#please roast me until i learn to use a click track
nothisislyra · 1 year
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Ya lil’ Glasses | LaMelo Ball One Shot
Pairing: LaMelo Ball x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,588
Summary: You and LaMelo Ball both attend UCLA for undergrad. Of course he happens to be that hype kid the class that’s loud with his friends. You both get paired up to do a project together for the class. He’s kind of mean and pokes fun and although he gets on your last nerve, you may or may not find him just a little tiny bit cute. Maybe.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, smut, mentions of sex, female and male anatomy, orgasm control, possibly cliche, M/F.
A/N: damn forgive me it’s been a while since I’ve written smut, butttt I’m on a roll with writing lately soo that’s not stopping me. Let me know what y’all think ;) enjoyyyyy and happy reading
You cannot believe you were paired up with Melo Ball for the most important assignment of this course for the semester. Yeah, it’s UCLA but they really just let any good sports player in and you cared about your education. He did not. All he did was mess around and crack jokes
with his friends in the class. Imagine acting like that in college, couldn’t be you.
When it came down to finally finding a time to work on it together, you could not wait to get it over with.
The first time you met with him for the project was in the common hall. You both settle down in your chairs and you pull out your laptops. As soon as Melo pulled his stuff out, he hopped on his phone.
“Can we just come up with an idea and be done today?” You ask, not really in the mood to ask for his full attention.
He looked at you before clicking his phone off and licking his lips.
“Yeah sorry, sorry, I gotchu.”
You cannot help but roll your eyes. He sits there in silence for a moment and actually starts shooting out ideas. You start writing them down until you finally agree on one.
“I think that’s a pretty good start,” you say, proud you guys at least got something down.
“I think so too. What you doing after this?” He asks, running his hands over his curls.
“Track practice at 4, shower, hopefully dinner after,” you say as you close up your laptop.
“You run track? Running is gross,” he laughs.
“How you gonna say running is gross when all you do is run up and down the court?” You ask, a little too loudly, someone shushes you and you both crouch down and begin whispering.
“Basketball is more than that,” he shot back, “you wouldn’t know.”
“Oh here we go, you all say that,” you respond, flicking your wrist at him.
“You all?? What that mean?” He asks.
“As in all the basketball players,” you laugh.
“Yeah yeah, you let me know when track become a real sport,” he fires back.
“It is!” You slam your fist on the table and he smirks, as if he is happy to get you all riled up.
“Mhmmm,” he replies.
“Over this conversation,” you say, getting up and throwing your backpack over your shoulder.
“When you trying to meet next?” He asks calmly, standing up close in front of you. You were looking up at him now, him being more than a foot taller than you made you feel small.
“I’m free all afternoon Wednesday, my class ends at 12:45p.m.”
“You would know when your class ends, nerd.” He responded.
You cock a brow at his attempt at a roast.
“Shut up,” you responded.
“Wednesday at 2p.m. Your dorm. How’s that sound?” He smiles.
“That works,” you shrug. He smiled at you before walking away. You both go your separate ways.
Wednesday came around quickly. Your head hurts today, so you decided to put your glasses on instead of wearing contacts. Even though you knew that would not help you deal with Melo’s bs. He was extra unfocused today.
“How was your dayyy?” He asked as he walking into your dorm room. He looked huge walking through the door it was kind of funny actually.
“Fine, and yours?” You ask, feeling obligated to do so since he asked you first.
“It was alright, better now that we are here working on our project together bestie,” he jokes, plops himself down on your bed to make himself comfortable. You sat on your desk chair facing him.
You caught up with a couple ideas and worked on some your work, actually getting something done, for now.
You had to show each other your screens, so you awkwardly sat next to him on the bed. He sat up. The two of you now with your backs up against the wall and feet hanging off the bed. You sit in silence for a moment.
“I like ya lil glasses, can I try them on?” He asked, smiled and looking in your direction now.
“N-“ before you could answer, he already swiftly pulled them off your face and put them in his anyway. You roll you eyes.
“Do I look smart?” He asked with the cheesiest smile on his face.
“You look stupid,” you reply coldly, although you secretly kind of liked how they looked on him. They fit his face well.
“I think you’re mad they look better on me,” he replied with a scoff.
“You’re sooo annoying,” you reply. Surprisingly feeling yourself fight a smile. “Can you focus please?”
He does the opposite of focusing, eyes looking around your dorm room for a moment.
“Have you ever had sex with a guy? Are you even straight,” He asked, catching you off guard. You took full offense to his question. Not because of him questioning your sexual orientation, but rather him thinking that was his business.
“That’s a personal question,” you respond quickly.
“Seriously? You have this single dorm all to yourself. You don’t even use it to its full benefits. You know how many girls I’d be bringing over if I lived in a single,” he tossed his pencil up in the air and caught it as he spoke.
“I’m here for my sport and to learn, not everything in college is about seeing how many people you can have sex with, Melo.” You responded, typing away at your computer.
Melo slowly lifted your computer off your lap, placing it on the opposite side of him.
“Hey-“ you reach out your hand to it. The room suddenly feeling a lot smaller than it was now that his face was right next to yours and you had nothing to do to keep your hands busy.
“Have you ever even kissed a guy?” He asked, you loosen up at his tone, which oddly enough seems a bit more sincere now.
“Um, no, no actually I haven’t,” you responded quietly, looking down on your lap.
“I don’t believe that.” He responded. “Stop lyin.”
“It’s true,” you shrug, throwing your hands up in defeat.
“You’re so pretty,” he smiles, making your heart skip a beat or two, but you’re usual chatterbox brain was too nervous to agree.
“Beauty standards have nothing to do with the fact that I haven’t kissed anyone yet. I simply choose not to settle-“
He cuts you off by grabbing the back of your neck with his large hands and pulling you in for a kiss. It lasted for what felt like forever but it was only about 10 seconds. Although you were surprised, you did not want to fight it, and you even found you hands settling on top of his shoulders before he pulled away.
You stared at him for a moment, wondering what in his right mind made him want to do that.
“Anyway, I’m ready to focus now,” he smiled, got up and sat in desk chair you were sitting in first.
You sat there eyes wide, trying to process what just happened.
“Um.. yeah… yeah okay,” you say slowly.
You sat there and decided to not acknowledge what just happened as well. Trying to focus on your work, you could not help by to continue replaying that moment in your head. The kiss on repeat for a while. A couple days even. You saw him in class and he was so nonchalant about it. It started to bother you.
It took everything in you not to ask him about the kiss. Not wanting to seem desperate but at the same time what the fuck. That caught you off guard completely.
The next time you too worked together, you worked in his dorm. His roommate was in there with you guys, engaging in the occasional conversation with the two of you.
This time, you actually cared about how you looked, wearing a little make up and wearing a floral sundress that stopped midway on your thighs.
When you walked up to the door, Melo looked you up and down for a moment before letting you in. He had shorts on with no shirt. His athletic build made your cheeks turn hot and look at the ground quickly.
“Welcome in,” he gestured. You walk in and it looks just as you thought a guys dorm room would look like. A damn mess.
You watched him with his back turned as he stood by his closet of clothes, muscles taut as he pulled a new shirt over his head.
You shuffled to get your stuff of your backpack out before he caught you staring and got to work.
His roommate was cute, and you did not care that you were flirting it up with him right in front of Melo. He kissed you with no explanation. You were determined to figure out why.
“Alright, I’m heading to the gym,” his roomie stated and you smile.
“Have funn,” you reply. You watch him walk out the door, looking down at your lap to flatten your dress then look back up at Melo. His face very clearly annoyed and unamused.
“What?” You smirk, asking in an oh-so innocent tone.
“It’s nothing,” he shook his head in response.
“Oh yeah?” You ask. “You sound a little pressed.” You push, big smirk on your face as you spoke.
“I’m good,” he replied coldly.
You confidently put your hand on his shoulder and replied. “Okay,” in a sarcastic tone.
He was not fucking with that. He pulled your arm down from his shoulder and pulled you into a kiss, this being your second time feeling his lips on yours. This one was more intense. You remember thinking of his lips and how they felt from the last kiss. Feeling them again made your heart pound with excitement.
“Shut up and don’t make me admit to jealousy,” he said through gritted teeth. “I’m not giving you the satisfaction.”
His hands gripping the back of your hair and he spoke, eyes bouncing from your eyes and lips.
“Hmmm, I think you just did,” you nod your head and shrug your shoulder. He was not having your sarcastic tone. He pulled you closer to him, this time he was laying down and you were sitting top of his lap. He refused to break the kiss, hands from down your neck to your lower back.
In your mind, you were strategically making sure you were right on top of his dick. His lips felt so good to feel again. You were so lost in the heat of the moment now, as he began using his tongue in your mouth, you let out a small moan for the first time.
He let go of the kiss for a moment and smirked.
“I wanna hear your beautiful moans,” he admitted, voice deep and full of lust.
He flipped you over and now your body was underneath him on his bed. You lied down flat on your back. He hovered himself over you.
Kissing you a couple times more, before kissing his way down your neck and stopping at your breast.
“You knew what you were doing wearing this shit,” he stated sternly.
You roll your eyes, “shut up.”
“You gon stop giving me that smart mouth,” he replied, smirk on his face before making his way down further. Your heart beating even fast now. He lifted up your dress to find you only in a thong.
He quickly looked up you with a smirk on his face, shook his head and carried on. Yanking your panties off, his lip made their way to your clit like a magnet.
