#plastic repair kits
ferbulo · 4 months
anyways fuzors was bad but also I love the toy line it is disgusting (affectionate) I'm cleansing your pallet with the gairyuki who is the coolest shit to ever show up in one episode that I did not watch because fuzors is not good
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tony-andonuts · 9 months
My latest non-media hyperfixation has been waste-free living which has gotten me to finally get a compact reusable eating tool kit
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And it has chopsticks too!!!
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automotiveamerican · 11 months
Further Work on the S10 Xtreme Body Kit
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ayakashibackstreet · 1 year
The lack of nails is partially why I have so many different picks to open up cases with
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technicalbeacon · 2 years
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Best Weicon Plastic Steel Putty ST | Technical Beacons
Weicon Plastic Steel Putty ST is a specialised grade of plastic metal that is easy to use and sets hard. This two part component has a pasty consistency and is made from metal filled epoxy resin. Weicon Plastic Metal ST is specifically designed for use on stainless steel parts and is non-corrosive.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
You can be cheap without being a scumbag. Buy used things. Repair them when they wear out. Check every vending machine you pass for forgotten change in the coin return. Get rid of all that excess blood plasma you don’t need for your non-intensive office job. If you want to be a scumbag, though, you have to be constantly looking for new angles.
Around my part of the world, the government has been telling restaurants to cut it out with the plastic shit. Every meal you order, even if it comes to your house, comes complete with half a dozen plastic utensils that just end up in the dump and – more likely than not – choke a dolphin to death. Yeah. A dolphin. Flipper’s dead because McDonalds won’t stop giving you free forks. What do you think about that, reactionaries?
I digress. One of the things that they’ve been getting rid of as a result of this new regulation is plastic straws. So now the straws are made out of paper, which is not a problem with me, but they include those straws even when you buy a bottle of water. Bottles are for chugging, folks. Which means I have tons of leftover straws kicking around my house, and it bothered my scumbag nature to no extent not to have a creative use for them.
Sure, I tried the basics. Arts and crafts. Scale-model fabrication. Drain tubes. Using them as blowguns to knock out the mailman with a powerful paralytic agent so I could interrogate him at my leisure about why my packages take two weeks to clear customs. Nothing really worked, or at least didn’t use up the straws faster than more arrived with my weekly order (usually placed when I needed another water bottle with which to catch a newly-sprouted leak.) That is, until I figured it all out.
Way back in the 1970s, when the world was going to hell because gasoline became not as expensive as it is now, the brave Swedes had a solution. They figured out that they could burn useless trees as fuel, and so developed wood-gas reactors that they strapped to the back of their Volvos. Run out of gas? Chop down a nearby tree and cram that shit into the tank, you’re good to go. All I had to do was make a trip to Swedish eBay and order a several-hundred-pound woodgas conversion kit using someone else’s credit card. Don’t worry, environmentalists, I picked the slower shipping option. Now, I could chuck these paper straws right in there and get like half a block of gas – for free!
The project has been so successful, in fact, that I now find myself visiting fast-food restaurants just to help myself to several boxes of straws. They give me weird looks, sure, but there’s just something about a half-feral scruffy dude burrowing into your restaurant, stealing several hundred paper straws, and then running out the nearest exit that shouts “don’t call the cops yet.” Even though it probably wouldn’t be hard for them to find me in this plume of noxious waxed-paper smoke.
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striderl · 4 months
What items are inside Sawmus's medic backpack? This is the inside of my OC H.264 medic backpack :3
In here we have:
Basic repair kit
Some replacement parts
A large battery
lots of insulating tape
plastic drawstrings
voltage meter
thermal paste
a hand drill
soldering iron
machine oil
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As for Sawmus’ backpack (or rucksack in military terms), he has similar equipment like H.264. But there are differences: he has no need to bring repair tools. He was designed to be a military engineer back in Japan, therefore he has built-in mechanics tools.
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If you ask how he repairs large units or regular units with serious damages, without wrenches or hammers, he simply doesn’t, since he prefers to send those units back to base rather than repair them on site. He only brings essential equipment to maximize efficiency, and he always think these units deserve some rest and proper treatment after intense battles.
Also, due to the fact that he is a combat medic, he has a shotgun with extra shells for emergency self-defense. His accuracy may not be as great as Polaroid, but it's sufficient.
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And I just noticed something, H.264 has extra replacement parts among his equipment. He isn't taking parts from other units anymore? Did he take Sawmus’ lecture? If that's really the case, now I can’t get the image of Sawmus scolding H.264 in front of other medics during the lecture.
