#fiber arts scam
kaiyonohime · 1 year
A summary of who Sherry Tenney is and why all in the fiber arts community should be warned against her can be found here.
Please notice on the linked post, I have updated to include the names of people who are helping her with her scam.  If you see any of those people active in fiber arts groups, please be aware and warn others about them.  They are scam artists as well, and have helped Sherry Tenney harm other small businesses.
The judge has released his findings, and all of Sherry’s arguments that the state of Pennsylvania can’t charge her because she operated her scam online and not in person have been overruled.  The case brought by the Pennsylvania Attorney General against Sherry Tenney will proceed.
Here is a link to a Google drive with all of the legal documents that have been filed by both Sherry Tenney and the court so far.  The file ruling that the case will continue is 2023.06.29 Order of the Court.
As a reminder, the AG is seeking to fine her $3000 USD for every victim over the age of 60, $1000 USD for every victim under the age of 60, and to ban her, or anyone working with her, from selling online permanently. 
If you have been a victim of Sherry Tenney’s scam, the Pennsylvania Attorney General is still requesting complaints.  You can file a complaint here. Please encourage any victims that you know to file as well.  The more that come forward with evidence against her the better.  Especially if you have chat logs that include information linking her to Suzanne Smith Collier.
The list of people associated with the scam artist Sherry Tenney, and are actively helping her with her scam:
Suzanne Smith Collier
Cynthia Karitianos Tilker
Caroline Moss
Roberta Van Harn
Adrienne Lehman
Jeannine Talley-Cramer
Please be warned that, upon viewing some of their profiles online, they are as just as willingly capable of violence as Sherry Tenney has threatened in the past.  Do not confront them in person.  Warn others, and avoid them at all costs.
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statelesspinup · 9 months
I did not just find an Etsy store using AI fucking photos to sell amigurumi patterns
What bullshit is this??!??
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Please ignore my tabs I need those but THERE IS NO WAY this isn't AI. Here. Let's take the worst one I found and dissect it.
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Like,,, okay. Just try following the line of yarn in front of the poke ball. It splits off and attaches in ways that yarn doesn't. There are completely detached circles of yarn!! What even is that metal thing?? I've been knitting and crocheting for a decade and I don't know what that is. Why is the yarn wrapped around a jar?!
Is there anything I can do about this? I just feel bad for whoever is gonna buy that sonic the hedgehog pattern (which was NEARLY ME) and gets totally ripped off. Bc if you have to use AI to sell your pattern, something tells me that the real pictures of the pattern's results aren't going to look right.
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marmorafarms · 3 months
Crochet AI was kinda funny at first. Putting in pattern ideas (give me a pattern for an amigurmi whale, give me a pattern for a crochet shawl in the bead stitch, etc) and see what random shit pops up. Then we'd try and make it and have a good laugh at how stupid and bad it came out, due to AI not having figured out crochet.
It's no longer funny now.
People are coming up with AI pictures and attaching an AI generated pattern that will NEVER look like the picture, and selling it. It's awful. People are being scammed left right and center, and it is sometimes hard to tell the difference between real and fake before buying. Looking closely at the pictures can help though, even though it's becoming trickier. The below video has good tips.
Stay safe out there.
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yourfriendphoenix · 4 months
So like idk if anyone outside of the fiber arts community even knows about this but a major problem that we are facing rn is AI actually. Now how does that work, with fiber arts being mostly physical artwork? Well, you see some AI bros out there have caught on to the fact that we buy and sell patterns based mostly on image. Some insidious people have decided to AI generate (pretty convincing if you're not looking hard enough) images of finished pieces. They then try and sell them. If you don't know what your looking for you can get seriously scammed. A while back my mom sent me an AI written crochet pattern with an image of Stitch and I didn't know better at the time, so I tried making it, only for nothing to make sense. I ended up having to frog the whole thing after hours of work. I thought I was going insane. Luckily it was a free pattern, but if it wasn't I would have been way more frustrated!
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kitsune-oji · 1 year
could you do obey me boys with a professional volleyball player mc? 💁🏻‍♀️ like they enter at RAD's volleyball team and are absolutely SLAYING or smth like that! i also imagine mc having a very fit body and getting home late bc of the training
Professional Sports Player Mc
I made it a bit more general, changing volleyball to sports because really these hcs could be read with volleyball in mind or another sport entirely. I hope that's ok!
Since you didn't specify, I just went with the brothers for this
Gn! Mc (you/yours)
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Lucifer admires the discipline and strength it takes to professionally do sports and honestly, he finds it attractive too
Definitely tries to take the time to go to any matches you have to support you and to watch you in your element
If he sees you winning - against Demons no less - he's so incredibly proud of you and wants everyone to know
Sort of looks like a proud father standing next to you but the way he looks at you reveals his adoration for you very clearly
Makes you lunches to take with you when you train, making sure they are balanced and contain enough protein and fiber to aid you
The only downside he sees is that he has so little time with you. When you come home late, you're very exhausted from your day after all and he's already a busy man himself, so it's quite difficult to get some quality time together
Just means you both need to make a bit more of an effort!
Mammon has always been your hype man no. 1 and it's no different in this case
Making you lunches just means peanut butter sandwiches but if you like that (and aren't allergic to peanuts), it's still nice!
He's there for every match you have and watches your training sometimes too if you're ok with it - if not, he wants to pick you up at least though
When you win, Mammon is so loud but his cheers are really cute so you know... He wants you to run into his arms so he can spin you around, please
Shows people videos and pictures of you from one of your matches and gets mad if the person watching it doesn't find you as amazing as Mammon himself does
(they also shouldn't find you too amazing though because then he'll tell them how way out of your league they are and how the Great Mammon is by your side and nobody else-)
Having you coming home late is torture for Mammon but he's either distracting himself by doing things he shouldn't (gambling, scamming, stealing from his brothers, etc) or he's finding ways to be in your presence anyway - aka watch you when you train
He's the very best stan, thank you very much!
For you, he even braves going into the hell that is sports obsessed normies to watch your matches
Cheering you on is an art form and Leviathan has perfected it. He wears your or your teams colors, has your name written on his face, has a chant, a sign, a- you know the drill
Makes you the cutest bento lunches with encouraging notes and a lot of love in them
He gets so insecure and thus jealous of anyone trying to get close, especially if they're not just a fan but someone who plays the same sport as you. "What if having the same passion makes you like them better than some shut in weirdo like him?" his brain tries to tell him
Levi idealises you a bit too much but we knew that already. It's just maybe a bit more obvious that you're basically one of his idols that he actually gets close enough to to touch
Having you come home late sometimes makes his thoughts run wild, even if he knows you have training that day - he just can't help it but distracting himself until you come home works most of the time when he isn't so immersed in his game or show that he forgets the time anyway
Sports aren't really his thing but... You're doing it, so it's still interesting to him
Wants to know everything about your sport and even tries to give you advice. You may have to stop him right there because you are a professional... Unless maybe he does actually have one or two good points. Maybe he'd be worth listening to at least?