You moaned softly at the pleasure, in fear that someone might hear the two of you.
“What if he comes back?”
“I don’t give a fuck, he could watch,” his voice low and eyes hooded, way too focused at the task at hand to even look at you.
Licking and teasing at your folds, you feel yourself getting closer due to all the tension you had built up since you arrived to his dorm, your mind flashing the sight of him when you walked when he was just no shirt on. His dick print very clear through his shorts.
As you felt yourself getting close to the edge, he stopped, and looked up at you.
“Whyyy,” you groaned put your hands over your face in frustration.
“Because, you was talking all that shit,” he said with one finger in your folds as he rubbed it slowly.
“Please,” you said and his surprised eyes look into yours.
“Nope,” he smirked. Now you were not having it.
You reach down to his shorts and very clearly feel his hard member. You looked up at him with pleading eyes as you began to rub it slowly.
He leaned down and started kissing your neck. You and him both knew he did not want this to stop, and he was fighting with every ounce in his bones not to rip your dress off and fuck you right then and there.
But you knew how to get what you wanted.
“Then it’s my turn,” you smile, pushing him off you and getting down on your knees on the side of his twin sized bed.
Knowing you have never done this before, you were slightly worried you would not be that great at it. You moistened your mouth as you pulled his shorts down, you did not have anything to compare his size to, but you were guessing it was bigger than average.
You admired it for a moment before taking it into your mouth. You heard him suck in his teeth as you took a few licks.
“What’s the matter?” You ask innocently looking up at him through your lashes while you swirled your tongue around the tip.
He bit bottom lip threw his head back, you knew that no answer meant that shit was hitting.
“Keep doing that shit with your tongue,” he groaned quietly.
You keep going at it for a while, and stopped when you felt him starting to thrust into your mouth.
“That’s it,” he groaned as he pulled you on the bed, you watched as he began to slowly push himself inside of you, wincing at the pain, he went slow and you warmed up. He looked so good while he stroked you. You started to feel better and better. He watched you as you took all of him now and proudly.
“I told you to stop talking all that shit,” he groaned.
“I don’t regret it,” you smirk.
“You bout to,” he stated as he began to speed up the pace.
You moaned louder as he continued to thrust into you. You could not believe this moment was actually happening. Him giving into it fed into your pride.
You watching at he admired every ounce of body, gripping and tugging at your soft spots. He held your hips as he picked up the pace.
He pulled out and finished himself off on your stomach. You lay there feeling a mess, he gets a towel and you guys get yourselves together throwing the occasional smirk at each other.
“You look so pretty taking this dick,” he stated, grabbing your neck and kissing you slowly. You smiled into the kiss.
“I’ll do it again,” he confirmed, both hands holding your face as he kissed you hard, tonguing you down.
“Chillll,” you laugh. “Let’s get this damn assignment going already.”
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efrmellifer · 3 years
Dulcis Somnia
Etien woke with a groan, pleased to be on her side this time, but pleased with little else.
She rolled to the other side, burrowing under the covers and more firmly under Aymeric’s arm again, tips of her ears brushing his throat and the underside of his chin.
“You don’t move this much at night,” he mumbled. “Is it morning already?”
“Not that you can tell by the light,” she replied. “The weather is shi—” she cleared her throat— “certainly unpleasant. I’ve never been so glad I don’t have to go anywhere.” She hunkered down even further.
He hummed. “But I still do.”
“I know, darling. I’m sorry. Do you want me to walk with you? You won’t have to brave it alone.”
“You were just saying how glad you were that you had nowhere to be.”
She tipped her head, trying to look at him, pinned though she was. “A walk to the Congregation is nothing. Or are you starting with the House of Lords today?”
The playful disgust was audible in his voice as he told her, “Oh, please don’t remind me.”
“House of Lords it is, then,” Etien giggled.
“You can stay here,” Aymeric said finally. “Here, where it’s warm and you won’t twist your ankle on the ice.”
“If you insist.” She shrugged slightly.
Finally opening his eyes to the bedroom, not even half-filled with the weak light of an overcast morning, he kissed her forehead, then her lips. “I do.”
“All right, then. Get dressed, I’ll make you something to eat before you go.”
Aymeric sat up, rubbing at his eye with the back of his hand. “You know, you have been more concerned with that lately. I used to have to convince you to have something, even on mornings off.”
No longer held down, Etien slid from the bed, folding over the covers. “I have the time—and cause, really—to be sure I eat, and I’m extending it to you. I should never have taken such poor care of myself out there.” She came around the bed, running the backs of her knuckles over his cheek. “And neither should you now.”
He sighed, though more out of determination to leave the warmth of the bed than in frustration with Etien. “Oh, fine. Nothing too heavy, please.”
“Oh, so no cream in your coffee?”
“Who am I, Estinien?”
Etien chuckled, stepping out of the room and padding down the hall in her new slippers.
“Do you have everything?” she asked as Aymeric rose from the table not much later.
“I believe so,” he murmured. “What is there for me to forget?”
With a pleasant smile, she shrugged, getting up herself to follow him to the door. “I just know I tended to forget things here now and then. My eye mask, a pair of gloves.”
Aymeric stopped walking. “Were those not on purpose?”
“The gloves were, the eye mask was not. Gods, trying to sleep in eternal light was… a trial all its own.”
“Had I known it had been a mistake, I would have flagged down that pixie to bring it back with them.”
“Feo would have called you sentimental and doting.”
With a squeeze of her hand, he replied, “A small price to pay, if you would have slept easier.”
“You’re going to be late, Lord Speaker.”
“I suppose so. I’ll see you later, Etien.”
Her lips quirked up just before she rolled onto her toes, grasping at Aymeric’s clothing to hold herself up and give him a kiss goodbye. “Not if I see you first.”
When Aymeric got home, it was to the image of Etien surrounded by knitting, a wide square of powder blue spread over her lap, yarn trailing from the carved bowl at her feet.
The rhythm of the needles clicking together and the motion of her hands as she worked through a stitch were strangely calming, even when he’d only watched them for a moment.
“Before you ask, it doesn’t tangle if I keep it down there,” she said without lifting her eyes from the needlework.
“What… is that?” Aymeric asked. “I know you’ve been working on something rather big—two of them, unless it changes colors every so often.”
“This is a receiving blanket. This one is almost done, and its twin will stay unfinished until this one is complete. Switching back and forth was driving me up the wall.”
Aymeric picked up the yarn bowl, pulling on the yarn to keep it from tangling while he fed it to Etien’s fingers. “Was there something different about it that was giving you trouble?”
“Not exactly. It was the starting over from the same point every time, I think. I would start with a half-done blanket, get it to three-quarters, and then swap to a half-finished one again.” She was quiet for a moment. “That, and struggling with the yarn. The bowl helps, but yarn is still finicky.”
He dug his fingers into the skein, pulling on the loose end some more before winding it through the indent in the bowl again.
“When you finish that row, would you still be amenable to taking a walk with me, like you offered to earlier?”
She smiled, needles clicking all the faster as she tried to finish up the last few stitches quickly, rising from the loveseat to put on her coat and boots.
When she returned to the drawing room, all dressed for the outdoors, Aymeric chuckled before pressing himself up to go put his outerwear back on.
The Central Highlands were quiet. The stillness was what they needed, both still in their thoughts as they walked.
Their hands, woven together, kept them tethered as they crunched through the snow, the only other sounds they were taking notice of the bleating of wandering karakul.
“I love karakul,” Etien murmured out of the blue.
“Well, you certainly love eating karakul,” Aymeric responded.
She turned to look at him. “Growing up in the Twelveswood, you learn to appreciate birdsong and roast fowl in equal measure, because the forest can give you both if you’re kind. Tenuous relationship with the Elementals notwithstanding. So I like watching the karakul trot around, and I like roast karakul when it’s on the menu.”
He laughed. “That is a good point. I think Ishgard as a whole forgets what it was like when we weren’t having to fight the land for what we need from it.”
“Camp Cloudtop was having quite a bit of success with the pumpkins,” Etien offered.
“Thanks to you, your knowledge, and your onion-gathering.”
She smiled. “I do what I can.”
Aymeric squeezed Etien’s hand. “And you have been able to do much for us.”
They continued on in silence, their loose grip on each other tightening, drawing them closer together as the sun sank lower in the sky. The tracks of their footprints converged at a point or two, conveying just how close they were walking now, voices low as the light above them began to fade, stars twinkling in the darkest spots.
The sun had gone, but light still clung to the horizon, a glow like dying embers even as the pinpoints of  constellations made themselves apparent.
Aymeric stopped, looking up. “Looking at the sky now, who would have thought it was so dim and dull earlier?”
Etien lifted her gaze to the sky, shielding her eyes, and nodded with a low hum. “But what an excuse to stay in bed it could have been. Skies like this make you come out and see them.”
“Seen a lot of these skies, have you?”
She was quiet for a long time, counting the stars, or maybe connecting them with her eyes. “Not these skies. Thanalan’s skies, Limsa’s skies they use to navigate the waters—same in the Ruby Sea and onward with the stars of the far east. I’ve been looking at the skies over The Black Shroud since I was old enough to tip my head back. And there were the skies of Norvrandt, striking because the deep blue was such a contrast to the light.” She sighed. “But I feel like I rarely get a good look at the skies over Coerthas. Maybe because we’re up at dawn or a little after, when the stars have already been put away for the day. But even if I’d seen this a thousand times, it’s always better with someone you love.”
