#playground swap au
felixstudios · 1 year
Playground Swap AU!
This is an AU that swaps out which playgrounds the 16 managers from 1.3 reside in as well as trying to strike a balance between their own personality and the personality of the Cog they're swapping places with. Additionally, "gimmicks" {usually the cheat or power the manager is most known for} are swapped. Some job titles are swapped, while some are not- and that one was completely random just to add to the chaos of this AU.
Credit to the creation of this AU belongs in part to @peachymunmagenta for giving me the initial idea and I basically took it and ran off with it. They also came up with the TTC/AA swap!
This post is considered the "master list" of this AU. That means over time I will edit it to include links of extra information/lore made in other posts.
31. August, 2023
New Management Changes - Effective Immediately!
It has come to our attention that our newly hired managers have not had the expected outcome of getting rid of the Toons. While progress has been made in slowing them down, that isn't enough. We will be experimenting with new corporate structures that will move some of you to different districts to see if this helps the Toon problem. Some of you have also changed departments- if that is the case, contact your new boss for your new uniform within 24 hours of receiving this notice or else YOU'RE FIRED.
The new assignments are as follows:
1. Toontown Central & Acorn Acres
Swapped pairs: Buck/Chip and Spruce/Brian
Buck Ruffler, Acorn Acres Kudos Manager
Duck Shuffler, level 50 Cashbot
Fight concept
-Gains an override so that his last minute changes to projects become efficient and more beneficial to the company
-A little more serious, but he's still pretty out there.
-Buck's override is triggered if he spins his slots and rolls 777 {and will deactivate with another 777}. Additionally, his other slot outcomes have been changed while the printing stays the same.
-During an override, Buck would be very similar to Chip in canon in that he'd be monotone and incredibly hostile to Toons {but his speech impediment would still be there lol}. I feel like in a battle this would be reflected by Buck doing more damage, his slot outcomes changing to things that are way more negative for Toons {but also WAY more random}, the inability to receive a 'bust' outcome, and/or getting more slot rolls per turn.
Chip Revvington, Toontown Central Street Manager
Chainsaw Consultant, Level 5 Bossbot
-He leaves firing employees more up to chance than anything
-Despite being such a low level, since he's a manager he can fire any non-manager Cog. He just couldn't fire any managers that are above him, which is fine for the company since they don't want layoffs that high up their management chain
-Without his override anymore and also some of Buck's personality, he becomes quite friendly and even slightly outgoing. He even jokes about his chainsaw and how scary it looks when he's nothing like that
-Has WAY less cheats since he's literally the first manager now. It would still operate based on an RPM meter, but it'd be WAY more straightforward and forgiving... Something like +1K/turn regardless of what attacks are used, cheats draining all his RPM regardless of when it was used or how much he has, only having 2-3 cheats {and just one RPM meter}, and each cheat's trigger is easy to figure out or is literally said to players.
Spruce Campbell, Toontown Central Kudos Manager
Treekiller, Level 12 Cashbot
-He strategically steals paper and logs {along with other resources} from the Toons
-Although he still SEEMS to talk and act exactly the same as in canon, this is now just an act he puts on for the Toons so they don't realize how genius he actually is
-Becomes a little full of himself, but not to unreasonable standards. He just likes to boast about himself a lot
-In battle, his cheats would both be annoying like Brian's and use some of the resources he's been stealing
Brian {no last name}, Acorn Acres Street Manager
Prethinker, Level 24 Sellbot
-He just works on more projects than before but becomes a bit more outspoken
-Is now okay with admitting he made mistakes and doesn't hold it against himself very much
-His cheats now reflect the resources around him and have an underlying theme of wood and acorns
-Since he's also later in the game, his cheats are more complex and allow for his strategic prowess to truly shine
-A bit bolder than before, which sometimes backfires on him. This is especially true if he accidentally makes a miscalculation
2. Barnacle Boatyard & Ye Olde Toontowne
Swapped pairs: Misty/Prester and Mary/Holly
Misty Monsoon, Ye Olde Toontown Kudos Manager
Witch Hunter, Level 20 Lawbot
-She convinces large groups of people to have class action lawsuits
-Will send out anonymous letters to Cogs in an attempt to get them riled up against Toons and start a witch hunt against specific Toons {usually whichever one hurt her the most that week}
-Still very quiet, but now it's because she's incredibly bitter and jaded towards everyone and doesn't wanna talk to anyone
-Still has self esteem issues, but she buries this really deep so that way nobody knows about it
-If she does speak, it's usually something really vague. She prefers to do her mob collecting from the shadows so as not to trace it back to her
Prester Virgil, Barnacle Boatyard Kudos Manager
Rainmaker, Level 16 Lawbot
-He gains weather changing abilities, which he uses to cause disasters and convince the company they need to make insurance claims {or sometimes normal Cogs}
-Doesn't use... as many big words
-A bit more soft spoken, but still pretty obnoxious about things
Mary Anna, Ye Olde Toontowne Street Manager
Deep Diver, Level 10 Boardbot
-She's put her defenses up and does her deep searches with more bias and sass
-With bias now comes sometimes overlooking things or having a confirmation bias where things might not get as thoroughly checked
-Mary is now also a perfectionist trying to work through this flaw in her performance because it's causing her a lot of stress
Holly Grayelle, Barnacle Boatyard Street Manager
Gatekeeper, Level 7 Boardbot
-Does extensive research into pretty much anyone she or the company wants to interact with, hire, ETC. to determine if they're allowed to or not
-A little more mellowed out and not so bad of a perfectionist anymore, but she hasn't completely toned it down
-Quieter, but it's because instead of talking so much she's observing. This will inform future judgements she makes about others, for better or for worse
3. Daffodil Gardens & The Brrrgh
Swapped Pairs: Cathal/Flint and Ben/Cosmo
Cathal Bravecog, The Brrrgh Street Manager
Firestarter, Level 20 Bossbot
-He tries to help out his dad from The Brrrgh, but he just seems to always cause problems
-Very chill and laid back manager who outwardly doesn't show much reaction to his mistakes... at first.
-Over time {and in battle this would be reflected by entering different phases}, he becomes more and more insecure about it until he's clearly pretty anxious and worried. This results in more severe mistakes being made and so the cycle goes on and on
-Tries to get praise from his dad, but he's pretty sneaky around the subject
-He will gain Flint's fire abilities, and it does NOT mix well with his anatomy that's not built to take the heat
Flint Bonpyre, Daffodil Gardens Kudos Manager
Multislacker, Level 24 Sellbot
-Flint is 'burnt out' and doesn't have the emotional capacity to do much work. This would be literally represented by the flame on his head always being very weak
-Very quiet since he just doesn't have the energy to speak much
-Spends most of his time kinda staring off into space or only putting in just enough effort to not get fired
Benjamin Biggs, The Brrrgh Kudos Manager
Bellringer, Level 38 Sellbot
-He gets to have a mafia of his own and they go around "convincing" people to buy from COGS, Inc.
-Uses gossip and blackmail to control everything, basically
-Not really much for getting himself into trouble anymore and is WAY more interested on just finding dirt on anyone and everyone in case he encounters them at some point and needs to "persuade" them
-Instead of Satellite Investors, he has Bell Boys... lol
Cosmo Kupier, Daffodil Gardens Street Manager
Plutocrat, Level 13 Cashbot
-He uses the power of his money to create quite a bit of gossip. Money talks for him a lot
-Whether it's starting fake rumors, starting true rumors, or hearing gossip about somebody, he's paying for it
-While they no longer appear in battle, his Satellite Investors still help him out with a lot of stuff
-His cheats would still be ice themed, but they wouldn't be as extreme both due to not having a frozen office and for being earlier in the line
4. Mezzo Melodyland & Drowsy Dreamland
Swapped pairs: Belle/Tawney and Dave/Graham
Belle Dama, Drowsy Dreamland Street Manager
-She delegates her work to other Cogs and has to frequently nap due to her age
Mouthpiece, Level 30 Lawbot
Design concept
-One of her cheats would literally be not attacking for like 2-3 turns but in return she gains like 50-60% of her health back
-But even though she's old and a bit more frail, she's still got hands to throw. AKA she can do a lot of damage!
