#plant therapy malaysia
oilypodmy · 1 year
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plantenthusiastsblog · 3 months
Kratom & Nature: The Connection To Help Enhance Your Health & Well-Being
The Benefits of Nature: Embracing the Natural World for a Healthier Life
In an era dominated by technology and urbanization, the benefits of nature often go overlooked. However, reconnecting with the natural world can have profound impacts on physical, mental, and emotional well-being. From the serenity of a forest hike to the invigorating scent of ocean air, nature offers a plethora of benefits that are essential for a balanced and healthy life.
Physical Health Benefits
One of the most tangible benefits of spending time in nature is the positive effect on physical health. Engaging in outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, or even a simple walk in the park increases physical fitness, improves cardiovascular health, and boosts immune function. Research has shown that exposure to natural environments reduces blood pressure, lowers stress hormone levels, and decreases the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
Moreover, sunlight exposure helps the body produce vitamin D, which is crucial for bone health and immune function. Regular outdoor activity also promotes better sleep patterns, as natural light helps regulate the body's circadian rhythm.
Mental Health Benefits
The mental health benefits of nature are equally significant. Nature therapy, or ecotherapy, is increasingly recognized as an effective treatment for mental health issues like depression and anxiety. The calming effects of natural settings can reduce stress and enhance mood. Studies have demonstrated that spending time in green spaces can lead to lower levels of cortisol, the body's primary stress hormone.
Natural environments also encourage mindfulness and present-moment awareness. The sounds, sights, and smells of nature can ground individuals, helping to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. In Japan, the practice of "forest bathing" or Shinrin-yoku has been found to improve mental clarity and reduce stress levels significantly.
Emotional and Social Benefits
Connecting with nature also fosters emotional resilience and enhances overall well-being. Nature can evoke a sense of awe and wonder, providing a refreshing break from daily routines and fostering a sense of peace and tranquility. This emotional reset can lead to increased creativity, problem-solving abilities, and a more positive outlook on life.
Additionally, natural settings provide excellent opportunities for social interactions. Group activities such as hiking, bird-watching, or gardening can strengthen social bonds and improve community cohesion. These activities promote teamwork and cooperation, leading to stronger, more supportive relationships.
Kratom: A Natural Connection
In the context of nature's benefits, it is important to highlight natural substances like kratom, which have been used for centuries for their medicinal properties. Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Its leaves have been traditionally used for their stimulant and sedative effects, depending on the dosage.
Kratom interacts with the body's opioid receptors, which can alleviate pain and provide a sense of euphoria. In smaller doses, it acts as a stimulant, increasing energy and focus. In larger doses, it has sedative properties, promoting relaxation and pain relief. Buy plant medicine online Canada and its versatility has made kratom a popular natural remedy for managing chronic pain, anxiety, and opioid withdrawal symptoms.
Incorporating nature into daily life offers a multitude of benefits that enhance physical, mental, and emotional health. Whether through regular outdoor activities, mindfulness practices in natural settings, or exploring natural remedies like kratom, reconnecting with the natural world can lead to a healthier, more fulfilling life. As we navigate the challenges of modern living, it is imperative to remember the healing power of nature and make a conscious effort to embrace it.
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sorry if this is kinda out the blue but i've been thinking about it for a bit and i'm not sure where to talk about it, but i have a friend who i know in person who is queer and malaysian and she thinks that what matty did is probably going to make it worse for actually queer people in malaysia because the government will just use this as an excuse to further the anti-lgbt agenda there and it will harm people more than it will help and I'm not sure what to think about it all
Obviously, I’m not Malaysian so I don’t think that *MY* view on this should be more valid than what your Malaysian queer friend says.
My guess is it’s true in certain ways. In fact, if I had to guess, it’s probably why the festival decided to shut down completely after having sent out emails telling people they could come to Saturday and Sundays shows. I’m guessing they feared that other international artists would feel emboldened by what the 1975 did. Like they didn’t want some other American/ British artist to suddenly get up there and be like “shout out to the 1975 standing up for what’s right! I support their choice!” Etc. it would become PURE CHAOS for them. Similarly, I can imagine the government being like “these shitty white boys inspiring kids and planting ideas in their heads. We gotta make it really clear that we WILL target you if you’re queer.” So they’re probably be stricter for a while. Until this whole thing dies down, at least.
Malaysia is, unfortunately, one of the most homophobic countries in the world. Their minister straight up says “we don’t have anything ‘like that’ in our country.” Meaning no queer people exist here, lmao. And they do, unfortunately, prosecute their citizens on two different levels if they’re Muslim. Like there are documented cases of people suing the Malaysian government for anti-LGBTQ laws and for discriminating against them while they visited the country etc. it’s an issue that’s been constantly brought up in their government.
But if you look into it, like actually read up about it, various activities and human rights organizations have raised concerned about their refusal to recognize queer people in their country and the government actively promoting conversion therapy etc. they’re not allowed to have an official LGBTQ right non profit or anything like that.
They’ll probably crack down on this stuff to make sure nobody feels encouraged to act against the law as a result of this whole thing.
