#platonic raiden ei x reader
stellar-skyy · 8 months
MECHANICAL HEART - Platonic Ei & reader
i. SUMMARY: After she discarded her first prototype, Ei created a second. ii. CONTENT WARNINGS: Dehumanization (is it dehumanization if they aren't technically human?), mentions of abandonment, implied emotional neglect. Ei isn't the best parent in this one tbh. iii. NOTES: Platonic, angst, puppet!reader, gn!reader, 0.8k words. iv. A/N: ok i said i wasn't gonna write this week cause i'm busy but in my defense i've been procrastinating a lot and this is the result.
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When Ei sought to create a body to withstand eternity, she didn’t plan to create two prototypes. She only needed one vessel, and any excess was unwelcomed. What she didn’t account for was failing miserably at her first attempt, and having to redesign her plan entirely.
You were the stronger one, if only by a small fraction. You had stared up at her, wide and unblinking, and something changed behind her eyes. She brought you close into her arms—gently, for any more pressure and you might have cracked into two.
It wasn’t quite love. She cared for you the way an inventor cared for their creations, all out of a sense of duty and a desire to preserve what has been so carefully built. There wasn’t a single ounce of maternal affection behind it.
She looked after you of course, like any good inventor would. She’d repair the cracks across your arms and legs, and test each one of your joints to make sure they were in working order. Her hands would trace around your wrists, feeling exactly where the ball-and-socket connected with an unabashed sort of curiosity. You were a source of fascination for her, a wonder of her own invention. How could it be that she created something like you from parts of her inhuman self: eyes glistening with tears that felt real, staring at her with such childish innocence.  
You were so human—perhaps even more so than herself—and yet you were completely synthetic.
She didn’t love you. But she held you in her arms and pressed gentle kisses to your forehead when you cried, and was that not close enough? You could forget how cold her lips were on your skin, and try to ignore how limp her hold was, if it allowed you another moment of believing she cared for you.
It was a sort of care, you reasoned. An emotion so raw and tender, one might mistake it for love if they were desperate enough. Deep down, you knew better. You knew that all the love Ei had to share died with her sister. If there was any left, she would have taken pity on the other prototype—your brother.
He was a soft one. Round face, long lashes, hair falling down his back in waves of indigo. His sobs spilled freely from the moment he was created, covering his cheeks in tears. An emotional creature, Ei had called him. Too fragile to rule a nation, too weak to be used as a reference for her final vessel like you had become. Almost as quickly as he’d been created, he was whisked away and out of sight.
“Safekeeping.” She said. She didn’t tell you what that meant, or which corner your brother had been tucked away into.
But even gone, his presence never truly left you; he was always there as a cautionary tale for what could happen if you failed to live up to Ei’s expectations. He was the example, the proof that if you weren’t enough, you would be discarded like the simple puppet you were.
There wasn’t any love in her eyes when she looked at you, but she still spent time at your side. She’d sit with you for hours in the Plane of Euthymia—whether it be out of some misplaced sort of parental instinct, or a deeply rooted guilt at creating you in the first place, you wouldn’t know—not saying much, but content for you to exist within the same space as her.
The entire occurrence felt a touch too normal to feel natural. You were just two inhuman creatures, masquerading as mortals for each other’s sake. She kept the visits brief, and always dismissed you first.
(And if she embraced you as you left, a suspicious glossiness over her eyes, you didn’t comment on it.)
It was observing the humans themselves that made you realize how unlike them you truly were.
They lived so carelessly, talking loudly amongst themselves and living blissfully without the crushing weight of the world on their shoulders. Women would walk with children balanced on their hip or clinging to their hands. They’d ruffle their hair and laugh at their antics, and there was a distinct feeling that you couldn’t quite place. No heart lay in your chest, but there was a phantom heartbeat thrumming in your ears.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be treated with such… what was it, love? You had never experienced such a thing, not from the person who acted as your ‘mother’. She could do the exact same things they did, but you would be able to tell there was no emotion behind it.
You were her puppet, her creation. You were born from parts of herself, cobbled together into something resembling a person. And no matter how tightly she held you, no matter how many times she looked at you with an unreadable look across her face, you wouldn’t truly be her child.
It wasn’t love. She made sure you didn’t get it mixed up, telling you bluntly that there wasn’t room for love in eternity.
That didn’t matter. As long as she still took care of you, you could pretend.
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reblogs and comments are appreciated! ♡
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solarrue · 1 year
(sorry for being gone for like forever. didn’t have much motivation to write lol.)
Characters: scaramouche, il dottore, raiden shogun, klee (platonic), ayato, yae miko, xiao, zhongli, ganyu and ayaka x gn!reader
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To be honest, I feel like he would act as though he hates it that you fell asleep on his shoulder, but inside he loves it. His heart practically screaming inside.
After a while, he would get tired of it, and purposely say something out loud, or softly shake you until you wake up. If you don’t, he’ll just pick you up and carry you to your bedroom.
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il dottore
Dottore actually wouldn’t mind. If you two are alone, he would simply lay his head on top of yours and listen to your breathing. If you’re in public though, he’ll just act as if nothing had happened, and probably act as if he finds it unpleasant, just so he doesn’t ruin his image y’know.
If you’re overworked and you fall asleep on him while researching something, he might just do it for you, and complete it while letting you rest on his comfortable shoulder.
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raiden shogun
Raiden would try her best not to move so she doesn’t wake you. If she does, she’ll feel really bad and apologize. She would try to make it up to you, even if you insist that she doesn’t have to.
She would probably stop the loud ass thunderstorm, and change the weather to something more calming, like gentle rain. She would also carry you to your bedroom, so that it’s more comfy for you.
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She would probably be really startled at first. One second, you were helping Klee make her massive bomb for something who knows what, and a second later you were snoring, while your head was on top of hers.
Klee wouldn’t really know what to do, she would probably try to wake you up. If that doesn’t work, she will ask somebody for help, either Jean, Kaeya or Lisa.
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You two would be sitting in his study, with you next to him reading a book. The atmosphere was really relaxing, and caused you to rest your eyes a bit, which resulted to you falling asleep on Ayato.
He jumped a bit after feeling your head on his shoulder, but then he smirked a bit, before placing your head on his lap so you didn’t have to sleep in an uncomfortable position.
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yae miko
Yae would probably chuckle a bit on seeing your cute expression while you’re sleeping. I have a feeling she would admire you for a little while, before carrying you to your bedroom.
If she doesn’t have anything else to do for the day, she climb into bed with you. Without noticing it, she would turn into her fox form. So, don’t be surprised when you have a some fox fur everywhere in your bed when you wake up.
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Just like Scaramouche, he would pretend as if he hates it when you fall asleep on him. Probably rolling his eyes or something. He’s not so used to physical touch, so this may seem kinda weird for him.
He may be awkward at first, but later on he would soften up a bit. Maybe laying his head on yours, or just admire you as you sleep.
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You two were laying in bed together, your head on his chest, and Zhongli was telling you stories about his past. That was until, he heard a light snore come from underneath him, he slightly smiled to himself.
Zhongli doesn’t really sleep that much, so it would be a while until he falls asleep, so he would just continue telling his stories even though you weren’t exactly listening.
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If you’re overworked and fall asleep on her, she wouldn’t mind. As a workaholic, she understands how it must feel to have so much work on your shoulders.
By seeing you sleep, she too, would get really tired. She would carry you to your shared bedroom, where you two were cuddling until one of you woke up from your slumber.
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I have a feeling Ayaka would become a blushing mess. Turning all red, but she doesn’t even know why. She would look at you, smiling to herself at how cute you looked.
She wouldn’t know if to move you to a more comfortable place to sleep in fear of waking you up, so she doesn’t, she just stays still until you wake up.
I’m sorry again for being away for so long, I just never have the time or motivation to write anymore. I’ll try to write from time to time though.
Requests are open, so send in some!
Bye bye!
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yanderehsr · 7 months
Hii! How r u? How was ur dai? About the oc thing...Could I prety please with cherry on top get a platonic platonic Furina, Ei, Nahidaand Venti with a reader that is like a elf? Idk, how to explain it, so I am gonna add a picture to how I wiev it:
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Her name is Eclipsa and has white hair and pointy ears(ofc since she is an elf). And I dont mean like Santa's elfs, I mean the ones from greek and romanian mytology.
About the bakstory: Lets just say that she is the daughter of The Heavenly Principels(lets just call her THP bc I am lazy) (ik it sounds cringe but hear me out😭) and since THP was not all the lovey dovey tipe and probably VERY bad with children (maybe even hate them idk, I really cant see her motherly) she just decided to throe her to Tyvat into the care of the archons untill she was old enough (16 years old) to come to Celestia (bacically be mature since she doesnt want a cryng baby around). Eclipsa is growing, just like Klee slower (there is a theorh that says that Klee is 80 but is also 8 bc she is growing 10 times slower than normal) and everu 100 it adds 1 year rlto her age. Now, lets say that when she was 10(1000) she overheared somebody say that the archons dont actually like her (like parental figures ofc) and that they probably just cang get rid of her. She actually belivd them like a dumb child that she is and ran away (opened a portal to another world and dissapeared without anybody's knoladge). Now, lets just say for the sake of this au to make it more interesting (maybe more cringe but I am having fun ok?😭) that the disaster from Khaenri'ah happened bc the person occ heared it was a khaenriah'n and THP since finding this out was like "OH HELL NAHH" and this iz the reason they destroyd Khaenria'h. THP gave the archons untill Eclipsa was to turn 16 to find her. Well, now, at 15, she randomply (and awkwardly) came back. (Maybe she finally got into her head the ideea of checking Irmansole to see if the archons truly hated her and surprise surprise, ints not true). Now, imagine the characters meeting Occ in their nation. For Venti- at windrise, for Ei in the city (near the statue), for Nahida just at the spirit tree (maybe one of her little friends passed that message for her) and for Furina(back when she was still an archon) she was told from Neuvillette that he sensed Occ's presence(lets just say that higher ups are aware of Eclipsa's existance, including Furina. Perhaps she has read about Oc in one of the books she read to find a solution to Fontaine's profecy).
