#plant therapy lip balm
oilypodmy · 1 year
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cloverque · 11 months
paper heart (prosciutto)
masterlist, ch 1: panic at the gala
shortly after you were assigned the mission, giorno cordially invited you to a gala. seeing as how you'll be away from the group for a while, you decided to take part, just this time.
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After we moisturise, the next step is to apply sunscreen. I use this brand from Dior– the latest Diorsnow sunscreen with UV protection!
You sat on your bathroom counter, swinging your feet. With a Youtube video playing on your phone, you gently patted sunscreen into your face. The girl in the video– a young lady with rich pink hair– showcased a white tube. Yours sat on your lap while other products were scattered on the counter.
I'm a huge fan of this brand. I always buy their best sellers and give them to my best friends.
You smiled knowingly. As the girl on the screen rambled, you began touching up on your face. Just the bare minimum, seeing as how you were already late.
During your meeting with Giorno, which occurred a week ago, he invited you to a party he was hosting. He had handed you a formal invitation, like always: a letter stamped with a wax seal. To attend or not to attend– you sat on the fence until the last minute.
When he first took over, you happily turned up for his gala. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened that day, but you swore off the rest ever since. The reason was simple: you didn't want to work overtime. When you showed up, you quickly realised you had to socialise with coworkers outside usual office hours.
Rest was important! How else would you stay in tip top shape? So there was no way you would sacrifice your precious down-time over fancy parties. Even if they were hosted by Don Giovanna.
So what implored you to accept his invite? Soon you would be deployed for your mission; possibly far from home for a while. With that in mind, you wanted to hang out with your friends for a bit. But besides that, there was another driving factor. You stared at your reflection, stroking your lashes with mascara.
Curiosity, it was curiosity.
"I'd like you to be there. There's... Someone I'd like you to meet," he said that day. He pushed the envelope towards you with a faint smile.
You took it in your hands and blinked. "An important person?"
He fiddled with the ladybug brooch on his chest. A faint tinge of red dusted his cheeks. With a solemn nod, he planted a seed of curiosity in your mind. You never knew he was capable of being abashed.
"I wonder who he's talking about," you pondered as you checked your work. What kind of person were they for him to make that sort of look?
A knock on your bathroom door derailed your train of thought. "(y/n), you've been in there for an hour. What's taking you so long?"
"Oh, Fugo," You carefully swept a balm against your lips. "You should know by now not to rush a lady. Especially when she's in the bathroom."
"Give me a break. I've been standing here waiting like an idiot for thirty minutes."
"Some gentleman you are..." You muttered begrudgingly. It was him who volunteered to chaperone you to the party in the first place.
After his redemption– when he defeated the Narcotics Team for Giogio– he managed to tone it down a notch. The therapy he sought worked out too. His anger management issues had gotten better, but there was still a limit to his patience. And once that figurative thread broke, it would take more than apologies to placate him.
With that in mind, you hopped off the counter. You took one last look in the mirror. Tonight you were dressed in a satin backless dress. Its spaghetti-thin straps criss crossed behind, showing your supple back. The dress also had a side slit that teased your thighs. To complete the look, a silk shawl draped over your shoulders and around your arms.
Your outfit was a perfect mix between sexy and chic. A smile crept up your face and you blew a kiss at your reflection. Feeling like you could take on the world (and a furious Fugo), you were about to leave when you jumped up.
"Ah! I almost forgot," you chuckled and picked up the pin on the counter. It was a hair pin, a metallic accessory fashioned into a unique heart shape. You clipped it onto your hair and hurried out the door.
Standing outside was none other than Pannacotta Fugo, dressed in a custom tuxedo. His hair was pushed back, with a few strands hanging over his knitted brows. The strawberry blonde had his arms crossed, fingers tapping impatiently on his bicep.
"Are you finally done?" He muttered through clenched teeth.
"Gee, thanks for waiting," You rolled your eyes and walked past him. He trembled with frustration, and you almost felt bad. Tardiness was one of his biggest pet peeves, and for him to be late, without meaning too... Well, you had better head out, fast!
You swiftly packed your purse and the two of you left your apartment. At the entrance awaited a squeaky clean limousine. Fugo settled into a seat across from you, muttering about how embarrassingly unpunctual he was. You glanced out the window and as the car's engine revved to life again, you began to drown him out. The car picked up speed and zoomed to its destination: Giorno's mansion.
By the time you arrived, it was nearly ten. An hour had passed since it had started. The car stopped outside the mansion's grand gates. An armed guard approached the driver's side and after a swift identification check, he opened the gate and the car pulled into the front yard. The chauffeur stopped the limousine outside the front door, where a pair of butlers stood. Wordlessly, they opened the doors for you and Fugo, and led you two up the stairs and into the mansion.
A red carpet was rolled out in the hallway. Sculptures, marble heads and oil paintings lined the walls, archaic pieces that Giorno attained for who-knows-how-many lire. Soft music lingered in the air whilst you began your ascend up a flight of stairs.
The long, winding staircase led the two of you to the second floor, which was decorated with more relics of the past. A few guests stood idly in the hallways, talking in hushed whispers. A couple swayed drunkenly beside a portrait of Don Giovanna. A glass of wine jangled from each of their hands. Hopefully they would not splash it on the painting.
After twisting and turning in the hallway, you finally found the source of the music. Another pair of butlers opened the doors for your friend and you.
The once muffled tunes converted to melodious harmonies, courtesy of a live orchestra. Violins, cellos and brass instruments and a piano were at their disposal. Situated on one end, they played a classical piece. On another side was a buffet spread, with cakes and delicacies a group of women were fawning over. You were soon to be one of them.
In the center people chatted idly while some danced to the lovely music. You caught sight of Mista, chatting with a lady in earnest. He was free of his sweater and instead dressed in a wonderful three piece suit. As for Giogio, who stood by the gunslinger, he was clad in stunning white and gold, wearing a soft primrose pink dress shirt. His long hair fell in voluminous waves behind him.
You searched the group they were with. Everybody maintained a fair amount of distance from each other. Which one of them was his special somebody?
You were about to greet them when your companion grabbed you by the end of your shawl. Fugo lifted up a finger, "I have some business to attend to, so I'll be back later. Remember, if you want to leave let me know. I will accompany you back, you hear me?"
You pried your accessory from him and rolled your eyes. "Yessir. See you later, sir."
The strawberry blonde exhaled, possibly from annoyance. He disappeared into the crowd and you gazed over at the dessert table. You visibly gasped and placed your hand over your heart.
It was radiant! In your sights were numerous three-tiered stands. An assortment of fairy cakes, with different frosting and toppings sparkled and shone on the stands. You licked your lips and rubbed your hands together, all goblin-like.
"Hehe... You can tell me about your special someone later, Giogio. Right now it's chow time!"
. . .
"Are you ladies seeing what I'm seeing?"
"Indeed... How can she pig out during such an elegant event like this?"
"The real question is how did she end up here in the first place?"
You turned to the women standing a few feet away. Just like you, they were dressed elegantly in gowns you saw on fashion runways. You chewed on your tenth fairy cake.
Even under your watchful gaze, they continued with their not-so inconspicuously whispers. You blinked innocently.
Rosa Romano. Caro Bianchi. Helen Bellomo. Daughters of high-ranking officials in Passione.
Rosa, the first born of Capo Romano. He dabbled in the gambling sector, a notable stand user. But unlike her father, she had not inherited a stand. Caro Bianchi. Born out of wedlock, her parents were faded aristocrats. They had history with the group, before Giorno took over. Also not a stand user. And Helen, daughter of a tycoon. Her family and her were sworn members of the gang. None of which were stand users.
In short, they were nothing to be concerned about. And from their ignorance, they didn't know you were part of the Passione's Escort Team. Excellent.
You finished the last of your cake and began on another. As you ate, you tuned them out and focused on the rich creamy treats. It mattered not how others perceived you, so long as you were happy. And with nothing but years of successful missions under your name, not even the Boss had a right to deny you of sugary, gastronomic delights.
"I can't believe you're actually here! You, who stays away from all of the Don's parties. Who would've thought?"
You blinked and a woman came into view. A familiar face had appeared. Fifty-something, the woman had her silver hair in 1940's waves. She wore a vintage cocktail dress, with matching elbow length gloves. A unique heart-shaped mole rested above her cupid's bow.
Your eyes lit up in recognition, "Signora Lucia?! Capo, I–"
"Nuh-uh! Today I'm not your Capo, my dear." She put a gloved finger to your lips. You fluttered your lashes, cross-eyed as you looked at her finger. She smiled cheekily. "Tonight I'm just a regular old lady."
You tilted your head, confused. She waved a waiter down and cherry-picked a glass of wine.
This lady here was none other than the Escort Team's capable leader– Signora Lucia. She was an aged and loyal member of Passione, and had served as the team's chief for years. Even during the period when you betrayed the old boss, Diavolo.
Giorno managed to trick everyone into thinking he had always been their leader, but you suspected Signora Lucia knew better. But even if she did, her loyalty never wavered. She was just as dedicated to her new Don just as she was to her first. And she was benevolent to you when you became branded as a traitor, later accepting you back with open arms.
Signora Lucia is a strange person. Even I have a hard time guessing what she's thinking half the time... You ruminated.
Gingerly swirling its contents, she gazed at you through hooded eyes. "This gala is swarming with the rich. I'm guessing today's a special occasion."
Your eyes flicked to the group of girls, still standing nearby. "Now that you mentioned it, there's also an unusually high number of women present today. I wonder if something's up."
With that in mind, you scanned the crowds for Giorno and Mista. They were preoccupied with another group of people, though this time a lady was between them. Her arm was looped around the blonde's, a dazzling hair pin in her bun. She wore an elegant cheongsam, and like her dress, you guessed she was from the East.
Who is she? She wasn't there a few moments ago. Could she be another woman Giorno has bagged tonight? Geez, talk about suave.
You looked down at your plate, piled with stacks of paper cups. The trio from earlier were now looking in your friend's direction. Like you, they ruminated over the unknown stranger attached to him. Subconsciously, your eye twitched. Signora Lucia took a tentative sip of her wine, watching you.
"I need some fresh air," You whispered to yourself. Leaving your Capo behind, you made your way to one of the many balconies in the room.
When nobody was looking, you pushed open the door just enough to slip through. You quietly closed it behind you and approached the railing. Leaning against the cold stone, your gaze instantly fell on the courtyard below. Even in the darkness of night you could see a table, the only furniture in sight. You and your friends would enjoy tea parties on that same table, sharing snacks and stories with one another.
An image of a certain blonde, smiling, swiftly surfaced in your mind. An unknown sadness bloomed in your heart. You already knew what it was, but you didn't understand why.
When did these feelings start? You weren't sure. They certainly weren't there when you first met him; back at the hideout in the vineyard many years back. Nor was it when he saved you from the persistent stand in the plane to Sardinia.
A gentle breeze tousled your tresses. Gently, you tucked some hair behind your ear. "Maybe I don't actually like him. Maybe I'm mixing up admiration with this."
The doors creaked open and you turned around. A man slowly stepped onto the balcony. He was dressed in beige and cream hues, a tweed jacket hanging over his broad shoulders. Champagne yellow hair was waxed back neatly, secured in little notches tied behind his head. A cigarette rested between his lips.
"Oh, I didn't know this place was already taken," His voice was a deep rumble. He held the little stick between his fingers. "Do you mind?"
"No, not at all," You gestured at the space around you. "There's room for more."
He joined you, back pressed against the stone balustrade. With a fancy little lighter, he lit up his cigarette. The blonde man took a long drag before puffing out a cloud of smoke. The scent of tobacco was sure to cling to your clothes, even if you kept your distance. Its dark tendrils began billowing in the balcony. Silently, the two of you stood together, watching the stars twinkle.
You knew who he was, and perhaps he knew who you were too. But your objective today was to find out who Giogio's special someone was, not to exchange formalities with him. You opted to stay quiet until he spoke up.
"I overestimated the crowd today," he muttered, and you glanced at him. His brows were knitted together, fingers in a little v-sign as he held the cigarette. "The last party wasn't as busy as this one."
"It's been a few years since I last attended, so I can't comment," you half-heartedly stated.
He raised a singular brow, "A few years, huh? Hm. I believe I've never seen you before. Is this our first meeting?"
You crossed your arms on the railing and glanced up at him. A finger rested on your lips as you exhaled nonchalantly. "Who knows? But I know who you are. You're an assassin from La Squadra Esecuzioni."
Quiet resumed between you and the man. Without warning, the man swiftly crushed the cig against the stone. You straightened up slowly, holding his gaze. He was a man of average height, a head taller than you. He glared down at you as you peered up at him indifferently.
"Should I be worried about you, signora?"
"'I'm nothing more than what you actually see, but I am also the complete opposite.' A famous singer, Keren Ann, once said that," You answered, crossing your arms. The tails of your shawl fluttered in the cold breeze. An unassuming smile graced your lips.
"With that said, please decide that yourself, signore Prosciutto."
"Ahem. I hope I'm not interrupting something."
You froze at the sound of a familiar, buttery voice. Your face fell as you slowly turned. Giorno stood at the entrance, his brows furrowed in uncertainty. The lady from before stared curiously at you and Prosciutto. Your eyes fell on their intertwined arms.
"Giogio," you cleared your throat. Why were you suddenly feeling restless? You fiddled with your purse. "Um, no. You're not interrupting anything."
You ignored Prosciutto's questioning gaze as he side-eyed you. Giorno visibly relaxed and he smiled faintly.
"I'm glad that you could make it. Fugo told me a while ago that the two of you had arrived safely, but I was busy attending to some guests. Forgive me."
