#please stop posting your identifying info online I am begging you
angels-heap · 1 year
Happy back to school/college season! Friendly PSA that y'all really should not be posting your class schedules on tumblr and discord where any random person can see them!!!
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louisekayofficial · 6 years
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Question: I met a man in 2015 and I still think of him. I let go and trust what is right now... but any advice as to how to be totally free of wanting him or a partner in general? This is one of the things keeping me from this state of peace... or perhaps it's normal? Answer: It's totally natural to feel a human desire to connect intimately with another. That longing itself doesn't cause any suffering. What causes the suffering is the belief that we can't be happy or complete until we have a partner. If we also have a belief that it's wrong or not spiritual to experience longing for a partner (or any other feeling), we create suffering by innocently inflicting self-judgement upon ourselves. "I shouldn't be feeling like this. Why am I not able to let go of him / her? I’ve meditated on this for five days and done ten reiki sessions! What's wrong with me? I want to feel differently." To let go of these beliefs, whenever thoughts like this appear in your experience just gently notice them. Don't give them any power. Don't believe their story. Don't follow the thoughts. Don't try to stop the thoughts. Simply notice them and gently follow the movement of your breath in the body with your attention. If you allow them and create a space between you and the thoughts by simply observing, they will naturally fall away when they're ready. Often times, on top of the longing and natural desire that we feel to connect intimately and deeply with another, there is a feeling of needing something from that person. Needing them to behave a certain way. Needing them to reciprocate our feelings. This neediness is not love. Love doesn't need anything from anyone. Love is just happy to love unconditionally, without needing anything in return. The neediness feels like lack. It feels like we're missing something and we project to the other that they can fill this void in us. We believe that they are the one that can stop us from experiencing this unpleasant pain, that they will be the one that will save us, just as we were promised in the childhood fairy stories. So we wait for our knight in shining armour to show up on a white horse (or a sexy fireman in a Porsche 😆). "When I meet him / her my life will be complete." "If only he / she loved me back, then I would be happy!" And so suffering is born. When we depend on anything on the outside to bring us happiness we are inevitably doomed to suffer. So where does this neediness and feeling of lack come from? And how can we experience it without suffering? The incompleteness that we feel is an energy within us that is calling out for attention and love from us. We don't know the cause actually. It could be from the lack of mature love given to us by our parents, it could be ancestral trauma, or it could be from a trauma we experienced early in life. It isn't important actually. What's important is to know how to meet it with presence and love so that we can make friends with it and even enjoy it. When this energy calls out for love, if we are not conscious of it it will take us over and it will desperately try to seek validation and approval on the outside in an attempt to fill the void. We might post a selfie online to get some likes and feel that we have worth. We might smother our child in kisses to feel that we are loved and needed. We might try to impress whoever we're in conversation with by bragging, or put others down to feel a false sense of superiority. These are all shouts for help. All attempts to resolve our pain on the outside, "See me! Acknowledge me! Validate me! Please!" And we become a society of innocent beggars desperate to fill our inner voids. If our begging is successful, when the effect of temporary fulfilment wears off we will continue to express the energy of the neediness unconsciously, and we may also try some other tricks like numbing the pain with chocolate, alcohol, meaningless sex or shopping but ultimately the pain will continue to arise until we break the cycle and meet it. The first step to meeting the pain is to recognise and acknowledge when it is present in our experience. If we don't recognize it, we will move unconsciously into identifying with thought and story and the patterns of suffering and seeking will commence. When we are conscious enough to notice that the neediness is present in our experience we can open to meeting it with love. At first it may feel uncomfortable, but that's ok. Start by brining your attention fully present into this moment. Notice the gentle movement of your breath. Notice the silence. Notice the stillness. Now drop your attention fully into the body and without making any judgements just notice what sensations are present. You might feel a contraction or tightness somewhere in the body. That's good. It means you're accessing the source of the pain. Now gently open to feeling the sensations. As you feel it you can speak gently to it if you like, just as though you're speaking to a sweet, innocent child that's in pain, "Sweetheart I know you feel lonely right now. I know you feel lost, afraid, alone. I hear you. I'm here for you. I love you.” Be like an unconditionally loving mother/father to this pain. Relax into feeling it and let go of any agenda to integrate, fix or heal this energy. Make friends with it. Hold it in soft, gentle love. Surrender fully to it and let it stay forever if it wants to. When we fully embrace our inner experience in this way it becomes a gateway to deeper self-love and we open to a love which is beyond human love; divine love. This is the only source which can fill our inner void. When we open to divine love it nourishes us from within and it overflows to others. It has no desire to receive, only to love more deeply. And any relationship that enters our life then becomes a blessing and bonus, but it's not needed because we know and feel that we are already whole, complete and perfect right now, exactly as we are. 💚 *** If you want to work with me personally on Skype I am currently offering private sessions to support anyone who’s interested in integrating trauma and letting go of unconscious beliefs. Please send me an email for bookings and enquiries [email protected] ***
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konsyg-blog · 7 years
Be A Great Sales Manager!
