#platonic soulmates for the win!
claryxjackson · 10 months
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CHARIOT ➣ percy jackson and the olympians / heroes of olympus
Hallie Haddix. Cabin Twelce. Child of Dionysus
Monty Jameson. ‘Cabin Eleven. Unclaimed
taglist: @richitozier, @foxesandmagic, @lizziesxltzmxn, @phoebestarks, @lovehermioneforever, @jewelswrites-ish, @kiara-carrera, @heavenlysurf, @decennia, @stanshollaand. @ocfairygodmother, @raith-way, @lucys-chen, @daughter-of-melpomene
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seagreenstardust · 14 days
No matter what happens in canon, bkdk are soulmates.
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withacapitalp · 1 year
Steve wrinkled his nose, not quite awake, but aware of the sensations in his body
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Steve groaned, trying to pull away from whatever was trying to wake him. There was a soft chuckle on the pillow next to his, one that he would have recognized even in a coma.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Shave and a hair cut.
Steve pried his eyes open, and, impossibly, there she was. Last he remembered, Robin was in New York, living her dreams in a place that accepted who she was. They had spoken on the phone just this afternoon, same time as always. Robin had rambled about going to the museum with her friends, maybe seeing a movie.
And yet somehow here she was in Steve's bedroom, hundreds of miles away from her college, her hand cupping his cheek with soft familiarity that made all of the residual pain he was feeling disappear.
Maybe he was dreaming.
But he couldn't be. He could feel the coolness of her hand against his face, and when Steve breathed in he could smell the honey lotion she liked to use for her eczema.
It was Robin. She was here. He wasn't alone.
"Hi," Robin whispered, giving Steve a big smile as they stared at each other.
"Hey," Steve echoed, just as quietly.
All at once the pain was back, his broken heart fracturing into a thousand tiny pieces. He had spent the better part of the week trying to be fine, trying to prove that he was still whole now that he was halved. The kids needed him steady, and his job forced him to be focused, and Steve loathed the idea of letting Eddie see how badly he was taking this.
But in the face of her unconditional love, the pain of the breakup was simply too much to bear.
"I was really really happy," He managed to get out before completely falling to pieces.
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squig-s · 8 months
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I think Anthony would leave YouTube before he left Ian again IMO ❤️
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buckttommy · 2 days
Crying over the Station 19 finale even though I haven't watched this show since Season 4
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modern-inheritance · 3 months
Eragon, Arya...aaaand Glen.
Yeah, the platonic soulmates thing does not go away when there's a non-platonic soulmate for one of those two.
Arya's usually Yang but we'll let it slide.
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parad0xang3l · 11 months
Platonic soul mate / sibling dynamic RubyIske(?) is something very real and dear to me
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lilac-hecox · 4 months
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@xxmoonch1ldxx and I had one of our bestie phone calls, and we played Animal Crossing together! We also opened mystery Sanrio pins, compared stickers, and were just silly together. 🩷
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grasslandgirl · 2 years
honestly honestly honestly warehouse 13 had a lot of failings in its writing and its pacing and its plotting and its shark jumping esp in the last two seasons and it was very much a product of its time and its genre in a lot of ways that were to the show’s detriment BUT !!!!!!!! i will say there is something really powerful to me that they killed steve in the end of s3 for an emotional tragic plot moment and THEN put in the work to Bring Him Back. and like. have it feed into his relationship w claudia and like. a large part of both of their stories in the first half of s4 is like!! the consequences and repercussions of steve coming back from the dead!! and like. no its not done as well as it could be. no they dont dig into the trauma and the fear as much as they could have for my tastes, but its SOMETHING. and like. that’s not an arc you see for gay characters very often- especially in 2011, you know? like not only was steve a non stereotypical gay character (other than that one bizarre ep he got split into his?? gay half and his boring half?? iirc?? we dont talk about that one) but like. his sexuality has very little bearing on his character, he’s not there to be the sassy bff to any of the other leads- no matter how claudia kind of tries to get him into that role in the beginning- he’s serious and he’s funny and he’s kind and he serves as a brilliant counter balance to pete and myka and claudia and he HAPPENS to be gay. he doesnt uncomfortably flirt with pete (if anything, pete uncomfortably straight guy flirts with steve) and he doesnt do makeovers and like. its just kind of delightful and fascinating to me that we got this carefully built, mulitfaceted gay character that was killed off for sympathy and tearjerking in the end of s3- and in most other shows, that would have been it (like they do with leena in the mid season 4 finale- oops) but they bring him back!!! and after some fighting for his safety and humanity he’s FINE. and he’s allowed to be gay and to be claud’s big brother and to keep working at the warehouse and he isnt fridged or buried like so many other diversity point queer characters in media, especially of that era! it’s just!! kind of delightful!!! like w13 had its flaws i KNOW it had its flaws. but like. there arent a lot of characters like steve jinks in tv shows NOW you know, much less in the late aughts/early 20teens. and he’s just very dear and special to me <3
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theyaregayyourhonor · 2 years
Platonic mileven has my heart. Like without the pressure to be a certain way, without the feeling that they have to lie so they realitionship is unharmed without the pressure of expectation.