Tawney Esta, Mezzo Melodyland Street Manager:
Featherbedder, Level 16 Bossbot
-They do their work with less napping and delegation basically I guess
-Maybe more social
-I really didn't know what else to put here
Dave Brubot, Drowsy Dreamland Kudos Manager
Pacesetter, Level 66 Sellbot
-He basically does his show but like... really fast
-As a star performer, he sets ALL the trends, babe! Both in the company and even on social media!
-You thought he didn't slow dance before? Well now he REALLY doesn't slow dance
-Becomes more self-absorbed, leading to a lot of posters of himself being hung up around his lobby and his stage
Graham Payser, Mezzo Melodyland Kudos Manager
Major Player, Level 28 Bossbot
-He's slowed down a bit and replaced it with more drama!
-Think you can take on someone as beautiful, stunning, and perfect as him? Think again!
-Even without his signature speed to help him, he's still quite the formidable opponent who will use his strength and ranking in the company to his advantage
-Also WAY more into performing and showing off. Somehow. Because he wasn't already maxed out here.
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(part 2/2) | previous | archive (now updated!)
hey, this kid looks familiar....
in other news: the next comic might take a bit, since school is starting for me next week and I want to give myself time to adjust. I'm aiming to make it significantly longer than these shorter chapters I've been posting so far.
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starshine-valley · 11 months
Happy ! Smiling ! VVonderland !! (Pronounced as Happy Smiling Wonderland)
“It’s time to make everyone smile! A troupe formed by the most creative minds~!”
“I want to make new memories with everyone!”
Saki Tenma: An upbeat girl who wants to move forward
“Maybe this is my calling, after all.”
Toya Aoyagi: the one who wants to escape the past
“Wah~! Let’s go perform together~!”
Minori Hanasato: Never one to give up
“The bright colors make my stomach feel strange…”
Mafuyu Asahina: isn’t the girl she appears to be
“Four performers bound together by a strange theme park stumble into a SEKAI.”
“Hey everybody! Let the curtains rise~!”
Sekai: Funtime Sekai (a restaurant that has an indoor playground and a performing stage)
Virtual Singers: Miku, Len and Kaito
Relationship Chart:
“Childhood friend, only one that’s left.” <-> “Childhood friend who he’s worried about.”
“Until when do you stop, Hanasato-San?” <-> “Asahina-Senpai! Let’s keep going!”
“One of her new closest friends!” <-> “gets along with her well and loves to talk to her!”
“He’s good but something’s holding him back.“ <-> “Asahina-san, something’s bothering you.”
“She’s a reliable senpai though sometimes…” <-> “she’s hiding something behind that smile.”
“Always sees him working on classical music but he looks upset.” <-> “Admires her strength to never give up, wishes to have that mindset.”
Leader: Saki Tenma
“This is my chance! Towards a new dream!”
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thatone-pancake · 3 months
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WOO i am DONE!! also i only realised how tiny i drew katana compared to the other playgrounders while writing this, so i had to size him up and he still looks short compared to the others LMAO. guess he's like a midget in this au then /jk
this was probably the hardest bunch to design bc playground seemingly has no faction attire, and their faction isn't like Lost Temple where it is a desert so i have an idea of what to do.
all playground characters seem to just have streetwear or something casual soo i tried my best to do that (i love shuriken but he was INCREDIBLY hard to design and even now he may be my least favourite one)
katana's biker idea was suggested by a friend and i thought that was perfect because canon katana looks threatening in some way, and how else could i have carried that same vibe when he has to wear more casual clothes?
anyways yeah i am done with this au for now!! until the next phighter, that is. also if you guys want, you can ask me to doodle some npcs and their designs. no factionless people though (like the sfoths)
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always-sleeepy-headd · 4 months
Nightmare? Dream? Fuck that I choose Error
Swap's smarter. Better. Stronger.
But they don't need to know.
Until he's fed up and bored at least.
Inspired by https://archiveofourown.org/works/49249111 By https://archiveofourown.org/users/ReikoNatsume/pseuds/ReikoNatsume
Swap wasn't like them.
Hell, even the Bad Sanses.
He was smarter.
That's why he walked the halls of both places without the other even batting an eye.
That's how he always does things.
He'll win no matter the cost.
Win what you may ask?
Attention, excitement, entertainment.
The multiverse is his playground, and he was gonna put it in its place.
Per usual, Swap was walking down the winding halls of Ink's forever changing house in the Doodle Sphere with no intent other than to ame the halls with boredom heavy in his eyes and soul. He walked for about a mile before ending up right where he began, just to see the path had changed again, he almost liked the ever changing nature of the Doodle Sphere, it calmed him in a strange sense.
"Oh! There you are Swap!" Ink giggles and runs over to him.
"Hi Ink! What's up?" Swap asks, mentally sighing at how strained he sounded. Ink didn't seem to notice of care though.
"Well, I was looking for you but you disappeared again! I don't understand how you know this place better than me, you walk around and just find the exact place you want to go!" Ink pouts, "It's absolutely no fair."
Swap laughs slightly, and then pats Ink's head a little. "I have just as much trouble, I just don't care where I'm going most of the time."
"UGHHH It's so annoying-" Ink seems to remember something and he ruffles through his scarf to find it. "Aha! I wanted to ask you how it went at Nightmare's?"
"I haven't gone yet Ink, he expects me there in..." Swap looks at the time and realizes he lost track when wandering. "Oh! Ten minutes from now, I guess it's a good thing you found me because I totally would've just kept wandering."
"Jeez, that could have been bad- Anyway are you sure you don't need help figuring out what to tell them? You always make it up on the spot and I imagine that can be scary..." Ink says, Swap had been spying for The Stars for a while now.
When Nightmare came up to ask him to spy for him in the Stars he told Ink and Dream, he quickly thought about how easy this would make everything for him.
So now he's 'spying' for both sides, Ink and Dream have no idea how he does it without getting caught and how quickly he gained Nightmare's trust is startling.
"Uhh, well I don't make it up on the spot, I have a very complicated system in my head that'll give them some information that is correct but a leave out parts of our plans that make it look like I had no idea about it and you or Dream are just acting impulsively." Swap sighs slightly, "It is a little stressful but it's really easy to lie to someone who thinks both of you are so incredibly stupid."
"Oh! Huh, I guess that makes sense. ... Actually! That's really smart! So they'll expect things to go one way while you still are trusted!"
"Yeah! Exactly, but I should get going now, Nightmare hates tardiness."
"Oh, alright! Be careful!"
Swap waved his goodbyes to Ink and climbed through a portal, Ink startles as he isn't used to Swap using portals to get around.
Sure was good that Nightmare taught him how though.
Swap enters the almost baren AU that the Bad Sanses reside in. It is covered in forest and at the center of it is a large castle where Nightmare's office is located, and it's where he's supposed to be three minutes from now.
He really needs to manage his time better.
Swap begins to sprint down the the trail that leads to gigantic and terrifying castle that the Bas Sanses call home, then he realizes he could just teleport.
I guess this is why Error calls him so many names.
catches his breath instead of spriting there and teleports outside of the office with a minute to spare, then decides it would be funny to bust in there at the very last moment, even if it costs him his life.
Right when the clock turns he shoves the door of Nightmare's office open, not realizing Cross trying not to laugh at him from around a corner.
Cross was pretty sure Nightmare was gonna kill Swap and Swap could have easily prevented it and just not stood in front of his door until the last second.
Luckily for Swap, he survived.
"... Hello Swap." Nightmare says, Killer was standing next to him with his usual pissy smile.
"You sure came in at the last moment." Killer says, his smile only growing more manic by the second.
"... I suppose." I say, as I have to be careful around someone as unpredictable as Killer.
Nightmare lets out a sigh, "Your report of what has happened with the Stars?" He says, going straight to the point.
"Something big is happening, I almost considered coming here sooner because of it." Swap says, weaving a lie so easily not even Nightmare would be able to tell. "I decided it would be okay to wait though... Nightmare, Dream plans to turn the tides of the war completely using this new AU, it was named a copy of Haventale and it's copy code is HGRJ3792. Haventale copies usually give large amounts of positivity anyway, but this copy seems to be different. It's inhabitants seem to have no emotion whatsoever, so when Dream went to scope it out his positivity gave them emotions that they have never felt before and they came to consider him a biblical God. Ink decided he wanted to milk this and turn things there way by using the inhabitants as missionaries, this will not only make the multiverse view Dream as all knowing but will completely drown out any other Gods of the multiverse, as if Dream was the main and most powerful. This would make it so much easier to spread positivity but also to make you look completely irrelevant."
