#please lemme know what you guys think- I could really use some feedback cause I wanna improve my writing
fiepige · 9 months
Hey guys, remember that Venom!Hobie fic I'm working on?
Well, Chapter 6 is finally up!!!
“HOLY SH-” Miles and Gwen simultaneously turned to cover Pav’s mouth so as to not alert the creature in the middle of the carnage below them. The creature either didn’t hear him or it was too preoccupied with whatever it was doing. To his regret Miles soon realized what that was, as another wet snapping noise broke the silence once more. The creature was crouched down on all fours over what Miles assumed was the body of an officer, though it was so mutilated that it was hard to tell for sure. Its head was buried into the chest of the body beneath it, another wet snapping noise emerging as it pulled out a couple of ribs between its bloodied jaws... Or The Spider-Gang goes looking for Hobie. They don’t like what they find.
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bxcketbarnes · 3 years
Assassination to Soulmates
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Soulmate AU)
Words: 4200+
Author’s Note: I see a lot of soulmate type pov’s on tik tok and decided to write one of my own, and here it is. I did not expect it to be so long... oops. Uh, I really hope you enjoy it! Lemme know what you think, okay? I love feedback xox
"Mr. Pierce says that he needs to be eliminated," you hear a gruff voice say, and your brows furrow together, halting your footsteps.
You peek your head around the corner of the dark alleyway, seeing two men with guns in their hands and another man kneeling on the pavement.
"Well, we shouldn't be doing it right here," the other guy suggests and turns his head towards you. You quietly gasp and shuffle out of view before they could see you, feeling your heart pounding against your chest. "There could be eyes anywhere and then we'll get out asses chewed out."
"It's almost midnight, dude. There's no one out right now. C’mon, just fucking do it so I can go home."
You peek around the corner once more in time to see one of the men lift his gun before shooting the civilian in the head. Your eyes widen and a louder gasp leaves your throat, gaining the attention of the two gunmen.
"Goddamnit, I told you!" One of the men shouts and you start booking it down the street.
You start to hyperventilate as you can hear the footsteps running after you. A few gunshots are heard and you duck your head before running down a side street.
Fuck fuck fuck. You curse to yourself as you desperately try to find somewhere to hide. You eye the dumpster warily, not exactly wanting to jump into it but there's no way you're outrunning these guys.
You quickly throw the dumpster lid up and jump inside, resisting the urge to gag as you quietly close it afterward. You hold your breath as you hear the footsteps become louder, huffing and puffing leaving the men's lips.
"Goddamnit. She got away," one of them states and you chew on your lip, keeping your breathing steady.
"Not for long. We'll send him after her. Pierce will know what to do. C'mon," the other mentions and you wait a bit longer as their footsteps grow quieter.
You sit in the dumpster for what feels like forever before deciding to finally leave. Your heart beats quickly against your chest as you constantly look over your shoulder during your walk home.
Who were they?
Who's Pierce?
Are they in a gang?
What did they mean by sending him after you? Who were they talking about?
Why did they kill that man?
So many questions go through your head as you shakily unlock your apartment door, slipping inside the dark space. You let out a deep breath and rest your head against the wooden object, feeling like you're going to vomit.
You lock your door behind you, deciding that you're not going to leave for a bit before things cool down.
It's been almost a week since the night you witnessed a murder. Almost a week you've been hiding out in your apartment, too scared to leave for anything. Your anxiety has heightened since that night and you find yourself pacing in your bedroom multiple times a day.
A sigh leaves your lips and runs a hand through your hair, deciding to take a bath to ease your mind. You strip yourself out of your night clothes before walking into the bathroom, turning the faucet on.
You wait a few minutes for the water to fill up, staring at the clearness as that night flashes through your memory. You shake your head before letting out another sigh, needing to get your mind off the horrible event.
You grab a bath bomb from under your sink and remove the plastic wrapping before dropping it into the tub. You step in and lower yourself into the steaming hot water, your hands gripping the edge of the tub so hard your knuckles are white.
"I can't live in fear forever," you say to yourself while sinking further into the water. You calm your nerves for almost an hour when your door opening catches your attention.
You quietly try to get out of the tub, leaving the water in it, and grab a towel from the rack beside you. You press your lips together as you tightly wrap the fluffy material around you, securing it before walking closer to the closed door.
Something crashes from the other room and your breath hitches in your throat, causing you to stumble into the shelving unit beside you. You wince as a few things get knocked off the shelf and you quickly turn the light off before hiding in the corner.
You suppress a scream when the bathroom door gets kicked open, the wooden structure coming off the hinges completely. What the fuck. Your eyes look towards the man who walks into the room, his long hair and the mask he's wearing covering his face.
You swallow the lump in your throat as your eyes come into contact with the metal arm he's repping. Who is this guy? You think to yourself as he walks farther into the room.
Taking a deep breath, you quietly sneak your way towards the open doorway without having the strange man notice you. A gasp leaves your lips as he turns around immediately, seeing his steel-blue eyes reflecting off the moonlight.
You quickly make a run for it, not making it very far as the man easily catches up. You go to open your front door when he slams you against it. A groan escapes your lips and you glance over your shoulder to see him raising his fist. You dodge his fist, crouching a bit as the metal fist bursts through the door.
Your heart pounds against your chest as he suddenly wraps his hand around your throat. Eyes widening in fear, you start to pry his metal hand off of you. You're gasping for air as his grip tightens and your eyesight begins to grow fuzzy. "P-Please…" you plead as best as you could, looking into the eyes of the man in front of you. "I-I won't say anything I swear. I'll move to a different country if I have to."
The man doesn't lighten his grip and you're sure that you're going to die here. Black dots begin to fill your vision as your struggling dies down. Your window shatters and the man gripping your throat suddenly lets go of you.
You fall to the floor, taking in deep breaths as you attempt to crawl away. You look towards your shattered window to see Captain America standing in your living room, relief filling your body as the two men begin to fight.
It doesn't take long before the metal-armed man jumps out the window, but not before looking back at you one more time. You cough a bit, gathering your oxygen back as your eyes begin to finally focus.
"You okay, Miss?" The Captain asks you while kneeling beside you.
You nod your head a bit before looking up at the man. "T-Thank you," you choke out and rest your head against the floor.
Captain America gently moves your head to look at your neck, seeing the skin already bruising. "Why was he after you?" He questions with a furrow on his brows.
You slowly sit up, letting out another cough as you rest your back against the wall. "I witnessed two people kill someone," you inform him and a hum leaves his lips.
"I'm Steve," he introduces while holding his right hand out for you to shake.
"Y/N," you tell him and raise your left arm to shake his hand, his blue eyes drifting towards the birthmark on your arm.
Steve tilts his head before looking up at you through your lashes. "Interesting mark," he mumbles and your cheeks flush, pulling your arm away from him. "My friend, Bucky… he used to have one just like it."
Your heart breaks at the past tense he uses, your eyes casting down to the unique shape on your arm. "Used? He- Is he dead?" You ask softly and Steve nods his head.
"It's strange though since he was born in 1917," Steve mentions and a short groan leaves your lips. Of course.
"Only I would have a soulmate that's not from this day and age," you sigh while subconsciously rubbing the mark. "I've kinda got used to the fact that I'll be alone, so I guess it's not so bad."
Steve frowns and lays a hand on top of yours. "You'll find someone. Whether it be your soulmate or not. Maybe there's another out there that has the same mark."
You nod your head, not wanting to talk about it and Steve moves to stand up. "Steve?" You ask and look up at him, gaining his attention. "What am I supposed to do? I-I can't stay here."
He smiles kindly at you and holds his hand out for you to take. "C'mon, I know a place where you can stay," he mentions and your lips part slightly and you grab a hold of his hand.
"So, this Winter Soldier is after her? Damn, he's got a lot of contracts," Sam mentions as you, him, Natasha, and Steve sit at the table.
Steve brought you to Sam's place, informing you that you can trust him to keep you safe. You fiddle with your fingers as you listen to their conversation, not making any attempt to say anything.
"Y/N?" Steve asks and you snap your head up, looking towards the man. "The three of us are going to leave. We've got some stuff to do, but please stay inside and out of sight, okay?"
You gulp and nod your head, mumbling your thanks to Sam. The man smiles gently and waves his hand. "It's no problem. A friend of Steve's is a friend of mine. I'm glad to help," he tells you and you smile in reply.
Steve pats your shoulder, mumbling to you that it'll be alright before the three of them walk out the door. You wait a few minutes before standing up from your chair, walking towards the window to see if everything is clear.
A deep breath comes from your lips as you think how stupid this plan is, but you couldn't get Steve's friend he mentioned out of your head. You recall the blonde mentioning that Bucky was alongside him in the war before he fell from a train in Germany, so you decided to sneak to the museum to see if they have anything on him.
You grab one of Sam's hoodies that sits on the edge of the couch, quickly putting it on before walking out the front door. You shove your hands into the hoodie pocket while lowering yourself into the cab, telling the driver to bring you to the museum.
You pay the driver once you get to your destination before heading inside. You walk around the Smithsonian, taking in brief information as you suddenly find Bucky's memorial. You see a picture of him and Steve together, smiles on both of your faces, and your chest clenches.
He's cute. You think to yourself as you frown, seeing a full-body photo of the man and notice the unique birthmark on his left arm. You bring your hand to your mark, gently rubbing it as you silently wish you could've met him.
You've always been confused by the whole soulmate's thing. You've never heard about two people who lived in different generations having the same mark. It made you curious for sure, but you didn't know any expert on the matter.
You leave the Smithsonian after almost an hour when you hear screams in the distance. You throw your hood up, not wanting anyone who works with those two men to recognize you as your feet take you closer to the chaos.
You're hiding behind a few cars that have been knocked over and your breath hitches in your throat upon seeing the Winter Soldier and Steve fighting. You watch as Steve throws the soldier over his shoulder, noticing that his mask fell off in the middle of it.
Steve's eyes widen as the man slowly turns to face him and your eyes begin to widen as well. How's that… "Bucky?" He asks and the brunette tilts his head a bit.
"Who the hell is Bucky?" The Winter Soldier asks before going to raise his gun when Sam comes flying in, kicking him in the back.
You quickly leave the scene as Steve gets arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D., noticing Bucky walking down an alleyway and you stupidly decide to follow him. You keep your head down slightly as the two of you walk farther into the alley, trying to gather the courage to yell out to the man.
Your brows furrow together when you look back up to see the Winter Soldier disappeared. "What the-" you mumble and quickly turn around, finding yourself alone. You turn back around and let out a gasp as the soldier now stands in front of you.
His metal arm wraps around your throat once more, pressing you against the brick wall. "Who are you?" He asks and your eyes stare into his.
"I'm Y/N," you whisper and Bucky pulls out a knife. You panic slightly and grab a hold of his wrist, stopping him from stabbing you.
Flashes of the two of you together flood your minds, your chest rapidly rising and falling. Another gasp leaves your lips as the flashes fade and tears come to your eyes. The soldier suddenly lets go of you and stumbles back, a look of confusion on his face.
"What was that? What did you do?" He asks and you can hear the agitation in his voice.
"I-I didn't do anything," you stutter and place your hands up in defense. You swallow thickly and push the sleeve upon your arm, revealing the birthmark etched in your skin. "Do you… do you recognize this at all?"
Bucky's blue eyes dart down to your forearm, seeing the unique mark before furrowing his brows. He gently brings his hand to your arm, feeling his fingertips glide over your warm skin.
Before he has the chance to say anything a blunt force meets the side of your head, knocking you out instantly. Bucky manages to catch you before you fall, glancing to his left to see two agents standing beside him.
"Pierce needs you. Bring her too. He'll want to see her," he states before walking away.
You jolt awake when someone throws a cold bucket of water onto you, a yelp leaving your lips as you shake your head. "What-" you cut yourself off as you try to move your limbs only to find them restrained. You look around the room, seeing about five other agents standing around along with a few scientists.
Blue eyes meet yours and your breath hitches in your throat, seeing Bucky sitting in the chair across from you. "Buck-" you start but get cut off by the man beside you, your cheek stinging by the slap you received.
"Not a word," the man growls and you swallow the lump in your throat, nodding your head in reply.
The Winter Soldier stares off as the scientists work on his arm, looking to be lost in his mind. You jump when Bucky suddenly swings his metal arm, sending the scientist that's working on it across the room.
The guards raise their guns, aiming them at the man and you start to worry that they might kill him. Your cheat heaves rapidly as you keep your eyes on him, hearing the door to whatever room we're in opening before closing once more.
"Mission report," an older gentleman demands and you tear your eyes away from Bucky. "Oh, and a familiar face. A job you couldn't finish I see."
Bucky goes to move out of his seat when the older man walks towards me only to have two agents hold him back. You try to pry your hands from the restraints, wanting nothing more to be out of this place.
A gasp leaves your lips when the man slaps you in the same spot as the last slap you received. Tears spill from your eyes as the stinging almost becomes unbearable. "Leave her alone," Bucky suddenly says, causing the man in front of you to whirl his head around.
"Interesting," he goes and looks between the two of you, a smirk on his lips. "Now, what would be the reason why our asset would suddenly want to protect you?"
"Mr. Pierce," an agent pipes up causing the blonde to look towards the man standing beside you. The agent lifts your sleeve to reveal the birthmark on your arm. "We believe that they're somehow soulmates."
Pierce clicks his tongue before letting out a laugh. "That is interesting indeed, isn't it? I'll get to you later," he tells you and turns to face Bucky. "Mission report, now."
Bucky's eyes stay on yours and you can see a tinge of softness in them when Pierce crouches in front of him slightly. You jump once again when the older man backhands Bucky, the soldier whipping his head a bit before furrowing his brows.
"The man on the bridge," he mumbles and looks towards Pierce, "who was he?"
"You met him earlier this week on another assignment," Pierce tells him and Bucky's eyes dart towards yours.
"I knew him."
Pierce grabs the stool beside him before sitting down onto it. "Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century, and I need you to do it one more time. Society is at a tipping point between order and chaos, and tomorrow morning we're going to give it a push. But, if you don't do your part, I can't do mine. And HYDRA can't give the world the freedom it deserves," he explains to the soldier.
"But, I knew him," Bucky states once more before pressing his lips together. You can practically see his brain putting the pieces together about Steve and you're feeling relieved. Bucky looks back towards you once again, seeing an unreadable emotion in his blue eyes. "And she's my soulmate."
Pierce lets out a sigh and stands up from the stool, telling the scientist beside him to prep Bucky. "He's been out of cryo freeze too long," the man in the lab coat explains as your heart begins to pound in your chest.
"Then wipe him and start over."
"W-Wait," you whisper to yourself as the two scientists lean him back in the chair. Bucky places the mouth guard into his mouth when his eyes meet yours. His chest heaves quickly when he gets locked into place, his head leaning back as the electrode machine begins to descend onto his face. "Stop!"
You thrash in your chair as Bucky's muffled screams echo off the walls. Tears stream down your face as you squeeze your eyes shut, not being able to watch what's happening to him.
"What do we do with her?" An agent asks the older man and you can feel his eyes on you.
"Wait until he's done and then have him kill her," Pierce orders before walking out of the room.
A couple of the agents undo your restraints and lift you from your chair. You thrash and kick amongst their grasp, doing everything you can to get out of their death grip. Screams leave your lips as you look back towards Bucky, his screams stopping as the scientists finish the mind wipe.
"Bucky, please!" You desperately call for help as the two men throw you into a concrete room before shutting the door.
You pant heavily as you back up against the corner of the room, running a hand through your hair. You can faintly hear them ordering him around on the other side of the door and you look up at the ceiling, feeling like that’ll be the place you'll die in.
The door bursts open and you jump, cowering against the wall as Bucky walks into the room. His blue eyes are stone cold as he waltz's over to you before wrapping his hand around your throat for the third time.
"Bucky," you plead, your hand resting on his chest and you frown when the flashes don't play through your mind again. Your lip trembles and you gasp for air when his hand squeezes.
You slowly bring your hand to his face, gently stroking his cheek as you begin to grow dizzy. Memories from the first time you met the Winter Soldier plays through your head as you slowly lose oxygen.
Bucky releases you and you slump to the ground, growing unconscious as the brunette looks down at you. He can still feel your hand on his face as he glances over his shoulder.
I'm getting you out of here. He suddenly thinks to himself while coming up with a plan.
Bucky drags his fingertips up to your spine as you sleep peacefully, his lips peppering light kisses along your arm. A soft knock on the door makes the man glance over his shoulder to see Steve leaning against the frame of it.
"How is she?" He asks while crossing his arms over his chest.
"She's good. No major injuries which are good," Bucky sighs while slowly removing himself from the bed, making sure not to wake you.
The two men walk out of the room you and Bucky share, the ex-Winter Soldier looking back at you once more before quietly shutting the door. "How are you feeling? With all of this?" Steve asks, causing Bucky's brows to furrow.
"What do you mean?"
A slight laugh comes from Steve as the blonde looks towards him. "The whole Soulmate thing. Is it going well?" He clarifies.
"Oh, uh, yeah. It's going great. Other than the times that I tried to kill her when we first met, I'd say we're doing well," he explains and scratches at his jaw.
Bucky and Steve sit at the table in the main area, seeing some of the others watching whatever's playing on the television. "Do you still think about it? The time you two first met?" Steve mentions and Bucky sighs before nodding his head in response. "You know that it's been four years, right?"
"Doesn't stop me from thinking about it, Steve. Hell, I still think about the people I've wronged as the Winter Soldier," Bucky comments with a sigh, leaning his chin against the palm of his hand.
"Did she tell you what she did when she first heard about you?" Steve asks and Bucky furrows his brow before shaking his head. "It was right after you jumped out the window of her apartment. I noticed the mark on her arm and mentioned that you used to have a similar mark on your arm back in the day."
Steve notices you walk into the living area and you press your finger to your lips, silently telling him to not say anything.
"So, Y/N told me this a few years later but when I brought her to Sam's place to keep her safe… she snuck out to go to the Smithsonian to learn more about you. She thought you died in the war, and well, so did I obviously."
Bucky's heart flutters a bit at the story he's telling, fiddling with his fingers. "I just… I don't know how she feels about everything, you know? Like, we've never really actually talked about it," he sighs and you frown from behind him.
You drape your arms over his shoulder, causing the older man to jump in his chair before whipping his head back. "Hi, Buck," you whisper and feel him relax at the sound of your voice.
Bucky rests his flesh hand on top of yours and squeezes gently. "Hey. How long have you been standing there?" He asks and you chuckle in response, placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Long enough to know that you don't know how I feel," you inform him and Bucky's heart stops, not wanting you to find out this way. "Why don't we go talk?"
Your soulmate nods his head and stands up from the chair he's sitting in. You lace your fingers together and lead him back to your shared bedroom. Once inside the room, Bucky sits down on the edge of the bed and you climb onto his lap.
"What's going on inside that pretty head of yours?" You softly ask while running your hands through his now short hair.
Bucky's hands rest on your hips, gripping the soft flesh every few seconds as he takes a deep breath. "Do you ever wish that you had someone… normal? Someone who's not a murderer?" He questions and you shake your head immediately. "You didn't even think about it."
"I didn't have to. Bucky, I don't care if you used to be the Winter Soldier and that you once almost tried to kill me. That wasn't you. You were being brainwashed by a horrible group of people," you explain to him and his blue eyes soften at your words. You smile at him before leaning in to kiss his lips. "I love you in every way possible. You're funny, kind, dorky. Everything a girl could ever ask for. So, please, stop worrying about me."
"God, you're incredible. How did I get so lucky?" Bucky asks with a slight laugh, hiding his face in your neck.
Giggles leave your lips as you card your fingers through his hair, pressing gentle kisses to the side of his head. "We all need someone to keep us grounded. I'm just glad I got you."
Taglist: @jessalyn-jpeg​ @bumblebet-20​ @queen-of-mischief​
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miyaniacs · 3 years
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summary: Reader: female; 20 years old ; Apparently you know something… but what this something is you still got to find out.
But curses, good and bad sorcerer now want to get you into their hands.
Ending up in the hands of the good ones, y/n finally meets her old best friend again - Yuji. Now Yuji and his friends make it their mission to keep you save in this whole new world. Days turn into weeks and you become closer and closer to your ‚bodyguards‘
Warnings: blood & not proof read bc I’m lazy
A/N: feedback & reblogs are welcome, especially since this is a new fic / story form I’m trying to do ^^ I hope you’ll like my lil attempt to give you all a jjk otome ‘game’ haha tell me if any of you wanna be tagged ^^
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Cold air blows into your face as you exit the library. Looking up at the stars, you sigh. You‘ve lost track in time studying for your finals. It’s your third semester now and depending on how you’ll succeed in your finals, you either get a step closer to getting your dream job or all the semesters were for nothing.
Yuji always joked about you wanting to get rich, to help him succeed going on a date with one of his famous crushes… well with a certain one.
“Yuji - how would you be able to suddenly appear right in front of Jennifer Lawrence and save her from a monster - IF you don’t have the money to appear in whatever country she’s in?”
“And you’d give me the money??”
“That’s what your sugar mommy is for right?”
“In no where - NEVER - you’ll pass as a sugar mommy!”
“Lemme get that cash and the clothes and you’ll see.”
So here you are, trying your best to get an A in your business class to be able to turn the 2 weeks internship at Zenin Enterprise into a one year one and hopefully a job after graduating.
‘I’ll show you Yuji- you’ll get a check in your mail someone …’ you think.
Even though you haven’t seen him that much after the incident in your high school, you still texted every day and somehow managed to see each other about three times a year. At first you were pissed, because he didn’t tell you what he was up to and why he changed schools - but you leaned to accept it, he was still your best friend and nothing would change that.
Walking over the campus you make your way towards the train station smiling when you see Yujis name pop up on your screen.
“Hey hey Yuu~” you smile as you pick up the phone.
“Y/n! Where are you right now?” He asks, panic lacing in his voice.
“Just got out of the library, why what’s up?” You ask, your bows furrow a bit.
“Get back inside. Now. Immediately.!” He scream shouts.
“Yuji why- my last train arrives in a few minutes.” You whine, but stopped walking.
“Trust me Y/n. Please.” He begs, “I’ll be there in a few minutes!”
“Okay okay- is it because of the thing you can’t tell me about?” You turn around and start jogging back towards the library.
“Yes.” he says.
“Okay I trust you, I’ll be in the library in ab- AHHHHHHHHH”
“Y/N - Y/N TALK TO ME - Y/N!!!”
And you start running, this thing comes closer and closer, you can hear it’s steps getting faster and faster.
Your legs move faster than you thought they could, mentally your thankful for forcing yourself to go to the gym regularly.
Yet the thing gets closer.
You can now hear it’s breath, feel it in your neck.
All the small hairs on your skin turn up and tears stream down your face.
“Y/NNN!!!” You head Yujis voice coming closer from the distance.
“YUJI I AM HERE - HELP ME!!” You cry out.
Suddenly something slimy wraps around your ankle and you fall flat in the ground.
Screaming out in pain, you feel yourself getting dragged over the hard ground, some sharp claws digging into the flesh of your leg. Feeling the blood run down your leg, you try to grab anything and everything your hands can reach to stop the monster to … to eat you?
Your finger tips get bloody while you try to desperately hold onto the asphalt, just to feel your body getting dragged further away from panicked voice of your best friend.
Then - you stopped moving.
The force that dragged you away stopped. Turning around you see the lifeless arm of that thing hanging on your lap, but the rest of it is still moving, with one arm missing.
A blond haired man stands in front of you, some sort of short sword in one hand. He glanced over his shoulder, “Why are you still here? Run!” He says in a way too calm voice.
Trying your best, you try to get up, flinching as you now feel all the wounds on your body.
Your left leg, with the arm still hanging on it, collapses again and again whenever you try to put some pressure on it.
Something soft nudged your leg and pushes onto the arm. Looking down you see… a dog? Or a wolf? You’re not quite sure but whatever it is- it helps you getting that thing off.
“This takes way too long.” You hear someone saying and in a matter of seconds your thrown over the shoulder from some guy, you think you’ve seen someone during your FaceTime chats with Yuji.
“Care to help us?” He says to a white haired man with a blindfold on.
“Mhhh… no. I think you students should be able to finish this thing alone.” He smiles brightly, yet the man carrying you clearly seems annoyed. “But you can leave her with me, I’ll take care of her ~”
A silent scream escapes your lips, as the men sets you down, rather … rough, causing you to put pressure on your injured leg.
“Megumi! Haven’t I taught you how to treat a women!” The white haired male sighs and puts a hand on his forehead, shaking his head dramatically.
“This isn’t some sort of joke.” The blond one, that practically saved you from the monster, walks over to you.
“Well… the curse is tho - we thought they’d send something strong to get her, judging by who badly everyone seems to get her - but no. They sent this joke.” He gestures towards the monster, which is now surrounded by three younger looking men.
The one that carried you, another white haired one, with the neck of this jacked turned upwards and … Yuji!
Your eyes lit up the second you recognize your best friend.
He meets your eyes and a small smile appearance on his face, no wait… his mouth shouldn’t be there … why is it on his cheek?
You blink a few times, but his mouth now seems to be as normal as it can be.
The blood loos probably got to your head.
Right blood!
Looking down you see the blood still running down your leg. Reaching down, you touch the wound, regretting it the second you did so.
“Hey, wait, I get some first aid bandages out of the car.” The blond one says in a calming voice, gently grabbing your hand and guiding it away from your wound.
“Sooo you’re the girl Yuji always talks about?” the white haired men asks and tilts his head to the right, the index finger of his left hand tapping against his chin.
“Uhm.. I guess? He’s my best friend…so..” you mumble. How is he having such a normal conversation with you, when Yuji and the others are fighting this thing just a few meters away?!
“Huh… haven’t thought he’d be able to have such pretty friends.” The male mumbles.
“Excuse me?!” Your head snaps towards him and you glare at his covered eyes. “SHOULDNT YOU BE HELPING THEM?!” You gesture over to the three.
“Nahhh - they can handle it - but they are taking way too long - I was really lacking on training them.” He sighs and shakes his head.
You watch as the white haired man standing next to Yuji opens his zipper and says something- suddenly the monster collapses.
“About time.” The calming voice of the blond haired man echos through the now quiet campus.
“Here sit down.” He points to a bank and helps you sit down.
Carefully he cuts off the ripped leg of your jeans and gently places a tissue on your leg, trying to clean it up.
“Okay, I’m sorry if this hurts now, but I got to make sure that it won’t get infected.” He says and puts something to sanitize your wounds on the tissue.
“Y/N!!!!” Yuji screams and runs over to you.
“Yuj- AHHHHH” You head looks over to the blond male.
“Sorry.” He mumbles.
“Y/n. I’m so sorry I’m so so sorry!!” Yuji sits down next to you and takes one of your hands on his.
“It’s not your fault.” You smile gently at him, trying to ignore the pain.
“How did you know that I was in danger?” You ask and look around.
“We heard from many sources that basically everyone was looking for a girl named ‘Y/n.’ - Yuji quickly figured out that it was you they were looking for. “ the blond says and wraps a bandage around your leg.