Aymeric bent, kissing her briefly. “And better still reflected in your eyes.”
They kept walking. Even when snow started falling, they trod on.
“But speaking of the skies over Limsa,” Etien said finally.
“What of them?”
“I’ve been thinking, about my mother and… it’s silly.”
“Dearest, some of the thoughts you call silly are the most interesting things I’ve ever heard.”
“Oh. Thank you. I had been thinking, I’m the oldest of my parents’ children, so I had wondered what sort of mental state my mother was in, when she was having me. Her family was a bunch of seafarers, and she had even convinced my father—er, you know—to do a little traveling before they settled down in Alder Springs. Again, for him. So, did I put a stop to that? What might they have done if not for me?”
“A thought-provoking concept, but not something you could ever find an answer to, is it?”
“I suppose not.” Etien slowed to a stop. “I still think about it, though.”
“To the point of guilt?”
Etien sighed. Caught. “Not yet. I would hate to have been the thing that killed her dreams, though.”
“Why could you not be a new dream?” Aymeric asked, tipping his head to get a better look at her. “If you were, it would have happened more than once.”
Her eyebrows knit. “Oh?”
“Yes,” he replied simply, guiding her under a tree. “Because it happened to me, as well.”
Etien’s eyes just widened as she searched for words.
“For lack of a better way to explain, I wanted you to enjoy the new Ishgard you had helped create. I wanted to enjoy it with you,” he told her. “I had once been ready to die for the changes I wanted to enact, as well you know.” He absently rubbed at his wrist. “But I much prefer satisfying this new desire. It, like the stars, is better with someone I love.”
Etien leaned fully back against the tree they were sheltered under, gently tugging Aymeric to her. “Ishgard wouldn’t be home without you.”
“It would no longer be Ishgard without you,” he rebutted before closing the gap between them, lifting Etien from the snowy ground to negate the difference between her height and his.
Even with them so close now, he waited for her to make the next move. He could have simply claimed her lips, and in fact he rather wanted to. But how long had he waited for her, over and over? The space of a few breaths was nothing. If all she wanted to do was gaze down at him with love in her eyes, that would also suit him, in truth.
But she let her eyes slip closed, leaning in to press her lips to his, and utterly relaxing into his arms when he reciprocated.
For some time, the snow fell and they exchanged kisses, the longer liplocks broken up with tiny pecks across each other’s cheeks and planted on foreheads.
But as Aymeric was lowering Etien to put her feet on the ground again, he whispered, “You have naught to fear of killing dreams. I will do my best to ensure all yours come true, and as for mine, you’ve already fulfilled many of them. You still do.”
Arm in arm, they made their way home, living out dreams while still awake.
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ask-the-phan-site · 4 years
The Vain Emperor of the Track
>It’s time.
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Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines.
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This has been a long time waitin’. I can’t wait!
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Same here. He’ll pay for what he’s done.
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Playing with two people’s hearts like that is unforgivable. It’s time for him to face the fist of justice!
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Then we’re off! Let the race begin!
>Mona becomes our van.
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Let’s race!
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Here we go!
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>With that, we go on our way to take Trey Sterling’s heart.
>The penthouse overlooking the track is were very special guest to the school usually stay. This time, Sterling Sterling and his son, Trey, were staying here. They were trying to remain as calm as they can after receiving our calling card this morning.
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I’m sure the police are doing whatever they can to get to the bottom of this. Don’t worry, son.
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I’m sure, Dad. I’m not that worried... Although, these Phantom Thieves are quite tenacious... Especially the one called Crow.
Mr. Sterling: Now, now, things will be fine. Right now, you should get some sleep. We’ve got a lot to do later on. Good night.
Trey: Good night.
>Mr. Sterling goes off to his room while Trey stayed in the study. Everything was quite... Until...
?????: Good, we don’t want Daddy getting in the way.
Trey: !
>A red wave passes over. When it was done, the study had been replaced with a podium, a place where the Roman Emperor would sit in the Colosseum. Outside, the the track of the Colosseum of Vanity was roaring with excitement... And Trey had been replaced with his Shadow.
Shadow Trey: You have arrived.
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You bet we did! And we’re here to win!
Shadow Trey: I’d like to see you try.
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Believe us. We will.
Shadow Trey: Very well. To the track!
>With that, Shadow Trey leaves.
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Okay, so we all remember the plan, right?
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While Trey’s Shadow is distracted by his race with Zack, Joker, Panther, Queen, Crow, Wolf, Speed, X, Slice, and Dice, we will sneak the Treasure away before anyone notices. That’s pretty much it.
Lucy: Exactly.
Carmen: Good to hear. I still wish Player could be here. Or at least have contact with him.
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Sorry, Red, but in the Metaverse, the only hacker you have is yours truly.
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And we’re all happy that you’re here, Oracle.
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We’re all counting on you.
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Good luck today, Oracle.
Oracle: Thanks, you guys.
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Me, Oracle, Connor, Chim-Chim, and Lucy will be in the pits over the radio.
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I will join you as well. If anything happens to Joker, I want to be able to help.
Joker: Thank you, Fox. Wish us luck.
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Then let’s get to it! Are we ready?
Everyone: Ready!
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>With that, we go our separate ways. Me, Fox, Panther, Queen, Crow, Wolf, Slice, Dice, Speed, X, Zack, Oracle, Lucy, Conor, Chim-Chim, and Ivy go to the track while Mona, Skull, Noir, Violet, Sophie, and Carmen go to retrieve the Treasure.
>Out on the track...
Oracle: Okay, Lucy, Conor, and Chim-Chim prepped the Mach 6, the Shooting Star, and Duel Aces and Ivy prepped Lydia (Zack’s car). So I did some tuning of my own.
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Really? I can’t wait to see it.
>Just then, a large trailer was being pulled up to us... by a small car.
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Hi, everyone! It’s been a while!
Panther: (happy) Jose, it’s good to see you again.
Zack: (confused) You know this kid?
Queen: Yes, he’s a friend of us.
Oracle: With a little technical know-how and the power of cognition, I managed to fix up some vehicles just for you. I didn’t want to store them in the garages here out of fear someone would sabotage them and they can’t really exist outside the Metaverse, so I asked Lavenza if I can store them in the Velvet Room. I also asked Jose to bring them here.
Jose: They look pretty good. Not as good as my ride, but still, nice machines.
>We go to the back of the trailer and Oracle opens them. Inside are four cars. One car had an Arsene-like design, the second had a Carmen-like design, the third had a Robin Hood-like design, and the fourth had a Valjean-like design.
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WOW! These look so cool, Oracle!
Oracle: (smirking) That’s not all. Each of your cars also has a special feature. Joker, your car, Phantom Flyer, has a grappling hook with wires strong enough to pull the car or other things. Conor even helped me with laser sawblades. Use with care.
>I get in the Phantom Flyer. I drive it to the front of Jose’s car and fire the grappling hook at it. With ease, I manage to pull both Jose’s car and the trailer a decent 10 feet. Then, I activate the laser sawblades and Jose takes out a cinderblock. He moves it towards the sawblades and the block is cut with ease.
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This is awesome, Oracle.
Oracle: Panther, your car, Flaming Kitty, has the same cloaking technology the Mach 6 and the Shooting Star have. But aside from that, it can also change its appearance to look like anything. Even other cars. It also has flamethrowers.
>Panther drives the car out. When she activates the cloaking technology, it becomes invisible. Then, it reappears as the Mach 6, then the Shooting Star, and then as Lydia before changing back. Next, she activates the flamethrowers which perfected roasted some marshmallows Jose just happened to have.
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I wish I could show my mom! She would love this!
Oracle: Crow, your car, Freedom’s Strike, has the same camouflage technology like Panther’s. It can also shoot arrows and lasers and it also has sawblades both steel and laser.
>Crow drives the car out. It shot a few arrows and lasers into a target Jose set up. Then, Crow activates the laser sawblades and cuts a cinderblock. Then, the car changes its Robin Hood-like design to a Loki-like design. Then, steel sawblades come out and cuts the target in half.
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(changing the car back to its original design) Quite amazing, Oracle. You know me all too well...
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A little too well for my taste.
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Yeesh, I think all that time you spent undercover really messed you up.
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Either that or the connection made between you and the target.
Oracle: Now, Wolf, your car, Howling Silver, is built like a tank and is virtually indestructible. Even a wrecking ball can’t destroy it. And it has sonic canons for blasting your way through just about anything.
>Wolf drives his car out. Jose brought out his hammer and gave the car a good hard whack. But the car was just fine. Then, Wolf fires a sonic blast which shatters a stack of glass jars Jose set up.
Wolf: (excited) Sweet! I’m so going to talk to my superiors about making something like this in the real world.
Oracle: Good luck. I want to make cars for the others, but I’ll think about it after they finish their lessons.
Wolf: Probably good.
Dice: Hold on, Queen’s racing, too. How come she doesn’t have a car?
Queen: I’ve decided I’m just going to ride Agnes. She’s the closest to being a car.
Lucy: Is that even allowed?
Queen: There’s no rule against it.
Lucy: Fair enough.
>We take our cars to the track and we ready ourselves.
Racer Shadow: Yo, babe! Where’s your car?
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It’s right here.
>Queen goes Third Tier.
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>Queen got on Agnes as Shadow Trey came on the track with his golden car.
Shadow Trey: Friends, Bostonians, countrymen, lend me your ears! Today will make the day that the Racer Family is finally put in their place! And I take down the legendary Phantom Thieves of Hearts! After this race, no one will ever question again who is the greatest person to ever live! Now, let us begin!
