#pinpin is up next
tellyqupid · 5 months
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amalia charm ! 💫
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geekgirles · 3 months
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As I always say, I haven't played Waven, so I don't know how far in you gotta be to have these quests, but I'm getting really peeved seeing you get to interact with Pinpin, Pin, Eva, Ruel, Elaine and Encre Noir, and even Lotie, while Yugo and Amalia remain nowhere to be seen.
I'm warning you, Ankama, if anything happens to them in The Great Wave or you break them up, next time I see you it's on sight.
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kerubimcrepin · 8 months
Episode 30 - Bonta Folie's (part 2)
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...Who would have known that not pretending to be a manly man-man, and actually being a friend to your girlfriend would make your relationship better?
But genuinely, it's so cute to see them finally getting along.
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Even that is enough for him.
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It's very interesting to me, the way this juxtaposes his party.for all of the girls, and this one-on-one dinner proposition.
Yet again, Kerubim isn't just trying to get back together with Lou — he's become a part of the collective.
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And he isn't just pretending to be a woman - he's relishing in it.
Which is very normal and not a sign of anything at all about his gender.
...Is this a good time to, yet again, mention that this episode is the first time we see Kerubim wearing green, chronologically speaking? Y'know, his favourite color?
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Between trying to isolate Lou, mistreating everyone but her, unlawfully terminating Keke's employment out of jealousy, and, in general, and the power imbalance in trying to seek a relationship with one's own employee... The twitter callout would be wild. World's shittiest employer.
...Also, way to hit the sore spots, considering "you're barely worth the attention she gives you" is pretty much Keke's Nightmare.
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Smudged mascara from tears. Cute...
Finally, he gets the courage to do the right thing. Only takes everything being So Over each time. I guess it says a lot about his character. Even as an old man he's not good at telling the truth, if it makes him feel bad.
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Past Kerubim would have been probably been begging, tearfully, on his knees, for her to take him back. Or, perhaps, past Kerubim would have been denying he was at fault altogether.
What happened in the last episodes, is that he finally learned to take accountability for his life. He's okay with rejection. It's just that he wants her to know that he's sorry.
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(nods sagely) And Pinpin is actually just a woman.
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...Oh, god, it is going to be hard not to screenshot every single frame of the next scene.
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In the past, perhaps he would have tried to say something in his defence. But it's not about him: it's about her shitty, shitty birthday, about him having lied to her for weeks or months, and him having caused her to forget him.
So, he doesn't say anything.
He lets her do all the talking.
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It's only after she says something that isn't sad, and acknowledges that he's still her friend ("it's weird to see you as an Ecaflip" is a far cry from "I lost my best friend") that he begins to talk back, even making a little joke to test the waters.
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Even though he fucked up again, and couldn't bring himself to tell her the truth, he has a new chance.
He isn't pushy, — at best, he'd like to share the road with her.
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But despite what happened, she still considers him her best friend, female or not.
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rivuletmansion · 11 months
Introduction to the AU!
Hiya everyone! My name's Pinpin, and I'm a music composer and artist who has a big case of rain world brainrot Said brainrot has resulted in me coming up with this AU that y'all are looking at right now! This AU has been a thing for a while, but I had been too nervous and anxious to share it with the world So it was just sitting there as a discord thread in my good friend zyekno's discord server But I think that I had fleshed out the AU enough for me to finally share it with y'all~ There's a lot to unpack here, so let's get started~!
What's the general gist of this AU, lore-wise?
As the name of the AU suggests, it all began with Rivulet! Rivulet was once one of the many assassins for hire, who was driven insane (and bored) by the sheer amount of killing they had done over the years, and then one day it appeared as if they had vanished without a trace from the world completely. Many people speculated that they had finally snapped and ended their own life, but in reality, Rivulet had stumbled upon a cursed mansion in a forbidden forest area, not too far from the urban town of the Outskirts.
This cursed mansion only shows itself to those who are curious or crazy enough to explore it, and once some poor soul finds themselves drawn into it, they are given two choices: Forfeit their life to become the next cursed owner of the mansion, gaining immortality and undead traits until the next person comes along and inherit their position, or get killed trying to escape its inhabitants and then be added to their numbers in death.
Rivulet could've easily escaped with their skills in combat, but driven by their insanity and curiosity, they instead had the crazy idea to turn the mansion and its inhabitants into something more on the wackier, less-dangerous-to-mortals side. Thus, they eagerly took the ownership position from the previous owner, who asked Rivulet to keep their name and identity a secret for an unknown reason.
Ever since then, Rivulet spent the next several decades shaping the mansion and its inhabitants as they please, turning them into something that felt like a wacky madhouse of horrors that's as fun and chaotic as they could make it. An unknown amount of time later, Rivulet felt that the mansion was ready to start housing actual people who are not undeads… and their loneliness had reached its peak at that point, too.
Thus, on one particularly uneventful day for the world at large, the crazy mansion owner set off to the nearest city to find someone who'd be interested in living in their home. Or rather, kidnap someone into their home and force them on a tour of the mansion for fun (and to briefly stave off their loneliness), cause surely no one is possibly going to want to live in such a place, right?
Meanwhile, a maroon colored slugcat by the name of Artificer was in trouble- she was caught stealing food, and was being chased by the police officers into the alleyways. She was particularly off her game that day, as she ended up accidentally running into a dead end, and fear had overtaken her as the polices were coming around the corner. But luckily for her, Rivulet had seen the entire chase, as they were watching what's going on out of curiosity- and they decided to pick her as their first mansion visitor!
Before she knew it, the surrounding shadows enveloped her being, and she was teleported to the accursed mansion's front gates. There she was greeted jovially by Rivulet, who revealed themselves to be the one who helped her escape. And that as payment for their help, she was to be the first (living) tourist of the mansion who wasn't allowed to leave until the tour was finished. Torn between feeling grateful for the rescue, and terrified by the appearance and powers of her rescuer, Artificer meekly agreed- and then the tour was on!
Artificer was expecting the mansion to be full of horrifying things that'd give her nightmares at night, and to her surprise, it was only half right. True, the mansion was full of various forms of undeads, from ghosts to animated skeletons to zombies- but they all came off as rather… comical and wacky, instead of terrifying. It's hard to feel scared when they had all acted friendly (to some degree), after all. Against her better judgement, she found herself getting more and more curious about the mansion as the tour went on, especially as Rivulet's crazed yet jovial attitude during the entire thing was putting her at ease.
At some point during the tour, Rivulet lamented lightheartedly about the empty bedrooms in the mansion, and joked that they'd love for someone to live here to give them company. Unbeknownst to them however, this caused an emotional turmoil within Artificer, who's a single mother with 6 kids to feed and no roof over her family and had long since been looking for a chance to improve their living conditions. For the rest of the tour, she was distracted and anxious as she weighed the pros and cons of what she's about to decide.
At the end of the tour, Rivulet took Artificer to the mansion's front gates to sent her off, ready to teleport her back to her family… only to be surprised when she suddenly turned back, and asked if Rivulet was still looking to house someone- several someones. Stunned and confused, the crazy slugcat asked her why, and she launched into a long, emotional explanation of her family's living conditions. The sheer desperation to give her family a chance at a better life all but spilled out, and by the end of her rambles, tears were streaming down her face as she all but begged the mansion owner to let her family stay- even if only for a while.
Pitying the poor mother (and seeing a golden opportunity to finally do something about their loneliness), Rivulet only took a second to say yes, and told her that her family was welcome to stay in the mansion for as long as they need/want- much to her shock and overwhelming relief. The mansion owner then sent her back to her family, so that she could go ahead and tell them the news while they prepare the rooms for her and her little ones. Naturally, they were quite shocked by their mother's news, and a few them were very skeptical. Even Artificer herself was unsure if she could trust Rivulet- but she reasoned that she had already taken their offer and that, at the very least, they should give Rivulet the benefit of doubt if it means a chance at having somewhere to finally call home.
The family's relocation into the mansion was rather tense and rough at the start, naturally, considering the mansion and its inhabitants. But as the months passed by, and Rivulet's invitation to stay at the mansion for as long as they want seemed more and more real, Artificer and her family ended up getting used to the crazies that happen around the place and started to genuinely enjoy living there. The mansion proved to be a bizarre, yet much needed improvement on their living conditions, and so they were finally able to start living a normal life. Or as normal as could be, anyways.
Over time, more and more people started discovering the mansion through chances (or was it fate?), and it started receiving more and more frequent visitors who are curious about the place as a result. From a pair of teenage siblings, to a light priestess (who was sworn to keep the mansion a secret to her fellow priests, lest they try to exorcist the place), to a police officer who's an old friend of Artificer - nowadays the mansion seems livelier than ever!
What shenanigans and adventures will Artificer's family and those visitors be dragged into, and what memories will they make? Let's find out!
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nautiscarader · 11 months
Tristeva-Kink 24 please.
"Here… let me show you…", Evangelyne's sweet, caring voice sent shivers down Tristepin's spine as much as her cries and moans.
She cupped his cheeks, not to give him a kiss, but to direct him to a much more delicate place, where the brave warrior would have to pass a difficult test.
"It's-it's that.", Eva whispered, pointing her finger to her swollen clit.
"Do, do I press it? Oh, is it like one of those treasure-activation buttons?"
"No!", she quickly replied, "I mean, you can brush it, but be gentle…"
"Brush…, like,with a brush?"
Evangelyne giggled.
"Well, that could be fun, but start with just fingers…", she quickly corrected him, tracing it with the tip of her middle digit, her gentle moan stirring something primal inside Tristepin.
"Oh, wait! I know how can I brush it!", he suddenly exclaimed, and before Evangelyne could react, Pinpin, slid his tongue across her folds, ending on her clit.
Next thing she knew, Eva fell back, arching as pleasure shot up her spine, strengthened by Tristepin's strong grip on her thighs, as he continued his rough licks.
"Does it work? Eva?"
Pinpin leaned from between her legs, finding his girlfriend with her tongue stuck out and stupefied expression plastered on her reddened face, as she babbled her answer amidst her orgasm.
"Yesh… very… good."
Tristepin returned triumphant to her core, licking and sampling her sex, not sure if he should admit he simply got inspiration from eating ice cream with cherry on top…
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textsfromthetofu · 5 years
More notes on Wakfu
Further from yesterday’s post about Wakfu S4, here’s what ToT had to say about it on his blog back in November 2019. The post is a general overview of all his projects, and is really quite interesting, but it’s in French. Thankfully, your wonderful blog admin speaks Baguette so I’ve translated it over for those who don’t.
“Asked for by millions of borderline-apoplectic fans, Season 4 has really had a hard time finding a buyer. Our friends at FTV (France Télévision) can no longer find a place for it on broadcast television (the series has become too adult) and, with the Brotherhood having not attracted enough viewers on Netflix, the platform did not follow up with another season.
“Yugo (just like Tot) is taking it personally, Pinpin is furious, Evangelyne is trying to be rational, Amalia is disappointed to not be able to show off her latest dress and Ruel thinks that, whatever happens, all of this was far too expensive.