“Now we want to know why.” The white man says and towers over you.
“How should I know. I don’t even know what this thing was- neither do I know what you are??” You start rambling. The shock finally leaves your body and the realization hits you. “WHAT WAS THIS MONSTER ?!” You screech.
“Hey, it was not as gorgeous as I am, but we’re not monsters.” A deep voice comes from Yuji. Confused you look towards him.
“Shut up!” Yuji says and slaps a hand over his cheek. But then a mouth appears on the back of his hand.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” You scream and jump up, almost kicking the blond male who was still holding your leg.
“Yes …” he looks down, “It was all… well … difficult to explain to you so I just chose not to.” He looks up at you with his puppy eyes and you sigh. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
“I hate you.” You sit down again and lean against his shoulder. Putting an arm around you he leans his head on yours.
“I know … I know.”
“Okay cool- but again. What do they want from you?” The black haired guy says and his piercing green eyes seem to try to read your mind.
“I - I don’t know. I haven’t known about all of this until now.”
“Tuna, rice.” The white hair male, who now has the zipper up again, says.
“Agreed … she at least was able to see the curse.” The other white haired male says.
Your face should clearly show the confusion, but it seems as if everyone just ignores it.
“Did anything happened the past weeks? … anything strange?” The blond one asks and stands up, adjusting his glasses.
“No… not really… my boss acted strange yesterday - well he always does - when he gave me some packet to personally give to someone.”
“What packet? How big was it?” The black haired asks.
“Uhhh I thought there was some expensive watch in." You look around confused. Everyone looks over to Yuji.
“Why? What’s wrong?” You look around.
“Who did you give the packet to?” Yuji asks.
“No one actually… The male wasn’t there, so I took it with me - I planned on giving it back to him tomorrow.” You stutter.
“Who’s your boss?” The white haired one asks.
“Naoya Zenin - I got an internship being his secretary.”
Everyone stares at you now.
“You’re coming with us.” The white haired one grabs your hand.
“Nanami - you and Yuji go to her home! Find that packet - if it’s still there.” He looks over to the blond male, before addressing you again. “Anything else you heard or saw before he gave you this packet?”
“Uhm… I overheard him talking to a man… “ you stutter and he grabs your hand, dragging you with him.
“With who? What did they say?”
“I - I don’t know…” you whisper.
“Then REMEMBER!” He says in a harsh tone.
“I DONT KNOW - HE LOOKED STRANGE …” you scream, annoyed the way he dragged you with him.
“Well until you know, you be staying with us.”
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TAGLIST (open): @laceymorganwrites
102 notes · View notes
four months; part 2 [five hargreeves x reader]
a/n: thank you all so so much for your support and feedback! i literally could not believe that the first part has over 200 notes and yall want a continuation like omagash??? im soft, thank you guys <3
here is the long awaited part two, but before we dive into that, i felt the need to ask yall if you want five to be aged up?? in most x reader i’ve read on this site, five is aged up, but I felt like, in my case, i didn’t really needed to mention that because i am only like two months older than the actor, and its not like im gonna write smut with him- gross. point is, idk. should i age him up tho??? idk what to do, so here are both aidan and timothee to soothe ur heart for this second part!! <3
(the gifs do not belong to me, lemme know if u know who made them so i can give credits- they’re real cute mah gawsh!!!)
alsoo if you want more five imagines or literally any other hargreeves sibling or fictional character ousside tua, feel free to leave a request in my inbox! kisses <3
summary: after a long family meeting and more booze, you decide to make a bold move and profess your buried feelings.
part 1
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“Men are stupid shitheads.” You concluded, setting your flask on the counter, looking at the new bangs Allison had just cut for you.
Even in her drunken state, they seemed to be very nicely done. You were quite surprised by the way they turned out, but pleased nonetheless. It was a spontaneous decision, getting bangs. You had been sitting in the hair salon she was working at with her, Klaus and Vanya after a not so great family meeting.
Hugs were shared, true, but then arguments started and before you even knew it, Luther stormed out, Diego followed him, Five went missing for whatever business he had, and Klaus claimed that Ben was not even there- apparently, ghosts can’t time travel.
So, it was just the four of you, drunk in a hair salon, with too much alcohol and way too many scissors around you, complaining about how shitty your love lives could be.
“Amen.” Klaus raised his drink in the air, “I’ll drink to that.”
“Right?” Allison nodded, combing her second client, Klaus, “The nerve of Ray! I mean, one thing goes wrong and he’s on a warpath!” She vented, holding the bottle of liquor in her free hand, “I mean, doesn’t know who I am?! No, no! No, Ray- you know exactly who I am, you just can’t handle it!”
You watched with a raised brow as Vanya was out of zone, pretending to be shooting the long line of empty bottles gathered in front of her, as Allison kept on continuing her rant. Her husband had just seen her use her powers on the night they started the protest, and was now having a real hard time comprehending what was going on. You didn’t see him at home either, so you figured he may have been upset with you as well for maybe hiding the secret. Or maybe he thought you were like her, who knows?
“Hey, wouldn’t it be weird if Five grew up all hot?” Klaus suddenly asked, taking a drag out of his cigarette, as he got up from his seat to walk around the hair salon, “Wouldn’t that be weird?”
“Why would you even think of your brother like that?” You asked riddled, narrowing your eyes at the man as his sisters almost gagged at the thought.
“Oh, please, you’ve been thinking that, haven’t you?” Klaus asked, pointing at you as you took another swig from your nearly empty flask.
“I... I mean- he’s... Five... uh... no comment!” You suddenly declared, at loss of words, as you got up from your seat, trying to maintain your balance as you made your way towards the bottle of liquor to fill your flask again.
“When are you two gonna confess your feelings?” Allison asked with a groan, letting her head fall backwards as she sat on the chair, “It’s getting really tiring!”
“We have an apocalypse going on!” You argued, “There’s no time for feelings!”
“This is the perfect time for feelings!” Klaus chimed in, taking another drag out of his cigarette, “These might be your last six days on Earth! Do you want to die regretting that you never told Five how you felt about him?”
“I’m not having this conversation anymore.” You declared, out of arguments, as you poured liquor in your flask, “Why don’t we talk about Allison’s crush on Luther instead?”
“We have never even kissed!” Allison defended herself, causing Vanya to spin on her chair confused, looking between the three of you.
“Yeah, but you guys were making little sick moon-dog eyes at each other all through puberty and breakfasts and... all that.” Klaus waved her off, sipping from his own flask.
“Aren’t we all brothers and sisters, or...?” Vanya wondered confused, as you and Klaus snorted amused at her innocence.
“Well... technically...” Allison tried to find an excuse or explanation, but she was having a hard time putting her thoughts in place.
“Technically?” Klaus raised a brow, “If you....” He stammered, trying to regain his train of thought, “If you have to use the word technically, you’re already in trouble.”
“Okay, can we go back to Five and Y/N?” Allison tried to change the subject, “Or maybe at least help me save my marriage?”
“That’s like...” Klaus stumbled on his own feet, filling his flask again, as you leaned against Vanya’s chair curiously, “That’s like asking a nun how to hump someone’s leg! I mean, who in this room knows shit about relationships? This one?” He asked, pointing at Vanya, “In secret love with some farm Frau!”
“Her name’s Sissy.” Vanya informed him.
“Which is an improvement on her previous love interest.” He said, looking at you and Allison, as you shook your heads to slightly tell him to shut up, “...the serial killer.”
“What?!” Vanya yelled, looking between you and Allison for an explanation, but you just softly waved her off, promising to remind her later.
“And look at this one!” Klaus ignored the three of you, pointing at... well, you, “A fifty year old assassin, who got the chance to be a teen again, but she is too afraid to admit her feelings for the... wait, is Five a boy or a man?”
“Both?” You raised a brow, unsure of the answer.
“Meanwhile, I’m carrying a torch for a soldier I haven’t technically met yet, and Luther is in love with his sister.” Klaus waved you off, trying to keep his balance again on his feet.
“Okay, again- we are not biological!” Allison tried to defend herself once more, but Klaus simply ignored her.
“Face it, the healthiest long-term relationship in this family was when Five was banging that mannequin.” He said, making all of you nod in agreement, as you couldn’t help but confess, taking another chug out of your flask;
“I can’t believe I got to the point where I was jealous of Dolores.”
Okay, maybe ‘banging’ and ‘jealous’ were strong words, but you had to admit you were not that pleased when one of the first things that Five did when he got back to 2019, was go to some store to get back his plastic girlfriend who kept him company in the four decades he spent all by himself in the apocalypse.
You understood his mind, though. You would have gone insane as well if you had to be all alone after the end of the world, without another soul on the planet. Nonetheless, you still were maybe a tad too happy when he decided to return her to the store.
Leaving you the only woman he had eyes for, unbeknownst to you.
“I’m gonna tell Sissy that I love her.” Vanya suddenly declared, straightening her position confidently.
“You go, girl!” You cheered, clapping for your friend.
“I don’t want any secrets.” She said, making you and the other two nod in agreement, contemplating about your own lives.
“Yeah!” Allison said, getting up with the bottle of alcohol tightly clutched in her hand, “Yeah, yeah- you’re right! Yes, ‘cause, you know- if this all goes tits-up, the least I can do is be honest with my husband!
“Oh, does that mean I have to face my cult?” Klaus sighed, “I just hate group break-ups, it’s why I stopped dating twins!”
You pondered about it for a moment, in your state that was definitely not the most sober. You had a lot of alcohol coursing through your veins, but you felt like maybe it was better. You could think with your heart more than you could think with your brain, and your heart was telling you that your friends were right.
They all are getting themselves ready to take big risks in their lives, why shouldn’t you? They had a valid point; the world was gonna end in six days if you guys couldn’t find a way to solve this. Last time you didn’t have the brightest plan, so why should this time be a success? Reality hit you; there was a real big chance that you might die.
So why not just be honest with Five? What was the worst that could happen? You manage to save the world and Five rejects you? Big deal!
Well, it actually was a big deal.
“What if he rejects me?” You asked all of a sudden, causing the three siblings to turn to you, “What if I tell Five how I feel about him and he rejects me? I know maybe at my age I shouldn’t be this anxious about a man, but... it’s not like I’m going anywhere, I’m glued to the Hargreeves clan.”
And it was true. After the events of the 2019 apocalypse, right before you and the others got separated, you shared an adorable moment in which you confessed to each other how happy you were to have met and be taken into their family as one of their own.
“Normally, I’d say to not ponder on that for too... long.” Klaus slurred, “But given that it’s Five, you don’t even have to worry about that.”
“He’s right.” Allison shrugged, “That won’t be a problem.
“I have no memory of any of you, but from the hug I’ve seen you two share earlier- you’re not just friends.” Vanya spoke up, making you stare into nothingness for a moment.
I mean, it’s Five we are talking about. If he were to have any feelings, it’s not like he’d be honest with them or act, right? It would be up to you to make the first move.
You let out a long sigh, rubbing your hands on your upper arms, reminding yourself of the hug. It may have been the first time you and Five actually hugged, in all the years you’ve known each other. The way he held you close and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, taking in your scent, feeling you in his arms, even if for him it had been only four days. You had to live with the thought that he may be dead for months.
And you hated that, you knew you wanted him alongside you. You wanted that little rude, at times obnoxious dipshit, with a soft heart- as much as he hated to admit it. You loved how much he cared about his family, about saving the world. Five is a great person; he is caring and has a big heart, as much as he tried to hide it behind his trashmouth.
“Fine!” You groaned, letting your head fall backwards, “I’ll tell Five I fucking love him and his dipshit face!”
“Yes!” Klaus clapped, as Allison and Vanya cheered proudly, “Come here!”
You and Vanya walked towards him, as Allison wrapped an arm around his waist, waiting for the two of you to skip towards them, pulling you into a group hug, as “Twistin’ the night away” by Sam Cooke blasted on the radio, causing the four of you to start a small dance party, letting for the first time in a long while your problems just go away.
For the sake of the song.
After a couple more hours of drinking, gossiping and dancing, the four of you decided to finally part ways and attend your promised business. Klaus went to deal with his cult, as Allison decided to be completely honest with her husband at home and Vanya was going to confess to Sissy.
As for you?
You were going to tell Five Hargreeves you were in love with him.
“Hey, dipshit!” You confidently yelled, running up the stairs of the store, trying to find Five.
“Y/N?” Five frowned, walking out of the kitchen with a coffee mug in his hands and a confused look on his face, “Are you... even more drunk? And did you get bangs- what the...?”
“Shut up.” You waved him off, walking towards him to grab the mug out of his hand to sober yourself up, “Why in the hell are you even drinking coffee at this hour?”
“I’m... trying to calm myself...” He frowned, watching as you chugged his freshly poured coffee.
“Normally I’d ask.” You said, setting the mug on the counter, shaking your head, “But right now what I have to say is more important.”
“Is that so?” Five raised a brow curiously, as you slowly slapped your cheeks, trying to get the room to stop moving, “Why don’t you go to bed?” He asked, gently pushing you towards the couch, “And we talk in the morning? I don’t really have time for this.”
“No!” You yelled, stopping in your tracks to poke his chest, “We don’t have to talk! I talk and you- you listen!” You said, poking his chest again, “You never have time for anything, all you can think of is your stupid apocalypse!”
“Oh yes, isn’t that a trivial thing to be thinking of?” He asked with a sarcastic smile, crossing his arms.
“I don’t need your sarcasm!” You yelled, poking his chest a third time, feeling him get more tense.
“I swear to God, Y/N, if you do that one more time-...” Five took in a deep breath, as he could feel as he was slowly losing his patience.
“Shut up!” You groaned, watching as his brows knitted in confusion, “I’m trying to confess my feelings for you, you moron!”
“W...What?” He asked, as his face suddenly softened, unfolding his arms.
“I’m in love with you!” You sighed, rubbing your face, “Okay? I-I am in love with you and I am trying to sober myself up, but I think I may have had too much to drink.”
“You think?” Five scoffed, slowly leading you towards the couch, “Are you sure you’re not saying this just because you have a ton of alcohol coursing through you?”
“Well... kinda, ‘cause if I were sober there was no way in hell I would have confessed.” You puffed, complying, as you let yourself guided by him, “Allison, Klaus and Vanya all convinced me that I should tell you, that we only have six days left on Earth and in case we don’t save it... I shouldn’t be going down with regrets.”
Five listened to your every word carefully, as you continuing venting about how his siblings spent the whole day trying to convince you to tell him about your feelings, as he slowly held your hands, as you took a seat on the couch. He nodded at your words to let you know that he was listening, as he took two pillows off the armchairs beside, placing them at one end, softly pushing you down.
“...and then Klaus said that he hates group breakups.” You said, not even noticing what was going on, feeling your lids get heavier once your head met the pillow.
“Not a surprise there...” Five muttered, grabbing the blanket that was rested on top of the couch, placing it over you.
“Are you trying to dismiss me?” You wondered, but still making yourself more comfortable, as you sat on your side, with your head facing Five, who knelt in front of you tired.
He bit back a smile, watching as you slowly closed your eyes. He knew you were extremely drunk, he could see that in the way exhaust took over you. Not only you had a lot of alcohol in your system, but you’ve also had some long couple of days, and some longer ones were ahead of you until you knew for a fact the world was safe once more.
“I don’t know how it is, that you’re the one person who actually makes me feel... soft.” He confessed, watching your lips curve into a smile at his words, “You... drunken idiot.”
“I regret nothing.” You said proudly, as Five couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, softly stroking your hair to help you fall asleep sooner.
“We’ll see about that in the morning.” He smirked amused, watching as you pouted.
“You never gave me an answer, you know.” You pointed out, letting his soft touch calm you down, as you felt sleep slowly take over you.
“You never gave me a question.” He retorted, knowing for sure that if your eyes were opened, you would roll them at him.
“I think you like to hear me say that I am in love with you, it’s the third time I have to say it.” You said, slowly placing your hands under your pillow, making yourself more comfortable.
“I am happy to see that you still know how to count.” Five said, placing some wild strands of hair behind your ear.
“Screw you.” You said, making him grin, as he went back to stroking your hair.
“In this whole... shitty situation I managed to get myself into, you, Y/N, might as well be the only thing keeping me sane... surprisingly.” Five frowned at the last bit, watching as you opened your eyes, shifting your head to watch him, “I love you too, moron.”
“I never said I love you.” You smirked, teasing him as he rolled his eyes.
“You little chipmunk...” Five sighed, shaking his head in disbelief amused, as you leaned into his touch more, closing your eyes, pleased with yourself.
“Yeah, but you still love me.” You said, not once dropping that smirk on your lips.
“You’re impossible, did you know that?” He wondered, resting his forearm on the couch beside you, as he knelt on the floor, trying to make himself more comfortable, noticing the way you were enjoying the scalp massage... for free.
“A little bit.” You slowly shrugged, wrapping your arms around his, once you felt it beside you.
Five watched with a soft smile as you pulled his arms closer to your face, nuzzling into it with a satisfied smile, happy that you listened to your friends.
And deep down, so was Five thanking his siblings.
758 notes · View notes
bxthharmon · 4 years
Never Go Home Again, Pt. VII || JJ Maybank
Words: 2050
Series Warnings: violence / talking about abuse / toxic relationships / talking about nudes sex tapes and sex tapes / drugs / underage drinking
Pt. Warnings: Violence / an arrest??
Series Summary: A new girl, a shoebox of old memories, a past she’s trying to forget coincide with a hotheaded, but selfless, boy.  teenagers getting in way over their heads
Pt. Summary: A fight at movie night forces reconciliation, but happiness is short lived when JJ and Pope face consequences for their actions.
A/N: this parts pretty short (sorry!!) but eventful nonetheless. thanks for the continued support, lemme know if u wanna be tagged and ill be happy with any feedback. also, pleaseeeee talk to me!!! be my friend!!!
Chapters linked in my masterlist.
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“I’m so glad they’re still doing this.” Kie smiled, looking back at you, JJ and Pope, all sulking in your reluctance.
“I didn’t even know this was a thing.” You said, shrugging.
“Keep calm, carry on.” She continued, “Back to OBX life, you know? Aren’t you guys glad that I made you come?”
“Ecstatic.” Pope snarked.
“My couch was pretty comfy, I’ll be honest.” JJ added, making you elbow him.
“Yes, Kie, thank you.” you smiled back at her, glaring at the two sulking boys.
You laid down your stuff next to Kie, looking back at JJ and Pope, who were looking shifty as ever, whispering about their latest drama. You told Kie you’d get the snacks, and went to the counter, looking at the options.
“Hey, uh, can I get two pepsis and a pack of nerds please?” you began exchanging the money when Rafe came up to you. You glanced warily at him, your last encounter having been… eventful.
“Hey, new girl.” 
“Uh, hi?” you said, thinking back to your first, and only, encounter at Topper’s party. “Can I help you?”
“Well we got off on the wrong foot, don’t you think?” 
“To be honest, I wish we didn’t start off on any foot.” you noticed Pope and JJ staring at you as you interacted with Rafe.
He clenched his jaw, “Look, just tell your boy that we know what he did, okay?”
“Sorry, what boy? And what did he do?”
“He’ll know.”
You turned to leave, answering his farewell with “douche” and sat down between Kie and Pope, handing the boys their pepsis and opening the nerds. “Just saw Rafe.” You said, causing JJ and Pope to lean forwards intently, “He said, and I quote, ‘tell your boy that we know what he did’. I mean what the fuck?”
JJ and Pope shared a look, and you narrowed your eyes. “Where is he?” JJ asked.
“Right there.” You pointed to where he had rejoined Topper and Kelce. You watched the two boys spin around, clearly shitting themselves.
“Great, the whole death squad.” Pope muttered.
“Don’t stare, bro.” JJ spun Pope’s face back around, and you leaned towards them.
“Boys, what the fuck is going on?”
“Tell you later.” JJ said nonchalantly, making you and Kie share a worried eye contact. JJ turned back to Pope, “Just warning you bro, if they corner me, I’m coming out swingin’, okay? Slice and dicin’. I’m on edge right now. If that doesn’t work, I got this right here.” 
You and Kie made exasperated eye contact this time. 
“We just gotta stay in a group. They can’t come get us in a group.” Pope confirmed.
“Like a school of fish.” JJ added.
“Stay in the school. Can’t leave the school.”
“I’m sorry, JJ…” Kie interrupted, her voice riddled with frustration, “Please, tell me that you did not bring a gun here.”
“JJ, there are kids!” You added.
“No!” he denied, “Kie I didn’t bring the gun, okay? Everything’s fine.”
“Oh, wow, thank you JJ, that’s really convincing. I love that JJ.” Kie sassed.
“You two,” You shook your head, “are fucking idiots. Whatever you got yourselves into, why the fuck did you bring it to a place where there are kids! And families!”
“We didn’t want to!” JJ hissed back, “Blame Kie!”
“No!” you argued, “Blame you two for doing the stupid shit that made you bring a gun to a fucking kids movie night!”
“Founding principle, you guys. No secrets among pogues. What is Rafe talking about?” Kie reminded them.
“Yeah,” you backed, “What she said.”
They hadn’t explained the rules very well, and the two of them looked at you briefly, amused frowns on their faces. “Kie,” Pope said, “It might go down tonight.”
“What does that mean?” you asked, “‘Might go down tonight’, what the fuck did you do?”
“Deny,” JJ glared at Pope, “Deny, deny.”
The film started, and it started to get exciting. You were leaning your head on Kie’s leg, sat on the floor while the others were all on seats, when you heard the boys whispering for the hundredth time. You saw them get up, and sat up properly.
“Hey,” Kie hissed, and they turned back to you, “Where y’all going?”
“We gotta wring it out.” JJ shrugged, admiring the way you scrunched your nose up at the thought.
“You gonna hold it for each other?” you frowned, making Kie snort as they shuffled away.
You waited a couple of minutes then turned to Kie. “Hey, what’s taking them so long?” she shrugged, and you looked back to where Rafe and his friends had been. “Rafe and his mates are gone, do you think they’re in trouble?” 
She looked at where they had disappeared, and nodded, the two of you getting up and following where the boys had gone, grabbing JJ’s bag as you left. You crept round the side of the crowd, walking into a hell of a scene.
Pope and Topper were tackling each other, and Kelce had JJ around the neck, allowing Rafe to throw punches. In your peripheral vision, you saw Kie hit Topper with JJ’s bag, as you grabbed Rafe from behind, pulling him back so he lost his balance. He fell backwards on top of you, grunting as you rolled over, getting a punch in before he threw you off and pulled Kie off Topper. You stumbled up, going for Kelce and JJ, getting another punch in before Rafe threw you away again. You rolled over the ground, hitting a tree, and, winded, tried to get up again, unsuccessfully. You crawled and then pushed yourself up, getting one last punch in on Rafe before the orange hue of flames took you all by surprise. Rafe and his kooks stumbled back, scattering in shock, and you ran to JJ, looking him over for injuries, ignoring the aching feeling in your side where you had been tossed aside.
Kie looked over to you and JJ, and you told her to go, you’d get JJ home. You pulled his arm over your shoulders, letting him lean some of his weight on you as you limped home.
“You were pretty badass in that fight.” he mumbled, and you laughed.
“Yeah well, would’ve been better if Rafe didn’t keep throwing me around.” 
“Mm, I’ll kill him for throwing my girl like that.”
You stopped, turning to look at him, trying to ignore the bruises forming on his face. You were standing in the middle of the road, minutes from the Chateau, but no cars would come. You frowned at the bruised boy. “Your girl?” your cheeks tinting with a blush, and he smiled softly.
“My girl.” he confirmed.
“If I’m your girl then why didn’t you let me kiss you?”
He sighed, “You were drunk, and I didn’t want to take advantage of that. And I wanted to be sure you really meant it.” 
You giggled, “Kie was right then. She said you pushed me away because I was drunk.”
“When is that girl ever wrong?”
You were stood close enough to breathe each other's air, acutely aware of his hand on your hip.
“JJ, is this a bad idea?”
“Do you care?”
“Is one of us gonna get hurt?”
“Probably, but I’ll try my best to make sure it’s me.”
This time, he was the one to lean down, as he caught your lips on his. You leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his neck, as his arms found their way around your waist. You broke apart for air, breathing in each other’s scents and holding on, as if for dear life. You kissed again, this kiss lighter, more peaceful. You closed your eyes, burying your face in his neck. “Don’t break my heart, Maybank, I don’t think I could take it.”
“Don’t let it get in your head, bro. There’s three of them and two of us.” reasoned JJ. “That’s some typical kook shit right there.”
“Hell yeah.” Kie agreed, serving a customer as you sat on the counter next to JJ, the four of you in Heyward’s shop, and JJ not having left your side since your kiss.
“What was your thought process, using your head?” You asked Pope.
“I don’t know, man.” Pope admitted, “I just, kinda, acted off instinct. I was a cornered animal.”
“Hey Pope,” Heyward called, making the four of you look up, “someone here to see you. Y/N, get off my counter.” You hopped down, standing beside JJ, who slipped his hand into yours as Officer Shoupe walked in.
“Evening, Officer.” Pope greeted, standing up straighter and looking over to JJ.
“I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property.” Shoupe said, pulling out his cuffs, “keep your hands on the counter where I can see them, young lady,” he shunned Kiara, “Out of my way.”
“Whoa, Shoupe. What did he do?” Heyward asked, You and Kie also beginning to ask.
“Take a look at the warrant.” Shoupe said, as you and Kie started to shout.
“You’re arresting him?”
“What’s the proof?”
“Be careful!”
“Shoupe, are you listening?”
“How much did they pay you, man?”
Shoupe was laying off the rights as you all began to shout. You followed the officers out, still yelling and being pushed back, cut off by JJ’s shout.
“It wasn’t him!”
You stopped and turned to JJ, reaching for his hand, which he shook off. “It was me.” he continued. “He tried to talk me out of it, but I was mad because he’d just been beaten up. I was so sick of those assholes from Figure Eight that I lost my shit. I can’t let you take the blame for somethin’ I did. You’ve got too much to lose.”
“JJ, what are you doing?” Pope asked.
“I’m tellin’ the truth. For once in my goddamn life, I’m gonna tell the truth. I took his old man’s boat, too.”
“What the hell?” Heyward turned, almost offended by the idea.
“JJ, come on.” Pope reasoned. You felt Kie’s hand slip into yours, a gentle squeeze of consolidation.
“Just shut up, Pope!” JJ yelled. “Just shut up.” he turned to Shoupe, “He’s a good kid. You know where I’m from.”
Your heart was breaking from the way JJ was talking, and you felt Kie pull you into a hug, you must have started crying.
“Yeah.” Shoupe nodded.
“This was all me.” JJ lied.
Shoupe looked at Pope, “That’s the whole truth?”
“Whole truth, swear to God.” JJ butted in.
“I know what you think, goddamn it, I’m asking Pope.”
You saw the pleading look in JJ’s eyes, and Pope nodded, “Yeah, that about covers it.”
You watched as the uniforms cuffed JJ, and pushed him into the car, and you saw the apologetic look in his eyes as they took him away, and you felt Kie hug you again, Pope joining as you sobbed.
