#pins and needles babey
a-vamp-and-a-half · 8 months
The shout falls on deaf ears as Neora and Evan find themselves wandering alleyways, walking in the silence and glows of lit up pumpkin heads
“Well I knew many religions and beliefs exist in the mortal side of things but that one seemed to take euh, many paths” Neora snorts a lil, trying to stay respectful “Must have been one of the visitors the hunters let in huh”
The attempt at humor drifts away immediately, fading like wispy snow
He’d stopped walking ahead of her, shoulders raised to his ears, hands in his pockets, back a defensive wall towards her as she walks closer
Walking in front of him to see, tears absolutely rolling down his reddened face
“I don’t even know why I’m crying” he whispers, covering his face as it scrunches up and dropping down to sit, feeling Neora follow beside him “She-she wasn’t even scary- this is-“
It was a stupid stupid Taunt
It makes an awful shiver pass through his spine, making his already shaking body shake even worse
Mr Yarrow
The chase across countries from their dad, the pins and needles and tortures on a patient bed, the darkness encroaching on his very soul, the rejection of Light itself
Chased after by decaying flesh, dead eyes, hordes of screams after both his body and power
‘The rumors are true, you do have the Powers’
Treated like a commodity
Maniacal laughter in his ears as he took his last breaths
An Object
He zaps Neora when she tries to softly touch his hand, scaring him, pulling guilt-
“O-oh, oh n-o, I’m sorr-y, im sorry-“
“Shhhh” Neora whispers softly, placing her hand back on the ground, close but not touching “It was just a Spark, I’m okay Evs. I’m okay”
A swirl of dirt covered her ankle where he could see, poured out of a plant bed to the side of the street, grounding her to the earth
“Do I listen Evs?” She asks, voice soft, quiet, her hand resting gently beside him, unafraid and open
Grounding them
He sniffs hard
“Anytime at all. Never even” she chuckles softly, sitting there by his side as he lets the emotions pass through in waves against a shore
The Host catches up to them not too long later, and with a quick mumble just opens his arms to offer a hug.
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ashipwithoutaname · 2 years
Here’s a comprehensive list of all the shit I’ve found in my purse from cleaning it out
Many different sizes of bandaids
Used scratch ticket (loser)
Used scratch ticket ($2 winner!!!)
$9 in cash
Weingarten rights card (Union strong babey !!!!!!!!)
Reusable straw (never used)
One individually packaged Clorox wipe
Mario badescu facial spray
Baby wipes
Apple phone charger (brick + cord plugged in)
1/8” to stereo 1/4” cable (not mine????)
Another apple phone cord
Apple Watch cord
Needle nose pliers
My epi pens
Tide to go pen
A Disney pin set where one pin is suspiciously missing
A guard to my electric razor
A hot glue stick (I don’t own a hot glue gun)
Abreva cold sore cream that expired in June 2021
2 Amazon brand AAA batteries
The missing Disney pin and its backing (now featuring a new bandaid on my finger)
2 jibbitz for my crocs (a pearl and a sloth)
A 3 digit combination lock from work that no longer works
One pair of heart earrings from the 80s that my mom found
One contact lens (expired)
Several cough drops
$1.59 in change
A sticker of stitch holding forky from Toy Story 3???????
8 9 different lip products
Perfume (never worn)
A sharpie
A red dry erase marker
4 black ink pens
4 colored ink pens (pink, red, teal, and purple)
2 apple bricks
Exactly ZERO stamps which is why I was cleaning out my purse in the first place!!!!!!!!
0 notes
thoustve · 2 years
dhhdgs. the debate on whether to make a doctor appt over this pain, or continue living with it because ill likely be ignored about it again……..
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unsafetypin · 6 years
Me @ my thumb which has been numb for sixty nine (69) hours now: did I hit a nerve bitch boy?
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lavenderboneswrites · 3 years
Can i request some Shizuo and Izaya getting out of the closet during highschool for pride month?
Love your blog btw
Here you go, I hope this okay and you enjoy, thank you for the request! I wanted to get this out before pride ended but you know what? Pride never ends. PRIDE IS ETERNAL. Happy pride everyone!!
Words: 3049
Tags: shizaya, pre-relationship, the boys have a chat about sexuality, asexual izaya, demi-sexual shizuo, pride babey, high school days
Shizuo rolls the tiny badge between his fingers.
He’d taken it from Izaya. Ripped it from his clothes during their most recent fight.
Shizuo had been so close to catching him too. His fingers had brushed at the rough strap of his bag, but before he could get a proper grip the flea was darting away. He had grabbed out desperately and the little pin had come away from Izaya.
It was a small rectangle, probably the size of a fingernail. Made of metal, the front was shiny with horizontal stripes, in colours black, grey, white, and purple. Shizuo didn’t understand the significance of it, Izaya was always wearing ugly ass accessories. Still, as he fiddled with the badge something itched at the back of Shizuo’s mind.
Something important.
He was sitting up on the school roof during a free period. It was empty up here, most aware that the fearsome Heiwajima Shizuo had claimed the rooftop as his territory. The only ones who ever came up the same time as Shizuo were Shinra, Kadota, and that annoying little insect that Shinra always insisted join them.
That’s only when he wasn’t skipping school to do who only knows what.
Shizuo stares down at the little pin in his hand, the wind blowing lightly through his hair as his thoughts pass by lazily.