Also, I imagine ooc to look like this when she was little(I just love this fanart sm😭):
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(One thing to note is that none of theres fanarts are mine, and idk who they are from to credit them. Also te line I made was bc there was some writting on that picture and I didnt want it to be out of the context:>)
About personalit I see her as somebody who is quite the drama queen and loves attention 24/7. She loves pulling pranks all the time and also like annoyng people, but in a joking way. Hoever I see her as somebody who has her moments of understanding and is quite the menance to societity(pretty mhch like how Klee is). About her powers, she is developing since young THP's powers but since she is not even 18, its definetly not as affective.
Anyways, I know it might be a weird request or cringe, and maybe I wrote too much, or gave too little information. Also, I am VERY sorry if you cant undrtstand this request, english is not my first language and I pretty much have dyslexia(not bad one tough, I am still working on correcting mynself :D) and I tried to make sure I made as little mistakes as posible but its hard to spot them when its a big paragraphe, uk? therfor you are always free to ignore thiz request, hopw you have a nice day and good luck writting so many requests. Also, congrats on 1k followrs!! :D
...Did I just read an entire fanfiction XD, I will gladly write this, and thanks for the congrats😆
Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Furina: She knows almost nothing about her, Neuvillette doesn't seem to remember anything about her and there are no books about it, hell the only reason she knows about Eclipsa is because Focalors thought of it as important that she knew about The Heavenly Principles daughter if she was going to act as an archon.
Furina's first meeting with Eclipsa is when Neuvillette is showing her around, it was instant love... not the romantic kind, the platonic kind, Eclipsa looked like a doll, so perfect to dress up, so perfect to have around, Furina feels lonely and Eclipsa makes her feel whole again, so she takes what she wants.
Furina dislikes The Heavenly Principles, she would be happy if she was hated by them, her performance is over either way, the profecy is fullfilled, is it really so wrong of her to be selfish... you will see Furina run around Fontaine with Eclipse causing havoc, as long as she is with her she doesn't feel lonely, and now she never will
"Y-you aren't leaving me right, right... ANSWER ME PLEASE... I'm sorry for yelling, I just don't wanna lose a friend so dear, you can understand, right?"
Raiden Ei: The day Eclipsa dissapeared was the day her sister died... not only did she lose her very own sister, she also lost someone she practically viewed as a daughter, she had never felt such horrible pain before, so she shut herself away as to not feel it again.
So many years spent in isolation, all Ei could think about was her sister and Eclipsa, she swore if she could just get them back, she would protect them both with her life, she just wants things to go back to normal, like it used to be.
So many years had passed that Ei nearly didn't recognize Eclipsa, she had so many questions for her, but she didn't say a single one... screw The heavenly Principles, she was going to protect her as best she could, Eclipsa don't even get a chance to talk before she was shut inside the plane of Euthymia.
"So long, you have been away for 500 long years... but that's okay, you're here now, I'll make sure you not come to harm like what happened to Makoto"
Nahida: She doesn't have much knowledge of Eclipsa, she isn't recorded in the Irminsul, all the knowledge Nahida has of her is what her predecessor left for her she didn't forget, she is confused why Eclipsa isn't around... did she dissapear or worse, did she die?
Nahida is confussed when she feels Eclipsa's precence by the Irminsul, it feels familiar but she can't figure out why, of course like the curious 500 year old child she is, she went to figure out what caused such familiarity... Nahida knew who it was the second she laid eyes on her, this is who she is supposed to protect like the Greater Lord she once did.
Nahida asks a lot of questions, why is she here? Why was she gone? Eclipsa is now her favorite subject to learn about, Nahida takes up some kind of little sister role to stay close with her, she needs to know everything, feed her ever-growing curiosity, maybe one day she will introduce Eclipsa to the Wanderer... but that can be later, Nahida wants to be selfish for a bit longer.
"Curious, you being here fills me with a feeling like... like a hole, you fall down it everyday and it just feels so annoying, then suddenly someone has covered it up and I don't feel annoyance anymore... You need to stay with me for a bit longer, I need to figure out why"
Venti: He isn't all that interested in following The Heavenly Principles orders, but he still did as to not occur her wrath... he did not expect to take care of a child, he wasn't the best, he got constantly drunk, never took anything serious, except for protecting Eclipsa from any danger.
It was no surprise that Venti felt such fear and despair when Eclipsa dissapeared, he had lost yet another loved one... why does he still care, it always happens anyways, no relation lasts forever, no matter how much he tries to drown the memory of her in even more alcohol, it doesn't work
That's when Venti notices her precence, after 500 long painful years, is she finally back? Is this his second chance. He meets Eclipsa at windrise, she look just as well as when she dissapeared... He doesn't care what The Heavenly Principles thinks or wants, he will keep Ecilpsa safe and away from her, He will keep that smile on her no matter what.
"It sure has been a while hasn't it, soooo how have you been, hope you missed me for I have missed you"
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nogenderbee · 1 year
I read your Archons, Ganyu and Xio watching Teen!Reader growing up.
Can I request a silimier story, but the Teen!reader is a Adventure like Bennett and Fischl.
They notice that Teen!Reader been gone for a while and decided to see if they are alright. Only to discover that one of their missions led them to a fight with the Abyss Order, and they were heavily injured. But when they found them, they are alive, even though cover in bandages. And explain happily they survive thanks to the sudden appearance of a Vision silimier to their own or element.
Of course! It turned out quite short since I didn't wanted to write twice something I wrote here but I hope you'll enjoy this either way!
Archons, Ganyu, Xiao with teen!adventurer!reader
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @miya-akane
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⊱ Venti always was scared for your well being, he simply didn't wanted to loose you, especially when you had so much life in front of you
⊱ it'd be a lie to say that he never thought of causing strong winds to make your journey impossible but that'd be taking freedom away from you and he didn't wanted that!
⊱ but you still experienced some stronger winds when you were out but not enough to make it harder on you, quite the opposite
⊱ winds were usually strong enought to help you cause swirl reaction or to swipe some of the enemies away
⊱ but he's also the type to go with you on any kind of journey and make sure by himself that nothing will happen to you
⊱ also is the type to congratulate and celebrate your every found treasure, even if it's one mora
⊱ literally is your mom whenever you're about to leave for adventure, like he'll go after you, make sure you have 20 more things that you don't even need and will hug you like he sees you for the last time you literally need to convince him to not follow you
"Strong yet helpful winds? Sounds like Barbatos has an eye on you! Ah c'mon, don't look at me like that! Maybe it's true, you never know~!"
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⊱ you probably got into exploring and adventuring thanks to all those stories Zhongli told you
⊱ and he was glad that he helped you find something you enjoy so much
⊱ of course he was worried, that's why first few adventures were with him by your side
⊱ he's the type to help you pack yourself, he'll tell you what things are absolutely needed and which ones you won't need at all
⊱ he loves hearing about your journeys and sometimes he may tell you about his own journeys once he realizes you're old enough to finally hear them
⊱ bring him whatever you found in treasures and he'll tell you how much they're worth it and if you found any artifacts, he'll tell you quite a long description
"Not exactly... you see, this artifact is 500 years old and it used to be seen as so called rain bringer. Let me explain..."
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⊱ believe it or not but Raiden was actually a bit worried about you, especially when you decided to go on your first mission
⊱ on the day of your first few missions, thunder actually was a bit stronger but it never hit you, if anything it hit your enemies
⊱ she won't say anything about what your packed unless you asked her about it yourself and she'll actually give you some good advices
⊱ sorry to break it up to you but she actually doesn't care much about what you found but she still listens if you like to ramble about your findings
⊱ literally would send you to Miko if you'd want to know more about some artifact you found on your way
⊱ she's definitely the type to give you some sweets as reward for your adventure, she once tried baking something for you when you come back but it ended on kitchen catching fire so she buys you something instead...
"I did not made thunder stronger today to interrupt your adventure. Let's just say that friend of mine convinced me to give you some extra help"
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⊱ I think you could've expect it but... Nahida is literally a mom
⊱ she'll give you way more things to pack that you actually need, will ask you many stuff to make sure you'll be safe there or will be able to protect yourself and will struggle to actually let you go
⊱ and it's even worse if it's your first mission... you had to convince her to not make you go with Traveler and to not give you whole 3 bags of everything since it's just 3 to 8 hours
⊱ but once you come back, she's the type to welcome you with big hug and many questions making sure you had fun there
⊱ and you better not get any injury because her mom mode will get even more serious... she won't let you out of your bed for first few days and won't let you out of the city untill you heal fully
⊱ what's nice tho is that you get lots of your favorite foods and drinks from her once you come back
⊱ but let's focus on less mom things... if you ever bring any artifact, she'll announce how proud she is from you and if she can, she'll tell you as much as you'd like about what you found
"Are you sure you got everything? What if it'll suddenly rain? Take an umbrella with you, it doesn't matter if you'll be out for just 6 hours. Better be safe than sorry."
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⊱ Ganyu is another person to act like a mom but she's not as bad as one archon...
⊱ she tries to not overload you with things you might need but you still will usually carry more than needed unless you tell her you won't carry it and she's not the type to pry
⊱ she won't come to adventure with you but she does walk you off to some spot just to make sure you're safe for some part of your adventure and to spend some more time with you
⊱ when you're away, she really just focuses on her work and wants to get more things done so she can spend some time with you once you're back
⊱ once you're back, she definitely treats you to some restaurant or any other place you might like as reward for your hard work
⊱ she's the type to just listen to you while you talk about your adventures and she might even ask you some questions
⊱ she will try to tell you as much as she can about any artifacts but even tho, she couldn't be more proud of you for finding every treasures
"I'm so glad you're back! Did you had fun? Did you occured any problems on your way? Come on, why won't you tell me everything on our way to Xianglings restaurant?"
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⊱ Xiao acted like he truly didn't care that you're going on some kind of adventure but the truth is that he was so scared over his child companion
⊱ he literally followed you on your first 5 adventures if not more and defeated any monsters on your way
⊱ or just first 3 if he had no other choice but to slay some demos...
⊱ of course he doesn't help you with packing or anything since he doesn't know much about what mortals might need but he will get Traveler if you'd like some help
⊱ after your first adventure, he definitely suggests training you a bit but if you refuse he won't mention that ever again
⊱ he's not the type to welcome you back like it's the best thing that happened to Teyvat but he will show you his softer side especially if you're back from longer adventure
⊱ maybe he won't ask you many questions and you may even think he doesn't care but he does enjoy listening about your journey
⊱ if you ever show him artifact, he'll answer simply in few sentences and will advise you to go ask someone else instead since he's too busy to focus on just explaining
"You're going? Alright. Just remember to stay safe. I wouldn't say I'm being soft... isn't it natural for me to worry since you're a mortal? I- so what if I'm worried?"
