#platonic sir billiam/ranbutler
Once in a while, Billiam and Moon will just sit together and look through old photographs. They reminisce over photos they still have from the town, and quietly look at pictures from when Hubert was still in their lives, remembering happier times when it was three of them in the mansion and not just two.
They sit together and look back on the past, and can only hope that their future is a good one.
They don’t talk either, it’s just silently reminiscing over the time they’ve spent together, and with all the other people there too
If the memories get too overwhelming for one of them, the other silently comforts them with small touches and soft whispers, which never fail to cheer the other up
They’ve had a good life together, they can just hope the future is just as good
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24-guy · 2 years
A bit late because I didn’t see it earlier, but my first memory of you is seeing the original Sir Billiam and Ranbutler platonic dancing drawing, loving it and leaving a reply in the notes, and then you responding to that reply.
I’m glad we met honestly, I really am. You’re great.
Amazing. :D
And I'm glad that we met too. :]]]]] You're fantastic.
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mcyt-amber-tftsmp · 3 years
𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 {𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}
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Request?: none
Character: Ranbutler (For the sake of the story let's name him Mark since we don't know his name!)
Side Character(s): Niki Nihachu, Captain Puffy and the SBI family + Kristen and Tubbo!
Story-type: slightly platonic but mostly romantic and a bit of angst but not so much!
Story Length: 5100 words
AU or Not: Basically an AU that has nothing to do with a red egg or Sir Billiam's constant complaining smh
Time Period: Medieval sort of Au! Technically he same time as the Masquerade but of course that doesn't exist cause if it did I would be making an omelette!
Plot Summary: You are the princess of a very wealthy kingdom known as Y/K/N (Your Kingdom's Name) and the only daughter who is basically being forced to marry a prince from a different kingdom but you happen to love a certain butler and plan to leave it all.
Small Info: Both you and Ranbutler are 18 in this story cause why not?
Y/N = Your Name L/N = Last Name B/N = Brother's Name Y/F/C = Your Favorite Color Y/K/N = Your Kingdom's Name R/K/N = Random Kingdom's Name F/N = Father's Name M/N = Mother's Name
Trigger Warning:
- Very strict parents - Mentions of arranged marriage - My very poor writing skills plus English (Fun fact: when i talk I speak good English but write poor English for some ungodly reason smh!)
Normal Warning: Huge as heck Oneshot!
Third Person Point of View~
You woke up to the sun coming through your window and light yet slightly loud sound of knocking coming from outside of your door. Yous lowly sat up from your bed as you heard a voice coming from your room.
"Your highness are you awake?" You heard Niki, your personal maid and good friend call you from outside.
"Yes Niki I am awake." You said as you saw the door slowly open to reveal a woman with black hair with blonde highlights in the front, Niki.
"Good morning your Highness. I hope I didn't wake you or disturb you." She said in an apologetic tone as you shook your head.
"It's alright Niki. You didn't wake me up or disturb me and you do know you can call me Y/N right?" You asked as you got up from your bed and went over to get ready.
"I know I am still trying to get used to it since I have to call 'Your Highness' in front of your parents. Oh! I also have to help you with getting you ready today!" Niki said as she went over to help you.
This made you slightly curious as to why. Normally you would get ready with no problem unless there was a guest or some formal event that you have to look good and everything. To be honest you didn't like this life at all and just wanted a normal life.
"Is there a reason for this?" You asked as she slightly shrugged.
"I am not really sure why Your High- I mean Y/N. Though I did hear from your father that there may be another family coming from a distant Kingdom." Niki said which made you even more curious.
You had many questions as to why all of a sudden another family is coming from a different Kingdom but the one thing which was coming in your head was the idea of a an arranged marriage. You shuddered at the thought cause you didn't want to marry someone you never met before or gotten close to.
"And done! You look very pretty!" Niki said as she finished helping you get ready. It was just a simple but elegant Y/F/C dress. You smiled at Niki as you thanked her. At that right moment there was another knock from the open door which revealed to be a boy with heterochromatic red and green eyes and slightly messy brown hair slightly covering his left side of his forehead who happened to be Mark, your butler.
"I hope I am not interrupting anything Your Highness..." Mark asked as you shook your head with a smile.
"No you aren't Mark and what did I say about calling me that? You know you can call me Y/N right?" You said.
