#platonic cordelia
animeyanderelover · 10 months
Anon: Cordelia, Karlheinz and Richter with a favorite child?
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, obsession, possessive behavior, protective behavior, strictness, stalking, isolation, gaslighting
The favorite child
Cordelia Sakamaki
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🟣​You are her child. It doesn't matter if she even is your biological mother or not, you are her child. And as your mother she expects you to see her as one too. You have to call her 'mother' and if anything troubles you, you will seek out her. Don't even dare to go to your biological mother if she shouldn't be the one who birthed you. She wouldn't hurt you of course, at least not as much as she has physically hurt and punished any of her other boys, but if she loses her temper she might slap you very hard or pull your ears until it feels like she's about to tear it off. But she will bully, insult and mentally, and occasionally also physically, torture your real mother to the point of insanity. If she has to turn your real mother against you so that you just come running into her arms, she'll gladly do it. You'll eventually realize that she's doing what's best for you because only under her will you truly flourish and reach your full potential.
🟣​Cordelia will train you very strictly to make you as attached to her as possible. You are not allowed to love anyone besides her. You will always be only her baby and child. She's always taking you with her wherever she goes and completely neglects her triplets in favor of you. They aren't allowed to play with you because she deems you as something better, actively gloats about how much superior you are in front of them and spoils you with toys and clothes. You can get away with a lot more than any of her other sons could get but if you dare to go against her and show signs of rebellion, she'll do her best to snuff that spark out as quickly as possible. She'll throw you in a dark and cold room and leave you there until you cry and beg for her to forgive you. She always tells you what might happen if you would ever leave your mother's side and that you might get hurt or in real troubles. She keeps you safe and isolated, away from all things she deems you do not need in your life. You only need her to watch over you after all.
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🍷​He has fathered six children so far and hasn't cared for any of his sons. So he doesn't expect much when you are born, his seventh child, but something about you seems to be different. Karlheinz can't quite put his finger around what it is that makes you different but he wants to satiate his peaking interest in you. He spends a lot more time with you than with his sons, makes time for you and actually cares about how you're raised. If your mother should be abusive or treat you bad in any way, he will punish her or even kill her if she's gone too far. She's disposable but he has to praise her for giving him such a fine child as you. That's about it for her usefullness though. He's starting to educate you from an early age on, one of his favorite activities is probably reading books to you and explaining the world to you. If he can't see you for a longer time, he writes you letters and makes time to read about any letter you send him.
🍷As soon as you're old enough, he permanently takes you with him. From that day on you travel with him everywhere and are only given the finest stuff in the world. He actively makes you forget about your mother, might even erase your memories if you should be too attached. You've grown up with seeing him as a caring and loving father so you never question him or some of the routines in your life. You're terribly isolated despite your thorough education​ and have never had proper social interactions with anyone besides him. You're terribly honest with him and tell him about anything because you've grown up to learn to tell your father everything because he will understand and help you. If you would ever hit a 'difficult' phrase, he wouldn't lash out on you. Instead he would pretend to support you only to manipulate the situation behind your back and break your spirits and morals so that you come back to him. You are his biggest and well hidden treasure, everything he ever wanted in his heir.
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🟩​Richter hasn't been a great uncle for any of his nephews either as he has also neglected them. Only you seem to be an exception for his feelings though as you're from the beginning very clingy and follow him around. It's possibly because your father has never been present in your life nor is your mother very loving and understanding so you cling to the only adult you have left now. Initially he is slightly irritated with the way you follow him like a little duckling around but with time he grows fond of your company. He starts warming up to you and grows less grumpy when with you. On your birthdays you always get a lot of presents from him and he spends a lot of time with you in general to make up for the neglect of your parents. Honestly, he is unable to understand how anyone could just ignore you or even dare to hurt you. You can do absolutely nothing wrong in his eyes and since he knows how the wives of his brother treat their children, he threatens your mother and siblings to not ever hurt you. He'll kill them otherwise.
🟩​You two often spend your time walking around the garden of the mansion with him either holding your tiny hands or carrying you in his arms. His already jealous feelings against his brother only grow worse as he grows obsessed over you and your well-being. How he wished that he could be your real father and not Karlheinz. He's already being much more of a father for you than his brother has ever been to any of his children anyways. If you actually call him 'father' by accident because he really is like a dad for you, Richter might shed a tear or two because it is very emotional for him to hear you call him that. It gets increasingly harder to leave you as he's constantly worried that in his absence the rest of your family might do something to you. He wants you with him all the time. So it isn't surprising when he one day tells you that you'll come with him, lying to you and telling you that both of your parents agreed to it too. With him you'll be so much safer and happier and he'll always protect you against all evil.