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How the Archon’s Love (As Told by Tarot) pt 1
tags: gn!reader, tarot, headcanons (bonus: platonic!nahida because she is my precious daughter)
a/n: it has been a long minute since i made one of these tarot style headcanons for genshin so i might as well do it for everyone’s favorite archons. as more archons get released, i’ll make more of these even if it’ll be slow going considering we get one nation released each year. this year it’s the focalors wanters time to be fed, any of y’all planning to pull for the hydro archon or are there other fontaine characters that you want? i’ll probably skip for venti and get her on a rerun tbh...
deck: true black tarot
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five of swords, death, five of pentacles, nine of pentacles
venti’s love is selfish. cheerful he may seem, the god of freedom has lost many friends as the years have gone by. he has put mondstadt first plenty of times and he always will when a moment calls that he knows is his people cannot handle on their own. but for now, venti is doing things differently. he’s being indulgent. he wants to savor what the two of you have and not take you for granted. mortal lifespans pass in the blink of an eye for gods and despite his cheerful demeanor, barbatos is very aware that your light is will shine only briefly compared to his own. as such he is going to fully enjoy your company as mondstadt’s most talented and spirit-loving bard as long as you’ll have him.
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seven of swords, the lovers, ten of wands, four of wands
as rex lapis, he has done many a service to benefit liyue. has struck down gods, cultivated mountains and provided the world its currency. but as zhongli the man he is no longer tightly tied to those obligations as he once was. now he is free to love you for as long as time allows. his true identity as the lord of geo is still a secret he keeps from you, he plans to tell you soon enough but as it stands zhongli wishes to enjoy your relationship as it is without that knowledge hovering over your head for a while longer. should you accept him and his love fully, knowledge of his identity included, your contract is as follows: you will remain by each other’s side as each other’s sole partner’s until death do you part. it’s life-binding and as good as marriage although zhongli isn’t opposed to a wedding. if you leave it to him, you’ll have the most extravagant wedding ever seen in the history of liyue- no in the whole of teyvat. just try not to let his fanciful tastes put you in bankruptcy.
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six of pentacles, five of swords, the moon, six of cups
in some ways ei is just as selfish as venti when it comes to you. ei knows loss, she knows it too well in fact. losing makoto was enough to nearly destroy her and cause her to hide away in a realm unseen by the mortal eye. she doesn’t want to entertain the thought of the pain losing you would cause her but it is never too far from her mind. still, ei loves you as much dedication as she places in leading inazuma, perhaps even more so. you have a prolonged honeymoon phase in this relationship. there’s something innocent about it, you’re likely her first love and she revels in the new memories she makes with you while opening up about the fond memories she shared with friends long since passed. it’s hard opening up to her people. she’s spent so long in the realm of euthymia and the reverance inazumans hold for her make it hard to connect, but you are one of the few people she can simply be “ei” with and that is good enough for her.
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the hierophant, destiny, king of cups, ace of cups
rukkhadevata’s love flows as easily as the soothing rain nurturing saplings to grow. you’d think it would be hard to forget that she is a god and yet somehow you do when you’re with her with how easy it was for you to connect with her. fate is a fickle thing but perhaps you were meant to love the dendro archon and she was meant to love you, your lives are intertwined as a tangle of vines. your relationship is one that wasn’t merely by chance, at least that is what the god of the wood believes. (and who are you to doubt the god of wisdom?)  rukkhadevata didn’t shy away from her feelings when she realized how deeply they ran for you and she doesn’t shy from them now even when she has an entire nation to lead. it’s easy to love rukkhadevata and for her, it is more than easy to love you.
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four of wands, king of swords, the hanged man, temperance
the smallest archon with the most amount of love to share with everyone. she’ll put aside her needs for sumeru even if it means putting her own life at risk. nahida knows she is a long way from the archon the people of sumeru need her to be, but these things take time. rushing the progress of trial and error benefits no one, least of all an entire nation depending on her, but nahida knows you are one of her closest friends she can rely on for help. nahida is wise but still naïve in the way of human interaction. she’s 500 years old but still a child by the standards of the divine. so nahida likes that she can still be that child with you and learn the ways of mortal interaction so she can be the best archon for her people. just don’t be surprised when she stumps you with her analogies or with questions to deep even for you to understand. it’s all fun and games in the eyes of the young dendro archon and she’s an adorable companion to have.
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teacupoi · 2 years
── you being their sibling and their voicelines about you (gn reader)
── featuring : zhongli , raiden shogun , scaramouche , signora
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" hm..? ah yes, you must be speaking of (name).. they are my sibling. "
" yes, i know what to d- huh? (name)? why are you here? "
" of course their my sibling! are you blind? "
" yes yes, old (name) is my sibling. nothing special.. "
🌴 © celestiac 2022 ♡ do not translate, plagiarize, or steal
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
Currently thinking of an alternate timeline in the Yandere Vampire Alhaitham AU where darling is instead sacrificed to the Vampire Lords (aka the archons) to pay off their relatives' debt.
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stanshizuku · 2 years
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‘Little one, are you lost?’
Ei/Raiden Shogun x child!reader
Ei helping child!reader find their parents ^^
Warning: reader is a little shy and also their guardian is referred to ask parental figure, yes Ik I’m a little dumb for that 😒
Listening to while writing:
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Ei hardly goes out of her plane of euthymia, yes she still talks to Miko and goes out but she really only talks to Miko. She never excepted a mere child to walk into her without a clue of who she is.
It was a sunny day out, Ei decided that she would get outside today, so she went out of her plane of euthymia. She ended up going to Inzuma City. She wanted to go there to restock on sweets and get some dango milk.
On the way to the dango milk stand, there was a child on her way she saw. She thought nothing about it until the child came up to her.. sniffing.
“Hello little one, do you need anything?” She said in a confused tone. The child stayed silent, their eyes look up in a way of tears. “I lost my parents and I don’t know where they are.” (Name) said while still sniffing. Ei could tell the child was starting to get more worried every second that pasts. Ei doesn’t know her own way around really, but she would still be willing if the child needed help.
“Do you remember where you were all last?” She said in a caring voice so she doesn’t come off scary. “I think last we were near a restaurant, I forgot the name though.” (Name) said in a low tone.
“Alright, may I get your name?” Ei spoke while giving the child some candy to calm down a little. “I-it’s (name)” (name) said a shy tone.
“Let’s find this restaurant little (name), do you remember the appearance of it?”
“It has a ramen bowl as its logo on top of the building!” (Name) said slowly getting comfortable with this lady.
Ei looked over to her right (left??) and saw the ramen logo, she thought maybe the child has just wandered off a little and the kids parents went the other way. But, Ei isn’t always right so it was just her thought. Ei and (name) walked over to there.
(Name) pointed to the building with a ramen logo and proceeded to say “That’s the building! That’s it!” (Name) said excited about how they might find their parents. Ei hold the child’s hand, she was walking over to the restaurant before they would head forwards just in case they were inside.
“(Name)?” (Names) parental figure said in a confused tone. “Mom!” (Name) said in a happy tone. Running over to their parental figure with their arms open ready to hug them.
“Thank you mi-” Their guardian stops speaking when they saw the lady’s face. They were stunned, they couldn’t speak in shock. “I’m so sorry for this mess miss, I’m so sorry that they bumped into you and asked for help.” Their guardian said looking down like their embarrassed.
“(Insert parental figure) she was a very nice lady!” (Name) says in a happy tone. “(Name).. do you really not know who she is?” Their guardian looked down. “No?” (Name) said in a confused voice. “She’s the archon of this nation! You really need to pay attention to names around here, next time if you see her please don’t bug her, alright?”
“Ok..” (name) said in disappointing tone. You looked around the restaurant for Ei, but you couldn’t find her. Maybe she left, I mean she is an archon who doesn’t have time for small things like lost kids who just went a different direction. “Let’s go (name) we can talk more about her at home.” You two leg the restaurant and started your walk back to the village, you hope you see her again and ask her to play outside with you!
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idolharuko · 1 year
Imagine if....
Absolute chaos I would feel
Let's just say you were another 'failed experiment' except Ei didn't finish building you because you got lost
I feel like Ei has a habit of losing stuff so say Kunikuzushi wasn't emotionless, you got lost, and the Shogun was perfect
Perfect family dynamic am I right?
Modern AU! Kunizushi would be very chaotic still
He would probably be cooped up in his room while Shogun was always studying. Ei would be out with Miko while you were out doing whatever, never coming back til late at night. It's just a very dysfunctional family
If we're talking about ages...
Shogun would be the youngest in 8th grade
You would be the middle child in 10th grade
While Kunikuzushi would be the oldest child in 12th grade
Ei would be the mom, Miko as the second mom or 'fairy godmother', and Mikoto as the aunt who takes care of the family until 'that' happened
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prttykittes · 8 months
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MASTERLIST! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Meanings :: — 🦷= fluff/sfw, 🧠 = smut/nsfw, 🕊️ = dark content, 🦴 = angst, 🐾 = platonic
A/N :: most of them are afab but also gender neutral! but I am trying to do amab as well!{btw afab means people born as females, amab means people born as males! Still gender neutral..kinda ig)
Events :: KINKTOBER 2023 ! .
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Genshin impact !
