#platonic adela x reader
Pookie, what do you think of ptn characters being self aware au?? I need another platonic for that😍😍😍
Pookie 😿 The way that I wanted to answer this right away, but I ended up thinking about it for half a day, since today I had to finish counting tears in a plastic bottle (life update, today was my GRD and they had me recite 50 STEPS 😀 Changing patient gown and iv infusion + insertion 😢 But I SLAYED because I got perfect and one mistake in the other 😎) - Idk about ya'll but... You probably found out about the game based on the ad that had MISS 🤭 MAAM 🥰 Zoya... You guys don't understand the GRIP 😩 it had on me when I saw the ad for the first time... So, after watching THE ad that saved LIVES 🤩 including mine ofc 😊 You downloaded the app, despite having ZERO experience playing a tower defense game... 😶 That was me, highkey projecting rn... 😔😔😔 - So after days of getting used to the game, you started watching the interrogation since you were quite curious about the sinners backstory... 🤔🤔🤔 After finishing part of Hella's interrogation, you started to notice weird things happening in the game.
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- If you put Zoya as your display character, she starts getting too real about asking you how your day was. And telling you stuff like; You better level me first 😤😤😤 because I'm the only who can protect you bbgirl... 🐺 Girl... This wasn't here before 🤨 so you definitely looked it up, but to no avail... So you probably felt special... 😍😍😍 Like, for me??? 🥺 Oh my gah 😱 I'm never letting you go POOKIE 🤭 Though you got jumpscared by the way Zoya suddenly responded with, That's right... I'm your pookie now... 😈 Making you press the home button on your phone due to how much you are FOLDING rn... 😳😳😳 Zoya canonically RIZZING you up pookie... *Sighs in not being able to relate because I'm not You pookie... 😞* But lmao imagine saying words like, Pookie 😍, Rizz 😏, and Bbgirl 🐺 to THE Zoya, like this is sending me rn... The way that I giggled a lil bit too hard writing this, feeling a lil EMBARAZZED picturing how Zoya would probably react to this... She's probably amused at you fangirling about her character, gives me FANSERVICE queen vibes like??? 😳 She knows how to play her role TOO well... 🥵
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If you decide to put Adela as your display chara... (Though, what you know about my POOKIE Adela??? 🤨 Maam, I probably need to see that I.D for verification that you are INDEED another Pookie of Adela's... 🧐🧐🧐 /j I SEE 👀 you that one Adela pookie in my comments rn... So, this one's for you 🥰 and a lil bit of a spoiler pooks, if you see this rn... I'm writing another installment to our fav hair stylist soon...) - Adela would DEFINITELY give you good advice about hair... Me thinks my girl Adela knows FASHION 💃 Because, you cannot convince ME that this girl doesn't know how to dress up, like??? Her default outfit? SLAYED THE BOOTS DOWN 👢💥 So, rest assured you guys chose the right girl to display because this girl DON'T play around with both SERVING looks and SLAYING in one setting like girl... Me thinks if you like asmr, and had it on playing in the background and she hears and sees how it relaxes you... She probably would replicate it, like girlie had a secret career brewing and thought that we didn't notice??? 😯 Pookie, at this point, if you want to sleep or just relax... Hop on the game rn... Adela's doing 💈✂ barber shop 💇‍♀️ asmr... 😴😴😴 Adela havers be having a good night sleep, being blessed every night with her calming atmosphere... (Average Adela fan spotted, I will YAP when I hear her name...) Her voice lines would make you feel that you guys were besties from the start, or it's either like she's your mom friend and you guys get to hanggg around when she's not too busy SERVING the customers 💅
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Not the soul siren 😭 but if you guys put her as your display character and you eat in front of her during a break... Sis will ROAST you like she's a copy of Gordon Ramsay, but more CUNTIER 💋 Girl acts like you are one of her 5 star chef and DEMANDS that you eat something else... 🙄 Babes really think you're rich 💳✨ and have MONEYYY to eat ✨exquisite✨ food... Only the best food for her caretaker. Girl really said that like you was her maid or something like??? WHAT? 😭😭😭 Lowkey judges you like you're BROKE or smth, same thing applies if you're actually not broke or like... College student tingssss, which makes it even WORSE because sister manages to convince you to buy her skins every time or pull copies of her... Pookie, I think she's a secret marketing agent of AISNO... 🤨 Girl WILL be obsessed with you the moment you max her, forfeit all moral possessions for her, and HER exclusively... 🤐🤐🤐 Sis does not leave you alone even after all that... She's hard to please 😞, in short but she warms up to you when you show significant improvement in your life... It's giving... Strict asian parents vibes 😶 Though, for realsys she isn't mean but like she's hard to predict pookie... I think she's kinda more on the practical side of things... When I mean practical, like your cooking skills... Critiques you as if you're in culinary school... 😃 Tough love for you pookie 💔 But dw, she'll change... When you manage to impress her with your cooking skills, of course 😇 Extra An: Pooks, if ya'll want more... 🤭 Comment which characters you want to see in this series or request other stuff that you want to see... The more KRAZY 🤪 it is, the more likely I am able to EAT 🍴 it up (Though, your pooks wouldn't be active much/still brewing some ideas 🧍‍♀️) TOODLES!
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lady-dragon-rider · 29 days
Feathers And Scales Pt. 2
Davos/Benjicot Blackwood, Oscar Tully x Targ!Reader
After sending a Raven home, Reader is set to spend a week or so each at Riverrun and Raventree... to get to know her potential Lord husbands.
Contains: Akward Lordlings, Platonic/Romantic sparks
Featuring: N/a
Bold is text spoken as High Valyrian.
The raven Ser Lorant had sent at your request arrived back in a day or two with your mothers response.
"My darling daughter. While it pleases me that you have already found two eligible suitors, i have the sincere hope that you arent making any choices out of haste nor rebellion. I know the situation isnt ideal, but i believe it would be best if you could take this breathing room you have granted yourself to actually get to know the future lords you have chosen.... please also keep in mind to update me frequently as to any news in the riverlands that may require my attention. With love... your mother"
You stare at the the letter as mixed emotions boil and churn inside you. Admittedly your half-cooked plan was made both in haste AND rebellion and you didnt want to have to subject yourself to anymore droning from men who thoight your hand was nothing more than a pretty decoration to be bragged about. Though you knew your mother was not entirely fo blame. She had always known what the roles of princesses and ladies were, that this was just what was done.
But that didnt mean she had to like it.
However she also knew that she couldnt back down now that she has made this choice - rash as it was in the moment. It would compromise her AND her mother if she were to do anything that could be seen as faltering. Steeling her face as she peered at her reflection in the vanity, she called for her lady-in-waiting Adela.
"Can you get the dress with the scale sleeve details? I think it would be best for my stay in Riverrun."
"Of course Princess, that is an excellent choice. Would you like me to braid your hair after your bath?" She offered.
"Yes, that would be wonderful. Just the usual style please. We shouldnt pull out all the stops, they are the ones that need to impress me"
Adela chuckles "But of course, leave everything to me"
You make your way to breakfast in the dining hall of Riverrun. Most of the lords of nearby villages had already made the journey home, so only the lords from further away had stayed the night to male their respective journeys homd in the morning.