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all-seeing-ifer · 2 months
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the silt verses // angel
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
First Act: Episode One
In which, [Name], the one and only son of Sakamaki Richter strives to make his dearest cousin's lives a living hell. Or; In which yearns for what can never be his own and will do just about anything to yank it within his reach.
First Act | Ep. One | Ep. Two
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"Father? They're Uncle Karlheinz's boys, aren't they?"  
A boy with steel-grey tresses that faded into a pale silver asks his father; his soft voice catching the older man's attention.
The boy was seated at a beautifully carved, dark wood dining table; his father on the opposite side. Atop the table sat a lovely white, silken tablecloth with lace edges; and atop that sat a beautiful porcelain tea set. Said set was from France, according to what his father had told him, a gift from some noble in a futile attempt to curry favor with him some time ago.
Under the glossy varnish finish was painted a breathtakingly intricate pattern in the color of glacial blue. The rims, handles, spouts, and flat bottoms of the set were dipped in gold that shimmered whenever the light caught it. A lovely piece indeed, but certainly not the boy's favorite by any means.
The amber liquid inside the cup was telling enough, It was Darjeeling. Tasteful but boring. 
The boy lifts his teacup to his lips; taking a quiet sip and taking in the taste as it rolls over his tongue. His large, round e/c eyes looked up at the man across from him expectantly; clawed fingers drummed gently on the table with impatience and curiosity that bubbled just under his pale skin.
"You are correct. Why do you ask, dearest [Name]?"  
The charcoal-blonde-haired man answered, turning his tired eyes from the book in hand toward his beloved son. 
[Name] smiled eerily, the corners of his mouth stretching so far it almost looked as if his face was split in two. He leaned forward, sitting the teacup gently onto its platter and leaning on his forearms.
"Can I play with them?"  
He asks cheerily in his saccharine voice, innocent eyes wide with hidden depravity.
The man's sharp burgundy eyes narrow at the steel-grey-headed child. He really is just like her, isn't he? The joy they got in tormenting others, the twisted grins and psychotic glint that hid just behind their eyes was so similar, sometimes far too similar. 
He closed his eyes; now is not the time. 
"I suppose you can. Don't break them, though. Karlheinz would have my head."  
The older man warns, picking up his teacup.
Ah... the tea is cold.
[Name] now sat in his favorite spot, a large tree overlooking the Sakamaki mansion. Far enough away from the structure to where he won't be noticed, yet close enough to observe. He sat on one of the thicker branches; choosing this one in particular after making sure it wouldn't snap under his body weight. The steelhead came here fairly often; every day. He would sit and wait and watch. A repeating cycle that he never grew bored of.
Out of all the ones he liked to watch, there were preferred ones by now. The eldest two's one-sided bickering was always a small threat, the triplets fighting over various objects in the residence was another endeavor, and then there was the youngest, Subaru. 
The snarling, hollering, wall punching, fight-instigating youngest child of the Sakamakis. With snow-white hair, dazzling sorrow-filled scarlet eyes with thick lashes overhanging them, and pale skin. A true figment of melancholic beauty. A white rose.
Subaru was by far his favorite. Definitely.
Poor, poor Subaru. [Name] always thought that he'd gotten it the worst. Inbred, scorned and ignored. All culminating in violent outbursts to keep himself afloat. The air of suffering just radiated off of him in waves and the vampiric boy found is simply intoxicating.
It was all just so funny. His cousin's suffering was all so fun to watch. It's not [Name]'s fault that his uncle was a child-abandoning whore of a man. He just so happened to stumble upon their residence on his nightly stroll and had some intense sadistic tendencies.
Just like her... just like—
A sudden light caught his eyes. A car? No, a taxi. The vehicle pulled in front of the rundown mansion and slowed to a halt.
The back right door opened after a few seconds and out stepped a girl. The light from the car bounced off her brown hair and lit up the side of her face, displaying her prominent scowl and narrowed almond eyes.
She walked around to the trunk and pulled out a few suitcases as it began to rain. The girl groaned in annoyance and dragged her luggage into the building, seemingly before anyone answered the door.
[Name]'s e/c eyes stare into the door intensely.
Just who was that girl? Surely not another child of Karlheinz's, right? Do they get a sister now too? That's so... unfair.