It’s almost like a flag.
A harsh grating noise pulls Shizuo from his musing. It’s the sound of the rooftop door being dragged open, and as if his very thoughts had summoned the devil himself, out stepped Orihara Izaya.
“Oh,” copper eyes widen slightly, before narrowing in the familiar sneer Shizuo knew all too well. “You’re here.”
Red blinds his vision. Rage erupts in his blood like a volcano. Shizuo’s pupils are expanding, are going predator wide as eyes narrow in on their prey.
Izaya is talking quicker than Shizuo can think, “I think anyone would be here.”
The flea sighs, hands slipping into his pockets as he pouts.
Shizuo’s breathing hard through his nose, mind a haze of kill, kill, kill. He’s about to leap to his feet, about to let out his usual roar and lunge at the flea but his brain suddenly hits a wall.
The rooftop was his safe space. A place where he could come to find peace. It was also a neutral zone, a place where Izaya and Shizuo were forced to tolerate each other for the sake of their mutual friend.
Shinra wasn’t here though.
Shizuo blinked up from where he sat slumped against the fence. This was unknown territory for them. Never had they been up here together … unsupervised.
The strange situation makes his rage flounder slightly, dulls his usual instincts and he just glares up at the flea.
“Fuck off.”
Izaya scoffs at his less than welcoming words.
“Shizu-chan doesn’t own the roof,” he’s arguing back in a derisive tone. It does nothing to quell Shizuo’s rage.
He clenches his fists at his side, metal badge in his hand forgotten as he growls up at Izaya. “Fuck off, I was here first.”
Izaya only raises a brow at that, as if he can’t quite believe Shizuo’s immaturity.
He’s expecting a sarcastic remark, something about his lack of intelligence; Izaya did always love to call him stupid in the most roundabout way. Instead Izaya just lets out a sigh, as if he can’t be bothered arguing today.
Shizuo stiffens as he makes his way over to his own side of the roof. The pest doesn’t sit down next to Shizuo, no, he makes sure to put a distance of at least three meters between them.
Shizuo glares at him the entire time. He’s tensed for an attack, ready to catch one of those annoying as fuck knives flying his way, but none come.
“Relax … there’s enough space for the both of us beast.”
Shizuo feels his eye twitch at that familiar nickname, but Izaya’s tone for once is lacking the usual edge.
He knows if he attacks, the other will defend himself. Yet today Shizuo just can’t bring himself to be bothered. Least when Izaya is acting so docile for once. Well docile for him anyway.
They sit in silence, waiting for the lunch period when Shinra and Kadota will no doubt join them. Izaya’s tapping away on his phone, the noise is only half annoying as Shizuo stares up at the clouds passing by.
It would be nice to take a nap … but he’s not stupid enough to let his guard down completely. Knowing the flea he’d end up getting stabbed.
Shizuo’s doesn’t bother to look at the flea as his voice comes out gruff.
Izaya doesn’t answer, just keeps tap-tap-tapping and Shizuo has to do that stupid counting thing he was taught to keep his temper at bay. It rarely ever works though.
“Oi bastard,” Shizuo growls a bit louder, eventually turning his head to send a glare Izaya’s way.
Izaya doesn’t look at him. Instead he leans his head back against the fence, as if searching the sky for patience.
Izaya really had no right sounding so annoyed. He was the one who was annoying. Always jumping around like a pest, getting Shizuo into fights, plotting and manipulating and just being a general, all-around nuisance.
“You in a bad mood or something?” Shizuo needles and Izaya can’t stop the chuckle that escapes his lips.
“Like you’re one to talk,” Izaya’s eyes are coming down to meet Shizuo’s, red gaze alight with a hint of amusement. “Shizu-chan is in a bad mood 24/7.”
“And who’s fault is that?” Shizuo snaps.
“… I’m guessing mine, right?”
There’s no remorse in his voice, only sarcastic mocking that grates on Shizuo’s ears.
He grinds his teeth together at the annoying noise. Shizuo clenches fists harder, ready to throw a punch when he’s suddenly reminded of the item in his palm as it presses into his skin.
“You piss me off”, Izaya lowers his voice, doing his best Shizuo impression before his voice returns to the usual lilt. “Really Shizu-chan, who did you blame your temper on before you met me?”
Izaya flashes a crooked smile his way, like Shizuo should be grateful he has the flea around to take his anger out on.
Without another word Shizuo slides the badge in his hand less than gently across the concrete to Izaya’s side of the roof.
There. Now that odd knotting feeling in his stomach can go away.
“What’s this?” Izaya asks curiously.
He leans over and reaches out, fingertips only just grazing the badge. He’s forced to shuffle over on his knees, the action bringing him a little closer to Shizuo as he picks up the shiny metal object.
“It’s yours, right?”
Izaya doesn’t respond. He’s looking down at the pin his hand, brow furrowed in a look Shizuo has never seen on him.
Can’t believe I got him to finally shut up.
“Why …,” Izaya finally breaks his silence. Really, thinking he’d shut the flea up forever would be too good to be true.
Izaya doesn’t meet his eyes, still staring at his hand as if the little badge could give him answers.
Why would you give this back? Why would you do this? Those were the questions that seemed to be crossing Izaya’s features.
“Why do you have this?”
Shizuo can’t help but blink at that, it wasn’t a question he had been expecting.