You spot the three Tully lords speaking with the two Blackwood Lords, more than likely conversing about your hand-over that would happen within the follwing fortnight.
Benjicot and the young Tully lord - whose name you only now realised you didnt have - notices your presence and gives friendly smiles and waves.
"Good morning Princess, i hoped your chambers were to your liking? If there is anything you need in your time here please feel free to ask my Father or I." The curly red-haired boy proclaimed formerly, bending at the waist.
"They are perfectly fine thank you, and please, we can do away with formal titles for the time being. This time is meant to be spent getting to know one another better... i feel that titles may hinder those efforts, dont you argee my lord?" You jest, voice taking on a playful tone. You can see his cheeks take on a little colour as he akwardly mumbles out an agreement. This causes Benji to laugh and the shorter boys back. Making the colour on his face darken.
"Come now Oscar! I know she's pretty but your gonna have to get over that shyness at some point if your gonna impress her!"
So his name is Oscar...
"You two are quite good friends then i take it?" You ask curiously
"Yeah you could say that, ive come here over the summers when my father or uncle come to do business and tend to other such matters. So i often ran into these two when i was exploring. The friendship came naturally i suppose, being close enough in age i guess" Benji explains, his arm now slung casually over Oscar, which made said boy lean at the added weight.
"Well then, i do hope that this doesnt put a strain on your friendship then. Id hate to be the thing that would tear such a bond apart." You say
If they do end up breaking their friendship... that could complicate things for mother....
"You neednt worry my lady, weve been through enough together that something like this would only make our bond stronger. Hopefully youll be able to bring out some fire in our dear 'little fish lord'" Benji teases, pinching Oscars cheek. Oscar growls and bats the hand away, following the attack with a few extra strikes for good measure. Benji laughs again and half-heartedly blocks the assault of the Tully Heir, clearly not threatened by his anger.
"In any case, i hope that i can make a friendship with the both of you. One that can flourish even if he is not chosen. Friendships that last through the toughest of trials can be hard to come by... are they not?"
The statement leave the group of men stunned. The playful fight between Benji and Oscar now forgotten they all stare at you in awe and wonder. You giggle a little at their awestruck faces and this time it is Benjis face that is set alight with redness. "If youll excuse me my lords" you dip in a curtsey as you wander away to find a spot to eat. Seemingly unaware of their following gazes.
The first days went by slowly as you settled into the new environment. You felt a little in the way, as you sauntered around the castle making yourself appear busier than you actually were.
Benji and his uncle had returned home after staying an extra day for business regarding a small despute with their neighbors the Brackens. As you wandered aimlessly you spot Oscar and his brother; Kermit, practicing their archery.
"Ive always been fond of achery" you sigh dreamily. Your voice mustve startled the boys because they yelp and the once nocked arrow whooshed straight past the target and into a nearby tree.
"Princess!" Oscar wheezes "Forgive me! I didnt notice you!"
"I suspected not, you seemed rather focused" you muse resting yourself against one of the pillars leading into the courtyard "And i thought i said to forget titles during the time we are using to get to know one another."
"Your right... (Name)... i apologise, its a tougher habit to break it would seem" his gaze pulls away from yours and the tips of his ears grow pink.
"Thank you Oscar." You smile. You wander closer and look at the failed shot. "Tell me, are you meant to hit the tree instead of the target? Or did i distract you too much?" Your smirk, trying to peer into his eyes again.
"You? Distract me? Never. I just wanted to show you want its NOT meant to look like. But by all means show me how its done if you think yourself capable" he quips back.
"Maybe i will. Mind if i borrow this?"
He nods, no longer trusting his voice as he only now seemed to realise how close you were. Your fingers brush his as Oscar passes the bow to you. Almost making you drop it in surprise. The pair of you cough a little awkwardly as you shuffle away to get into a good position.
You take a deep breathe and zero in to the target. Drawing the bow to full draw you release the the string and send the arrow flying. It hit the target with a heavy thunk! Just shy of the bullseye. Smiling, you turn to face the two young Tully's as they look between you and the target, mouth agape.
"Nice shot princess!" Kermit cheers "i bet you could give Black Aly a run for her coin purse!"
"Black Aly?" You ask
"Benjicots Lady-Aunt." Oscar responds "people say she is one of the best achers in the riverlands."
"Well i cant wait to meet her when im at Raventree." You reply "care to walk with me?"
"It would be an honor."
Your walk with Oscar has been enlightening. He talked all about the castle's conception and construction, and talked at length of his familys history and ties to the place. And while history lessons with your tutors as sometimes bored you to death, you couldnt turn your attention away. It inadvertently lead to a bit of an impromptu tour, as he showed and talked about anything he had the knowledge of.
You reminisce the days events in the bath, mindlessly chatting the ear off of Adela.
"Im glad you had fun today Princess (Name), that letter seemed to have had you in a stormy mood these past days... but i am very happy it has passed" she said while brushing freshly washed hair.
"Adela? I have a question.... and i need your complete honesty"
"Why of course. What troubles you?" She says, concern lacing her voice and brow.
As you peer up at the ceiling, tracing the decorative drapery that coiled around the hanging lights, you heave a deep sigh as you spin yourself to face her, arms leaning on the edge of the tub. "Do you think i have made a poor choice regarding choosing Lord Tully and Lord Blackwood?"
"I dont think so, in terms of their family power and status they are quite secure-"
"I mean picking two to face-off against one another instead of just sucking it up and picking one... it will not only not delay my inevitable fate of marriage but may in fact make my final decision worse. What if i end up liking both so much i cant make a choice! I even naively said i hope to form friendships with them to try and spare them heartache! How utterly cruel!" You rant, sinking into the waters to try and hide your shame and guilt "what happens if my choice make this more difficult for mother to sercure a foothold here... danger and death loom like shadows, creeping closer while im here prancing about fields as if there are no fires licking at the heels of my family."
Adela's footstep wander to the right side of the tub. As she offers her hand she leads you out and vigilantly prepares you for bed. "Unfortunately, i have no true answer for you. You may have made things harder for yourself this is true. But you are young, spirited, and in an unfamiliar and uncomfortable situation. All you can do now is hope your heart will have a choice ready when the time comes.
"As if following my heart wasnt what got me here in the first place...." you grumble as Adela tucks the covers back for you to get in. She chuckles and wishes you a goodnight before taking her leave. As you drift off only one thought crosses your mind.
I just hope she is right...
Your worries carry you into the next morning as you sit in the dining hall for breakfast. You prod at the food, which while it was delicious despite its looks, did nothing to sate your anxiousness. The worries you expressed to Adela still present.
"Princess? (Name)? Did you hear what i said?"
Shaken from the negative spiral, you look up to see a concerned Oscar. "I called out to you and you didnt answer... is something troubling you?" He takes a seat in front of you to look at you with sincerity.
"Not at all Oscar, just trying to make a plan for the day." You lie. Oscar misses the tightness in your voice as he smiles brightly at you. Oddly, you find your posture easing as well, the smile before you seemingly melting away your troubles.
"Well then if you have failed to come up with anything significant, perhaps an adventure outside these walls shall do it." He smirks
"Would we really be allowed to? Dont you have dutys here are heir?" You say, the idea of getting out and seeing silverwing energising you.