“But you, the fans, you won’t let it go. From the tweets, the emails, the old-fashioned letters...you’re asking for this damn season! You really want to know how we’re going to kill Yugo...*
“So some good news (we’ll see if it ends up being as good when it comes down to it), we’re going to set up a Kickstarter to see if you REALLY want the next season. We’re going to commit to producing some episodes and we’re counting on you to help us. We’ll never have enough money, whatever your efforts, but if there are enough of you, we bet that’ll make the TV channels think about their decision and - who knows - could make them review their judgement.
We’ll talk more at the start of next year (2020).
There’s also news of a couple more Ankama animations:
Princess Dragon, a film about a girl raised by dragons who flees her cave and discovers the human world, is in production. It looks like it’ll be a beautiful film, so I’m looking forward to that!
Monster Slaughter is a series developed with the studio No Border and looks to be a slightly gory horror thing.
And a mystery series that Tot gives very little information about but I LOVE HER ALREADY
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*Knowing Tot, that’s largely a joke. I hope.
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12 days of Kinkmas Day one: Let it Snow
On a cold winter night, Yugo and Tristepin share a hotel room and things get hot.
Tristepin Percedal/Yugo M/M 
Requested by anon 
This story is rated E foe explicit and is for adults only. All characters depicted are over 18.
Winter fell on the World of Twelve. As snow fell, The Brotherhood of the Tofu took refuge at a local inn. The girls took one room, the boys took the one’s next to it. Pinpin had his ear up against the wall.
“Pinpin, what are you doing?”
“Hush Yugo, I’m trying to hear if the girls are doing stuff with each other.”  
Yugo didn’t need to ask what stuff Pinpin was imagining. It was written all over his face.
“And the girls would do stuff like that because…”
“Because they’re, you know, girls and alone.”
“So that means they’ll just have sex together?”
“Where guys alone in the room, does that mean we’re gonna do gay stuff?”
“Is that a challenge?”
“No I..”
But Pinpin was already taking off his pants. “Because a lop never backs down from a challenge!”  Once bottomless, the Lop tossed his trousers aside. Yugo had to admit that Pinipin’s erect manhood was quite impressive.
Not sure what to do in this situation, Yugo that it was just best to go with it. So he took off his pants too.
Pinpin tilted his head. “Huh, you're bigger than I’d thought you’d be.”
Yugo felt a blush in his cheeks. He cursed his young looking Elitrope body. His manhood was by no means small, espiecal compared to his tiny body, but it was no mean as large as the Lop’s throbbing member.
Sitting on the bed, Yugo asked, “So, what should we do?”
“I don’t know, uh kiss?”
Yugo and Tristepin brought their lips together. It felt nice. Yugo wrapped his arms around Pinpin’s torso. Their erections pressed together, it felt strange but very good.
Pinpin broke off the kiss. “Yugo, could you touch me?”
Yugo didn’t have to guess where Pinpin wanted to be touched. Yugo wrapped his hand around his throbbing erection and began pumping him.  Pinpin reached out and began jacking Yugo off.
Pinpin came first, splashing Yugo’s chest. Pinpin didn’t stop jacking Yugo despite his own release. Yugo let out a heavy sigh as his balls clenched and he hit his own release, showering Pinpin’s stomach.
“That was pretty nice Pinpin, so thanks I guess.”
“Did I win?”
Yugo sighed. “Yes pinpin you won.”
Meanwhile in the other room, Amalia had her ear against the wall.
Evangelyne looked up at the princess. “Amalia, what are you doing?”
“I-I think the boys are doing gay stuff,” Aamlia said with a blush.
Eva could only facepalm.
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elinaline · 4 years
I’m thinking about my old OCs again and how easy it would be for some of them to revamp the story to my tastes and maybe give it actual life one day so here goes
It’s a story about a world where those who can use magic have the powers of gods, but like mortals they wage war against each other for petty, foolish reasons. Their final battle leaves only a scorched desert, with huge rocks of pure power standing in the black sand and barely recognisable ruins. Their magic is remembered by the earth, in pure white ores that are mined for their power and sold for a fortune. The biggest ore, found not long after the war of the mages, is broken into a number of pieces that are kept as talismans of peace by the people of each mage-god. Time passes and the battle turns into the kind of stories old crones tell around the fireplace when the little ones refuse to go to bed, so that they’ll hide under their covers.
The real story (although if I feel like writing an epic I could do it about this war) starts when Tosca, a teen from a community of farmers, is awakened by a spirit linked to a mage-goddess, who cries out in fear as a woman is starting her way into the desert, towards the biggest magic ore that was the heart of the fight of the magic users millenia ago. I first wanted Tosca to be awakened by like the goddess herself but the idea I have for the spirit is actually someone snobbish and moody, so maybe something like a ghost of what the mage was before she came into full power you know ? Also Tosca’s gonna be aroace and the more I’m thinking about it, the more I feel like it would be interesting if her people had a different relationship with gender from the Western one, so I will do some research on who I could base them on. Anyways ! Tosca gets awakened like that because her family guards one of the talismans, it’s in the hilt of a bigass sword, think Monado. 
She’s not the only one ! There’s Jon (short for Jonathan) who stole a bow from some rich dude. When I was a kid I had the classic thief son of a whore backstory in mind but you know what scratch that I’m not gonna let myself be influenced by the Krondor chronicles any more than necessary so I’m deciding that Jon is a funny but annoying kid who’s bored at whatever job he’s an apprentice for and who noticed he was really good at pickpocketing people before getting caught by some scary dudes who are now blackmailing him to do dangerous shit like steal a magical fucking bow from a rich man’s house. 
In the same city we have Mederick who is crown prince and I used to think he would also have a sword but that’s boring and repetitive, let’s say it’s in his circlet on his head. He’s a very soft kind but extremely clever dude who kinds of does not want to be king but also wants to do a good job, and as always in those characters because it’s more interesting, he’s not exactly aware of how hard some of his subjects have it.
Then we have Ayla, who I used to think was an elf but I think it’s more interesting if there’s no human/elf/dwarf trifecta and they’re all humans, just adapted to their environment and the type of magic they used to be dealing with back in the millenia dead days. She is to be the next guardian of her people’s talisman as her the youngest daughter of the queen and honestly you thought her position was very similar to Brea in Dark Crystal ? Well her mood is also very similar, Jim Henson copied me ok ? Anyways, her mom’s all like “bro it’s nothing stay put and do your job” but she has noticed her talisman, powering a magic staff (because I originally thought her as an elf, please stay focused) is doing weird shit so of course she’s running away in the middle of the night, after dramatically cutting her pride and the sign of nobility of her family i.e. her hair. Her and Jon will definitely fall for each other because I watched Wakfu as a kid and despite all its flaw I enjoyed Pinpin x Evangelyne, fuck off.
AND FINALLY we have Ori who is the youngest of the group who comes from the same place as the dangerous woman who’s trying to become a new mage-god in the desert and who could cut your throat. She’s also the living embodiment of “I’m eleven so shut the fuck up” and feels like she does not belong and she’s gonna have a brother-sister bond with Mederick because once again, big soft quiet guy with small ball of fury and murder ? that’s hilarious and heartwarming. I’m thinking that maybe she’s a baby lesbian. Not sure yet.
SO. Tosca and Ayla are both going to make their way for the capital where they’ll meet the two guys and gather intel and go to the forest where Ori lives to gather even more intel. I also think I wanted to put in something about a coup from the regent while Mederick was away which would be fun and interesting imo ? gotta think about it more.
So that’s where I’m at rn (well not exactly I still remember vaguely where I wanted each of them to be situated) ! I want to do more research to see on which culture I could base everyone and get more plot points but. I tweaked just a few things and I’m already much more satisfied with this story, wild.
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The Issue of Admirers
Summary: Eva helps a teenage Flopin deal with the fact that among the Cra he is quite the target of admirers. Post-Season 3  A/N: It’s fun to think about what Elely and Flopin would be like as teenagers, as well as how Pinpin and Eva would react to it. I also really like the theory of Eva being the next Cra matriarch, so add that in and image how much attention the kids would attract. 
“Mom, help.”
The ‘help’ was enough for Eva’s parental instincts to immediately pipe up, but the way Flopin said it wasn’t in distress, but more of a whine. It was akin to when he would get into fights with Elely and rush to tattle on her.  
Evangelyne looked up from her desk to see that her son was not in trouble. His hair was rumpled, with a few sticks and leaves stuck in it and one of his hair ties missing. Leaves and sticks also stuck to his cape and pants as well, which additionally were splattered with dirt and mud. He looked disheveled, but more annoyed than actually hurt.
“Flopin, what happen?” She asked as stood up from her chair and gestured for him sit down.  
Flopin sat, taking off his cape and remaining hair tie as he began talking. “I just wanted to practice at the firing range and before I knew it all these girls were swarming the area. And when I tried to leave they kept trying to give me things and ask for dates. And then when I tried to bolt someone grabbed me and I ended up falling in a mud pile.” He shook his head, sending some leaves and sticks flying from his hair. “I only managed to escape because they began turning on each other over who dared to trip me.”  
Eva nodded as she picked up a hairbrush and comb and stood behind his head. “Look forward,” She said as she began trying to comb out the mess in his hair. Flopin grumbled as he looked over his clothes, and winced as a particularly tangled stick was dealt with. “Sorry. I’ll try to not pull too much.”  
“It’s fine Mama,” Well, if he was back to calling her that instead of ‘Mom’ he must already feeling better. It amused Eva how easy she could gauge her son’s mood by how she called him. “But if you want to outlaw girls from throwing themselves at me, that would be great.”
“You know I can’t do that, my wolf.” At least Flopin gave her a smile at that, making clear that he was joking. The smile soon disappeared as he held up his dirty cape and look at the damage done to it. At least it wasn’t white like his father’s, so it wasn’t as bad as it could be.  
Wearing a cape wasn’t the only way Flopin emulated his father. Once he hit puberty, he began looking more and more like a Cra-verson of Tristepin. Like his father, he chose to forgo a shirt, though he still wore shoes since he never could get use to running around barefoot. His chest, as toned and muscular as Pinpin’s had been at his age, was also splatted with dirt and leaves, a hazard of going shirtless.
And that wasn’t the only hazard of it, Eva thought as she kept combing his hair. She would be lying if she didn’t say that part of what sealed her attraction to Pinpin was how toned and muscular he became when he returned from his self-imposed exile. Most Iops she encountered were too muscular, but Pinpin’s physique had been just right for her taste, so she really appreciated the free view he allowed. If other Cra girls’s tastes ran in the same directions as hers, she understood why her son attracted so much of their attention.  
Then there was how quickly he made a name for himself among Cra city. It wasn’t just that his parents were members of the illustrious Brotherhood of the Tofu, or that his mother was the hand-picked successor to the Matriarch and his father one of warriors who were responsible for Ogrest’s defeat. Cra’s took pride not just in their bloodlines, but also their personal achievements. And to that, Flopin was able to stand on his own regardless of his parentage. He always had a knack for inventing, and after some mechanical lessons from ‘Grandpa’ Ruel he was able to better realize his ideas and began revolutionizing bows and beacons, as well as even fighting styles. He fought with a style born from years of being taught by an Iop father as well as a Cra mother, and honed during battles with his twin. Like his mother, he could fight entirely without a bow if necessary, but he was far more comfortable with switching between switch long range and close-quarter combat than her. 