Second place for cute lunches, usually cat themed in some way but definitely nutritious too! He wants to aid you where he can
Of course he's there for your matches, how could he not? His cheers are a bit more quiet but he won't let you question how much he supports you and your passion
Seeing you happy and panting from exertion does something to him, to his heart. It takes him a while to realise that it's love for you that he feels
The fact that you come home late makes him sad sometimes but he knows that your training is important and he tries to suggest some things to do together that don't take a lot of energy - like reading aloud for you to listen to while you lay your head on his lap
Asmodeus loves how fit you are because of your profession and he makes it abundantly clear as well
Next to outright telling you how hot he finds it how passionate you are, the way he takes the time out of his day to watch you practice (if you allow it) says lore than enough
Your teammates tease you about how obviously interested Asmodeus is in you, though there are also those that are jealous of you... Oh well
Asmo likes to doll himself up in a cheerleader outfit and do a little dance to cheer you on in matches. While he does take away a lot of attention from the actual game, he is very cute
Don't let him make lunches for you. The demon manages to blow the kitchen up trying to make bread, who knows what will happen if he tries to make you a lunch box?
In days when he can't watch you train or if you don't let him, Asmo has no qualms letting you know how lonely he was without you. Clinging to you and whining and telling you that you have to make it up to him
He's pretty easy to appease though, so it's not too bad
Beelzebub is so happy to have someone else there who also loves to do sports. You may not do the same sport but you can still train your bodies together, if you want to
Going to the gym with Beel is nice, all in all. You get a nice view if you're into that and Beel will help you if you've never been to the gym before
Even if you have, you can still help each other, correct the other's form or spot each other
He will make sure to attend each and every one of your matches and is right there when you cheer because you won or need some comfort because you lost. Beel also asks you to come watch his matches as well
Beel is an amazing cook, so lunches from him are very nice... If he manages to make one, that is. Either way he wants to eat together with you
Having you come home late can make Beel upset sometimes because he misses your company but he's pretty good at keeping himself busy until you're back. If he's a bit more clingy than usual...well, who's gonna complain?
You do a sport? What, professionally even? Damn, he could never
But we knew that already. Belphie yawns at the mere mention of such physical activity and he admires the way you and Beel do so much of it and enjoy it too
Sure he will come to your matches too. Though he may not be able to pay attention the whole time, he still makes an effort to be there to show his support
More importantly, Belphie makes sure that you don't overdo it and helps you get the rest you need to start the next day fit as a daisy
When you're gone for a long time, Belphie either doesn't notice because he had been sleeping or he wakes up and notices and then he gets cranky
You know how he gets... Demanding your attention and being unhappy over the fact you weren't there when he woke up. A little bit of affection and an apology is enough to make him forget his bad mood though
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Eli/Ezra | 23 | white USAmerican | TME | he/she/they
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Hi i'm Ezra! I post news + geopolitics, music, film, tv, art, ETC. Some of the things i especially enjoy include Adventure Time, Dungeon Meshi, fiber arts, and sci-fi and fantasy fiction.
Trads, Zionists, TERFs and other fascists get blocked. I will also probably softblock if you're under 18 or don't have your age in your bio.
My blog often runs on an untagged queue.
Note to anyone asking me to promote their fundraiser -- I don't respond to all of the asks of this nature that I get, but I read them all and will check it against lists of scams/verify it through verified fundraiser lists if possible and reblog them. Thank you!
my art | oc bios | my commissions | ko-fi
list of fundraisers to help people in Palestine and Sudan via el-shab-hussein
Gaza Funds
If you're concerned about the veracity of a fundraiser, see this post detailing the process people on tumblr have been using to verify fundraisers and where you can find lists of verified fundraisers
source for these little divider dealies
pfp edited by me from an adventure time screencap / header is by Margaret Wise Brown, from here
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#x - writing/quotes/poetry i find striking
#a - art/photography i find striking
i tag news + political educational resources by the country/region that is their subject for reference, and try to tag for CWs. If you want me to tag something I'm not already let me know
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cinderteethe · 1 year
Crochetters and knitters: BUYER BEWARE
There is a business named Rebel Yarn Co who used to be named threadhead fiber arts who has attempted to scam me for 56 dollars due to non, shipment, refusing to ship my order and demanding i file a chargeback with my bank and then contested the chargeback, lying that she shipped my order which never happened.
Then freaked out cursing at me, acting like a pathetic bully when I asked her why that happened, blaming Shopify and how she’s not part of anything that has to do with her own business. I had to demand she stop yelling at me and how I did not place a preorder, she ignored everything I said and ranted on and on.
This person is unstable, a liar and has currently scammed thousands from many people between Oct 2022 and March 2023.
DO NOT BUY FROM THIS PERSON. She primarily advertises on Instagram but I’m warning here as well.
She is blocking everyone who attempts to contact her about missing orders and screams/curses at you a mile a minute when the never ending list of health conditions, mental health conditions and car accidents don’t work as manipulation tactic. She’s a chronic liar and regularly makes things up. I have already escalated this with my bank to get my refund and sent my complaint to the DA of NC. This will likely become a class action suit judging her behavior and the volume of people involved. she has already been removed from a yarn crawl but I don’t want this happening to anyone else.
If you’ve ordered from her, contact your bank immediately!! there is a Reddit about this as well, send me a message if you want the link to be in touch with everyone else she scammed. It’s the same story for everyone.
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wellofhavoc · 1 year
Christmas Shopping for Young Traditional 2-D Artists
Hey there! I know it's early, but I'm already starting to see some posts about the common experience of being a kid artist with parents wanting to get something a little nice, and so they got a kit like these as a gift:
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And one thing I never see under these is what a young artist might actually prefer to get.
These kits can range from $20-$50 depending on the quality of the material, company, and location. This kit was actually 18.6 OMR (46.76 USD) but I will be using a prince range of about $30 assuming you're going for something NICE but something they can USE.
This list is primarily of categories and things to consider getting YOUNG artists (4-12) but I don't see any reason you can't tweak some of these to be for older artists!
I'm also going to focus generally: Quality over Quantity. A good, nice set of art materials (whichever you choose) will always last longer, be more useful, be more fun, and be more loved than a cheaper set with more. I don't want to mock people who buy these sets, because I know they're purchased out of love and the want to make someone happy and tell them "I love that you're being creative," and I treasure every memory with them. I treasure less the memories of markers like those short ones in their either breaking in my hand because the plastic was too thin, or the tip snapped off, and the water colors never working- the set is just bad. It's a scam made to make you buy it.
So instead, let's find some products you can get as a nice present with the same intent. Let's be real, almost no kid ever used EVERYTHING in these sets, at least not all at the same time. Think about if your artist has ever said they wanted to try something specifically, or maybe they just have a favorite medium.
If not and you think "my young artist already has that, they use it all the time!" maybe the way to go here is by choosing an "upgrade." Type and quality of materials don't make the artist, but this is about getting something that looks or feels really nice for a special occasion, so that's what we're talking about today.
I would not get a child of any age paint as a primary gift. I will explain more about what that means in a moment. For now, though, let's entertain different paint types- skipping past "finger paints," as any non-toxic paint really can serve as a finger paint, and into the main three types.