"Sorry Y/N. I am still trying not to call you that when your parents aren't around. Oh and your parents are calling you for breakfast." He said as you smiled with small giggle.
"It's alright Mark. I understand." You said and before you could go you heard him say, "Y-you look very beautiful today Y/N." This technically caused you to blush a bit.
"Thank you Mark. You are very kind." You said as you headed towards the dining room where your parents were waiting for you to join them.
Once you were out of earshot and basically out of sight, Mark face palmed at what he just blurted out of his big mouth and was mentally trying not to beat himself up for that. He was going to be honest about having feelings for you. Niki looked at Mark who was currently red in the face.
"You okay?" Niki asked him as Mark nodded.
"Yes I am okay just not sure what to do. I mean what's the point in liking someone when you know you can never get them to love you back and the fact that she's a princess and I am just a mere butler..." Mark said as he looked down at the pristine marble floors as Niki patted him on the back.
"Hey come on! Cheer up! You never know if she likes you back or not. I mean she doesn't really like the entire royal life much to be honest." Niki said as Mark nodded.
He knew this before but he really didn't have much of a chance. He and you would talk a lot and became very good friends and this lead him to have feelings for you. He kept somewhat of his hopes up but then again it was still a one in a million chance at this point.
"Come on! We have to get ready for the guests coming from another kingdom!" Niki said bringing the butler's attention as they went their ways.
Your Point of View~
Breakfast was quiet. Normally it would be me taking with my brother, B/N but of course my brother got married and has gone for his honeymoon. He was to be honest knew about my crush on Mark and has supported me but I knew my parents would forbid it if I told them. As I was thinking my mother spoke up.
"How are you doing my sweet daughter?" My mother said as I quickly swallowed the food in my mouth.
"I am doing well mother. Is there something I should know about for today?" I asked as my father set down his cup of tea.
"Well as you should know that a family from a kingdom is coming. They are from R/K/N Kingdom. You know the prince of that Kingdom right? I believe his name happens to be Prince Jason?" He said as I nodded. I have heard of the name yet I never talked to him at all cause I wasn't so interested in talking to other families much.
((Author: I know very vague name! 'Jason'! Like bruh! xD at least it ain't good as Mark! LOL))
"Well we are planning on making an arranged marriage between you two." My father said as my eyes widened at his words. No way in hell am I getting married to someone.
"I am not getting married to someone I have never met properly!" I said snapping a little and I knew I would regret doing this as my parents glared at me.
"That's not how you speak to your father young lady." MY mother spoke to me as i looked down at my lap still feeling frustrated.
"This is best for the kingdom and you will be getting married whether you like it or not and just so you know you will be getting married to him after five days. The prince himself has already agreed to this" My father said as I fought back tears.
I seriously didn't want to get married to prince Jason. I barely knew him and I knew I wouldn't be married to him by love but just because I got forced to do this. I just want to run away from this life.
Timeskip brought to you by me simping~
I waited beside my father and mother as we waited for the family of R/K/N Kingdom. I looked behind me to see Niki giving me a smile of reassurance. I looked at Mark who gave me a smile and a thumbs up. I smiled back at them and looked in front quickly.
I was blushing after seeing Mark. To be honest i loved his smile. It always made my day. I was snapped out of my thoughts when our Advisor announced that the family has arrived. I looked to see the door open to reveal the Queen, King and Prince of the other Kingdom and followed my parents to greet them.
"I am so glad you could join us with your lovely family King Etienne." My father started as they shook hands.
"I am glad to join you as well King F/N. This must be your daughter Y/N am I right?" King Etienne said as he looked at me. I curtsied as I greeted him.
"Yes I am Your Majesty." I said as he chuckled.
"No need for formalities as you will be marrying off my youngest son, Jason here." He said as he gestured to the blonde boy with brown eyes who came forward to meet me.
"It's lovely to make your acquaintance Princess." He said as he smirked.
"Likewise." I said trying not to feel irritated with him.
"Looks like our children will be getting along just fine. Don't you think so M/N?" Queen Aliyah asked as my mother nodded.
"Why don't we talk more at lunch. You must all look exhausted after traveling. Come along I will show you to your rooms." My father said and before I could go Prince Jason stopped me by taking my hand and kissing it.
