spot to spot, following the flow and noting several stores that had popped up, including several new restaurants. There's that place Seppe got that Chicken Tikka from! The door was closed, but the air above the shop front practically vibrated with heat. From inside he heard a sudden voice: "SQREEEEK! IT BURNS! IT BURRRRNS!" and several rolls of laughter. Peppino chuckled to himself. Sounds like a Pig just learned not to ask for the Extra Spicy! Peppino liked spicy, but not that spicy. He shook his head and kept walking.
Entering the town square, Peppino was surprised to find what looked like a construction site. What in the world...? Then he noticed a pine tree in the middle of the scaffolding. That's one big Christmas tree! He strolled over, and saw a sign on the fence: Sponsored by NTV.
Peppino snorted and grinned. Figures Noise would be behind this. He glanced up - at the top, instead on an angel or star, a cuddly Noise sat, toy bomb in hand. Just below that was a similar stuffy of Noisette. Circling below that were stuffies of all the bosses: Fake, Pepperman, and Vigilante. Then Peppino was surprised to see stuffies of himself, Gustavo and Brick also prominently displayed. Elsewhere the tree was festooned with a variety of decorations: classic baubles and tinsel shared space with pizza slices and toy Toppins. The lights spread through the tree were tiny, and glittered. Peppino admitted the effect would be stunning at night.
"Yee!" Peppino jumped as he popped out of his reverie. Noisette was at his side, grinning hugely as usual. "Ah! Noisette!"
Noisette tapped her foot shyly. "Sorry to scare you Peppino," her face saying she still found it funny, "but I saw you and just had to ask your opinion on the tree!"
He looked back up. "It's-a actually wonderful, Noisette." He looked down at her. "I must admit, I'm-a surprised to see me and Gustavo on it..."
Noisette made a "pshaw" hand motion. "Aw, Peppino, you oughta by now there's no hard feelings! Not many any, anyway. Practically none. Mostly Noise," she said the last part under her breath. Then she perked back up. "You're a part of this community, all of you!"
Peppino found he was blushing. After what I did to all of them... "You-a guys are awfully forgiving."
She punched his arm. "Peppino, we owe you! That nut Pizzahead would've probably killed us all eventually if you hadn't busted him up! When we took his offer he seem so nice, but..." she frowned. "What he did to you, and that Bruno guy, and all those frogs, and all those other restaurants and people..." she sniffed. "Even Noisie said he wouldn't have joined Pizzahead if he'd known about all that. But we were too busy livin' our dreams in the Tower..."
Peppino patted her back. "It's-a over now, Noisette. You didn't know. Don't-a be so hard on yourself." She looked up at him. "That's a lesson I had to learn-a the hard way."
She started bawling and hugged him. Peppino, suddenly nervous, hugged her quickly. "It's-a OK, it's -a OK!" He patted her back gently. Calm down or Noise might ACTUALLY try to kill me!
Just as quickly, she stopped. She sniffed and wiped her nose. "Sorry, got a little worked up there for a sec. Hey, you want to light the topper?"
The sudden shift in mood put Peppino off-balance, but the choruses of "do it" and "right person for it" encouraged him. "Well, if-a you insist." The decorators cheered as he flipped the switch. The Noise on the top started spinning slowly, playing a strange tune that sounded suspiciously like something he'd heard playing in the deepest parts of the tower, but more upbeat and with jingle bells. Also, for some reason, a chorus of caroling cat meowing. Half expected Noise's theme.
Peppino carefully steered down the small road leading to the cemetery. I should have done this long ago.
He hadn't visited his Papa's grave since before the war.
He parked his scooter just inside the gate, and walked over to the attendant. "Excuse me, signore, it's-a been too long. I'm looking for a grave - Sergio Spaghetti?"
The man looked surprised. "Weren't you just here the other day? You ought to know." He peered at Peppino. "You shave your beard?"
Peppino smiled nervously. "O-oh, ah, that-that-a was my brother, heh heh. We get-a confused all the time!"
The attendant looked suspicious but leaned back. "Mighty strong resemblance, but that's brothers for ya. Here, he's right here." He pointed at a spot on a map, near the back.
"Ah, grazie, sir, grazie." Peppino bowed and backed out. The attendant grunted but said nothing.
Peppino was sweating. Don't know why I'm still so nervous about that. Obviously Giuseppe had been recently. Peppino chided himself. You should have been here years ago, you coward.