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whattheabcxyz · 2 years
31ha of forested area in Bedok to make way for 10K new homes in Bayshore
Fugitive here sought for child sex offences in US - he will be extradited
Boy hit by BMW in Punggol dies after more than 3 weeks in hospital
Town council trims plants of HDB resident that grew out of his balcony - it’s always a sad day when plants aren’t allowed to grow
National plan launched to enable faster response to future pandemics
Victims lose $237K in resurgence of SingPost & Singtel phishing scams
Exchange students return to NUS but some face housing crunch - some have taken to staying in Malaysia to save on rent
Singapore: Sea fireflies are back at Changi Beach
Singapore exploring cross-border digital currency transactions under Ubin+
Singapore: Downtown Line to trial AI that can adjust train timings based on demand
There are now deepfake vocals as well
"Semantic contagion” probably explains the sudden spread of fake Tourette’s syndrome in a huge number of teen girls who just so happened to be Tiktok users too - some pathetic people will do anything to get attention
Singapore: AVS probes alleged attack by large pet dog on small one during walk
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^ Star cluster behaviour puzzles astrophysicists
...also, the universe is not locally real
No matter what you believe, the science is that there are indeed biological differences between the sexes that influence behaviour
Some asteroids are so big they have their own moons
Miss Argentina & Miss Puerto Rico 2020 are married... to each other
Sharon Stone says her large fibroid was diagnosed only after a 2nd opinion - it has since been removed
Amber Heard's Twitter account vanishes
The online therapy bubble is bursting
Popular dry shampoos found to have cancer-causing chemical - 70% of tested batches from 34 brands contained benzene
Man shoots coworker for rejecting his advances
Thousands of migrant workers died in Qatar’s extreme heat preparing for World Cup
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vistasbm22 · 2 years
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Semi-conductors are small devices that have conducting and insulating qualities. They are necessary for the majority of technological equipment as well as the social infrastructure that supports daily human existence. Semi-conductors power the contemporary world. It is critical in accomplishing equipment management in a variety of industries, including maintaining a suitable room temperature, enhancing automotive safety, and providing laser therapy in cutting edge medical care, among others. 
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, there has been a global scarcity of these semi-conductor chips in recent months. It has wreaked havoc on some of the world's most powerful corporations in a variety of industries. Few industries, such as the car industry, are completely reliant on microprocessors for the development of new technology driven vehicles. Because of the conditions, the harm is obvious in every company's activities. The semi-conductor chip manufacturing business is a very complicated chain with thousands of firms worldwide, forming a half-trillion-dollar ecosystem. Despite this, just a few facilities manufacture these chips. Fabrication foundries, or fabs, are critical components of the semiconductor industry, and their importance has been highlighted recently as the globe grapples with a severe chip shortage. 
In 1987, India was just two years behind the latest chip manufacturing technology. Red tape, a lack of infrastructure, bureaucratic sluggishness, corruption, and a lack of visionary leadership have all destroyed our semiconductor ambition. Fairchild Semiconductor explored locating a fab here in the 1960s, at the dawn of the silicon revolution, but bureaucratic inertia drove them to Malaysia. Bharat Electronics Ltd. established a fab to produce silicon and germanium transistors after the 1962 conflict. BEL was unable to satisfy worldwide quality and pricing requirements when cheaper integrated circuits (ICs) from China, Taiwan, and South Korea entered the market and several of the fab units were forced to close. 
The most terrible case is that of Chandigarh's Semiconductor Complex Ltd. (SCL). SCL began with a 5000 nm process in 1984 and quickly improved to the 800 nm technologies, which was only a year or two before cutting edge. China and Taiwan had not yet entered the fab space at the time. Surprisingly, the whole plant was destroyed in a terrible fire in 1989, setting back our
semiconductor development by a decade. ISRO resurrected SCL and put it to work producing low-volume chips  for its programmes, but it's merely a shell of what it could have been. 
GAETEC, STARC, and SITAR, DRDO's fabrication and packaging plants, were established for strategic use by  Defence and ISRO. "Fabric isn't cost-effective until it's produced in enormous quantities. For high-end,  commercial semiconductors, there is no state-of-the-art fab. SITAR (Society for Integrated Circuit Technology  and Applied Research) was a nightmare for me to run for 20 years. We had to rely on specialists from other  countries every time there was a malfunction because the equipment was imported.  
In mid-2005, a big global semiconductor business established facilities in South India, engaged seasoned  professionals, and built a class 100 clean room to test semiconductor impurities. The project became a stillborn  kid as it ran across difficulties at every turn. For several months, equipment brought from the United States was  delayed at the port. They were subjected to high import charges and had to pay large sums as demurrage, even  without any exemptions. Several travels to South Block to persuade the administration failed to sway the  bureaucracy. The equipment eventually departed India without ever hitting its land. China seized the chance and  embraced the initiative with open arms, providing the firm with everything it required. Not only did India lose a  good semiconductor factory, but it also lost 4000 jobs to China. After seeing this MNC's harrowing experience,  another multinational semiconductor firm that was in the process of establishing a fab here withdrew. 
