#pippa goodhart
roesolo · 10 days
Choose Your Own Adventure, Picture Book Style!
You Choose Fairy Tales, by Pippa Goodhart/Illustrated by Nick Sharratt, (Aug. 2023, Kane Miller), $12.99, ISBN: 9781684646067 Ages 3-7 The You Choose series is just like a Choose Your Own Adventure book for the preschool set. My Kiddo used to love his copy of You Choose in Space; I have great memories of him telling me a different story every time we sat down to read. (He’s in middle school now –…
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booksformks · 1 year
Picture Book Review: Best Test
Best Testby Pippa Goodhart, Anna Doherty (Illustrator) 5 out of 5 stars The animals find a delicious strawberry, but begin to quarrel over who will eat it. They put together a race to see who is the “best”, and the winner will get the strawberry. They devise different obstacles and tests for the race. Frog wants a hopping obstacle. Mouse is good at coloring and wants a coloring test. They also…
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Best Test by Pippa Goodhart and Anna Doherty
            Best Test by Pippa Goodhart and Anna Doherty. Tiny Owl, 2021. 9781910328903  Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 3 Format: Hardcover picture book What did you like about the book?  “Ooooo, look at that!” said Bird. “A strawberry for me to peck.” “But I want it too,” said Frog.  It turns out that shrew also would like the strawberry and Rat and Mouse and Squirrel. Many…
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I want to collect a bunch of children’s books for my future kids. One that I have at home but want a brand new copy of is You Choose by Pippa Goodhart
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sonyabrightbooks · 2 years
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You Choose Fairy Tales by Nick Sharratt and Pippa Goodhart
A new fairy tale adventure every time - what will YOU CHOOSE today? Explore the bold and intricately detailed illustrations and create your own adventure.
Make up your very own fairy tale adventure where YOU CHOOSE what happens next. Which fairy tale hero would you like to be today? Where will you go on your fairy tale quest? And what fairy tale baddy would you least like to meet?
Oh, children will love this series! Every picture has so much to study and find, accompanied by rhyming text that helps them understand what to do.
Every page is filled with characters and settings and foods children will easily recognise, and there's even a bit of humour and there for adults, too. Everyone will enjoy identifying the fairy tale references, and then combining them to make up their own stories. The book has that "read again and again" factor because so many different options can be chosen.
When I picked this one up I expected it to be more like the "Choose Your Own Adventure" books of the past, but this one is also a fun concept.
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Librarian Picks! Check out what the Dorr librarians are reading! 
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barcimedia · 3 years
Slow Magic (Flying Foxes) [library] Goodhart, Pippa,Kelly, John https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0778714829/ref=cx_skuctr_share?smid=A1J7ZDK32VF5IP
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THIS OR THAT? WHAT WILL YOU CHOOSE AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM? by Pippa Goodhart, Nosy Crow/Candlewick Press
THIS OR THAT? WHAT WILL YOU CHOOSE AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM? by Pippa Goodhart, Nosy Crow/Candlewick Press
What will you choose: a horn or a harp? Perhaps you’re more interested in different forms of transportation: would you prefer a boat or a hot-air balloon? The possibilities are endless and the choice is yours. Featuring hundreds of artifacts from the British Museum, this is a book readers will pore over time and time again. Out April 2020 32 Pages MY THOUGHTS: I received this book in exchange…
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booksformks · 2 years
Picture Book Review: Stop the Clock
Picture Book Review: Stop the Clock
Stop the Clockby Pippa Goodhart 5 out of 5 stars Joe has to rush all day long. His mother rushes him out the door. They rush down the street to school. Joe’s teacher rushes the class through their art time. Joe yells out, “Stop the Clock!” and time stands still. Joe finally has time to notice the little details about people and nature and the city that he never had the space to see…
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davestl · 4 years
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The three ghosts from one of my kids favorite Halloween books when they were little. “Ghost” for Friday's (10/9) Drawlloween lunchbox drawing. Three Little Ghosties by Pippa Goodhart #lunchboxdrawings #lunchbreakdrawings #lunchnotes #postitnotes #postit #cartoon #cartooncharacters #illustration #illustrationoftheday #artoftheday #drawingoftheday #dailydrawing #drawings #draw #drawingart #dailysketch #sketch #inking #inkillustration #inktober #octoberinks #octoberdrawingchallenge #drawtober #drawtober #drawlloween #drawlloween2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGH0JhPD0V_/?igshid=15kh39ith78u2
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Stop the Clock! by Pippa Goodhart, illustrated by Maria Christania,
Stop the Clock! by Pippa Goodhart, illustrated by Maria Christania,
            Stop the Clock! by Pippa Goodhart, illustrated by Maria Christania, Tiny Owl, 2022. 9781910328828 Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 5 Format: Hardcover picture book What did you like about the book? Hurry, hurry, hurry.  That’s all Joe hears from his mother rushing him to be ready for school.  That is all he hears from his teacher as he is trying to draw a picture of…
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stephaniejoanneus · 5 years
Bottle of Happiness by Pippa Goodhart, illustrated by Ehsan Abdollahi
Bottle of Happiness by Pippa Goodhart, illustrated by Ehsan Abdollahi
Bottle of Happiness by Pippa Goodhart, illustrated by Ehsan Abdollahi. Tiny Owl, 9781910328552, 2019
 Format: Hardcover
Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 5
 Genre: Picture Book
 What did you like about the book? What a wonderful message about the value of happiness! In this story we see two villages — one on one side of a mountain and one on the other. On one side, the people…
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andycatbug · 5 years
"British Museum: This or That?" by Pippa Goodhart (Nosy Crow / British Museum)
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L#47 This Boy by Pippa Goodhart
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This is another WWI story, but with a difference.  