Approaching the stone, Peppino's steps slowed. He felt immensely guilty. He bent and placed the flowers he'd brought in the urn attached to the plot, and knelt. Finally, he spoke. "H-hello, Papa. I-I'm-a sorry. I meant to come visit you, but things just kept happening..."
Only the rustling of the branches answered.
He huffed. "What am I trying-a to say? 'Sorry for being a deadbeat drunk for half-a my adult life?' 'Sorry for nearly killing-a Mama with a stress heart attack?'" He looked down. "Mio Dio, I'm-a so pathetic. I don't think I'll ever-a live up to your legacy, Papa."
"Excuse me? Signore?"
The voice sounded oddly familiar. Like... my old teacher? Alphonso? He turned, and a young man approached with an elderly woman. They were blonde-haired, and the young man had just the beginnings of a mustache.
"I'm sorry to intrude, signore, but I couldn't help but overhear. Aren't you Master Peppino Spaghetti?"
Peppino stepped back. "I'm-a Peppino, yes, but Master? I make no such-a claim, young man. Who are you?"
The young man bowed. "I'm sorry, signore, it was rude not to introduce myself. My name is Brando Tagliatelle. I think you studied under my Nonno Alphonso?"
Peppino blinked. Alphonso's grandson? That would mean this is... Bruno's... he tried to hide the horror in his mind. He flashed back to the scene in the pizzeria weeks before. Fake's voice echoed: He hates me. Hates me...
The boy continued as Peppino tried to calm himself. "My Nonno always spoke extremely highly of you. He said your talents were being wasted only making pizza. You might imagine this was not praise he gave lightly."
Peppino nodded. Alphonso had been a kind but harsh teacher. Every compliment had been bought with tears and sweat.
"What I am trying to say, signore, is... a man who was pathetic, like you describe yourself, would not have received such praise from him. In fact, he said in some ways you were superior to your father, because you had greater fire. I hope you will take his words to heart."
Peppino nodded again. "Grazie, giovanotto. It's good to hear that from such an unexpected-a source." His heart lightened a bit.
The young man fidgeted, and looked unsure. Finally, he nodded and spoke. "Signore, I realize this is incredibly bold of me, but... I graduate culinary school soon. I'm looking for a master to work under. Would it be possible that you could apprentice me?"
Me? Apprentice Bruno's son? What could such a person learn from me? Then he thought about Fake. How would he respond? He realized he was staring at Brando, and cleared his throat. "I... will-a have to consider it, young Brando. But I promise-a you I will consider it. Perhaps in the new year. Do you have a way for me to contact you?"
"Of course, signore." He read off his number, which Peppino saved. "Grazie. I hope my words helped you, small though they may be. I should go though, Mama could catch cold. I hope to hear from you soon. Ciao."
The two walked away, and Peppino stared after them. Bruno Tagliatelle's son wants to apprentice with me. This year gets stranger and stranger.
He swore he heard his father's laugh, echoing on the wind.
Peppino had been cooking all day. He and Giuseppe had decided to have their Christmas dinner at the pizzeria - none of their homes were big enough for the entire group that was invited. Peppino had invited Fake, Gustavo and Brick to come; Giuseppe would arrive soon with Mama Margherita. He'd taken Brando's words to heart, and found himself getting creative. Now he had a spread of Italian cuisine fit to stuff them all insensate. Gustavo, Brick, and Fake were placing gifts below the tree in the dining room. They had move the tables together to create a grand table, and Peppino was moving dishes to it as he finished them.
"Ay, fratellino, we're here!" His brother called from the front.
Peppino smiled. "Almost-a done! Just taking this last piece out!" He'd made a lavish Italian-style Christmas cake, a recipe he'd learned from Alphonso. He set it on the countertop to cool, washed his hands, and hung his new apron on the hook. He stared at it lovingly for a moment. Then, walking into the dining room, he found everyone waiting. "Well, amicos, let's-a not stand on ceremony! Let's eat!"
As they sat, Margherita looked over the spread. "You've outdone yourself, Peppino. This is magnificent!"
Peppino held his Mama's hand. "Let's-a just say I got reminded who and what I am the other day."
She smiled. "Whoever they are, I'm grateful." She cupped his cheek. "It's good to see you again, ragazzo. Finally, I think that darkness is fading."
He grinned and grabbed her plate. "Let me fill that for you, Mama."