"I will see your around Princess" He said to me in a flirty tone as he walked towards the rest. I seriously hated him even more.
((Author: Anyone wanna kill of Jason with me? Only me? Okay!))
Ranbutler's/Marks' Point of View~
As I saw that bloody prince kiss the palm of Y/N's hand I gritted my teeth in slight anger and jealousy. I seriously couldn't stand and watch this anymore.
"I can't look at this anymore..." I said walking away fast from the place without anyone noticing but of course Niki did and was coming behind me.
"Mark wait!" I heard Niki whisper yelling but I just continued to walk but I gradually stopped and leaned to my side against a wall as I wiped my face. It hurt a lot and Niki who finally caught up saw the distraught in my eyes.
"Mark look at me. Please?" She said as I slowly looked at her. She looked worried and I hated seeing this. I looked away and at the floor.
"Am I really this much of a bad friend that doesn't want her to get married to that prince just because I love her?" I ask fighting back tears as Niki hugged me.
"No you aren't and you will never be a bad friend because of that. She loves you no matter what alright? Good!" Niki said as I wiped my face.
"Thank you sister." I said as she nodded.
"Anytime little brother!" She said as I followed her.
I basically knew the rest of the five days starting from tomorrow would be something which I hate cause I have to see Y/N and that Prince nearly hanging out everyday because King F/N. God I am gonna go through such a huge roller coaster and am not gonna love it.
Third Person Point of View~
The five days seemed to have been passing by pretty quick. Prince Jason and Princess Y/N would be hanging out most of their time. Of course it wasn't Y/N's idea to talk to him but she had to since his father and mother were not going to leave her be without talking to him.
Y/N would mostly make small talk wit the Prince while the Prince would boast around most of his time and would just go on and on while Y/N just listened. She seriously didn't enjoy talking to him like how she enjoys talking with Mark.
Meanwhile with Mark and Niki, they seriously did not like the Prince at all. The royal family may not know it but the Prince has been really demanding towards Niki and the other maids and those maids did not like them either along with the butlers that are here around the castle.
The most mistreated butler here by Jason was Mark. Jason would always do something and apologize but he and a few people knew besides the the Kings and Queens that he meant to do that but of course they had no power and if they did something of course it might lead to some sort of punishment.
This has been going on for four days straight and at this point all the maids and butlers disliked Jason and knew that Princess Y/N did too but they all knew she had no choice.
The fifth day rolled by and Y/N would be getting married after the fifth day and she knew she had no time to get out of this. She had already accepted her fate which was to get married to Jason as she had no choice.
But... a certain maid had other plans. A risky one but she knew that it would work out well and she set her plan into motion without anyone's knowledge.
Y/N's Point of View~
It was the fifth day and it was two hours till midnight. I knew I had no choice and no plans of escaping this. I sat on my bed with my nightgown on. I looked at the clock to see it was 10 o' clock at night. I can't believe this was happening and I couldn't even tell Mark how much I loved him way more than a friend. My thoughts were broken when a knock came through my door.
"Come in..." I faintly said as I heard the door open. I looked up to see it was Mark.
He came towards me and I motioned for him to sit beside me. He slowly sat down on the bed and there was a moment of silence between us. It would have lasted longer but Mark had spoken up to break the silence.
"So... I guess you are getting married tomorrow huh..." He said in a neutral voice as I nodded.
"Seems so..." I said and there was silence once again. In those silent moments I randomly started to tear up.
"Mark... I don't want to get married tomorrow to Prince Jason..." I said as my voice slightly broke as tears feel down my face.
"Why not? I mean Prince Jason is a really nice guy and would treat you well..." You heard Mark trail off but you did notice his tone was different. Was it that he was sad? You brushed it off.
"Mark listen. I don't love him at all! I don't want to be with someone I barely know and love! Jason is that person I barely know and love. I love someone else but I don't even know anymore..." I said wiping my face. I hated this so much yet I have no choice.
Before I could do anything else, I felt two hands cup my cheek and felt a pair of lips meet mine. Before I knew it, Mark was kissing me. It was passionate and loving. He broke away from it and had a face of worry and quickly stood up.
"I-I am r-really s-sorry Y/N I-I didn't mean to-" I cut him off by kissing him while standing on tippy toes and bringing him slightly closer.