Watercolor- Paints activated with water! Easiest to clean, and if your artist tends to only want to paint some of the time and not every day, you're never in danger of them drying out and going bad. You can just went them and reuse them each time. Can be stored in almost any dry space, like a closet or shelf- even a tote if they seal well. Very easy to find non-toxic variants. For 10+ artists, though, watercolors can be a bit anticlimactic. They've used them before, and you might want to get them something new. In that case, go with gouache. They're like an acrylic/watercolor hybrid that can dry and layer easily unlike watercolors that usually come out transparent no matter how much of a pigment you layer on. They can be used on the same paper and even thinner paper since they're not so wet they'll warp any material. Can also go onto cardboard for school projects, which watercolors won't really work on.
Acrylic: Rubbery when it dries, easy to pick out of fibers if it gets stuck in your carpet- let it dry in chunks, do not wipe- dab if wet. It's very possible though with the right cleaning product and a little time. It dries somewhat quickly so older artists can work on projects faster rather than having to wait until layers dry to continue. Most commonly non-toxic.
Oil: Stays wet a long time. This can slow an artist down and give another artist a longer time to work and blend colors for a smoother look. Almost impossible to clean fabric without some heavy product, untreated wood is ACTUALLY impossible. Can stain clothes, lighter paint on your walls and cabinets, and even leather. I would definitely save this for an 10+ kid. Non-toxic variants DO exist, but look very carefully and closely so as to make sure this refers to accidental EATING and not just BREATHING if you're brave enough to give this to a toddler.
These are not all the paints out there, but they're usually what people are deciding between at the store. As for "primary gift," I would get a cheap set of paints for any new painters and then get some nice brushes. This means five year olds who just started and 12 year olds who only painted in art class twice a year. Expensive products can be fun surprises, but I know I was intimidated by some "nice" supplies I got as a kid. I wanted to make sure that I didn't waste it- that I used it f-or the "right thing"- because I didn't want to use nice material on something that looked bad.
Also, if you're a parent looking for this to be a long time thing, you probably also don't want to see your child mixing all of the tubes from that $80 paint set into a nice brown mess. Let them explore and be artists, but I'm sure they'd be just as intrigued by the mixing of colors and experimenting with which colors do what if you got a respectable $5-$10 set of primaries from Walmart.
Why I recommend brushes: As long as they're not the kind to pluck out the hairs, a nice set of hair brushes will last years. I still have some from my first set, and they're still my favorite. Take the time to look up how to care for them (rinsing them at the end of every session, using soap and sometimes conditioner to keep them healthy) and they'll serve you for a long time. I would stay away from bristled brushes and find something soft. In reviews, look for things like bristles falling out and the tips falling off entirely. Then look for texture. Soft brushes are better at picking up pigment and bristled brushes are better at creating texture. Even if your watercolor set comes with a brush, at least get a couple soft ones from the store.
I'm assuming you want to go up a bit from Crayola, but stay away from Copic. They're cheaply made, overpriced, and are suspected by some users to have actually stopped filling their markers with as much ink as they used to.
I use Prismacolor personally, and they're essentially the same concept: A marker you can blend like paint using a blending tool. You can color a whole picture and then go in and blur two colors together. It works better if the color is still wet, but the alcohol in the blender reactivates it. Just like watercolor- great for those who might leave a project in the middle. If you have a child you're worried about putting them in their mouth, they use non-toxic ink, but it's probably still a risk if they were to do it continuously.
I would also suggest looking into brush markers, which act a bit more like water color pens. They do make a bit of a mess, but are easier to clean than paint pens, which just have paint in them. Paint pens are better for artists who want to draw on non-paper. They're usually used on car windows for graduations and weddings. Some brands are translucent, so look through the reviews to make sure they're opaque for an easier time for your artist. Non-toxic variants are available for both.
People are going to be mad at me, but pastels are just grown up crayons. Oil pastels or softer pastels can make a mess, but normal or chalk pastels are really easy to clean up and almost never make a mess in the first place. Would probably be easier to wipe off than your average wax crayon, actually. Most are non-toxic, but read the labels and do your research beforehand, as they might be harder to find from stores and brands you trust due to them not being as popular as the previously listed categories.
I suggest pastels because they're a fancier crayon-type-material and you can find pretty much any kind for any age of artist. They blend easy at any time, don't dry out, and you can replace a set pretty easily if your artist gets hooked. All of the joy and ease of oil paint with none of the sacrifice. If you're looking for accessories: get a brush or a cheap sponge set so they can play with textures.
Colored Pencils:
Gotta give it to Prismacolor again. This time, I'll even tell you they're okay for younger users AS WELL AS non-toxic. They're wax based, so don't store them in a warm place, and you can ALSO blend with these! You can buy a big or small set, and with the layering and blending abilities, they can still make any color they can think of. If your artist has SENSORY ISSUES and hates the chalky texture of pencils, the wax centers are super smooth, so they won't have to worry about that.
If you're not into Prisma, I would stay away from sets of short but plentiful sets. If a pencil is shorter than a few inches, it could be hard to grab at all, much less after many uses. You've literally cut how long that pencil could be used comfortably in half.
I'm not going to get into paper (as that's a whole bag in its own and is unique to each medium) but if you are determined to get some nice paper for a specific thing, try asking "What kind of paper is good for 'brush markers/acrylics/pastels/ect'?" at your local art store or an online sales associate. Youtube artists also cover this a lot.
If you're getting canvases, I would also pick up a can of white gesso so your artist can prep that canvas and maybe some sealant. Canvases that are hung can fall hard and chip paint or get gouged easier while being moved, so store them properly- especially if they have something on them. Of course, this CAN happen to paper, but since it's usually in a book or stack or box.
Get a thick ringed sketchbook for the most ease of use- you can flip it over without bending the binding, you can rip out pages more easily, you can leave it in a hot car or drop it in a puddle and unless the paper's really thin most of the book will probably be fine.
Get a bound sketchbook (one with glue or string binding the pages like a normal book) for style and the ability to do "spreads' (art that uses two pages next to each other.) There are really no other benefits, and this is the worst one for any kind of paint because you have to prop it open to let the paint dry.
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kaiyonohime · 1 year
For a summary of who Sherry Tenney is (currently using the name Giltay Sher-lee), here is a post about all the harm she has done, and continues to do, to the fiber arts industry.  Warnings for animal abuse and violence.
This is a warning that one of her known associates, Lindsey E Bucci of Reservoir Fibers, is going into fiber arts groups on FB and trying to encourage people to buy from Sherry.  Lindsey E Bucci has her own warnings about her because she is known to doxx people, and her customers, for no apparent reason in bizarre fits of rage directed at others (she has mental health issues that seem to be untreated, and unfortunately is causing harm to others).  So if you see her posting in any FB groups, please know that she is a known associate of Sherry Tenney, and is also someone to be avoided on her own.
Also, the judge has ruled that the case against Sherry Tenney is continuing forward.  Unfortunately Sherry Tenney has also been posting about how her sheep have not yet been sheared this year (she owes over $20,000 USD to one shearer, so no others will work with her).  So she’s abusing her animals once again.  Hopefully the Attorney General can get that stopped as well.
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ohsugarfoot · 3 years
"Quiet me" from the drabble prompt, if you want!