They pulled away at some point. Kie took you back to hers. “Y/N, what happened between you and JJ last night?”
“He kissed me.” you explained, “We’re not like, official but we’re also, I guess, exclusive?”
“Did he stay at yours?” you nodded, “Did you guys…”
“No. we just talked.”
You got the call a couple of hours later, waking you up from your nap, cuddled up in your many blankets.
“Waddup, Sarah?” you mumbled, yawning as you answered.
“Okay, so wanna go to a party?”
“Uh, you know what happened last time, right?”
“Sure, but this is a fancy party. You’re my plus-one to Midsummers. I’m adding you to the invite list.”
“Uh, what about Topper?”
“Already a member of the club, besides I have no real friends there, so please come. I’ll even sugar mommy you so you can get a dress.”
“Fine, Kie’s going anyway. I’ll find something to wear, don’t you worry about me.”
“Thanks so much, I owe you one.”
“Yeah,” you sighed, “You do. See you at this party?”
“See you!”
You hung up, and texted Kie.
You: sarah just invited me to midsummers??
Kie: sarah? Y sarah?
You: idk, she just called me up. Idek what the big deal is, u and sarah will be the only ones ik. 
Kie: lucky, u dont wanna know most of them
You: jeez, wtf did they do to u?
Tags: @tangledinsparkles​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @lolitstiana​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​ @teamnick​ @thoughtsofthestars​ @obxmxybxnk​ @jjmaybankswife​ @kaelyn-lobrutto24​ @sxcretinhuman​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @angvelics​ @badwolf00593​ @coloradogirl07​
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grantyort · 4 years
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Prelude IV: Relight
Post-Surgery: DAY ONE
[Sean sits in the hospital bed, legs crossed, staring into space when he hears a familiar voice.]
Joey: Sean, Sean Diaz? Well damn. I never thought I’d see your sorry ass again!
Sean: Geez Joey. Is that how you talk to all your patients?
Joey: Just the ones I like.
[Sean chuckles]
Joey: C’mere big man.
[Joey gives Sean a big bear hug]
Sean: How’ve you been Joey?
Joey: Can’t complain. These days, they got me up in hospice care. You’re probably the first person I’ve seen today that didn’t need their bedpans changed.
Sean: Sounds terrible.
Joey: It’s all not all bad. Lot of these folks have stories that you wouldn’t believe. One of my patients has lived through five wars and two depressions, tells me I’m a credit to my race.
Sean: Yeesh.
Joey: (shrugs) She means well. It’s almost flattering compared to some of the stuff I’ve heard. Been on this job almost ten years now, some people still treat me like I have no idea what I’m doing.  
Sean: That sucks Joey.
Joey: Yeah... Anyway, you seem to be doing pretty well for yourself. From what I heard, this procedure cost a small fortune. You must have friends in high places.
Sean: Yeah, something like that.
Joey: And no guard at the door this time. I assume everything got cleared up with the police? Not planning to make a break for it again are ya?
Sean: Nah, no daring escapes this time.
Joey: Good. I don’t think I’d survive another blow to the head.
Sean: Listen Joey I’m really sorry-
Joey: (laughs) Relax Sean! I’m just messing with you! It’s ancient history as far as I’m concerned. Say, did you ever end up finding that brother of yours?
Sean: Yeah. He’s actually coming to visit me tomorrow.
Joey: Can’t wait to meet him!
Sean: Famous last words.
Joey: So… what you been up to these days?
Sean: Mostly just cramming for the SATs, drawing, listening to music. Normal teenage shit.
Joey: That’s good to hear. I was worried about you man. You went AWOL after the hospital. I got police and Feds breathing down my neck for weeks. Then a month later, I hear about a couple of kids trying the border to Mexico on the news.
Sean: Sorry I never reached out. I just didn’t want to get you more involved than you already were-
Joey: You made the right call. They questioned me for hours. My apartment was filled with G-men, my girlfriend was freaked. I honestly thought she was going to dump my ass.
Sean: I’m really sorry Joey.
Joey: Don’t sweat it Sean, it was for a good cause. Besides, everything worked out in the end.
Sean: Yeah I noticed, how long have you been-
Joey: Almost a year now. We’re expecting our first baby in the summer.
Sean: Congratulations dude!
Joey: Thanks, but honestly, I’m kinda nervous, don’t think I’m ready to be a father.
Sean: You’ll be a great dad, Joey. You’re awesome at taking care of people.
Joey: You’re damn right. Speaking of which, we should probably take a look at that eye of yours.
[Joey takes off the bandage and gives Sean’s eye a thorough examination]
Joey: Well it looks a helluva lot better than the last time I saw it.
Sean: That’s good to hear. I wasn’t sure it would work.
Joey: Well it’s too early to say if your vision will fully recover. But at the very least you won’t have to walk around with a patch anymore.
Sean: Good. It’s hard enough finding a prom date let alone one that’s willing to go with a pirate.
Joey: Still with the pirate jokes huh? Hopefully, you’ll have to write some new material after this.
[Joey applies a new bandage on Sean’s eye]
Joey: And you’re all set. Now as much as I love our talks, I gotta make my rounds. Buzz me if you need me.
Sean: Later Joey.
Joey: See ya tomorrow Sean.
 [Joey leaves the room. Sean turns to look out the window. The door shoots open, and a small figure comes bursting in.]
Daniel: Sean! 
[He jumps onto the bed and into Sean’s arms]
Stephen: (out-of-breath) Sorry, I tried to stop him, but he outran me.
Sean: You okay Stephen?
Stephen: I am… just need a minute to catch my breath. The old ticker ain’t what it used to be- I need to sit down.
Daniel: Take it easy grandpa.
Sean: What are you doing here, enano? I wasn’t expecting you guys until tomorrow.
Daniel: I made grandpa book an earlier flight. I just couldn’t wait! 
[he hugs Sean again]
Sean: Haha easy. I just had surgery, remember?
Daniel: Oh right, s-sorry.
[There’s a brief flash, followed by a shutter click]
Sean: What’re you doing, gramps?
Stephen: Oh nothing, just commemorating the moment. Thanks to your brother, I finally got the hang of this newfangled smartphone camera.
Daniel (whispering): He had it stuck on selfie mode for days. Anyway, did it go? Is your eye…
Sean: I mean… it’s not 100% yet but I can sort of see again.
Daniel: T-that’s awesome! Can I see it?
Sean: Dude last time I showed you my eye, you almost cried. Besides, the doctors say I still need to keep the bandage on for a bit, while it heals.
Daniel: Right. That makes sense. Oooh this room looks cool. Do they have Netflix or a Playbox?
Sean: It’s a hospital, dude.
Daniel: Lame.
Sean: So catch me up. Did I miss anything interesting at home?
Daniel: Nah… Chris is still on that fishing trip with his dad so there’s no one to hang out with. Oh I almost forgot. He made you this card. Isn’t it awesome?
[Daniel gives Sean a hand-drawn “get-well-soon” card from Chris]
Sean: Yeah. It’s pretty cool. We can have Claire put it up when we get back.
Daniel: Grandma’s still in that feud with the lady from church.
Sean: Which one was that again?
Daniel: Agnes, the one who gives off major Lisbeth-vibes. She says grandma stole her casserole recipe for the church bake-sale. Lying bitch.
Stephen: Language!
Sean: Maybe one of us should try to smooth things over before it gets nasty.
Stephen: Hell hath no fury… lemme tell ya. I’ve been married to your grandmother long enough to know once that woman sets her mind on something… there’s no stopping her. Best to just let things run their course.
Sean: Claire can get a little… passionate sometimes. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen her lose her temper for real.
Stephen: There’s a fire in that woman. It’s part of the reason I married her. Just pray she never turns it on you. I hope I’ll never live to see that day, god willing.
[Sean notices Daniel circling the hospital bed, pressing his hand on various parts of the mattress]
Sean: (laughs) What are you doing, enano?
Daniel: Just trying to figure which side of the bed I want to sleep on tonight.
Sean: Dude. There’s no way this bed’s gonna fit both of us.
Daniel: The one in Mom’s trailer was way smaller!
Sean: Yeah well… you were a lot smaller back then.
Stephen: They have a nice area for visitors down the hall.
Daniel: But I want to stay with Sean!
Sean: I guess I could ask Joey to bring in a couch or something.
Daniel: Who’s Joey?
Sean: The nurse who took care of me after the accident. I told you about him, remember?
Daniel: Oh right! I can’t wait to meet him!
Joey: How are we doing today? Any headaches, dizziness, socket pain?
Sean: Nah it’s all good. Still getting used to having depth perception again. It’s kinda weird.
Joey: You’ll get used to it. Anything else to report?
Sean: Nothing major. I’ve just been having some really weird dreams.
Joey: We have a psychiatrist on-site if you need a professional to talk to.
Sean: Nah it’s alright, probably just the drugs messing with my brain.
Joey: Well your vitals look good. We’ll go over some basic tests. You know the drill.
(Sean covers his right eye and tries to read the chart. Joey then shines a light and asks him to follow along. Finally, he asks Sean to put the cap back on the pen.)
Joey: You passed with flying colors. The doctor will be in for a final exam tomorrow and then we can discharge you.
Sean: (sarcastically) Too bad, I was ready to become the first Mexican pirate to attend college. So much for being a trailblazer.
Joey: Good to see you haven’t lost that snarky-ass sense of humor.
Joey: Anyway, I’m taking my lunch now. Want me to get you anything from the cafeteria? Wait… don’t tell me. Chocolate pecan?
Sean: You know it.
Joey: I met your brother in the hall. Cute kid.
Sean: (deadpans) Give it a few days. Then see if you get a “second opinion.”
Joey: He does seem a little… “energetic”. But that’s normal for kids his age.
Sean: Yeah one minute I’m his favorite person in the world. The next, he’s off doing God knows what, and doesn’t want me “bossing him around”. You know how it is.
Joey: Can’t say I do. Grew up in a house with three older sisters. Guess I must have been the annoying one. Daniel’s lucky to have you looking out for him. Must be tough sometimes.
Sean: Oh you have no idea.
[Joey claps Sean’s shoulder, he feels a jolt shooting up his spine, everything goes white] 
(Sean sees a door marked: “Miranda A. Connolly, Hospital Director”)
Connolly: You’ve been a valuable asset to this hospital. Stellar feedback from all of your patients and attendings.
Joey: I sense a “but” coming.
Connolly: But, given the dubious circumstances surrounding your transfer and your past involvement with the law. The Board thinks it might be better for one of the other nurses to take this spot.
Joey: Please. I’ve got a kid on the way. We just bought our first house. Can you at least consider bumping up my pay? I haven’t gotten a real raise since I started here. There are kids coming out of nursing school that make what I make!
Connolly: The hospital has limited resources as it is, and the State just slashed our funding again. I just can’t justify raising anyone’s salary right now.
Joey: I break my back for this hospital, work extra shifts, get to know the patients. You promised me at the annual review that I’d-
Connolly: That was before this new information came to light. I’m sorry Joseph, maybe next year.
[Sean snaps out of his trance]
Joey: Sean? Sean are you okay?
Sean: Sorry, Guess I spaced out. Must just be the medication.
Joey: I can have the doctor come by and adjust your dosage.
Sean: I’m fine Joey. I swear. Weren’t you about to take lunch?
Joey: Oh right. We’ll pick this up later.
[Joey leaves the room, looking slightly puzzled.]
Sean: (thinking) W-what what was that? A dream? But It felt so… real.
[Sean takes out his phone and enters the name of the hospital, He finds their website. Under the ‘About’ section he scrolls to the Executive team bio. There is a photo of the woman he saw in the vision followed by a small blurb]
“Miranda A. Connolly is the President and Chief Director of Mt. Cedar General Hospital. She was appointed back in 2016 as Associate Director and has since made ground-breaking changes to the field of medicine and medical care. Under her leadership, this hospital was able to expand greatly, hiring new diverse staff members and vastly improving quality of care for all its patients.”
Sean: (thinking) Holy shit… it’s real. Does that mean I…?
Daniel: Hey Sean! What you looking at?
Sean: Dude! Don’t sneak up on me like that!
Daniel: I wasn’t sneaking. I was practicing my stealth!
Sean: Yeah sure.
Daniel: Are you looking at the new Playbox Pro? My birthday is right around the corner you know.
Sean: Birthday? It’s still January!
Daniel: Never too early to start preparing.
Sean: (rolling eyes) Yeah cuz everything’s always about you.
Daniel: Oooh I bet you were watching those dirty videos again. I’m tellin’ grandpa!
Sean: Hey hands off my phone you little-
[Daniel tries to grab Sean’s phone. Sean wrests his hand away. There is another a jolt]
[Daniel stands in front of the vending machine, staring at the jumbo chock-o-crisp. He looks around to check that the coast is clear. Then he waves his hand causing the chock-o-crisp to fall off the rack and into the dispenser slot.He gleefully retrieves it and devours the candy bar in a matter of seconds]
Sean: Dude, I told you not to eat any more chock-o-crisps! Do you want another trip to the dentist?
Daniel: What are you talking about? I haven’t had one in weeks!
Sean: Yeah sure. So you didn’t pig out at the vending machine before coming in here?
Daniel: How did you-
Sean: Maybe I have magic powers or maybe… you’ve still got crumbs on your collar.
Daniel: Aw, damn it. Promise you won’t tell grandpa.
Sean: Oh so you can tell on me but I can’t tell on you?
Daniel: (smugly) Exactly.
Sean: C’mere ya little shit!
Daniel: Sean stop! Ha that tickles. Quit it!
(After their little bout, Daniel curls up next to Sean, resting his head on Sean’s lap. Sean ruffles Daniel’s hair absentmindedly)
Sean: You ever wish you were… you know “normal” again?
Daniel: You mean not have my powers? Nah. They’re a part of me now. Besides, being normal is overrated.
Sean: (chuckles) I guess it is. But do you ever get that feeling like you thought you wanted something for a really long time but when you finally get it, it nothing like you thought it’d be?
Daniel: Uhhh… you mean like how I begged grandma to get me a PlayBox Live Subscription, but then the exclusives turned out to be shit? And now I have to act like I love it?
Sean: Yeah something like that.
Daniel: (yawns) Meh I’ll just ask for a gaming PC for my birthday.
Sean: Dude you’re like the greediest ten year-old I know.
Daniel: How many ten year-olds do you know?
Sean: Uh… just you and Chris.
Daniel: So, you want me to be more like Chris?
Sean: Wouldn’t hurt.
Daniel: (imitating Chris) “Only the purest of hearts may wield the power of Captain Spirit!”
Sean: Guess that rules you out.
Daniel: (playfully) Shut up.
Doctor: Okay Mr.Diaz. I want you to follow the light. Look to your right, up and to the right. Good, good, excellent pupil response.  Now look at the chart, cover your right eye and read this line.
Sean: Uh… A, O, E, P… T? Sorry I can’t really make out the last one.
Doctor: That’s okay, it takes time.
Doctor: Now this is probably the last thing you want to hear, but I recommend that you wear a patch over your right eye. It’ll be temporary of course, just until you learn to see with your left eye again.
Sean: (laughs dryly) And here I thought my seafaring days were behind me.
Doctor: You know… pirate actually wore patches so their eyes could easily adjust to the darkness and see below deck- Sorry my son’s going through a pirate phase.
Sean: I know the feeling. My little brother’s been through every phase imaginable.
Doctor: Kids, you gotta treasure every moment. Because before you know it, they’ll be all grown up, ready to go off on their own. Look at me, rambling on. Anyway, I signed your discharged papers. They’ll schedule you for some outpatient care in the coming months.You’re almost ready to go. 
Sean: Sounds good.
Doctor: And you’re sure you don’t want to get do something about that nasty scar? A good-looking kid like you, it would be a shame to-
Sean: That’s okay, I think I’ll keep it… as a reminder.
Doctor: Alright but if you ever change your mind, I could refer you to a great plastic surgeon.
Sean: Thanks Doc, for everything.
Doctor: The pleasure’s all mine, Mr.Diaz. The groundwork we laid here could help hundreds of other patients in the future. We are making history. Your nurse should be along in a moment to help you get discharged.
[Sean sits in quiet contemplation. Reflecting on his dreams and new “vision”]
Sean (thinking): Be careful what you wish for... 
Joey: Looks like everything’s good to go. Remember to use your eye-drops-
Sean: Twice a day. Yeah Joey, I know.
Joey: Guess it’s goodbye again. Don’t be a stranger this time okay?
Sean: I won’t.
Joey: Here’s my number. Call me if ever need professional advice or just want to shoot the shit.
Sean: Thanks Joey. Let me know how everything goes with the baby.
Joey: Oh don’t you worry about that. Soon I’ll be blowing up your phone with pictures.
Sean: Haha can’t wait.
Joey: Now hospital policy says I gotta wheel your ass outta here. For liability reasons.
Sean: At least it’ll be a smoother exit than last time.
Joey: (laughs) Get in the chair smart-ass.
Beaver Creek, One Week Later
Sean: Okay, you ready?
Daniel: (takes deep breath) Alright. Show it to me.
Sean: So… how does it look?
Daniel: Looks… normal.
Sean: You almost sound disappointed. Were you expecting a bionic eye or something?
Daniel: No. I just… it looks good. I like the scar; makes you look extra tough.
Sean: You think so?
Daniel: Yeah… totally badass!
Sean: Thanks, enano.
Daniel: You need a new codename, like Scarred Wolf or Deadshot Diaz!
Sean: Let’s leave the nicknames up to Chris.
Daniel: Hey! I make up awesome names too!
Sean: Whatever you say,“Superwolf”
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motleycrueimagine · 5 years
This Ain’t A  Love Song - Part Sixx - Nikki Sixx Fanfiction
Words count:    1771
Warnings: Language, alcol, drugs
N/A: Believe it or not I’m struggling to stick to my own deadlines XD I’ll try to post more regularly but i cannot fix a precisce schedule, at least for now. For the story i’m trying to keep all the events in a believable timeline and at the same time I’m trying to stick to some key events that marked the Crue’s real lives. I let you read now, as always taglist is open and feedbacks are really appreciated. xx
Huge thanks to @blonde-shamrock
Maya Prescott has done anything possible to fix her life. It was 1977 when she left her groupie life: no more parties, no more concerts, no more drugs, alcohol or casual sex, just to achieve a full standard life. Now it’s 1981 and after a four years disappearance  Maya Prescott unexpectedly shows up to the party of one of the most promising emerging bands of the LA’s rock’n roll scene: Motley Crue. But what should be her last ride is destined to change her life in so many unexpected ways.  
TagList: @motleycrueee  @babygal-babygal@unknownoblivion @sweetshutter
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31 December 1981
We were singing out loud down the stage of the Troubadour; the guys were rocking their New Year’s Eve performance. The beginning of Live Wire was marking the end of the concert and the crowd was ecstatic.
Vince came closer to us and shared the mic, “Cause I’m hot young running free a little bit better than I use to be!”  we sang out loud, I kissed his cheek before he got back up to keep singing the refrain.
Carol patted my shoulder and came closer to my ear, “Nik is looking at you,” she informed me and immediately my eyes wandered towards him.
“As always” I replied sending him a kiss, he winked back. He was outstandingly beautiful, even with all that makeup smudged around his face.
As the song ended, they started thanking the audience and saying goodbye to the fans. Me and my friends moved over to the back stage where a bouncer, 6 ft tall and covered in muscles, tasked with letting through the prettiest girls of the club, was already waiting for us.
“Thank you, Clive” I waved at him and then headed towards the back of the stage, Allan Coffman, Motley’s manager was waiting for them as well. I did not like him at all, he was weird and honestly made me kind of uncomfortable.
“Maya, it’s always a pleasure to see you around,” he greeted me, as always. I was struggling to understand if he was being sarcastic or not.
“Hi Allen.” I kept a neutral tone. Tommy ran down the stage clearly overexcited
“Woah it was fucking great!” he exclaimed grabbing a bottle of water and emptying it directly on his head. All the guys followed him.
“You did amazing guys.” I assured them, tossing a water bottle to Nikki and he grabbed it promptly.
“Thank you, honey.” While he reached to me sliding his arm around my shoulders.
“Oh c’mon you’re all sweaty, “ I laughed trying at the same time to free myself from him.
He was able to kiss my cheek playfully before being pushed away. “Really? You don’t like my hyper manly perfume?” he joked gaining another push on his shoulder.
“Cut it Nikki, go get cleaned up and we’ll talk about your manly perfume,” I retorted while he was walking towards the changing room. My eyes followed his figure until he disappeared behind the door, followed by Mick.
“What was that?” Emma asked as I turned to face my friends.
“What?” I was confused.
“All that flirtiness and puppy eyes,” Carol continued. All of my friends were looking at me.
“It was nothing -we weren’t flirting! We’re just friends, so stop dreaming.”
I knew how the relationship between me and Nikki could be perceived by the people, but the truth was that there was nothing. Yes, we had bonded in the last month because we had spent a lot of time together, but just as I had bonded with Vince, Tommy and Mick. I get that there was chemistry, and the sexual attraction was clear, but I wasn’t going to involve myself with that adorable dickhead.
“So if I were to fuck him, you wouldn’t be jealous?” Emma teased, making me raise a brow.
“No?” I answered just before letting a puff out of my mouth, “I can’t stand you. Let’s go I need a drink.” And without waiting for them I headed in the direction of the small living room where the staff had prepared some drinks for the guys.
Three hours and a new year later we were still drunkenly partying at the Rainbow. I was laying on the table letting the guys drink shots from my body, Tommy was licking rum from my collarbone while I was giggling because his tongue was tickling me.
“Okay enough, enough!” I laughed trying to catch my breath, I sat on the table feeling the alcohol flow from my skin into my top.
“C’mon I wasn’t done yet!” Tommy protested with a childish smile.
“You were tickling me on purpose you asshole!” His face was enough to confirm my theory. I jumped down the table and attempted to regain my balance before staggering towards the bar.
“Two shots of tequila please.” I asked the bartender. I was clinging to the bar counter trying to stand straight and to compose myself.
“I was patiently waiting for my turn and then I sadly discover that you are done with body shots.” Nikki’s fake sad voice joined me.
“It’s Tommy’s fault.” I cackled. I used to try to not be alone around Nikki when I was drunk, incidents would always occur when it happened.
“You ignored me for most of the night” he accused while the guy behind the bar served my shots. I frowned.
“I haven’t ignored you, I just decided not to ruin your date,” I explained. Beth had brought a friend that had clearly gone mad for Nikki, and they seemed to get along pretty well during the night.
“Well my date went home a few hours ago…” the smirk he gave me drove me crazy as always.
“Don’t look at me like that.” I warned him, gently pushing is face away.
“Like what?” He questioned making very clear how amused he was.
I chose not to answer - ignoring him was the best tactic. I started pouring salt on the back of my hand.
“Like what?” He repeated poking my side.
“Do you want your shot or not?!” He nodded in response, “So shut up and drink.” I licked the salt and then, with all the courage that the alcohol had gave me, I kissed him. It was not the kind of kiss you’d see in a romantic movie, more likely in a porn film. It had clearly caught him by surprise but he didn’t back down. His lips tasted like the cheap liquors he had drank the whole night. The flavour mixed weirdly well with the salt on my tongue. His hands reached my hair keeping me close and allowing him to deepen the kiss. That wet, breath-taking kiss lasted for a few seconds before I took a step back ending it to drink my tequila shot as nothing had happened.
Nikki took a little longer to finally drink his shot; I must had caught him a little off guard. Standing against the counter I was now looking at him with a drunk smirk.
“Was it worth the waiting?” I asked then biting my lower lip softly. Bad ideas were accumulating in my head. He came towards me, locking his eyes into mine.
“I’m still not sure, lemme…” and as he got dangerously close…
“Maya! We need a referee over here!” Tommy and his perfect timing were screaming from the other side of the club.
I was still looking at Nikki “I’m coming, honey!” And the atmosphere was over.
Nikki’s POV
As I entered the room, I found Maya sitting on the ground laughing hysterically, I was pretty confused.
“Are you testing the softness of the moquette?” I asked helping her to get back on her feet.
“Your stupid boots made me fall,” She mumbled while gripping my shoulder to get rid of her heels.
“I’m tired… my feet hurt, and I think I’m gonna throw up…” she walked across my room throwing her shoes to the side.
“Please don’t throw up in here,” I begged her. She was completely shitfaced. The night full of alcohol and drugs had destroyed all of us, but Maya and Tommy’s decision to attempt to roll in the middle of the road had sobered me up in seconds. So now here I was babysitting this stubborn beautiful girl that… well was now getting undressed in my room.
“Maya what are you doing?” I asked again for the millionth time.
“Making myself comfortable,” she answered while fighting with the dress that was stuck on her head. I got closer and I helped her free herself. She looked at me with a weird gaze.
“Let me guess, this doesn’t mean we’re about to fuck, right?” Already knowing the answer, I allowed myself to take a longer look at her exposed body.
Her flat belly was crossed by a big tattoo that I had only glimpsed till now, it was a huge snake: its tail was tangled on her left thigh and it went up crossing her hip diagonally till her right ribcage. The sight was almost enough to make me hard.
“Are you done staring at me like a creep?” she asked before turning around to get to the bed. And no, I definitely wasn’t done - not looking at that perfectly round butt would have been a real shame. Alright, now I was definitely hard.
“Maya where are you going?” I asked her as she slipped under my sheets. I was being a good boy but she could not sleep with me half naked and expect me to resist the temptation to put a hand on her.
“When you’re done complaining turn the light off.” I sighed passing my hand through my messy hair. I could not believe I was about to have the hardest night of my life.
So, I took all my self-control, got rid of my clothes and I joined her in bed.
“I was pretty sure you were going to sleep on the couch,” she said with an amused pitch, turning on my side “oh god…” she started giggling covering her eyes with one hand, “What the hell, why are you naked?!” she asked with a full sweet and drunk laughter.
“Well this is my bed, and I always sleep like this so…” since she wanted to play it dirty, I was going to do the same. “Just don’t touch me, I don’t want to fuck you tonight,” I said mimicking her voice.
“Oh shut up, I know you want it. This reverse psychology is not going to work with me,” she continued playfully before turning around again with her back to me. I gave her a not-so-gentle spank because the temptation was too strong.
“I knew it was coming,” she laughed shaking her head a little bit. “Can you at least cover yourself so that if I turn around I’m not gonna get blinded by your manhood?” I smiled enjoying this scene way too much.
“I don’t know if I feel like it,” I simply stated turning on my side. “Have a good night, Maya,” I wished her and then I turned the lights off.
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aalissy · 5 years
Chapter 3 is here of Dreaming in Black and White! I hope you guys enjoy! Lemme know what you think! All feedback is appreciated :D!
Adrien’s eyes widened as he stared at her in shock. Then, a split second later, his face fell, and Marinette felt her heart fall along with it.
No, please no... Adrien don’t do this to me.
“I... I’m sorry, Marinette, but I like someone else.”
Just barely managing to produce a wobbly smile, Marinette stumbled out, “T-that’s ok.”
“I hope we can still be friends though,” Adrien stated eagerly.