Announcer: Now watch as our most glorious emperor, Trey Sterling, goes up against the soon to be disgraced Racer Family and the Phantom Thieves!
>Shadow Trey comes to us.
Shadow Trey: Hope you’re ready to lose. That’s all you’ll ever be good for.
Speed: We’ll see about that.
Zack: You bet. I won’t lose to you this time.
Announcer: All drivers to your cars, please! All drivers to your!
Shadow Trey: (pointing and clicking) Later, Big Z.
>Zack was trying to hold back his rage as Trey’s Shadow left.
Ivy: Don’t let him get to you, bro. Remember what happened last time.
Zack: R- Right. That was the old Zack. The new Zack is way more cool under presser.
>Ivy left to join Oracle, Fox, Lucy, Conor, and Chim-Chim... I could tell Zack was still mad.
Joker: Are you alright?
Zack: It’s just... Ever since we were kids, Trey has always gotta do me up. Be better than me. And he does it with his old man’s money and then rubs it in my face especially. Why’s he gotta be like that?
Joker: I suppose we’ll know once we take his Treasure.
Zack: Still, I just can’t stand it. He’s worst than havin’ to eat fish.
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>I know how you feel. >>You're the better person.
Zack: Come again?
Joker: Trey thinks he can buy his way into victory, but that’s not the same as having real talent. There are some things that even money can’t solve. And I speak from experience. Shido thought that because of his position, he could get away with anything, and look where that got him. The same thing will most likely happen to Trey.
Zack: You really think that?
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I do. So to me, aside from Skull, that makes us brothers.
Zack: That’s... That’s the nicest thing I’ve ever heard. Hey, does that make Ivy like your sister, too?
Ivy: (who heard us and came over with Fox) We’re a package deal. You get one of us, you get both of us. Just remember that we ain’t leavin’ Carmen.
Joker: Don’t worry, you’re not going anywhere from her.
Zack: ... (smiling) Thanks, Joker. I owe you one.
Joker: Think nothing of it.
Zack: No really, you gotta let us thank you in some way. How ‘bout this, you change Trey’s heart, I might teach how to drive not just cars, but other stuff, too. How does that sound?
Joker: Well, if Mona where here, he’d say that would come in handy.
Fox: I agree. You never know when we might need to escape in just a car. You’ve already shown to be good on a motorcycle and you’re so close to passing your diver’s test with help from your father, I think it wouldn’t hurt to try other things.
>I think about it. I would be helpful to learn how to operate other forms of transportation.
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Alright, you’re on.
Ivy: Then we have a deal.
Zack: You bet.
>Me and Zack do a fist bump together.
I am thou, thou art I… Thou hast acquired a new vow.
It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.
With the birth of the Shine Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power…
Confidant: Zack & Ivy
Arcana: Shine (This Arcana is made up for this Confidant.)
Rank: 1
Ability: The Getaway Driver
Zack and Ivy will teach you better driving skills to use in the Metaverse.
Announcer: Last warning: All drivers to your cars, please! All drivers to your cars!
Joker: (putting the mask back on) Ready?
Zack: Ready as we’ll ever be.
>So, we get in our cars and Fox and Ivy rejoin the others.
Ready... Set... GO!!!
>And we’re off!
>Meanwhile, with the other at the podium, they were searching for the Treasure.
Skull: It’s gotta be here somewhere. We all sat that light thing right here.
Mona: He must have hidden it knowing someone would take it while he’s racing.
Sophie: I can sense it, too.
Carmen: I wish Oracle could have stayed with us.
Noir: I’m sure if we look harder, we can find it. Just think, where would someone as narcissistic as Trey would hide something that he believes gives him power?
Mona: My guess is somewhere really obvious. Someplace where he just can’t help but show it off to everyone.
Carmen: Maybe that?
>Carmen was pointing to some Shadows that were carrying something covered by a gold tarp.
Cognitive Being 1: There’s the prize for the winner of the race!
Cognitive Being 2: I sure wish I could enter to win it, but no one can beat the emperor. No one.
Cognitive Being 3: Still, whoever wins that... Oh, who am I kidding? Emperor Trey’s got this race in the bag!
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I guess that’s it.
Violet: How are we going to get it? There are too many eyes watching.
Carmen: I think I can help with that. Oracle did a tune up to my tools. They should help us.
>Carmen pressed something on her coat and she turns invisible.
Noir: (taking out a small potion bottle) Panther gave us this camouflage potion. It should last us long enough to grab the Treasure and get out.
Carmen: Sounds simple enough... What’s the catch?
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Straight to the point, huh?
Noir: Well, we might still have to fight a few Shadows along the way. Including the Palace Ruler. It’s usually unavoidable. So be ready.
Carmen: Thanks, I will.
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Then here we go!
>Noir sprinkles the potion on herself and the others and they are hidden from view. They and Carmen go to take the Treasure.
>Meanwhile, back on the track, the race was raging on. A Shadow nearly rams me to the side, but luckily, I dodged it.
Oracle’s Voice: Be careful, Joker. I think Trey’s Shadow payed those guys to take you guys out.
Joker: No doubt. They don’t look like they’re going to let us leave this race with our lives.
Speed: Dad said and Uncle Rex used to deal with stuff like this all the time. I think we can make it through.
Ivy’s Voice: Just try not to do anything reckless.
Lucy’s Voice: Good luck with that. If there’s one thing you should know about Speed and X, “reckless” is their middle name.
Speed: Actually, my middle name is Daisuke.
Ivy’s Voice: Seriously?
X: Well Dad said it was either that or Pops.
Queen: Better watch it, we got one coming!
>A Shadow comes up to me. It transforms.
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Bring it! Persona!
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You have just entered a Race Battle.
If you have seen Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers, this battle is similar to the battles there.
When you attack a Shadow, it gets knocked backwards. When its HP goes to 0, it will be defeated. However, if you get attacked, you will be the one knocked backwards. If your HP goes to 0, it is game over.
>Garuda attacks with Garudyne. Luckily, I dodge it. Arsene uses One-shot Kill. Garuda is knocked back and loses a lot of HP due to his weakness to Gunfire. Garuda drives (or flies or whatever he’s doing in this race) back up and attacks me, sending me back a bit. I drive back up and Arsene uses One-shot Kill again. Then, I attack with my own gun. He is knocked back good. Garuda tries again to attack me, but I dodge it. Arsene uses One-shot Kill again and Garuda is gone.
Joker: That was close.
>Then, I notice Flaming Kitty driving up.
When one of your teammates is in view, you can pass the baton to them.
During this time, the one who passed the baton will have time to regain HP and SP.
>I pass the baton to Panther.
Panther: Okay, it’s my turn now! Persona!
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>A Shadow come up to her and transforms.
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>The Oni tries to attack Panther, but she dodges it. Carmen uses Agilao. The Oni uses Snap. Panther is sent back a bit. Carmen uses Marin Karin and the Oni is Brainwashed. Oni does not act. Panther then uses the car’s flamethrower. It had a Burning effect. After snapping out of it, Oni attacks Panther with Giant Slice. It was a critical hit and Panther is knocked backwards. Thankfully, she recovered and Carmen used Diarama. The Oni tries to use Giant Slice on Panther again, but she dodges it. Carmen then uses Marin Karin again and Oni is once again Brainwashed. The Oni slows down. Then, Carmen uses Agidyne and the Oni is gone.
Panther: Yes! That’s cool!
>Queen passes ahead of Panther and she passes the baton to her.
Panther: Good luck!
Queen: Thanks.
>A Shadow comes up and transforms.
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>The Shiki-Ouji uses Psio. Queen is weak to it and it really knocks her back. She recovers and drives onwards. Agnes uses Freidyne. The Shiki-Ouji is knocked way back. Queen takes this as an opportunity and uses Freidyne again. The Shiki-Ouji grives back up again and uses Double Snap. It was a critical hit and Queen is knocked back. Fortunately, she recovers quickly. Agnes then uses Diarahan. Shiki-Ouji uses Psio, but Queen dodges it. Agnes then uses Freidyne and Shiki-Ouji knocked backwards. Queen decides to go bigger and Agnes uses Atomic Flare. The Shiki-Ouji drives up again, but is real weak. Shiki-Ouji uses Taunt, but it didn’t work. Agnes uses Atomic Flare again and the Shiki-Ouji is gone.
Queen: So glad you’re on our side, Agnes.
>Queen spots Crow in Freedom’s Strike. Queen passes the baton to him.
Crow: My turn!
>A Shadow drives up to him and transforms.
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Crow: My skills exceed yours! Persona!
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>Throne uses Makougaon. Fortunately, Crow resisted. Robin Hood uses Eigaon. Throne is knocked back. Throne tries to attack Crow, but he dodges it. Robin Hood tries to use Mamudoon, but it misses. Throne uses Makougaon. Crow resists again. Robin Hood uses Eigaon. Throne is knocked back. Then, Robin Hood uses Megaton Raid. Throne moves back up again and Throne attacks. This time, it was a critical hit and Crow is thrown back. Crow drives up again and Robin Hood uses Eigaon. Throne is knocked back. Then, Robin Hood uses Megidola. Throne drives up again and uses Makougaon. Crow resists again. Robin Hood uses Eigaon, but Throne dodges it with Evade Curse. Throne hesitates. Robin Hood uses Mamudoon. Throne is knocked back. Then, Robin Hood uses Megidola. Throne drives back up again and attacks. Robin Hood uses Megaton Raid, but Throne dodges it. Throne attacks again and it is a critical hit. Throne attacks. Crow manages to regain the lead.