((Author: Don't get any ideas please! Or I will go shoot shoot on that dirty mind of y'alls! 😃🔫 Be careful! Now shoo!))
Ranbutler's/Mark's Point of View~
I was in shock cause SHE was kissing ME! I kissed her back. The kiss was long and passionate and didn't really last that long since we had to break away for air. At this point both our faces were red from blushing.
"I guess that person who you love is me...?" I asked as she nodded hugging me.
"Yeah it is." She said sighing not letting me go.
"I love you Mark." She continued as I kissed the top of her hair.
"I love you too. I don't want you to marry that Prince..." I said as she nodded.
"I don't want to either Mark but we have no plan to escape this easily and I don't know how to either." She said.
It was true we had no plan and if we escaped without a plan it would be very difficult. Gosh I wished we had a plan or we could have escaped smoothly. My thought was broken by someone coughing and we both looked in a panic to see who it was and luckily it was just Niki.
"Be ready 12 o' clock at night. Pack a few things and especially wear a cloak to hide yourselves. Don't question cause I am getting you two out of here." Niki said as she left.
Y/N and I looked at the door trying to process what just happened but understood. We did as she said and got ready. When it was 12 at midnight Niki set her plan into action.
"Come with me you two. I know a friend who can get you out of here with no issue. But be very quiet." She said as we followed her through the halls as quiet as possible.
She led us down a secret tunnel which was unknown to everyone accept her but of course me and Y/N know about this. After minutes of walking we were outside but near the docks. I looked around to notice a huge ship docked nearby with a person leaning against the wall of the ship.
"Is this it Niki?" I asked as Y/N stood beside me adjusting her cloak and hood to not get noticed. Niki nodded.
"Yep!" She said walking towards the ship as we followed.
When we came a little closer, the owner of the ship was revealed to be a woman who was half ram and had half white and brown fluffy hair up to their waist. She smiled as she looked at us and shook my hand.
"Captain Puffy at your service! I am guessing you are Mark and Princess Y/N?" She asked as we nodded.
"Yes but please call me Y/N Puffy. No need for formalities." Y/N said with a smile as Puffy nodded.
"Alright! Right this way." She said leading Y/N and me to get on the ship.
Before I did that I stopped to look at Niki who had a sad smile on her face. I was going to miss her a lot. She is my sister and it will be hard leaving her.
"I will miss you brother. Please take care." She said giving me a quick hug as I hugged back and nodded.
"I will sister. Do the same." I said as I got on the ship and it set sailed.
I looked out at sea and my sister who was waving farewell. I waved back along with Y/N. At this point I didn't care about anything other than what was going to happen now. I just hoped things don't go downhill when they find out the Princess had run away.
Niki's Point of View~
I quickly went back to the castle using the secret route I always used to meet Puffy. It was going to be a matter of time in the morning when the king and queen and the other royal family found out that Y/N was missing. I already had an excuse for my brother which is fool proof. Right now I was going to get some sleep and wake up tomorrow.
The Next Morning~
I woke up as early as I could and I saw the other maids and butlers preparing the food and other things for the arranged marriage today. I was the one who knew the entire marriage thing was going to go down real fast.
I went with the Queen to 'wake up Y/N' for the big day today. At this point no one has asked about Mark or where he is other than the butlers and maids but I told them that he was sick and had to leave for home. As I was thinking the Queen spoke up.
"Where is Mark today anyways? I haven't seen him since morning and he normally wake up early." She said.
"He was really sick so he had to leave for home later in the morning." I said as she nodded.
"I am glad he left to take care of himself and so my daughter doesn't get ill on her wedding day." The Queen said as we stood out of Y/N's room.
"Y/N! It's time to wake up for your big day!" The Queen called out but as expected from me, no answer.
"Y/N?" She said as she opened the door to reveal no one was there.
The Queen had a look of panic and me being the good actor I am had the same look of panic. We looked around everywhere. Even Prince Jason and his family looked around but couldn't find her. The King even went to town to ask around but of course no one saw her.
At this point no one suspected it to be Mark or had any suspicions of it. They didn't even suspect a thing from me since I acted out pretty well. The other maids and butlers were worried but glad at the same time that Y/N wasn't marrying that b***ard. I for one was very glad.