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Also medic OCs Ray, Clark, and Spark belongs to @synth-operator
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prometheus023 · 15 days
The Disciples of Skuldak - 5th Ed Word Bearers
whoop I did not mean to take this long to make another post
Following on from my 5th Ed World Eaters army, I'd like to introduce you to one of my largest 40k armies, my Word Bearers.
This has been a really fun project as it has been designed from the start to be an excerise in efficiency. To help show newcomers to the hobby it doesn't have to be expensive or time consuming (unless you want it to)
As such, this army is comprised exclusively of old, second hand Chaos Marines and vehicles that are as cheap as I could find. So quite a lot of them were pretty beat up and clogged with paint when I first got them. But if you arent picky, you can get a marine for as little as $2 AUD. Thats how this army has 160 of them after 18 months.
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They're lightly cleaned up, using spare parts to repair as necessary and then painted with contrast colours over a leadbelcher base coat. If I can't finish ten of them in an evening, then it's taking too long!
I'm not going to post them all in one hit, but let's check out Skuldak and go from there!
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A former Dark Apostle turned Daemon Prince, Skuldak delegates most of the warband's activities to his lieutenants. As there is no official record of any Word Bearer legionnaires with that name, its unclear if he joined the Word Bearers after they retreated into the Eye of Terror or chose the name upon his ascension to daemonhood.
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Seeking to emulate their master and demonstrate their dedication to the teachings of Lorgar, many of Skuldak's followers engage in the practice of inviting daemonic possession. The results are unsurprisingly chaotic. (Also I just love the diversity of this old plastic kit)
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Heres 25 of the regular, rank and file Chaos Marines. A perk from buying low cost, second hand Warhammer is sometimes you find a cool Lil treasure amongst them! Like this old second edition Icon Bearer from the mid 90s!
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Now before that gets too repetitive...
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A Predator Destructor and Annihilator, respectively. Again, both mid 90s second edition models that are a hybrid of plastic and metal pieces! Worth a small fortune if you're getting them in mint condition. If not... well these two cost me the same as a brand new Predator would have. That's a win!
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We then have a Chaos Vindicator that I picked up for around $10 because it was caked in paint that I scraped off with a hobby knife!
That's about all Tumblr will let me cram into one post, so stay tuned and I'll have another group of vehicles and units from this army up soon!
One of the best things about this army to me, is how it gives tired old models a new life. The kind of minis your parents would throw out because it was a phase, or you would eventually discard because you paint better or moved onto a new faction.
Here, they're part of an army we make available at every game day for new players to borrow and learn to play with. And if anything breaks? It's completely chill! It's easy fixed and not as if someone dropped a $100 model I spent 40 hours painting. That It's also a really fun, easy scheme, I think it's easy to see how I've just kept adding to it!
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newtype-difference · 2 months
I'm a huge fan of posing my gunpla kits every now and again just to play around with them, and I was very happy with the articulation on the 1/100 Full Mechanics Aerial, but my fucking god the joints on this kit are so stiff that they sooner snap than they actually move. I've had to repair this thing with plastic cement twice now, in two completely different places.
The funniest (most frustrating) part of this is that the second time it snapped, I had already relegated to just posing it one last time and leaving it on my shelf, and it snapped as I was trying to pose it. The longer this thing has been built the more it has disappointed me and that really bums me out, because I really like the WFM kits.
I don't think I trust enough to get any more Full Mechanics kits ever again. I'll just stick with MG from now on.
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cuprohastes · 1 year
Lunch in Space (Part 3)
You always hear about these people who have EVA accidents and they tell you how laser-focused they were, in maintaining a cool and calm demeanour so they could follow the old Observe, Analyse, React model.
Which jsut goes to show how tricky memory is because the suit recordings all start the same way mine did:
Sound: [Bang] Sound: [AAaaaaAAAAAaaaaAAAAaaaa! F***! S***!]
Look, it's confusing. You start by sort of floating in your suit thinking about those little purple rolls they serve in the Caf, and then everything is spinning and it feels like your legs are being pinched.
Ever had a blood pressure test? It feels like that, from your feet all the way to your hips. It's to make sure all the blood doesn't get centrifuged out of your brain.
Then you dig your thumbs into the little slot with the emergency buttons and push down until they decide you really mean it and then the auto-compensators stop you from spinning.
