#please don’t flood my inbox with stuff on world events lol
kiwisandpearls · 5 months
Hi. I wanted to tell that it turns out that the AB3080 bill isn’t exactly like the infamous KOSA bill in actually. It’s more about companies in California than small internet users.
tumblr com/datclassicrockfan42/749738358926917632
tumblr com/impalaparkedat221b/749745403882242048/wait-if-that-is-all-ab3080-is-really-about-how
mmm. I’m willing to believe the ab3080 bill isn’t like the kosa bill but considering the concerning bills that have been pushing lately I can’t say i don’t have my suspicions about it.
either way thanks for letting me know
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captainsassmanes · 4 years
Fic prompt, road trip with Kyle, Alex, Michael and Max. Also Isobel, Liz and Maria. Just fun times.
So this has been in my inbox FOREVER! I’m so sorry. I removed Maria from the trip due to recent events and, because it’s me, it’s more angst than anything. I hope you remember you sent this in and enjoy it! LOL
“You’ve got more shit than Iz,” Michael groaned as he tossed another one of Valenti’s bags into the backseat.
“I’ve learned over the years to be prepared with all of you. It’s ninety percent medical equipment and acetone.” Kyle threw yet another bag into the back with a grunt. Isobel dropped a quick kiss to his cheek. “Very thoughtful of you, babe.”
“Uh, God, are we there yet?” Michael was already feeling anxious, his first trip with Alex was making him more nervous than he thought he’d be. They hadn’t had the boyfriends conversation yet but they’d declared their undying love for one another so he figured that was more important. But being together, officially each other’s, it was so new and surprisingly terrifying. Michael obsessively worried about messing it all up.
“Who’s going in who’s car?” Liz asked, Max sneaking up behind her to wrap his arms around her middle. Michael just rolled his eyes and looked up to the clear blue sky. Liz and Max all loved up in one car. Kyle and Isobel communicating almost exclusively through sexual innuendos in the other.
“Kyle’s back seat is already full, so I guess we’re with Liz and Max.” Michael felt his shoulders relax with Alex’s soft voice in his ear and strong hand resting against the small of his back.
He watched as Isobel leaned into Kyle, the man’s cheeks flushing a bright red as his eyes practically popped, they were so wide. Grimacing, Michael made a retching noise. “Jesus, can we go? I’m calling it right now. If this cabin has a bedroom away from all you people, it’s ours, okay?” He shook his head and took Alex’s hand with a huff, Alex chuckling as he happily followed Michael to Max’s car.
They climbed in and clicked their seatbelts into place. Before Liz and Max got in, Alex leaned over into Michael’s space and whispered, “thanks for calling dibs on some privacy. We’re gonna need it.”
Michael’s lips parted as he felt a blush creep up his neck, setting his ears on fire. The smirk Alex gave him before turning his attention to the couple in the front had Michael struggling to get comfortable.
This was definitely a good idea.
The drive hadn’t been as bad as Michael made it out to be in his head. Aside from some seriously sappy love declarations and questionable hand placement in the front seat, Liz and Max had been quiet, occasionally checking in and chatting about random stuff.
After they’d stopped and grabbed lunch at a small diner, Michael felt his eyelids get heavy and rested his head against the cool glass of the window. Before sleep took him, he felt callused fingers slide into his and squeeze tight. Glancing at Alex, Michael was gifted a gentle smile and a small nudge to close his eyes again.
He smiled and happily obliged. When he opened them again, they were in the middle of nowhere, an isolated cabin on a private lake. Stepping out of the car and stretching his back, Michael felt the final pulls of tension leave him. The trees were dense, the cabin more like a log mansion than anything else and he could already see a small beach through the branches.
Alex’s arm brushed against his own as they stood together taking in the view. They were both aware of the other couples gathering their bags and making their way into the house but Alex and Michael, as always, stood together in their own little world.
“We needed this,” Alex sighed, fingers skimming the thin skin of Michael’s wrist, shooting a chill up his arm and down his spine. “Thank you for bringing me.”