Y/N's Point of View~
I quickly got dressed the minute I woke up and went out of the deck to see Mark slightly leaning against the rails as he looked across the horizon and saw Puffy sail the seas. She noticed me and smiled.
"Good morning Y/N." Mark said with a smile.
"Morning Mark!" I said a bit cheerful.
"I am glad you are all dressed up cause we will be reaching the dock in five minutes." She said as she continued sailing and looking ahead.
"Where are we going exactly?" I asked.
"We are going to Minecraftia Kingdom which is ruled by the one and only Philza Minecraft." She said.
I have heard of the Kingdom but my father didn't really have any sort of connection with the king of the kingdom plus this kingdom was in a sense very mysterious as the Kingdom would 'move' and by that it was only found by people who needed it the most.
After five minutes we reached the dock of the kingdom and carefully got down. I looked around to see many people running around working. Children were running here and there and were having fun.
"MOM/DAD!!" My thought broke as I heard someone yell these words and noticed five people run towards Puffy and engulfed her in a hug.
"Hello my Ducklings!" I heard puffy say. I practically guessed they were her children.
"I am glad you got back safe papa!" I heard the who had shark-totem like features say.
"Who are they?" I heard the girl with blonde hair ask.
"They are the ones I was supposed to pick up from the Y/K/N Kingdom." Puffy said.
"Y/N and Mark, meet my adopted children. This is Dream (As in DreamXD), Clay (As In Dream), Foolish, Drista and Michelle. My children meet Y/N and Mark." Puffy said introducing us.
After all this we headed towards the castle. To be fair the castle was really huge and I was really nervous and hoping the king would allow me to stay here like Puffy said he will. We were led to the throne room which revealed King Philza, Queen Kristen and three other who I guessed were his sons.
"I am so glad to see you three safe and sound. My name is Philza but please call me Phil and this is my wife Kristen and my three sons: Technoblade, Wilbur and Tommy." Philza said introducing themselves.
"Don't forget my best friend Tubbo!" I heard the younger blonde say as I saw another kid come out from behind him who I guessed was Tubbo.
"Hi Tubbo." I said as he nodded with a toothy smile.
"Also I will show you to your rooms. You and Mark can stay as long as you like here." Philza said as he showed us our rooms.
I settled down in my room as I put my things away. To say the least the room was pretty big like a bit bigger than my old room. After I settled down as freshened myself up, I heard a knock on my door and hearing Mark's voice I let him in.
"Hey Mark." I said as he smiled.
"Hey Y/N" He said.
We both sat down on the bed as silence once again came towards us. It was pretty much normal at this point. I mean we both ran away from my kingdom and there might be a chance that my family might find us but at this point I prayed that they just don't.
"I am actually thinking about Jason's reaction right now that you are out of his picture." Mark said as he chuckled at the thought. I also laughed cause it was pretty funny to say the least.
"At this point I don't feel like looking back and just focusing on our future." I said as Mark nodded.
"Me too." he said as leaned down and kissed my cheek. At this point we were staring at each other longingly but that was broken by a screeching off a child as we looked at the door to see it was Tommy.
"What the f*** did I just walk into!? Nope not today! I am a minor!" he said as he walked away screaming like he was in danger. Then Tubbo kind of peeked through the door.
"We just came to tell your guys that dinner is ready. Also please don't mind Tommy." He said as he ran after Tommy.
We were just looking at the door and then after a few moments burst out in laughter at what just happen. This was really funny to say the least. We got up and walked towards the dining room. As we did my mind went back to my parents. I hope they aren't mad but who am I kidding to think that? Of course they are going to be mad! But I shook the thought out of my head. The only thing I could think about is what else is going to come after me and Mark.
2 years later~
It's been two years since mark and I have ran away from my Kingdom. We still live in Phil's Kingdom but live in a separate cottage together. Niki recently came here to live with Puffy and everyone else. She told me that she quit her job and that my parents gave up on searching me saying that I was a disappointment but I didn't really care. My brother learned that I ran away which he wasn't mad about so that was good.
Right now I just pushed those aside and just focused on spending the rest of my life pretty normally. I made a few friends here like Hannah, Alyssa and a few more. Mark also became friends with Technoblade and Tubbo. You were glad he was able to make new friends.
I was just sitting on the hillside as I looked into the horizon. The sun was setting and it was my favorite time of day. The sky looked really pretty with it's twilight colors. As I stared into the distance I noticed someone sitting next to me and it was Mark.
