#placenta Abruption
beckleboo · 1 year
TRIGGER WARNING. (Talk about medical issues, blood, surgery)
It’s Wednesday night and you’re exhausted. You haven’t been sleeping great because at 35 weeks pregnant it’s hard to get comfortable. It’s 9pm, you decide to take a pregnancy approved sleep medication. You crawl into bed and get all cozy, but at 9:45 just as you’re about to fall asleep you decide it is probably best to get up and pee. You ARE pregnant after all. You don’t want to turn the bedroom light on, so you turn the flashlight on your phone on and leave it on the bed, illuminating the room around you. You quickly go to the bathroom, but after you wipe you notice blood. A LOT of blood on the toilet paper. Thinking this can’t be real, you must be seeing things, you check again. More blood. More clots. Now you can feel it and hear it just dripping out of you. You “whisper yell” for your husband because your toddler is sleeping in the next room. After calling his name 3 times he hears you and comes from the kitchen. He says “what’s wrong?”, an uneasiness in his voice. You calmly ask him to get your phone for you. [looking back, I'm not sure why this is the first thing I said or asked for]. He asks again “what’s wrong?” You again say “Please hand me my phone”. At this point he looks at you, holding the toilet paper you had used, and said “are you bleeding?” He goes to grab your phone. When he comes back 5 seconds later he hears it, questions “are you peeing right now?” To which you calmly reply a simple “No.”
He immediately springs into action. While you call the emergency on call number to speak to your OBGYN he starts packing a bag for you and calls your mom.
The OBGYN calls you back in less than a minute. He says “Tell me what’s going on.” You let him know you’re bleeding, really bleeding. Wanting more details he asks “Bright red blood? Clear/pink tinged? Can you describe it? Was it a large amount? Has it stopped? Are there clots?” You answer his questions 1 by 1, “it’s bright red blood, just coming out as I sit here, and gets worse when I stand. It hasn’t stopped since it started and there are quite a few clots from what I can see”.
He calmly tells you to go to the birthing center at the hospital for evaluation. You knew this would be his response. In October you were bleeding a much smaller amount and had a 2 night stay in the hospital because of it. At that time they said you had some bleeding because of placenta previa. Which 2-3 weeks later they said had “resolved”.
So you are sitting there, thinking what exactly you need to do because the blood is still just coming. The bleeding gets worse when you stand, so you sit back down feeling a little light headed. Eventually you decide to just grab the hand towel from the bathroom and stick that in your pants.
Your husband lets you know a neighbor is here to stay with your sleeping toddler until your mom arrives.
He drives you to the hospital.
When you get there, they take you to a triage room, tell you to put a hospital gown on & provide a urine sample. As you try to give them a urine sample you realize you caught a large clot in the cup instead. Being the person you are, you come out and apologize and ask for a different sample cup. Once the nurse sees the clot she says not to worry about the urine sample, to come get on the stretcher so they can check out baby. Your nurse puts the monitor on you to check on baby. She says “ok, baby is on the monitor. We will call your OBGYN that’s on call, but in the meantime the hospitalist OBGYN who is here will come see you. So let me just go update her and I’ll be right back”.
Being a nurse yourself you expect a little bit of a wait. Sometimes it can take a bit to get a doctor to come see a patient. So you close your eyes and concentrate on listening to your baby’s heart beat on the monitor. You’re surprised that just about 2 minutes later the door was opening. It was 3 different nurses and they said they needed to go over paper work & consents, start an IV, and draw some blood. Not even a minute later your original nurse walks in with another nurse and the OBGYN that was already in the hospital. The original nurse starts doing admission questions in the computer, the doctor stated she needs to do a pelvic exam, and the other nurse starts going over an anesthesia questionnaire with you. All of this at the same time they are starting and IV and going over routine consents & papers with you. The doctor does the pelvic exam for what felt like mere seconds and you overhear her tell a nurse “we gotta take her back.” Next a CRNA from the anesthesiology team comes in. She starts asking questions and telling the nurses to please call the lab to rush the blood work they just sent saying “I need to know her platelet level before I do a spinal. If I don’t have her labs back then we have to do general”. This wasn’t said to me, but I knew what she was saying. My husband on the other hand did not. He had been keeping it together pretty well, you’re used to this kind of thing at work, but he is not. You can tell on his face he is worried and his anxiety is staring to set in, but he’s on the other side of the room and there are still nurses and doctors talking at you and to you, so you can’t talk to him right now. You’re trying to pay attention to the nurse having you sign consents, while listening to the others in the room. You overhear “she’s still bleeding now”, “we need to get her back there now”, “you sent a tube to type & cross right?” . . .
This is when your OB walks in. He gets a brief update from the other doctor, talks to you, and answers questions from your husband. He’s the first person to actually say to you that they need to take baby out now. They start telling your husband, “we will lead you to your room and you can put your things there. Once she’s ready in the OR you can come back.” You can tell he’s really starting to freak out a bit now. Says “so she’s delivering the baby? Like tonight? Right now?” The doctor calmly explains that yes, we are gonna have a baby. Tonight, right now. He’s going to perform a c-section because that’s what is safest for both of you, because they need to stop the bleeding. They start leading him to the room to put the bags there and start rolling you to the OR. You say his name to get his attention, tell him to come back and give you a quick kiss. He does and you say “I love you. We will both be ok”.
You get back to the OR & the CRNA informs you your labs did come back already, you don’t need to go under general anesthesia. Yay!
They have you transfer from the stretcher to the OR table. Explain the process to you. While the anesthesiologist is doing your spinal he asks what you normally do while you’re not here. You tell him “well I’ve been out of work since October on bedrest, but I am a nurse”. At this point you just had to laugh bc there was an audible “ohh that makes sense” from a few nurses and the CRNA. You ask “what makes sense?” They tell you you just seem so calm for everything that’s going on.
From there everything goes so quickly. Your little man was “delivered” at 11:42pm. He’s 5 lb 6 oz which isn’t bad for someone who is 5 weeks early. He doesn’t have go to the NICU and you’re so grateful.
And that’s how my second little man came into this world.
This was all so crazy. A timeline for reference
9:45pm notice bleeding
10:30pm arrive to hospital
11:42pm baby is out of me
It was so quick, I barely had time to process it.
The doctor said I was hemorrhaging due to a placental abruption.
They sent my placenta to pathology to figure out how this happened.
Overall it was a pretty scary situation but I feel like my husband and I handled it fairly well.
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I’ve seen a lot of pro-aborts blame pro-life laws for women facing complications in their pregnancy and the doctors not doing anything about it. They say doctors are scared to take care of women because of abortion bans. When pro-lifers say it’s the doctors fault and it’s medical malpractice, they still blame us.
This past weekend my sister-in-law informed me that her pregnant sister had some bleeding. Her midwife told her to visit the doctor and ask for an ultrasound. The doctor told her there was no reason to and sent her home. Her midwife was pretty upset about her doctor ignoring her request and demanded they do an ultrasound. The ultrasound found she has Placenta Previa and is on bed rest now.
According to Journal of Pregnancy, “Placenta previa and placental abruption have long been recognized as major obstetric complications that result in maternal and fetal mortality as well as morbidity.” No law prevented him from doing an ultrasound to make sure her baby was okay and figure out why she was bleeding. There’s always been an issue with doctors not taking women’s concerns seriously. This has nothing to do with pro-life laws and has everything to do with the failure of medical care women receive from the doctors we are supposed to trust. Women deserve better.
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thoughtportal · 8 months
In March 2021, sheriffs in Etowah county, Alabama, arrested Ashley Caswell on accusations that she’d tested positive for methamphetamine while pregnant and was “endangering” her fetus.
Caswell, who was two months pregnant at the time, became one of a growing number of women imprisoned in the county in the name of protecting their “unborn children”.
But over the next seven months of incarceration for “chemical endangerment” in the Etowah county detention center (ECDC), Caswell was denied regular access to prenatal visits, even as officials were aware her pregnancy was high-risk due to her hypertension and abnormal pap smears, according to a lawsuit filed on Friday against the county and the sheriff’s department. She was also denied her prescribed psychiatric medication and slept on a thin mat on the concrete floor of the detention center for her entire pregnancy.
In October, when her water broke and she pleaded to be taken to a hospital, her lawyer says, officials told her to “sleep it off” and “wait until Monday” to deliver – two days away.
During nearly 12 hours of labor, staff gave her only Tylenol for her pain, the suit says, allegedly telling her to “stop screaming”, to “deal with the pain” and that she was “not in full labor”. Caswell lost amniotic fluid and blood and was alone and standing up in a jail shower when she ultimately delivered her child, according to the complaint and her medical records. She nearly bled to death, her lawyers say.
After she was taken to a hospital, she was diagnosed with placental abruption, a condition in which the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus and the fetus is deprived of oxygen, meaning there was a risk of stillbirth. The baby survived, but Caswell was immediately separated from her newborn.
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evan4ever · 1 year
Vegas, baby
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Part 9 — part 8 here
Warnings: pregnancy/delivery, NICU, post op, talk of internal bleeding/c section
a/n: please comment/let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list!
Evan’s POV
As soon as they had entered the ER doors and y/n was placed in a bed and wheeled away, Evan was directed to a waiting area reassured that someone would come to him with an update soon. He did as he was told, sitting down on a chair against a wall where he sat and thought about what was going on. He hadn’t even had a full 24 hours with you before this happened. You hadn’t even had time to really settle in before things decided to go wrong. How so fast?
His mind wandered through every possibility. He didn’t know much about pregnancy but he knew complications happened. He thought about the stories he read of mother dying during birth. Then he thought about the stories he read about a child being born still. Both thoughts were enough to bring him to tears.
He understood he didn’t know you well and that you both had a long way to go so you could coparent healthily, but he cared about you. It shattered him into pieces to think that anything might take you away from him and your guys’ baby.
And he couldn’t even put into words what thinking about losing his child made him feel. It was a pain like no other.
How could this be happening? Why now? Your pregnancy had been so smooth the last almost 9 months and a day after you move in with him, complications happen? Did he make the wrong choice to suggest you move to him? Was it the flight or the packing and lugging items around? Was it too much on your frail, pregnant body?
He couldn’t help but blame himself.
“Mr. Peters?” Evan’s head snapped up at the sound of his last name. He saw a man in a white coat with dark blue scrubs on standing before him looking between him and the few others in the hallway waiting room, quickly wiping the stray tears and standing to his feet.
“That’s me.” The doctor pressed his lips into a tight smile and nodded his head to follow him, which Evan obliged quickly, desperate for answers.
“Is she alright? Is our baby okay?” He flooded the man with questions before the man stopped after rounding a corner so they were away from eyes and other ears. Evan blinked a few times with furrowed, confused eyebrows while watching the man intensely.
“Mr. Peters-“
“Evan.” He corrected the doctor.
“Evan.” the man nodded, “Evan y/n has suffered from what is called a placental abruption.”
Evan quickly shook his head indicating he wasn’t quite sure what that was, needing more information.
“The cause can be unknown and in this case, we don��t have a positive answer. Many reasons include you know, car accidents or falls, but there’s no reason to believe either happened. Can you confirm?”
“She hasn’t fell or been in any accident. She never mentioned before having one.” He admitted, wondering if you may have before you both got together for the first time in all those months. “Are they okay, sir?”
The doctor only gazed at Evan with an apologetic look causing Evan’s heartbeat to speed up. “She’s been in surgery for some time now. Your child was removed via C-section and is recovering from what’s known as a traumatic birth in the NICU. He’s healthy, Mr. Peters. Your son will be just fine. With the placental abruption comes lack of nutrients and oxygen and in this case it was 2 days of not receiving the essentials he needed from the placenta. But he is okay and will recover quick.”
Evan let out a relieved sigh, his eyes closing as he nods to the doctor appreciatively. However, he realizes that the doctor wasn’t giving him the bad news first.
“And y/n?” His eyes pleaded with worry.
“She has some stray bleeding that we are trying to locate. She’s still under and being operated on. I will come with another update as soon as I get one.” He rested his hand on Evan’s shoulder sincerely as Evan’s head spun over the fact that you had unknown internal bleeding. He was smart enough to know the severity of it and he couldn’t bring himself to ask anymore questions, simply nodding to the doctor who have his shoulder a squeeze before turning to walk back.
“Wait” Evan took a big step to catch up to the doctor, stopping him. “Can I see our son? Am I able to see him?”
The doctor sighed and stood silent for a minute before turning to a nurse standing at the desk and whispering something in her ear. Evan only watched with hope.
“Come with me sir.” The nurse gave Evan a friendly smile motioning him with her hand to follow. Evan looked at the doctor who nodded approvingly and Evan wasted no time in turning to follow the woman down the hallway.