 All this -the looks, pedigree, and battle prowess- easily made Flopin the most eligible bachelor among the Cra.  
Eva’s other children didn’t attract as much attention.  Grant it, her youngest son wasn’t even ten yet, and he was making friends just find, despite Eva’s intiatl misgivings she had when she moved her family to the city. It was just that, like his sister at the same age, ‘romance’ and ‘love’ was just all the ‘grosser than the gross’ kissing and hugging that his parents did. And speaking of his sister...
Just like how Flopin was a Cra version of Pinpin, so too did Elely become an Iop version of Eva. She blossomed into young woman just as curvy as her mother was, and with a similarly cut sleeveless, spandex black outfit as well. But with Elely, her parentage did end up working against her. Just in Cra city alone there were plenty of young men who seemed interested but feared making a move. It wasn’t just that her mother was their future Matriarch, but that fact that her father was one of the warriors to defeat freaking Ogrests! That was enough to put the fear of Cra in the boys about dating ‘daddy’s little girl.’
But Pinpin wouldn’t have any issue with his daughter dating. He was still such a romantic, who told their love story as a bedtime story to their children and voiced his desire for them to find their own true love. He approached his children growing up not begrudging, but with excitement that that may experience the same joy with their true love that he felt with his. 
But his stories also came with hard earned advice about how you should treat your love, about all the lessons he learned about love and respect during his courtship with his Eva. This mobbing Flopin endured? This was something neither Pinpin or Eva could accept, especially given their own history of dealing with unwanted suitors. The girls would do good to fear reprisal for violating their son’s personal boundaries.
Eva combed the last of the foliage from his hair. “You could always direct the girls towards your sister”  
“By Cra, no!” Flopin jolted, his hair tie falling to the floor as he swirled to face his mother, looking at her in horror. “We may still fight sometimes, but I can’t do that to her! If she wants to date girls, fine, but I am not subjecting her to those-those harpies!”  
“Oh Flopin,” Eva shook her head with a smile, “I didn’t mean like that. I was thinking that you could establish that if they wanted to date you, they had to defeat Elely in a fist fight first.”
Flopin turned the idea over in his mind. The score was pretty much even when it came to him and Elely sparring, but that was because he could use his bow. In a straight up fist fight, the tally was much more in her favor. And he doubted his fan girls would have an easier time defeating her.  
He gave his mother a grin. “You know what Mama? That might just work.”  
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littlepinniecub · 6 years
Tag game!
Tagged by @sunshine-carlyle
1. Nickname: Pinnie seems to be the current one! Also Pin and Pinpin.
2. Zodiac: Leo
3. Height: 5’ 5” the last time I checked. >.>
4. Last movie I saw: On DVD: The Greatest Showman. At the cinema: The Favourite
5. Last thing I googled: Opening times for a museum near where I live. Prior to that, statistics for single women undergoing IVF (it’s for a university project!).
6. Favourite musician: I don’t really have one. I tend to listen to mainly musicals.
7. Song stuck in my head: The reprise of Somebody Gets Hurt from Meangirls, the musical. Also From Now On from TGS.
8. Blogs: Let’s stick with just this one for now.
9. Do I get asks? I’ve been here for about a day, so no, not yet. I welcome them though!
10. Following: very few people. See previous comment about only being here for about a day.
11. Amount of sleep: Usually 7ish hours if I’m lucky.
12. Lucky number: 13
13. What I’m wearing: leggings and a sweater
14. Dream job: Currently training to be a midwife. If we were talking absolute dream job then novelist and/or actress but those really are only dreams.
15. Dream trip: Japan. Australia (again). Harry Potter World.
16. Favourite food: Chineese food.
17. Play an instrument? No. If I could play any instrument without having to learn, I would like to play the violin or the cello (do not have time to learn haha).
18. Languages: English
19. Favourite song: Probably something from the TGS soundtrack. The Greatest Show has a special place in my heart.  
20. Random fact: In the last play i was in, I had to get ‘custard pied’ in the face every single show. In the last performance, the actor throwing the pie got me in the mouth instead of my face and I was so busy spitting out shaving foam I messed up my next line. Which was the big reveal line of the whole play. I am a walking disaster.
21. Describe yourself as aesthetic things: waves breaking on the shore, hot tea, crackling fire, the sound of a page being turned, the smell of new books, blank notebooks waiting to be filled, soft clothes, fairylights in a snow covered forest.
I tag (apologies if you’ve already been tagged/done this!): @themissingmask  @rootintootintonystark @kismetconstellations @bumblie-bee  @schizanthusim
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kinksbeans · 6 years
Dances with Dragon(Side Story )
After that, Elely ran to Bonta almost every day to harass Joris. He had headaches every day. Maybe he was used to it. Gradually, there was a hint of hope in his heart. Until one day, Joris carefully back to the store, Louis told him that Iop's head did not come today, he heard a sigh of relief. When he entered, he saw Kerub reading the same day newspaper: "Uh? In the recent pantanal measles pandemic, we strongly sought the seriousness of Eniripsa."
 "Wait a minute, Elely didn't run to trouble my dad a few days ago."
 The two turned to Atcham, who was back to the wooden sword they were maintaining. Then he said: "But Iop is rarely ill. As the saying goes, idiots will not get sick." Then he laughed with Louis and giggled, only Joris and Kerub looked a bit disapprovingly.
 Step forward and step onto the chair to open the medicine cabinet and search for it. Take two bottles of medicine and put it in your own treasure bag and say:
 "Just in case I still visit you, I can't bother you."
Kerub smiled and waved him away to close the door. Atcham was a little jealous tail and asked if he said:
"Don't you think Dad seemed to be indifferent to us lately?"
 "There is no way here. Joris has changed back to a "young state."
 "You look at it with a quick glance."
 "You mean that thing."
 His slightly sentimental expression aimed at the broom that had been thick in the corner.
 Eva, on the other hand, is struggling. Elely got the measles accidentally. Today, I'm going to go back to Cra Kingdom and visit my sister. This can be a headache. Because Pinpin is Lu Zhi and will not take care of the baby, but can not let Elely alone at home. At this moment there was a knock on the door and Eva stepped forward to open the door; when the door opened, it was unexpected that Joris was the master.
 "Master Joris?"
 "...I'm a bit worried about Elely's condition."
"I would like to say that the Bangta measles epidemic just happened a few days ago and I think it will not be contagious."
 "You just came to Master Joris. I was trying not to ask Eniripsa for treatment."  "Now it looks as if the entire world is in a pandemic situation. All Eniripsa are busy, and I am afraid that you will not be able to get them in a short period of time."
 "How did you do this? She originally expected to talk to us today about the kingdom of Cra." Flopin was a bit worried about the explanation.
 "I'll go in and see what's going on."
 Elely heard Joris master coming in outside the room. He immediately wrapped himself in a quilt nervously. At one time he did not want to be turned over by him. At last, he was defeated by his strength and pulled open. The result was her eyes full of rashes. A look of death. Joris couldn't help but chuckle, but as soon as he heard the sound of Pinpin's pretend coughing, he returned to calm. Turn around and take the Enutrof treasure bag from your shoulder and place it next to the cupboard to remove the two bottles of blue and red potion.
 "This is a cure for cough and fever. I think I can give it a try first."
 Eva is very happy to see: "Thank you very much, Master Joris."
 "you are welcome."
 "But it's really a brains. I wanted to take the child back and say it."
 "It's better than this. I just have nothing today. I can help you one night. What do you think?"
 "?! But this will not be too much trouble for you."
  "Wait a minute! The two solitary widows (?) share one room and I oppose-" Pinpin said that one of Eva's eyes was fiercely awkward, and his ears immediately fell down and drooled back. Rubilax saw a sigh.
  "I know Joris Master's character very well compared to you (meaning the last pregnancy to production). He is not such a person."
  "Nothing good but that's it!"
  "That would be troublesome for you."
  "Be careful on the way."
  Eva smiled and grasped his shawl. Flopin also followed him. He didn't forget to turn around and waved with Master Joris before he left. The home is restored to quiet again. Perhaps Elely then realized that he had never had a single experience with Joris before he turned and quickly turned over, turning back and wrapping himself back to him.
Joris, who seemed to perceive this situation, thought about how to deal with his hand when he took care of it.
 "--Not as good as I tell a story?"
 "Really?!" Elely opened the quilt and opened her eyes.
 "Although his own storytelling skills are not as good as Kerub..." he said while pulling his chair, sitting sideways and holding one of his legs.
 "I think about how the beginning of the story should be talked about... A long time ago, there was a self-professed "Lightning Kid." I found myself almost immediately stating the name of the Lightning Breaker and correct it immediately.
 "He has a good friend called Lilotte. 』
 "They all play together all the time, regardless of whether they face good things in life or bad things. 』  "Lightning boy once vowed; will protect her from anyone's harm. 』
 Suddenly Joris was silent, and Elely's burning face looked worried and asked him what had happened. Only then came back to God, closed his eyes for a while and then opened his eyes and looked up at the window sill and continued: "Then when they grew up, they discovered one day. 』
 "My own development is slower than the average boy, but she has already become a girl. 』
Elely, who felt that his eyelids were getting heavier, asked him: "Later? 』
 "The Lightning Boy thinks that being with her will make Lilotte look very strange to other people. 』
 "Decided to keep her distance and alienate her. 』
 "Until one day decided to leave her side, I went to the twelve countries to travel." 』
 "I came back after this trip and found it?" 』
 Joris said half discovering that she didn't know when Elely had fallen asleep, only to reveal his gentle eyes and smile. Before she helped her quilt pull up, she tried to reach out and measure the temperature of her forehead and stopped suddenly. After raising the hat rope and looking at it with a bit of vigilance, it was easy to hang down and measure the temperature of his forehead. Joris Guru is a little lower in his body than the average person, perhaps feeling cold and cold body temperature Elely smiled in his dream. When Joris saw this smile, in fact, she already knew that deep in the heart: Elely was not her
 Although somewhat similar in character, the only difference is that Elely is a semi-god and Lilotte is an ordinary person. After all, the lifespan of the demigods is different from that of ordinary people and can live for hundreds of years.
It was at that time that he chose to let go
When I was a child, I vowed never to let anyone harm her
At that time, he never thought that he had hurt himself, Lilotte.
 Recall that Lilotte shouted at him with tears of desperation and pain. She still did not remember what he wanted to say to him. - When he found this fact, he looked back and said that he had already left.
His own story has already become a foregone conclusion. The only certainty is that the story of Yugo and Princess Amalia is still in progress.
Just as he fell into memory, suddenly there was a snowflake coming in and staying in the right hand. He looked up and out of the window and began to drop the first snow.
 "You see, Joris, it's snowing! 』
 When Lilotte was still a little girl, every winter they stood looking out at the window and watched the snow fluttering with excitement. But now there is only one snowman who is looking at the sky...