"It's pretty comforting isn't it? Watching the sunset with no forms of burden?" He asked. I nodded at his words.
"Yeah. It feels nice knowing I have no burden to deal with. It's nice." I said as I continued to look at the sky. After moments of silence it was getting dark. We were about to head back but Mark stopped me.
"Mark is there something wrong?" I asked as he looked at me.
"Y/N I want to say that we have been together for two years and I loved you days after I met you when you were still a princess and I didn't just love you because of that. I loved you for you. I loved your personality and how you treated me and everyone else well. What I am trying to say is that I want to take our relationship to the next step." He said as he started to kneel down. I was beyond shocked at his words and could probably tell what he was going on about.
"Mark..." I said as he fully knelt down in front of me.
"Y/N... would you do me the honors..." He started as he took out a box and opened it to reveal a ring. "... of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asked.
I was shocked beyond everything. At this point I felt the world stop and the only people were me and him. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I nodded.
"YES!" I said as I tackled him into a hug. We were practically crying and laughing in joy.
He popped the ring in my finger as we laid down on the grass for a while. I didn't care if it was very late and dark outside. I was safe enough to be with him for the rest of my life and nothing could ever change this. Right now all I could think of was the bright future ahead of me and how I was going to spend it. But most importantly...
It was going to be with Mark!
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resonating-kitty · 3 years
What are your headcanons for Ranbutler and Sir Billiam?
- They have a platonic relationship.
- Butler is one of Billiam's most valuable possessions, piglin instincts and all, and also one of the people Billiam trusts the most.
- Butler's loyalty to Billiam is absolutely unbreakable. He would follow the piglin to the ends of the world.
- Butler is the only one, besides Billiam, who is allowed near the horses, another of Billiam's prizes possessions. There is a stable boy who cleans the stables everyday and feeds the horses but Butler is the one who takes them out and brushes out their coats.
- Butler has a stone/gem collection that he doesn't think anyone knows about. Billiam knows about it and will sometimes plant stones/gems for Butler to find, might accidentally leave a gem out for Butler to find then give it to him, or he'll straight up take Butler somewhere where the younger man can freely and happily look for stones/gems.
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yeajustchaos · 3 years
•I will write for
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C!BBH,C!Dream,DreamXD,C!Sapnap,C!George not Found, C!wilbur/vilbur/ghostbur/Revivebur,C!Foolish,C!Tubbo /p, C!TommyinIt /p,C!Ranboo/p, C!Philza,C!Puffy,C!Eret,C!Technoblade,C!Punz,C!Purpled / p
(If you want me to add more do tell me)
• romance♥️,angst♠️,fluf♦️,and quotes♣️ (platonic with minors and those who feel uncomfortable with it)
•Tales of the Smp
C!Karl,James,Sir Billiam,Ranbutler,Ranbob
•Romance♥️,angst♠️ and fluff♦️ (platonic if asked of needed)
•Romance♥️, angst♠️,and fluff♦️
I won't write ANYTHING full on smut I will only do a little bit of lime for those who feel comfortable with it ofc (NOT in Minor parts ofc for obvious reasons) if any character im writing about is uncomfortable with anything that may come up with this blog please do tell me (especially Mcyts)
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chatpork · 3 years
mmmMMM okay but consider: platonic ranbutler x sir billiam they’re. just. really cute. okay. lemme be
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Uhhhhh i wrote a thing
Tw for nightmares, blood, murder, gay people /jjjj
Why’s it so LONG
Also I wrote this as a platonic moment but see it however you want ig
There was silence as Billiam stood infront of his butler.
“I’m tired. I don’t want to be here. Take me out.” Moon mumbled.
“…What?” Was all Billiam could say before what happened next.
He stabbed Moon. He didn’t even have a knife, how did he get one?
‘No. No no no.’
“What did I… do?”
“Sir, come here.”
Billiam didn’t want to, but he walked over to his butler.
‘Why can’t I stop?’
Moon had a clear wound on his chest, which was bleeding out rapidly.
They hugged Billiam. A smile on their face.
“You’re a horrible friend.”
Billiam was crying. He couldn’t stop. He didn’t even know what was going on.
That’s when he woke up.