“I got it yesterday. During …,” he trails off lamely, resolutely looking out at the open rooftop and not at Izaya’s inquisitive eyes.
Izaya doesn’t respond, instead he picks up the badge by the back end, rolling the pin between his index finger and thumb to make the little flag swirl around.
“What is it?”
Shizuo can’t help but be curious. He knows he’s seen those flags around before, maybe not the exact same colours but there’s definitely been a lot of flags randomly around lately.
Izaya makes a derisive noise in the back of his throat. Shizuo can’t decide if he’s annoyed at the question or insulting Shizuo.
“It’s a pride flag, duh.”
Shizuo couldn’t help roll his eyes at the immature response.
“Obviously,” he deadpans back.
There’s an awkward silence, which Izaya doesn’t bother to fill for once. Instead he plants his feet on the ground, bringing his knees up to his chest to lean his crossed arms on them.
Shizuo shifts, unknowingly decreasing the distance between them.
“Which flag?”
Izaya’s only a meter from him now, close enough that when he sends a glare Shizuo’s way he can almost see the individual speckles of red in his eyes.
“Why do you care?”
His tone is defensive and Shizuo wants to roll his eyes again.
“I don’t,” Shizuo wants no confusion here on where he and the flea stand. He continues on, his words going rough and mumbled as he almost doesn’t want to say them. “I was just curious is all.”
Izaya’s brow has turned to a frown, and he’s got this look on his face like he’s actually suspicious of Shizuo; like he can’t quite figure out his intentions. Shizuo had stated them clearly enough, it wasn’t his fault Izaya thought all words had to have meaning upon riddles upon bullshit.
What a fucking headache.
“It’s the ace flag.”
Izaya is purposely not meeting Shizuo’s gaze when the words slip out of him. He’s staring off to the side once again, as if he doesn’t want to give Shizuo a chance to see some unknown thing in his face.
“Ace, huh?”
Silence falls again, this time a little less awkward from Shizuo’s side. He can practically feel the invisible walls Izaya’s got up around himself though.
“Which one is that again?”
A little chuckle comes to Izaya’s lips and he shoots a coy look to the blonde.
“The asexual pride flag, if you must know.”
Izaya’s got the smallest of grins on his face. It’s not like the usual smarmy smirks he often throws Shizuo’s way. No, this look is softer somehow, as if he’s almost unsure.
Shizuo just raises an eyebrow at his words, as if saying ‘you expect me to know what that means?’
Izaya sniggers at the look before continuing. “Asexual meaning I don’t feel sexual attraction for anyone.”
Shizuo nods along, as if he knew what it had meant the entire time.
Honestly he’d never really thought about. Thinking about your mortal enemies sexual preferences would be just … weird. No matter what Izaya liked, Shizuo really didn’t give a flying crap, as long as he got to beat the shit out of the louse nothing else mattered.
Shizuo tries to remember all of the different flags he had seen lately, he really could only recognise the gay pride flag … all the others he was a little lost at. And really, there seemed to be so many that he couldn’t be bothered learning what they all meant anyway. He really didn’t care what other people wanted to do as long as it didn’t inconvenience him.
“So you’ve never…,” Shizuo opens his mouth without thinking. “You’ve never felt that way … ever?”
Izaya doesn’t seem offended by the extremely personal question. Rather his eyes crinkle at the corners, almost sparkling with amusement.
“Why, does Shizu-chan feel that way about me?”
“Pfft,” Shizuo can’t help but scoff at the sarcastic jab. “As if flea … you’re trash, who would ever be attracted to trash?”
“Glad to know the thought disgusts us both,” he says it more to himself than anything.
“Does that mean you don’t want to … that you don’t ever…,” Shizuo’s face scrunches up, why the fuck is he asking all this?
“What? Have sex? Jack off?”
Shizuo puts his head into his hand and groans at Izaya’s complete lack of shame.
“What the fuck is wrong with you flea?” Shizuo asks into his palm. His only answer is high pitched laughter.
He rubs at his face, finally removing his hand to throw a glare Izaya’s way. “Don’t you have any shame?”
“Hmm, shame and guilt are such interesting concepts don’t you think though? Humans creating standards for themselves depending on whether something they do makes them feel bad, or whether something they do makes others feel bad, which just in turn makes them feel bad too I guess.”
Shizuo has no idea what the fuck the flea is saying anymore. Twisted little weirdo.
Izaya’s laugh is way too mocking, Shizuo’s going to punch him if he doesn’t stop.
“Well, what happens when that person doesn’t feel bad, no matter what they do?”
Shizuo can’t help but narrow his eyes in a suspicious frown, “…are you fucking with me right now?”
Izaya just giggles again, sounding way too fucking self-satisfied and Shizuo can feel the vein in his temple throbbing in time with that annoying high pitched laugh.
The flea’s chuckling finally settles down a bit, his breath coming out soft before he continues.
“I think Shizu-chan is confusing sexual attraction with libido,” Izaya starts, his parkour between topics making Shizuo’s head hurt slightly.
Can’t you just fucking speak plainly for once?
“There’s a difference?” Shizuo mumbles, hand going to the back of his neck. This should be awkward as hell, embarrassing, mortifying … but Shizuo is surprisingly feeling kind of okay with the conversation … somehow?
“Mm,” Izaya gives a nod and Shizuo notices how he shuffles a little closer. “Think of it like skiing Shizu-chan, you’ve been skiing right?”