Crow: Very well. It seems that Instant Kill didn’t do much... I guess I’ll have to do this the hard way.
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>Freedom’s Strike also changes. Loki uses Eigaon. It was super effective and throws Throne backwards. Then, Loki uses Laevanteinn. The now weakened Throne drives back up again and tries to use Makougaon. However, Crow dodges it with Evade Bless. Loki uses Eigaon again and Throne was gone.
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Good. And not a moment too soon.
>Crow sees Wolf driving Howling Silver. Crow passes the baton just has changes back from Black Mask Mode.
Crow: (in cool down) We’re almost there. Keeping going!
Wolf: Rodger!
>Another Shadow drives up and transforms.
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Wolf: So you’re the last one between us, Sterling, and the lead. Alright, bring it on! Persona!
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>Baal uses Charge. Valjean uses Heat Riser. Baal uses Ayamur. It was a critical hit and Wolf was knocked backed. Baal just hesitated. Wolf drives back up and Valjean uses One-shot Kill. Baal uses Panta Rhei. Valjean uses Trible Down. Baal uses Panta Rhei again. Valjean uses One-shot Kill. It was a critical hit and Baal is knocked way back. Valjean then uses Megidola. Baal recovers and uses Revolution. Valjean uses Agneyastra. It was a critical hit and forces Baal way back. Valjean then uses Megidolaon. Baal drives back up and uses Ayamur. It was a critical hit and Wolf is forced back. Baal then uses Panta Rhei. Wolf manages to drive back up with little HP. Valjean uses Heat Riser. Baal tries to use Ayamur again, but Wolf dodges it. Valjean uses Megidolaon and Baal is gone.
Wolf: Yes!
Oracle’s Voice: Great work, you guys! All that’s left is Trey’s Shadow.
Wolf: Right!
Joker: Let’s hope the others are doing great with the Treasure.
>Back with Carmen and the others, they managed to get close to the Treasure.
Carmen: (looking under the tarp) This looks like a job for the laser cutter.
>Carmen cuts open a hole big enough for her and the others to get in. They go inside.
Carmen: Got it.
Mona: This is the Treasure alright.
Sophie: It certainly has that vibe.
>They sneak away until they were in the clear. The Treasure was a shiny golden racing trophy.
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What a surprise.
Skull: And I thought Kamoshida was bad. This just takes the cake.
>Carmen then takes a closer look at the trophy...
Carmen: (surprised) I see, that explains it.
Skull: What’s up, Red?
Carmen: Something real interesting.
>Back on the track, I managed to catch up to Wolf thanks to Slice, Dice, Speed, X, and Zack.
Wolf: Good luck to you all.
Joker: Thanks.
Slice: Me and Dice will take care of things in the rare.
>Me, Speed, X, and Zack drive up to Trey’s Shadow.
Shadow Trey: Well, look who finally decided to show up. I knew hiring those idiots wouldn’t help.
X: Goes to show you that good help is hard to find.
Shadow Trey: Fine, if you want something done right, do it yourself.
Speed: X and I will take care of Trey if he tries anything. Joker, Zack, think you can handle it?
Zack: You bet. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.
Ivy’s Voice: Just try to focus. This isn’t like all the races we’re use to.
Joker: Don’t worry, he won’t be alone this time.
Zack: Thanks, Joker. Let’s do it!
>I nod... and go Third Tier.
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>Shadow Trey tries to use Brain Shake on me, but I dodge it. Raoul uses Concentrate. Shadow Trey uses Psiodyne. Raoul uses Phantom Show which puts Shadow Trey to Sleep.
Joker: Now’s your chance! Attack!
Speed: Here I come!
>I fling the Mach 6 forward with the Phantom Flyer’s grappling hook. Then, Speed attacks with his car’s laser sawblades. Speed drives back into position. Shadow Trey uses Taunt. I fall under Rage. I attack Shadow Trey with my car’s laser sawblades. Shadow Trey uses Psiodyne. It was a technical hit. I snap out of it and Raoul uses Eigaon. Shadow Trey tries to use Terror Claw, but I dodge it. I equipped Raoul with the One-shot Kill Skill Card and he uses One-shot Kill. It was a critical hit.
Joker: We get another one! Go!
X: This is for Annalise!
>I fling the Shooting Star forward and X rams Shadow Trey’s car, sending it back a bit. X moves back into position. Shadow Trey uses Brain Shake. Fortunately, I wasn’t Brainwashed. Raoul uses Concentrate. Shadow Trey uses Marin Karin. It didn’t work. Raoul uses Eigaon. It took a lot of Shadow Trey’s HP. Shadow Trey uses Sukukaja. Raoul uses One-shot Kill, but Shadow Trey dodges it. Shadow Trey then uses Marin Karin and I become Brainwashed. I nearly attack Speed. Shadow Trey uses Psiodyne. It was a technical hit. I snap out of it and Raoul uses Concentrate. Shadow Trey tries to use Brain Shake, but I dodge it. Raoul uses Phantom Show and it puts Shadow Trey to Sleep.
Joker: Get ready for another one! Just one more after this!
Zack: Here I go!
>I fling Lydia forward and Zack attacks Shadow Trey, sending him further back. Zack moves back into position.
Shadow Trey: (now really angry) I’m not done yet! Let me show you what happens when you cross me! I release upon you the deadly sin of vanity! You have no means of escape, human! The fraudulence of mankind shall bring forth ruin!
>Shadow Trey uses Distorted Vanity. Raoul uses Concentrate again. Shadow Trey uses Psiodyne. I’m knocked back a lot. Shadow trey then uses Skull Cracker. Fortunately, I didn’t get Confused. Raoul uses Phantom Show and Shadow Trey is Asleep again.
Joker: Now to finish this race!
>I give the final blow.
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>After that, Shadow Trey was now back behind us. Then, I notice something.
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Zack! Look!
>Zack was way ahead of us. He was in first place.
Ivy’s Voice: Go for it, bro! Go for it!
Zack: This is for you, sis! And everyone in Southie!
>Then, in a zoom... it was over. Zack crossed the finish line and won the race.
Cognition 1: (in disbelief) No way! Emperor Trey actually lost!?
Cognition 2: They must have cheated somehow.
Cognition 3: Actually, now that I think about it, doesn’t Emperor Trey do the same thing?
Cognition 4: Hey, you’re right! He paid those racers to kill those other racers!
Cognition 5: We’ve been supporting a cheater this whole time!
Cognitive Spectators: (outraged) Trey Sterling is a crook! A SPOILED LITTLE BRAT!
>Later at victory lane, Shadow Trey comes to us weakly.
Shadow Trey: It’s... It’s not possible... I should have won... I always win...
Wolf: Only because you paid those racers to lose with your father’s money. That’s not how you gain victory.
Shadow Trey: But, it’s my victory. I’m a proud son of Boston. I’m Boston Proud. Even the trophy says so.
??????: Does it really?
>Carmen and the others come to us with the trophy. She showed us the plaque at the bottom. Engraved on it was Trey’s name, but above it was another name that was chiseled out. I could definitely make out Zack’s first name, but his last name was completely unreadable.
Shadow Trey: The trophy? My trophy.
Carmen: I don’t think so. You clearly didn’t earn this. It was Zack’s.
>Shadow Trey looked like he was ready to attack one of us, but instead, he just drops to his knees and begins sobbing. We weren’t sure how to react... Then Zack comes over to Shadow Trey. He comes down to him.
Zack: (actually sympathetic towards his nemesis) Just... Why? Why do ya do this? Especially towards me and my sister?
Shadow Trey: (looking to him) ... You... You really want to know?
>Zack nods.
Shadow Trey: Look at you. You appear to be such an amateur, but the truth is... You were the better racer. You did a lot of things that were better than me. Compared to you, I was the real amateur. This was something even my father knew. He just wanted to see me happy. So, he decided to do whatever it took to make me happy. To make sure that I get what I want. From that very day at kindergarten, I convinced myself that my father and his money were the only way to get it. I love my father. He is a great man. If anyone could help me get my way, it’s him.
Noir: But that’s not how it works. There are somethings that you have to earn for yourself.
Shadow Trey: And make myself look like a fool? Like him? (points to Zack) Never. In this world, you take what you want the first chance you get. That’s why I’ve been so hard on Zack and Ivy. Because I didn’t want anyone to think that any way, despite our backgrounds... we would be the same. But we’re not. We... are rivals.
Zack: (shocked) ...
Speed: So you’re saying all this time, you and Zack could have been friends?
Shadow Trey: Maybe that’s another reason why I’ve always looked down on you. So that whenever you lose to me, you would realize that the only way to beat me was to befriend me. Though I wouldn’t be caught dead associating with someone from lower class, I could have changed all that.
Zack: But... We coulda been friends without all that.
Shadow Trey: !
Zack: Well, I don’t know. I’m still processin’ this. But bein’ so high and mighty around me and Ivy wouldn’t have made us friends. Just bein’ a good sport and welcomin’ anyone who shares the dream.
Shadow Trey: ...
Zack: I know you just wanted to be the best so that everyone would like you, but it never really hurts to show everyone who the real Trey Sterling is. You don’t need to hide behind your daddy’s wealth and power. You’ve got somethin’ that he could never get with his money.
