#pirates are so bbg
lilastridgirl · 2 months
Last post got some likes might as well shoot my luck LMAO
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omvimo · 10 months
brainrot isn’t enough i need to rip them apart and dissect them
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gloomyloomy · 5 months
im gonna just leave this here
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ziggizapz · 10 months
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me when the flag means death
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doomordestiny · 9 months
your babygirl may have gone through it but have they ever had their heart ripped out in front of their closest friends with no guarantee that they will ever get it back? didn’t think so :/
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p0llencrumbs · 9 months
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Hes bbg
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creamiipxstry · 7 days
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He’s so coquette 🥰
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thefandomeffect-noah · 8 months
Fucking KEVIN????
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a-drama-addict · 10 months
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Finally made the Chloe ref sheet I've been thinking about for a year
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thosejuniper-berries · 6 months
I love cook-san's serious face
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im only on ep 116 rn but i love how usopps only money consists of 15 gold and silver coins hes so funny i love his goofy ass sm
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sooo fun (/gen) thing! im going to play in a dnd pirate-themed oneshot pretty soon and i get to play max!!!! AHHHH im so excited you have no idea I MISSED MY BOYYYYYYY
HAPPY 2024!!!
MAXX!!! LETS GOOO!!! handing him the badge of PC now hehehee- pirate boyyy <33
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i-yap · 7 days
Batboys and y/n at gala ( nigthwing and jason ver_)
I really suggest checking out 'type of y/n I ship with batboys post " to get a better idea of the type of y/n I write per batboy
dick- shower s'x as a good luck before leaving is non negotiable .Hyper when getting ready, wants his hair to look great, wants you to compliment him and will take hayley no matter what. is lowkey excited to go. Will blast music and have a car karaoke. Walks around the whole gala, talks to everyone and pulls you along with him. Proly has to give a speech which he absolutely rocks. charming , charismatic and an amazing conversationalist . spends most time with grandmas at the party, they are the only people he will allow to leave you with. You do have an option to hang out with his siblings and make fun of him otherwise you are stuck with him till the end. Will prolly be the last to leave, helps alfred round up his siblings. Everyone thinks you're the luckiest person in the world cuz u just got the whole lottery of people by getting dick but he is sure to remind you how much he needs you, especially when trying to power through a boring ass gala. Once the event is over, boy is drained . super tired and sleepy. help him out of his shirt and cuddle him,. slow and sweet s'x which may or may not turn into more but he just needs some loving and peace. poor thing had to make so much small talk his brain hurts. give him a head rub. will get you flowers or chocolates the next day as a thanks for dealing with the gala cuz he knows how boring those things get.
Jason- He doesnt wanna go. say the word and u guys aren't going. but you promised alfred or ,maybe you thought it'll be fun. plus u get to see him in a suit which is sooohot jfejqfbq .. anyways complains while getting ready, super grumpy give him a kiss to shut him up. Will try to seduce you out of going...may succeed and get you late / cancel. Will also try to touch u in the car so be sure to just keep suching his hand away. will ruin your lipstick and if u like me wear lip stain.. well u should prolly cancel cuz he is gonna stain everything. Just wear transfer proof lipstick with clear gloss and carry a clear gloss. Follows your lead in the gala , or stands in a nice corner with you with him. Don't you dare leave him with these rich bastards he will stab someone. Will find some way of getting you out of their asap which means quickie in the car or the bathroom. now you are too ruined to go back to the gala . so you guys just go to the nearest fast food restaurant/ diner and pick the corner booth His suit jacket on you cuz he might have torn your dress a little , his tie tied like a pirate scarf on your head and his top 3 shirt buttons undone. you guys throw fries at one another and are prolyl tipsy from the gala champagne. i would not be surprised if jason stole a bottle just as a "fuck the rich thing" . You guys for sure end up in the newspaper the next day but who cares. go home singing stupid girly pop songs , arms interlinked, drunk in the gotham snow. prolly fuck you again once you get home cuz u just looked so hot. dw he'll buy you a new dress bbg.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 5 months
Howdy, going through a phase with COD men (König my 6'10 BBG) and they would make such good Yandere husbands, would it be okay to request a Yandere military man who's completely delusional about a hostage he rescued? knife play and being stepped on with a tactical boot would be a bonus <3
btw the way you write dark content scratches such a specific itch and makes me want to wail, the yandere pirate story was *chef Kissssssss*
Honestly, the only thing I know about COD is that I kick ass at zombies lol so this is definitely just an oc
Yandere!Military Man x Hostage!Reader
CW: non-con, mention of death, assault, delusional ideation, dehumanizing language, dead dove
"Esteemed journalist (Reader L/N) has gone missing while covering the.."
