#pio and mia are romantic and deeply in love
multicolour-ink · 1 year
Back at it again with another Mia and Pio Mario fic! This fic was originally planned to be inserted in an updated version of I've Never Left Your Side, but then I realised that it would be much more reliable to just write mini stories set in their own pocket of time ^^
This takes place sometime between the first and second scans of Mia's pregnancy. There is once again implied nsfw. If you are not comfortable with that, maybe skip this one.
Further author's notes under the cut
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The Changes of Now, Brings Us Closer In The Moment
"Mia?", called Pio as he stepped inside the hall.
He already knew that there was no one else in the house. Arthur and Tony were at their jobs, while Pa was out attending bingo with some old friends.
"Here", called Mia from their bedroom.
He knocked once before stepping inside. He found Mia standing in front of the mirror Her hands were gently caressing her exposed bump. She was smiling, but it was faint, and her eyebrows were knitted into a frown.
"Amore?", said Pio cautiously, his heart staring to race a little. "Everything ok?"
Mia turned to regard him.
"Am I doing enough?", she asked quietly.
He was taken aback by the question.
"What do you mean? Mia, are you alright?! Are the babies ok?!"
"Yes yes, they're fine", said Mia, quick to sooth his nerves.
His eyes darted from her face, to her belly, and then back again to her face, and his heart stuttered at the fact that he could see tears glistening in her eyes. He cautiously approached her, holding out his arms, and she fell into them almost immediately.
"Do you want to talk about it?", he spoke softly into her hair.
"Oh Pio", Mia sighed. "I don't know why I'm even fretting over this. I just feel so..."
She stepped back a little and pressed her palms to her eyes.
"I'm just...so overwhelmed. There's so many emotions brewing inside me all at once."
She paused to take a breath, for she was having trouble speaking. She placed a hand on her stomach; it trembled a little, like she felt undeserving of the contact.
"I love them so much", she said. "And I haven't even met them yet."
She laughed at the last part through her choked voice and watery eyes.
"I just want to do everything I can for them. You're working so hard to provide. Marie has been wonderful helping us get stuff. Tony and Arthur are shaping up to be good uncles already. And Pa is so excited! Meanwhile, I'm just sitting here and waiting!"
Pio felt as if he couldn't breathe. He couldn't stand seeing her like this. And he wouldn't let her be any longer.
He pulled her closer so that her forehead rested against his. Then he reached down and placed a hand on her belly.
"Oh Mia. I don't think you realise how much you're doing already. You're carrying something so precious. You're doing more than any of us combined."
She smiled at him, but it didn't quite meet her eyes.
"They deserve so much. And here I am complaining. I feel so selfish."
She trailed off after that last word, her lip trembling.
Pio held her tighter.
"You're allowed to feel this way, amore. Despite what you said, I wish I could be here all day with you. I want to be there every moment with you and the babies."
"And you are!", she assured him, brushing a hand through his hair. "Nothing makes me as happy than when you get home and I can tell you what the babies have been up to all day."
He smiled, a profound feeling coming over him.
"You're so full of love, Mia. Always putting others before yourself. I want to remind you that you're deserving of that love back."
He trailed his hand up into her hair, stroking her temple as they stood lost in each other's eyes.
The air was growing warmer and heavier. Something familiar and desperate had come over them both, and they sensed the other's growing anticipation.
He didn't fail to notice the seductive way she pulled herself towards him, her hands gracing his arms and then his back.
"And I you", said Mia. "I'm so thankful that you've stuck with me all this time "
"I'm always here. For the rest of our lives."
Her husband eyed her intensely, and then he made the next move, trailing kisses over her shoulder. Emphasising each one with loving words.
Mia could sense the intense feeling inside her growing all the more. So powerful that she felt it close to shattering.
She let out a breath that she hadn't realised she had been holding, and let him love her.
* * *
She awoke some time later with Pio holding her in a loving embrace, his hand entangled in her hair.
He sensed her waking, and opened his eyes.
"Hello, amore", Mia smiled.
"Hello, mia bella dea", said Pio, kissing her on the lips.
She giggled as he nuzzled her nose. Then she looked at him, suddenly serious.
"You know, we need to be careful. If we keep this up, we'll end up with more babies."
She burst out laughing at the look on his face.
"I'm joking!", she shrieked.
She suddenly stopped laughing when she realised that he wasn't joining in.