“Snowboarding,” Shizuo grumbles. It’s not like his parents had the money to go to a mountain resort every winter, like Izaya’s rich family probably did. However, their last school trip had been a ski trip and despite a snowball fight turning incredibly violent and Shizuo almost causing an avalanche, it had been pretty fun.
“Well, some people like skiing, some like snowboarding, other’s like tobogganing and then there’s those who’d rather stay inside cozied up next to a warm fire. And who’s to say you can’t try more than one thing, or like a variety of either?”
Shizuo frowns, he can kind of follow along with this metaphor.
“So, say you’re a fan of skiing. That can mean you like certain type of skis, or maybe you avoid specific types, or maybe you just prefer to watching skiing from afar or even just on your tv.”
Izaya’s speech flows easy, as if talking was like breathing to him. There’s something almost comforting about it.
“In regards to asexuality, and you can probably apply this to all types of sexuality, but think of it more as a spectrum, an umbrella with varying types all fitting in under it. Some asexuals are don’t have sex, they may even be repulsed by it. Other’s might enjoy it, might experience sexual urges and activity seek it out. Then there might be some that don’t really care either way, they’ll enjoy sexual pleasure but they don't crave it or necessarily seek it out. Some might even just prefer to be by themselves, or focus their energies on other types of releases; like erotic fiction or watching porn.”
Shizuo lets it all sink in. It’s a lot to take, but it makes a surprisingly good amount of sense.
“So you can … it can feel good,” Shizuo purposely ignores the way his ears go red, “you can enjoy stuff like that … but still be asexual?”
There’s a pause, where Izaya tilts his head and observes Shizuo with an uncomfortable amount of scrutiny.
“Hmm, why so curious Shizu-chan?”
Shizuo just shrugs, he’s not entirely sure how to answer that question. Not entirely sure where this desire to discuss this all came from.
Shizuo almost startles as Izaya suddenly closes the distance between them. He crawls to Shizuo’s side, thigh almost touching his own as the flea mirrors his crossed leg position and it’s way too close.
“Here,” Izaya reaches out for Shizuo’s arm and can’t help but flinch slightly, as if expecting an attack.
Izaya just chuckles at the reaction, he holds his hands up for Shizuo to see, the only thing held in them is the little pin between his fingers.
“No tricks, I promise,” the little grin he speaks with and the mischief in his eyes tell a different story.
Frowning, wondering if he’s making a huge mistake, Shizuo’s hands over his arm to Izaya palm up.
“You know, just because someone doesn’t feel sexual attraction doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy sexual or romantic activities. One also doesn’t need to be sexually attracted to someone to find them aesthetically pleasing either.”
Izaya’s fiddling with the cuff of his sleeve, hands blocking Shizuo’s view of exactly what he’s doing.
“Does Shizu-chan like watching horror movies?” Izaya changes subject way too easily and Shizuo is struggling to catch up.
“I don’t know, I guess?” Shizuo wouldn't say he’s the biggest fan of them but he’ll watch them occasionally.
“But you wouldn’t want to be in a horror movie, would you? Or maybe it depends on the kind of horror movie? Maybe if it’s a movie you feel a deep connection with perhaps?”
Shizuo stares at the side of Izaya’s face as he speaks, the flea’s smile going wry as his fingers click something into place.
“There,” Shizuo stares down at the cuff of his shirt, little coloured pin now attached.
Izaya’s voice is firm as he admires his handywork, “until Shizu-chan figures it out, why don’t you hold onto this?”
Shizuo feels his ears burn. His heart skips a beat and he suddenly feels parched. Is he dying? Is he having a heart attack? Why does he feel so warm all of a sudden?
It can’t have anything to do with the heat radiating next to him. The feel of Izaya’s thigh against him and a warm hand cradling his wrist.
As quick as the strange feeling comes it immediately vanishes as Izaya stands up. The door is scraping again, Izaya walking towards the two new arrivals with a casual wave.
Shizuo is left behind in his wake.