The expression Internet Marketing contains names such as any person, MLM marketer, affiliate marketers, and networker who has an internet home based business. So as to have a business enterprise that is prosperous, you need to develop into a generating expert. If you don't have people to speak with you will soon be out of business, let us face it. There sales management strategies ppt are lots of methods to create traffic that are free and others which will cost you per click through. The later can become quite expensive if you don't know what you are doing so do not try it till you can spend it. It does no good if you don't, to become a lead generating expert CALL men and women. Have a look at these techniques to get prospects.
Give away an great item. As a person in network advertising your organization has more than likely supplied a business URL to you to promote the business. DO NOT use this site to publicize your company. Stop cramming your business and LEAD them to it instead. You give things away rather and must lead with worth. Have people sign in to a mail list to be able to get the item. Now they're in your own listing.
Buy an email lists. Because you don't understand how great the record will be I disagree with this particular one. Trust me, when I was first starting out I purchased a huge amount of leads which got me absolutely no where. I discovered that many of titles on the lists were not konsyg.com lookers for my merchandise or buyers. Lists can be very expensive and most people receive the "spam" and just delete it anyway. They do not know you. Therein lies the problem, they do not know you. You can not purchase a qualified prospect, you need to get to know them first.
You need to promote to a certain niche. This enables you improve your conversion prices, and therefore to get targeted prospects. Get on the net and do some research to find things like magazines and clubs market. As an example the Mustang has had an unbelievable following since its beginning. You will find global sales manager job description publications, parts catalogs swap meets, car shows and so on. Look at your company and identify precisely the very same kinds of things. If you're attempting to sell to everyone you'll never get anywhere. Cater to a set of individuals. Trust me once I say it is a lot more profitable if you're doing.
Write a post every day. This is the number one method to create free traffic to people. There are companies that will write posts for you although it can be very time consuming. One time I outsourced five posts and had to re-write every single one of these. I take the opportunity to study, compose and publish every article. It pays big dividends in the long run. Write an article that will help people promote a product, examine a business or solve a problem.
Every network marketing supplier seems to be looking for the magical network marketing lead resource that is currently going to provide them an ongoing stream of fresh mlm leads with charge card in hand begging you to combine your chance phoning them. I even saw a site this week were somebody calling them self a guru, was promising to teach you how to make that occur. What BS!
Regardless of what many of those "Self Proclaimed" mlm gurus are trying to sale you, I will promise you, it does not exist. additional info If such a mlm lead strategy or source was out there I have been for 30 decades, do not you think I would know about it?
The Internet has not been changed since by my philosophy on MLM lead generation. The world wide web is a fantastic tool to help you generate more leads for your Social Network Here small business, but isn't "THE WAY". If anyone tries to tell you that they've "THE WAY" to create network marketing leads for your small business, RUN!
You here the term be The hunted and not the hunter bounced around by many "Web is THE WAY" self proclaimed gurus today. Please think through this. Being the hunted rather than the hunter has nothing to do with the fact if a prospect has been created offline or online. It's a mindset. I will state that it's an Attitude.
Your results will probably change whenever your attitude changes. I recall especially, exactly when this happened to me personally, before the web even existed, and it was. It happens for everyone once they understand how to create their own mlm leads offline, online, or both. IT IS AN ATTITUDE!
After you receive the "Law of Averages out of your mind to your heart" and you understand that recruiting, online or off is a numbers game your posture will change. When you start to recognize that you don't desire them, sales pipeline management they need you and everybody who joins your staff will take your time up, so you don't want. As I have taught for 25 years, you are needed by them. You've got a six figure opportunity, they have a supervisor.