"Of course, who would stop us? As you say i am heir and you (Name), are a princess. It would be impossible for anyone to deter us." He says confidently "if it is a yes, then i have a very special place that i would like to show you. Of course that is only if it is indeed a yes... this place is super secret after all." He teases.
"Of course its a yes! I will go get ready!" You squeal "by any chance is this 'secret special place' big enough for a dragon?"
"Mayhaps." He quips looking away thoughtfully "i guess youll have to get ready and find out"
You finish your food as quickly and as elegantly as you can and then sprint off down the hall to prepare your riding clothes.
Minutes later, after scaring Adela and buzzing with excitement, you cross the bridge in your riding leathers and march to where your dear dragon companion is. She stirs at your presence and chirps as she shakes the sleep from her muscles. "I know girl im sorry i havent come to tour the skys with you. But im sure you have found some wonderful spots, so show them to me later" you whisper. You hear rustling from behind you as you whip around and see Oscar, Kermit and Ser lorant. All three are on horse back and Oscar calls out to you from his position closest to you.
"We would come closer (Name) but i fear that your dragon may mistake us as food! I hope you take no offence!"
"Of course not! I would hate for one of my future lord husbands meet such a tragic end!" You laugh "i shall follow from above so lead the way!"
A semi short flight later, maybe a hour or so away from the castle, silverwing circles a small enclosed grove. You land as close to the treeline as you can and give Silverwing the all clear to go hunt. "Stay close and dont fly too far."
An affirmative trill comes from her as she takes off. As you carefully wander through the shade of the trees to spot the boy and your knight tying up the horses. Oscar slides up to you and mumbles under his breath.
"Unfortunately i couldnt escape my dear brother in time, so he has joined us. Your knight Ser Lorant however was very insistent when he heard the news of our adventure." He looks over to where his brother and Ser lorant are. The pair have busied themselves with preparing blankets and food in a shaded spot. "Though given your status it is quite understandable that you should have a proper escourt - given the fact that we are, in the minds of the courts - courting."
You snort at the little joke as you lean in to whisper back "i truly dont mind your brother being here. i find his company just as enjoyable as yours. Besides, seeing the two of you interact reminds me of my brothers. It has been quite reassuring."
Oscar smiles as you link your arms and stride to the makeshift picnic area.
By the time the sun was in the position signally the early afternoon, you and the Tully brothers had exhausted yourselves. Exchanging childhood stories, jokes and even a short water fight in the shallower pools. Ser lorant had scolded you, but as the heat of the day increased, you found yourself caring a little less. You took one more flight on sliverwing, giving her some girl time and some exercise before settingnher in the same spot as when you had first arrived. The rest of the day flew by just as quickly, as you followed Oscar about as he caught up of his dutys as the Lord-to-be.
Night falls as you recount the events to Adela. She hums as she brushes your hair and makes the necessary arrangements for bed, chiming in whenever deemed appropriate. "Im glad you have made a place for yourself my princess, however small. It is great, the whole castle seems that much more lively." She agrees, tucking the covers against you before she leaves. "Sweet dreams"
You make a sleepy response back as the the door clicks shut, the day having finally caught up to you. You smile as you thoughts drift aimlessy to the fun you had, you heart feeling lighter than it had been in recent weeks. The thought of a place here no longer sounding so dreadful if you held the company of a curly-haired Tully and his brother.
@tssf-imagines @accidentpronedork
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Exceptions (1/2)
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Part 2
Warnings: language, mentions of smoking/alcohol
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Been mulling over this little two-part fic for a while. Love me some Juice content haha. This part is all fluff, part 2 is a nice balance of angst and fluff. Hope you enjoy! xo
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You’d worked at the bar for a few months, and everyone was kind to you. But you hadn’t really become overly close with anyone. You knew how easily friendship could be construed into something else and you really were here because it was a good paying gig. You were a friend of a friend to the club so when they needed a bartender and you met the qualifications, they didn’t give it much of a second thought to throw you back there. You didn’t start trouble, didn’t ask too many questions, and made good strong drinks. They couldn’t have asked for anything more.
At the heart of it, it was nothing more than a customer service gig. Sure, most everyone you served was part of the MC or a friend of the club, but you didn’t treat them any differently because of it. The same as you had done at your previous gigs, you were nice but you didn’t tolerate any disrespect. There were a lot of egos put in check the first few weeks that you were working there and you were surprised that you hadn’t been pulled aside and spoken to about it.
Once you all sort of fell into a flow, the guys quickly realized that you were content to chit-chat but you were keeping them at arm’s length for your sake and theirs. There was something to be said about being ignorant to the goings on of SAMCRO. It wasn’t lying under oath if you really didn’t have a solid clue as to what any of them were doing. They respected that, even if they didn’t always like the way you would wave them off if they were talking about something within earshot of you.
Most of the guys had given up on trying to get cozy with you once you shot them down with a considerable amount of force. Opie checked in on you on a somewhat consistent basis—he felt a little obligated to keep an eye on you since Lyla was the one who had sent you in the direction of the club in the first place. He was always kind to you but he knew and respected that you had pretty firm boundaries with all of them, including himself. As long as you let him know that you were content, safe, and that no one was bothering you at the time, he would leave you be and you really loved that about him.
The only other person who would try to get and keep your attention was Juice. And that was how you found yourself trying and failing to bite back the laughter that you could feel building up inside your chest. You were leaning onto the bar, directly across from Juice who was plopped on a stool in front of you. He was talking about the antics that went down on the shop earlier in the day, and the way that he spoke and gestured, along with the light in his eyes, made it impossible not to laugh and get roped into every word that he said.
There was a boyish charm and innocence to him that you had to admire. He had tried to flirt with you at first and you shot him down instantly, not looking to start playing any games with anyone. He backed off for a little while, giving you your space. But after a couple weeks he wound up right back at the bar, coaxing conversations out of you whenever there was a lull in drink orders. He kept it platonic, carefully choosing his words so you couldn’t shoo him away for being flirtatious or inappropriate. For that reason alone, you rewarded him with some of your time. Plus, there were worse people to look at on the other side of the bar throughout the night.
The later it started to get, the more you tried to encourage everyone to either go home or back to their dorms. Or really just anywhere besides the bar. You hated trying to clean up around people passed out drunk everywhere. It only ever got out of control on the nights of big parties, but you didn’t see any harm in making sure that it stayed that way.
The main expanse of the bar was almost completely empty. There were a few girls getting ready to leave, and Juice was still sitting across the bar as you wiped it down and started stacking glasses in the dishwasher.
You chuckled and shook your head, “Don’t you have somewhere you gotta be, Juice?”
He shook his head, “No, not really.”
You looked down at your watch, “It’s late. Better get to bed if you’re going to wake up and actually make it to work tomorrow.”
“That sick of me, Y/N?”
You had to let out a quiet laugh when you saw his puppy-dog eyes, “You know that’s not true. I would definitely tell you if I was sick of you. Pretty sure I have before,” you laughed.
It got a chuckle out of him, “That’s true. Alright. I’m going to bed then. See you tomorrow?”