The radio was drowned out by the vehicle hitting a rock, earning an aggravated groan from one of the men. Angrily, he slammed his fist on the dash board, as though he could intimidate the radio into working better. A couple of his brothers chuckled while the rookie squirmed nervously in his seat.
"Fucking, shit ass-" Adrian "Clank" Muigg muttered, quietly releasing a stream of curses in a very thick accent towards the machine.
(Most nicknames in the military were neither cool, nor had a badass backstory, most had fairly humorous or demeaning origins; Muigg, fresh out of boot camp, murdered an innocent television set in an attempt to fix it, which changed his name from "Big Bastard" to "Clank".)
The youngest man there prayed he wasn't visibly sweating. "Is everything alright, sir?"
Boston, the bushy browed man at the wheel, laughed with his entire chest. "That radio lady's talking 'bout the love of Clank's life!"
Clank felt the back of his neck heat up, and had to redirect his anger into tapping his foot to prevent himself from whacking Boston.
"I didn't know you had a partner?"
"He don't! HA! It's a one-sided, puppy love!" Boston joyfully mocked his best mate. "He's got that reporter-person's picture 'bove his bed, and has every article they've ever written. It's very sweet!"
Bright blue eyes warned Boston of the danger he was playing with, but Boston payed him no mind, causing more anxiety in the new recruit.
It was true, however, that Clank had a star struck crush on the journalist. They were brave in a way Clank hadn't seen before, the kind of bravery that made an unarmed civilian put their life in danger to expose the world to the horrors of war. This wasn't the first warzone (Reader) had willingly gone into, but it was the first time their mission overlapped with Clank's.
They were covering the battle Clank was involved in.
And it enraged him.
While their bravery is what initially drew him to them and their work, the longer he followed (Reader) the harder it got for him to read about the danger they got into. Weren't they fearful for their own life?? Why didn't they care for themselves as much as he cared for them??
The nearly six foot eight man had fantasized many times about what he would say and do if he got the opportunity to meet (Reader). He had an entire monologue prepared that exemplified his adoration for their work without ousting himself as a borderline obsessive fanboy.
However, that entire speech was forgotten when Clank burst into the room three hostages were being held in after killing the hostiles within the building, and found himself face to face with (Reader) in the flesh.
They stood defiantly, arms outstretched to protect the two other reporters behind them, not even wearing a bullet proof vest, ready to sacrifice themselves to save their coworkers.
Clank lowered his weapon, numbed by the sudden influx of confusing, and conflicting, emotions.
He was hurt, because he finally got to meet (Reader), and they were prepared for him to kill them.
He was enamored, because even with dirt clogging their pores, hair matted with sweat and drying blood, skin bruising and swollen, they were still the single most radiant being he had ever laid eyes upon.
And he was angry. Why wasn't (Reader) cowering like a good little civilian? Didn't they know that they could die? Why didn't they care about their life?
"I'm here to rescue you." Clank's voice was robotic, and unattached. It didn't feel like he was the one saying it, as the three frightened adults relaxed, scrambling over to his side. "Follow me."
He watched his object of affection as they obliviously helped lead the other two hostages down the stairs to the military vehicle. Their right eye was nearly swollen shut, but they were supporting a grown ass man with a slight limp. Clank imagined blowing the man's brains out.
