leejenowrld · 4 months
nct masterlist
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nct dream
nct dream reactions
them fucking you dumb
what sex and aftercare is like
dreamiest getting possessive
getting needy
where they cum
soft and slow sex
nct dream texts
sending them a lingerie pic
sexting the dreamies
nct dream series
campus heartbreakers (m) five part series, smut, fluff, angst
enter the heartbreak campus, where love, sex, heartbreak, playboys, fake dating, tangled emotions, and unexpected connections unfold in intricate ways. join the rollercoaster of relationships, where navigating matters of the heart is as demanding as acing your exams. tread cautiously in this campus; heartbreak isn't just an experience—it's a vital part of the curriculum.
mark lee
mark loves your tits
… nothing yet
lee jeno
lee jeno masterlist
lee donghyuck
haechan whining for you
na jaemin masterlist
… nothing yet
park jisung
jisung eating you out
nct 127
… nothing yet
… nothing yet
536 notes · View notes
tqmies · 1 year
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Description. You and your friends have a pact, no dating unless you are. This is only fair seeing as you’re highly unlikely to ever get in a relationship, seeing as you tend to brush off every males advances. Unfortunately for you though, Na Jaemin really wants to date your friend, he’ll do anything! Even go as far as pay Lee Haechan, resident playboy, to change your mind about the whole dating thing. 
Pairings. Lee Haechan x Female Reader
Genre. Romance, Enemies!(Sorta)To!Lovers, Comedy, Angst
Warnings. Mentions of sex, drinking, kissing, reader and Haechan argue for a bit, crying, etc. Let me know if I missed anything.
Word count. 16K
Note. It's finally done, my baby, my longest fic. Words can't even express how much a roller coaster this was. Please, please leave feedback <3 Thank you for everyone who voted for this haha.
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You laid sprawled on your couch as your friends continued to gossip. This was a normal thing, you’d invite your friends over, have a few drinks and gossip would ensure. You didn’t mind it, truth be told, but there was a reason today was particularly sour.
Na Jaemin, Huang Renjun, and Lee Jeno had crashed your impromptu get together. Well, more like Yeji invited them, bless her heart. But did she really have to? Her explanation was that her and your other friend Chaewon ran into them on campus. From there, they had invited the boys to drink with them. 
Sure, you get it, the boys paid for the alcohol. But really? Was it necessary?
They had taken all the attention away, practically commanding the room, and you couldn’t stand it. Of course! Here come’s buff jock Jeno, charming Jaemin, and pretty boy Renjun to steal the spotlight. And you detested all of it.
You and Karina sat with mild scowls on your faces, her’s from her lack of knowing other guests were invited. Being your roommate, she had done little besides change into a fresh pair of sweatpants and t-shirt, not expecting boys to come over. She freaked out for like five minutes after opening the door, you assuring her that she looked fine, but she was peeved for lack of warning anyways. 
She took the loss and just decided to sit in self loathing over these boys seeing her without makeup. Doing little to contribute to the conversation, you just twisted the string on your hoodie as they called out your name. 
“Do you have any lemons?” Jeno asks, looking over at you. His tone somewhat softer, trying not to piss you off. Even though he was already failing.
You barely even realize its you that he’s addressing, having tuned everyone out. You almost roll your eyes as your face scrunches upon realization of his question. “Why do you need lemons?” 
“Jaemin likes his vodka with some lemon juice.” He explains, the other staring at you expectantly before looking between you two. 
Of course he does, you just sigh and get off your spot in the couch. Karina follows after you, clinging onto you as a source of warmth. She didn’t want to be left alone without you after all.
“What kind of guy drinks their vodka like that? Be a man!” She mutters, pulling out a cutting board and knife as you open your refrigerator in search of the lemon. 
“I don’t even know if we have one.” You say, standing in front of your fridge with your hands on your hips. Digging through the drawers, you pull out the only round object to be found. “We have a lime.” 
Karina snorts and grabs it from you, slicing it in half. “It’ll have to do.” 
You laugh at her remark as she makes her way back into the living room with the wedges of lime. Karina was your oldest friend, you two meeting in middle school. Attending university and living with her was a no brainer, and it was going really well. During your freshmen year, you two had met Yeji in the library, Karina befriending her after basically living there during exam season. You two welcomed her into your friendship shortly after that. She then introduced you to her desk partner in finance class, which was Chaewon. You guys all clicked and that led to your little found family that you had here. 
You hoped these boys didn’t expect to squeeze their way into this sisterhood. 
Karina hands Jaemin the lime, shrugging as he looks at it, then back at her. He awkwardly smiles and squeezes it into his drink. Though you can definitely tell he thinks this is the worst thing in the world, well at least he’s polite. 
You and Karina go back to practically cuddling on the couch, her head right next to yours as you share a blanket. For the next ten minutes, you two sit in silence showing each other pictures on your phone, to which earns a nod or a hum of agreement. 
The others sit on the floor, around your rectangular coffee table, with the bottles all over it. Yeji nudges Chaewon though, tilting her heads towards you two. You guys were usually so loud, had something happened? 
Yes, something happened. Boys happened. 
“Don’t you guys wanna sit down here?” Chaewon asks, patting the carpeted ground next to her. “And have a drink maybe? I haven’t even seen you two touch your cups.” 
Renjun speaks up. “Yeah, you guys should come talk!” 
“We,” You begin, gesturing a between you and Karina. “Are talking plenty.”
“How’s the lime, by the way?” Karina speaks up, smirking at Jaemin. 
Jaemin just gives a forced smile and a thumbs up, though his drink remains untouched minus a sip. And even that, was a stretch. 
Yeji gestures for you two to come sit, giving you two a stern look this time. She definitely was just wondering why you guys were acting so reclusive. She’s adamant, you’ll give her that. 
Deciding that, maybe you’ve had enough attitude for one day, you take Chaewon up on her offer, plopping next to her. The spots also next to Renjun, who you deem to be the most bearable of the boys, so its not too bad. Karina sits on the opposite side of Chaewon, sandwiched between her and Yeji. Damn, you should’ve thought of that first. 
“So, are you all single, or what?” Jeno asks, pouring himself another shot. He asks only out of genuine curiosity, but you think your demeanor spoke for itself.
You lied, you can never have enough attitude in one singular day. 
Yeji nods. “Yeah, for a while now.” 
“Can I ask why?” Jaemin asks, taking a sip of his drink. “I find it hard to believe none of you have found anyone you’ve liked here.” 
“Why is that hard to believe? I find boys quite insufferable.” You speak, finally letting yourself have a taste of that vodka. The boys turn to you and you smile back sarcastically, having no qualms about what you had said. 
“That’s why.” Chaewon sits up, looking at you. “We have this sort of, pact thing.” 
“You really wanna get into this now, Chae?” Karina pipes up, knowing how this usually goes. 
“A pact?!” Jeno looks confused. 
“We have this rule, since we started this year, that we wouldn’t date anyone. You know, to keep our focus on academics and our jobs.” Yeji explains, the boys looking at you like you were all crazy. This was the normal response, shocked and somewhat disappointed looks, not like you cared though.
“So what? Plenty of people do that and still have relationships.”
“We’re just trying to stay as focused as possible.” Karina defends, shooting you a knowing look.
“There is however,” Chaewon starts, putting down her empty glass. “One exception to the rule.”
“Well?” Jaemin asks, leaning closer like a kid waiting to be told an answer. 
“Yn is the most responsible one between all of us. If anyone can do both, it’s them. Therefore, if she gets a boyfriend, the rest of us are free to date!” 
“That sounds stupid.” Renjun deadpans, and you’d kind of agree. It wasn’t even your idea anyways, they just held you to such a standard that they believed the day you got a boyfriend would be the end to all. Therefore, they placed their bets on staying focused onto you staying single. Normally, you’d be offended, but so far it was shaping up to be true. 
“We take this super serious as well.” Yeji nods. “Absolutely no boyfriends unless she has one. It’s just the pact of this friend group.” 
“Plus, Yn runs from boys like the plague. So it only seems viable to stake our academic performance on her.” Karina adds on, shooting you a teasing smile.
“Wow thanks guys.” You mumble. “I feel so loved.” 
Chaewon rolls her eyes. “You don’t have a boyfriend because you don’t want one. We are just following in your example.” 
“So basically, this exception is impossible. Which is why you put it as one?” Renjun tries to follow and all the girls nod in response. 
Oh Jaemin was in deep shit now. He knew about you, everyone in the room did. You laughed in the face of anyone who tried to romantically peruse you, not that they wanted to anymore anyways. Last time he heard a boy try to hit on you, it ended horribly for the entire hockey team.
 To put it plainly, you were never going to get a boyfriend. 
Jaemin wishes he had known about this before he fell head over heels for Chaewon. How could he not? That girl is perfect! But now upon hearing about her absolute refusal to date, this only meant certain rejection for him. He wanted to just be swallowed into your deep shaggy carpet, just let Jeno pry him out with a stick or something. This was just mission impossible, and he was no Tom Cruise.
“So none of you have dated before?” Jaemin asks, hoping he can get a hopeful response out of his crush. 
“I had a boyfriend when I met Yn,” Karina starts, face turning sour. “Let’s just say there’s a reason I was down for this agreement.” 
“Never had time.” Yeji looks away, clearly embarrassed at sharing her lack of relationships. 
“Me neither!” Chaewon agrees, and Jaemin all but deflates. She was absolutely unattainable, as if she wasn’t before, it’s even more amplified now! 
“And you?” Renjun asks, giving you a small smile as he tries to include you in the conversation. Though, you're not really having it. 
“Doesn’t really matter, does it? It’s not like I’m getting one now.” And with that you decide to find solace in your phone, choosing to ignore the rest of the conversation for the night. If only it was that simple.
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Damn it, after all the kindness (read: not killing him.) you had showed Renjun, he does this to you! He’s around fifteen minutes late, leaving you to awkwardly muddle around the stores front door. Goodness, you look like a loiterer. 
You two had struck up an unconventional friendship after meeting again at your favorite burger place. You recognized him, and normally you would’ve walked off and pretended you didn’t know him. But you were caught off guard by his hat, and you just had to know where he got it from. He actually admitted that he crocheted it himself and you practically jumped up. This led to you rambling about how badly you wanted to learn to crochet. So, after exchanging numbers, you two agreed to meet at the craft store to pick up supplies. Afterwards he would help you learn crochet patters and all that good stuff. 
But he’s late, and you’re about to discard Renjun as another “Failed Male.” on your list. All in all, it’s a list of males you’ve given a chance to, friendship wise, that had proved you right every single time. (Lee Jeno was on that list.) Renjun’s liar status was slowly creeping up right about now. 
Hearing a car door slam, you spot Renjun pushing his hair back from his face, running towards you. He’s in a full on sprint, and he looks apologetic. 
The boy in the drivers seat, who you recognize as Mark Lee, offers you a smile and wave. You manage to offer one back, what a weird kid.
Renjun slows as he approaches. He looks stressed as he speaks. “Sorry I’m late, Mark clogged his toilet and he doesn’t have a plunger in his apartment and-”
You cut him off. “Hey, whoa it’s fine. I’ll be honest, I thought you had ditched me, but hearing you were just unclogging toilets made me feel a little better.” 
He stifles a laugh and just heads into the store, you following behind. This stores was huge, and with all these materials, you could likely be in here for days. Renjun’s familiar with it though, so he leads you straight to the needles and yarn.
Hm, maybe he’s not so bad after all. For one, he seems helpful with his friends, and he’s spending a chunk of his time hanging out with some random girl. He was alright in your book, and definitely not just because he was helping you.
Grabbing a couple patters and some yarn, Renjun throws it into the cart you’re pushing. Standing before the needles he looks around. “I have no idea what the best needle for a beginner would be.” 
You blink, who else would know? “What needle did you start with?” 
“My grandma gave it to me, I don’t know the millimeters on it or anything.” He shrugs, grabbing the needle set that looks most like his. 
You just agree, not like you had a choice anyways. About fifteen minutes later, you two push the cart into the lengthy line. Renjun had grabbed a few things for himself as well, saying he could never have too much yarn. You started conversing about which pattern to try first when his phone rings. 
He shoots you an excuse me, and pulls out his phone, groaning at the sight before answering it. The person on the other end speaks frantically as Renjun tries to keep up with his reponses. “Hello? What? No-”
He’s cut off by the voice on the other side loudly shouting. “Fine! I don’t care, I’m just with Yn so...No! You’re disgusting.”
You watch as he hangs up abruptly, pushing his phone back into his pocket as he sighs. “It was Donghyuck.”
“Haechan,” Renjun clarifies but watches as you still look confused. “Lee Haechan.” 
Though your expression remains as you shrug. “Never heard of him.”
“Well,” Renjun starts but waves himself off. “Doesn’t matter, he was calling saying he had a girl over. He’s my roommate, and hes loud.”
You laugh a little. “Try living with Karina.”
“No,” He shakes his head. “Haechan is like living with fifteen Karinas, but they’re all men, and they’re all really horny.”
“Ew?!” You manage, watching how Renjun was dead serious as you laugh at his expense. 
“They’re all messy too!”
Before you can comment back, the two of you make your way to an open register as the number is called. The man bags your things and you head out, excited to finally start this intimidating hobby you were interested in.
“So to my place then?” You ask, assuming this Haechan wouldn’t want you around if he’s boning someone. Renjun just groans, “But my patterns are at my place, I wanted to work on one of my projects.”
You don’t know what to say. “We can go pick them up?”
“Then sneak out and hope his fuck buddy doesn’t hear us?” Renjun continues, but the more he thinks about, the more he thinks he can do it. It couldn't be that bad anyways, right? Then he's reminded of his whole mission today. “I’m crocheting a bunny and I really need those patterns.” 
You wait for him to continue as he looks like he has more to say. So you offer a simple, “Cute.”
“It’s for a girl,” He resumes, his face heating up slightly as he thinks of her. “I really wanted to finish it as soon as possible, so I could ask her to be my girlfriend. Bunnies are her favorite animal.” 
“Awe!” You beam, that was such a cute gesture. Your heart fluttered for something as adorable as that. “Renjun, that’s so sweet!”
“Really? Funny coming from the romance hater.”
You roll your eyes as he kills the mood. You didn’t exactly hate it, it was just something that left you scarred. Something you didn’t care for much anymore. Though, sometimes you can’t suppress the little hopeless romantic in the back of your mind. Renjun doesn’t have to know all that though. “I don’t hate romance, I just find it rather trivial.” 
“I find you rather trivial.” Renjun remarks back sarcastically and you can’t help but laugh at how stupid he is. He fake winces as you hit him on the shoulder. 
“Let’s get you those patterns loverboy!”
“Don’t call me-” But you slam your car door closed before he can continue. You just wait for him to slide into your passangers seat, unamused expression still present on his face.
He grabs your phone as you hand it to him and inputs his address. “Is this the first time you’ve gone to a guys house?”
“Very funny.” You scoff, facing the road. “I’ll have you know I’ve been to a guys house before.”
“That’s surprising.”
You fight the urge to playfully (kinda) hit him on his arm again. Opting instead to turn up your radio and make the ride without anymore stabs at your love life.
It doesn’t take long for you to arrive there. Renjun was really helpful with directions and where to park, so now all that was left was getting the stuff.
“You want me to go in alone?” Renjun asks, like he can’t believe the girl he’s known for a week doesn’t want to enter his apartment with him. You knew Renjun sure, but you had watched too many crime shows to not be a little cautious.
“Why wouldn’t you?” You ask, genuinely as he frowns.
“Just come grab them with me, I need another set of hands for my yarn too!” Renjun pleads as he continues to beg, you sighing as you give in.
“Fine!” And you turn your car off as you follow behind him slowly. You wish you had more resilience but you just wanted to get back into the warm confines of your room so, who could blame you? You watch as Renjun unlocks his apartment and listens in as he’s met with silence.
“That’s weird-“ Renjun starts but is cut off by a loud moan. You mentally beat yourself up for agreeing to enter with him.
“If I have to hear it, so do you.” Renjun continues as he enters his apartment further, and you just stand still. How could he so calm about this? You weren't a prude or anything, but you'd think you'd die of embarrassment if you came home to your roommate moaning up a storm. “Well come on, the yarns in my room!”
You just stand in disbelief, before hastily walking behind him. You couldn’t believe this. He goes to what you assume is his room and fumbled with the door, only to realize it’s locked.
“Is this not your room?” You tease, eyebrow raising. He gives you a glare as he tries to open his door again, still not budging.
“Of course this is my room. How big of an idiot do you think I am?” Renjun shoots back, and you almost laugh with how quick he is.
“Well..” You pretend to think and he looks halfway offended.
“I don’t remember leaving it locked when," He changes the subject as he trails. A look of realization on his face. "Oh my god.”
“What?” You asked, sure something was dawning on Renjun, but you were lost. He basically freezes in place as he stares at his door knob and the tips of his ears turn red.
You’re both derailed by another chorus of moans striking the air, but this time it’s apparent who’s room they’re coming from. It’s Renjun’s.
“You freaks!” Renjun screams, pounding on the door. “Open this damn door Haechan or I will pull it off the hinges and throw it at your big ass head!”
Once again, you’re quiet in disbelief. Almost managing to stuffer a soft “What?”
“It’s a kink he has. Fucking idiot does this to me even though I told him to stop!" Renjun shouts the last part so that his friend can hear, though he's met with no response. He bangs on the door again, "You're gonna pay for this!"
A laugh comes from inside his room as, who you assume to be Haechan, teases him. "Yeah right, what're you gonna do? Fuck that Yn girl on my bed?"
"You two are fucking on my bed?!" Renjun shrieks, ignoring the dig Haechan took at you. Geez, he sounded like a complete dickhead.
"What? You thought we were on the floor?" Haechan responds, the girl trying, yet failing, to stifle her moans.
"Oh my god, this is the worst day of my life." You whisper, jaw slacked.
"Of your life?!" Renjun yelps, staring blankly at his door. "I'm going to need all new sheets."
You tug on his arm, wanting to sprint out of there. "Lets just go, you can make that bunny another day."
"I'm going to kill him." Renjun groans, pulling back slightly before giving up and treading out of his apartment. You just keep your mouth closed as Renjun's face sours.
"Wanna sleep on my couch?" You offer, knowing you'd want someone to do the same if that had just happened. "I know you're going to have to like.. burn those covers."
"If it's not a big deal," Renjun trails, thinking about it. "Yeah I would."
"Fun!" You clap your hands. "We can have a sleepover! I can do your nails and show you my favorite movie-"
"Please shut up already." He rolls his eyes as he pushes you out of the elevators towards your car as you giggle. "This is going to be a long night."
About ten blocks away lays Na Jaemin, on his couch as he stares at his phone, awaiting another text from Chaewon. The two have been talking a lot recently, albeit on a friendly level, but he's spoken to her enough to know he's definitely whipped.
Jeno, his roommate, walks into the room as he stays glued to his own device. Although he's in a Chaewon induced haze of love, Jaemin notices that odd behavior. Jeno isn't one to be on his phone like that, so what was so interesting? "Who are you texting?"
"Karina." The other responds, eyes not leaving his phone for a second as he takes a seat on the couch opposite of Jaemin.
"Seriously?" Jaemin begins, and Jeno rolls his eyes, knowing what the other is implying. Jaemin sits up slightly, "She's off limits."
"Yeah and so is Chaewon," Jeno pauses, giving the other a dirty look. "But that isn't stopping you."
Jaemin wants to launch the nearest pillow in Jeno's face. "I actually like Chae-"
Jeno interrupts him before he can continue proclaiming his love. "Chill out, it's not even like that. Karina's just texting me about Renjun."
"She's into Renjun?!"
"No!" Jeno responds, annoyed. "He's just crashing on her couch."
"Boring." Jaemin says, refreshing his DM's to see if he missed a reply from his crush yet. Surprise surprise, he didn't. "I'm never going to get a chance with Chaewon, am I?"
Jeno shrugs, finally placing his phone down as he gets to grab a bottled water from the fridge. "There are other girls."
"She isn't just some girl," Jaemin responds, sincere in his words. "I really like her, man."
"Well then do something about it."
And Jaemin just might have to.
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"So you really did bone?" Lee Haechan stands against your door as you fight the urge to slam it in his face. Your face is showing clear signs of displeasure at this stranger standing at your front door, but if he noticed, he sure wasn't doing anything to brighten your mood. But then again, he's just a guy, what more did you expect from him?
"It's really none of your business." You declare, not backing down. If he wanted an argument, then who were you to refuse?
"Whatever, Renjun will fuck anything that walks." And that statement sounds so funny coming out of the mouth of someone who'll actually fuck anything, according to Renjun. Who was he to slutshame anyways?
"What? Are you self projecting right now?"
Haechan opens his mouth to speak again but you stop him with a glare and a wave of your hand. "Let me just go wake Renjun so you can get off my damn property."
Leaving Haechan at your front door, you shake Renjun awake by his shoulders as he lays. He lays as still as a rock, not reacting to your small "Wake up, Haechan's here to take you home."
Renjun groans in response, stretching as he mutters out a "Tell him to fuck off."
"Good luck with that." You smirk, holding back a laugh. "Don't forget you have to spray your room for bed bugs later."
"You're not funny." Renjun shoots back but ironically lets out a laugh. He's still half asleep as he lazily makes his way to your front door. Yet, upon spotting Haechan, he seems to be wide awake.
"What the hell are you even doing here?!" Renjun all but shouts, "I should beat your ass right here for that stunt you pulled!"
"Stunt?! I was pleasing a girl, something you would know nothing about! Especially if Yn's attitude is any indicator, you must be a bad lay." Haechan cackles, yet the two of you remain anything but amused.
"If you actually payed attention to your friend, you might know he actually has someone he likes." You step in, tired of the comments. "And it's not me."
"So? Doesn't mean he can't sleep with someone else." Haechan furrows his brows at your statement. His eyes widen upon realization of what you're saying. "Awe, you're so naive to think that. It's kind of cute honestly."
"Get out." You say through gritted teeth. Haechan backs up and you watch Renjun step out of your apartment, knowing he had to leave too if you wanted any peace in your own place. "Renjun, you can-"
"No I'd better go, I have to knock this one's head against the wall." He nods, promptly grabbing Haechan by the ear as the other protests. Dragging him away as he leans down, letting out a string of ow's in his wake. You just watch, he deserved it anyways.
"Why have I been seeing Lee Haechan everywhere?!" You exhale, stabbing a fork into your food. You and your friends were having lunch outside on a picnic table on campus, shaded by the strong oak tree's nearby. It's such a beautiful day, but the proximity of an unwanted face makes your mood dampen.
Karina chews her food. "You sure you're not imagining him?"
You put your fork down. "If I was imaging someone, it'd be like.. Song Kang or someone hot! Haechan is like a rodent!"
"Rodent is a little harsh, no?" Yeji scrunches her nose, picking something off of Karina's plate. "He seems nice enough."
"Nice?!" You groan, looking to Karina. "Help me out here."
Karina just shrugs. "I haven't met him."
"And yet he's literally everywhere." You stare blankly at the open grass next to you. There sits Haechan, accompanied by Mark Lee and a boy you don't recognize. They're talking to girls, smiling as Haechan puts his full flirting charms to those poor victims. You pity them.
"Jaemin say's he's funny." Chaewon interjects, like Jaemin's opinion was worth a damn in your book.
Still you vocalize. "Funny doesn't mean he's a good person."
"I just don't get why you hate him so much." Yeji speaks, pointing her spoon at you as she chews.
You roll your eyes before crossing your arms. "If you heard the way he spoke to me, you'd hate him too."
"I don't doubt it." Karina admits, taking a sip from her water bottle. "But I also just think you're beginning to give him way too much attention."
"What?! How?! First, he violates Renjun's bed and makes us listen to those moans. Then, he shows up to my house like a maniac the next morning and then starts insisting we slept together, like it even mattered!" You scoff, the girls listening to your rant. "But not before making several inappropriate comments about me!"
"Since when did you care what a man had to say?" Yeji raises her brows as she awaits your response. She was somewhat right, you usually never gave a man this time of day over simple remarks. But Haechan just managed to get under your skin far more than anyone ever had.
Chaewon jumps in before you can formulate a response back though. Keeping her voice low, as he leans in a hushed tone. "So did you sleep with Renjun?"
"I was just asking-"
"Wait?" Yeji stops, putting her hands down on the table. "Since when are we allowed to sleep with people?"
"What do you mean?" Karina looks at her. "I've had hookups since the agreement, I thought it was just serious relationships out of the question."
"Oh my god. I could've been fucking Changmin from creative writing class, this entire time?!" Yeji asks, mouth agape as she mourns a missed opportunity.
"Yes.." Chaewon trails. "Though, I don't see why you'd want to."
"Hey!" Yeji defends and the two begin bickering. They always had the opposite type in boys, never agreeing on a males attractiveness. So it was safe to say you were used to the silly little arguments.
Chaewon say's something about his short hair while Yeji starts to point out how the other likes 'stick skinny' boys. This then prompts Chaewon to go on a tirade about how 'muscles don't matter."
You're so wrapped up in the two's words that you fail to notice approaching figures in the corner. That is until the girls still and Karina greets, "Hey Mark."
Your head whips around and low and behold, there standing (a little awkwardly) is Mark Lee. You could've sworn just ten seconds ago he was across the field, curse you letting your guard down.
Honestly, Mark isn't all that bad, its the two he's brought with him that are trouble. And as Haechan flashes you a smirk, you really wish they would've stayed across that damn grass.
"Jungwoo! I haven't seen you in a while." Yeji says, the aforementioned boy rubbing his neck in embarrassment.
"I dropped the class we had together." The guy you've learned is named Jungwoo, responds. "I'm an engineering major now."
"No need for British literature there, huh?" Your friend responds back as Jungwoo laughs.
Yet you can't bring yourself to laugh at anything, given how Haechan had made himself comfortable at the table, choosing the seat right in front of you. Great. Haechan figured that this way, he can force you to stare at him, even if it's just for a little bit. Yet, you're looking anywhere but at him right now.
"How's Renjun, baby?" He breaks the silence, and you move to look him in the eyes, a scowl present on your face. You know he's not talking to you like that.
You've never wanted to punch someone so badly. "Doesn't he live with you? And don't call me that."
"Call you what? Baby?" There he goes again.