"Yeah, you were real busy back there, huh?" You teased half-heartedly before swallowing. "So um, who's this beautiful lady over here?"
He gestured to the both of you, "Let me introduce you two. This is (y/n l/n), a close friend of mine. She's like family."
You placed a hand on your chest and bowed slightly, lowering your head. These were pretentious formalities, but you didn't want to embarrass the head of Passione. Your nails dug into your dress discreetly.
"And this lovely lady here is–"
An awful sound cut him off. Screams of terror filled the ballroom and you peered past them. Your eyes widened, the sea of people were moving in different directions all at once. A familiar friend shoved past a couple and burst into the balcony.
"Fugo!" Giorno met him halfway. His voice was steady yet demanding. "Tell me what's happening, quickly."
"It's a stand attack! We need to evacuate everyone, Giogio." He panted, gripping his arm. Something pitter pattered onto the floor, and you realised Fugo was bleeding.
A gunshot rang out, and you hoped it was Mista firing. Giorno laid a hand on Fugo's arm, and his stand materialised beside him. A golden glow surrounded his wounded appendage, and you glanced over to the lady beside the guys, looking lost like a lamb in the wilderness.
More screams erupted and you whipped your head around. Fugo sucked in a pained breath and gritted his teeth. "We have to do something about these people. Most of them aren't even stand users– they're defenseless!"
"That's where I come in," you held Giorno and Fugo's confused gazes. Conviction shone in your eyes. "There's no time to evacuate, so I'll be taking them to safety myself."
Passione's Don nodded solemnly. He placed a hand on your shoulder and squeezed it. "I'm counting on you." You nodded and Fugo and him rushed into the fray.
Prosciutto and the lady remained with you and you turned to them. "This is gonna get freaky, so stick close to me." Obediently, they shuffled close as you opened your purse. You fished out a notepad, one of the many you kept within your little bag. With a flip of your wrist, you whipped it open.
"Paper Heart!" A (colour) aura enveloped you and the heart-shaped pin in your hair. The metal eroded away and became an origami-like texture. "Transport all the guests into this piece of paper!"
The three of you were sucked into the notepad. It fell onto the ground and began changing its form to a paper heart, shaped much like your hairpin. Transported into a realm of blank whiteness, you stood among a horde of confused and panicked people. With a quick head count, you estimated about a hundred or so were present.
The three women from the desert table stood together, clinging to each other. They were almost pitiful with their panicked rambling. You cupped your hands and bellowed, "Don't worry, the Boss will take care of things from here. I've brought you to a secure place, the enemy can't come here. You're safe now!"
Heaves of relief filled the space. Luckily most in Passione knew what a stand was.. So it took little brain cells to put two and two together. You gazed up at the blank ceiling.
"So you're a stand user," Prosciutto drawled. You had forgotten the man existed in the heat of the moment. He glanced around, curiously. "Interesting."
You chose not to respond. Crossing your arms, you stood quietly, thinking. Only you could allow a person to enter and leave this paper realm. Even if somebody discovered the paper heart in the balcony, there was no possible way to enter. And if they ripped the paper to shreds, Paper Heart would transport everyone to one of the many notebooks stashed away in your purse.
As for what laid beyond this world, you had willed for Giorno and his personal guards to remain. Mista and Fugo included. Your stand wasn't the confrontational type, unlike theirs. Hoping this was enough, you looked up at the colourless ceiling.
A bead of sweat slid down your cheek. You wiped it away and realised your pulse had spiked. You held a hand over your chest. Transporting this many people at once was taxing on you, a feat you just recklessly pulled off.
Good grief, what fools would challenge the boss during an event of such a large scale? You sighed. It was a good thing you chose to attend the party.
"Um, I hate to be that one person... But what's happening, (l/n)?" The lady in the cheongsam muttered. She gazed around curiously and frantically. "Where's Giorno...?"
You watched her from your peripheral. Based on her concern, you figured she was a non-stand user. It wouldn't make sense if you shared your stand ability–not like you wanted to– to a complete stranger, even if she was close to Giorno. That was a secret, like your identity. So you decided against it.
"He's probably neutralising the enemy as we speak. He'll be fine. But, uh, are you feeling okay?"
She nodded meekly, and you breathed a sigh of relief. The last thing you'd want was for her to be hurt. She seemed like someone special, after all.
Wait, hold that thought...
"Miss," she turned to you with her big doe eyes. You swallowed nervously and pointed a finger, "Could you be... His–"
A shrill scream pierced the air. You whipped your head around as your heart pounded anxiously. A beady-eyed man held a woman in a headlock, his bicep rippling underneath his suit as he choked her. She squirmed against him, raking his arms. The other guests were pressed against the walls of Paper Heart, trembling like mice cornered by a cat.
He's one of them...!?
You reached out and he spun to you, pointing a gun. A Beretta, standard police edition. Squinting your eyes, you lowered your arms.
"I'm guessing you're one of those freaks with abilities!" He practically dragged the lady with him. The thug stood face to face with you, so close that you could feel his lukewarm breath. "I'm taking her hostage. I have no clue in hell where I am, but I wancha ta bring me back ta my buddies."
He pressed the barrel against the lady's head. Tears streamed down her makeup-caked face. Mascara smudged against her wide eyes. He sported a shit-eating grin as you frowned. "If ya try anything funny, I'll blow her brains out, ya hear?"
"P-Please... Help..." croaked his victim. Now that you were up close, you realised it was Rosa, Capo Romano's daughter. You bit your lip.
Was her father not here today? Where was a powerful stand user when you needed one? The fear in everyone's faces told you everything you needed to know: you were alone. Clenching her fist, you narrowed your eyes.
I need a plan. But what do I do?
You looked around for ideas and when you met the eyes of the guests, they screamed pleas of help with just their stares alone. You locked eyes with the Eastern lady too, and she was gazing at you with hope and anticipation.
You inhaled deeply and tried to gather your thoughts. The man hollered about something in the background as you began drowning him out.
Don't forget, you have the upper hand here. This is your world and stand ability, after all.
"Fine. I'll take you out. But first, I have a question for you," You placed a hand on your hip and pointed at him, jutting your chin out. "Tell me. Do you wipe yourself after a dump, or are you the kinda guy to use the bidet?"
The man cocked an unkempt brow. He bared his teeth, "Huh?! What the hell are you asking, bitch?!"
A barrage of his saliva and spit landed on your dress. You wiped it away and frowned. "C'mon, just answer the question," You tilted your head mockingly.
He hesitated before rolling his eyes, "I wipe myself after, duh. I don't like the feeling of water on my ass– Huh?"
The thug glanced around, gun in hand. He looked under his arm questioningly; his hostage had disappeared. Everybody else had too. Then he realised he was in a toilet cubicle.
"W-Where am I?!"
"You're slow. Slow to realise the predicament you're in, I mean."
Your eyes met his as you stood at full height before him. He, who was stuck on the surface of toilet paper, squirmed in his confines. He pounded his fist against the tissue. However, as if he was trapped behind a concrete wall, the paper refused to give way. The man began sweating profusely.
"You conniving woman! I told you to bring me back to my friends!"
You smiled sweetly and lowered yourself to eye level with your tiny captive. "Did you forget what I said?" Your orbs darkened as your lips thinned.
"I said I'd take you out myself."
He hollered profanities as you began unrolling the toilet paper. With a bundle in your hand, you crunched it into a ball and tossed it into the toilet bowl. Wordlessly, you flushed the man down. His garbled curses faded out and disappeared.
You walked out of the cubicle and washed your hands. Paper Heart allowed you to utilise anything as long as it was a form of paper. From bamboo paper, recycled sheets, newspapers... Teleporting from one source to another was child's play– and for those that remained in the paper realm, they were bound to it forever.
"That's what you get for thinking a woman is an easy target." You mumbled before summoning yourself back into the previous realm.
People fussed over Romano's daughter, who had coughed up a storm since you left her. A nasty bruise had formed itself around her neck. A cut traced her nape too. Everyone parted for you, and you kneeled beside her. She gazed at you with gratitude, a far different expression from your first encounter earlier.
"Thank you for saving my life. I don't know how you did it, but thank you..."
You managed a smile. As you rummaged through your purse, you took another notepad and ripped out a page. Carefully, you placed it over her cut. Like a regular bandaid, you plastered it to her skin. It gently fizzed into her skin, and the fleshy part of the wound was overlaid with paper.
She tenderly held her neck and you stood up. People rushed to help her to her feet, and you stepped aside. Suddenly, you heard a squeaky voice echo around you.
"(y/n), you're in there, right?" A hiccup followed after. You knowingly smiled. It was Number Five, one of Mista's Sex Pistols. "Mista and the others have dealt with the enemies! You can bring everyone out now."
"Roger, will do." You responded before turning to the guests. "We're busting out of here, everyone! Make sure not to leave anything behind. Once we leave this world, anything that remains will vanish."
You counted to ten and the pin on your hair glowed brightly. Everybody shimmered out of the notepad and returned to their original places. Your heels clacked against the balcony floor, along with the Eastern lady and Prosciutto. She leaned against the railing, cross eyed and with wobbly knees. The guests held their heads in their hands, groaning.
The after effects of entering and leaving the paper realm gave most people vertigo, but you overcame this ages ago. You expected the same wooziness from the champagne blonde hitman but to your surprise, he was perfectly fine. You held his gaze, confused. Was he a stand user all along?
An irk mark formed as your eye twitched. Then why the hell did you not help out earlier? Maybe this was his way of payback for my snarkiness earlier... Ugh. You clenched your teeth.
With a sharp exhale, you turned away and searched for your notepad. It had morphed back into a regular block of paper after everyone left it, and dusted it clean. Your hairpin had returned to its previous appearance as well. You slipped the notepad into your purse when a dishevelled Giorno burst into the balcony.
Running past you, he enveloped the lady in a hug and squeezed her. She disappeared in his larger frame, her lithe arms wrapped around his back halfway. The sight would've been funny if it weren't for the jealousy brewing in your chest.
After he got his fill of her, he turned to you. Gratitude shone in his viridescent gaze. "Thank you for protecting my fiancé, (y/n). You did well."
Your mouth slipped open as you gaped in shock. With your eyes shifting from him to her, to her to him, your mouth hung open silently. An ugly bitterness bubbled within your stomach, threatening to spill out of your oesophagus. Its claws raked into your heart, a stinging pain growing within.
Smile. Do it for him, a voice chastised you, and you snapped your mouth shut and smiled. You smiled brightly, so radiantly as if your heart didn't shatter into millions of fragments like glass.
"Your fiancé? Oh man, that's crazy!" You exclaimed as your insides grew numb. With a hand behind your head, you guffawed. "So she's the one you wanted me to meet all along! I guess I should've known, silly me."
"I hope it's not too sudden. I meant to tell you but the right moment never arose," Giorno looked apologetic. Was that a faint blush on his cheeks?
The blonde and his partner exchanged looks: they were beaming. You mustered your courage, but your heart was cold and your fingers dug into your palms. With all of the goodness in your heart, you bowed once more and spoke softly.
"Congratulations, Don Giovanna and... La Madrina."
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actual-self-care · 13 days
Self Care Reminders.
Because sometimes life gets so busy we need to be reminded to do basic things - this is not a failure - this means we are human!!!
Here is a massive list of ideas to put on your calendar/to do list
Physical Health
Go to sleep on time!!!
Limit caffeine
Get up without hitting snooze
Dim the lights before bed
Exercise during the day for better sleep at night
No scary/emotional media before bed
Don't stay up all night worrying - trust that your tomorrow self will be refreshed and ready to tackle the issue
Cardio AND strength
If you hate exercise, try: dance, yoga, cleaning/chores, walking
If you hate the gym, exercise at home
Exercise until you break out in a sweat
Have good shoes
Stand up if you sit a lot
If you stand a lot, take care of your legs (prevent varicose veins)
Drink water
Eat fruits & veggies
Take vitamins (if you need it)
Eat until you are full, stop when you are full
Bring snacks to school/work (if you want)
Less processed foods
More fresh foods
Trim your nails
2 full minutes!!! of tooth brushing
If you want, you can use scented things like soaps and perfumes
Brush your hair
Lip balm for dry lips
Extra stuff
Eye drops for dry eyes
Retinol and vitamin C
Mental Health
Choose things that matter to you
Let go of things that are not serving you
Take responsibility for your life
Understand that no one chooses their circumstances, but we can choose what we do about it (and this helps give us back some control in our lives)
Know yourself
Take greater notice of how you feel
If something makes you feel negative/angry/sad, stop doing that thing
If something makes you feel inspired/optimistic/hopeful, keep doing that
Action items
Deep breaths
Reflect or journal
Call them
Text them
Thank them for something nice they did
Help them with chores, cooking, etc
Game night
Art night
Go on a walk together
Travel together
Eat a meal together
Have deep conversations
Make new friends
Goals & Productivity
Don't multitask when focusing
Perfectionism holds you back. The worst that can happen is you do a subpar job and try again. Don't let your fears prevent you from starting
Get good at emails
Make agendas for your meetings
Learn to be efficient
Get organized
Plan your week
Plan your day
Make a to do list
Fun Things
See a movie
Play a sport
Go to a park
Go to a museum
Go to a restaurant
Listen to music
Have a treat/dessert
Wear clothes you like
Make art
Go birdwatching
Go shopping
Clean your bathroom
Clean your kitchen
Disinfect surfaces
Organize your stuff
Donate items that no longer serve their purpose for you
Add things that make you feel nice (plants, art, etc)
Try to maximize sunlight if you can
Try to get fresh air in your space if you can
Hang up nice photos on your walls
Get a nice mattress and pillow
Learn about home and car maintenance
Book your appointments
Get a medical check up
Go to the dentist
Get your eyes checked
Understand how your insurance works
Organize your meds
Take your meds
Check your accounts
Make a budget
Find free resources (library, etc)
Find coupons
Subscribe to store emails and look for sales
Negotiate your salary
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nidhi0 · 2 months
Rising Preference for Natural Products to Boost CBD Skincare Market
As per a new market research report by Inkwood Research, the Global CBD Skin Care Market is anticipated to progress with a CAGR of 21.97% during the forecast period, 2024-2032.