((Referencing this tag game here. @indecentpause is the main author of The Most Beautiful Puzzle, which is where these characters are from! I'm sort of the co-creator/editor.
Timeline wise, this happens a few years ago! Also, this was finished, I was just waiting until it felt right to post it so now's a good time I guess.))
((cw: emotional meltdown, self harm(hitting self), bruises))
You whirl around the corner and finally find Josselin coming out of the counselor's office.
"I've been looking all over for you!" you exclaim.
"I've decided to drop out," he says, shifting his bag to move the strap more across his chest. His hands come up to hold the strap, almost as if to shield himself from you. "College isn't for me."
"Is that why you've been avoiding me recently?"
A hush falls over the office. Josselin sighs, shifting his weight between his feet. "Can we talk somewhere privately?"
You end in the next building, sitting side by side outside of a random classroom.
The silence gulfs between you.
Josselin reaches into his bag and takes out a yarn square, threading his fingers through the holes. It isn't a stim toy you've ever seen him use before.
"Talk to me?" you finally half ask, half demand.
He sighs. And the silence continues.
You want to reach out and touch him. You want to hold his hand, to rest your head against his too-bony shoulder. You want to hear his voice, to hear him chatter about anything and everything. You want to banter with him, and play chess, and playfully argue about the best video game made.
You want him to stop avoiding you, most of all.
He brings his knees up to his chest, the square interlocked around both hands, his face mostly covered. "I'm no good at this," he mutters to his jean-clad legs.
You scoot and turn closer, barely able to hear him. He smells of sandalwood and skin, maybe a touch of lavender.
It's comforting, in a quiet way.
"Can you try?" you ask.
Josselin sighs.
"I..." he pauses and shakes his head. His fingers move against the cloth, frantically tapping and squeezing.
When he finally restarts, his voice is soft but steady. He faces forward, back against the wall, talking more to the opposite wall than to you.
"So, my mom was a single mom. And it was just us, until... until it wasn't. And then I got bounced between okay foster homes and awful foster homes until I technically ran away. I've never stayed in the same place for long. And... and I'm telling you this because, well, I don't have a lot of friends. Any friends, really. Most people just tolerate me."
You reach out and gently touch his upper arm. Josselin shrugs it off, and you pull away, your chest hurting for both his words and the rebuttal.
"I'm telling you this," he continues, "because I've noticed that I end up crushing on people who even remotely show me any sort of attention. It's not the first time, it won't be the last. And... and... the feelings do fade after a while. If I stay away from the person. So. That's why I've been avoiding you."
You breathe for the first time in what feels like minutes. "Really? You have a crush on me?"
He draws into himself more. "Please don't make fun of me."
"I would never."
He huffs, shaking his head slightly.
"I promise, I would never."
"No!" His raised voice shocks you, echoing through the hallway. "No promises!"
You swallow, then breathe. Obviously a sensitive subject. "Okay," you say softly. "I won't."
Josselin brings his hands up, still tangled in the cloth, to his head. His wrists thump against his head, a little too hard, and before you can stop yourself, you place a hand over where the strikes seem to land. It doesn't stop his hands, but they do slow slightly. You can feel him shaking, rocking side to side slightly.
"S-sorry," he stammers out. "I-I'm... it's too much. Everything."
"What helps?"
He doesn't answer for a while, rocking and thumping, his head shaking, and you're about to ask again, since you're not even sure if he heard you. Should you even be touching him? Are you making it worse? But he hasn't exactly pushed you away again either. Finally though, Josselin says, "Talking."
"Okay. Okay. Well, I'm good at talking. I can talk your ear off, make you look like Vincent Van Gogh." There's a small delay, but you swear you see the smallest of smiles play over his lips. Taking that as a good sign, even as his hands continue to hit against yours, you continue. "I can do the paintings, you can look the part. We can go to Paris, and drink coffee, and pretend to smoke cigarettes, and wear scarves and berets, you know, like the cool artists do. Well, I'm not so good at painting, but I'm sure we can pretend. You know, me dazzling them with my awful jokes, you distracting them with Zelda facts."
That causes him to huff out the tiniest bit of laughter. You continue. "And then when we are done scamming all of Paris, we can take ourselves to the countryside, and we can build little Hobbit homes, and live off the land for a bit. And when it gets boring, or it gets too cold, we can vacation somewhere else, like, I don't know, Mordor, I guess. We can dip our feet in the lava of Mount Doom like hot springs."
Josselin shakes his head, smiling a bit more. "That makes no sense!"
"No, it doesn't!" You laugh. "We would definitely go to Hyrule instead, and we can scam the villagers there with our artwork. I wonder what the conversion rate is between a franc and a rupee. But anyway-"
"France uses euros now."
"Conversion rates between a rupee and an euro then. Because if it's good enough, we can totally make bank, and maybe build a castle somewhere. And we can invite anyone we want. Well, except Browser, unless he prom... Uh, says he won't wreck the castle."
And so you continue to weave together a small story, pulling together every video game and pop culture reference you could think of. Josselin's hands continue to thump against yours, but not as hard, not as fast, his breathing slowing down to a more normal pattern, his shaking subsiding to more of a gentle rocking motion. Anything Zelda related is a hit, and most Nintendo games, but not any other console. Forget about any current tv shows or movies, he has no idea about those. And you don't remember anything other than a name or two from the few anime he's shown you from the last few weeks.
But your words, the silly stories of you vacationing and scamming people across the worlds, they seem to help. And he continues to respond to you, occasionally correcting your pronunciation or a wrong detail. You even get him laughing sometimes, and you laugh with him.
Eventually, slowly, Josselin calms down, his fingers still through what you now recognize as a crocheted granny square, and now they're interlocked over yours on the top of his head.
And you could sit there forever, talking with him, but the linoleum floor is unyielding under you, and your leg has fallen asleep over the last twenty minutes or so. So you shift slightly, and the spell breaks.
"Sorry," he says, taking his hands off yours, his arms dropping to his lap, his legs straightening. You curl back into yourself, shifting away so your back is against the cold wall.
And again you're sitting side by side outside of the classroom.
"Thank you." His toes are tapping together, the repetitive sounds echoing down down the hallway, folding over themselves. "You... that helped. Thank you."
"Any time," you say, meaning it with every fiber of your being.
He sighs in response. And then softly, "Frankie?"
"I noticed that you... said a lot of 'we' when you were talking."
"I... well, there was a reason why I was looking for you." You turn to watch his face, or what you can see of it with his hair still loose, his head tilted down. "I was going to ask you out on a date."
"Yeah. The art museum has a few free hours on Thursdays and I thought it would be nice to go and walk around. And then we could get something to eat after?" Josselin is quiet next to you, his hands tugging on the square, so you add, "I've noticed you and food are... complicated. So you can pick the restaurant. Or snacks. But yeah. I wanted to ask you out."
Finally, his voice small, "You like me?"
"No joke?"
"None at all."
He sits on that information for a few moments. You shift again, crossing your legs as you move to sit in front of him. "I think you're cute! And funny, and smart! So smart." You don't know what's okay to touch, because if it was anyone else you might've brushed his hair back or move in closer. Instead you hover your hand near his. "And I think it'll be fun."