You nodded, “See you tomorrow.”
He wandered back towards his dorm and you let out a long sigh once he was out of sight. You looked around at the now-empty clubhouse and a wave of relief washed over you. You set about straightening up and throwing things away. This was easily the longest part of your shift—serving drinks was easy.
Once everything was cleared away, you grabbed yourself a bottle of beer from behind the bar and hoisted yourself up so that you were sitting on top of it, legs swinging idly between the barstools. Never in a million years did you think that you would’ve ended up in this position. Then again, not much of your life was predictable or even felt like it was in your control.
You nursed your beer and soaked up the silence of the clubhouse for a while, finally deciding that it was time for you to leave and go home too. You locked the door behind you as you left, not that it really mattered all that much. You walked out to your car and drove home in silence, just glad to be free of the noise and chaos.
By the time the next afternoon rolled around, you were ready to do it all over again. You shimmied into your jeans and tank top, opting for a pair of comfortable boots. You saw how some of the girls could manage the whole night in heels and you admired their dedication, but that just wasn’t something you were capable of or that committed to. You needed to be able to move a lot, and move quickly. And also kick the shit out of someone if it came down to it.
You were setting up the bar when you heard the door open. You looked over, a smile passing over your lips for a moment when you saw it was Juice.
“This is early even for you, Juan Carlos,” you laughed.
He laughed as he set a coffee down on the surface of the bar, “Just wanted to stop and give you this.”
You raised your eyebrows, “Oh really?”
He held his hands up in surrender, his own coffee cup dangling lightly from his hand, “Just a friendly gesture. I know you were here late last night.”
You nodded slowly as you grabbed the cup and took a sip. You smiled over at him, “I’ll allow it only because this is perfect.”
He chuckled, “Good,” he waved and headed towards the door, “See you later, Y/N.”
You watched as he walked out of the clubhouse. You lightly drummed your fingers on the countertop as your mind raced. You spun the cup and laughed when you saw that he had written his phone number on it.
“In case you’re ever in need of a friendly conversation. Or bail.”
You chuckled and against your better judgment, added his number to your contacts. You didn’t know when you were actually going to reach out to him, but he was a good person to be able to reach, especially if you really did land yourself in some kind of trouble. A warm feeling spread through your chest and you tried to ignore it as you went back to what you were originally doing when he walked in.
You were lucky enough to not have to work the entire length of your usual shift. You weren’t supposed to be the only bartender even though it usually ended up feeling that way. They had the prospect filling in for the second half of the night and you liked him, but not enough to tell him that he didn’t have to work the bar. Giving him a loving pat on the back, you grabbed yourself a beer and headed out of the clubhouse.
It never ceased to amaze you how chilly it got at night despite the fact that the afternoons would be sweltering sometimes. Every night you told yourself to bring a sweatshirt and you remembered about fifty percent of the time. It wasn’t one of those nights, though. You felt goosebumps break out over your arms as you plopped onto the picnic table outside the clubhouse. You looked up at the sky as you sipped on your beer, letting your mind empty out a bit before you headed home.
You heard heavy footsteps behind you and you glanced over your shoulder. You smiled when you saw that it was Juice. He walked over and stood next to the table, looking at you with a hopeful look in his eyes.
“Mind if I sit and grab a smoke?”
You eyed the joint that he was holding and you smiled, “Only if you share.”
“Fine by me,” he chuckled as he plopped down next to you, feet resting on the bench beside yours.
He flicked his lighter and lit the joint in his hand, taking a long drag off of it before handing it over to you. You smiled as you gently took it between your fingers. It had been ages since you last smoked, but you knew that Juice had good connections. Besides, if there was anyone in the club that you would trust with something like that it was Juice—he was too sweet to do something shady, especially to you.
You took a drag and fought the urge to cough as you handed it back to him. You slowly exhaled and laughed, “Sorry about the lipstick.”
He chuckled, “I’ve been told that this is a good shade for me, anyway,” he smiled as he put it back to his lips again.
The two of you sat there in semi-silence, passing the joint back and forth. He was usually so full of energy and had so much to say, you were surprised at how calm and quiet he was.  The outsides of your legs rested against each other and you glanced over at him, but he was so busy staring up at the stars that he didn’t even notice. You let it go.
Opie and Lyla walked out of the clubhouse, his arm draped around her shoulders. He looked at you, eyebrows raised, “All good?”
You nodded, “All good. Thanks, Ope,” you smiled at Lyla, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
She nodded and said goodbye as the two of them crossed the lot to Opie’s bike and left. With a deep sigh you felt your body shiver. Juice felt you tremble against him and he looked over at you.
“I can run and grab you a hoodie if you want. I got a bunch in my dorm.”
You shook your head as you stood up, “No, that’s alright. I should get going, anyway.”
You laughed, “Hey, I’m off the clock. I don’t gotta stay here until everyone leaves this time,” you finished off your drink and set the bottle of the table next to him.
“Want a lift home?” there was a smile on his face.
You shook your head with a chuckle, “Not tonight. Thank you, though.”
“Tomorrow night?” he raised his eyebrows.
You smiled and placed a quick, soft kiss on his temple, “Goodnight, Juice.”
You could feel him watching you as you crossed the lot to your car, and you shook your head to yourself as you tried to contain your laughter. There was something about him that made you let it go—if it had been any of the other guys you would’ve shot a snarky comment their way for their lingering eyes. But with Juice it was just different.
Once you got home, you let out a breath you hadn’t realized that you’d been holding. You dropped your purse to the floor next to your discarded shoes and made your way towards the bathroom to shower and rinse off the night. You closed your eyes as the soap suds slid down your body and made their way towards the shower drain. There wasn’t a single thought that crossed your mind that really stuck—each one of them disappeared as quickly as they showed up, and that was more than fine by you.
After your shower, you pulled on your most comfortable set of pajamas and huddled down in bed with the latest book that you had been making your way through. With a deep sigh you let yourself really settle against your pillows and under your blanket. You opened the book and dove in. However, every few pages or so, you found your eyes straying over to your phone.
Finally, after arguing with yourself about it for longer than you should have, you grabbed your phone and sent a text to Juice, “Don’t need bail. Just wanted to say thank you for tonight.”
You assumed that he knew it was you, because the response was immediate, “Don’t have to thank me for anything,” a few moments later a second text came through, “I should be the one thanking you for not kicking me off the table”
You laughed and shook your head as you typed out your response, “Well in that case…you’re welcome”
Shortly after sending the message, you passed out. Your hand was loosely cupping your phone as you drifted off to sleep, as if you were waiting for something more to happen.
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starfleetimagines · 5 years
Upcoming Imagines (Feb. 2/20)
These are all of the requests I have received and have decided to write. I can’t promise when any of these will be written and I don’t have an order that I’ll be writing them in - I just write whatever one I have inspiration for at a given time.
Currently, I’m very busy with my university classes as well as volunteering at my old elementary school one day a week. So, I don’t have much time to write. I have a break week in two weeks so hopefully I’ll have some time then to write some stuff. But yeah, here are the requests that I’ll try to write in the next few months:
Quark – Marital Advice (aw--heck on tumblr) [Any chance I could get a DS9 request where the reader goes to their best friend Quark to talk about marriage troubles with their husband Worf? A bit of comforting banter at the bar type thing?]