After they finished dinner, they had exchanged gifts. Most of them had been small, but it was the thought that counted. Margherita had knitted Peppino, Giuseppe, Fake, Gustavo, and even Brick scarves, all in the red-white-and-green of the Italian flag. Fake was rubbing theirs on their face, burbling in pleasure. Gustavo had cried a little. Brick practically glowed. Peppino and Giuseppe were wearing theirs and complaining that one or the other's was different. They were all laughing.
Finally, Giuseppe spoke. "Mama, Peppino and I went in together to get you something. We hope you'll like it."
Margherita chuckled. "If it's from you ragazzi, of course I will. Now, show me what has both of you smiling like a pair of self-satisfied cats."
Peppino reached behind the tree and pulled out the large, colorfully-wrapped package hidden behind it. "A few-a days ago, Pepperman started this for us. He-a just finished yesterday. He-a worked day and night, and says it's-a his greatest work yet. And-a I'm inclined to agree."
Margherita gently walked up, and tore the paper.
Inside was a painting in oil. Peppino sat in a chair in his white chef's outfit, while Giuseppe stood behind, standing proud in his decorated uniform. Behind them was a glorious sunset, and in the corner the "PM" blended in nicely with the ground. The details was stunning, far beyond Pepperman's normal works.
"I did some studying with the masters while I was gone," he'd said, "I think it's paid off."
"Oh! Oh my!" Margherita stood back, a hand to her mouth. Her eyes sparkled. "It's wonderful! How much did this cost you?"
Giuseppe smiled. "It didn't. Pepperman insisted it was just a study for him, and wouldn't accept payment. I can only imagine how much it would have cost to have something like this."
Margherita grabbed both her son's and dragged them into a hug. She squeezed both of their breath out of them, and they gasped.
"Easy, Mama, remember your strength!" Peppino choked.
She laughed and let go. "Forty-five years ago, I was blessed with a beautiful son. Fate saw fit to double that blessing." She hugged them again, less forcefully. "Thank you, both of you."
Peppino stepped back. "Thank Giuseppe, it was his idea."
Giuseppe laughed. "You're the one he wanted to study."
Peppino chuckled. "Fair enough." He threw up his hands. "All right, everyone, who's-a got room for cake?"
The next day, Margherita snuggled down in Sergio's old recliner. Forty years later, and I can still catch a bit of your scent, you smelly, romantic goof.
She looked up at the painting on the wall. Her two sons smiled down, and she smiled back. We birthed a fine pair, amore mio, she thought. Through fire and pain and blood that would have broken other men, they still kept their heart. They still remind me of you.
She pulled up a blanket, turned on the TV, and relaxed in body and soul. She was content.
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p-redux · 1 year
curious to know what you think her statement about love, food and bookings means
Anon is referring to Chloe's bio on Instagram. 👇
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Like I said before, she's got a very tongue-in-cheek sense of humor. All her posts have funny and cheeky captions. I thought it was pretty obvious that she's not being serious in her bio. But here's the explanation for anyone who doesn't get it. 👇
In her bio, she's just kidding around that love is usually a complicated topic to discuss, so she's gotta have a full belly to have the energy to talk about it IOW "to stomach it." As for the inquiries, also a joke. Pizza Pino are Italian restaurants in Paris. Tony may or may not be the manager at one of them. Or she may be using the stereotype of an Italian name in the English speaking world. Stereotypical Italian-American names are Tony, Pauly, Vinny, etc. She loves Italian food, especially bolognese sauce on pasta, and has tons of pics and mentions of it on her account. IOW, her whole bio is just her being cheeky. Capisce?
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phonypizza · 1 year
Hello, Peppino. Here’s to the start of a hopefully normal day, like the kind you’ve probably dreamed of having for… oof. Wow. Let’s not even get into that. Anyway, this is just a nice, normal trip to the grocery store! Some might even say that this place is The Best In-a Town-a, with the kinds of bargains you can find! And while you’re restocking on whatever it was that you needed, a familiar face spots you as he steps into the aisle.
Seems like he’d expected to see you in a different aisle, with how he glanced back in confusion. Then again, he forgets how quickly you move, sometimes. It wasn't like there was more than one (real) Peppino currently in this store, after all. Come on, that would be absurd! The Italian chef moves at light speed, a much more logical explanation.
Not a word was spoken, at first, as he casually dropped a heap of groceries into your cart. Mostly boxes of pasta, a frozen pack of pizza rolls, and an overstuffed bag of air reading ‘I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT DORITO'S: NOW WITH EVEN FEWER CHIPS!’ on the front.