Nightmare's face as Swap said this was absolutely priceless, even Killer seemed a little startled.
"... And how do you suggest we prevent this...?" Nightmare asks.
"Well, the plan has not yet been set into motion due to Dream's reluctance to use others for his own benefit, but Ink is utterly thrilled about this and I'm certain even if Dream refuses Ink will go behind his back and make it a reality. So simply you just need to eradicate the universe, these people are dangerous though, they've gotten a taste of freedom and would die for it." Swap says, Nightmare's shoulders untense slightly at the easy solution.
"Good, it seems you've thought a lot about this." Nightmare starts. "But won't Dream and especially Ink not only notice what we're doing and try to stop us, plus this will put you in a bad position?"
"Hm, well, quite simply I'll be fine, Dream and Ink suspect nothing of me. But it'll be hard to prevent them from attempting to stop you." Swap states then pauses. "I don't suppose I could make a distraction hm? It's quite easy to pull Ink's attention away from things... besides..." Swap smiles in a uncanny way that Nightmare blinks at, it slightly surprising him. "I have the perfect thing~"
"Well then," Nightmare smiles evilly, I suppose we'll need to set a date then."
Swap smiles as he leaves through his portal, it startles Nightmare slightly and it annoys him that Ink and Dream are just going all willy nilly and teaching everyone to use portals, it sure worked out for him in this case though.
Dream greets Swap as he gets back, and Swap realizes his still is doing the evil smile thing an laughs slightly.
"Hi Dream! I can't help but get into character when I'm over there." Swap says rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh it's fine! I'm just glad you're okay, I always get worried when you go there..." Dream says.
"Nope! Perfectly fine here! There is a BIG problem though!" Swap says, flinging his arms out to insinuate how bad it is.
"O- Oh? What is it?" Dream asks nervously.
"It's pretty bad, where's Ink?" Swap asks.
"He's over here." Dream says, grabbing Swap's arm and pulling him into the living room.
"Oh! Swap, you're back!" Ink says jumping to his feet.
"Yep! And Nightmare is planning something BIG!"
"Uh oh, what is it?" Ink asks, sitting back and down, he is quickly followed by Dream and Swap.
"Nightmare is planning a big attack on a Haventale AU copy, normally this would be mostly fine but this is a special Haventale. It's the communication hub for all Haventale's and Haventale has always been a big source of positivity right? So they plan to send a message to a bunch of Haventale copies that have contact with them and basically scare them ALL."
"What?!" Ink and Dream both say.
"I- I wasn't even aware that was a thing." Dream says.
"Me neither! But it's actually real I checked just to make sure." Swap says, he CAN'T let this plan fail, not after all his hard work.
"Well, do you know when?" Ink asks.
"Yes actually!"
Today was the day, Swap COULDN'T mess this up, he was counting on him.
He had gotten the message from Nightmare that they were leaving, Swap NEEDED Ink and Dream to be there NOW.
He rushed down the hall and into the living room where Ink and Dream were getting ready.
"We need to go NOW!" Swap says, and opens a portal to HGRJ3792.
Ink and Dream pile themselves into it, expecting nothing.
The Bad Sanses find themselves in an AU covered in forest.
"We just need to find where they're residing and destroy every last one, we should have a lot of time, Swap seemed very confident." Nightmare says, but Cross can't help but feel a lump him his throat, something was off.
They walked for a while until they heard feet pattering on the forest ground, someone was there.
"It smells like it's just two of them... I think we can take them..." Horror grumbles.
Nightmare was about to respond but the two forms leap out from the bushes with their weapons pointed at them.
"Nightmare! Stop this madness!" Dream yells.
Ink is standing with his Brush out next to him.
"What in the world?!" Nightmare hisses. "Is this some sort of set up?!"
"No? You were going to try to destroy this communication AU!" Ink yells.
"Communication AU?" Cross mumbles, startled.
"Yeah! You aren't going to spread negativity this way!" Ink says.
"You're trying to manipulate monsters into thinking you're their savior!" A pissed Dust yells.
"What... are you talking about...?" Dream asks lowering his weapon a little.
"What are you talking about?!" Killer yells.
"But... Swap said..." Ink mumbles.
"Boss.. do you think..?" Cross asks wide eyed.
"We've both been played..." Nightmare says in amazement, Swap had been tricking BOTH of their sides... but why?
"But- but-" Dream looks around. "Hey... where did Swap go?!"
"He tricked us both Dream, it's quite impressive.."
"NO! Swap would NEVER!" Ink says.
"Swap agreed to spy for me already behind your backs." Nightmare says.
"We knew about that! He didn't betray us, he spun the truth around to make it so he could lie to you while making it look like I was just changing plans!" Ink yells.
"Yet he's gone, and he lied, I don't feel any other lifeforms in this universe now that I've checked." Nightmare says. "You have to at least consider-" Nightmare was interrupted by a certain glitch.
"ThAt YoU'vE bEeN pLaYeD bItCh." Error laughs and everyone looks up in horror to see the God of Destruction with Swap holding on to his arm and giggling. "YoU sTuPiD fUcKs JuSt LiStEnEd ExAcTlY tO BeRrY wItHoUt EvEn BaTtInG aN EyE."
"Swap! I don't know what Error told you but it isn't true!" Ink attempts.
Swap giggles and hopped off the big branch he and Error were standing on to look cool.
"I've been working with Error this entire time silly! It's been fun messing with you though!" Swap says. "You made it SOOO easy, all I had to do is pull the innocent card and everyone just fell into my hands like putty!"
"No..." Dream whispered.
"Yep! I could control EXACTLY what you guys did and where you went! All had to do was make up some stories and have them so you guys collide while Error was busy at work!" Swap says.
"Doing what exactly...?" Cross slowly asks.
"Oh I an SO glad you asked, I distracted you so Error could easily keep the balance that you all keep destroying! It's a hard job for just one monster!" Swap can barely contain his excitement and Error's smile reflected just how much apricates Swap, even if it wasn't obvious to anyone there. "So, I guess you're wondering why we brought you here! Well, you guys have recently REALLY fucking up the balance, so you have two choices! This war ends right here and now by YOUR choice or by ours!"
"What are you talking about?!" Ink yells, his eyes darting back and forth from Error and Swap.
"Well, you dumbass's destroying things with your back and forth, so it's simple! No more trying to make more positivity and no more trying to make more negativity, also Ink, you need to stop making so many AUs and instead just let the multiverse take care of it." Swap says.
"So... you want us to have a... truce?" Cross asks.
"Exactly! I knew I liked you Cross." Swap says and Cross flushes in embarrassment, he isn't used to complement's at ALL.
"What are you going to do if we don't?" Dust asks.
"Kill you." Swap answered short and bittersweet.
Error snickers from up on his branch and jumps down.
"YoU fIlThY gLiTcHeS sHoUlD bE GlAd YoU HaVe BeRrY hErE pRoTeCtInG yOu, I wOuLd'Ve JuSt KiLlEd You." He says.
"It's your choice." Swap smiles in a controlling way, a way that you know that you better do what he says or he'll hurt you. badly.
Everyone looks around and then all come to an easy decision.
"I think we choose to live." Nightmare says, normally if it was just Swap saying this he'd laugh and laugh and laugh, but Error being in the mix meant that his words actually meant something, Error could easily kill all of them.
Dream and Ink nod.
"Good! I'm glad we could come to a decision as adults here." Swap smiles as Error wraps his arm around his waist and pulls him in for a kiss.
They loved each other and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
And that was exactly how they liked it.