Since Pinpin has always been in a state of restlessness and is in a state of flux, his husband could not help but be shameful. His face had to come back early in the town of Cra kingdom.
 Eva hugged the sleeping baby and opened the door with his right hand to say that we were back. There seemed to be something on the dining table where we found the hall. So we took up the cage and did not expect a hot round muffin. The judgment seemed to have just disappeared. How long it took for the accident to arrive at their exact time was a coincidence. Looking at the weight seems to be what Joris master specifically did for them, and Eva can't help but remember that when he was pregnant, Master Joris in the action train was too hot for the devil kitchen. The cooking that led to his own cooking was sizzling and blazing, and he thought he couldn't help smiling.
What a gentle and considerate person, no wonder Elely will love him. Pinpin heard that he was drinking from the milk and accidentally sprayed on Eva's head and quickly apologized (Rulibax laughed).
 "I said I can't let them look alone in the room!"
 "The next time I see Joris again, I'll kill him!!"
 "You can't go anywhere. Didn't you still want to kiss me when you first saw me?" Eva vomited.
Rubilax also helped Tucao: "Then the first kiss was given to Ruel."
 "Rubilax you don't hurt me to spray the second milk!"
 "Eva, what's wrong? I feel like I've been talking to Master Joris."
This time, she changed her strength to throw the goat's milk cup on the table and made a noise. The angry woman was angry and said: "Did you forget my first production situation? When you ran with Yugo and fought me, I forgot about everything."
"If it wasn't for Master Joris who had heard my screams remind you, I may have given birth to them dead."
"Hey ~~~~"
 This time, Pinpin said that the bloody side just lost his head and really left her with her baby. Only the Joris people can hear the hurry to reach the scene in the distance and jump to the body and pull his collar and yell: “Your wife is giving birth to children, is it more important than fighting? ? 』
At that moment, the momentum and eyes radiated from his body were taken to calm down, but they felt like being caught by a dragon...? Suddenly someone was throwing himself to the ground and his thoughts were interrupted. It was good that Elely had already turned his eyes to look.
"Who told you to be dazed!" finished and punched him with a punch. Pinpin was very happy that his little Iop recovered and recovered with his arms around him.
After turning around, he turned to a thief with a smile and told Flopin: "Master Joris kisses my forehead while he is asleep~~~
(Pinpin hears heartbreak)
"I think you're dreaming? Iop's head." Flopin didn't believe it.
"It's not!"
"I'm dreaming!"
 As soon as they began to quarrel, the baby in his arms awoke and pointed out of the window excitedly yelling, and Eva looked up to see that it had begun to snow. Looking at the snow with a baby, I thought:
If you have a chance to go to Bonta next time, go to Joris's shop to buy something.
In addition, be personally thankful
 At this time, Eva did not know that his daughter would continue to struggle with Joris for more than 10 years. When she was 18 years old, she ran to Bonta to live (?) and joined the Royal Army female soldiers. people).
- This is another story.
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SAIL 2017 - Lighting the way in Paralympic sailing - 2017
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16 marzo 2017 - Philippines sailor Cherrie Pinpin is a determined woman.  As one of nine sailors and five coaches to have just completed World Sailing's first ever Asian Paralympic Development Program (PDP) clinic, she is even more resolute about spreading the word on sailing in her home country and among other Asian nations.  The PDP clinics are a vital part of World Sailing's strategy to boost global participation in the sport and regain its Paralympic Games status, and the inaugural Asian event in Hong Kong (7-12 March) was the second such clinic to be held worldwide following on from a four-day camp in Argentina in January.A 2008 Paralympian, Pinpin knows what the sport has to offer by way of physical and mental challenge and wants to share her learning and experiences more widely. "I said that I would be very lonely if I was the only disabled sailor and that's why we've really started searching for people who are not just willing to sail but who have enough grit and hunger in them to really compete. Because it doesn't end at the 'come and try'. It goes on. "What I am discovering with a lot of the Filipino disabled is that a lot of people feel afraid - it's a major challenge to them and I said to them 'I'm sorry that I cannot make the conditions any easier. I had to fight my way and now it's your turn.' "Hopefully I can light the way a little bit." "I can speed through the seas as fast as anyone," Pinpin continued. "I can't do that on land because I'm on crutches and I'm an amputee. "With sailing it's not just speed, but you've got to think a lot. There's the tactics and the matter of trying to see what the weather is up to, and trying to beat the fleet of other disabled people who are also very keen to win. It's challenging!" She concluded: "I want to spread the word about Paralympic development. I would like to grow my sailors and try to reach the other Asian nations who need a little bit of help." Held in conjunction with Sailability Hong Kong and the Hebe Haven Yacht Club, the Asian PDP clinic attracted attendees from four countries - the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand in addition to the host nation - with leading Australian Sonar coach Grant Alderson presiding over the training. The six-day camp covered a huge array of topics, from on water coaching sessions in 2.4mR and Hansa 303s, to race and regatta management, equipment and communications. Alderson, whose Sonar team were crowned Paralympic Champions in Rio, was positive of the learning experience it offered the sailors. "Programs like this development camp are just fantastic because it just helps to build the awareness in some of the countries, helps to build the programs in some of the countries so that we can hopefully try and get sailing back into the Paralympics," he explained. "It's just great to see disabled sailors getting out there and loving it. We've had sailors this week in a 2.4mR for the first time. They've only been sailing 303s or 2.3s and so we've had some really smiling faces and happy people just getting out there." "We've just been working on a few different things each day," Alderson continued. "Boat-handling was one thing that we were looking at, another one was out starting techniques and then our racing techniques as well. "We've been trying to cover a few different aspects of the racing side of things, just to help the sailors upskill themselves, and to help out the coaches that have come from the countries with them as well." "We've also run quite a few presentations and talks, and Massimo [Dighe] from World Sailing has been talking about equipment and venues and things that will help these countries develop their programs better. I've done boat-handling tactics, I've done tactics, communication - quite a few different things and we've really covered across the board everything that we can probably cover. "We've had six days to do it, so that's quite a good time, and we've been able to cover quite a few subjects which has really helped the sailors. "It's great to see that Paralympic sailing and disabled sailing is really still alive and we just need to keep building on it, and hopefully it will have a good future to it," he concluded. Massimo Dighe, Para World Sailing Manager and London 2012 Paralympian, added: "It's been a great experience - some sailors here have only a little bit of experience of sailing and have maybe never sailed Paralympic equipment so it's a big first step to increase the knowledge and the expansion of Paralympic sailing. "I hope they will be the ambassadors for Paralympic sailing in their countries. I hope they will approach other people - able bodied and disabled people - and speak about the inclusive sport for everyone and they attract other people to try our sport." The next PDP clinic will be held in Gydnia (POL) in July just prior to the European Championships, with another in Marseilles (FRA) scheduled for October which will also welcome sailors from North Africa. (www.sailing.org)
FROM http://www.navigamus.info/2017/03/lighting-way-in-paralympic-sailing.html
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nautiscarader · 4 years
Kinkmas day 3 - unwrapping presents
I saw what you're planning for december- this is my proposition Unwrapping presents - striptease - with Tristepin and Eva, but it also could be funny with them
Also, if you enjoyed my work, here's Ko-fi link if you'd be so kind ❤️ .
With a hearty sip of warm dried fruit compote, Eva relaxed on the comfy sofa in the spacious living room in their house, taking good look at the festive decorations. She let out a comforting sigh, stroking her belly, full not only of the delicious Kwismas Dinner, but also her twins. It was their first Kwismas in their tree house Tristepin spent building over the summer, and she couldn't have been happier.
Well, perhaps if her boyfriend was next to her.
- Pinpin?
Eva leaned lazily from the couch to attract her boyfriend.
- In a moment, Eva!
She replied a short grunt and nestled in the mountain of pillows, basking in the warmth of the fireplace and watching the flames dancing in the multicoloured glass balls of the Kwismas Tree.
- Eva, it's time for your present! - Tristepin's excited voice reached her. - Oh, Pinpin, you didn't have to... - she murmured, turning around
And it was a good thing Eva put her cup away, because she might have dropped it when she laid her eyes on Tristepin. If she didn't know any better, she'd think that a sentient yarn ball might have rolled into their house.
- P-Pinpin?!
Eva gasped, taking longer and longer look at what Tristepin was dressed in, though "dressed" was a bit of wrong word, but it did explain his longer absence. Instead of his blue sweater, he had different patches of wrapping paper stitched together with a tape that formed a basic shirt-like shape. Same rule applied for his trousers, though Eva could see they were clearly first version of the shirt with additional patch of paper applied where neck hole would have been. And as a final addition to his costume, he was covered in red streamers that only had the vaguest possible ribbon-like knots.His flaming red hair was partially hidden underneath father kwismas hat, with ostensively loud bell jingling with every move.
But most importantly, he was wearing a beaming smile and with his wide open arms, he was clearly proud of his work, and was awaiting Eva's approval.
- You're out of your words, aren't you? - he smiled after a solid half a minute of silence from his beloved. - Uhm, yes, you might say that. - Eva gathered her thoughts - But why- - Well, you've said I am your biggest present yesterday, so I thought I'd dress myself as one.
Eva chuckled and lowered her ears, giving him a wide, charming smile.
- Oh, come here you big doofus.
With some difficulties, Tristepin moved in his rustling costume to plop next to her.
- You don't seem very comfortable in it. - Eva smiled, dragging her finger across his chest - Mind if I help you? - I think that's the who;le point of presents, isn't it?
Eva sneaked a kiss to his chin, while her fingers delicately undid his rather hastily don work with the tape. After all, the paper was still good, so they might reuse it. One by one, she undid the layers, revealing his naked, muscular body. She leaned forward and placed a few delicate kisses to his abs, resulting in several low murmurs from him, while she continued undoing his costume.
And as more paper was thrown to the ground, Eva found that there was one piece of his festive attire he was wearing, one that forced another hearty chuckle from her. Suddenly  she understood why the ribbons and streamers on him looked like leftovers, as majority of it went to cover every inch of his cock and balls.
- Mhm, I do wonder what's that...
She reached her hand and wrapped her fingers around him, listening to the low growls coming from his throat. her second hand wandered to his testicles, also tightened with the same festive, red ribbon.
- Should I shake it? - she cupped his balls and gave them a gentle squeeze, as she spoke her would-be-threat, feeling the tension on his skin. - M-Maybe you can just open it... - Good point. Do you have scissors?
Her sly expression remained unchanged, while Tristepin's face lost just a bit of colour at her proclamation. But then he regained it when she changed her position and lowered her head against his stiff cock and used her sharp fang to cut the first ribbon. She gently dragged her teeth against his skin, knowing full well she wasn't causing him any harm. New texture and feeling was a welcomed change from her usual tenderness, and as more streamers were cut in half, more and more of his manhood was revealed, much to his delight.
- Hm, just what I wanted... - Eva spoke, ending her unwrapping at his delicate tip she adorned with a kiss, feeling every twitch of his skin underneath her touches. - You know, I've had so much dragoturkey, but I'd love a bit more of your meat...