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) is a semiconductor foundry that specialises in wafer  production and manufacturing efficiency. It works with a worldwide ecosystem of customers and partners with  the industry's process technology and portfolio of design enablement tools to help the global semiconductor  industry unleash creativity. TSMC is based in Hsinchu, Taiwan, and was formed in 1987.The manufacturing  plants of TSMC is still centred on Taiwan. With China taking a more assertive stance toward the island it claims  sovereignty over, the global economy is becoming increasingly vulnerable to upheavals. Chinese aeroplanes  committed 554 air defence zone violations into Taiwanese airspace in August and September alone. Last year,  China's defence ministry warned that its armed forces are now capable of blockading Taiwan’s vital ports and  airports, saying that its massive neighbour posed a "severe" military danger. 
When combined with geostrategic concerns about Taiwan and China's growth as a high-tech rival, and has  heightened the need among politicians throughout the world to boost fab capacity and bring it onshore. TSMC  is a critical asset to the world semiconductor industry, and hence secured operations of the company must  continue. The company also needs to diversify production and supply sources around the world 
As India strives to create an 'Aatmanirbhar', $5 trillion economy, the establishment of fabs is a critical step. India  relies on the United States, Taiwan, and Southeast Asian countries to produce its chips, which are utilised in  crucial fields like as military, space, railroads, and banking, because 
As India strives to create an 'Aatmanirbhar', $5 trillion economy, the establishment of fabs is a critical step. India's crucial fields like as military, space, railroads, and banking, because it lacks its own fab. Once the chip designs are  transferred abroad for fabrication, they are no longer considered indigenous IP, putting the country's security at  danger. With the current situation in hand it’s the right time for the country to get TSMC into its soil and be a  pioneer in the industry. 
As a consultant to the Government of India (GoI), you are required, but not restricted to:
Formulate strategies to position India as an attractive location for TSMC to expand its operations.
Draft an agreement between the Government of India and TSMC highlighting how the venture is mutually beneficial. 
Develop the supply chain of TSMC to assist them in maintaining their production activities.
 Provide contingency measures to prevent any hindrances in this process. 
Propose the potential location that the company would set up their plant in with detailed reasons.
Provide detailed financials regarding the subsidies and tariffs imposed. 
A report, not exceeding 18 pages
A PPT not exceeding 12 slides.
Any extra deliverables, you deem necessary.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 8:00 AM (27/September/2022)
All submissions have to be mailed at: [email protected]
Warm Regards,
Team Best Manager
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oilypod-blog · 4 years
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themydeye-blog · 4 years
Essential oil for headache :  Plant Therapy Basil Linalool Organic Essential Oil
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oilypodmy · 2 years
Discover Plant Life Force with Pure Essential Oils!
The oldest method of holistic healing is aromatherapy. Essential oils and aromatherapy go together rather well. Pure essential oils are incredibly concentrated plant essences. Pure essential oils are used to promote health and well-being by calming the mind, reducing stress, balancing emotions, and supporting a variety of physical conditions. The ideal component for maintaining a healthy mind, body, and spirit is pure essential oils.
Pure Essential oil may be extracted from the aromatic plant's numerous components, including the bark, flower, leaves, twigs, stems, roots, fruit, and so on. There are numerous ways to extract pure essential oils. The extraction of pure essential oils uses both traditional and cutting-edge technology. One of the oldest and most widely used processes for obtaining pure essential oils is steam distillation. In the process of steam distillation, the plant is contained in a vessel while pressurized steam is passed through it. The pure essential oil and the steam are forced to pass through a water-cooled pile, where they regain their liquid form after the steam releases the oil from the plant material and causes it to evaporate. a liquid.
Pure essential oil Malaysia can be extracted from the rinds of citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, using the cold pressing technique. The plant rinds are minced and compressed. Oil and water are combined when the plants are pressed, and the two are then separated. Solvent extraction is an additional technique. A hydrocarbon solvent is used to dissolve the essential oil in the plant material. The subsequent distillation process filters and concentrates the fluid. All techniques used to extract pure essential oils keep in mind that no residue of any kind should be left behind. Allergies can be brought on by a small amount of residue interfering with the immune system. Through the olfactory system, pure essential oils Malaysia influence our emotional moods. Pure essential oils are instantaneously transmitted to the emotional center of our brains when they are inhaled. Massage also uses pure essential oils. Here, instead of being inhaled, they are absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream immediately. Pure essential oils can be used to treat a variety of aches, symptoms, and wounds. They influence the central nervous system as well. Pure essential oils can therefore be used as an alternative therapy for depression, anxiety, and stress, as well as for relaxing and regaining emotional and physical well-being.
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dogstagramssj · 4 years
Double Stock-Market Bubble Brings Toil And (Perhaps) Trouble - WSJ
One choice, in this regard, is for the Fed to buy and sell company bonds within the secondary boutiques near me with a view to slim spreads and to encourage more non-public market-making. Which acne remedy product is simply treating the symptoms and which one of the acne therapy products is definitely designed to cure my acne? While after you getting appropriate product with market unfortunately not be in a position to promote your mattress or alternatively auction it instead of you don't gain decent profit margin additionally jog your group for many years with economy. What occurs to the housing market next will depend on the evolution of the covid-19 outbreak and, in turn, that of the overall economy. The share market is risky and even skilled buyers and brokers may sometimes find themselves in tough situations. The Fed may even use such buying and selling to arbitrage the prices of highly traded alternate traded funds and the prices of the poorly traded underlying bonds, the place broad gaps have apparently opened. The S&P 500 traded at a file on Sept.