Moments later, Evan was gowned up in the NICU wear and letting the woman show him to his child. His eyes immediately landed on the small child in a NICU crib, and there was no doubt in his mind that that was his baby. And sure enough, she stopped them at his station and turned to him with a smile. Evan glanced at her with a wide smile and bright eyes before looking back down at the baby. They had him in a cute hat and a simple onesie in which allowed the cords to be attached to him comfortably. He was sleeping so peacefully that Evan almost didn’t want to disturb him, but so badly yearned to hold his child.
“You can pick him up,” she encouraged, her own eyes filled with the happiness in seeing Evan in awe, “he’s your baby, Mr. Peters.”
He glanced at her again very quick before looking back at the small being and walking closer, carefully scooping the fragile boy up into his arms. He didn’t even care about the tears that welded in his eyes while he gazed down at his boy, taking in his every small feature. His lips pursed so perfectly, his small hands, his closed eyes and the dark hair that could be seen just barely underneath the hat. He was perfect.
Evan blinked to allow the tears to fall before raising the baby up to his face, feeling his soft skin against his own. It was like electricity through his body, a feeling he’s never had before. This was his baby and it was the most amazing thing in this world.
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Evan stayed like this, holding and taking in everything he could about his child. All other thoughts disappeared, just focusing on being in this moment. It hurt to think he’d ever have to put him down, knowing that eventually he’d have to.
It was hours that passed, but only felt like minutes. He was still waiting on news about you, but trusted the doctors and nurses that were helping you to do their job. He knew he was waiting on an update, but didn’t realize the time that had passed without getting one. When finally pulled himself from his gaze on the small child’s face, he looked over at the clock on the wall behind him seeing the time. 3 hours had passed, and suddenly he grasped that it had, in fact, been hours.
He looked around in search of a NICU nurse and managed to wave her over while standing from his seat and laying the boy carefully back down into his crib, watching his only stir a moment before falling back into his comfortable sleep. He stared a moment more before feeling the nurses presence beside him.
“Did you need something sir?” She asked kindly while checking the baby’s monitors.
Evans eyebrows were pressed together tightly while he took a step back and tried to find the right words to ask about you.
“I.. yeah. My uh.. my child’s mother,” he motioned to the baby, “she’s been in surgery for awhile now. I’ve been waiting on an update but haven’t got one. Do you know anything?” He asked in high hopes but her face fell as she shook her head.
“I don’t, unfortunately. I can call someone to come give you an update. What’s her name?” She asked as she made her way back to the nurses station, Evan following closely behind.
“Y/n y/l/n”
She typed in each letter, the sound making his already nervously beating head beat harder as he waited in anticipation. She dialed a number and called and began talking to someone but Evan couldn’t quite make out what was being said. She thanked them a moment later and hung up, glancing at Evan.
“She’s in post op.” The nurse nodded. Evan sighed loudly as he knew that you were at least alive. “Her nurse will be here soon.”
Evan thanked the woman and slowly walked back to his child, peaking over the crib and smiling to himself seeing the boy still sleeping silently. Knowing he was well, he stepped outside of the NICU and paced around while waiting for a nurse, who showed up some minutes later.
“Mr. Peters?” He turned to face the new face and nodded. “Y/n is still under the anesthetic but should be coming to soon. You can follow me so you can wait for her, if you’d like?”
Evan only nodded and followed her back down the hallway he had been through before and turning down a new, much colder hallway. It was uncomfortably cold and made goosebumps rise on his arms. Soon, they turned into a corner room and his eyes instantly landed on your body laying on the bed. You were gowned up and had tubes coming from both IVs in either arm. It was a hard picture to look at, but he found himself approaching your still body, looking over your face that had oxygen tubes around it and your hair laying perfectly around your shoulders on the pillow. Your eyes were closed and the constant beeping of the heart monitor was heard loud and clear.
“She suffered from an internal tear, but after some deep searching, we found it and repaired it. She does need a few blood transfusions but, she should be just fine Mr. Peters.” Evan heard the nurse fill him in and nodded all while his eyes remained on you. This wasn’t how the birth was supposed to go and it made him hurt for you.
“Thank you” he said quietly to the nurse before taking a seat next to your bed, his hands finding yours and holding them tightly. He was insistent on being right there next to you when you woke up, wanting to be the one to assure you that your guys baby was okay and that you were okay too. He wanted you to hear it from him.
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This wasn’t something he was used to. He’d only been in a hospital a handful of times, mostly for himself an once for him mother and sister. It was odd and he didn’t like it, nor did he like seeing you in such a state. It made him physically sick to think about all that’s happened so quickly in such a short amount of time, and to think about how different and how bad it could’ve been.
Honestly, it made him uncomfortable. He was a good guy, but he didn’t know how to show emotion all that well or how to be deeply sincere. It felt weird and made him more nervous if that was possible. The feeling of complete vulnerability with someone was pretty rare but right now that’s all he felt. He was a new dad and his child and the mother of his child were in the hospital and it was uncomfortable for him. He hated it. But he vowed then and there to be sincere with you and to be there for you through all of this.
Basic POV
Another 45 or so minutes passed, Evan remaining by your side with your hands in his. He was patient of your waking but was desperate for it. He had laid his forehead against the side of the bed, his eyes closed while waiting.
Soon, he felt you stir a bit before your once limp hand took ahold of his. His head instantly lifted and looked at you, your eyes still closed but seeing your head moving from side to side as you finally came to. His eyes were fixed on your closed ones before you opened them, blinking a few times before meeting his. His were wide as he stared with his mouth agape waiting for the words that weren’t coming. You only looked between his eyes, your head spinning and your waist down noticeably numb. You finally groaned lightly as you readjusted yourself the best you could, your hand still gripped tightly between Evan’s. You glanced down at the contact and softened your confused face before looking back up at him. You took notice of his obvious concerned and worried face and quickly felt a sudden tug at your heart when you thought about your child.
“Where is he?” You whispered out as your eyebrows furrowed in your own feeling of concern.
“He’s okay” Evan stated quickly, hoping to calm you a bit, “he’s in the NICU being monitored. He was without nutrients and oxygen for awhile so they’re just observing him for awhile. He’s okay.” When he felt your hand relax in his and your body loosen up in the bed, he let out a small sigh and gazed up at you with a dorky smile. “He’s perfect.”
You could’ve cried at his words, a mixture of feeling like you failed him all while feeling a sense of relief wash over you. But you could only manage a weak smile while your eyes stayed glue to Evan’s.
“Can I see him?” You asked slightly louder this time but still just above a whisper. Evans eyebrows shot up as he stood from his seat nodding.
“Let me get a nurse” he looked around before exiting the room, your eyes watching the door waiting for him to return with a nurse. The minutes seemed to go by slow and you wondered what was going on or taking them so long, but your questions were answered moments later when you saw a crib belong wheeled into your room.
You say hi straight in the hospital bed, throwing the blankets off you eager to go to your baby but a nurse quickly held onto your arms preventing you from attempting to stand. You flared up at her with confusion and annoyance, only wanting to see your child.
“You can’t stand. You just had two major surgeries and you have a nerve block on your spine to help the pain. Lay back down, we’ll bring him to you okay?”
You sucked in a sharp breath realizing again that you can’t feel your legs and hugged silently as you allowed her to help you lay back in bed. She used to remote to sit the bed up so you could sit in a comfortable sitting position and sat the remote next to your for your convenience, but your eyes were only fixated on Evan who was now holding the small boy, Evan smiling down at him while making his way to you.
It was a picture perfect moment, seeing Evan so happy and the small figure of your baby in his arms. It was beautiful. And you could hardly wait to feel him for yourself, a moment later reaching out when Evan carefully extended him towards you. You bundled him up in the blanket more and as soon as your eyes meet his beautiful small face, your heart fluttered. He was ridiculously perfect, nothing you’ve ever seen before. You couldn’t believe the amount of love you suddenly felt now holding what you made and grew all these months. He was finally here.
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Evan came next to the bed, taking his previous sets in the chair. You allowed him to wrap one arm around you so he could be closer to you both, his head barely brushing against yours while you both gazed down at your perfect baby. You couldn’t help yourself, letting your head rest against his now and feeling him instantly rest his against yours. It was a comfortable feeling, one you never wanted to end. In this moment, you felt like you had a family, something you’ve never had before. It was everything you could ever want, and you simply couldn’t break yourself from the feeling to let the rational facts come back to play; that this was in fact going to end and soon, you and Evan would be co-parenting.
Tags: @demxnicprxncess @quicksilversg1rl @evanpetersfav @kylespencersvocalcords @evanpetersmood @totta69 @ava1262 @1109oo @laynna-mcknight @jjamesstar @yes-divine-ruler @littledreamybeth @bxbyalixo @mraes @prettywhenwedie
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felicitysmoaksx · 3 months
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Hi everyone! Thanks so much for sticking with this story! This chapter while on the shorter side took a while to find its voice because I had an idea that wasn't going the way I wanted it to. So I scraped part of it and kept some of it. And this is my Frankenstein chapter. Hopefully, there won't be such a long gap between this chapter and the next. Thanks so much for reading! Hope you enjoy it!
Rating: Mature
Summary:   Her eyes squeezed shut before she dropped her head. Borrowed time. It was meant to be her…It was meant to be-
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Complications with a birth that end in death are mentioned, but don't go into great detail, and heavy survivor's guilt.
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“I loved the stories you and Sarah shared about Justin,” Natalie said with a laugh to Tucker while they were both in the kitchen getting a drink. If he hadn’t already said that he spent almost every day here, how easily he navigated this kitchen would’ve said that for him. The man nodded, laughing along with her.
“I still can’t believe Hank knew about the concert in New York and didn’t bust us for it,” Tucker shook his head, grabbing a beer out of the fridge while handing Natalie another water. 
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Usually, he’d stop drinking after one beer, so he could drive home. But he wasn’t driving home because he was staying here. Olive was having trouble sleeping alone in Justin’s room by herself, so Tuck offered to blow up the air mattress and shove it in between the foot of the bed and the desk like he used to when he slept over so she could have some company. If the roles had been reversed, Justin would’ve done the same for Leah. He even thought he heard Annie say she and Erin were spending the night too and with Travis and Autumn taking Sarah and Erin’s old room…Maybe he should offer the air mattress to one of them and he just tough it out with a pillow and blanket on the floor. It was carpeted…
“I’m probably being nosy but I have a question that’s just been bugging me for a while,” Nat told him in an almost guilty tone. 
“Okay,” Tucker said feeling curious. 
“Autumn, I’m wondering why she follows Sarah like-”
“Like a little duckling following behind its Momma?” He finished for her and the female doctor nodded, “I asked Sarah about it…Actually, I assumed she was Autumn’s mother before I remembered that wasn’t possible because she would’ve had to be born right around the time Owen was…but she gave me a vague answer about it taking a village.” 
“When Leah gave birth to Autumn, it was like Murphy’s law. Anything that could go wrong, did. Preeclampsia but we already knew that it developed at the same time as her gestational diabetes. The doctors were slightly concerned but they said they’d monitor it and everything should’ve been fine.” Tucker's face twisted, while he watched his daughter clammer up into the brunette’s lap, “But we weren’t counting on there being a placenta abruption too.”
“Oh god,” Natalie breathed, second-hand dread filling up her stomach. Tucker swallowed. “Leah passed away due to labor complications and the doctors said Autumn almost went with her. They said my little girl was lucky to be alive,” 
“I-I am so sorry,” Natalie said, her heart breaking for both the man in front of her and the little girl. 
“So flash forward to two hours later? I’m not sure about the time. Most of that day is a blur, but I texted Sarah to let her know Autumn was here because Leah and I had decided we wanted it to be just us in the delivery room.”
He paused, shaking his head. “Justin was serving his year in jail, so we hadn’t seen each other as much because he was our bridge. Up until Autumn’s birth, Leah saw Sarah more than I did. Because I wasn’t sure if we were friends just because we were both Justin’s friends.” 
“What made you realize you were friends and not just because of Justin?”
“She showed up at Lakeshore Memorial. Now I remember this part perfectly, and I think it’s because of how surreal the situation felt. I told her, ‘Leah’s gone, and not only do I have to raise a baby by myself, which I have no clue how to do by myself, but I also have to bury my wife.’”
Natalie didn’t know who she felt worse for, because she had been in Tucker’s shoes with Jeff. But also for Sarah to hear something so jarring. Tucker smiled now, even if it trembled a little at the edges.