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familiaanteomnia · 3 years
content warning: self harm/destructive tendencies, mentions of anxiety/ symptoms, impulsiveness, bullying, medical side affects -anyways this is a big yikes because actions have consequences babey throwing punches, not getting proper treatment,etc- -due to medications he was taken/does nathan does have some nerve damage issues namely in his hands+ muscle spasms factoring in also that countless times punching things has also created a lot of micro fractures, permanent damage to his hands also due to frequent mental duress that factors in -it tends to be an cycle because he will get angry about his hands freaking out, punch something which then further bruises- bloodies his knuckles causing further damage which just obviously like 50/50 odds of “fixing” the problem -as such especially when he was living at the estate (high quality clear plastic cups were purchased so he wouldn’t just keep dropping or breaking the glass ones) that being said been plenty of causalities to his hands be it just dropping or actual throwing (not that all his throwing things is due to muscle spasms- sometimes it is due to anger/or just an impulsive ‘if you dont throw this at the wall then there will be An Price’) -so he frequently gets pin, needles in his arms hardcore tingling and numbness plus just overall pain, or cramping sometimes his hands just lock up (he’ll find it ridiculous when his hands curl up and he tries to straighten it out only for them to tingle/act like memory foam into whatever position again slowly often gets pissed but occasionally just has to find amusement with it) -isnt really any controlling it and attempting to do usually makes things Worst but relatively good at not letting it show/due to the bullying gets more aware to hide when his hands spaz,etc likewise he does try to lean towards locking up or increasing grip because he’d rather not be able to let go of something than throw it plus also developed tight hold response to not wanting things knocked or swiped out of his hands -overall he tries to not hold, carry things in his hands and would rather somebody hold their own phone to show things than entrust it to him,etc (especially because with people he cares about his brain/issues like to be extra cruel and once he thinks about how bad he’d feel breaking their stuff then it’s like “ha ha but what if” which worsens things) not to say he can’t usually it isn’t super likely he will get mega impulsive or his hands will act out right then plus he will try his damnedest to avoid risking it in the first place, etc -also some of why he fidgets with them aside from typical anxious reasons/soothing purposes,etc sometimes rubbing at them makes things a little less worst or something to do while suffering especially if being painful (there is always an low level of pain in them especially if they are attempting to heal from an recent knuckle harming incident then they really get irritated though also pain= less pain too for nate at times) -it’s never easy to pinpoint why cause things all mix together/if he starts getting anxious over it,etc then it worsens so if he can the best thing in his eyes is retreating so he can just like lay down on the floor ideally doing fuck all till it goes away (especially if like both arms are all pins, needles and his hands are rebelling alongside being numb though he can manage to use his hands in that state it Sucks) -he’s adjusted to it sorta mostly it gets him the most annoyed when it interferes with the moods he feels like taking photos, enjoying photographing things and then his hands ruin the shot/or attempt to murder his camera (also that then factors into the well fine fuck photography moods etc cause oh look that really cool picture is now an unfocused blur fuck my life)
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another-dr-another · 3 years
insert those coins babey! no point in holding onto them if they aren't used !
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You Now Own:
001 - Mineral Water (x2)
Drawn from the ocean depths and rigorously purified. Ideal for a modern on-the-go public unsatisfied with tap water.
002 - Sea Salt
A basic seasoning produced from the evaporation of seawater. It also sees use as a preservative.
003 - Ration
A set of canned and vacuum-sealed foodstuffs. The taste isn't bad, and a certain snake that wants to play hide-and-go-seek is just crazy abou- wait, what?
005 - Ramune
A sweet, lemon-flavored carbonated drink. A marble plugs the opening of the uniquely designed bottle. The bottle can also be reused if you bring it to the ramune store.
010 - Ship In a Bottle
A intricate creation, a model ship within a bottle. Made with time, love and care.
012 - Envy-Enducing Envy CD
A CD of songs by Japanese band Envy. Full of unreleased tracks/first recordings.
014 - Children's Book
A children's book about family and forgiveness! The plot is about a sister who can't get along with her younger brother, but they find common ground and bond over causing trouble for their parents.
016 - Sour Soda (x2)
No flavor is listed on the bottle other than sour, which may just be a flavor in and of itself. It's a near black shade of blue... I think.
017 - Gentleman's Guide
A book that's meant to help shape you into the perfect gentleman. However, it's rather demeaning towards the reader, which doesn't feel very gentleman-ly.
018 - Masculine Cologne
Very masculine, can only be used by masculine people. No weaklings allowed, or people with the common sense to smell it before purchasing, and realize it smells really bad.
019 - Fancy Sword
True to it’s name, it looks very fancy, and very intimidating. However, it's only for show, and rather blunt- perhaps inexpensive?
022 - ??? Alcohol
It's something alcoholic. This is a school, it should be confiscated, and you won't be receiving any more information.
024 - Hair Cutting Scissors
Snip snip snip, meant for hair-cutting at home, as these aren’t professional grade. Still though, try and make it even, okay?
025 - Purple Hair Dye
Pretty purple hair dye guaranteed to not come out of hair for weeks! More of a pinkish-purple than the box advertised, but still pretty.
028 - Constellation Skirt
With patterns matching actual real constellations. Despite matching the night sky, it almost seems sun-rise themed, with its pink background and pale gold stars.
030 - Bottled Tea
When heated up, it's meant to help soothe upset stomachs, and muscle aches. Popular among student athletes.
031 - Alarm Clock
It's a digital alarm clock. One of the few normal and functional things here, and it's the thing that screams at you to wake up every morning.
032 - Broken Stopwatch (x2)
It won't stop running, no pausing or restarting. You can however make it record different laps.
034 - Baseball Cap
Perfect for keeping the sun out of your face! This one is all black though, so it'll retain a lot of heat.
038 - Card Game (x3)
One easy to play, and popular among kids. The front side of the package shows a family of four playing.
039 - Reminder Booklet
A small pamphlet that gives reminders for daily things, such as eating, drinking, taking meds, etc. Also has room for you to add in unique personalized reminders.
041 - Tiovita
A Japanese energy drink sold at most convenience stores. Pretty inexpensive, and with a nice fruity flavor- but hey, only one per day!
044 - Lie Detector (x2)
Fun for the whole family! Though not incredibly accurate... wait, how do you know that?
045 - Evidence Encylopedia
A book focusing on evidence found in crime scenes. From most overlooked to most common, this book talks about it all.
049 - Track Award
A award from a middle school track and field award. The recipient of the trophy seems to have come in second in two events, and first in one.
050 - Plane Tickets (x2)
Anywhere, anytime, round trip tickets. Probably given as some sort of thank you for volunteering to get off of a accidentally over-booked flight.