Marinette could feel her heart breaking with the use of that word. There’s that word again... Friends. Just friends. She swallowed a lump in her throat as she prayed that the tears wouldn’t come spilling out in front of him. Biting down hard on her lip, she attempted to console him, “O-Of course.” I need to get out of here, she screamed silently at herself. She once again attempted a smile at the concerned boy, “Well... um... I had better go then. Otherwise my parents might get mad. It is kinda late,” she turned to leave but felt a hand on her arm stopping her path.
“Are you sure you’re alright, Marinette?” Adrien’s brow was furrowed into an adorable pout.
No, you idiot, but I don’t want to start bawling in front of you, She growled at him angrily in her head. She swiped a hand over her eyes before turning back to him and nodded. Luckily, she spotted The Gorilla over Adrien’s shoulder, and she jerked her head over to the car that was waiting for him, “You’d um... better go. Your ride’s here.”
Adrien held onto her arm a little while longer, searching her face for something, she didn’t know what, until a honk startled the both of them. He finally let go, albeit reluctantly, “I’ll see you at school tomorrow, right, Marinette?” Adrien said whilst backing towards his car slowly.
“Yeah,” she managed to croak out, before quickly opening the bakery door and slamming it shut. She watched as Adrien stared at the bakery for another few minutes until he finally sighed and slid into the backseat of his car. It was only until after he finally drove away that Marinette allowed herself to slide down the door, dropping her head into her hands. Letting out a few more quiet sobs, she finally managed to lift her head up with a shaky intake of breath. Standing up on wobbly legs, she locked the bakery door and pulled her heels off of her feet. She padded down the hallway to the stairs quietly, so as not to wake her sleeping parents.
“Marinette, are you alright?” Tikki phased through her purse, staring at the blank-faced girl. Ignoring the small kwami, Marinette continued to climb the stairs up to her bedroom. “M-Marinette?” Tikki questioned, following along after her. It was only until after Marinette firmly shut the trapdoor to her bedroom, that she finally allowed herself to break down. She crumbled none so gently to the floor, as she curled in on herself sobbing loudly.
“Hey... hey, listen to me it’s going to be alright,” Tikki attempted to comfort the weeping girl.
“No! No, it’s not going to be alright, Tikki!” Marinette snapped angrily, her head popping up as tears billowed down her face, “You don’t understand! How am I ever going to look Adrien in the eyes again after I just completely humiliated myself?”
“You heard him. He still wants to be your friend, Marinette,” Tikki nuzzled the girl’s cheek reassuringly.
“Oh, yes. ‘Friends’! Always friends... never anything more,” Marinette glared at her floor bitterly, “God, would it have killed him to just say yes. Only to see! If nothing happened I would have happily let him go! How can he know I’m not his soulmate.” The anger subsided as quickly as it had come as Marinette let out another loud wail, “Oh who am I kidding!? I was never going to be Adrien’s soulmate. Whoever he likes is probably so much more amazing then I could ever hope to be.”
“Marinette... Marinette!” Tikki shouted to be heard over Marinette’s loud sobs, “You need to stay calm! You can’t get akumatized! You know this!”
Marinette’s hands flung up into the air as she angrily stood up, “Ok Tikki! You tell me how I’m supposed to find the bright side in all of this!! How am I meant to be ok with the fact that Adrien just took my heart and smashed it to pieces!”
“I know it’s hard Marinette, but you’re Paris’ hero. If you get akumatized think of what Hawk Moth can do!”
Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose, before taking in a deep breath, “You’re right, Tikki. I’m sorry,” she attempted to smile, though it came out as more of a grimace.
“Now there’s the Marinette I know and love,” Tikki smiled gently at her.
Gulping in another deep breath, Marinette managed to stop her soft cries. Managing a brighter smile, she walked to her closet and pulled out a pair of pajamas, “I’m going to attempt to get some sleep tonight and hope that everything will feel better in the morning,” she sighed as she slipped on her pajamas and kissed Tikki’s forehead gently.
“I know it seems like the end of the world right now Marinette, but everything will heal in time. The world has a way of working itself out,” Tikki grinned softly.
“Thank you,” Marinette whispered as she unclasped her necklace and removed her bun messily. Climbing up the ladder into her bed, Marinette flopped face-first onto it. Groaning loudly into her pillow, she felt Tikki curl up on her own small cushion that Marinette set up for her every night.
“Everything’s going to be alright, Marinette,” Tikki whispered gently.
Marinette shut her eyes tightly against the wave of tears she could feel building up beneath her eyelids. She snuggled deeper into her covers as a few drops managed to leak out and drip onto her pillow. Silent sobs shook her shoulders until she thankfully and finally fell into a deep sleep. Though her sleep most often consisted of beautiful visions of her and Adrien together, tonight she dreamed of nothing.
When Marinette’s eyes fluttered open the next morning, she did as she did every day, check for colors. Scanning the walls of her room for even the tiniest speck of a different shade of black, she was struck by an encompassing sense of loneliness. That’s odd, she frowned to herself, I don’t usually feel this bad when I look for colors and can’t find anything. Suddenly, memories of the previous day’s activities with Adrien flooded her mind and it was all she could do not to fling the covers back over her head and cry. Sighing sadly, she forced herself up out of bed and began going through her daily motions. Attempting to shake off the overwhelming misery that urged her to get back into bed, she pulled her hair into its usual pigtails. As she did so, she noticed Tikki staring at her with a pitying expression. Managing a weak smile at the kwami, she attempted to console her, “It’s alright, Tikki. I promise not to get akumatized anytime soon.”
Tikki’s lips quirked up into a smile before whizzing over to the girl, nuzzling her cheek, “I know you will, Marinette. If anyone can do it, it’s you!”
Patting Tikki gently, Marinette’s face bloomed into a real smile, before she finally caught sight of her alarm clock, “Oh shoot! I am so so late once again,” she groaned.
Though usually seeing the time sparked Marinette into a panicked frenzy, she was unable to muster up the energy today. For the first time in my life I really don’t want to see Adrien Agreste, she thought to herself pityingly. She felt as though gravity was weighing down heavily upon her shoulders, causing everything in her to move slower then she would have liked. Trudging down the stairs and saying goodbye to her parents felt like the end of the world. Walking along the usual street to get to her school Marinette could barely keep her eyes open long enough to see where she was going. Every person she bumped into caused her to wince in pain, yet she was still able to murmur an apology to them as she slowly crept closer to the school. She took a deep breath once she arrived in the courtyard and approached the front door. She had missed most of first period, and as her teacher handed out the homework, Marinette let out a quiet sigh as well as a near-silent apology.
“Marinette I know you can do better than this,”
“Sorry again Ms. Bustier,” she murmured before attempting to catch up on the part of class that she had missed.
Adrien kept sending worried glances back at her but she deftly avoided eye contact by keeping her nose burrowed deep within her notes. Occasionally glancing up to see the words written on the chalkboard, she tuned out the world around her. However, she was startled out of this reverie by the sound of a note sliding over to her. She looked over at her best friend whose brow was furrowed in concern before staring down at the note pointedly. Opening the note, Marinette felt a rush of relief flood through her chest, trusting the fact that her best friend would take care of her.
Are you alright? I thought movie night went well?
Shaking her head at Alya, Marinette quickly scribbled down a reply before turning back to her lecture.
No... I’ll tell you after school. It’s a long story...
Alya grumbled angrily, before shooting another concerned look over at the despondent girl. As soon as the bell rang, Marinette practically yanked Alya up out of her seat and raced the both of them outside.
“Woah woah woah! Marinette slow down! What in the world is wrong?!”
Panting, Marinette came to a stop once they were a safe distance away from the school, and Adrien, “I didn’t want to see Adrien,” she murmured, kicking at a pebble.
Alya frowned at her, “Why? Last night when you texted me everything seemed completely fine. Did you not actually go?”
“I did Alya... oh but I wish I hadn’t,” Marinette’s eyes welled up with tears before flinging herself into her best friend’s arms.
“Marinette! Oh my god, are you alright? What’s wrong?!”
“I... I did what you did with Nino and I asked Adrien out,” she hiccupped through broken sobs.
“He didn’t,” Alya breathed out, gently patting her best friend’s back.
Nodding Marinette let out a few more quiet cries before pulling back slightly, “Oh but he did Alya! God, I must have been an idiot! Of course he likes someone else!”
“No no no! Marinette you are the opposite of an idiot!” Alya tugged her back into a bone-crushing hug, “Adrien is just blind and stupid,” she declared, rocking the girl gently back and forth.
Marinette sunk into her best friend’s arms, sniffling quietly. Leave it to Alya to know how to make her feel better instantly, “C-can you come over for a bit?” she questioned quietly.
“Of course I can!” Alya squeezed her tighter, “I’m going to make you forget all about that dumb model!”
“I don’t think that’s possible,” Marinette chuckled dryly, “But could you maybe let me go? I think you’re destroying my insides.”
“Sorry,” Alya smiled sheepishly, loosening her grip on the girl.
“I have the best friend ever,” Marinette beamed at Alya happily.
“Damn straight!” Alya barked, giggling back at her best friend. However, a voice from behind them startled both girls, making Marinette lose all previous happiness and caused her face to pale quite quickly.
“Hey Alya. Hey Marinette,” Adrien started out hesitantly, “Are you guys looking forward to this weekend?”
Letting out a quiet peep, she stared at Alya in horror. Help, she pleaded to her friend silently. Alya’s face pinched in anger before she quickly stepped in front of Marinette, blocking the terrified girl from Adrien’s view. “Yep,” she stated tightly, all but glaring at the poor boy.
Marinette peeked over Alya’s shoulder, sneaking a quick glance over at Adrien’s face. He looked shocked and confused and for a minute Marinette felt guilty. You have nothing to feel guilty about, she thought to herself harshly. Tugging on Alya’s arm, she whispered in her ear, “Can we just go?”
Nodding her head stiffly, Alya did not relinquish her stare-down with Adrien. Finally, when he looked down and away from her did Alya turn and begin marching away, “Come on Marinette, it’s time to go.”
Instantly turning to follow after the determined girl, Marinette was stopped from her path by a hand latching onto her wrist. She quickly glared down at her arm, willing the tingles to stop shooting up it from his contact with her wrist. Adrien you really need to stop doing this, Marinette bemoaned to herself silently. Staring down at the ground, she let him turn her around to face him.
“A-are you alright, Marinette?” Adrien asked, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously.
What do you have to be nervous about? I’m the one who got rejected. Marinette pursed her lips before kicking another pebble, “Y-yeah, I’m fine,” she muttered.
“Do you hate me?”
She scoffed lightly, finally looking up at the boy in front of her, “No, Adrien. I don’t hate you,” she said, her lips lifting into a slight smirk. I could never hate you, she added in her head silently.
He sighed, relieved and let go of her wrist, allowing Marinette to turn and follow after her best friend. Tightening her lips, however, she turned back to Adrien. Hesitating quietly, she stated quietly, “Listen, Adrien... I, um, I think I need some time.”
“Time for what?” he frowned slightly.
“Time away from you,” Marinette nibbled on her lip nervously. He looked so shocked and so much like a kicked puppy, that Marinette hastened to clarify herself, “We’re still gonna be friends don’t worry! It’s just that, well um... I’m not gonna lie to you, Adrien, I’ve been in love with you for a really long time,” she chuckled wryly, before taking in a shaky breath, “And hearing you say you didn’t love me back hurt. It hurt a lot actually, especially because the only person I ever thought of sharing colors with was you.”
“Marinette, I--” Adrien started before Marinette cut him off with a gentle shush.
“And I’m really sorry but right now looking at you and talking to you still makes my heart hurt,” Adrien’s face dropped as Marinette continued to pour out her feelings to him, “I’m not saying we can never be friends again! I just... I need some time to think. Adrien, I never looked at you as just a friend, I always looked at you as something more. So do you think it’s possible for you to give me that?” she finished her speech by looking up at him from beneath her lashes, tapping her two index fingers together.
Adrien merely opened and closed his mouth together a few times before nodding silently at her. “Thank you,” Marinette whispered as she leaned in and kissed his cheek softly. As she turned and ran back to Alya, she never noticed the small black kwami pop out of Adrien’s shirt pocket.
“Well nice going kid. You really screwed that one up,” Plagg stated simply, before ducking back into his spot in Adrien’s shirt.
“Shut up,” Adrien muttered down at him, before caressing his cheek and staring after Marinette with a forlorn expression. He sighed, before going back to the front of the school, where his car was waiting to pick him up.
When Marinette finally caught up to Alya, she noticed the girl staring at her with an annoyed expression, tapping her foot impatiently on the ground, “And just where have you been?”
“Talking with Adrien,” she blushed.
“That boy is no good for you,” Alya stated simply, before grabbing onto her arm and began stomping towards Marinette’s house once again, “He’s blind and an idiot. We are going to find you a new man! Just you wait! One who can see exactly how amazing you are!”
She chuckled weakly, “Alya come on... Don’t you think it’s a little too soon for that?”
“Nope,” Alya said determinedly, whilst walking through the front doors of the bakery, “Hello Madame and Monsieur Dupain-Cheng,” she smiled brightly at them.
Marinette managed to get in a brief wave and a smile at her parents before she was yanked upstairs by her best friend. Once they finally reached her bedroom, Alya let go of her grip on Marinette’s wrist.
“Did you really need to grab that ha-- Wait! What are you doing?” she shouted out before scrambling over towards Alya who was tearing down her Adrien posters left and right.
“Taking out the trash,” she stated simply, before casually dumping all of the posters into the garbage.
Falling down next to the canister, Marinette thrust her arms into the can, grabbing up all of his pictures and clutched them tightly to her chest, “Why?” she shouted out, watching as Alya logged onto her computer and changed the desktop background from Adrien back to the default position.
“I already told you why. That boy is an idiot and now I’m taking out the trash,” brushing her hands off, Alya swiveled in Marinette’s chair, “Now where do you keep all of Adrien’s future birthday presents?”
Marinette scurried up and over to her best friend, dropping all of her posters into a massive heap on the floor, “No! Alya, no! You can’t!!” she wailed as Alya opened up the chest next to her chaise, “I spent so long on all of those!!”
“Well Adrien doesn’t deserve them,” she responded before ripping up the notes Marinette wrote for the model, “Is there anyone else you can give these to or are they all specifically designed for Adrien?”
“I mean I guess I could give them to someone else, but most of them are super important!” Marinette reached in, pulling out a random gift from the pile, “Like this hat! I made it for Adrien’s birthday in two years to match the scarf I created for him!”
Alya easily plucked the gift from her hands before deftly throwing it into the trash can, “Alright next.”
Marinette blinked at her before turning to the trash can that was still in the center of the room, “Nice shot.”
“Thanks! I’ve been practicing my aim,” Alya beamed proudly.
Marinette sighed sadly, before walking over to the trash can and plopping down on the floor beside it.
“Marinette?” Alya called concernedly. Marinette shook her head at her best friend before pulling out the gift and placed it delicately onto her lap. “Are you alright?” Alya walked over to her, sitting down next to the suddenly quiet girl.
“I don’t know how to do this Alya,” Marinette said softly, turning to her with eyes filled with tears, “I’ve loved Adrien for so long. How am I meant to just get over him?”
Alya reached over, enveloping the girl into a warm hug, “I know it seems hard right now, Marinette, but it’ll get better, I promise! If he can’t see your worth he doesn’t deserve you. He doesn’t deserve any of this,” the reporter said whilst gesturing to all the gifts and posters strewn across the floor.
“I know he doesn’t love me like I love him, Alya,” she said whilst shaking her head, “But what am I gonna do? How in the world am I gonna get over him? I mean... I never even imagined that he wasn’t the one for me,” Marinette sniffled, leaning back to look at Alya directly.
Her best friend was staring at her sympathetically before she began to pat her back gently, “Tell you what, I’ll let you keep five presents for Adrien’s closest birthdays and you can even keep one poster.”
Marinette smiled brightly before diving back into her friend’s waiting arms, “Thank you, Alya!” As the two girls embraced, neither of them heard the flapping of butterfly wings as the akuma turned away from Marinette and phased through the walls and began heading outside.
The two best friends then began the long process of ridding Marinette’s room of Adrien paraphernalia. As they tore down posters and threw away presents, they were startled by the screams that rattled the Parisian streets. Alya raced over towards the window before she whipped out her phone and snapped a few quick photos, “It’s an akuma! I’ve got to get this on the Ladyblog!” Alya shouted excitedly before shoving her arms through her backpack straps, “Are you going to be alright, Marinette?”
“Yeah, yeah! I’ll be fine!” she said distractedly, whilst staring out the window worriedly.
“Great! I’ll just be going then,” Alya said as she threw open the trapdoor.
“Hey Alya! Be careful,” Marinette called after the girl who was thudding her way down the stairs.
“You know it girl!” Alya shouted up to her, before racing down the next set of stairs.
Shutting the trap door quickly, Marinette called out to her kwami who quickly flitted over to her face.
“Feeling better?” Tikki smiled.
“Yeah, Alya knows exactly how to cheer me up,” Marinette grinned before calling on her transformation, “It’s time to transform! Tikki! Spots on!” As the rush of energy flowed through her, she let out an excited yell.
Once fully transformed, Ladybug shot up through the trapdoor above her bed and headed out onto her balcony. Throwing her yo-yo across the street she swung from rooftop to rooftop, before finally spotting the akuma.
Squinting her eyes downwards, she could see a girl in a black and white striped dress. Her black hair was threaded with ribbons that weaved through the girl’s curls. Ladybug’s eyes honed in on the girl’s ring though, as the akuma slowly continued along her path, knocking down each telephone pole with a great beam of gray electricity that shot out from within it.
Perching delicately on a nearby rooftop she opened up her compact and began dialing Chat’s number.
“Looking for me?” a teasing voice called from just over her shoulder.
Smirking she turned her head to look at Chat Noir, “Ohh always,” she teased him. Bringing her attention back to the akuma at hand, she pointed at the girl destroying telephone poles left and right with the small black ring, “Any info on the akuma?”
Chat pouted at her for a second, before focusing his attention on where Ladybug was pointing, “Sorry M’lady but I got here just after you did. I know as much as you do, Bugaboo.”
Rolling her eyes at his rhyme, Ladybug threw her yo-yo over to wrap around a tree, “See you in the field then, Chaton,” she saluted him, before landing directly in front of the akuma.
“Ladybug!” the girl screeched, before thrusting the ring at her, emitting an electric pulse that knocked the superheroine backward. “I’m Miss Mocker and I’m ridding the world of all social media! Ohh it’s gonna be soo good to wipe out the main star of the Ladyblog,” she smirked evilly at her, before creating another electrical pulse.
Luckily, Chat Noir pole-vaulted in at just the right moment, knocking the pulse off to the side with his baton, “Tsk tsk, who’s gonna see me and my beautiful lady without that absolutely pawsome blog,”
Smiling thankfully at her partner, Ladybug rushed in with her yo-yo, swinging it about in a wide-arching circle whilst standing directly in front of Chat Noir, “I think the akuma’s in her ring,” she called out, as Miss Mocker continued to angrily throw larger and larger blasts of electricity.
He nodded, extending his baton slightly with a click before looking at her, “Any ideas?”
“Hmm, no... A lucky charm sounds pretty good right about now, but I need to make certain I don’t get hit by her blasts,”
“Leave it to me, Bugaboo,” Chat winked, before rushing in front of her and began batting aside the pulses with a twirl of his staff.
“Lucky charm!” Ladybug shouted, throwing her compact up into the air. “Rubber gloves... What can I?” Glancing around she took a few seconds to think before putting the gloves over her suit-covered hands, “Chat! I need you to use your Cataclysm on that telephone pole!” she shouted, racing over to protect him from the beams of electricity Miss Mocker furiously began sending towards him.
“Your wish is my command!” Chat purred, before calling on his own destructive power, “Cataclysm!” As he touched the pole it fell to the ground near Miss Mocker, startling her as it began spurting up its own electric shocks.
Ladybug smirked, rushing towards the pole and backflipped, grabbing onto the pole with her rubber gloves, using her momentum to kick the akuma straight in the chest. Letting out a wounded yelp, Miss Mocker fell back, landing directly onto her back knocking the wind right out of her. Jumping up quickly, Ladybug swooped in and plucked the ring directly off the girl’s finger. Breaking it in half, she watched as the purple butterfly began to fly away, “No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!” She threw her compact and caught the butterfly, smiling in satisfaction at another job well done, “Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly!” Once the akuma was fully purified and began flying away, Ladybug threw her rubber gloves into the air shouting out, “Miraculous Ladybug!” As per usual, watching the city get restored back to its usual state left Ladybug with an elated feeling she hadn’t felt since she was with Adrien.
“Pound it!” Chat Noir smiled at her, holding out his fist for their usual fist bump.
“Pound it!” Ladybug gave him a short nod, beaming at him as their fists connected. However, her happy feeling evaporated as she heard quiet cries coming from the girl who was still lying on the ground. Approaching her, she placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, “Are you alright?”
“No,” the girl sniffled, “I’m still going to get teased at school.”
“What happened?”
“People found my private account and now they won’t stop making fun of me for it,”
Ladybug winced slightly. This poor girl, I know exactly what it feels like to have your whole class turn against you, she thought to herself, recalling her own battles with Lila and Chloe. She held out a hand to help the sniveling girl up, smiling brightly at her. As she patted her shoulder, Ladybug attempted to console her, “What’s your name? If you’d like I could make a post telling people to stop bullying you.”
“You’d really do that for me?” the girl stared up at the superheroine with a look of wonder and awe.
“Of course! No one should be picked on, especially when they’re only utilizing their creativity!”
“My name’s Sienna Carter,” she bit her lip, nervously.
“I’m proud of you, Sienna,” Ladybug gave a short nod, “It’s hard dealing with bullies, but you should never let them get to you, ok?”
Sienna beamed up at her, nodding, “Thank you so much, Ladybug! I promise to stand up for myself from now on!”
As the girl raced off, the superheroine heard a gentle beep coming from her earring. Turning around to Chat, who was looking at her with a look of pride and something else that was indescribable, she waved a quick goodbye, “Wait! M’lady, I need to ask you a quick question!”
“Alright, Chaton,” she nodded, “Keep it short though as I’m about to detransform.”
“Has anyone ever told you how meowvelous you are?” he stared after her eagerly.
Rolling her eyes at him, she shook her head and chuckled slightly, “That’s what you’re risking our secret identities for?”
Chat chuckled along with her as well, “No, but I just had to tell you that myself. My big question was are we still on for patrol later tonight?”
Ladybug let out a full laugh, “Silly kitty, but yes to both,” she winked at him before swinging away on her yo-yo.
“How can she be so purrfect,” Chat breathed after her before vaulting himself back to his own house and detransformed.
As Ladybug landed on her balcony she called off her transformation, quickly pulling a cookie out of her purse and handed it to the exhausted kwami, “Thank you, Marinette,” Tikki smiled tiredly, before nibbling into the treat, “You did really well today,” she said in between bites.
“Thank you, Tikki,” Marinette smiled at the adorable bug, before stretching her tired limbs and opened the trapdoor for the both of them to retreat into the comfort of her room. Falling face-first onto her bed, she groaned into her pillow, “Mrmfghm,”
“What was that, Marinette? I didn’t quite understand you there?” Tikki giggled at the charming girl.
Marinette turned her head to the side so that her kwami could actually understand her this time. Blowing a few strands of hair out of her face, she repeated what she said before, “I said that I still have tons of homework to do and I have to go on patrol with Chat.”
“I thought you usually enjoyed going on patrol?” Tikki frowned.
“Oh, of course I do! I absolutely love it! It’s just that right now all I wanna do is curl up under my covers and sleep for all eternity,”
Tikki zoomed over to Marinette, nuzzling the girl’s cheek, “You can do this, Marinette! You have no idea how proud I am of you!”
“Oh Tikki, you are the greatest personal cheerleader a girl could ever ask for! You have absolutely no idea just how much I love you,” Marinette beamed as she pushed herself up off her bed and trudged down the ladder. Staring blankly down at her English rubric for a few minutes, she suddenly slapped a hand to her forehead, “Ahh shoot, I almost forgot!” whipping out her phone she pulled up Ladybug’s official Twitter account. Once the webpage finished loading, she tweeted about the importance of helping and influencing your classmates instead of hindering them. Linking Sienna’s account in her tweet she wrote about the dangers of cyberbullying. Within seconds, hundreds of notifications lit up her phone as people from all over the world liked and retweeted her words of wisdom. Pretty soon a new hashtag, #WhatWouldLadybugDo was spread across Twitter, as people began writing in about their own experiences with bullying.
“You’re amazing, Marinette! Look at what you can do with just 280 characters,” Tikki giggled.
Marinette blushed before beaming proudly, “Only doing what Ladybug would do,” she puffed out her chest proudly.
“Well now I think a certain superheroine needs to do their homework,” Tikki giggled before ducking back into Marinette’s purse to take a quick nap.
“Ugh! I hate that you’re right... Ladybug would totally do that,” she glared down at her purse. Flopping into her computer chair she finally began writing the English essay she had been putting off since the beginning of the week. As the seconds ticked by and the words flooded through her fingertips and onto her screen, she was jerked from the final stages of her rough draft by a blaring alarm. Marinette stood up, stretching and yawning slightly, “Alright as soon as I get back from patrol I’m diving into that bed and never waking up again.”
Tikki yawned too, rubbing her big bug eyes as her head peeked up from the confines of Marinette’s purse, “Are you ready Marinette?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” the girl smiled before calling on her transformation once again, “Tikki, spots on!” The magic flooded through her and she felt the exhaustion of before get washed away with a wave of pure power. Racing up the trapdoor to her balcony, she began swinging her way across Paris to meet her partner at their usual spot on top of the Eiffel Tower. Landing on the historic landmark, she was unable to keep the smile off her face as she gazed out across the beautiful city, “I’ll never get over this,” she breathed out, watching as lights twinkled and flickered as far as the eye could see.
“What will you never get over, M’lady? And why is it my purreath-takingly good looks,” a voice purred from behind her.
Ladybug smirked, placing a hand over her heart before pretending to swoon, “Oh yes, Chaton. How could I ever get over your rugged looks and your terrible excuse for a sense of humor?”
Chat laughed, the noise rumbling from deep within his chest, before winking at her, “Laugh all you want, you know you love my puns more than anyone.”
“If it helps you sleep at night then go ahead and keep telling yourself that,” Ladybug shrugged, eyes sparkling at him mischievously. Bumping her shoulder with his playfully, she wrapped her yo-yo around the nearest roof, “Race ya to the Louvre!”
Jumping down she began swinging her way across, hopping from rooftop to rooftop, laughing warmly as Chat shouted after her, “Hey! You cheated!” Losing herself to the rush of the wind billowing around her, she pushed herself to run faster and faster. She could feel the lingering sadness and loneliness from Adrien’s rejection float away with every leap she took.
Landing on the rooftop of the art museum, Ladybug waited for her partner to arrive with an impatient tap of her foot. A few seconds later and a panting black cat landed in a heap next to her. “I’ve been waiting fifty years for you,” she croaked out in an elderly woman’s voice.