Then you start looking for leaks. Oscar, or whatever you named your suit will tell you right away. I had a small leak, easily repaired with Space Tape once I yanked a chunk of crud out of the way. There was a big gash in the impact plate that is part of Oscar's outermost layer. It's designed to distribute an impact and be somewhat ablative. the tip of some debris had gone all the way through and nicked the inner layer.
Space Tape has vacuum-rated adhesive, is shiny as heck and after I spudged some sealant into the gash, the tape went over the top as both insurance and a way to indicate to any rescue party that there was a potential yadda yadda. Look, you've done the safety course.
Step 2: Orient and Bitch.
Easy enough. Half a turn to the left and yo, there's the station. Or a little green box around the fuzzy little cloud of navigation hazard.
"Oscar, calculate return vector, and current free orbit." said I.
Oscar thinks about that, does a whole bunch of range-finding, math, and parallax, and then tells me that if I totally empty my tanks I can do pretty much nada about catching back up.
The docking frame took the impact instead of e.g. pretty much all the stuff that was keeping me alive right now: A quick read on the sun suggests that's the cooling unit at the moment. The station was already a little dot, twinkling in a pretty way as it vanished into the endless night.
The emergency kit has a spring wire thermal blanket in it. I tethered one corner to Oscar, and let it unfold, putting it between me and the sun. Also now I just made myself way easier to track. Like I needed that? If we were down to only RADAR or looking for shiny crap, we weren't going to make it anyway.
I think they make these checklists boring so you won't have anxiety about falling into infinite space with some tape covering the hole in your life support system while clamped to a bent out-of-shape utility lift, while hiding behind a couple of grams of plastic sprayed with metal vapour.
I mean it's not the first time. It's just the first time it wasn't a training exercise.
Elapsed time: About 5 minutes. Check in time. Station was loud and clear five bars, waiting for me to call in: "Station, this is Delta Zeta on impact trajectory calling in an untethered excursion. Systems are yellow, Stellar shield is deployed. Currently encumbered by the docking stanchion and lift plate. Pilot is green. I have a controlled outgassing event. Please advise. Over."
Station responds right away, so hey they're all still there too, meaning the communications are up and they aren't busy getting Kesslered. Good To Know™️. "Delta Zeta, this is EVA command. We read a trailing orbit. You're green for Three Eight, period five hours. We read Life Support for One Four, no obstacles. We are currently leading a large volume of navigational hazard. At this time we recommend waiting for safety intercept leading approach. Do you copy, Over?"
I consider this like there's an actual choice. "I copy Station: Big cloud of crap behind you, five hours until you sneak up on my sorry ass. Be advised that I will not be picking up a pizza while out. Over"
Station comes back: "Be advised that lack of pizza may result in a lower recovery priority. Over."
So yeah. They just said they had too much shit floating around behind them to safely get a rescue drone out, and I'm moving away from them.
In five hours their orbit will bring them up behind me, where the debris field isn't and they can pick me up. I have power and air to try this twice, and if they miss I have thirty-eight orbits before I'll de-orbit. Given that I have fourteen hours before my power or air runs out and I either cook, freeze or suffocate, that part isn't something I need to worry about.
"Grak!" I say. Oscar's little icon does a couple of colour and pattern changes: A blush at the use of profanity, Atrix style.
"Copy that." Station says. Oops. Hot mic.
"See you in five. Over and out." I say and put a movie on. I pick Gravity, the re-make they actually shot in Earth Orbit, not the Atrix version. I have a sick twisted sense of humour.
I'd jsut got to the good bit with the Indian Space Station, when my stellar shield suddenly jerked and flipped around, a little hole punched through it. Then another and another.
Around that point something hit my life support and things got really distracting...
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ghoultrifle · 1 month
mushy may day four !!!!
prompt: wound tending/first aid
relationship: aurora/rain
word count: 700
cws: dry skin, dermatillomania, skin picking, wounds, blood. no graphic detail for any of the above though
notes: this is purely self indulgent so please be nice. also i am not recommending the wound care procedures displayed in this fic and i cannot vouch for their safety, proceed with caution and do not try at home :))
below the cut or on ao3 :))
Aurora jostles Rain awake, “Rainy you gotta get up, started my period and it’s got on the sheets.” She sounds an equal part panicked and fed up.
“Hmm, whatcha doing?”
“There’s blood all over the sheets, Rain, we gotta clean up. Can you strip the sheets while I clean myself up?”
He opens his eyes, a thick film of sleep blurring his vision. Blinking, his eyes focus on first the sheets and then his own arms. “Shit, sorry Rory, that’s me. You’re fine, no period, promise.”