Michael chuckled, “like there’s anyone else I’d want here.” The smile he got in return was faded at the corners, like a light had slightly dimmed, making his stomach roll with a new wave of anxiety. But Alex just silently squeezed his hand and walked to Kyle’s car, starting the arduous process of unloading all their shit.
Michael knew it would come up again. But ignoring it, for now, worked, too.
That night, the six friends sat around the fire pit, sipping beers, and listening to Michael joke about taking vacations at the airstream if this was what they wanted to do.
The group reminisced about different times throughout their lives. Elementary school when Kyle and Alex were inseparable. The time Michael got suspended for proving his physics teacher wrong in high school. Isobel tried sharing her first sexual experience but everyone, with the noted exception of Kyle, shut that shit down.
Every story Liz shared had to do with Alex and Maria, the memories from senior year that seemed to mean the world to her. Everyone laughed and smiled with each new hijink, but Michael watched Alex’s face closely, how each anecdote brought a sadness to his eyes that he started worrying might not go away.
“Well,” Michael awkwardly interrupted, “I’m exhausted.” He glanced down at Alex and offered his hand. “You ready for bed?”
Alex gratefully smiled back and nodded, taking the offered hand, and walking into the cabin with Michael, the other’s following along in agreement.
Just as he’d said, Michael snagged the room furthest away from the other bedrooms. It wasn’t fancy by any means, a queen bed taking up most of the room with a bedside table on either side and one small dresser. They had their own bathroom, though, right outside the door.
Purposely taking his time getting ready, Michael felt that now familiar pang of worry bouncing in his chest. Alex had seemed upset at the fire. Was it Maria? Was he just feeling nostalgic? Was it something Michael did? Or didn’t do? Or didn’t say?
With his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, he gripped the scalloped edges of the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. You wouldn’t be so fucking worried if you hadn’t messed this all up in the first place. He sighed and shook his head, spitting into the sink and wiping his mouth with a towel. He took a deep breath and steadied himself for whatever came next. Maybe an uncomfortable conversation or the silent treatment, or classic Alex’s Manes denial. Was it too naïve to hope for everything to simply be okay?
He walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom to discover it was empty. Where he’d left Alex sitting on the edge of the bed taking off his prosthetic, was now a messy dip in the blanket. Michael looked around the room, stupidly hoping Alex would just be hiding in a corner before his heart began to pound. He moved quickly down the hall, covering his ears as he was assaulted with surround sound sex, and was flooded with concern when he found the living room and kitchen empty, too.
Tossing on a shirt and sliding his feet into someone else’s shoes, he went outside, the cabin door’s slam echoing in the dark.
“Alex?” he called, waiting with bated breath for an answer. He tried a few more times, walking around the house and checking to make sure all the cars were there. Nothing was out of place.
With his hands tugging at his hair, an odd movement caught his eye on the beach. Shaking his head, Michael headed down, preparing once again for whatever he was walking straight into.
“Can you not do that, please?”
Alex jumped and put his hand over his racing heart. “Jesus Christ, Michael. You scared the shit out of me!”
“Yeah, well, serves you right,” he mumbled as he sat in the beach chair next to Alex. “With our history you can’t just disappear. I thought someone stole you already. We’ve been here four hours.”
Alex gave a half-hearted smile before looking back over the silent water, moonlight reflecting off it, a nighttime mirror.
“What’s bothering you?”
Alex shook his head and swallowed. “Nothing. I’m fine.”
“I snuck up on you.”
“Yes, you did.”
“No one sneaks up on you.”
Alex lifted an eyebrow at Michael who waited patiently for Alex to try arguing. With a sigh, Alex shrugged. “I don’t want to ruin anything, Michael.”
He took Alex’s hand in his own, moving his thumb across the smooth skin but keeping his eyes focused on the still lake. “Nothing’ll be ruined. Just talk to me.”
Michael curled his toes into the sand, focusing on the feeling to keep his mouth shut, desperately trying to give Alex the time he needed.