You really didn't want to deal with this right now, especially since it's like the male had been following you lately. You were being honest, you had truly been seeing him everywhere. The last thing you wanted was any type of interaction with him after finding him in all your favorite spots. The bench outside your building. He was there. The table you sit at in the dining hall. He was there. The craft store you went to with Renjun. Ding ding ding, you guessed it! He was there.
Moving to stand up, you grab the attention of the others. Karina looks at you quizzically. "Where are you going?"
"Away from Haechan." You speak honestly, closing the water bottle you were drinking from.
Yeji turns to you. "What, why? Mark was just inviting us to a party!"
"I'm tired." You say, as politely as you can, thinking of any excuse to not go to this party. You didn't mind parties, they were okay sometimes, but right now you just really wanted to be out of Haechan's general vicinity.
Chaewon peeks behind Yeji. "Come on, why not? Jaemin texted me that he'd drive us home! It could be fun, we could get wasted!"
Yes, because your ideal Friday night involved getting wasted and throwing up so hard you can't remember your own name. That was exactly your scene. "No thanks, I'm gonna sit this one out."
Yeji stands with you. "Everyone's gonna be there! It could be fun!"
They were persistent, as they were persuasive.
"Ok, fine." You really need to learn to stand your ground a little harder.
So that was how you found yourself, a couple hours later, back in the company of the one you swore you despised. It was inevitable that Haechan would be present, this was Mark's party after all. From what you've gathered, the two were close as well as the other boys your friends knew.
Jeno and Jaemin were here, Jaemin sober as he promised while he spoke to Chaewon, and Jeno? Well, if him and Karina making out on the kitchen counter was indication, not so much. Renjun just snickered at that, "That's gross."
You nod in agreement, opting to save your poor eyes from viewing anymore. Renjun is quick to take notice of the lack of drink in your hand though. "You're not drinking? Again?"
"Don't feel like having a hangover tomorrow."
"I'm starting to think you're a party pooper."
"Think?" You pause, as you make eye contact. "You know very well that I'm a party pooper."
"I didn't want to have to say it!"
"Say what?" A voice speaks as you instantly recognize who it is. He's slinging his arms over you and Renjun's shoulders, you being quick to brush it off.
"Can you leave me alone?"
"Why? So you can chat up Renjun? I'm protecting him."
"Only thing Renjun needs protection from is you."
Haechan raises a brow at that. "At least I know how to have a good time, misses sober."
You cringe at his newfound nickname for you. "Get lost."
"Only if you get loose."
That was by far, the weirdest thing a guy has ever said to you at a party. And trust me, you've been told many things at parties before. "Is that a challenge?"
"Depends, you up to it?" Haechan smirks that stupid grin of his.
Renjun's quick to pull on your arm, pulling you back to reality. "You don't have to if you don't want to."
"Okay Lee," You ignore the boy beside you. "I'll bite."
"Save that for the bedroom princess."
You and Renjun both look disgusted at that. "Fuck off, you know what I meant. Meet me at the beer pong table, and we'll see who really gets loose."
It only takes an hour and half for you to regret this weird thing you and Haechan had going. It consisted of matching shots with him, as well as chugging as many beers as he did. You didn't even like beer that much, it was just the competitiveness flowing in you that made you continue to down the fuzzy liquid. You could keep up, you had to, you had to make this idiot eat his words.
But a little voice kept etching in the back of your head, why did you care so much? You barely knew this guy, you didn't even know the simplist thing about him, like his major or favorite color.
Well, then again, you didn't need to know all that to know you wanted to beat him in this imaginary game you're playing. No rules at all, just drinking and drinking, a competition to see who could hold their alcohol, and maybe you were losing.
Stumbling to take a seat on a.. bean bag? You get engulfed as you sink in, mind as heavy as your limbs feel. You barely able to lift your head to look around the room, taking note of a few familiar faces here and there. Chaewon and Yeji are dancing in the crowd, Jaemin and Renjun are cashing out on bets of who'd get the drunkest tonight, and Karina and Jeno are nowhere to be found. Amazing, now you probably couldn't go home. Hopefully you could just crash at Chaewon's.
"Feeling it yet?" Haechan slurs into your ear as he sits on the beanbag to your right. He's well past the point of drunk, likely slightly worse than you, seeing as he was drinking before you had arrived.
"Nope." You lie, barely able to make eye contact with him. Why was it so hot in here? Were you sweating?
Haechan quirks his head to the side. "Liarrr."
You shift your eyes. "You're more wasted than me."
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Alright you win." Haechan mumbles, throwing his head back into the seat. "Wanna get out of here?"
"Ew!" You reject, still having half a brain.
"Not like that," He says, words mushing together, and you can tell hes being honest. "Let's go swing on the swing set."
"Mark has a swing set?!" You sit up, practically yelling like it was the greatest discovery ever made.
He matches your energy. "The neighbors do! I'll even push you on it."
You just nod rapidly as you grab his hand and lead him off the bean bag, eyes following curiously as Yeji wonders why the hell you're holding Haechan's hand in yours. You definitely wouldn't remember this tomorrow.
Haechan pushes the patio door open, you two spotting the playground that must've been from years ago. Yet, this didn't detour you as you raced to it, barely able to keep up with the boy beside you.
Not because he was fast, but because you could barely stay on your own two feet without falling over. Haechan helps though, a steady grip on you as he helps you onto the swing.
"Woah!" You yelp, as you almost fall off of it, forgetting to grab the sides.
Haechan's quick to stop you and laughs as you can barely keep your head up. "You're in another world."
You lift your face up slightly, "Yeah? Then you're on another planet."
"Another planet is closer than another world!"
"Aren't they the same thing?"
Haechan's silent for a minute as he thinks. "I don't know."
You laugh, way too loud for your liking, but what did it matter? It was just you and Haechan here, and you could care less what he thought. "You know, you're cooler when you're drunk."
It's quiet for a beat before Haechan puts his hand on his heart, pretending to wince out in pain. "I'm cool all the time"
"Nuh uh," You argue back, childishly. "When we got here, the first thing you did was make fun of me! Then you dragged me into this."
"It's a game! It's fun!" He waves his hands around.
It's truly funny how things worked. A week ago, you didn't even know who Lee Haechan was. And an hour ago, you wouldn't have been caught dead with him alone. Yet, here you were, laughing as you try to keep your grip on the swing as he pushes you. Almost falling off balance a few times, but manages to keep himself up.
The breeze blows from behind you, almost giving you goosebumps with a lack of a jacket. Your mind vaguely begins to wonder what time it was, the pitch blackness of the neighborhood (Minus a few streetlights) throwing you off.
"You're more fun when you drink too." Haechan yells, even though you're directly in front of him. "Not pushing me away and running, or slamming doors in my face!"
"You deserved that!" You giggle as he stops pushing you, sitting on the swing next to you to take a break.
He stares at the stars for a few minutes before he looks at you. You look so cute, even in such dull lighting. Haechan leans in a little closer, to where you can almost smell the alcohol on his breath. "You look really pretty."
You can't help the way your heart quickens, but you shake your head, deducing it to be all the drinks in your system. Sober you would never react this way to Lee Haechan. The man of your nightmares.
Or so you told yourself.
You lean in a bit further, his eyes never leaving yours. "I know."
Haechan's taken aback but before he can reply, his name's being shouted across the back. "Haechan! Are you out here?"
"No!" Haechan yells in response, watching as the shadow of a person approaches them, leaves crunching beneath their feet.
Mark's face falls in relief as he notices you with Haechan. "Man we've been looking everywhere for you. Karina said she couldn't find Yn either."
You stand up from the swing, leaving Haechan sitting by himself. "I should be getting home."
Mark just looks between you two, confusion across his face. Since when had you gotten close with Haechan? He could've sworn you two were arguing earlier, even when you arrived at the party. Was he missing something? "Jaemin will drive you."
"I can drive her." Haechan says, ironically as he nearly tumbles over himself attempting to get on his feet again. He fishes his keys from his pocket and waves them around as Mark snatches them from his grip.
"You're not driving anywhere." Mark rolls his eyes. "Renjun's taking you home too."
And like a dad caring for his children, he leads you both back inside, careful not to let Haechan run off to who knows where. (He had a tendency of doing that.)
"But it's not even midnight!" Haechan protests, with his head down.
"It's two in the morning!" Mark corrects as he shakes his head, grabbing Haechan by the arm. Your eyes widen, was it really that late already? Time flew by weirdly fast with Haechan. Not that you enjoyed it or anything, must've just been the alcohol. Yeah, definitely.
"But I don't wanna leave her." Haechan says, prying himself off of Mark and onto you. Clinging to you like you were best friends. You, not knowing better in your state, hug him back.
"You two look like idiots." Mark comments, trying to separate you guys, the both of you telling him to stop. Your grip on each other tightening with every tug.
"Wait!" Yeji catches up to you, smirking as she pulls her phone out. "Let me take a picture first."
You just hum, drunkenly posing for the photo as Haechan throws a peace sign up. The two of you with stupid smiles on your faces. Idiots, that would be the correct thing to say about you guys now.
"Okay," Renjun approaches, eyes heavy as he just wants to go to sleep right about now. He tries to pull the other off of you, but you tighten your grip as well. "Haechan, let's go!"
He shakes his head and Renjun just about gives up as he throws his hands in the air. "Find your own way home."
Haechan nuzzles into you for about two more minutes before he registers what Renjun said. "Oh no! Renjun's leaving me!"
You just nod and Haechan lets go of you, running towards the front door as he yells a small goodbye to you. You yell back across the house, and he shoots you a thumbs up as he almost trips over the steps leading outside.
You pout slightly as you watch him go, your source of warmth being gone now. Oh well, you start looking around for your roommate, but you spot Jeno in the kitchen alone without her. Where the hell did she go? Didn't matter, you were just going to relax on the couch now.
It would be okay to close your eyes for a minute right?
Well, you closed your eyes for a bit longer than a minute. In fact, when you opened them next, there was sunlight shining through the living room windows.
The headache hits you first, feeling like you had been ran over as your whole body was sore. Likely from the amount of dancing and running you had done. You even vaguely recall going outside. To swing? With Haechan?
You sit up, a little fast for your head, and look around. You spot Chaewon and Karina on the couch across from you, legs intermingled as they hugged, they must've been wasted when they went to sleep too. You can see Yeji's jacket still on the couch, registering the sound of a toilet flushing.
Why was it so loud? You throw your head back on the couch as Yeji enters the living room. "You're up." She whispers, sitting down on the love seat next to you.
"Yeah, where are we?" You groan back.
"Mark's house." She answers back, watching your facial expressions. "Do you really not remember?"
"No." You rub your eyes, the headache still present.
"So you definitely shouldn't check your phone." Yeji laughs, picking your phone up from the ground and throwing it in your lap.
You place your phone beside you. "Why are we at Mark's house?"
Yeji leans back. "Jaemin ended up getting too drunk to drive us. Mark offered to call us an uber but he couldn't find his phone. He tried to find Renjun too but he had already left. Then Mark just gave up and went to bed. Jaemin and Jeno are asleep in the other room."
You barely even process all of that as you just raise your eyebrows , picking up your device. And to your surprise, its full of notifications, yet all from one app.
There, laying on your Instagram dashboard, is a photo of you and a clearly drunk Haechan. He's leaning into your face, the sides of your faces pressed together inside the small frame. He's smiling that stupid little smirk and you're grinning widely. To make matters worse, its accumulated the most likes you've ever seen on your page. There's tons of comments too, most stating how cute you two are. The others commenting that they didn't even think you knew each other. There were a few random ones too, talking about couple goals and how you made the explore page. What?!
Your finger hovers over the button to delete the post, but it is a rather cute picture. Despite the fact that you were going to kill whoever posted it on your page, maybe you'd keep it.
"Who the hell posted me and Haechan?!" You speak, not caring for the volume you were speaking at. It was in fact ten already, hopefully no one would mind too much.
Yeji shushes you, "I don't know-"
"It was Jaemin." Chaewon nods, shifting to get Karina off of her, though the latter doesn't move a bit. But when had Chaewon even woken up?
Your eyes widen, getting up as you're blinded by the need to cuss Jaemin out. Entering the first room you come across, you spot Mark asleep in his bed, Jaemin and Jeno on the floor.
You lean down and smack Jaemin, waking him up as he looks startled. "Mom?"
"No!?" You yell, shaking him by his shoulders. "Why did you post that photo?"
"What photo?"
"He was drunk." Mark sits up, rubbing his eyes, making you feel slightly guilty for waking him too. "Why don't you just delete it?"
"It has a few thousand likes already!"
"You're famous?"
You shake your head. "No, but this means all of his fangirls are going to be at my door this morning after our post made the explore page."
"So what you're saying is," Jaemin pauses, looking at you. "I made you famous? You should be thanking me."
"What the fuck?" You blurt out, "I'm going to strangle you."
Jaemins eyes grow big as you reach towards him, he struggles to avoid your hands. "I just thought it was a cute picture! You guys looked so friendly!"
"Well we're not! I'm not even friends with him!"
"You are after last night." Mark comments, looking around for Jeno's shirt. You had been so distracted that you didn't even notice the half naked boy across the room as he slept. Then you realize Mark's words, you two were friendly last night? You'd rather dive into a dumpster than hang out with Haechan. Well, apparently not?
"I'm going home." You give up. "Sorry for sleeping on your couch Mark."
The latter just shrugs. "Anytime, I don't mind."
What a weird guy.
You locate your keys in a bowl on the kitchen table, promptly placed there with many others after Jaemin had confiscated all your keys. You look over to Karina on the couch and decide you don't want to be the one to wake her, she was usually grumpy when hungover. Eh, Jeno can drive her home.
After grabbing your jacket and making your way to where your car sits, you gape in horror. "Someone vomited on my car?!"
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This one was one you had seen time and time again. You've experienced it first hand, as well as had to swoop in and save your friends from it. It always goes the same, every time. A boy approaches you, usually meeting for the first time, and takes your friendliness as a sign of being interested.
Like the time Chaewon had to awkwardly explain to the worker at the Van's store that she wasn't giving him her phone number, she just wanted him to look up her loyalty account for points. To which he had insisted that she was smiling at him so much, how could he not think she wanted to give him her number?
Or when Karina and you were at Starbucks and she held the door open for a guy to walk in. He then immediately turned around and asked her for her Instagram so they could talk. Then when she said she wasn't interested, he walked away angrily.
Moral of the story: Men always think you're hitting on them just because you're being nice.
More than half of the time, they're wrong.
This is why you're not friendly.
However, your judgement seems to be impaired when you're drunk. Considering how your attitude with Lee Haechan had died down, he took it as a sign of a new bestfriend. And even worse, he thinks he can flirt with you.
He's even managed to convince himself that you're desperately in love with him, teasing you every time he sees you.
Karina thinks it's hilarious as you complain to her, "He's just naturally flirty."
You roll your eyes. "He thinks I'm in love with him!"
"Maybe you are." She responds and you don a repulsed look on your face.
"Me? In love with Lee Haechan? Never."
"Your adamance on not being in love with him is suspicious."
"How?!" You ask as you continue to finish off the last of the bows that you were crocheting for Renjun's bunny. He had decided last minute that he wanted the bunny to have cute accessories, so he had set you up to the task as a repayment for teaching you how to crochet at all.
"Well for one, you've been spending an awful lot of time with each other." She points out and you hate that she's right. These past few weeks since the party, they boy has been glued to your hip.
"Not voluntarily. He follows me everywhere!" You respond.
"You go to his apartment!"
"Because Renjun lives there." You reason, and it was true. Renjun was a friend, and you were learning something from him. Why wouldn't you be at his apartment? "I don't go to see Haechan!"
"Are you sure?" Karina quirks a brow and you look at her in disgust.
"Yes I'm sure."
"Okay, so what about you leaving that post up?"
"What post?" You feign, knowing full well what she was referring to.
"You're insufferable." She replies. "And in love with Lee Haechan."
You almost throw the needle at her. "Nope. Nuh uh, not in love with him."
"So why is he coming over right now."
"We're going to help Renjun ask his crush out, remember?"
She shakes her head. "I zone you out sometimes."
You scoff. "Worst roommate ever."
"Yeah yeah, heard it all before." She giggles as she continues scrolling through her phone. The door bell rings though, and she decides to do you one and get the door while you put your shoes on.
You immediately hear the voices of the boys as soon as the door opens, both greeting Karina as they enter.
You ignore the small talk though, "How are we feeling, Renjun?"
"Nervous." He responds, deadpanning. He wipes his palms on his jeans, sweaty and all clammy.
"You'll be fine!" You assure him. "She's like in love with you."
"Yup," Haechan agrees. "Just like how Yn is in love with me!"
"Shut up!"
"You didn't even deny it!"
"Gross," Renjun interrupts. "This is about me right now, can we go back to focusing on me?!"
"Yeah, sorry." You respond, knowing Renjun was worried out of his mind. It's all for no reason though, you know his crush returns his feelings. There's nothing to worry about, he shouldn't be so worried.
But, as you thought, he didn't listen to a single thing you said. He had barely even managed to calm his heart when you dropped him off at the restaurant he had invited her to. You and Haechan shoot him a thumbs up, the other muttering some words of encouragement to him, that apparently made him all the more nervous, but at least he was trying.
You remind Renjun to call you when you needed to pick him up, wishing him the best of luck. Though, as Haechan commented, hopefully his crush would be taking him home after this.
You just hit him in his shoulder.
Unfortunately, you never thought about the aftermath of this situation. It seemed normal on paper, two of Renjun's good friends drop him off for a gut wrenching date, offering their support.
Now what? Were you two just supposed to wait around? Should you go back to their apartment? Or should you drop Haechan off and just go home? You underestimated what you were getting yourself into here.
"So?" The male speaks before you can, raising his brows at you. "Got any confessions of your own?"
"Here's one, I think you're annoying."
"See, I already knew that. Not much of a confession." He sticks his tongue out, turning to face you as you keep your eyes on the road. You're quiet as he speaks again. "Well I actually have a confession, if you'd like to hear it."
"I don't, Haechan."
He rolls his eyes as he moves on. "Enough with the Haechan! Call me Donghyuck, like my friends do."
"We're not friends." You maintain, raising your brows.
"Yes we are! You just won't admit it!" He whines, not taking his eyes off you of you. "Doesn't matter, I'm still going to confess."
"Go on." You say, a hint of amusement in your tone. You were actually kind of curious on what he wanted to say.
"I want to take you on a date."
You scoff, of course that was it. "Lot's of other guys want to take me on dates."
"I'm not other guys!" He defends, whining in your ear.
"You're right." You begin, turning to face him back. "You're worse."
He lets out a wail at that. "Look, it doesn't have to be a fancy date or anything! Just let me buy you dinner, or take you to Dave & Busters!"
"Dave & Busters?!" You laugh, did he really take girls there? Not that you minded it but, this was Haechan we were talking about. You didn't take him as the type to take a girl out there on a first date. Huh, the more you know.
"Please," He puts his hands together, with pleading eyes. "Pretty please."
It sounded fun, that you'd admit. But you didn't really want to spend endless energy, and money, trying to win rigged arcade games and claw machines. "How about this? You buy me a pizza and a cinnamon roll from the mall food court and I'll let you think it's a date."
"Then it's a date!" He bats his eyes, smiling ear to ear.
It's been three hours. Three hours of radio silence from you and Haechan. Renjun figures he'll just send a bomb to your house. Nice and prettily wrapped with a bow, noted that it's from him. In this scenario, Haechan is with you as well, and you two just get blown up. To smithereens. Yes, that was a perfect scenario.
Renjun's not even in a bad mood, in fact, he's quite overjoyed that his confession was returned. His (Now) girlfriend beaming as she hugged the knitted animal, saying how Renjun was so romantic and how she felt the same way. He even got to kiss her!
However, this now brings him to an empty apartment, having taken the bus with her so he could walk her home safely. He had thought about just calling you to let you know, but he figured you'd answer later.
Now though, he feels really weird. His roommate is usually blowing up his phone, no matter the situation, yet he hasn't heard a word from him all day. So to say this was odd, was an understatement.
He's barely left to think for long before Haechan literally comes barreling through the door, you following right behind him.
You're both bickering playfully about something, you talking with your hands as Haechan tries to speak louder than you. "I told you that you were going to lose!"
"You cheated!"
Neither of you even greet Renjun, it's like he's not even there, though he's literally standing right in the kitchen. And Renjun can't say he approves of the sight.
You continue on talking. "You're just a sore loser!"
"You were taking basketballs from my side!"
"Well hey to you too," Renjun drags, waving his arm sarcastically. "I'm here, if you hadn't noticed."
"Oh my god, Renjun!" You say, grabbing him by his shoulders. "How did it go? I'm so sorry, this idiot made us go to Dave & Busters after the mall! Then, my phone died and Hyuck left his here and-"
Renjun raises a hand to stop you, getting straight to the point. Trying to hide by how he was slightly caught off guard by you and his friend spending so long together, alone. "I'm fine, she accepted my confession. We're dating now."
You squeal. "Renjun has a girlfriend! Hyuck, Renjun has a girlfriend!"
"Maybe you can stop being so moody all the time now!" Haechan pokes, squeezing the other in a hug. "I'm so proud of you, never thought you'd do it!"
"Well, I believed in you!"
Renjun smiles, "That's great. Actually, can I talk to you for a minute?"
You look confused, realizing that Renjun's looking at you. "Sure, walk me out to my car?"
He nods and Haechan wraps his arms around you, to which you push him off. "Go shower!"
"Aye aye, captain!" He salutes, causing you to giggle, before waving bye to you as Renjun waits. "Text me when you get home!"
You shoot him a thumbs up and turn to head out the door, Renjun following behind you eagerly. You wondered what he was going to talk to you about. Its funny, you felt like a child awaiting a scolding, just a tad bit scared.
He walks slowly next to you for a couple seconds as he closes his door, walking you to his complexes elevator. He looks a little nervous, opting to stare at his shoes as he speaks. "I"m going to ask you something, and I need you to be honest."
"Okay." You answer, a little warily. He was freaking you out with how formal he was being.
"Do you like Haechan?"
You open your mouth. "As a friend, yeah."
He shakes his head. "No, I mean, as in do you have a thing for him?"
"Why would you think that?"
"For starters, you called him Hyuck, twice. And then, you two spent three hours on a date, apparently forgetting about everyone else."
"It wasn't a date."
"Listen to me, he takes all his flings to Dave & Busters, okay? That's kind of his thing, I think it's weird personally, but it's tradition since he did it with his first one." He stops as he tries to figure out how to word things.
You just stare back blankly. Of course you didn't think it was special, he was simply taking you to hang out. It wasn't a date so why wouldn't he take you there?
"I want to know because, I used to be really good friends with this girl a while back. Everything was cool until Haechan got his hands on her, then it turned into this whole mess, and she ended up hating me for it. All because she had tried to get serious with him, and he just hated the thought of tied down."
You lean against the elevator wall. "But why-"
"I'm telling you this because I value our friendship and I don't want you to get hurt. Haechan's my friend, yes, but hes a really shitty guy to be with. I don't want to lose you too, just take this as a warning."
You nod calmly, but your stomach is turning. "Thanks anyways, but I don't like him like that, we're just being friendly."
You were lying straight through your teeth, even if you didn't know it yet.
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You hadn't seen, spoken to, or thought of Haechan in a week. (The last one might be a lie, but what is that they say? Fake it 'till you make it?) But you decided to heed your friends warning, maybe you were getting too attached. Goodness knows you can be the type to get too comfortable with someone, not expecting to have the rug pulled out from under you. At least this way you were prepared, right?
What you couldn't avoid, unfortunately, was your friends pestering you about the sudden disconnection from the male. Apparently, Jeno had spread word about it to Karina, and it just fueled her theories.
She had pestered you about six different times this week alone as to why you had been dodging Haechan. You'd always just shrug and say you were busy, but she wasn't buying it. The girl lived with you, she knew something was up.
You had spent less time with Renjun as well, only meeting once at a cafe for lunch, but that could just be attributed to his newly attained girlfriend as well. So you used that as your main excuse for not swinging by the apartment.
Haechan had no idea what he had done, why the radio silence all of a sudden? Had he made you uncomfortable? Did you really not want to go to Dave & Busters? Was something wrong?
Had you found out?
No, threre is no way you could've found out. Jaemin's plan was foolproof, and Jeno was airtight, nothing was going to slip. At least, that was what he hoped.
You're currently sat in Yeji's room, Karina and Chaewon having lost a game of who had to go buy the food. (You had all played rock, paper, scissors for it.)
So the two of you sit cross legged on the floor, sliding beads onto bracelets. Sure, people might deem this a little childish to do at your grown age, but you could truly care less. It was a fun little thing and all of you got to have matching ones, like middle school kids.
Yeji hands you a bucket of letter beads, noting how you nearly finished one side of colored ones. Then she winks, "Who's name is going on it?"
"Mine," You look at her confused. "Who else?"
"Oh, I don't know," She rolls her eyes. "Maybe Haechan's?"
You almost knock over the container. "Not you too!"
"Karina is already up my ass about him! We're just friends." You frown. "There's nothing going on between us."
"Well, I think either you're lying, or you're too dumb to see it. Both are very plausible." She laughs. "I'm just surprised, didn't think he'd be the one to change things."
"He hasn't changed anything." You chide, and you believed it. Somewhat? Everything felt the same, it wasn't like you shot heart eyes at the boy every time he was around. You two just simply got along, in the same way you and Renjun did. Sure, you and him never spent as much time alone as you and Haechan, but that was just 'cause he was so clingy. Surely not because of anything else.
"He's the only boy you don't yell about! I haven't seen you like this since-" Yeji stops herself before she can go on.
You whip your head up, her face guilty as she regrets having opened her mouth. "Since Sunwoo? Is that really what you were going to say?"
She defends, "I didn't mean to!"
"I know," You agree, you choose to stay calm. You know she meant well, she'd never say it to hurt you. "I just don't like to bring him up. That's all."
"But my point still stands."
"And we all know how things ended with Sunwoo. He ended up breaking my heart into tiny little bite sized pieces. Thank you for reminding me exactly why I hate boys again." You go back to your bracelet, trying not to think about your ex-boyfriend.
She sighs, "I'm sorry."
"For what?" You shake her off. "Not your fault he was the world's worst boyfriend."
"I was out of line." She apologizes again, though you're already over it.
"It's alright. Everyone thinks I like Haechan anyways. Even Renjun pulled me away and started going on a spiel of how I need to be careful." You start, not noticing the look Yeji's giving you.
"So, you don't?"
"I don't.." You trail, hating how you're even thinking about it. "I don't know."