It is set in modern times and tells the story of a schoolgirl called Kerry who hates her new school.  She goes home one day and decides not to go back.  On the way though she meets a very strange young man who tells her about his younger sister.  His story is absolutely heart breaking.  I know guilt when I see it and this was heavy going.  
After they’ve spoken the young man vanishes and Kerry gets the feeling that something a bit special might have happened.  The next day she learns that man was a soldier in the First World War when she finds his name on a remembrance monument.  Then she meets one of his descendants and is able to relieve some of the young man’s guilt by passing on a message.  
Even though this story was very short, it really got to me.  I had a proper lump in my throat by the end.  
L x
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tilubuku-blog · 8 years
The House with No Name by Pippa Goodhart
Strangely awesome!
Yah, itu adalah kesan yang akhirnya saya dapat setelah membaca buku ini. The House with No Name adalah sebuah buku dengan genre mistis. Boleh dibilang sebagai buku horror. Buku ini sudah pernah dicetak oleh beberapa penerbit asing dengan cover yang berbeda, sayangnya saya tidak menemukan edisi bahasa Indonesia untuk buku ini.
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Pertama kali diterbitkan oleh Barrington Stoke tahun 2000, dengan ilustrasi yang sangat bagus dan cocok untuk anak-anak. Okay, ini memang buku anak-anak. Tapi saya agak kesulitan untuk merating buku ini masuk dalam kategori usia berapa, karena plot mistis yang twisted, dan penggambaran emosi serta penggunaan kosa kata yang variatif, saya rasa akan lebih pas untuk kalangan anak-anak remaja usia SMP daripada SD. Walaupun penerbit menyebutkan secara eksplisit target pembacanya adalah usia 8 - 13 tahun.
Novel ini didesain khusus pada semua edisi cetaknya dengan pengetikan menggunakan karakter huruf khusus yang besar dan spasi yang cukup jauh (satu setengah spasi per baris dan dua spasi antar paragraf), serta warna kertas bookpaper spesial yang yellowish. Ternyata pihak penerbit menjelaskan alasannya yaitu agar mudah dibaca bagi kalangan yang memiliki hambatan atau masalah dalam hal membaca seperti dyslexic readers.
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Desain cover terbitan Stone Arch adalah yang paling memberi kesan horor menurut saya, nuansanya sangat gelap dan penuh misteri, sesuai dengan isi ceritanya memang.
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Sementara itu terbitan 4U2Read mengeluarkan edisi podcast atau audiobook yang dibacakan oleh Daniel Philpott. Saya sih belum dengar audiobooknya, karena memang belum ada di Indonesia untuk edisi ini. Karena isi cerita yang menarik dan kosa kata yang sangat variatif (ini memang English Book), sudah barang tentu audiobook dari buku ini akan sangat menarik. Lumayan untuk menambah daftar hapalan kosakata bahasa Inggris.
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Saya membeli buku The House with No Name karangan Pippa Goodhart ini pada edisi entah ke berapa yang dicetak kembali oleh Barrington Stoke tahun 2006.
Kutipan dari bagian cover belakang buku ini adalah sebagai berikut:
A house haunted by the past...
When Jamie’s dad buys a house that’s been empty for many years, they discover ghosts, mistery - and danger. Can Jamie and his friend Colin learn the truth before enyone else gets hurt?