STEPBRO!Kaeya devours you when your asleep! — Kaeya #afab/female reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
BIGBRO!Aether fucks you and claims you! — Aether #Gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
ONLYFANS!Scara fucks you! — trans!Scaramouche #afab reader 🧠
Foul legacy Childe fucks you after losing the battle! — Childe #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️
Multiple genshin characters smut! — Beidou, Kazuha, Zhongli, Diluc #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️ (two are incest)
ONLYFANS!Childe rides your dick/strap! — Childe #gender neutral reader 🧠
Cutting initials on both skins! — Rosaria, Yae Miko #female reader 🧠🦷(slightly suggestive)
You Fuck afab!kabukimono cunt with your dick/strap! — kabukimono/Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠
Dom!Scara fucks you and him with a double dildo! — Scaramouche #female/afab reader 🧠
Face riding Childe! — Childe #afab reader 🧠
:3 anon writes Zhongli sadly boops ur dead body(tw.nerco)! — Zhongli #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️(I can't fix the tags for some reason, it won't let me :(
Afab!Scara humps ur pillow and piss' and comes on it! — Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠
Baking a cake with big brother!scara! — Scaramouche, Ei, Yae Miko #gender neutral reader 🦷🐾
Scara fucks you and pisses in your hole! — Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠
Lactation kink with Scara(your pregnant in this..)! — Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠
Doctor dottore confess his feelings for you! — dottore #gender neutral reader 🦷(🕊️maybe)
Scara craves his name into your skin! — Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🦷(tw.blood)
Pegging Lyney with a 🍌 with a rainbow condom! — Lyney #afab reader 🧠
S-cara writes me Scara smut! — no reader mentioned #Scara solo 🧠
I write S-cara a gift! — CHONGYUN x reader x SCARAMOUCHE #gn reader 🧠
Childe fucks u when his siblings open presents! — Childe/Ajax #gender neutral reader 🧠
Threesome and NTR with genshin characters! — Xiao, Zhongli, Venti, Kaeya, Scaramouche, Raiden EI, Xingqiu, Chongyun #gn reader 🧠(cw.slight incest, NTR)
Stepcest w/ genshin men — Scaramouche, Zhongli, Kazuha, Kabukimono #gn reader 🧠🕊️(tw.stepcest)
Fem!scara scissors you! — Scaramouche #afab reader 🧠
Scara and Xiao noncon threesome u! — Xiao, Scaramouche #gn reader 🧠🕊️(tw. Noncon, slight stepcest)
Scara fucks u cat!reader when ur in heat! — Scaramouche #amab reader 🧠(CW.dubcon?)
Incest w/ wo/men! — Diluc, Lisa, Baizhu, Scaramouche, Childe #afab & GN!reader 🧠🕊️(tw.incest)
GENSHIN and HSR men w/ smut! — Dottore, Kaeya, Scaramouche, Blade, Dan Heng, Jing yuan #gn & afab reader 🧠
(step or not) big!brother! scara has anal sex with u! — Scaramouche #afab reader 🧠🕊️(tw.(step/in)cest)
Wanderer awkwardly praising you! — Wanderer #gender neutral reader 🧠
Kazuha praises and Wanderer regards you! Kazuha, Scaramouche #gender neutral reader 🧠 (CW.threesome)
Bully!reader bullies their sensitive nipples! — Kabukimono, Thoma, Kazuha #gender neutral reader 🧠 (cw.classroom sex)
Public sex and getting caught! — Kaeya, Wanderer, Kazuha #gender neutral reader 🧠
Fucking their boyclits! — Scaramouche, Yuta, Choso #gender neutral reader 🧠
Klee comforting her 15yr bff! - Klee #gender neutral reader 🐾
Foursome with Venti, Kazuha, Scara! — venti, Kazuha, Scara #gender neutral reader 🧠
Raw and lipstick! — Choso, Kabukimono, Gojo, Childe #gender neutral reader 🧠
Kazuha fucks you and scara after y'all tried! — Kazuscara #gender neutral reader 🧠
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Bsd !
Daddy kink! — Dazai, Fukuzawa, Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠
Blowjobs! — Akutagawa, Atsushi, ranpo #amab reader 🧠
Domming you! — Dom!ranpo #amab reader 🧠
Pussy and dick! — Chuuya, Dazai, Atsushi #afab reader 🧠
Akutagawa eats you out! — Akutagawa #afab reader 🧠
Beast!Boss Dazai punishes you — Dazai #afab reader 🧠
Chii reader personality — Dazai, Atsushi, Mori #gender neutralreader 🧠
Nipple play — Chuuya #gn reader 🧠
One night stand! — PMzai #female reader 🧠
First time + highschooler reader! — Dazai #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️
Date and "normal" highschooler reader! — PMzai #gender neutral reader 🦷
Annoying people when you are with him! — Akutagawa, Sigma #female reader 🦷
Writing Fantasies! — Poe #gender neutral 🧠🦷
Anonymous and I write incest smut of Chuuya! — Dad!Chuuya #afab reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
Lingerie shopping & fucking! — Dazai #afab reader 🧠
Rei personality! Reader! — Beast!Dazai, Fyodor #female reader 🧠
:3 anon and I write dazai fucks you with your panties! — Dazai #afab reader 🧠
:3 anon writes roofie smut with Dazai! — Dazai #gender neutral 🧠🕊️
Chubby darling anon writes pervy stepbro! — Dazai #afab reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
🌷 anon writes BigBro!Nikolai teaching you! — Nikolai #female reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
Nerco!boypussy sigma fucks himself on you! — Sigma #afab reader 🧠🕊️
Dominating beast Dazai!(after he doms you) — BEASTZai #gender neutral reader 🧠
Cheater!bsd cheats on you! — Dazai, Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠
You have sex with the girls in cheater!bsd — female ocs (Dazai,Chuuya) #gender neutral reader 🧠
Comforting you about sh scars(?)! — Dazai, Chuuya #female reader 🦷
Baking cupcakes for your loved one! — Kenji, Unspecified #gender neutral 🦷🐾(one is where reader likes Kenji and second is Unspecified x reader :)
Chubby darling anon writes Icky stalker! Poe smut! — Poe #i forgot gender reader 🧠
Reader touching themselves and the bed men watch you! — Dazai, Fyodor, Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠
Brat taming Ranpo but not really?? Not sure tbh! — Ranpo, mentioned Poe #amab reader 🧠
15!ssk comforting you after an weird old man! — Chuuya, Dazai #gender neutral reader 🦷(🐾)
First time with Atsushi! — Atsushi #female/afab reader 🧠🦷
Dad!Chuuya throat fucks you(his son's homeroom teacher!) — Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠
Stepdad!Chuuya fucks u and cupcakes! — Chuuya #gender neutral reader 🧠 🕊️ (tw.stepcest)
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EXTRA! [twst, hsr, tokyorev, jjk, pjsk, randoms!)
GENSHIN and HSR men w/ smut! — Dottore, Kaeya, Scaramouche, Blade, Dan Heng, Jing yuan #gn & afab reader 🧠
Leona fucks because ur his lucky item! — Leona #afab reader 🧠
Fucking their boyclits! — Scaramouche, Yuta, Choso #gender neutral reader 🧠
Raw and Lipstick! — Choso, Kabukimono, Gojo, Childe #gender neutral reader 🧠
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Sexually provoked! — Barou #female reader 🧠
Threesome with reonagi and bonus! — Reo, Nagi #gender neutral reader 🧠
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Demon Slayer !
:3 anon and I write Free use Friday so he fucks you until your out! — Giyu #gender neutral reader 🧠
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Chainsaw man !
One sided date! — Denji #Gender neutral reader 🦷
Pick which one of us! — Denji, Yoshida #implied fem but gender neutral 🦷
:3 anon and I write Dad!Aki fucking you and calling you mutt!! #gender neutral reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
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Obey me !
Nothing yet (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠)
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Original characters & unspecified characters !
:3 anon writes good incest smut and I love them for it!! — unspecified #fem reader(uses she/her) 🧠🕊️ (incest)
Blowing daddy!(I write smut in a hate post)! — incest(daddy! Unspecified #gender neutral 🧠🕊️ (incest)
You have sex with the girls in cheater!bsd — female ocs(Dazai, Chuuya) #gender neutral 🧠
:3 anon and I write incest sister smut with leash! — female oc/unspecified #feminine! reader 🧠🕊️ (incest)
Nanny!Reader has sex with married man?! — unspecified/male oc #gender neutral reader 🧠
Butler!male teacher his master(you) a lesson about your mouth! — Unspecified/male oc #gender neutral reader 🧠
Paying stuff with your mouth! — shop worker!male unspecified/oc #gender neutral reader 🧠
Perv!character fucks "you" but he is doing a random girl and imagines it's u! — Unspecified #afab reader 🧠
Yandere!male who fucks someone for your guys child! — Oc/Unspecified #gn reader 🧠(CW.dubcon(?)
Yandere!Loser fucks u! — Oc #gender neutral reader 🧠(tw. masochist)
(⁠「⁠`⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠「 yippee!!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello author its me the on who requested the Love after death in both part and the others... I finally have courage to reveal muself and no longer anonymous.
First of all before i request another one (sorry for being greedy) i wanted to thank you for responding to my requests especially the angsty ones, you never failed me to give a comfort and motivation, i cannot thank you enough for that.
And now for my request if you remember my other request about ei reader x ror characters that you can't write due to being unfamiliar to the character?
I will ask you instead to write a ror x demi godess freader. She commonly use a weapon like lu bu when fighting but once her weapon breaks or she found a very strong opponent she use her katana. She summon it like in the gif in below.
Now the fun part is how would the ror charcters react? Would they ended up having a nosebleeds, ended up shy or tease them?
Adam (platonic)
Lu bu and chen gong
Qin shu huang
You can choose who to write because i know there is a lot of them😅😅😅😅
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Ahh~ my sweet love, your angsty requests have been so much fun to write! I don’t mind you asking for another, you’re not being greedy, I’m just happy that you are patient while I write all these requests plus my own original works.
I do have one question however….
Why in the world does she have a sword between her titties?! I actually looked this up and watched the scene where she does this, and I’m just flabbergasted that she had it there!
-As a demi-goddess, you had the choice of fighting for either side, as both Zeus and Brunnhilde had approached you to fight, both knowing your skills as a fighter.
-You were initially going to refuse both of them, but after Zeus tried to command you, while Brunnhilde asked you, you chose to fight for humanity, not liking being commanded to do anything, something Zeus regrets as he lost a good fighter because he was so pushy with you!!
-Your opponent was strong, which excited you, as that meant you didn’t have to hold back!
-You swung your halberd with ease, and your opponent, Kand, a minor earth god, managed to snap the blade clean off, breaking your halberd.
-The other fighters and the audience in attendance called out in worry for you, as they didn’t want to lose someone like you, beautiful, powerful, and smart, you really were the whole package.
-Kand laughed at you, pointing a finger at you while he held his belly, “Can you still fight me Y/N?! Now that I’ve broken your only weapon!!”
-You glared and brought your hands up to your chest, “Who said that was my only weapon?”
-What could only be described as a black hole, opened at the top of your chest, on your cleavage, as you tilted your head back.
-A sword began to emerge from the black hole, glowing brightly as your hand lifted to the handle.
-Your eyes snapped open, glowing with power as you pulled out a beautiful katana from the magic black hole between your breasts, clutching it as the light faded.