As they made it down to where the group could see Clank's team, (Reader) released their friend and attempted to go back up the stairs. Still experiencing his out of body conundrum, Clank grabbed their arm forcefully, hard enough to earn a yelp from his favorite celebrity.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" He seethed, hissing the question between his clenched teeth to prevent himself from screaming it. The other two greedily ran outside to Boston's embrace, leaving them alone in the building.
"My footage, they kept it upstairs." Professional as always, the diligent champion of justice kept calm despite the feeling as though their arm would snap in Clank's fist.
"That is not important!"
"You don't know what I saw! It is, and I need the evidence, the proof, of what I saw!"
"Clank, where are you?" Boston's voice on Clank's radio distracted him enough for (Reader) to snake out of his grasp, bolting back up into the building.
"Shit-!" He pulled out his walkie as he ran up behind the surprisingly quick journalist. "Everything's good, I'll be down in a few minutes, start taking the others back."
"Uh, no? Excuse me-"
"That's an order."
"I said; that's an order."
The violently pissed off man holstered his radio as he charged up the stairs three steps at a time.
His precious (Reader) had taken it too far this time.
Even if they didn't care about their own life, he cared. He loved them, adored them, worshipped them, so how fucking dare they continuously put their life in danger like this?
If they were to be wed one day, their life would be his. And that was downright disrespectful.
(Reader) could be heard rifling through cabinets and cupboards through the door of the first room on the floor above the one they were held prisoner on. Clank attempted to cool his rage before entering, wishing to not scare his future spouse again.
Glancing up only briefly, the adult of smaller stature offered a meak smile before going back to searching. "I'm sorry for that.. I don't mean to make your job difficult, but this is really important. We almost died for this footage; hell, LeDoux had his knee cracked open by one of those- his knee must be killing him."
-almost died-
-almost died-
Their words repeating in Clank's eardrums played over the exclamation of (Reader) finding their equipment. (Reader) almost died, for what? Nothing was more important than their life.
"I'm sorry?" Bloodshot eyes stared wide with confusion from under pursed eyebrows.
Without realizing it, Clank had spoken his thoughts out loud. But, perhaps this was for the best. They would have to learn the truth sooner or later. "Nothing is worth your life." He doubled down as he slowly approached (Reader).
It took a lot more energy forcing himself to smile than he wanted. Clank had never been so stressed or angry or conflicted in his entire life.
"That isn't for you to say." Sharp words responded with a huff, thrusting the camera into a duffel bag.
Clank released a humorless laugh. "You are like a small dog, aren't you, my dear?" His muscles were tensing under his uniform, and although (Reader) couldn't see it, they could feel the dangerous shift in his mannerisms. "You do not know of the danger you are in, so you bark loudly."
Although a pit of fear weighed down their stomach, the much weaker of the two hid it well, scoffing, and moving to stroll past Clank, praying that he was bluffing.
A harsh slap to their cheek confirmed that he was being serious, sending the already injured (Reader) to the floor.
Before they could scramble to their feet, a heavy, steel toed boot was placed firmly on their chest, pressing the air out of their lungs.
(Reader) could feel the blood rush to their head as they struggled to breath.
Clawing at Clank's shin and calf didn't move him.
"It is not your fault, that you are such a little dog. But, like all little dogs, you must be trained. Yes?"
Not a single word could be uttered. Black spots bounced around (Reader's) vision.
Clank eased up on the pressure just enough for oxygen to fill his love's deprived lungs. Between coughs and sputters, (Reader) only got out "Stop-" before his heel was digging into their sternum again.
"Tsk tsk tsk.. Now, I don't want to do this, but I have to. For us. So you must obey me, little puppy. Now, what do dogs say?"
(Reader) glared up at him in pain and hatred, sneering as angry tears welled up in their puffy eyes.
"Woof.." The pitiful bark was spat out.
"Ah ah ah." He wagged a finger at them in a chastising fashion. "Be nice, little puppy." His weight increased warningly, squeezing out a pained cry.
".. Woof."
Seeing the person Clank had loved for the past four years under his boot, writhing, flushed in the face, glistening eyes staring up at him and only him.. Clank could feel himself stiffening, and it disturbed him. Why did seeing his beloved cry in pain give him a hard on?