Josselin disentangles one hand from the square and takes yours instead.
"I bruised you," he says, his hand holding yours, turning it over to see the blues and blacks already forming on the back of your hand.
"Better than you bruising you," you say.
He stills, then pulls his hands away from yours. "I'm nothing but a burden."
"Not to the right person," you say. "Not to me."
"You barely know me."
"I know you well enough."
Josselin sighs.
You continue before he has another chance. "Look, if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out. But when... if it does, then we've had ourselves a good time. But we won't know unless we try."
He takes in a deep breath, then lets it back out again, then says, "Okay. Okay." Something sparks in your chest and you smile as he continues with, "So what does that make us?"
"Hopefully free Thursday night," you quip.
Josselin laughs.
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liberkhalipse · 4 years
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The Art Chain! Let's support artists in need!
One of my biggest goals right now is to make artists feel with every fiber of their being that they can totally, absolutely and joyfully make a living out of it. Nevermind what anyone else says about art not being a real job. what are movies then? What are books? What are videogames?
In my years as an artist I always see "shoutouts" come and go: emergency commissions, bills unpaid, jobs lost, ill pets and family members, scams...
We can't help artists like those one by one, all by ourselves, but we can certainly put a grain of sand for all of them.
What saddens and yet, excites me the most about these artist shoutouts is that they realize that in the end, doing what they love does provide income and comfort, I wish more people could come to this conclusion before they ended up doing something they hate only because they're not confident enough in their art!
For this reason, I'm opening The Art Chain
The Art Chain will be collecting donations from everyone who wishes to support artists in need through the internet, of all ages, races or minoritary groups. The Art Chain will support all digital/traditional artists in general! But will always tend first to those who are going through difficult situations and will use the donated money to commission as many artists as possible at the end of each milestone!
Your support will be noticed by our favorite Orange
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The Art Chain will be "sponsored" by your local Orange friend and Daily Gratitude will now be in charge of promoting it, for it was gratitude what started this, as well as inspiration from a close friend who overcame a very difficult situation through a shoutout.
There’s still a lot to polish and a neatly-drawn step-by-step sheet is on its way to better clarify how The Art Chain will work, but I highly appreciate people who have been donating right from the start, there’s currently only me and my friend watching over this project, but we are very open for more kindness.
As always, thank you very much!
THE ART CHAIN: https://ko-fi.com/theartchain#
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Bio Melt Pro Reviews
Bio Melt Pro: Ingredients & Real Weight Loss Benefits? Supplement Reviews Bio Melt Pro Reviews - John Thomas BioMelt Pro Ingredients Really Work? Read Real Honest Customer Reviews Before You Try!!
Bio Melt Pro Reviews - Ingredient, Side Effects & Complaints
Bio Melt Pro Reviews - John Thomas BioMelt Pro Ingredients Really Work? Read Real Honest Customer Reviews Before You Try!!
This is an updated consumer report on Bio Melt Pro reviews and where to buy Bio Melt Pro supplement; provided by DietCare Reviews.
READ: Latest Report Reveals Shocking Information about Bio Melt Pro
Bio Melt Pro Review
An Overview of Bio Melt Pro Pills
Bio Melt Pro Ingredients
The Correct Way to Use the Bio Melt Pro Supplement?
Is This Capsules Safe to Take?
How to Buy Bio Melt Pro Pills
Bio Melt Pro Reviews Conclusion
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Bio Melt Pro Review
The “bigger dream” and “most people's expectation” in this world is to feel good. And here, these people would feel good with improved health in routine life. However, despite them practicing emotionally and psychologically in everyday life, they cannot keep themselves energized or revitalized.
In fact, some try a few tips, tricks, food schedules, workouts, ways of rest, etc. Here, all they want is a fast and sweet way to improve their health and lives. But as they are older, they would feel guilty to do their daily activities without their beloved help.
Naturally, people will follow the eating scheme and fitness plans to keep their body fit at a younger age. However, they fail to care about the potential outcome. Or, some people don't keep it entirely for a lifetime. When users adopt something about their health at a younger age, users should look at how this will boost their health today and tomorrow, without complications.
Men and women of all ages strive for health, weight loss, physical strength, chiseling, etc. They should, therefore, take every step necessary to obtain the possible outcome more efficiently. But, what if it's terrible or excellent for them? That’s why users deserve to get what they’re looking for. This would make them more willing to spend money, well-being, and life on such things.
With the release of the Bio Melt Pro reviews, many web users are questioning the product's effectiveness on their health. People are now asking whether the supplement is a scam or works, as John Thomas claims.In a report, he shares about 6 tips and tricks that helped himc ut the undesirable, life-threatening fat. Read more of his weight loss testimony here. This post thus mimics John’s statements and compares it to what other users say about the benefits of Bio Melt Pro, which includes the six tips that may help manage a healthy weight. 4045
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An Overview of Bio Melt Pro Pills
According to the creator, Bio Melt Pro contains entirely pure and real ingredients. In his report, John adds that he blended the components together after a rigorous inspection. He ensured that a supplement with these ingredients would be a healthy and consistent weight loss remedy during that process.
According to APN News, Bio Melt Pro can be thought of as a weight-loss supplement that has been made using several natural ingredients.” APN News highlights Goji Berries, Gotu Kola, Amla, Grape Seeds, Oliver Water, and Bladderwrack as the significant components in this weight loss formula.
Since the supplement has been complimentary so far, and natural therapy is not harmful. Users might think that this is the magic that will make their life safe and fit. Instead, it emphasizes offering a natural, effective, and healthy weight loss solution, not to provide an overnight weight loss solution. Tampa Bay NewsWire says that the supplement can minimize consumers' health risks and improve their well-being, nutrition, and exercise. At the end of the day, an extension can help a specific cause. People can try to sustain a healthier lifestyle that requires training and a healthy diet to make sure the supplement works successfully.
An article in the Sleep Foundation notes that sleep loss may be the source of low weight gains for too many people worldwide. The supplement effectively encourages a deep and safe evening sleep that allows consumers to eliminate unwanted livestock from their bodies quickly.
Here is a closer look at the secrets to weight loss that the creator highlights.
In the Bio Melt Pro guide, John Thomas encourages people to balance vegetables and protein in their diet. He marks it as the first secret he used to shed off excess weight. He adds that the easiest way to quickly shed weight is to go for diets low in carbohydrates. Protein and fiber make people full quicker. They also improve one's metabolism. Carbs, on the other hand, raise the amount of insulin, leaving someone hungry. So, John recommends having a slice of low-fat beef instead of eating a tasty apple.
The second secret revealed in the guide is that Weight loss does not mean taking bland diets. In the report, John tells users that their brains will turn against them if they do not eat healthy food for a long time, convincing them that ice cream or a slice of chocolate is what they'll need or what will make them feel good. Also, from time to time, one should eat 'banned' foods and rest a bit to discourage this. It would keep someone from losing control and interrupting his diet or giving up on it.
Another thing noted in John's guide is the importance of having a strict plan. Besides, poor sleep and lack of weight do not go hand in hand at all. The body gets exhausted by not having enough sleep. And everyone knows the stress leads to a shift in metabolism, feeling bloated, tired, and sometimes depressed. So, people should make sure they get at least 7-8 hours a night of sleep.