What we can ensure of is that extra measures to stabilise securities markets are coming. You are assured to lose cash by holding them to maturity, and if inflation rises the losses can be painful. Try to be effectively conscious of the market as you will not only earn money but also to avoid losing money. Or are we in a new era of wild hypothesis driven by cheap money that should inevitably come to an finish? All these actions in safety markets are vital. Assuming a 10% loss in market sales ensuing from COVID-19, there can be a $240 million decline in gross sales, resulting in a $36 million decline in payroll given estimates of the labor share of revenues paid by farms advertising to local markets. A raft of tutorial evidence attracts a powerful link between free monetary coverage and bubbly housing markets. Despite that, there is little sign up to now that America’s housing market is about to subside. You possibly can join right here. And while Fed purchases of corporate bonds can stop market seizures in the brief-time period by providing a bid for bonds within the face of mutual fund redemptions, over time they do little to add liquidity to the market overall.
Worse but is that numerous the time these acne remedy merchandise truly trigger more harm then good or are painful. This time the government’s stimulus package deal has made requesting up to a year’s pause in mortgage payments simpler: homeowners can get this with out having to do very a lot to show they need it. Not only are there $7 trillion in US corporate bonds, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) counts dollar bonds excellent of non-US residents other than banks as having grown from $2.5 trillion at finish-2008 to $6.2 trillion in September 2019. Beyond US Treasuries and companies, the worldwide dollar bond market amounts to tens of trillions of dollars. Cash handouts from the federal government have also been generous-a lot in order that, in stark contrast to the usual declines seen throughout recessions, Americans’ aggregate family earnings is forecast to rise in 2020 by about as a lot because it did in 2019. That may assist borrowers sustain with their mortgage payments. Indeed, a fifth of Americans receiving a stimulus cheque from the federal authorities have put it in direction of their mortgage. All main stakeholders in the television manufacturing industry in India believes that the government should put off import duties on open cell panels totally to assist India take on cheap imports from countries akin to Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia, among other and enhance the sustainability of the market.
However, we nonetheless suppose you must give the stock market a second thought. Others think that an efficient acne remedy can only be obtained once they purchase merchandise provided over the counter or by going to the docs for particular acne therapy. “In the brief time period, the depth-based mostly system could even make new coal energy plants economically more engaging, as they will be barely extra environment friendly than existing plants in the identical category,” he mentioned. With full support for Wi-Fi 6 and a second 5GHz band that serves as a dedicated backhaul connection for the router and its satellites, the highly effective system was downright impressive in our assessments, with prime speeds of nearly 900Mbps at shut vary in our lab. Pancorbo: I am unsure anyone knows this accurately at this point, since no mRNA vaccine has been manufactured before at any scale close to what will be required for COVID-19.
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comiyaviww · 4 years
🎉[HAPPY NEWS]🎉 #JewelieBday2020⠀
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Dear Jewelie, following your amazing “Happy News” reports, this year we also want to celebrate your special day by sharing our “Happy News” back to you!  📰
- Your worldwide Co-MYV family from Planet Earth.
From: Aunty Ku Country: Malaysia Dear my lovely Jewelie~ I have a son one year younger than you, thus, seeing you grow healthy and happily makes me happy. Like a cotton flower, you bloom beautifully and continue to bring happiness to my heart as I wait for the flower to turn into a boll, and then into a bur that reveals the cotton fiber.  
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You probably didn't know this, but Malaysia is not a country where people believe the cotton plant can grow commercially. My country focuses more on rubber tree and palm oil tree. Therefore, planting cotton trees is a little bit strange to Malaysians, especially on layman's side. However, the cotton tree is a quite a resilient type of plant. At my home, given enough nutrition and water and suitable soil, it can live all year long and bear fruits with lots of quantity twice a year! And they have lived in my garden for almost two years now! I watch them grow, learn about their sicknesses, and learn most of the insects and critters that visited them, eat them or made them as their nesting ground or home. Discovering new things, seeing new creatures is also my own kind of happiness.
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You see Jewelie, sometimes happiness doesn’t come instantly. Sometimes you have to wait for it patiently, invest your time, your energy and your financial resources to make your dreams come true. However, there will be times when happiness doesn’t come, when though you have achieved something, sometimes it came when you have some sense of relief and security. Your heart is at ease, as some people would say.
However! Some happiness can also be bought thru shopping. Like this one here:
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This is takli. It is used as a tool to spin fiber into yarn. From the yarn thread, we can either crochet it, or knit it, or weave it to turn the yarn into fabric for clothing items or household items like a blanket, cushion cover, and other stuff. I couldn't find it anywhere in my country as spinning the cotton fiber and turn them into yarn is also a strange practice in my country. I've been waiting for this little guy for almost two months since I last ordered it. Due to covid19, postage has been delayed. And finally 2 days ago (14/10/2020) it arrived safely at my home 
That is all I wanted to share with you today. Happy birthday Jewelie.