Shadow Trey: ... What is that?
Zack: ... Beats me. It ain’t my life that needs fixin’. (offers his hand) So get up. Try to find just what you really can do.
Shadow Trey: ...
Joker: Listen to him. He may not look like a goofball, but he’s a wise goofball.
Carmen: He’s cares about others besides himself. I guess that includes you.
Shadow Trey: ...
Joker: It’s like we were saying...
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You can’t buy talent or friendship. You ear it.
>Shadow Trey just sat silent for a bit. He thought of what we said... Then, he takes Zack’s hand and is pulled up.
Shadow Trey: I’m sorry. I now know that what I did was wrong. I shouldn’t have treated you so terribly. And I also shouldn’t have played Bobby or Annalise. I don’t deserve either of them.
X: (whispering) That’s for sure.
Shadow Trey: For a while, I’ve always wanted to be as famous as my former idol, August Gaunt, as well loved by everyone as my old pen pal from Arizona, and a popular as... You, Akechi.
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Shadow Trey: Yes, I know who you are. I suppose the me in the real world knows, too, but hasn’t fully figured it out yet. And even if he has, I doubt he’s going to say anything. Even he wouldn’t believe it. After all... It came to him in a dream. As did Augusts and his pen pal.
Crow: Then you know that my popularity as what you think.
Shadow Trey: I think so. I guess popularity, fame, and being well loved are very different things.
Carmen: You just have to find a way to connect them in a good way. Start with doing something that will get you well loved. For starters, apologizing to those two hearts you played... And maybe donate to a good charity.
Skull: Like the B.O.M.G.T.M. Foundation.
Crow: Or the Worldwide Engineering Brigade.
Shadow Trey: Yeah, I think those would be good starts.
>With that, Shadow Trey returns to his true self and we take our own leave as the Palace vanishes.
>To be concluded...
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wonderlandinrope · 7 years
Not All Monsters Part 5
Sam X Reader
Warnings: Violence, blood, kidnapping, language
Summary: While the brothers are trying to work a case things start to go downhill for Aris.
It was late in the day, Aris was doing her best to try and help Jody around the house. Tonight she was making dinner, a full spread: Roasted chicken, potatoes, two veggies, even pie for dessert. After Sam and Dean had left she found herself doing whatever she could to keep her mind busy, reading for a few hours, cleaning even when the house wasn’t dirty, cooking. Once or twice a day Sam would call to check in but the calls never seemed to last long enough. Always ending with Aris falling asleep in the middle of the conversation or Sam rushing off to track down a lead on whatever they were working on. Aris was smart enough not to push when it came to what they did. Not that she wanted to know.
Checking the fridge for carrots, she found that they were out. The store was a twenty-minute walk, it would still be another three hours before Jody made it home. Plenty of time to run to the store and back plus make dinner. Grabbing her wallet and the phone that the brothers had given her, she headed out the door locking it behind her. Aris had grown more comfortable going out on her own. She had been working with Jody on how to defend herself, along with learning the area.
About halfway to the store, Aris felt a familiar sensation of being watched. Looking around nothing seemed to stick out, shoving the paranoia down she passed it off as just another short-lived episode of PTSD. Once at the store she made her way quickly to the veggies stopping only for a moment to grab some chocolate for herself, when she did so she got the same sensation of being watched. Looking around again no one was there hurting now she picked up her pace as she left the store phone in hand ready to call.
“Want a ride Darlin’?” A man with a scruffy looking face, and dirty work clothes asked as she made her way out to the parking lot. Looking down she ignored him, and began to jog. He kept after her calling out the window again. “Come on I’m just trying to be friendly.”
“Leave her alone, can’t you see your ugly ass face is scaring her?” Another man taller clean shaven with a regal stance appeared just a few feet from her. He had a scar on one of his hands.
“What you doin, bub? You her boyfriend?” The first taunted.
“No, but you’re kind of ruining my chances.” Without hesitation, he swags back knocking the first man to the ground. Aris jumped, eyes wide and tried to take off the man was fast though. Too fast for to be human. “Hold on there, easy, easy!” His hand over her mouth and arm around her waist he pulled her tight whispering in her ear. “You're ok. No one is going to hurt you just come with me.”
Swinging her head back it struck him hard but only brought out a laugh.
Sitting in the at a table The brothers had been following a lead. A man that they had been looking into was who had been doing all the killings. He seemed to fit the profile. After interviewing three different bars and losing at video footage, the man had been at present before each disappearance. Tonight he zeroed in on one woman rather quickly. A short woman with curly hair, in her 20s. As they flirted the girl seemed to be into him, both exiting the bar. The brothers following close behind. Once in the parking lot, they approached, telling the women to leave. Without hesitation, she ran off assumingly back to the bar.
“What the fuck man!” He gasped. The guy held up his hands as Dean shoved him against a random car, just beyond the light.
“What were you doing with that girl?” Dean growled, hand ready to grab the gun at his waist.
“Clam down! Some guy paid me fifty bucks to hit on her. You her boyfriend? Won't happen again.”  The man murmured.
“Don’t give me that bullshit. Every girl you’ve met the past week has wound up dead.” Dean ordered.
He was starting to sweat, beads forming on his brow. The guy's eyes darted around feet shifting nervously under him. Lunging forward he tried to push past them only to be slammed back against the car. A hand shoots up again as he tried not to seem like a threat. Doing his best to stay in control and get the full story Sam pulled out a silver knife holding it close to the man's face. Fear actually causing the man to urine on himself.
“Come on. I didn’t know anything would happen to them! I swear it wasn’t me.”
“Sam check him.” Dean barked.
Sam splashed him with holy water, then took a silver knife placing it against the man's skin. “Nothing. Who’s been paying you?”
Before the man could answer Sam’s phone rang. Dean gave him the familiar look of annoyance. Sam put it on silent and Dean went back to trying to get answers out of the man only to be interrupted by the phone again. Looking down Aris name flashed across the screen, he hit ignore again. Only to have it go off a third time.
“Come on man!” He said over his shoulder. Before grabbing the man as he tried to walk away again.
Sam held up his index finger then turned away sliding the phone to answer. “It's really not a good time right now Aris. Can I call you back?”
“You could but I don't think Aris will be around much longer to answer next time.” The voice on the other end was cold and calculating.
“Where's Aris?” Sams blood went cold. Trying to recognize the voice but unable to place it.
“Don't worry she's safe here with me. We've had a very nice chat.” On the other end of the phone, there was a light tapping noise as if the phone was being hit with something. “Say hello darling.”
“Please Sam!,” Aris pleaded desperation in her voice.
“Don't worry I'm coming to get you!” Sama anger leaking out into his words.
“Why don't you try.” The voice paused thoughtfully for a moment. “You know I was going to let you try to figure it out on your, however, I'm feeling rather impatient today. The man you're looking for that killed those women is the same man who's been lending me a helping hand. Why don't you come to me and we can sort this out like a gentleman?”
“Don't you dare lay a Fucking hand on her!” The sudden rise in Sams' voice catching Dean off guard.
“The address will be texted to you.” Click.
Shoving the phone into his pocket Sam took his own gun from its holster. Rushing the man Dean held against the car. Taking him by the scruff of the neck Sam pressing the gun sharply into the man's stomach. “Next time someone offers you money for any reason know there's always a catch.” Throwing the man to the ground Sam stormed in the direction of the Impala. The man scrambled to his feet taking off running.
“What's going on Sammy?” Sliding into the front seat Dean started off in the direction of Sioux Falls.
“Someone has Aris. He said he's also the one responsible for the killings.”Sam brooded. “We should never have left her alone Dean.”
“We had to leave. This wasn’t something we could control. At some point, we knew that she would be on her own.” Dean shutting down his brothers self-blame. Cutting his hand through the air.
The brothers sat in silence until Sams phone buzzed with an address to where to find Aris. Along with it was a picture of Aris wrists tied above her hanging from the ceiling. Her head hung limp unconscious a large bruise covering her face. Furry and fear for Aris taking hold of both men. Picking up speed it would take two more hours before they made it to the location.
As the world began to spin slowly around her nothing was in focus. Aris felt her arms becoming painful yet numb simultaneously. The air was warm yet she felt so cold, goosebumps running up and down her arms, and cold sweat began to form. She could feel the presence of someone just out of her line of vision. Doing the best to lift her head she took in the vision of the dirty garage. Concrete floor stained with oil, tools lined a bench.
“Sam…” She whispered trying to call out. Her thought hurt, parched desperate for something to drink.
A hand appeared in front of her coaxing her to look up. It was calloused, and firm, a familiar touch that brought back nightmares. Each time she opened her in the morning the face was there taunting her, before she knew the image was just a figment of her imagination. Not this time, however. Flesh and blood, face staring back at her, holding her like she was a lost doll being returned to an excited child. Fear reared its ugly head turning she to stone, unable to flinch
“No baby, It’s Dan. Oh, Sweaty I thought you died.” His hands cupped her cheeks refusing to let her go. “If I had known I would have come barrelin’ after you. Shot those two dead.”
Her heart began to race, how did he find her? How was he able to get to her so easily, without her knowing. Recalling the moments before she blacked out, The man with the scar, he had taken her she had a faint idea that at a point she had even spoken to Sam, sometime between beatings. But why would he have done that if he was working for Dan?
“Don’t worry sweety, you’ll go home soon.” Roughly taking kissing her, it was painful, both mentally and physically.