The wind blew violently through the trees, and [Name] disappeared with the sway of branches; a scowl on his face.
[Name] had always been the curious type. That was something Richter had known since the boy had been birthed. But now.... he couldn't help but be concerned about his only child.
When he was young, [Name] was so gentle and meek; a quiet and impressionable boy who kept to himself most time. Though, that may have to do with the fact that Richter kept his existence from everyone. Almost everyone.
[Name] was only ten years old when Richter introduced the two, but he didn't expect his son to grow so attached. The young boy liked her so much, that he had turned to his father and asked him, "Papa, is this my mother?". And the look of utter despair when he had to tell him no. That she was already wed with her children that she had with the boy's very uncle. [Name] looked so utterly defeated. His heart completely shattered into millions of tiny pieces.
The charcoal-blonde-haired man tried his absolute best to comfort his son. He should've known not to let them meet; [Name] never had a mother figure after all. He had a mother, yes. A beautiful vampire noblewoman of the family Lucifuge whom Richter had fallen head over heels in love with. One he had made sure not to introduce to Karlheinz for fear that she would be taken by his status as the king and his promiscuous ways.  
The two had a long-running fling, though it ended shortly after his love became pregnant and birthed their child. She had then informed him that she was promised to someone else, that the two would be wed the next year and he would certainly reject her if he had discovered that she had carried and bore the child of another man.
She rejected her newborn son, "If only he was never born, we could continue our forbidden union. But with pity, I shall grace him with a name.". That's what she said to him as she gathered all of the gifts of lavish gowns and glittering jewels that he had once so selflessly given her. "[Name]. That is what he shall be called." Were the last words she had ever uttered in their general direction.
Richter thought he would never love again, but he always was quite faint of heart and it continued to beat longingly as it hung on his sleeve.
There's something glittering in the trees...
A key....How interesting....
Return to the Cathedral?
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sparksinger · 3 months
snippet from 'atonement's hope'
@aj-parker94 @marveldragon here's a little snippet for you! ^_^
He raised an amused brow at her and curled his fingers a little more securely around her small frame. “Would you be open to a small request of mine?” He kept the tone of his voice light, saying the words with an inflection of casual indifference. Cordelia frowned at him thoughtfully but did not offer any verbal resistance. Optimus seemed to take her silence as a cue for him to continue and he smiled ruefully at her, the previously pinprick pupils in his lazuline optics expanding to a more relaxed state. “I was wondering if you would let Hound perform a blood test? I have noticed since the haemorrhage you have been particularly tired. I just want to ensure that you are as healthy as you can be, Cordelia. Your health is of paramount importance to me, and I will not risk it, however trivial the problem seems to be.” Cordelia laughed and playfully swatted at his thumb. “Sure big guy. If it will make you feel better, then I have no issues with letting Hound perform a blood test.” She sucked an involuntary breath in through clenched teeth as she finished her sentence, a particularly powerful cramp tightening her abdominal muscles in a painful vice. Optimus’ optics tightened with concern as he shifted his position slightly. “Cordelia, would you like an abdominal massage?” He inquired gently, his hand poised in midair, waiting for her response. In answer, Cordelia laid down on the broad expanse of his chest, marvelling at how warm and comfortable she felt despite the hard metal that she was laying on. With the infinite gentleness that only he was capable of, Optimus brought his fingertip down to her abdomen and began to massage it lightly, making small, rhythmic movements. The relief was almost palpable. Cordelia felt the tension melting out of her muscles under his careful touch. As Optimus continued his tender contact, Cordelia’s eyelids became heavier and heavier until keeping them open seemed like an Olympic task in itself. That, coupled with the slowly dissipating pain from her lower abdominal region made for a thoroughly relaxing and calming sensation. “Sleep my little one. I will keep you safe. I’ve got you.” She felt her whole body relax as he spoke, his plangent voice a comforting rumble beneath her. Unconsciously, she reached out to hold onto his index finger, her tiny hand not even breaching the width of his fingertip. Noises around her gradually faded into the distance as her state of consciousness slowly slowed, sleep following easy on the heels of his promise to keep her safe.