“And my best friend, the one who claims to have no maternal instincts, took it all in stride, squared her shoulders in a very Camillie Voight way, and I know you don’t know Ms. Camillie but trust me, I got chills. She said we’d figure it out together and we did.” Tucker shrugged, “She was with me every step of the way and yeah, I had a village between Hank, Erin, Annie, Justin when he got out, and Olive when she came along. Leah’s parents. Even my parents, but they’re older because they had me late in life so Sarah was…is…”
“You’re main support system,” the woman finished for him. He nodded, not even mentioning that the brunette practically lived at his house the first year of Autumn’s life. Because that’s how long it took him to get the hang of the whole parenting thing. That Sarah had to give him a crash course in everything baby. That Sarah changed her whole schedule around in her last year as a medical student, so that he could work at night and when he tried to thank her for it, she waved him off. Because that’s what best friend’s did.
 “She’s never tried to be Leah, and Autumn has other women in her life, but Sarah is her mother figure. The one she looks to first after me…Sometimes before me. I’m probably not explaining it right…” 
“No,” she reassured him because she got it, understood it. Will had been that for her, never replacing Jeff, but offering a support system all the same. “I understand what you’re trying to say.” 
“Can we talk?” Hank asked later that night after almost everyone had left. He had found Sarah in the backyard, staring at her tree with Connor’s suit jacket wrapped around her frame. The stark white gauze stuck out to him in the dead of the night. Like a reminder of what they had lost and what was almost lost. He turned and sat down next to where Sarah was sitting with her knees tucked in tight.  It had been Camille’s idea to plant two trees; one for each girl so they knew they had roots with the Voight family, when Erin and Sarah came to live with them.
For a second, he wondered if his youngest daughter heard him as she continued to stare ahead. Then she glanced sideways at him as she spoke quietly, “I hate when you say it like that. Quiet. Gentle. Like you’re trying to approach a deer without scaring it. Reminds me of when I used to get in trouble as a kid.”
“I was more stern than that,” Hank disagreed, with a shake of his head as he took a seat beside her. Sarah’s lips twitched as if she wanted to smile. But she hadn’t smiled since earlier when Tucker had made her laugh. He sighed, burying his hands in his coat pockets. “I’m worried about you, kid.”
“Isn’t it a little late for that?” She asked in a dry voice. When her joke missed its mark, Sarah shook her head. “I’m not your responsibility anymore, Hank.” 
(Sarah didn’t know that Hank refrained from commenting on her calling him Dad all day and now it was suddenly Hank?)  
“You’re my kid,” her pseudo-father disagreed quietly, looking at the young woman he had known since she was eight years old and took into his home at eleven, “It’s always going to be my responsibility to worry about you.”
“He’s worried about her,” Erin said quietly to Alvin as she started filling up the sink to wash the dishes. Most of everybody was gone after the emotionally draining day. The ones to linger were family, Tucker with Autumn, and Annie with Travis, Connor, their unit, Trudy, and Sarah’s co-workers from Med. 
“I think he has a right to. Doesn’t he? You probably remember it clearer than I do because you actually saw it while I only heard about it secondhand. You remember how hard Sarah took it after Camille died.”
Erin’s eyes widened as she turned to stare at the older cop. Because she did remember it. When everything with Sarah and Justin being shot, she didn’t even think about Sarah spiraling like she had with Camille’s death. 
Because there wasn’t a version of the world where Sarah and Justin both didn’t make it through this. And yet, here they were in a world post-Justin Voight. 
“This wasn’t supposed to happen, Al,” her voice broke, tears threatening to spill over. 
“I know. But it did. And now Hank is doing what he can to make sure she doesn’t disappear again.”
“I think you need to talk to someone,” Hank wasn’t sure how else to say it. How did he explain how much his youngest daughter was scaring him because he wasn’t even sure she was allowing herself to grieve. How could he ask her to see someone when she was a physiatrist? When she could probably see the signs, but was more than likely actively ignoring them in favor of anger?  When Sarah remained silent, he continued. “Sarah, I know you’re angry-”
“Of course I’m angry!” Sarah exploded, standing up. She paced a few steps forward before she whirled around to face her pseudo-father. Her arms flailed out in anger while tears welled up in her eyes. “Because no one understands that I’m the reason Justin is dead! If he hadn’t been protecting me…he’d still be here! No, instead they’re comforting me and checking on me when I don’t deserve that because the truth is I got your son killed, Hank.”
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callsign-magnolia · 14 days
I Hope You Dance // Ch. 55
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A/N: This is cross posted to my Wattpad, so if this seems familiar that is why!
I've been away for a while and I'll be honest, I haven't done a lot of writing. Motivation comes and goes and I feel stuck in most of my stories. But I'm glad to at least get this out to y'all.
TW: Mental abuse, emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, death and loss.
Description: When Caila meets Rooster, sparks fly. But, she's already married, to a man who she thought loved her, and won't let her go. Rooster will fight for her, he just has to convince Caila to fight for herself.
Word Count: 4.3k
Chapter 54 | Masterlist
“Honey.” Bradley said, his hand falling to rest on my thigh. “Yeah?” I asked as he forced my leg to stop bouncing. “It’ll be okay.” He said before leaning over and kissing my temple and I sighed. “I just… I want answers.” I said looking down at him and he gave me a small smile. “I know and in time we’ll have them.” I huffed and sat back on the squeaky exam table. “I hate when you’re being wise.” I said and he chuckled. “Just trying to help.” He took my hand and squeezed it every few seconds until the doctor came in. “Good morning!” Dr. Bearden said as he came in. “Good to see you again, Lieutenant. And you must be the fiancee!” He said, reaching to shake Roosters hand. “Yes, this is my fiancee Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw.” I smiled, lifting my hand to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Two very accomplished naval aviators. You two are quite the pair.” He said opening his Ipad. “Now, last time you were here we did your annual exam and we did some blood work to test for infertility.” I nodded at him. “All the blood tests were normal. But this time I would like to do a thyroid function panel and a transvaginal ultrasound.” He said and I nodded. “I’ll have the phlebotomist come in here and draw your blood then I’ll be back to do your ultrasound.” I nodded and he stepped out. “You okay?” Bradley asked and I nodded. “Yeah, I’m just ready for this to be over.” I said. After a minute the phlebotomist came in. Bradley turned his head away as she drew all the tubes she needed and only when she had the tubes in hand, hiding the contents did he look back at me. 
“I really hate blood.” He said and I giggled. “I know, honey.” I leaned over, kissing his temple. The chair he sat in next to the tall exam table made it hard to reach him. “Alright!” Dr. Bearden came back in with an ultrasound machine in tow. “So for this I’m going to need your feet in the stirrups.” He set the stirrups up and I slid down, putting my feet in them. Immediately Bradley stood, coming to stand next to me and hold my hand as Dr. Bearden slid a cover over the transducer. “Slide down to the edge a little more for me.” I did as he asked, feeling like I was about to slide off the end. I looked up at Bradley and his eyes were wide and I looked to see what he was looking at. Dr. Bearden was putting lube on the transducer and it was so long. “Now, this may be a little uncomfortable.” I squeezed Bradley’s hands as he pressed the transducer in. It was definitely uncomfortable. Bradley used both of his hands to lift my one to his lips, kissing it. Dr. Bearden stared at the screen as he clicked a few things. I couldn’t help but think about Bradley and I being in this exact position, hoping to see our baby for the first time. I was broke out of my daydream by Dr. Bearden's voice. “You see these lines here?” He asked, pointing to the screen. “Yeah.” Bradley said and Dr. Bearden looked at me for my answer. “Yes.” I muttered. “These lines are accurate with uterine scarring.” My heart dropped as he removed the transducer and his gloves. 
“Caila. When you had your placental abruption, your placenta ripped away from your uterus, causing your miscarriage. When that happened, it left scarring along your uterus. There’s a number of things this means but with the amount of scarring you have, I’ll be honest, it looks like it has almost obliterated your uterus. This can prevent an embryo from implanting; it can block the fallopian tubes, meaning sperm may never reach an egg.” Tears streamed down my cheeks and I tried to hold back my sobs. “It is not impossible by any means. I still think you have a chance of getting pregnant, but I would label you as high risk.” I took a deep breath as Bradley moved my hair out of my face. “Remember what I said to you at your last appointment? A lot of women have these problems and you’re not alone. Going to see a fertility doctor is very common for people on the journey to creating a family. It doesn’t make you less of a woman if you need helping to conceive.” I nodded. “When you do want to start trying, start taking prenatal vitamins. They jury is still out on if they can actually help you conceive. But it can help to make your pregnancies healthier and the longer you take it, the better the effects you’ll have.” He gave me a small smile. “Thanks Dr. Bearden. We’ll keep it all in mind.” With that Dr. Bearden gave me a sad look. “Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll go ahead and start the checkout process for you?” He quickly stood, walking out of the room. A single sob escaped me before I got a hold of myself, standing and grabbing my clothes. Bradley helped me in silence before we walked out of the exam room. We checked out quickly and I all but sprinted out of the office, keeping my head down as to not see all the pregnant women that were waiting. 
We took the elevator back down to the second level of the parking garage and it seemed like the longest ride of my life. I stayed silent the whole way down and as soon as the elevator doors opened I made a beeline for the Bronco. “Honey-” I cut him off by opening my own door and getting in, almost slamming the door closed. I heard him sigh before he got into the driver's seat. I couldn’t look at him, not while I knew that I was the reason we would struggle to have a baby after the wedding. He started the Bronco and backed out of the spot and as soon as we were in drive he took my hand, kissing my knuckles before resting our intertwined fingers on my denim clad thigh. Tears silently ran down my cheeks as I rubbed my thumb along his hand and looked at my ring as it glinted in the light. I was marrying the literal man of my dreams and here I am, wondering how he could want me if I couldn’t give him kids like he wanted. We rode in silence and as we stopped I looked up seeing we were in a drive thru of a local coffee shop that I liked to visit with Phoenix occasionally. Bradley placed an order for a medium black coffee and a large iced mocha. After a few minutes we got our drinks and Bradley let go of my hand long enough to hand me mine before he placed his in the cupholder by the gear shift. I stared down at my coffee as Bradley drove a few minutes to pull into a parking lot in front of the beach. As soon as he put it in park he turned to me, sticking a straw in my drink. “Look at me.” I took a deep breath before casting my gaze up to him. “I am marrying you. I’m marrying you because I love you, not because we could have a baby together. I’m marrying you with or without kids and I am perfectly happy if we spend the rest of our lives together, just me and you and no one else.” A sob immediately hit me as he finished. I held my coffee tightly with both hands as he slid closer, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling my head to rest on his own shoulder. “I love you.” I managed to choke out. I heard him chuckle as he held me. “I love you too, Mags.” I knew he meant it, but I still didn’t miss the tear that fell into my hair. 
We spent hours at the beach yesterday sitting in the bronco or walking on the beach. Once the tears stopped it became a very good day and it played on repeat in my brain all day today. It was Thursday, the day before we flew out to Tennessee. “Ready for your trip?” Mav asked. I passed him as I was heading out. I nodded at him. “Very ready.” He smiled at my answer. “You guys deserve it. See you Monday, Magnolia.” I nodded and got in the jeep to go home. I was exhausted, so tired from being in the air all day. And not sleeping the night before. I tossed and turned not sure why I wasn’t sleeping. Bradley slept like a rock next to me, his snoring not helping my interim insomnia. But it also made me feel better because there was a time I wasn’t sure I’d ever hear him snoring again. I was sluggish getting out of the car, my body feeling heavy. I dragged my duffel out of the trunk thinking about how grateful I was to be home and done with work for the week. I managed to unlock the door and slide inside, the dogs rushing to greet me as I did. I sighed in relief as I dropped my duffel and bent down to pet them until they calmed down. Once they were satisfied I sat down and untied my boots. I moaned as I slid them off, massaging the sole of my foot a little before finally standing. I simply wanted a shower but I yelped in surprise as I was suddenly lifted and pinned to the wall, lips pressed to mine. I could tell it was Bradley, easy, I could pick him out of a room blindfolded. His cologne invaded my senses and his lips felt a certain way against mine. “Bradley.” I muttered, pulling away. He redirected his attention to my neck and a shiver ran up my spine.
I tried to hold back a moan but it was futile. “Bradley.” I felt him harden against my core and my brain went fuzzy. “Say my name again.” He muttered as he dragged his lips up my neck. “You have to stop.” I said, trying to keep my fingers out of his hair knowing it would only encourage him. “I’ve been cleared.” He muttered, squeezing a handful of my ass through my flight suit. “Your appointment isn’t until nine tomorrow morning. You haven’t actually been cleared yet.” His appointment was the one thing we had to do before our flight tomorrow. He pulled away from my neck, grinning up at me. “They had a cancellation. I got in today and I am completely cleared.” Tears welled in my eyes. I knew he’d probably be cleared, but to have confirmation of that was so relieving. “Really?” I asked, giving in and letting my fingers trail into the hair on the back of his head. “I’m in perfect health. Stitches are healed, everything sounds good and looks good. I could do everything I could do before.” It was like a weight lifted off me and he leaned in, kissing me. “That means I can do whatever I want to my fiance, and I think I’ll start up in our room.” He turned to take us up the stairs and I couldn’t help but laugh. “We still have to pack.” I thought he might stop and put me down, but he continued right up the stairs. “I already packed the suitcases while you were at work and we now have a nine a.m. flight instead of a noon flight.” 