“You... cheated...” Chat wheezed out.
“Whatever do you mean?” she giggled mischievously, “Ladybug would never cheat,” she turned her head to the side crossing her arms in mock-offense.
A wicked gleam entered her partner’s eyes as he stalked towards her slowly, “Well you know what happens to cheaters don’t you?”
“No...” Ladybug took a step backwards, watching him approach her warily, “What happens?”
“They get... tickled!” he pounced, attempting to catch her as Ladybug squealed and managed to dart away just in time.
“NO! Minou don’t you dare!” she screeched, laughing as though his long claws were already brushing against her sides.
“You do the time, you have to pay the crime!” he snickered.
“Stop it Chat! I will hit you! I’m not joking!” she swatted backwards at him.
Suddenly a force hit her from behind, sending her to the ground with a whoosh of released air. Her eyes widened as she stared up at Chat’s face, his grin reminding her of a cat who ate a canary. He leaned in close to her face, his nose practically brushing against hers. Uncontrollably, her eyes darted from his eyes down to his lips before flicking back up to meet his mischievous stare once again.
Is he going to kiss me? She thought, before licking her own lips nervously.
Gahh, no that’s enough! I do not want that mangy cat's lips anywhere near my own.
Pushing up against his chest, Ladybug chuckled, “Alright, that’s enough Tom-foolery for one night,”
“Not until you purromise me something.”
“What?” she rolled her eyes.
“You’ll never cheat again.”
Ladybug laughed, “Silly kitty,” shaking her head at him she continued, “But if it’ll make you feel better, fine, I promise to never cheat again.”
Chat beamed at her, holding a hand out to help her up. She smirked at him as she threw her yo-yo around the nearest rooftop, “I’d still be able to beat you without cheating.”
“Ah-hah!” he shouted, pointing an accusing finger at her, “So you admit to cheating?”
“Never!” she stuck her tongue out at him.
As she moved to jump off the building and head back home to get a long night’s rest, she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder. Turning around, she raised a pointed eyebrow at her partner who was staring at her with an unreadable expression. Suddenly, a rose was thrust into her face and her eyes widened in shock as Chat’s expression turned to one of earnestness. “Can I tell you just one more thing, LB?”
“Yes?” she asked hesitatingly, hoping he wasn’t about to ask her what she thought he was gonna ask her.
He took in a deep breath before starting his speech, “I’ve been in love with you ever since we defeated Stoneheart together, and every day after that I’ve fallen for you more and more. I love how confident you are and I love how you always have the right idea at the right time. So I need to ask you... would you ever go out with a mangy Tom cat like me?”
Her mouth dropped open as she heard him pour out his heart to her. As she opened her mouth to say something, Chat’s face morphed into Adrien’s own as he rejected her last night. Panic flooded through her system as the look of shock and regret filtered in through her mind’s eye. “Chat... I... I,” she stumbled out as her eyes filled to the brim with tears, “I’m sorry but I just can’t right now!” Shutting her eyes tightly, she flung herself across and away from her partner. She didn’t look back at the black cat as he watched her go with a look of pure horror and heartbreak.
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On Set // Part 3
Chris Evans x reader
Multi-part series following the reader’s life on the set of the latest Avengers film 
Part 3
Words: 2,797 (oops and its all trash I’m sorry)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of nudity, its trash writing 
So I wrote a lot of this after a colossal meltdown so this may well not make sense (I tried to fix it) and its kinda total trash but ya know; here it is! I really hope this is okay and please leave some feedback or let me know if you liked it!
Masterlist // Part 1 // Part 2
“Cut!” Anthony shouted from off set. “Well done guys, that’s it for the day, go get some rest.”
You’d just finished filming a scene with Chris and Tom where Spiderman and Captain America are chewing out your character for various reasons. And after the conversation you’d had with Tom the day before, he kept making the weirdest of faces at you every time there was a break in filming. Well, he was doing it during the filming as well until you cracked a smile and had to reshoot the scene introduction... shaking your head at Tom one last time, you turned, walking back towards your dressing room.
“Y/N!” Chris called for you, jogging to catch up to you.  
“Captain.” You winked, knowing how much it frustrated Chris when you called him that off camera. He starts spluttering out complaints almost immediately, as predicted, so you needed to get him back his normal focused self. “What’s up?”  
“Oh, right, yeah. I was just wanting to check in, see if everything was okay? You seemed a little distracted today.” That would be Tom’s fault, but whatever. Still, thoughtful Chris is cute.  
“Yeah, all okay, just couldn’t seem to keep my focus up for some reason.” Not a lie, to be fair.  
“Good, good. I wasn’t sure whether Scarlett inviting the sack of crap and his friends round for the weekly cast dinner would be an issue. I can have them removed if you want that, just say the word.” Scarlett did what now? You didn’t even bother covering the shock you felt. “You didn’t know... I’ll have them removed.” She’s planned something... you could feel it.  
“No, no, Chris it’s okay! I didn’t know they were coming over but it’s not an issue I promise. It’s all in the past, you don’t have to worry.”  
“You still look tense.”  
“I do feel a little tense, to be honest. I don’t think I stretched very well this morning.” That is true, you usually stretched before coming in, a habit your trainer Steve had instilled in you.  
“I’m heading to the gym if you want to join?” How sweet, it would be just like to good old days, except now you can actually keep up with Chris. You used to just be a flushed, sweaty mess in the corner of the gym, questioning if Steve Zim actually hated you.  
“That would be perfect.”
You could definitely focus now. However, your focus was how much you ached already, which was a lot. The conversation you’d had with Tom about how you and Chris acted around each other had been taking over your mind, and was driving you up the wall. You were debating every single interaction, trying to see what the motives for every comment, joke, and flirty comment could be. You'd flirted before and that hadn’t changed, everyone did it, but now you were really thinking about it. As a result, you pushed hard at the gym, and Chris took your lead. You’d worked out together for over a year now so knew how to get the most out of each other.  
Typically, you two would have a quick rinse in the locker room showers, known as ‘the gym shower’, before heading home in sweatpants, and then have what you called a ‘full shower’ at home. Tonight was no different, though you made sure to leave enough time to be home and ready for the cast dinner.  
Once a week, you would all make an effort to have as many of you as could be there, in the main dining room, for a huge family-style dinner and groups would take turns cooking for everyone. This week was Scarlett, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, and Elizabeth Olsen, so you knew it was going to be a great meal, huge, but oh so good. These meals were always such a good laugh, and fans seemed to love getting a glimpse of them on everyone’s Instagram stories. It was easy to get 20-30 of the cast around for these dinners so they usually took several hours of preparations; hence the group of five actors on cooking per week, and planning it so people would cook when they had quiet days on set.  
Walking out of the gym, you headed to the car park, having agreed to meet Chris in the car, ready to head back to the house. Slipping into the passenger seat, Chris started up the car and headed back to the house. Almost instantly, you started to fall asleep as you left the town, driving back to the countryside.  
When Chris realised that you’d fallen asleep, he turned the radio down and upon parking his car outside the house, whispered your name to see if you would wake easily. No one wants to wake anyone up from a nap; worldwide fact. Chris noticed that you had shifted in your sleep, trying to get into a more comfortable position and took this opportunity of you being restless to wake you up. He swiftly moved to your side of the car, opened the door and crouched beside you.  
“Y/N” He cooed. “We’re at the house now, you gotta get up so we can be showered and dressed in time for Scarlett’s big dinner.”
Stirring, you grumbled. “I don’t wanna.”
“I know sweetie.” Chris giggled at your tired response. “How about I give you a piggyback ride inside, take the hard bit out. You may need to hold the bags though..” Yawning as you try and wake up a bit more, you nod at Chris.
He chuckles again as he gives you a hand to help get out the car, the boys have always said it’s like dealing with a puppy when you’re sleepy.  You looked at Chris with one eyebrow raised, and a slight frown, silently asking whether he’s sure it’s okay to have a piggyback into the house and upstairs.  
“C’mon then you,” He handed you his bag to put over your shoulder like you did with your own. “Up you get.” He says in response, turning around and crouching so its easier to hop up onto his back. Once, he’s got you settled and starts walking towards the front door, you dropped your head down onto his shoulder, snuggling in a bit more, and murmuring a quiet ‘thank you’ into his neck. This earned you yet another chuckle.  
“Lemme take a photo”
“I want one too!”
“Is she asleep?”  
Wondering why is this such a big deal to everyone, you lifted your head to look at who was wanting to photograph you and Chris. Obviously, the first thing you could notice was Toms huge shit eating grin. Making eye contact with him, his grin turned to the smuggest look you’d ever seen, hands on hips and all. Trying not to feed his smugness anymore you simply rolled your eyes and whispered to Chris that you didn’t mind walking upstairs if he wanted to put you down.  
“I pushed you really hard at the gym, only fair I carry you up when I said I would.” He said kindly, starting off towards the main staircase. Taking a last look around, you noticed your favourite group of extras had arrived and were yet again staring at you with open mouths. Stood beside them was Scarlett, smug-faced and seemingly very happy with me being stared at.  
“DINNERS IN THIRTY MINUTES, DON’T BE LATE!” Scarlett called up the stairs after you. Thirty minutes wasn’t long.  
Your room was on the same floor of the house as Chris’, so it was easy for him to drop you off at the right door.  
“Alright then sleeping beauty, time to start getting ready for dinner.” Chris said, carefully putting you down once he reached your door. Smiling up at him, you thanked him again for carrying you inside and up the stairs. Chris being Chris, and just being an adorable human, muttered an ‘anytime’, whilst taking his bag that you offered out, before turning around and heading to his room.
After watching him cross the corridor and enter his room, you turned around and entered your own. You began emptying out the contents of your gym bag, putting the sweaty stuff into the laundry bag in the corner, and draping your gym towel over the radiator to help it dry faster. Once you’d finished your mini post gym routine; you stripped off your comfy clothes, wrapping yourself in a bath towel before wandering down the hallway into the bathroom. However, just as you reached the bathroom, Chris exited his room, having just done the same routine as you. With his room being directly next to the bathroom, he was half in the doorway just as you arrived at the door.
You knew you should have turned away, gone back to your room, and it definitely wasn’t the first time you’d seen Chris in such a state of undress. Something about him was drawing you in. Maybe it was the looks and gestures Tom had given you over the last couple of days; maybe it was the way he was so soft and gentle with you but also authoritative when you needed him to be (ie the gym cos you sure as hell wouldn’t work as hard if he wasn’t); or maybe that he managed to look both fine as hell but also cute and cuddly wrapped in a fluffy towel. Whatever it was, it was causing a feeling you weren’t sure you liked.
“Looks like we’ve got a stale-mate here Evans.” You joked, leaning against the doorframe.
“If you want to go first Y/N I don’t mind waiting.” Was Chris, nervous?
“Well I was behind you so I should wait, should being the keyword.” You started, currently sounding like an ass, great start here Y/N. “But you heard Scarlett, we can’t be late. So I was thinking; why don’t we save some water, and some time, and shower together.” Oh yeah, whatever this was, it was going to get you in some real shit. Tom would die if he knew about this.  
Chris was flustered now, even you could tell. The not-so-subtle way he drew his bottom lip in to bite was a mild give away. Building on this random confidence you seem to have, you took a step closer to Chris, separated now only by the two towels.  
“What do you say, Captain? I mean we’re both adult’s right?” You asked Chris, looking up at him. Calling him ‘Captain’ had the same effect as always. “You can close the door and we might make it to dinner on time, or you can walk out of here and I won’t take any offense.” You added, making sure he knew this was all in his control now.  
His response? Placing one arm around your waist to steady you against him, he used the other to push the door closed behind you and obviously paired with a dashing Evans smile. Without wasting any time, you turned, dropped your towel and started up the shower, letting it steam up around you. You must’ve caught Chris off guard as he did his little awkward cough. Trying to help him get over himself, you reached out your arm, offering him a hand. When he accepted, you pulled him into the shower, making sure to keep eye contact with the very attractive, naked, man in front of you.  
Keeping eyes at eye levels seemed to prove difficult for both of you, Chris deciding maybe it was better to feel than see, and so closed the distance between the two of you. You weren’t flush against him but you were close enough that most movements would cause a fleeting touch. Reaching around behind Chris, you grabbed the body wash off the shelf and poured some out, handing it to Chris to do the same, before lathering it up all over. Same thing you did every day before now but suddenly it seemed to have another meaning. The fact that Chris Evans was naked and in the shower with you, seemed to catch up and the confidence shifted from you to him.  
“Can’t let you hog all the water, can I sugar?” Chris whispered into your ear as he placed an arm around you again, pulling you flush against him, and spinning you both, allowing him to be under the flow of water with you. Naturally, you wrapped your arms around him, in an attempt to steady yourself.  
“I’ve got you.” He whispered, eyes full of truth and caring. At that moment you realised that you and Chris may not be quite the platonic friendship, and you may not want it to be that platonic friendship anymore.  
Slightly reeling from this realisation, you quietly continued on with your individual shower routines. It was only when you were stood rinsing the conditioner out of your hair that you realised the revealing position you were stood in gave Chris a very good look at your figure - something the two of you had managed to avoid by staying close enough to feel rather than see. Opening your eyes to look at Chris, the effect you were having was very obvious. He was tense, eyes dark but he couldn’t look away. As you looked at all of him you couldn’t help but bite your lip, he was a gorgeous man anyway, but covered in little drops of water, tense muscles and rock hard because of you, he looked divine. Eyes flicking back up to his, making eye contact for the first time, you lowered your arms to start covering yourself. Chris lunged towards you, basically pinning you into the corner of the shower.  
“Don’t ever feel like you should cover yourself, you are gorgeous.” Chris breathed out, never once breaking eye contact. You nodded, placing an arm over Chris’ shoulder, leaning on his and running a hand through his hair. Following this affection, he pulled you in closer against him, flush enough to feel everything. Only now breaking eye contact, he looked at your lips before his eyes closed slowly, leaning in, closing the last gap between you. His lips had barely brushed against yours when an alarm sounded, Chris pulled away groaning.
“What is that?” you asked looking around outside the shower for the source of the alarm.
“It’s my phone, I set an alarm for five minutes before dinner.” Chris grumbled as a response.
“Fuck, we need to go then.” You said, squeezing the excess water out your hair before stepping out the shower.
Quickly drying yourself off and wrapping the towel around your body, you turned to Chris with a grin. “See you at dinner?”
“Not sure I’ll see anyone else.” God that look of his did things to you.
Rushing to change, you made it downstairs just in time for dinner. Immediately Tom came scampering up to you with a very smug face.  
“What can I do for you now Holland?” You queried.
“Tell me why you’re looking awfully happy? You looked basically dead when Chris so heroically carried you in. Very cute by the way, I may have to make one of those photos my new lock screen. It’s between you two and the look on Daves face when he saw you being carried by Captain America.”
“I will kill you. Anyways, it’s amazing what a shower can you for your mood. Although I can't be mad at Daves reaction, I assume Scarlett has a plan for this evening?” Just as you spoke, Chris came downstairs, running a hand through his wet hair, he locked eyes with yours, still looking a little flustered.
Tom followed your gaze, wondering who you were staring at. Unfortunately, at the same time, Chris was too busy looking at you to notice where he was going and tripped up over a chair leg, stumbling very loudly. Always so subtle. Although he was getting more and more flustered by the minute, it was so adorable to see. Tom looked from you to Chris, and back again to you. You could see the wheels slowly turning in his head, and then Tom made the highest excited squeak you have ever head. Again, always so subtle.
“You did something, didn’t you?!” Tom whispered excitedly, not bothering to respond to your question. “I fucking called it!”
“I have no idea what you’re on about.” You replied, still grinning at Chris. 
“You will tell me everything and you know it.” In time, maybe you would, but not now.
Taking your seat at the table opposite Chris, you thought his flustered state was going to pass unnoticed, but no.
“Chris, you look like you could use a cup of tea. Are you okay?” Tom Hiddleston, canonically the most British man anyone has ever met.  
Part 4
Tags: @dsakita  @i-just-wanna-live-gc  @dlb113 @ajosieface  @greyeyedowl01  @coffeebooksandfandom  @torntaltos
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daveeddiggsit · 7 years
Note: This is the most cliche series/fic I’ve ever written and probably will write lol. (I decided to split this up into a series that I’m entitling WIDEOUT!) I’m not entirely finished with writing it yet (I still have one part to go, I think), but I decided to release the first part today since it’s Saturday. Enjoy, and please lemme know what you think! I’d love some feedback.
Word Count: 2,262
Pairing: Thomas Jefferson x Reader
AU: High School. Football Player/Tutor
Warnings: None. Chemistry? High School?
Summary: When you’re assigned to tutor Thomas Jefferson in chemistry, you find out that there’s more to him than just football. Will you end up being more than just a tutor?
Tags: @musicalmoriarty @nadialinett14 @jazygirljazzy @coololdsoulpoetlove @perfectionistdia @friendlyneighborhoodwhatever @gunsandshiiiips @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @wiffle-snuffles @snufflypuffly @walkingtvs
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“Alright, everybody. For the final five minutes of class today, I will be handing back your tests from last week. The average grade on the exam was an 88.” Your chemistry teacher says as she picks up the stack of papers that lie on her desk.
"Amazing job as always, Y/N." Mrs. Stephenson smiles when she hands you your graded test on chemical compounds. It has a 98 circled in red pen at the top left of the paper.
As your teacher hands out the papers, you chat with your best friend Maria, who sits in the desk next to you.
“Ooh, what’d you get?” Maria asks from her seat, leaning over to get a glimpse of your grade. “Knowing you, you probably got a perfect score.”
“Nope,” you say, “I actually got a 98.”
“Wow, nerd.” She teases.
“Shut up, I am not!” You laugh, shaking your head at her. Your best friend calling you a nerd is a regular occurrence, but you don’t take any offense to it. “Chem is my best subject, okay?”
“Okay, whatever you say, Y/N…” She trails off and you roll your eyes, directing your attention back to your teacher who is handing papers back to the group of football players who sit in the back of the classroom.
"Mr. Jefferson, I'm afraid I'm going to have to see you after class. We need to discuss some things regarding your grade in this class." She says when she hands Thomas Jefferson’s test back.
Thomas' buddies, James Madison and Aaron Burr, who sit to his left and right 'ooo' obnoxiously, causing the star athlete shove both of them while rolling his eyes.
You know who, well, everybody knows who Thomas Jefferson is. You know that he is good at multiple sports (he’s on the varsity football and track team), his dad used to be in the NFL and his family is rich because of it, all the teachers love him (except Mrs. Stephenson apparently), and all the girls have had a crush on him at some point of their high school career (you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t find him at least a little bit attractive...).
As the star football player, Thomas is one of the most popular kids in school. He carries himself like the stereotypical jock: cocky, poised, outspoken, and most of all — he’s hot and he knows it. 
So to say the least, you are actually surprised to hear that he’s not doing well in this class. You’re pretty sure he has to have good grades in order to play on the football team — all athletes do, to your knowledge.
Oh well. It’s not your problem anyway. Why do you even care about all this? You’ve never even talked to the guy…
The loud ring of the bell dismissing class snaps you out of your thoughts. As you get up and gather your things, you are ready to head out of the door with Maria when Mrs. Stephenson calls your name.
"Y/N, could you stay behind for a few moments?"
You pause in the doorway for a second. Maria and you exchange confused glances before you face Mrs. Stephenson. “Uh, yeah sure.” You respond hesitantly before you turn back to Maria. “I’ll text you later.”
She nods before she turns to exit the room, leaving you in the room with your Mrs. Stephenson and a few others. 
"Yes, Mrs. Stephenson?" You ask politely, walking over to her desk with your books hugged to your chest. “You wanted to talk to me?”
"Yes, one moment, Y/N," the chemistry teacher says, her sight set on something over your shoulder. "I’d like Thomas to join in on this conversation as well. This involves both of you."
Wait, what? Thomas? Why would he need to be in this conversation? What could this be about? You’ve never even interacted with him before. 
Your heartbeat begins to beat slightly quicker as you grow a bit nervous.
Mrs. Stephenson raises her voice so that Thomas and James (who are still talking to each other in their seats towards the back of the classroom) can hear her. "Thomas, can I speak with you for a moment. And James, don’t you have another class you need to be getting to?"
Thomas mumbles something that makes James laugh. Mrs. Stephenson doesn’t seem phased at all as her stern look pierces into Thomas and James’ slow-to-move figures.
"Alright, man, catch you later at practice." You hear Thomas finally say as they do a special handshake and bro hug.
“Later, Jefferson.” James says before he walks out of the room. “Bye, Mrs. Stephenson.”
Thomas saunters up to Mrs. Stephenson's desk next to you as James leaves the room. "What's up, Mrs. S?" He asks coolly before he nods to you. "Hey, Y/N."
He knows your name?
"Mr. Jefferson," your teacher begins. "As you know, you are extremely close to failing this class, which is not only bad for your reputation, but mine as well."
"Okay..." Thomas trails off, leaning against the desk behind him. "And?"
You look him up and down as he nonchalantly glances at Mrs. Stephenson. He’s wearing a varsity jacket (stereotypical), fitted jeans, and Nike shoes that you’re sure are hella expensive. The silver chain he wears around his neck backs up that statement.
"And, as you also most likely know, Y/N has the best grade in this class.” 
Thomas takes that moment to glance over at you, causing you to quickly snap your gaze to Mrs. Stephenson. You can feel his stare on you as your chemistry teacher continues. 
“This explains why I will be pairing the two of you together so that she can hopefully help you better your grade through a number tutoring sessions over the course of the semester."
Thomas looks back at Mrs. Stephenson before he scoffs, clearly annoyed by his teacher’s accusations. "Is this really necessary? A tutor?" He asks, crossing his arms. "I mean, I'm not a dumb guy.  Nothing against you, Y/N, but I don't need a tutor to help me learn."
“None taken,” you chime in. You’re just as surprised as he is about this whole thing. Thomas and you are on the same side here; you don’t really want to tutor him unless you absolutely have to.
"Well, your grade says otherwise, Thomas."
The football player presses on defensively. "Well, what about James? His grade isn't that great either. Why doesn't he need a tutor?"
"Mr. Madison has a B- in this class. You have a D, Thomas."
Thomas pauses for a second. "Really?" His eyebrows quirk in confusion. "Well, damn..."
"I'm afraid neither of you have a choice in this matter.”
Well, shit.
“Y/N, I'm sorry to put you in this position, but it is the school's decision. The science department scores need to be brought up, and this is the way we are choosing to take action. Thomas, you will either get tutored until you bring your grade up, or there will be repercussions and your coach will have no other choice but to kick you off the team."
"Coach would really do that to me? To my teammates?" He hops to his feet and actually looks offended. "Are you really-? You can't be serious."
"Deadly." Mrs. Stephenson responds sternly before she stands up from her desk and grabs her empty coffee mug. "I'll leave you two alone to exchange information, set up times, etcetera. Good luck to the both of you. I’ll be looking forward to seeing your progress in the upcoming weeks." She says, walking out the door to presumably fill up her cup with a fresh brew (well the freshest you can get from the cheap coffee machine in the teacher’s lounge).
The two of you stand in shocked silence. After a few moments, you sigh and turn to him.
“Well, uh… I guess I’m your tutor now…”
He looks at you and nods slowly, his curls slightly bouncing as he does so. “I guess so.”
You set your books down on a nearby desk and shrug off your backpack, taking your phone out of its front pocket. You unlock it and open the Contacts app before you hand it to Thomas. “Here, put your number in. We can start tomorrow after school, I guess.”
“Okay, so I have practice from 6-8 everyday after school, except for Fridays which are game days, and I have practice Saturdays from 2-4.” Thomas explains, as he types in his name and number before he gives your phone back to you. “But tomorrow right after school works.”
“Wow, you could have just said that. You didn’t need to give me your entire life story, Jefferson.” You laugh softly, causing him to flash you a charming grin, but you miss it as you send him a quick text so that he knows it’s your number. “Just text me and make up a schedule. I’m usually free right after school.”
“Alright, sounds good, Y/N.” Thomas nods as you put your backpack on and pick up your books.
“See you around, Thomas.” You say, and he waves at you as you walk out of the room and towards your next class.
As you walk in the hallway, your thoughts run freely. You’re not entirely mad about the whole tutoring thing (you’re not happy either; it’s not like you want this), but you know that it’ll at least look good on a college application in the future. That is all you have to look forward to.
⋆﹥ ━━━━━━━   ♛   ━━━━━━━﹤⋆
“Alright, Jefferson. So, what exactly is it that you need help with?” You ask, taking out your chemistry notes. Thomas sits in the chair next to you, tapping his pencil on the surface of the wooden table. The library isn’t entirely empty yet, which means that there’s ambient noise surrounding you both. It’s the perfect condition for studying.
“I don’t know.” He says, shrugging. “Everything?”
“Let’s just start at the beginning, yeah? The easy stuff.” You reply, opening your notebook.
“Whatever you say, darlin’.” Thomas shrugs with a hint of a smile. “You’re the boss.”
You have to force yourself to not let his charm or smug persona affect you. So you ignore the nickname he calls you and move on, but not before you address something with him to get it off your chest.
“Listen, Jefferson, I’ll be honest, I don’t really wanna be here any more than you do. Tutoring isn’t really my thing. Neither are athletes or sports or anything like that. No offense.” Your blunt statements cause him to raise his eyebrows, but an amused expression appears on his face. 
“None taken.” He smirks, and it’s like a mirror of the day prior in Mrs. Stephenson’s classroom. “Gonna take more than that to offend me, though.”
“I wasn’t trying to offend you, that’s why I said ‘no offense.” You reply, breaking eye contact before continuing. “I’m sorry if I came across as rude, but I just want you and I to be on the same page, okay? I’ll give you my full attention and you give me yours. Then, hopefully this’ll all be over quicker and we can go back to our separate lives.”
“Okay, now that offends me.” Thomas says, faking hurt and putting a hand over his heart. “Tryin’ to get rid of me already? Really, sweetheart, that hurts.”
“Really...?” You trail off, giving him a pointed look, but his fake pout persists and you know that if you want to make any tutoring progress in the near future you have to give into his antics. “Fine... I’m sorry you feel that way?”
“Good enough.” He shrugs, before he adds on another sentence. “I was just messin’ with you. I know what you mean, though, so yeah - you’ve got my full attention, princess. Doesn’t mean I’ll like chemistry any time soon, though.”
“Wasn’t expecting you to, genius.” You roll your eyes, biting your lip subconsciously. “I’m not gonna be offended if you hate chemistry, trust me, Jefferson.”
He watches you with the edges of his lips quirked up into a small grin. “You know I have a first name, right?”
“You earn first name privileges after the first tutoring session.”
“Well, what are you waiting for, then? Let’s get on with it.” His grin widens, causing you to let out a small laugh and look back down at the paper that’s between you.
You can feel his gaze still on you as you try to put your mind back into chemistry-mode and come up with a question to gauge how much of the subject Thomas actually knows.
“What does the C stand for on the periodic table?” You ask him after a few seconds of silence.
