#please mr romance
sofiaruelle · 7 months
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Commission for the lovely @henarikat of Mr Qi and her farmer, Nora frolicking through the fields~ ✨
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sea-owl · 6 months
I personally want to see jealous Colin because I think it be funny with how dramatic the Bridgertons can be. Particularly, I want jealous Colin in this specific scene.
The scene I'm talking about is when Colin stalks follows Penelope to St Bride's church. As he's following her he notices that they are traveling in the direction towards his bachelor lodgings.
After they rolled along for a few minutes, He poked his head outside to make sure his driver had not lost sight of Penelope's carriage. There she was, right in front of him. Or at least he thought it was her. Most hired hacks looked the same, so ge was going to have to trust and hope that he was following the right one. But as he looked out, he realized they would have a much further east than he would have anticipated. In fact, they were just now passing Soho Street, which meant they were nearly to Tottenham Court Road, which meant-
Dear God, was Penelope taking the carriage to his house?
Bedford square was practically right around the corner.
A delicious thrill shot up his spine, because he couldn't imagine what she was doing in this part of town if not to see him; who else would a woman like Penelope know Bloomsbury? He couldn't imagine that her mother allowed her to associate with people actually worked for a living, and Colin's neighbors, though certainly well enough born, we're not of the aristocracy and rarely even of the gentry. And they all plodded off to work each day, doctoring and lawyering, or-
Colin frowned, Hard. They just rolled past Tottenham Court Road. What the devil was she doing this far east? He supposed her driver might not know his way around town very well and thought to take Bloomsbury Street up to Bedford Square, even though it was a bit out of the way, but-
He heard something very strange and realized it was the sound of his teeth grinding together. They just passed Bloomsbury Street and presently veering onto High Holborn.
Devil take it, they were nearly in the City? What in God's name was Penelope planning to do in the city?
First of all Colin, how would Penelope know where you lived? Is your siblings giving out your address? Because I know you didn't tell her outside of saying you were residing in Bloomsbury. Second of all that's inappropriate for her to do so good sir and you know better. Yes she's a spinsterr now, but she's still a lady and even you commented earlier how she shouldn't be leaving her house without someone with her. This man just wants the, unknown to him, love of his life by his side and does not care about the social implications. It's so funny too when he gets all pouty when he realizes that she wasn't coming to see him. Again Colin how would Penelope know your address?
And then when they're in the church and fighting for Penelope's letter.
"Colin," she whispered."Please . . . don't."
She's seen his secret writings. Why shouldn't he see her's? Did she have a lover? Was all that nonsense aboutnever having been kissed exactly that-nonsense?
Dear God was this fire burning in his belly . . . jealousy?
"Colin," she said again, choking now. She placed her hand on his, trying to prevent him from opening the envelope. Not with a strength for she could never match him on that, just with her presence.
But there was no way . . . no way could have stopped himself. He would have died before surrounding that enveloped her unopened.
Dramatic ass Bridgertons always do things the most dramatic way possible. This man was ready to fight Penelope's lover that he made up in his head. I want to see how dramatic Colin can get now that he has a face to put the lover status for Penelope. He's going to lose his mind.
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mrs-meadows · 2 months
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everchased · 8 months
romancing everyone in camp on my third playthru just to y'know feel things out test the waters etc etc except wyll who has APPARENTLY clocked my whore behavior a mile away and is having none of it :/
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itsafreetrialofdeath · 8 months
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short king and his incubi (they both fucking hate him) + some very little and slightly nsfw sketches under
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even-michael · 2 months
The possibility of a Gerard Way umbrella academy cameo has dawned on me
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gifcity · 4 months
The reason Book Polin is superior is that the reason Colin doesn't like Penelope in the book is because HE BARELY KNOWS HER. They are acquaintances at best. Penelope was friends with Eloise, and Colin was Eloise's brother. In Romancing Mr. Bridgerton, the book starts with Colin finally spending some one-on-one time with Penelope, learning about her, who she is, and then finds himself deeply in love with her. He unlocked a whole new level in someone he barely knew. That's why that love story is so beautiful in terms of unrequited-to-requited love. Also, the way book Colin is just so HORRENDOUSLY down bad...I just don't have faith that LN can capture that.