I furrowed my brows as he topped the stairs. “How did you change the flights?” I asked and he grinned at me. “I called the airline, had them change it and begged them to not email you about the change.” He kicked the door closed behind us before dropping me onto the neatly made bed. “Of course you did.” I remarked as he crawled over me. “Roo, I haven’t showered yet.” I said, my hands on his shoulders. He smirked at me before grabbing the zipper of my flight suit. “That’s okay.” He buried his nose in my neck. “I love when you smell like jet fuel. Besides, you’d need a second shower anyway after I’m done with you.” He dragged the zipper down, and I didn’t dare stop him.  He jerked my flight suit off my shoulders and pulled it down my waist. He stood from the bed, grabbing my ankles and dragging me to the end of the bed. He slowly pulled off my socks before kissing my ankles, holding my gaze as he did. I loved when he was like this. Sweet and almost primal. It was like two sides of him colliding. I lifted my hips for him to slip my flight suit off and as soon as he did he tossed it to some corner of the room.. I wasn’t sure which though. Because I was too busy watching him sink to his knees before me. Denim clad legs hit the floor as I sat up, leaning back on my hands. His large hands gripped my thighs and I was surprised at how big they looked against my legs. He pushed my legs farther apart and my chest heaved as he placed kisses on my inner thigh. He worked his way to my core, placing a kiss on me over my white thong. His hands slid up to my hips and his fingers curled into my waist band. His eyes met mine and I lifted my hips for him to pull my panties off, which he did agonizingly slow. He tossed them behind him and he inched forward ever so slightly before leaning in, running his tongue along my slit. 
I cried out as he found my clit, his lips wrapping around it and sucking. I scooted closer, my fingers tugging on his curls as his arms wrapped around my thighs. “Oh, Roo!” It’s been so long since we’ve touched each other like this and I knew it wouldn’t be long before I came and Rooster knew it too. His tongue delved inside me and I gasped at the sensation. I felt Rooster’s hand on my belly and he pushed me to lay back. My hands stayed in his hair as he moved my legs to be tossed over his shoulders, allowing him to plunge deeper into my core. I was a mess and whining as he ran his hands up my body, reaching under my shirt to grip my breasts through my bra. The knot in my stomach grew tighter and Bradley shifted his hands to slip underneath my bra and pinch my nipples lightly which caused my back to arch ever so slightly. “Oh god! I’m close. Roo-” I was cut off as my orgasm hit me and I gasped. He didn’t stop. Working me over until my body was shaking. He was breathing heavily as he stood. He leaned over my now limp body. “You okay?” He asked with a devilish grin. “I’m great.” I replied and he smiled, leaning down to kiss me. His hands rested on my sides and I tasted myself on his lips, I remembered how euphoric it really was. My hands rose to rest on his neck, losing myself in him. He pushed my black undershirt up and we separated long enough for him to pull it over my head. He pulled me to sit up, reaching behind me and flicking the hooks of my bra, causing them to let loose so he could drag it down my arms. He held my gaze as I leaned forward, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. He had this planned because he didn’t have on an undershirt, which he always does.
I pushed my hands to his shoulders, slowly sliding his shirt off as I placed a kiss just above his belly button. So many weeks of not being in the gym made him soft. He was still fit, distractingly so, but his abs weren’t as defined anymore. I loved it though. His shirt fell to the floor and I immediately went for the buttons of his jeans. He helped me push them down and he stepped out of them, leaving him in his white boxer briefs which he knew drove me crazy. He was rock hard and it was incredibly obvious in the white underwear. I placed a kiss on the outline of his cock and he leaned his head back, sighing as he did. I grabbed his waistband and pulled them off just like he did me, tossing them to some forgotten corner. He hissed as his cock slapped his lower torso and I smirked. I leaned forward with my tongue out as I licked from his base to his tip before taking most of him in my mouth. I felt him take my hair that was in a bun, in his hands, bobbing my head on him a few times before pulling me off him. He leaned down, his eyes meeting my own. “When I come, I want to be inside you. Now, move back.” A shiver ran down my spine at his words and I moved myself back up the bed. He followed immediately and pushed me to lay back. He slotted himself between my thighs before laying his body weight on me. His lips landed on mine and I moaned as his hands grazed my sides. My arms wrapped around his shoulders, nails grazing his skin. “I missed you today.” He said before turning his attention to my neck. “I’ve been going crazy being here while you’re at work.” He kissed the hollow of my throat as he worked his way down to my chest. “But today was especially difficult.” He muttered against my skin. “You know why?” He asked, knowing my head would be fuzzy. “Because I knew exactly what I could do to you when you came in the door.” 
I moaned as he took my nipple between his teeth. I spread my legs more, feeling the head of his cock nudging my thigh. “Bradley, please.” I was not above begging. I never was with him, and he knew it. “I love it when you ask nicely.” He sat up on his knees, hiking my legs over his hips and drawing me closer. He lined himself up before pushing against me and I gasped as I felt him. He stopped, stilling his hips before he leaned back over me and kissing me. “Roo, please.” I knew he was teasing me and I wasn’t sure I could handle it. “Not yet, pretty girl. It’s been six weeks. I don’t wanna hurt you.” He leaned his forehead against mine, his lips dragging across my face. He stared down at me as he pulled out slightly, before pushing in a little farther than last time. “You like that, pretty girl?” He asked and I moaned in response. “God I can’t wait to have my cock buried inside you.” He slowly pushed his way deeper, each thrust allowing him to enter me another inch by another inch. Finally, he was buried to the hilt inside me. “Bradley.” I gasped out. My arms wrapping around him and my nails digging into his skin. “You’re so tight, pretty girl.” He moaned at a particularly smooth thrust. He dropped his forehead to mine again, his lips landing on my nose for a split second as he stilled inside me. “Mm… so full.” I muttered. Any time Bradley and I have sex, I basically go dumb. “I know, pretty girl. I know.” He slowly started rolling his hips, causing him to slip out and the angle was just right for him to hit that soft spot inside of me. “Oh fuck. Roo.” He knew what he was doing and he gave me a wide mischievous smile. “You like that, honey? You like taking my cock.” I moaned and gasped as he trailed his fingers down my abdomen, all the way till he brushed my clit. “Don’t rush it, Bradley.” I said as I reached down and grabbed his wrist. 
He raised a brow at me before chuckling and removing his hand. “Whatever you want, Mags.” He tucked one hand under my back and intertwined the fingers of his left hand with my right. He put pressure on my back, causing me to arch ever so slightly and a moan escaped him as the angle shifted. I grinned at him. “I love when you make noises for me.” His face tinged red at my words. He rarely made any noise other than grunting and dirty talk in bed. I could tell I caught him off guard with what I said, but it was true. I squeezed my pelvic floor, clenching around him and causing his thrusts to stutter. He cut his eyes to mine before pulling out almost all the way and slamming back into me. I yelped and he just chuckled. His thrusts grew rougher and he sat back on his knees again. He pinned my hips to the bed, the pressure adding to how he felt inside me. “Gonna cum so deep inside you, Mags.” His chest was heaving and sweat started forming on his neck and chest. I reached out, gripping his forearms as he fucked me. I wanted to speak, say anything to agree with him. But I couldn’t do much of anything except hasp and moan. A familiar feeling started to grow in my belly, one that I experienced only a few minutes ago. “Need you to cum on my cock, pretty girl.” He leaned over me again, his hand reaching down once more to touch me and this time, I didn’t stop him. “I want to feel you cum around me. Need it.” I tossed my arms around him again, one hand tucked around between his shoulder blades and the other fisting the curls at the back of his head. “Oh god, Bradley! Yes! Yes!” I chanted, knowing it would only spur him on. 
He wrapped his arms around me, one hand on my waist, the other creeping around my shoulder for leverage. His forehead pressed to mine and his hot breath fanned my face. Our lips barely brushed together and it felt like fireworks went off everywhere inside my body. “I love you, Mags. More than anything.” All I could do in response was tilt my head up and kiss him. His hips stuttered before he buried himself deep inside me, practically flooding me with his release. I never thought I could miss being this close to someone. He was breathing heavily as he leaned his head on my chest. I felt him move his hand from my shoulder and I whimpered as the rough skin of his hand nudged my clit again. He listed himself off of me just enough to be in a good position to work me towards my orgasm and take my right nipple in his mouth. That coupled with him still buried inside me sent me straight over the edge. I gasped and my body shook harshly as Bradley slowly brought me down from my high. We stayed like that for who knows how long before he finally lifted his head. He stared at me, a dopey grin on his face as my mind raced. What we just did got me thinking about everything Dr. Bearden said in my appointment. “I want to start taking prenatal vitamins.” His eyebrows shot up. “Yeah?” He sat up, straddling my legs and I nodded. “Are we still waiting until after the wedding?” I sat up and grabbed his hands in mine. “Yeah.” I said quietly. “I just want to take them because when the time comes we have a higher chance of having a healthy pregnancy.” He smiled at me before leaning down and kissing my forehead. “Of course,” I started, catching his attention. “This means we’ll have to use condoms. Every time.” He groaned, falling onto the bed beside me. “We’re gonna go broke buying condoms.” I laughed loudly at his words. He pulled me down next to him and squeezed me. “Hungry?” He asked. “Yes. But I need a shower first. I smell like sweat and jet fuel and I do not like the combination.” He got up and pulled me to my feet. “Let’s get you in the shower then.” 
The next morning I was incredibly sore between my legs. “You okay, honey?” Rooster asked, leaning down and brushing my hair from my face. “I hurt.” I mumbled, still half asleep. “I’m sorry, honey. I should’ve been gentler with you. “He kissed me on the cheek. “I promise I’ll be more gentle next time.” I hummed, stretching my arms over my head. “Uber will be here in an hour. I’ve laid out some pants and one of my t-shirts for you.” I smiled at him. “Thank you, honey.” It took me a few minutes to finally get up and I dragged when I finally did. I slowly got dressed and braided my hair before making my way downstairs. “Coffee?” Bradley asked and I shook my head. “No. I’ll just drink water for now.” He smiled and drank his coffee. “So, what car did you rent?” He asked. “A Silverado.” I replied and he fake gasped. “We are a Ford family. The jeep is the exception.” I laughed loudly. “We are a ‘whatever is affordable’ family.” He laughed, stepping behind me and kissing my head. “I like when you’re frugal.” I hummed. “Wait until I tell you I started buying certain foods only if they’re on sale.” He groaned, wrapping his arms around me. “I love you.” He said and I turned in his arms. “I love you too.” 
Taglist: @mak-32 @rosiahills22 @fanboyswhore9 @kmc1989 @sunderland-6 @mygyn @halstead-severide-fan
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callsign-joyride · 2 years
Not Part of the Plan | J.H.S
Summary: You and Jake wanted to have a home birth. When you went into labor, it didn't take long to discover that that wasn't in the cards for you
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x f!reader
Content warnings: Angst with a happy ending, childbirth, medical terminology, depictions of bleeding/blood loss, hospital, surgery
(I'm not a doctor so this will probably be very inaccurate lol)
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A home birth had always been part of the plan. As soon as you and Jake found out that you were expecting, it was one of the first things that you agreed on. Your friends and family told you what it was like to have a baby at the hospital, being checked on by doctors at what felt like 15-minute intervals. You also weren't a very big fan of hospitals, anyways.
So when you went into labor at 37 and a half weeks, Jake was more than happy to call the doula and midwife after your water broke. It didn't surprise him that you were still being stubborn. After everything had been prepared, you refused to get in bed until you decided that it was time to push.
You knew that there was something wrong when you got out of the shower.
"You're bleeding," Jake said. With you being so far along (and clumsy), he was often reluctant to let you be in the bathroom alone for a shower.
"It's probably nothing."
"I think you should go lay down. I'll get the midwife in."
You sighed and started to put on some clean clothes. That was when you noticed that the grey towel that you had been standing on now had splotches of red. You knew that bleeding during labor was normal, but this didn't seem like a normal amount. Jake had been at the bathroom door seconds after you yelled his name. The midwife was a few paces behind him, but she took one look at the bloody towel under your feet and said that she needed to do an exam.
"Okay, I need you to stay with her, keep her talking. I need to call an ambulance," the midwife said. Jake nodded his head and sat on the floor next to you, grabbing your hand.
"I'm so confused. I didn't want to go to the hospital. Jake, what's going on?"
"You'll be okay," he said.