May you grow into an amazing person, whom love and cherish her parents until the end of their lives, and achieve all of your dreams. May life is kind to you and provide you enough.
Sincerely yours,  - Ku Shairah Jazahanim -16 Oct 2020
From: Hyunjeong Country: Korea
안녕 쥬에리
Hello Jewelie!
I am Hyunjeong from Korea.  First, Happy Birthday to you 생일 축하해 쥬에리~~
I wish All lucky & beautiful things with you, and I will let you know my happy news. I hope my happy news will make you happy! 
A week ago, my second nephew was born. He's still small and looks like a monkey or a little bird, but he’s adorable. How this precious creature is made and born, it’s amazing. I want to leave a lot of kisses to him, but I'm really sad that I can't meet him these days because of COVID-19
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I will pray that the virus will disappear as soon as possible, meet my nephews, and meet you and your daddy, MIYAVI. 
Love from Korean Aunt Hyunjeong
From: Raira Country: Japan
Hello, princess!
"ありがとう" is a universal word that brings people a little happiness. 
In the shop an old woman said to me, "I want that item there." 
I handed it to her and she happily said "ありがとう" over and over again. It made me smile too. 
When a kind little action makes someone else happy, it makes me happy too. It's always in our lives. And we can all be happy if we don't forget to say "ありがとう(Thank you)" to each other. 
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From: Kyoko Country: Japan
Happy Birthday, Jewelie❣️ May happiness and joy come to you My Happy News is that I managed to come to your daddy’s live show in September. I was able to have a short trip, see my favorite persons(←including you & your daddy🥰), and have  a good time! Thanks to all of you, I enjoyed myself🤩 ありがとう❣️and おめでとう from Kyoko: takeshiorin, JAPAN
From: Becca Country: USA
Hello Jewelie! My name is Becca and I am from Tucson, Arizona. I am 21 years old and am a senior here at my local university, the University of Arizona! I am also part of our school’s marching band, which we traditionally play at our home football games. Sadly, this year though, we are not allowed to play at any of our games because of COVID-19 and our sports conferences not allowing us or fans to enter the stadium. 
This being said though, one bit of ‘good news’ that I would like to share with you is that we have been able to schedule our 67th Annual Band Day virtually AND have it available for people nation-wide since it’s online! Band Day is an event we traditionally hold in-person at our football stadium and have around 40 high school marching bands from around the state compete. This year will be a little different, seeing as it will be held virtually and they cannot compete, however it will be equally as exciting! Especially seeing as we can still share our passion for music and the marching arts.
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I hope this finds you very well, and I hope you have a wonderful birthday! You deserve the best birthday ever, and the love you receive every day! <3 <3
Becca Soto
From: Maura Country: USA
Happy Birthday Jewelie! Since I know that the environment is important to you, I wanted to share some HAPPPPY NEWWWWWS about the environment in honor of your birthday!
“Singaporean Government Plans to Plant One Million Trees by 2030”
The government of Singapore has announced a plan to plant one million native trees by the year 2030, with the goal of helping endangered species thrive and ensuring that every resident of Singapore lives, “no more than ten minutes from a park”. Although Singapore is a small nation, their ecosystem is rich and precious. By planting these trees, they will provide habitats for “numerous birds, reptiles and plants” which may face extinction. These trees will also help fight pollution and improve air quality for Singapore.
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I think that the Singaporean government has a great idea, and I hope that other governments follow suit, and create even more plans to help our planet!
Wishing you a joyful birthday full of happiness and love! From your CoMiyavi Auntie, Maura (News Source: https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/singapore-to-plant-1-million-trees-bringing-parks-to-people/)
From: Betty Country: Italy/Ethiopia
Hello Jewelie, 
Here is a CoMYV aunty writing to you from Italy, but the happy news I want to share with you is from my home-country Ethiopia (somewhere  in the Horn of Africa). 
I also did some research like you & this news was something that made me happy in this past weeks. Following sustainable development & clean energy, Ethiopia is now on the final stage of the long awaited start of “The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam" on the Blue Nile.
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It is set to become the largest hydropower plant in Africa, providing renewable energy for many people, and helping them to greatly improve their daily life. This made me really happy and hopeful for the future of my country. It was big celebration in Ethiopia too, also because the rainy season this year helped this first stage to be completed in a shorter amount of time. They saw it as a good sign from Mother Nature!  
Once we will be able to travel again safely, I hope you will keep visiting many places around the world, noticing the beautiful diversity that also connects us. Remember that you have all of us, a bunch of comyv family ready to welcome you.
Happy Happy Birthday to you, wishing you just happiness. መልካም ልደት 
CoMYV love from Betty/Kanmisa 
(News Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/interactive/2020/grand-ethiopian-renaissance-dam-egypt-nile/) -------------------------------------------------------- From: Sarah Country: USA
Dear Jewelie,
I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays. Thank you for participating in the Ishihara family lives, and for always sharing such HAPPY NEWS with us! Your heart is so big and you are such bright light in this world, bringing so much joy to all of us! 