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“I checked. They didn’t have the coffee ice cream.”
That’s it. That’s the extent of the explanation you’re getting.
Hello, gamer.
This is indeed a nice, normal trip to a grocery store. No need to wear sunglasses, no need to grab giant tubs of mayo to fend off an alien inva-- whoops, wrong game. Anyway, it's a nice. Normal. Trip to a grocery store. To buy grocery-related things. Maybe a familiar tune is playing over the loudspeaker, who knows.
Pino's currently flipping through his little coupon book as the Sausage Toppin stands on his shoulder to survey the deals. Occasionally it grunts as it spots an expired coupon, letting Pino know to yank the slip of paper out and crumple it into his pocket. He's so busy trying to coupon that at first, he doesn't notice anyone approaching his cart--
Sausage grunts louder in alarm, and Pino looks up as something hits the floor of his cart. His eyes widen momentarily before he looks at the stranger. Stranger?? Sort of??? Why's this person sort of... familiar to h-- What the fuck is thaaaaaaaaaat
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"Well, that's-a not good, but..."
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"Who are you and why did you put your-a groceries in my cart."
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Getting Some Ideas Out Masterpost (Base / OG Pizza Tower) // [Heavily HC'd]
Peppino -> the OG: Anxious, Cranky, Very Tired The Noise -> the OG: Chaotic Gremlin, Actually Depressed Noisette -> the OG: Silly-Billy, Creative, Clingy Gustavo -> the OG: Has a Rat Best Friend, Pep's Only Friend Mr. Stick -> the OG: Money Stickler, Landlord Vibes Feppi / Bruno -> the OG: Fake Peppino! (Teddy Ver) (Sugary Spire AU) // [Heavily HC'd] Pizzano -> Sugary Variant: Playful, Childish, Too Energetic Pizzelle -> Sugary Variant: Timid Chihuahua, Tries Her Best Rosette -> Sugary Variant: Patient, Helpful, Mom-Friend The G -> Sugary Variant: Has Tricks, Nicer than He Seems Stinky -> Sugary Variant: Loyal(ish) Assistant, Needs a Break PIZZANDY -> Sugary Variant: Pizzandroid aka Andy! ("Evil" AU) // [Heavily HC'd] Pino Pasta -> Evil(??) Variant: Twice as Crabby, Smugger, Confident Ted Slander -> Evil(??) Variant: Fired Detective, Has Issues Rachelle Lamb -> Evil(??) Variant: Unfortunately, In Love Tavi Pasta -> Evil(??) Variant: Kind of Dead, Mysterious Cleveland "Slim" Branch -> Evil(??) Variant: Tax Manager Trapdoor / Ent -> Evil(??) Variant: Runaway Experiment! (MY AUS) // [Diner Stadium \ Dinerkart] Peppe -> Biker Variant: Easygoing, Maybe Too Wild, Actually Shy Boom-Mic -> Biker Variant: Bestie, Fake Square, Still a Gremlin Colette -> Biker Variant: Square, Ditsy, Likes Danger Augustus -> Biker Variant: Let Him Go ADVENTURES Slick -> Biker Variant: Whiney, Stingy, Is Soft SOMETIMES (N/A . . . yet)
Reminder! That Most of These are Unavailable! Try to keep subjects directed at the Three Peas, please! You can ask ABOUT them, but not directly to them - unless they're "and Guests!"
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conlacaritaempapada · 2 years
NO SUCUMBIR A LA LLUVIA, poema de Kenji Miyazawa.
No sucumbir a la lluvia No sucumbir al viento No sucumbir a la nieve ni al calor del estío Tener un cuerpo firme y sano sin avaricia ni codicia Sonreír siempre tranquilo Nunca tener ira Comer cuatro tazas de arroz al día y un poco de pasta de soya y legumbres No contar conmigo mismo en ninguna ocasión Observar atentamente y comprender Además, no olvidar A la sombra de una arboleda de pinos en el campo vivir en una choza de cañas Si al este hay un niño enfermo ir a cuidarlo Si al oeste hay una madre fatigada ayudarle cargando las gavillas de arroz Si al sur hay una persona moribunda decirle que no tenga miedo Si al norte hay pendencias y acusaciones decirles que cesen de hacerlo porque no es interesante Si se presenta la sequía tener lágrimas en los ojos y caminar perplejo y preocupado bajo el verano frío Ser llamado 'títere imbécil' por la gente sin nunca ser alabado ni molesto Un hombre así quisiera ser Yo.