The ambulance pulled up to your house and you were still bleeding. While the midwife gave all of your medical information to the EMTs, you told one of them that you felt really thirsty and like you were about to pass out. Almost immediately after you said it, there was an IV in your hand and another one in your arm. They did a quick ultrasound before you were at the hospital.
"She's got a placental abruption with heavy bleeding. We gotta get her to an O.R. stat!" One of the nurses yelled. You squeezed Jake's hand and looked up at him.
"I'm really scared," you said.
"I know. I'll be with you the whole time, okay?"
Because of the situation's urgency, they prepped you in the operating room. Jake stayed true to his word the whole time, hardly refusing to let go of your hand, even when the surgeon had pulled the baby and placenta out of you without any complications. It wasn't long before you were able to be wheeled into a recovery room, and you finally got to see your baby once you came out of the anesthesia haze. The sight in front of you nearly made you cry. Jake was cradling the baby in his arms.
"Mama's awake now," he cooed. He looked over at you before asking f you were ready to hold her. After you said yes, he slowly placed the baby into your arms.
"She's perfect," you whispered. Jake nodded as he sat next to you in the bed.
"You're both perfect."
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@littlebadariell @cycbaby @luckyladycreator2 @idontcare-11 @blue-aconite @maverick-wingman @shawty-fenty @littlemisstopgun @rosiahills22 @katieshook02 @justanothermagicalsara @caitsymichelle13 @smoothdogsgirl @adoringsebstan @cherrycola27 @alexxavicry @mrsjaderogers @mak-32 @thefandomimagines
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tbmunson · 2 years
Little Harrington; C Section Birth - Steve Harrington x Pregnant!Reader
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Summary: While in labor the baby's heart rate drops and reader is rushed into OR to deliver by c section. She abrupts and loses a lot of blood.
Warnings: Mentions of near death and blood. Steve being worried. Reader nearly dying.
WC: 2k
Check out the Little Harrington Masterlist for more from this series!
Check out my Masterlist for more from me!
You'd been abruptly ripped from a very peaceful sleep nearly 38 hours ago due to some particularly painful contractions. Your water finally broke 16 hours ago and you and Steve have been at the hospital since.
"How are you doing baby?" He asked, rubbing your arm gently. He tried to conceal his worried state, but you always knew how to read him. He closed his eyes and leant down to press a kiss to your cheek.
You smiled weakly at him. "I'm so exhausted, Stevie. I want her to come out, like ten hours ago." You mumbled reaching up and pecking his lips quickly. "I know you're tired too, baby. You could have slept." You tucked a few stray hairs behind his ears before he shook his head.
He grabbed your slightly clammy hand, skimming his thumb over the back. "Absolutely not. You are my priority right now. I won't let you do this alone." If only he knew the events that were taking place in the 20 minutes that followed.
"Baby's heart rate is dropped. We have to get her out, now." The doctor stated in a tone that made you sick to your stomach.
You were sure you would have thrown up had you been allowed to eat anything other than ice chips since this morning. You were stunned silent. A bystander in what was about to become yet another near death experience for you. Only this time, Steve was not allowed to be by your side for it.
"Sir, you have to stay in here. She's going to OR." That's the last thing you remember.
While you were under your baby was born via C section at 8:02 pm. She was placed on oxygen for five to ten minutes before she was deemed healthy enough to go to Steve.
You, however, had hemorrhaged due to the placenta separating from your uterus before it should have. You were still under and receiving blood transfusions while your daughter was wheeled into the room to Steve, who was pacing nervously by the window.
"Where is my wife? Is she okay?" He froze, chilled to the bone at not seeing you being wheeled in with the baby.
"She abrupted, Mr. Harrington. They're giving her blood now. She should be fine." The nurse assured him as he finally began stepping closer. "We like to do about an hour of skin to skin contact with baby and mom, but due to the circumstances… would you like to?" She added, motioning to the baby that was wrapped in the typical white hospital blanket with the blue and pink stripes.
"Yeah, absolutely." He nodded, eyes not leaving his child.
"I've got you a gown so you can cover. If you need anything hit that button and someone will be in to help you." The nurse offered him another reassuring smile before stepping out and leaving him with his daughter for the first time. While he cherished it, he hoped you would have be here for it.
He quickly exchanged his t shirt for the gown and gently unwrapped the baby from the blanket before laying her against his chest. He chuckled at her sudden jerks, not yet used to being handled, albeit careful and lovingly.
"Hi there. I'm your daddy. You were probably expecting mommy, I know. She should be back soon. I'm never going to let anything happen to you, princess. Your mommy and you, you're my everything, you know? You will never have to worry about anything as long as I'm here." He rubbed her back though the thin gown and blanket he had tucked her under as he cooed at her. He had only ever been this in love with another person one other time, and he'd married her.
Some time had passed when there was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" Steve called quietly, not wanting to disturb his sleeping child.
The door opened and the nurse that had brought the baby walked in. "Mr. Harrington, it's been about an hour and we usually try to get them to eat around this time after they're born. I'm not sure whether the plan was to breastfeed or not, but I brought a bottle for her. I can feed her if you need me to." The poor girl was trying so hard not to offend him, but she'd been around long enough to know that a lot of fathers left everything up to the mothers. She knew with you being in recovery that that wasn't an option.
Steve shook his head, but still sent her a smile, calming her nerves. "I've got it. Regardless of the plan she's got to eat." He said, reaching for the bottle that was being offered to him. "She's got to grow up to be a fighter just like her mommy, huh?" He smiled back down at the baby before repositioning her, which woke her up.
"Sometimes it takes them a little while to latch, so again, if you need some help, you know what button." She gave him a small nod, content with the scene she so rarely saw.
True to warning it took nearly half an hour to get her to actually latch onto the nipple of the bottle and feed.
"Look at you, baby. You're such a quick learner." He praised her gently as he watched the formula slowly disappear from the bottle. Once it was clear she wasn't going to take anymore, he turned her to rest against his chest again and patted her back gently, earning a few small burps. "Your Uncles Eddie and Dustin are going to be impressed with that, princess." He chuckled, enjoying every moment, but still worrying for you.
The nurse had come back over the next couple of hours, helping show him about diaper changes because while he had held, fed, and burped babies before, he always gave them back for diaper changes. He sat silently when they came and took her for her first bath, making sure all of the birth gunk was cleaned off of her.
When the door opened again, he expected it to see the nurse with the small bassinet. However he was greeted with the doctor.
"Mr. Harrington. Good news and bad news."
"Bad news first."
The doctor went on to explain in detail just what had happened during your labor and birth. "But, she responded well to the transfusions and her vitals are strong. She'll be back in here with you in the next hour or so, so that's the good news. You will have to take on a lot once you guys are discharged. She won't be able to do much of anything for the next several weeks, so make sure she's not overdoing it." He added, reaching out to pat Steve's shoulder.
"Absolutely not. She'll be taken care of." He stated with a nod. "Thank you for taking care of her in there." He added, truly meaning it. He didn't know what he would have done if you hadn't made it out. It's not even something he would want to think about.
Once his baby was brought back, he was also handed some paperwork to fill out for her birth certificate and other documents, leaving just the spaces for your signature.
"Wow." The nurse chuckled, looking over the papers. "Dads almost never know this much. You're going to be everything that little girl needs." She smiled, glancing into the bassinet.
"I certainly hope so. Her and her mom are all I need." He smiled, shifting around in the uncomfortable chair.
"Speaking of," The nurse smiled as a knock sounded on the door. "I think she's back."
Steve jumped up as the door opened, revealing you on the hospital bed, eyes closed but chest rising and falling. Signs of life.
"She's doing great. The anesthesia should be wearing off. If she stays asleep it's just because she's exhausted." The nurse that had been in charge of your care stated, positioning the bed back where it had been hours previous.
Steve nodded, eyes watering at your peaceful face. He can recount too many times he'd had this same feeling, looking at you. The first being in the Byers living room, nail bat in his hand. He'd just fought off the scariest thing he'd seen in his life up to that point. The most recent, previous to now, was when you and Dustin hauled Eddie out of the Upside Down, unable to tell where your blood ended and Eddie's began. There were plenty of times in between, but he'd rather not focus on that now.
Right now, he wanted to focus on you. On your healing. On your baby girl sleeping feet from you, and you completely yes blissfully unaware.
"Thank you." It was all he could muster, that and a curt nod, dismissing the two nurses.
He was finally at peace enough to stretch out on the uncomfortable couch in the corner and fall asleep for the first time in close to 48 hours. He woke up at every cry and whimper from the baby through the night. He didn't want your rest to be interrupted, especially with the outcome of the abruption. He fed her, cuddled her, and changed her all the while you slept.
You'd been out both medically induced and naturally for the past 12 hours. It was 8 am and Steve had just finished changing the baby when your eyes fluttered open. "Where's my baby?" You asked, looking around the room.
Steve smiled at you, pushing the bassinet over. "She's sleeping. You wanna hold her?" He asked, stopping where you could peer in to see her.
"Yeah, please." Your eyes filled with tears as you looked from her to him. "Can I have a kiss first? I thought I was going to die Steve."
The shake in your voice killed him. Devastated him. "I know baby, but you're okay." He walked around and leant down, pressing a long kiss to your lips. "I love you."
You smiled and nodded, then though tears slipped from your eyes. "I love you too."
He kissed you a couple more times. "Let me call the nurses in and tell them you're up. They're going to want to check you and that's going to be hard holding the baby. It'll be quick though, I promise."
You nodded and laced your fingers with his. "Okay, but, how is she?"
He pressed the call button and smiled. "She's perfect. She's got your nose." He tapped your nose, then your chin. "And this too. But I think she's got my eyes and lips." He grinned as the door opened.
Half an hour later, you finally had her in your arms. "She is perfect." You grinned, poking at some eggs that were brought to you as well.
"She looks just like you when she gets annoyed at me. Scared the crap out of me the first time." He chuckled, sitting next to you on the bed.
You couldn't help but laugh, then groan as your stomach muscles tightened. "Don't make me laugh, please." You whined, resting against him.
He kissed your shoulder, then the side of your head. "Considering I'm naturally funny, I don't know how you expect me to turn it off, but I'll try, for you." He sighed dramatically, causing you to give him a look. "See, that's the look I was talking about. I woke her up to feed her last night. She looked just like that." He smiled, leaning down to kiss the line that had creased between your eyebrows.
"You're lucky I love you so much." You giggled lightly, turning your face up to give him a kiss on the lips.
He smiled and nodded when you pulled back. "I consider myself the luckiest man on the planet, actually." He stated matter of factly.
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reidbauer123 · 2 months
On February 17th, Brie and Reid welcomed their third baby boy, Beau, into the world via emergency C-section at 27 weeks.
Brie was not feeling great earlier in the day and went to get checked out at urgent care. An ultrasound was performed where the doctor was able to see that Brie was having contractions, during which baby’s heart rate was dropping. Brie was sent for an emergency c-section. The family thought Brie was suffering from a placenta abruption but quickly learned that she was septic due to strep bacteria. The strep concentrated in her uterus, causing it to die and the placenta began detaching.
The rapid response team was present in the OR but had been called there for baby Bauer. While they were in the room, Brie’s breathing tube was pulled out and she began hemorrhaging and declining quickly. The rapid response team jumped into action and got the breathing tube back in immediately and ensured she never went without oxygen.
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scintillyyy · 1 year
i think about the 42 babies born in no man's land so much. like, i totally buy that babies were being born in the restricted zone but when i think of those babies, i think of the following at minimum (that the writers definitely did not)
of those 42, 12 need formula !!! if the formula crisis of last summer taught us anything, it's that this is probably not good, to need formula in no man's land
and needing formula is kind of broad. what kind of formula did these babies need? god forbid they need a hypoallergenic formula due to an allergy
all of the babies shown in detective comics #741 are, like, sitting without support or crawling and man. sitting independently is a 6 month milestone. crawling is, like, 8-9 months.
so most of the women had to have been pregnant before no man's land. assuming ovulation on 1/1, the first day of no man's land, the babies would be due on 9/23 at the earliest. so they'd be at most, like, 3 months old. obviously leslie was joking about nights in no man's land getting cold, but also does chuck dixon not know anything about how long women are pregnant for? (answer: yes).
potential for premature babies without a nicu =/
did the joker kidnap 42 <3 month old babies? was he feeding the newborns every two hours? did joker's experience with newborns in no man's land prepare him for the fourth trimester after he had his clayface baby.
anyways, what happens to pregnant peeps who go overdue and there's no pitocin to induce labor? that generally doesn't lead to good outcomes due to the deterioration of the placenta past 40 weeks
also, some of these women had to have developed gestational diabetes. with no way of knowing.
also, ~maybe pre-eclampsia is caught if a woman's blood pressure runs high, but there's no way to check for protein in the urine. what happens when it turns into eclampsia? again, no way to induce labor. what if someone develops hellp syndrome.
none of these women got rhogam.
even in low risk pregnancies, 1 in 4 women need a c-section. was leslie performing c-sections? i know her speciality is apparently "anything we need her to be able to do" but, c'mon. really?
what if someone developed postpartum preeclampsia.
were these mothers more likely to develop puerperal fever due to high infection risk and limited medical supplies?