He woke up in a cold sweat, and sat up almost instantly, looking around the room and at his hands, no blood.
It was a dream. Just a dream.
“Sir, are you alright?! You’re crying!” Moon asked, concern laced in their voice as they ran to him from the open door.
“Sir, please, is something wrong?! Are you okay? Is there anything I need to do?!” They were visibly concerned, just wanting him to respond.
“It was a dream. It wasn’t real. You’re here. You’re alive.” Billiam’s words were slightly slurred from sleep, tears still streaming down his face. His chest was heaving heavily, breaths short as he looked down at his own hands, shaking slightly. He let himself sink into Moon’s arms.
‘It really was a dream.’ He repeated in his head.
“Shhh, shh, shh. Everything’s okay. I’m here, I am alive, everything will be fine. I’m okay. It’s okay.” Moon mumbled as they hugged Billiam tighter. The two sat in that position for a few moments until Billiam calmed down.
Eventually, Moon left, promising to be right back with a cup of ice water or some cloths to help wipe away the tears. Once they were gone, Billiam collapsed backwards onto his bed. The clock showed 12:34 am.
‘Damn, it’s early. Why was Moon awake? I’ll ask them later.’
He fell asleep again soon after, only waking up because he felt something poking his arm.
“Hmmm? Huh?” His eyes slowly opened. There stood Moon, holding the ice water with a cloth in their hands.
“Here you go sir. If you need anything else, please let me know.” Moon said softly.
“Thanks.” Billiam sighed deeply and sat upright, grabbing the glass of ice water. He took a sip and placed the glass carefully aside.
“Are you sure you’re okay? Do you require me to call someone else, sir? I understand if you don’t want me to be here-”
“It’s fine, really.” Billiam cut Moon off.
“Just… stay for a bit. Please?” His voice was soft, and his expression was pleading.
Moon stayed silent for a bit before nodding. They moved closer to the bed and sat next to him.
Neither spoke for several minutes, but eventually Billiam broke the silence.
"I'm sorry.” He said quietly.
“Sorry for what?” Moon whispered, placing a gentle hand on his arm.
"For everything. For being a horrible friend."
"You've never done anything wrong to me, sir. Is this because of your nightmare? It’s okay.” Moon tried to lighten the mood. Billiam didn't respond. He closed his eyes, feeling like he was about to cry again. Moon rubbed soothing circles on his arm with their thumb.
Billiam's shoulders shook. He turned to look at Moon, his face wet with tears.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.” He kept repeating those words over and over again.
Moon pulled him into another hug, rubbing his back gently.
"It's okay, sir. It's okay. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Billiam cried harder into their arms. Moon didn't mind. They held onto him tightly, rubbing their back slowly to calm him down.
It seemed like hours passed until it finally stopped.
"Sorry I took up so much of your night…”
“Sir, it's alright, really. You don't need to apologize, you weren't doing anything wrong.”
“But I made you worry…”
“Please, don't mention that.” Moon insisted. “Don't apologize. You haven't done anything wrong.”
Billiam nodded slowly, taking in a shaky breath. Moon continued rubbing his back in small circles. Eventually, he settled down and yawned.
"Come on, go back to sleep.” Moon suggested.
Billiam hesitantly laid back against his pillow. As Moon was about to get off the bed, Billiam stopped them by grabbing their wrist.
“Where are you going?” He asked in a hoarse voice.
“Back to bed, obviously.” Moon replied matter of factly.
“…Stay?” Billiam sounded embarrassed, and Moon didn't blame him, but they were already standing up anyway.
“…Sure, I’ll stay.” Moon smiled softly at Billiam. He shifted a little in the bed, making space for Moon to lay down. Moon climbed in next to him, awkwardly wrapping an arm around Billiam's waist.
“Goodnight, sir.” Moon whispered.
“Sleep well.” Billiam responded, turning to face Moon, bonking him in the head.
“Go back to sleep now, sir.” Moon giggled once more before drifting off to sleep.
Billiam didn’t fall asleep until Moon had fallen asleep too, leaving him laying alone in bed for quite some time.
“I could get used to this.”
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Billiam woke up startled, sitting up quickly. He looked over at the window, seeing a night sky full of stars. He looked down to find his butler lying on top of him, clearly disturbed. Billiam was about to say something before realizing the state Moon was in.