She sits up. "Wait a minute-"
"I just enjoy spending time with him." You admit, but you feel like you're about to throw up. You couldn't believe you felt this way. You couldn't afford to, not again. "More than I do with the others anyways. Can we move on?"
Yeji seems reluctant but nods, looking over into her kitchen space. "Jaemin's been spending a lot of time here, broke my favorite mug."
"The one with the cat on it?" You gasp, more worried for the cup than the boy.
"Yes! The one Ryujin made me in her pottery class!"
"I'd kick him out!" Your jaw drops, knowing how Ryujin would've dragged that poor boy across the floor.
She just feigns annoyance. "Chaewon would have a cow! The two are like bestie's now."
"Seem's like you're all teasing the wrong person!" You stick your tongue out.
"Nope, she honors the pact!" Yeji responds, "Like a lot."
"You're all stupid."
You two are stopped by the sound of the keypad outside beeping as the code buzzes incorrectly. "Open up! Karina's making me carry all the bags!"
"I literally have soda's in both hands!" The other yells as you get up to get the door, Yeji toddling behind you with a half made bracelet in her hand.
The girls barrel in, rushing to place the food down on the counter as you and Yeji itch to get your hands on the bags.
Karina falls into conversation with Yeji over the wait time when you feel your phone buzzing in your pocket. You pull it out to see Haechan calling you? That was weird, he had never really called you. You two barely even texted since you gave him your number last week.
You just excuse yourself and step into Yeji's bedroom, answering the unusual call. "Hello?"
"Finally! Well, where the hell have you been?!" The voice on the other end pesters.
"What? I've been busy." You lie, tightening your grip on the phone.
"I miss you." He blurts out suddenly, the words making your heart drop. Sure, he had said tons of flirty stuff to you before, but now that you were slightly aware of some feelings? Yeah, this was making your heart race. His comment is followed by silence, neither of you speaking.
You manage to collect yourself, putting on your bickering tone. "Shut up."
"I'm serious! Let's do something tomorrow. Just you and I, wanna show you something."
"What could you possibly want to show me?"
"Besides my dick?" Of course he'd never miss an opportunity to make that kind of joke. What was he, fourteen? But you hated how it made you laugh.
"That's fucking gross." You make a fake-vomiting noise.
"No but all jokes aside," He begins again, speaking quieter through your device. "I'll see you here at 5?"
"I don't know," You respond, staring at your shoes as you think about it.
"Well then who knows?"
One day couldn't hurt, right? You'd spend time with him again and realize that you two are just platonic friends. Yeah, everyone wanted to make it so complicated, when it wasn't like that. Surely, you'd feel at ease after confirming things. "See you at five."
"You're ditching us?!" Chaewon's jaw slacks as you shake your head.
"Ditching? I spent all yesterday and this morning with you guys, don't be dramatic." You say as you slip on your shoes.
"For Lee Haechan?!" Karina speaks up, equally as shocked.
"Why are you all so surprised?"
"Because a few months ago, you would've been barking up any tree to get away from him!"
"What does that even mean, Chaewon?"
And the group stills, laughing at what she said. She just leans against the door frame, "Fine, go abandon your friends!"
Yeji pouts before patting the back of a fake-crying Chaewon. "Shame on you."
"I'll be back soon, we all know Karina's going to crash on your couch again anyways." You state, about to open the door.
"Whatever, not my fault you like to sleep toe to toe with Yeji in her bed." She rolls her eyes, referencing to how she had found you this morning. And yes, you were in Yeji's bed, but to say your toes were interlocked? Well..
"Just text us, we were thinking about stopping by Jaemin and Jeno's." Chaewon says, the others nodding their heads.
You shoot them a thumbs up and open the door, not expecting anything that would happen that night.
Haechan throws himself on his couch, groaning as he's lost another round of Super Mario Bros. to you. To make it worse, you're just laughing at his defeat, who even knew you were so competitive? He couldn't complain though, you had warn fair and square, unfortunately.
He pushes his soda towards you, a brand he beamed about for the entire day, saying he had picked it up on a grocery trip. (Your friend had whopped him when he realized Haechan brought home the wrong brand, but Haechan actually grew to like it. Well, considering now he had three cases of it, you guess he had no choice.)
He sees your eyes land on the can, before nudging your shoulder. "Try it."
You deny immediately. "I don't know where your mouth has been."
He gasps dramatically as he places a hand on his heart. "You wanna find out?"
"Get me my own and I'll try it." You ignore him as you give in, to which he salutes you and stalks out of the living room like a soldier. That guy was weird.
But the main thing on your mind right now, was what Haechan could possibly be showing you. You two had done nothing for the past hour besides play video games on his couch. So unless the soda brand - Or the potato chips - were what he wanted to show you, then you had no idea.
He returns with the soda, placing it was a clunk on the table, having no idea of your impending thoughts. "Try it and if you like it, then you can have a case."
"So that's what this is." You laugh as you crack the lid. "You're just trying to dump those cases on me."
"No I'm not!" He denies though he smirks a little.
"So," You begin. "What was it that you wanted to show me?"
"All in due time." He teases, grimacing as he downs another can. "Didn't anyone ever tell you that good things come to those who wait?"
"Didn't anyone tell you I was impatient?"
Haechan laughs, brushing his hair from his eyes. "Let's go."
He gets up from the couch, offering you his hand, to which you take. You don't know why, but you trust Haechan. He could lead you to a trap and you'd follow. But you have no idea why.
As you pester as to where it is that you're going, he just tells you to put your seat belt on and not to ask questions. He keeps his patience though, ignoring your whining about this mystery trip.
He just laughed though, telling you how cute you looked when you were pouting. You just shoved him and rolled your eyes, never admitting how hot your face would grow at the random compliments.
Then suddenly, you two were there.
Haechan wouldn't elaborate on what there was. To you, this just looked like a park in the city. But you could tell, with the way he was looking at the trees, this meant something to him.
You two walk up the trail in silence, you choosing not to say anything as he seems determined to get somewhere. You follow without qualms, admiring how dark it was starting to get around this time.
There were families still out though, couples laughing on benches as they fed ducks, and people walking their dogs. It was such a beautiful sight.
Haechan suddenly turns as you make your way up a hill, grabbing your hand as he points to the grass. "Sit with me."
You nod, sitting cross legged on the ground as Haechan stares out into the view. And you can admit, it's breathtaking.
You can see everyone from there. All the people, all the animals, all the trees, you can see it all. You catch glimpses as the sun sets, the sky painted orange as it illuminates the view below.
"It's so pretty." You comment honestly, thankful for the wind on such a hot day, you had never felt more comfortable.
You know why you do though, and it has a lot to do with the boy beside you. The boy you had only known for a few months, but had managed to wring your heart into a knot, he was right here. He made this moment perfect, he made this what it was.
You regret running away, for that week wasted, when you felt like you belonged with him. Your heart swells, and you wish it would stop, but it doesn't cease, not for a second.
Moment's spent with Haechan, they were never a bore, he was someone who you felt genuinely cared about you. Sure, he might have gotten off on the wrong foot with you, but no one was perfect.
He had a past, but damn it, so did you.
You know why you trusted him so much, why you backed away so fast, why you'd follow him anywhere. You knew it all too well.
You couldn't help it, you were in love with him.
"It's beautiful." He responds, resting his head on your shoulder.
You hum back, "Why did you bring me here?"
He turns towards you. "To do this."
Haechan cups your face, tilts it towards him, and then leans in as your lips meet. You don't move for a minute, taken aback by the sudden action, but when you regain your senses you kiss him back.
He pulls off a little before you grab the nape of his neck and bring him in again. You can't get enough, you love the taste of Lee Haechan, you feel like you could kiss him forever. You want to kiss him forever.
You separate again to breathe for a moment but he's pushing your lips back together, it seems the feeling was mutual.
You know you two look like horny teenagers just making out on a hill, something straight our of a coming-of-age movie. But you couldn't care less, you didn't care about what anyone thought of you. All that mattered right now was the boy in front of you.
And loving someone? It never felt this right.
You walk into your apartment wearing a dopey smile, Karina texting you that they she had went home, and you're thankful because your pillow sounds so good right now.
After the sunset, Haechan had took you to eat at a small diner, then to a little box arcade to pummel you in every shooting game out there. So, for lack of better word, you were exhausted.
You and Haechan didn't talk about the kiss after, he just smiled at you and then told you he liked you. You'd never felt such butterflies in your life, not even with your ex-boyfriend. It was different.
You call out for your roommate when you walk further in, turning on your lights as she responds. "Can you come here for a minute?"
You walk into her room, seeing Yeji and Chaewon on her bed. You giggle at the two. "Need me to help you move them?"
But she's not laughing, serious as she looks at you. "Maybe we should talk in the living room."
Your heart races. Did something bad happen? Was she okay? Were the others okay? Did the boys piss her off? There were a million things running through your heard at the turn of this night. Nevertheless, you follow her out into the living room, sitting with her. "Is everything alright? You're scaring me with how serious you're being."
She looks down at your attempt to lighten the mood. "As you know, we went to see the boy's today."
You nod, scared to speak. You even feel guilty, but you know you did nothing wrong, why did it seem like you were in trouble?
Karina continues, "They started drinking, a lot. But I stayed sober because I'm having breakfast with my mom tomorrow, remember?"
And now, its oddly apparent to you how she seems to be beating around the bush. You lean in, "Did something happen, Karina?"
"Well, Jeno and I were talking in his room, and all of a sudden Jaemin walks in, drunk obviously. Talking about how he won, and the bet's off now. I thought he was talking about sports or that sort of thing, but then he mentions Haechan." She avoids your eyes.
"What are you saying?" You whisper, meekly.
"Long story short, I got out of Jeno that-" She closes her mouth, and you can see her trying to word it, but your patience is running thin. "Jaemin payed Haechan to talk to you."
"What?!" You exclaim, standing up from where you were sitting. No, no that couldn't be right, that couldn't be true. It barely even made any sense. "Why would he do that?"
Karina stands as well, muttering two words. "The pact."
And it clicks in your head.
"He thought if anyone could sweep you off your feet, it'd be Haechan. So he messaged him randomly and set this whole thing up. He figured if the bet was broken, he could get a chance with Chaewon."
"So he," You start, struggling to speak. "Payed Haechan to make me fall in love. For this stupid pact I didn't even ask to be apart of?!"
"I'm so sorry, I had no idea. Once Jeno told me, I told him I never wanted to see him again! And look I know it doesn't even matter because you don't care-" She pauses as she looks at you, stunned at the sight. "Are you crying?"
And you let out another choked sob at that, her rushing to your side immediately. Your tears are flowing as you rub at your eyes, overwhelmed by the emotions taking over you. "Why are you crying?"
"I loved him."
She staggers back. "You.."
"And this happens." You continue to bawl. "This keeps happening, and I don't know why it keeps happening to me!"
Karina pats your hair as she hugs you. "You didn't do anything wrong."
"I know! I know, I didn't! So why do boys keep doing this to me?! Why do I keep getting used?!" You cry, the words slipping out. "First you, and now Chaewon. Will no one ever just love me?!"
Karina tightens her hug on you, she knows it hurts, she was there. She held you a year and a half ago when you broke up with Sunwoo. Weeping in her arms as you recalled a text message you had viewed on his phone. How he was only using you to get to Karina. She hated him, she hated his entire being, and she still does.
But you didn't love Sunwoo. No, you liked him a lot but love? That was never there. You cried because he treated you like garbage, not because your heart was broken.
She can practically hear it shattering now.
You want to throw something, anything. You want to stomp into Haechan's apartment and throw shit around, making him hurt the way you are. You feel anger, and you feel hurt.
But what you feel most of all, is fear.
You still don't want to lose him, and that's what hurts the most.
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When you were fifteen, you wrote a list. Clear cut and simple, straight to the point. It listed six reasons why you hated boys. And so far, to this day, every word has held true.
Sure, people might sit and laugh about it now. Say how it's outdated and how it's rude to generalize an entire gender because of personal experience, but you'd beg to differ.
You lean your head back against your car seat, sniffling as you sit. It's about twelve in the morning at this point, but you can't bring yourself to feel tired. You don't know what to do, you don't even know where you're going. So you go back to the root of this, the boy you thought you could trust. Huang Renjun.
You typed the name easily, not even expecting him to pick up. You don't know what you're going to say, you were so filled with anger that you could explode.
"Hey, what're you doing up so late?" The soft voice chimes as he picks up, half asleep as he yawns.
You burst into tears. "You were my friend?! How could you do this to me?! I trusted you!"
You can hear him shuffling around as you assume he sits up in his bed. "Hello? What? Yn?"
You grit your teeth. "Don't play stupid now, I found out. Are you happy? I know you set me up!"
"Set you up? Are you drunk right now or-"
"Don't you dare!" You scream into the phone. "What, did they promise you a cut of the money? Or did they tell you-"
"What are you talking about?" He yells back, completely confused. "Who promised me money?"
You start crying even more. "I hate you so much, you're just as fake as Haechan."
"Haechan? What do I have to do with him?"
"Do I have to spell it out for you!? Why won't you just admit you helped Jaemin and Jeno?!" Your voice is horse now from the yelling and your eyes rubbed raw from the crying.
"Yn." He calms, lowering his voice. "Talk to me, what did they do?"
His tone takes you off guard, wasn't he just screaming back at you? "Do you really not know?"
"Know what - Please, you have to help me out here - I don't know anything." He responds, and you want so terribly to believe him. He had your back, he warned you, he probably saw all of this coming.
But boys lie, that you know for certain.
"So you don't know that Jaemin bribed Haechan to get me to break that fucking pact?" You curse, voice low, and you hold your breath for his answer.
"He did what?" Renjun speaks, sighing. "And Haechan went through with it? That's so typical of him, but you know what? I warned you."
"Are you trying to preach to me right now?!" You say, pissed off.
"No- Fuck, I'm so sorry." And you can hear him sit down on his bed. "I swear to you, I didn't know about this. They probably didn't tell me on purpose, please, I can't lose you too."
"Renjun," You speak in the mic. "What am I gonna do now?"
"What do you mean?"
"I liked him a lot."
And the other end is silent.
If Renjun hadn't proved his friendship to you yet, now was definitely his time to show out. Well, judging by how he's literally tearing up the dance floor for your amusement? Yeah, he's gone above and beyond.
You laugh at him from your little booth, sat next to the guy he had brought along, Renjun's girlfriend across from you as she giggles at her boyfriend.
Her name is Heejin, and she practically crushed you with a hug earlier. Telling you all about how shes begged Renjun to meet the girl responsible for making her precious bunny those bows. Also laughing and giggling about how pretty you were, cheeks slightly red.
The boy beside you was Yangyang, a cousin who Renjun was convinced would make you head over heels. ("Hyuck and him are both stupid!" He had said, trying to point out their similiarities. "And both medium ugly, so they have a lot in common! Give him a chance.) But Renjun was mistaken because you didn't want a boy like Haechan, you wanted Haechan. And it stung.
Yangyang was funny though, and he was polite but it had only been a few weeks since you ghosted Haechan. You weren't ready or open to the idea of anyone new just yet. Yangyang didn't seem to mind though, he was just here for a good time, which he seemed to be having as he made you down a matching shot with him.
"Haechan's a total asshole." Heejin suddenly spouts, likely from having too much to drink. "I would've fallen in love with you for free!"
"Right?!" Yangyang shouts over the music. "Wait, who's Haechan?"
You groan, "Thank you, Heejin."
She sits up. "No problem, and I'm glad you came out with us tonight! Renjun said he hadn't seen you in weeks, I almost thought I'd never get to meet you."
"No seriously," Yangyang speaks, looking around. "Who is Haechan?"
"Okay, you're both trashed." You laugh, staring at your unfinished drink, pretending to stir it. Moving, you slip your heels back on.
"Awee, are you leaving?" Heejin pouts, and you shake your head at the sweet girl. "No, I'm just going to pee. Think you'll be okay?"
She just nods and you stand, pulling your too-tight dress down as you make you way through people. What were you even doing here tonight? Karina had basically kicked you into Renjun's car to leave, saying you needed to be out again. But what was the point anyways? You felt like you finally reached your limit about caring about boys anymore, especially one's that weren't Lee Haechan.
Goodness, there you go again. Thinking about the very person who left you like this, who didn't even fight for you or come looking. He knew what he had done, and you hope it eats at him everyday.
But you also hope he's okay. You hope that, maybe just a tiny part of him actually liked you, and that maybe your absence made a small dent in his life.
But you doubt it, not like you knew anyways. You would ask Renjun but they got into a fight, presumably over what he had done to you, and now the two don't even talk anymore. According to your friend, the other just comes home to sleep, busy going who knows where during the day.
Coming back from the bathroom, you find Renjun having returned, coddling his girlfriend as Yangyang watches with a displeased look on his face. You can relate.
Then you realize something, Renjun is drunk. Which means, he's incapable of taking you home. You confirm this as you and Yangyang, the only one's about to stand by themselves, sling Renjun over your shoulders and walk to his car. You grab the keys from his pockets as he protests. "It's fine, take my car and call us an Uber."
"Are you insane?" You ask, trying to ignore the pain in your arms. "Stuff three drunk people in an Uber and hope they make it home? Who do you think I am?"
But you're a bit thankful that Renjun wants to make things easier for you. You were a big girl though, you could handle driving them to his apartment, even if Haechan was there.
Right, you'd be fine.
That's what you keep repeating as you make the drive, unfamiliar with this car, but driving just fine. You can see Renjun and Heejin cuddling in the rear view, Yangyang sat up front as he stares out the window.
"I've been wondering all night," He speaks, taking you off guard. "What's got you all upset? Is it that Haechan that Heejin mentioned?"
You keep your eyes on the road. "It's embarrassing."
"Well, my girlfriend of four years cheated on me." He speaks, causing you to shift in your seat. The confession offbeat, not expecting his openness. "That's why I'm here, I live an hour and half away. But I can't go to my place knowing she's there, I can't stand to be around her."
"I'm really sorry," You say, sincerity in your voice. "You deserve better."
He just shrugs. "That's not even the embarrassing part. I can't be around her because I know I'll take her back, I still love her. Isn't that weird, loving someone after they did you so wrong?"
"It's not weird." You whisper back.
"Renjun's the one who drove me down here himself, he knows I'm weak. He knows I view love irrationally." Yangyang drops his head.
"That's not irrational, we can't help who we love."
He tries to piece things together. "Did Haechan cheat on you too?"
"No," You respond, gripping the wheel. "Well, we weren't even together."
"So you're upset over someone you weren't with? Ditto. I think we've all been there, I guess the only thing left now is if you think he's worth forgiving." And for how much the boy drank, you hated how he seemed so wise.
"I don't know, I think I was more upset that he didn't reach out. It's like he doesn't care, like I'm not worth chasing."
"Maybe he's giving you space." He suggests. "That's what I'd do."
"Do you think your girlfriend's worth forgiving?" You hated cheaters, and you'd personally never forgive one. So depending on Yangyang's response, will deduce how helpful his advice is.
"Fuck no." He laughs, leaning his head back. "But your situation is different, you didn't catch your partner in bed with her neighbor so."
Your eyes grow big as you stammer. "I-"
"Don't," He stops you. "If anyone else tells me they're sorry again, I think i'll throw up."
You nod. "I get it."
"Anyways, you can still save your situation. Just depends if you think he's worth your time." He yawns, just in time for you to approach Renjun's complex.
You stay silent, unbuckling your seat belt. What was all the contemplation even for? He could very well not even be home.
But those words are swallowed when Renjun's front door is opened, the boy you'd been dreading in front of you. He rubs his eyes, muttering how he could hear Yangyang's loud voice from inside the house.
Then he quiets, eyes meeting yours.
And you missed the sight terribly.
Yangyang grabs his cousin from your side, pushing past Haechan with Heejin following.
You just stare Haechan up and down. He looks down, opening his mouth and then closing it instantly. He has a million things he wants to say, but he doubts you want to hear anything from him.
So you talk first. "Why didn't you come after me?"
He stops. "What?"
"You didn't even call!" You throw your hands up. "I would've heard you out! I would've let you explain, but you didn't even send a text!"
He takes in your words with disbelief. "I- I assumed you didn't want to hear from me and-"
"That's right, you assumed! You didn't even try, you were just going to let me go." You hold back your tears as your eyes well up. "I waited for days, sitting by the phone for an explanation, for you to call and apologize. I would've taken it from you, you idiot!"
Haechan moves forward. "I'm more sorry than you could imagine."
"Was it all just a chore to you? Everything, all of it?"
"Listen to me." He shakes his head. "I didn't take the money, okay? I took it initially, but after the first time we met, I backed out. It felt horrible to keep doing that to someone."
"And yet you still kept following me around?!" You say, not understanding.
"That was because I was interested in you." He says without hesitance. "And after I ruined everything, I just couldn't bear to see you hurt. I feel horrible every day, it's been hell without you."
"You should've called." You meek, a tear running down your face.
"I know, I should've done a lot of things differently. I should've been honest with you sooner, I should've came clean."
"You know what the stupidest part of it all is?" You cross your arms, as you wipe at your eyes. "I would've forgiven you."
"Because I love you." And you cry. God, you hated yourself right now. Crying because of a boy? And even worse, crying because of a boy? One you hadn't even known that long, but that managed to worm his way into your life, but had also caused you such sadness.
But as Haechan wraps his arms around you, whispering that he loves you back, you know he's someone worth forgiving.
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As mentioned, you had made a list when you were fifteen. Unleashing your wrath among the male population after another one had cut you clean.
The list read as followed,
6 Reasons I hate boys,
1, They make everything about them.
2, They're liar's.
3, They don't mind thier business.
4, They confuse being friendly for flirting.
5, They're easy to fall in love with.
And 6, They're not so easy to hate.
Haechan cackles as you read it out, shaking his head as he stirs his coffee. "That's ridiculous."
"How so?" You place the paper down as you narrow your eyes, "Every single thing here has been proven."
"Well its not about the contents of the list," He begins, grabbing your hand. "To me, that sounds like a list of things you like about boys."
"C'mon, you like that I'm the center of attention. You also like when I lie to you about drama spoilers you see online to spare your feelings. Hm, and you love when I poke my head into you and Yeji's gossip sessions to give my input." He lists, counting on his fingers.
"And if I didn't confuse you for flirting, then I would've thought you hated me this whole time." He winks as you scrunch your nose. "And the last two are pretty self explanatory."
"Whatever," You roll your eyes. "You're the worst."
"But you're still dating me so."
"Against my will."
He mocks you, quirking his head to the side. "I'm going to make a list of things I love about you, but I think it'd be more than 6."
"Eww," You drag, still not used to such a sweet side of Haechan. "Corny!"
"Let me be corny!" He waves. "As long as it gets you into Renjun's bed with me."
"For the last time," You lower your voice, looking around the coffee shop. "We are not having sex in Renjun's bed!"
"He does it to me!"
"Only as revenge! And you guy's barely got on good terms again, do you really want to push it?"
He thinks about it. "Well.."
"Nope, not happening." You dismiss, looking over to the cafe counter. "Now go get me some of those cookies."
"Anything for you, my love."
And even though he's a boy, who hopelessly fits into your list.
You could never hate Lee Haechan.
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Taglist: @fairyofshampgyu @lislis80 @jenoteamo @smwhrinthehazehaze @matchahyuck @ohmykwonsoonyoung @emvrd @allu-23
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zchnlswrld · 1 year
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Watch NCT Dream navigate their love lives as they figure out how to lose someone, accept someone and get someone back. It can’t be that hard, can it?
All can be read without needing to read the other fics, none will have anything that will connect them besides the boys. All will be written with a fem reader in mind however no specific gender for Y/N will be mentioned and no gendered terms will be used.
(Pre-warning, none of these are proof read right away but do get checked right after!)
Pairing: Idol!Jisung x Fan!Reader
Jisung and you experience your first real fight. At risk of losing it all he tries to give you one last call, begging for one last chance except it’s 2:00am and he’s using a payphone so there’s not a chance you’ll be awake.
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Pairing: Student!Haechan x Student!Reader
You’d never understand the pressures Haechan has as the school’s founder’s son so why are you even trying? You do. You have it worse as the student on a scholarship. To add insult to injury the school has found out you’re together and Haechan starts lying.
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Pairing: Artist!Renjun x Writer!Reader
He decides to give dating one more go after leaving the love of his life, it would help if his date wasn’t sat here gushing over your work. The more they talk about you the more he hates himself but his heart breaks the way he broke yours when he hears about your most recent novel.
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Pairing: Playboy!Jaemin x Nerd!Reader
Jaemin’s heartaches as he hears you explain to him you were aware of his intentions, the bet, everything. It hurts him even more that you said you knew and let it happen to feel special. How could he let it get this far? How could he hurt someone as special to him as you? Mainly, why are you forgiving him?
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Pairing: Idol!Mark x Producer!Reader
Mark can’t stand that he has to face you right now, it makes him think about how alone he made you feel. He had knowingly isolated you and left you alone and when you left he had the audacity to get angry at you because he knew you didn’t want to leave. In reality Mark didn’t know you, he had forgotten who you were a long time ago and didn’t like the new you.
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Pairing: CEO!Chenle x Housewife!Reader
Chenle left you when you needed him most and it felt like hell. Every time you called out for help he would suddenly have to be somewhere else. He didn’t think it was that bad because he knew you were strong, that was until he heard your wails on the kitchen floor after he came back from a meeting. You were crumpled into a ball on the floor as his assistant sat there stroking your back.
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Pairing: Demon!Jeno x Angel!Reader
He didn’t understand you were risking your life to be with him, he always played around with it but what happens when it comes to it? What would he do then? He doesn’t know but he knows he has to. He has no choice now and it’s all his fault.
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Release dates subject to change, will most likely be earlier. Any date changes will be put here.
Taglist (reply to join): @sukistrawberry @lovesuhng @shwizhies @niinjo @renjunoya @carelessshootanonymous @hyuckissed @funkygoose @fymine @asteriaskingdom @iscocohere @calssunflower @kunvibing
* = Getting a part two, there’s been multiple requests so far so they’ll be done once the rest are!
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heartbrkr · 1 year
it'll last
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SUMMARY Of course you fell for the playboy. Except, you didn't know he was the one everyone fell for; you didn't even know he was a player in the first place.