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uhoh-peppinos · 1 year
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...What an interesting little accident...
[frames under]
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This recipe is one I sweated over to perfect. And no sweat is not one of the ingredients. Don’t need that kind of umami here (ooh mommy).
I call it “Sauce for Friends”. Because I solely cook it for people I love. Over the years friends are like family for me. I love them to shreds and only want to fatten them up. Before I had friends, it was a tough spot in my early adulthood years. Managing education, work, family problems and finances. So that time I spent focusing on myself, I made food. I was super skinny and malnourished and wanted only to take care of myself when I could. I really liked spaghetti that my family made (separated parents, one side made spaghetti and the other made problems), so I tried to recreate it. After some time the recipe started coming together quite nicely (even better than my family’s) and I also started making friends and bringing them the extra sauce. Which was eye rollingly, completely silent, lovingly gazing at the fork delicious. Boring introductions aside….
Sauce For Friends 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏽👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏾👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏽
2 jars of good ass tomato sauce. Jar sauce sucks but I like to make okay food better. You can make your own but that’s a whole other recipe I’ll get to later
Raw pork sausage- 1-2 packs of 6 links. Remove the skin casings (you can get spicy or Italian)(I prefer spicy)
Rosemary, bay leaves, oregano, paprika, chili powder, nutmeg
Red wine (Chianti works best)(not pino noir or cabarnet. It’s a good way to make everything taste like barbecue sauce)
1 large onion
2-3 cloves of garlic
Milk (1/4-1/3 cup)
2 tsp sugar
Heat your olive oil then add in your onions, sauté until almost transparent then add your paprika, oregano and garlic. I like to use a clay pot for an extra umph to the flavor, but any large pot or sauce pan will do.
Add in your mushrooms and sauté til darkened and fragrant
Add your peeled sausages then smash, mash and bash your problems away until light brown.
Pour in your milk and nutmeg, stir around until milk had reduced to almost cheese like texture. (Shouldn’t look like milk)
Pour in your red wine and bay leaves/rosemary simmer until alcohol is cooked out.
You don’t really need to jars of sauce but the extra is for good measure since there’s already so much liquid. Add your jar sauce, chili powder, salt, pepper and sugar.
Leave to simmer for about 30-45 minutes stirring occasionally.
You may notice that my recipes don’t have alot of measurements. I eyeball all my recipes but I ensure you 1 package of mushrooms is enough. Even half that since somehow the mushrooms double when minced. A lot will argue sugar should not go into pasta sauce. It does when it’s bought off the shelf in a jar or in a can. It reduces the preservative flavor and brightens the sauce. Sweet sauce is gross so take it easy w the sugar. Always remember measurements in cooking is just a mere suggestion. Unless you’re baking. Follow everything to a T when baking
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benefits1986 · 25 days
Weekends = Cheat Dhzais
It's the szn of catch-up and maraming food spots na naman pong muli. So, dahil may mga parating na ganaps kahit ayoko lumabas ng Manila dahil napaka daling magbaha and napaka traffic, ano nga ba ang mga oks na food spots for me? Sa opinyon ko lang 'to a kasi nga kung ako lang din, siomai saka pancit canton na al dente saka kanin na buhaghag plus mga fave kong inihaw, solb na me. Sa MNL muna 'to kasi nakakatamad mag-isip. In no particular order din 'to because kakatamad talaga mag-rank. Indian: Indus, Mantra, New Bombay, Queens at Bollywood
Thai: People's Palace, Thaidara
Deli: Poco Deli, Santi's
Spanish: Las Flores, Terry's, Barcino
Jap: Hanakazu, Manmaru (Dati Nihon saka Kikufuji, kaso iba na talaga and quality)
Jap Modern: Sensei, Omakase, Tokyo Bubble Tea
Cake: Bungalow, Chocolat, Flourjar
Breakfast: Atoy's, Maty's, Manor, Balay Dako 'pag walang tao, Kanto Freestyle depends sa branch ulit, SEx depende sa branch ulit, Pancake House depends sa branch ulit
Filipino: Blue Seas Main Branch, Manam, Max's sa labas ng Araneta mismo, Gubat, Via Mare Sushi: Farmers Market Cubao -- mura pa, hahahaha
Steak: Melo's 'pag sapilitan lang at walang choice kasi mahal masyado sa iba tapos 'di naman ako happy kasi nga karne, magluto ka na lang sa bahay. LOLs
Burger: TGIF, 8Cuts, Sweet X depende sa branch
Chinese: Ying Ying, Wai Ying, Sincerity, atbp, North Park, Gloria Maris, Century Park, Phoenix Court, atbp.