No, it is not because they are crying in pain.
Clank smiled, warping the situation to rationalize his hard cock pressing against his zipper. It was that they were being obedient for him.
Another cry rang out, louder this time, as Clank accidentally put too much weight on (Reader's) ribcage, lost in thought while admiring their pathetic face.
He got off, kneeling down so (Reader) wouldn't think about trying to get up. They got the message, and continued lying, grasping their chest and breathing raggedly.
"Good dog." Clank ran a hand through their hair. "You will listen to what I say, won't you?"
"Ye- ...woof." Their words quivered in shame.
"Good. Now, get on your knees."
(Reader) bit their tongue with how quickly their mouth clamped shut. It was humiliating, but their chest hurt so badly.. They rolled over, propping themselves up onto their hands and knees.
Their resolve to do as Clank said to avoid more pain was immediately forgotten when they felt his large hands tug at their pants.
"What are you doing?" They yelled in fright, whipping their head back to look at him before having their skull smashed into the floor, holding them down.
"Training, remember? For someone known for their intelligence, you sure are a moron. Bark, bitch."
Tears mixed in with snot, as (Reader) snarled "Fuck you!"
Clank removed his hand from their soft hair to firmly grasp their hips with both of his hands, pulling (Reader) onto his dick. "Incorrect."
"No!" (Reader) screamed, feeling Clank's bare member as it entered them painfully all in one thrust without lubrication. As they cried out, a slap to their ass rang out through the nearly empty room.
"What do dogs say?"
"Fuck you!" Another painful slap left a welt that would certainly bruise.
"You want to act like a bitch, putting your life in danger as though it doesn't matter, you're going to be treated like a bitch!" Clank raised his voice, terrifying his victim. "Now, what do dogs say?"
"Woof! Woof! Bark!" They barked between viciously sobbing, heaving as he ravaged them from behind, fucking them so hard that their entire body rocked forward dangerously. The only reason why they hadn't fallen face first into the cement flooring was Clank's right hand digging painfully into their pelvis.
Whereas for (Reader) this was a nightmare, joy was already melting away Clank's anger.
"See, this will be better, for both of us. When we get back, you'll quit your job, and I can finally take care of you."
His thrusting became more passionate, and (Reader) could feel his precum as he began to slide in and out more easily. "I've dreamt of this for so long, and now I will finally be yours: whether as your husband or as your owner."
That triggered (Reader's) fight or fight response, realizing what Clank was implying. They attempted to throw themselves forward, to scramble away while he was still inside of them.
A strong arm caught (Reader) easily. Their spine was bent backwards, holding the attempted escapee in a head lock with a knife pressed to their throat as Clank continued stretching out their hole.
Despite their desperate pleas, their new fiance held (Reader) still on his cock as he released inside of them, going drunk on the way their walls felt clenching him as they milked him dry.
Eyes hazy with lust, he kissed their jaw, still keeping the knife held firmly against their neck just in case.
"Good dog."
A/N: I'm sorry it took so long! Thank you so much for your patience, I hope you like it ❤️
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eelnoise · 9 months
unexpected comforts
law x gn reader, fluff, overworked and sleepy law
a/n: been watching wano and law is just too bbg. had to write some fluff for this man. law 100% has doctor's handwriting btw. also i'm bad with titles so ignore that
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You groan as you wake, rolling over onto your side in a groggy, hazy state of mind when you're met with what could only be the fabric of couch cushions in your face.
Weakly, you open your eyes and force yourself to sit up. One hand rubs at the back of your neck in a feeble attempt at soothing the ache there, your reward for once again falling asleep on the sofa arm. You're not even sure what time it is, and the dark, deep water from beyond the lounge's porthole window doesn't help with approximating any time of day.
With a sigh, you scour the room. Memories from the hours prior run through your mind as you look over the now long abandoned drinks scattered around the table in the middle of the room, the rest of the Heart Pirates having turned in for the night without wanting to wake you.