PAIRING fuckboy!lee haechan x gender neutral!reader
GENRE college!au, angst, hurt/comfort
WARNINGS kind of toxic (?) relationship, mentions of drinking, sex, and castration, history of infidelity on haechan's side, lack of communication, the use of both haechan and donghyuck to address him
AUTHOR'S NOTE abe don't write hurt/comfort challenge: failed
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This wasn’t how Haechan was planning to end his Thursday night.
Your friend from your old school called him up, asking if it would be alright to drop you off at his place. He obliged, seeing nothing wrong with it, considering you’ve been inside his apartment a couple of times. But he retracted his statement as soon as another thought crossed his mind: he could pick you up instead. And somewhere among the noise on the other line, he could hear your drunken protests, letting them know that “you shouldn’t be disturbing Donghyuck! He’s probably tired.” He felt touched alongside a pang of guilt in his chest; you shouldn’t have to worry if he was tired or not, you’re also a priority.
To everyone else, he was Haechan. When he introduced himself to you as his given name and you spoke it back to him, he decided it was only for you to call. The same day, he was so sure he’d do everything to change for you.
The moment you saw the top of your boyfriend’s head getting out of his car, you ran into his arms, knocking him back very slightly. Now, you’re weeping into Haechan’s chest in the club’s parking lot and he doesn’t know why. He wants to ask you so many questions but your blubbering is getting worse by the second, you can’t hear him trying to gently console you. But through the sorrowful sea of your salty tears and muffled sobbing, he can make out the words “don’t leave” and “I can do better,” leaving Haechan visibly confused. Looking up to see your friends in the distance, he waves while giving them a reassuring smile.
“Hey, I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here.” Despite this, you shake your head and he’s sure that your fresh snot rubbed on his tee, but he doesn’t care for its condition. He can always wash it. You are the only thing that matters to him at this moment (but even outside of this situation, you grace his thoughts).
He frowns to himself, “what do you mean by that? Are you just wiping your tears?” Your head moves side to side again. Thankfully, your crying progressively weakens even if progress is slow. Haechan patiently waits for your response, no matter how nonsensical it may be.
You finally detach yourself from his quite comfortable chest and try to look at his face. It’s hazy from the several shots and mixed drinks you had, but Haechan’s beauty knows no bounds. On both sides, it seemed like a miracle that you both managed to pull each other. But in reality, you were one damn good-looking couple.
“I know— I know about your reputation around campus.” Ah, yes, the elephant in the parking lot and your relationship. Before he got into whatever your current situation is, he was a notorious playboy. He’d talk to other people behind his partners’ backs, so very openly cheated on them. And yet, people still came flocking to him, giving him the opportunity to keep this lifestyle going. That did not include you. You knew people would use the I can fix him joke, but you didn’t know that people were dead serious about it when the topic of Haechan came up.
After a month of dating on the low, you finally found out tonight. At the bar’s counter, there was a clump of people from your university gossiping about the hottest men in the batch. You rolled your eyes, not giving a flying fuck as to who was the best at sex or how long they could go for. That was until they brought up Haechan’s name and had the audacity to call him Donghyuck.
A girl in a shimmering silver dress blows wind upwards, making a strand of her hair move to the side. “Wait, wait, wait. Let’s talk about some real men: Donghyuck— or Haechan, whatever— is so fucking fine, like I’d ride his dick again, even if it means he’ll pretend not to know me the next day. Red is my favorite color, after all.” All of them laugh at that.
Hyesu, the only one you knew by name from the group, nearly slammed down her glass at the mention of him. “I know, right?! I thought I was the only one,” she opens her mouth to speak again, but not before making sure the coast was clear. She motions the circle to huddle closer, but it doesn’t do anything because the whisper comes out annoyingly loud, “you know, I heard that he turned down Karina… and I would personally dump whoever I’m dating for her!”
Another new, deeper voice makes your ears quirk up. As the conversation progressed, you learned that it was almost the whole school wanting to get a taste of him, like he was some sort of sacred food. Like two people ogling over him wasn’t enough. “God. He was so much more fun before he settled down, who is it, anyway? I haven’t gotten a taste of him, yet. He flirted with me once and I’ve been thinking about it ever since.”
As you wait for the drinks you ordered, which you wish would arrive a lot faster, you utilize your peripheral vision to get at least a glance of the people talking about your boyfriend. You hoped you were extremely hit and that you were just imagining their conversation, but you were far from it.
Another person from your course, who you know has a girlfriend, only talks to console her sad, drunk friend in purple. “Don’t worry, Mihn, I’m sure he’ll be available again in a week, or so.”
“When I talk to him again, I know I’ll have him wrapped around my finger.”
You blocked out whatever came after that sentence, welcoming the possibility of Haechan falling for someone completely new, going back to the bad habits you just found out about. Waking from your degrading self-talk, the bartender finally hands you the round of drinks, and you swore you saw a halo above his head. Tipping him two ₩10,000 bills, you thank him before rushing back to your table. When you sat down, breathing was nearly non-existent to you; it was as if you had substituted oxygen with alcohol. Your friends had asked if anything happened, but you only gave them a strained “fine!” before diving back into the variety of liquids in front of you.
How you got to your current state was self-explanatory. And it was embarrassing that you were practically begging for him not to leave you for a better person, if they ever existed. He would have received the opposite reaction if you were sober, probably interrogating him as to why he was treating you so well, like your relationship would last longer than a month. Instead, you looked pathetic, maybe even borderline obsessed. At the back of your mind, you knew you had it in you to be mad at him. But this was Donghyuck; the only man who could make you soft and vulnerable, that you would allow into your apartment without feeling any type of discomfort, who first asked if you both could take things slow, never crossing any boundaries.
“I found out… and… I— I know I should be mad that you didn’t come clean. But, maybe, you’d tell me it was obvious and should’ve listened to the people talking. I also just heard you go by Haechan, I would’ve never guessed that you were Mr. Playboy, or whatever the fuck!” You stop to breathe in deeply through your nose and out your mouth. This conversation was sobering, but not enough that you’ve completely lost all the liquid courage in your system. It would take much more than that.
You try to loosen yourself from the hands he has on your elbows, but they stay stubborn where they are. “I just— I want to know where our relationship stands, and if you’re serious. But at the same time, I’ve never felt this way with anyone else, so I want to know if I can change for you, to be the most perfect person for you to never even entertain the thought of someone else in my place. The fact that you asked to keep it low-key, too… I don’t know…”
The confident, yet sad, look Haechan has on his face provides you with a certain amount of comfort; one that reassures you that you are everything he could’ve asked for. “I’m sorry for making you doubt my intentions,” you don’t say anything, looking down at the dirty pavement, and he takes it as a sign to continue, “but the moment I met you at that party two months ago, I knew I had to change. I would never forgive myself if I let you slip away.”
If you thought your vision was bad earlier, the fact that there were now additional tears blocking your image of Haechan was even worse. You tried blinking them away, but they came out full force.
“I was the happiest when you agreed to date me; the way you smiled is forever imprinted into my mind. I’ll remind you every single day of my waking life that I am so sure about you.”
Haechan never wants to make you feel this way ever again. When he saw the defeated look on your face when you broke the news to him, it was a sight that he wishes he wasn’t the cause of. He regrets the reputation he built; he was so stupid to think he could ever hide it from you.
After absorbing his vow, you raise your hands to rub your tears, but he beats you to it. You can see a little better, and you’re thankful you can look at your lover as properly as an intoxicated person can. Your lips upturn the slightest, a witty line brewing right in front of Haechan’s eyes.
“If you ever think about doing something behind my back, I’ll castrate you.”
They’re back, Haechan thinks to himself, a smirk appearing on his mouth as well. “And that will never happen, my dear.”
You slap his arm— “don’t complain, you deserve more than that!” —before engulfing him in another loving hug. The warm, cozy scent of his mixes with the slightly gross smell of the dribbles of alcohol that stained your clothes. Somehow, it was more than enough to keep you back on the ground.
He rocks you back and forth to whatever popular song playing inside the club, both of you feeling the bass ever so slightly below your feet. A couple of minutes pass before he looks into your eyes again. “Ready to go?”
“Can we stay like this for a while?”
“Of course.” He holds you closer.
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lotsoflola · 5 months
welcome to neo culture tech university
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known for his playboys, homewreckers, druggies, partygoers and fuckgirls, the college has a reputation in a league of its own. home to the nct lions football team and some of the most famous fraternities and sororities in the country, only the strongest can survive neo tech...
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never ever ever - series masterlist
summary: your and haechan's rivalry is well known across campus, but when your friend groups coincide and you're forced to spend time with him, you start thinking he's not too bad... genre: enemies to lovers warnings: smut, drug use, general college stuff, reader sleeps around a bit, reader smokes as well
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always want what you can't have - series masterlist
summary: everyone wanted jaehyun, he was the most popular guy on campus, belonging to the infamous nct lions football team. but for some reason, the only girl he wanted, was the one who didn't want him back... genre: he fell first she fell harder, opposites attract warnings: smut, drug use, general college stuff, this one's quite angsty at times
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sugar spice and all things nice - series masterlist
summary: college was hard for you, making the move across the country to be at your dream campus left you very alone at the start of the semester. but a sweet boy in your photography class is always there to help you out, no matter what you need... genre: the sweetest form of love, so fluffy and sweet warnings: smut, fluff, general college stuff, drug use (neither reader or jaemin)
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kiss me before you go - series masterlist
summary: you and mark have been friends since you could walk, before that even. but after spending the summer apart, you both arrive at neo tech slightly changed, but that shouldn't affect how you feel about each other, right... genre: childhood friends to fwb to lovers warnings: smut, there's a lot of smut, general college stuff, drug use (reader and mark specifically smoke a lot)
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boyfriend for the week - series masterlist
summary: after constant nagging from your mother about your lack of a boyfriend you finally find someone to bring home, your study partner doyoung. but after spending a week like you're deeply in love, how easy is it to pretend everything is normal genre: fake dating to lovers warnings: smut, general college stuff, angst, reader has negative thoughts about body image and suffers with her mental health, this one's quite heavy
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my heart will always belong to you - series masterlist
summary: you and taeyong broke it off when you first moved to college, deciding you weren't able to commit to long distance, but when a football scholarship transfers taeyong to neo tech, will you be able to rekindle the dying embers of your relationship genre: exes to lovers, mentions of cheating, thoughts of cheating warnings: smut, angst, cheating (reader's bf kinda deserved it but still cheating), generall college stuff, drug use, reader smokes and vapes
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suck my d*ck - series masterlist
summary: on a drunk night, you and jeno made a bet with some friends. sleep together until one of you falls in love, and the first one to do so loses one hundred dollars. but, you guys have been friends for so long, there's no way you'll fall in love... genre: bet (not to fall in love), humorous undertones warnings: smut, lotta smut, general college stuff, drug use
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actions speak louder than words - series masterlist
summary: your boyfriend can often struggle to show affection, and it's something you understand and can deal with. but when other men on campus start to think you're unhappy and try to steal you, chenle has some thoughts on how to 'improve' your relationship... genre: cold bf, jealous bf, kinda golden retriever gf warnings: smut, angst, fluff at times, general college stuff, drug use (chenle and reader never do drugs), lots of smut in this one
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dongfuck · 1 year
Pink Venom #2 - l.dh
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pairing: manipulator playboy!haechan x fem!reader
genre: smut, angst, fluff
warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, teasing, grinding, fingering, handjob, manhandling, cheating, someone getting in a coma, short cameo of an unannounced character, more drama than smut
wc: 5.4k
note: this was a bit rushed i’m sorry 😭😭
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[ 5th January, 2021 ]
You lay in your bed with your arms crossed to your chest as you thought about what to wear for your date with Haechan. Yeah. I know. A date with Haechan. Never heard of it before right? But unfortunately, he’d found out that you were spying on him the other day and wanted to make up for it. Which was bringing you out on a date. Slowly, you got up from your laying position and walked towards your closet.
You flicked through your pieces of clothing before a sigh left your chapped lips. A top would be good. But a yellow sundress would be better. So with that thought, you grabbed onto one of your prettiest sunflower-decorated sundress and changed into just that. You did the simplest makeup look you could muster before reaching over to your phone and sitting right on top of your vanity. Right as you switched on your phone, there was a call from your boyfriend, Haechan.
“Hello?” You spoke into the phone. “Y/n. You ready?” he asked and you can hear slight excitement in his voice. “Yeah, I’m ready.” you said lazily as you played with your lipstick on the vanity. “Okay. I’ll pick you up in five.” and with that the call simply ended after you replied with a simple ‘Okay’ Haechan hadn’t told you where you’d be going so you were quite curious as to where he would take you.
Putting on your favourite sling bag (which was a gift from Hyuck btw), you left your room and waited for Haechan in your living room. Exactly five minutes later, there was a sound of a honk coming from outside and you knew it was your awaited lover. You walked towards your mirror that was hung up on a wall on the way to the front door before putting on your best poker face; a sign of showing how disappointed you are at him.
When you opened the front door, you didn’t expect to see him right behind it and the surprised look on your face was definitely obvious. As he grabbed onto your hand, he threw on a cute smile as he said, “You look beautiful.” before leading you to his car. He was quite of a gentleman when he’d opened the door of the passenger seat for you but to be honest, you wouldn’t even mind if he didn’t since you guys had been dating for quite a while.
You watched as he entered the driver’s seat next to you as he began driving to your destined location. “How are you?” was the first thing he said to you in the car. “Fine.” you answered, still with that poker face of yours. “Y/n, I’m sorry…” he probably noticed the way you hesitantly replied when he apologised. “For what?” you wanted to hear it from him himself. From Lee Donghyuck himself. You wanted him to comfess everything he’s done behind your back and beg for your forgiveness.
“For-For everything that I've done to y-”
“What have you done? Tell me.”
You almost laughed at the way his face dimmed in fear before you continued. “I-I don't want to spoil the mood. So for today, let's just act like nothing ever happened. Okay?” you reached over to his hand that was resting on the gear and played with his pretty fingers. “Okay...” and with that the drive to your date place was in complete silence. A few minutes had passed and the air was beginning to become heavy and awkward. So you decided to speak.
“How were you these past few weeks? Anything big happened?” you stared out the front window casually. "Uh... Nothing. Nothing really happened." he tapped the steering wheel in anxiousness. “I see.” and the awkwardness returned. A while later, Haechan finally parked his car in front of an unknown location. "Where are we? " you questioned once you left the car. “You like surprises don't you? Well, I've got a big one.” he whispered with a sinister smile before taking your hand in his and pulling you somewhere.
It was only 6 pm but it was already starting to get dark as you walked through the alleyway with Haechan guiding you. It seemed like forever and your boyfriend still hasn't stopped walking, so you decided to call him out for it. Stopping dead in your tracks, you halted your steps before tugging on Haechan’s hand. “We've been walking for 15 minutes. Where exactly are you taking me?” you heard the man in front of you sigh as he took a few steps closer to you. “We're almost there, don't worry. I'm not gonna do anything to you.”
It was quite odd that he mentioned possibly hurting you but you simply shrugged it off and continued your way down the path. Finally, you were lead to a hidden empty restaurant that seemed too expensive for any of you to afford. “Behold. Eiffel Love.” he turned to look at you with a proud smile plastered on his face. Indeed, the place was shaped like the Eiffel Tower. It was pointy at the top and from where you were standing, you could see a few seats there. The place was also well lit that you wondered why you've never seen it before.
Walking on, you looked around in awe. It was absolutely beautiful. Soft jazz was playing in the background and you could see a few baristas working on some coffees. Probably for themselves since the place was completely emply except for the many workers. Wait. Why is the place empty? “Hyuck?” you called for the man next to you which he simply replied with a happy hum. “Where's everyone?” you played with his fingers nervously. “What do you mean?" he looked at you with a raised brow. “I mean, why is it empty? We can't possibly be the only ones here.
“Oh I uh…” he scratched the back of his neck mid-sentence. “I reserved the whole place.”
You looked at him in pure shock. Lee Donghyuck reserved the whole restaurant just for a date? “You're joking.” you held his palm firmly. “You can't possibly be serious.” you ranted on. “I am! So you can choose to sit wherever you like.” he flashed a cute smile your way as he anticipated your reply. “I— Fine... Let's sit at the top so we can have some privacy.” you pulled him to the elevator (yes, it has an elevator) in the centre of the restaurant as you heard him mutter a small, “As you wish, princess.”
You chose to sit at the seat closest to the edge so you could get a good view of the beach opposite the restaurant. Just then, a waiter walked up to your table with an iPad in hand as he handed you the menu. As you scanned the menu, you took a quick look at the prices and holy fuck. Even the side dishes costs around £7. You gulped at the prices before you heard Haechan ordering sweet and sour ribs. After receiving expectant looks from your boyfriend, you quickly looked through the menu and ordered the cheapest dish there; Aglio Olio spaghetti which costs around £25.
The both of you thanked the waiter as he left with the menus. It wasn't long before you both started talking again. “It's been so long since we last went on a date. To be honest, I miss you. A lot.” he looked like he was holding back tears when he said that but you were smart enough to not fall for his immature acts. “Miss? Present tense?” you raised a brow and smiled teasingly at him. “Yes. Miss. I missed you then and I still miss you now.” he stared deeply into your eyes.
You didn't utter a single word. Instead, you simply smiled at him generously. You pondered around a thought heavily before finally releasing a heavy breath and meeting Haechan’s eyes. “Why did you do it?” your lips turned into a small frown. “I...” he looked around nervously as you anticipated his answer. “I… It was all just lust— Temporary lust. You didn't think it was actual love right?” he bit his lower lip softly. “Well obviously. Cause you're always with a different girl every time I see you.” smiling provocatively, you poured yourself and your boyfriend a glass of white wine before taking a small sip.
“Every time you see me?” he repeated. “So— this is not the first time?” Haechan questioned you. “Of course not, silly! You actually thought I've never seen you cheat on you me before this?”staring at his shocked face, you chuckled mockingly. “This is a nice place, you've brought me to. Good job.” you complimented his choice of location as you looked around the place once again. “Thank you.” his voice was a mere whiper and he looked completely defeated right now. A part of you felt mentally bad for him but he has to know what you felt before.
Just then, the same waiter from before came stopping by your table. “Butter Crab Aglio Olio and Sweet Sour Ribs?” he stated more than asked. “That’s right.” Haechan backed a bit from the two-seater table to allow the waiter to serve the dishes.
Right as he left, the both of you was once again awkward before the man in front of you decided to speak. “I'm sorry, Y/n.” you know he was afraid to meet your eyes because he was Iooking everywhere but you, trying his best to avoid your sharp gaze. As you were about to answer, he spoke again. “I really am. And— And I just want us to be like the old times when there was zero awkward tension between us. When the only ones we could see was each other. When all we did was love.”
“Then look at me. Look at me in the eyes and tell me you love me.”
You saw the way he hesitated to do so but with you pressuring him with your words, he finally gave in and looked at you full of sorry. “I love you, Y/n. And I know it’s not as easy for you to say it back or even forgive me right now but I just need you to know that there’s no one that can replace you or change the way I feel for you. I love you.” Now, do you know the problem you have whenever you’re with him? You always fall for his charms. You could never hate him even when he is found to be the worst human to ever exist. He's like venom. Addicting but dangerous. I guess you could call him the pink venom considering he did dye his hair pink a few days prior.
“I forgive you.”
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[23rd February, 2021]
“Jeno, where the fuck is my skirt?!” you ran down the stairs hurriedly and glared at your brother. His shoulders raised and dropped as he continued scrolling through his phone. You were… annoyed? You took one of the cushions from the sofa Jeno was sitting on before hitting him in the head with it. He looked a bit taken aback by your bold move. “I know you hid it.” you crossed your arms in front of him “Hey— I have better things to do than hiding your tiny ass skirt!”
"It's not tiny— wait... How did you know…” right then, Jeno was seen sprinting down the hallway leading to his room. But fortunately, you were quick to catch up to him before he got the chance to slam the door on you. "Give it back or I'm telling mum." you frowned deeply at him. "Mum's not home.” Jeno slowly backed away from you and it went unnoticed by you when he secretly grabbed onto a pillow to protect himself with.
When you began taking small steps towards him, he took the same pillow and placed it in front of his body as he looked at you in fear. “Give it to me now.” reaching a hand between the both of you, you tapped your right foot impatiently. “Okay, fine! I took it! But I just didn't want you to wear it!” he confessed. “Why not?” your brows furrowed in confusion. “Because sister, it is the absolute tiniest skirt I've ever seen in all 21 years of my life!”
“‘Tis not!”
“Whatever. Just return it back to me now.” you gestured to your waiting hand. “Then you have to promise me that you're not going to wear it.” Jeno has never looked this serious and you’re smart enough to know it's like begging for death if you dare to break a promise with Lee Jeno, “Fine I-I promise.” you eyed Jeno who abandoned the pillow he was holding and marched towards his walk-in closet before walking back out with a familiar black skirt in hold.
“My skirt!” you screeched in happiness and almost ran towards your brother but he managed to stop you before you could attempt anything. “You’re not going to wear it, right?” he asked for confirmation. “No, I’m not.” you but your lower lip eagerly. “Promise?” Once again, he asked you. “For fuck’s sake, Jeno! Yes, I promise!” This time, you furrowed your eyebrows and stared at him angrily. “Okay, okay, here.” he passed you the skirt distastefully and laid on this bed right after. “Get out.” Jeno pulled out his phone from his right pocket before scrolling through it once again.
Letting out a huff of annoyance, you walked out the door and slammed it shut. Nonetheless, you were happy you got your skirt back.
You paced around your room as you pondered on what to wear to an outing with a friend. More specifically, Romi. You turned your head to look at the folded black skirt on your study chair that Jeno forbade you to wear. You gulped at the sight of it and your hand itched to reach out for it, but your heart speaks louder than your mind and you knew you couldn’t. So you drifted your vision away from the item of clothing and left your room; heading towards your brother’s.
Knocking on the door softly, you pushed the door open just to see your brother laying asleep on his queen-sized bed. Soundlessly you walked over to him and shook his body, “Jeno.” you called out for him, “Jenooo,” you shook his figure harder and when he didn’t respond again, you simply slapped his right shoulder as you said, “You fucking dickhead. Wake the fuck up.” At that, he jolted awake into a sitting position and looked like he had just seen a ghost. “What the fuck, Y/n?” he furrowed his eyes at you as you took a few steps towards his closet and looked through his clothes. “Can I borrow one of your t-shirts?” you took a particular brown tee form the folded tees section and eyed it carefully. “What for?” Jeno questioned curiously from the outside of the closet. “Going out with Romi.” you simplified.
“This late at night? And what time are you coming home?”
“Relax, Jeno. It’s only half past nine. Plus we’re just going to watch a movie.” You shrugged. “No, you can’t. I’m not allowing you to.” He laid back on his bed and moved into his usual sleeping position. “You’re not Mum.” You crossed your arms, “Mum wouldn’t allow it.” his voice was causal and relaxed when he spoke to you. “I’ll call her then.” you insisted. “You don’t have to.” Jeno say up on his bed once again and glared at you warningly. “If I said no, then it means no. You can’t go out at this time of the day. So what I want you to do now is call that friend of your yours and tell her you can’t make it. Your brother doesn’t allow you to. Tell her to postpone it to tomorrow or some other time during day. Now, let me sleep in peace. Goodnight, sister. And close the door on your way out!”
You let out an annoyed huff and slammed the door after walking through it. As you entered your room, you reached over to your phone and called Romi. "Y/n! I was just about to call you. I don't think I can make it tonight. My father's feeling sick again. I'm sorry..." You can hear the guilt in her voice. "Oh, that's great. Not that your father's sick though, I really hope he gets better but I can't make it either. How about Saturday?" You continued postponing the date until the both of you reached a date that you're both available. Minutes passed and it's time you go to bed after ending the call.
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[ 2nd March, 2021 ]
Haechan's arm slid around your waist as he peppered kisses onto your skin from behind. You were completely bare in front of him and you’d be embarrassed if it wasn't for the fact that you could literally feel him twitching against his pants under you. "Y/n..." you heard him moan against your burning skin. His hand that was on your waist quickly reached over to your red clit before playing with it between his fingers. You let out a frustrated whine at the feeling. you couldn't remember the last time you felt this good.
"Hyuck..." your voice turned out shaky when his hand began moving faster. He simply hummed as a response to your call; knowing very well what you needed. You were so close to your release that you could feel it in your throat. Suddenly, you felt a finger slide into your leaking hole and that's when you were sure you were gonna break. But it's never that easy when it's Haechan you're fucking with. Your boyfriend seemed to always know when you're close so when you began shaking in his hold, he swiftly pulled away his hand and smeared you wetness on your inner thighs.
"Fuck you, Lee Donghyuck."
"That's what I'm trying to do."
"Not for me." Even with your back facing him, you knew he had a proud smirk plastered on his face and you were so close to elbowing him from the front. You were slowly getting impatient when he kept stalling so you held Haechan's thighs and and started grinding on his crotch as lewd sounds escaped your parted lips. "Oh fuck..." he mumbled lowly into your right ear which send a shiver down your spine. The gesture lasted for a few long minutes and you could sense that he was enjoying this a little too much. So you had to speak up. "Donghyuck..."
"Yes, baby?"
"N-Need you..." you pressed your ass a tab bit harder on him. "Yeah? Can't hold it any longer?" At that, you shook your head vigorously as tears began streaming down your hot cheeks. "No... Please, I need you in me... S-So bad..."you heard a raspy groan from behind you and by then, you knew you had him. "Shit. That's it." He lifted you off of his lap before manhandling you onto the bed with him on top of you. "I always preferred you on top. But tonight I'm feeling a little different." Haechan was talking whilst taking off his clothes off one by one and you can't miss the fact that you were also undressing him. Not physically though, just mentally.
Your gawked at the sight of him. When did he get so big? You cleared your throat once you felt like you were being too obvious judging by the devious smirk on Haechan's perfect face. "C-Can I?" You gestured to his leaking cock that was on full display for you. "I can't stop you, sweetheart." he half-smiled before instantly shutting his eyes when you touched him gently. "Does it feel good?" Your han dporbably has a mind of its own by now when it started to move at a rhythmic pace. "Fuck yes." You don't think it was possible but he might've gotten harder under your hold.
Your hand stroked him faster when there was a sudden twitch from his length. You almost felt like you were holding a Heaven and Earth tin can. He was so big and hard that he barely fitted in your hold. "Can I have you like this?" you questioned him after stopping your movements all together, "Definition?" he cocked an eyebrow upwards your way at your sudden ask. "I mean, can I fuck you while you're in this state?" Just then, he took your preoccupied hand before throwing it to the side. "I don't know. Can you, pretty?"