The comprehensive report spans 118 pages, featuring 97 market data tables and 71 figures. It provides an in-depth analysis of the Global CBD Skin Care Market by Source, User Demographic, Product Type, Price Range, Packaging, Distribution Channel, and Geography.
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Refer to the Report Summary Here: https://inkwoodresearch.com/reports/cbd-skincare-market/
This insightful report by Inkwood Research delves into market trends, leading players, supply chain trends, technological innovations, key developments, and future strategies. Covering all aspects of the CBD skin care product market, the report offers valuable insights for existing players, new entrants, and future investors. The study presents a detailed market analysis, with inputs from industry professionals across the value chain.
Global CBD Skin Care Market Scenario
Cannabidiol (CBD), derived from cannabis plants, has emerged as a key ingredient in skincare formulations. Notable for its non-psychoactive nature, CBD is gaining popularity in the skincare industry due to its medicinal qualities, particularly its recognized antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This has driven the widespread adoption of CBD isolate in skincare products.
CBD skin care products are increasingly favored by consumers who prefer natural cosmetics and holistic approaches to beauty and wellness. This trend reflects significant advancements in the CBD beauty products market, driven by a growing awareness of CBD's potential benefits and a shift towards organic skin care products. The demand for CBD-infused skin care is expanding rapidly, fueled by consumers seeking alternative therapies for various skin conditions. This surge in interest is part of a larger trend towards self-care, which has seen a notable increase due to a heightened focus on health and wellness, as well as increased time spent at home. Notably, the shift in consumer behavior has accelerated market growth, particularly evident in the substantial rise of online sales channels.
The Global CBD Skin Care Market report provides data tables and includes charts and graphs for visual analysis.
Request a Free Sample Report for the Global CBD Skincare Market by Product Type, Source, User Demographic, Price Range, Packaging, Distribution Channel, & by Geography: https://inkwoodresearch.com/reports/cbd-skincare-market/request-free-sample
Market Segmentation
Market by Source:
Natural and Organic
Hemp-Derived CBD
Marijuana-Derived CBD
Market by User Demographic:
Market by Product Type:
Moisturizer and Lotions
Lip Balm
Eye Balm
Mask & Serum
Face & Body Cleanser
Other Product Types
Market by Price Range:
Market by Packaging:
Pump and Dispensers
Other Packaging
Market by Distribution Channel:
Specialty Store
Pharmaceutical Store
Departmental Store
Online Retail
Other Distribution Channels
 Report Highlights
- Detailed analysis of current and future market trends to identify investment opportunities.
- Market forecasts till 2032, using estimated market values as base numbers.
- Key market trends across business segments, regions, and countries.
- Key developments and strategies observed in the market.
- Market dynamics such as drivers, restraints, opportunities, and other trends.
- In-depth company profiles of key players and upcoming prominent players.
- Growth prospects among emerging nations through 2032.
Request for Customization: https://inkwoodresearch.com/request-for-custom-report/
Companies Profiled
•           VERTLYBALM LTD
•           PURA EARTH
•           MYADERM
•           KIEHL'S LLC
•           ENDOCA BV
•           CBD FOR LIFE
•           CANNUKA LLC
•           EARTHLY BODY
1. What are the key factors driving the growth of the CBD Skincare Market?
Answer: The growth is driven by the increasing awareness of CBD’s potential benefits, such as its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, the rising preference for natural and holistic skincare products, and the surge in demand for alternative therapies for various skin conditions.
2. What trends are shaping the CBD skincare market?
Answer: Key trends include the growing preference for natural and organic skincare products, increased consumer awareness of the benefits of CBD, and a rise in online sales channels.
3. What opportunities exist for new entrants in the CBD skincare market?
Answer: New entrants can capitalize on the growing demand for CBD-infused skincare, the shift towards organic and natural cosmetics, and the expanding online retail market. Additionally, innovations in product formulations and packaging can offer significant growth opportunities.
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Inkwood Research
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curalene · 2 years
Benefits of Curalene Skin Products
1. Cocoa Butter Body Cream
Many skin care products contain cocoa butter, including moisturizers and anti-aging creams. These products claim to have several benefits for skin health, such as alleviating dry skin and improving skin elasticity. Cocoa contains several antioxidants called polyphenols, which are a group of plant-derived chemicals with a range of potential health benefits. These polyphenols may have benefits for good skin health, such as reducing inflammation and protecting the skin from sun damage. These polyphenols are primarily in cocoa powder, not necessarily in cocoa butter.
Despite being an active ingredient in many skin care products, there is little direct evidence that cocoa butter effectively improves skin health.
Curalene Trusted Source suggests that cocoa polyphenols improved skin elasticity and skin aging and suggested that cocoa butter may enhance these effects. However, this was a small-scale study, and scientists need to carry out more research before they know the exact effects of cocoa butter body cream on the skin.
2. Petroleum Jelly for Lips
Lip balms are one of the most beneficial remedies for dry lips. What many lip balms do is moisturize the outer skin, tackling the flakiness and helping to smooth the lips, but what they don’t always do is lock moisture in and tackles the causes of dry lips. Occlusive, like petroleum jelly, work wonders here – Curalene Petroleum Jelly seals in moisture, working to soften, soothe, and rehydrate the lips. Curalene Lip Therapy products are all made with pure petroleum jelly making them ideal for dealing with any flakes on the outer layer of the skin, as well as for moisturizing the lips deep down.
3. Saffron Glycerin Soap
Saffron is also a valuable ingredient in the cosmetics industry. Saffron has the properties to relieve common skin problems, including acne. Saffron has various proven skin-friendly properties. Using Saffron Glycerin Soap by Curalene will give benefits mentioned below:
Protects against UV radiation - the active compound Crocin, which is contained in saffron, has beneficial antioxidant properties that neutralize free radicals. Crocin protects against ultraviolet A (UVA) rays, which are responsible for premature skin aging.
Anti-inflammatory action - The antioxidant properties of Crocin can help fight this oxidative stress and inflammation. According to laboratory studies mentioned above, Crocin inhibits the expression of various inflammatory proteins.
Helps to heal wounds - cosmetics that contain saffron increase the growth of skin cells, which is necessary for rapid wound healing.
Reduces hyperpigmentation - the active ingredients in saffron, incl. Crocin reduces melanin levels. The compounds work by suppressing tyrosine, an enzyme that is essential for the production of melanin.
The Rich Nature Earth Therapy Pours Its Purity & Cosmic Energy Into Our Beings Through These Natural Curalene Formulations Used By Luxury Name Rooted In The Goodness Of Mother Nature. The Astringent Properties Of Saffron Make This Soap A Botanical Cleanser. The Natural Therapy Of Saffron & Glycerin Bans Hyper Pigmentation & Protects From Harmful Effects Of Uv Radiation, Gifting You Smooth Supple Skin Naturally Make Way For Healthy Glowing Complexion With Gentle Therapeutic Power Of Saffron & Glycerin.
4. Aqueous Cream with Cocoa Butter
The Aqueous Cream with Cocoa Butter from Curalene helps to soften and moisturize the skin and increasing its elasticity with its skin-friendly. Packed with softening cocoa butter extracts to help look after and nurture the skin, this dermatologically tested cream is suitable for all skin types and is perfect for use morning and night.
Curalene Aqueous Cocoa Butter Cream Prevents skin from drying and creates a protective barrier layer from breaking off skin’s natural moisture. Use Curalene Aqueous Cocoa Butter Cream as a moisturizer to soften, Soothe and rehydrate the skin.
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Full- Sectrum Cbd Massage Gua Sha Oil Set
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The quintessential spa experience must all the time start and finish flawlessly. A fluid verify in and stress free try are simply as very important to the consumer expertise as an unimaginable treatment! If you create a ritual around the starting and end of the therapy, it could elevate your client’s overall experience. When wholesale cbd first came to the spa market, it was only in a couple of products. Spas had limited options for the way they may use cbd in their facility. The restricted product options and restricted data about this ingredient made it exhausting for spas to create an excellent cbd expertise for their shoppers https://www.prismaticplants.com/products/melt-gua-sha-bundle.
Next, shifting along your jawline, sweep your device gently upwards until it reaches your earlobes. Then sweep the software from the sides of your lip towards your cheekbone. Revolutionary patent-pending breakthrough formulation!
It feels more luxurious than a typical therapeutic balm. Using it makes me feel like I’ve been whisked away to a spa. The ulimate self-care bundle to soothe the physique and relieve stress. Collection of aloe vera medicinal plant and succulent stem minimize. Gift luxurious, personalised spa experiences for each occasion. A delightful mixture of the best of pure nail care from internationally recognised award successful Bastien Gonzalez partnered with world leading beauty model.
CBD massage gua sha oil set merchandise normally are not medicines and can’t diagnose, treat or treatment illnesses. Always seek the recommendation of your own doctor sooner than starting a brand new dietary program with totally different CBD merchandise. All of our merchandise are bought as food dietary supplements and never supposed to diagnose, treatment, prevent or treat illness.
You shouldn't rely on this info as an different to, nor does it exchange, professional medical advice, analysis, or therapy. If you might have any concerns or questions on your health, you need to all the time consult with a physician or other health-care skilled. Do not disregard, keep away from or delay acquiring medical or health related recommendation out of your health-care professional due to something you could have learn on this website. The use of any info supplied on this web site is solely at your own danger. Nothing said or posted on this web site or available by way of any services are supposed to be, and must not be taken to be, the apply of medical or counseling care. Oh, and you'll even retailer the device within the fridge in a single day on your morning regimen.
A comprehensive pedicure, with mild buffing to revive the pure beauty of the nails, revealing wholesome, shiny nails with out lacquer. The pedicure also features a skin therapy that successfully eliminates irregularities and dryness and a calming massage from the toes to the knees to relieve any tension and heaviness. This exfoliating and lifting remedy combines shaping methods designed for mature Skin Instants®.
Geranium oil is among the finest important oils for balancing pores and skin and night tone, making this a go-to for combination pores and skin types. CBD isn’t only for stressed minds—it’s for wired skin too. This nourishing oil soothes and hydrates dry pores and skin to reveal a extra radiant complexion. Our merchandise usually are not intended for use by or sale to persons underneath the age of 18. Our merchandise should be used solely as directed on the label and shouldn't be used if you're pregnant, breastfeeding or have a medical situation.
Specially designed full body therapeutic massage with white Jade Wave Stones. This massage will help unravel persistent muscular tightness whereas pure, fragrant important oils will relieve stress, recharge your spirits and leave you feeling rejuvenated. An ultra-hydrating facial designed particularly to sculpt and supply immediate anti-ageing benefits.
This spa-quality rest tool is something you can take pleasure in from the comfort of your individual residence, on the go, or wherever you want a little R&R. Our Roller and Gua Sha set is fastidiously packaged in lovely sustainable provides. All product and Color Up Wellness Center pictures by Richard Edens. I had seen videos of influencers swearing by using a gua sha nightly to get that chiseled jawline that we all want.
A few strokes of the Gua Sha Lifting Tool mix strain and stretch, each key in relieving rigidity and revealing radiance. It’s like hitting the refresh button, in a deep and decidedly analog means. After cleaning, mist your face together with your preferred toner and then apply a beneficiant quantity of your most popular facial oil. Joli & Co Massage and Body Oil combines components meticulously chosen to supply ultimate skin and body nourishment. It’s free of nut oils and harsh preservatives, and due to this fact protected for those with allergies and sensitive skin. High-dose, full spectrum CBD massage gua sha oil set skincare solutions with a concentrate on transparency, education, expertise and sustainability.
From time to time my back/shoulder flares up from overcompensating for my old injury. This serum instantly soothes and relaxes my muscle pressure and ache. My girlfriend loves the calming natural scent and I actually take pleasure in that the serum is light-weight (not sticky/oily).
Stick it inside the microwave for seconds and punctiliously check how sizzling it is. The downside with this methodology is the oil won’t keep hot for very lengthy. The idea of Qi in conventional Chinese medication.
This nurturing remedy incorporates a selection of soothing massage strategies selected to ease physical tension and emotional stress. If you don't like rubbing in the oils with your fingers I extremely advocate this software. We love this assortment of cbd infused natural and black tea. The hero in MANTLE skincare is organic CBD, praised for its capacity to struggle off free radicals, stabilise the pores and skin, and nurture a wholesome barrier over time. Our CBD is sun-grown, hand-harvested, and cold-extracted in small batches to ensure the highest high quality and potency. We pair it with other powerful actives and botanicals to create nourishing formulas that your skin will love.
This personalized massage features alternating handbook and mechanical therapeutic massage strategies. In-depth work is conducted each on tissue exchanges and amassed tensions. Combining consolation and effectiveness, the therapeutic massage improves blood and lymphatic circulation and allows improved elimination of poisons. The 1 hour half-hour treatment also embody a firming wrap. Using custom-blended oils and movements inspired by traditional Oriental therapies, this tension-busting therapeutic massage treats the whole physique. Focuses on the traditional stress-holding areas of the again, neck and shoulders.