In Show Polin, Colin knows her very well, they've spent a lot of quality time together. To the point he even tries to set her up with someone else! He is so unromantically interested that he is okay with her being with someone else. Ugh. Gross. It's just not the same, and not as good. I hope to be pleasantly surprised this season but Book Polin is just superior in every way.
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marvelspogue · 9 months
Merry Christmas 🤭🎄💚♥️
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ladyelainehilfur · 1 year
Since we all seem to be in agreement that the general webtoon fandom (outside of reddit, private servers, and the app) is suspiciously quiet ➡️ send me an ask!! I love love love talking about the series I'm reading and I'm more than happy to geek out with anyone who's willing to share their excitement 🥺
And send asks to each other! Become mutuals, post your opinionated rants, your webtoon rankings, character vs character, the works. Being a webtoon fan doesn't have to be a loner type of deal!
Edit: this isn't time sensitive, btw! I'm more than happy to respond to any webtoon asks, no matter when I get them^^
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choices-binglebonkus · 3 months
Replaying TRR again, but this time, I’m buying all the diamond scenes.
Maxwell is a pretty well-written character with a reasonable balance between courtly etiquette and goofy antics for most of book 1. I’ve said before that his Flanderization into an incessant party mosquito started in book 2, but now that I’m replaying the series and buying all the scenes, it feels like he started to take a subtle turn for the obnoxious at the tail end of book 1. Personally, after replaying, I felt that Maxwell dipped his toes into the annoying pool in chapter 16, then went waist deep in chapter 17 and didn’t recover after that.
Which, coincidentally, seems to have been when the writers shifted gears and started to try and work up to Maxwell eventually becoming a love interest in book 2 despite not originally being marketed as one.
In chapter 18 during his dance-off with Hana in her diamond scene, the MC is presented with the option to announce him into the challenge as “Unexpected Heartthrob”…which speaks for itself.
In chapter 19, during his diamond scene, the MC can kiss Maxwell on the cheek (which flusters him) AND ask him if she’ll ever see him without his shirt on. If neither of these choices are flirting, I’m not sure what is.
But what likely pushed the writers to add more romance-adjacent choices to Maxwell’s dynamic with the MC occurred way before these chapters. All the way back in chapter 8 when the MC is doing the Cordonian Waltz (a courtship dance, might I add) with Maxwell in Lythikos, the MC can either tell him that she thinks the dance is a little scandalous for the ballroom…or, in stark contrast, how there’s no one else she’d rather be dancing with, which Maxwell gently rebukes her for.
And then in chapter 10, the MC can tell Maxwell she’s looking forward to spending time with him on the beach. This particular interaction is noteworthy because it grants the MC a Maxwell relationship point. Throughout the first and second books, the MC can gain relationship points (NOTE: different from romance points) with Liam, Drake, Hana, and even Olivia. This instance in chapter 10 is the only relationship point that can ever be gained with Maxwell. Yes, ever.
I’m thinking these two originally small and insignificant choices in chapter 8 and 10 gained so much attention from fans that Pixelberry realized Maxwell had potential as a love interest, leading them to sprinkle in some rewrites in book one that hinted at a future romance. These rewrites could also explain why chapter 10’s interaction is the only instance of us gaining a relationship point with Maxwell: Pixelberry likely rewrote scenes with choices that originally granted more Maxwell relationship points and forgot to replace them after.
So while they went way heavier on the buildup to Maxwell becoming a love interest in book 2, the signs were there early on, and they gradually built up to Maxwell becoming less of a bumbling but well-meaning guide to the MC, and more of an air-headed, foolhardy, childish pest.