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wreckedandpolemic · 22 days
now you KNOW matty's buying needlessly expensive clothes for actress au baby as soon as he finds out... is this anything
oh i fear you both are and so are all your friends. like the girl (imogene!!! btw) has a full designer wardrobe until she’s starting school. surprisingly, it’s matty who’s like Okay we have to put a pin in this she’s five she’ll probably swap clothes on the playground lmfao
but yeah he goes crazy spoiling the two of you, practically every time he comes home it’s with a present for both of you. her little nursery is piled high with baby blankets and teddy bears and the like, months’ worth of clothes folded away in her dresser. matty catches you opening the drawers up to look at her clothes, tears pricking in your eyes. what is it, darling? he murmurs, standing behind you in the now-familiar position that lets him take the weight of your bump off you.
she’s just gonna be so tiny, you sniff. matty kisses your neck softly. she’s gonna be perfect. half you, and half me. gonna be the coolest little baba in the world. and the smartest, and the prettiest, s’long as she takes after you.
you laugh wetly. she will, if she knows what’s good for her. you rub your belly gently, marvelling that there’s a little girl growing inside you. you hear that, genie? take after your mum, okay?
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littlespacereader · 11 months
Hello!! Really liked your Layla caregiver fic, can I get one with Jake Lockley please? :)
You absolutely can! Jake always gives overprotective Caregiver vibes to me, I don’t know if anyone else agrees. But I love me an overprotective tough Caregiver who has a soft side for their Little🥰 To my Werewolf By Night fans I hope you enjoy the little cameo in this as well. So with that in mind, here’s this adorable little fic! I hope you enjoy!💞💞 (Also the gif is not Jake Lockley but it DEFINITELY gives Jake Lockley energy)
The Protector of the Playground 🌙
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Caregiver! Jake Lockley & Fem Little!Reader (SFW)
Tags - picnic at the park, Littles are known AU, stuffie gets taken by bully, you get the stuffie back!, playground, slides, hand holding.
Nicknames - Princesa (Spanish for princess), pequeño (Spanish for little one), and sweetheart.
Y/N has the luxury of having 3 Caregivers wrapped into one person. Only thing is, she rarely only got to see one of them.
Okay, okay, say what you will but Marc and Steven are a little possessive over their Little one when it comes to Jake. Not that they don’t trust him…yet…but they would rather take control of the body and spend time with Y/N themselves.
But one night while having dinner with Steven, Y/N brought up the idea of having a day with Jake. Steven almost choked on his food.
“Well, um, why not a day out with Marc or me instead sweetheart?” Steven tried to suggest but Y/N shook her head.
“No! I always hang out with you and Marc. Not that I don’t love the both of you but I want to get to know Jake more. He told you he wants to be my Caregiver too so l want to see him as one.”
Steven sighed, knowing Y/N was right. It was unfair to her not to have time shared with Jake.
“I’ll ask him. How about that?” Steve added getting a big smile from Y/N.
He closed his eyes for a moment to focus on the other two talking in his head. After a moment he opened his eyes again.
“How about tomorrow? Jake said he’d love to hang out tomorrow.” Steven said a bit concerned.
“That’s perfect! We’ll go to the park! I heard there’s a new playground there.” Y/N smiled.
“But you’re sure you want to hang out with Jake? Marc or I would be more than happy to take you there.” Steven tried to offer but he only received a stern look from Y/N.
He laughed and put his hands up as if to surrender. “Alright, alright, it will be Jake tomorrow.”
I woke up to an empty bed this morning. Strange…usually Steven or Marc would sleep in with me on our day off. But that’s when it hit me! Today is my day with Jake!!
Jake was a like a whole new Caregiver to get to know! What would he be like? Would he be a pushover like Steven? Would he be playful like Marc? What would his nickname be? Steven’s is Dada, Marc is Dad, and Jake’s would be….
I could hear someone messing around in the kitchen and knew it must’ve been him. I literally couldn’t wait to spend the day with him.
I didn’t know much about him. Marc and Steven didn’t mention him much and the only time I saw him was when there was a dangerous situation he would swap into the body and take me to safety. But those moments weren’t enough to really get to know him.
But here I was, eager for the opportunity to meet the third personality.
I jumped out of bed and made my way towards the apartment’s small kitchen. It smelled amazing whatever he was cooking. I turned the corner and just stared at him in awe.
It’s funny how three people could be in charge of the same body yet look so different when they were in control.
Jake was no different. He looked tough and stern, almost like a rock. He wore a totally different outfit than Steven and Marc normally would. He wore fancy shoes, fancy pants and a button up shirt complete with a tie. On his head sat a newboy cap, one I didn’t know Steven and Marc even owned.
His icy exterior melted the moment he noticed me in the entrance of the kitchen. He pulled the kitchen towel down from his shoulder, wiped his hands, and made his way over to me.
“Good morning Princesa! How did you sleep?” He asked.
I could see the hesitation in his body as he stopped infront of me, almost afraid he was about to do something wrong.
I closed the distance between us and gave him a hug. “I slept good. It’s finally nice to hang out with you Jake.”
Jake immediately reciprocated the hug, wrapping his arms around me to holding me tightly. “I am honored to have the opportunity to spent the day with you.”
Once we broke apart I held onto his hand, still wanting to show him it’s okay to be close with me. He seemed happy to he holding my hand, smiling down at our two hands and squeezing mine once as a little thank you.
“What are you cooking? It smells amazing!”
Truth be told Marc and Steven weren’t the best cooks. Steven tried to cook but would end up burning whatever it was. He was better at desserts. Marc didn’t know many recipes so he just made a mean sandwich but that was about it. It seems the cooking skills went to Jake.
He lead me over to the stove and showed me what he was cooking. “This is called Pincho De Tortilla. It’s a potato omelette. And for a little breakfast dessert I made mini churros with chocolate.”
My eyes lit up seeing the amazing breakfast. “I can’t wait to try it!”
He then gestured to the picnic basket on the counter. “I’m also filling our basket for the park. That way we can stay later and have a nice lunch together.”
I couldn’t help but smile. Jake seemed just as excited as I was for our day out.
The two of enjoyed the breakfast together. The Pincho De Tortilla was soooooo good! And the churros with the chocolate were the best churros I’ve ever had. All I kept doing was complimenting Jake’s cooking.
Then after an amazing breakfast we started to get ready for the park. I quickly got changed into a nice fall outfit. The weather in London was start to get a little chillier with the leaves starting to change colors.
Once changed into a long sleeve and jeans I ran over to the door and grabbed my shoes. That when I heard Jake clear his throat behind me to get my attention.
I turned around to see him holding my jacket in his hand. “You need your jacket today, it’s windy so it’s a little colder than usual.”
“I’m sure it isn’t that cold. I’ll be fine without it.”
Now normally if this was Steven or Marc they would be telling me how I have to wear it so I don’t catch a cold or that something along those lines.
But Jake just stared me down with that stern look he had earlier. But I’m nothing if not stubborn. So we stayed like that, in a stare off.
Eventually he raised an eye brow to me and held my jacket out for me to take. His look wore me down so I grabbed the coat seeing that there was no way of avoiding it.
“Gracias Princesa.” He winked, going over to grabbed his own coat. He grabbed a long tan coat I’ve never seen Steven or Marc wear.
After he put it on, he grabbed the picnic basket with one hand and took mine in the other. “Ready for the park?” He asked.
“I think I am…wait!” I let go of his hand and ran back to the bedroom. I fished out my hippo Taweret from the blankets. I ran back over to Jake and took his hand again.
He couldn’t help but smile at the sight, “We couldn’t leave without your hippo. What is their name?” He asked as we left the apartment.
“Her name is Taweret like the goddess! Steven got me her from the museum.” I explained, holding her up for Jake to see.
He shook her hand, “It’s an honor to meet you señorita.” I couldn’t help but giggle at the cute interaction.
We walked across the town to the new park. I held Jake’s hand tightly in my own as we walked down the street.
I couldn’t help but watch Jake as we walked, he was like a statue, stern and stiff. He took in every person who walked by and every car that passed as if something was going to happen at any moment.
But when he turned his gaze to me his features softened. He smiled and held my tightly. It seemed I was the one thing that broke his tough exterior.
Finally we arrived at the new park!! And it looked awesome! Big slides, tons of swings, and a huge play area complete with bridges! It really was as cool as they were saying it was going to be.
There were a couple of Littles like myself playing around on the playset while their Caregivers sat on benches near by.
I couldn’t wait to go already! I kept pulling Jake along! Why was he so slow? He kept laughing saying we will get there soon enough. And soon enough we were! Jake opened the gate and I ran to the playground.