I have a bit of personal “happy news” that I wanted to share with you, and hope it puts a smile on your face - recently, my family adopted a puppy! She is a sweet girl we named “Lucky”, because we are lucky to have her, and she is lucky to have a home now. Every day she is growing big and strong, and she is a super smart dog! We enjoy teaching her tricks like “sit” and “paw”, and she really likes to play fetch with her ball. 
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Some interesting facts about American Pit Bull Terriers: they are super friendly and have a goofy personality; they’re great as therapy and emotional wellness dogs; they have a great sense of smell and are often used for search & rescue and other sniffing jobs; they are very muscular and athletic and can jump very high; they are wonderful family dogs and used to be known as “nanny” dogs because they love children so much. 
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She is bringing lots of joy to our family since we are all working and learning from home this year. I think we also bring her lots of happiness by giving her a warm and loving home.  
I’m thankful for the virtual connections we all have in these times, and I look forward to the day that friends and family can celebrate and enjoy time together again. Please take care, stay safe, and keep smiling! Remember, we are always under the same beautiful sky! 
Happy Birthday Jewelie! ❣️ 
Much love from your CoMYV Aunty, Sarah --------------------------------------------------------
We hope you keep looking for HAPPY NEWS every day! 
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klubkratom · 8 months
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theojavir-blog · 4 years
Kratom & FDA
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is advised purchasers not to use Mitragyna speciosa, generally known as kratom, a plant which grows regularly in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. FDA is concerned that kratom, which impacts the proportionate opiate mind receptors as morphine, appears to have properties that open customers to the perils of obsession, abuse, and dependence.
There are no FDA-supported uses for kratom, and the workplace has gotten concerning reports about the prosperity of kratom. FDA is successfully surveying all available sensible information on this issue and keeps on notice purchasers not to use any things named as containing the characteristic substance kratom or its psychoactive blends, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. FDA encourages more investigation to all the more probable appreciate kratom's security profile, including the usage of kratom got together with various drugs.
Since perceiving kratom on an import alert for unapproved drugs in 2012 and on an ensuing import alert in February 2014 as for kratom-containing dietary improvements and mass dietary fixings, FDA has taken some of additional exercises, including:
In September 2014, U.S. Marshals, at the FDA's requesting, seizedExternal Link Disclaimer more than 25,000 pounds of rough kratom material worth more than $5 million from Rosefield Management, Inc. in Van Nuys, California.
In January 2016, U.S. Marshals, at the FDA's requesting, clutched around 90,000 containers of dietary improvements set apart as containing kratom and worth more than $400,000. The thing, manufactured for and held by Dordoniz Natural Products LLC, arranged in South Beloit, Illinois, is displayed under the brand name RelaKzpro.
In August 2016, U.S. Marshals, at the FDA's sales, clutched more than 100 examples of things named as containing kratom and worth more than $150,000. The things are spread by Nature Therapeutics LLC, which cooperates as Kratom Therapy and is arranged in Grover Beach, California. The clutched things are promoted under the brand name Kratom Therapy.
Kratom is a plant that authorities of Eastern drug use to treat various sicknesses, including distress. While some assessment suggests that kratom may help lessen a bit of the signs of discouragement, analysts are not yet sure that it is effective.
It in like manner passes on some genuine risks that an individual should think about before using it.
Kratom is a home developed concentrate from an evergreen tree called Mitragyna speciosa. This tree creates in parts of Southeast Asia, including Malaysia and Thailand. The leaves of this tree contain the dynamic fixing in kratom, which is called mitragynine.
Examine on to find more about kratom's sufficiency and security in treating sadness.
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young44ever-blog · 5 years
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What is rodent control?
Rodent control is a major problem for numerous homeowners. The word rodent originates from the French word, rodere, which means "to chomp."
The best means to stop this damages is to prevent rats from entering your residence in the initial location. Adhere to these leading 3 techniques for rodent control:
British Rats
There are over 200 types of rodent in North America, over 70 types in Malaysia as well as India, but only concerning 10 native British rodent species in the UK. Most of these are ruled out insects, and some are endangered/protected varieties.
Rodents like the Black rat and also Brownish rat which are seen as parasites (with linked health risks in a residential or metropolitan atmosphere) are not native British rats. They are currently naturalised yet initially Black/Ship rats showed up in Britain on Roman ships having actually functioned their way to Europe from India. Brownish rats are locals of Central Asia and showed up much more lately throughout the early 1700's - once again as stowaways in ships cargos.
Shop outdoor things as well as fire wood a minimum of a few inches off of the ground. Try to schedule feedings throughout daylight and also do not leave food out over night if you have outside pet dogs. To stop rodents from accessing garbage, maintain garbage bags tightly secured and also kept in waste canisters with lids. Consider utilising rock or concrete landscape design along the edges of your house to maintain plants at an extra appropriate range if you have extreme difficulty with mice or rats.
Rodent Control Treatments
We give reliable and also individually customised therapies to get rid of rodents from your residence or service. Our BPCA certified service technicians are seasoned and also well-informed, providing targeted options for your details rodent issue as well as place.