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[ 23rd March, 2021 ]
That's it. You thought. This is the last time you're going to see Haechan having his tongue down another woman's throat and feel hurt about it. It was utterly disgusting how brave he is to have done it in such an open area. Almost as if he wanted you to see. So then you got up, walked towards the couple, but before you could get your hands on either of them, someone stopped you. And that someone turned out to be someone you're very close to. Someone you care for. Someone you trust. Someone you'd call your very own brother. "What the fuck, Jen?!" you released his hold on you quite harshly. "No. Not now." His gaze softened at the look on your face. He knew you'd had enough.
"What the fuck do you mean by 'not now'?? Do you know how long I've been waiting to simply knock some sense into him? I've had enough, Jen. Enough of him and his stupid little game he's playing on me. He makes me feel so fucking worthless and I'm disgusted with myself. I trusted him so much to the point where I even let him take my virginity! I-I just want to make him see that I'm not some doll he can mess around with. You're my fucking brother, Lee Jeno! You should understand how I feel!" Hot tears were beginning to roll down your reddened cheeks and you were suddenly aware that you've become everyone in the campus's attention right now. Except for Haechan and his little fling of course. They're too busy in their own world to care about their surroundings.
The moment Jeno saw you in such a vulnerable state, he immediately went towards you an engulfed you in a soothing hug as he brushed your hair softly. "I'm sorry, Y/n. So sorry. But I really can't let you do anything to him today. It hurts seeing you like this and I'm holding myself back from breaking his ribs too. I promise you, in a matter of a few days you'd be seeing him begging for your forgiveness." Jeno hugged you tighter when you cried harder into his chest. "That's not nice..." you hit him softly. "Were you planning on doing anything nice to him?" He pulled back from the hug and stared into your swollen eyes.
A hushed laugh erupted from the bottom of his throat and you felt slightly happier seeing him like this. “This is why you’re my sister. Hey, why don’t we go grab some coffee?” he asked after the both of you had calmed down a little bit. “Right now?” you questioned to which he nodded at. “Sure.”
A couple of days had passed and you were walking side by side with Haechan along a random park nearby. He pulled out his phone and seemed to be looking through it when he abruptly stopped in his tracks. “Y/n… Look at this.” He showed you the school’s page and behold was a picture of you hugging Jeno in the middle of campus. “The caption says these two looked so sweet hugging each other like that. Some witnesses, in the comment section, says that they’re actually siblings and that the girl was crying. Some others say that the girl was ranting to the other about this one guy that she really seems to hate.” He scrolled through the comments on the post without paying much attention to you.
“But these two look a whole lot familiar, don’t you think?” Haechan lifted his gaze from his phone just to see you standing by him with your eyes slightly wider than before. “Nope. Not at all. Let’s keep walking.” You walked at a faster pace as Haechan tried to catch up with you from behind, “Hey, wait up!” he exclaimed as he ran to your side. “But I seriously feel like I’ve seen them before.” He continued. “Of course you’ve seen them before! They go to the same college as we do, don’t they? And besides, the guy in the picture looks nothing like Jeno.” Silence. Haechan stared at you without blinking and that’s when you realised you fucked up.
“You didn’t say it was Jeno, did you?” you squinted your eyes at him. “No. No, I did not.” He had a subtle smirk on his face before he dragged you to an empty bench and sat you down on it. “That’s you in the picture, isn’t it? You and your brother?” He gazed into your eyes sharply as if searching for answers. “Maybe.” You shrugged, “Why were you crying?” he asked. “I wasn’t!” You were defending yourself as hard as you could. “Stop lying, Y/n. I can obviously see it.” His arms were crossed against his chest by now. “Fine. I was crying. And you wanna know why? It was all because of you. You and your little game you’re playing on me. I fucking hate you, Lee Donghyuck. I don’t even know why I’m still with you at this point. I’m sick of being used by you like some kind of toy. You think you’re so smart going around fucking girls behind my back thinking I’m some dumb, stupid girl who is so naive and oblivious to even realise what’s going on. I don’t think you deserve to be called my boyfriend and I hope you realise that.” Releasing a breath of relief, you started to notice the expression on his face while you were talking. He looked smug. As if he knew it was coming.
“Congrats, love. I was waiting for you to finally break. Took you a while though. I was being so obvious. Quite impressed actually. You know, from the moment I saw you, I knew I couldn’t let you go that easily, so I decided to use you. To be frank, sex with you was… immaculate, I can give you that. But it just wasn’t enough, y’know? Hope that explains most of it. You probably won’t forgive me for this but I wasn’t expecting you to do so anyways. Pushing things aside, I have a date in about ten,” He glanced at his wristwatch, “See you tomorrow.” And with that he stood up and left you all alone in the park.
You felt completely numb at that moment. You couldn’t feel anything except the tears running down your heated cheeks. How could he be this cruel? You just wished you could turn back time to when you didn’t know he existed. All he has done ever since he came into your life was toy with your feelings and you couldn’t feel more betrayed and hurt than ever. It’d never crossed your mind that the one person that was there for you when you were at your lowest ends up being the one to break your heart. Did he ever love you? Were you just not good enough for him?
You buried your ruined face in the palms of your hand when there was a sudden comforting pat given to your back. Sobbing, you looked up to face the person just to see someone you never thought you’d see again. “Sicheng?” You sniffed softly. “That’s me.” He smiled reassuringly at you. “What— When did you come back?” Your eyes widened slightly at the realisation that your old friend was sitting right here next to you. “Just a few days ago. I bought a house around here and I thought I’d go for a stroll.” Sicheng shrugged his shoulders playfully which caused you to feel a little bit better at the sight of him. “I’d love to go visit you sometimes and have long talks with you just like we used to but I’m just really not in the mood for anything, right now. I hope you understand, Cheng.” You bit the inner part of your lower lip gently. “I understand. Oh, and speaking of, I… sorta heard your conversation with the guy from earlier… Are you okay?” his eyes was full of concern when he looked at you through his lashes, “Of course I am. Don’t worry about it.” you said as you wiped the tears off your face.
“I’m glad you are.”
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[ 5th May, 2021 ]
You laid in bed as you though of Haechan for the very last time. Maybe it’s better if you just forget about him. But the problem is, you can’t. Even though seeing him fuck around with other girls around you freely hurts, you just can’t seem to let him go. He has this hold on you that you can’t describe. It’s risky, but… no buts. It’s just risky. you realised that you’re only sure you love them once they leave. And once they leave, they’re not coming back. You clenched your fist tightly as memories of him flashes through your mind. You never thought you’d love someone as hard as this, so in order to get rid of the leftover feelings you still have for Haechan, you decided to go to your brother.
Knocking on the door to his room, you waited patiently for it to open. Once it does Jeno was seen standing by the doorframe with his favourite hoodie on looking tired and sleepless. “What happened to you?” you eyed his disheveled state up and down. “What do you want?” his voice was raspy and almost gone. “Lee Jeno, are you okay? You look like you just killed a guy!” pushing him softly into the room, you sat him down on his bed before touching his forehead with the back of your hand. You swore you heard a faint, “Maybe I did.” coming from him but you didn’t care that much about it. “You’re fucking sick! Okay um stay here. I’ll go get you some water and meds.” you tried to get up but there was a hand pulling you back down on the bed.
“No. Sit down. I have to tell you something first.” Jeno managed to speak. “I overheard… Haechan talking about something along the lines of finally getting rid of you and not having a leash around him anymore to Mark the other day and… I don’t know what got into me but I uh… He’s in a coma.” You could see the way Jeno was hiding his gaze from yours but you couldn’t pinpoint why he was doing so. “What does that have to do with you?” you raised a brow his way. “I did it. I-I put him in a coma and-and I think he broke a few bones… Please don’t get mad at me!” What did Jeno do to Haechan until he broke some bones? Your vision went blurry and all you could let out was, “Is he okay?” a part of you was concerned for him. “Does he sound okay?” A cough was heard from him afterwards.
“No… I-I’ll go get your water.” You desperately wanted to avoid this conversation so you got up and left the room. A few minutes later, you came back with a glass of water in one hand and some pills in the other. After making sure he ate them, you once again left his room before make your way back to yours. You were in no mood to ask for his advice anymore. Were you mad at Jeno for hurting Haechan? Not at all. Though, you wished you could’ve been the one to put him in that state though. Luckily he didn’t die. It would’ve been a burden for you to find ways to keep Jeno’s secret all whilst defending yourself. Shutting the door noiselessly behind you, you sighed discontentedly before sitting down on the edge of your bed. Slowly, you felt the right end of your lips curve into a small smile as you thought of the state your ex was currently in.
How pathetic.
Well deserved.
Should’ve broken more than a few bones.
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the literal WORST ending i’ve ever written. forgive me 😭
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boba-at-323 · 1 year
[12:27 AM] note : slight making out || One swear words || Guys I want to hit him so badly.
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Your back was pressed hard against the cold tiled wall of the empty room, but that was the least of your concerns. 
You were trapped between Haechan’s arms which were strongly glued to the wall behind you, refusing to budge. All he did was stare at you with his dark eyes, and all you did was try your best not to look at him because if you did, you knew you might have passed out right there. 
“Why are you running away from me, y/n?” He asked.
He brought his hand to your face, placing his cold fingers between your chin to make you look up at him. 
“Because all you do is play, Lee Haechan.” You spat. 
Finally giving in, you made eye contact with him but shuddered once your eyes met his. God was he captivating–
He smirked at the words which left your lips. He knew he had his spell over you, just like all the other girls. He was attractive, and he exploited that gift of his. He found it amusing how girls would follow him after he left the classroom with the rest of his friends, or how they stuttered whenever they had to talk to him. It was fun playing with one girl or another, but he eventually got bored of it. 
But, you? You were different. He had always been curious about why you never showed any interest in him. Hundreds of girls were after him, but it hurt his pride whenever he saw you walk past him without even looking once. He tried to study you whenever he got the chance, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted you all for himself.
His friend's warning echoed in his mind as he stood there watching you. 
Haechan, you like being chased around, but remember karma exists. Beware of the day the playboy is the one chasing someone around.
You might not have been the most beautiful girl on the campus, but you had been successful in making the school’s playboy fall for you, even if that wasn’t your intention. 
He clicked his tongue and leaned closer to your ear. Once his low, raspy voice hit your ears, chills went running down your spine. 
“Don’t you see, y/n? You’re the one I want.” 
Your knees felt weak. You knew your feelings were wrong. He was wrong. Everything happening in that moment was wrong. But you couldn’t hold back more. He was right there in front of you, inches away. You could live your fantasies right there. Maybe, even if he was playing, you could give in for only the night.
“Fuck you, Donghyuck.” 
You grabbed the collar of his T-shirt and smashed your lips against his. 
This caught him a bit off-guard, but he wasn’t complaining. Afterall, this was where he wanted to be. Your hands shot up to his neck, fingers tangled within his hair as you pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. His hand was still holding your face, the other made its way down to hold you by your waist. He loved how your lips were moving against his, but he wanted more. So, he softly bit your lower lip and pulled away.
He was amused to see how you chased him back. Teasing you was more entertaining than he had thought it would be. You, however, got irritated by the fact that you were actually enjoying what was happening. But it was more annoying to see him laugh at your desperation. Oh, How you wanted to slap that stupid smile off his face sometimes.
“I like you too, Y/n.” He whispered against your lips, leaning in for round two. 
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Title : [12:27 AM] || Word count: 609 || Genre: Angst, Suggestive || Pairing: badboy!haechan x Fem(?)!Reader
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neo-oniii · 2 years
•Toxic Pleasure•(M) Mark x reader x Haechan •
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Part 3
Genre: smut; little bit of fluff; love triangle; Mafia au
Word count: 3.1k
Pairing: Haechan x reader x Mark ft. Yeonjun
Warnings: Oral sex, congolingus fingering, threesome.
Haechan approached y/n, making her look in his direction with slight panic. She couldn't tell if he was playing with her, or was he actually keeping her second identity a secret. There were too many mobsters at the party that she had some, as you would say, "bad" encounters with them.
They finally came close to one another, making y/n feel very uneasy. The smirk on Haechan's face was unsettling, she knew he was thinking of something mischievous. "Hello, y/n nice meeting you once again, isn't it?" Haechan greeted with a fake smile. She knew he was making her anxious on purpose, and it was pissing her off. "What is it, Haechan, right?" She acted. She couldn't risk anyone getting. suspicious of the two. Haechan smirked. He liked how she was acting for the sake of her safety. The tranquil music softly played throughout the room, as mobsters chatted wholeheartedly and rudely. Haechan held his hand out to her and smile.
"May I have a dance with someone as pretty as you?" He asked as he slightly smiled. Y/n was taken aback at the question. She examined his eyes, trying to crack the idea he was planning on his evil brain of his. However, all there was was blank pupils meeting hers, hiding it from her, frustrating her greatly. "I'm-"
"Sorry Haechan, her date would like to have her first dance for tonight." Yeonjun butted in, smirking at the latter. Y/n looked at Yeonjun, who glanced at her with a wink, and sighed in relief. Haechan's mouth was agape as he was shocked by the sudden news. "What the hell?! Since when was he her date? I thought that they were only friends?! This bastard is ruining my plans for tonight!" He fumed inside his head. Despite the anger of the younger, he put on a fake smile and apologized. "I'm sorry, " he said as he gritted his teeth at the older. Yeonjun nodded as Haechan walked away from the two, looking at the young man in disgust as he headed back to the group's table.
Haechan sat down, not taking his eyes off the two supposed "couple." Mark, Jeno, and Renjun were chatting with other mobsters in the room, leaving Jaemin at the table. He was busy sipping from his glass and relaxing to the classical music that played. Haechan had caught his attention when he noticed how he didn't take his eyes off of y/n and Yeonjun. "The surprise guest caught your attention tonight?" Jaemin asked Haechan, smirking onto his glass of champagne as he eyed the man. Haechan nodded, daring himself to not take his eyes off the two. He felt that something was up with the two like Yeonjun sees what the player was planning. The more and more he thought about it, the more he felt his brain warping. Must be because he was a little tipsy. "So, Mr. Playboy, what are you going to do," Jaemin began as he too watched the two close friends dance as they conversated with one another. "Are you going to sit here and watch him take her from your grasp, or are you going to take charge and show him who's the boss?" Jaemin asked as he examined y/n.
He had to admit, she was a beautiful young lady. Those innocent-like eyes of hers are what captivated him the most. He knew they were just there to cover how freaky they were as if she loved to be seduced. He continued on down further to her psyche, memorizing every perfect curve that was on her body. He licked his lips as he continued. She was pretty, but she wasn't his type. He slightly feared that if you pissed her off, she would hurt you in the most ruthless way possible. And he wasn't wrong...
Haechan thought about Jaemin's words and smirked. The way Jaemin asked the question had him in even deeper thought. He had been watching his hyung's actions precisely. Every glance. Every movement. Everything. He knew that Mark is going to at least talk to her alone tonight, and he can't stop that from happening. "Your smirking, playboy!" Jaemin grinned as he looked at Haechan. He began to laugh hysterically. "Gosh! I can't wait to see how this night plays out!" Jaemin smiled as he patted Haechan's back.
"Thanks, Jaem, you've just given me a wonderful idea..."
Yeonjun and y/n looked into each other eyes as they danced with one another. With a hand on her waist and a hand on his shoulder, the two gracefully moved on the dance floor. Majority of the mafia that were there were also on the floor, busting a move. Even though they look like they're having a good time, some of them were glaring daggers into each other.
But Yeonjun and y/n were enjoying their presence, without Beomgyu or anyone interrupting them. "Thanks again for getting me out of Haechan's grasp. I don't know why but every time I'm near him I freeze up and feel unsettling around him." Y/n said as she looked up at Yeonjun. She admired her close friend's features as she looked up at his face. She wondered why someone as good looking as him isn't in a relationship with anyone yet. "Hmm," Yeonjun hummed as he thought about what she said. "Do you two have something going on between you, like blackmail or something?" He asked. The female blushed as she thought about what happened a few nights before. Never in her lifetime of seducing has she let her victim take control. Haechan was her first. Something about the way he threatened her, and dirty talked her made her feel different. He wasn't anything like Mark.
"Why are you blushing?" Yeonjun asked, a slight grin forming on his face. 'Cute' he thought. The girl shook her head and smiled at the taller. "Nothing! Let's just enjoy this moment, shall we?" She suggested, trying to change the subject quickly. Yeonjun looked at her with suspicion before agreeing. The two continued dancing until the song ended.
The friends returned to their seat and continued chatting with one another. Y/n suddenly felt like she was being watched, as if someone was trying to burn daggers into the back of her neck. Her eyes moved around the room, trying to catch the suspect, but failed miserably.
"It's Mark." Yeonjun spoke, staring at her with seriousness. "He's the one staring at you. You get his attention well..." He frowned. The others four members returned to the table, after having a hearty chat with BTS. "Why are you staring at my sister like that?" Beomgyu began as he took a seat. "Hey, give it a rest tonight Beomgyu, they're just spending time with one another. Something they haven't done in a while." Soobin said, smiling at the two, unaware of what was going on. Beomgyu scoffed and let it slide.
"Look at Hyung staring at y/n, unaware of what he's doing to her. It humiliating." Haechan mumbled to himself as he watched the scene in front of him. He had went another table, to get a better view of his new toy, but was disappointed to see find Mark staring cluelessly at the beauty. This feeling inside Haechan concerned him though, as he had no idea why he felt so outraged about his hyung looking at some one night stand of his. After all, Mark was with her first.
Mark stood up and followed y/n out of the room and Haechan smirked. Just as he suspected him to do. He smirked as he watched his plan unfold.
Y/n stood on a balcony as she looked up at the stars. She had forgotten how pretty they lit up the dark sky. It made her fill with tranquility, getting all the things running through her head all night to suddenly disappear.
A tall figure leaned against the door frame as he watched the lady in front of him grin at the twinkling stars. "Beautiful tonight aren't they?" He spoke, startling her. She quickly turned around and her eyes widened. She began to stutter as the male, who was smiling approached her side.
"You don't have to answer since you can't stop stuttering." He chuckled. Y/n frowned and rolled her eyes. "I've been meaning to talk more to you all night." He continued as he looked at the sky. "And why is that?" She asked, a feeling of anxiety creeping into her body. "Well it's about the Mafia business..." He said. "Sorry Mark, but I can't do anything for you right now..." She replied, turning around and walking back inside. "Wait!" He yelled, earning the female to stop in her tracks and turn around.
'She remembered my name...'
"What do you want now?" She asked as she crossed her arms and glared at him. "Can I at least get to know you more, alone?" Mark pleaded. Y/n looked him, trying her best not to give in, but she couldn't. She was memorized in those brown doe-like eyes of his. "Fine. But only for five minutes." She said as she rolled her eyes. Mark smirked in satisfaction. The female stood beside him. "Thank you." He said. "You're mighty nice for a mobster." Y/n said in suspicion. "Oh, trust me. I'm not, I'm just being nice to you. If you were someone else I'd be a different person talking to you right now." He replied seriously.
"Then why are you being so nice to me?" She asked.
"Because y/n you intrigue me." He made eye contact with her, making her look away in uneasiness.
"H-How is that? We just met tonight." She managed to get out. "When I look at your eyes, they resemble the person I tend to have a somewhat liking too. The way they sparkle, her's sparkle the same way..." He said moving closer to her, making her back away a little.
"Look at the time! Five minutes have passed!" She said quickly as she ran to the bathrooms and leaving the male alone on the balcony in confusion.
Mark shrugged his shoulders and left back to the party.
Meanwhile, y/n made her way into the bathroom, running immediately to the sink. He quickly threw some water over her face and took a few deep breaths, Mark's voice replaying in her head like a catchy song. She looked at herself in the mirror. "Shit. Forgot I had makeup on!" She cursed to herself. "Mark Lee, what are you doing to me?" She whispered.
"He's fumbling your brain." A voice from the stall answered. Y/n quickly turned around and glared at the stall door. "What the... Haechan is that you?!" She asked. The stall door opened and revealed the sun kissed skinned male. "What are you doing in here?! What if someone catches us" Y/n freaked out. The male just rolled his eyes. "I doubt it." He smirked as he approached the female.
"You know, your little 'date' has made me feel some type of way. And then you have Mark hyung, who's been eyeing that pretty ass of yours..." He started, trapping the female up against the sink countertop and him. " "And why are you telling me this?" She asked, trying to hide how Haechan was turning her on. "Because it's making me feel attached to you... It angers me see you with them." He said in a low tone. Y/n smirked. "So you're jealous?" She teased, earning the male to slightly tense at her words. "No." He pouted. "It just doesn't sit right with me."
"As if I believe that." She mumbled. "Why would I be jealous? It's not like we're together. We just had a one night stand." He smiled as he looked into the females eyes with mischief. "You're right. That's why I find it amusing how you've gotten attached to me just to because of that." The female stated. Haechan was taken aback. He grabbed the woman's chin and lifted her head, leaning in towards her plump, glossy lips. Y/n felt his hot breath fanning her face and blushed.
"You're funny." The male said before capturing her lips with his, her responding to the kiss immediately. They're make out session went from playful to rough and lust filled in less than seconds. "Shit. I want you so bad right now." Haechan huffed as the two parted they're lips once they began to lose breath. "But now's not the right time..." Y/n responded. Haechan shook his head and smiled. "There's always the right time to fuck, babe." He said, picking the startled female up. He sat her on the sink countertop and stood in between the female's legs. He smirked as he slid his hand underneath her dress and pulled down her panties. "Haechan..." The female said as she was mesmerized by the males facial features. She never noticed how handsome he was until now. "Shh. Let's just enjoy this." He said pulling y/n's underwear completely off.
Y/n suddenly gasped as she felt two fingers insert her. "Fuck-" she moaned as he continued, increasing the speed slowly. "Do you like that?" Haechan smirked as he looked at the heated lady Infront of him. "Y-"
Before she could get her words out properly the door of the bathroom busted open as there he stood.
Mark Lee himself. Witnessing the hot scene that was taking place on the sink countertop.
Haechan looked at his Leader with an smug smile, while y/n froze in shock. "I-" "Oh hey hyung!" Haechan interrupted Mark. "What brings you here?" "Obviously to used the bathroom. But I'll come back another time-"
Y/n left out a moan as haechan thrusted his finger into y/n's tight core. Haechan never averted his gazed off Mark. "Oh I'm sorry y/n. Forgot I was fingering you..." Haechan smiled, clearly telling a lie. Mark looked at y/n for a brief second before turning to leave, only to be halted by the younger question.
"Would you like to join us, Hyung?"
Mark turned his his head, looking back. "No thank you." He replied. "Oh come on! What do you mean by that? You've been stripping her down with your eyes since you laid eyes on her. You're obviously lying!" Haechan fumed. Realizing how angry he sounded, he collected his thoughts and cleared his throat. "So come on. I'm sure this pretty lady right here would loved to be pleasured by us anyways." Haechan looked at y/n and smirked.
Y/n, who was silent the whole time. Looked at haechan with a surprised expression. "W-what?" "Think of it as a welcoming gift. To celebrate you joining the underworld." Haechan smiled innocently. "I- don't know.." y/n looked away with blush creeping up to her face.
Mark looked at y/n's current state.
He thought about "Masked Beauty" and how he felt about her. How much he loved seeing her in the club every chance they got. How they fucked each other senselessly. How he fucked her somewhat out of love and not lust. Then he remembered what happened the last time he saw her. How she left him emotional in that room, and him coming back to Dream's base with sorrow. How he wished that she wasn't seeing some other guy.
"Fuck it. Let's get this started." Mark said as he loosened his tie. Haechan smirked with satisfactory, his plan successful. Y/n looked taken aback from Blue haired males answer. "Wait a-" Haechan pulled his fingers out, causing y/n to gasp. Mark approached the female and attacked her lips. Haechan got on his knees and positioned his face at her heat and dove in, eating her out like she was desert.
Y/n moaned into Mark's kiss as Haechan ate her out. "You taste so sweet." Haechan said up against her thigh. "You should taste her, hyung. She's sweeter than cake." Haechan praised. "Let's switch." Haechan looked up at his hyung with lust. "Okay."
The two males switched spots and Mark began sucking on her clit immediately. "Oh fuck! You're so good!" Y/n let out.
Mark smiled as he looked up at the aroused beauty. Haechan lowered his pants and boxers revealing his rock hard cock. Y/n stared with awe. "Suck it, pretty face." Haechan groaned softly. He put it in her mouth and threw his head back. Y/n began sucking and rolling her tongue on haechan and Mark continued doing a perfect job of pleasuring her. The three continued fucking one another, close to reaching their euphorias.
When the door bursted open, startling the three.
"What the actual fuck?" Yeonjun said.
Taglist: @chenlejjang , @yesohhsehun
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haejaetae-recs · 1 year
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(All fics tagged here!)
Here I've compiled some of my favorite works by some of my favorite writers. I'll add a lot more detail to this masterlist including brief descriptions and my input as found in my reblogs.
Also, if you happen to enjoy their work as well, please support them however you can!
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Quarantine Chronicles by @domjaehyun | Jaehyun, Johnny, Jungwoo, Jaemin, Mark, Jeno, Haechan | 3 pts. 126.7k total | M | roommates au, fwb, uni au
Fourteen days, five roommates, and five remarkably high sex drives. what could go wrong?
I'm obviously a Jaehyun simp but while reading this, I found myself so immersed in the other characters as well (especially Jaemin OOF he's such a freak 😭). Part 1 is basically 20k word long filth smut LOL so like I always say, be warned!
Pussy Fiend by @domjaehyun | Haechan | 2 pt. 68.9k total | M | roommates au, fwb, f2l, some dubcon be warned, uni au
The title truly does explain it all lol. Another @domjaehyun hit. The dynamics not only between HC and MC but all the roommates *muah*. The tension: outstanding. The smut??? *cries*. Yeah, this fic deserves the hype. Part 2 is a must-read.
Bitch Hunters by @tyonfs | Dream '00 line | 4 part series | M
huang renjun, lee jeno, lee donghyuck, and na jaemin are determined to have girlfriends by the end of their college years, but that’s easier said than done when they’re known as the biggest players on campus.
besties (gone sexual) by @tyonfs | Jaemin | 43.4k | M | best friends, fwb2l, slowburn
The final (and longest) installation of the bitch hunters series. Each part is a different dream 00 line member and can be read separately, although they are all a part of the same au. I do recommend reading the prologue found in the series masterlist first!
