#please help im being held hostage by the tumblr gods
jackwolfes · 3 years
will we be seeing more sub alex one day? no hurry please write whatever makes you the happiest but your fics are my favorite so i wanted to check and see 👉🏼👈🏼
alright this is a much longer answer than i think you were expecting, buckle up + i am sorry 😂 and also thank you im glad you like them it's very sweet of you 🥺
so the thing isn't that i'm no longer into rwrb or firstprince, it's just that i have so many ideas so quickly that are, given what im currently writing, in different fandoms. HOWEVER i have looooooads of like, draft fics for FP that.... might see the light of day? or will hopefully see the light of day! i havent revisted them lately and i think a big long break writing other things was what i needed, so may well go back to them now, especially if there are certain ones folks are interested in 👀 theyre not all sub alex and most of them are actually not nsfw! but i also dont write dom alex so any nsfw firstprince fic is... gonna be sub alex 😂
tl;dr bc that got wordy: i dont have any imminent fics to give you a concrete "yes and here's when they'll appear" HOWEVER i can definitely say the answer isn't no!
i will drop all the different working docs/premises/drafts under the cut for anyone who's interested in seeing what might be coming up (pls do ask about them if youre curious, discussing fics helps me get excited to finish them!!!!)
almost done/being worked on fairly consistently:
'won't lose you' (alex gets kidnapped/held hostage fic - keep wanting to finish this but it gets pushed down behind wesper things bc i have so many wesper things to write)
'discreet packaging' (smut adjacent fluff/comedy, i'll let you imagine what this is 😂)
not quite done but with a fair amount already written:
prequel to 'buzzing' (yay sub alex)
'glass' (not explicitly sub alex but there's no plot, just sex)
'im in the stars tonight' (drunk pez & alex shenanigans)
'testing testing 123' (what is effectively a psa about safe sex and getting tested, might get written for HIV awareness day bc i love a theme)
OC cafe banter (probably will just appear on tumblr one day)
'soft for you' (more smut adjacent comedy/fluff)
'follow my lead' (strictly come dancing au except im also writing a wesper strictly come dancing au that will come first i think? who knows. also fun fact: this is a CMQ crossover! so jane and august are in it)
body swapping (magical realism where they swap bodies which is so FUN but i also do not have the brain space to finish it properly so it just exists in a limbo)
'the clock is ticking' aka the sequel to do you want to play a game (yes THIS FIC! THIS FIC! IT'S THIS FIC I WILL FINISH IT ONE DAY BUT I ALSO HATE WHAT I'VE WRITTEN SO FAR AND IT MAKES IT VERY HARD TO ACTUALLY DO IT. like i will finish it because i want to finish it but i wont until im happy with it which is going to be a lot of brain space)
ideas floating about in my brain with nothing else whatsoever:
follow on to god bless the nhs that i want to write to cope with my GFs broken bone (she is fine)
royal wedding fic that i was going to write but then shit with harry and meghan broke bad and i was like, fuck at least this fic would have been accurate but i need to rework this now
a few long form norabug things that i do want to write but again, all the long fics in my head right now are a completely different fandom and vibe so... who knows one day
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adamdusmortain · 6 years
let’s talk about pm!
this is actually my second time trying to do this, i hate tumblr so much. but i decided to just make one big post about perfect match! let’s go
first, the cover and new artwork is absolutely beautiful. i love the colors and aesthetic of this book so much.
i get that you can’t have two damien’s... names damien. but dames? DAMES? it makes me laugh ngl
talking about dames, i did the diamond scene and he’s really sweet (i didn’t expect him to be anything but that) he will do anything to help get damien back and i’m gonna assume that he may sacrifice himself at some point????
let’s talk about nadia getting the recognition she deserves!!!! love her so much
now the juicy stuff, it’s now confirmed that damien was switched out during the fight with the guards (like we all suspected) and he’s in JAPAN??? chill
cecile is fucking crazy and we will take her down
talking about damien, even when he’s being held hostage he is still that bitch and not taking any of their shit!! I LOVE HIM :’)
also.... they made him look so much more attractive????? he was amazing before but damn. it really works and it’s kinda... realistic???? i don’t know but i love it
AH, ALANA RETURNING. when she was first introduced, i didn’t like her at all. but she has definitely grown on me and i’m glad i kept her around at the end of book 1.