Try them both to therapeutic massage, stimulate, and soothe the skin. Practising Gua Sha permits you to concentrate on the points where you bodily hold stress - think of pressure headaches and jaw discomfort as all being associated to muscle tension. White jade promotes harmony of the mind, body, and spirit. It is healing and opening of the heart chakra to deliver in optimistic vitality and prosperity. We formulated this product to be in an aloe base instead of oil so it readily absorbs into the pores and skin with out leaving an oily residue.
Strictly Necessary Cookie must be enabled at all times so that we will save your preferences for cookie settings. Roll away stress with this Voyager engraved green jade roller. Ensure your oil container is microwave-safe, or pour it proper into a ceramic or glass cup or container that is secure.
Next, begin on the center of each eyebrow and move up to your hairline. We generally tend to hold plenty of rigidity on this spot as nicely, so the utilized acupressure right here could be extraordinarily pleasant. If you got certainly certainly one of our distinctive gua sha stones when you made a purchase in the midst of the VIGC, congratulations! You can skip previous this half, because it applies to people who don’t but own a stone.
Starting from your collar bone, move the software up till you reach the underside of your jawline. Repeat on the opposite facet of your collar bone, then from the middle of your chest as much as the underside of your chin. Take time to discover your face and discover which areas maintain more tension and are extra tender. After the tip of every massaging swipe, gently therapeutic massage on the finish point indicated by the information.
Romotes lymphatic drainage, reduces puffiness, and firms the pores and skin over time. It can be utilized as an expert therapeutic massage oil in addition to at house to nourish and restore dry or sun damaged pores and skin. MANTLE is leading the way in which with a brand new generation of skilled skincare elevated by hashish. Our award-winning formulations are infused with excessive ranges of actives and botanicals designed to like your pores and skin.
Both sides are a normal dimension for use in all places in the face. I gave it to my grandmother to try the product. I am very proud of how it has decreased her ache.
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theprettyarachnid · 2 years
what your favourite jjk man says about you
a/n: do not take these seriously
also i’m so fuckinn tired i literally have not slept for two days
warnings: none(?)
characters: itadori, megumi, inumaki, gojo, suguru, nanami, mahito
🕷 you root for the hero most of the time
🕷 very protective of the people around you
🕷 you have golden retriever energy or husky energy
🕷 you’re a little chaotic is what i’m trying to say
🕷 you give off gamer boy vibes who has a bisexual, goth girlfriend
🕷 i can see you guys not really enjoying sports but only because you’re not a fan of organized things
🕷 you also have a lot of clutter in your room but it’s neat at the same time
🕷 emo
🕷 you mind your own fucking business
🕷 you would survive in a horror movie, like you would be the final girl/boy/person
🕷 you guys are actually really sweet even though you have a resting bitch face
🕷 like even when you guys laugh or smile, it’s somehow still there
🕷 i can see you guys liking the ‘childhood friends to lovers’ trope or ‘only one bed’ trope
🕷 you should probably lowkey go to therapy
🕷 y’all are literally the love of my life
🕷 you guys are pretty unproblematic and are overall just super super sweet
🕷 you’re either very quiet or do not stop talking
🕷 you probably have a collection of stuffed animals or you sleep with like 10 pillows
🕷 i can see you guys having cold hands
🕷 you’re very loyal and will cut a bitch for your friends
🕷 you are the reason mom friends exist
🕷 you’re on like 5 different antidepressants and yet you are still the horniest motherfucker I have ever met
🕷 you live for chaos, like anytime there’s drama you’re right there with a bag of popcorn
🕷 speaking of drama, you always know people’s business even when they haven’t told you
🕷 you guys wear socks with sandals purposely because you know it looks awful
🕷 you are the enabler of the friend group and you’re probably a little spontaneous
🕷 either that or the complete opposite
🕷 you are horrifically touch starved
🕷 you have anxiety, like a lot of it
🕷 you either love dogs or you’re terrified of them
🕷 you guys love changing up your hair frequently
🕷 might have a stick and poke or two
🕷 i love you guys and you’re really hot <3
🕷 cue daddy issues by the neighbourhood
🕷 you’re the mom friend and you have an awful caffeine addiction
🕷 you have never liked a single person in your age range
🕷 you act like you have your life together but in reality you’re on the verge of a mental breakdown
🕷 you probably have some kind of mental illness like ocd or depression
🕷 i can see you guys having a really nice room, like a few plants, some really cool paintings and posters and you probably have a wall dedicated to your loved ones such as pictures or drawings they’ve given you
🕷 even the pieces of papers that have a poorly drawn penis
🕷 you are a whole menace to society
🕷 like you were the kid who bit people during recess
🕷 you chew on your straws and pencils
🕷 your lips are really chapped
🕷 like for the love of god you can get lip balm for 2 dollars at a fucking cvs or walgreens
🕷 you made mud pies as a kid <3
🕷 but you might’ve tried it once out of curiosity
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oilypod-blog · 4 years
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darter-blue · 4 years
For my Christmas prompt challenge with @martelldoran and @kalee60
Prompt: Mistletoe
Find it here on ao3
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Bucky is not having the best time.
Objectively, looking back at some of his past experiences, this should be a cake walk. He can catalogue the following as evidence: He is not tied down. He is not under duress. He is not fighting for air. He does not have any kind of electrode, or electrical device strapped to or near his body. He is not being put into cryogenic storage. He has not been given a gun, a knife, and a mission to use those weapons to hurt, maim or kill.
He is not being hurt, maimed or killed.
And the big one, the kicker; he is not alone.
But. Therein lies the problem.
It’s true that Bucky craves company, the warmth of a body close by, the comforting sound of someone else's breathing, the weight of their presence in a room. But he can only handle one or two people at the best of times. At the worst of times, well, he can barely handle himself, it’s no good for anyone else to be near him.
And this, right now - well there have to be close to a hundred people in this room.
Admittedly it's a large room. Of course it is, it's Tony's tower. The room is open to the entire space of this floor, and split level. But still. It's loud and it's crowded, and the exits are compromised, and Bucky hates it. He hates it.
And Steve. Steve isn't here yet. He was supposed to be here an hour ago. He was supposed to be here to make an appearance, to be a team player, smile happily and accept Christmas gifts and drink the spiced wine and then rescue his old friend Bucky from the smothering effect of too many people and not enough air.
But he's not here. He's stuck at a press event for the Avengers, and has sent Bucky a text to say that he would be there soon, to please wait for him, that it had been too long since he's seen him and also he needs a good excuse to get out of the party early.
What better excuse is there than a broken down ex-assassin with proximity issues and a desperate need to get home to his (too) quiet, park slope apartment.
So. Bucky is stuck until Steve arrives.
He managed to get here on his own, though, so at least he can tick that box off his recovery list. Today he performed grown-up-human-being tasks. He has made polite conversation with people he doesn't know well enough to panic on, he's managed to keep down three out of three of the hors d'oeuvres he's picked from passing plates, and he's managed not to slip into staring his murder glare at anyone, not to scare the shit out of Tony's guests, or the wait staff, or the other Avengers. So he will be patting himself on the back tonight, perhaps he can look back and see the pain as being worth the sense of accomplishment.
Bucky is especially proud that he's managed to dress festively, as requested, in a dark green knitted sweater covered in tiny reindeer, a red knit cap to keep his head warm and red and white Christmas mittens that, despite his compulsion to do otherwise, he removed upon entering. Shortly before he sat down at the couch he quietly pulled into this corner. They are sitting next to him, folded, on the coffee table. Next to his eggnog and the helmet for his motorcycle.
Natasha has been swinging by his spot every twenty minutes to gauge his emotional state, and each time she looks more ready to pull him up and force him to mingle. So far Bucky’s face has persuaded her to avoid the inclination.
Someone finally does collapse into the seat next to him, but it's not Nat and it's not Steve. It's the kid, Wanda, with her long auburn hair and her big eyes and her haunted expression.
'Is it okay if I sit here?' she asks, looking over at Bucky, perched on the end of the cushion like she's ready to jump up at the slightest sign that Bucky doesn't want her there.
And though he’s terrible at talking to people (he remembers fleetingly, that he was good at it once) he can’t deny that the proximity, the rhythmic sound of her breathing, the heartbeat Bucky's enhanced ears can hear, nice and steady; it all serves as a balm for the excessive number of people shouting and laughing and eating around him.
'Sure, you can sit there,' Bucky answers, flicking his eyes up and down Wanda's outfit. Green, red and white striped stockings with a short red pinafore dress over a green long sleeved t-shirt. 'I like your outfit. Festive.'
'Oh,' she says, looking down at herself, 'Yes, well. This is my first ever Christmas, so I'm taking it very seriously.'
'Ah,' Bucky says, not wanting to poke too hard at the subject, lest she not wish to open up, 'It's my first Christmas for the last seventy years or so. I went a bit overboard with festive as well.'
'Are you holding up okay?' Wanda asks, a lilt to her accent, her head cocked slightly to one side. 'Did you need anything?'
'I'm okay,' Bucky lies, 'I'm just… laying low.'
'I can see that, ' Wanda smiles as she looks over the couch he stole away to hide on, 'But it's good that you're here.'
'Thanks, kid,' and he means it. There's few people in the world who can understand what it's like to live in Bucky's head. He's lucky that two of them happen to be here tonight, keeping an eye on him.
And of course now that Bucky has found someone to talk to, Steve finally arrives. When the way Bucky's eyes will seek him out, will track him, is made even more obvious by the fact that it stops him mid conversation. And though he's conscious that Wanda is watching him, Bucky can't help the laugh that escapes him at the sight of Steve in his "festive" outfit.
He has put zero thought into it, it's just his regular outfit, blue jeans and a too tight blue dress shirt, but with the addition of a headband with some kind of green and red decoration fastened to a wire, standing straight up over Steve's head.
And Bucky would be excusing himself to get up and go over to him, only it seems like suddenly every other guest at the party has had the same idea. Bucky knows that Steve is a favourite, that people flock to him. Bucky is well acquainted with the particular brand of magnetism that Steve has possessed his entire life. But this is different.
Every new person that greets Steve is reaching up to kiss him. Most people are pressing rosy Cheeks to Steve's and planting a kiss there. But every so often someone will bypass Steve's offered cheek and press their lips to his lips. Lips plump and pink and now accosted. Lips that Bucky has been staring at since Steve walked in the door. Lips that he's always had trouble looking away from.
But Bucky’s indecision is a moot point now. Steve has spotted him tucked away in the corner with Wanda and smiles. He says something low and serious to Sam, on Steve’s right, their heads bent forward and their shoulders touching. And then Steve laughs and looks up, claps Sam on the shoulder and makes a beeline for Bucky. Scattering people as he wades through them, singular target now in sight.
He gets three feet from Bucky and then pauses. Standing straight and looming over Bucky and Wanda. Looking between the two of them nervously.
'Hey Buck, sorry I'm so late.'
'It's no problem, Steve,’ Bucky says, nervous by proxy, ‘Wanda's been keeping me company.'
'That’s good, you look good. I love the sweater, where did you find it? Have you been shopping?'
Bucky has to admit, this level of nervousness is unusual even for Steve. 'No I made this,' he says, pulling at the knit, ‘I’ve been knitting as part of my therapy.’
'You made that, Buck?' Steve asks, strange half smile on his face.
'Yeah… it's a work in progress.' He dropped a few stitches, it's a little uneven at the neckline, but it fits and it's warm, so Bucky is happy with it.
'No, I love it.'
And Bucky doesn't like the fluttery feeling those words set off in his stomach. He tries to deflect. 'What about you?' Bucky asks.
'What about me?'
'What's with this terrible excuse for a festive outfit, some holly or whatever over your head?'
'Oh you mean the mistletoe?' And Steve eyes are darting away from Bucky, his feet are scuffing the ground.
'Ah,' Bucky says, suddenly understanding the rush to get to Steve so they could kiss him, 'You did that on purpose?' He only asks, because normally Steve hates to be kissed, or touched, or be the center of attention. Also it's fun to watch Steve blush. Always has been.
'Well, I mean. yes. It's festive! I ran out of time to implement my first plan, this was a back up.' Steve is getting more flustered with every word.
'It's cute,’ Bucky says, making light of it, worried Steve might spontaneously combust with this sudden onset of nerves, ‘And there are people lining up over there to actually kiss you. Seems like a good plan...'
'I didn't really... I mean I didn't want...' Steve can’t seem to find the words he's looking for, and Wanda looks between the two of them and stands up from her chair.
'I have to go find Maria, come and say goodbye to me before you head off, okay Bucky?' Wanda asks, already backing away from where Steve and Bucky are speaking.
'I will,' Bucky calls out after her, and she salutes him sloppily before turning away.
'Sweet kid,' Bucky says, looking up at Steve, 'So sorry, what's with the "kiss me" sign that you've decided to dress in for this party?'
'It's not a- Listen I hadn't exactly thought this through, okay?'
'Sure, that sounds just like you,' Bucky says with a laugh.
'I just wanted, I just thought, it might be nice to have an excuse to-' Steve cuts himself off by closing his mouth with a snap.
'An excuse to kiss somebody?' Bucky asks. And this time the laugh is fake. Because Bucky doesn't want to know who Steve has his eye on. Who Steve wants an excuse to kiss at this party. Stark knows a lot of pretty people. Although for a moment Bucky is frozen by the idea that it might be Sam. The two of them are close in a way that makes Bucky's heart hurt a little. But that's not his job any more. It's not his spot. He's not Captain America's right hand man. He doesn't have Steve's six. Sam has that now.