Taiwanese: Botan Black kaso closed na siya, Fat Fook/Paradise Dynasty/Nakalimutan ko name, pero again, depends lahat 'to sa branch, pero pinaka gusto ko 'yung nasa may ABSCBN na 'di ko na naman matandaan pangalan
Malatang: Sichu Malatang 5evsssss --sana meron sa South though feeling ko meron tago dito because you know naman... hahahaha
Hotpot: Wala pa sa Pinas (LOL) pero 'pag enjoy kasama kahit Jiang Nan oks na. Haidilao, cutie lang siya sa color pero ems talaga. Brewery: Tap Station 5evsssss
Korean: Kaya 5evssss din Singaporean: Toastbox, Nanyang Pizza/Pasta: Va Bene, Pizza Express, Da Gianni, Amare depends sa branch ulit, Cibo Ramen: Wala pa rin kasi 'di naman ako mahilig sa ramen Vegan/Vegetarian: Likha Diwa, Pino. Wild Thyme, atbp. Mexican: La Chinesca, El Chu, 'Yung Silantro nung di pa sila mainstream Diner: Syempre nung oks pa Filing Station Bistro: Bamba saka 'yung sa Town na 'di ko alam anong name na naman basta oks siya Inasal: JT's 5evvvsssss Med/Lamb: Don Limone pero closed na sila so balik tayong Cafe Med saka Mister Kabab, SSC at 'yung sa may LRT Station sa Taft side of life
Rooftop: NO REVEAL kasi gusto kong i-gatekeep pero marami naman na ring tao doon kaya 'di naman na siya secret. Very unassuming and legit. 'Di super sarap pero solid na siya overall. Sa Mall: Din Tai Fung, Hawker Chan, Bonchon, Wendy's, Kenny Rogers, Peri-peri, Gringo, Mary Grace 'pag mga tita na maarte ang kasama which is ayoko talaga ng Mary Grace, pero sige. G na. Oks naman siya pero again, very tita all over. LELS.
Inuman na may tugtog na walang sayaw-sayaw: Saguijo, 19East saka Metrowalk noong oks pa siya HAHAHAHAHA Ice Cream: Sebastian's 5evs saka 'yung nakain ko sa Little Tokyo saka Arce syempre plus Cara Mia nung nasa Don Bosco pa lang branch nila pero oks naman sila kahit sa South branches Sa Food Court: Landmark 5evs saka basta may Paotsin saka Waffle Time saka Potato Corner oks na me. Tasting Emerut: Wala pang pumapasa Hahahahahaha. Sayang lang ang gastos. Naka-ilan pa lang naman ako pero hahahahaha. Baka 'di lang talaga pang-palette ko mga ganyan pero umaasa pa rin akong 'yung minamata kong 2 spots e, alam na.
Best Food Streets: Binondo, Maginhawa, Lilac, and syempre, BF Resort and BF Par, Quiapo
My favorite category - matchaaaaameeee: Tsujiri Dakasi TenRen Sharetea CHICHA San Chen Tokyo Bubble Tea Ang daming bagong restaurants ngayon as in, pero sa outside MNL na ako maghahanap. Pero may mga namamataan tayong matcha bar at mga brewery na bago. Tignan natin kung mapapadpad tayo sa mga 'yan sooner or later. LELS. So far, very tita ng mga selections pero kasi ang nakakatawa, ngayon kasi 'pag pinipilihan at nagte-trending, matic na may expectation ka na agad tapos pagpunta mo doon, emeeeee. 4 or 5 out of 10 tulad ng ___ ___ na talaga namang maganda ang ambiance pero ems lang food to think Jap food pa siya and foodie-approved 'di umano. Ganern.
