#please enjoy my random little oc filler character witch as much as I did
devildom-moss · 1 year
For the requests... Maybe a GN!Mc that just constantly flirts with Mephisto despite him being all grumpy towards them? Like a "I hate you" "Aww I love you too" type dynamic if that makes sense? Like a onesided enemies to lovers or like a frenemies to lovers type of thing. Thank you so much!
Okay, I hope I got enough flirting in this one and that you will enjoy your very late request. And thank you for the request and for an excuse to think about Mephisto.
Flirty gn!MC and Mephisto (one-sided enemies-to-lovers)
(Mephisto x gn!MC)
(slightly suggestive) (tsundere Mephisto) (maybe lacking good transitions?)
Word Count: +2,400
The thing is, Mephisto really didn’t like you at first, and there wasn’t anything you could have done to change his initial impression: a feeble little human who was getting attention from Diavolo and staying with the brothers. Even the fact that you were cohabitating with the likes of Lucifer had rubbed him the wrong way, but that was okay. You kept changing and growing. And you were persistent – despite how much of a cold asshole Mephisto tried to be, especially when you first started talking to him.
Leviathan had once told you: “LOLOL your toxic trait is that you think you can befriend any demon just because you’re cute and nice – I-I mean! I don’t think you’re cute, per se. Just that – GAH! Forget I said anything!”
He was right, in a way. When you saw that lanky, purple-haired loser in a god-awful tie, your first thought was, “yeah, I want that one.”
The fact that he didn’t seem to like you wasn’t the deterrent he was hoping it would be, either. However, when Mephisto saw the slight narrowing of Lucifer’s eyes as you greeted him in the hallway with that smile, he knew that the attention you were giving him was getting under Lucifer’s skin. That was all the reason he needed to let you keep doing whatever nonsense you were doing: when you waved at him even though his only response was ever a glare, when you brought him sweets that you and Luke made, when you told him he looked handsome randomly or praised him for his most recent newspaper piece. Initially, his response to your compliments was a rather blunt and defensive, “what do you want?” He was a demon, and he mostly only conversed with other demons; it was only natural that he assumed you would want something in return for your praise. But after the seventh time, you still hadn’t asked him for anything.
Somehow, the first time you asked a favor from him didn’t actually hurt your cause. You had just received a text from Luke, warning you that Solomon had baked that morning and he was looking for you. Your eyes widened, and when you looked up to see Mephisto just a few feet ahead of you in the hallway, your affection and whatever you had left of your self-preservation launched you towards him.
“Mephisto, my favorite demon, hide me, please,” you begged as you tried and failed to hide behind his back.
“H-hey.” Mephisto was shocked by your actions – and your proximity to his body. “Who’d you annoy this time – other than me?”
“Solomon baked. He’s looking for me.”
Mephisto may be a demon, but he wasn’t a monster. He had heard the stories of Solomon’s creations, so he grabbed you roughly by the arm and dragged you into the newspaper room. The not-so-distant sound of Solomon calling your name filled both you and Mephisto with dread. Mephisto brought you to his usual desk and shoved you underneath it – safely out of sight just moments before Solomon entered the room.
“Mephistopheles, is MC in here?”
“Of course not,” Mephisto sat down in his seat – surprisingly careful not to step on your hands. Now you were hidden from all sides. “I’m in too good of a mood for that to be the case.”
“Can’t relate,” Solomon narrowed his eyes. He was going to offer Mephisto a cookie, but if he was going to be that way about Solomon’s favorite apprentice, he could forget it. “I thought I heard their voice a minute ago. Maybe not, then. I should just text them and ask where they are. I hope they didn’t leave RAD already.”
You quickly turned your D.D.D. to silent.
“This is all very interesting, but I would appreciate it if you did leave. I have plenty of work to do.”
“Alright, consider me out of your hair,” Solomon turned to leave.
You held your breath until you heard the door close. Your D.D.D. lit up just as Mephisto slid back in his chair and gave you the “all clear.”
“Thank you so much,” you smiled up at him as you crawled out from under the desk. Mephisto looked away. That was a sight he was not prepared for.  You joked, “I owe you my life.”
“No thanks, I’ve seen enough of it; I don’t want it.”
“Want head instead?” you teased, “I’m already down here.”