Na Jaemin, resident playboy and serial heartbreaker on campus, thinks he might have a crush on you [, his] best friend of seven years...
I could say so much about this fic series. I'm lowkey attached to every Tyonfs character I've ever read about. I loved every part, but Jaemin's hit especially hard, probably because of the length (that's what she said). It's not only the amazing story between Jaemin and his girl, but also expands the au so much and brings it to life. The ending made me feel like I was watching the finale of the last season of a TV show. So so good. Like I said, the parts can be read separately, but they're stronger when read in order. <3
Use Me by @yutaholic | Taeyong | 19k | M | bbf
You've had a crush on Taeyong, your brother’s best friend, for as long as you can remember, a crush made worse by the fact he’s completely off-limits. When Taeyong suddenly confesses you haven’t been alone in your feelings, you start sneaking around to be together, risking it all not to get caught.
One of my favorite Taeyong fics of all time *chef's kiss*. I love that the story is so heavy on the mc's life and development without taking too much away from the romance.
no one wishes at the snow by @neoculturetravesty | Jaehyun | 18k | M | fake marriage, single parent
Marrying for love was for the fortunate few. Marrying for love happened in fairytales and movies and dramas. Not real life. In real life, everyone married for convenience.
<Husband Jaehyun3 <3 So unique and well-written! If you're looking for a really good fic to take you on an emotional ride, this is the one!
cat & mouse by @tyonfs | Jaemin | 17.7k | M | uni au, fwb, brother's best friend, athlete/sports
rule number one of bro code states that sisters are completely off-limits, and, y/n, we just pushed that limit.
This fic is perfection, honestly. Idk why I didn't add it to this list sooner, seeing as the series was one of the first things I rb'd on this blog.
this is (not) easy. by @mrkis | Mark | 13.2k | M | uni au, fwb, bffs2l
Getting into a friends with benefits situation with your all time best friend was so (not) easy...
This is why I love the fwb trope so much. Angsty but not too angsty, and the smut scene where he makes love to y/n before trying to end things/confess. UGH. Big D Mark 4ever <3
Freaks by @2jaeh | Jaehyun | 8k | M | uni au, social difference, cheating
The campus bad girl has her eyes set on the preppy good boy, and she always gets what she wants...
Freaks: The Prequel by @2jaeh | Ten, Taeyong | 11.8k | M | uni au, fwb, revenge, 3some, mxm
A story of why the entire campus were almost certain that you Taeyong and Ten were in a poly affair. 
I adore the dynamic between TaeTenY/n, and I enjoyed reading Jae's internal struggle not only with his feelings toward mc but also with himself!!! Tbh, I get second lead syndrome from TY even though he's not meant to be a second lead, so I find myself gravitating towards the prequel, haha. 3 biases, one au. Really does it for me.
Playing the Game by @sluttyten | Taeyong | 11.7k | M | uni au, fwb, f2l, just a tiny bit angsty
Taeyong’s been your best friend for a few years now, but sometimes it gets a little hard to just be his friend. you’re at university and there’s no better time to blur that line between friends and a little bit more, to make your lives just that much more messy. 
Friends helping friends ahahah... I love his character in this a little too much and reread this fic when I'm having Taeyong brainrot. Perpetually in my TY era.
Pretty Boy by @ncteez | Mark | 9.3k | M | social differences
[Upon] realizing your grades have dropped drastically due to [your] lifestyle, you have no choice but to approach Mark for help. 
Hot nerd trope gets me weak in the knees every time LOL especially when the smut is this good *chef's kiss*
Mine too by @waithyuck | Haechan, Jaehyun | 7.5k | M | poly, mxm, 3some
Despite being in a consensual poly relationship with you and Jaehyun, Haechan is reluctant to touch you. You start to think he doesn't care for you until something switches in him after one steamy night...
My ults in a poly fic l- this was meant for me to find. Read this one multiple times and I think about it a lot because it exposed me to poly mxm and literally changed me LOL. Also, I loveeee how there's this sense of tenderness and fondness underneath the pure lust and desire between hc and mc.
In Your Arms by @sluttyten | Jaehyun, Mark | 6.5k | M | uni au/frat, fwb, are we seeing a trend with me and fwb fics???, 3some, a lil mxm, Halloween
(Part of the author's kinktober) Mark finds out you've been secretly hooking up with his and your other best friend, Jaehyun; Mark has a secret(s) of his own.
“Are you two not fucking? I thought this was an all three of us kind of thing?” THAT LINE ALMOST TOOK ME OUT I SWEAR LMAO. I keep coming back to this one ngl. The dynamics are just so unique and well done and I'm a sucker for service top Markie hehe <3
Still wondering how long those two had been at it tho... 🤔
late night driving by @jjsneo | Chenle | 5.6k | M | roommates
Chenle swears he’s going going crazy with cabin fever inside your shared house — and there’s no way you’re saying no to a late night drive with the roommate you so desperately have a crush on. who cares if his original story was a lie and, secretly, he just wanted to be alone with you.
DAMN. Chenle smut is so scarce around here, but THIS alone makes up for that, lol. I love how sweet it started out. The smut part lowkey caught me by surprise. Once again DAMN. Please read this.
amortentia (the room smells like absolute shit) by @tonicandjins | Haechan | 2.8k | hogwarts au, e2l-ish, cute stuff ♪(´ε`*)
It’s no secret that the ongoing cat-and-mouse game between you and Slytherin House’s very own Lee Donghyuck remains unceasing from the day you and him were sorted five years ago to this day...
At the time of me reading this, I'm playing Hogwarts Legacy and am OBSESSED. On top of that, I'm a Ravenclaw, and this whole blog's aesthetic is inspired by HP (hence the dark academia). Anyway, this was really cute, and I love school crush tropes, especially when it's paired with enemies to lovers, I just- *sigh* Having knowledge of the series definitely makes this more enjoyable, as I was imagining everything happening and the surroundings.
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weirdkpopgirl · 2 years
Irresistible | Haechan Fic #1
Title: Irresistible
Genre: High School Romance; Enemies to Lovers
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 2481k
Author’s Note: This is an imagine that was requested by another anon. This one is kinda long, so I’m sorry. I really don’t think this was that great, so I apologize for that too. Thanks for reading anyway 😅
Lee Donghyuck had a nice life. He was handsome, he was smart, and he could charm any teacher. Everyone liked him, except for one person. 
To label Lee Donghyuck and Choi (Y/n) as enemies wasn’t quite right. But they certainly didn’t like each other very much. 
Most likely because he and (Y/n) were polar opposites. In their homeroom, (Y/n) was the quiet girl in the back of their class who got the best scores on exams. She wasn’t in any particular group, but she did have one or two friends who hung around her during breaks. Unlike Donghyuck, being a social butterfly, was nearly always surrounded by people (mostly girls).
In his mind, it was so easy to get a girl to swoon for him. He had broken plenty of hearts but they still loved him. However, the only girl he wasn’t able to crack was (Y/n) and it annoyed him to no end. That was how the endless teasing from him started. He’d purposely bump into her in the lunch line, make jokes about her “plain”appearance, and bug her for answers to the homework.
No matter how much the boy agitated her, (Y/n) tried her best not to give in. The more he pestered her, the more her dislike for him grew. All she saw was an egotistical playboy who clearly couldn’t understand the word “stop.”
“Donghyuck, please leave me alone!” She said to the boy sitting at the desk in front of you. 
He smirked, “You don’t have to pretend (Y/n)-ah. I know deep down you can’t resist me.”
“In your dreams,” (Y/n) rolled your eyes. Luckily, the teacher Ms. Kwon, came in before Donghyuck could bother you anymore.
“Alright students,” Ms. Kwon called everyone’s attention. “I’m going to announce your research project.”
The class groaned when they heard this. No one liked school projects. They took up so much time, and they took a big portion of their grades.
Ms. Kwon sighed, “Stop complaining and listen! You’ll be able to do this in the groups I have already assigned to you.”
This additional news did little to lift the kid’s spirits. Meanwhile, (Y/n) sat in her seat nervous to hear what the assigned groups were. She already hated the idea of having to talk to people and meet them outside of school. They’d probably make her do all the work anyway.
“You will research and analyze a musician that you as a group choose,” Ms. Kwon explained as she brought a paper out. 
(Y/n) waited nervously as she waited for the teacher to call her name. 
“Group 3 will be Lee Jeno, Ko Suyoung, Na Jaemin, Choi (Y/n), and Lee Donghyuck.”
She nearly stood up from her desk because of this outrage. She was familiar with most of those classmates listed, but Lee Donghyuck? Why did it have to be him of all people?
She wanted to hit her head against her desk, especially when the boy turned around with a teasing smile. This was seriously going to be the worst.
~ ~ ~
At least (Y/n) had one friend in the group to keep her sane, Suyoung. After school, Jaemin suggested going to the library nearby to discuss things for the project. Once they found an empty table, they started to work.
(Y/n) told herself that no matter how much she was against Donghyuck, she wouldn’t let him ruin her grade. But a few minutes in, he was already being annoying. He was barely staying on task. He kept making jokes and changing the conversation.
“Can you please focus?” She said through gritted teeth.
Haechan leaned back in his chair haughtily. “Come on (Y/n)-ah, don’t be such a killjoy. Part of being in a group means we need to bond, don’t we?”
“By bonding, you mean bragging about the latest version of some stupid video game you just bought?” She scowled at him. “We haven’t even picked the person we’re going to research yet, because of you!”
The boy clucked his tongue, ready with another comeback. But he was stopped by Suyoung slamming her book on the table, calling both of your attention.
“Stop it guys,” She spoke firmly, looking at them both. “We’re not going to get anything done if you keep arguing.”
(Y/n) looked around the table with frowns, realizing how easily distracted she had gotten. For the sake of the project, she had to pull herself together.
“You’re right. I’m sorry,” She lowered her head in embarrassment, refusing to make eye contact with Donghyuck again.
Jeno gave you an understanding smile, “It’s okay, (Y/n)-ah. Donghyuck can get on all of our nerves sometimes.”
“I can hear you, ya know.” Donghyuck sent him a look.
(Y/n) chose to ignore Donghyuck to the best of her ability for the rest of the meeting. Thankfully, everyone was able to pick a person and divide up roles on who would be in charge of what. 
Throughout the rest of the week, the group met up at the same place to work. As a group, they were able to agree on mostly everything and were pretty productive. Surprisingly, Donghyuck didn’t bother (Y/n) too much after the first time.
It was already the middle of the week, and everything seemed to be flowing smoothly. It had been raining earlier, and it didn’t seem to stop by the time they were done. Tugging on her bookbag, (Y/n) glanced out the glass doors warily. Almost everyone had left already, she had stayed back to get some extra work done.
(Y/n) pushed through the doors and stepped out where she was still safe under the external roof of the library. She hesitated slightly, putting her hand out to feel the droplets land in the palm of her hand. Just as she braced herself to get wet, the presence of another stopped her from taking another step forward. 
“Pabo-yah, you’re going to catch a cold,”  Donghyuck scolded, “Did you forget to check the weather today?”
She stared at him bewildered, as he placed a gray umbrella in her hands.
“I can’t take this. Then you’ll be the one who catches a cold,” (Y/n) frowned.
The boy shrugged, “I’ll be fine, my house isn’t too far away from here.”
“Are you sure—” 
“See you at school tomorrow!” He cut her off and ran out, leaving (Y/n) in utter confusion.
Did Lee Donghuck just do something nice for her?
~ ~ ~
(Y/n) still didn’t believe what Donghyuck had done the other day. His expression seemed so calm, compared to the mischievous smile he always wore around her. The next morning in class, Donghyuck came looking unwell. She shook her head in disapproval when he sat at his desk with his head down.
“And he scolded me about not getting sick,” She muttered to herself.
Honestly, (Y/n) couldn’t ignore the guilt in her throughout the rest of the school day. Donghyuck barely talked to anyone and kept dozing off during class. 
“Dude, you look awful,” Jaemin said when they were back at the library in the afternoon. They weren’t there because of the project, but to study for their upcoming math test.
The boy shot his friend a glare. “Thanks, Jaemin-ah, I had no idea.”
“Hey, isn’t that (Y/n)?” Jeno who sat across from them pointed out. “I didn’t know she was coming today.”
Donghyuck lifted his head to see it was indeed (Y/n) who was wearing a determined look. She came to sit in the empty chair beside him and reached for something in her bag.
“Take this, so you don’t get any worse,” She ordered, handing him a box of cold medicine.
He took a look at the medicine in slight suspicion. “When did you get this?” 
“I stopped by the convenience store after school,” (Y/n) replied quickly, and brought out her folder. The guys watched in bafflement as she took out a few pieces of notebook paper and also gave them to Donghyuck.
She tried to avoid his gaze. “I figured you weren’t able to pay attention today. So I made a copy of my notes for you.”
“Wow, that’s so considerate of you (Y/n)-ah,” Jaemin smiled at her. “I wish a girl would do that for me.”
“Only since he let me borrow his umbrella the other day,” (Y/n) said quietly. “You wouldn’t have gotten sick if it weren’t for me.”
Donghyuck was honestly shocked that she actually took the time to do all this for him. Surely, he didn’t ask her to buy medicine and give him her notes. He wasn’t used to (Y/n) treating him so…nicely. He swore he felt his heart skip a beat.
Since that day, Donghyuck and (Y/n) strangely started to get along. They were able to work well together and talk without fighting. Their group could barely believe the change.
Once (Y/n) got to know the boy, she realized that he wasn’t actually that bad. He could be sweet and kind at times. For a moment, (Y/n) forgot about her previous dislike for him and his reputation. Suddenly, she found herself having these feelings she’s never had for Donghyuck. Though she was able to hide it well around their friends, on the inside she was going insane.
Time flew by, and their group finished the project with an A+. (Y/n) couldn’t help but be a little sad that it was over. Now there was no excuse to see each other outside of class.
“You know, I think Lee Donghyuck likes you,” Suyoung said to (Y/n) one day at lunch. “Did you just see the way he looked your way when we passed by each other in the line?”
(Y/n) tried not to blush, as she stared down at the food in her metal tray.
“Doesn’t he look at all girls?”
Suyoung shrugged, “Yeah. But he used to hate you and now he’s changed his tune all of a sudden. Don’t you think it’s weird?”
“It’s probably nothing,” (Y/n) brushed her off. Although she secretly hoped her friend’s suspicions were correct.
Later that day when (Y/n) was walking out of school, Donghyuck caught up to talk to her.
“Hey (Y/n)-ah.” She looked at the boy with slight suspicion. 
“What is it, Donghyuck?”
(Y/n) was pretty sure this was the first time she’s seen him hesitate.
“Well, I was wondering if you were busy this Saturday,” He started to say, acting nonchalant. “There’s this movie that I’ve been wanting to see, but the guys said no. I heard it’s really cool so…do you want to go watch it with me?”
She looked at Donghyuck with a blank expression, unsure what to make of this suggestion. Was it just her or did he just ask her out?
“Um…yeah I think I should be free,” (Y/n) said slowly, adjusting the straps on her bag. 
This situation felt so unfamiliar to her. Before she had never imagined herself liking Donghyuck, much less going on a date with him. But he made her heart feel so giddy, and he was kind of cute. 
Donghyuck flashed her a bright smile, “Great! I’ll text you more details later. You won’t regret this, (Y/n)-ah.”
The next day, (Y/n) was crossing through the school library to go find Suyoung to tell her what happened. As she passed through, she spotted Donghyuck with Jaemin. Happy to see him and his friends, she made her way over to say hi. But she stopped when she heard them talking.
“Me? Like Choi (Y/n)?” Donghyuck scoffed. 
Jaemin cocked a brow. “Huh, I thought you did.”
“Why would I? She’s lame and boring,” He deadpanned. “I like girls that are more bold.”
(Y/n) took a step back, accidentally bumping into a chair in the process. The boys quickly turned their heads at the noise, surprised to see her standing there.
Donghyuck cursed, “(Y/n)-ah, how much did you hear?”
Her furious glare would have burned a hole through him. (Y/n) didn’t respond to his question and stormed away. Donghyuck called after her and brought her in between the bookshelves.
“(Y/n)-ah, I can explain,” Donghyuck said. 
But she yanked her hand out of his grip. She didn’t want to hear what he had to say.
“I should’ve known you wouldn’t change. You’re still just a stupid jerk who was playing with my heart.”
“If you just listen to me—”
“I was such a fool to think for even a second, that you might actually like me.” She blinked her tears away. She felt so stupid.
His expression fell as if he had nothing to say. Confirming her thoughts, (Y/n) started to walk away.
Then just before she could get away again before she felt him grab her by the arm. Prepared to yell at him to let her go, Donghyuck spun her around and crashed his lips onto hers.
Her eyes grew larger, in surprise at the boy’s sudden actions. (Y/n) wanted to fight back, knowing this was wrong. He moved his lips against hers, and she could feel so much passion. So she closed her eyes and let the remaining resistance leave her. 
His hand rested firmly on the back of her head. The other one snaked around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Her fingers gripped tightly onto his uniform jacket. When they pulled away, (Y/n) was nearly out of breath.
“I’m sorry.” He spoke first before she could say anything. “Jaemin was teasing me about liking you earlier, and I was embarrassed. So I said those things to get him off my case.”
(Y/n) shook her head as she processed this information. “What?”
“I didn’t mean any of it,” Donghyuck breathed. “You’re pretty, you’re smart, and you’re caring. Choi (Y/n), I’m crazy about you.”
She stared at him in disbelief that he was confessing all this to her. He took her hand in his and looked her in the eyes. (Y/n) could see how serious he was.
“You’re right, I am a jerk,” He said, “But I don’t want to be anymore. I want to be with you, and only you.”
Donghyuck anxiously waited to hear your response. She hated him for causing her to go on this roller coaster of emotions. But he had kissed her so sincerely…he had to be telling the truth, right?
“I’ll forgive you, just this once,” She muttered. “And…I like you too.”
It didn’t take long for the boy to smile. “I knew you couldn’t resist me.”
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, and grabbed him by the collar for another kiss. She could feel Donghyuck’s smile. Yeah, he surely wasn’t going to be able to get enough of her.
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loufi8iepuff · 7 months
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6 reasons I hate boys ~ Haechan x reader (Not really enemies, he is just an f-boy and I didn’t know where to put this…)
You and your friends have a pact, no dating unless you are. This is only fair seeing as you’re highly unlikely to ever get in a relationship, seeing as you tend to brush off every males advances. Unfortunately for you though, Na Jaemin really wants to date your friend, he’ll do anything! Even go as far as pay Lee Haechan, resident playboy, to change your mind about the whole dating thing. 
Obstacle ~ Yeonjun x reader
you were dedicating this summer getaway on confessing your feelings to choi soobin, but what happens when choi yeonjun was constantly in the middle of your plans?
Open the door, mr. Choi! ~ Yeonjun x reader
going up to yeonjun's dorm, the man you believe to be a complete tool, and asking to use his shower isn't very fun.
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tqmies · 1 year
6 Reasons I hate boys - teaser
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Description. You and your friends have a pact, no dating unless you are. This is only fair seeing as you’re highly unlikely to ever get in a relationship, seeing as you tend to brush off every males advances. Unfortunately for you though, Na Jaemin really wants to date your friend, he’ll do anything! Even go as far as pay Lee Haechan, resident playboy, to change your mind about the whole dating thing.
Pairings. Lee Haechan x Female Reader
Genre. Romance, Enemies!(Sorta)To!Lovers, Comedy,
Warnings. sexual innuendos, drinking, angst, crying, and more probably.
Word count. Estimated 13K maybe? I’m at 10k currently haha. 
Teaser Length: 1.6K
Note: Send an ask or drop a comment to be added into the taglist when I post the full fic! Hehe brownie points if you can guess what this is slightly inspired by (like it’s not totally obvious by my banner) 
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You laid sprawled on your couch as your friends continued to gossip. This was a normal thing, you’d invite your friends over, have a few drinks and gossip would ensure. You didn’t mind it, truth be told, but there was a reason today was particularly sour.
Na Jaemin, Huang Renjun, and Lee Jeno had crashed your impromptu get together. Well, more like Yeji invited them, bless her heart. But did she really have to? Her explanation was that her and your other friend Chaewon ran into them on campus. From there, they had invited the boys to drink with them.
Sure, you get it, the boys paid for the alcohol. But really? Was it necessary?
They had taken all the attention away, practically commanding the room, and you couldn’t stand it. Of course! Here come’s buff jock Jeno, charming Jaemin, and pretty boy Renjun to steal the spotlight. And you detested all of it.
You and Karina sat with mild scowls on your faces, her’s from her lack of knowing other guests were invited. Being your roommate, she had done little besides change into a fresh pair of sweatpants and t-shirt, not expecting boys to come over. She freaked out for like five minutes after opening the door, you assuring her that she looked fine, but she was peeved for lack of warning anyways.
She took the loss and just decided to sit in self loathing over these boys seeing her without makeup. Doing little to contribute to the conversation, you just twisted the string on your hoodie as they called out your name.
“Do you have any lemons?” Jeno asks, looking over at you. His tone somewhat softer, trying not to piss you off. Even though he was already failing.
You barely even realize it’s you that he’s addressing, having tuned everyone out. You almost roll your eyes as your face scrunches upon realization of his question. “Why do you need lemons?”
“Jaemin likes his vodka with some lemon juice.” He explains, the other staring at you expectantly before looking between you two.
Of course he does, you just sigh and get off your spot in the couch. Karina follows after you, clinging onto you as a source of warmth. She didn’t want to be left alone without you after all.
“What kind of guy drinks their vodka like that? Be a man!” She mutters, pulling out a cutting board and knife as you open your refrigerator in search of the lemon.
“I don’t even know if we have one.” You say, standing in front of your fridge with your hands on your hips. Digging through the drawers, you pull out the only round object to be found. “We have a lime.”
Karina snorts and grabs it from you, slicing it in half. “It’ll have to do.”
You laugh at her remark as she makes her way back into the living room with the wedges of lime. Karina was your oldest friend, you two meeting in middle school. Attending university and living with her was a no brainer, and it was going really well. During your freshmen year, you two had met Yeji in the library, Karina befriending her after basically living there during exam season. You two welcomed her into your friendship shortly after that. She then introduced you to her desk partner in finance class, which was Chaewon. You guys all clicked and that led to your little found family that you had here.
You hoped these boys didn’t expect to squeeze their way into this sisterhood.
Karina hands Jaemin the lime, shrugging as he looks at it, then back at her. He awkwardly smiles and squeezes it into his drink. Though you can definitely tell he thinks this is the worst thing in the world, well at least he’s polite.
You and Karina go back to practically cuddling on the couch, her head right next to yours as you share a blanket. For the next ten minutes, you two sit in silence showing each other pictures on your phone, to which earns a nod or a hum of agreement.
The others sit on the floor, around your rectangular coffee table, with the bottles all over it. Yeji nudges Chaewon though, tilting her heads towards you two. You guys were usually so loud, had something happened?
Yes, something happened. Boys happened.
“Don’t you guys wanna sit down here?” Chaewon asks, patting the carpeted ground next to her. “And have a drink maybe? I haven’t even seen you two touch your cups.”
Renjun speaks up. “Yeah, you guys should come talk!”
“We,” You begin, gesturing a between you and Karina. “Are talking plenty.”
“How’s the lime, by the way?” Karina speaks up, smirking at Jaemin.
Jaemin just gives a forced smile and a thumbs up, though his drink remains untouched minus a sip. And even that, was a stretch.
Yeji gestures for you two to come sit, giving you two a stern look this time. She definitely was just wondering why you guys were acting so reclusive. She’s adamant, you’ll give her that.
Deciding that, maybe you’ve had enough attitude for one day, you take Chaewon up on her offer, plopping next to her. The spots also next to Renjun, who you deem to be the most bearable of the boys, so its not too bad. Karina sits on the opposite side of Chaewon, sandwiched between her and Yeji. Damn, you should’ve thought of that first.
“So, are you all single, or what?” Jeno asks, pouring himself another shot. He asks only out of genuine curiosity, but you think your demeanor spoke for itself.
You lied, you can never have enough attitude in one singular day.
Yeji nods. “Yeah, for a while now.”
“Can I ask why?” Jaemin asks, taking a sip of his drink. “I find it hard to believe none of you have found anyone you’ve liked here.”
“Why is that hard to believe? I find boys quite insufferable.” You speak, finally letting yourself have a taste of that vodka. The boys turn to you and you smile back sarcastically, having no qualms about what you had said.
“That’s why.” Chaewon sits up, looking at you. “We have this sort of, pact thing.”
“You really wanna get into this now, Chae?” Karina pipes up, knowing how this usually goes.
“A pact?!” Jeno looks confused.
“We have this rule, since we started this year, that we wouldn’t date anyone. You know, to keep our focus on academics and our jobs.” Yeji explains, the boys looking at you like you were all crazy. This was the normal response, shocked and somewhat disappointed looks, not like you cared though.
“So what? Plenty of people do that and still have relationships.”
“We’re just trying to stay as focused as possible.” Karina defends, shooting you a knowing look.
“There is however,” Chaewon starts, putting down her empty glass. “One exception to the rule.”
“Well?” Jaemin asks, leaning closer like a kid waiting to be told an answer.
“Yn is the most responsible one between all of us. If anyone can do both, it’s them. Therefore, if she gets a boyfriend, the rest of us are free to date!”
“That sounds stupid.” Renjun deadpans, and you’d kind of agree. It wasn’t even your idea anyways, they just held you to such a standard that they believed the day you got a boyfriend would be the end to all. Therefore, they placed their bets on staying focused onto you staying single. Normally, you’d be offended, but so far it was shaping up to be true.
“We take this super serious as well.” Yeji nods. “Absolutely no boyfriends unless she has one. It’s just the pact of this friend group.”
“Plus, Yn runs from boys like the plague. So it only seems viable to stake our academic performance on her.” Karina adds on, shooting you a teasing smile.
“Wow thanks guys.” You mumble. “I feel so loved.”
Chaewon rolls her eyes. “You don’t have a boyfriend because you don’t want one. We are just following in your example.”
“So basically, this exception is impossible. Which is why you put it as one?” Renjun tries to follow and all the girls nod in response.
Oh Jaemin was in deep shit now. He knew about you, everyone in the room did. You laughed in the face of anyone who tried to romantically peruse you, not that they wanted to anymore anyways. Last time he heard a boy try to hit on you, it ended horribly for the entire hockey team.