I was halted in my tracks to a sharp whistle. I turned to see Jake was the one to whistle with his mouth, something I didn’t know Steven or Marc could ever do.
I walked back over to Jake as he took a seat on one of the benches near the playground. “I didn’t get a chance to talk to you before you ran off.”
I looked down a bit embarrassed, “Sorry, I got excited.”
Jake smiled, “It is okay pequeño. I just wanted to tell you I will be here if you need anything. I’ll call you in a couple of minutes for lunch. Sound good Princesa?”
I nodded my head and smiled back. Jake pointed to Taweret in my arms, “Are you taking Taweret on your adventures or would you like her to stay with me?”
“She’s going to explore the new playground with me!” After all she was my sidekick!
“Then I shall not hold you back from you adventures any longer. If you need anything I’ll be right here.”
I quickly gave a quickly little hug to Jake before I took off to the playground with Taweret.
I quickly ran up the steps of the main playset and headed for the top slide! Yes, the best way to kickstart this day was to go on the highest slide! I ran across the bridge and climbed the steps to the first level.
There was a second set of steps to the tallest slide but…well…it’s higher than I thought it was going to be. Maybe the first level slide was a good starting point!
So with Taweret in hand, I made my way over to the slide. It’s a green slide with a cover over the top. I sat down with Taweret tightly in my arms and slid down.
The slide was super fun! It twisted the whole way down and had some major speed it it! I’m definitely going to need to try that one again!! And so I did, I ran back up and went back onto the slide for a second and then a third time.
The third time I did there was a line for the slide. The guy in front of me had a stuffie just like me. It looked cool! Like some sort of wolf.
“I like your wolf stuffie.” I managed to say when I worked up the courage to talk to him.
He turned around and smiled, “Thank you! It’s a werewolf!” He told me proudly. “I like your hippo.”
“Thank you! She’s a goddess.” I told him just as proud, holding Taweret up.
“Wow! That’s so cool!” He smiled. “I’m Jack Russel.” He held his hand out to me.
“I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you Jack.” I shook his hand.
Then it was Jack’s turn for the slide. He looked at me nervous, “Is this slide scary?”
I shook my head, “Not at all, a little fast but it’s very fun. Trust me.”
Jack nodded and held his werewolf tight to his chest. Then with a deep breath he went down the slide. After I knew it was safe to slide myself I went down and found Jack laughing.
“You’re right! That was fun!” Jack smiled.
Before I got the chance to reply, someone started calling for Jack. He looked over to see his Caregiver calling him over.
“I guess I gotta go. Maybe I’ll see you around here next time! It was nice meeting you Y/N.”
“It was nice meeting you too!”
Jack ran off to his Caregiver and I walked back to the stairs of the playground. I looked over to see Jake still sitting on his bench. He noticed me look over and waved. I smiled and waved back.
Now that I’ve experienced the small slide I think I’ve got the big slide now! So I climbed and climbed to the tallest level of the playground to the tall slide.
Up there was another Little, he seemed a bit older than me. And immediately when I stepped up he seemed to have a problem with me being up there.
“You’re too little for this slide.” He told me.
“No I’m not!” I argued. Who was he to tell me?
“Yes you are! No babies can go on this slide.”
“I can go on this slide, baby or not.” I wasn’t about to have him telling me I couldn’t just because my headspace was younger than his.
“You can’t go on when you have a stupid stuffed animal with you.” And with that he grabbed Taweret from my arms.
Immediately all my confidence left me as he held my stuffed animal in his hand. “Give her back!!” I yelled.
He shook his head, “No I don’t think I will.” He held Taweret above my head as he started to go back down the stairs to the first level of the playset.
I went after him, trying to get Taweret back. “GIVE HER BACK!!” I yelled but he wouldn’t.
He took off to the opposite side of the playset. I ran after him but tripped, falling down hard. He started to get away Taweret in hand.
I started to cry there on the floor. “Papa!!” I yelled out for Jake. I guess subconsciously I already had a nickname for him.
I didn’t see him get up from the bench, but the next thing I knew he was at the other end of the playground. He didn’t even say a word to the other Little, he just stood over him with that stern expression. It looks could kill, this Little would be dead.
He turned white as a ghost as he handed Taweret back over to Jake. Jake continue to glare at him and mutter some choice words in Spanish under his breath, before he made his way over to me.
I stood up and ran over to Jake, grabbing Taweret and hugging him tightly. Tears fell from my eyes as I hid my face against his shoulder.
He held me close and muttered reassurances to me. “You’re okay pequeño. Taweret is safe. You do not have to worry about that mean little mocoso again. He will not bother you again. I’m here, I’ve got you. It’s okay.”
After a moment I broke apart. “I don’t want to play anymore. Can we have lunch?” I asked.
Jake pointed to the big slide, “Weren’t you about to go down the slide before this happened?”
I nodded my head, “I was but I don’t want to anymore, I just wanna have lunch.”
Jake shook his head, “Nonsense! You wanted to go down that slide. Don’t let a bully like him stop you from enjoying it.”
I think Jake could see the conflict still within me so he added, “I’ll go to the bottom and wait for you. I’ll catch you on the way out.” He added with a wink.
I could help but smile, “Okay, I will.” I said proudly. He’s right! I’m not going to let that guy stop me from going down that slide!
Jake smiled back, “I will see you on the way down then.” And with that he left me to go climb to the tippy top.
I climbed and climbed till I was at the very top. I looked down to see Jake waiting for me at the bottom of the slide. So with a deep breath, I take my seat, put Taweret on my lap and push myself off. This slide was long and fast!
Just as I reached the end Jack grabbed hold of me and lifted me into his arms. “There you are my pequeño! You are so brave for going down the big slide! I am so proud of you.”
I giggled and held onto him. “It was fun! Again! Again!”
“Maybe after lunch pequeño, we need to get some food into that tummy of yours.” He said poking my stomach causing me to giggle.
He walked over to the park bench and grabbed the picnic basket before walking toward the greenery and finding a nice spot for us to sit, under the shade of a tree.
I helped him lay out the picnic blanket before we started to dig into our food. Of course Jake made it and of course it tasted amazing. Jake wrapped an arm around me and I leaned against him, just the two of us, enjoying a day out together at the park.
“Thank you for protecting me.” I said after a moment.
“You don’t need to thank me Y/N. It is my honor to be your Caregiver, an honor I do not take lightly. No one and I mean no one will ever harm you while I am around.”
I felt every word so deeply as he told it. He meant it, every word of it. Between him, Steven and Marc I knew it to true.
“You’re an amazing Caregiver Jake. I can’t wait to spend more time with you.” I said causing Jake to really smile. He seemed so honored by the comment.
“We should do this every week! Every Wednesday you and me go to the park together! Would that be okay with Steven and Marc?”
After a slight pause Jake nodded his head. “It’s a plan.” He smiled.
“I’m so happy to have you as my Caregiver Jake.”
“Pequeño, the honor is all mine.” He pulled me tighter to his side.
The two of us just stayed there, sharing our lunch together in an embrace. His arm wrapped around me and my head resting against his shoulder.
The trip to the park was a major success!
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skythealmighty · 3 months
This is Melvin Sneedly. He's the kid with the fluffed up hair and the bowtie; remember that now!
So. Um. I'd like to offer my own AU to the table! It's called Pranksterswap, and how it works is Melvin swaps role with both George and Harold. At once! They don't swap personality, though, that stays the same. (ALSO, THIS AU FOLLOWS A MISHMASH OF THE BOOK AND SHOW, NOT THE MOVIE.)
Let's start by analyzing our main G&H, shall we?
George Beard and Harold Hutchins
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They still write comics as Tree House Comix! In fact, they even have matching button pins- courtesy of Harold's mom, who I like to imagine is a bit of a craftswoman. There's one key difference though- they started comics in first grade, not kindergarten.
George is still our loveable dumb humored writer, he's just a little less rough and tumble than before and a bit more cautious (Harold played a big influence on that). He wears pants now! And a backpack all the time for his notebooks.
Harold played a lot more influence in the early days, leading them both to be a lot less jump-into-danger-at-first-sight. Sometime after they start making comics, he gets the idea of art school from his mom (who went to art school), so they both plan out to go to art school so they can make comics forever.