She felt the salty precum on her tongue, as she swirled her tongue around him, listening to his quivering voice as she suckled on his tip. She laid her head on his abs and let her tongue do most of the work, knowing well she won;t need too much to bring him to his climax. And indeed, her presence and eagerness was enough to drive him to his edge in record-short time after the long minutes she spent unwrapping him. She was rewarded with a thick stream of cum that exploded in her mouth and slowly began trickling down his cock as she couldn't contain all of it, despite her best efforts.
Somewhere above her head, Tristepin groaned her name, as his hips buckled and twitched, while his mind and body spiralled into his powerful, though short-lived orgasm.
- Your turn...  
With his head thrown to back, Tristepin took a moment to look at his girlfriend, who in the meantime managed to settle back in her nest of pillows, wearing just one tiny glob of his cum on her lips, which she quickly cleaned up. She spread her legs, eager to feel her boyfriend's lips on her body.
Tristepin was on her in a spilt of a second, kissing her chest, as he undid her oversized dress, revealing her enlarged, sensitive breasts. With one hand over her pregnant belly, he leaned to kiss her nipples with the same meticulousness as she did to his cock, and taking a similar gift with him in the form of few drops of sweetness.
- Pi-Pinpin... - Eva moaned, spreading her legs further, allowing him to nest between them as she caressed her mounds.
He moved into the valley between her breasts, and continued sliding down her dress, trailing his kisses down and over her swollen belly. He listened to her soft moans as he gently brushed her delicate skin, before he disappeared between her legs.
Eva threw her head back, as last piece of her attire, her oversized, loose panties were slowly slid down, and Tristepin's lips closed around her folds. He was still learning subtlety, and her pregnancy gave him aple time to practice his finesse, so different from the usual ruthlessness of Iops.
He kissed, he suckled, and he licked, while Eva mewled his name, keeping her fingers in his bush of flaming hair, just in case he'd decide to move away. With his hands underneath her bum, he effortlessly lifted her up just a few inches to make his meal easier, and continued licking the juices slowly trickling down from her pussy.
Her legs closed behind his neck, and with the next intrusion of his tongue inside her, Eva's body shuddered, repaying Pinpin for his tender loving with her cries and moans that continued as her orgasm slowly rolled through her body.
Tristepin gently lifted her quivering body onto the sofa and slid next to her, feeling the goosebumps on her skin as she cuddled against him, with her mouth seeking his for solace. His hand slid onto her belly, as it usually did during their nights.
- Just a few more weeks. - she murmured - I can't wait, Eva. - he kissed her behind her ear. - You make best presents. - You had a hand in making them too... - Well, not a hand... - Tristepin!
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cnfhumss12a-blog · 6 years
Receipts of Binondo
By Ingrid Deldgado
When I was a child, I used to spend my nights helping my father in his home office just a floor below our family bedroom. Night after night, I would pull out handwritten receipts, all crumpled and stained with blood, from his old Seiko wallet and read it aloud to him. These receipts were from the meat supply business my family that has been passing on since my great grandfather started the business almost a hundred years ago. I would always goggle at these tiny scraps of paper, trying to decipher my father’s unique handwriting, as they lay carelessly scattered around the house. It didn’t take too long for me to recognize each scrawled word and memorize certain institutions that regularly appeared in the address line. The names Ha Yuan, Toho, and Sa Lido in particular remained stuck in my head because I always found them funny when reading out loud. It wasn’t until recently did I found out that Ha Yuan, Toho, and Sa Lido were not just names of old Chinese businessmen. It was, as a matter of fact, Chinese restaurants named after the old Chinese businessmen (close enough, though) along the business districts of Binondo.
 As someone born and raised in Manila, the Binondo district wasn’t a stranger in my stream of consciousness. For one, I’ve known it as the birthplace of my former school’s Mother Foundress (Venerable Ignacia of the Religious of the Virgin Mary, potentially the first Filipina saint if her canonization pushes through). It was also my parents’ go-to place for furniture needs (a nice Chandelier? Soler Street has tons; new sofa? T. Pinpin has an array; plumbing needs? Sta. Elena has a gallery of toilets). And of course, I have always known it as a delivery hotspot for my father’s pork and meat supply.
When the task of finally visiting Binondo personally came at hand, my father was naturally the first person that came into my mind. It seemed that he was just as enthused at the idea as I was because he didn’t just allow me to be dropped off but also had an itinerary in mind. The day was going to be our date as we both explored the hidden charms of the old business district.
Amidst the blinding sun of high noon, my father and I rode a single motorcycle to – in his words – give me an “immersive experience” of the bustling city. Scooped up in my father’s back, I was not protected from the stench of the esteros nor from the deafening shrieks of cars parading along Ongpin Street. Of the things I wasn’t shielded from was also the pulse of the streets’ energy as people hurriedly cross from one street to the next and sidewalk vendors call out for their next customers. Binondo’s streets boast of colors against the polluted Manila skylines, with red lanterns and Feng Shui hangings hovering overhead the idle traffic and tiny shops selling colorful treats tucked in narrow eskenitas. Though Chinese New Year had well passed, traces of the celebration still loomed in the side streets. Piles of Tikoy were still on display, as were the lucky charms and crystals that blessed the streets of Binondo.
First in my Dad’s agenda was lunch at the old Toho restaurant. Toho is the home of my favorite Spicy Squid, a dish unique to Toho as it was adapted from visiting an Indonesian local’s recipe that was shared to the family owner. It married the rich taste of ginger with 3 types of bell peppers and large squids, breaded and spiced with their “secret recipe”, and sautéed in garlic, butter, and atsuete oil. There wasn’t anything grand about the restaurant aside from the fact that it was one of the oldest restaurants still standing in Binondo. As a matter of fact, it looked more like an eatery than a proper restaurant per se with its scratched walls, worn out light fixtures, and darkened tiles. Of course, I was too polite to say these while the restaurant’s current owner, Mr. Al Wong, was with us during our visit. Surprisingly, however, he shared the same sentiments as mine. He spoke of his disappointments on the gradual decline of the restaurant that he had been with his family for more than seven decades. He lamented on the fact that every day, he only sa the same faces eating at his diner. He referred to the group behind our table as the same construction workers and laborers who routinely spend their hour-long breaks drinking cheap beer and eating warm Asado as pulutan. I listened closely as he talked to my father about renovating the space, saying that he was in talks with the architect of Mary Grace Cafes in hopes of modernizing the restaurant into something millennials could enjoy and rave about, maybe even get it trending online.
           After a hearty lunch, he allowed me to take a look at the exclusive kitchen where the magic happens. The place itself wasn’t as magical since it looked even older from the inside. What – or who, rather – left me enchanted were the people working inside. I met Mang Ben, an elderly cook of the kitchen, who specializes in their trademark Pork Asado. I was fortunate to catch him in his element as he was just tossing ingredients inside a dark, large pan when I walked in. One couldn’t immediately tell that he was a chef in charge of the kitchen. He wasn’t in uniform unlike the employees visible to the customers. Instead, he was dressed in an oversized t-shirt and paint-stained shorts. He has been working in the restaurant for almost three decades, and was able to work with my now passed Lolo who used to manage the meat shop when it was still a small stall in Quiapo.
           My little tour of the kitchen ended with me watching how my favorite Spicy Squid was cooked. I also brought home some takeaway for me to munch on for dinner later. I took one last look at the gloomy restaurant, knowing that it might be the last time I see it in its original architecture from seventy years ago.
           I rode my father’s scooter once again, still fully fueled from our stopover in Toho. We decided to roam around Ongpin for a while and visit small stores selling all sorts of minerals and stones that promise calm and peace and prosperity. It’s funny how their staff must have been already immune to the charms’ effects, seeing how they can be unnecessarily rude to the street children who happen to wander carelessly into their store.
           The distasteful trip to the old charm store was followed by a stopover at Lord Stow’s which I am most excited about. I had my first Lord Stow’s egg tarts in a quick trip to Macau and since then, I would always be on the lookout for branches here in Manila. The bakery is internationally famed for its luscious, melt-in-your-mouth egg tarts. Fortunately, their small bakery in Ongpin St. was accessible and just as tasty as the ones I found abroad. The egg tarts were just as smooth and fluffy, with sweetness and saltiness waging a war as the cream filling melted in my mouth. I ordered a box of four for takeout as I made a mental note to save it for a movie I have to watch later that night.
           The final box in our itinerary list is one of Dad’s customers, hidden away at the second floor of a commercial building hosting a jewelry shop at the ground floor. With signs barely visible, I unknowingly climbed the crusty stairs of the time-worn Sa Lido restaurant. We were welcomed by the shocking sight of old Chinese men sleeping on their own tables, one with his mouth open and others asleep above a newspaper they were supposed to be reading. My dad was greeted by the gracious staff. They knew Dad by his name as he was often there to deliver rations or to collect payment. “Panganay ko” he introduced me as I was curiously smiled at by baristas manning the old drip coffee machines. We were still full from our lunch earlier which was why we just opted to take a few pictures of the restaurant. With one look, the place is easily recognizable as an authentic Chinese restaurant due to its antique furniture and Feng Shui marks around. One of the staff whose name I cannot recall (sorry, Ate!) but who Dad knew well pointed out that it is their authentic brewed coffee that garnered such a loyal following from the Chinese residents of Binondo. These patrons come back so often that they have their own mugs stored at the cafe. She showed us samples of these mugs to show how some of these even have pictures of their owners. We didn’t stay too long as not to disturbed the few but loyal clients they have at the moment and once again rode the scooter to head home.
           As I settled on the back of my father’s scooter, I began recounting the day’s events, trying to relish every detail of the day’s trip. I finally saw Toho and Sa Lido in real life. They were no longer funny names in the receipts that I gathered from my father’s worn wallet. I met the owners and the staff that allowed to have a glimpse of the life my father has been leading. I saw the friendships he had to build in order to build us a life of satisfaction – a life where I couldn’t ask for more.
Beads of sweat formed in my temples as we rode away under the scorching sun. I hadn’t realized how tired I was until I got home and fell asleep almost immediately while my father drove away to supply more of his rations. I was so tired after a day’s worth of roaming under the sun, and I began to imagine what it must have been like to do just the same for longer than I have lived, and do so always with much joy. This was his life and I am glad that I got to see this part of him through the streets of Binondo.
Gallery: https://cnfhumss12a.tumblr.com/tagged/Ingrid
0 notes
aion-rsa · 8 years
BOOM! Studios’ April 2017 Solicitations
BOOM! Studios has provided CBR with the exclusive first look at covers and solicit information for products shipping in April 2017. When you’re through checking out these solicitations, be sure to visit CBR’s Indie Comics Forum and discuss these BOOM!, Archaia and KABOOM! releases with fellow readers.
BOOM! Studios Solicitations – Last Six Months
Product shipping March 2017
Product shipping February 2017
Product shipping January 2017
Product shipping December 2016
Product shipping November 2016
Product shipping October 2016
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Simon Spurrier
Artist: Jonas Goonface
Main Cover: Jonas Goonface
Main Cover: Sonny Liew
Written by Eisner Award-nominated writer Simon Spurrier (The Spire, X-Men Legacy) and illustrated by breakout talent Jonas Goonface, Godshaper introduces a vast world where there’s a god for every person and a person for every god…though for Ennay, unfortunately exceptions may apply.