Rain’s skin is naturally dry and flaky. As a water ghoul out of water he struggles with keeping moisturised. Combining that with dermatillomania makes for a vicious cycle of dry skin, picking, and sometimes, if his mind and body let him, healing. He glares at his inner elbows, shit, he must have scratched them in his sleep again.
“Really sorry Aurora, thought I could get away with it, but,” he hiccups, struggling to find his words or his breath.
“It’s alright Rainshower, I was going to change the sheets anyway, no matter the reason.” Puppy dog eyes reach her own pupils, please don’t leave, they say. “Or I could help you out first, yeah? How does that sound?” Rain nods silently.
Guiding Rain to the ensuite, Aurora has one hand rubbing soothing circles on his back and another texting for Mountain to bring the water ghoul’s special first aid kit. She sits him down on the closed toilet lid while she wets a cloth in warm water.
“Okay, this is going to hurt like a bitch but you’re gonna be brave about it,” Aurora commands. She doesn’t ever come across as mean or indifferent but it’s her own unique form of encouragement. Rain winces before hissing and thrashing as the ghoul in front of him gently wipes away the dried blood and cleans the wounds.
“Don’t know why I keep doing it,” he laments. Why does he continue to scratch and pick and peel away when he knows it’ll have to be cleaned up and he knows the pain will be unbearable every time?
“Because it’s a compulsion, sweetheart, you can’t help it.” She continues to wipe him, making sure the remnants of the night are minimal. A knock comes at the door accompanied by a hand blindly reaching in with a battered old plastic bag in it.
“Gotcha things Rainy, take care,” the disembodied hand says before placing it on the counter and leaving. The medical kit contains a big tub of moisturiser, plenty of dressings, scissors to cut to size, enough medical tape to repair ancient mummies, and tubular bandages to keep it all in place. In true Rain fashion, it’s all been chucked in the tatty bag haphazardly. The scissors are sticking out through a hole and the bandage has come off its roll, swimming freely among the other items. Aurora just laughs.
“Of course this is your kit,” she chuckles. “Go on then, what do you need?”
“Impregnate the dressing then attach it with the tape, if you could please?”
The look on her face is priceless, eyes wide and brows high, a smile of disbelief, “Um, not sure I have the uhh equipment for that Rainy,” she giggles.
He shoots her back a dead stare but behind it, she knows he appreciates the humour. Squirting a big dollop of ointment onto the dressing she secures it to his arm. She pats it to spread the cream and signals to Rain to get up.
“Don’t think you’re getting out of changing the sheets, mister,” she says.
But upon exiting the bathroom they find a fresh set of sheets adorned with drawings of birds and flora, looking at each other they both shout out, “Thanks Mount!”
They cuddle up into bed, Rain once again spooning Aurora, “Thanks, songbird,” he says, pressing a kiss to the nape of her neck. “Thought you were gonna freak out about it but you just, took care of me. Was really nice.”
“Of course I took care of you Rainy, I hate seeing you in pain and, besides, it’s only a little blood, I’ve seen Dew produce a more impressive piece of art with a paper cut!”
Rain sighs contentedly, “Lie in?” He proposes.
“I’d rather nothing else.”
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0046incognito · 18 days
in terms of "hibiki as a healer", zinnia is definitely more the Official main trio healer since she's studying both human medicine And robotics, but hibiki tries to be a healer to Literally Every Injured Or Sick Human He Comes Across, despite not being Built to be a medical bot, because he has taught himself to be "scary good" at first aid. like this kid could easily do stitches on somebody he would probably try to do a heart transplant on someone just to Help if they'd let him. plus he always carries around snacks for humans if they're feeling faint [usually it winds up being that he forces them onto zinnia because she Needs Them and it will help her not get dizzy], specifically juice and crackers. 90% of what's in his backpack is basically an extremely well-stocked first aid kit for humans don't ask where he got it
in terms of hibiki's ability to be a healer to fellow Robots or even himself that's a no-go. he's way too squeamish about computer gore, like he'd freak out seeing a cracked phone screen, and he will outright refuse to let anyone repair him more thoroughly than just wrapping him in duct tape till it holds because he HAAAAAAAATES maintenance it freaks him out in the same sense as a kid being scared of the dentist but from hibiki's perspective it's like, actual gore. machines with translucent plastic exteriors like the imac G3 or KK also freak him out he thinks it's gross and morbid
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scarletlotus182 · 2 months
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Finished my MG Zeta 2.0 last night and then tried to transform it only for it to fall apart (also realized late that the waist was on backwards oops)
I'm bummed out that my first MG turned into a small disaster but also was 100% prepared for this as I know the 2.0 was kind of a janky kit.