Moon looked awful, to say the least. He had tears streaming down his face, he was unconsciously clawing at Billiam’s nightgown, and he looked extremely tired.
‘Another nightmare…?’ Billiam thought to himself before pulling the discarded blanket over the two, making sure Moon was comfortable with the change of position. Billiam pulled the younger into a small hug, effectively calming Moon down enough to go back to sleep.
Billiam looked at the clock. 3:15 am. He had a meeting in an hour. He decided to cancel that meeting last minute before falling back asleep.
Billiam and Moon get to be wholesome. As a treat
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Please send queer-platonic Billiam and Ranbutler headcanons and ideas!
I just- I love them and the idea of it so much
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They'll share their hobbies with each other, teach each other things and just have fun together.
Aww wait that’s actually super cute
Billiam probably teaches Moon how to play cards (I think his snob ‘friends’ would like cards), and Moon helps teach Billiam how to sew
They also try out different, new hobbies together for fun. They just like being together, even if they end up not liking what they’re doing at the current moment
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They'll protect each other from the Egg if it's ever mad at one of them. They'll defend and stand up for each other, help each other. They may worship the Egg, but they care about each other first and foremost.
They love each other so much, the egg can’t even compare.
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I’m bored so Ranbutler brainrot! :D
They/Xe/It pronouns!
They/Them, Xe/Xym, It/Its
Xe and John John were brothers until Billiam took Ranbutler away
Their name is Matthew cause I say so
A Jack Of All Traits, seriously
Terrifyingly good at using a gun, thanks to Sherman
Xe and Hubert were very close, so when Hubert decided to run away, he wanted Matthew to come too, but xe declined
In their words, ‘The egg is all I’ve ever known.’
Loves to sing, but doesn’t think xe’s any good at it
Afab non-binary cause I’m afab non-binary and it makes me happy
You know Gina from Bojack Horseman, her voice when she sang Don’t Stop Dancing, that’s what I think Matthew sounds singing
It and Billiam are the closest of friends cause they can actually relate to one another
Strains xys voice so it sounds deeper
Ram hybrid because I don’t see xym as an enderman hybrid
Xys eyes are purple
Had long black hair that covers one eye
✨ Freckles ✨
Basically Onion Cookie from Cookie Run as a child
Constant back pains
Braids Billiam’s hair when xe can
Loves to read and will ramble on and on about a topic if you don’t stop xym
Xe and Billiam like to talk to each other, but both always wait for the other to approach
Has anxiety
Billiam likes hearing them rant and talk about their interests because they seem so happy talking about it
Gay for Billiam/hj
I’m out of stuff to say 😬
I love them :]]
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Thoughts on Ranbutler and Sir Billiam sharing a dance together? You know, as friends.
I’m crying I’ve been thinking about this for so long
They’re perfectly in sync, the melody of the music coursing through their bodies
It’s beautiful
A beautiful chemistry no one will be able to replicate. Just the bond between the two turned into a slow, meaningful dance, all their emotions able to show through their movements
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Billiam and Ranbutler trust each other deeply, and know that they would protect each other or die trying. If it ever came down to it, they would sacrifice themselves for each other, and they know it.
Perhaps it even can be said that, for both of them, the one thing they are unwilling to sacrifice for the Egg is each other.
Just the idea that they love and care for each other so much, they’d never let the other go
Not even for the very thing they worship
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Billiam and Butler understand each other very well, perhaps almost as well as they know themselves. The two are very in tune with each other, and when it comes to the Egg, they work together perfectly. They’ve been doing this for so long, there’s a kind of routine to it, a kind of art, almost like a dance.
Of course, no one is perfect and missteps do happen, but they work well enough together that they can work with those missteps. They work well with each other, Ranbutler and Sir Billiam, and that won‘t change, not any time soon.
They have this art in their understanding of each other. They’re one in the same in a way, and it’s perfectly in balance
It just shows how much they care for each other, they have this beautiful connection that’ll never change, at least not now
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They are very protective of each other, and somewhat clingy, too. They're around each other a lot, not all the time but often. They don't even necessarily have to be doing anything or talking to each other, they can just sit in silence with each other and just be.
THIS ^^^^
I love this idea of just them enjoying the other’s company, not even having to talk or interact, just being next to each other is all they need.
I’m sobbing I love this so much ueueue
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