People like him are Godshapers, godless social pariahs with the ability to mold and shape the gods of others. Paired with Bud, an off-kilter but affectionate god without a human, the two travel from town to town looking for shelter, a hot meal, and the next paying rock’n’roll gig.
Retail Price: $3.99
Writers: Claudio Sanchez & Chondra Echert
Artist: Rags Morales
Main Cover: Rags Morales
Incentive Cover: Rags Morales
Coheed and Cambria frontman Claudio Sanchez (Translucid) and Chondra Echert team up with best-selling artist Rags Morales (Identity Crisis, Action Comics) for the long-awaited third installment of The New York Times best-selling series, The Amory Wars!
The evil Wilhelm Ryan remains in power. All those around Claudio Kilgannon are now convinced he is The Crowing, but is he? Ambellina believes she and The Crowing can save Heaven’s Fence rather than destroying it. But with Ryan and a new, even bigger threat looming—can they succeed?
Retail Price: $3.99
Writers: Derek Fridolfs, Hannah Blumenreich, Alex Solis, Sara Goetter, Ellen Kramer
Artists: Pamela, Lovas, Hannah Blumenreich, Alex Solis, Sara Goetter, Ellen Kramer
Main Cover: Derek Fridolfs
Incentive Cover: Alex Solis
Mordecai, Rigby, Skips, Benson, and all your favorites from the hit Cartoon Network series embark on a series of adventures in this very special anthology issue of Regular Show.
Features work from The New York Times best-selling writer Derek Fridolfs (Study Hall of Justice), Hannah Blumenreich (Spidey Zine), and a series of new groundbreaking storytellers!
Rigby attempts to make dinner for a date night with Eileen, Rigby is caught lying about his birthday to get free cake all year, Mordecai agrees to be Rigby’s roller-skating coach, and Muscle Man accidentally summons the Four Mini-Bikers of the Apocalypse in new stories!
Retail $3.99
Writer: Matt Kindt
Artist: Tyler Jenkins
Main Cover: Tyler Jenkins
Intermix Cover: Matt Kindt
Robert takes in the mysterious woman from the lake and opens up to her about his missing daughter…a daughter that would be about the same age as the woman in front of him.
Retail $3.99
Writers: Ben Acker & Ben Blacker, Andrew Miller
Artist: Hannah Christenson
Cover Artist: Hannah Christenson
After surviving their latest dance with death, Joseph and Miranda begin to share the heartbreak that led them into this situation.
Retail $3.99
Writers: Robbie Thompson, Justin Jordan
Artist: Barnaby Bagenda
Main Cover: Dan Mora
Movie Poster Incentive: E. M. Gist
Classic Incentive: Paul Rivoche
Spectrum Incentive: Felipe Massafera
Unlockable “Vintage” Action Figure Variant: David Ryan Robinson
As Cornelius loses himself to the ring, Doctor Zaius and Sinestro uncover a grave truth about the Planet of the Apes. With Hal Jordan, Zira, and Nova on the hunt through the Forbidden Zone, Kilowog, Guy Gardner, and Arisia bring reinforcements.
WWE #4
Retail $3.99
Writer: Dennis Hopeless
Artist: Serg Acuña
Main Cover: Dan Mora
Enzo Amore & Big Cass Incentive Cover: Marco D’Alfonso
Chris Jericho Incentive Cover: Jorge Corona
Sting Incentive Cover: Frazer Irving
Unlockable Action Figure Variant Cover: Adam Riches
Unlockable Royal Rumble Variant Cover: Brent Schoonover
Unlockable Tag Team Championship Title Belt Foil Variant Cover: Scott Newman
Seth wants a title match against Roman at Extreme Rules, but The Authority isn’t sold that Rollins is still what’s “best for business.” No matter—Seth is willing to break all the rules to regain his spot at the top.
LADYCASTLE #4 (of 4)
Retail $3.99
Writer: Delilah S. Dawson
Artist: Ashley A. Woods
Cover Artist: Missy Peña
Final issue! In order to free Gwyneff from an evil knight, a champion must win three challenges!
Retail $3.99
Writer: Ollie Masters
Artist: Eoin Marron
Main Cover: Eoin Marron
Subscription Cover: Jonas Scharf
Having mended fences with Clay and the club following his run-in with the Biker With No Name, Jax faces a new challenge at the hands of the Israeli Mafia-backed ecstasy dealers on Opie’s college campus.
Retail $3.99
Writer: James Asmus
Artist: Carlos Magno
Cover Artist: Nick Robles
Ewata, queen of Skull Island, must fight her way through the island to rescue her daughter.
Retail $3.99
Writers: Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly
Artist: Marcus To
Cover Artist: Marcus To
Final issue! The triumvirate’s greatest fears become reality as alien life forms arrive on Earth, and Uma, Catrin, and Dewydd must save mankind’s present to reimagine its future.
Retail $3.99
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artist: Hendry Prasetya
Main Cover: Jamal Campbell
Connecting Incentive Cover: Steve Morris
Morphin Incentive Cover: Goñi Montes
Unlockable Action Figure Variant: Telmos Santos
As our heroes fight to reclaim the Command Center, Tommy and Billy work with the resistance to defend against Lord Drakkon and his sentries.
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: James Tynion IV
Artist: Michael Dialynas
Cover Artist: Michael Dialynas
The final war erupts as the forces of good and evil on the alien moon collide, with the students’ path back to Earth hanging in the balance.
Retail $3.99
Writer: Simon Spurrier
Artists: Kelly and Nichole Matthews
Main Cover: Kelly and Nichole Matthews
Subscription Cover: Sana Takeda
The return of the Skeksis kicks Jen out of a daze and back on the offensive in the name of Thra. Meanwhile, Kensho and Thurm look to escape the Crystal Castle unnoticed.
Retail $3.99
Writer: Liz Prince
Artist: Amanda Kirk
Main Cover: Vaughn Pinpin
Incentive Cover: Liz Prince
Coady and the Creepies make their way into the punk underground that’s literally populated by demon punks!
SLAM! #5
Retail $3.99
Writer: Pamela Ribon
Artist: Veronica Fish
Main Cover: Veronica Fish
Incentive Cover: Jen Bartel
Now that their first real bout is over, Can-Can and Knockout find themselves on the same side…against a developer who wants to tear down the league’s space!
Retail $3.99
Writers: Jackie Ball & Hope Larson
Artist: Noah Hayes
Cover Artist: Kassandra Heller
On the hunt for Sugar’s saboteur, Goldie has a new suspect in mind: Sugar’s older sister, Red!
Retail $3.99
Writer: Sam Humphries
Artist: Caitlin Rose Boyle
Cover Artist: Caitlin Rose Boyle
Final issue! Jonesy lets her powers get the better of her and now she has to deal with a nightmare pair of star-crossed lovers!
Retail $4.99
Writer: John Allison
Artist: Max Sarin, Liz Fleming
Main: Max Sarin
Incentive: Meredith Gran
Special oversized issue celebrating two years of Giant Days! Susan goes home for the holidays and attempts to repair the rift between her parents with the help of her six older siblings!
Retail $3.99
Writers: Shannon Watters & Kat Leyh
Artist: Ayme Sotuyo
Main Cover: Kat Leyh
Incentive Cover: Ayme Sotuyo
A new storyline kicks off Year 4 of Lumberjanes, perfect for new readers to jump on! Everyone at camp is super excited about the best day of the summer—Parents’ Day, when they get to show their folks what they’ve been up to! Molly seems really worried, though, and even her friends are unsure of how to cheer her up.
Retail $3.99
Writer: Sam Sykes
Artist: Selina Espiritu
Cover Artist: Bridget Underwood
The heat gets turned up on Brianna when rival restaurant owner, Madame Cron, shows up unexpectedly during the dinner rush!
Retail $3.99
Writer: Melanie Gillman
Artist: Katy Farina
Main Cover: Missy Peña
Subscription Cover: Rian Sygh
Incentive Cover: Jenn St-Onge
When Steven and Connie fuse into Stevonnie to sneak into a PG-13 film, they run into Kiki and agree to take her to the prom!
THE DEEP #4 (of 6)
Retail $3.99
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: James Brouwer
Cover Artist: James Brouwer
Danger, ancient messages, and shocking revelations await the Nektons when they embark on a new investigation.
Retail $3.99
Writers: Jorge Corona, Marina Julia, Kellye Perdue
Artists: Jorge Corona, Marina Julia, Kellye Perdue
Main Cover: Adam Gorham
Subscription Cover: Kellye Perdue
Incentive Cover: Helen Mask
Finn and Jake try to find a challenging new quest, Marceline helps Princess Bubblegum deal with her haunted lab, and BMO wants to see what the big deal about 3-D is.
Retail $3.99
Writer: Danielle Burgos, Kiernan Sjursen-Lien
Artist: James Campbell, Cara McGee
Main Cover: Kiernan Sjursen-Lien
Subscription Cover: Jeremy Sorese
The Hero Frog has been discovered, but he might not be the hero that Wirt and Greg were expecting.
Retail $3.99
Writer: Mariko Tamaki
Artist: Ian McGinty
Main Cover: Shelli Paroline & Braden Lamb
Subscription Cover: Pranas Naujokaitis
The Princess competition continues with everyone trying to do their best despite the prankster trying to ruin their fun.
Retail Price: $19.99
Writer: Charles Soule
Artists: Greg Scott and Soo Lee
Cover Artist: Ryan Stegman
Writer Charles Soule (Daredevil, Poe Dameron) and illustrator Greg Scott come together for a science-fiction tale of the ties that bind New York City.
Dr. Spencer Brownfield, a disgraced former professor, believes a series of cataclysmic events are coming to New York City, and someone has to keep the city safe after he’s gone. Enter Heller Wilson, a brilliant mathematics student who discovers that his ailing—perhaps insane—mentor has been saving New York City from societal collapse by a series of “adjustments,” a la the butterfly effect. But now, all signs point toward an impending disaster. Can Wilson take what little he’s learned and save the city in time?
Collects the complete series. Includes the never-before collected short story “Antithesis,” illustrated by Soo Lee (Liquid City).
Retail Price: $16.99
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artists: Hendry Prasetya, Jonathan Lam
Cover Artist: Goñi Montes
The first new Mighty Morphin Power Ranger in 23 years makes his debut in the comic book epic that had the world asking: who is this mysterious new Power Ranger? From writer Kyle Higgins (Nightwing, Batman Beyond 2.0) and artists Hendry Prasetya (Power Girl) and Jonathan Lam (Gotham Academy) comes the shocking revelations that will rock the Power Rangers to their core! This collection also includes new stories from the Adventures of Bulk and Skull by Steve Orlando (Namesake, Supergirl) and Corin Howell (Transformers: Windblade, Bat-Mite).
Collects issues #9-12.