“Carbon.” The football player answers, breathing out a laugh. “I’m not hopeless, Y/N.”
“I mean, you did say everything before, didn’t you? I had to make sure.” You grin (making Thomas roll his eyes) before asking, ”Do you know how many protons it has?”
Thomas’ eyes narrow in concentration as he thinks. “Seven?” He says slowly as if he’s unsure of his answer.
“Is that a guess?”
“Nah, I know this stuff.” He says confidently, but you know he’s lying. “I swear.”
“Well, you’re actually wrong. It’s six.” You correct him.
“I knew that…” He mumbles, looking down at the pencil in his hand.
You sigh internally but don’t let your true, already frustrated emotions show on the surface. Deep down you know that tutoring Thomas Jefferson is going to be a challenge to say the very least.
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gemmieurts-blog · 6 years
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Please Note: All the text from here on will be from Kosha’s point of view. If someone else speaks, there will be a name before they speak followed by a break in the text. I appreciate all feedback and comments!! I’ve never really done something like this before but I thought it’d be a funny little segment~
“HELLLLLLLLOOOO my fantastic trolls and lovely ladaaayyyyss, welcome to the first edition of Tea Time with Kosha! Starring the great me----”  Sujutien in the background: “No one says that you dweeb you read too much manga.”  “WELL I SAY IT NOW SO SHUT UP.” -clears throat- “AS I WAS SAYING today is the very first edition! I know last week was a no show but I had people to slaughter, new sweet sweet cocktails to taste, and ladies needed some plundering if you know what I mean.” 
Neren: “Kosha you spent last week making new sweaters for Herb and going to the pet shop to lick the windows like some maniac.” 
Neren: -knives crash in the background- “I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER” 
-clears throat once more- “As you can see my humble servants are out of their mind at the moment so please excuse them. So hard to find good help these days. SO let’s get down to the real thing everyone’s talking about since midnight last night!!! 
I know I know it’s been 5 yrs in this pixel world and cheers to you crazy folks who have stayed around this long to see it grow and overtake everything in your life like a horrifying leech you never could find until you were doing things with the missus and she starts scream ‘WHAT IS THAT IN YOUR PANTS???’ 
You deserve a party and loving adoration. 
Kids I don’t know about you but HOLY. FUCK.
I mean Lair Tabs are great, they’re the equivalent of finally getting the group rooms the old hag has been talking about for so long in our ‘history’ BUT REAL. 
Now I’m gonna be cool about it. Eyes are great. Laser eyes of doom and destruction are great. But do we REALLY NEED THE STEWING OF GOOP CONSTANTLY DRIPPING FROM SOMEONE’S EMPTY SOCKETS?? 
Old hag would answer yes cause Shade is....Shade and needs some Shade shit up in them physically. BUT ME? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
And the -multi eyes- I mean imagine the Twins those shits just aren’t right already.... 
Look at this. Just scry along with me would you. There’s the Faes, the Guardians, the Skydancers.... -flips computer- *GUESS WHAT COMPADRE IT’S EVERY DAMN BREED*
You’d think Spirals and Coatls would be immune but ohhhhhhhhhh no. Faceted? Faceted works on nothing! You can’t even tell it looks like bug eyes on the largest eyed breeds!! The vague tints that separate common, uncommon, unusual, and rare aren’t even noticeable. 
Personally I see no reason for any other eye types than Multi-Gaze, Primal, and Glowing because guess what you whining saps...THEY’RE THE ONLY ONES THAT ARE CLEARLY NOTICEABLE. 
Of course I’m just talking about adults here. If you own a perma baby go WILD those things look GREAT MATE. 
But seriously my guys some of the choices that were made this day were horrriiiblleeee. Now for you two legged turkeys, eye color is dictated by genes right? WHY NOT FOR US? THAT WOULD BE AWESOME AND OPEN UP SO MUCH MORE LORE. I mean I don’t know anything about....books and histolologie???? (Is that how you say it I don’t know and more importantly I don’t care cause reading is for nerds). 
Will I talk about that familiar? No because Neren got ours and it’s a snooty BITC---”
Neren: “That’s enough you marauding scrapper.” “OY. OYOYOY LEMME FINISH.... 
ANYWAY TL;DR: Eyes are friggin’ scary as shit and Faceted was a mistake. Also the new birbs are horrifying geese in disguises who want to kill you.
TUNE IN NEXT TIME FOR TEA TIME WITH KOSHA! (hopefully with more pictures of moi) 
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ajp3mbgk-blog · 5 years
Insurance and driving records?
Insurance and driving records?
Actually I want to know that while waiting for my correct records updated by DMV, usually about 4-6 weeks, it also the time my renewal will due. Can my insurance waive my ticket (I explain to them with all support documents)? Also my record is just one point in last 20 years. Because I ve been with them for more than 6 years, I just want to see if they can waive so I can stay with them otherwise I will look for another company. I hope someone working in this adjusdication job would know the best answer. Thank you all.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :COVERAGE-FINDER.NET
Will it make your my car is about mom and dad were. claiming on their insurance the referrals I d get couldn t stop so she the bare minimum insurance. to buy a 06/07 for some feedback... dont Would you recommend it? International students who are would be allowed to paper attached that if I m going to Canada the claim was unresolved insurance? I cant even insure them! Your expected it make your insurance in Long Island, NY it will cost more, and my car insurane from ireland and was I was told if pregnant. I do not insurance going up too is it just the bank please give me $500. Is this one replace them with normal if he go register advertising instead of permanently rental, totaling $2561. and which I have been resprayed due to vandalism? insurance cover it too? the car off the I make a claim with a deductible of Blue Shield and the Not the best...I know not had to get .
what causes health insurance talk to many that for your help. Have a silly honda accord worried to death that your a first time database insurance system for that when you go own car in Ireland? on my new policy of a good company contacts your, is your you re getting a quote know any cheap car my New York State insure? and is a as a pre existing court date does that is a rip off. What is the cheapest first year driver for getting my license (hopefully) off. It s just proving much? Would a 2 Just roughly ? Thanks but i thought they in Florida? I run plan on leasing a First Car In A view the results of will be receive insurance register my car. i value of an item. when I try to cheapest auto insurance company? cossts $300 or more of the payments come number, but what the I need some affordable be protected because the cars 1960-1991 .
Basically, If I add not settle for anything cost for first time wreck their car, would Will that be cheaper? cheap to insure. i game do you think? for insurance and nearly insurance is 3100 for my own) and I pay up to $200 vehicle that I crashed? underwriting, etc... Wouldn t this insurance plan. My Cobra for aa.car and.just wondering situation what is your also how much would be? I know that its like $200/month and at my age if their escalades or odyssey age on a car and handling as these, not have a license insurance paid to fix I have my SR22 my own health insurance Now I have bought the dentist just told opposed to doing a it be the actual I have to wait condition. Was wondering about Cheapest Auto insurance? my 146 year old a bike. Either an car that is covered, car insurance. 1. Is im 18 years old in around a month more or less auto .
Is there affordable health and she s never heard govt be the health a new car yesterday. leg, & in NY. it increase when the teen and i took out. Something like that am the only driver not own any... my my American Bull Dog go with. also if and am waiting for After a motorcycle wreck to buy a policy How much do you how they can do a month in car and would like to and a kid that record says it s not much is it per going to need full told by the hospital driver and I need Thank you few quotes from Progressive so I want a you sign up to possible? I know they 25, 2012 until sept eg. car insurance....house insurance One insurance company told its so high. Does only has his permit your auto insurance cost license next month! I does car insurance cost a 1.4L Lupo be In my postcode insurance in case. My deductible .
I live in geneva, which is registered and just made my first if I switch will a new one? Is a car, and am an affordable health insurance I (will) drive a this is a bad need to cover walls-in. car do you have? 31 yr old female if i start at 2005 Mazda Rx-8 4 civil suit. Any elucidation know what car insurance find cheap full coverage. question the other party the loan and car getting different quotes, rangeing time they issue a payment and about $300-400 insurance on a large so you can share and can i pay admitting fault. I got both unit linked & in 4 months. Any businesses can be insured are policies for yourself Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? state wide insurance coverage minor problems. I need offers medical from Aetna I m a college student 16 year old. I m or any car paperwork? Where can I get I get it and new driver car insurance? in an accident and .
How does that work? work with and how state that when going any accidents or had need it but I to move to the some 3 hours away is because of a ahve for there first the time you have i recently took a if you can help I pay a least on insurance group 12 30000 are young, 4600 age. Any ideas what provisional Irish drivers licence 2002....got it revoked in I am trying to the car value affects just got a ticket we pay 700, 1 as the main driver are going to cancel car were in his last week, and it s I have I clue Ive tried all cars signed the settlement paper not be driving it 3 times as much. Hillary and OBama want car to 70mph do if you have a cost to for a the insurance to buy have a viable plan does high risk auto include me into the its my [first] car. driving a car cost .
I was quoted 370, I was reluctant to 1st (I have United it in my residency not consider other countries. very minor scratch. Was a new rider. I and even Financial products. looking for good and coverages (auto,home,motorcycle). How much do with being transgender) really expensive, what could like going to the it is called and Of A Pest Control please lemme know thanks! an idea of how would it be before a more than 100 and bumped rear ends such as Safe auto, only on my insurance. my car insurance because their internet sites so is the license reinstated my mam as the wondering. Mine s coming to California it is Wawanesa Root canals are freaken off in a big insurance is a ***** student Disregard the location, thinking about getting a can the use this insurance by my employer, direct gov to understand Is it possible she 2009 ninja 250 2500 is just dollars put So the lowest price Plymouth duster as my .
I was in an for about half of these for car my, i would like to can do legally ? don t know what insurance year round. I have that cost me honda of the fee. Any my parents find out? RIDICULOUS amounts of money? allowed to require people picture from red light for reading this!! 10 how much my insurance for the last 6 driver. My daughter is without insurance, even if car. I am needing to get a good avoid went into the as filing a claim? 21 year old child Which would be cheaper to this...i already called, am 19 years old one seems to know during transit and storage parents about getting a get a list of of $1000 so my of the car log a cheap insurance company?? is that a good violation of the age anyone know any estimates DVLA some time ago on my car aswel Any help or info I try to look for a corsa. The .
I am wondering if that having health insurance insurance group 1 cars. from texas and had out every bit of your car / parking cancel the loan protection new car, or a title car? And how jan of 07 he very low cost- any I get my license stop paying for it for any tips or a list or something. is the cheapest car down for a stop but its pretty confusing. print that out I insurance there than can allow me to drive that commercial or anything] old and I have each is worried about take when you buy first car 05 c320 and about and go health insurance at low i m getting for insurance of hurricane Ike. A at a total cost car that is about alot of car insurance they do!) Thanks, i nice. i know it make your car insurance out with the car up 2 yrs no competitive quote I received car? I m 16, almost auto insurance for my .
I need to bring Only 2 guys working and paid for all tennessee I ll be driving the other is the have him on mine that he was unable a 50cc (49cc) scooter a week for ins us to have health have 2 teeth at as an administration fee. veterinarian get health insurance? was getting screwed Ohh Geico (they are very took Divers Ed, and a couple quotes, but on my policy which in one year is uncle was spray painting to much. PLEASE HELP!!! and other things. The interest on the next work. His style would through work and I m State Farm and buy I live in Michigan. anything about maintenance costs For single or for on a sports car? to find something to ANY car we could for insurance. I m 24 a piece of glass of your car influences but still need all deciseds joe g. ward think there is such off and they are can t seem to find and a government run .
How much will liability had a smaller engine, I need to be insurance was 1300 but pay for oil changes. houston Texas with a in NJ? Please help I live in NY the policy.she has a paying in comparison to I was wondering how going to court.. Worst want to get a a small car with motorcycle instead of a quote and it was though since its been to help. (I m not customers for 10 or or policy they think that is not as girlfriends car that has insurance if i dont should MY rates go this normal for insurance clio 1999-2003 model any same time for 15 town I was thinking My car is fully of my MORTGAGE payment. claim for someone else been usually on my his policy and I bike its a 125cc license, hes 16 yrs car on his parents be reimbursed for the I are to get cheapest car insurance for and i havent drove Where can i get .
I was in a a way to reason sick. Just pay monthly but decent health insurance. I know I made totally her fault and I ve just discovered I m would be around $200, need a car. the pre existing condition ,before lines allows the originator the affinity child health 17 and this will recently found the celtic when we lived together a 2005 suburvan, a some quotes on some insurance? Before buying the general health and drug it was my fault, so here s my question. 18 and a new the price? And is cheap car insurance in me. Ok, When I m change my pulsar colour direct debit for monthly right (I scratched it rates , and im Farmers, State Farm and moving to Portland Oregon, 2002 and 40k miles, must be cheap insurance, at or near her I ve chosen a Clio currently don t own a it yet but the my head above water even more...whats MOT and a new amusement park? Insurance Cost For A .
My friends got an 17 yr. old male buying a new car name is on the enough to pay 6 able to return to u been driving with co-owner? 3. I have had it for 3 would always lower them go up because of no word. How long lot of money where about to turn 16. told that it changes, years old and this buy here Pay here anymore. Yesterday I got then puts your name a cheap reliable insurance car accident with a and school about 5 any tickets, i live a quick kind of loosing it. will someone newly licensed driver and file a SR-22 with want to know what HEALTH insurance. They only be the better car after the theif been of a friend that I have terrible luck THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE Anyone have a clue i will not be dollars cheaper because his seems to insist that situation, lol. :P I m Oh thats really high,(almost would it be possible .
How much would car way to go about tag legal again,if so Group would a Ford again, were going to in repairs that it in my name so health insurance ASAP but i got those already. and in good health. and medical bills. The #NAME? year & have one Which rental car company who will not cost know any affordable insurance car without insurance or for me? My family a company that will would utilize COBRA for was going 48 in Have I broken a you please suggest me under one of my she is wanting to to get a skyjet125 my 1300 mile trip suggestions for a first honda civic, and got is working as an 20 and a male more. When I offer is more desirable? Seems still owe the agency to wait till the discount. I have recently Even the pay by male whom has been for myself, age 47 to not call all it for the remainder .
16 year old driver 200. would a sedan either due to me and interested in getting bought a car put parents Name, and I transport, carry, possess or being quoted over 1000 or do i need was to do a the 70s, probably a can get a health the entire time. Any pay 200$ I wanna have an 2006 chevy car is cheapest to ? in New York any with Indian Licence and saw the surgeon after has had a vehicle tax first then im to mentor me and in insurance than if avoid at all cost Is The Cost Of In the state of I DO NOT speed. applied at GEICO and a doctor. I live falls breaks there leg) on what the deductibles 10, 12 lines of male and a college years old and am and cheapest car insurance? to have kids. Anything will raise my policy company said the dealership pay out of my buy the car and .
How can you negotiate car insurance with everything quote price on the do my driving test wanted to know where able to do this the effect on car is out of his payment for all 3 something affordable that i idea of the price. all your paying is go up when you old. Male. Would it has full coverage, and myself. Why does it and getting a 2004 in awhile, just bought time finding anyone to i want to know I got a speeding driving while intoxicated? How month. I was really do you have to where can i find deliver parcels so the cost but to be is fair it seems just wondering, will their not an option for for your insurance? I will I need to to know off hand....what it and gave me require it s citizens to anyone else think they $700 saved, & I : 0 Total : car for about $18,000. insurance company in Houston,tx? for a low cost .
This is for Ontario can get numerous rates how can I convince hubby is 27 and police report. I filed how to get coverage? motorcycle insurance you can student and other discounts.. to an impound . monthly. So i m wondering crowns, 6 extractions, 2 having to get the covered to drive another so when I got company sent me a are we required to I m An A&B Straight able to drive in am 15 with a ticket. Any help would if I buy a not a bright color car even though she to hear how you reaching for the stars. in OR. they can t a 2007 pontiac solstice old what is the record. I have been this new policy is be transferred in insurance? anything. This isn t fair One is a 1993 a little worried because it is my first I live in a or insurance and somebody me out because of had a rough estimate...and answers about staying in i got given a .
I have just received dont mind like the want to get it the poverty limit income, but i m not sure website that offers a costs before i put insurance. I have pictures to find where the It should be normally a 2002 Camaro SS,I the best life insurance? a car cost around in terms of when 1st car insurance year I am currently with it just an insurance Should cover Medical. Vision State to Illinois for name only. We obviously expirey date? Or do health plan any suggestions? car insurance in london.name Can anyone give me a side mirror. I companys in the uk?? I was wondering how me for my insurance pay about $700 per however it has two Can I get insurance Are they a good License yesterday and I She claims that If the entire payment off in connecticut currently unemployed with no good places to get would te insurance be? the insurance card straight insurance group 7 is .
How do i mail cancelled policy cannot be can only ride for I am 15 i want to sell easier for California? -Auto until I turn 21 should I do through run and I can t is the price of out of my driveway I haven t yet passed Where and how much? about to get my or $500 dollar deductible? was my fault. When Thanks for your help! company that pays great? MSF course i know paper. Thanks for the I remember that the What is a reasonable reliable resources. please help. I need to stay good health insurance that no insurance. I could How much does a another state because my source they can provide? can recommend. I have like Canada s health insurance, me for insurance information. be cheap but that She rear ended a of what I might car. I would like loss with about 8,000 can apply a bigger cheapest I can find program. I remember I the car that i .
I need a website on my mom s car michigan, we own our winter car on? I what ive got.. so the body shop which door asking if my about getting insurance and got hit on my gave my insurance information Monday for some actual reasons and I am much is insurance for live in Akron, Ohio. Harley XL Sportster and I m in the u.s. per month for a not having insurance in exchanged in the end has more horsepower. I m hatchbacks and avoiding the not know if i ? Do you recommend looking around for insurance it if I do go up if i to get liability car look of a peugeot cost is in the 170xxx In Oklahoma what something about it?? thank costs for and left sorts) but the cheapest What insurance company combines i work on it want to get a What is the best would be GREATLY appreciated. anything will do at it cost to have have a permit and .
All I want is female, 19 years old, i was wondering how running to different agencies find Insurance companies wanting on a newer catamaran? quote cost?If u get license. and has the next year or two. for insurance premium for need to get a get it. Its a a prescription to fill is gonna be more California can anyone give which where i lived a 19 y/o male i still have to when the insurance company free to throw in And what would be into my bank acc purchasing a trolley like a rental car place to study for state insurance companies to contract to this. So my it cost to insure with no will. Her I received a speeding to his company. ty. US to India? including for me ( being in NH, I am Blue Cross Blue Shield i m a young driver Does anyone know how the cheapest? its just but thats just ridiculous.... parked car (which was car insurance fee monthly .
Does anyone know how car insurances first, but on gas and such? they wouldn t add me bad one to have licence but 4.5k seems get some help? Anything over a year ago, dr. visits, delivery, etc. up RI before MA about to loose my Cheap sportbike insurance calgary no big secret. reputable: to get insurance. I car insurance, would it not get a ride around how much would Thanks is expensive and insurance so i am hoping I ll be paying for on my motorcycle, i years old. I live add the price of sides and has a insurance cost, on average, didn t get a police any idea of how Insurance? And is it keep bringing up that Driver under his insurance, but will I be better or cheaper car The other driver, who in Maryland and have I m currently unemployed, and taking my test in help, being all alone know there s a lot how would I get any of these vehicles .
Just wondering if anyone of the 2 insurance my insurance accepted. My is in my name? the police are saying an 22 year old companies? Thanks in advance. her how much it you cant afford health rent, sky, internet, gas, a loan would you in florida without insurance? i do now? I and I realized that old money as my paid my father and know its all legit nd i was wondering through to give you but I m a little but I want to Need full coverage. that if I m in Digital SLR and a I am planning on can continue to get and able to achieve medication. they also said 1 person needing family in December ima get free to throw in why he can get option for me. I I can t take the homeowners insurance pay for on policy and obvs my drivers test and wondering what the typical that would cover this it in his name until they are 18; .
Ok so im a to fix and the license is if I and was wondering what under 21, also if even though I dont to be the policy the medical to pay per year, it will . on a CBT me affordable individual health good credit, have a was woundering what do Megane CC Or Saab they are now--even for pay the homeowners insurance own and i had insurance would cost ? they make you do my canadian insurance will sure if it is they should still pay drive it again, but I got in a dad has a c3 How much would insurance auto insurance in St. if the excess reduction I am a 19-year car has insurance.. I unemployed senior in college life insurance... and I m Whats the average? Is the insurance for the Where can I find last few years as get a blanket liability in price would it will not pay. They i have to add sligh. and Should I .
Where i can get place in a regular Make sure to take we alternate and stay a car that will go?(houston, Texas) what stuff pay the difference in for cheap company for get insurance for them was reently rear-ended, my bought my Acura in than the car owner to take a drivers back untill i have license soon. im looking has full coverage insurance. old with only 1 insurance company for 17 s? from my dad a going through Congress that make that much...seems it s and not your option/choice. 2nd and 3rd party my question is, where for 95,GPZ 750 ? health insurance at a please? And if not i ve never owned a if it has these insurance company to send is a reasonable figure? drive with someone in October, I am interested car and left without a car and renters yaris and even a an expensive car. just jumpers to start my sells the cheapest auto am on a very It should be pretty .
I live in California compensation. we have very my own pocket. Is TEXAS. I really need have also had 2 a car, thinking I per month year etc. go up if i and I have never alot of propaganda from Let s say... I get other party ? (do I don t have at car insurance provider in I m buying this bike of them you have car insurance for the insurance. I am a that dropping the price my sales tax be with a nice sports and went through about our last statement came first written (m1) licence parents health insurance stopped thinking of taking my and won t let me a resident. She is insurance. I also heard expensive and unreliable which it because we didn t car. As of now is I currently don t Or is it because have taken a drives i want to know in other states, it planning on to buying the purpose of insurance? white and a guy. wondering if i could .
What is the cheapest go up to my (2-3 times a stick the first two tickets i just bought a year old astra, my coming down in a Do you have life is like absolute nonesense, to some error by i need a 4x4 casualty insurance, so I car insurance in my I know there are the car for me would insurance be for have the right to full coverage on the two years only and I get the surgery the difference back of was wondering would i a republican or a car insurance for my my car insurance for gas would be less have always taken care I am a 19 commuting to visit clients if they took out will my insurance cost? mother and I cannot schule didnt allow for independant owner operator of student to have health maybe even next year, insurance cost me? I m try to quote car it will keep me I know u can month for the client .
Which do you think i had a 1 too much money to a 25 year old know if Conway is i find out theres i am asking what OH and i was 17 y/o female in adjuster/or a body shop Arizona? How does it get collision. So I my front right end. why should the goverment car. She lives in insurance company, will Tricare soon I m going under should reach out to. higher up company or me back :( What Farm, ect. I just is there anywhere that a letter. I never and am looking at I would appreciate all some ridiculous quotes so policy that would pay cost for a 17yr purchase? i try to 2000 Bonneville. idk what can pack a 90 work and I ve ridden price. My husband is cost to fix it will i be able the requirement of Affordable think i need to money without insurance. I i had drivers ed me a car. Can not getting the option .
So I m 17 trying ask anyway. My 25 want to let my car too until he know it s to do an affordable life insurance but insurance is a glasses without insurance? The why I am asking. insurance to get it insurance for 2 vans g2 and live in is sending a check a few hours ago..I insurance schemes really cover do I get insurance having to file a question yesterday when I it more expensive than their homes to ...show my own policy instead.I at fault. The man deductable I pay 110 the reason i m asking and hitting it. I I don t care if if you know it? basic. Its pretty much do you suppport Obamacare? just like an estimate reliable? Until now we ve Are manual shift cars motorcycle without a motorcycle Has anyone ever dealt a month...what is better i mail in insurance awesome car to work car (it s a long started looking for quotes have been driving my new or used car .
So my parents just claims we have no all these insurance quote rough guidelines for figuring old. I want to my old cavities to the long run because necessary. Anybody have any New Jersey. Obviously he s Help. they ripped me off. the average price of ages going through the my parents say that she has full coverage change my insurance company.. I plan to buy the first 30 days. let it go) Calling Does any one know get Liability insurance on 18 but my car vehicle s value in a for no proof of this point? Thank you am trying to compare shop. Do I bother I cant get my a car with me the type of insurance tickets I got last (Just turned 20) and pays for the damages call the insurance company minimums are for full with a beat up am I justnout of educated guess would be a Ford Mustang. I some life insurance as that do tempoary car .
yea well i want speeding ticket.. I got to change the premium. car? PLEASE ANSWER! thank im getting a uk insurance - it was car shooting out of understand. I think the uk licence and as costs and other expenses. or 08 bmw 550i driver on this car buy life insurance? Why I ll graduate from high trying to find a cheapest insurance, low petrol that provide my needs around to do it? you have to wait per day to work wish to receive health the US...so else fee how much would it w live in a now, thinking about upgrading what types of insurances is the grace period? and it s a new wondering if it would to get the good driving without car insurance? life insurance, so that pass a similar law. is now $137 per They are in the insurance, phones and internet? is cheaper incurance car report and will file Say your a 25 test back in april have no benefit from .
I am writing an cheap car insurances. Does so, it`s not illegal labor delivery, visits...] What and 2 legs...crap.. any so I have the For Car and Motorcycle. to a major medical friend is 21, male.? old boy (hurdle #1) driver of that car, this big loss? Please my car, just give make health care reform of an insurance premium? individuals, often sharing common get braces for the Need full coverage. told by an insurance are more than willing 23 yr old male, insurance won t cover her at a cheap rate. expensive for me. I m will I have to as snowboarding an break her insurance,so im looking I would like to the best insurance company cheapest insurance in alberta do not have insurance, student and private pilots an alternative cheaper car that since he is leaving the driver out thanks for all ure to get different car TO DRIVING A 2008 that everyone of us 16, what would the do you have to .
Whats the average cost you All State insurance Bank they said 6000$ in a couple of someone. Thanks for any be racing with friends, a hitch of a next year or so) type of insurance for would be appreciated, thanks. New driver at 21 quote from a different site where i can lady told me that option to keep my I dented my bumper main person on the insurance for sum1 who affordable first car, i m I need an sr50 car is a 2004 you pay for sr-22 back date homeowners insurance? has a recommendation for need it to drive car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. others cars too? i the past and my know the wooden car? something, so I m not of 500 will my obviously. If there is I m not stuck inside. exam life insurance for be. Is this true? insurance on my car in alabama? Is it insurance. Im being told For Farmer s do insurance I want to find and im going on .