25-30% of people are positive for group-b strep. obviously they couldn't test for that. so potentially positive women were giving birth without antibiotics.
none of these babies got vitamin k or their first hep-b vaccine within the first 12 hours.
what happens to pregnant people who have, like, a missed miscarriage. if the body isn't expelling the tissue, you need a d&c or you're at risk for infection
ectopic pregnancies??? did women die from those in there??
plancenta previa or placental abruption???
hyperemesis gravidarum????
oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios?
were all 42 of these pregnancies just. complication-free?
chuck. i have questions. chuck. chuck. bat editoral of the 90s. help.
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Margot Robbie and Sebastian Stan Welcome Third Child, After An Emergency C-Section Caused By A Rare Condition: ‘Mom and Baby Are Healthy and Resting at Home in Australia.’
“Margot and Sebastian are delighted to announce the arrival of their third baby,” Margot’s publicist confirmed on Wednesday.
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Margot Robbie and Sebastian Stan are parents again!
The I, Tonya co-stars welcomed a baby girl on April 26th in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, Margot’s publicist confirmed on Wednesday.
The arrival of their third child, their second daughter, wasn’t without a scare. It was confirmed the thirty-two year old actress suffered complications of a rare condition called placental abruption, when doctor’s performed an emergency c-section.
Placental abruption affects fewer than 200,000 cases per year in which the placenta detaches from the womb (uterus).
In a statement issued to The Hollywood Fame Show, the actress’s publicist assured the mother and child are doing well and expressed appreciation for the nurses, doctors and medical staff at Gold Coast Private Hospital: “Margot and Sebastian cannot begin to express their gratitude to their medical team at Gold Coast Private Hospital for the care they provided Margot and their baby girl. Because of their expertise and timeliness, both Margot and their daughter are doing well and resting comfortably at home.”
The actress’s publicist then went on to explain, “While the couple asks for privacy at this time, they felt it was important to shed some light on this rare condition and raise some awareness in hopes to help other parents.”
Stan, 40, announced their third pregnancy on Instagram with a picture of his wife’s growing baby bump after paparazzi photographed them buying pregnancy tests in the Maldives.
Margot and Sebastian are parents to Axel Lachlan Cameron Stan, 3, and Piper Georgeta Sarie Stan, 1.
Details about their second daughter are being kept under-wraps.
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glutaminase · 9 months
shauna and lottie are true medical marvels for surviving placenta previa (?/abruption??) and getting your fuckin kidneys busted so bad you PISS BLOOD??? out in the wild no medical treatment just rituals and vibes
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thepro-lifemovement · 2 years
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brittany-poolaw-manslaughter-miscarriage-pregnancy/ "nobody is calling miscarriage murder" ...
Yeah, I have seen this. The examiner said it could be genetic anomaly, placenta abruption, or maternal methamphetamine use, and I guess couldn't determine an exact cause of death. But I think it's the fact that the baby had meth in his system that was the main issue. There are definitely risk factors associated with meth misuse during pregnancy: "the available research indicates increased rates of premature delivery, placental abruption (separation of the placental lining from the uterus), and various effects on babies prenatally exposed to methamphetamine, including small size, lethargy, and heart and brain abnormalities." So I guess they found that the possible causes of death are mainly linked to her meth misuse, and found her liable. But that isn't to say that the placenta abruption here was caused by meth. Maybe we should make laws protecting mothers from manslaughter charges when its not so clear cut if their own actions cause the baby to miscarry. I don't want any woman going to prison for a miscarriage that was beyond her control. I think @avesblues2 and @pro-birth know more about this than I do, though.
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quotesfrommyreading · 11 months
The emergence of the SARS virus is similarly the result of an abrupt expansion, in this case in the size of wet markets and the diversity of the strange panoply of animals they sell.
The SARS virus was not new. Nor were the practices that brought bats into proximity with people in southern China. The SARS virus “was probably there in bats for centuries,”  says the University of Hong Kong virologist Malik Peiris, whose team first isolated the virus. And the yewei cuisine and wet markets that brought bats together with people in southern China were long-standing, too.
Yewei cuisine is part of a range of traditional cultural practices in China that draw wild animals closer so that people can tap into the animals' power, strength, and longevity. People keep wild animals at pets (or, for the aspirational, dye their domesticated dogs' fur to look like tigers and pandas) and mimic their postures in practices such as kung fu. Traditional medicine practitioners administer their body parts as remedies: tiget whiskers for toothaches, bear bile for liver disease, bat skeletons for kidney stones. For people who consider wild animals precious natural resources – the rarer, wilder, and more exotic the more precious – consuming them is bu, restorative and stimulating for the body, endowing the consumer with a whiff of the animal's natural energy.
But for many years, economic and geographic barriers limited the consumption of yewei cuisine in China, and with it the size of wet markets. China had troubled political relations with neighboring countries such as Thailand and Laos and Vietnam, where many of the most desirable exotic animals roamed, so their supply for consumption was thin and prices high. While the elites could afford to dine on braised bear paw with carp tongue, gorilla lips and pig brain in wine sauce, and leopard placenta steamed with camel hump and garnished with pear, ordinary folk made do with more ordinary fare, or hunted for their own wild game.
Then, in the early 1990s, the Chinese economy started growing by 10 percent or more every year. Suddenly, a new class of young, aspiring, prosperous Chinese in booming cities had more money than they knew what to do with. Along with stocking up on Western luxury goods – Louis Vuitton sold more bags in China than anywhere else in 2011 – they started demanding more yewei cuisine. New restaurants serving peacock, swan geese, and sea cucumber, along with other exotic creatures, sprang up across the region. China reestablished trade with many of its Southeast Asian neighbors, allowing poachers and traders to plunge even deeper into the countryside to meet the rising demand. They crammed their stocks of wild animals into ever larger wet markets, stacking cages of live animals from increasingly disparate locales across Asia next to each other, awaiting sale to yewei-hungry shoppers.
It was only then, after the size and scale of wet markets grew, that a serendipitious sequence of events that could turn a virus of horseshoe bats into a human pathogen became probable.
  —  Pandemic: Tracking Contagions, from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond (Sonia Shah)
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callsign-magnolia · 2 years
I Hope You Dance // Ch. 11
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A/N: This is cross posted to my Wattpad, so if this seems familiar that is why!
TW: Mental abuse, emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, death and loss.
Description: When Caila meets Rooster, sparks fly. But, she's already married, to a man who she thought loved her, and won't let her go. Rooster will fight for her, he just has to convince Caila to fight for herself.
Word Count: 6.2k
Chapter 10 | Masterlist
He stared at the frame, looking almost lost. I pursed my lips, setting the wine glasses down on the coffee table. "I um, I forgot that was there." His head snapped to me. "This is what you hid from me?" He asked holding it up. I nodded and started pulling on my thumbs, "Why didn't you tell me?" I took a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling trying to keep from crying. "I wasn't ready." He furrowed his brows as I sat on the couch. "You can trust me." I shook my head. "It's not that I don't trust you, Rooster. It's just," I wiped my eyes as he came over, crouching down in front of me, resting one of his hands on my knee as the other held the frame. 
"I told Phoenix that if I started telling people, then they would have their own assumptions about it. I just wanted to keep it to myself for a little while longer." He licked his lips. "Phoenix knows?" I nodded. "She was there when they told me." I carefully took the frame from him, staring at it. "This was the entire reason I decided to leave. I couldn't raise a baby with him, not in that environment. Aaron had locked up all the funds, I only had cash he would give me and I was out." He moved to sit behind me on the couch, wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing the back of my head. "I called my mom and she bought the tests and I went to her house to take them. I spilled everything to her and my dad. From me and you, to Aaron holding you against me, I sang like a cicada in summertime. When I told dad I was leaving, I asked him to do something, anything to keep you safe and I guess shipping you out was the best bet. I got Phoenix's number from mom and called her as soon as I got home, I told her I was leaving and why. She had a week of deployment left and she told me to go to San Francisco, I went to get my documents from the safe and I realized he changed the code."
I took a deep breath to keep from choking up. "I realized he took out a ten million dollar life insurance policy on me, he had pushed me down the staircase the day before which I caught myself. When I left his office he was in the hallway. I dropped my phone when he grabbed me and I yelled for Phoenix to call my mama. He shoved me into his car and if I hadn't smacked my head on the frame then I would've climbed back out. We were just yelling at each other the whole time. He was taking us up the mountain and he drove us right off. I managed to pull my seatbelt around me before we hit the ground. We slid down the side of the mountain until we hit a downed tree, which made us flip multiple times before we landed upside down."
I wiped my cheeks as I took a deep breath and looked back to him, he almost looked dead inside as tears ran down his blank face. "Oh, roo." I turned and sat sideways in his lap, kissing his cheek as I wrapped my arm around him. "I was in a medically induced coma for a week and when I woke up, Phoenix was an absolute wreck next to my bed. The doctor told me all my injuries, and Phoenix held me when he told me I had a placental abruption." I saw his brows furrow slightly, and his lip twitch. "My placenta separated from my uterus and my baby didn't survive." I choked on my words, leaning into his neck as I started breaking down. "They had to do a D & C while I was in my coma because my body couldn't do it itself." I sobbed as he pulled me closer. 
"It's not fair." I felt his lips on my head. "I hate him, I wish he had died in that crash. He doesn't deserve to live after he took everything from me!" I pushed off him, breathing heavily. "Mags." I shook my head. "Why me? Huh?" I threw my hands out. "Do I not deserve to be fucking happy?! Is that it?!" I grabbed one of the wine glasses, launching it at the wall in front of me, wine going everywhere. "I have spent, the last twelve years in misery because of him!" I screamed out, finally letting everything out. "He took everything! My happiness, my sanity, my independence! Was it not fucking enough?! NO! HE HAD TO GO AND TAKE MY FUCKING WILL TO LIVE-" My tears blurred my sight as I grabbed something else from the coffee table, holding it behind my head, ready to launch it. "AND MY BABY!" 
"Caila!" Rooster grabbed me, holding my waist and my hand that was behind me. "Honey, look." He carefully lowered my hand so I could see what I had. "Don't do that to yourself." He said as the frame came into my view. Sobs wracking my body as I realized, I almost broke it. "Come on." He said picking me up, carrying me upstairs to my room. He laid me on the bed as he pulled back the covers, shifting me under them as I sobbed, hardly being able to breathe. He crouched down next to me, grabbing my hand in both of his and kissing it. "I'm going to clean up downstairs and put the frame back, I will be right back to come sleep with you okay?" I inhaled deeply as I nodded. 
"Dahlia!" I heard her thunderous footsteps rush upstairs and into the room where he invited her onto the bed. "Stay with momma, watch out for her." She huffed like she understood, moving up the bed to lay with her back against mine. He was gone for awhile until he came back, a glass of water and a pill bottle. Somehow he made Dahlia move without a fight, crawling in behind me and pulling me close. "I love you pretty girl, so much." My sobs started again at his words. "Let it out." He said as he pulled me even closer, almost squeezing me. "I'm right here, pretty girl, I've got you." I was so grateful he was holding me, but I could swear I felt a few tears on my neck. 
I felt better the next day, having gotten everything out in the open. Rooster woke me up for training this morning with fresh coffee and a kiss that spilled over with love. He never asked about the baby, just how I was feeling. "Good morning. Your target, the Uranium enrichment plant will be up and running sooner than we anticipated." We all looked to each other, "In ten days." I took a deep breath, my pinky wrapped around Rooster's. "As a result, we have moved your mission up by one week. We can't risk the valley being contaminated with radiation." I nodded my head, out of habit to show I was listening. 
"Sir, no one here has successfully flown a low-level course." I pursed my lips. No group has made it successfully, which makes this that much scarier. "You will be moving on anyway. Captain." Warlock stepped out of the way for Mav. "We have one week left to focus on the second phase. It's the most difficult stage of this mission. It's a pop-up strike with a steep dive, requiring nothing less than two consecutive miracles. Two pairs of f-18s will fly in a welded wing formation." This means we all have to play nice, I looked over at Hangman who had his head resting on his fist. "Teamwork. Precise coordination of these aircraft is essential to both the mission's success and your survival." I would never want to strip Bradley of this opportunity but the thought of losing him, I don't know if I really could imagine a world without him.