Jane: Mike what the hell are you doing?
Mike upsidedown reading a superman comic
Mike: Research
Jane: About what? Abs?
Mike: Jane. Jane... Jane. JANEEEE!
Jane: What?
Mike: Love you *holds up a paperheart*
Jane turns away
Jane: You are wrong there is no way Wonder Woman would be humbled by Superman
Mike: It's SUPERMAN!
Jane: And you're blinded by you're CRUSH
Jane: Stop staring he's going to notice
Mike watching Will doing his homework with heart eyes
Mike: I'm not staring
Jane rolls her eyes
Jane: Yeah and Max stopped being cool
Jane: Mike platonic love of my life... Why?
Mike at 3 am with a jar of peanut butter and ice cream appearing in her window
Mike: You're not going to believe what did I hear about *insert cool girl name from school*
Jane: Is that strawberry ice cream?
Jane: Mike do you see that boy over there?
Mike and Jane looking at a boy looking Jane up and down both looks horrified and disgusted
Mike: Straight boy act?
Jane: Straight boy act
Mike: No, no and... Yeah, no
Jane: C'mon it's going to be fun!
Mike: I'm not letting you or that brush close to my face!
Jane: But you would look so good with eyeshadow
Mike: No and there is no way you going to convince me
Jane: Will likes man with makeup
Mike: No bright colors
Mike staring at Will intensely
Jane: If you don't ask him out in the next month I'll start to tell him all the embarrassing things you write to me while we lived in Cali
Mike pale as a paper and mortified
Mike: You wouldn't
Mike: You so would
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jorvikemo · 2 years
anne and derek are the robin buckley and steve harrington of sso.
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causticsunshine · 4 months
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jennycalendar · 1 year
if i wrote a fic about ted and rebecca writing letters to each other. would that make us all feel better
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saturn-valleys · 1 year
Another detail I liked in this episode is the missed text messages.
In episode 5, Rebecca constantly texted Keeley in need of support. Keeley was having a romantic adventure with Jake(Jack? I don't remember) and unknowingly ignores them.
In episode 6, Ted is the one texting Rebecca constantly wanting to interact and hang out but is constantly left on delivered. Meanwhile, Rebecca's phone is inconveniently in the bottom of a canal and has an amazing (imo) romantic adventure with a mysterious houseboat man.
I find these two situations funny and interesting is because it's two people who are left on delivered by the one person they truly see as their friend and someone they feel comfortable around.
It also furthers the theory/idea that Tedbecca might not actually happen?
I mean think about it. Keeley and Rebecca are best friends, and they replicated the scene with both of them WITH Ted and Rebecca when they could've easily done the same with Ted and Beard, another friendship pair. But they didn't and that's what makes it so significant. They chose the coach and his boss. Two people who understand each other and grew to become good friends.
This show is slowly getting me back into analysing which is *chef's kiss*
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squig-s · 9 months
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Do you guys think he used a coupon?
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roomwithanopenfire · 1 year
no because James's and Sirius's friendship is so important to me for some reason. AU's where they AREN'T besties makes me so sad
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