OVERALL I’M VERY EXCITED FOR PERFECT MATCH TO RETURN. in my opinion, pm is definitely one of pb’s best books.. maybe the best book. everything about it is god tier. NOW, IM CURIOUS ABOUT EVERYONE ELSES THOUGHTS SO PLEASE SHARE THEM WITH ME IDK but wednesday’s just got a lot better.
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some-rfa-imagines · 6 years
Can you do 26 for Saeyoung but with him being the one who's dying? (For the text promts thing) thank you! (Im sorry i live for the angst)
DO NOT BE SORRY FRIEND I LOVE ANGST TOO ALBEIT IM NOT THAT GREAT AT WRITING IT BUT I SHALL DO MY BEST TO LIVE UP TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS // also tumblr is eating up my writing and this is a Big Sad so i’m vvv sorry for delays
fun songs to listen to when reading:
Kiss It Better - He is We
please don’t - mxmtoon
Two Birds - Regina Spektor
King - Lauren Aquilina
tw: death, angst, feels?, blood
He only had a few minutes. Saeyoung knew that. He was drifting in and out of consciousness and the burning pain in his side did nothing to help that. He could feel the thick, warm blood trickling down his waist and along his hip. Saeyoung was positive that multiple ribs were broken. Oh, god if only this mission hadn’t gone so wrong.
The mission had been simple. Break into some CEO’s archives, take back the information stolen from his boss and then some, sneak out again and make it back to the agency in time to meet MC, give her a report and then go home together. Or, at least, that was the plan. Of course their stupid rival agency (what was it? Aqua Pupil or some shit.) had to decide to do the exact same thing, on the exact same day. Because it’s not like everything else in his life had already gone so wrong up until now, right? Not. At. All.
A warped voice came through the receiver on his earpiece. “…Sev- …Ome in- …ear me?!” MC’s panicked voice crackled through, the earpiece letting out a high pitched whine that made Saeyoung’s face twist up.
“Not… so loud…” He groaned. The high ringing only made his ever-growing headache worse. His brain was fuzzy and his sight began to blur, colours melting together. In the back of his mind, he heard MC barking orders at her subordinates.
“Saey- …going to- -u out of there.” MC had never sounded so frantic. “-Ang in the- !”
If he wasn’t in so much pain, he probably would have scoffed in disbelief before making some stupid joke to lighten the mood. “Hard… to do, MC…”
“I kno- …ou have to. You have- ..ome back…”
You had never been so scared in your entire life - not even when you had had a gun held to your head as a hostage. Saeyoung had been shot. Shot by none other than fucking Mint Eye. Just the name left the most bitter taste in your mouth.
“Seven! Come in Seven! Can you hear me?!” Your voice rose as you grew more and more terrified. He couldn’t be dead yet. No, he couldn’t - the medical team were on their way, he wasn’t allowed to die.
“Not… so loud…” Came a feeble response. Your legs gave out and you collapsed onto the main control panel.
“Houston, we have a problem with Zero Seven’s earpiece - get on it! Oh Four, I don’t care if the police show up - get the medical team there as fast as you can! Lucinda, find the nearest possible exits!” You snapped at the nearest subordinates. 404 was driving the medical team there as quickly as they could. They would make it. They had to. “Saeyoung, we’re going to get you out of there. Hang in there! Please!”
A repressed whine came through your earpiece. “Hard… to do, MC…”
You bit your lip hard enough to draw blood. The bitter, crimson liquid filled your mouth as you spoke, trying your hardest to keep him awake. “I know, I know love. You have to. You have to come back to me.”
Saeyoung had accepted his fate.
A bit laughable, really. He’d spent his whole life trying to die but the moment he meets the brightest star in the universe, the Universe (seemingly collectively) turns on him. He’d remembered the name of that stupid agency too - Mint Eye. What a joke.