In his Bio Melt Pro report, John Thomas says that people who need to lose weight should avoid liquid calories. According to Buzz Feed News, liquid diets are not an efficient or sustainable way of weight reduction. One might lose some weight, but it's really tough, and users don't get all the fiber, vitamins, and nutrients that their body requires to survive. As with John and Caroline Kee, BuzzFeed News Reporter, liquid calories are an unhelpful way to cut off excess pounds because one would be starving himself.
Another thing that the guide recommends is that people should always prepare their meals for the day after. His opinions second the benefits of meal planning or what Jennifer says on Azumio. When one starts to get hungry, not knowing what he's going to eat tomorrow will force him to grab what he has. For John's BioMelt, this is called a "panic." Besides, one is very likely to prefer a higher-calorie, less balanced diet when cooking a meal on the fly. So, whether one is eating lunch or dinner today, he should make a list of his meals for the next day. If he's not hungry, it's far simpler if he does this because it allows him ample flexibility to cut vegetables ahead of time, pull something out of the fridge to defrost, or do part of today's cooking.
John shared the last secret in his "6 tips and secrets for weight loss" is the importance of having a positive stance. Furthermore, weight loss takes time, and one can often feel frustrated if the excess pounds don't go away as soon as he wants. According to the “Fat Trap,” when one commits to a weight loss regimen, some days are more challenging, but the trick is to be optimistic, persevere, and not give up.
Must Read More Details About Bio Melt Pro Pills: Visit Official Site Here!
Bio Melt Pro Ingredients
Bio Melt Pro uses ingredients tested and are processed in state-of-the-art facilities. A third party is often inspected to ensure consistency and safety. Five active ingredients are available. The components are burning calories, enhancing metabolism, and other significant health benefits. The other additives are to help digest the key four ingredients and to sustain them.
Goji Berry: Native to Asia, the weight loss is very successful. Many weight-loss experts recommended this berry. It also encourages acceptable blood sugar levels, improves the immune system, and successful weight loss. The Health Line news has confirmed that it raises levels of power.
Grape Seed: It's a nutritional supplement, which prevents fat accumulation in the body, which facilitates weight loss. It decreases low cholesterol levels, encourages high blood pressure, and improves metabolism. It enhances the immune system as well. More benefits of this ingredient.
Amla Seeds: It's known for minimizing fat in the belly. It is very rich in intestinal fiber. It encourages acceptable blood sugar levels. Besides, it strengthens their immunity. It also increases brainpower and metabolism.
BladderWreck: An herbal herb known over time, it can detoxify the body. It also contains iodine to help users control the weight of the thyroid gland. What is it like? Their thyroid gland makes hormones in the thyroid. If these hormones do not hit a healthy stage, their bodies' hormonal functions are slowed down, and their appetite increases. Water Olive: Very high in antioxidants. By decreasing oxidative stress, antioxidants reduce damage to cells. Fat is very quickly burned, and blood pressure is lower. It also encourages a healthy heart and promotes a healthy brain.
Gotu Kola: It's an Asian-born weed. According to David Freston, it promotes weight loss, boosts the circulatory system's health. Plus, it provides valuable minerals and vitamins that control their metabolism.
Read Full List Of Bio Melt Pro Ingredients & Side Effects Before You Try
The Correct Way to Use the Bio Melt Pro Supplement?
Alongside the guide, users get the supplement of Bio Melt Pro. The company notes that it’s for people who need an entirely natural weight loss remedy and does not endanger their health.
Users will be taken to a secure checkout page as soon as users put the order.
Once users have filled in and checked their order, their Bio Melt Pro bottle will be delivered free of charge to their door.
Users will also take advantage of a massive discount if users buy the kit of three bottles or six bottles (which they strongly suggest as they estimate to go out of inventory after it is done)
Everything claimed by the Bio Melt Pro, which sends unnecessary fat down, is easy to do if users can overcome the stubborn fat. Users get a Bio Melt Pro extension to try and succeed and make the required improvements. One should, through course. Users will be excited to see changes that carry their happier days back into reality. For a couple of months, users will take Bio Melt Pro daily and get the ideal results every day.
How long will it take to see The Bio Melt Pro result?
To see the effects, the supplement Bio Melt Pro must be used daily. Changes in a week or two will then kick the fat out. And users don't have to think about it. Users have to try it for at least 2 or 3 months to produce the highest and ideal results. How long will the effects remain?
Would users be willing to take the Bio Melt Pro supplement for three or more months and try them in 2 weeks?
Suppose users devote them self to use the supplement for at least three months without interruption. In that case, the effect will last for one year or even longer. To do this, users need to be visible with the supplement of Bio Melt Pro on their diet, exercises, and sleep period.
Is This Capsules Safe to Take?
The owners of Bio Melt Pro say that their dietary supplement is 100% healthy. Thousands have used Bio Melt Pro supplements, and no side effects have been reported. Supplement of Bio Melt Pro says this addition is much more useful than risky aerobic exercises and diets.
The owners further explain that users first need to consult with their doctor before taking the supplement whether users have a medical problem or are pregnant.
However, a variety of other weight loss supplements can have side effects, including:
Digestive complaints·
Swings in mood
How to Buy Bio Melt Pro | Pricing and Where to Purchase
Supplement of Bio Melt Pro is not accessible on the internet but is only available on their website. Three packages are sold on the Bio Melt Pro website in the supplement:
Basic: 1 Bio Melt Pro bottle supplement is appropriate for a supply of 30 days. Right now, users can take their hands up for $69.
Premium: 4 Bio Melt Pro supplement bottles are adequate for a supply of over 90 days. While the initial price is $196, right now, users can buy $49 a bottle. The initial cost is a 50 percent discount, which makes it worth it!
Standard 2 Bio Melt Pro extra bottles are adequate to have 60 days. Although the price is original, users can get $118 a bottle with their mouth—a perfect alternative for the first time someone who wants to try it.
Check Bio Melt Pro 2021 Reviews & Discount Price: Click Here To Check Latest Discounted Price
Bio Melt Pro Reviews Conclusion
In conclusion Bio Melt Pro is a natural dietary supplement helps to improve metabolism. This Bio Melt Pro excellent weight loss supplement supports to have six health enhancements that promote metabolism and brain activity, enhance cardiac health, and more.
Overall, the remedy, Bio Melt Pro Supplements, looks exciting and worth trying. And they give users the opportunity for money-back of their funds if users have not been pleased with this addition. It's, therefore, a risk-free trial that will help users keep track of their well-being.
Act now and take full advantage of the Bio Melt Pro supplement today by ordering directly from the official website at
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ujhgknmmn-blog · 4 years
Natural Boost Keto Dr Oluwajana's best exhortation? 'On the off chance that you have a contamination, or on the off chance that you might be in danger of one, center around keeping up a satisfactory and changed solid eating regimen to help your invulnerable framework, as opposed to confining it.'
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To perceive what is a solid and maintainable Natural Boost Keto eating regimen from the weight control plans that are truly anything besides, WH brought in the specialists to sort the cases from the increases. Consider this your bunk sheet to finding the best eating regimen for you (and dropping information bombs on your smuggest health mate).