To put it plainly, you were never going to get a boyfriend.
Jaemin wishes he had known about this before he fell head over heels for Chaewon. How could he not? That girl is perfect! But now upon hearing about her absolute refusal to date, this only meant certain rejection for him. He wanted to just be swallowed into your deep shaggy carpet, just let Jeno pry him out with a stick or something. This was just mission impossible, and he was no Tom Cruise.
“So none of you have dated before?” Jaemin asks, hoping he can get a hopeful response out of his crush.
“I had a boyfriend when I met Yn,” Karina starts, face turning sour. “Let’s just say there’s a reason I was down for this agreement.”
“Never had time.” Yeji looks away, clearly embarrassed at sharing her lack of relationships.
“Me neither!” Chaewon agrees, and Jaemin all but deflates. She was absolutely unattainable, as if she wasn’t before, it’s even more amplified now!
“And you?” Renjun asks, giving you a small smile as he tries to include you in the conversation. Though, you're not really having it.
“Doesn’t really matter, does it? It’s not like I’m getting one now.” And with that you decide to find solace in your phone, choosing to ignore the rest of the conversation for the night. If only it was that simple.
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zchnlswrld · 1 year
🍓 fluff | 🌀 angst | ☁️ hurt/comfort | 🎧 personal favourite
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[ 01.36 ] spider-man!mark | ☁️
[ 10.05 ] badboy!jaemin | 🍓 ☁️
[ 18.09 ] prince!chenle | 🍓☁️ 🎧
[ 23.39 ] racer!jisung | 🌀 🎧
back to main masterlist
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ligayangdala · 2 years
request list,
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admins lia & gaia here. we're both thankful sa binibigay niyong feedbacks saming dalawa since we posted our first fic, and we gained followers na hindi namin inexpect!
as of now, july 24th, 2022, CLOSED po ang inbox/ask namin for requests. remember lang guys, that we accept smut, fluff, romance, and angst. please specify the genre na rin! please be reminded na hindi right away mapopost namin 'yun, but rest assured they will be posted! and kung gusto niyo rin na with music 'yung request niyo, add niyo na rin sa ask niyo para malagay namin kapag pinost na.
free rin kayong mag-rant and kausapin lang kami sa inbox/asks! mag-rant lang kayo about sa crush niyo, sa jowa niyo o sa kung sino pa 'yang iniisip niyo, our inbox is always open for you (syempre, kung hanggang saan lang kayo comfortable, dun niyo lang ishare samin hahaha). anonymous asks won't be turned off unless magka-problem.
oh siya, tama na chika. ito 'yung mga nareceive naming requests so far (in no particular order and genre):
bf!jeno na mahilig dumdede, pt 2
bf!renjun, choking kink
clingy bf!jisung
mark breeding kink
mile high club with kun
car sex with jeno
backstage with rakista!jeno
shy, nerdy bf!mark
ml player!chenle
bf!jisung, clingy!reader
dilf!johnny (ph setting)
hs bf!jeno
bff!renjun, corruption kink
secret bf!hendery
ceo, secret lover!doyoung
busy bf!mark
gym shenanigans with sungchan
teacher assistant!jeno
taguan ng anak with jeno
riding bf!jisung
arranged marriage with doyoung
fuckboy!jaemin with good girl!reader
basketball player!chenle
cyber sex with bf!mark
pilot!kun, fa!reader
innocent!reader x badboy!jeno (ft. kuya!johnny)
dad!jeno witnessing his baby's milestones
husband!jeno from a business trip
academic rival!haechan
zoom classes with bf!yangyang
soft, slow, makeup sex with hubby!haechan
college lovers to parents with jeno
good girls go bad with jeno
sugar daddy!jeno
bf!jisung with drunk!reader
ie-edit rin namin 'to from time to time, kaya pwede niyong mamonitor kung napost na ba namin 'yung request niyo or hindi pa.
maraming salamat, mga mare!
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what-if-nct · 2 years
I’m so obsessed with this song “what is love” by EXO-k like I wish kpop idols can make more songs like this 😭😭😭
What is Love was the first Exo song I ever heard probably cause I was there since the beginning. I love that song so much. Kyungsooooo's voice oh my gosh. And Jongdae's voice in the Chinese ver. I actually can't sing the Korean version without singing the Chinese version. I was an EXO- M girl!! So many songs I only know the Chinese version except Wolf then Monster and beyond. But yes we need more R&B they have so many artists who's voices were made for R&B Onew, Kyungsoo, Jongdae, Taeil, Haechan, Xiaojun, Jaehyun, Doyoung. Oh my god BABY DON'T CRYYY!!! and Playboy. I need more R&B the moment Exo is one again. And 7th Sense!!! The best debut song to ever exist. Like come on SM more R&B I demand it! We demand it! Also since Dream is literally the same age TVXQ was for Wrong Number, just the whole Mirotic album. Can we get dream doing something like Wrong Number please. Like have you heard Chenle, Renjun & Haechan. Theyre voices call for it. Wayv can't be the only one giving us the R&B hits. But Wayv R&B comeback now please. I'm watching the Wrong Number MV now and like they were really 22 - 20, like I could have sworn they were like grown ass men. Yeah they'd never let dream do this. By whyyy? It's sooo good. I miss it. I don't wanna see 20+ year olds act like kids forever.
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dongfuck · 2 years
#1 Pink Venom - l.dh
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pairing: manipulator playboy!haechan x fem!reader ft. jaemin
genre: smut, angst, fluff
warnings: double cheating, multiple sex scenes (two to be exact; with different people), oral (both receiving), lots of making out, semi public sex, unprotected sex, fingering, teasing, switch mcs, dirty talking, alcohol consumption, slight grinding, nipple play, neck sucking, slight boob play, slight manhandling
wc: 10.7k (actually proud of myself)
note: i’m using go era haechan in the first part of this fic. also, there will be a jaemin cut at the end 🤫🤫
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[ 28th May, 2020 ]
You walked through the long hallways of your new university. You didn’t want to move. You never liked moving. But it wasn’t like you had any other choice. Besides, your brother studies here so why the hell not you too? There was only one reason why you light heartedly agreed to move schools and that was simply because you didn’t want to face the lecturers that treated you like garbage. You were getting along well with the people there, the teachers were the only problem. But I mean, at least getting treated like you’re not worth a dime is better than them acting as if you’re invisible, right?
You took note of the way the students there were all so friendly. You could ask a dozen questions and they’d still be delighted to answer them. Walking a little bit further, you saw a shoulder-length haired girl putting some stuff into her locker before shutting it close. She looked about your age so you decided to approach her. “Hello, I’m Lee Y/n. I’m new here. I was wondering if you know the whereabouts of my brother, Lee Jeno?” You managed to form a pretty smile on your lips. “Lee Jeno? You mean the captain of the baseball team, Lee Jeno?” She looked at you with her eyes wide.
“I… think so?” You knitted your brows together as you waited for her answer once again. “Your brother… is Lee Jeno? I-I think— He’s… probably out… somewhere… I have to go. Sorry.” and with that she ran past you in full speed. Hm. Maybe you should take back what you said about them being ‘friendly’. Just as you were about to walk away, there was a light tap on your shoulder which you turned around to. “Hello! I’m Romi. I heard you’re looking for Jeno? Come with me.” She gestured you to follow her and you complied.
It wasn’t long before you were once again outside of the building, eyes still searching for your brother. “He’s in that building. You can find him between lockers. He’s always there.” Romi plays with her fingers while you stare at her gratefully. “Thank you so much. I’ll see you around?” You lifted your brows so you could seem a tad bit nicer. “Of course.” Then she walked away just like that. Leaving you lost and alone.
Just a few more steps and you’d reach the one-storey building that your brother might be in. Nervousness got the best of you when you stood right in front of the big black door. Why the hell was your heart beating so fast? Picking up the slightest courage, you raised your hand to knock on the door before opening it with the tiniest gap that could possibly only fit one woman. Once you were fully in, you took a look around and noticed that you weren’t just in any room, you were in fact in the school’s baseball team’s locker room. There honestly should’ve been a big neon sign that wrote [ Coyotes Locker Room ] over the door.
Pushing your thoughts away, you walked around the space and looked for your twin brother. Just then, a boy with brown hair and prominent cheekbones came up to you. “This area is off-limits.” he furrowed his brows at you. “I’m just looking for my brother.” You smiled awkwardly at him trying not to stare at his perfectly toned abs that were displaying in all its glory in front of you. “Who? Doyoung?” the boy guessed. The curiosity never once leaving his mind. “No, Jeno. Someone said he’s somewhere around here?” you pretended to search for him by swinging your head side to side and looking behind the boy. “Oh, Jeno. He’s showering. You can sit down while waiting. I’ll let him know you’re looking for him.” you simply replied with a nod before sitting on the wooden bench next to you hesitantly. The previous boy spared you a side-eyed glance and proceeded to go back to whatever he was doing when you thought to yourself…
Who the fuck takes a shower in a locker room at eight in the morning?
“Y/n?” you turned around to a familiar voice calling out for you. “Jeno.” you walked up to him carefully without sparing a glance at his body. He was your brother after all. “What’re you doing here?” Jeno asked after giving you the warmest hug you haven’t had in so long. “Figured I should see my younger brother before anything.” you smiled at him sweetly as your hands were still on his waist. “I’m older.” he tried to fight back with a frown carved cutely on his face as well as a pair of crossed arms. “I came out first.” you insisted. “No, I did.”
“Jeno’s got a girl?” There was a sound of a voice from behind you followed by a low laugh which you turned to look at. The boy that stood was none of which you recognise; which is understandable considering you were new. “She’s my sister.” Jeno still had the frown on his face and you tried your best to console him by rubbing at his damp back. “Your sister I see… She’s quite… Pleasing to the eye.” the boy eyed you up and down pervertedly and to be completely honest, you felt a little uncomfortable by the spontaneous act. “I’m Haechan. Or, you can call me Donghyuck if you’d like.” Haechan smirked at you. But it wasn’t any kind of smirk. It was a nice smirk. The one that someone gives another when they’re in love. I guess you can call it love at first sight? Or maybe one-sided love?
“I’m guessing Haechan’s your middle name?” you gripped the flesh of Jeno’s waist tighter in your palms as a hiss left his parted lips. Haechan managed to let out a small throaty giggle at your respond. He genuinely found it adorable. “No, pretty. Nick — name.” he corrected you. “It’s a cute one. Your nickname. I’m Y/n.” you flashed him a small smile of yours before letting go of Jeno and fully face the other boy in the room. Have I mentioned that you found Haechan to be absolutely beautiful. He was perfect in every kind of way. His facial structures complimented his features daringly and his moles that littered his face were so divinely defined.
“Nice to meet you.”
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[ 4th June, 2020 ]
You’ve never. Never; skipped classes before. At least not with a guy that you just met roughly a week ago. “Oh come on! It’ll be a great idea! Just imagine the things we could do with all that free time.” he had said. You will admit, he is good at making you believe there is good in every wrongdoing but right now, when you are forced against your will to play fucking laser tag with multiple children that are no more than 13 years old, you wished you could turn back time. All he has made you do for the past three hours was babysit children while he was out playing.
Laser tag is cool. Sometimes. But not in the situation you were in. Maybe it was because you kept dying? I mean, these kids are good, man. Once again, you sat on the bench that was placed outside of the centre as you waited for Haechan to come. “There you are. Did you lose again?” he mocked before giving you his hand to reach for. “Shut up.” you said before following him to wherever he wanted to take you. He finally led the two of you in front of Baskin Robbins. You’re favourite ice cream brand. “You like ice cream?”
“More than I like you.” you had an excited smile plastered on your lips as you left Haechan there and went to take a look at the flavours they had. Cotton candy had always been your favourite flavour but much to your dismay, they ran out of the flavour; so you picked your second favourite flavour: mint chocolate. After Haechan payed for the ice cream — which he insisted — the both of you took a seat at one of the tables in the store. “You didn’t get any?” you questioned the boy in front of you as a big scoop of ice cream entered your mouth. “I’m full just by watching you eat.” he smiled teasingly. “Haha. Funny. Go pick a flavour. I’ll pay this time.” another scoop.
Haechan, who was previously leaning on his palm began to shift until he was sat with his arms crossed. “No thank you.” he cleared his throat. “Why not? You prefer Magnum? Häagen-Dazs?” you teased unintentionally as Haechan snorted in response. “No, I just don’t like ice cream. Not a fan.” he said before taking a long sip of his espresso. Not sure where he got that from but there it is. “You’re weird, Donghyuck.” you and him both were a bit surprised to hear his real name leave your mouth. People rarely call him that but I mean hey, he did tell you beforehand that you’re allowed to call him that so there’s nothing to worry about.
“You— That’s—” Haechan cleared his throat audibly before straightening his posture and watching you eat. “How’s the ice cream?” he lifted his gaze from the ice cream to meet your eyes as he awaited your answer. “The best. Thank you, Haechan.” yeah you definitely learned your lesson after that. “You’re welcome.” he smiled softly. You tried your best to focus on the dessert in front of you but it’s so difficult when you have a whole angel staring at you from across the table. “Quit staring. Just— finish your drink or something…” your voice went and octave lower when you spotted a teasing smirk carved on his lips.
“I don’t think I can though. You’re too pretty to look away from.” Oh God. how you hoped you could’ve stopped yourself from throwing up all over the table. Luckily you didn’t though. Don’t know what you’d do if you actually threw up in the store in front of everyone. “Have I told you how sweet this ice cream is?” you tried to change the topic. “I’m sweeter.” there it is; the old Haechan. “Oh my God, Haechan! I just thought of a brilliant question that could leave a crowd speechless once I reveal the answer.”
“Okay, shoot.”
“Have you been smacked across in front of tens of people in an ice cream store before?” you fed yourself another scoop of your mint chocolate ice cream and looked at him with innocent eyes. “Pfft, no. I’m not that much of a jerk, you know. Why?” he furrowed his eyebrows at you curiously. “Because you’re about to if you don’t shut the fuck up. I’m done. Let’s go.” you raised from your seat and pulled Haechan’s hand before leading the both of you out of the store. He didn’t forget his espresso though.
You took a few minutes to yourself to think about where to go until you finally thought of one. Chanel. You gestured Haechan to follow you before you made your way to the said store. “Chanel? What’re we doing here?” he asked when you’d arrived in front of the store. “Just follow me.” you marched into the place as you looked around at the perfume and cologne section. A finger was lifted to your chin whilst you pondered on which scent to choose. “I think this one suits you.” Haechan brought a sample perfume to you for you to smell. Lowering your face until it reached right under your nose, you took a whiff of the smell before you shut your eyes at the scent.
It felt like you were smelling right from the flowers in Heaven. It smelt absolutely angelic. Don’t know how that smells like though. “It’s smells lovely, Haechan. But I’m not here for me.” you flashed him another smile and turned to the colognes once again. Finally, you found the perfect cologne to gift your special someone as their birthday gift. “Hey, Haechan?” you called for him, still eyeing the cologne in your hands. “Yes?” immediately, he walked towards you with curiosity littering his mind. “Does this smell good to you?” you asked, showing the sample to him.
Just like you did, he took a sniff and instantly fell in love with it. “The best one yet.”
“Wonderful. I’ll go pay.”
“Okay? I’ll wait outside.”
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[ 30th June, 2020 ]
You were laughing at a joke your brother made (he can be funny sometimes okay) when you spotted Haechan leaning against a tree… with a girl? At first you didn’t think much of it since there’s nothing wrong with a guy having a conversation with a girl. But what left your mind an unsettling feeling was when they started making out right as you were about to think positively of them. Jeno, who had been by your side the whole time turned to look at you with furrowed brows. “What’s wrong?” he asked. When you didn’t answer him, he moved his gaze to where you were staring and then it hit him. You were jealous.
Huffing a breath of disbelief, you turned back to watch a group of friends playing rock paper scissors by the lake. You and Haechan had nothing. So why’re you feeling like you just got played? You had no right to be mad at him and you knew that. But more often than not, it just hurts so bad. Maybe he should’ve told you beforehand that he had a girlfriend? That way you wouldn’t have had your hopes up. “Let’s sit down.” Jeno pulled you by the hand to a nearby wooden bench before inviting you to sit on it next to him.
“Do you like him?” the question that you’d always asked yourself. “I don’t know. Probably not.” you were playing with your fingers by now. Afraid of what he’d say if you’d said you do like him. “You do.” he smiled a little before placing both of his arms behind him and leaning back a little. “You shouldn’t though.” he looked at the lake in front of you. “Why not?” who was he to stop you from liking who you like? “He toys with people, Y/n. He plays with people until they’re all crazy for him and then lets them go and treats them like they’ve never had anything to do with each other. I know this because he’s my friend and I don’t want you becoming one of his victims.” Jeno looked at you dead in the eye as he said that. You knew you’re brother was worried for you but you didn’t believe a word he said. The Haechan you knew didn’t sound anything like what he described.
“If all of what you said was really true, Jeno; tell me, why are you still friends with him?” you squinted your eyes subtly and awaited his answer. “Because, my lovely sister, he’s a fun guy to hang around with. He’s just not the best guy to date.” Jeno said. And this time, you believe him. Haechan is fun but you don’t think any relationship of his would last long. No offence, Haechan. “Maybe you’re right.” your voice was a hushed whisper as you kicked on the pebbles littering the ground. “Hey. I’m just advising you to rethink your feelings towards him. I just don’t think he’s the one for you. Besides, there’re way more guys that are willing to drop down on their knees just to date you. Like— Like this guy here!” Jeno snatched a random guy who was playing frisbee and showed him to you with a smile.
Laughing audibly, you slapped Jeno’s left arm and addressed the confused boy. “You’re scaring him!” you laughed again before you saw the way your brother apologised to him and let the poor boy go. “Mum said she’s cooking fish for dinner tonight.” he averted the topic. “My favourite.”
The next day, you received an invitation for Lee Ji Ah’s birthday party. You can already tell she’s the it girl of the semester. But she’s nice. And you like her. So you simply thanked the boy who passed you the card. But that move was kinda outdated. I mean, who uses paper nowadays? Shoving the invitation into your right pocket, you wondered if you should inform Haechan about this since you’re allowed to bring a plus one with you. You might think that Ji Ah is inviting everyone but she and Haechan do not go together. They loathe each other. Even you are afraid of the outcome whenever they cross paths.
Pondering over the thought, you suddenly bumped into a girl that caused your phone to fall screen first right on the cement floor. “Oh my God, I am so sorry!” the girl picked up your phone from the floor and inspected it for any cracks; luckily there were none. “It’s okay. I wasn’t paying attention either.” you took your phone from her hands and wiped the screen with the hem of your knitted sweater before shoving it back into your left pocket. “Hey, wait— You’re the sister of Lee Jeno, right?” she had her eyes slightly wider than before as she scanned your face.
“Uh… Yeah. And you are…?”
“Oh don’t tell me you forgot me already! It’s me, Romi! The girl who brought you to your brother?” you saw the way her eyes flashed a glint of hope when you tried remembering where you’d seen her from. “Right! I remember you! The one with the black mini skirt right?” you questioned, earning a nod from Romi. “Do you have classes? If you don’t, we can go grab a coffee or something.” she threw a hopeful smile your way. “I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have Economy in about five.”
“That’s okay, then. I’ll see you next time.”
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[ 14th July, 2020 ]
Drunk at a party is not uncommon for you but drunk and horny? Now that’s something you’ve never felt before. Speaking truths only. Honestly, you almost barely attend any parties or go to any clubs so this was like once in a blue moon situation for you. You tumbled around the spacious floor which caused you to bump into a few people. Not that they cared though. They were just as intoxicated as you were. Finally able to balance yourself, you spotted an incredibly sexually attractive man sitting on one of the couches. He was just your type.
He was wearing a black leather jacket paired with some ripped black jeans and a white tee. He had a red cup in his hold and you assumed it was one of the alcoholic drinks served for all of the guests. Slowly, you walked over to the said boy and sat across from him on the glass table. “You look nice. What’re you doing all alone?” this might sound like the start of an abduction story but don’t worry. No one’s getting abducted or kidnapped here. “Waiting for a girl like you to come save me from this loneliness.” you laughed seductively at that. Though, he did sound a little familiar to you. “You’re funny.” you said truthfully. Before that, you heard a faint “Wait— Y/n?” coming from the boy in front of you but paid no mind to it.
“And you’re drunk. Come on, let’s get you some water.” the boy then pulled you by your hand to the kitchen as you trailed behind him. “Hey! Let go of me!” you tried wiggling your wrist out of his hold but it was to no avail. Once again, you attempted on pulling your hand away from him and luckily this time, it worked. “Listen here, hot stuff. You may be cute, but you have no right whatsoever on me. So don’t go taking me wherever.” you crossed your arms in protest. “Y/n—” before he even got to finish his sentence, you took the chance and scoffed at him. “You even know my name? What kind of sicko are you? I just wanted a fuck and what I get in return is this? For God’s sake, I don’t even wanna fuck anymore.” you turned your heels and was about to leave when once again, your hand was pulled towards the person.
“I can’t and won’t fuck you, Lee Y/n.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m you’re fucking brother.”
You widened your eyes at his response and tried your best to clear your blurred eyes but he still looked nothing like your brother. “Are you sure you’re my brother?” you squinted your eyes at him suspiciously. “I wish I wasn’t.” he rolled his eyes at you. You still didn’t believe he was your brother though. “You’re lying.” you frowned deeply. “Why do you say so?” the boy furrowed his brows visibly and to you, it did kinda look like Jeno whenever he’s confused. “Because I don’t have a brother.” right as you said that, another voice spoke from behind you. “Bullshit. He’s your brother, Y/n. Stop spitting out shit.” that voice felt so utterly familiar to you but you just couldn’t pinpoint where you heard it.
“Jeez, calm down Haechan. Why are you acting so shitty today?” Jeno punched Haechan’s chest playfully but unfortunately, he took it to heart. “Don’t touch me.” although you couldn’t see well, you could still see the way Haechan glared at your brother and how he raised his arms up in defeat. “Sorry.” Jeno muttered lowly. “Haechan?” you called out for him. You’re not sure why but all of a sudden you just felt like you wanna run out of the house and break down right in the garden. The both of you haven’t spoken in weeks and it was all because of the incident a while ago. You know you shouldn’t have took it personally but it just hit something in you that you personally have no idea how to control.
You heard the mentioned boy clear his throat before speaking again. “Hello, Y/n.” he played with his fingers behind the kitchen island. As you were about to speak again, there was a sudden pang in your head and you felt dizzy all of sudden. “Fuck! My head…” you gripped your head in your hands and attempted to ease the pain. The effects of drinking too much I’m telling you. “Get her water or something!” you assumed it was Haechan who was yelling at the other. Out of the blue, there was a hand lifting your head up gently whilst brushing your face before a glass of water was handed to you.
“Thank you…” you thanked your brother and chugged down the water in one gulp before steadying your breath. “Feel better?” you simply nod as a response. “Good. Can we talk?” Haechan asked and before you even got the chance to reply, you were pulled away once again but this time to an empty corridor. “You alright?” he questioned as you leaned yourself against the pale walls illuminated by coloured lights. You simply hummed in response and played with his red jacket. “Then why were you ignoring me?” his voice was soft when he spoke to you. “Maybe you’d know the answer.” you were still slightly drunk at the moment. “I don’t. That’s why I’m asking you.”
“You hold your liquor really well. You reek of alcohol but you seem sober, teddy.”
“What— Teddy?? Just— Stop trying to change the topic.” Haechan snatched your hand away from his jacket roughly before pinning it to the wall behind you by your waist. “What happened?” his face was inches from yours now. “I’ll tell you what happened. I saw you the other day sucking a girl’s face off and I know I shouldn’t feel anything but I can’t help but feel so betrayed. There’s nothing between us and I know that but it’s not wrong to feel a certain feeling when you witness something you wished you could unsee right? Right now, If I could describe you in one word, it would be traitor.” you ranted in front of him.
“Y/n, are you… jealous?” he asked with no shame whatsoever. You rolled your eyes heavily in response. How dense could he be to still ask that unnecessary question? “Are you that dull-witted? Of course I’m jealous! Oh how I wished I was in her place at that time.” if you were sober at this exact moment, you were a hundred percent sure you would never even think about saying that. “Do you like me?” stupid I’m telling you. This man is stupid. “Of course I like you, shithead! I like you more than anything right now!” just then, a pair of soft lips crashed onto yours in the utmost gentleness that you were almost too afraid to move. “Kiss me back please.” at that, you blinked your eyes rapidly and finally, kissed him back.
Your lips moved in sync and you were happy to live this moment and you weren’t thinking of anything except him right now. There was a hand sneaking under your top before you felt it massaging your skin. “Haechan…” you moaned out in pleasure when he moved his face lower until he was sucking on the skin of your neck. “People can watch…” you warned him by gripping a handful of his orange hair in your hand. “Let them watch.” hearing that, another groan left your throat at the thrill.
The hand that was previously on your skin was now busy trying to remove your shorts. You were now left half naked in the middle of a hallway where anyone can walk in on you too. But hey, it’s a party. People fuck everywhere. While you were in a trance, Haechan saw the opportunity and took it to slip two of his fingers between your folds before starting to move them along your heat. “Fuck—!” the shock woke you up and you were now more awake than anything. Haechan played with your clit a little longer then without a warning, he moved lower and entered the same two fingers into your dripping hole. A smirk carved into his face when he heard your loud moans. A sign of victory.
He began moving them in and out of you as he focused on your expressions like you were his favourite movie. He was trying his absolute best to search for what you react to most to be used for future purposes cause he was sure this isn’t going to be the last time this is going to occur. “Bloody hell, Haechan…” you were shivering at this point and you were grateful there was Haechan to help hold you if you fell. He took your own right hand and pondered between letting you suck his fingers or yours before deciding to go with the latter and so he took two of your fingers and stuffed them into your mouth; forcing you to suck on them.
“Suck.” he pushed them a little deeper into your throat, choking you a little. Doing what he told, you began moving your tongue lewdly on your fingers and sucking on them. You noticed saliva dripping down from your lips to the floor but that was the least of your worries right now. Feeling your orgasm approaching, you tapped Haechan’s shoulder as a warning as he smiled sinisterly. “Go ahead.” getting the green light from the boy across from you, you released yourself with an inaudible moan along with a string of curses following right after. “That’s it. That’s just the first one. We have more to go. We’re going to my place. Let’s go.” he was about to pull you again but this time, you were glued to the ground.