I'm going on vacation so I decided to leave it as is but I'll probably come back to it later and try to repair it (gonna need plastic cement x_x).
Despite the end results though this *was* a very fun build and I'm glad for the experience. Less afraid of MG kits and some of the other large kits I have (HMM Konig Wolf has been staring me in the face for a few months now).
Hopefully MG Ver. Ka Zeta kit goes much better though c:
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technicalbeacon · 2 years
Black Silicon Adhesive Sealant is a special silicone adhesive and sealant that combines excellent oil and grease resistance with high temperature performance. This grade of silicones is black in colour and adheres well to a variety of materials including steel, aluminium, glass ceramic and more. Our safest sealant, it's friendly and easy to use. It will bond silicon surfaces such as glass, ceramic, metal, plastic, rubber and more.
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ub-sessed · 8 months
Favourite knitting notions:
Little tiny elastics: They make great stitch markers because they're cheap, they come in a ton of colours, and I can cut them if I accidentally knit them into my work.
Clover Bamboo Knitting Repair Hooks: The crochet-hook end doesn't make a very good crochet hook, but it works, and the pointy end is great for getting into tight provisional stitches or dropped stitches.
Disc brand crochet hook: The only hook that I can somewhat reliably grab the yarn with.
Knit Picks Options Sunstruck interchangeable needles: Very pointy, perfect slipperiness for acrylic and wool, nice pale colour makes it easy to see yarn. Cable is kind of stiff, so not good for magic loop. Bit of a bump at the join, so yarn gets a bit caught up. A bit too pointy for splitty yarn.
Prym Ergonomic knitting needles: Perfect for learning how to knit, especially with slippery yarn or Norwegian purling, because they're fairly grippy, not too flexible, and the teardrop shape makes it easy to catch the yarn. Also the cable is super flexible.
Cheap bamboo fixed circulars that I found at the thrift store: The cable is silicone so it's super flexible, and the join is perfectly smooth. They're super pointy and not too grippy.
Homemade cake winder: basically just a paper towel roll with a slit cut in the end. Effectively free, easy and fun to use, and so satisfying.
Needle book that I knitted for my yarn needles: I lost this, so I'm going to have to make another one!
Notions that are just OK:
Clover Quick Locking Stitch Markers: I love the fact that they look like little sheep, and it's handy to have stitch markers that can be opened, but this brand often comes open on its own.
Retractable measuring tape: Easier to use than a non-retractable tape, but I wish mine weren't round: it doesn't stand up very easily.
Least favourite knitting notions:
Straight knitting needles: Too long! Difficult to manipulate.
Cable needles: I have a tremor that makes it hard for me to manipulate three needles at the same time.
Blunt metal knitting needles: too slippery, don't catch yarn.
Plastic knitting needles: Too bendy, too grippy.
The cute little embroidery scissors they sell at the cash: Very pretty, but the handles are so small that my fingers get stuck in them.
Kai embroidery scissors: Too big to fit easily in a small bag, too pointy (they catch on stuff), and they don't cut well. But the handles are comfortable.
Lightbulb stitch markers: I have a tremor that makes it hard for me to open and close these, and they're so tiny that they're hard to see on my knitting.
Dark coloured knitting needles (or any knitting needles that are the same colour as my yarn): Make it too hard for me to see the yarn for complicated stitches or splitty yarn.
Unique brand dangly row counter: Too loose, turns by itself while I'm knitting.
The cheap plastic yarn needles that come in kits: Too bendy, not sharp enough.
Clover interchangeable bamboo needles: Nice and pointy, but the tips are too short for me, and the join isn't smooth.
HiyaHiya interchangeable bamboo needles: The tips are too short for me, and the join isn't smooth.
Any stitch marker that can't be cut or opened, because I sometimes knit my markers into my work by accident.
Yarn bowl: My yarn lives in the project bag so I can bring it anywhere, in a centre-pull cake.
Cake winder: I can't imagine ever knitting enough to justify the cost and space for one of these, when an empty paper towel roll will do the job almost as well.
Knitting notions I'd like to try:
Flox: Little tiny 2.5mm bamboo needles joined by a short piece of flexible cable that stays in the shape you put it in.
Knit Picks Colorwork Snap Bag: Has snaps to keep your working yarns in order.
Wool needles with a little plastic loop instead of an eye: However I have read that they break or get flattened.