We appreciate you don't desire a repeat infestation and deal specialist avoidance guidance as well as efficient deterrents for rodents.
Sorts of Rodents
Rodents have adjusted to practically every terrestrial habitat, from cold expanse (where they can live under snow) to hot deserts, rain forest and pleasant landscapes. Actually rats can be discovered on every continent other than Antarctica. Some species of rodent are likewise viewed as intruders of the human atmosphere: - Marmots - Computer mice - Hamsters - Porcupines - Beavers - Rats - Voles - Savanna dogs - Squirrels - Gophers - Test subject - Capybaras
Rodent Characteristics
Most rodent varieties are fairly small with robust bodies, long tails and also brief limbs. They tend to be herbivores (eating seeds, grains, origins as well as leaves). Some species however are a lot more versatile omnivores eating a mixed diet regimen that can include, insects, fish and also meat as well as plants and grains.
Trees, weeds and overgrown plant life can offer access to your house and act as a food source for computer mice as well as rats. For reliable rodent control, keep trees trimmed, making sure that no branches are touching the beyond your home. Eliminate weeds and reduce back yard as well as plant life, maintaining it at reduced degrees.
These pets fall under three classifications:
- Fossorial (from Latin fosser "digger")-- adapted to excavating as well as a life spent partially below ground in burrows throughout the day, yet return to the surface area to forage. - Arboreal-- developed to inhabit trees and also forests - Semiaquatic-- adapted to invest large amounts of time swimming and/or feeding in water to exploit food resources both water and earthbound.
For reliable control of rodents, it is vital to ensure that rats and also mice have no method of entering your house. For efficient rodent control, maintain trees trimmed, making sure that no branches are touching the exterior of your house. Avoiding access to harbourage as well as food is just the first step to keeping rats out of your house. Rodents like the Black rat and also Brown rat which are seen as pests (with connected health and wellness dangers in a urban or residential environment) are not indigenous British rats. Rats utilise scent noting in interaction, marking food tracks as well as establishing territories.
Rats are animals of the order Rodentia, from the Latin rodere "to gnaw". They are one of the most countless group of animals on the planet, comprising concerning 41% of well-known varieties. They are a really varied group in both size and also environment, ranging from the South American capybara evaluating approximately 66kg, to the Baluchistan pygmy jerboa, the female grownups of which consider less than 4gm.
In time rodents have been utilised as food, for clothing, as pet dogs, some types such as the brown rat, black rat, and the home mouse, are significant insects, ruining and also eating food kept by individuals, and spreading out illness such as Hantavirus & Salmonellosis.
Huge areas around pipes should be covered in mesh initially, and afterwards secured with cement. Metal panels at the base of wooden doors or home windows can help protect against rodents from eating through. You need to also cover aerated areas with mesh.
Nocturnal rats commonly have bigger eyes as well as some sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Many likewise have vibrissae (long, thick as well as sensitive whiskers) used for "whisking" or touch.
Rodents use scent marking in communication, noting food routes as well as developing regions. House mice specifically usage urine down payments including pheromones for team recognition as well as social framework. Rodents can identify kin using olfactory (feeling of smell) from urine, gland secretions and faeces.
Rodent Damage and Illness
There are three commensal rodent insects that have long been connected with individuals: - Black rat - Rattus rattus - Brown rat - Rattus norvegicus - Home mouse - Mus musculus
Some rodents are viewed as crucial farming parasites, consuming or providing not fit to eat large quantities of stored food. It has actually been estimated that in Asia in just one year, rats as well as computer mice can get rid of rice from the human food cycle that might have fed virtually 200 million individuals *. The curiosity and also inquisitiveness of rats as well as computer mice when checking out for food sources and shelter triggers damage to home and frameworks as well as food. Their consistent gnawing can harm insulation, pipes, doors, floorboards and also they will certainly likewise shred soft materials for nesting.
People have ended up being a reputable resource of food as well as sanctuary for these rodents because our ancestors proceeded from hunter gathers to farmers. Rats are careful yet investigative and also have found out to prevent capture and be cautious of poisons, making them complicated parasites to control.
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They are also providers of condition as microorganisms in their pee and also faeces send diseases such as Hantavirus, Salmonellosis and the case of rats Weil's disease (Leptospirosis), along with Rat bite fever.
Cleanliness is important to rodent control. Rats need regarding 1 to 2 ounces of food per evening as well as a minimum of dual the amount of water. Computer mice require less food and do not require water daily. Do not leave food out on the counter or in open storage. Place all food in closed containers and also keep it saved in pantries and closets, or in the fridge. Toss trash out every night, tidy crumbs off of counter tops as well as vacuum cleaner floors if necessary.
Get in touch with the pest control experts
Protecting against access to harbourage and also food is just the primary step to maintaining rats out of your residence. The most reliable approach requires a multi-step pest technique. A variety of baits as well as traps are likewise available. However, these approaches can be dangerous as well as require to be made use of appropriately to be effective. Consequently, they need to not be employed without the assistance of a pest control expert. Ensuring that your house is not a welcoming area for mice or rats will certainly assist make any kind of other kind of control extra efficient. However making use of a solitary approach alone is not enough.