Garak – Flirtatious Surprises (anon on tumblr) [I wonder if I could please request a DS9 Garak x reader imagine where the normally quiet plus-size reader flirts with Garak in front of everyone and leaves him flustered but in the end he just kisses her and everyone cheers?]
Data – Panic Attack (Area_C-137 on wattpad) [Maybe you could write one we’re the reader is in a relationship with data and he see the reader having a panic attack and then they cuddle to make the reader feel happy]
Data – First Date Part 2 of First Meetings (ElfWarriorQueen on wattpad) [Maybe them going on their date and there could be some kind of unfortunate accident that draws them closer together; like drinks get spilled over the reader, or maybe there’s a malfunction in the elevator and they’re stuck for a while.]
Trip Tucker – Tension (adela-topaz-caelon on tumblr) [Can I request a vaguley smutty Trip Tucker x Reader, where they're on a mission together in a shuttle, there's some repartee between the two, who aren't yet dating - and comments start leading to others and so on and forth and such, and then there's a time skip to them going back to the station, and whilst they did get the work done, other's can tell by marks on the Reader's neck that something has happened.]
Christopher Pike – Parents (anon on tumblr) [I had a realization thats night if you can do Disco Pike becoming for dad I'll love you forever]
Wesley Crusher – Comfort (anon on tumblr) [could I request something fluffy where Wesley does his best to comfort the reader after her now ex-boyfriend break ups with her b/c of lack of sexual intimacy and the reader avoids Wesley cause she feels she's not smart enough or pretty enough for him]
Leonard “Bones” McCoy – Dance Practice (jesterofsorts on wattpad) [I was wondering if you could do a Star Trek imagine about AOS Bones? Maybe if he teaches the reader to dance because they don't know how and they fall in love with each other?]
Garak – Rescue Party (kate_the_dork on wattpad) [I was wondering if you could do a Garak x reader where the reader is taken by the Dominion and is interrogated for info about ds9 but she won't give it up cuz she's too cool for that lmao. And then, cuz I'm a cliche and fluffy gal, Garak comes to save her?]
Garak – “Sew, you like me?” (Indirect_Detective on wattpad) [Could you do a Garak x reader? Him coming to terms with loving the reader and finally trying to admit is but doctor Bashir keeps cutting in and ruining the moment. Garak finally gets the reader alone and compliments the reader(looks and personality) as he's hemming readers uniform before opening up to the reader?]
Malcolm Reed – “Talk to me, please.” (chevyp15 on wattpad) [Malcolm Reed x reader where reader seems off and when Mal confronts them they break down and confess all their worries about the relationship?]
Deanna x Will - Pregnant (anon on tumblr) [Can I ask you for something fluffy between Deanna Troi x William Riker where set during an official Starfleet ball and they announced that Deanna is expecting a baby again, but Deanna feels uncertain after the death of their son Ian Troi and Riker comforts her, which leads to a bit of passionate kisses please.]
Garak - Presents (anon on tumblr) [Ah I request an imagine for garak. Like he’s at his shop and his so comes in with something from cardassia for him and he has no idea how his so got it for him and she refuses to say. But he’s super happy about it because it’s something he’s missed for so long. And just fluff ensues?]
Pavel Chekov – Set Up (anon on tumblr) [Can I get an imagine with Chekov please? Fem!Reader works in engineering and is like a daughter figure to Scotty. When Chekov starts shadowing Scotty, he meets the reader and a friendship quickly forms because they are both adorable dorks. Scotty notices that their friendship could become something more with a nudge in the right direction. Soon the Scotsman has get both the reader and Chekov together. Just something super silly and fluffy!!] 
Kathryn Janeway – Protection (anon on tumblr) [Hiiiiiiii could I have a Janeway x reader fic where she steps in front of you to protect you and uses her arm to shield you and is super gentle with you and everything? Can be romantic or platonic whatever works best for this!]
Spock x Uhura – Wedding Bells (anon on tumblr) [Can I ask you for something fluffy between Spock and Uhura where they get married on planet Vulcan with all their friends and family around them?]
Being Pavel Chekov’s Betazoid Wife Would Include… (dancingwith-thesunflowers on tumblr) [Could you write some headcanons about Chekov and female betazoid-human hybrid!reader getting married and having children please?]
Dating T’Pol Would Include… (anon on tumblr)
Will Riker – Pregnant (borzanimariana on wattpad) [Write with command riker and reader are married and she's pregnant, please]
Having Worf as a Father Figure Would Include… (anon on tumblr) [Being a security office and having Worf as a father figure (cause y/n is one of the youngest in the crew)]
Being Married To Jean-Luc Picard Would Include… (spaceyslytherin on tumblr) [Request: Being married to Jean-Luc Picard would include.]
Malcolm Reed – Nightmares (wraith-queen-todd on tumblr) [Heyyyyy ep so can I request a Malcolm reed imagine where he comforts his so after thy have a nightmare about him dying-? If that’s ok. I never really request before haha sorry I’m so awkward]
Scotty x Jayla – Graduation (anon on tumblr) [Can you please write an oneshot with Scotty + Jaylah where Scotty is at Jaylah’s graduation from Star Fleet Academy and Jaylah admits to Scotty that she is proud that Scotty is the first person she considers “a friend”?]
Data x Geordi – Domestic Life (anon on tumblr) [Hey! If you could. Would you be able to write an one shot please with some Data + Geordi fluff where in an AU, Lal (Data’s daughter) is a small child and both Data + Geordi married and are looking after her and they’re playing and having fun with Spot the cat, as he causes mischief.]
Trip Tucker – “You’re hot when you’re jealous.” (anon on tumblr) [Hello I’m the smut asked about trip. As for the thing I was wondering if it could be like trip for jealous of someone flirting with his so and she reassured him that she only has eyes for him? If that’s ok?]
B’Elanna x Tom – PDA (anon on tumblr) [If it’s okay. Would you write an oneshot between Br’Elanna & Tom Paris where they are arguing about things, but in the end, they have a romantic moment, which is seen by the rest of the crew, without them realising. Please? Thank you in advance!]
Michael x Ash – Nightmares (anon on tumblr) [Hello, I love your writing!! 🥰 Could I request an oneshot with Michael comforting Ash after having a panic attack during his PTSD please? ✨ Thanks!]
Leonard “Bones” McCoy – Study Date (SloveniaReader95 on wattpad) [I was thinking... maybe with Bones where he is a year or two ahead at the Academy and for the first exam, the reader is already giving up, but Bones is there not letting her do it or something:)]
Malcolm Reed – Destressing (anon on tumblr) [Can you do a Malcolm reed smut if that is alright? Maybe Malcolm comes back to their room after a shift stressed and his so tries to calm him down a bit and it turns into smut?]
Kathryn Janeway Being Your Mother Would Include… (anon on tumblr) [Could you write some headcanons about Janeway being the reader’s mother, please? Thanks so much! I love your beautiful writing!!]
Julian Bashir – “Surprise!” (anon on tumblr) [DS9 request: The reader's belly has popped. So have her buttons. It's time to tell Julian the two of them are going to have a baby.]
