#please warn others not to buy from sherry tenney
kaiyonohime · 1 year
For a summary of who Sherry Tenney is (currently using the name Giltay Sher-lee), here is a post about all the harm she has done, and continues to do, to the fiber arts industry.  Warnings for animal abuse and violence.
This is a warning that one of her known associates, Lindsey E Bucci of Reservoir Fibers, is going into fiber arts groups on FB and trying to encourage people to buy from Sherry.  Lindsey E Bucci has her own warnings about her because she is known to doxx people, and her customers, for no apparent reason in bizarre fits of rage directed at others (she has mental health issues that seem to be untreated, and unfortunately is causing harm to others).  So if you see her posting in any FB groups, please know that she is a known associate of Sherry Tenney, and is also someone to be avoided on her own.
Also, the judge has ruled that the case against Sherry Tenney is continuing forward.  Unfortunately Sherry Tenney has also been posting about how her sheep have not yet been sheared this year (she owes over $20,000 USD to one shearer, so no others will work with her).  So she’s abusing her animals once again.  Hopefully the Attorney General can get that stopped as well.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Sherry Tenney and her watersports
For those of you who don’t know who Sherry Tenney is (currently going by the name Sherry Tennay on FB), she is a scam artist in the fiber world.  I have a pinned post here that goes more into detail.  But, basically, she has stolen $15,000+ USD from people, the rare times she sends out fiber it is infested with moths and usually covered in feces, she has threatened to sue people (including me personally), and has frequently threatened to shoot and kill people.  She is under investigation by the Pennsylvania Attorney General at this moment.
But this is a weekly update!
To date no person she has threatened to sue has ever received any paperwork or been served.  Sherry herself has lost two lawsuits though, and both her and her husband are known for ducking process servers.  They even duck process servers when it comes to divorces.  It’s an entire thing.  So yeah, no lawsuits of any kind.  If Sherry ever threatens to sue you, congratulations, she’s threatened to sue several hundred people this year alone.  And all of Ravelry.  And shoot and kill and feed all of Ravelry to her animals.  
Not a lot has been happening with Sherry.  It has been confirmed that one of her accomplices that has helped destroy small fiber sellers online over the years is an admin for WAFA, so it’s no longer safe to purchase from sellers on WAFA.  It’s unfortunate, but that’s how she operates.  The founder of the WAFA group has chosen to allow this admin and Sherry to continue operating without issue in the group.
All of Sherry’s chickens have died this year.  Sherry is a staunch believer that animals can fend for themselves with little to no help, so she will not take animals in at night.  So her chickens were left outside all night, and the last of them were killed by predators this week.  Her ducks are also suffering.  As are sheep, as she has had quite a few sheep and lambs die this year.  She likes to present herself as someone who cares for animals and runs a farm, but, in reality, it’s a complete mess and animals are dying.
But Sherry has discovered a novel solution!  Sherry has come up with the great idea that if she pees on all the fence posts around her farm, and the fence line, it will keep predators away!  I am not making this up, the woman has been bragging online about how brilliant she is by coming up with the idea of peeing on all of her fences.  And has been doing it.  She claims she has also forced her farm hands to pee on all the fences as well, but, to anyone’s knowledge, she doesn’t have any farm hands.  So it’s just her peeing on everything.  
Sherry has also bragged about riding around on an ATV with three loaded shotguns and night vision goggles all night, patrolling her 13 acre property and threatening to shoot anyone she sees near her property.  It has been confirmed in photos that she does have one shotgun that she keeps unsecured in her home.  So the count so far is three shotguns, one AK, and one glock.
She is also bragging about riding around patrolling on an ATV less that a week after having extensive foot surgery that required donated parts to fix her foot.  
Sherry is also still threatening to attend Rhinebeck Wool Festival.  If you see her at the festival, please do not approach!  She is to be considered armed and dangerous at all times!  She has threatened on video to shoot and kill people because of her scam being exposed.  She has bragged about shooting at her neighbors children and thinks of it as a joke to teach them a lesson.  She is incredibly violent, and has been upping the threats of violence in recent posts.  She has started using knives to measure locks of fiber to sell, and enjoys talking about how she is ready to shoot anyone at any time with her guns.  If you see her at the festival turn around and go the opposite direction.  No one wants anyone hurt by Sherry.  I cannot stress enough that she is to be considered armed, violent, and incredibly dangerous if encountered in person.  Do not go to her farm, do not attend any classes she hosts (her husband has also threatened to be armed and ready to shoot people at her classes), do not go near her in public.  Avoid her at all costs.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
A Sherry Tenney and WAFA warning update
If you are unaware of who Sherry Tenney is, I have pinned a post here.  But, in short, Sherry Tenney is a scam artist in the fiber arts community that takes money and almost never ships out product.  What little she does ship out is covered in feces and infested with various forms of vermin, including moths and ants.  Her, and several accomplices, also target and damage and destroy small fiber sellers online.  She is also extremely aggressive and has threatened to both shoot and sue people, and brags about the guns she has.  She is under investigation from the Pennsylvania Attorney General.  She has stolen, to date, $15,000+ USD from customers.  This is not counting the amount of money she has stolen from suppliers.