What do you get Natural Boost Keto in the event that you cross a mountain man with a veggie lover? Not an awful joke, however The Pegan Diet. An amalgamation of a vegetarian (plant-based) and paleo (on the off chance that a stone age man didn't eat it, at that point neither can you) diet, it conveys all the cell reinforcements, fiber and sound fats you anticipate from a plant-based arrangement, with all the protein of a flesh eating one.
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What the eating routine Natural Boost Keto promoter says: The brainchild of Dr Mark Hyman, he thought of the idea in the wake of ending up sandwiched between a veggie lover and a paleo advocate while doing a board talk. 'The best forms of the two weight control plans are incorporated with the establishment: eat genuine, entire food,' he says.
Natural Boost Keto What the master says: 'This eating routine has bunches of positives - we know wholegrains are heart sound and a significant wellspring of fiber,' says dietician Priya Tew. 'In any case, it likewise removes gluten and limits all grains, making it unreasonable in the long haul.'
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WH Verdict: While it's probably not going to Natural Boost Keto be well known with those who've picked a plant-based way of life for moral reasons, the head of eating genuine, entire food is sound. Furthermore, consolidating two different ways of eating positively makes it simpler to get enough protein and essential supplements. In any case, it's still entirely prohibitive, so counsel a nourishment expert to ensure you aren't in danger of healthful lacks.
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The British Natural Boost Keto Dietetic Association says there's no 'big surprise diet you can follow without some related wholesome or wellbeing hazard'. ouring olive oil in sound green vegetables and cheddar plate of mixed greens, good dieting mediterran diet idea, feta cheddar and avocado serving of mixed greens with spinach , tomatoes and lettuce bowl with olive oil bottle
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wojfoomd-blog · 4 years
Straight Fit Keto Despite the fact that it is a straightforward exercise, it is brilliant with regards to expanding endurance. You have to rests on the floor and lift your body until your arms become straight. While you are on the ground, ensure the palms are near the chest.As you rise, the arms ought to be a ways off more noteworthy than the width of your shoulders. Go down, till your elbows are 90° or the chest contacts the floor. Come back to the beginning position, which finishes one rep. You have to do at least 10 reps each in two sets at any rate three times each week.
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On the off chance that you are considering how to expand running endurance, climbing steps is the best exercise.Straight Fit Keto In addition to the fact that it improves your capacity and quality, however it likewise centers around your perseverance. Asked why you are exhausted quicker when you need to ascend a slope? In contrast to a level surface, a slanted one expands your pulse. Thus, you need to take more prominent measures of oxygen. Ensure you spread in any event four stairways (all over) for six days each week.
Straight Fit Keto Step by step instructions to expand endurance for practice is one inquiry everybody pose to their coach. The appropriate response is basic – swim each day, so your perseverance improves. Do this action for at least 20 minutes to encounter all the advantages it offers. When you make it a propensity, your body will get more oxygen, as it works out your lungs. As you become an ace of this action, you can build the span. In the subject of how to build endurance by nourishment, add the accompanying choices to your dinners:
With regards to improving your endurance, you have to nibble on the correct sorts of nourishment. Bananas are constantly a superb alternative, as they give high measures of vitality.Straight Fit Keto Each serving will give you the accompanying supplements – nutrient B6, potassium, sugars, fiber, fats, and protein. Ensure you nibble on this before you do the above exercises.Nutrients in banana help improve one's endurance
Straight Fit Keto On the off chance that you have the propensity for eating white rice, you should do the change to its earthy colored variation. Because of the lower measures of handling, you will get more supplements from the nourishment. Complex sugars are the way to better endurance.takes more time for your body to separate earthy colored rice, guaranteeing you have vitality for the duration of the day. With each serving, you will get manganese, protein, fat, fiber, starches, phosphorous, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and selenium. Is it accurate to say that you are the sort of individual who can't begin the day without some espresso? You can proceed with this propensity as you are searching for the response to how to expand endurance. Because of its high caffeine content, it helps support your vitality.
As it animates the mind and your body, you will think that its simpler to center. Best of all, on the off chance that you have a solitary cup of dark espresso, it just contains two caloriesStraight Fit Keto .A mug of espresso regular can help improve enduranceEggs are a great nourishment to add to your eating routine, in view of the measure of vitality it gives. Each serving gives you high measures of starches. Accordingly, you will have adequate measures of vitality, which is the response to how to expand your endurance.
A Straight Fit Keto dditionally, leucine, a kind of amino corrosive, upgrades vitality creation in your body. It builds the pace of fat breakdown, which expands your endurance. Additionally, eggs are an incredible hotspot for nutrient B, making it simpler for your body to separate nourishment.Fish is an absolute necessity, as it is perhaps the best answer for expanding endurance. It contains high measures of omega-3 unsaturated fats, which are incredible for your mind and body. Fish and salmon contain DHA and EPA, two unsaturated fats, basic for improving your continuance.
Each serving of both of these Straight Fit Keto sorts of fish will give you nutrient B12 and protein. At the point when you experience weariness, there will be aggravation in your body. Because of the omega-3 unsaturated fats, it decreases this issue, permitting you to get back up on your feet quicker. These nourishment types have high measures of starches, protein, fiber, and fat. They cut down the measure of vitality your body discharges.
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Straight Fit Keto The advantage of this procedure is that you will watch a noteworthy improvement in your endurance. Likewise, they give an assortment of supplements, which are extraordinary for your prosperity.While addressing the subject of how to build endurance by nourishment, maintain a strategic distance from the accompanying choices: Liquor is an exacting no-no on the off chance that you are hoping to improve your endurance levels.
These sorts of refreshments are notable for diminishing your perseverance during exercises.Straight Fit Keto For the enactment and coordination of the muscle strands, you need your sensory system.The issue with liquor is that it hinders this piece of your body. You will encounter drying out, which will last through the following day, post the drinking meeting. On the off chance that you are going to go to the rec center, ensure you don't expend alcohol.Say no to liquor 
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alexthegamingboy · 5 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 10/26/2019
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind EP#01 - Gold Experience: In 2001, two years after the events of Diamond Is Unbreakable, Koichi Hirose travels to Naples, Italy, having been asked by Jotaro Kujo to search for a young man named Haruno Shiobana. Upon arriving at the airport, Koichi is scammed out of his luggage by his target who calls himself Giorno Giovanna. Giorno escapes with Koichi's luggage by transforming it into a frog, but Giorno is then confronted by a gangster named Leaky Eye Luca for operating on his turf. Luca attempts to kill Giorno with his shovel, but finds the damage he deals to the frog is reflected back at him, knocking him unconscious. Later, Koichi catches up to Giorno and uses his Stand Echoes, but Giorno escapes by using his Stand Gold Experience, which has the ability to transform inanimate objects into living organisms. Koichi reports his findings to Jotaro and learns that Giorno is Dio Brando's son. Giorno boards a cable car and encounters Bruno Bucciarati who suspects Giorno of harming Luca, who was later killed by his boss. Bucciarati brings out the power of his zipper-generating Stand, Sticky Fingers, to extract the truth from Giorno.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba EP#03 - Sabito and Makomo: Over the next 6 months, Tanjiro trains with Urokodaki, improving his physical form and learning how to use a special breathing technique Total Concentration, to accelerate his stamina and speed. One day, Urokodaki declares that it Tanjiro can slice a boulder with his sword he will let him enter Final Selection — a survival test administered by the Demon Slayer Corps that will determine who can become a demon hunter. Tanjiro tries for the next 6 months, failing each time, while Nezuko continues to sleep. Worry over Nezuko and his continued failures push Tanjiro to the brink of giving up, until he is confronted by two children with fox masks, Sabito and Makomo. Sabito initially knocks Tanjiro out, reprimanding him for not ingraining Urokodaki's moves into his body, to help him train by sparring; while Makomo teaches and hones Tanjiro's skills patiently each time he awakens. Makomo reveals that the two of them are orphans raised by Urokodaki. After another 6 months, Tanjiro's blade finally reaches Sabito first during a match, slicing his mask into two. The adopted siblings smile and vanish. Tanjiro realises that his sword, which he thought cut through Sabito's mask, had actually cleaved the boulder into two.