Will Riker – “I love you.” (catherinedm on tumblr) [Hi(: I love your blog your writings are amazing. Could you maybe please do something about Will Riker telling you(the reader insert) his fellow enterprise officer he’s been datuing for a while that he loves you for the first time? Thank you so much!! Keep up the great work]
Sylvia Tilly x Michael Burnham – More Than Friends (anon on tumblr) [Can you please write an oneshot where Sylvia Tilly helps Michael, when she finds out that she has never been on a proper human date, she decides to play matchmaker for Michael, not realising that her friendship with her new roommate could lead to more..]
Trip Tucker x T’Pol – Family (anon on tumblr) [Would you be okay to write an oneshot based on Trip and T'Pol, where they have been living on Vulcan with their daughter Elizabeth for a few months, and they're hoping that sooner rather then later that they’ll have another baby? Thank you so much! I love your beautiful writing for the Star Trek fandom!!]
Ezri Dax x Julian Bashir – Moving In (anon on tumblr) [If it is okay with you please?. Can you write an oneshot where Ezri and Julian attempt to build a life together, no matter what odds they may face. Thank you so much!]
Kira Nerys – Socially Awkward (anon on tumblr) [Can I request something for Kira Nerys with a female reader who's very opinionated/clever but socially awkward/a little overly cautious? Maybe a civilian of some kind, but that's not 100% necessary.]
Worf x Jazdia Dax – “Marry me.” (anon on tumblr) [I know requests are closed, but I am sorry and I do apologise for not being more specific about the Worf and Jadzia oneshot request. Would it be okay if it was something like it was last night for the Defiant, maybe set on Gaia ("Children of Time") and Worf surprises Jadzia by asking her to marry him. Hope that makes more sense! I’d be willing to send it again, if it doesn’t. Thank you very much!! I love your writing by the way!]
Will Riker – Home Safe (tngbabe on tumblr) [I'd like a will riker and reader. I'd love to have him take me home from a party because I'm drunk and wants me to get to my quarters safely and then stays.]
Comforting Kathryn Janeway Would Include… (geekyamorel on wattpad) [I was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing a KathrynXReader. Maybe something like Janeway is having a bad day and the reader tries their best to help calm her and maybe ends up making a fool of themselves just to make her smile and laugh]
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Adela as your hairdresser ✂💇‍♀️
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So, idk how you end up getting a hair cut, but you're getting one for today 🥰🥰🥰 FOR FREE?!?!?! 🤯 Sis appeared out of nowhere, and you stumbled 🎢 upon a cute vintage barber shop, that convinced you 💯💯💯percent to get a haircut 🤭 You didn't know about the 🌁🌁🌁 alley incident because frankly, you DIDN'T care 😎 It was just an urban legend... Right? 😈 So anyways! You know when a hairdresser is about to SERVE 💃 When she has a BOB 👷‍♀️ on, has FACE 🥰, and looks like she came out of a Vivienne Westwood fashion show like GIRL why is the hairdresser so FINE??? 🤨🤨🤨
She greets you as soon as you enter her shop, warm smiles, the smell of flowers is what the first thing that hits your nose... 😤🌷The first thing you ask her how she gets rid of the smell of hairspray, she answers she uses the trick of using flowers which explains why you smelled flowers as soon as you went inside... By the way, SIS had you giggling 🤭 the entire interaction because of how... Gorgas (I'm sorry I don't know how to spell it 😇) she is 😍 Pookie then leads you to your seat 🪑, and of course we SAT 🧎‍♀️ since the QUEEN said so 🤩
She tells you if you have any preferences that you wanted to do to your hair... But because this was an impulsive decision... Girlie ended up having to decide HERSELF 😳 remember when they said to trust your barber? When your barber looks like this... Sign me up, I'm SAT and definitely letting her cut my hair the way she wants because I trust her with my life 😊 Adela liked the fact that you seemed to have no worries, like you were just a silly gal getting a haircut... So no mind altering for YOU 😌 Oh bestie... You are so lucky, getting a haircut, not getting mind altercations from her, sitting in that chair, meeting ADELA??? at the same time??? Girl, I am 😡 jealous, that should be ME! 😭 You be living the life 💅
Timeskip to having one of the best💄💋 makeover that changed the trajectory of your life 😲 You and Adela stayed in touch, she ended up liking you so... You get to be a part of her "mundane" life now... 😿 CRYING because again, how??? 😔 How do you do it, POOKIE?!?? So of course, you end up becoming a regular in her cozy shop, making it a habit to drop by regardless of the constant change of location. When I say you WALK, you WALKED the whole Eastside just to see her 🥰 standing on business just to see your favorite hairdresser... 😩✊
You guys exchange letters, since Adela is kind of old school, so she sends you this beautiful 🌹, amazing 😲, mind-blowing 🤯, life changing letter that you keep in your drawers because of how MAJESTIC her penmanship is... Girl you better keep them in MINT condition, if not, I'm making your house as my rob list... Though, you wonder how she does it, changing locations like my GIRL has a walking hair salon that she can just fold her place and lay it out like a tri-fold brochure, with all the itinerary PACKED 💼 Sis acts as if she is a portable barber shop on the go that can magically appear in the blink of an eye... 👁‍🗨 Oh pookie... If only you knew...
Imagine your surprise receiving a letter that she got in JAIL like... My pookie didn't do wrong! 🤐🤐🤐 This is why you read the news and listen to people, but y'know stuff was boring to read anyways and you wasn't going to listen enough because, you don't like getting told what NOT to do! 💅💅💅 I fear 😰 you ✨SLAYED✨ with the response... So, of course like any sane pookie, you visited your favorite hairdresser to show some moral support with what she was going through... 🤧🤧🤧 *Sniffles* You are such a good pookie that you're making me EMOTIONAL
You met with the chief and her adjutant, they take you to a room that you can chat with Adela, but not you tryna defend pookie while also supporting women's wrongs at the same time because you couldn't go to her cozy vintage barber shop anymore so you protest and started a petition... ONLINE. 🤓 Girl, what is you doing..??? 😧 Both the chief and adjutant thought you were a CRAZED regular of Adela, them thinking you were brainwashed as well, but you explained to them that NO, pookie can't you see I'm grieving rn??? The way that ya'll can see her often but I CANT! Speaks a lot 😢😢😢 ahh dialogue
You sat there WAITING for your fav hairdresser, thinking if she got jumped by some prisoners, because if they did, sweetie... Your going to break in jail and whoop some ass... Even though you know nothing about fighting and have zero experience as well... 😃 Girl, don't be stupid 😭 I don't want to have an early funeral to host because YA'LL died early ⚰⚰⚰ I can't give out plot armor to my pookies too much 🤪🤪🤪 so value your life, but mood 🤩 So, finally pookie arrived, her FACE card never declining, as usual 🥱 You and pookie chat about how she got in jail, with her lowkey lying for a bit because sis didn't want to worry you... 🤧🤧🤧 Sobbing rn because of how sweet she is 😔 Adela, they can never make me hate you... 🥺🥺🥺
After having a sweet conversation with her, she exits the room due to the time limit... 👿 GRR why did they have to cut off the wholesome interaction... I am TWEAKING 🤬 for you guys... The chief then enters the room, wanting to conduct an interview with you. Of course, this makes you act defensive... 🙄🙄🙄 Of your pookie Adela, but the chief assures that she wouldn't be asking questions that are inappropriate... You were ready to make her catch some fists 🤛😠 if anything happens, though you ended up detailing on how you both met and ended up becoming her regular, to which the chief detailing about Adela's reason of imprisonment, and sharing some ILLEGAL 🤫🤫🤫 information that wasn't supposed to be shared to you...