-Kand was gawking, pointing rudely as his eyes were wide, “Where the heck did that come from?!”
-You charged at him, fast enough that it looked like you disappeared, before reappearing behind him as he fell, his head rolling off his shoulders.
-You pouted lightly, “It’s rude to ask a lady questions like that.”
-The crowds went wild, roaring loudly.
-Thor- Was stunned on how quickly the match ended, able to see that your katana was your true weapon, you were good with the halberd, but there was something natural about you holding a sword. He blinked once or twice, confused on how you were hiding that sword.
-Poseidon- Eyes widened only just slightly before relaxing as he watched you pull your sword out, before his amusement grew with how easily you took care of that weaker, cocky god. It made him curious about how strong you actually were.
-Shiva- Immediately turned to his wives, who were cheering for you, “Can you really hide stuff in your chest like that?” they just giggled, like they had a secret as Parvati spoke, “That’s a woman only secret~” but all three were impressed with your skills.
-Rudra- Eyes went wide when your halberd broke, but when the sword started to emerge from your chest, his jaw dropped, mouth hanging open before you pulled that out, completely stunned on where you got that sword!
-Buddha- Smirked, moving his lollipop to the other side of his mouth, finding it alluring and could instantly tell that your sword was your true weapon as you ended the fight so quickly after pulling it out. Then had to ruffle Zerofuku’s hair after the boy asked him if he had anything like that between his chest.
-Zerofuku- Was confused as to why you had a sword between your chest. He looked up at Buddha who had a big chest, wondering if he had anything between his own which got his hair ruffled by the taller god.
-Beelzebub- Was more intrigued with the magic that appeared there first, curious as to what it was. Froze, eyes wide when he saw you pulling the sword from your body, unable to look away.
-Loki- Looking disrespectfully, gawking with his tongue lolled out, full blush on his face as he could only gawk in awe. He wanted to get a closer look~
-Zeus- Cheering loudly, leading the charge of the cheers of the arena. He had never seen anything like it and he was so excited!!
-Ares- His whole head was bright red, staring shamelessly, blood dripping from his nose as he couldn’t believe what he just watched, gripping the arms of the chair tightly.
-Hermes- Amused by Ares’ reaction just a bit more, but was stunned with the magic that you used and even more so when he saw how big the actual sword was.
-Aphrodite- Giggled softly, hiding her mouth behind her hand, amused to see the reactions of others, but as a large chested woman herself, she knew well that any woman could hide things between or under her boobs, like knives~
-Hercules- Lifted a hand to his face to hide his blush, embarrassed to stare at you in such a way, but couldn’t take his eyes off of you, especially when you handled your opponent so easily.
-Kojiro- His face was bright red, watching you pull that from your chest, but he immediately focused on your form, his eyes widening as he saw you move, being one of a handful that was able to keep up with your moves.
-Jack- Was staring before he started, his cheeks warming as he turned, being a gentleman, not wanting to gawk at a young lady such as yourself in such a way. Was impressed with your skills with the sword however.
-Lu Bu- Could sense the power radiating from you, a feral grin appearing on his lips, wanting to fight you himself. However, he was one of the few that wasn’t bothered where you had your sword stashed.
-Chen Gong- Unlike his lord, as soon as you pulled that sword out he flew back, blood spurting from his nose, twitching on the ground. He didn’t even see the end of the fight.
-Raiden- A bright grin on his face as he watched you pull your weapon out, delight on his face as he found it attractive, “What a woman!” cheered loudly with the rest of the crowd.
-Qin Shi Huang- A bright smile on his face as he watched the scene, amazed by the magic that had appeared, wanting to know more about it, but very pleased watching the show.
-Adam- The time from when you pulled your sword out to being announced the winner was only about five seconds, but he was instantly glaring, exerting his pressure to those around him as he glared at them, ready to throw hands and lay waste to those who would say anything impure about his precious daughter!!
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xiaosonlybeloved · 1 year
Of Flowers and Death~ -Hanahaki AU
fem! reader x Zhongli, Zhongli x Guizhong, implied Zhongli x Lumine
warnings:- angst, hurt/no comfort, major character death, graphic descriptions of blood and violence. (lemme know if i missed anything) length-2.8k words a/n:- Mmm yes my favorite oneshot till date. stay till the end for that juicy angst haha (i have been writing for over two hours everything hurts but its worth it) Likes comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated, and do check out my childe smau too!
Edit:- there is a sequel now- Regret, Guilt, Anguish
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“Oh..” you murmured in less than a whisper. You were hidden behind a few rocks; you had come to meet Morax, the god of Liyue, but your dearest friend, Guizhong, was already there with him, and it looked like they were having a moment. You couldn’t help but want to listen in, because after all it was Morax who you had loved for most of your life.
You were a foreigner to Liyue; you came from Inazuma. But you weren’t any ordinary Inazuman. You were the third and youngest of the Raiden sisters, who ruled over Inazuma itself. No one other than the archons knew about your existence, because Ei and Makoto kept you a secret, protected. Although not many knew, there had indeed been a few attempts on the lives of the Raiden sisters, and this was what they wanted to protect you from.
After you had a few centuries of battle experience and training under your bag, you were allowed to explore the world. You were not tied down with the duties of ruling Inazuma. Naturally, you attracted the attention of the gods, each one of them remarking on how you inherited all the characteristic features of the Raidens.
Only the heavens above knew how you managed to become the best friend of one of the major gods, and that too Morax. But he was the reason you chose to settle down in Liyue. As time passed, your feelings for Morax, also called Zhongli by his friends, also grew more than platonic.
Now see, you knew Morax was something of a blockhead when it came to feelings. So you didn’t think much when Morax kept sending you mixed signals. You both were immortal gods after all, you had all the time in the world. You continued to hopelessly fool yourself, thinking that just perhaps, there was a chance of him loving you back.
Then came the goddess of Dust, Guizhong. A minor goddess she was, but a wonderful one. It didn’t take her too long to make her way into everyone’s hearts, including yours and Zhongli’s. While you both quickly grew into fast friends, there was just one thing that constantly irked you. Just one. It was the way she quickly grew so incredibly close to Zhongli.’
You knew that Guizhong fancied Zhongli; she confessed it to you yourself. You were forced to merely plaster a fake smile upon your face and laugh her words off.
That brought you to this day: watching Guizhong confess to Zhongli. And the amount of heartbreaking anguish when Zhongli accepted with a smile, pulling her in close, after having remained oblivious to all your advances over the decades…. It was just… You couldn’t handle it. It was too much.
You quietly sneaked away as soon as possible. And then.. And then came the coughs and the bloodstained petals. Being from Inazuma, you knew all about it of course. Hanahaki. Needless to say, you were horrified. Since that day, you somewhat avoided the duo on the pretext of the ongoing Archon War. It was here that you showed your true battle prowess as a Raiden. You alone decimated entire armies of the enemies, leaving not even ashes.
The war went on for months. You lost many allies in fighting to ensure that Makoto and Morax got seats in the Seven. Till sundown you fought without relent, showing that even a beauty can be dangerous. At night, you gave your fallen comrades the proper, respectful  farewell they deserved. By now, only the last few contenders for the heavenly thrones were left. The last opponent for Morax was the ocean god, Osial, in Guyun Stone Forest, and his followers. Recognising the serious threat he posed, you did agree to team up with Morax to eliminate him. The path for Morax to become an archon would then become clear. Through experience, you both knew that you two together were a formidable force. 
The battle was a long and exhausting one. You both started at sunrise, and barely managed to subdue him by sundown, having understood that even with their combined power, they would not be able to kill Osial. You both went back to your makeshift camp, looking forward to just resting for the night. Thank the gods you had very few coughing fits during the battle.
And yet, the moment you stepped past the protected borders, you felt that familiar eerie chill that crept up your spine. The heavy silence that hung ominously, the one that meant something was dreadfully, terribly wrong. And you were right. You took in the scene. The five Yakshas of Liyue were present, and they seemed to be sealing some sort of hexagonal structure, which was suspended above a figure. And the figure…
Was Guizhong.
Any dislike you harboured towards the Goddess of Dust disappeared as you laid your eyes upon the figure that had been turned to stone. The first and utmost thought in your mind was that something was wrong with your second best friend. Evidently Morax had come to the same conclusion. He let out a strangled sound as you both ran towards what remained of Guizhong. As you both gingerly touched her as if she was made of glass instead of stone, you knew. It was clear- Guizhong was no more.
Despite your stormy emotions, it seemed you were capable of only letting out a few tears. Morax seemed to be physically incapable of crying, yet his emotions were plainly displayed on his face for all to see. 
That night, you stayed with Morax, doing your best to comfort him, despite needing comfort yourself. Neither of you had any more tears to shed. 
That night, Morax has emerged as one of the Seven with your help, but you both lost Guizhong along the way.
2 millenia had passed since the Archon War, and it left its scars on everyone. However, you could be lying if you said that you didn’t feel relieved that Guizhong was out of the way. You also felt guilty for feeling like that. But it was rather funny, how you managed to survive with your hanahaki for 2000 years, while most died within a few months. You supposed the reason was that Morax, who now completely lived as the mortal Zhongli in the Harbor, was seriously the absolute master at giving out mixed signals. He often unknowingly did things that lovers did, giving you hope. Yet that hope gets squashed a few days later, and the cycle continues. In all honesty, the hanahaki wasn’t really a big problem, more like a chronic disease that you had come to accept as a part of your life.
You knew that while Zhongli had mostly recovered by now, he still irrationally blamed himself for Guizhong’s death. You often told him to move on, yet he never said anything. You could see how opposed he was to the idea though. That’s why it was a surprise when he invited you to his office in the funeral parlor right after you returned from Inazuma. You could see on his face that there was something that pleased him. He first enquired about your travels and stuff, then said, “[name], do you remember how you’ve always told me to move on?” “Oh yes. Have you been thinking about that?” “Indeed. Although Guizhong will always have a special place in my heart, I believe that I am now ready to mingle again. I realised recently… that I have feelings for someone new.” 
You couldn’t deny the flutter of excitement you felt on hearing those words.Was this finally it? “That’s great Zhongli! Who is it?” “Do you know the Traveler, Lumine? It’s her. I met her a while back, when you were out on your travels. I love her so much.” He proceeded to tell you all about Lumine. He was lovestruck and you could see that. With every word he spoke, you felt your heart drop more into your stomach. You were doomed. Utterly doomed.