Mephisto wondered if you had read the brief thought that had entered his mind when he looked down at you earlier. He started to blush, wide-eyed and dumbfounded. Maybe that was too far?
“I’m sorry,” you apologized. “I was just teasing you, but I think that was too vulgar. I shouldn’t –”
“You shouldn’t tempt demons like that – even as a joke, you fool. But,” Mephisto sighed, stood up and offered you his hand, “don’t worry about it or anything.”
The eighth time you complimented Mephisto, there was a noticeable change in his response: “It doesn’t mean much coming from you, but thanks or something.”
Every little allowance Mephisto had granted you inevitably resulted in you growing closer until you were joking with him in the hallway after class. If someone didn’t know better, they would suspect that you two were friends – despite the fact that Mephisto typically refused to smile around you.
“So, Satan had set up a trip wire at the top of the stairs, and we didn’t think it would work. It probably wouldn’t have if he wasn’t so preoccupied with chasing Mammon around the house – he opened up another credit account under Lucifer’s name. Anyway, both of them got caught and fell down the stairs. Neither got too hurt, but when Lucifer got up, he was pissed. He rounded us all up and asked in that scary tone of his, ‘what the fuck was that?’ I, barely thinking, told him it was a performance art piece titled ‘Oh How the Mighty Have Fallen 2: Down the Stairs and Into Debt.’”
“You didn’t,” Mephisto smiled and laughed – perhaps too much for his own comfort.
Diavolo, who happened to be nearby, remarked, “goodness, Mephisto, you seem to be getting along so well with MC recently. I’m glad.”
“Them? My Lord, you’re uncharacteristically mistaken. I don’t even like this human,” Mephisto denied Diavolo’s claim.
“That’s okay. I have enough love for the both of us,” you smiled. Diavolo nodded and left, hoping he could erase those words from his mind.
“You’re annoyingly persistent and delusional,” Mephisto rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
“And you still keep me around. I’m so lucky.”
Mephisto let out the most exasperated huff you had ever heard. Although, in truth, he was probably more upset at Diavolo for pointing out that he was actually enjoying your company. But it was only because you were telling him a story at Lucifer’s expense. Understandably, he was even more annoyed when Lucifer started heading your way. Lucifer came up and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you away from Mephisto slightly.
“Shall I walk you home today, MC?” Lucifer offered.
“Oh, but I wanted to annoy Mephisto on his way to town,” you told him. “You were going to see if that shop had gotten the special edition case of Demonus you asked for in stock, right?”
“How did you know that?” Mephisto questioned you.
“You told me earlier this week. Don’t you remember? You whined about how your shipment got delayed and the store told you to come back in a few days.”
Mephisto tried to recall, and it came to him slowly. It was irritating how many moments with you he had to scan through just from this week. He kept his arms crossed tight and sternly told you to go home with Lucifer. You agreed, hoping not to irritate your grumpy friend any further that day. Bitterly, once you left, Mephisto recalled the story you had told about Lucifer, and a smile graced his lips again. He wished he hadn’t let you go.
Technically, you did want to annoy Mephisto and spend time with him, but you also wanted to check out the shop he mentioned. It would be a nice place to investigate, especially if you ever needed to gift a bottle of Demonus to someone. You decided to go there yourself the following day, only to hear a familiar voice when you entered the shop.
You found the source and called out to him. Mephisto was pleasantly surprised to see you, but he hid it well.
“What are you doing here?” you asked.
“They didn’t have my Demonus when I stopped by yesterday,” Mephisto admitted. “They told me to come back the next morning and they’d have it, so now I’m here.”
“Oh? Well, I’m glad I ran into you.” He wished you hadn’t said that.
“Why are you here?”
“I wanted to check out the shop. I figured you have good taste in Demonus, so if I ever wanted to get some as a present for somebody, buying from a shop you frequent would guarantee good quality.”
“You know, they sell cheap shit here, too. It’s better to learn about the brands than to just go to the store blindly.”
A pretty witch with such muscular arms that you couldn’t help but notice appeared from another aisle, carrying Mephisto’s Demonus, and cleared her throat knowingly.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean it like that, Esme. You know I wouldn’t trust anyone other than you to procure the good stuff. Listen, MC, if you really want to know what’s good, come in and ask her. She moved to the Devildom just to open the shop – she couldn’t last if she didn’t know what she was doing.” Mephisto scrambled to not offend his favorite Demonus supplier.