She sat up a little, and felt her whole body turn cold at how downcast he looked.
"Pio? Oh Pio I'm sorry! It was just a joke!"
"No no, it's not that", Pio quickly assured her. He looked distracted, like he was trying to work out what to say before it had properly formed.
"Then tell me, amore", Mia coaxed. She laid back down and caressed her fingers through his hair.
"It's just...", Pio swallowed, unsure of himself. He reached up and cupped her face.
"Amore, please do not mishear what I am about to say. We are blessed. So very blessed. And I could not be more happier. We're so lucky. But....I can't help but feel like I have put too much on you so soon."
He watched her brows furrow in confusion before continuing.
"Those things you said earlier, they reminded me...that you wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for me. That night, in the other world, all I could think about was loving you more than I ever have in my entire years of living...We've always been careful before, but that night, I didn't stop and think. I just wanted you so bad."
"As did I", Mia stated.
She sat up a little and cupped his face.
"I don't regret that night. I'm just as much responsible. All I care about is that we were in love, and we made something wonderful. And besides, I would do it all over again if I could."
She emphasized her last point by kissing him passionately.
"But even still...", Pio muttered, as they pulled apart. "What about now? How could I act so careless when you're in a vulnerable state?"
"Because we missed each other?", Mio answered cheekily. "Did it feel good at least?"
Well...Yeah!", Pio answered. Mia giggled as he turned red. "But I'm just afraid of making a mistake...What if I hurt you, or the babies?"
"Have you been talking to the guys at work again?", Mia asked, already expecting the answer.
"I'm not vulnerable. If the doctor said it was safe, then it's alright. Although, we'll likely not be able to do this later when I'm much bigger."
"That doesn't matter", Pio said. He gently caressed her bump. "I just want to do all I can for you and the babies. I want to make sure you're happy."
"I am happy", Mia replied warmly.
Pio then pulled her close, and his wife giggled again when he nuzzled her nose and kissed all over her face with ravish affection.
But just before anything else could go further, they heard a noise beyond the door.
"Oi, Pio, you in there bro?", came Arthur's voice.
"Oh no!", Pio groaned as he tried to burrow under the covers, as if hoping that would make him less conspicuous.
"Best go and pacify them", Mia chortled as she petted his hair.
With another groan, Pio peeled himself from the bed and, after getting himself decently dressed, pulled open the door and then closed it behind him before his brothers could look in.
"Would you two not make so much noise?", he huffed. "Mia is resting."
"Well", Tony chuckled. His eyes passed over his brother's dishevelled hair and flushed cheeks. "Judging by your state of appearance I would say she definitely needs a well earned sleep."
Pio went even redder as his younger brother hollered with laughter.
"Hey bro leave it", said Arthur, nudging Tony in the ribs. "They're adults after all."
"Yeah but...when she's pregnant?"
"Ain't nothing wrong with a man showing his partner some love. No matter when."
"Just because Marie keeps talking about having a kid with you, doesn't mean you need to share all the details with me!"
Now Arthur was the one to go red this time, and shoved his brother with such force he nearly toppled him over.
"Anyway", Tony managed to wheeze through his laughter. "I'm honestly really happy for you both. But just try to keep your pastimes to a relaxed degree. We don't want a dozen bambino around the house!"
Pio groaned and leaned his head against the wall exasperatedly, as he listened to Arthur chastising Tony down the hallway, and Mia giggling from the bed.
Finally done! Not gonna lie, this one was challenging to do. I wanted to make sure I stuck true to realism, but I also had to stick to the characterisation of Pio and Mia, and their relationship. The challenge was, that I didn't want either of them to say or do anything that was immoral, or could be taken as problematic. That may just be my anxiety and just having to leave this for so long and do bits in between. I feel like that may have impacted the writing a bit compared to my previous works.
Please don't misinterpret Pio's words in this. He cares very deeply for his wife and doesn't want to make mistakes or somehow step out of line. He wants to make sure she is safe and happy. Any actions from his own desires and emotions, I feel like he would feel guilty about, like he needs to be a firm wall that doesn't give in. He wants to put his wife before anything, and though he trusts her, he has to be reminded that they are a united couple and they are human with emotions and desires.
I really enjoy writing these romantic fics with these two, and I am more than open to constructive criticism. This is all really practise for myself and I really want to get better at it!
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