-- something i'm working on
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lezbogosian · 1 year
girls when platonic male/female relationships r allowed to exist
girls when she reminds you of your younger sister who never got to grow up
girls when you’re a found family
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In another world where Matthew isn’t in love with Cordelia, Matthew is rooting for James and Cordelia and he’s her confidante whenever she wants to talk about her feelings for james and she’s talking like a thirteen year old and Matthew is the best listener to her hardcore crushing. And Matthew is like a very vexed exhausted friend. Like
Cordelia: oh his eyes. It’s so easy to get lost in those beautiful eyes
Matthew: I know. Like flames borne from molten gold. Like if fire is only one colour and it’s James’s eyes
Cordelia: YES! Exactly. and his hair. I can spend hours writing songs about it. Dark, soft like I might come undone if I touch it
Matthew: black ink across a canvas, I know
Cordelia: and do you ever see the smooth column of his throat? its like flawless marble and sometimes it’s such an effort to not stare at it when I’m looking up at him
Matthew: well then thank goodness I’m taller than him
Cordelia: and raziel, his shoulders. Like wings spreading out, so much so that I have to keep myself from touching them just to see if they would actually feel like wings
Matthew: that sounds hard. Maybe that’s all I need to hear cor—
Cordelia: and his arms. I have to tear my eyes away from them every time I look at them. Every. Single. Time.
Matthew: all right, this is a little too much info—
Cordelia: and his lips. I wonder if they would feel as soft a they loo—
Matthew: I’M LEAVING
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novemberhope · 5 months
did you think about my idea with oc cordelia being crocodiles daughter
Like I said, I do like the idea, I just have no idea on how to get this going.
I don't know if the Crocomom theory is real or not, therefore I'm unsure of what exactly to make canon - and who the other parent would be.
There needs to be a reason on why he's not in her life or why he never knew about her
And if they are to met again, he would have to recognize her as his kid somehow because Cordy has no idea about her own past
If you (or anyone...) tell me know to tie all of this together, then yeah, I'm all for it.
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incorrectlasthours · 2 years
Cordelia: You use humor to deflect serious trauma.
Matthew: Thank you.
Cordelia: It’s not a good thing, sweetie.
Matthew: What I’m hearing is you think I’m funny.
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the-clay-quarters · 8 months
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The only possible solution to this is for Vin to hire Silv on as an assistant on one of their Bug Expeditions and end up in mutual oblivious crushes on each other. This is it it's the only way /j
Also Pem...Pem you are publically married...I know it's The Same Guy but the idea of the "Pembrokes" constantly having to fight off [Scandal is rising...] because of cheating rumours for both sides is hilarious to me. Just Pem in different outfits pretending to be Shocked And Outraged at his own activities like every two weeks 😂
~ @peliginspeaks (shh anon doesn't allow images)
That is already the idea for how they meet, honestly. While there's currently no plans for them to get together, I did also say that for Silv/Pem and it didn't stick so... I don't think either of them are decisive enough to do anything about it but it certainly is an option orz
Pem is constantly dealing with scandal its fiiine. I think she'd try to play it less as an affair and more as an open relationship (their schedules just don't line up as often as they'd like, see?). The price he pays for a high libido </3
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thousand-winters · 2 years
"Lucie sniffled an almost-laugh. "Daisy," she said. "I'm so sorry. And I'm so awfully scared." Her breath hitched. "Not for me. For my family. For Jesse."
Cordelia kissed the top of Lucie's head. "I won't ever leave you," she said. "I will always be right beside you."
"But you said—"
"It doesn't matter what I said," Cordelia said firmly. "I will be there.""
The girls are baaack 💕
I love the casual affection 🥺
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transgaledekarios · 9 months
Thanks @brother-genitivi for the tag :))
I’ll tag @creaking-skull and @spookyvalentine for this OC quiz. Took this quiz as my OCs to find out their kind of love :))
love that protects
you love so fiercely, with every fibre of your being. maybe you were wounded by love in the past ; such that you choose to love and love and love so wonderfully that the next person who comes into your life never doubts that they are loved by you.
love that calms
this is sweet. i hope you know that you make others feel at ease around you. you're a gem, a blessing, a treasure – and you should know it. it's comfortable loving you. it's a privilege to be around you and to be let into your world.
love that strengthens
you make sure that people know that they are loved, and you give them strength when they need it the most. this is an ability that is rare; the love that you hold speaks wonders of yourself. i hope you're doing alright. isn't it exhausting always being the bigger person?
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Okay... but what if Xander and Cordelia had actually gotten to meet up again when it was now CORDELIA living in fear of being the zeppo of her group and hating that idea? So much so that she was holding onto visions that were killing her, that she probably should have let go of? And what if he convinced her she didn't need the visions, because she was of COURSE worthy without them?