Nah....tulisannya belakangnya bikin penasaran banget kan....hahahaha.
Jadi begini, buku ini menceritakan seorang anak bernama Jamie. Ayahnya baru saja membeli sebuah rumah tua yang sudah dibiarkan kosong selama bertahun-tahun. Bagian yang menarik di bab pertama adalah kata-kata Jamie saat melihat rumahnya yang posisinya sangat terpencil di dalam kebun (atau hutan) yang bahkan lampu jalan saja tidak ada, “Rumahnya terlihat seperti wajah.”
Hmm... Sudah terkesan horor belum?
Okay, kalau belum cukup horor ternyata ada seorang bocah seusia Jamie yang tiba-tiba muncul di tengah percakapan Jamie dengan ayahnya saat mereka sedang ‘beres-beres’ rumah kosong tersebut. Bukan hanya kemunculannya yang tiba-tiba yang membuatnya terasa ganjil, namun setiap perkataan dan tingkah-lakunya juga mengundang banyak pertanyaan. Nama bocah itu adalah Colin yang akhirnya langsung menjadi teman Jamie.
Tuh kan....pasti kalian membayangkan yang aneh-aneh tentang sosok Colin ini. Khihihihi...Nggak apa-apa. Saya pun demikian. Waktu karakter Colin ini muncul ada jutaan imajinasi yang langsung membayang di kepala saya (YA! JUTAAN! udah lebai belum?).
Dan tidak hanya beberapa kejadian aneh yang ada di rumah tersebut, namun juga ada beberapa kejadian yang mengerikan terjadi, serangkaian kecelakaan membuat kita bertanya-tanya ada apa gerangan dengan rumah tersebut. Belum lagi Colin yang tiba-tiba berteriak histeris kesakitan tanpa sebab yang jelas saat dia dan Jamie tengah bermain sambil mencari kayu bakar untuk mereka bermalam di sana. Suasana yang sangat tidak menyenangkan di rumah yang kosong bertahun-tahun tanpa ada kehadiran listrik.
Kejadian demi kejadian, cerita demi cerita yang keluar dari mulut Colin menuntun mereka pada sebuah fakta yang mengerikan tentang hal yang menyebabkan mengapa rumah tersebut kosong selama bertahun-tahun. Saya jamin kalian akan menghabiskan buku ini dalam waktu cepat karena memang hanya setebal 72 halaman dengan karakter renggang dan ide cerita kreatif yang selalu membuat penasaran di setiap babnya.
Ekspektasi saya di awal sebenarnya lebih kekanak-kanakan, tentang magical creature atau rumah hantu yang biasa disampaikan dengan cara anak-anak. Tapi rupanya Pippa Goodhart berhasil mematahkan ekspektasi saya menjadi BEYOND. Plotnya sangat kuat dan menarik. Tidak umum untuk jenis buku bacaan anak. Ada banyak pesan yang ringkas namun sangat mengakar kuat di beberapa bagian, saya kutip salah satunya ya...
“Escape from what?” Jamie thought of his grandparents, forever moving but never finding peace. “You couldn’t escape from your feelings. They’d go with you.”
Tuh kan.... bikin baper banget.... Kita emang nggak akan pernah bisa menghindar dan pergi dari perasaan kita. Karena perasaan kita selalu pergi bersama kita kemanapun. 
Jadi jangan lari lagi dari perasaan ya... hadapi dan selesaikan. Loh? ini kok malah jadi curhat ya...Hahahaha.
Okay, finally I wanna say that this book is really awesome, I give it 4 stars out of 5 for every aspect: its plot, its illustrations and the way it’s written. Nggak nyesel deh baca buku ini, bahkan untuk kalian yang sudah berusia lanjut (bukan tua loh ya), maksudnya di atas usia SMP. Hehehehe.
Salam Tilu
Vel Ka
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roesolo · 4 years
#SummersCool: Concepts, Political Science, and MAD LIBS!
#SummersCool: Concepts, Political Science, and MAD LIBS! @NosyCrow @charlesbridge @PRHElementaryEd
Summer marches on, and we still don’t know what Fall is going to look like. So let’s keep pulling together all the learning material we can get our hands on, because whether or not we realize it, we’re all learning alongside our kids these days. Let’s make it fun!
This or That? What Will You Choose at the British Museum?, by Pippa Goodhart, (March 2020, Nosy Crow), $16.99, ISBN: 9781536212235
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