#please fuck off if you think “cisphobia” and “heterophobia” are real things
thediamondarcher · 9 months
the same homophobic people who say "aro/ace/non-binary are made up words" are most likely the same people who invented terms like "cisphobia" and "heterophobia" when they DON'T EXIST and aren't real problems
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kittyking445 · 5 years
My byf
Hi, I'm Kaze/Trevor, I go by he/him/his and I'm bisexual/aromantic. I'm a non-dysphoric trans guy. I'm 14. I have adhd.
- if you're an exclusionist, terf, swerf, radfem, truscum, transmed, transphobic, homophobic, biphobic, panphobic, enbyphobic, aphobic, anti-mogai, albiest, anti-anti, think fiction doesn't affect reality, sexist, ship/support pedophilia, incest, abuse, rape, support whitewashing, are racist, anti-semetic support cringe culture, are a William Afton stan don't follow me and get the fuck off my blog, I don't have the energy to even look at you
- if you've come to my blog to argue about any of the above things cause you support it, I'm just gonna ignore you
- if I ever say anything wrong or if I'm misinformed and you personally know about the subject (example: if ur psychotic* and u pm me to tell me I said something wrong abt psychotic* ppl) I encourage/beg you to send me an ask or a pm about what I said wrong and educate me!!!!!!!
- if you're a kink/nsfw blog, do not follow me, I'm a minor
- if you're a blog that specializes gore, don't follow me, that makes me uncomfortable!!!
- if I've tagged anything wrong or you want me to tag something, please tell me!!!
- if I've reblogged from someone bad please tell me and I'll delete it!!!
- if you think "blackwashing" , cisphobia, heterophobia, whiteface, reverse racism, etc is real, don't follow me you idiot lol
- I'm a proud cisphobe ;]
*if this is the wrong term please tell me and I'll change it
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spanimator · 7 years
random thoughts about today’s gender politics n’ shit 
don’t read if its not your thing
just my thoughts and opinions
I honestly feel like were headed in the wrong path. I believe feelings do matter but I feel like people fail to see that facts matter too and are above feelings. Today, were so obsessed with accepting everyone and loving and stuff but I think it goes too far sometimes. Sometimes, we start supporting things that make no actual sense and have no proof of being real. In my country, Canada, we started signing these bills about discrimination. One about discrimination against Islam and muslims and most recently, a bill that protects people’s pronouns. The bill itself has problems but my main issue is that a person could actually go to court for misgendering someone. 
Don’t get me wrong, for people that have to deal with gender dyphoria, being misgendering sucks, I’m sure. But I think its too far when someone is at risk to go to court for it. Most of the time, misgendering is a accident. Simply correct the person and go off your merry way. When someone does it on purpose however, that can be really hurtful but I still think its too far to go to court for it and possibly even jail. Not only that but people who refuse to call people xe/xir/xem or whatever can go to court aswell. Which in my opinion, is ridiculous. They’re not even real words, right? 
Also, I start to see a lot of people claim that they are transgender when they have never been diagnosed with gender dyphoria and such. I see people who are obviously “transtrenders” claiming that they are trans. I’ve been seeing a lot of tpeople like that recently. Thing is, I feel like these people  make ACTUAL trans people look like jokes when gender dysphoria is a serious mental illness. One transgender youtube I watch is Yorick, who is a super interesting guy and he makes a lot of good points. I recommend watching him. 
I’d go into more detail with what I believe in but I don’t think this is the right place. 
I see a lot of people on this site aswell go, “If you think cisphobia, reverse racism and heterophobia is a thing, FUCK OFF AND UNFOLLOW ME!” 
Bitch please. Reverse racism is indeed a thing. Want an example? That kidnapping when 4 (i think) black teens kidnapped this handicap white kid and called him a bunch of slurs while waving around a knife and making him drink toilet water. Cisphobia and heterophobia? YOU CREATED THOSE THINGS. I never thought people would discrminate people for being cis and straight but it has happened and you made it happen. Now, I see so many people making fun and throwing shit at people who are straight and cis which is just so ridiculous. Let’s just be nice towards each other, alright?
also, completely unrelated but am i the only one that had a problem with the  word poc? I won’t lie, I have used it a couple of times, only because others on this site use it but it always sounded kinda racist to me. “People of Color” just.. idk.. I try not to use it anymore. I understand people say poc as in to refer everyone that isn’t white but.. I don’t know, I don’t like the word very much. But if you use it, its fine. Go ahead. Just not my thing.
that’s pretty much my rambling for today
please don’t reblog
i’ll probably delete this soon like i always end up doing
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