After leaving the MBCC, you began to wonder why Adela kept you around, instead of cutting off contact just like the others. Could it be that you didn't appear to be THAT troubled which is why she didn't have to want alterations towards your memories...? Either way, you are thankful that she chose to stay in touch, because you got to have some fun interactions with her, and like touch grass at the same time! Pookie... I'm looking at some of ya'll who doesn't get enough sun... 😑 Like POOKIE... Go outside! AN: I can't decide if I want to have a part two on this one, but like an angsty, hurt-comfort, with a pinch of wholesomeness type of fic about this because I wanted to expand the LOREEE and yap about her backstory as well... (Can ya'll tell that I am an Adela fan?) But lmk if ya'll want one www but me thinks I'll end up writing it regardless to satisfy my NEED for more Adela content in this app... 😿 Where are all the Adela enjoyers at when you need them? 😔
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Rise and Shine
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader (platonic)
Inspired by Day 18 of the July Prompts and my partner’s brain: pool party and “You should do something with billiards tables”
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, nudity
Word Count: 1k
A/N: Shout-out to my partner for always asking about the prompt of the day and giving ideas. When he mentioned the pool table thing I knew that that was the direction I had to take it in lmao. And also shout-out to @garbinge​ for sharing my love of platonic stories. Enjoy!
Join my group-chat here: (X) ​
SOA Taglist: @masterlistforimagines​ @adela-topaz-caelon​ @mijop​ @chibsytelford​ @xladymacbethx​ @i-just-read-stuff​ @kkim120​ @toni9​ @unicornucopia-fuckers​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @punkgoddess-98​ @paintballkid711​ @black-repunzel99​ @jitterbugs927​ @mrsstevenbuchananstark​
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How things had ended the night before were all a blur to you. Every few minutes, above the rest of the noise in the clubhouse, all that could be heard was someone yelling, “Another round of shots!” It was always a different person, but regardless of who it was, they made sure that everyone got one who wanted any. One you got past a certain point, you weren’t one to turn down any kind of free drink or offer to stay out later.
Hence the pounding sensation in your head and the blurry memories. You sat up slowly, fingers pressing against your temples in an attempt to lessen the throbbing. Forcing your eyes to stay open, you looked around the room. You didn’t remember coming back to the dorm, but you were taking the empty bed as a good sign. There were only so many regrettable decisions that you could pack into one night.
Looking around, you realized that the dorm you were in belonged to Juice. You’d never really spent much time in any of the dorms to know the difference, but he was the only one who would have more than one laptop in his room. The space was much neater and more orderly than you assumed that it would be.
You peeled the blanket off and made your way over to his dresser. You could still smell the alcohol and smoke on your clothes, and you figured that Juice wasn’t going to be all that upset if you borrowed a t-shirt. You’d bring it back eventually. After changing your top, you went to the small bathroom that was attached to the room so you could at least wash your face. Relief flooded through you when you saw a bottle of mouthwash, and you carefully poured some into your mouth so you could rinse your mouth out.
Now that you felt a little more human, you decided that you would brave the rest of the clubhouse. When you opened the door to his dorm, everything was quiet. You didn’t hear noise coming from any of the other dorms, or from the main room of the clubhouse. It was hard to tell if that was reassuring or not.
When you quietly stepped out into the main expanse of the clubhouse, you were met with quite the sight. Clearly, you weren’t the only one who wasn’t going to be remembering everything that happened the night before. Everyone was passed out, sprawled across various surfaces of the clubhouse.
Trying to carefully maneuver around the various passed out bodies, you made your way to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee. You chuckled quietly, shaking your head at the ridiculousness of the scene that was behind you. It wasn’t often that you got as carried away as the rest of them, but it wasn’t unheard of, either. It’d been a while though, and the incessant throbbing in your head reminded you of that.
After you’d poured yourself a cup of coffee and taken a couple sips, you made your way back out of the kitchen to get a better idea of the situation. You hadn’t remembered the place being so packed, but it didn’t seem like much of anyone had been in a state to make it home.
Walking over to the billiards table, you tried and failed to bite back a laugh when you saw who was sprawled out across it. There were a few croweaters passed out with what was left of what they wore to the clubhouse, but in the midst of it all was Juice. And he was completely naked.
Your choked laugh caused him to stir. Lifting his head up slightly, he saw you standing there and a sleepy, still-drunk grin came over his face.
“Hey,” he dropped his face back down onto his arm but kept looking at you.
You laughed, “Good morning. Looks like you had a fun night,” you nodded towards the women passed out with him.
“I mean,” he shrugged, “it was alright. Not as much fun as you had on the table, though.”
You narrowed your eyes, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Do you…do you not remember?”
“Pretty sure you’re the only one who is gonna remember anything from last night.”
He chuckled, “You did a whole number up here,” he patted the small uncovered green fabric, “then you almost bit it and fell off.”
“Jesus Christ,” you pinched the bridge of your nose, “How’d I not crack my head open on the concrete?”
He pointed to himself, “I caught you.”
“Like a true knight in shining armor,” you laughed, “That how I ended up in your dorm?”
“Yea. Once you fell there was no getting back upright for you,” he paused, really taking a look at you for the first time all morning, “Is that my shirt?”
“Uh, yea,” you tugged at the bottom hem of it, “Someone should wear your clothes since you’re not wearing any of them.”
The comment triggered his self-awareness. Sitting up slightly, he realized that he still had no clothes on. His eyes grew wide as he tried to put himself in the best position possible. You chuckled at his embarrassment. It wasn’t the worst thing you’d ever seen within the walls of the clubhouse, if you were being honest.
“Want me to grab you some pants, Juice?”
A sheepish smile spread across his face, “Uh, yea, please.”
You walked back out to him with a pair of boxers and a pair of shorts, tossing both to him. You saw the hesitation on his face and rolled your eyes as you turned your back to him so you didn’t see him change. As if you hadn’t gotten a full view of pretty much everything from the second you stepped out onto the floor that morning.
“This pool table ever get used for its intended purpose?” you asked when you could finally turn around again.
Juice laughed, “Maybe it’s multi-purpose.”
You shook your head as you handed him your coffee mug, “I think you need this more than I do.”
He took a sip and his shoulders instantly relaxed, “Thank you.”
“Thanks for not letting me crack my head open.”
“I guess now we’re even,” he chuckled.
“Yea, sure. Those two things are the same,” you lightly clapped him on the back, “I’ll see you later, Juice.”
He smiled as he watched you walk away, “See ya.”