I believe that the majority of those "Attraction Marketers" who are attempting to convince one to neglect the recognized network marketing lead generation systems of yesteryear click to investigate are sincere in their view. However, I'm always reminded of a quote from the late great Jim Rohn "Never mistake sincerity with fact, because some people are sincerely wrong"
Is that people teach at the point. Some people consider $500 a month a success, for others. And it is $500 per hour. I can understand if a person struggles in network marketing for 4 or 3 decades, Konsyg then begins taking the majority of their prospecting online so that they feel as they have discovered the holy grail of recruiting and now they're making $ 500 per month. I get that.
What I don't get is they don't recognize that if not to this 3-4 years in the trenches, developing online. Do Konsyg sales pipeline management all of it online, if you are someone who's preaching attraction advertising, consider it and mark my words.
The failure rate for the ones that try to create their prospects online, and the ones that try to create their mlm leads off line, ULTIMATELY WILL BE THE SAME! I listened another night, in on a MLM Lead System Pro webinar along with the speaker made the statement we want to turn around the collapse speed in network advertising to success rate with our platform. The part about that statement is I believe it was believed by them. Never confuse sincerity with fact.
The truth of the matter is 76 percent of the population of the USA die without enough cash in their bank account to pay for their own funeral. I am not likely to change that, your not likely to change that, and no MLM Lead Generation System is going to change this. As as human being and network entrepreneurs we need to learn how to work with human nature, and the way it is.
4 out of 5 small companies of any sort don't make it five decades.
Not to sell their home. The specific same thing can be stated about insurance brokers that never market their very first policy.
So what exactly does this all have to do with getting a Master in MLM Lead creation? Everything! You must understand that for fascination advertising to work, you ought to be attractive. There's nothing sales pipeline management template more unattractive than a fired up newbie who just got off a conference call talking about that which they know nothing about and calling them self a "MLM Consultant". This has gotten way out of hand on
You would come across a wide assortment of wages, if you should scan job boards for a profession in lead generation, appointment setting, or teleprospecting. Some positions pay as little as $8.00. Others can pay as large as six figures when you add commission, salary, and bonuses. Just how can you put a value on direct generation?
Business-to-business generation of leads is all catching on all across the nation. Many companies hire a third party company. Other people hire people with a sales history or train current workers. Qualify them to the fullest the objective is definitely to predict on leads, and provide a logical step for the external sales team. A next step could be a meeting, a conference telephone, or a webinar.
Why is there such a disparity with generators' salaries? I think there are some reasons. To start with, it's a organization's job to make as much profit as possible. That often means paying workers as little as they can eliminate. There is absolutely no guarantee that any lead will turn into a closed deal, so determining the value project management pipeline strategy of supplying them can be complex. Each firm has its own unique product and service offering, and the worth of those offerings can be different from company to company. For example, a firm selling $500.00 coffee manufacturers may pay significantly less than a software firm selling an ERP solution valued at $500,000 each thing.
To take advantage of a lead creation career, direct gen. experts must become experts in their area. For instance, if the majority of lead gen. tasks are with software companies, lead generation experts must study the intricacies of applications and maintain trends. Generating reps must also practice becoming outstanding callers, which entails learning how to overcome objections and choosing the proper words to ignite an interest. You'll find that many of the lead creation reps possess a sales background but they also have some expertise in the area in which they are currently calling.
You decide the worth of direct generation, when you become an expert in the field. It doesn't matter if you work for a business, a generation more services the company firm, or start your own firm. The value of what you accept as payment for it and what you are doing is totally up to you.
-- E. R. Carpenter
more information on wikipedia
E. R. Carpenter is a sales specialist and writer whose work has been published by Little, Brown and Company, The Midwest Book Review, Forest Wade Press, and AALBC.com. inside sales management strategies The Air Force veteran and Capital University grad lives in the Cleveland region.
The reaction I know some of you are having right now is oh no Dale. Everybody I'm talking to states Market doesn't function and I don't want to pursue my friends and family. Let me say this,
Just because the "ace" you are listening to blew it in their hot market rather than figured our how to help anyone be prosperous in their warm market, DOES NOT MEAN WARM MARKET DOESN'T WORK!
When done each method will provide you with leads that are workable.
Market methods work as well and that I will supply you the names of countless industry heavy hitters that came into the industry due to a market contact or network marketing lead generation approach.
The main point is you opt to get a searched or be searched. In addition you choose if you would like to become a Master MLM generator or concentrate on just 1 of those 6 methods. One last thought and then I will let you go. When you think about the fact that 42 percent of the American people does not have an email address, why would you wish to remove 42 percent of distributors and your potential clients before you ever begin?
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