They're... mostly model students. They both have ADHD, but only George is medicated, so Harold tends to unknowingly space out. (George has the Hyperactive type, Harold has the Inattentive type.) Really, the only rules they break are "doodling in class" and "selling comics on the playground", so they don't see the principal often.
This doesn't mean they don't get prank ideas; they do, but when they get them they usually hand them off to...
Melvin Sneedly
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Melvin is... still Melvin, mostly, with a different progresssion. Especially in kindergarten, he very much felt unchallenged and bored, but without G&H causing mass mayhem, he didn't turn to tattling- instead he turned to online classes, and then to studying his classmates like a lab experiment.
Potty humor and childish jokes eventually became what he tried to figure out, mostly by nature of him growing up with more "sophisticated" humor. Though he didn't end up completely getting it, he did end up appreciating some of the wordplay and figuring out the "formula" so he could join in.
Though he still didn't quite "get" it, seeing other kids laugh at his jokes was a point of pride and made him happy. Thus begins his more juvenile sense of humor.
By the time George and Harold started selling their comics, he was studying other possible ways to make his fellow students laugh, and also keeping tabs on what his classmates did for fun. Naturally, he bought a pretty early copy, just about when he found out about "pranks", and well, things were pretty much set in motion.
Using the first Tree House Comix as a guide, he did his first prank on his first grade teacher, and burst out laughing at her reaction, something finally clicking for his sense of humor.
The rest is history, really, though a lot of his pranks quickly became much more complicated after that, mostly to test his inventions and intellect. A lot of them were inspired by Tree House Comix, of which he was now an avid reader- which, of course, eventually ended up in...
Captain Underpants!
Melvin makes an off-hand joke while trying to get out of weekend detention (he has the Invention Convention that weekend, where he can proudly share off his prank inventions! Come on!), and it accidentally turns Krupp into the Captain, which as we all know makes things so much more complicated.
Unlike G&H, Melvin does realize the weight of what he's done pretty well, and is frankly kind of horrified about it. As a result, he treats Captain a lot more genuinely than canon G&H do, and ends up in the fray alongside him more often than not using technology to make up for his lack of superpowers.
The books/show end up leaning far more towards edutainment just by nature of the main characters- Captain is kind of clueless, and Melvin likes sharing knowledge. As a result, Captain here is a bit more knowledgeable, though he does tend to retain all-over-the-place fun facts more than other things.
Melvin also has generally no qualms about Krupp finding out, but he's also spent so long anxiously agonizing over the scenarios of what would happen so he's still dreading it. Captain seems mostly oblivious to this.
So... yeah that's... about it! Sort of. There's a lot more that I haven't touched on, but this post is LONG as is. Colored versions of the drawings might come eventually! ...Eventually.
Oh yeah and feel free to send me asks if you have any questions!
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kaijucat01artblog · 3 months
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swapspace design for my au! lore under the cut
One of the most controversial Phighters is Swapspace, hailing as a wanted fugitive from Blackrock and regarded as a rightfully rebellious freedom fighter in Playground. He's usually filled with a nervous energy, tinkering away on chemicals within his apartment's lab outside of Phighting! rounds, and avoiding crowds through back alleys. Nobody has yet discovered his criminal status within the other factions and Crossroads due to the mysterious snowstorms holding Blackrock in a fierce grip - and in a twist of cruel irony, only Playground was able to get Blackrock's warning message about him, leading to his elevated standing in Playgrounder society.
Subspace remains almost jubilantly anxious, constantly on edge no matter where he is. Perhaps he's right to have such a disposition: treasonous persons in Blackrock don't get away with their crimes, especially when his most notable include the sabotage of promising scientist Medkit and the theft of the only Biograft blueprint in existence. In battle, his abilities to go undetected allow him to flit in and out of view as he poisons enemies and quells the lethal edge of Ultimate Healing.
(Swapped w/ Medkit)
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pjunicornart · 3 months
Papercut (Reclaimed)
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I've decided to reclaim Papercut for the fandom! Here's the explanation.
Papercut (a Fell variant of Paperjam) was originally created by the person who created PJ's Daycare and NaJ. I'm not name dropping them because... I just don't want to. Anyway, the creator (if you know you know) is not a great person. I believe fandoms can reclaim characters from people who were less than role models. Now, a QnA under a cut:
Doesn't Paperjam already have a Fell variant? Yes. They already have a canon Fell and Swap variant if I'm remembering correctly. That being said, this is what I propose for Papercut: He's a completely original variant away from the Fell labeling. He's from a universe where he was named Papercut instead of Paperjam. Outside influences made him edgy instead of it just being his nature.
What did you change about Cut's design? For starters, I made his design less "rule of cool" and more practical. Admittedly some of the AU Sans designs I think are bad because they follow too heavily on the rule of cool. His outfit ties into his new story. Plus, if I'm going to draw him again, I want his design to be simple. Second, I desaturated the color palette, except for around his face. I kept the "hairstyle" Cut had, because I think it makes him stand out compared to other Sanses.
What's his lore? Currently I'm going for a troubled teen angle. Gets mixed up with the wrong crowds, been in and out of juvie, that type of thing. He's clearly hurting, but his environment and home life make it worse and hard for him to stabilize his life. Speaking of his home life, Ink and Error are NOT his parents... creators... people. They don't even exist in this AU. Instead, his parents are two completely different people who will NOT be classified as Sanses. These two people are one of the many reasons for Cut's rebellious persona.
What are some specific details about Cut? He's 17, a cis boy (amab), and pronouns he/him. Because he's been suspended and put into juvie a lot, his formal education is lacking. He can read and write just fine, but he won't be able to answer questions about history or sex ed. If his parents cared, they'd realize he needs serious help in this regard. But they only care about themselves and making sure he's out of the way. He's been arrested for minor crimes - Theft, vandalism, and misdemeanors. His vandalism is graffiti, of which he is quite skilled. His graffiti includes the usual stuff (tagging and such), but also political and artistic pieces. He thinks he's only into girls.
Does he have any powers? Yes, but he's not especially powerful or skilled with them. He can control paint fairly well since graffiti art has given him practice with it. He got this power from his mom. His other natural born ability is a blade only he can summon. This is something he inherited from his dad's side of the family. All the men on this side have their own unique blades. His is a dagger with a serrated blade for a ripping flesh effect. As for learned abilities: Teleportation (short distances), Healing (can't heal major wounds, but he can heal a bruise), and various stat boosters (attack, defense, and speed - minor changes). He's not particularly powerful because he hasn't taken the time to learn his abilities.
Will his story have anything to do with The Playground? We'll see. His story is still in the early stages of being fleshed out, so things are definitely subject to change. However, if he were to be in The Playground, he would become Playjam's third little brother.
Since he's technically not a Fell variant, could he be put into RNaJ? Yeah, he definitely could! He'd probably skip class and hang out alone. Maybe smoke a joint or two. Very confrontational and rude at first, but if you tolerated him enough he might open up a little. His vulnerability will be layered under tons of jokes, though.
Outfits, roleplay, and fan stuff? Outfits: I don't have any more at the moment, but if you wanna design some, be my guest. Roleplay: I'm down to roleplay as him, but you can also rp as him if you wish. I'm not gonna police you about it. Fan stuff: Everything is pretty loosey-goosey right now, sooo... go nuts.
Any more questions I didn't address can be sent to my ask box!
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a-blog-for-kat · 21 days
So, your Despair AU appears to be a Personality Swap AU? As someone with a Personality Swap AU as well, I couldn't help but find it fascinating! (From the looks of it, Teruko and Charles, Min and Veronika, Ace and Whit, Xander and David, are the swapped pairs.)
Yep! It is! It originally started as a joke with only Whit and Ace swapped, but I decided to make it a whole au!
Here are the pairs:
Teruko - Charles
David - Xander
Whit - Ace
Eden - Arei
J - Arturo
Hu - Nico
Rose - Levi
Min - Veronika
And also take a few scenes from canon in this au! :D
David: But I'm not ugly, right Mister Charles?
Charles: ...
Charles: It's ok, David.
Charles: Are you two playing games-?
Teruko: No.
Ace: Yes.
Aether: Hahaha! I got this scalpel! Maybe I can stab the TV!
MonoLaptop: HEY!!! I'M A CAT! >:(
Aether: Stabs Laptop
MonoLaptop: Nothing
Aether: Ah-
Charles: Pfft-
Whit: Ohhh I get it!