Retail Price: $29.99
Writer: Mark Waid
Artist: Peter Krause, Diego Barreto, Eduardo Barreto, Damian Couceiro
Cover Artists: Michelle Ankley, with art by John Cassady & Laura Martin, Jeffrey Spokes, Dan Panosian and Peter Kraus
Our series of oversized, deluxe hardcovers collecting the award-nominated Irredeemable continues. Mark Waid’s (Daredevil) superhero epic asks the question, “What if the world’s greatest superhero decided to become the world’s greatest supervillain?”
Collects issues #24-31.
Retail Price: $19.99
Writer: Alex Paknadel
Artist: Artyom Trakhanov
Cover Artist: Artyom Trakhanov
Written by Alex Paknadel (Arcadia, Assassin’s Creed) and illustrated by Artyom Trakhanov (Undertow, American Vampire), Paknadel & Trakhanov’s Turncoat is a gripping exploration of the sociopolitical ramifications of occupation in a post-war civilization where the transition from oppression to emancipation is anything but clean.
It’s been three hundred years since humanity was brutally subjugated by the alien race known as Management—and two years since these invaders abandoned Earth to return to their home world. Following her participation in the brutal massacre that caused Management’s withdrawal, resistance fighter Marta Gonzalez is riddled with guilt. Rather than join the new human government, she starts her own private detective agency. When a missing persons case lands on her desk, Gonzalez is forced to confront her own bloody past as she delves into the seedy underworld that’s bloomed after the alien departure.
Collects the complete limited series.
Retail Price: $34.99
Writer: Alex Alice
Artist: Alex Alice
Cover Artist: Alex Alice
The breathtaking conclusion to master storyteller Alex Alice’s groundbreaking adaptation of Wagner’s Ring of the Nibelung opera cycle brings the ancient Norse legend to life with spellbinding artistry. Young Siegfried has made it to the Land of Mists and now must face the great Dragon Fafnir at last and fight for the survival of mankind, no matter what the sacrifice.
Retail Price: $14.99
Writer: John Allison
Artists: Max Sarin, Liz Fleming
Cover Artist: Lissa Treiman
Written by John Allison (Bad Machinery, Scary Go Round) and illustrated by Max Sarin, Giant Days Volume 5 finishes off freshman year in style, collecting issues #17-20 of the Eisner Award-nominated series. Their freshman year is finally coming to a close and Daisy, Susan, and Esther say goodbye to Catterick Hall forever. Literally forever. It’s being bulldozed and re-purposed as a luxury dorm next semester. But as one door closes, another opens and between end of semester hookups, music festivals, and moving into their first home together, their life experiences are just getting started.
Retail Price: $14.99
Writers: Whit Taylor, Sheanon Garrity, Mariko Tamaki, Derek Fridolfs, Zacahary Sterling, Eva Eskelinen, Ryan Browne, Kelsey Wroten, Kevin Jay Stanton, Riley Rossmo, Kiki’ssh, Meg Omac, Mar Julia
Artists: Kyla Vanderklugt, Roger Langridge, Leela Wagner, Derek Fridolfs, Zacahary Sterling, Eva Eskelinen, Ryan Browne, Kelsey Wroten, Kevin Jay Stanton, Riley Rossmo, Kiki’ssh, Meg Omac, Mar Julia
Cover Artist: Erin Hunting
It’s Adventure Time Comics time! These sweet shorts come in many shapes and sizes, featuring all of the beloved characters from the Land of Ooo, written and illustrated by acclaimed cartoonists and storytellers from all over the world. Presented in the artist’s own style, each story captures the creativity that Adventure Time inspires! Featuring work by Derek Fridolfs (Study Hall of Justice), Zachary Sterling (Adventure Time), Riley Rossmo (Batman), Kyla Vanderklugt (Storyteller: Witches), Roger Langridge (The Baker Street Peculiars, Snarked), and many more!
Collects issues #5-8
Retail Price: $14.99
Writer: Ryan Ferrier
Artist: Laura Howell
Cover Artist: Jorge Corona
Oooh, yeah! Get ready as the park hosts the greatest wrestling event in all the land, and Mordecai and Rigby become…a tag team? Just wait till you see who else enters the squared circle, as Ryan Ferrier (Kennel Block Blues) and Regular Show series artist Laura Howell bring you the newest original graphic novel Regular Show: Wrasslesplosion!
Retail Price: $14.99
Writer: Martin Cendreda
Artist: Martin Cendreda
Cover Artist: Martin Cendreda
Archaia adds a new children’s book to its library with Martin Cendreda’s An Apple and An Adventure, which uses rhyme and the ABCs to create an engaging world of wonder that’s both educational and fun. A young cave girl and her triceratops set out on an adventure from A to Z and make new friends along the way—galloping goliaths, nine newts, petite plesiosaurs, and more greet them on their journey through the alphabet!
The post BOOM! Studios’ April 2017 Solicitations appeared first on CBR.com.
6 notes · View notes
cbilluminati · 8 years
BOOM! sent us over a brief and covers for their upcoming titles, and we’re sharing with you, readers. Here’s the BOOM! Studios Solicits for April 2017.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Simon Spurrier Artist: Jonas Goonface Cover Artists: Main Cover: Jonas Goonface Main Cover: Sonny Liew
Written by Eisner Award-nominated writer Simon Spurrier (The Spire, X-Men Legacy) and illustrated by breakout talent Jonas Goonface, Godshaper introduces a vast world where there’s a god for every person and a person for every god…though for Ennay, unfortunately exceptions may apply.
People like him are Godshapers, godless social pariahs with the ability to mold and shape the gods of others. Paired with Bud, an off-kilter but affectionate god without a human, the two travel from town to town looking for shelter, a hot meal, and the next paying rock’n’roll gig.
#gallery-0-52 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-52 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-52 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-52 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Claudio Sanchez & Chondra Echert Artist: Rags Morales Cover Artist: Main Cover: Rags Morales Incentive Cover: Rags Morales
Coheed and Cambria frontman Claudio Sanchez (Translucid) and Chondra Echert team up with best-selling artist Rags Morales (Identity Crisis, Action Comics) for the long-awaited third installment of The New York Times best-selling series, The Amory Wars!
The evil Wilhelm Ryan remains in power. All those around Claudio Kilgannon are now convinced he is The Crowing, but is he?
Ambellina believes she and The Crowing can save Heaven’s Fence rather than destroying it. But with Ryan and a new, even bigger threat looming—can they succeed?
#gallery-0-53 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-53 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-53 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-53 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Derek Fridolfs, Hannah Blumenreich, Alex Solis, Sara Goetter, Ellen Kramer Artists: Pamela, Lovas, Hannah Blumenreich, Alex Solis, Sara Goetter, Ellen Kramer Cover Artists: Main Cover: Derek Fridolfs Incentive Cover: Alex Solis
Mordecai, Rigby, Skips, Benson, and all your favorites from the hit Cartoon Network series embark on a series of adventures in this very special anthology issue of Regular Show.
Features work from The New York Times best-selling writer Derek Fridolfs (Study Hall of Justice), Hannah Blumenreich (Spidey Zine), and a series of new groundbreaking storytellers!
Rigby attempts to make dinner for a date night with Eileen, Rigby is caught lying about his birthday to get free cake all year, Mordecai agrees to be Rigby’s roller-skating coach, and Muscle Man accidentally summons the Four Mini-Bikers of the Apocalypse in new stories!
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Retail $3.99 Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Tyler Jenkins Cover Artists: Main Cover: Tyler Jenkins Intermix Cover: Matt Kindt
Synopsis: Robert takes in the mysterious woman from the lake and opens up to her about his missing daughter…a daughter that would be about the same age as the woman in front of him.
#gallery-0-55 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-55 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-55 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-55 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
  Retail $3.99 Writers: Ben Acker & Ben Blacker, Andrew Miller Artist: Hannah Christenson Cover Artist: Hannah Christenson
  Synopsis: After surviving their latest dance with death, Joseph and Miranda begin to share the heartbreak that led them into this situation.
Retail $3.99 Writers: Robbie Thompson, Justin Jordan Artist: Barnaby Bagenda Cover Artists: Main Cover: Dan Mora Movie Poster Incentive: E. M. Gist Classic Incentive: Paul Rivoche Spectrum Incentive: Felipe Massafera Unlockable “Vintage” Action Figure Variant: David Ryan Robinson
Synopsis: As Cornelius loses himself to the ring, Doctor Zaius and Sinestro uncover a grave truth about the Planet of the Apes. With Hal Jordan, Zira, and Nova on the hunt through the Forbidden Zone, Kilowog, Guy Gardner, and Arisia bring reinforcements.
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WWE #4
Retail $3.99 Writer: Dennis Hopeless Artist: Serg Acuña Cover Artists: Main Cover: Dan Mora Enzo Amore & Big Cass Incentive Cover: Marco D’Alfonso Chris Jericho Incentive Cover: Jorge Corona Sting Incentive Cover: Frazer Irving Unlockable Action Figure Variant Cover: Adam Riches Unlockable Royal Rumble Variant Cover: Brent Schoonover Unlockable Tag Team Championship Title Belt Foil Variant Cover: Scott Newman
Synopsis: Seth wants a title match against Roman at Extreme Rules, but The Authority isn’t sold that Rollins is still what’s “best for business.” No matter—Seth is willing to break all the rules to regain his spot at the top.
#gallery-0-57 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-57 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 20%; } #gallery-0-57 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-57 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
LADYCASTLE #4 (of 4)
  Retail $3.99 Writer: Delilah S. Dawson Artist: Ashley A. Woods Cover Artist: Missy Peña
  Synopsis: Final issue! In order to free Gwyneff from an evil knight, a champion must win three challenges!
Retail $3.99 Writer: Ollie Masters Artist: Eoin Marron Cover Artists: Main Cover: Eoin Marron Subscription Cover: Jonas Scharf
Synopsis: Having mended fences with Clay and the club following his run-in with the Biker With No Name, Jax faces a new challenge at the hands of the Israeli Mafia-backed ecstasy dealers on Opie’s college campus.
#gallery-0-58 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-58 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-58 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-58 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
  Retail $3.99 Writer: James Asmus Artist: Carlos Magno Cover Artist: Nick Robles
  Synopsis: Ewata, queen of Skull Island, must fight her way through the island to rescue her daughter.
  Retail $3.99 Writers:  Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly Artist:  Marcus To Cover Artist:  Marcus To
  Synopsis: Final issue! The triumvirate’s greatest fears become reality as alien life forms arrive on Earth, and Uma, Catrin, and Dewydd must save mankind’s present to reimagine its future.
Retail $3.99 Writer: Kyle Higgins Artist: Hendry Prasetya Cover Artists: Main Cover: Jamal Campbell Connecting Incentive Cover: Steve Morris Morphin Incentive Cover: Goñi Montes Unlockable Action Figure Variant: Telmos Santos
Synopsis: As our heroes fight to reclaim the Command Center, Tommy and Billy work with the resistance to defend against Lord Drakkon and his sentries.
#gallery-0-59 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-59 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-59 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-59 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
  Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Michael Dialynas Cover Artist: Michael Dialynas
  Synopsis: The final war erupts as the forces of good and evil on the alien moon collide, with the students’ path back to Earth hanging in the balance.