“Not too soon I hope. Her company was a nice break from the monotony I have had to deal with.” From around the corner, he glided across the floor. “You’re boyfriend here was nice enough to loan you to me for the time being. Don’t worry your pretty little self you’ll be back with him soon.”
Dan dropped his hands charging at the man fist at the ready. “I’m taken her now, I did what you asked, bub. Three women for my Aris, that was the deal.”
“Yes, well deals change. I need her as leverage. You can either go hide or stand around I don’t care but she’s staying here.” He retorted.
Speaking with a certainty that Dan was not used to. Instead of doing as he was told his temper flared pulling back his fist he hit the man hard across the face. It had no effect, however. In fact, the man laughed turned and smiled. Throwing another punch still there was no reaction other than laughter. Dan stood holding his hand. With one last laugh, the man stood suddenly stone faced. Opening his mouth Aris watched as long daggered teeth sprouted from his mouth. Gripping Dan by the shoulders, they sank into his neck, before Dan collapsed on the floor.  
Standing now covered in blood he turned on Aris “They’re here.” Was all he said.
The man without a name drifted to her side pulling her down. Hitting the floor with a thud her arms were useless, one of which seemed to be out of the socket. Looking up from the floor she could have sworn that he was smiling. Pulling her up by her hair she almost missed the sound of the door being kicking open. The silhouette of a two-man stood just out of the light, it took a minute but as her eyes adjusted Sam’s face became clear. Tears started to fall stinging as they hit a cut on her cheek. He held a gun one hand and a machete in the other
“Sam!” Trying to move yet unable to even breath.
“I don’t think so, put the weapons down. It seems that you boys have a weak spot and I’m not above bruising this delicate peach.” Pulling her close he inhaled her smelling. “She is quite something you know. After spending the last day with her I see why you and that gentleman were so attached.”
Taking in the image of Dan’s body Sam judged how much of a threat this single Vamp was. Blood dripping down his chin, while he grinned sheepishly at the idea of taking something away from the brothers that seemed so precious. Laying down the weapons Dean and Sam watched as the Vamp opened his mouth moving it closer to Aris neck.
“Easy we putting them down tell us what you want so we can get the girl and be on our way.” Dean was taking the lead Sam did his best to stay stone-faced.
“I want my family back. We were minding our own business only taking what we needed and you men had to come in and kill them.” He inhaled Aris scent even deeper. “Fortunately, for you, it’s not to difficult to make a new family. Of course, that doesn’t change the fact that you hunters owe me.”
As the dove for their weapons three knew vamps dropped from the ceiling. Two young men and woman all late 20s, Teeth ready. Each vampire going after a brother while the third went for the weapons. Already dealing with more than she could handle Aris looked at the dead body laying on the floor somewhere in the back of her mind she acknowledged the image of Dean and Sam fighting desperately for their lives and hers. The pull of her hair just barely taking her focus off the body. Holding her a way that her eyes had to take in the brutality before her.
Dean dodging to the right, fists at the ready, Sam going to the left landing a punch no one of them only to be thrown by the third. Both getting a few blows in only to have the vamps get up regaining the ground that was. One pulling Dean’s hands behind him. Sam looked ragged as the vamps went for his neck.
“Hold them still my children.  I want them to see as the one they were trying to saves becomes the thing that they hunt.” Teeth cut into the vamps wrists. As blood dripped down his arm.
“Don’t!” Losing his cool Sam struggled against them.
The warm liquid forced into her mouth, Aris trying to resist but unable to move. She felt her arm and bruises heal, her throat that once hurt now felt dry a craving that she didn’t recognize pulled her out of her fog. The lights burning her eyes, footsteps in the distance thundering in her ears. There was a smell in the air that called to her. Looking around she followed it only to see the pulse in Sam’s neck. His heart beating fast rushing with adrenaline.
“How poetic, You save her she kills you. Please, help yourself.” With a laugh he let her go.
Releasing her toward the brothers Aris took a few tentative steps forward. It was becoming increasingly difficult to stay in control, to plan the next step. Maybe she should just give in let the new instincts guide her. The smell of blood seducing her to the point of madness. Eyes centering on Sam he swallowed hard as she took another step toward him. Hands shaking, mouth-watering she couldn’t hold back any longer.
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djibmp · 5 years
Start 2019 with blogging
 Blogging: Her own start advertising was in eBay. It's where many newbie’s start and often where they end as well. But Holly got over them. She saw the dollar signs flashing right in front of her eyes and learn how to start a blog she found novice needs to Newbie finds - receptors pretty labor. Now a couple of later she's dozens of internet and a really comfortable source of income.
Article marketing is the practice of providing articles you've written (or wrote on your behalf) some other web sites, Blogs and Ezines. These articles are provided for free, at the same time return are usually allowed to insert a bio in addition to link in order to your web-site. Starting a blog is not hard at all. Especially when you are already informed about writing fan fiction or writing in wide. It's almost the same way journalists make major money. You can just as easily how to create a blog wordpress guide for beginners, choose a theme, install some plugins and start writing. Solar power really has to then be just getting the task to read your tips. When registering for hosting, don't sign let’s start work on a company that you have heard little about. They may be small-time service providers who have unprofessional expert services. You want to go using a Company that has been in this business for months and months. The reputation would have been spread around forums and blogs. Only sign up if you retain coming across great comments on. The overall rating should be above 90% (the remaining 10% are the type of that may not be happy it doesn't matter what the Company does). Floppy hat wearing the hat along with a broad brim serves two purposes. First, it protects your face from the sun's harsh rays. Second, you may change the brim to helps keep the sun from shining into your eyesight. Where WordPress really stands out is the ease at an individual can optimize your site for search. This is critical if excess weight and fat to gain massive amounts of traffic. WP allows in which customize the way your site will be looking to Google, Bing, Yahoo, and additionally. There are even several fantastic plug-ins that associated with all of this for you, just with a few critical. If begins a business today and make all of the advertising dollars into one medium with minimal traffic, then you probably won't produce many results by that effort. In the same way, you would like your store turn out to be located within a busy a part of town where casual shoppers linger. Most effective business should come from people who just dropped in while window-shopping.
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Tags: Best wordpress plugins for small business website, most important wordpress plugins for beginners, more info
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kiddiemom-blog · 5 years
Roasted Banana Bread Recipe
The glorious roasted banana
bread ... Oh, how I might have a thick piece of it daily Food photography to me can be quite difficult sometimes. I don't mind the modifying procedure at the end but the plating, styling and snapping procedure at the start actually it mentally consuming. I 'd invest rather a lot of time to think of how I desire the food to look. To me, it's more about presenting the food in such a way that actually whets my hunger whilst protecting the essence of how it's meant to be made and taken in. I won't put a garnish on the dish (even if it may make it prettier) unless it in fact is an ingredient of the dish, meant to be consumed with the dish or state something about what we're consuming. A little part of the reason that I have never ever put edible flowers or microherbs as a garnish in my cooking since that's not how I would consume a dish at home or serve it to my household. Plus, I do not believe it really has a flavour that complements what I prepared anyhow. That stated, I do admire it when other people do it due to the fact that it does look unbelievable. I'm just saying that when I do it, it just doesn't feel like me.
Based upon my brief quantity of experience, I need to say that completion outcome is constantly much better when I style it the way I desire it to look instead of attempting to mimic a magazine or website. Despite the fact that I do appreciate those expert images from magazines/websites, I understand that my skill is entirely not on par so every time I do attempt to recreate a particular style, it always ends up looking even worse.
To me, the most significant gripe I have about food photos that I see is when they encounter too "attempt difficult", which is something I am extremely frequently guilty of myself. At least, I believe so anyhow. Sure, the majority of them look" fine "in general, but it is really unusual for me to be truly and entirely pleased with a photo that I've taken. It's extremely rare. They're not terrible, but I constantly seem like there's so numerous aspects of the pictures that can be improved however uncertain how. I guess it's absolutely real when they state that you are your harshest critic.
As much as it seems like I am battling with food photography, it's precisely why I love it. I enjoy being challenged and I love learning from my mistakes and growing from them. It's an excellent enthusiasm that I have and a craft that I truly want to improve on every day. I am certainly a company believer that you never stop learning. Uses to any area of my life. Why am I going on about food photography so much? Well, it's because I'm really going to a food photography workshop arranged by the and !.?.!! The two of them have actually been a huge inspiration to me for the longest time so I am so ecstatic about disappearing this weekend to just find out and be inspired. I tossed and turned about whether I should go (since of the cost and also yearly leave I'll need to utilize) however you know what? I am so happy I bit the bullet and registered! I believe in my mind that it's going to be an extraordinary weekend and will like every minute of it. EXCITEEEEEEE.
OKOKOK back to this dish. Sharing my 2nd dish made with my dependable Tefal Cuisine Buddy. Wished to share this roasted banana recipe since 1)it's damn delicious and 2)it reveals how much quicker and much easier it is to make with the Food Buddy. I truly love this maker and truthfully can not stop utilizing it.
I understand I understand that nearly everybody has got their preferred banana recipe currently but what I personally like to do is roast the bananas first (since it actually helps intensify the flavour and scent even if you're utilizing a very ripe banana) and also find that adding a tip of maple syrup in the batter doesn't simply include sweetness however also a various measurement of flavour the bread. It provides a deep, dark, rich undertone which complements the roasted banana incredibly well.
So, yes. This is how I like to make my banana bread. It's not exactly standard however that's why I enjoy cooking. You can always experiment and alter it up so that you make food the way YOU like to eat it.