Whit: You all think I'm damaged in the head! Well guess what, it's not like I forget everything you drill into my head after five seconds, hah?
Whit: Well, guess what, I don't forget it.
Whit: And tell me why Teruko didn't kill David.
Ace: Because Teruko couldn't have killed David.
Whit: Oh, that makes sense.
Xander: Wait- that's just circle logic....
Whit: WHAT?!
Veronika: Wait.. please...
Veronika: I don't want to die...
Min: *Veronika Playground Scene*
Arei: Mmmm... I can't reach..! Who put the oil so high up....
Arei: Ah?
Rose: .... you're lucky enough it was low enough for me. Here you go.
Arei: Thank you!
Eden: So....why...?
Eden: Why does Arei get to be happy? But I don't?!
Xander: ... Eden...
Xander: ......
Eden: So?? Why did you- tell me I could be a better person???
Eden: Was it all just a lie???!?!?
Xander: ....
Whit: Listening in
Xander: I-
Xander: .....
Xander: .... sigh
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felixstudios · 1 year
Playground Swap AU, Buck Ruffler Fight Concept
Please read the first concept post so you have context on what's going on here! I will not be explaining anything about the AU here because it's assumed you have prior knowledge.
Up the Ante Casino, Walnut Way
Start Cutscene
[Toons walk into the room to find Buck at a poker table with some other Cogs, dealing cards. They all stop and look up at the toons.]
Buck Ruffler: Well, well, well, lookthieth at whath we hath here!
[Buck laughs with an animation similar to High Roller]
Buck Ruffler: Let me gueth, you thoonth are here thor a thight?
Buck Ruffler: Though... I really wouldn't ith I wath you. I've goth the houthe edge!
[Camera pans to the Toons using the taunt emote]
Buck Ruffler: Tho thath's how it ith, huh?
[Buck gets up and flies so he's in front of the Toons.]
Buck Ruffler: Okay! Leth's make it a bet then...
Buck Ruffler: Ith I win, you leathe and don't come back! Ith I lothe... I clothe thith plathe down forever!
[Buck gestures widely as the other Cogs get up to join him]
Buck Ruffler: Hahahahaha!
Buck Ruffler: Okay everyone, plathe your beths! Who'th gonna come out on top?!
Base Stats
HP: 12,000
Defense: 60
Cogs in fight: 5 {this is only the starting number, and Cogs can only be replaced upon being defeated under special circumstances}
Spin+: Targets 2 Toons, does 35 damage. Applies the 'dizzy' debuff, which gives them -10% accuracy for the next turn. Accuracy: 80.
Quake: Targets all Toons, does 25 damage. Accuracy: 85.
Chomp: Targets 1 Toon, does 40 damage. Accuracy: 80.
Cigar Smoke: Targets 1 Toon, does 25 damage. Accuracy: 95.
Cheats: No Override
Spin+: Spin will target 2 Toons instead of 1 as well as applying the 'dizzy' debuff, which gives -10% accuracy for the next turn. This is used as a normal attack sometimes with no real trigger.
WAGER MANAGEMENT: Buck will use this cheat every turn by spinning his slots. If he rolls 3 in a row of the same picture, the corresponding cheat will occur. He has one of 5 outcomes, which are listed below.
Bust: Nothing happens {no 3 in a row}
777: An override is triggered {see override section for more details}.
Bars: A stack of golden bars are dropped on the Toons, doing 20 damage to every Toon and applying the 'squashed' debuff {represented by giving everyone a flat model}, which makes Toons deal 10% less damage for the next 2 turns.
Ducks: This outcome cannot trigger unless there are 4 or less Cogs in the fight OR at least one Cog who is not Buck is currently lured. Buck will summon a Level 25.exe Magnate OR Legal Eagle that's healed to +10% of its maximum HP. It has no special buffs.
Cherries: Buck earns a lot of Cogbucks, giving him a 20% defense buff for 3 turns.
RIGGED SLOTS: Buck will use this cheat once when he reaches 7,777 health or lower. It's a type of Wager Management that will always roll 777 to trigger an override.
"Tho, you Thoonth think you're gonna win big in MY cathino?"
"I think you're forgething..."
[Buck 'spins' his slots by moving the lever back and forth a couple times, making a few of the slots move a couple places and then actually spinning it]
[His slots land on 777]
Cheats: Override
Spin++: Spin gains a buff so that it targets 3 Toons. It otherwise functions exactly the same.
WAGER MANAGEMENT: Buck will use this cheat every turn by spinning his slots. If he rolls 3 in a row of the same picture, the corresponding cheat will occur. He will have one of 10 outcomes, which are listed below.
777: His override is deactivated. This cannot happen for the first turn after an override is triggered, or not at all if rigged slots has been triggered.
Deactivation dialogue: "Woopthieth! That wathn't thuppothed to happen yeth!"
"Thlot mathine downgraded throm latetht patch."
Bust: Same as no override. Cannot trigger if Rigged Slots has occurred.
Bars: This cheat now does 30 damage.
Ducks: The Cog summoned is now a Level 30.exe with lure resistance {2 turns max}.
Cherries: Buck now gains a 50% defense buff. Additionally, he will deal +5 damage during this time.
Diamonds: Buck will gain the "focused defense" buff until 500 total damage has been dealt to him OR 3 turns have passed, whichever happens first. This cannot occur for 4 turns after it occurs.
Horseshoes: All Toons receive a 10% damage vulnerability for 2 turns. A random Toon will also receive the "horseshoed" debuff, which makes Cogs 50% more likely to attack them for 2 turns. This outcome cannot occur for 5 turns after it occurs.
Acorns: All Toons will receive a random Toon-up IOU buff along with +30 damage to their next non Toon-up gag. If a Toon is Toon-upless, they will instead heal for +7 laff. If a Toon brings no attacking gags, they will instead take 30 damage {LMHO}.
Chainsaws: All Toons will do +10 damage for the rest of the fight. This stacks infinitely.
Trees: All Toons will heal +77 laff points. This has the ability to "overjoy" Toons {healing them past their maximum laff, up to 10% of their maximum laff}. Overjoyed Toons will take 7% less damage until they have less than their maximum laff {they keep the buff at max laff} and cannot be tooned up unless another trees is rolled {same 10% cap applies}. This has a weighted probability to occur significantly less frequently than other outcomes.
WILD CARD {literal cards are the icons}: If three in a row are rolled, a random effect is chosen {but still cannot roll 777 if Rigged Slots has triggered}. If one wild card is drawn along with two matching symbols, then the effect will occur AND Buck will receive a 7% defense buff for a turn, do +7 damage for a turn, spawn a level 20.exe Cog {if spawn conditions are met, otherwise this is ignored}, all Cogs will receive random buffs for 2 turns, and all Toons will take anywhere from 1-25% less damage for a turn {randomly generated per Toon}. If two wild cards in a row are rolled along with a single symbol, the effect will occur as normal with no wild card buffs. Wild cards cannot roll twice in a row in such a way to receive a wild card buff, but otherwise there are no frequency restrictions.
Ending Cutscene
[Buck Ruffler begins to tremble and shake, and if there were any other Cogs in battle they back away and then fly off at this point. His slots spin without any prompting from him and roll 777, forcing away his override]
Buck Ruffler: You... You Thoonth... You won?
Buck Ruffler: You won the beth.
Buck Ruffler: Well, I gueth we thoughth thair and thquare.
Buck Ruffler: Hahaha... haha....
[Buck's slots go a bit haywire and then he collapses to the floor]
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triglycercule · 2 months
wanna draw baby mtt so bad but not home.... ever since i got that damn ipad i can't draw on my phone ever.... wanna draw mtt as adorable children in elementary school dealing with playground drama like who gets the ball.... wanna draw au where everyone is a schoolgirl because women and adorable outfits are my weaknesses...... jk au save me jk!継続組 save me PLEAZE i wanna draw mtt as cute schoolgirls wearing nanchatte seifuku... dream andbnightmare as the popular girls and ink as the artsy kid and swap as a cool sporty girl and cross and epic and fell and classic and geno and reaper and Ygggggghhhhh.... me when....... me when cute skirts and button ups and bows and mary janes and cardigans. someone wrap a chlorifoam rag around ny neck and drag me home
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milo-knight · 4 months
Wolf 359 Role Swap AU Ideas
(By me... someone who's only finished half the podcast so far)
Officer Minkowski : Communications
+ A no-nonsense woman who has the Pryce and Carter manual memorized, Officer Minkowski spends her days tirelessly combing the known universe for even a hint of a signal from alien life. Unfortunately for her though her superior, Commander Eiffel, is unduly incompetent- causing her to spend just as much time (if not more) resolving the issues he causes as she does actually searching for signals.