God he hopes it's not Sam.
(He likes Sam, he does, but he can’t ignore Sam. He would have front row seats to watch the whole thing unfold).
Whoever it is, Steve has gone bright red. It shouldn't be so fucking gorgeous, the red flush that creeps up into his cheeks, that spreads down his neck, out to his ears. His few freckles stand out starker against the flush and he looks younger. More innocent. More like the Stevie that Bucky still has patchy memories of, from before the war. Before Steve got big.
'G-ah,' Steve starts with a strangled cough, 'No it's... Well I mean yes but I...' Steve looks around, scanning the room and his eyes land back on Bucky, wide and terrified.
'Are they here, Steve?'
And Steve nods slowly, reluctantly.
'Do you need me to go with you?' He asks, like maybe Steve needs a wingman. Though god knows, from what Bucky remembers, he was never very good at it in the past (which was potentially deliberate on Bucky's part, if the emotions attached to those faded memories are anything to go by).
'No Bucky, I...'
'If you're chickening out you can always just take the thing off your head, Steve, no sense getting worked up about it.' It's criminal, the relief Bucky is feeling at the idea that Steve might not be able to go through with it.
' No Buck. I just - will you give me a second to figure this out,' Steve says, and he steps closer as he speaks, his words almost a plea, the way he's looking at Bucky.
And Bucky has to nod, because he never could deny Steve anything.
Steve steps closer still, right in front of where Bucky is sitting in his chair, and then drops to his knees in front of Bucky. Which... has Bucky raising an eyebrow. Has him moving forward in his seat to lean into Steve's space, find out why he's looking at Bucky like that.
When Steve reaches across with his big hands to take a hold of Bucky's and rest them on Bucky's knees, it's time for Bucky to start asking questions.
'Stevie, what is it?'
'It's you, Buck.'
'What's me?' Bucky asks, and the worry that he might have done something to warrant this bizarre behaviour is clear in Bucky's voice.
But Steve just smiles and shakes his head. 'Oh Buck,'  he says, leaning impossibly closer, 'It's for you . The mistletoe,' and Steve looks down, his ridiculous eyelashes fanning across his cheeks as he does, and then up again, to fix Bucky with that bright blue stare, 'The mistletoe is for you .'
Wait. What? Bucky has to process that. He has to take a moment to hold that thought in his mind and turn it around until it makes sense. The mistletoe is for Bucky?
'You want...' Bucky stares into Steve's eyes and now that he's looking for it, sees the same stress, the same fear in Steve's expression as he imagines can be seen on his own, 'You want to kiss me , Stevie?'
And Steve sighs a puff of air with relief. 'Yeah Buck, that's exactly what I want.'
And Bucky. Bucky doesn't wait a second longer. He shifts further forward and pulls Steve in sharply by their clasped hands. Steve lets go to catch himself on Bucky's shoulders, and Bucky lifts his free hand to cup it against Steve's cheek. 'Me too, Stevie,' Bucky says, sighing the words into Steve's lips, they're so close to touching, 'I want that too.' And he tilts his chin up to meet Steve's mouth, living out this moment he’s been dreaming of for too many lifetimes. He fits his lips to Steve's, opens into him, draws Steve in with the slight press of his tongue, sucks Steve's bottom lip in and bites down on it gently.
And Steve, Steve pushes back against Bucky. With a sudden rush of power he drives into him, pushes him back against the couch, crowds into him, uses all his bulk to slam Bucky into the cushions and kiss him with a ferocity that should scare Bucky but in fact does the opposite. Bucky can't do more than simply clutch at Steve, hold on by his fingertips as Steve attacks him. Open his mouth to Steve's lips and teeth and tongue.
It's not until they hear someone clearing their throat that Bucky remembers they're at Stark's party. Practically in the middle of a crowd of people.
They separate slowly, look up furtively, and it's Nat looking down at them. The rest of the guests seem to be turned away with feigned nonchalance.
'So ah, not that this isn't hot as fuck,' Nat says, smirk on her face and in her voice, 'But you might want to slow down before you start removing clothes. You don't want to show Tony up at his own party.'
'Fuck,' Steve says, pulling away just enough to Bucky to breathe beneath him, 'Shit, sorry Buck.'
'It's okay,' Bucky says, breathless, 'But ah,’ Bucky looks around and back up at Steve, who’s shirt buttons have been ripped open, the mistletoe knocked askew, hair sticking up everywhere, ‘Maybe we should get out of here.'
'Oh,' Steve says, his pupils blowing out wide at the idea of their leaving together, 'Oh, but I don't have a car. Sam drove me.'
'It's fine I've got my bike, it's just big enough for two,' Bucky says with a smile, and Steve smiles too, wide and joyful.
'Well go on then, Jesus,' Nat says, shaking her head at the and pointing over her shoulder, 'Get out of here, I can make your excuses with everyone for you.'
'Thanks Nat,' Steve says, standing up and pulling Bucky with him, leaning in to press a kiss to Nat's cheek, 'I owe you one.'
'You owe me many,' she says ominously. 'Hurry up before I change my mind.'
And they don't need to be told again. Steve pulls Bucky along behind him as they head for the elevators. Ignoring any and all curious faces.
'My place or yours?' Bucky asks as he presses the button for the garage.
'I don't care as long as it's with you,' Steve says, staring down at Bucky.
And Bucky can't do anything but stare back. And scream internally. And thank god that he didn't leave the party early.
Because this... This is everything Bucky wanted and more.
This might not really be his first Christmas. But it's his best. It's the best.
It's perfect.
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sweetestlamb · 4 years
Sharp Dressed Man
Summary: Mun-Yeong hadn’t expected him to show up, especially not looking like that. Gang-tae learns about the power of a man in a suit.  
Note: Back again with more smut to soothe our souls, this weekend has been an emotional roller coaster. I bring to you SUITSMUT! I intended for this to be naughty, light and cute but after this weekend I need...more. I need lovemaking and devotion and declarations, balm for my heart. I tried to add some of the things you asked for, but I really just followed my heart with this one. Writing is therapy for me, and this show has made me need therapy more than ever. Anyway onto the smut, and yes I will continue to name these fics after songs. This one really fits perfectly, if you don’t know it look up ZZ Top “Sharp Dressed Man”. 
Not kissing him was not an option, not with the way he was looking right now; when she’d been picking out his outfit for the portrait she couldn’t help but imagine him in this suit, dapper and gorgeous. He even made his dull thoroughly washed t-shirts and jeans look fashionable, the clothes doing nothing to negate the beautiful man inside them. Therefore, she knew the power he would wield in a suit. It was comparable to handing Excalibur to King Arthur, too much strength for one man to possess. 
Her assumptions had been sound, just like ants were drawn to sweets women were drawn to her Gang-Tae. He had walked around the library, completely unaware of the attention he was garnering. Coquettish giggles falling from hungry lips whenever he strolled by, girls congregating in circles to steal him away from her, her blood boiled from the thought, but then he looked over those broad strapping shoulders with a smile just for her. His entire face gleaming like a land-bound sun. Her jealousy simmered down,minutely, scratching under her skin with the need to announce that he was hers, she had fought long and hard for him. 
So the kiss was inevitable. When the clouds were grey, it would rain and when you watered plants they would grow, when he was looking that delectable she had to put a small claim on him, taste those lips and feel his skin underneath her own, appease her insatiable craving for him. 
With a firm tug she pulls him in seductively, his tie woven tightly around her fingers, silken under her touch, as she maneuvers it to bring their lips together.  His breath hitches as the tie minutely tightens around his neck, forcing him into a soft flush of lips. The kiss is just a quick peck, as innocent as their first, lacking the hunger and desperation of their second, but the love they all hold remains constant. She knows now that, that is what this is. 
Has never experienced it before, has scoffed at it her whole life, knowing that someone like her simply wasn’t worthy of such an emotion, life had handed her the shorter stick a long ago and as the years went by it dwindled away further. 
Until he came and breathed it back into her bones, him, Sang-Tae and Mang-Tae, they were a family now, he had confirmed that while holding her hand, unaware that with it he was also holding her heart. That too, was inevitable. Her loving him. 
“What was that for?” He draws back from the unexpected kiss with a vivid splash of red across his cheeks. 
“I was sealing our promise, everyone knows you seal a promise with a kiss.” She replies, nonchalantly, pointedly not releasing his tie, savoring the closeness between their bodies. 
He raises a thick eyebrow before replying with a possessive gleam in his eye, “Really? I’ve never sealed a promise like that, how many people have you sealed promises with like that?” 
His smile is tight, as he awaits her reply, she laughs at his small show of jealousy, he is much better at hiding his own but like her it always simmer right below the surface of his skin. 
“I don’t make promises with anyone else.” She answers honestly, watching his eyes soften at her reply, the memory fresh in their mind, I’ll keep it because it’s a promise I made with you. Promises are worthless because people always break them but with him it’s different, he is always the outlier in every equation. 
Switching the topic, her eyes harden as she peers into his soul, “I meant what I said, don’t wear this outside anymore. I decided to compromise, you can wear it around the house.” She levels with a gracious smile. 
“Oh? You compromised? I thought you said it didn’t look good. Do you like how it looks now?” 
The smirk on his full pink lips-made pinker by her own lipstick- is irritatingly handsome on his face. 
With a roll of her eyes she retorts, “You don’t look...terrible. But it’s only acceptable to wear it in the house. I told you the caregiver uniform is more your style. Leave the fashion to me.” Her voice is clipped and matter-of-fact, reigning in her jealousy at the memory of all the eyes that had followed him today, she should have gotten a bag to cover his face too. That suit enhanced every inch of his body, and annoyingly she wasn’t the only one who noticed. 
His eyes track her face, searching with a knowing look, damn him. “I can never wear a suit again? What about our wedding? Will I not wear a suit there either?” 
Her heartbeat jolts like she’s been struck my lighting, he continues on as if he has thrown her thoughts asunder, “What will I wear to that? My caregiver uniform?” His voice is teasing, as he pulls his tie from her limp hand, with capable hands he secures it around his neck once more before sauntering to the couch. 
Her voice is almost inaudible to her own ears when she finds the courage to reply, “Our wedding?”  She feels as weightless as she did with his hand interwoven with hers, declaring that they were now a family with an unbreakable bond. Offhandedly offering her the one thing she has never had and always desired. 
“How can you be a dutiful wife without a wedding? The mistress and wife are now best friends, right? You are also no longer the mistress. You’re one of us.” 
He opens his legs, stance wide and inviting, the material of his dress pants stretch tight across the wide expanse of his thighs. Suit coat opened to reveal the gleaming white shirt under that hugs the muscled curves of his body. Her own cheeks are burning too now, she drags in a breath of stagnant air, gulping to clear the tightness in her throat. 
With a broad sweep of his hands, he grabs her arm dragging her closer to him, until she tumbles like a rag doll onto the couch, pressed close to his thigh with little room to move. 
His hand reaches up to cup her hand, she fights the urge to nuzzle into his soft hold, “You look beautiful, like an angel.” He eyes her short white dress, she is a picture of innocence, proving that you shouldn’t believe everything you see. 
His own baritone voice is soft and delicate as a feather, as if anything louder will burst this bubble they are encapsulated in. 
“Do you think of us...doing that? Getting married?” The hope that drips from each syllable is thick and heavy, she feels incredibly vulnerable, the armor around her body not enough to protect her from him. 
He stares at her, a long quiet pause, his eyes glossy and expressive, “I think about.....forever.” He tenderly answers, words hanging heavy in the space between them. 
She clutches the smooth lapel of his suit, needing support, her body feeling like it could fly away right now and be lost in the wind. 
Suddenly she can’t help but to imagine it, him handsome as ever waiting for her at the end of an aisle with wet eyes tracking her movement, his suit perfect as it is now, Sang-Tae by his side, as they are bound together forever. The second kiss is inevitable as well. 
Her arms are too weak from the vision, but with a small tug of his suit, he’s moving and meeting her at her end of the couch, his hands curl around the small of her waist, gentle as if she is something fragile to be cherished. 
Their lips grow closer like opposite ends of a magnet, their lips meet again in a peck, before she tugs harder and he spills onto her body, consuming her mouth with his. His tongue pries her mouth open, licking at the seams until she gives him access. She moans into the kiss as he hovers over her, strong arms pressing into the arm of the chair as to not crush her. He turns her head maneuvering her to press deeper, his tongue lapping at her, moving with certainty now, gone is his usual cloak of shyness. She falls back onto the couch and gasps as he slides into position above her, his legs knocking her own open to make space for him. 
His warm hands caress the side of her head, as he draws back from the languid kiss, eyes as dark and searing as coal. With a careless but captivating flex of his shoulders, he shrugs off his coat and it rustles to the ground. If possible, he is even more gorgeous now in just the dress shirt and pants. 
She strokes her hand down his chest, relishing the warmth underneath oozing  out at their close proximity. His stare is intense as he gazes at her touching him, then he lowers his head consuming her once again, this kiss more smoldering than the last. His hands caress and soothe across her body unhurriedly, indulgent, finding purchase on naked legs, smoothing up and down the soft skin. 
With blunt nails, she scratches down his back, his shirt soft beneath her nails, his back muscles barely concealed by the material, large and prominent under her touch. He groans at the sensation, breathing into her open mouth, before sucking her tongue into his mouth, their tongues wrestle playfully, in no rush as they have all the time in the world. Forever. 
A loud thump from upstairs knocks them from their reprieve, as they swiftly pull away from each other, her eyes on his face as he looks at the stairs, she sighs knowing how this usually goes. He loses himself in the moment with her, kisses her until she can’t feel her legs but once he is reminded of reality he is gone, fleeing like a thief in the night. 