Retail $3.99 Writer: Simon Spurrier Artists: Kelly and Nichole Matthews Cover Artists: Main Cover: Kelly and Nichole Matthews Subscription Cover: Sana Takeda
Synopsis: The return of the Skeksis kicks Jen out of a daze and back on the offensive in the name of Thra. Meanwhile, Kensho and Thurm look to escape the Crystal Castle unnoticed.
#gallery-0-60 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-60 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-60 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-60 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Retail $3.99 Writer: Liz Prince Artist: Amanda Kirk Cover Artists: Main Cover: Vaughn Pinpin Incentive Cover: Liz Prince
Synopsis: Coady and the Creepies make their way into the punk underground that’s literally populated by demon punks!
#gallery-0-61 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-61 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-61 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-61 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
SLAM! #5
Retail $3.99 Writer: Pamela Ribon Artist: Veronica Fish Cover Artists: Main Cover: Veronica Fish Incentive Cover: Jen Bartel
Synopsis: Now that their first real bout is over, Can-Can and Knockout find themselves on the same side…against a developer who wants to tear down the league’s space!
#gallery-0-62 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-62 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-62 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-62 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Retail $3.99
Writers: Jackie Ball & Hope Larson Artist: Noah Hayes Cover Artist: Kassandra Heller
  Synopsis: On the hunt for Sugar’s saboteur, Goldie has a new suspect in mind: Sugar’s older sister, Red!
  JONESY #12
Retail $3.99
Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Caitlin Rose Boyle Cover Artist: Caitlin Rose Boyle
  Synopsis: Final issue! Jonesy lets her powers get the better of her and now she has to deal with a nightmare pair of star-crossed lovers!
Retail $4.99 Writer: John Allison Artist: Max Sarin, Liz Fleming Cover Artist: Main: Max Sarin Incentive: Meredith Gran
Synopsis: Special oversized issue celebrating two years of Giant Days! Susan goes home for the holidays and attempts to repair the rift between her parents with the help of her six older siblings!
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Retail $3.99 Writers: Shannon Watters & Kat Leyh Artist: Ayme Sotuyo Cover Artists: Main Cover: Kat Leyh Incentive Cover: Ayme Sotuyo
Synopsis: A new storyline kicks off Year 4 of Lumberjanes, perfect for new readers to jump on! Everyone at camp is super excited about the best day of the summer—Parents’ Day, when they get to show their folks what they’ve been up to! Molly seems really worried, though, and even her friends are unsure of how to cheer her up.
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Retail $3.99
Writer: Sam Sykes Artist: Selina Espiritu Cover Artist: Bridget Underwood
  Synopsis: The heat gets turned up on Brianna when rival restaurant owner, Madame Cron, shows up unexpectedly during the dinner rush!
Retail $3.99 Writer: Melanie Gillman Artist: Katy Farina Cover Artists: Main Cover: Missy Peña Subscription Cover: Rian Sygh Incentive Cover: Jenn St-Onge
Synopsis: When Steven and Connie fuse into Stevonnie to sneak into a PG-13 film, they run into Kiki and agree to take her to the prom!
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THE DEEP #4 (of 6)
Retail $3.99
Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: James Brouwer Cover Artist: James Brouwer
  Synopsis: Danger, ancient messages, and shocking revelations await the Nektons when they embark on a new investigation.
Retail $3.99 Writers: Jorge Corona, Marina Julia, Kellye Perdue Artists: Jorge Corona, Marina Julia, Kellye Perdue Cover Artists: Main Cover: Adam Gorham Subscription Cover: Kellye Perdue Incentive Cover: Helen Mask
Synopsis: Finn and Jake try to find a challenging new quest, Marceline helps Princess Bubblegum deal with her haunted lab, and BMO wants to see what the big deal about 3-D is.
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Retail $3.99 Writer: Danielle Burgos, Kiernan Sjursen-Lien Artist: James Campbell, Cara McGee Cover Artists: Main Cover: Kiernan Sjursen-Lien Subscription Cover: Jeremy Sorese
Synopsis: The Hero Frog has been discovered, but he might not be the hero that Wirt and Greg were expecting.
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Retail $3.99 Writer: Mariko Tamaki Artist: Ian McGinty Cover Artists: Main Cover: Shelli Paroline & Braden Lamb Subscription Cover: Pranas Naujokaitis
Synopsis: The Princess competition continues with everyone trying to do their best despite the prankster trying to ruin their fun.
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Retail Price: $19.99 Writer: Charles Soule Artists: Greg Scott and Soo Lee Cover Artist: Ryan Stegman
Writer Charles Soule (Daredevil, Poe Dameron) and illustrator Greg Scott come together for a science-fiction tale of the ties that bind New York City.
Spencer Brownfield, a disgraced former professor, believes a series of cataclysmic events are coming to New York City, and someone has to keep the city safe after he’s gone.
Enter Heller Wilson, a brilliant mathematics student who discovers that his ailing—perhaps insane—mentor has been saving New York City from societal collapse by a series of “adjustments,” a la the butterfly effect.
But now, all signs point toward an impending disaster. Can Wilson take what little he’s learned and save the city in time?
Collects the complete series. Includes the never-before collected short story “Antithesis,” illustrated by Soo Lee (Liquid City).
Retail Price: $16.99 Writer: Kyle Higgins Artists: Hendry Prasetya, Jonathan Lam Cover Artist: Goñi Montes
Synopsis: The first new Mighty Morphin Power Ranger in 23 years makes his debut in the comic book epic that had the world asking: who is this mysterious new Power Ranger? From writer Kyle Higgins (Nightwing, Batman Beyond 2.0) and artists Hendry Prasetya (Power Girl) and Jonathan Lam (Gotham Academy) comes the shocking revelations that will rock the Power Rangers to their core! This collection also includes new stories from the Adventures of Bulk and Skull by Steve Orlando (Namesake, Supergirl) and Corin Howell (Transformers: Windblade, Bat-Mite). Collects issues #9-12.
Retail Price: $29.99 Writer:  Mark Waid Artist: Peter Krause, Diego Barreto, Eduardo Barreto, Damian Couceiro Cover Artists: Michelle Ankley, with art by John Cassady & Laura Martin, Jeffrey Spokes, Dan Panosian and Peter Kraus
Synopsis: Our series of oversized, deluxe hardcovers collecting the award-nominated Irredeemable continues. Mark Waid’s (Daredevil) superhero epic asks the question, “What if the world’s greatest superhero decided to become the world’s greatest supervillain?” Collects issues #24-31.
Retail Price: $19.99 Writer: Alex Paknadel Artist: Artyom Trakhanov Cover Artist: Artyom Trakhanov
Written by Alex Paknadel (Arcadia, Assassin’s Creed) and illustrated by Artyom Trakhanov (Undertow, American Vampire), Paknadel & Trakhanov’s Turncoat is a gripping exploration of the sociopolitical ramifications of occupation in a post-war civilization where the transition from oppression to emancipation is anything but clean.
It’s been three hundred years since humanity was brutally subjugated by the alien race known as Management—and two years since these invaders abandoned Earth to return to their home world.
Following her participation in the brutal massacre that caused Management’s withdrawal, resistance fighter Marta Gonzalez is riddled with guilt. Rather than join the new human government, she starts her own private detective agency.
When a missing persons case lands on her desk, Gonzalez is forced to confront her own bloody past as she delves into the seedy underworld that’s bloomed after the alien departure.
Collects the complete limited series.
Retail Price: $34.99 Writer: Alex Alice Artist: Alex Alice Cover Artist: Alex Alice
Synopsis: The breathtaking conclusion to master storyteller Alex Alice’s groundbreaking adaptation of Wagner’s Ring of the Nibelung opera cycle brings the ancient Norse legend to life with spellbinding artistry. Young Siegfried has made it to the Land of Mists and now must face the great Dragon Fafnir at last and fight for the survival of mankind, no matter what the sacrifice.
Retail Price: $14.99 Writer: John Allison Artists: Max Sarin, Liz Fleming Cover Artist: Lissa Treiman
Synopsis: Written by John Allison (Bad Machinery, Scary Go Round) and illustrated by Max Sarin, Giant Days Volume 5 finishes off freshman year in style, collecting issues #17-20 of the Eisner Award-nominated series. Their freshman year is finally coming to a close and Daisy, Susan, and Esther say goodbye to Catterick Hall forever. Literally forever. It’s being bulldozed and re-purposed as a luxury dorm next semester. But as one door closes, another opens and between end of semester hookups, music festivals, and moving into their first home together, their life experiences are just getting started.
Retail Price: $14.99 Writers: Whit Taylor, Sheanon Garrity, Mariko Tamaki, Derek Fridolfs, Zacahary Sterling, Eva Eskelinen, Ryan Browne, Kelsey Wroten, Kevin Jay Stanton, Riley Rossmo, Kiki’ssh, Meg Omac, Mar Julia Artists: Kyla Vanderklugt, Roger Langridge, Leela Wagner, Derek Fridolfs, Zacahary Sterling, Eva Eskelinen, Ryan Browne, Kelsey Wroten, Kevin Jay Stanton, Riley Rossmo, Kiki’ssh, Meg Omac, Mar Julia Cover Artist: Erin Hunting
Synopsis: It’s Adventure Time Comics time! These sweet shorts come in many shapes and sizes, featuring all of the beloved characters from the Land of Ooo, written and illustrated by acclaimed cartoonists and storytellers from all over the world. Presented in the artist’s own style, each story captures the creativity that Adventure Time inspires! Featuring work by Derek Fridolfs (Study Hall of Justice), Zachary Sterling (Adventure Time), Riley Rossmo (Batman), Kyla Vanderklugt (Storyteller: Witches), Roger Langridge (The Baker Street Peculiars, Snarked), and many more! Collects issues #5-8
Retail Price: $14.99 Writer: Ryan Ferrier Artist: Laura Howell Cover Artist: Jorge Corona
Synopsis: Oooh, yeah! Get ready as the park hosts the greatest wrestling event in all the land, and Mordecai and Rigby become…a tag team? Just wait till you see who else enters the squared circle, as Ryan Ferrier (Kennel Block Blues) and Regular Show series artist Laura Howell bring you the newest original graphic novel Regular Show: Wrasslesplosion!
Retail Price: $14.99 Writer: Martin Cendreda Artist: Martin Cendreda Cover Artist: Martin Cendreda
Archaia adds a new children’s book to its library with Martin Cendreda’s An Apple and An Adventure, which uses rhyme and the ABCs to create an engaging world of wonder that’s both educational and fun.
A young cave girl and her triceratops set out on an adventure from A to Z and make new friends along the way—galloping goliaths, nine newts, petite plesiosaurs, and more greet them on their journey through the alphabet!
via BOOM! Studios
BOOM! Studios Solicits for April 2017
BOOM! sent us over a brief and covers for their upcoming titles, and we’re sharing with you, readers.
BOOM! Studios Solicits for April 2017 BOOM! sent us over a brief and covers for their upcoming titles, and we're sharing with you, readers.
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