All this time, you’d just been deluding yourself, lying to yourself. He had never loved you, and he never would. You were struggling to keep your easy smile glued to your face as yet again, you felt something rise up your throat. You politely managed to excuse yourself, your voice coming out all scratchy and raw. Once you walked out of his cabin, you sprinted towards the confines of your home. By the time you locked yourself in, some petals had already escaped and blood was smeared across your palm. 
You were hunched over the sink, which was already full of flowers and blood within a few minutes. It hurt. Everything did, both your body and your broken heart. You knew your impending death was near, because never had your hanahaki been this severe. You couldn’t undergo the surgery because Zhongli was a massive part of your life, and simply forgetting about him would raise a barrage of questions. Plus, you still loved Zhongli too much to forget about him, despite the fact that somewhere deep down, you always knew that he’d never love you back.
Your time was very close. The past few days had been spent isolated into the confines of your home, claiming to be exhausted from your latest journey whenever someone came to visit. Funnily enough, today was the day when Zhongli’s former love, and your former best friend, Guizhong, had died. In short, her death anniversary. Seemed it would be yours too.
You usually avoided visiting Guizhong’s memorial and burial site, which was in an isolated cave near Liyue Harbour. However today you thought it was fitting for you to pay your respects to her for the last time. And so, you dragged yourself out in the early morning, before sunrise. You left before anyone could see you, before he could see you.
By the time you are at your destination, your condition has significantly worsened due to the physical strain. It’s all you can do to respectfully place the flowers beside her memorial and lean against the wall. You began to speak to no one in particular in a cracked voice. “Hey Gui…? I hope.. You are at.. Peace… Just know that… I’ve never… hated you.. You’ve always been my.. Best friend.”
“How lucky you were… to be loved by Zhongli.”
Your throat choked up, not because of emotion, but because of another bout of bloody flowers. Not wanting to die there because he would see you, you got yourself out and into another deserted cave just beside. Not the best, but you had no choice. You had merely left a few petals at the entrance of both caves and a faint trail of blood in between.
By now, you had fallen to the ground in searing agony as flower after bloodstained flower forced its way out of your raw throat. You were lying on a bed of the flowers you yourself had coughed out.
How long it had been, you did not know. Perhaps minutes, perhaps hours. You started coughing again, not a moment’s respite. Your life force was almost completely drained. Any moment now.. You would be free.
It was then that you heard a horrified voice ring through the silence. “[Name]!”
Zhongli was up at sunrise. Despite his new love, his mood was somber- it was Guizhong’s death anniversary. He had every intention to continue visiting her memorial. As usual, he sought you out. There was a rare chance that if you were in the mood, you would accompany him to pay respects to Guizhong. Yet when he knocked at your door several times and received no response, he chose to leave you alone, despite being slightly worried. You usually did respond at the very least, but he was sure you were alright,
He stopped short in front of the cave which housed Guizhong’s memorial. There was a fresh bouquet of Glaze lilies. But who brought them here? Especially since this place was practically unheard of. He took a few quick steps forward and kneeled down to inspect the bouquet. His heart lurched.
Attached to the bouquet was a small note that said, ‘To my dearest best friend, Guizhong.’ There was no name, but he recognised the handwriting well enough. [name] had already been here. Without him? Was there a reason?
His eyes were drawn to something else too. Relatively new footprints in the soil. And blood.
His heavy footsteps echoed in the cave as he quickly walked out, following the faint trail of footprints, blood and petals. They were leading him to a nearby cave. His heart rate accelerated as he heard heavy coughing.  And behold the sight that awaited him- an utterly pretty bed of flowers and petals stained in a blood red, and someone coughing while lying on it.
“[Name]!” He cried out, completely horrified.
You curled into yourself even more on hearing his voice. All you wanted was to die in peace, why did he have to make things more difficult? Why did he have to come here? The flowers started choking and constricting your throat on their way up, ever more unrelenting, fueled by the appearance of the one who caused them. It was so hard to breathe… Just a bit more…
You felt yourself being gently lifted into someone’s strong and warm embrace. You weakly met Zhongli’s eyes, which were full of panic. You’d only seen him lose his composure like this once before, his fear more than evident on his face. “[name]- I- What happened? Please, tell me! I- I can’t lose you too!” He exclaimed frantically, feeling your life ebb away second by second, with each cough that released blood and Glaze lilies.
Your throat constricted even more, making it excessively hard to breathe. You just wanted to rest, It was all you could do to force a few broken words from your raw throat.
“...Hana..haki…” That was all Zhongli needed to know to understand. His pupils dilated in fear even more. “Who.. Who is it who made you suffer this way?” Zhongli whispered, unable to take in your completely broken state. You didn’t respond for a few moments, feeling your eyelids shut. You forced them open, not wanting to leave him hanging. “Always.. Loved you.. Always will… Be happy.. For me.. Okay? That is my last wish.” You weakly tried to reach a hand towards Zhongli, who instantly grasped it tightly in hsi, and pressed it against his face, as the realisation hit him like a truck. “What..?” He whispered softly.
Your eyes started to droop again, and you gave in, feeling nothing but qa soft ringing in your ears as your senses dulled. “[name], no, please don’t leave me!” Zhongli cried out in panic, grief and anguish, seeing you slip away from him. You simply let a small smile rest on his face as you whispered, “Just.. sleeping.. Tired.” Unable to accept your fate, he whispered, “Sleep well then, my dearest.”
But you never lived to hear that.
Because then you moved no more.
Was fate trying to mock him with [name] dying in his arms, in front of him, on the same day as Guizhong’s death? You were always there for him, always there with him, until you weren’t. And never in his immortal life was Zhongli able to forgive himself for this, knowing that he was the reason you were dead.
mm yes now hows that huh? gonna disappear for a few days now haha tags and comments are very much appreciated!
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Hi, I saw you were accepting requests, could you do sibling scara in SAGAU with a reader that’s oblivious to courting attempts of her yandere acolytes?
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❀ synopsis: how will the acolytes pursue the favor of an oblivious god? this is going to be a various x god! reader
❀ pronouns: They/them
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Ok, this solely depends if this is regular sagau or if this is my interpretation of cult au where the reader is a god who has existed since immemorial. If this is regular sagau the acolytes will lean into the idea of being your possible consort since you seem human despite the claims that you are the primordial god who created the universe. Some of the bolder acolytes like Venti, Childe, Kaeya, and Kaveh will be open about their attempts to woo you. While others like Xiao, Diluc, Rosaria, and Raiden Ei will be subtle with their approach.
While the big reason for wanting to be with you is because they (obsess over you) love you, some also like it for political power and the status that comes with being your lover. It would be easier to control and manipulate the people who aren't there for business to stay away from you, making it easier to cut off your personal ties and isolate you from everybody. Some examples of acolytes who would do this are Ayato, Zhongli, and Ningguang.
Poor reader, whatever profession they had in their old life wouldn't compare to their new life being the ruler of all of Teyvat. Your workload would double because of your followers trying to win your hand in marriage (that you never wished for). Some of your acolytes like Aether and Wanderer would try to reach out to you and convince you to take a break with them and steal you away to travel. Meanwhile, the others like Albedo, Ganyu, and Ayaka who promised to help you lessen your work will wonder where you left and notify the others of your disappearance.
Your obliviousness doesn't help in the acolyte's cases, and even some considered just yelling to you that they wanna (fuck you) marry you. But some are patient and will take their time in making you realize that their intentions are far from platonic and that they are more suited to be your partner. Ngl some of your acolytes might die in this situation since some of the characters will play dirty if it means they get to be your partner in the end.
Now, onto (my version of) Cult AU darling...
Cult AU darling has a bigger advantage here since 1. they have powers. and 2. they are one of the gods who existed before time so managing Teyvat is nothing to them. I would like to think in this case most of the acolytes would hesitate on courting you since, well, your YOU. You're the personification of life and death, your knowledge of the world exceeds every one. But there will still be some acolytes who will try to court you despite this fact.
Shenhe would be one of the followers who despite knowing she will never be your partner, will try to win your favor by being as helpful as possible to you. Every time you visit the adepti she would be right beside you waiting for your every order. Noelle is similar to her but she takes it to the next level, every lunch break she brings you a cup of freshly brewed coffee along with some of Monstadt's delicacies.
I feel like you wouldn't be oblivious in this situation since you are literally an omniscient/omnipotent god, but you just decide to ignore their advances. Which doesn't hurt any less for your followers. Some of the followers like Tighnari or Jean will cover up the hurt by working, but it seems almost impossible to not acknowledge the gaping hole in their hearts. But they understand.
Lovers are supposed to be the other's pillar for support, but your responsibilities as the god of Teyvat are too heavy for anyone to bear other than you. Lovers are supposed to have knowledgeable conversations with one another, nobody can match your knowledge of the universe other than yourself. Lovers are supposed to protect one another, you can easily defeat everyone without anyone's help. You can't possibly be anyone's match unless you duplicate yourself then it might be possible.
But you shouldn't underestimate their determination, some will try to look for ways to ascend beyond the heavens so they can be equal to you.
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shallyouobeyme · 8 months
Platonic!Yandere Wanderer x Reader (GN)
Summary: It wasn't just his mother who betrayed him fairly early on in his life, it was also his sibling - the only person he had been close to at that point in his life. At least that was what he thought. But once he had changed into the wanderer, some new information came to the light...
! Minors Do Not Interact !
TW: Probably not canon compliant with Wanderer's backstory since I don't have his character (sadly), Lumine is the Traveller in this one, kidnapping, dark content, obsession, kind of dying (but like not really), I do not condone this - this is all fantasy
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As the story is told the archon of Inazuma, Goddess of Eternity, created a puppet which later became the feared Fatui Scaramouche - but that story isn't quite complete. One fateful fact that the story omitted was that the 'betrayed' puppet wasn't the Raiden's first attempt. Before him, she had breathed life into her very first puppet, a prototype of sorts, which had many faults from which the archon learnt. With the knowledge gained from them, she successfully created the wanderer and later the puppet she still uses to this day.
After his creation, the wanderer was left in the care of his predecessor as the archon attended to her duties and the two grew close due to their shared nature. In fact, the wanded soon realized that his sibling - as humans would probably call them - meant more to him than anything else in the world and he looked forward to spending eternity together with them and their mother. But Destiny had something else planned for him.