The sudden loss of his body heat confirms her presumption, she begins to stand up reluctantly, before his voice imbibes her movement. “Hold on.” Confusion colors her eyes until he falls to his knees, one arm sliding under the bend of her knees and the other around her back. In one fluent move, he lifts with her sequestered in his arms, she grabs his shoulders instinctively. She looks up at him in wonder, as smitten as when he rode in the rain to rescue her. 
When she glances at his face, his eyes penetrate her own, like staring directly at the sun she turns away, shyly placing her head on his chest, feeling soft and defenseless. Her body jostles at his first step, clutching on tighter as he ascends the stairs, long strides as he climbs the stairs with her in his arms. Her additional weight not hindering his motion in the slightest. With a flushed cheeks she observes as he walks to her door, bypassing his own door. He gently places her on her feet, but only for a moment as soon as he opens the door, he delicately lifts her once again. Kicking the door shut with a soft bang. 
The clicks of his dress shoes piercing on her wooden floors, they mirror the drumming of her own booming heartbeat. He is the only one capable of making her swoon in this manner, she will never get used to the feeling. 
He places her on bed, simply gazing at her, before reaching behind her and tugging her hair loose from her ponytail, fingers carding through her thick lustrous hair. Her reaction is instant, a deep long moan pours from her lips, pins of pleasure rushing through her scalp. “So beautiful.” He whispers thickly, the words stuck in his throat, like molasses. 
“You too.” 
He smiles at her response, his hands rubbing her head as he sits beside her and he is too far away, her hands yearn to be on him, with eager fingers she draws him onto the bed with her, he comes easily, wrapping her up in his powerful arms, absorbing her small figure. He hums as he continues to stroke her head, the vibrations running through her body, her skin tingles in response. 
“You know. don’t you?” 
His gentle touch almost distracts her from his sudden questions, shaking the fuzziness from her head she gazes into his eyes, “Know what?”
With a composed smile he replies, “That I love you.” 
Her mind goes blank, white noise as her brain tries to catch up with the words he just uttered to her casually on a Tuesday evening, the sun shines through her window, leaves falling from trees, as the world keeps spinning, but not her world, that is frozen. 
She didn’t know. Couldn’t know. Love. Had anyone ever loved her before? She can’t recall, the last two people to utter those words to her were gone now. Their love hadn’t felt like this, he hadn’t screamed it as he demanded her obedience in return. He had simply offered it again, like the choice was hers, she could have it if she wanted. She’d never wanted like this before. 
The tears fall uncontrollably from her eyes, she whimpers as he brushes them away, lovingly, his own eyes swelling up with unshed tears. “Don’t cry.” He begs as he kisses her again, pouring all the love he has for her into her, it overflows. 
She tastes the saltiness of her own tears, as their mouths move sensuously, his hand firm on her face as he kisses her again and again, swallowing her moans ravenously, before she feels his hand on her back, he grips the zipper of her dress and waits patiently. Her nod is immediate and then she feels the cool air, her skin pebbling with goosebumps, as he carefully undresses her. He slides the dress off her shoulders, watching as it cascades to her lap. Her white bra gleaming on her flushed pink skin, he looks intently at the newly revealed skin, before coming back to her face. His lips curve into a smile before he whispers, “Why are you blushing?” 
She doesn’t deign his imposition with an answer, too inflamed to play this particular game. Boldly stripping the dress off her body, lifting long lithe legs before tossing the material on the ground. 
Gang-tae’s mouth falls open as his eyes devour her, crawling up her milky thighs, halting at the white lace that covers where she is dripping, resuming over the small valleys of her heaving breasts before landing squarely on her face. 
His slightly calloused hands fondle her lush skin as she presses into his electric touch, she squirms on the bed, wetness seeping through the thin material of her panties, his eyes snap down to the juncture between her legs, avidly observing as she grinds into the air, silently begging for release. 
Brushing the downy skin of her flat belly, he reaches the white lace, eyes locking on hers as she nods, lifting off the bed to help him, with a deep breath he pulls the offending item from her quivering body. Her nerves rise as he stares at her, eyes unmoving as he drinks in her, she feels herself moisten as he hovers over her still fully clothed, suit crumpled from their actions. The only deviation the hard erection protruding out from the space between his legs. 
He moves to remove his shirt and she impishly snatches his hand, with a raspy voice she commands, “No. Leave it on.” 
His eyes widen, as he releases the button in his hand, his face slack until a small smile splits it open, “Another place I can wear the suit?” 
She blushes, nodding, he slides down the bed until his head is level with her groin, his intention clear as he grabs her legs and pries them open putting her on display for the first time. His hard gasps brushing across her wet folds, as he swipes across the hot skin, fingers gliding easily with how aroused she is. A moan escapes her lips, as he caresses her clit before slipping a long finger into her tight opening, setting a languid pace that drives her mad. Her juices are soaking his fingers, trickling down until they soak the cuff of his shirt. At the sight, he begins to thrust faster, fucking into her as she groans and twists on his fingers, loud cries reverberating off the walls. 
In a sudden, his fingers are gone and she feels miserably empty, she opens her lips to yell, whine, shout, demand more, before she feels something smooth being shoved into her mouth severing her ability to complain. With a surprised look she meets his eyes, his neck is empty now, no more silk tie wrapped around his throat, it is now drenched in her saliva, stuffed in her mouth. 
“You need to be quiet, or we’ll have to stop.” He whispers with a roguish grin, eyes taking in the vision she makes, lain across the bed bare to his eyes with only her bra and his tie as a gag in her open mouth. 
His fingers are back with a vengeance, ramming into her as she screams around the tie impeding her cries, she meets his every thrust, desperate for him, lightheaded from the tie obstructing her airway and the immense pleasure roaring through her body. 
Desperately, ripping her bra from her own heated body, her breasts jostling at his brutal pace as he devastates her, then she watches him lower his head, intently watching his own fingers surging into her, he draws his fingers away once more only to replace them with his tongue. Drinking the sweet nectar like a dying man, his tongue lapping at her pussy in wide strokes. Before he stiffens the appendage and thrusts into her, her body curves violently off the bed, her back bending at the sensation. 
She thanks god for the tie in her mouth, knowing her scream would have been piercing without the gag. The sound of his zipper lowering is deafening in the room with only her muffled pants breaking the silence. Then there are wet sounds beneath her, lifting her head she glances down at him, to see his hard cock jutting from the opening in his pants as he thrusts into his own hands. His head red and angry with arousal, clear fluid seeping out and aiding his hands glide up and down the large shaft. 
Almost too sinful a picture, it’s burned in her retina. 
He simultaneously unravels them both, his tongue and hands moving in harmony, his strokes becoming uneven and she knows the meaning. Adrenaline gushes through her veins as she grabs his head pulling it away from her molten center, he looks up at her with glossy lips, tongue swiping across to catch the excess. Her inner walls clench at the sight. Too fucking sexy for his own good, even more dangerous now that he knows his effect. 
She drags him up her naked body, rubbing against his suited body until their bodies are aligned. The heat from his cock is scorching, with a sinuous roll of her hips rubs herself on him, shuddering at the pleasure and his raucous gasp, his hips move compulsively, thrusting through her wetness as they grind on each other. He leans forward, kissing her around the tie in her mouth, licking at her stretched mouth, before nipping at her bottom lip drawing into his own mouth. 
Their hips are harmonious as they thrust into each other, sensation raking their bodies, before its all together too much and not enough. 
With a tilt of his hips and one fluid move, he glides into her, the juices leaking from her smoothing his journey, until he is pressed flush against her, still. His arms clench in their position next to her head as the pleasure nearly undoes him and his tight control. She lays still, her own reckoning suspending her movement, his cock fills her completely, her walls forced open to accept his girth. She takes as deep a breath as she can around the gag, white spots dancing behind her eyes. 
She reaches up to stroke his hair, impatiently grinding up into him, watching his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows sluggishly, before he glides out almost completely, just the tip remaining inside and thunderously drives back into her, his hands on her hips preventing her from moving. He plunges into her, crashing against her clit with every thrust, her moans lost around the tie in her mouth. While he buries his own groans into her hair, working her over with long, deep movements. His crisp shirt scratching against her hard nipples and her skin burning on the satin of his dress pants, sweltering beneath him as he wrecks her. 
His voice scraping past his lips he whispers, “I want this forever, want you forever. I’ll never leave you.” 
She thrashes on the bed, his movements and words overstimulating her body, as she hammers herself onto Gang-tae’s cock, smacks filling the air as the scent of their lovemaking permeates the room. Collecting her wrists into his huge hand, he pulls them over her head, her body stretched tight, as he pummels her into her, mouth falling to suck in her bouncing nipple. His teeth gnawing at the peaks, the pain quickly morphing to pleasure. His powerful hips drive deeper, losing rhythm as he closes in, now pistoning in her wetness, she latches onto his shoulder, their eyes unfocused as the end draws near. 
Her walls clench and unclench as she shakes apart on the bed, pleasure knocking all the air from her lungs, she gasps for air around the tie, Gang-tae drags the soaked material from her mouth, making her lightheaded from the influx of oxygen, before he steals her breath again with a final punishing drive of his hips that spirals him over the edge of bliss. 
His cum is sweltering as he empties into her quivering pussy, the excess dripping out and onto the bed. A thick stream landing on his pants, stark white against the jet black. 
With a huff he falls onto her, crushing her underneath him, she savors the closeness, heart hammering against her chest, still recovering from the euphoric moment. Before finally, pushing at him with weak hands, with a deep sigh he rolls over onto the bed.
“If that’s the outcome, I’m never going to stop wearing suits.” 
She slaps at his chest too boneless to reprimand him, he dodges her hand, instead grabbing it to pull her in, she softens as he cuddles her close. After a few peaceful moments of silence she finds the courage she didn’t have earlier. 
“I do too, you know?” For once she is the coward, the words caught in her throat. She feels all her love for him flowing through her body, she just can’t... say it. Yet. 
But he smiles in understanding, they have forever for her to gain her courage. 
Gang-tae enters the room he shares with his older brother, hair still wet from his shower, Mun-Yeong’s scent still lingering on his skin. His cheeks pinken in memory of what they just did, only a few feet from his unaware brother.  The moonlight against her skin had been criminal, he’d never seen anyone that beautiful, he still couldn't believe he was allowed to have this dream.  His suit sits crumpled in the bathroom hamper, cum stains mocking him as Mun-yeong gets her wish, he can no longer wear that particular suit. Far too embarrassed to bring that to the cleaners, he will just have to get more suits. 
Joining Sang-tae on the bed, he smiles at the television, his brother’s voice melting with the characters as he recites the lines by heart.  
He is unprepared when Sang-tae turns to look at him, searching his face as he always does before speaking, “Why is your face so red?”
Stuttering out a response, he answers, “I just took a hot shower it’s probably from that.” But that answer doesn’t halt his brother’s interrogation, “No, your face is red and your pupils are dilated. You look like that when you’re shy. Are you feeling shy, did you do something to make you feel shy?”
His face heats up further at the inquiry, all the intimate images flashing through his mind instantly, “No!”
His brothers looks unconvinced as he raises his eyebrows. Damn. 
“Um.. yes a little. I guess.” He finally answers honestly. 
Before Sang-tae knocks his breath away, “Where you and Mun-yeong wrestling? I went to get water and I heard noises in the room. You were groaning and panting, it sounded like you were wrestling.” 
If he could jump out the window and survive, he would. Embarrassment stings his skin as his brother continues, unaware of the damage he is doing. 
“You shouldn’t wrestle, if you two fight I’ll scold you. Be nice to each other and get along, don’t wrestle anymore and you shouldn’t feel embarrassed if she beat you, she’s a vicious fighter. I remember.”  He states, turning back to the television.
With that his brother is immersed back into the adventures of Ko Dil-Gang, no longer interested in him as the familiar lines fall from his lips again. 
Groaning he throws himself on the floor, wishing it would open up and swallow him. 
He is a good person, he doesn’t deserve this. 
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anguisia · 3 years
✩  yukino aguria lore.   ╱  accepting ✩
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1.   yukino keeps her hair short because her sister did so when they were children. she wanted to emanate her strength in some way. she wanted to look in the mirror & see a part of her, as she believed she never would again. 2.   however, yukino never wore ribbons like sorano. she never quite figured out how to keep them in her hair without falling off. so she used ribbons to accentuate the flowers she wears instead. 3.   as a child, yukino would pray to the gods every night. as an adult, she does not. 4.   yukino keeps her nails short simply because she hates the feeling of them extending past her fingertips. 5.   yukino summons each of her spirits at least once a month, even if they’re not needed. she does this to simply check up on them, express gratitude, connect with them, & ask if they’re still content with their contract.