051 - Therapy Advertisement (x2)
Some therapist endorsing themselves. Upon looking at the services they offer, I don't feel very inspired to go there.
056 - Soulmate Sweatshirt
A sweatshirt that supposedly brings the most comfort not when you wear it, but when holding someone wearing it. Currently smells strongly of... lavender?
057 - Scrap Metal x3
Seems to be broken bits and pieces of some sort of engine. Could be repurposed, or simply a cool trinket.
059 - Old Journal
It seems to be from the late 80s, and kept being written in up to the early 90s. There's a entry on the last page, synopsizing the birth of the owners son, and how proud the owner is of his now five year old.
060 - Paper Boat
A piece of paper that's been folded into a boat. Apparently you can fold and tear it as you tell a story to provide a visual aid for the story, but no one here knows how.
061 - Calendar
It's got pictures of internationally famous towns on it! This particular one has been written on with a note on almost every day.
064 - Face-paint Kit.
A professional face-painting kit. However, it’s missing it’s red, yellow, blue and white paint- those colors have been all used up.
065 - Life Quote Sign (x3)
A sign with some stereotypical life quote written on it in flowery lettering. Most likely to be seen hanging in a kitchen.
066 - Throwing Rings (x2)
Meant for fair games. If you have good enough aim, maybe you'll win a prize!
067 - Pleasant Savior
Seemingly a CD filled with various performances by the same person. I haven't played the CD, so I don't know what kind of performances he does though, and the name is off-putting.
069 - “Fresh” Bouquet (x3)
Somehow still smells sweet with flowers that look flawless. It's comprised of roses that have been dyed rainbow, all of them.
070 - Hair Ribbons (x3)
They come in a variety of colors, but the Monomono Machine only dispenses yellow. Guaranteed to make the wearer feel a certain sense of self-satisfaction.
071 - Girls Profile
A student profile from a all-girls academy. The paper is water-stained and some of the ink has run, so it's hard to make out what's on the paper.
073 - Baby Doll
It seems to be from around the 90s and... not quite well-loved, but well-played-with. Doesn't come with the original clothes... or hair.
075 - Dream Catcher
Made by a past SHSL. It's actually been pretty effective, and is part of the reason they got scouted.
080 - Retro Game
It's handheld, old, and extremely broken. The screen has been shattered so it displays wrong, all cracked and distorted.
081 - Blackout Curtains (x2)
Completely block out any and all light. Strong enough to plunge a room into darkness.
084 - Noise-cancelling Headphones
They completely block out all sound! Also come with the ability to adjust the size of the band, and will stay on your ears even if you pull the band down to your neck.
086 - Wall Decals
Stickers you can put on your wall. They do a decent job of covering up holes in said walls.
087 - Antique Stuffed Animal (x2)
It seems to be bunny themed, and dressed in clothes you'd see on babies in the 1930s. It's in pretty good shape, other than a few tears where the lace trim at the end has had it’s stitches removed.
088 - Embroidery Kit
Or rather, a needle and thread to be used for embroidery. There's only one needle, and one spool of thread, but hey, it’s something.
090 - Scented Markers (x2)
A full rainbow set, all with their own unique smell! Be careful though - it's hard to get these out of clothes.
092 - Fake Christmas Tree (x2)
Too plastic to be a real tree. It's also incredibly small, but real trees can be small too, so that doesn’t really mess with the realism.
093 - Hair Gel
Top of the line hair gel, and completely unopened! Helps you style your hair and keep it in place, but doesn’t give it the nicest texture.
095 - Instant Noodles
Just add water to get something hot, salty, and/or spicy! A nice meal if you're looking for something that's quick and easy, you can dress it up some too.
097 - Drink Mix
A powder used for ??? warm drink, made with milk, tastes like... something? You try it and tell me, but it smells good at the least.
099 - The DSM-I
Self-explanatory, it's the original version of the DSM, from 1952. Index cards have been slipped in-between most of the pages, talking about what happened with the information listed there.
100 - Collection Of Old Ads
Dating back to the 1920s. A magazine full of ads from a different time, it’s somewhat of a miracle the paper held up while the ideas in it didn’t.
101 - Wooden Ruler
It's a wooden ruler. Used for measuring things, nothing else- why do you ask?
102 - Building Blocks (x3)
Stacking and stacking, and sending it all crumbling down. And then you rinse and repeat.
104 - Cutesy Hair Clips
Snap clips in pastel colors and covered in designs. Oddly enough, there isn't any non-pastels, unless you count the few white clips.
106 - Newspaper Collage
Seems to be a collection of snippets from newspaper articles. There must be hundreds in here... it's a big collage.
107 - Cropped Sweatshirt
Cropped specifically due to a parent saying not to. The sweatshirt seems to be related to some organization, with the big fancy emblem on it.
109 - Pins And Patches
A mix-and-match bag full of enamel pins, buttons, and iron-on patches. Good luck finding something to do with them all.
110 - Origami Paper (x2)
Simple origami paper, in a variety of colors and patterns! Comes easy to tear out of a book, which includes instructions on basic origami types.
112 - Colorful Band-Aids.
They come in many colors, designs, even different sizes. Some seem to be made to cover up paper cuts, others meant to help skinned knees and scraped elbows.
Thank you for visiting the Monomono Machine!
Maeda, narrating - And I thought the coins were kinda heavy...