Lawsuit update: to the surprise of no one, no, I have still not been served any papers even though she has threatened to sue me personally.  I guess that’s what happens when you ask a chicken to do everything for you.  Shit just doesn’t get done.
Sherry Tenney, currently known as Sherry Tennay, has renamed her main FaceBook sellers group from ‘Tenneys Fibers and raw wool buyers group’ to ‘Wool and Fiber artists supplies buyers group and silks too’.  She has done this in an attempt to draw in new victims that may mistake her group for the WAFA group on FaceBook.  WAFA stands for ‘Wool and Fiber Artists’.  
Unfortunately it’s a little more underhanded than that.  One of the main parts of Sherry’s scheme over the years has been to purposefully destroy other small fiber sellers.  What she, and multiple accomplices, will do is infiltrate a group on FaceBook, message buyers there telling them Sherry will sell better for much cheaper, and then continuously report the group until it is removed from FaceBook.  Sellers have reported 60%+ losses from Sherry’s actions, with some going out of business as well.
Sherry is not only now targeting WAFA and WAFA members, at least one WAFA admin is one of Sherry’s accomplices and is working from the inside to help destroy WAFA and financially harm sellers that use WAFA.  WAFA is a compromised group that is being targeted the same way Sherry destroyed other groups.
If you use WAFA, or know anyone that does, please pass on this warning.  Any seller that they see or are approached by should be researched by looking them up on the Fiber Transaction Board.  The FTB has banned Sherry, and all of her socks and accomplices, from the FTB after several incidents she caused.  Sherry has enough red flags to her name on the FTB to put a communist march in China to shame.
So, as always, please be careful who you buy fiber from online.  Unfortunately there are scam artists out there that only aim to harm the fiber arts community.  And, of course, please avoid any physical contact with Sherry.  She is to be considered armed and dangerous at all times.  She is currently threatening to attend Rhinebeck Wool Festival.  If you see her at the festival avoid her at all costs, just turn and walk away.  She is dangerous, do not confront her.
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Updates on Sherry Tenney situation
I have everything covered so far pinned to the top of my blog here.
After a month I felt I should share updates.  Sherry Tenney is still open and operating her scam.  She seems to be selling everything she can find in her attic, and most of the product shown is covered in mold, stains, and rodent droppings.  I cannot stress enough to avoid buying from her.
Unfortunately her sheep in Maryland are still not sheared.  In early July, after waiting for more than a year, they are suffering in this heat.  No shearer in the eastern US will work with her because of farm conditions and because of lack of payment.  Neither she nor her husband seem able to shear the sheep themselves, though she has claimed to be able to shear sheep in the past.  Supposedly an inexperienced shearer has been located and will be shearing the sheep next week, we are all hoping so for the sake of the sheep in this brutal July weather.
There is a barberpole parasite infestation on her Pennsylvania farm at this time.  As she has repeatedly stated that she has/will be transporting sheep from Pennsylvania to Maryland, sheep from both farms should be considered infected at this time.  
Sherry is also advertising lambs, ewes, and rams for sale from both farms.  She states that they do not have papers.  The sheep on her farm have been breeding without control for many years now, and there is no knowledge on their parentage.  The sheep are mostly likely at least slightly inbred, if not massively in some cases.  If you are looking to buy sheep to use for breeding purposes in her area, please remember there is no knowledge of their genetic lineage and they should not be included with your flock for your flock’s safety.
Known associates of Sherry Tenney who support her and either support her in her scams or actively help her with her scam:
Suzanne Smith Collier of “Finer than Frog’s Hair”.
Brice Wonders of “Spinaway Farms”
Please continue to be warned about Sherry Tenney.  She also goes under the aliases Sherry Tenney Giltay, Sara Rudacille, Lee Giltay, Sherry Vondorp, and others.  Do not be scammed by her, she will take your money and not deliver product.  She is being investigated by the Pennsylvania Attorney General at this time.
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