6.   her favorite alcoholic drink is merlot, but she doesn't drink much. 7.   yukino wears skirts more often than pants, when not in uniform. they're usually longer than depicted in canon & more conservative. she simply finds them more comfortable. 8.   despite often dressing very ‘lady-like’, it doesn't stop her from exhibiting her martial art skills. she always wears biker shorts or spanx under her dresses or skirts for obvious reasons. 9.   yukino's favorite color is pale violet. 10.   yukino weight trains. just another practice to break the ‘celestial spirit mages are physically weak’ stigmas. 11.   in regards to muscle, she has most strength in her legs & thighs. her arm strength is above average, but a working progress. 12.   yukino collects tea. especially ones from outside of fiore. she hopes to have tea from each country on the continent someday. 13.   yukino wears very lite make-up. usually only concealer, mascara, & tinted lip balm. when she's feeling extra, she pops on some light pink blush. 14.   yukino is a pretty good cook. minerva often teaches her to prepare dishes. 15.   but she's an even better baker. 16.   speaking of baked goods, her favorite pastry would be lemon bars or lemon cakes. 17.   yukino prefers rose-gold or gold jewelry over silver. the silver tends to blend or clash with her hair color. 18.   yukino got her naval pierced with she was feeling rebellious at age 15, but it didn't last long. she stop wearing it after a few years. 19.   aside from her earlobes, yukino also has a tragus piecing. 20.   yukino is obsessed with hygiene. more specifically with her teeth. she's always brushing her teeth or carrying dental care items where ever she goes. 21.   a watch is her go to accessory. mostly because she's very neurotic & obsessed with keeping time. 22.   yukino seems like a morning person & she is, mind you. she wakes up early with little effort, but she actually prefers night time. 23.   yukino hates wearing gloves. she finds them restricting & they tend to get in the way if she's needing to pull out her spirit keys. 24.   continuing from the previous bullet, she likes to keep her hands bare because she relies a lot on physical touch during jobs. if she needs a certain spirit key quickly, without looking — she deciphers them based on the feel of them. 25.   yukino's favorite gems are pearls & for crystals, it’s celestite. 26.   yukino is very good at drawing. her tools of choice are graphite pencils & ink pens. she enjoys drawing intricate, detail oriented abstract designs. 27.   when it comes to her lifestyle, she's very minimalistic. for example: she could fit all her outfits in two suitcases. 28.   the only exception to the former bullet is that she loves shoes. she has too many shoes. it's her guilty pleasure. 29.   yukino’s shoe size is 6 in american sizes. tiny feet. 30.   horror movies are her favorite type of movies. 31.   yukino love macrame. she finds it calming & enjoys keeping her hands busy. she especially loves weaving dream catchers. 32.   yukino's favorite herb is cinnamon. 33.   yukino's favorite types of plants are philodendron. 34.   yukino's favorite flower is the white tiger lily. 35.   yukino love candles. she's a strong believer in aroma therapy. 36.   yukino loves collecting antiques & other unique items. things like china sets, refurbished clocks, old books, & other vintage decor. it's probably the only other thing she isn't so minimalist about. she's a grandma at heart & has no shame. 37.   yukino always reads before bed. she prefers nonfiction usually. 38.   when she does read fiction, she prefers horror novels & poetry. 39.   speaking of reading, yukino has immense interest in history & 'science'. she loves learning things for pleasure. 40.   yukino is also prone to migraines under stress. 41.   yukino's favorite animals are snakes and lizards. she will definitely have one or the other as a pet in the future. 42.   yukino suffers from low blood pressure. often feeling faint & unusually cold to the touch as a result. 43.   yukino is a very attentive friend. she’s the kind of person that would text back immediately and remember the smallest details someone mentions. 44.   her favorite season is winter. 45.   yukino is weird about strangers touching her. even on the shoulder or her hand, she tends to withdraw & politely ask them to stop. 46.   yukino knows the name of every known constellation in the galaxy. as a child, she used to make up names for certain star arrangements she loved. 47.   yukino very strict about herself getting 8-9 hours of sleep. 48.   assuming some popular modern day holidays exist in fairy tail, her favorite would be halloween, while new years is her second favorite. 49.   yukino's favorite coffee beverage is café con leche. 50.   yukino loves thunderstorms. loves them.
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styleforfasion · 3 years
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Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Moisturizing Skin Therapy Oil for Face with Vitamin E Rosehip Fragrance Rose, 1 Fl Oz
About this item
MOISTURIZING FACE OIL: Skin Therapy Oil for Face delivers skin restorative oils for multi-purpose, anti-aging skin benefits with ten Pure Oils to help moisturize & smooth fine lines & wrinkles.
SPECIAL FORMULA: Made with Cocoa Butter to moisturize, Retinol to reduce the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles, Vitamin C to brighten skin & dark spots, & Cetesomate Complex for essential vitamins & nutrients.
FINEST INGREDIENTS: We strive to use only the finest natural, raw ingredients to bring you soft, hydrated & beautiful hair & skin We support sustainable production of Shea & Cocoa Butter & Coconut Oil worldwide.
CHOOSE WHAT'S REAL: Our beauty products & hair & skin treatments feature real high-quality, plant-based ingredients in formulas that really work to hydrate & soften, from lip balm to bar soap to body butter.
PALMER'S SKIN CARE: Our Cocoa Butter, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Olive Oil, & Vitamin E product lines include creams, balms, lotions, oils & soaps for hand & body, face, lip, sun care, hair care & pregnancy & stretch mark care.
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cbdstyle0 · 3 years
What is CBD Lotion and how does it work?
The first thing that generally pertains to the majority of people's minds when they consider clinical CBD is tiny bottles of CBD-infused oils. As CBD continues to end up being a significantly preferred kind of medicine, new as well as imaginative methods to consume it are appearing, with everything from edibles to recovery bathroom bombs. CBD is no more limited to herbal-tasting oils that you decrease onto your tongue; it can likewise be an enjoyable experience. Among the most popular approaches to eat on the market is CBD creams, which utilize the very same recovery power as CBD oils, yet you do not need to consume them; you can rather soak up with the skin. Topicals are available in lots of forms and also types, similarly similar to any other method of CBD varying from lip balms to complete body lotions. CBD Lotion is a superb selection of topical since it can be used throughout the body, can be discovered in various kinds, and also are easy to use. So, just what are CBD creams, and how do you use them? Allow's to take a more detailed look at CBD lotions and find out why they ought to be a key element in your medication closet. What Is CBD Lotion? CBD creams really feel as well as look much the same as other lotions as well as creams; they are applied to the skin in specifically similar that you would apply your day-to-day face cream or sunscreen. The element listing on a usual lotion and also a CBD cream has an exceptional number of differences, besides the truth that CBD lotions are instilled with CBD. So, if the only distinction between a common cream and also CBD cream is that it is instilled with CBD, what especially does 'instilled with CBD' imply? CBD is a normally happening cannabinoid within marijuana blossoms, which can be removed leaving behind each of the different other terpenes and cannabinoids that are discovered within the plant, several of which are accountable for the psychoactive influences that are connected with cannabis. The eliminated CBD is then combined with oil, which will usually be coconut or olive because of its moisturizing homes, yet various other oils can furthermore be used. This oil is that used to make lotion, generally being integrated with important oils and also healing herbs, selected for their healing properties. Just as with other creams and also lotions, different other chemicals and active ingredients could be included in developing the end product. Much like various other CBD topicals, creams are related to external parts of the body, rather than CBD oils as well as edibles that are consumed. Topicals offer a localized dose of CBD, making them excellent for treating pains and also pains without having to alter the rest of your body's natural balance.
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  CBD lotions are absorbed through the skin and also can supply a quicker type of discomfort relief than CBD treatments that are eaten. Being in lotion form, they similarly work as a cream, helping to maintain skin healthy and balanced in a manner that is just feasible with neighborhood CBD therapies. How Does CBD Lotion Work on Your Body? When CBD lotions belong to an area of the skin, the body quickly begins to absorb both the CBD and also the various other ingredients within the lotion. CBD lotions can act much faster on the targeted location of the body than CBD oils given that they are utilized directly to the affected area and are absorbed via the upper layer of skin, showing they can reach feature quickly. This varies from ingested CBD, which is soaked up by the body as well as works its means right into your bloodstream. CBD topicals do not enter the bloodstream, suggesting that they will certainly not influence the rest of your body which their outcomes are local to the place that they are utilized. The one exception to this is transdermal spots. These places can pass through much deeper right into the body and also discover their method right into your bloodstream. As soon as the top layer of skin has taken in the CBD, numerous start to happen that make CBD a legitimate type of discomfort reduction. When cells in the body are harmed, as an example, when your muscles feel sore after an exercise, immune cells launch inflammatory conciliators that are created to fix damaged cells. While this is important to secure the body from further damages as well as permit recuperation to begin, it can create a big quantity of pain and also discomfort. CBD restricts the signal released by immune cells to ensure that inflammation is reduced, nevertheless, the body is still able to heal. In addition to decreasing swelling, CBD additionally enhances the quantity of pain-relieving endocannabinoids in your body. These are all-natural signals that function throughout your body to control pain and ensure that the body does not end up being overwhelmed. When combined with the truth that CBD desensitizes discomfort receptors, CBD creams function as a wonderful kind of local discomfort relief. It is not simply the CBD included within the cream that acts upon your body, lotions that are comprised of necessary oils and also healing natural herbs will certainly in addition have an effect on discomfort and harmed areas. Creams are created to make sure that every one of the energetic components teams up to ensure the recommended effect; this suggests that some lotions will certainly be far better at lowering muscle spasms, while others may be far better at recovery entirely dry and also damaged skin. It is essential when getting CBD lotions to look into the product packaging and also inspect that it is created to do what you want. While CBD does aid your body in all-natural recovery and discomfort management, the various other ingredients within creams can be equally as vital in creating particular effects. If you are assuming, where can I buy CBD cream online? Visit CBD style, one of the best CBD stores provides a wide variety of premium grade and broad-spectrum CBD hankers sales. Our CBD Cream is developed to support many skin troubles and also muscle mass discomfort.
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ofmargaery · 4 years
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full name: margaery minerva tyrell moniker / nickname: mar, grand maester, little rose gender && pronouns: cis female, she/her dob && age: 28, september 29th, 1991 zodiac sign: libra ethnicity: white & african american sexual orientation: pansexual romantic orientation: panromantic mafia affiliation: the citadel && the tyrells. occupational history: judicial clerkship & clinic work during her degree, assistant district attorney. financial status: comes from wealth, both legally and illegally earned. earns a decent salary from her job but her apartment is paid for through family money.
face claim: laura harrier height: 5′6 physical build: slim and toned from all the exercise she does eye colour and shape: wide and a deep brown hair colour and style: dark brown, usually worn with at least part of it pulled back when she likes to have it off her face so that she’s ready to go. she sometimes wears braids but for the most part she keeps it loose. usual expression: soft and inviting smile that is quick to brighten if she makes eye contact with someone. accent and speech style: she speaks softly but clearly with a gentle warmth in her voice. she’s usually unhurried in her speech when clarity and communication are important to her so she strays away from over-complicated or little used words while still being eloquent. she knows how to get her point across but doesn’t monopolise the conversation, leaving natural breaks in between most of her statements so that someone could add to it if they wanted to. distinguishing marks / characteristics: her doe eyes and sweet smile are something of a trademark for her. she has her ear lobes pierced, she has a small rose tattoo on her hip. there’s a variety of small scars scattered over her body from her adventurous younger years. cuts and scrapes that left their mark. she remembers what each of them are and will happily tell people the story behind them if asked when they’re a source of nostalgia. clothing style: the simplest way to describe her style would be unapologetically feminine. she owns countless dresses and skirts that she wears for work with low heels. there’s a lot of bright colours in her wardrobe when she sees no reason in allowing herself to fade into the background. she’s not fond of lace but she does like a floral print. she tries to buy from local businesses and always picks sustainable brands. her style is quite timeless although she does like to dip into whatever is in fashion at the moment from time to time. jewellery and accessories: she tends to go for quite simple things when it comes to accessories. diamond studs for her earrings, a small silver charm bracelet and a delicate silver chain. she does have a larger collection though for grander events but day to day she mostly goes for a less is more approach and she prefers silver or white gold to yellow gold.
father: mace tyrell mother: alerie hightower siblings, if any: willas, garlan & loras extended relations: olenna tyrell (grandmother), desmera redwyne (cousin) partner(s) / spouse(s): n/a children: n/a household pets: she has a spaniel called achilles and a newfoundland called ajax.
colour: for decorating she prefers pastels and neutral tones but when it comes to personal preference she always gravitates towards pinks or reds. weather: fresh spring day, sunny but not too warm food item: she has an undeniable sweet tooth so any kind of cake but she’s a big fan of ice cream too, the more chocolatey the better. beverage: she drinks a lot of tea - green or herbal. if alcoholic she tends to go towards champagne or wine. time of day: early morning, the world is quiet and she’s free to spend her time however she wishes to television genre: she doesn’t watch all that much television but when she does it fluctuates between documentaries and light, fluffy romcoms
hobbies: running, boxing, badminton, horse riding, volunteering with her foundation, fundraising, pro bono work, taking mini roadtrips, will try anything once pet peeves: people who cut in line, people who talk over others, unnecessary rudeness. phobias: she’s mildly claustrophobic after her initiation but it’s something she’s been getting therapy over allergies: shellfish (not enough that she needs to go to the hospital but enough that she gets a nasty rash and feels ill) mbti type: ESFJ-T, the consul enneagram type: 98% the achiever, 86% the giver, 84% the perfectionist positive traits: loyal, sensitive, warm, empathetic, intelligent, observant negative traits: needy, avoids conflict, inflexible, idealist morning routine: she wakes up early every day and always before her alarm, she just sets it just in case. after a quick wash of her face and a cup of tea she takes her dogs for a walk, usually for a good hour. once back she has a quick shower before getting dressed comfortably. breakfast is spent with a little pot of tea - usually peppermint but it can vary depending on her mood - and she goes over any active cases. once she’s eaten ( again it varies but generally a fruit and yogurt combo )  she freshens up again and does her make up before getting changed into work clothes. if she’s up earlier than usual she’d take her dogs out once more in between breakfast and getting ready for work. beauty routine: her everyday make up routine is pretty basic when she knows she can get away with minimal make up. it’s just a case of some concealer if she needs it, filling in her eyebrows, a touch of mascara and sometimes a little bit of eyeliner. she always wears lip balm. her skin routine is much more detailed ( the products for it take up much more space in her bathroom cupboard than anything else ) and she exfoliates and moisturises most days. sleeping habits: she doesn’t really sleep that much at night because she just tends to not need it. she’d much rather have short naps throughout the day than one solid night’s sleep. but she always makes sure she gets plenty of rest before a day in court. living space && home: the most important part of any space for margaery is how much light is in it and she picked her apartment due to the huge windows that it had as well as its balcony. the decor is reasonably simple with her preferring clean lines and a lack of clutter. but it’s still personal, family photos up on the wall and on cupboards. there’s plants in every room with the green and their flowers adding a splash of colour to the space. she’s thought about selecting some artwork to go on the walls but for now the biggest focal piece is a large bookcase that runs the length of the living room filled with a wide variety of novels and nonfiction.