0 notes
tbthqs · 4 months
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Em 2014, a personagem Gwen Vickers (@nascitadiveneres) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences:planta de um prédio chamado "Dragna Towers: 2013", fotos da vigilância do dia 9/10/2013, de um homem desconhecido entrando e saindo das Dragna Towers, com o nome no verso atrás: "Norris, Joss. Chefe desenvolvimento e pesquisa da Dragnatec", uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma contendo 6 unidades de um tubo de metal arredondado, parecendo um dado de 20 faces, com pino e um bilhete "Granada ultra violeta aka "Cegueta". Quando aberta, liberam uma luz roxa ultra violeta, capaz de causar uma cegueira temporária por 10 minutos, no raio de 2m3. Ideal para áreas com câmeras de segurança. Não utilizar sem o uso proteção nos olhos. Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Em 2014, a personagem Harper Wang (@chefhwang) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences:um boné azul da Merryweather e uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma contendo 6 unidades de um tubo de metal com pino reforçado e um bilhete "Granada Entropia Controlada aka "Bagunça tudo". Quando aberta, aumenta temporariamente a entropia em uma área específica, causando desorganização molecular, desativando máquinas e desorientação em seres vivos no raio de 2m3. Não utilizar sem o uso de proteção auricular. Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Em 2014, a personagem Harvey Wang (@thxversatile) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences: um colete a prova de balas com a logo da Merryweather, fotos de vigilância de Michael Rosenthal no dia 5/10/2013 entrando na Dragna Towers, um envelope com uma carta dentro com a Inscrição "Para meus netos que nunca conheci. Zhao Wang. Junho de 1986" e uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma contendo uma arma quadrada com entrada para dois cartuchos, contendo 10 cartuchos adicionais, além dos dois já na arma e um bilhete "Pistola-Rede aka "Segura-Trouxa". Os projéteis se expandem em uma rede eletrificada ao atingir o alvo. Cada cartucho possui uma rede, e é acionado a cada puxada de gatilho Não utilizar sem o uso de roupas de proteção. Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Em 2014, a personagem Jacob Harris (@jacobisalive) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences: Robôs "Rock' Em Sok" com a etiqueta "Isaac", um cartão de identificação de Isaac Dragna da reitoria da UCLA, um quadro magnético da Hasbro, edição 1982, com as iniciais "MD" marcadas, um cartão de memória da Marca Sandisc, um cinto preto de utilidades preto (similar ao que os homens da Merryweather usam), balaclava preta, uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma contendo uma pistola com 16 balas e um bilhete "Pistola de dardos aka "Noite Feliz". Os projéteis possui um dardo tranquilizante que apaga por 24 horas . Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Em 2014, a personagem Jawie Peralta (@theambitiousj) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences: uma Alexa de pulso, fotos de vigilância mostrando Qi Ying Zhanlan entrando na Dragna Towers no dia 9/10/2013 e saindo no dia 10/10/2013, alguns anos mais jovem do que quando entrou, cartão de segurança da Dragnatec em nome de Joss Norris e uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma contendo 6 unidades de um tubo de metal com pino e um bilhete "Granada Sonora aka "Acorda Surdo". Quando aberta, liberam uma onda de som sônico de alta intensidade, porém de baixa frequência, no raio de 2m3, para desorientar e incapacitar alvos, causando vertigem e perda de equilíbrio. Não utilizar sem o uso de proteção auricular. Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Em 2014, a personagem Jocelyn Jenkins (@pretxnder) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences: luva tática preta, máscara de gás, uma pasta preta com uma etiqueta branca escrita "Relatório teste 3o. 19/11/2013 - Projeto Chronos II", rádio travado na frequência 256.9AM e uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma contendo uma arma robusta, com entrada para seis cartuchos, e recarga de 12 cartuchos e o bilhete"Pistola de Concussão. "Jubileu". Projéteis que liberam uma onda de choque eletrico ao impacto, capaz de derrubar o alvo, causando atordoamento e desorientação. Não utilizar perto de aparelhos eletrônicos. Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Em 2014, a personagem Katherine Lewis (@thxnerd) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences: cartão de memória da marca Sandisc, um cartão postal com a mensagem no verso: "Queria que estivesse aqui, nos vemos no futuro - 2024", botas camufladas da cor bege, Diário de Tan Ju Zhanla - 1950/51, uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma contendo uma arma triangular, com entrada para dois cartuchos, e recarga de 16 cartuchos e um bilhete "Pistola de Campo Gravitacional. "Tirmisu". Cria um campo gravitacional de alta intensidade ao explodir. Pressiona alvos contra o chão ou contra o teto, impedindo seus movimentos sem ferimentos. Não utilizar perto de aparelhos eletrônicos. Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Em 2014, a personagem Lucien Dragna (@thetrickxter) encontrou o seguinte item no meio de seus pertences: calça cargo caqui com a logo da Merryweather bordado nos bolsos de tamanho M, óculos Ray-Ban aviator, uma caixa de metal com estofamento de espuma contendo 6 unidades de um tubo de metal com uma tela de led indicando a quantidade de fluido dentro, com pino e um bilhete "Granada Plasma aka "Noite dos Vampiros". Quando aberta, liberam uma pequena carga de plasma contido ao impacto, capaz de causar uma leve queimadura superficial, o suficiente para deter sem ferir gravemente o alvo, no raio de 2m3. Não utilizar sem o uso de roupas de proteção. Acondicionar fora de calor ou de ambientes com muita luz solar. xoxo Milton."