I truly, truly like this recipe and I do hope you give it due to the fact that nothing makes me better than seeing others attempt out a dish I've shared.
Hope you're all having a fantastic(early)begin to the weekend!Due to the fact that I have now , they are likewise providing a bunch of seasonal ingredients to prepare with so I can continue to take pleasure in and experiment with my Cuisine Buddy ... Yay!
Can't wait to dig in! Love freezing remaining slices of banana
bread so I can just toast myself a piece whenever I feel like one down the track. Freezes/reheats truly well! Want me my roasted banana bread Roasted Banana Bread Recipe (a dish adjusted from the previous Practically Bourdain) Click here to print the recipe Components 1 1/2 cups mashed ripe bananas(approx. 2 large ones) 2 cups plain flour 3 tsp baking powder 3/4 cup caster or brown sugar 125g saltless butter( softened ) 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 eggs Roman, serif; "> 2 tbsp maple syrup 1/4 cup milk 1 cup or 100g walnuts(chopped) To complete: 1 banana(sliced in half ) Technique(Typical version ) 1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 ° C. Grease a loaf pan with butter. Line the bottom with a sheet of baking paper and lightly dust the sides with flour. 2. Place the banana in a metal plate and roast in the preheated oven for15 minutes. Remove and reserve to cool. 3. Mix the flour with the baking powder. Reserve. 4. Cream the sugar, butter and vanilla extract with an electrical mixer up until the mixture is light and pale. 5. Add 1 egg at a time. Beat with low speed till well blended. 6. Stir in the roasted mashed banana, maple syrup and sliced nuts. 7. At the same time beat in the flour mixture and the milk in 2 batches (flour, milk, flour, milk) into the egg mix, mixing until just mixed.white; line-height: 16px;"> 8. Put the mixture into the grease pan and location the sliced up bananas on top of the batter.
Bake in the oven for 50 minutes or till a cake tester comes out tidy. Increase the temperature level to 20 ° C and bake for a further 5 - 10 minutes to make it extra crusty. 9. Let it cool in the tin for 5 minutes. Turn the banana bread out and let cool on a wire rack. 10. Slice the banana bread into thick slices and serve warm. Method (Tefal Food Buddy variation) 1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 ° C. Grease a loaf pan with butter. Line the bottom with a sheet of baking paper and gently dust the sides with flour. 2. Location the banana in a metal plate and roast in the preheated oven for 15 minutes. Eliminate and reserve to cool. 3. Place all the active ingredients except the roasted mashed banana, chopped nuts and sliced banana into the bowl fitted with the kneading/crushing blade. Introduce the P3 pastry program. 4. At the end of the program, include the roasted mashed banana and sliced nuts, then mix at speed 6 for 40seconds. Pour the mixture into the grease pan and location the chopped bananas on top of the batter. Bake in the oven for 50 minutes or till a cake tester comes out clean. Increase the temperature to 20 ° C and bake for a more 5 - 10 minutes to make it extra crusty. 6. Let it cool in the tin for 5 minutes. Turn the banana bread out and let cool on a cake rack. 7. Slice the banana bread into thick pieces and serve warm.
0 notes
underthebtree · 7 years
Are you committed to life-long learning about YOU?
Big celebrations in our household today, despite my daughters adamant assurances that it was yesterday so that she could have cake, my little one is turning 2.  I find this amazing as although I have been there every step of the way, I do wonder where the time has gone and marvel at how FAST two years goes.  As these milestones often do, it has triggered a moment of reflection and some noticing about time passing and where I am now in my life, since his birth 2 years ago.
It does come with some excitement that I am in a significantly BETTER place 2 years on.  Thank goodness for that too as it has been a rocky road at times, as with any adjustment to parenthood I would suspect!!  I do have to say though that this is NOT an accident!  Suffice it to say that having children, or experiencing any major life where nothing will ever be the same again, takes some adjustment!  Despite this being a planned change, I can see that I have gone through various stages of adjustment (including denial and regret – OMG what have I DONE!!)  even though I love my children and wouldn’t change it, the road has not always been smooth.
Looking back I can see that there was one, significant strength, that that has helped me IMMEASURABLY that has made all the difference.  This one strength has helped me through the toughest times and allowed me to see this process in a way where:
I could see my ‘suffering’ moments as moments of ‘purposeful suffering’ and growth opportunities (not always with optimism and willingness I might add).
I could slip into helpless/hopeless states (there is a lot of that in parenting!!) and then RETURN to problem solving mode.
I could feel totally ineffective, inadequate, NOT GOOD ENOUGH, crying in the corner, and then I could do what mattered anyway as I could see these as just stories and not GET STUCK.
I could see myself as EVOLVING– there is no manual for parenting, or children for that matter, and so essentially you have to learn from scratch – or in some cases you have to UNLEARN from scratch!!
 So what is this one strength?
This one strength is perhaps so obvious that it is easily missed, and easily DISMISSED, but looking back it has been my saviour really – this one capacity – cultivated over a lifetime – that has been the VERY THING that could get me out of any quagmire that I might find myself in!!
So this strength?
Quite simply
It is my commitment to LIFE-LONG LEARNING.
And more specifically – my commitment to life-long learning about MYSELF!
This has always been my approach to life – to be curious and wondering about human functioning (and dysfunctioning) – and this includes MY OWN.  I have always been CURIOUS and accepted long ago that there is always more to understand about how we function BEST as human beings, to see that we are all EVOLVING because our circumstances are always CHANGING!  Even in the most stable of times, we experience the unexpected (wanted and unwanted!!).
Our circumstances are always changing and the ONE GIFT that Mother Nature has provided is the gift of ADAPTATION – we have been given the capacity to learn, adapt and be flexible when it comes to innovation and ‘newness’ – oh you use fire, how innovative, can you show me how to use it too?
So yes, this applies to learning new things about our environment but it EQUALLY applies to learning about OURSELVES and how we sit in RELATIONSHIP to our environment – how we can learn new things about ourselves and be evolving and adapting ourselves in powerful and POSITIVE ways – ways that allow us to experience ever increasing HAPPINESS.
But this does not happen automatically – this comes with a DECISION.
Like learning to use fire – oh you use fire – cool, see ya next week for the Sunday roast.
How often do you see this!? How often do you DO this?  More often than you probably like I would say!
 Making a decision
While adaptation is a natural process, something we ALL have the OPPORTUNITY to experience, the learning required does involve a DECISION – a decision that is made that initiates a PROCESS that is then LIFE-LONG!  Your whole relationship with yourself changes; how YOU sit in relationship to your environment and your life becomes something that MATTERS – every day.  Not once per week, or twice on Sundays. But every day you are curious about how you are tracking and then questioning if this is how you want to be living your life!
This does not have to be daunting when you have the right mindset around it – growth opportunity? Cool!
This does not have to be a drag when you realise this is how it is MEANT TO BE!
I am not sure where or why this CRUCIAL bit of information gets missed during our education, but learning about YOU can be (and IS) the most interesting thing that you could possibly apply to your life
You will have no real connection to your life because you haven’t asked yourself and checked in!
You don’t check in every day and say G’day.
You just ignore yourself until there really is a crisis and then it becomes situation critical –  you then question why you are not working as you should be!
If you treated your personal relationships in this way, what would happen (and maybe you do, and how does that work?).
If you treated your car like this, what would happen?
If you treated your dog like this, what would happen?  Oh wait actually, this would probably be fine as they are UNCONDITIONALLY LOVING and FORGIVING!!
But what happens when treat yourself like this, and then wonder – why am I not functioning? Are you unconditionally loving and forgiving, and say, oh you have been gone a while, lets get back on track you little rogue you?  More than likely not!
 The internal work - Cultivating a relationship with yourself
So the cultivation of a relationship with yourself – one that involves the DECISION to commit yourself to life-long learning about YOU – can be an exciting adventure that leads you to living consciously, deliberately and ON PURPOSE.  The even better news is that it doesn’t have to stop with getting out of the quagmire – you CAN invite in ever increasing GOOD too – ever increasing HAPPINESS once you are out of the quagmire, so there is room for optimism!
Yes it is important to learn stuff about life, acquire knowledge, achieve goals and all the rest of it – we are the smart monkey’s after all right - but this is ONLY EVER a close second to what you will get when you commit yourself to doing the INTERNAL work – the internal DISCOVERY of who you really are and how you function best!
Want ever increasing happiness?  Well this is the road, this is the pathway and there really is no way around it, but would you really want one?
Remember that Bodhi starts with you
  PS: If you are interested in learning more about you; cultivating a relationship with YOURSELF that is based on rock solid self-belief, then The Awakening Spirit is the course for you!  We will be reopening The Awakening Spirit again soon, so if you missed the first run of it, you will have your opportunity to join us again soon.  It really is THE COURSE to do if you desire to build a positive relationship with yourself, and gain the tools that will make this an enjoyable process of self-discovery rather than some sort of daunting task to be done!
Email Dean for more info or to be put on the waitlist!!
 PPS: If you would like to be kept updated about everything Under the Bodhi Tree then you can choose to join us!  To find out more about all the benefits of joining our community click here
 Disclaimer:  This information is in no way intended to replace psychological treatment should you be suffering from clinical depression and anxiety and be in need of personalised, individual therapy.  This information can be used as an adjunct to your therapy and you can feel free to raise it with your therapist should you have one.  If you are in any way suicidal, please contact your therapist or emergency support services. 
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