And so the story continued, but it wasn't just his mother who betrayed him, no his sibling stood by her side when he was cast out, ignoring his pleas to come with him, to stay by his side. So all throughout his travels, through joining the Fatui, through trying to achieve Godhood, his anger at those he had considered family stayed constant. He had to admit to himself that somewhere very deep inside of him he still felt a longing to be by his sibling's side and even though he would never admit it, he knew that once he'd become the god he was always meant to be he would give them another chance. A chance to leave behind the woman who had created them to join him, to stand by his side as they were always meant to.
While during his time as a Fatui, the wanderer heard many things about Raiden through the many spies in Inazuma or just general news, he never heard any news about his sibling, not even from the most dedicated spies. And so their fate eluded him which was the reason that after his defeat by Lumine and Nahida, and after he changed into who he was now - the wanderer, looking for a new purpose - he was especially curious when Paimon started talking about Inazuma and local affairs.
Especially when you were mentioned. His sibling. The person who had not left his mind for the entire time he had been gone. And what he heard Paimon say changed everything for him.
"We met up with Ei recently - I hope you don't mind us talking about her, we know you're still bitter about that whole deal - and she brought one of her puppets along. They kind of reminded Paimon of you, they didn't look like the Shogun at all and they had their own personality, just like you. I think Ei said their name was Y/N-" Paimon rambled on, Lumine walking beside them, used to Paimon's constant chattering by now and not needing to pay much attention anymore. Usually at the first mention of his mother, Wanderer would have interrupted her snarkily to stop her talking, but at the slight chance of hearing news of you, he had to let her keep talking, "-They were really, really nice. They even told us about when they were made. Paimon wonders if that's similar to how you were made."
Paimon did not wait for him to respond, instead happily continuing talking the aspect of not being interrupted for once: "What did they say again? Oh, yes, they were also made to hold the Shogun's Gnosis, but they weren't strong enough, Ei said that she gave them consciousness so that they could help care for future Puppets. So they even took care of you, right?" Wanderer didn't bother replying, instead working through the fact he had just heard. His mother had given you consciousness? Somehow he had always assumed you were just like him, that you had gained consciousness when your mother had attempted to place her gnosis in you.
"Oh well, seems like they grew on the shogun because even after they made their successful puppet they kept them around. It's all the better for it though, knowing what would happen when Ei'd leave them behind," Paimon sighed and for the first time, Wanderer intercepted.
"What do you mean? What would happen?"
"You don't know?" Paimon looked at him surprised, she must've expected him to know all about your time before he was made, "Because Ei was the one who gave them life, she also became the source of their life, if they ever leave Ei's surroundings, they'll turn back into a puppet. At least that's what Y/N told us, but they're so nice, I don't think they'd lie."
That changed everything for the Wanderer. If what the little flying Imp was saying was true, then you had never betrayed him. You had no choice. You were bound to your mother, unable to leave even if you wanted to - which you must have. Suddenly his life had a new meaning. He'd free you, so that you'd finally be able to spend eternity by his side, under his protection. You'd finally be siblings again, just like you were always meant to.
Without giving any care for his companions, Wanderer took off in a different direction. More specifically, the direction of Sumeru's harbour. He'd do whatever he had to to get to you, to free you, to save you. He stole a boat - may or may not hurting the owner in the process - and made his way towards his old home, a place he had sworn only to return to once he had become a god, but now there were new priorities in place. He still knew many secret spots surrounding the Archon's home and luckily for him, given his mother's personality, not a lot had changed in the past years.
It was easy for him to secretly make his way into the chambers you and him had shared after your creation - it was only now that he realized that the reason you had shared was that Ei hadn't bothered to give you your own since you were already a failure in her eyes. And what a sight to behold he found there, you were sitting in the window nook you had already loved when he had still lived there, reading a book. You hadn't changed at all, time had not touched you.
As he stepped closer, a shadow was cast over you that made you look up. Your eyes widened, but he saw the happiness in them. Had you missed him as much as he had missed you?
"You're back!" you shouted happily as you jumped up and ran towards him, embracing him in a hug that he gladly reciprocated. Oh, how he'd missed that - but now he'd never have to go without this happiness again. But as quick as the happiness had set in, it diminished when you turned back and looked at him worriedly. "You-You can't be here, Mother will- She can't know you're here, you have to leave."
Anger built up in him - of course, even when he was here to save you, his mother had to make things difficult for him. But he wouldn't let her ruin this, not as long as he had to fight for you.
"She will never find out, we will leave right now and we'll be off this island before she'll be any wiser. Don't worry," he told you to calm you down as he took your hand in his and pulled you with him - he was always the stronger of you (for reasons that were now obvious) so even though you tried to get him to stop, he just pulled you harder.
"We? I can't leave Inazuma, I need to be close to Mother," you tried to reason with him, but he just shook his head and disagreed with you. "She only makes you believe that, you don't need her, I can be your new source of life, we only need each other."
"But that's not how this works-" you tried again, but then there were guards shouting and running after the two of you. But because of your resistance, you were slower than usual - if it kept on like that, they'd catch up to you and you knew that if they were to try to capture your brother, something horrible would happen - either to him or to them - and you couldn't allow that to happen. So, even though you knew that it would mean your end, you took up the pace and ran along with Wanderer.
The two of you quickly arrived at his boat and he hoisted you into it before using his vision to bring quite some distance between the boat and the shore. He didn't notice you sitting on the other side of the boat looking back at the island with a sad kind of desperation. You knew that your life would end any second now, but you didn't mind all that much, after all, you had already extended the span of life you should have had. And now your life would end protecting someone you love, so you could die without any regrets.
"Brother, I want you to know that what will happen now isn't your fault, nor is it Mothers. Please, just be free, live your life in peace, and be happy," you called out to him, causing him to turn to you in confusion. He wanted to ask what you meant, but before the word could leave his lips, your body fell limp. Quickly, he rushed towards you, hoping you had just fallen unconscious, but as he turned your body to lie in his lap, he realized that the worst had come to pass. What he turned wasn't his sibling, it was a puppet of wood and wires. Gone was the animation in your face or the faux skin on your body, instead it was all just wood and paint. A puppet.
As Inazuma disappeared behind the horizon, he found a new reason for his existence. You had asked him to be happy, but how could he ever be happy if you weren't by his side? He'd move Celestia and the abyss if he had to, would make deals with whatever creature was out there and willing to help, if all else failed he would even return to his mother - everything to bring you back...
A/N: Thank you for reading the eleventh entry into my Yandere Writetober - I hope you enjoyed and you may want to comment and reblog, who knows. Tomorrow's word is 'Spicey' so I hope I'll see you again in my notifications
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Can you write the Genshin archons + Ganyu and Xiao with a teen reader who they basically watched grow up? Like they first met when reader was 6 and basically just went up to them with “idk who you are but we are now friends.”
you can remove Nahida if you’d like
also platonic obvs-
Yes, of course! I really hope I got that right and so I hope you'll enjoy <3
Venti, Zhongli, Raiden, Nahida, Ganyu, Xiao watching teen!reader grow
TW: small mention of drinking in Venti's part
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⊱ Venti remembers that day you approached him like it was yesterday
⊱ he still recalls how you said you'll stick with him forever to enjoy his music, of course he thought get that you're joking because you were a kid back then but actually kept your promise
⊱ watching you grow up was so moving to him, especially if you also learned to play on instrument because of him
⊱ what am I saying... of course you learned how to play at least on his lyre!
⊱ he definitely cut on drinking since he didn't wanted to give child a bad example
⊱ you might haven't even noticed it but he did write a song about you and sang it publicly for people on Mondstadt
⊱ he definitely likes to go back to good old times and remember pleasent memories for both of you
"I remember how one day you borrowed my lure and gave a real performance in Tavern! And in exchange for good job, Diluc even gave you free juice!"
⊱ despite those happy memories, he can't help but be scared that he'll loose you some day like he did his dear friend
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⊱ Zhongli has amazing memory so no wonder he remembers how you approached him with every little detail
⊱ he told it you and many others about how your relationship started from you asking him to tell you a story, then another one, and another one, and another one, and... yea you get the point
⊱ he literally remembers every single one of your memories and now he has even more stories to tell
⊱ he'll go back to your old memories all the time and tell you how you used to be when you were younger and how you slowly matured
⊱ you definitely become a smart teen thanks to spending time around him
"I'm very glad that you're satisfied with how we used to spend time together. And you really matured since back then."
⊱ but spending time around him didn't meant you have only historical experience, you also went on many trips around Liyue so you know your ways around this region
⊱ of course, the older you got, on more dangerous trips you two went but still not too dangerous
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⊱ okey but if you walked up to Ei like she's not terrorizing Inazuma, she genuinely becomes interested in you but you'll have to come to her on your own couple of times
⊱ but once she takes real like of you, she slows down in on terrorizing Inazuma or just slows down with it around you
⊱ you probably were spending time with Miko as well, so you know both of them very well
⊱ but when she watches you grow, she can't help but feel like mother to you
⊱ don't expect her to cook you anything, if you'll want some food then you'd have to go get something in the city
⊱ she literally fed you with sweets at first all the time so it wouldn't be a surprise if it turned out that you have problems with teeth
⊱ she doesn't go back and tell you all the memories you had together if you won't ask her and if you, she still tells you the minimum, she simply doesn't see reason for it
"What you were like when you were a child? You were a normal child. Just like every other mortal."
⊱ but now in all honesty, she definitely keeps you in her "infinity space" was it how it's called? in order to make your time together last a little longer especially after remembering how fast mortals grow up
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⊱ Nahida was extremely happy when you approached her and immediately proceed to take care and play with you
⊱ she remembers every little memory and also have album full of photos keeping those memories safe
⊱ so if you want her to remind you any memories from your childhood, you only have to tell her that and she'll take out the album full of photos
"In this photo, we were walking around Sumeru City streets and you a car seemed to take a like of you! In this one tho you..."