Whatever mild inebriation that still flows within you isn't enough to keep you from cleaning up after their mess. You're fully aware that your crew didn't mean any malice behind their leftovers, so you're content with doing a bit of chore work before you too tuck yourself in for the night.
Getting to your feet with a stretch and a yawn, you begin gathering the various glasses and bottles of whiskey left over and take them to the kitchen to dispose of properly. You wash the drinkware in the sink and set them aside to dry before tossing the empty bottles in the bin on your way out of the room as you head for your bunk.
The cold interior of the Polar Tang and its metal walls had been something you'd long grown used to, though when the main areas of the submarine lay as dormant as it did now - it did feel a little eerily quiet. You shuffle down the main hallway in your socks, feeling somewhat thankful that you'd left your boots in your quarters for fear of waking the rest of the crew up with heavy footsteps.
As you near your destination, you pass by a very specific door that's just slightly ajar and have to retrace your steps in a double take. A faint light from within the room bled into the dim hallway, and, unable to keep your curiosity in check, you peer inside quietly.
You're greeted with the sigh of your captain, his head flat on his desk, discarded hat next to him. It was quiet enough for you to hear that he'd also fallen asleep in a less-than-ideal position. You knew that he overworked himself to the bone, so his current circumstance did little in the way of surprising you. Nevertheless, you feel your face soften at the sight before quietly sliding between the door and making your way over to him.
At first, you're unsure how to wake him - or if you should even wake him. You figure that you should at least try, especially considering how your neck feels after waking up on the sofa awkwardly, let alone face down on a desk.
"Captain." You say softly, using your hand to lightly touch his shoulder and gently shaking him. When you're met with silence, you do it just a bit harder. "Law."
With a slight mumble, he begins to stir. "Hm?" Law's low, tired voice makes your ears ring, and suddenly you're not sure if this was a good idea after all. He sits up and turns to see who had roused him from his sleep, and when he sees you there with a concerned look across your expression he feels his jaw tense.
Out of each of his subordinates, it had to be you here waking him up. Law didn't have any regrets when it came to choosing his crew, and that includes you.
But he hated that he found you alluring - hated that his heart beat fast in his chest when you got even remotely close to him. Law can't wrap his head around why you make him so dizzy, so uncharacteristically infatuated each time he watches you do even the most mundane of tasks around the sub.
He's thankful that his room is dark enough to hide the obvious warmth in his cheeks.
"Captain," You say, your tender voice meeting his ears and making his stomach churn with nerves. "Sorry for waking you, but surely sleeping on your desk isn't what you want for the night." You smile down at him, though your expression is laced with concern.
Law briefly studies your face as if processing exactly what you said. He looks down at his work strewn out along the desk in front of him and sighs. "I've… got a lot of work to do." He mumbles, wishing beyond hope that you'll take him at his word and leave him in peace, for his own heart's sake.
You shake your head, and the hand you have on his shoulder falls back to your side and god, does he miss the warmth already. "If you're set on working through the night, could I get you something to eat? At least a glass of water?"
You were too good to him.
Law wants to say 'no', to wave you off to bed with a nod, but the words fail him. "Some water would be nice if you don't mind." He says, tone low and groggy. "Sure thing." You hum, your fondness for your captain dripping in your words. And you've gone in a flash, Law watches as your shadow fades away in the corridor before leaning back in his chair, rolling his head back, and closing his eyes with another deep sigh.
Before he knows it, you're back with a smile on your face and a glass of ice water in hand, offering it out to him. Law takes the glass with a small smile, humming his thanks before taking a very long and much-needed sip of the water.
"You know this, but you really should sleep, Law." His name from your lips tightens the thick knot already in his chest, and he has to force himself to keep his eyes on his paperwork lest he falls into your soothing aura once more.
He doesn't answer immediately, and you decide that it's your cue to leave him for the night. "Goodnight, captain." Your words are barely louder than a whisper, and as soft as any pillow. When you turn to exit, you've barely taken a step before you hear Law speak from behind you.
"Y/N-ya, wait."