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starfleetimagines · 5 years
What’s your posting lineup
I mean, I don’t have a technical lineup or schedule for what I post because I write what I have inspiration for, not what was requested first. But, here is a list of the requests I have right now. Please note that these will not be written in this order, and some may be declined if I don’t get inspiration for them in a while. (Also titles are a work in progress lol)
Quark/Worf – Marital Problems (aw--heck on tumblr) [Any chance I could get a DS9 request where the reader goes to their best friend Quark to talk about marriage troubles with their husband Worf? A bit of comforting banter at the bar type thing?]
Malcolm Reed – Labouring Mission (thebeckyjolene on tumblr) [I was wondering if I was able to request an imagine using Malcolm Reed from Enterprise, where Y/N and Malcolm are set to enter parenthood and Y/N goes into labor mid mission.]
Garak – Flirtatious Surprises (anon on tumblr) [I wonder if I could please request a DS9 Garak x reader imagine where the normally quiet plus-size reader flirts with Garak in front of everyone and leaves him flustered but in the end he just kisses her and everyone cheers?]
William Riker – Confessions (Ravennya on wattpad) [What if the reader was secretly in love with Riker, and she only verbally admitted this to him when he was unconscious after sustaining an injury during a mission when he saved her from being harmed by an enemy. What she didn't know was that he became conscious while she spoke to him and he heard her. When Riker approaches the reader, she could be absolutely humiliated and believes that he is going to reject her. Instead, he would express his mutual affection for her.]
Data – Panic Attack (Area_C-137 on wattpad) [Maybe you could write one we’re the reader is in a relationship with data and he see the reader having a panic attack and then they cuddle to make the reader feel happy]
Data – First Date Part 2 of First Meetings (ElfWarriorQueen on wattpad) [Maybe them going on their date and there could be some kind of unfortunate accident that draws them closer together; like drinks get spilled over the reader, or maybe there’s a malfunction in the elevator and they’re stuck for a while.]
William Riker – Risa (anon on tumblr) [I’d like to see one with Riker, please? Maybe with a vacation theme, like going to Risa on shore leave!]
Trip Tucker – Tension (adela-topaz-caelon on tumblr) [Can I request a vaguley smutty Trip Tucker x Reader, where they're on a mission together in a shuttle, there's some repartee between the two, who aren't yet dating - and comments start leading to others and so on and forth and such, and then there's a time skip to them going back to the station, and whilst they did get the work done, other's can tell by marks on the Reader's neck that something has happened.]
Christopher Pike – Parents (anon on tumblr) [I had a realization thats night if you can do Disco Pike becoming for dad I'll love you forever]
Harry Kim – You’re Tom’s Sibling (evening_starz on wattpad) [Could you do one where the reader is Tom Paris’ sister, and she has to tell him that she’s dating Harry? And it could end with some sibling fluff?]
Wesley Crusher – Comfort (anon on tumblr) [could I request something fluffy where Wesley does his best to comfort the reader after her now ex-boyfriend break ups with her b/c of lack of sexual intimacy and the reader avoids Wesley cause she feels she's not smart enough or pretty enough for him]
Q Junior Being Jealous Would Include… (anon on tumblr)
Leonard “Bones” McCoy – Dance Practice (jesterofsorts on wattpad) [I was wondering if you could do a Star Trek imagine about AOS Bones? Maybe if he teaches the reader to dance because they don't know how and they fall in love with each other?]
Garak – Rescue Party (kate_the_dork on wattpad) [I was wondering if you could do a Garak x reader where the reader is taken by the Dominion and is interrogated for info about ds9 but she won't give it up cuz she's too cool for that lmao. And then, cuz I'm a cliche and fluffy gal, Garak comes to save her?]
Garak – “Sew, you like me?” (Indirect_Detective on wattpad) [Could you do a Garak x reader? Him coming to terms with loving the reader and finally trying to admit is but doctor Bashir keeps cutting in and ruining the moment. Garak finally gets the reader alone and compliments the reader(looks and personality) as he's hemming readers uniform before opening up to the reader?]
Malcolm Reed – Trust Issues (chevyp15 on wattpad) [Malcolm Reed x reader where reader seems off and when Mal confronts them they break down and confess all their worries about the relationship?]
Deanna x Will - Pregnant (anon on tumblr) [Can I ask you for something fluffy between Deanna Troi x William Riker where set during an official Starfleet ball and they announced that Deanna is expecting a baby again, but Deanna feels uncertain after the death of their son Ian Troi and Riker comforts her, which leads to a bit of passionate kisses please.]
Garak - Presents (anon on tumblr) [Ah I request an imagine for garak. Like he’s at his shop and his so comes in with something from cardassia for him and he has no idea how his so got it for him and she refuses to say. But he’s super happy about it because it’s something he’s missed for so long. And just fluff ensues?]
Pavel Chekov – Set Up (anon on tumblr) [Can I get an imagine with Chekov please? Fem!Reader works in engineering and is like a daughter figure to Scotty. When Chekov starts shadowing Scotty, he meets the reader and a friendship quickly forms because they are both adorable dorks. Scotty notices that their friendship could become something more with a nudge in the right direction. Soon the Scotsman has get both the reader and Chekov together. Just something super silly and fluffy!!]
Deanna and Beverly x reader (platonic) – Royalty (anon on tumblr) [Hi! I was thinking it’d be super interesting to have a reader that is an exiled member of royalty after a war that they lost on their planet, and they joined Starfleet but only the captain is aware of it. The reader is super close with Deanna and Beverly but they only find out after the reader has to go a diplomatic mission because of their hidden status and it goes wrong and they end up in Sickbay and the reader is super worried that they’ll change how they treat them?]
Kathryn Janeway – Protection (anon on tumblr) [Hiiiiiiii could I have a Janeway x reader fic where she steps in front of you to protect you and uses her arm to shield you and is super gentle with you and everything? Can be romantic or platonic whatever works best for this!]
Enemies To Lovers With Malcolm Would Include… (anon on tumblr)
Being Friends With Hugh Would Include… (anon on tumblr) [This is a bit outside your usual wheelhouse, but would you be up for writing something about Hugh the Borg? Possibly in an AU where he did end up staying on the Enterprise with Geordi, and the Reader ended up working with them and befriending him?]
Trip Tucker – Restless Nights (tinkerbelldetective on tumblr) [How about one for Trip where reader is trying to help him fall asleep and runs their hands through his hair please!]
Spock x Uhura – Wedding Bells (anon on tumblr) [Can I ask you for something fluffy between Spock and Uhura where they get married on planet Vulcan with all their friends and family around them?]
Being Pavel Chekov’s Betazoid Wife Would Include… (dancingwith-thesunflowers on tumblr) [Could you write some headcanons about Chekov and female betazoid-human hybrid!reader getting married and having children please?]
Beverly x Jean-Luc – Dinner Date (anon on tumblr) [Could you write something about Dr Crusher and Picard having one of their late night dinners together, and things getting a little romantic please?]
Garak – Lulled To Sleep (capan-devereaux on tumblr) [Can I please request one where reader falls asleep on Garak while he reads something, like maybe during the dominion war and he has to decide all those cardassian messages]
Dating T’Pol Would Include… (anon on tumblr)
Will Riker – Pregnant (borzanimariana on wattpad) [Write with command riker and reader are married and she's pregnant, please]
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