Barber Cords: I HATE picking up provisional stitches from a piece of yarn, but Barber Cords are ridiculously expensive, so I just picked up a random piece of silicon tubing, and next time I need to do a provisional cast on I'm going to try that.
Folding thread scissors: I don't like having pointy things in my project bags.
Knitting needle case
Knitting thimble/yarn guide ring: For when I'm knitting with more than two colours.
Addi Long Lace Rocket knitting needles: For knitting with polyester, because they're supposed to be very slippery and quite pointy.
Lykke DPNs: For knitting simple things in the round with splitty yarn, because they're kind of grippy and not too sharp.
Hook or U-shaped cable needle: Because I find straight cable needles too hard to work with.
Yarn gauge
Needle gauge
Split ring markers
Tulip bamboo knitting needles: Tulip makes the best sewing needles, so I figure their knitting needles are probably good too. And they seem to have a perfectly smooth join.
Merchant & Mills Wide Bow scissors: Not too long, with super big handles that my fingers won't get stuck in.
Short transparent ruler.
Locking stitch markers that aren't made by Clover: Because the Clover ones are hard to manipulate, and they sometimes come open by themselves.
Higher quality dangly row counter
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modestbirdwizard · 4 months
Fix your shit, or make it better anyway!
Everyone has had that little something in their life that was just perfect in everyone, suited to it's task, purpose, and the user's personal preference… and everyone has also had that thing break on them, followed by years of white whaling for a better replacement. Learning to fix your shit is essential in an era that lives and breathes e-waste and demands us to be connected, and while the vast majority of cellphones are hard to fix and difficult to even open, there ARE plenty of other devices in our lives simple enough to engage with that the layman stands a chance.
Tools, example projects and places to look for guides under the jump:
Fixing old ipods, restoring butchered record players, game controller customization (or fixing joystick drift), turning your favorite headphones into a cable-swappable gaming headset , or making the perfect version of a computer keyboard are all possible with a relatively small set of tools and a small investment of your time. For almost any given tech project, you only need a few tools to get into, out of, and through the guts of any electronic device.
Tools of the trade:
A soldering iron (A pinecil or a TS100 are great choices for those who need something small. You will see even cheaper irons that look like they plug directly into the wall, but these are NOT soldering irons, they are the end component of a soldering station, a much larger kind of iron for more serious users. They do not have heat control and are DANGEROUS if not used with a soldering station.)
A set of spudgers, picks, and pry tools (Not the cheap plastic ones that come with every single tech repair component, though you'll need those too, they are basically free in the quanitity that you'll need them.)
Most important of all, a solid multi-bit screwdriver set for this purpose. (The ifixit mako kit is the golden god here, but don't be fooled: this array of bits in these sizes can be had for as little as 12 bucks. That said, investing in your tools is an investment in yourself.)
A set of precision tweezers
A bottle of 99% Isopropyl Alcohol And for the more complex jobs:
A basic multimeter (This is mostly used for diagnosis, looking for broken circuits and finding the voltages of various components.)
A Heatgun/hair dryer (More useful for specific tasks, such as removing Surface Mount components which tend to be very, very small.
With these tools, the world is yours. A word about soldering: People act like this is an insane skill to possess, something best left only to the most dedicated techno-wizard and warlocks, but that's simply not the case. It's actually as simple as using hot glue safely. I'll defer to Big Clive for better instructions than I could write. It's pronounced saw-dur, by the way.
I'd also recommend his account for the great resource that it is generally. While he doesn't get into the specifics of repairing any device, Clive does tear downs that show the general techniques you'll use to get inside of different gadgets. Extremely good second screen background noise.
For specific instructions for your device, you should check out ifixit. They have the largest database of tech repair guides online, though something tells me that an open, wiki-style option would be a fantastic idea. They also sell parts and specific tools you may need for a given task.
Sometimes, repairing your tech is as simple as cracking the case and swapping a hidden microSD card for a much larger one, or actually just unplugging one battery and installing a new one (kind of makes you wonder why they say they can't be repaired and glue them down). While I'd argue that most tech can be fixed, there are sadly some things that are just beyond the dedicated hobbyist. Chief among those are airpods and other small devices of that type. While they can certainly be opened and repaired, it's just incredibly fine work and I wouldn't recommend it. If a task seems too daunting for you, try checking with local phone shops to see if they offer repair. The cost of a replacement is usually much greater than the cost of a fix.
If your tech is unusable and in to be replaced, trying to fix it cannot possibly break it more. Give it a go!
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