“I keep waiting for you to go back to Maria.”
Michael’s free hand curled into a fist, his nails digging into his palm. He didn’t know why it didn’t occur to him that Alex may still be uncomfortable around Maria, hearing about Maria. It seemed so fucking obvious now.
“I don’t want Maria.”
“But you did.”
“You wanted Forrest.”
“Not the same, Michael.” He sighed and shook his head. “You had a choice, between me and Maria. You chose Maria. That ended, then you chose me.”
Michael’s heart fell to his feet at Alex’s words and the debilitating sadness behind them. He picked up his chair and planted it directly in front of Alex. Michael leaned in close and took both of Alex’s hands in his.
“I made a mistake. You wanted me to be someone I wasn’t ready to be.” Michael gripped Alex’s hands tighter, aching for him to understand. “It was like my brain was filled with tangled wires, knotted and twisted together, and you wanted to untangle them, one at a time. It-it was too overwhelming, it seemed way too hard. But Maria,” he grimaced as he watched Alex physically flinch, “she was happy to just leave the pile of wires just like they were.”
Alex looked toward the trees on his right, steadying his breathing. Michael gave him a moment before lifting his fingers to Alex’s chin to face him once again.
“Alex, the wires couldn’t work in that fucking mess and you knew it. I took the easy way, but it didn’t work. Maria was kind and I did care about her but, god, she wasn’t you. And I needed you. I still do.”
They sat in silence; Michael gripping Alex’s hands so tight the pads of his fingers lost color.
“I don’t know how to get over it, Michael. She was my best friend.”
Michael nodded, the weight of not only hurting Alex but destroying one of his most precious friendships sitting heavy in his core. “I don’t know what to say. I’ll apologize forever if you’ll let me.”
Leaning forward to rest his forehead against Michael’s, Alex whispered, “no. I don’t want that.” Michael slid his fingers up Alex’s neck and into his hair, afraid Alex may slip away like sand once again.
“I think I’m gonna go back to therapy.”
“You keep telling me that you want to be with me and, a part of me believes you, knows that you wouldn’t lie about that. But another part of me doesn’t think it’s possible. You could have anyone, all the Maria’s of the world, and you actually want me.” He wiped his nose and sniffed, pulling back just enough to look Michael in the eye. “That’s a me problem, not a you problem.”
“That’s an us problem, Alex. I’m not going anywhere but I want you to believe that you’re it for me. That I don’t want anyone else. I never really did, I just- “
Alex nodded, saying, “I know.”
“We’re supposed to be together, Alex. I’ve known since we were kids. We’ve just been surrounded by so much shit, it’s like we didn’t get a fair chance. And then we both believed we didn’t deserve it.”
“Cosmic, right?”
Michael smiled and brushed his thumb along Alex’s cheek, wiping away a stray tear. “Cosmic, baby.”
“I love you.”
Warmth blossomed in Michael’s chest and spread through his body instantly at Alex’s words. Maria had said she loved him, waited with large, hopeful eyes as he stared back, confused as to why he felt nothing but panic and couldn’t force his mouth to repeat the sentiment. It felt nothing like this.
He refused to hide his beaming smile.
“I love you, too.”
For the second time that night, Michael stood and offered his hand to Alex, who bashfully took it and accepted the help to stand. With their arms wrapped tightly around one another, they strolled back to the cabin, a light breeze cooling their too hot skin.
As soon as they were through the door, Michael cringed at the moans and yeses ricocheting off the walls. He shook his head as he slid his feet out of what he realized now were Max’s shoes. “It’s like they’re having a competition. Who can fuck the loudest?”
A shiver ran from the crown of Michael’s head to his toes at the warm breath dancing in his ear. “I bet we’ll win.”
Alex sauntered down the hall, walking backwards as he slowly unbuttoned his top, sexy smirk painted on his lips with a wink in his eye.
Michael was more than willing to play along. And Alex was nothing if not a fucking winner.
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