⊱ she definitely gets nostalgic often but she's also very proud of how mature you are now
⊱ she definitely was super soft and gentle towards you when you were a child and she still is when you're a teen
⊱ although you probably couldn't spend that much time with her, so she really appreciated every single second together with you
⊱ she knows very well how short mortals live so she wants you to have fun and appreciate your time together as much as she does
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⊱ if you randomly walked up to Ganyu and just went like "we're friends now", she definitely was a little shocked at first but it changes as you spend more time together
⊱ she's actually so gentle with you as if you're made of porcelain that can break any second
⊱ it's not a secret that she's busy so you two probably didn't had that much time together
⊱ but sometimes even when she had work, she took you to her work place if you wanted and make sure you have something to play with
⊱ although she's not a big fan of bringing child to her work since you always managed to distract her to she usually spent time with you after she's done with her work
⊱ she remembers all memories very well, even the ones she doesn't want to remember...
"Did someone ever mistaken me for your mother?! W-Why don't we focus on other kind of memories?"
⊱ she definitely gets a little sad sometimes while thinking about how much time you have left but of course she never shows or mentions it in front of you
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⊱ Xiao is always busy and avoids public eye so you must be really lucky to even catch him once
⊱ but since he watch you grow up, then you probably were really lucky and met him more then once
⊱ he knows mortal life isn't long but he only truly realizes it as he watches you grow up
⊱ he either watched you from afar or you were the reason he showed up more in public
⊱ he probably left you with Zhongli many times, especially at night since he usually has demons to defeat
⊱ but when you two spent some times together, he always was soft to you, although in public he probably was a little more harsh
"I was never soft for anyone. Including you! I just wasn't that rough towards you since you were a child."
⊱ of course he remembers every memory with you but won't tell you much unless you ask him to do so and even if, he still can't see why you want to know it so much
⊱ the truth is, he kind of doesn't want to remember the memories since that reminds him of how short mortal life is and that you won't be forever by his side
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bl4cktourmaline · 4 months
☔ . 風鈴 — your secret admirer ft furina & raiden ei
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✿ — ♬ ⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ : x is typing... ✉!
✿ — ↻ SYNOPSIS : First Meet[Desert edition] w/ Furina & Raiden !
✿ — ♯ GENRE : Fluff/Platonic
✿ — ↠ NOTE : Wowie, my second(?) time writing Raiden !! For this fic, it'll be ei as the shogun doesn't like sweets ^^
✿ — ♪ REMINDER : reblogs & likes are appreciated, in doing so will motivate us to continue delivering stories to you, thank you for all of your supports ~ !
✿ — ♭ ⁿᵒʷ ᶜᵃˡˡⁱⁿᵍ... : @reilly34
✿ — ► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Furina & Raiden x reader
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☔ . 風鈴 — Furina
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𝅘𝅥𝅯 You were an immigrate from Inazuma, who had recently reach the borders of Fontaine. You've heard stories of Fontaine selling many sweet pastries and always wanted to try it for yourself.
𝅘𝅥𝅯 Which was why when Inazuma first opened its' borders again, you immediately set sail to Fontaine.
𝅘𝅥𝅯 Upon arriving, you immediately went to check out every store while admiring the court of Fontaine as it looks nothing like Inazuma at all.
𝅘𝅥𝅯 Now you were in a forest, trying to see if you could make any new recipes with Fontaine's specialties to attract more customers. Which was when you encountered a white-haired girl...
You were currently traversing in the forest near Opera Epiclese to find ingredients. You heard that Bulle Fruit would be a great addition to be added into your recipe, as it was said to be sweet and refreshing.
Based on your brainstorming of innovating new recipes, you thought of using Bulle Fruit to make your deserts feel really refreshing to help cool a customer down or to sweeten things up a bit more healthily for people who have a big sweet tooth.
You also thought of trying to gather some Marcotte's too as they have a rich scent and you've seen Fontainians use them inside food recipes like "Consomme Purete" or "Seabird's Sojourn". However, unlike those recipes which are suppose to be meals. You were going to use Marcotte's to decorate your deserts instead.
"There we go.. I think that should be enough ingredients for now.."
You mumbled to yourself after picking out the last Bulle Fruit from the tree. You placed the fruit into your bag and began counting your gathered goods.
54 Bulle Fruits and 29 Marcottes..
That should be enough to do some test runs and batches to sell. You quickly made a fire and began baking to test out if your recipe needs any adjustment and is safe.
After some time went by, your pastries have finished baking and smelt really good. Which made you check the criteria of it being appetizing. Just as you were about to decorate and do the presentation of the cake..
You turned around to see a hilichurl standing right behind you. It seems like your cake caught unwanted attention..
"Ya, Odomu buka guru-guru.. Mi kucha.."
Before the hilichurl could say anymore or worse, attack you. You quickly slain the enemy down and watched it's ashes slowly fade away.
You quickly swing your sword to where the sound came from. Only to halt when you realised it wasn't a hilichurl again.
"Oh, I'm so sorry about that"
You quickly retracted your sword and held a hand up to the fallen girl on the ground. She had white hair with blue streaks in a jellyfish hairstyle. As well as really pretty heterochromia eyes.
The girl quickly took your hand and got up to her feet again.
"Ehem, that is a felony! I'll have you know I could throw you to the gardes anytime for that misconduct towards me!"
"Ahaha.. Sorry about that. I thought you were a hilichurl.."
"Excusez-moi?! I'll have you know I'm more fabulous than those-"
"Ah no no! You mistook what I meant. I was attacked by a hilichurl earlier.."
You bashfully replied. Feeling embarrassed about this encounterment..
"I'll let you slide just for once. Anyways, I came over here cause there was a delightful smell that I wanted to investigate about. Could it perchance came from you?"
"O-oh! Yeah that was from me.. I didn't expect the Marcotte to work that well to attract this much attention here.."
You replied, lifting up your batch of cake to let this white-hair girl see.
"I-Is that cake?! ..Though I've never seen this before in Fontaine.."
"Ah, that's because I made the recipe myself! It's suppose to be a pastry to make someone feel refresh after a long day. I haven't tested it out yet so I'm not sure if it'll make the consumer feel that way.."
"Well then, allow me to do the testing!"
You cut a piece of the cake and used your mixture of cream you made earlier to quickly decorate the cake before giving it to her. Which she immediately took a bite out of.
"Well.. How is it..?"
"Its' taste is quite astonishing! It is exactly how you described it. Tell me where is your bakery in Fontaine?!"
"Ah about that.. I haven't opened my business in Fontaine yet. I came from Inazuma.."
"That explains your outfit hm.. Well then."
The white hair girl did a twirl before putting a hand on her chest while doing some exaggerated movements.
"From here onwards, I, Folcalors, will give you a place in Fontaine to set up your business for free. In the return of this oh-so generous act of mine. You would have to provide me with some of Inazuma's delicacies once in a while."
'Wait.. Folcalors?!'
"W-wait you're the archon of this nation?!"
"Indeed, however as my future provider of sweets. You shall address me as Furina. As part of our business I'll be taking this sample of yours~"
While Furina was happily walking away with your first batch of baked goods. You were going through a slight mental breakdown for pointing your sword on a god..
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☔ . 風鈴 — Raiden Shogun
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∞ You were an immigrate from Fontaine coming over to Inazuma. Hoping to try and sell pastries from your nation.
∞ You decided that Inazuma is probably the best way to start a business, considering the nation had open its' borders again and that the people living inside haven't tried other delicacies apart from their own!
∞ Upon entering, you decided to check out pastry shops out first as you always enjoyed sweet treats and will give you some inspiration to make your own recipes! That was when you first met a purple-haired girl, who was trying out their Dango Milk with a really scared owner in front of her.
∞ However, already seeing her about to milk the store dry with nothing left to sell. You decided to step in..
You were settling in Inazuma, trying to see where you could potentially open up your own bakery filled with Fontaine's and other regions delicacies. You turned left and right only to see every store to be taken and not up for rent.
You sighed as you decided to give up the search for now to go and get some Inazuma specialties to try and make up your own recipes that may attract Inazuman's to come and try out your future stall..
Only for your train of thoughts to be disrupted.
"H-here's another one!"
You looked up to see a frantic person being frightened by a purple-haired girl's presence.
It seems like she really likes those bottled drinks. You went to the store to look at the drinks and pastries which were really different from all the sweet things you tried.
There was a triple rice ball looking things on a stick while the drinks the women enjoyed were on a lower shelf.
The drinks were labelled as dango milk which was a completely new thing to you. What even is a 'dango'?! Before you got lost in thought again. You saw the women picked up another dango milk to drink over and over.. Till there was only two bottles left. She was milking the store dry!
That was when you decided to save the owner from this mishap..
"Hey, I've seen you drank at least 7 of these bottles. Are they really that good?"
You asked. Only to get the store owner and some passerbys to look at you in terror, which you sweat-dropped about.. What is so terrifying about communicating...
"Hmm? Ah yes, I find them to be quite the delicacy and delicious. It's like a sweet porridge. Here, it's on me"
She said before picking one of the last two bottles to hand it to you to try. You opened the bottle and began drinking it. It was.. Sweet and just like how she had said it to be. It felt like you were eating instead of drinking.
"Mm.. This is pretty good. It's way different from the other nations I visited.."
Coming over was the right choice after all. You got to try something really unique. Only.. What could you do with this information? Milk Macarons?
..No that would be disgusting.
"Ah the other nations. I haven't travelled to any of them in a long time.. I wonder how are their deserts now.."
"Oh? I could totally whip you something up from Fontaine! I was actually trying to find a place to set up my business but that can wait for now. We should probably go somewhere else so I could bake in peace.."
"That'll be delightful. I do know a spot where we won't disturb the others and is quiet."
She said, as she started strolling in another direction. You quickly trailed behind her.
After some time, you both reached your destination. You quickly whipped up 'La Lettre a Folcalor' for the fine lady to try, which you were quite proud of being able to bake.
Once it was finished with its decoration for presentation. You gave it to the purple-haired women to enjoy.
You did see her eyes lit up for a moment before finishing the entire plate.
"I see that Folcalors has a cake named after her.. Maybe I should follow her lead and have one named after me as well.."
The women pondered. Before you could ask what she meant by that she spoke again.
"Ah pardon my manners, may I get your name?"
"It's [name]! Could I get yours?"
"[Name]... Thats a pretty name. You can call me Ei, but the people knows me as the Raiden Shogun"
"You're.. THE Raiden Shogun?! Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder?!"
You have never said a sentence that fast in your life.. If you knew you were baking for a god you would've bought fresh ingredients first..
"Yes, anyways I remembered you said you were trying to set up business. How about setting up in Tenshukaku? I could help promote your stall."
You didn't know if you should faint from this encounterment later..
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