“Don’t sweat in front of your cute little friend, Fifi~” she teased. You tried not to laugh at that nickname. “I know we sell Devil Tail Demonus – but some people like the bad stuff. Anyway, you’re pretty handy at recommending good Demonus, too. Just ask him if you want to know what to get, cutie.”
“First of all, this isn’t my friend. And second, I don’t have all the time in the world to explain the ins and outs of good Demonus.”
“Not friends? Lovers, then?” She set the case on the counter. “That’s a shame. I was hoping this little one might be into witches.”
“Definitely not!” Mephisto protested.
“Not into witches or not dating you?”
“Neither!” He handed Esme his black card.
“Hey, don’t speak for me!” You interrupted. That really got under his skin.
“You must be really flustered if you’re forgetting that you already paid when you put in the order. I mean, if you want to pay me twice, I’m cool with that.”
“Sorry.” He put the card back in his wallet quickly before grabbing his Demonus. “Thanks.”
The witch shook her head. “You certain there’s nothing going on here?”
“Oh, I’m basically in love with him,” you poked him gently, mindful of the case in his arms.
“Carrying a big case of alcohol here,” he sighed, “could you not?”
“That’s too bad,” Esme joked.
“I hate you both.”
“I love you, too,” you grinned.
“And I love that you’re a consistent patron – and a very entertaining one at that, with very cute non-friends.”
“Let’s go, MC,” Mephisto shifted the weight of his alcohol into one arm so he could grab you and pull you towards the exit.
“But I was going to look around.”
“Nope. Maybe another day. You’re helping me carry this back to my house. Not everyone has arms that could pop a demon’s head like a grape.” In truth, he could have called for a ride or any number of alternate solutions, but he was desperate to get you out of there. Witch? More like a succubus with all of that flirting.
Mephisto carried the bulk of it, only giving you one of the six bottles to carry. When you arrived at his home, he invited you in. With a short, “follow me,” he walked you down into his Demonus cellar.
“You’re not going to murder me and stuff me in a Demonus barrel, are you?” you asked.
“Good plan, but no. I’m just storing these in the proper place.”
He had them organized by origin Realm, millennia, and then century, with different shelves for woody, floral, fruity, and blended flavors. He even had a notebook near the entry to the cellar with an inventory that included notes for all the Demonus he had tried thus far. It was . . . very normal.
“Do you want to stay and try this new one? You did help me carry it home – consider it a thanks of sorts. It has to chill, but I suppose I could talk to you while we wait.”
“Oh, someone is softening up to me,” you teased. You weren’t entirely sure that he didn’t still hate you and that his upbringing just encouraged him to be polite. However, there was also no way that carrying that one bottle was even necessary. You smiled at him. “Sure, I’d love to try it with you.”
Mephisto took the bottle from your hand and brought you and his Demonus upstairs. He placed the bottle in a large, enclosed terrarium and tapped the glass. It started to snow inside the terrarium.
“That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.” In your awe, the pun flew over your head. He could have chilled it with magic – hell, even you could have chilled it with magic, but neither of you did.
Mephisto motioned for you to take a seat on the nearby couch before he sat down in the chair opposite to you. “So, you’re looking to buy Demonus for someone? Lucifer or Diavolo, I assume?”
“No. Not really, but I thought if I ever had to, it’d be good to know where to go.”
“Huh? Why is that good?”
“Fuck, are you really going to make me say it?”
“I think you’re going to have to, yeah.” He was being too vague.
“You better not be joking around when you tell people you love me, got it? Because I,” Mephisto squirmed in his chair, “I don’t like the idea of you buying gifts for some other demon. I don’t like witches flirting with you. And I completely abhor Lucifer putting his arm around you like some big-shot and walking you home.”
“You told me to go home with him!”
“I didn’t know it was going to piss me off, okay?” Mephisto crossed his arms over his chest like an indignant child.
“Shit, I really wore you down,” you teased. “You like me.”
“I like you when you shut up.”
“Make me.”
Oh, he had spent all night thinking about how he could shut you up (and how he could make you scream). You really hadn’t learned not to tempt demons, yet.
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