He’d made his way (somehow) to a wall, propping himself up against it. How long had he been bleeding? Five minutes? Ten? Twenty? He didn’t know anymore. Swarming colours and dots had completely taken over his vision so he shut his eyes. Block out the world, Saeyoung. You’re good at that.
The ringing in his ears was almost unbearable but he kept the earpiece in. He wanted to hear MC’s voice one last time. His throat was dry but he spoke anyway - pain was only temporary.
“…es? Saeyoung, wha- … it?” Although breaking, he knew she was attempting to keep it together. For his sake.
“I’m dying…”
He heard a sharp intake of breath. “What? No, n- ..ot Saeyoung. You’re n- …owed to die. You- You ow- …edding at the space- …member?” He already could hear the unshed tears in her voice. It was heartbreaking.
“Yeah… I… remember…” His body wracked with a violent cough. He tentatively pulled away his hand. There was far more blood than before.
“..ou- ..die! Y-You can’t!” The signal was perfectly clear as her voice broke fully, loud gasping sobs coming through the receiver.
His heart shattered. This was pure torture. “I’m… sorry… MC…”
“…Saeyoung…? Saeyoung. Saeyoung! Saeyoung! N-No! You’re not- you’re not allowed to apologise! You’re not allowed to- you’re not allowed to die! Don’t- don’t- don’t- no- no- no, no, nonono-Saeyoung- no-! No! SAEYOUNG!”
You couldn’t do anything. Not from headquarters. Your subordinates only worked in frantic terror. He won’t die. He won’t. Saeyoung won’t-
“MC…” Your heart rate jumped to a million miles an hour. No, no, no, you knew that tone. No- he couldn’t-
“Yes? Saeyoung what is it?” You held your breath. No, if you crack now, he’ll know. Keep it together MC.
“I’m dying…”
Every single blood cell in your body turned to ice. You could barely breathe. “What? No, no, no, you’re not Saeyoung. You’re not. You’re not allowed to die.” You could feel the tears pricking at your eyes but you could hardly trust yourself to wipe them away. “You- You owe me a wedding at the space station, remember?”
No, this couldn’t be happening! The medical team were on their way, this couldn’t-
“Yeah… I… remember…” A harsh cough sounded over the receiver.
“So you can’t die! Y-You can’t!” All of your resolve shattered in an instant, your entire body quaking with your cries. No- no, no, nononononono, this is a mistake- this has to be-
“I’m… sorry… MC…”
You physically felt your body temperature drop. Oh god-
“…Saeyoung…? Saeyoung. Saeyoung! Saeyoung! N-No! You’re not- you’re not allowed to apologise! You’re not allowed to- you’re not allowed to die! Don’t- don’t- don’t- no- no- no, no, nonono-Saeyoung- no-! No! SAEYOUNG!”
wow i made myself sad again. look at that, it’s like a talent
have some bubbline to make things better.
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oh also, i got two kittens and they’re cute af
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theaustraliankappa · 3 years
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I posted 6 times in 2021
4 posts created (67%)
2 posts reblogged (33%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.5 posts.
I added 13 tags in 2021
#pmseymourva - 4 posts
#pm seymour - 3 posts
#questions - 2 posts
#shitpost - 2 posts
#im not funny - 1 posts
#shitpsot - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 12 characters
#im not funny
My Top Posts in 2021
Oh damn it I’m making another question post. PM Seymour, is your discord private?
1 notes • Posted 2021-07-16 10:35:30 GMT
I feel like most of this generation doesn’t have ADHD but has a mindset like they do.
2 notes • Posted 2021-07-16 10:43:28 GMT
Yo. Dates are like sex interviews.
46 notes • Posted 2021-07-16 10:46:23 GMT
Mx Seymour (just found out pm seymour uses they/them pronouns), How do you find the god tier shitposts you have on your videos? I look and look but nevertheless, it’s mostly normal image memes 😤😤
449 notes • Posted 2021-07-15 07:52:11 GMT
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