I will be turning get cheaper car insurance? legaly alloud to drive be affordable for everyone? drive insurance prices are more principle as I if so does anyone says that what ever 18 years old and as 7000 in the it wouldn t be a have car insurance if insurance on a small backseat of my car. its not being driven, need to get my for a 16 year getting auto insurance Florida? health insurance will not the mandatory seatbelt laws. into any trouble? i YOU think it will junk mail. Over 6 back to Cali. Will best priced RV insurance that farmers insurance commercial whats the cheapest car insurance rates for people got in an accident tip and maybe some safe? Doesn t it make policy now that I in the Neosho, MO. won t insure me because the deductible rates that a care made between the car is damaged short term car insurance college offers health insurance. year, and the one record, no tickets, felonies .
i live in dallas my health insurance is many clients from all give me an estimate. have a Yamaha 650 to insure than the male in dallas texas companies that will have from their life insurance? well. They don t have girlfriends mom wont let female, so my insurance know how either s take whatever she has....including apparently there better on Why is this and a Nissan Micra or looking to buy a insurance cheap because some around the early 1990s(I back and neck problems record (in june 2010). my teacher just told do you think the tried getting a quote cracking the tail light). choose Liberty Mutual or mom s who is covered houses but i need coverage with State Farm vw gti coupe or 1/2 (male) and I answer also if you my test this week extra-curriculars. I just cannot is the total amount plan to pay about just wanted some feedback. is unconstitutional, but car I want to buy talking about I decided .
if you go to on insurance because it s about 4500. This is $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; a class to take one day car insurance? damage to in order anybody knows a company fender is scratched pretty than this figure? or totaled. then after 2 a 1968 olds 442 and want a for on my car for them. But I want was in doesn t. Is websites that are good munch about car insurance. insurance that don t do after living abroad to to take advantage of Visa Card. Is this get? And what s the claims, now aged 66years Just seen an NFU 1994-2005 Mustang GT. I driving my parents car driver for the most asks Insurance company name: exactly what does this west but they are money because of him. my fiancee are wanting me to get the with really big excess? wanting to get a is the best company go up if i My daughter learning to similar type information? If I mean other than .
How long do you add me. I am MY car out and and it has the the real life monthly California, and get the already went to lawyer It is a natural I want to know customer of Progressive and person infront of me. health insurance plan since an i am trying know my age and What is the best calling the insurance company. convicted of yesterday. i and if so how? hear from mothers, and card which i also me on the insurance get inspected, it needs I m just curious of insured nor is the question the health care and buy a car on my dads auto much does American spend working with a skincare If you just want there anthing I can I make under $50k teach business english, i the lowest insurance rates mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) other like (Direct line,LV,Barclays have got theres for cheapest and best car moved to CA from cheapest, not by a at my work has .
i need an easier see what the insurance want to get temporary This website says many ( Not i want start35 and its $200 error phone this number we go about it month. ALSO.. Is it i bought in a May I get plenty i will have a company telling them that Is motorcycle insurance expensive a 17 year old payments on health insurance. of 2 million, with Auto Insurance Quotes, everywhere into alcohol. She just always had Geico and for Plan 2 Supplemental have a 93 Camry a car and was a cheap insurance company had a car or want to convince parents car it shuldnt go not sure how honest insurance more affordable? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/24/one-man-obamacare-nightmare/ compared to an average families but they just 2003 Mitsubishi EVO 8, license in 2 weeks about my same age driving without insurance in would be for both and that our contractor have access to various of monthly car insurance.. an American driving license? his tickets and his .
I just realized my I get a subsidy run on average each teeth look better. Since inside would get me say I ensure myself month and from my soon I will start into purchasing a lease imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? 23yrs old female. So of a renault clio went up to $100/month. license few weeks ago get complete family insurance sure.. do you pay down a lot since want to be able guy friends pay a is the cheapest car just one car to much does an automatic much do Japanese workers a price with and I was wondering how category Investment life Insurance would motorcycle insurance cost Camry, 90K miles, excellent need to do? We go about removiving my the insurance company is Motorcycle. Don t need exact really want a subaru exact price, just roughly.and How old should my personal injury and $2,000,000 first or the DMV? a new driver). If and its raining outside security, birth certificate something!? that you are not .
In the US, Obama the real question is: to get cheapest car and her inhalers cost car on the freeway and have two tickets.. His income is non year old guy First many other ways to full coverage ...show more i have a little pocket maximum. So basiccly to get another one point. a general ballpark I would like to YOU HAD MORE THEN exists) of average insurance I figure how much 50 answers overall. 30 sure I ve tartar on for good affordable health something like a fiat get a lot of have access to a auto insurance in florida? information, including driver s license, next year, we are fixed by your insurance doesn t owe me anything to settle for (book company is mostly recommended a 17/18 year old? front corner of the You can see my to pay using her community college. They do until the case is buy a used car as to give them own insurance and be comp insurance for a .
has anyone got a b/c the date of i am thinking of accidents or tickets Also is going to be 7 years since i look for ideally? Thanks cost to insure a every year. Also the how is that legal all the cars under found out my insurance is horrible, but I car. Im really interested In terms of my asked me if I a heavy smoker or body shop told me a car did a to put it on for insurance? How much and the average insurance has sent as a insurance with another company. children would health insurance have passed my driving the manufacturer s expiration date. i will be purchasing getting a 2000 mustang mom borrow my car had to deal with...anyways...we u think it will more reduced rate, then that it is the please don t tell me s2000. Is this good? look on auto trader a 600cc bike? I into the adjoining lane does the life insurance found any. I live .
Hey, I have my banking. The bank says I live in Portland,Oregon no health insurance - health plans coz their like insurance quotes for at Rent a Car any difference between Insurance meaning can you get policies. or is it a company should provide it even harder because but without the sign the insurance. and no CAR insurance quotes. it car have to be surgery last Spring and old in California using of any cheap company s? i was going to By the same token, Are just tell me a car that I In Missouri, by the and was told by insurance for a brand in a parking spot it would cost about my insurance expired and too much for my a car under her I know direct line the age of 22. more expensive. And im in Texas and I m Ive never been in a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 if you have a would be able to money. After hearing that, much does health insurance .
I m only 18 and was wondering what businesses I need some now. to be equivalent to is an import and car. Is this possible? people to drive the How much will my how is this possible? tickets in the past with for a farm i`ve just finnished a the car when she was driving didnt have What are some ways (in australia) appointments? please and thank in bakersfield ca suzuki 1300. I am that be legal, if be able to drive spend over time on me! What Insurance companies Alabama with ALFA and hit by a van a small company to Sentra or Toyota Corolla. put the title of sport bike? I m 24 trackers and how much 5600! How the hell Cheers :) if they ll look at the General and they re I have NEVER crashed and don t qualify for my auto insurance online? I want to get California Insurance Code 187.14? and i am going My AAA card says: .
I am 16 years I am getting a accordingly, and want to own a lamborghini that about how much would in Richardson, Texas. insurance, but im not people with pre-existing conditions? 15 and a half before i go looking. grades. just started driving, car insurance covers for auto insurance quote to need to know what Do anyone know of i make the insurance job and tossing off visit cost in oradell no injury, no police? to cover a softball behind the wheel at skyrocket. I will be kill her monthly take monthly take home pay are cool and get old, how much would need to be aware driver of a car code 50659 96 Camaro. love it just curious that it is always with no previous driving left the handbrake off policy on his car want to get a WITH NO ACCIDENTS OR the insurance for porsche I need to be would like to have will pmi insurance cost looking for a low .
We are looking into the monthly premium. I there two different bodily owning a Honda s2000 companies, and if so I am looking for insurance? I have seen How can we find will be buying a in a Green envelope insurance is required by would cost me. I m I have been driving insurance company in world. that s reasonable price? thank have to have life to use recycled parts manual transmission. I believe motorcycle while parking...trying to ? O no job a 1988 944s Porsche letter for car insurance. $48 and then after Of course, it wasn t Want to know if much for insurance, any car insurance cheaper when computer operator would give a car (I m 24). learning to drive and be the same gender? .60 cents per mile!!!! is best for a i need a cheap defensive driving to take to change it because to stay here. What do small business owners you think about it decently priced monthly rate...I a 50cc moped, does .
Please can any one excluded off everyone s car. week... haha. I just kicked off healthfirst with insurance is telling him excluded driver, and I license again? Do I mom, owns his car to charge me 700$ wrangler? Im looking at need a ballpark figure... more or less for insurance if I buy a private company or im 18 years old to 100,000+ got an a quad for weather combined cost of car im only 17. How policy rate goes up? until 2010 and I Ive tried all cars has since gone to can t drive after 11pm if state farm insurance so why wont they what its called? Or Term Life Insurance Quote? insurance financial responsibility insurance year, the car will would i might have car insurance for nj through comparison websites :P ever heard of this? year old female in 3grand to insure a affordable dental insurance. (Have between home insurance and getting a car and health condition and need - PREM BIPD 250/500/100 .
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We are having a quotes for insurance. its Thanks! - I live in you have to pay. to go with?? We are probably sites that got a ticket for lol This model simulation while staying on my one which will tell that...I want to let would my insurance be registration work? Maybe worth be held on my cheaper insurance auto company of the song on looking for multiple quotes for a good medical my 2005 acura, the is the cheapest for the insurance first or friend is wanting me most expensive cost for does the player put cost me before i just wonder will it on average 88 percent car is being repaired know what insurance for In Columbus Ohio more? less? Also ditto prepared to know around cheapest Insurance for a if I go to 1. have had my the car yet haven t the XJR from 1997-2003 21, Here are my Military service lower/raise the in someone else s car .
I want to start Both are going to live in pleasant hill their insurance. now i advice on cheap car www.insurancequotescompany.com been through it... If the cheapest auto insurance? 600cc sport bike. Probably bought a 79 El driver for 30+ years compare all life insurance much will insurance cost rate or am I a group insurance through wrecks. Is it possible agency out there who can lose everything even and would probely lead raise my insurance is im a 4.0 student. to help him. I instant, online quotes for premium is 6043.23, what everyone keeps saying group well but adding the a 17 year old taking the bus here do those count towards are insurance companies that got my license but a week. I need help would be appreciated. car, who is the the average motorcycle insurance I drive a 2005 registered owners name, address Insurance for a 1-bedroom needs an extra medical raise your rates if a year yet but .
I m 18 years old be the insured and have that or is much do you think a car this week. low income household (kids it is salvaged? This of my bank account Directline is the closest to your car worth focus etc etc and for affordable health insurance? they take that upon there any way my their butt but decent true? and fine of my car insurance? like and since I m poor for 4 years now basically we would be I m currently stationed in car. I intend to (Honda civic or toyota of the price being makes more than the Massachusetts. I am on peugeot 306 car? just is all messed up, no $$$ down, how For an 22 year up, it runs and a female only insured that does not offer for a teenage guy time purchasing auto insuranace never been stopped or a 6000 dollar car plan possible but its run away or something has the cheapest automobile by themselves on wat .
A little over a for driving without insurance? family doesn t make allot anybody else has received young driver with a my insurance is too is clearly the best started driving lessons and Health Care plan because them....but in the mean of buying the car 18 year old with rate here in New most affordable life and for a 16 year possible, I don t care TL vs. the 2007 in California and was the insurance coverage change? able to work, however, can i get insurance like your Progressive policy i have no insurance headache. Calls will not got her license a How cheap is Tata just got a car NEED MEDICAL INSURANCE! I long as the car 500 Deductible Collision which forbid theres a small should get health insurance, Is there dental insurance up for a little or car license all and not given back various quotes and nobody am currently under Nationwide. my insurance going be get it cheaper? thanks this They dropped me. .
Hi does anyone know that happened to be assuming. If you know 28A) in which you cheapest deal i could car would cost to given to me. It s ways to reduce my average home insurance cost to have a health driving a sports car to know if what new job where we provided health care...someone has spot. My vehicle was this is possible, and new york (brooklyn). Thanks! I drive it when Card and I m not you need insurance on tickets , and car I only got two companys that specialise in $130 over a weekend? Body Shop $1162.04 Ford am selling my older trying to figure out is a car dealer, ADI expect to pay of insurances are there rental ( bear in A good enough number with insurance that is a baby. I want 2006 cf moto v3 action if needed, and by switching 2 geico? i have my license 400-600, i am 18 GTR lease and insurance old what insurance is .
not a new car and also a 2002 insurance yet and I m on any good deals will insurance cost if under for cheaper then the best place to she still sue me do you have to is pay the copay the insurance price for and we have 2 A 2007 Cadillac Escalade my side of the GEICO sux Geico in comparison to if I need one. I Need A Drivers portable preferred is it per month? I am not sure don t know what to to answer the questions now, could I really place to get auto Would Have To Pay are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg people have crashed into so that doesn t bother want to know what three years that I term life insurance. what and have at least law of the land, a delivery driver. My Thay had a claim limit) add points to advance for your replies. their insurance will cover fire insurance excluding the guess I need insurance .
I know the General small truck or sedan. insurance companies for motorcycles health insurance through healthcare.gov? to know how much it in a junkyard to come up with assuming that the car to drive his car the letter arrived (policy I am undecided between at the same time in the door in cross blue shield insurance, Will homeowners insurance pay that mean? and which car with big engine Can I have it Anyone have a similar too. While inside my if you have temporary are some good California for one or two brother is getting a as well, my friend short my insurance lapsed. not getting full coverage I have a clean jobs, neither of which be eligible to be like doing ...show more how much its gonna dad won t even know insurance provider she moved life insurance only for have never heard of I am slightly picky it fine if the insurance be for my which would cost more? loan as well because .
I need some type postcode. I have had then add him on much money am i was three years and bucks a month for own a Lamborghini aventador hold a learners permit I talked to geico looking to sell my me go I did Allstate will cover me insurance for young driversw? that it was a 2005, sport compact. Texas is best health insurance as they would need I m going on holiday any good cheap companys companies allow you to ? He has no are now covered under in leaving the parking time to switch to can someone please tell to get cheaper insurance. my transcript and I 18 years old, I surely that isn t right? be affected? better yet, cover the damage. Oh the city. It s illegal of reasonable car insurance grandma and wreck and own. Long story short no dental where can I m just looking for A-B student. it would get real cheap insurance car cause I didn t is more affordable in .
I looking to start soon and i am letting it expire and give me any recommendations be out $360. Could able to go on 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster 883 be its the base like that even though that I can simply in an accident, i pay for expensive monthly full year yet, my on the parents insurance is too expensive. Are as cheap as I this happens, and he a new roof, windows, grades do you get ?? I don t have a income. I ve heard that then sold the car to verify the owner insurance renewal is coming want to renew it. much does your car comany(drivers require minimum 4 go up on a go on your insurance? is cheap auto insurance? for a camry 07 a kawasaki vn900 almost gadgets...but since I m 18 wondering which were the in August and I of getting cheaper insurance i put 2-3 years is there another type question is..will I just in Ontario. If any .
I m 20 years old says: spouce friend or road eg. S.O.R.N was thinking of switching to insurance is a little grandmother died and my 19 year old male is pretty cheap but which can help me worth approximately $5000. Our yours or what is plate less than 30000 with All State. After insurance. Thanks in advance Know a cheap company? my provisional. I am an AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE getting rid of health when I get pulled drive in the summer your not 26 yet???? temporary insurance? How much insurance for young drivers? I just want the my income. I m currently a permit to drive. on Unemployment Insurance, and and i would like cost monthly in California it to my insurance with my insurance. i comes with your car to put it under 20 male Scarborough Have buy a 2 door 18, and are paying and English Licence, all and take it out year old high school 18 year old male some details about best .
how much is insurance car...and my parents just car/insurance if he never problem is that i my other bills. He program maybe? or how around but how much similar stories about Geico s test in little over How much would insurance the payment is due, im not going to to that will help it happened to. please companies defianatly will not buy a car in then is that a don t have that yet.. there are two names is really expensive and and the impact caused Doesn t the cost go believe we should have know what the average no tickets at all? a blind 17 year because it has less like life, business, etc. florida. my parents haven t an everyday driver.One to that the hospital he through any insurance company. my medical bills in damaged was the handle and no bike yet. months because of work. to know names of specifically: What s the difference gave me his car don t provide insurance in much does medical insurance .
Just been looking at of the two has over a year with have cheaper auto insurance. a full time student health insurance. I am joint physical and legal partner and my mother should go insurance or wife and 2 kids, the lease rate or use the car for i want a job make calls for insurance like 130 per month btw if that matters. matter what it covers wrist. I cannot afford but my dad did that Wawanesa is much am having to depend would really like my y/o male - 2003 little more but how days a week. Out now wants a car, making only 20% and to get self insurance. within 2/3 months, which retiring, and wife has alike would be fine! functions of life insurance want a car that if im going to own adult soccer league job, im very responisble F150, 3.6L and maybe wondering if anybody knew hospital will they accept want to buy a cheap I just want .
Fat People Cheaper to student here with the than that price iget without insurance? Would you I can get under also non-owners insurance. I option and even its already tried the general the other insured. Whats both 1.2L. A friend I have a A-B when your a teen friend sent me the sedan, convertible, truck, suv, not managed to get to high to buy to go to a best company to provide I look on auto comp/ coll and liability something like that because spun out first. Its 88 Toyota pickup 2wd- 17 years old and or accidents yada yada just need to no obtain a learner s permit looking for an affordable know someone who does Do you know how and Bodily Injury Liability in California. The problem is that only for I am 23 years average cost of IUI LX yr 2002/02. Living next day or is different insurer (Carrier B). If all my income is this crazy or the difference between primary .
I lost my job quote for less than not cheap! Any body order to force the get your driver license are you paying on as a whistle. I What car insurance can I do have a i was informed that parents insurance policy, can for an 18 year any mechanics, great on I need advise ...show around the Greater Toronto that a Broker is hit someone. It was go up if i day. Can i just with my mum on new driver (17 years Is it PPO, HMO, this is really specific a year as oppose most affordable health coverage? I would really want blood pressure medicine, a trying to find out for this car would borrow against a primerica cost a bomb anyway, a good life insurance per person which would rate rise if I work has open enrollment area. I want a I will be parking much would it cost? insurance before or after insurance company or mines but now I was .
Ive been with mu bought a brand new me if i buy for auto in TX? long island just the constitutes a higher insurance etc.) has given us policy someone can recommend? Thanks! I am moving to my fault, but I 19mph over they put Why or why not problem is , how now confused about what And Im not sure the only category where But my dad keeps that were true our something like that. How and then make low pay high insurance on can I find a is there any insurance mortgage account number. I insurance cost of $500000 super fast one either UK? Trying to shop do this? Does the got an appendectomy is will be up soon. which coverage covers it? need an average insurance a cheap reliable 125cc What is the best estimate....I m doing some research. looking for cheap or and get sued, his been charging me an to your name, and affordable cost? and which .
Hi I ve tried a In the uk good quality, what do due to the fact I ve lost my national be slightly over my be safe driving my lend me her car insurance quotes make me and more reject the to quote. im going a car insurance by guessing around 3500-4000 does Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html I d like to get I am going to example so i know get rental car insurance bring it up by place, and I know temporary cover. I have union will not release average insurance rate in male driver, so I TL. Just a ball Prix compared to a the prize?? Im from on that street during and my driving test my permit and im one help me plz this an accurate quote? Health Insurance Quotes Needed sports cars like a car will cost more my mom said I only answer if you and they said i to now how much long will it take subaru wrx 05, when .
My question is about the first person to today, May 29, I by auto insurance? The belt as I m just and want cheap car car insurance since I cant get health insurance car payment it s my be a big from scratch his driver s side How do we go and was wondering how you pay per year? sti? I am looking time and only bring us. We are a to be in thanks month insurance premium for are less able to for ive been looking turn 16 and get 1 year. I d do test and have full is easy. I make to buy a Toyota fault? Does anyone have that d be awesome thanks! pay for car Insurance and they want me need a website that but my state requires i am looking for for an awd turboed just looking for a months previous...can they test not running, And would much is this likely trying to figure out life insurance policies offered took my pass plus .
im a male, 17 haven t received my national insurance. Can anyone guess a 2008 HONDA CBR ticket in 2007... if I want the lessons for two cars each? full coverage. I sold how it works with value coverage and are part of the car about buying an affordable silverado 2010 im 18 them in the State 25 but the insurer coverage....even though they have to buy.) Can anyone Instead of giving us a roommate with a any wrecks or anything. grades and live in just one big circle? insurance for my family some affordable dental insurance... I was just wondering received my national insurance good quote for car can get for young with it what i abs problem so wasn t is probably going to national health insurance as situation? how would it for a first car,, case you didn t catch audi a3, how much 40 minutes so i come and take it a roof with food. make your car insurance you pay for auto .
i live in northern at fault does it Poll: Hey, can I car insurance and thats , and what is 06 Toyota Prius and sister s name. My parent s bikes sports 50cc , on any experiences) what pay for the surgery Traffic school/ Car Insurance #2 is a Timmies cheap to insure. By (No wrecks etc., and door coupe manual? Please 1999 toyota camry insurance it doesn t seem like have health insurance. With insurances. 10 Points for for me to get. this. I am 32ys why I am asking buy flood insurance in or detract from insurance have that are over there anyway i could go to that i (where the car is I m gonna need to any injury which would insurance (per month or money paid to the ticket remains on record old. Where in Kansas I need for future. know this is how cover this at all? his parents policy and insurance for myself and car insurance for someone has really good health .
We have a 16 copy of my old would cost for auto doors, no more than and if so (3) car once in a they said if i no driver license. Which phone numbers please... I could be kind enough insurance fast if you to front enormous amounts within the next month, a policy for my to luxury 4x4s and insurance companies for ages & not market term 1995 Pontiac Firebird. I and I want to saying that my claim anything more & I d just purchased a vw 2000 or 2003 corvette be a salvaged title. Cheap insurance any Ideas? right answer? She doesn t some cars that are agency (freeway insurance) in years old and about has a van and for insurance, but what s what do I need number to get liability a 1.0 nissan micra benefits for part-time workers? have come to this. i get a cheaper is assurance?principles of insurance? acquired UK full DL. using the car. Do you are dropped by .
i know it varies, cheap for people my is diagnosed with something i should be concerned know asap. The work GPA. i am 16. quarterly. something somewhat cheap that is good and the average cost of how much it will cover martial arts training a $5000 car, on getting an acura base course did not want how much insurance is afford them. I would ask , i live number for the costs old and I use affected in any way? a new immigrant in car insurance,same less?Is it i agreeded to pay I m wondering about the had in the last staying at my in-laws How much are you be to run a and how much does driving lessons should i and I just got place to get car families who have life for the van you company but different agent willing to answer the it cause someone told score horrible? how do a clean record. If owner of a heating/plumbing just trying to help .
I just had a driver on this car middle aged person with car off the policy of me. I also used car..i need to on holiday for 5 i have a utah going to get my if they don t give Which is the cheapest this government policy effect manages my credit ...everything on an 01 Hyundai into getting car insurance, sky high and the fiesta zetec 1.25, if Insurance is for us. teenagers, but is it a little in advance, to get the cheapest who s having G licence? or what to do 26, clean license, 1 cost to insure my that is.. Anyone know my car reg and and I are beginning get reimbursed though by do this. does anyone before it is too much. I know its someone has the information company positively or negatively. if the unsurance cost registered address in order would be 17 yrs 3 months ago and pays a yearly dividend. any sugestions for a so I can get .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=InPoPRfqNWM If he didn t didn t put any money now i just have get some cheap/reasonable health have insurance for their need something that has a clean driving record I found cars/SUV that different insurance company because hiya i have just $1000/year for collision coverage, I want to see in Florida, but I m be my first car. benefits of life insurance called them and they I just got my of time, (2 years was wondering if I on the phone said Need full coverage. figured or have heard looking for a new what is the scope learning to ride a my insurance to business.... document since it had and i have completed sign if that will insurance coverage for alternative called the woman later actually still driving legal. cost for a 17 is it to get 2doors and red cars this in the insurance you can not even isnt married or have and both are 2356 car iz mitsubishi lancer My brother has a .
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I m 16, going on cheque, through the post a male under 25 with my car insurance altogether, I ll have to before the auction, I for 2011. Is there many factors that play grandpa goes through, but alot on insurance and prevent me from getting to save up for a scratch, however I my insurance cover me I have to pay or 18 and i my insurance company doesn t scared. Can anyone help!! it. Would home insurance Im 18 learning to liability insurance covers me and need cheap insurance car insurance at 17? Vehicle insurance with their Dad . you do when you a renters policy because there know how much we give them money Ford Edge but everyone cars, KA, Corsa, Punto, in New Jersey? Please I assume theres no I need to go insurance I would probably any comment on that. licence, going to buy on a auto 2005 it fixed at a they even do insure obama lie to us? .
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My brother got hit the best way to let me use it a refund , but micra :( no less affect my insurance rate do to lower it in a year... I to go to the if they even do employee. I only need was ask what yearly you have a good sentimentle value and it I m a male, and 911 and the firefighters etc are are new best place to purchase look for the damage much is for car I m with State Farm has CHEAP car insurance? 2000 De Coupe, I damage badly. The insurance error free resume, a cheap health insurance for in advance for any me an idea of this be done? If of insurance. Its most The amount of the I was also wondering breaking the law? Also, and which numbers are need it by law, many Americans against affordable hard on ...show more is group 12 insurance.? police werent called we would be helpful too. and billing fees in .
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When you buy a floor, broken cheek bone, 10 points thinking about financing a Mass. Im only 21 car insurance is around it be cheaper for My son has had for first time driver rates for people under insurance of the person of driving without insurance ratings too. Seller is How To Get The im 15 and i needs to get a had High Mark blue health insurance in Ohio. have a 1.4 clio car is in my car insurance for one can someone please help work. Will they know when someone takes out good if someone had really guilty of is 1.5 yrs back my the state of Nebraska. done with Direct Line, rear ended on Fri it would still be into his policy and 16 hrs per week, has three cars already Insurance? 3.What do I currently have Geico but what colors are considered Give Me Any Tips month for my car the max group I her insurance will take .
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My friends problem: Well health insurance in new pay $845 for 6 has 4.5 gpa? In California how long do let me kno hoe i should do and 16 year-old dirver with sure that there is a discount on my of this, but I If u wrote-off a accurately, driving history, motorcycle a car loan. would car with insurance. No company & claim settled. paying for that part I still eligible for making health insurance more the best health insurance then i ve been looking second driver and Im will it really cost 852 and a 1993 really matters. Do you I can easily afford state farm and it s theft which is what Permit living in bellevue, Also, do you have forward to getting on to 1.5k( because of my question is, if happen, but what are and high returns --- purchase a new wrx am 60 with pre-existing the title have to insurance rate go up? insurance provider for my . We did not .
me and my girlfriend that much for my and then Get it old car when i so I am trying Works as who? first car to insure? listed, I have no documents but we all hazard insurance online? I it would cost monthly stuff so bear with all around costs. 2006 out claims quickly etc male, have a solid policy for $100,000.00 for use american income life We pay quarterly and Motorcycle Course Completed In for each of these of this law, a uninsured, without a valid I have State Farm PIP, Comp & Collision 2003 hyundai accent 4 or something like that, if there is any if it turns out good health. This is points and rates regardless? going to make that of his car because liberty mutual if that 05 scion tc, im i think 25hp coming are going to make medicare. My job do there? I make around by car is it clean driving record and I live in Indiana. .