You freeze on the spot and turn around with a curious tilt of your head as your eyes meet his once more. "What's up?"
Suddenly, he's not sure if he can do this. He swallows, clearing his throat to buy himself even seconds of time to find his voice. Law finds himself not wanting you to leave. Your sweet expression, your eyes peering over at him from beyond your pretty eyelashes, the small smile on your lips, even down to the faint smell of whatever soap you used upon your skin - it was almost too overwhelming. Almost.
"Will you stay?" He asks, letting the query hover in the cool air.
"You don't think I'd be a bother?" You ask, shuffling your feet together in a nervous twitch.
"I wouldn't ask if I didn't think so."
A fair reply, one rewarded with a smiling nod from you. "Of course. I'll hang out." You were the only two awake, after all. Law smiles, just slightly enough for you to notice, and you take a seat at the edge of his bed, just across from where his desk is.
You're not really sure what to say, knowing full well that your captain wasn't the keenest about being interrupted with his work, but as you watch him slide his lithe hands across the pile of notes in front of him, you can't help but be at least somewhat curious as to what he's up to.
You flush. Even though you use both terms interchangeably, this was the first time he's ever corrected you. "Law," You begin again, finding yourself feeling warmer than before. "What's keeping you up so late?" Law doesn't look toward you - he can't. "Research notes." He says as he scribbles down a messy note in handwriting nigh impossible to read.
"Ah, so doctor stuff." You hum, crossing your legs under yourself. "Shit I don't understand." A small laugh escapes your lips, and Law clenches his jaw at the sound.
"Nothing you need to understand, thankfully." He replies, and you swear you can hear a hint of amusement in his tone.
"Are you stressing out over it?" Your question is laced with concern, though it's followed by a lengthy yawn from deep in your gut. Law turns to you then, his gaze softening at the sight of your sleepy form. "I'll be alright." He says. "Make yourself as comfortable as you need."
You nod at him, his gentle gaze surprising you considering it's rarity. "I can't promise that I won't doze off." Law lets himself chuckle, that little hint of a smile appearing on his lips again before he turns back to his work. "Like I said, make yourself comfortable."
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence for a while - at least until he hears your heavy breath from behind him, undoubtedly asleep. He fights some reluctance as he turns back to you, and the sight of your sleeping form, long curled up on his mattress, nearly stops his heart.
Law rolls his desk chair around fully, quietly admiring just how peaceful you look. He leans forward, resting his forearms on his knees as he watches you for a while. Your hair has fallen into your face, and with each exhale the strand covering your nose blows softly around. It's an alleviating feeling, the one you're unconsciously giving him - one that fills him with a sudden compassion. He wants to reach forward, to brush the hair from your eyes so he can see your pretty face again.
Your sleeping visage seems to do enough for him to finally close his notes, spellbound by the amity you emanate. Law yawns and stands from his chair after what feels like hours, he trudges over to his bed - far too tired to even change out of his jeans - and lies next to you.
One long, tattooed arm wraps around your middle after gently tucking your stray hair behind your ear, and he pulls you close. You hum in satisfaction in your sleep, clearly content with his weight at your side. The position is intimate, its soothing nature flooding his mind with the realization of just how much he wanted this feeling - how much he needed it. The stress of the day seems to melt away as he holds you tightly, burying his face into your hair with a satisfied sigh.
Law closes his eyes, allowing sleep to properly take him again, knowing that waking up next to you in the morning will feel far better than finishing his notes tonight.
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐰 ๋࣭ ⭑ Trafalgar Law x gn! reader . sweet scenario
✦ requested by @owlight : Heyy if requests still open🫶😔 may I please request law's partner brushing his hair and doing whole skincare routine together 😔🫶just cute nightly routine nd he is very in love nd all ,thank u ,hope u staying hydrated bbg ➜ of course my love!! enjoy! ✦ tw: nothing. completely sfw. a sweet scenario of reader taking care of law and both sharing skincare and a soft night. I actually know almost nothing about skincare so sorry if there are any mistake. ✦ wc: 804 ✦ masterlist
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“Your hair is getting a little longer, Law” you whisper, while the soft spikes of his onyx strands tangle in your fingers.