Os Itens estavam acompanhados de um bilhete que dizia "Faça bom uso, mas tome cuidado para não perder." Os objetos são presentes referente as tasks.
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ghostgoth-doll · 2 months
No sé si tenga subgenero favorito, pero me gusta mucho el death y Black metal
Los juegos de mi infancia los llevo en el corazón, pero generalmente me gustan los hack and slash, dantes inferno, bayonetta, Alice madness returns etc. Después estarían los dark souls e.e
Me gustan los libros de fantasía, terror, ciencia ficción y también libros académicos, historia, biología, filosofía etc
Cuando era más cabro tuve mis bandas, también, Black y death metal, siempre hice guitarra y voz
Me gustan las pastas, onda desde cero, hacer lasañas y cosas así. También pastel de choclo o empanadas de pino uff
Creo que la mejor foto que hice fue a las estrellas. Onda en una esquina se ve un árbol y todo el fondo estrellado
Yo también prefiero el death y el black. Aunque antes rechazaba el trash y la verdad que he escuchado temas muy buenos 😌
Y los dark souls los acabas o los abandonas? De esos que nombraste solo jugué el Alice y me gusta mucho, es uno de mis favoritos 🥺 es precioso.
Eres bien variado en tus gustos de libros. A mí me gustaría tener uno de la historia del arte, que hable de diversos artistas enfocado en la pintura. No sé si exista algo así. Con ilustraciones... Para mí las ilustraciones son muy importantes 🤭 Sabes de alguno?
Yo tengo una pequeña colección de libros de Benjamin Lacombe.
Wena, debe ser divertido estar en una banda.
Buen gusto culinario 🤤 y que bacán que lo hagas desde cero, nunca he comido una pasta así completamente casera, esa que se hace con la maquinita para cortar los fideos. Los ñoquis sí. Ando con ganas de pastel de choclo y justo me lo nombras🥺
Hay que tener una cámara muy decente para lograr capturar las estrellas bien uwu
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sic-k · 6 months
[som de trepadeiras podres se rompendo]
Estou rastejando pelo vazio
Implorando por poder. Gritando com tanta força que sinto o sangue quente molhando a minha garganta.
Pedindo, chorando. Comendo as lágrimas grossas e cuspindo-as...
Cuspiando-as em súplicas para que os espectros amontoados em minhas costas, parem de tocar as minhas costelas.
Me fazem cócegas ao tocar meus pulmões, o meu fígado, brincam com as minhas artérias e eu não posso respirar.
A mão que o vazio me oferece, se estende quando acredita que mereço a misericórdia.
Ofegando, eu me arrasto para o contorno que a gravidade contorna tentando trazer luz.
O sangue borbulhando em minha língua.
A pasta de gente em que eu me torno.
As bocas abertas das almas podres em meu casco.
E o chão está cada vez mais gelado.
Sinto a grossura dos seus dedos na minha mão...
Meu sorriso gosmento de sangue eu lhe entrego em gratidão.
As bocas abertas daqueles, lamuriam-se e gemem, entoam o som dos galhos das árvores se quebrando em uma tempestade.
O ar gelado empurrando a sua mão para baixo, te devolvendo ao lugar a que você pertence.
E as almas vão sorrindo, cada vez maior, cada vez pior.
Enfiam as suas unhas em suas próprias teias reproduzindo o som das trepadeiras podres se rompendo, me põem surda.
Sua carne é rosada, os seus olhos se abrem e se fecham, as teias foram salvadas em uma caixa, como a minha.
Eses dedos nas minhas costelas agora me doem.
O sangue na minha garganta foi levado para onde pertence - para onde pertenço.
Aqui eles não me deixam gritar.
Os seus dedos nas minhas costelas me obrigam o silêncio.
Me observarão até voltar a noite
Que olhos horríveis vocês têm...
O Sol a pino mantendo-os feios como nunca, brilha a ponto de me machucar.
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