(I know the idea that Cordelia probably should have let go of the visions is something that comes later--when it's revealed her having them was all part of the Powers That Be's plan for the Jasmine stuff--when Joss Whedon was starting to assassinate Cordelia's character, because he was mad at Charisma Carpenter in real life. And originally, her holding onto the visions was written as a good and selfless thing. And this change is awful trash that I don't agree with, from a man being horrible to his character/one of his actresses for a really shitty reason. But if we want to adhere to the canon, this could have made for a good AU moment and great character momen/character development, and friendship moment for Xander and Cordelia.)
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moonbreezes · 2 years
Alastair has me in a chokehold so I made him finally after all those years a playlist
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moistvonlipwig · 1 month
xander is a character i have many complicated feelings about, because on the one hand i think there is something profoundly harrowing about his deeply-rooted fear of both his abusive father and of becoming his abusive father, and his struggle with his own masculinity and insecurity and anger issues in light of that, and something profoundly beautiful about the fact that he does not necessarily achieve a unilateral victory over these more negative impulses but still makes a concerted effort to be better and always retains so much love in his heart for his friends especially his bff willow who he is toxically codependently platonically unconditionally obsessed with and loyal to. but then on the other hand. there is something so unbelievably grating about a man who hurts the women he's in relationships with and then has the gall to get mad at them for not wanting to be with him anymore. like his missteps are not unforgivable to me as a viewer but the way he reacts to cordelia and anya's reactions to his missteps is so deeply intolerable to watch. but then on the third hand. he is a fashion icon for the ages and this cannot be denied
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sparksinger · 7 months
had to share this fluffy moment
so i am writing atonement's hope (slowly and painfully i might add) and i have just written a really sickly sweet fluffy scene which i feel encapsulates why i called this series 'love just is.'
His other hand moved up so that he was framing her face between them, gazing at her with a reverence that made her throat ache.  “Cordelia,” he began, his deep baritone a low rumble in her ears.  “My love…it is not something that is earned or bargained for.  It simply is, just as the stars light the night sky, just as the earth cradles the ocean.  You, my little one, have become the most precious person in my long, long existence.  You do not ‘deserve’ my love because of any act or deed.  You have it simply because you are you.  My love for you…simply just is.  Nothing more, nothing less.” 
-- something i'm working on
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Version 8 Release
Creature Campaign (v8) Changelog
Added unique sprites for all gen 2 units as taguels/manaketes. Credit to Merrill for all non-Owain taguel sprites!
Unique taguel Lucina textures
Asset assignments so the kids will keep their voices when they transform (no voice filter unless they're Yarne, Nah, or Morgan though)
Optional alternate manakete Morgan sprites, one to match Tiki's outfit and one to match Nah's outfit. Alternate textures not included.
Updated UGGLR to match the expanded support options
Custom male manakete model (UGGLR only)
Removed Owain's inexplicable dark mage reclass
Various minor support fixes
53 new supports!!!
Since there are so many new supports, the list of what's been added will be under the cut
New Romantic Supports: F!Robin/Nah, Chrom/Virion, Lissa/Cordelia, Lissa/Cherche, Frederick/Libra, Virion/Sumia (no voicelines), Vaike/Kellam, Vaike/Sumia, (Vaike/Donnel have an S available that has not been written), Miriel/Tharja, Sumia/Say'ri, Sumia/Tiki, Kellam/Henry, Maribelle/Sully, Maribelle/Nowi, Maribelle/Cherche, Panne/Say'ri, Panne/Yen'fay, Nowi/Olivia, Cherche/Tiki, Emmeryn/Aversa, Lucina/Nah, Inigo/M!Morgan, Brady/Yarne, Kjelle/Nah, Cynthia/Noire, Cynthia/Nah, Severa/Nah, Gerome/Yarne, Yarne/Laurent, Noire/Nah
New Platonic Supports: Chrom&Emmeryn, Cherche&Emmeryn, Lissa&Lucina, Frederick&Lucina, Sumia&Severa, Libra&Nah
New PC Supports: Lucina&Libra, Owain&Cordelia, Owain&Olivia, Inigo&Nowi, Brady&Sumia, Cynthia&Panne, Cynthia&Tiki, Severa&Lissa, F!Morgan&Walhart, Yarne&Sully, Nah&Olivia
New Sibling Supports: Owain&Severa, Owain&Kjelle, Inigo&Nah, Cynthia&Yarne
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