We were set to start our hop and I was standing with Rooster, Hangman, Payback and Fanboy when I heard someone scream my name. "LIEUTANANT WILDER!" My head whipped around to find Rear Admiral Abbott storming over, a familiar blonde boy behind him. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE SCREAMING AT MY KID IN FRONT OF HIS ENTIRE SCHOOL?!" My eyebrows raised as we fell into a salute. "I SHOULD HAVE YOU DEMOTED FOR THAT BULL SHIT! GIVE ME A GOOD ENOUGH REASON! NOW!" The boy was standing behind his father, snickering. "Sir, your son was being very disrespectful to-" "IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU THOUGHT HE WAS BEING DISRESPECTFUL OR NOT! YOU WILL NOT ADDRESS MY KID!" "Sir, he told a young lady she was ugly. I think anyone would find that disrespectful." I thought this mans vein in his forehead was about to pop.
"MY SON WILL DO AS HE PLEASES!" He turned around, walking away and I just couldn't help it. "Would you let someone talk to your daughter that way?" He slowly turned around with a look that would have me twelve feet under if possible. "What I do and don't do is none of your business!" I pursed my lips. "No, but it would be Admiral Benjamin's business." He furrowed his brows. "Your son helped humiliate Admiral Benjamin's granddaughter, Amelia, in front of her entire school. With all due respect, sir." I spat at him. "I had to comfort a distraught Amelia in my car when I picked her up because she was so upset. I think Admiral Benjamin would be very unhappy to hear that his granddaughter was made a fool of by a Rear Admiral's kid."
He stared at me for a moment. "Why did you stop yelling at her? Dad?!" He ushered him back. "Stay away from my kid." He shut down and dragged his son away. "Don't wanna be around the little shit anyway." I muttered, turning around to see the guys holding in their laughter. "Let it out." They laughed loudly, their laughter being infectious. "GUYS! LET'S GO!" Maverick yelled. "Let's get this shit show rolling then." I muttered as we all went to get loaded in. 
"How's that laser, Bob?" I asked as we went inverted. "Give me ten seconds!" I grunted as the pressure pushed me back in my seat. "You have five." I said as we turned right side up. "GOT IT!" "Bombs away!" I dropped, just narrowly missing the target as we pulled up. It was like Dahlia times a hundred sitting on my chest, I was struggling to take a breath until we reached the top. "Phoenix? Bob? You still with me?" 
"We're here!" I sighed in relief as we brought it in for landing. That was our first run of the day and while it wasn't that bad, it wasn't good either. "We have to get good at this if we want this mission to be a success guys, seriously." I snapped as Phoenix and Bob came over. "Woah, first off-" "I'm sorry, this isn't y'all's fault. Last night was bad and I took it out on you two, I'm sorry." Phoenix dropped her hand, eyeing my suspiciously. "What happened?" My eyes flashed to Bob who looked concerned. "I'll just go." Bob said before turning around. "Dammit and now I feel bad for running him off." 
"Magnolia." Phoenix said as she grabbed my shoulders. "What happened?" I took a deep breath. "I invited Rooster to go out with Penny's daughter Amelia, her friends and me. I was telling him about what happened at the school and he told me I would be a good mom." She pulled me into a hug. "He also found the picture frame last night." Her eyes widened as she pulled back. "The one with your pregnancy test?" I nodded. "I told him everything, and god, Phoenix he really is perfect." I said wiping my eyes as tears filled my bottom lids. "He just held me and never batted an eye when I launched my wine glass across the room. The only time he stopped me was when I grabbed the frame without realizing it." She raised her brows. "Aaron took so much from me, I know that, he knows that. But I'm finally able to help myself heal with Rooster. Even though I still haven't forgiven myself for the way I treated him, and I don't think I ever will." 
She gave a small chuckle. "It's not funny, 'Nix." She shook her head. "He was angry for awhile and then he just, wasn't anymore. I know he wanted to be but he just couldn't. He told you he forgave you, right?" I nodded. "That first night at the Hard Deck." She smiled at me. "Stop being so hard on yourself, you hurt him, but you did it to save his life. How many other people would've done that?" I sighed. "I don't know, I wish I could say anybody." She shrugged. "I think everyone hopes to find a love like you two have."  I chuckled at her words. "You'll find it, Nat." 
"Oh my god, you know one thing I miss since my parents are gone?" Rooster asked as we laid on the back porch swing together. He was laying across it, me lying back on his chest as his arms were wrapped around me. I was playing with his fingers, just soaking in the moment. "What?" He chuckled. "My mom was a great cook, your food kind of reminds me of her." I smiled. "Yeah?" He nodded. "She would just, get in the kitchen and start tossing things in pots and pans and somehow it always came out so good." I chuckled. 
"That's how most of my cooking goes." He kissed the back of my head. This was the life I dreamed of having, and now, here I was. "After I got married and everything went to hell in a handbasket, I never thought I would know peace like this." It was quiet for a moment. "For a while, I didn't think I would either." He muttered as he buried his face in my hair. My heart sunk and I leaned up, hugging my knees to my chest. "Honey, I didn't mean it like that." I nodded and turned so I could look at him, him laying a hand on my thigh. "I know, it's just, no matter how many times you say you forgive me. I can't seem to forgive myself. I'm so-" "If you say you're sorry one more time, Mags. I swear to god, I will make you regret saying it in the best ways possible." I raised a brow. "Is that a threat?" He leaned in real close, his nose almost brushing mine. 
"It's a promise." I kept a straight face. "I'msosorryrooster!" I said before jumping up and rushing inside. I was halfway up the stairs when he caught me. "You just love testing limits don't you?" He asked as one arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me in close, his other hand wrapping around my throat, tilting my head back so he could look into my eyes. "When you make a threat like that, then yes." I panted out, extremely turned on by the fact his hand covered the entire front portion of my neck. A growl erupted from his chest, almost making my knees give out. "Come on, pretty girl. Let's get you upstairs." He went to move but I held my ground. "What's wrong with right here on the staircase?" 
It was deadly silent and still for a moment, until his hand left my neck and threaded into the hair on the back of my head. Before I knew it he had me bent over on the staircase, leaning over me till I could feel his breath in my ear. "You sure you're okay with this?" I nodded and moaned as he yanked my shorts down. "Rooster, either fuck me or let me up!" He gently tugged on my hair. "You've got such a dirty mouth and I fuckin' love it!" I moaned as he held my hair. "Harder." He pulled harder, making a high pitched moan escape from my mouth. 
He moaned and pressed against me, his hard cock resting against my thigh in his jeans. "You feel what you do to me?" I nodded as he released my hair. "Yeah." He chuckled and kissed my temple. "You want it, pretty girl?" I nodded. "Need your cock." I moaned out as he pressed into me harder. "What do you say?" He asked as I heard his zipper on his jeans. "Please." He chuckled and turned my head to kiss me. "Mmm, such a good girl for me, huh?" I nodded as he leaned back, quickly slipping his jeans off. 
He spread my legs, running a finger between my folds. "Fuck, you got so wet, so fast honey." I moaned as he quickly slipped a finger in, then back out. "Only for you." I moaned as he ran his cock between my legs, just grazing my entrance. "Only for me, huh?" I nodded as he brushed some hair out of my face, tilting my head back and kissing my forehead. I gazed up at him, his brown eyes staring into mine as he slammed into me, completely, making me yelp. "Shh, pretty girl. Did I hurt you?" I shook my head. "No." He smirked down at me as he kissed my forehead. "Good, that's never my intention honey." 
He pulled out and slammed back into me, quickly setting a bruising pace as one hand held my side and the other one was around my neck, forcing my head back. "Oh, I'll never get tired of you taking me like this. It's like a perfect fit for me." I moaned out as I felt him in my lower stomach, my arched back making me feel it more. "Bradley. Bradley." I chanted as he railed me on the staircase. 
He shifted both hands to hold my neck and pull me back onto him. "Hm, you like when I fuck you like this? Like I'm using you?" I nodded. "Yeah." He chuckled as he slowed down, making me whine. "What's wrong, pretty girl?" He asked teasingly, as he almost completely stilled. "Harder." I moaned out and he chuckled. "What was that? I couldn't hear you, Mags." I cried out as he stopped completely. "Fuck me, Rooster. Hard." He chuckled as he immediately pulled me back onto him again, ramming into me hard and fast. 
"You like that, baby girl?" He asked as one hand trailed from my neck, down my back and around to my belly. He pushed in, allowing me to feel him a little better. "You feel me, honey? You feel how deep I am?" I couldn't even nod, just bit down on my lip as he pulled me back onto his cock. I gasped as I felt him roll my clit in his fingers, my walls started contracting around him as he worked me towards my orgasm. "Fuck, Rooster!" I cried out as he rammed into me harder. "That's it honey, come for me. Come around my cock, pretty girl." I cried out as my orgasm washed over me, the top half of my body falling limp on the staircase. "Where do you want me to come, pretty girl?" 
"My back." I moaned out. After a few more seconds he pulled out, painting my back with his seed, making me moan out. "Hang tight, sweet girl. Let me get something to clean you up." He said as he slid me up the last few steps and laying my flat on the floor. He disappeared for a minute before coming back with a hot wash rag. He gently wiped my back, before cleaning between my legs, making me jolt. "You okay?" I nodded as he slid my shirt up my back, placing kisses along it. 
"Hey Rooster?" He hummed as he kissed my shoulder blade gently. "Can I ask you a serious question?" He laid on his stomach next to me, both of us turning to look at each other as his hand ran up and down my back. "Do you-" I cleared my throat. "Have you ever thought about having kids?" He took a deep breath, his arm was covering the bottom half of his face but I could tell he was smiling. "Yeah, yeah I have." I bit my lip. "And?" He chuckled. "I want kids, I don't know how many. I guess we would just stop whenever our family felt complete." Tears welled in my eyes. 
I sat up, pushing him till he was on his back. I moved to straddle his waist, his hands coming up to intertwine his fingers with mine. "You want kids? With me?" He smiled up at me. "Oh, pretty girl. You're the only woman I would ever consider having children with." My bottom lip wobbled . "Fuck! I'm so tired of crying!" I yelled as I wiped my tears. "It's okay, Mags. I really, really love you. If you wanna start trying for kids now, I'll take you in that bedroom and we won't come out till your pregnant. If you wanna wait five years we will, this is on your time, honey. You have all the control here." I leaned down, still straddling him and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face into his cheek. 
"You have no idea how much that means to me, Rooster." His arms slid around my waist, holding me close. "Honey, I'll give you all the babies you want if it makes you happy." He said kissing my cheek. "I'll even make you Mrs. Bradshaw if you give me your left arm." I sat up quickly, staring at him. "I'm really going to have to talk with Phoenix." He chuckled and just stared at me. "Have you ever considered getting remarried?" I bit my lip and nodded. "Only to you." His grin grew, his perfectly white teeth showing under the hallway lights. "So you would marry me?" I smirked at him. "Are you asking?" He chuckled. "Let me find a ring, and work up a real proposal, pretty girl."
The next day I was sitting next to Rooster in the ready room. We have already finished out two of our runs today, everyone doing better but not where we need to be. We were all listening to Phoenix, Bob and Coyote's second run of the day. "Talk to me, Bob. Where's Maverick?" Phoenix was having an intense run since Maverick showed up, acting as a bandit. "Five miles out, coming in hot!" "Target's in sight! Laser, Bob!" Coyote huffed. "Dead eye! Dead eye! I can't get a lock!"
"Dropping blind!" We listened as the shifted upwards, hitting coffin corner. We heard their missile lock go off, signaling that Maverick had gotten both of them. "That's tone!" He cheered as Phoenix cussed. "Level out, Coyote." Nothing. "Coyote, do you copy?" My heart started racing at this point, Coyote was damn good. He wouldn't just bail out like this. "He's gonna burn in! I'm going after him!" At this point I was leaning forward on the couch, Rooster's hand clasped in mine as I listened. 
"Come on! Give me tone! Give me tone!" We heard his missile lock and the monotonous 'Pull up, pull up!' After a moment I heard a sigh of relief. "Coyote? You okay?" It was quiet for a moment. "Yeah, I'm good! I'm okay!" I let out a cry of relief and threw myself back on the couch as his voice came over the radio. "Good. Pack it in guys. That's enough for today." I scoffed and nodded. "Damn right, it's enough." Rooster brought my hand to his lips, kissing it gently. 
"Bird strike! Bird strike!" I threw myself off the couch at Phoenix's voice, crouching in front of the radio. Rooster coming up behind me, resting his hands on my shoulders. One of my hands rose to my shoulder to hold his, panic rising within me. "Come on, Natasha. Come on." I muttered as I rested my head on the table that held the radio. "We're going down Phoenix! We're going in! We're going in!" The panic in Bob's voice set me off, tears flowing down my face. "Eject! Eject! Eject!" I held my breath, waiting for something, anything. 