The doctor tilts his head to the side and slightly back. He enjoys the way your massages feel on his scalp, specially those near his nape. With a subtle moan and his eyes closed he says;  “I should ask Shachi to cut it for me…”
You don’t have an urgency on him cutting it. In fact, you wonder how he would look like with longer hair. Probably as handsome as always.
“You don’t have to; let it grow if you want… I love brushing it for you~” you purr, taking the brush you use for him. There is something interesting and so beautiful in taking care of him that you enjoy wholeheartedly.
Delicate strokes straighten up his subtly rebellious hair; the brush slides easily through it. You can see Law’s relaxed frown through the tiny rectangular mirror of the Polar Tang’s main bathroom. Law seems to be pleased with the simple massage of the bristles, as it helps him ease away the stress from the day. Being the captain, doctor -and big brother – of the Heart Pirates isn’t easy.
When you are finally finished, and Law begins to long for the sensation, he traps your hands that remain over his shoulders. Pulling slowly down, your palms reach for his chest as he has you trapped. Your chin on the crook of his neck, and the image in the mirror of a tired but in love couple.
“Thank you, (Name)-ya” he sincerely appreciates everything you do. Is not just the fact of you brushing his hair, but all the things you do for him on a daily basis.
A smile garnishes your lips, slowly blinking you rest your chest against his back. “You are welcome, my love” you mumble, placing after a candied peck on his cheek. A kiss that makes -still- Law’s caramel cheeks turn a little pink.
He helps you turn around, as he is sitting on a little stool in front of the sink. “Come’ere” he sighs, always holding one of your hand as you straddle on his lap. Law’s long legs are enough for you to sit and make your own legs hang without touching the ground beneath.
“Let me help you with your skincare” he murmurs, even now, after so many months together he still struggles to communicate his clear intentions when it comes to do something with you.
You look at him with a tilted head and a big smile. This has to be the sweetest thing he could have said in some days. “Really? That means I can do yours too?” you chime, extra excited.
Perhaps, Law wasn’t thinking about  getting green clay plastered on his face for twenty minutes or so, but he couldn’t say no when your enthusiasm lights up the whole room.
“Yeah…” he sighs, offering you a sweet little curl on the commissure of his lips.
You stretch to grab your bag. A bag that he lets you keep in his bathroom, as well as your toothbrush. Inside, after scrutinizing you pick random products you only know their especial traits and uses.
“Here, first this one here” you tell him, putting some drops on your hand of a rather shiny and sweet-smelling product.
Law looks at that liquid suspiciously but nevertheless allows you to smear it on his cheekbones. You begin massaging them with utmost care, feeling the bumps of his skin on your fingertips. His golden orbs fix in your eyelashes while you make sure every trace of product gets absorbed.
“Good, now you try. Give me your hands” you request, ready to press the little dropper again. Law nods and lends his fingers to you to catch the oily substance on them.
He takes his time to place it with pure love on your face, also massaging so softly it almost feels like silk slipping through your skin. And those motions are, maybe, no other than a beautiful metaphor of how gentle your love is with the other…
Three serums, a couple of creams and one facemask after, you two are finally ready. He laughed from the moisturizer blob he left on the tip of your nose and you by the way his face looked covered in green tea paste.
“Your skin glows!” you chime, moving slightly to the side so that he could see himself on the mirror.
“Is not the creams, is you…” he murmurs, so low that you can barely listen to that. That’s not how he is, or at least, is not something you could catch him telling you so openly.
You giggle, kissing his forehead. “You are so right… Let’s go to sleep, it’s been a long day”
He hums, lifting you up from his lap as he does too. Your legs around his waist, your arms on his shoulders. Walking through the tiny door of his bathroom, he turns the light off with his elbow and soon both flop into bed…
“Goodnight, (Name)-ya” he whispers, nuzzled in the crown of your head. “Goodnight, love… love you” you purr, cheek pressed on his tattooed chest.
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