Maeda - What now?
[Free Time Event - Uehara]
{Head to Your Room}
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hobiiwan · 5 years
mother-hen mando
⇒ pairing: the mandalorian x reader (platonic-ish)
⇒ summary: headcanons of the mandalorian taking care of a sick reader
⇒ words: 900 (drabble ish)
⇒ warnings: mentions of getting sick, throwing up
⇒ notes: for this request. short and fluffy, although it’s not explicitly romantic, hope you enjoy!
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the second that one sneeze shakes you, you know you’re in for it
not that your immune system is weak, but alien colds are a bitcH
you know exactly how it happened
it starts on a bounty gone awry
you’d started on a desert planet then hyperspaced to an ice planet
a recipe for disaster i tell you
not only did you have to huddle with mando for the night in a freezing cold icE cave, with nothing but your capes to provide warmth
but you’d also managed to slip and fall into a lake that had only just frozen over
meaning you tumbled head first into freezing water
you’re lucky you only caught a cold and didn’t die of hypothermia instead
mando almost had a heart attack seeing you disappear into the ice
shaved ten years off his already unstable lifespan
he doesn’t falter in fishing you out
he punches a hole through the ice
and carries your trembling body back to the ship
there are ice crystals on your eyelashes
he notices because your eyes are closed and mando reALLy hopes you’re not dead
because ngl, that would kinda suck
the second you manage to locate and get back on said ship, mando buries you in all the blankets he owns
you lost the bounty, and you also haven’t been able to feel your toes in a concerning amount of time
things are going great, to say the least
two days later, here you are
bedridden, with a piercing headache in a room that won’t stop spinning
the nausea hits you in waves, and you can barely sit up without clutching the bucket to your chest and unleashinG whatever you managed to temporarily stomach
sis is deceaseD
so maYbe your immune system is a little compromised
you know you look probably look like a hutt’s ass right now, so you ban mando from entering your quarantined section of the ship
your nose is most likely bright red
rudolph-looking ass-
and you’ve got the cold sweats which definitely adds to the sickly-chic look you’ve got going on
you also don’t want him catching whatever’s got you down
someone needs to be well enough to watch the Child
does the man listen? of course not
he never fails to bring you water, your brightly-coloured medicine or whatever food you’re feeling up to
he also cleans out your bucket and bOi if that ain’t a keeper
standing is out of the question so you’re contained to your little mountain of blankets for what feels like eternity
the mandalorian keeps telling you it’s only been 3 days but what does he knOw
time isn’t real anyway
he has to resist the urge to lovingly throttle you
what are you supposed to do when you’re bedridden? gOd knows
mando tells you to sleep, but you know that’s impossible courtesy of your splitting headache
he graciously offered to knock you out if it meant helping you sleep
what a kind man
when you feel well enough to eventually start walking around, that’s when the real fun begins
you and the mandalorian play keep away with the Child because “no, you’re sick. you could infect him.”
“oH, but he’s so cute!!!”
needless to say, your germy fingers don’t get anywheRe near the Child on mando’s watch
but lord knows the man can’t resist your pout
even with your matted hair and pale, siCkly complexion
so he opts to keep you company instead
you slap him away at first
“yOu dummy!!! now you’re going to get sick!”
he sighs heavily
and lifts a hand to tap against his helmet
“riiiiight,” you murmur sheepishly, “alriGht, then i guess that would be okay!!”
mando swears you’re gonna be the death of him
so you end up curled up next to him, he’s sitting whereas your head is resting on his lap
you’re comfY, for noW
you hum in satisfaction, but it’s nasally and you’re once again reminded that your nose is not currently working
you notice the man is tense, so you gently pat his lap and scoot a pillow under his back
it’s not good for his posture to sit like that!!
“sing me a song?” you say quietly, words laced with sleep
he’s silent for a loNg time
your eyelids are getting heavier but dammiT you want to hear him sing 
thankfully, he relents and begins to brokenly hum a melody
you catch some words and recognise the language to be mando’a and you’re enthraLLed with the way it sounds
you’ve got to ask him to teach you some phrases one of these days!!!
you can tell he’s uncertain with the way his voice seems to shake and how he stumbles over his words
hearing him sing is honestly so soothing and we cannOT have him doubting himself
in this household, it’s loving dyn-jarren-hours 25/7 babeY
so you softly squeeze his knee
“thanks for taking care of me, mando.”
your words are muffled by the blankets pulled up to your chin, but they reach him nonetheless
you end up falling asleep
u snore a little because of your stuffed nose but mando finds it oddly endearing
he stays there until his legs go numb, and long after that
this is the soundest you’ve slept for nearly a week
probably thanks to the xtra-strength pain meds he managed to snag
some people are worth pins-and-needles
although he does reconsider this when he’s the one that sneezes a week later
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lovelylovelyartist · 4 years
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An Unscheduled Rest
I have not played Hollow Knight that much I realised as i was posting this that you “Rest” at benches but uhhhhhhh artistic liberty?? yeah thats it. I didn’t forget, I CHOSE to do it this way >.>
I also don’t know if Hornet ever joins the knight but I’ve seen lots of art suggesting yeah and honestly they are Babey so why wouldn’t Hornet join them.