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sxfterhearts · 4 years
aesthetics tag!!
tagged by @flowerbeom​ 💞💞 (thank you kat!! hope you’ve been doing alright 🥰)
rules: bold the aesthetics you relate to and add twenty of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold
tagging: anyone who wants to do this HAHA (im so late oops)
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
dark academia
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | diy-ing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
preppy casual
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
cinanamon - steph
gold jewelry, slowdancing in the kitchen with a lover, sun on skin, red-tinted lip balm, lazy mornings, getting lost in foreign cities, scent of bakeries, high-waisted jeans, kissing someone’s neck, writing reminders on your wrist, sleeping in braids to have waves in the morning, growing an herb garden, gentle touches, sketches tucked between pages, flushed cheeks, tandem bikes, floating in a pool, vintage gold hand-mirror, deer grazing, softly singing while doing chores
jaesmintea - dia
oversized everything | painted nails | fairy lights | dozing off in the middle of class | tying hair up into a ponytail | round glasses | laughing so hard you can’t breathe | late night study sessions | tender hand holding | impromptu photoshoots | drowning in moondust | bathing in the light of the sunset | strawberry flavored lollipops | polaroid pictures | eagerly tugging someone down the street | handwritten love letters | smell of coffee | living with reckless abandon | crinkled pages of a journal | replaying the same part in a song over and over
naptimetea - helena
everything black | rewearing your favorite outfit | drawing late into the night | rewatching favorite shows | the bread isle | minty lip balm | falling asleep anywhere and everywhere | making green tea | useless questions when it’s 2 am | forehead kisses | sleeping in till the afternoon | love of pink | staying up to watch the sunrise | dancing in the bathroom | messy handwriting | pile of sketchbooks | talking for hours about interest | old sentimental stuff animals | hanging out on the bed and doing nothing | thick fluffy blankets
the thrill of leaning your body way over a balcony’s edge | the suffocating feeling when the strong wind blows down your lungs | tip-toeing barefoot | hair ruffling and cheek pinching | hugging a body pillow at night | facing the sky with closed eyes | the whimsical silence when it’s past midnight and you’re the only person awake | when you can physically feel your eyes soften when you look at someone | dancing alone with only an oversized shirt | when your sweater falls over your thighs as you stand up | humming scary but memorable lullabies | vivid imagination | w-sitting with a mini skirt and thigh high socks | heated laptop on your lap | cereal at 3 am | gliding your fingers across your thighs | bittersweet melancholy | withdrawn and distant eyes | very tight belts | wanting love but not believing in it | not cruel but not kind
listening to a song and remembering the times you used to listen to it on repeat | imagining yourself living in any other life than the one you have now | crop tops and high waisted jeans | forgetting to smile but not actually being upset | nuzzling your face in the crook of their neck | back hugs when you’re stressed | turning in assignments 1 minute before they’re due | wanting a relationship but getting scared the moment you’re in one | pretending that you don’t care when inside you’re burning with doubts and fears | the sound of the evening waves as you lie on the sand | lying in your bed listening to your sad playlist | exhaustion but you can’t sleep | singing loudly when you’re the only one home | feeling safe and comfortable with that person in your life | knee high suede black boots with your black winter coat | comfort over appearance | writing essays at 2 am | creative peak from 1 am to 4 am | the one that always ends up walking in the back of a friend group
hyunsracha - sav!
split-dye hair | female rappers | staying up until 6am and sleeping until 1pm | taking notes on an ipad | middle school emo music | mini skirts | late night drives | rain on the ocean | flirting with people when you’re bored | doc martens | eating ramen in the pot | afraid of being looked at | fishnets | getting joy out of making people laugh | small tattoos | crying yourself to sleep | peppermint everything | desperate for freedom | chipped black nail polish
well-worn converse | ginger ice cream | farmers’ markets | amaretto in coffee | the sound of pen on paper | empty mountain trails | black and white photographs | vintage bicycles | roads trips with no destination | overfilled bookcases | a shoebox full of ticket stubs | granny smith apples | orange gerbera daisies | cardigan sweaters | games that tell a story | red wine in a mason jar | succulent gardens | tattoos of birds | fresh-baked muffins | a favorite pair of jeans
dnceracha - sydni
black chelsea boots | chapped lips | browline glasses | losing yourself in video games | impressionist art | pink peonies | writing down anything you need to remember | the smell of gasoline | business goth style | dangly earrings | florals | ballet flats | cuffed jeans | liking the villain | a stack of journals | generous amounts of highlighter | knives | rain on a tin roof | heavy footsteps | small-town diners
bamshine - sae
chunky black boots | not realizing you’ve been writing for hours | soft dog fur under your hand | the loud gathering of friends after an exhausting dance class | bubble tea | casual touches between friends | beach trips | airports late at night or early in the morning | coming home from travel and finally being in your own bed | leaves crunching under your foot | shopping for groceries with christmas music on the radio | loud family gatherings over a pizza | succulents | goofy singing and dancing with friends | getting so into a book you do nothing else all day except read | cool summer evenings around a bonfire | apple cider | the scent of vanilla | selfies with friends | the sting of a new tattoo
jjinyounf - cres
ocean breezes | moonlight/sunlight through clouds | sweatpants and baggy tees | empty journals | stud earrings | messy bedroom | thought-provoking movies | apple cinnamon | hot, but not sticky weather | chill big dogs | mixing flavoured vodka with ice cream | playing songs at full blast in the shower | quiet corners | the sound of bacon while it cooks | loud thoughts but quiet words | staying in bed until the absolute last second | mid-calf boots in the winter, flip flops in the summer, sneakers every other time | mental breakdowns doing anything academic-related | madras shawls | the colour combo of red, black, gold, and white
flowerbeom - kat
polaroids | saying hello to the moon | buying more books that you can read | lo-fi playlists to fill the emptiness | baking bread of saturdays | playing the same song over and over until you learn the lyrics/vocal runs perfectly | milk tea | booping your cat’s nose with your nose | keeping a stash of that one perfect pen | being the quiet listener in conversation but always has a great story to tell | sneakers over everything | watching the sunrise through cracked open blinds | leather and patchouli candles | freshly cooked rice | finding the perfect word to describe something | the crunch and squeak of walking on freshly fallen snow | writing “hello” on foggy windows | strolling through ancient forests and feeling small | kissed on bare shoulders | falling asleep to the sound of rain
sxfterhearts - rach
espresso dripping onto a cup of milk | taking pictures of food before eating | drunk karaoke | bangs | travel journals | writing out your favourite lyrics | sentimental playlists on sad days | sending multiple long texts in quick succession | white clouds and blue skies | watching the moon from your bedroom window | cafe vlogs | glittery pink eyeshadows | mailing postcards to yourself | pastel flower bouquets | baking as therapy | the feeling of strikingly cold air on your cheeks | ink stains on your fingers | intimate late night conversations in the car after a night out | writing and daydreaming to escape reality
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1soos · 4 years
tagged by @1of1orbit
i tag: no one. i have no friends on here anymore lkdsjf
rules: bold the aesthetics you relate to and add twenty of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
dark academia
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | diy-ing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants| likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
preppy casual
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
cinanamon - steph
gold jewelry, slowdancing in the kitchen with a lover, sun on skin, red-tinted lip balm, lazy mornings, getting lost in foreign cities, scent of bakeries, high-waisted jeans, kissing someone’s neck, writing reminders on your wrist, sleeping in braids to have waves in the morning, growing an herb garden, gentle touches, sketches tucked between pages, flushed cheeks, tandem bikes, floating in a pool, vintage gold hand-mirror, deer grazing, softly singing while doing chores
jaesmintea - dia
oversized everything | painted nails | fairy lights | dozing off in the middle of class | tying hair up into a ponytail | round glasses | laughing so hard you can’t breathe | late night study sessions | tender hand holding | impromptu photoshoots | drowning in moondust | bathing in the light of the sunset | strawberry flavored lollipops | polaroid pictures | eagerly tugging someone down the street | handwritten love letters | smell of coffee | living with reckless abandon | crinkled pages of a journal | replaying the same part in a song over and over
naptimetea - helena
everything black | rewearing your favorite outfit | drawing late into the night | rewatching favorite shows | the bread isle | minty lip balm | falling asleep anywhere and everywhere | making green tea | useless questions when it’s 2 am | forehead kisses | sleeping in till the afternoon | love of pink | staying up to watch the sunrise | dancing in the bathroom | messy handwriting | pile of sketchbooks | talking for hours about interest | old sentimental stuff animals | hanging out on the bed and doing nothing | thick fluffy blankets
the thrill of leaning your body way over a balcony’s edge | the suffocating feeling when the strong wind blows down your lungs | tip-toeing barefoot | hair ruffling and cheek pinching | hugging a body pillow at night | facing the sky with closed eyes | the whimsical silence when it’s past midnight and you’re the only person awake | when you can physically feel your eyes soften when you look at someone | dancing alone with only an oversized shirt | when your sweater falls over your thighs as you stand up | humming scary but memorable lullabies | vivid imagination | w-sitting with a mini skirt and thigh high socks | heated laptop on your lap | cereal at 3 am | gliding your fingers across your thighs | bittersweet melancholy | withdrawn and distant eyes | very tight belts | wanting love but not believing in it | not cruel but not kind
listening to a song and remembering the times you used to listen to it on repeat | imagining yourself living in any other life than the one you have now | crop tops and high waisted jeans | forgetting to smile but not actually being upset | nuzzling your face in the crook of their neck | back hugs when you’re stressed | turning in assignments 1 minute before they’re due | wanting a relationship but getting scared the moment you’re in one | pretending that you don’t care when inside you’re burning with doubts and fears | the sound of the evening waves as you lie on the sand | lying in your bed listening to your sad playlist | exhaustion but you can’t sleep | singing loudly when you’re the only one home | feeling safe and comfortable with that person in your life | knee high suede black boots with your black winter coat | comfort over appearance | writing essays at 2 am | creative peak from 1 am to 4 am | the one that always ends up walking in the back of a friend group
hyunsracha - sav!
split-dye hair | female rappers | staying up until 6am and sleeping until 1pm | taking notes on an ipad | middle school emo music | mini skirts | late night drives | rain on the ocean | flirting with people when you’re bored | doc martens | eating ramen in the pot | afraid of being looked at | fishnets | getting joy out of making people laugh | small tattoos | crying yourself to sleep | peppermint everything | desperate for freedom | chipped black nail polish
well-worn converse | ginger ice cream | farmers’ markets | amaretto in coffee | the sound of pen on paper | empty mountain trails | black and white photographs | vintage bicycles | roads trips with no destination | overfilled bookcases | a shoebox full of ticket stubs | granny smith apples | orange gerbera daisies | cardigan sweaters | games that tell a story | red wine in a mason jar | succulent gardens | tattoos of birds | fresh-baked muffins | a favorite pair of jeans
dnceracha - sydni
black chelsea boots | chapped lips | browline glasses | losing yourself in video games | impressionist art | pink peonies | writing down anything you need to remember | the smell of gasoline | business goth style | dangly earrings | florals | ballet flats | cuffed jeans | liking the villain | a stack of journals | generous amounts of highlighter | knives | rain on a tin roof | heavy footsteps | small-town diners
bamshine - sae
chunky black boots | not realizing you’ve been writing for hours | soft dog fur under your hand | the loud gathering of friends after an exhausting dance class | bubble tea | casual touches between friends | beach trips | airports late at night or early in the morning | coming home from travel and finally being in your own bed | leaves crunching under your foot | shopping for groceries with christmas music on the radio | loud family gatherings over a pizza | succulents | goofy singing and dancing with friends | getting so into a book you do nothing else all day except read | cool summer evenings around a bonfire | apple cider | the scent of vanilla | selfies with friends | the sting of a new tattoo
1of1orbit - nes
the feeling of having forgotten something at home | fear of missing out in life | the little sneeze your pet does | looking at the night sky and feeling so small | cutting the itchy label of your shirt | binge watching dramas | flipping thru your imagination worlds | editing something til late night hours | the annoying awareness of your own heart beat | not being able to let go of that one ugly shirt | watching youtube for hours | watching ancient egypt/space docu | chatting with one person for hours | eating that one fresh seasonal fruit in summer | closing and reopening that same tab | having wishlists in several websites | skipping past ig stories | capitalist shopping therapy | checking your delivery number despite having it just ordered yesterday
1soos - kirby
enamel pins | platform heels | doing your research | having high expectations | magic in media | 20+ tabs open on your laptop | feeling accomplished after cleaning | tight black jeans | really soft hoodies | laptop stickers | letting the room get dark around you | deep green | web comics | knocking things over and catching them before they hit the floor | waking up early | drinks on a balcony | creeping vines on brick walls | dark mode | having no follow-through 
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