“Give me a minute. I haven’t got any pants on.” you frowned at him deeply. You heard him laugh a little before crossing his arms and waiting for you. “Okay, okay.” after dressing and cleaning yourself up a little, you walked a little past Haechan and said, “Now we can go.” as he trailed right behind you.
The ride to his place was quiet but it was a comfortable type of silence. Except for the fact that you both were still completely needy and that the air in the car was super hot. “Hey, Y/n?” Haechan called out for you from beside you. “Yes?” you were still looking out the window and into the night sky when you answered. “You’re not gonna regret this in the morning, right?” after that question, the air suddenly wasn’t only hot, but it was now thick and heavy. You weren’t sure what to answer but right now, you were sure that this is what you want. “No.”
Right then, you saw his car pull up in front of a two storey house that he probably shares with his friends. “We’re here.” he turned off the engine and left the car just to walk over to your side and invite you out with him. He opened the door gently and placed his hand in front of you for you to take, which you did. “I live with a few other people, but their all not at home right now. Everyone’s at the party so we basically have the house to ourselves.” Haechan looked at you with a glint in his eyes but you weren’t sure what that meant. Was it excitement? Hope? Or was it simply just amusement? “Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go!”
You walked into the house like it was your own and you were struck with amazement at the cleanliness and furniture. It didn’t look like boys were the ones living here cause it was so neat and clean that you were afraid of messing up the place. “My room’s upstairs.” he lead you to his room and you followed right behind whilst admiring the interior of the house. Once you were fully in his room, you were once again amazed at the sight. There was a vinyl player a the corner of his room alongside what looks like an Ikea trolley that was stacked with old CDs by artists like Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Elvis Presley, and more.
You turned your head to the left side of his room and his queen sized bed was placed in between frames of certificates, achievements, and posters hung up on a brick-coloured vintage wall. You guessed that Michael Jackson was his favourite singer just by the hung up framed posters on his wall. You walked over to the wall and took a good look at one of his certificates which wrote ‘Best Baseball Player of 2019’ it was the school’s certificate. You saw one of these in your brother’s room as well except Jeno’s was in the year 2018.
“You can take a look a my whole wall later. I just really need you right now.” you turned your head slightly just to see Haechan desperately clutching his evident boner in his hands. “Alright, alright, come ‘ere.” you sat on the edge of his bed and patted the spot next to you. He rushed his way next to you and looked at you with needy eyes. He smelt just like the cologne you bought him. “Should we start?”
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[ 3rd September, 2020 ]
It has been approximately 3 weeks since you and Haechan started dating. It was a bit new to you considering the previous guys you have dated were the ones you had known for quite a while. Haechan here, you’ve known for only a few months. But I mean, if God allows an I right? You were in Haechan’s room to try out the clothes you had just bought with him earlier. Why are you here exactly? Well, the answer is as simple as he basically invited you over to cuddle. Elvis’s ‘Always On My Mind’ can be heard softly playing in the background as you started taking out your new clothes.
You took off the clothes you were wearing before putting on the first dress you bought and looking at yourself in front of the tall mirror. “Now that I look at it, maybe the green one fits me better.” you pouted to yourself unintentionally. “Why is that?” Haechan lifted his head up from his phone and eyed you up and down before continuing. “You look good though.” he complimented. “Yellow makes me look fat.” you lifted the hem of the sundress and moving your body side to side once. “What are you talking about? You look nice! Stop overthinking.”
You sighed to yourself, still unconvinced by your boyfriend’s honesty but went along with it. Once again, you took off the piece from your body before putting on another one. This time, it was a shirt. “Hm… What do you think about this one?” you turned away from the mirror to show him your look and you noticed the way his lips formed a small smile after admiring you. “Where’re your pants?” he bit his lower lip playfully. “I asked for your opinion!” you huffed a breath of annoyance before turning back to the mirror. “Besides, the shirt’s too big for you to see anything anyways. Should’ve known that their free size is way too big. This was not meant to be an oversized tee.” you groaned from your carelessness. You didn’t even think of trying it out before buying it since it was free sized. So it doesn’t matter if you try it or not, that’s still the size you’re gonna get.
“Chill, baby. You like it big don’t you?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you looked at him through the mirror in front of you with an eyebrow lifted playfully. “No— Not that big. Like— Like size big y’know?” Haechan scratched his nape nervously before you let out a small laugh. “Stop joking around!” you laughed again mid-sentence. “I was being serious! But in all honesty, you look perfect. Anything you wear looks good on you. So don’t think too much about it. You can even wear a trash bag and you’d still slay.”
Again, you turned to him but this time you began walking towards him. Have I told you that he was an extreme sweet talker? “You can be sweet sometimes you know.” you sat on top his lap that was seated on the bed as your hands instinctively went over his shoulders as he held your waist. “I’m sweet all the time, love.” he placed a peck to your red lips and smiled immediately afterwards. Which you smiled back to. Sighing heavily, Haechan laid his head on top of your shoulder and gripped your waist tighter before muttering out the words, “I’m sooo tired, Y/n.” hearing that, your right hand instantly reached over to his head before patting it softly; unintentionally playing with his soft hair in the process.
“I think it’s time for you to have a little bit of rest, Hyuck.” you felt him smile at the nickname. He found it cute that you were once and for all calling him by the name that he wanted to be called by you for so long. Hyuck. It sounded like music to his ears when he heard it left your mouth. He felt like he could never get enough of hearing you call him that. “Say it again.” he voiced out. “What? I think you need to rest?” he chuckled softly at that. “No, silly. The name you just called me.” he began stroking your back gently. “Oh. Hyuck?” there was a groan in response and you knew he liked it. “I think I need to leave. You have to sleep, Hyuck.” you were practically abusing the nickname by now.
“What? No… Stay here with me.” he lifted his head up from the crook of your neck to meet your eyes. “If I stay here, you’re not getting any rest. So, it’s best if I leave.” you lifted both of your legs away from his but as you were about to step off of the bed, a hand stopped you. “Please?” he gave you his signature puppy eyes along with a forced pout that you just couldn’t help but coo at the sight. “F-Fine… I’ll stay.” sighing for the umpteenth time that evening, you laid on the bed beside him and stared at the white ceiling. “Hyuck?” you heard him hum in response. “How many girls have you dated before?” you knew he was hesitant to answer but you were happy that he did anyway.
“Quite a bit, actually. But don’t worry, you’re the only one I’ve got my eyes on.” at the moment. “Sure.” you chuckled lowly. “Hey— You’re supposed to be sleeping!” you turned your head to him and was greeted with a pair of brown eyes staring back at you. “I’ll sleep. When you do.” rolling your eyes, you absent-mindedly agreed and just a few minutes later, both of you were a snoring mess.
You had unfortunately woken up in the middle of your slumber. Groaning softly, you turned your head to grab on your phone before checking the time on it. [ 02.32 ] it read. Shutting your eyes shut, you threw your phone back to where you picked it up and tried to sleep again. But you couldn’t. Not when Haechan’s phone has been blowing up with notifications and calls for the past 3 minutes. When his phone rang once again, you decided that this was going to be the last. Who the fuck is calling him at fucking 2 am?
You reached over to his side of the bedside table before picking up his phone soundlessly. Laying back in your place, you switched on his phone and saw tens of missed calls and texts from… Seol Ri? At first you didn’t think much of it but when you looked at the messages she sent, you felt like you wanted to throw his phone across the room.
: Baby why’d you leave so early?
: You left me all alone :(
: You promised me we would have the whole day to ourselves.
You were furious when you read those messages. It has only been three weeks since you dated and he’s already seeing someone else? Is he that bored of you already? You suddenly remembered that right after Haechan had invited you to his home, he immediately told you he had an emergency and had to leave. You simply nodded in understanding but what you didn’t expect was he left you for the sole reason of seeing her. You couldn’t believe him. You should’ve listened to Jeno when he warned you about him before.
You decided mentally that you were going to keep quiet about this and hoped that he’s going to come clean himself. You wished that this was all just a misunderstanding and your doubts were going to be proven wrong. But for now, you can only see him as a cheater. To be frank, you’re not that surprised to see him cheating on you first hand but you are terribly disappointed at him for taking you for granted and thinking that you’re dumb enough to not catch up on his dirty acts. Sighing in discontentment, you turned to your right and attempted on falling asleep once again. Which you thankfully achieved.
In a few years time, you will learn to realise that you were never enough for him and there’s always something about you that he didn’t like but for now, all you wanted was to rest your thoughts and ease your mind with a good night’s sleep.
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[ 12th November, 2020 ]
Maybe this isn’t the first nor second nor third time you’ve seen him like this. Stuffed in another girl’s face. But this time, you’ve grown accustomed to it. You didn’t know why but you just couldn’t bring yourself to confront him about it. Perhaps you were afraid of losing him? “Y/n, are you seeing this?!” Romi, your best friend raised her voice. But it wasn’t loud enough for the mentioned couple to hear. “Yeah. What about it?” you continued your way to the lecture hall without sparing them a glance. “He was sucking off that girl’s face right in front of you! And you’re not going to do anything?!” she stopped you dead in your tracks by stepping in front of you.
“He’s been doing that the whole time we were dating, Mi. I couldn’t care less.” you walked past her after giving her a little shrug. “But you should at least confront him, right? Make him regret his mistakes?” she tried catching up with you by jogging up to you. “I will. Soon. So don’t worry.” just as you entered the lecture hall, you picked your normal spot and sat on it before waiting for the lecturer to enter. Not long later there was a presence seated next to you and out of curiosity, you turned to look at whoever that sat there and behold, it was the one and only, Zhong Chenle.
Noticing that you were staring at him, Chenle faced you in an instant before there was a grin appearing on his face. “Hello, Y/n.” he said with a smile. “I missed you! How’s your father’s business going? Everything fine now?” you too, smiled back after giving him a tight hug. You didn’t want to seem nosy but you were just genuinely curious. Besides, Chenle tells you everything. And you tell him everything too. “I knew you would. And yeah, everything’s going smoothly now, thankfully.” your smile went bigger at that. You knew he could fix anything. “That’s good to hear. Did you buy anything for me while you were there?” you nudged at his shoulder playfully.
“Oh, darn! I forgot all about you! So sorry, Y/n.” you saw the way he tried to hide the smile that was forming on his face so you decided to call him out for it. “Liar! I’m sure I was all you thought about in the past month—” before you finished your sentence, another voice intruded your conversation from where Chenle was sitting. “Looks like someone’s having fun.” you looked up to the voice and there he was. Lee Donghyuck in all his glory. “Move.” he patted Chenle’s shoulder and you heard him mutter a few curses that were directed to your boyfriend but he did comply and moved to the seat next to Haechan.
“What were you two talking about?” he looked between you and Chenle repeatedly. “None of your concern.” Chenle said audibly but the other boy didn’t seem to think too much about it. “I haven’t seen you all day. Where were you?” Haechan spun his head towards you with soft eyes as he asked. “Well we saw you.” Romi uttered under breath which resulted in you slapping her shoulder gently. Luckily he wasn’t paying enough attention to hear her distress. “I was uh… I was at the cafeteria the whole time.” you laughed nervously. “I see.” just as he said that, you lecturer entered the hall before apologising for being late. Says there was an emergency.
The lecture lasted for about four hours and by then you were literally drained. You fell asleep for the most part but still. “We should get some coffee!” Romi suggested. “Great idea. You in?” Chenle asked you. “Sure.” you simply shrugged at the thought and continued your way to the café next to your uni. “Hey— I didn’t agree to this.” Haechan said from next to you as you all stopped midway. “Then you don’t have to come. Let’s go, Y/n.” Romi spoke once again and pulled you out of the place. “Don’t forget me!”
When Haechan was serious about not following the three of you, you felt slightly… hurt. I mean, even if he’s seeing someone else, why can’t he at least be thoughtful for once and eat with you as your boyfriend? The both of you barely go out on dates anymore and you wished you could go back to the times where you guys were madly in love with one another. “What do you want to get, Y/n?” Chenle questioned you the moment you stepped into the shop. “Umm… Just an iced espresso for me.” you threw him a tiny smile. “Okay. I’ll order for us while you go find a place to sit.” you simply nodded in response and looked around the shop before making your way towards an empty table by the window.
On your way there, you heard a faint “What about me?” followed by a “You can order yourself.” coming from Romi and Chenle which caused you to chuckle to yourself softly. As you waited for the two to to come, there was a sudden ring of your phone which you reached out to. It was Jeno. “Hello?” you spoke into the phone. “Y/n, where are you?” he spoke with so much desperateness. “The café next to school. Why?” you furrowed your eyebrows as you looked out the window. “Nothing that urgent. Just… can you come to the baseball team’s locker room now?” Chenle and Romi was now seen walking towards your table with three drinks in their hands. “But I—”
“Please?” you doubted for a second but he is your brother after all, so you have no choice but to agree. “Fine…” hanging up on him, you stood up from your seat just as the other two sat down. “Where are you going?” Chenle asked with a sip of his latte. “Jeno called. He said he wanted to see me at their locker room. Please don’t wait for me.” after hearing their answer, you made your way to the said destination before knocking audibly on the big doors and making your way into the place. “Y/n! Finally.” Jeno sighed in relief when he saw you. “What do you want me for?” your stare was cold when you spoke to him.
“Okay so… Mum just called and she told me to tell you that you just got an offer to study at MIT. How cool is that? So… what’d you say?” Jeno looked at you with hopeful eyes. “MIT? But that’s in Massachusetts, right?” you asked for confirmation. “Yup! And it’s one of the best universities in the world. Please tell me you’re going.” you looked to the ground as your mind filled with thoughts and questions. “But that’s soo far away… I don’t want to leave people that I love here…” you bit your lower lip gently. You were over the moon when you heard that you received an offer to study there but Massachusetts is too far for you and you don’t think you’re going to accept the offer. “Y/n, Y/n, think about it. This is for your future. You can reach so far with this.”
“I… I don’t know…”
“How ‘bout this. You take as long as you need to think about it and when you have an answer, tell that to Mum and we’ll see where this takes you. Alright?” at that, you nodded as a reply and let out a breath filled with dilemma. This was going to be a hard decision. “Y/n? I thought you were with Chenle?” it was the all too familiar voice that called out for you. You looked up from the floor and met his eyes staring back at you expectantly. “Huh? Oh right, uhh Jeno called and I couldn’t say no.” you laughed nervously. “Leave, Donghyuck. I want to have this sister-brother bonding time.” Jeno shooed your boyfriend away. “Jeez, fine.”
“See you tonight, Y/n.”
The moment Haechan left through the door, Jeno spoke again. “Why are you still with him?” he turned serious all of a sudden and you simply rolled your eyes at him. “I love him.” you lied. You didn’t love him. Not truly at least. “I know you know what he’s been doing and I don’t want to see you hurt in the end.” I’m already hurt. You almost said that to him but you stopped yourself before you could. “I’m doing fine. You don’t have to worry about me.” you heard him sighing in discontent before patting the spot next to him on the bench. Wait— when was he sitting?
You took the seat next to him and played with your fingers. “You know you can tell me anything. I’m your trusted brother.” he patted himself on the chest earning a laugh from you. “I can’t let him go just yet. It’s hard.” you told him. Truthfully. “Then you should at least confront him.” you’ve heard that thousands of times from various people but you’ve never listened. You know what you have to do. Now’s just not the time. “I know, I know. I just need to find the right time to do it.” you met his pitiful eyes and smiled sweetly at him. Jeno has always been the best brother. He was always there when you needed him despite your differences; he always found a way to cheer you up. Though, sometimes, you felt like you were burdening him with all your problems even though he showed no signs of being annoyed with you.
“Jeno… have you ever wished I wasn’t your sister?” oh no. Is this going to turn into a sob story? “All the time.” he smirked to himself. When he noticed your lack of response, he turned towards you once again and realised you were being serious. “Of course not! Why would you even ask that.” Jeno nudged your shoulder with his. A few minutes of silence past when he opened his mouth again. “Look. You’re the only sibling I have and I would do anything for you. Even if it takes hurting my own best friend.” he assured. “That’s not nice, Lee Jeno!” you laughed with him in amusement. “I’m just saying, I care for you a lot, so remember that.” he rubbed circles around your back before patting it softly.
“Awwwhh this is so cute!” the both of you turned to the voice right when there was a sound of a camera click. “Jaemin! You scared the shit out of me!” Jeno snarled at the said boy. “Sorry, sorry.” he chuckled. “You want the picture?” he added.
“Yeah, send it to me.”
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[ 25th December, 2020 ]
You’ve never felt Christmas like this before. It was filled with laughter and friends when you’d always spent your Christmas alone since you used to live far away from your family. Your old friends went everywhere so you barely spent any time with them. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t realise Romi was calling for you. “Y/n!” she called you for the tenth time. “Huh?” you looked at her confused. “I think there’s something you should see.”
She dragged you to the further end of the hallway before stopping you and peeking at the left side and pointing at whatever that was there. “Look.” she whispered. Your head went over hers and there it was again. Haechan with another girl. Only this time, they weren’t making out or anything, they were just strangely close to each other with the girl pinned to the wall. But that said girl looked oddly familiar to you. Just where have you seen her? “Wait— Isn’t that…” there was a small gasp before she continued. “No way…” right then, a voice spoke loudly behind you two. “Now what are you girls looking at?” which the both of you shushed at.
“What are you even doing here—” just as Romi turned around, she was visibly stunned. “Oh Jaemin! Why don’t we get something to d-drink? You shouldn’t be here.” she insisted. “You’re acting weird. What’s going on?” Jaemin simply shrugged her off before taking a look at whatever you were looking at before. A minuted had passed when he spoke again. “Hara…?” Hara was Jaemin’s ex of two days, for your information. You saw the way his hands balled up into a fist and before any of you could’ve stopped him, he was already striding to the two.
Right then, Jaemin swung his dominant hand across your boyfriend’s face as there was a loud crack heard from the boy. “What the fuck, Jaemin?!” Haechan adjusted his jaw to its previous shape and glared at Jaemin with sharp eyes. “I should be saying the same thing.” he clenched his jaw. “You guys broke up, okay. So you have no right against her anymore.” Haechan defended himself. “That’s right. I can date whoever I want now. Are you alright Haechanie?” Hara clung herself onto your boyfriend’s shoulder and cooed.
“Date? You guys are dating already? What about your girlfriend huh Donghyuck? You’re already cheating on her?” that was all it took to leave them silent. “What would she feel if she saw you like this? Have you ever thought of that? Or are you just so desperate for pussy that you could never seem to think straight?” Jaemin snarled at him right as Haechan replies. “She doesn’t have to know.” at that, you were furious. Is this the man that you came to love? “You’re fucking unbelievable.” with that, he stormed off angrily before coming up to you and dragging you away. “Come on, Y/n. We have to talk.”
Jaemin brought you to an empty room and the top floor of the house before seating you at the edge of the bed. “How are you so chill about this?” he said after taking a seat next to you. He looked distressed. “Used to it.” you shrugged. “What do you mean, ‘used to it’? Has he been doing this a lot?” he dared questioned. “All the time. You’re his friend. Did you not know?” you looked at him confused. How could’ve he not known if they’re together 24/7? “I always knew he enjoyed having flings. But after he got a real girlfriend — which is you — I thought he’d change his antics. Besides, I would’ve never thought he’d go for my own girlfr— ex.”
Silence took over the atmosphere and you took the chance to stare into his eyes as just then have you noticed how beautiful they were. They were a dark shade of syrup and you could see his pupils dilate when he looked back into yours. Right then, as if something was controlling the both of you, the two of you dove into each other as you felt a pair of sweet lips moving against yours. You could taste the cherry on him as you kissed him deeper.
Pulling away for a brief second, Jaemin asked you, “Is this okay? I-I mean we don’t have to if you don’t want to…” he scratched his nape. “I want this Jaemin. I just… really need to get some things off my mind right now.” you reassured. “Then we agree that no feelings are attached?” he looked at you with an unidentified glint in his eyes. “No feelings attached.”
Just as you said that, Jaemin once again placed a long kiss to your lips before unzipping your maroon dress and admiring your half naked figure. “He missed out on a lot.” He complimented you before wasting no time and diving into the valley of your breasts. Throwing your head back, you let out a small moan of Jaemin’s name at how good it felt. He sure did know how to use his mouth. You felt a hand move up behind you in attempts of unclasping your bra but to his discontent, he didn’t seem skilled enough to do so single-handed.
A small laugh was heard from you as you took your bra off yourself and threw it somewhere around the room. He was about to lean his face into your breasts once again but you stopped him abruptly. “Take yours off first.” hearing that, Jaemin immediately took off his red blazer and unbuttoned his black polka-dotted button-up (yes he was wearing THAT suit) and allowed you to stare at his defined body smugly. “Can I touch it?” you asked impatiently. “Go ahead. We have plenty of time.” in an instant, you reached a hand over to his chest and began slowly moving it around his body. A satisfied sigh could be heard from the man across from you.
When you reached one of his nipples, you suddenly thought of an idea. Smirking to yourself lightly, you started playing with his nipple by flicking and twisting it around your fingers. “Ah— Fuck Y/n!” he threw his head back sexily which allowed you to take a look at his Adam’s apple that bobbed up and down every time he made a sound. “Other… Other o-one…” he picked up your unoccupied hand from his right side and gestured it to his neglected nipple. When you complied, another loud moan left his swollen lips and you unintentionally moved your vision to the prominent dick print between his parted legs. “Aw is little Jaem hard already? Does he need his good girl to help him?”
“Yes… Please— Fuck— Please help me, baby…” his legs trembled when he spoke again and you took that as a sign to stop teasing and just get on with it. But did you though? You lifted yourself off the bed and kneeled yourself down on the ground between his legs after releasing your hold on him. You started by running your hands around his thighs and even lasting a little longer on his inner thighs just to see him stressed out a fraction more. Reaching your hand over to the zipper of his red dress pants, you swiftly took off his lower garments; not forgetting to unbuckle his belt before anything.
As you did so, his hard cock sprung right in front of your face and was almost hitting your nose which resulted to Jaemin chuckling deeply. You gulped when you saw his entire size and you wished you could’ve stopped yourself from looking like a desperate dog, but luckily he didn’t call you out for it. You took his heavy size in your hand and started pumping him at a slow pace. Making sure to not leave a single drop of his pre-cum. “Faster…” he said with heavy lids and to satisfy him further, you complied. Moving your hand faster, you lowered your head until you were face to face with his heavy sack and began sucking and licking on them. This action has him a mess and you felt him twitch in your hold. So seeing as you were an extremely nice person, you decided to have him release himself.
You pretended to not have realised his upcoming orgasm and made your way to the tip of his dick and started sucking on it instead. “Y/n—!” and right then, his hot cum flowed right inside your mouth and even overflowed until it reached the corners of your mouth but you were lucky enough to have caught them before they dropped to the ground. Though, you didn’t stop there. You were still sucking on his tip and even sank deeper onto his cock as you moved yourself up and down his length. Endless groans left Jaemin’s throat and you could’ve came untouched at the sound of them. But to not embarrass yourself, you stopped yourself.
Ignoring the sounds coming from him, you bobbed your head faster as a hand reached up to roam his perfect body. Jaemin hummed at the feeling and placed both his hands on top of your head before gripping your hair so tightly that it was hurting your scalp. Just a few seconds later, he came down your throat again but this time you wanted him to see you swallow his future generation so you raised your head up to meet his bedroom eyes before swallowing all of him with an audible gulp. “Fuck… get on the bed.”
He pulled you up from the floor and threw you on the middle of the bed as he crawled up to you with a look that could drive you crazy. He ran a hand through your hair as the other went lower to your pussy and began massaging it through the fabric. Without any warning, he tore your panties apart as a gasp left your red lips. The warmth of your slick coated his fingers and you moaned at the sight of him licking them clean. The same hand reached your heat again but this time three of his fingers entered you and began moving at a fast pace. “Fucking hell…” you rolled your eyes back and arched your back in pleasure and pain.
Jaemin probably noticed the way your hips grinded on the bed and moved closer to him when he placed a hand on your waist to hold you down. “Calm down, sweetheart.” he laughed mockingly before pulling apart his fingers from your clenching hole, which you whined in protest. “Be patient. You’ll get something better.” he palmed his massive size in his hands and aligned it to your pussy without you knowing until you felt his tip nudging at your clit. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” he asked one last time for confirmation. “Just do it, please.” you rolled your eyes softly.
At your response, Jaemin immediately pushed himself into you as the both of you moaned in unison. The feeling was euphoric. You haven’t felt this good in so long. “Can I—” without listening to his full sentence, you simply nodded with your eyes shut tightly. With that, he began moving his hips in and out of you at a merciless pace and you let a loud moan leave your mouth at the feeling. To be completely honest, Jaemin felt way better than Haechan but you would never admit that. You reached over to him and clawed at his back in attempts of releasing all the pain to him.
His hands that were on your waist held you harder against the bed and you could almost feel the spring in it by now. “J-Jaemin…” you didn’t realise tears were beginning to fill your eyes when Jaemin suddenly pointed it out to you. “Don’t cry, love…” he wiped the tears that left your eyes and chucked when you responded to him with, “Too big…” you groaned. “Bigger than Donghyuck?” he didn’t expect you to answer when he asked that. He didn’t even know what got into him when he asked you that.
“Bigger than hyuck… A lot big-ger…” a sharp thrust was sent to your pussy; meaning he liked your reply and a few deep thrusts later, you can feel your orgasm slowly approaching. “Jaemin… So close…” you opened your eyes and lifted your head slightly to look at Jaemin whose hair was coated in sweat. He looked so amazingly hot that you couldn’t help but whine audibly at the sight. “Me t-too…” his breath turned ragged and his pace began becoming uneven and then finally, you both came at the same time.
Sighing loudly, Jaemin fell next to you and you noticed the way his chest heaved up and down. A sign of how tired he is. “I just realised, now there’s no difference between us and them.” he laughed softly and you too, laughed along with him without thinking much about what he said and falling into a deep sleep shortly after. But that night, when you woke up in the dark unknown room with Jaemin snoring softly next to you, you thought about what he’d said once again and came to a conclusion that…
You’ve become just like him.
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taglist: @matchahyuck , @hiqhkey , @her33n , @xxhannahxx , @kaislinging-slasher01 , @hattorihaechan , @yeonjunbrainrot , @luv4dream , @nctdom
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