I’m really pretty proud of this :) it came out just the way I wanted it to, I like the rain, I like the shading on the leaf, I like them, I’m happy all the way around :)
[Image description: two characters from the game Hollow Knight. Hornet, who has a pointy boomerang shaped head and a flowing red cape/dress and black legs, has her head bowed and eyes closed. Knight, the main character of the game, has a white helmet with horns and a gray cape with black legs and body underneath. They have their eyes closed and are leaning against Hornet. The pair are sitting under a leaf pinned on one side by Hornet’s needle weapon. there is puddles and rain all around them, and the background is a dark green speckled with light green. /end id]
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englishflagcumrag · 5 years
give us the good ozest for the sleep meme babey!!
who falls asleep first
logan, ed’s an insomniac dumbass
who wakes up first
i think that’s a bit of a throw of the dice but ed’s better at getting out of bed bc he’s a workaholic idiot so. ed
who makes midnight snacks sometimes
maybe if ed can’t sleep he’ll go off and eat some bread
who hogs the duvet
logan bc he’s dumb and big and has no cold tolerance
who hogs the pillows
ed, he has to be holding one in his arms and one between his legs and logan has to use ed as a pillow ohhh nooooo however will he surviiiiiive
who snores
LOGAN so fucking much
who sleeps in a weird position
ed he never wakes up without pins and needles somewhere, and he often falls asleep on his phone as well
what position they sleep in together
logan puts his Whole Ass Body around ed
who does things in their sleep
ed, he talks.
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sleazygoing · 6 years
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☌ : Would/does your muse have any special piercings anywhere? Would they get some?
           vernon took a lot of ecstasy one time and apparently decided to commemorate           the occasion with amateur body piercing under extremely inadvisable conditions.           with a safety pin. while sitting against the condom machine in a bathroom. keepin           it classy!!! it was a real bonding experience. the result is a slightly crooked gold            ring in his left nip. sometimes you can see it through his shirt. he thinks it’s pretty           sexy but it’s just an aesthetic thing. doesn’t do anything for him.
           he’s not getting the other nipple pierced because he cried last time. and he’s just            not really interested in experiencing this again. he doesn’t have much of a pain            tolerance. not worth it. he can appreciate the novelty of a tongue piercing while            getting head, and he knows this twink troy who has a little rhinestone on his taint           but… that shit ain’t for him. the thought of getting a needle through his dick or            something is enough to make him wince a little. and he heard that you can’t fuck           for a couple weeks after getting it done. like, the doctor told him not to bone his           wife for two days after his vasectomy, and he couldn’t even do that. he’s not even            that horny a guy but there’s something about being advised by a professional not            to screw that just makes him way more determined. it’s just a very bad idea.
♥ : Does your muse like to cuddle after sex? Anything else for aftercare?
           unless he’s been hitting the snow hard, vernon gets kinda sleepy right after           emptying his balls. first order of business is a smoke and basking in that ‘i           just scored’ feel for a while like some kind of sex lizard on a rock i guess.            he likes a cuddle. he likes pillow talk. a lot. just chilling and talking about            stuff. he doesn’t have as many ‘zip his pants and skedaddle’ one-night            stands as he used to when he was younger and he’d rather just hang out            with a regular lay who gets it. 
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i was tagged by the turtwig of my heart...... @chrisbells​
how tall are you ? 5’6”
what colour & style is your hair ? black faded dye that’s going more into brown now, i have bangs that are giving me issues seeing
what colour are your eyes ? green!!
do you wear glasses ? yes!!! need new ones soon
do you wear braces ? i do not but all my teeth are sharp for some reason
what is your fashion style ? lots of button-ups lately with high-waisted jeans and my good ol’ denim jacket with a few pins on it
full name ? honey bee is what i put on shipments
when were you born ? yesterday babey!!!!
where are you from & where do you live now ? i was born in the midwest and am still in the midwest and hoping to be in texas by next year
what school do you go to ? shut UP i don’t
what kind of student are you ? it’s up to the wind now........
what are your favourite subjects ? artartartartart 
favourite tv shows ? oh god all i’ve been watching is the great british baking show but i love twin peaks and there’s always a place in my heart for it
favourite movies ? panic in needle park or dog day afternoon because al pacino is a lesbian icon
favourite books ? the stranger by albert camus, and the hippos were boiled in their tanks by kerouac and burroughs!!! thanks lu
favourite past times ? well, none since i’ve a job now but probably playing liddle video games, reading, and staying on the phone all night with my best friend
do you have any regrets ? i regret the periods in my life where i hadn’t been true to myself, they’ve ruined a lot of impressions and memories for me
dream job ? to be an artist and be recognized, not necessarily famous, for it
would you like to get married someday ? i would like to be close enough to someone where that would be the logical next step, but i don’t particularly like the idea of marriage and i don’t think any higher power necessarily should have a say in whether or not i am bound to someone i love
would like to have kids some day ? only no because i would hate to bring another life into the world, it would be too selfish of me
how many ? hgggggggghhhhh
do you like shopping ? i like to shop as a going out kind of thing with friends, but not all the time
what countries have you visited ? what’s a country
scariest nightmare you’ve ever had ? the one i’ve just remembered upon reading this was when my whole family and i were stuck in our car on a freeway looking for my best friend
do you have any enemies ? i don’t leave enough of an impression on anyone to have enemies
do you have a significant other ? 
do you believe in miracles ? i think so, but i don’t think i’ve seen one yet
i tagggrgfegggegfg anyone in the world
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