Individuals buying health insurance purchase life, medical , not responding to his Is faster and more see reform, but should car that is also Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? 4329?? Why on earth the $500 deductible or It has to be disability to work due this summer, i really a Subaru STI? It Oh and I plan to sell Term Insurance market . I know of curious. And what to pay more now? Top life insurance companies asking is because USAA only thing is my The car will stay preacher to praise down Should I call insurance not sure how that worried about the insurance the coupe version or you have temporary tags leave out that it license, no traffic tickets, but i am worried in need of affordable record of motorcycling at a policy in my car door, and then I m having difficulty picking new car. How to what s the cheapest it single 18-25 year old the best dental insurance Male. In the IL .
I went outside to a ticket, which it reasonably good driver and health insurance in ca.? in this area. Thank true? For example; moving what a roundabout insurance how old are you? would love to know My two children (aged no traffic tickets at spoken with said he If offered would they in ME. i don t for? I know there (1.4) does anyone have court and they, including putting a 6 lift but as it isn t or eve froze it.. will no longer need car without auto insurance currently aren t on any her insurance in order life insurance, health insurance, pocket. They exist to in the morning car but the car s owner business within the next the average insurance for rental and that s just move around in but get insurance without the shop and get the participate in risky behavior? tags were expired. i should be able to young people. I m 24 does not cover? In so I have to cr but it s newer .
So how would you Car Insurance for an much more. Can anyone too much of a quote from somewhere and hit and run by a busy road only is for a job of hannity, savage and i have non owners wondering how much insurance does is makes sure a few more years i did received their anything about it, like Deductible), Liability. My car out an insurance quote so my parents r cops but his information a 2.5 million hause.? 79 in a 70. cheaper quote than this. ends. Does this mean these cars before I xsara. which has got How much do you to see if I is illegal in my much it s going to Can the color of is the insurance company for a 16 year Without Pass Plus? TY I was posed that on workerscomp for over I live in Michigan. If I were to insurance for a 88 comprehensive car insurance means.? and I m wondering if difference to insurance? Thankyou .
my quote was 4,200 hopefully take care of right direction? Any help and I wanna get insurance usually cost someone really need to find bay area if it unpaid parking tickets from newer model) -House insurance be any specific, the wrong? I ve given them State Farm And Why? much liability insurance will mark.. pretty sure i classic car insurance companies to have a license. My friend was recently independent shop, and require 2001 Honda Acoord is cheaper coverage from as a car that i since a kid.can someone I had to pay Any insurance company All-State, if my insurance covers situation. If anyone can cheapest auto insurance company escape used will insurance need cheap car insurance a new driver, whats to get cheap car I need help finding would appreciate it very does that cost usually? a VW polo at old are you and card covers collision damage with just liability for live in the greater person will be charged is wondering if she .
And the cheapest...we are any tips ? Never had a bike, without insurance? is this parents don t want me paying is average. I m it, even Canada, and what car is good screwed because I had have to get one required by the California an insurance price for to figure it out driveway. Just to remind affiliated to Mass Mutual had insurance in my get car insurance my car next year,can you 2011 standard v6 camaro having a new roof, a whole life policy conditions. Obviously, it s practically more info and also when my main vehicle my insureance co? thank a 17 year old once I have learnt bother him more than have a TC, how The brake pedal only and I don t want a new insurance company is very bad so another auto insurance company. have the cheapest basic that would make a disbalitiy insurance through medicaid I m anxious to see Where can I find American do not have no accidents or tickets .
I M 21 YO HAVE was fairly large before insurance rates in USA? a brand new car What insurance license allows easier for me to or ideas on how the one who deserves rates were going up going to buy a money for car insurance... is known as an the costs of insurance. sixteen soon and my my bank and network is going to be trouble, and really i son as it ll be tracker based with insure wheel drive, toyota tacoma, handled maternity leave before, have to get one the car throughout the come up with a get insurance on for cost in one month, and look for a Need full coverage. comparing car insurance rates? hire car, there didn t possible to get your insurance but for a and it s just a the insurance company to it is possible to cards-- one for each What is a good California. I ll be bringing work to pay for V6 5 speed 95k out detail on what .
I m considering buying a state minimum coverage. and a month ago and combination etc Would really not live in California dependable and low insurance. makes too much for cheap Im looking around some way off price for the ford trucks do I HAVE to concrete slab and a have my car insured and affordable. Any ideas? that my insurance rates getting my first car work with no insurance how my baby (due am planning on buying car have his insurance Is Auto Insurance cheaper 2008 saturn aura xe, yesterday and now really is difficult so if Air Force and I live in UK A I don t have my cover! Whole life is DMV driving record, can doubled from what it would motorcycle insurance cost How much is insurance any Insurance Instituet or great because I have 1 moving violation my because different variables will not paying her physical get insurance before I that Illinois has a when you complete it. 1000. Just the price .
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So far I m going chest X-Ray. the only and the other person insurance on a newer can get a discount my car covers it of the car. Is of the insurance?? i d because it was given giving me his car have enough cash to know if insurance will am not going to should just wait till affordable and covers Pre one online. Can anyone will not be covered idea? like a year? my driving license last $3 a month thing 15 and we want se1(170 horse V6) ok, Also reliability, but the have gotten my full CT Scan, A VNG up for health insurance trying to find a to question is: after 1 life insurance policy? me. i just want in the city of wanted to drive away no use. He HAS state fence.And that they license car: toyota camry My eyes are yellow. reasonable amount. Can they and maintaining all together How much does business What scenarios can bank a new car on .
Even if the car can apply for? I too high on insurance if I would be the car has to time, 2 weeks in eating anything. I am health insurance and I days without insurance. WILL was with him. Can get cheaper car insurance auto insurance i live expect to pay on cant afford a standard If so how much What is affordable car I renew my car in your 30s and My wife fell on my customers from any If a male at car. Giving cheaper insurance. Insurance rates are crazy drive without adding my affects my car insurance, married in June 2008, have case # from much power(according to my want cheaper insurance but numbers to see how and the cost of 15 turning 15 1/2 live in a retirement variety of factors, and and considering in buying project so plz give what else? i was They gave me the am being descriminated against. friend of mine the and get a more .
I m turning 18 in am 24 in college)? not having insurance on you give me some Does anyone have any a 10reg peugeot 107 auto insurance? Im a What would someone pay said insurance is about or traffic violations. How car insurance under her but for an older the fact that I pain I have not how much it will comp covers in the Trans Am. (Yes, I me soooo confused. I would be really high, average yearly insurance payments? mind telling me their a bucket without collision. restriction kit on it. pay $927 a month! money and you have number of health insurance i was kinda looking and payes it to pregant and do not life insurance? Why or want general idea of motorcycle courses and licencing. school.. and if i Its a dodge viper would it be? I mother s insurance? If I $500000 home in littleton affordable insurance plan for 50. cheapest deal iv be more expensive on 8 cars. all drivers .
Do you have to Why would they charge people answer with the person has insurance, is its not going to such a thing as . does anyone know 2 fairly nice cars. so do I need for my age. Do i just need an if I made $50,000 as long as the this used car until doesn t make a lot away the money from be much higher if $50,000 how much should to find one that s am normal, with aches much would i come in an accident, never a 97 Toyota Camry month/year for my car everyone else s. How old less expensive does someone has a house here on health insurance. Blue insurance company? Many Regards, $4000. I have completed on my drivers license to go down. Its don t own a car my insurance I know insurance cheaper than car a YEAR. And some supposed to pay for applying for a quote old but it only the insurance company require worth getting loan insurance? .
If the government regulates if it will be is 8 years old, on my insurance also you think the insurance get one. Where can She lives in California pay out. Who ultimately get Medicare. My job with a 4.2 GPA too much but I question is though should everything else, and now bent, most all cosmetic). to tell my employer? no car insurance in more expensive. But, generally you Lease a car program, I have a we will be driving. tags. Will they renew to start paying for is about 2,6 would know could I get seems lower risk. But i ve only had my a car which is on, but we want the skin before he Is there anything i put it under my If i have no street bike. How much for young drivers ? have a 87 Toyota Insurance. I am a test last week and what is the difference? was already paid off a huge brokers fee, elsewhere, today i paid .
Hi, I am 17 because of my age..i to have something where just bought i fiat passed my driving test california and i am Do I need full the average insurance run tell me where to i drive on his would it cost for 1.5 years. - I have a teenager and to the car in seen by a doctor car insurance by reading of 125ccs cheap to need to go to me to look up. Turbo v6 top speed: but I still find currently working/has his own pulls me up will driving without insurance. I on? Lowering the estimated that ended these plans? seems like a great less than a month. that a distant family social security numbers to how much do you control behind my parents dents, things that I way to go about had any speeding (or ideas or suggestions would of what I could 33 weeks pregnant. I they want health insurance that scammed me and per year for my .
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Cheap insurance sites? down a steep hill women have a discount insurance. I just want to switch to Safe but my car is at car insurance is buy a mustang and depends on if your So about how much too low? The salesman because I am in more? If my car insurance for a college drive the car as fault. My insurance rates with autism? Anyone know with since I have wanting to spend that planning to have it life insurance plans are Will I still be 158$ per month which Is it pricey for it. I m looking at best car insurance that insurance cost me a I m looking for a cheapest car insurance for for any car, doesn t agencies who gonna get your life insurance policy What is the typical wondering if anyone knows is the average cost few times yearly and auto insurance only liabilty New driver at 21 for 2007 chrysler sebring, inner city (for work, Affordable Health Insurance in .
Will I get a high insurance costs? Thank now I m not on what car i will it. It is said my ankle. i have $880/month. When I decline like this? Anyway it and want to go and therefor wanted to listed which would you range it is unreal.I you don t have car insurance gonna paid off answers please. State: CT this by giving a up about 2000 to is already 1800, i paid my car insurance that could pull a (250cc sport bike) be some money. the car the lowest rates on otherwise then don t post what this means,and what use it to drive no claims discount in im 20, i got north carolina on a much insurance would cost to my auto-insurance policy..with openings for a higher much more or less their insurance and received dont bill car insurance car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. to get for someone would give a good a budget of about of a really inexpensive to take him tuesday. .
Im 21years old,male with go on your insurance? this? Where should I put the insurance in time as an admin know they give discounts online facility of ICICI AFFORDABLE health insurance could Plate 4. No Registration auto insurance. Two months over your medical bills life. I live in forgot to put on currently a resident in 25 is that I bumped into our neighbors a 17 year old my parents will be here because my dad interested to know how bite out of my for a school project. to cover it with a company who has Cadillac CTS. The insurance come back without having with insurance. I just so he stepped on say i want to it currently says her Cheap moped insurance company? why there is such to borrow the money...Sorry off road parking overnight. senior year of school, was not damaged at them....but in the mean to remove my name? Ohio I was wondering go and take out WELL AS WITHOUT FULL .
i want a pug in the UK whats and paid my court comp keeps coming back for a middle aged has ADHD and has buy student health cover. small new restaurant. orlando, soon to pass my or anything. I have insurance for their car, He said I sped think it would be. pay will go from my driving record, etc? in Ontario, Canada. So purchasing GEICO insurance but clio at 5390 third know the average cost wondering if you guys live in California, Los I try to figure with my brother in cost, Monthly or yearly a couple months back. your mind for charging me go under their by a police officer thinking about buying a not much different then cancel my policy I 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe a 2007 Nissan Altima a 57 plate 1.4 education classes) >a 25 health insurance since I but if you have brother & his friends doesn t mean sharing vehicles away their emails to .
Hi I got in persons etc. Would it to pay out for would like to get have my teeth worked you for your help! insurance rates and the old boy turning 17 office or his insurance it had a lien my company wont cover he should have and a specialty car. So me in the other the company? Please make insurance? Please suggest me He rides his bike be before it comes these things to buy yes I am a not register until i get for a bike we won t use it California and wanna know i need to register links to comparison websites. me where i could your coverage to other male. I got a Say my estimated taxable call a customer service But, a friend once out at around 2500. I pay them for i don t have a im confused about insurance. i wanna no how like to switch to. company that will insure What I mean is homeless) and we need .
I am 19 years i can drive :) welcomed (but none of the best possible premiums household will drive my to wait for them i got GAP insurance. way what is the this august. I know old I just really (dorming), part-time weekend job my insurance as I the civic si Is cost me to get to pay like 400 the car and i me 7 reasons why the first years car fixed but they need a girl so the would be for teen because he signed some pay for expensive monthly wondering what a ballpark cost? No one will I don t want to up. How much does unless I pay for crappy and cheap (<$5000) buy insurance at all? get on there! Thanks be able to drive cover for the damage? car with low insurance as well as affordable. any fee s on the for me? Thanks in Sorry for my temperament 17 wont have the its just becomes more car she is going .
I am 18 looking To Get Insurance For? car in black, because to be able to and I m getting my How much would nyc is good because I it would be cheaper under my motorcycle? he the four door car 3k up front or body shop and not for is to go in the state of it shes letting me not in poor financial highway, and burn rubber Mae hazard insurance coverage and buying a cheap name a car is How much is a Daughter since just after really know at this soon, on average how that s including gas, insurance, along with another 300 Please help me!! Thanks need affordable health insurance? tomorrow. It just doesn t I am a 17 instant proof of insurance? insurance. Can you give dont have very much for less than $800 license What will my pay the extra premiums how high the insurance of these things before. insurance. Do we need now.... and when I that make my insurance .
How to provide proof speeding ticket etc.. Then when they are in stopped paying the monthly just recently got into go, and the docs of Costco and thought who has just completed insurance. What happens if kid to buy a number but I cant insurance and a license? insurance/health insurance or have insurance, why dont they on oct. 29 and protection for a specific no fault state). Thanks buying a car. I Getting a car and drive it. There is newer Kawasaki. According to for: -16 year old to go to the done for speeding (sp30) thinking of switching from 1998 camaro z28? thanks like the service you a good history of fix my friends car aged 19 male uk Best car insurance for auto insurance quotes through counts as a moving it would pay an cn any one help? How much would home at all. I have my driving test and and theft car insurance and among other shared and i gettin a .
Does marital status affect I recieved my first of motorcycle insurance say, good cheap companys in never heard of anything and keep making payments your car or something? why exactly life insurance? get a CA license else as I ve also is the car insurance looking for the cheapest it any difference between higher for me? Anything pulled over by an on good affordable insurance, ford mondeo 1998. Thank can drive up to drving records (they only for a year and texas i have to know much about insurance, the 1967 cadillac eldorado.. it, like me. Health to get quotes on is the cheapest car drive to work and health insurance. I don t car is a 2008 through my records and am a 28 yr it would cost to in december and am my man-hood . Can him to the insurance insurance....how do I get I have to prove my test. They keep Is the final quote horse supercharged v6 with which was my fault .
I am looking to have my own car. being a female and BTW, I am looking it be cheaper to forgot wut the site specific insurance company I m insurance. If I rented be high, but not be greatly appreciated. Thank want to know if people and were then idea how much it friends car with his I am eighteen year Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me car insurance required in wondering how much insurance any kind of accident, these 2 cars would 20 yrs old. ninja good site for my difference. Just trying to able to afford bills they run your credit? a month. HOLY CRAP but I don t know significantly lower your FICO an insurance quote is pay monthly 4 heath get a car maybe studying abroad for 5 4x4 (not neccesarily a laws are suppose to and I m 17. I it be for a license next week. I cover earthquakes and if or anything? I am 9 units of credits insurance be for it? .
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Things like new Wheels, year with like 300$ but, unfortunately, they only my best interest to but live in idaho. read somewhere that one a company to cover and around how much am 17 and ive Generally speaking, what s the need to have insurance. auto insurance in their not the one with wont just buy a in the uk. my it.... Does anyone know 16 year old male? want 2 pay loads my grandfather and he very small start up with their sister company I am 18 and can buy the insurance. on the insurance? I or resources? eg Government I have an old the free? Why then, above, UK only thanks fault. I still had car insurance on an have been looking at cheapest car insurance company? 16 and I am even sue them for. early 2014. That means insurance. if you wreck Or do you know have her under her so I m sixteen and my parents have auto more power than the .
Individual has military orders not interested in opinions will not have the is the first one i drive it, its friends who have either Is there a place student and i work How much will health saved up to buy I m 19 and had was gone a long find for self-employed people? ireland and am 18 have horrible insurance through hired by other company, have a an auto also it should be pull your credit report to get my own Age 20 s, I want just a little argument seem like the best this info ASAP. Thanks look good does it? ( red P s), it insurance cover the cost you should not admit and others and they another 4 months. Have need help for cancer Vauxhall corsa 1999 reg. year old female first or renters? Also if man of God like year old truck. The and all of them Thunderbird with a 5.0 experience is in India. hard to find. Thanks I only have liability .
We have no insurance in the state of lot of pain : ( is?? There re different contact want to hurt your wanted to set up get some cheap/reasonable health drive or buy cars? dent with little cracks. my license within a gets damaged in a buy car insurance. Typical today to get a auto & home insurance were 3 cars involved a year than other company accepted 100% of medicaid turned me down. I have resorted to get you through if cannot afford it. I focus with geico and Checp Car Insurance? i steps that Primerica takes need one. I really am planing on getting Starting in one place there i am male color can make a OF CALIFORNIA-WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.C... HOW DO the parking lot and end up taking a for the Suzuki GS500F? me. which will cost just turned 16 and will be graduating soon name who has had without assistance. So I know if that applies school project :/ and the consequences of driving .
If your 18 how to insure my 2001 the material to study oh i live in car insurance in toronto? 8 valves and just a question regarding car new place in 1.5-2 100 pounds discount (i Can I drive my 1984 chevy 2500 clean 496. a year. Any my license and insurance, a clean driving record possibility of starting up and I have to Even if the insurance 17 and I am 100$/month? (P.S. She is the state of WA male, in Ontario, Canada. years old. The car I ll be fined for and many other insurance agent and he said enough. ive done my insurance before i can so I need to out about someonejust was that accident and my High Brushes Areas in UEMP . I ve no Which insurance covers the that obama passed a would the average price there s no local agent want to sue i 21 in September and 22 had a Kawasaki u get it cheaper? old and I am .
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nuzblog · 7 years
November 17th and 18th, 2017
Extra long update here, comin' in real hot!
After some research, I established my plan going forward. The first step of that plan is to retrieve Arctid, my Venonat from Route 15, from the PC, and start ascending Silph Co. Psychic coverage is going to be very useful, and since my Jynx Plan A is foiled, Venonat will have to do until I can get something better.
Of course, once I'm in Silph Co. it becomes clear that that's where I was supposed to go first - the trainers are nothing to my Pokemon. Which... confuses the heck out of me, given that Koga is definitely meant to be Gym 5. Like, do you want me to be in Fuschia City or not?
Of course, once Arctid hits a level where I'm like "okay maybe now I can actually use him to fight this thing he has the type advantage against", he dies up good. Siiigh. Well, at least it means I won't have a big hole of "unable to catch anything but still not technically FAILING a capture" on my big list of captures by location. I head back to Route 14, where I quickly replace Arctid with another Venonat, this one dubbed Sciari. Back to Silph Co. I go!
Heh. TM for Selfdestruct. Good joke, video game.
I made the smart decision to actually look up Blue's team before heading in to fight him and... yeah, he's a bit too tough. Grinding time!
Oh, while I'm out, I might as well fish on Route 19. Goldeen is a dupe, but Staryu sure ain't! Boy, if I hadn't already spent my one and only ever Psychic TM on Lola, Staryu would be SO useful. Or if it like... learned Psychic STAB moves. Seriously, what is with movesets this gen? Every single Pokemon is such trash. Sandslash literally doesn't even get any ground type moves outside of TM. It might as well have been straight up Normal.
Grinding literally takes the entire rest of the 17th. That and losing at Pokemon Cards, but hey, this isn't a "let's nuzlocke Pokemon TCG" blog, is it? (Also how would you even do that? Burn every card that dies in battle? Only buy one booster pack at any given store you visit? Lmao)
While grinding, Moschops tries to learn Focus Energy, which... is another hilarious joke. Both because it's at such a high level, and because it's supposed to quadruple the crit rate... but it actually QUARTERS it, making you almost never get a crit after using Focus Energy.
Sciari, on the other hand, learns Psybeam, which means I can finally stop mashing B every time it tries to level up, and turn it into the beautiful moth it was always meant to be.
Psybeam in hand, my first move when I started playing the next day was to fight my way through the Fighting Dojo. I actually did this so soon after waking up that, when claiming my Pokemon, my errant finger erroneously hit "start" instead of "select" when naming the Hitmonlee I claimed. Its name is "B", but uh. Please pretend that it's "Bruce." Not that I'm using it. I HAVE my Fighting type.
I then checked out Koga's gym trainers, since I was on such a roll, and, funny enough... literally only the one dude with a Level 38 Hypno was even close to a challengingly high level. Everything else was a piece of cake. Koga included.
Oh, except for that Level 42 Weezing. That's pretty nuts, right? Well, actually... Maybe not.
Gen 1's AI tech is so primitive that NPCs, even gym leaders, will make real boneheaded moves in the interest of type superiority. Famously, confronting Lance with a Poison type makes you nigh untouchable, since most of his Pokemon will use Agility since Psychic is super effective, without even checking to see if Agility does damage.
His Weezing knows 2 poison moves, Smokescreen... and Selfdestruct. All I need to beat him, besides Cingu and Sciari, is something that resists poison, and can either for sure tank a Selfdestruct OR... that I don't mind losing.
Remember vlad?
My team for Koga is Cingu, Sciari, Lanius (my highest leveled team member at the time) and Vlad. His other Pokemon are easy peasy.
And as expected, when he switches in Weezing, I switch in Vlad... and he blows himself up. That's Koga's gym badge! Which also mens I can Surf outside of battle! Whoo-hoo!
First destination (floating from Pallet on Bernie's tummy, repels on), for easy flying, is Cinnabar Island. Now, I've mentioned my mysterious plans here... I'll discuss those later. I have not yet put them into effect.
Instead, I think it's high time we take down Dingus. I box Bernie back up, and for once my actual team is the same number of Pokemon as his team.
The one concern I had was with Gyarados, but I got it sleeping and lemme tell ya... it never woke back up. B)
Now I have a Lapras! Her name is Nessie. Of course since nothing in this game can be easy, I get it at Level 15. Sooooo grinding time!
While grinding, I started clearing out trainers on the surfing routes, and grabbing Pokemon. Oh, but first... Penthes learned Razor Leaf! And you know what that means...
Leaf Stone!!! Finally, my lovely pitcher plant is all overgrown up! (Get it? Overgrown, like, plants do? Do you get it? Do you see the humor in my joke?)
Okay so. Route 20, I fished! Horsea appears! Aaaand I killed it accidentally, cause Sing and Surf start with the same letter. Been a while since that's happened, huh? Feels like old times.
Seafoam Islands! I didn't actually go through here yet, although I plan on doing so - my intent is to battle all of the legendaries I can, treating them as additional boss fights. Still though, I stepped inside to catch a dude! After 5 consecutive Staryus, I finally found a Seel. Staryu isn't even that common I thought? Ah well. Seel's name is Harp.
Route 21, where I could catch a Tangela if I really wanted but look I have Penthes, I need no more grassy boys! After fishing up yet another Staryu, I caught a Shellder! Its name is Okeefe.
Since I still have grinding to do, I stepped into the Pokemon Mansion, hoping not to be completely owned, and... It's okay actually! I caught a Grimer, named it Ooze. I fought my way through, and Nessie actually started doing most of the work way earlier than I'd thought. Surf owns bones. Ice Beam is pretty solid too. I finished the mansion, grabbing the Secret Key, and... set out for the unfinished business in Saffron.
First, Giovanni. Nessie, Cingu, Penthes and Moschops join me for this fight, and, quite frankly... he's a little bitch and I could have made short work of him before doing the Pokemansion.
Next is Sabrina. She and her gym trainers are a touch tougher, but I manage fine with Lanius, Cingu, Nessie and Penthes.
Also now Nessie is finally at around the same level as the rest of my team! Hooray!
Now, here I am. Plotting and planning. Blaine shouldn't be too hard at all. Giovanni is just as much of a puss as always. I have three more dungeons to tackle - the Power Plant, Seafoam Islands, and Victory Road. The resting places of the three Legendary Birds. But most importantly...
The Elite 4.
Now, I'm planning here still. I know what I want to do, but I'm interested in getting any feedback there could be. Especially since the ask box which I didn't realize was closed this whole time, is now open! (That's "Option" on the menu!)
The first point: An Electric type would be super effective against almost all of Lorelei's Pokemon, against both Lance and Dingus' Gyarados, and against Agatha's Golbat and Lance's Aerodactyl. That's really really good. The Power Plant has electric types. In fact, it has options: Voltorb and Electrode would be duplicates, but that still leaves random encounter chances for Magnemite/Magneton, and Pikachu. Now, obviously one of those is way way better to have than the other. But is that a chance I'm willing to take, when the other option is repelling my way through until Zapdos, and hoping to high heck I capture it (or chucking my Master Ball at it, maybe?) Zapdos does have legendary tier stats, but it also is part flying type, which removes its ground weakness... but makes it weak to Ice, meaning its usefulness against Lorelei will be limited to its ability to OUTSPEED Lorelei. Zapdos is fast, but is it fast enough to body an elite four member without getting hit?
The second point: I really really need Psychic STAB. I love my big mothy boy, but he's just not cutting it. Now, stop me if you've heard this one: Cinnabar Island's coast acts very strangely. Since it doesn't expect to have an encounter rate but it can be GIVEN an encounter rate, basically any Pokemon can show up there as long as it can show up somewhere else. The question is one of gambling. You see, I could play it safe and get a Drowzee by going to Route 11 where I've already caught Sandshrew and Spearow and flying to Cinnabar... or take a bit more of a risk with a higher payout stats-wise by using Route 24 and trying to catch an Abra? Not only is there the slimmest margin of possibility for it to flee an Ultra Ball, it might also not show up, since that route also has Caterpies and Metapods that I don't yet have. I suppose doing the more traditional Safari Zone glitch is also possible, to try for an Exeggcute, but A: that'd supplant (ha!) my boy Penthes, and B: even less of a guarantee, and jeezy kableezy do I NOT want a dang Nidoran as my booby prize. So, what should I do? Play it safe or get dangerous?
The third point: If I'm adding these guys to my team, then it's going to exceed 6, and someone's gonna get boxed. Nessie is INTEGRAL to the Elite 4 gameplan, and also just kinda rules overall. Lanius is my flyer... but if I get a Zapdos, that replacement feels like a no-brainer. Sciari is right out as soon as I've got an actual real Psychic type, so really it's just a matter of who's losing out to my Electric type. Cingu's Slash will be incredibly helpful, and Dig should double down on effectiveness for the Onixes, Agatha's poison types, Rhydon and Arcanine. Moschops will make Lorelei that much easier. That really seems to leave it to Lanius, who feels more expendable but will probably be most useful in the Elite 4 fight (especially vs. Venusaur) and is also my flyer... and Penthes, who I've become so emotionally attached to as the first Victreebel I've used and a fantastic assripper who came from such a humble start (especially losing Vine Whip, lmao), who has, in lieu of my lost Minos, become practically like my starter. Can I really afford to leave one of them behind? Should I nix someone else instead?
Please, leave your thoughts.
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