To establish one of the most efficient rodent control strategy in your home, call your local Pest Control Firm. An experienced specialist can check your home as well as discuss reliable methods for eliminating as well as stopping rats.
- Water vole-- Arvicola amphibious - Wood or Field mouse-- Apodemus sylvaticus - Area vole-- Microtus agrestis - Red squirrel-- Sciurus vulgaris - Dormouse, Hazel-- Muscardinus avellanarius - Yellow-necked mouse-- Apodemus flavicollis - Home mouse-- Mus musculus - Financial institution vole-- Myodes glareolus - Harvest computer mouse-- Micromys minutus - Eurasian beaver-- Castor fiber
Rats as well as computer mice may enter various other locations of the residence too. Rats can nest in paper and also cardboard items. Do not store boxes on the floor and also maintain mess to a minimum. In bathrooms, ensure faucets are maintained off which there is no standing water on the flooring.
The most visible function all rats have is their razor sharp incisor teeth. As the incisors do not stop expanding the rats need to continuously nibble to wear them down and avoid them obtaining also long. These awesome teeth are additionally made use of to excavate burrows, broaden spaces to squeeze with and also defend themselves.
For effective control of rodents, it is very important to guarantee that rats and also computer mice have no other way of entering your residence. Do a complete assessment of your house, examining for cracks, crevices and also various other openings. It is advisable to seal all voids with an exterior-grade sealant, or cement whenever feasible.
Pest Busters (Birmingham)
Birmingham Office, Highfield Farm, Middle Ln, King's Norton, Birmingham B38 0DX
+44 121 695 9076
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Three Natural Ways to Enlarge Your Penis - Indonesian Style
China and India may be known for their great methods to improve the length and girth of the male vital organ, but how about the other parts of the world? Surely, other countries also have their own distinct methods to enlarge one's penis size naturally. One country that has a unique way to do this is Indonesia. This country has distinguished methods that are hard to find in other places. Here are a few of methods used by Indonesians to enhance male vital organs.
1. Leech Oil
The leech (Hirudo medicinalis) is one nasty animal. It sticks its fang-like sucker to your skin and feeds on your blood until it is finally full. While sucking, leeches produces hirudin, a protein that prevents your blood from coagulating. This blood-sucking animal turns out to have a useful advantage towards the human body. In Indian Ayurvedic and Ancient Greek literature, the anticoagulant enzyme found in these hermaphrodite animals was used for bloodletting therapy to balance the four humors in the body (blood, phlegm, black, and yellow), thus promoting health. Usage of leeches. Meanwhile in Indonesia, especially in Java, leech oil is commonly used for enlarging the size of a male vital organ. It is believed that massaging your penis using warm leech oil for around 10 minutes daily will increase penis size permanently. Leech oil is made by cooking the leech and other herbs inside fresh green coconuts that are boiled over charcoals. While there are many types of leeches (most of them don't feed on human's blood, surprisingly), similar to Greek and Indian therapy, the Javanese only use the Hirudo medicinalis over other species. Kesan Minyak Lintah.
2. Daun Bungkus Papua
Daun Bungkus Papua (meaning "Papuan wrapping leaf") is a plant indigenous to Papua, an Indonesian province at the border between Indonesia and its neighboring country Papua New Guinea. The leaves contain trachoma, which can trigger itching of the skin during contact. Wrapping the penis with the leaf is believed to be able to increase its length and girth in significant amounts and in a relatively short time. No massage or additional apparatus is required. The method of this treatment is easy. Make a thin film of coconut oil on the leaf's surface, wrap the penis with the leaf and cover it with a bandage. To avoid irritation, the bandage should be immediately removed if any hotness or itchiness occurs. The treatment should not be done every day. Do this once every two days at the most to give the penis chance to adjust to the change. With regular practice, Daun Bungkus Papua produces a larger penis, but it will also make the penile skin turn darker. In Indonesia itself, there have been no medical studies to prove the property of the leaf. Even experts are having problems to determine its Latin name. If not used carefully, Daun Bungkus Papua can irritate and trigger an infection of the penis.
2. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia)
Eurycoma longifolia has different names in different parts of the country including bidara laut, babi kurus, and tongkat ali. It is a flowering plant indigenous to South East Asia, especially Indonesia and Malaysia. Pasak Bumi is a small evergreen tree that can grow up to 15 m (50 feet) in height. All parts of the plant taste bitter but have great medicinal properties. Although it functions as an anti-malarial and anti-diabetic herb as well, pasak bumi is mostly famous for its ability to enhance libido and enlarge the male vital organ. The plant's root is used in traditional herbal supplements to increase testosterone levels in men. The herb contains ethalonic essence, which improves the work of chorionic gonadotropin, which in turn helps increasing testosterone levels. Higher testosterone in the male body triggers an increase of muscle mass, stronger bones, better sexual performance, lesser body fat, increased body metabolism, lessened stress, and improved brain function and memory.
Like other parts of the world, Indonesia is distinctive when treating sexual problems. Visit our site to learn about the natural ways to enlarge penis [https://www.minyaklintahpower.com] from other countries.
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