"Mags." Rooster squeezed my shoulder and I shook my head. "They have to be okay." I cried and suddenly Rooster lifted me, moving to sit on the couch, setting me next to him and pulling my head onto his shoulder. "Halo?" I heard movement but kept my eyes closed as tears flowed. "See if you can find anything out for us?" "Yeah, I'll be back." I heard her leave but I stayed in my position. 
After about an hour we heard rushed footsteps. "They found them, they're taking them to medical now!" I just up, Rooster's hand in my own. I expected him to get up as well but he almost pulled me to the floor as he stayed in his seat. "Hey." I said crouching down next to him. "Did you hear Halo?" I asked as everybody rushed out of the room. "Yeah, I just-I need a little while longer to process." I nodded and kissed his temple, taking the seat next to him. "Do you want me to stay?" He immediately shook his head. "No, it'd make both of us feel better if one of us was with them." I nodded and leaned in, kissing him quickly in hopes no one saw before rushing out and over to medical. 
"Fritz!" I yelled as I rushed over. "Are you driving over to med?" He nodded. "Yeah, get in!" I crawled up into the older truck as he sped off to the other side of the base. "You think they're okay?" I asked and he sighed. "I wish I could tell you they were okay, but Magnolia, you know we need to be prepared for the worst outcome." I nodded as we rode in silence the rest of the way. Before we even came to a stop, I had jumped out and rushed over to the door. As I grabbed the handle I stopped. "Magnolia?" Fritz asked but I couldn't answer him. What if they weren't alive? I don't know what I'd do without Phoenix. She's been my lifeline the past few years, my rock. "Hey? Magnolia?" He put his hand on my shoulder and I jumped. 
"You okay?" I inhaled deeply. "I just, I don't know what I'd do without Phoenix and hell, even Bob." He placed his hand on the small of my back. "Well even if you don't want to go in, we have to move." I nodded and pulled the door, stepping in. I walked over to the main desk, walking up to the older lady. "Hi, I'm looking for Robert Floyd and Natasha Trace." She smiled at me, typing away. "They are currently in the trauma bay. If you take a seat, we will let you know when you can see them." I bit my lip and leaned close. "Can you tell me how they are? If they're even alive?" She pursed her lips and folded her hands in front of her face. "I'm sorry, I get your concerned but it is a HIPAA violation for me to disclose any information to anyone who is not family." I nodded. "Thank you anyway." 
Fritz and I turned to see everyone else sitting in the waiting room. I moved to sit between Halo and Harvard, Halo pulled me into her as Harvard threw his arm over my shoulder. We sat like this for about two hours before a nurse came out. "Robert Floyd?" I flew to me feet quickly, "How is he?" She smiled at me. "All his test and scans gave him the all clear, but we are still keeping him overnight for observation." I nodded. "Can we uh," I cleared my throat. "Can we see him?" She nodded and motioned me to follow her. I looked back and told everyone to follow, them scrambling to their feet. 
We followed her back there passing by room after room till we came to one with Bob, sitting up in his bed, on the phone. "No, ma. I'm okay, it happens." He rolled his eyes. "Yes, ma. I know I could've died but Phoenix is a great pilot she handled it well. I have a few scrapes from my landing and that's about it." I smiled at he seemed to be trying to convince her he's okay. "Hey ma, I gotta go. Yes, I love you too." He got off the phone and smiled at us. "Didn't think I'd have visitors so soon." Halo chuckled. "This one was the first one on her feet." 
I walked over, pulling him into a hug as everyone else filed in. "I'm so glad you're okay, Bobby." He chuckled. "Me too." We all laughed at his words. "How's Phoenix?" I pursed my lips. "I'm about to go find out." I said as I walked out of the room, slowly walking past each room, looking for her. "Can I help you?" I sighed as the nurse came over. "Um, maybe. I know it's not really protocol or anything. But I'm looking for Natasha Trace, we're all really worried and I just need to know if she's even alive." "Magnolia?" My head snapped up at her voice and the nurse chuckled. "Well since she's asking for you..." She led me around the corner to Phoenix's room. 
"Hey, Phoenix." She rubber her eyes. "How bad is it?" The nurse hummed as she checked her drip. "Well, you're all good except for the nasty gash on your leg. We sutured you up but it's going to be at least a week before it heals." Phoenix sighed. "Can I still fly?" I chuckled as I took the chair next to her. "I don't see why not, but we'll see what the doctor says. We will be keeping you overnight for observations, you are free to leave in the morning. But like I said, you may not be able to return to duty immediately." She nodded before jumping in the bed. "Oh my god! Bob! Is he okay?" I nodded as I pushed her back on the bed. "Bob is good, he has a clean bill of health but they're keeping him too." She sighed and relaxed into the bed. "Thank god." 
Her eyes were closed but I saw the tears building. "Can we have a minute?" The nurse nodded and slipped out, sliding the glass door closed. I walked over and closed the curtain so no one could see in. I walked back over, sitting next to her and pulling her into me. "It's okay." She sobbed into my side, squeezing me closer. "I almost killed him, Magnolia." I pursed my lips. "Almost. Almost, he's here and he is in better shape than you are." Her sobbing eased a little. "Hey." She looked up at me. "Do you want me to go get him?" She nodded and sat up, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Okay." I stood and walked out, going right up to his nurse. 
"Is there anyway we could get Bob Floyd into Natasha Trace's room? I think it would do her some good to see he's okay." She nodded. "Let me grab a wheelchair." I nodded and walked into Bob's room, seeing Maverick and Rooster had joined. I walked over, wrapping my arm around me back, pecking his cheek quickly. "Alright Bobby, how do you feel about a field trip?" He nodded and I went around, helping him sit up as the nurse came in. She helped him into the chair, him being able to do most of it himself. "I got him, thank you." She nodded as I steered him towards Phoenix's room. 
As we walked in she was wiping her face again. "See! Not a hair on his perfect little head was harmed!" She laughed as I rolled him closer. She sat up, taking his hand. "We'll be right outside." Groans of protest sounded and I gave everyone a stern look. "Let's give them a few minutes. Now, go." I motioned everyone out and pulled the curtain and closed the door so they would have some privacy. "So, any damage?" Hangman asked and I nodded. "Bad gash on her leg but that's it. The nurse said she should be able to go back to flying but it's ultimately up to her doctor." Everyone nodded, hoping for a positive outcome. In all honesty, Phoenix was the best double flyer out of all of us. Without her, this mission may truly be in jeopardy.
"Okay, clean clothes, a uniform, all your toiletries." I said setting Phoenix's duffel in the chair next to her. I leaned in close, a grin on my face. "I even brought your favorite bra and underwear as well as a little gift in case you need some... stress relief." "Oh my god." She groaned, leaning her head back. "You think you'll get to fly?" Rooster asked. She sighed and shrugged. "I feel good enough to fly, but it's ultimately up to the doctor." He nodded. "Well, we're gonna get home. Gotta feed Dahlia 'fore she figures out how to open the fridge and eats the whole chicken I have thawing in there." Phoenix laughed and we exchanged goodbyes. 
The ride home was quiet, my head was leaning on Roosters shoulder as his hand rested on my thigh, gently sliding up and down. The top was off the Bronco so the wind whipped around us, my hair flying loose from my ponytail. His hand slowly trailed higher up, gently grazing over my clothed core. I shiver went up my spine at the sensation. I wrapped my hands around the arm that lead to between my legs. He slowly rubbed over my underwear with one finger, making me pant slightly. "Mmm, you're playing a dangerous game." I said as one hand dropped from his arm, slipping across his jeans covered thigh till it rested across the bulge in his pants. He took a deep breath, adjusting himself in his seat, spreading his legs a little. "It's a game i'm going to win." 
We pulled into the driveway of my house. "Come on, I'm not up for car sex tonight." I said jumping out of the car, going to grab the mail quickly before walking up to the door. "So then, what kind of sex are you up for tonight?" He said into my ear as his hand slipped under my blue sundress, grazing my ass, pushing his hard cock into me through his jeans. A moan slipped as I fumbled with my keys, trying to get the door unlocked. "Well, if your lucky, I'll let you take me on the dining room table." He smacked my ass, making me yelp as he chuckled. His arms wrapping around me, "My dirty little girl." One hand came up, groping my breasts, pulling a moan from me as I pushed myself back into him. "God, I love how needy you are, honey." I dropped the keys, throwing myself back against him with a moan. "Bradley. Please." I whined as I pulled away. 
"Let me get the door open before I let you fuck me here on the porch." He chuckled and kissed up my neck. "I wouldn't mind." I managed to get the keys and finally unlocked the door. As we stepped in, I shoved him into the door, effectively closing it. "Oh, pretty girl. You want me that bad?" I nodded as he pulled me close, kissing down my neck. "Need you." He chuckled as he smacked my ass. "Jump." I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked over into my dining room, he roughly shoved me onto the dining room table, the mail falling out of my hands and onto the floor. I pulled his shirt over his head, sitting up and kissing down his chest. "Need you." I whined as he helped me pull my dress off. 
He stopped but I kept kissing his chest. "Hey, this looks important." He said leaning down, me placing a kiss on his shoulder as he bent down. "It can wait, want you." I said as I kissed his chest and unbuckled his belt. "Mmm, need you to fuck me hard, like I'm your dirty little girl. Need you buried inside me, honey." I ripped his belt off and he still didn't move. "Rooster, it can wait." He shook his head as I looked up at him. He shook his head, "This is from the Atlanta court system." I looked up at him, taking the letter and ripping it open. 
I read over the words in disbelief. "He's suing me for Alienation of Affection. I can't believe him." Rooster furrowed his brows. "What does that mean?" I sighed and leaned my forehead against his chest. "It means he is suing me for cheating and divorcing him. Which means," I looked up at him, his eyes filled with worry as he looked down at me, his hand resting on my cheek. "You'll probably getting a subpoena as well." I swallowed as I thought over my next words. "It also means that the judge is more likely to deny my divorce." 
@mak-32 @rosiahills22
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papirouge · 2 years
Not here to argue further, just here to give a link regarding the opinion pieces you offered. https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/lila-rose-claim-that-abortion-is-never-medically-necessary-is-inaccurate-it-is-necessary-in-certain-cases-to-preserve-mothers-life-young-america-foundation/
I'd like to firstly state that this link doesn't address the actual ARTICLE that I provided, and only a VIDEO made by Lila Rose. These are not the same.
A thing that stroke me in the narrative of these obstetricians is that they seemingly associate "terminating the pregnancy" with KILLING THE FETUS, WHEN BOTH AREN'T THE SAME AND THEY PURPOSELY PLAY ON THAT AMBIGUITY TO ARGUE THEY ARE
"if the pregnant woman develops a serious condition at 20 weeks, (...) it is critical to terminate the pregnancy quickly to save her life. There is no chance that the fetus can survive, and an abortion would be the fastest and safest way to terminate the pregnancy"
None of that justifies killing the fetus or letting them die even out of the womb. "quickly" is a purposely(?) unclear term that doesn't mean there's no room of time to wait for a time when the fetus has enough chances to survive.
"abortion later in pregnancy may also be necessary when complications severely compromise a woman’s health or life, conditions which may also reduce the possibility of fetal survival. These might include premature rupture of membranes and infection, preeclampsia, placental abruption, and placenta accreta"
The article I pulled out characterized the difference between removing the fetus out the mom's belly WHILE trying to keep them both alive (and they did) AND removing a fetus to let it die. Nine
Later, the article pull out a link to an article written by a "Dr Jen Gunter" arguing that abortion after 24 weeks is necessary, here's her justification of abortion
"There is a false belief that induction of labor early for a lethal anomaly is not an abortion. It is.
The end."
WOW. What a groundbreaking demonstration. NOWHERE does that "induction of labor" justifies letting that fetus die once out of the womb. She then pulls out her credentials which are about performing abortion at 24 weeks....really? How does any of that justifies letting a fetus die out of the womb/revoke the possibility to wait for a term more favorable for them to have the best chances to survive outside the womb.
Anyway, pro choicers stay taking L with their misguiding "fact checkers" that can be debunked by a rando like me.
Fascinating how despite these doctors promoting the importance of abortion to save women's life, plentiful of developed countries have death in pregnancy rates edging on 0% (in mine, France, it's 0.1%). And guess what, abortion is proportionally LOWER than in the USA. Maybe---just maybe abortion is NOT necessary to "save" women after all ?¯_(ツ)_/¯
Maybe these people are just mediocre OB-GYN that compulsively kill fetus to cope up with their low skills? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is the last time I address your questions. Next time you have inquiries about pro choicer mediocrity from my pro life stance, YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY ME (I am not joking).
Now leave me alone, and have a nice day.
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