"Officer Minkowski, reporting for duty."
Commander Eiffel : Navigation / Commander
+ The assumedly inept, lazy, and overly unserious leader of the USS Hephaestus- Commander Eiffel treats the remote space outpost as his personal playground. Whether he's recording his daily 'Captain's Logs' documenting absolutely nothing but his own idiotic philosophical musings or merely pestering Officer Minkowski to 'get this thing to pick up the top ten hits of *this* century' Commander Eiffel manages to annoy pretty much everyone onboard the USS Hephaestus near hourly. The one compliment Office Minkowski can give him is that he's good in an emergency. Then again... his lack of skill (or perhaps simply his laziness) in his day to day tasks has been the leading cause of 99.9% of the ship's emergencies.
"Hello dear listeners, and welcome to today's Captain's Log."
Dr. Lovelace : Science Officer
+ Unwilling to talk much to anyone, Dr. Lovelace spends most of her time in her laboratory doing "research". What this research is? Unclear. But it keeps her busy. And keeps her angry. She acts like she hates it- but if she hates it so much- why join the crew in the first place? Odd... But she's good at her job. Scary good. Even if she can be a bit brash. More 'pull off the bandaid quick' than 'take a deep breath and count to three' in her methods. She's an asset nonetheless, taking to this mission like a duck to water... almost as if this isn't her first rodeo...
"Don't interrupt me when I'm doing these tests otherwise I might just move from petri dishes straight to the human trial phase. Got it? Oh god, why are you looking at me like that? I was just joking!"
Cutter : Autopilot / Artificial Intelligence
+ The overly cheery, overly biting, and overly analytical auto pilot of the USS Hephaestus. He controls just about everything. The lights, the engine, the temperature, the access to water, the air. What doesn't he control? Now that's the million dollar question. Good thing his programming prevents him from doing anything that could jeopardize the safety of the crew. Not that he'd ever purposefully put the crew in danger... no... of course not. He's everyone's friend of course. Right?
"Officer Minkowski, you look... troubled. Should I turn up the heat in your quarters? I hear intense heat is an excellent way to destress. Really helps just melt all your worries away. Right?"
(Former) Commander Hilbert : Former Leader of USS Hephaestus Mission
+ Dead. Or... not? When Commander Hilbert arrives everything seems to go topsy turvy. Last anyone knew of him he was in a tiny little spaceship blasting off to Earth. And now he's here. Cold. Gloomy. Russian. He doesn't seem inclined to partake in any chit chat, simply wandering the ship while he waits for his ship to be repaired. Honestly, he acts like he's still Commander. Why do they even listen to him again? Oh yeah... the virus...
"Do not talk to me. Focus on your work. My ship must be repaired. Ms. Hera is expecting me back, I assure you."
Ms. Hera : Leader of Goddard Futuristics
+ Bubbly. Sassy. Strangely argumentative in a way most CEOs of major corporations would try not be (at least publicly). She's polite only when she has to be. And she's kind only when it suits her. While Cutter has full control of the station, she has full control of Cutter. And everything honestly. Thankfully she and Commander Eiffel seem to be rather friendly. So that means she has to be on their side. She has to.
"Officer Minkowski if you ever take that tone with me again- just- don't you start that with me."
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thatone-pancake · 3 months
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IIIII know that there may be mixed opinions about this and honestly so do iii (especially towards skateboard... idk his trousers or whatever look off to me and idk how to fix that tbh) BUT i have explanations!!
Lost Temple doesn't seem to have proper 'traditional' clothing, and the reasons I haven't designed these two to have any teal or big uses of gold in their designs is because those are the cult's uniform, therefore I feel like these two don't need to wear it. Instead, I took the suggestion of someone in bogcom and decided to look at western clothing, or clothing normally worn in deserts.
And so that's what I made them wear. I thought that it'd be nice if I made them match something, so they both wear the same gloves and a cowboy hat lol. i must say that Lost Temple and Playground have been the hardest to design since they don't seem to have faction attire (or at least, from what we know so far. if they do, i MIGHT make redesigns)
I didn't want to make designs that are only based on western clothing, so i went for something different for Rocket. I went for baggy clothing and a hood to protect him from the harsh sunlight, and also a strap to help him carry his launcher on his back
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This, and other doodles, are probably all i'm going to do for him since he's no longer in a faction.
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play-rough · 8 months
So, this is about your classification AU, but not exactly about Chuuya and Dazai, so feel free to ignore this if you don't wanna answer lol
Have you ever thought about the classification of the rest of the ADA (and how that might influence their interactions with Dazai)? Personally, I love Little!Atsushi and Little!Ranpo, as well as Caregiver!Yosano and Caregiver!Kunikida, but I was curious on your takes.
Also, if you do think there would be other littles in the ADA, do you think there would be playdates once Dazai is back on track with regressing (probably after reconecting with Chuuya)? If so, would Dazai be more social because the other littles are people from the ADA that he cares about?
Yes! I do plan on doing some one shots that take place in the early days of Dazai joining the ADA (i just like writing in between when manga exists, it’s easier to play around canon events don’t touch me timeline don’t come for me)
Straight off the bat i go back and forth whether i want atsushi to be a little or an alpha and then vise versa with akutagawa. Right now i am thinking little atsushi and alpha akutagawa, but i could also totally see the classifications swapped. I’m not as confident in my sskk writing so I’ll probably tackle them separately in their own fics eventually too. I do think atsushi would have larger range of ages regresses to just depending on how safe or emotional he feels, I’m thinking from ages 2-8. Most of the time atsushi is really active and rambunctious and just wants to play, kind of kid you take to a park and just let him run around. He does drop smaller if he’s feeling vulnerable or upset, or if he just needs extra attention. He likes playing pretend and he always plays games at the playground that end up roping in a bunch of other kids like pirates or warrior cats and everyone loves atsushi and wants to be his friend 🥹🩷 and akutagawa as his seemingly reluctant grumpy caregiver that actually loves him sm and is there in a millisecond if atsushi scrapes his knee or if it looks like he’s getting bullied on the playground
But for the rest of The Ada:
Kunikida would absolutely be a caregiver and he would take it upon himself to look after Dazai once the office finds out he’s a baby. Ranpo’s main caregiver would be fukuzawa, but kunikida often babysits him too because they’re all a family. Pretty much everyone in the ada sees kunikida as their nagging older brother, even if they’re not little, but once Dazai is in the picture it’s easy for kunikida to work taking care of him into his schedule.
Ranpo is a little, and I do think Dazai and Ranpo would play well together once dazai’s classification is exposed and he loosens up a bit. I think Ranpo would be a chunky block Lego kid (the big ones for little kids because kunikida fears choking even though Ranpo is pretty good about keeping things that aren’t candy out of his mouth) and Ranpo will build things and Dazai will help by separating all the pieces by color so Ranpo has an easier time color coordinating his tower. Ranpo would be a good older brother, he’d be nice and plays gentle with the baby.
Yosano would be an alpha (she is when the healer goes in with the GUN) but she cares about her whole ADA family and is always looking out for them. Dazai’s immune system is bad, and it’s lucky that they have such a great doctor on staff. Adult Dazai avoids yosanos office (he dodged his initial physical exam) but he at least realizes yosano means no harm, baby is terrified of her office. Yosano is real patient and goes slow with Dazai when he’s little and sick, and eventually the baby learns to trust her too
Fukuzawa is an alpha and he’s very protective over his agency members. He insists ranpo cannot go home by himself when he’s little, so he will usually take him home with him after work (kunikida takes Dazai home and then atsushi when chuuya comes back into Dazai’s life).
I love early Ada days when the agency is small and the stakes aren’t as high and there’s time to just be a family and i will write fics for them soon 😭🩵
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