And honestly? It makes me wonder: how might Maxwell’s character have been different if the writers didn’t turn him into a love interest? Would he have kept his early/mid-book 1 personality? Would Maxwell have pursued a relationship with Penelope? Would his role in the story have gradually lessened like Bertrand’s did? How might he have affected future books like TRH/TRF?
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moongothic · 6 months
So supposedly the World Government created the Shichibukai System at the begining of the Great Pirate era, right? Roger's execution caused a massive influx of pirates to go out to the seas to try and claim One Piece, so between that and the threat of the Yonkou the World Government wanted to get things "back in balance", thus they began recruiting some of the most powerful, willing pirates to "join" their side. And so we got our funny little Warlords
If Crocodile did really set out on his funny little adventure immidiately after Roger's execution then he would've been offered the position of a Shichibukai within that first year of his pirating career, so it is actually very plausible Crocodile could be one of the true original Seven Warlords the WG picked out. But like, yeah, that leaves me wondering who the remaining six might've been. Who were the original Seven Warlords the World Government chose?
'Cause we know Hancock, Jinbei, Doflamingo and Kuma joined 13-4 years ago (respectively), so at least four of the original positions have been replaced at least once, if not more. Like for all we know the Shichibukai from the begining of the series could've been the third or fourth "generation" of Warlords
But also. We don't know when Mihawk nor Moria joined the Shichibukai. They could be people who took seats from previous Warlords like the others, or, for all we know, they could be from that original "first generation" of Shichibukai like Crocodile. They're both in the same age range (Mihawk a smidge younger than Croc and Moria a smidge older) and both were also present at Roger's execution (of course so was Doflamingo and he got his position only like 10 years ago, so being at the execution doesn't mean that much) so it is fairly plausible, they do fit the bill.
If Moria and Mihawk were from that "original generation of Shichibukai" then that would leave us with just a minimum of four "missing warlords" for Oda to reveal (and I'm sure Mr Burns, whose position went to Kuma after Ace kicked their ass, is one of them). Not that I'd mind if there were more, I just don't really need more either.
Thing is though. If Crocodile, Mihawk and Moria were all from that "first generation" of Shichibukai... Okay I know this sounds stupid as hell but as a trio, I think those three in particular could be kind of comparable to Luffy-Law-Kid, right. 'Cause you got the Crocodad, the Reasonable Swordsman, and the Angy Edgelord. Right. Like they are kind of comparable in that sense, right.
I think it'd be kind of cute. If Croc-Hawk-Moria were the Luffy-Law-Kid Disaster Trio of their era. And yeah that alone kind of makes me wish they were Warlords Together, From The Begining
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I cannot explain to y'all how much I need that new Polin poster from the banner as the RMB book cover LIKE
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imaginaryanon · 11 months
does con o'neill even know his portrayal of izzy hands, s1 and s2 both, has changed my fucking life. does he know. i need him to know that
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rainbow-mayhem · 2 months
Flashbacks to when I didn't know I was aro: I was watching mr beast videos and couldn't for the life of me understand why these people gave up tens of thousands of dollars because they couldn't see their romantic partners for two weeks.
Pre-aro realization me just couldn't understand how people could feel attraction to that level.
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caressthosecheekbones · 3 months
Game: Add 10 gifs from your favorite shows and tag 10 people
Tagged by @almightaylor, thank you dear 💜✨
Mr Robot
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2. The White Lotus
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3. Trust fx
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4. Sense 8
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5. Fleabag
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6. The Good Place
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7. Mad Men
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8. Generation 56K
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8. Downton Abbey
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9. We are Lady Parts
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10. Brooklyn 99
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tagging @smute @elglin @schimmelspore @mylucayathoughts @mossy-fae @bambi-nicky @beepbeepsan @wtfuckevenknows @moripartylove @accordinglyskeptical but absolutely zero pressure, as always, babes 💖
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astheswarmitcalls · 3 months
if WWWY Fest gives us anything this year, I want it to be Gerard Way reprising his little chicken dance during the Teenagers solo.
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