One-Punch Man 2 EP#03 (15) - The Hunt Begins: Seemingly due to his frustration with Garou's reappearance, Silver Fang severely beats his only pupil, Charanko, and expels him from his dojo. Charanko goes to tell Saitama and Genos, and notices that King and Fubuki are also in Saitama's apartment. Genos correctly deduces that Charanko was kicked out because of the reappearance of Garou. While walking home one night, Charanko happens upon Garou picking a fight with Mumen Rider, the Class C Rank 1 Hero. Before they could fight however, Tank Top Vegetarian and his crew arrive to confront Garou. Garou easily defeats Tank Top Vegetarian again, but Tank Top Master intervenes, greatly exciting Garou, as he gets to fight an S-Class hero for the first time. Tank Top Master gains the upper hand, but before he could deal the finishing blow, Mumen Rider jumps in to take the hit, saying that heroes don't kill humans because it's wrong. Garou seemingly apologizes for his actions, but tries to attack again. Tank Top Master sees through Garou’s tactic and lands a strong blow, forcing Garou to use his trump card-the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, to counter it. With his initial compunctions against using the martial art due to it reminding him of Bang now out of the way, Garou uses it to defeat Tank Top Master, Mumen Rider, Charanko and the entire Tank Top gang before going on his merry way. Bang calls his brother Bomb to help deal with the Garou threat, and while walking they stumble across the Tank Top's crew’s and Charanko's beaten bodies. The next day, Saitama visits Mumen Rider in the hospital, and learns from Tank Top Master about Garou's martial arts. Garou finds a boy name Tareo who is reading a hero almanac that describes what each hero does and their movesets, and plans to take out Class A Hero: Golden Ball. Garou fights against Golden Ball, and defeats Golden Ball and fellow Class A Rank 28 hero: Spring Mustachio, who had come to assist his friend Golden Ball. Meanwhile, after hearing all about Garou's martial arts, Saitama decides he wants to see what martial arts are all about. Charanko gives Saitama a ticket to a mixed-martial arts tournament, but warns Saitama that the tournament will disqualify any impersonators, but Saitama doesn't listen. After beating up a pimp, Garou is walking around when he encounters Saitama, who is planning to buy a wig for the tournament. Mistakenly thinking that Saitama wants to fight him, Garou tries to chop Saitama, but his attack has no effect. Annoyed, Saitama chops Garou on the back of the neck, and Garou is knocked out. In the post credit scene Genos catches Saitama putting on his wig, so he asks Dr. Kuseno over his phone to implant artificial fibers to give Saitama the appearance of hair, much to Saitama's annoyance.
Dr. Stone Kingdom of Science Arc EP#10 - A Flimsy Alliance: While recalling the time he was first revived by Tsukasa, Gen is suddenly attacked by a mysterious assailant, barely managing to survive thanks to fake blood bags he had protected himself with. Learning that the culprit was Magma, who believed that Gen was the sorcerer instead of Senku, Kohaku reveals that Magma did so to win the Grand Bout, a tournament Kohaku has previously beaten him in to keep him from marrying Ruri and becoming village elder. As Kohaku, Kinro, and Ginro train for the Grand Bout, Gen gives a false report to Tsukasa after Senku promises to make him a bottle of cola.
Fire Force EP#13 - The Trap Is Set: Konro concludes his story and tells that after destroying the powerful Infernal, Soichiro Hague Captain of Company 4 offered Konro and Benimaru the opportunity to form their own Company, number 7. Back in the present, Konro and the others emerge to find the Asakusa townspeople people involved in arguments caused by multiple cases of mistaken identity. It is revealed that Yona, a Knight of the Ashen Flame, is using his powers to alter the appearance of Evangelist followers to cause chaos in Asakusa. The White Hoods then create a number of Infernals and use the ensuing confusion to attack Company 8. Shinra and Arthur pursue two of the White Hoods, Haran and Arrow, but have trouble cooperating and fail to coordinate their attacks. Eventually they gain the upper hand over the White Hoods, and in desperation Haran swallows the Infernal Bug. Meanwhile, Konro tries to get Benimaru’s attention to manage the evacuation of the townspeople, but Benimaru is still preoccupied with disposing of Infernals.
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma EP#16 - The Cook Who Traveled Thousands of Miles: With Fumio, Megumi, and Satoshi as judges, Soma and Joichiro are challenged to use ingredients from the kitchen to make a light yet energizing breakfast dish that will wake them up. Soma presents an apple risotto, which provides a crisp taste that changes with the addition of black pepper. Joichiro, on the other hand, presents the unusual choice of ramen which, despite its heavy appearance, turns out to be a mellow and warming vegetarian dish, providing powerful flavor without meat or fish. The judges unanimously vote Joichiro's dish the winner, though Soma's dish also receives some praise. As Jouichirou takes his leave, he leaves a message recommending Soma visit the Yukihira Diner during the holiday.
Lupin the 3rd Part 5 EP#19 - A 7.62mm Mirage: Lupin is "invited" by a psychotic millionaire named Zylberstein, one of his old acquaintances, to a solitary chess game for life and death. To increase the thrill, Zylberstein has hired an infamous female sniper named Mirage, a former partner of Jigen, to kill Lupin during the game. This results in a deadly hide-and-snipe match between Jigen and Mirage amidst a ruined mountain city, which ends when Jigen manages to critically damage Mirage's rifle just as she is taking aim at Lupin and the resulting ricochet hits Zylberstein instead. Lupin and Jigen discover the sniper is Mirage's daughter, who took the job to finance her sick mother's transfer to a better hospital. Lupin leaves the monetary stake Zylberstein left him (in case Lupin won the game) to Mirage's daughter, and Jigen dissuades her from pursuing a mercenary's life.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#92 - The Wizard King vs. the Leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun: Yami is revealed to be at Golden Dawn headquarters still waiting for Vangeance. Vangeance meets the Wizard King in secret and thanks him for all he has done for him since Vangeance was a child. He then expresses regret that he cannot choose between Julius and his lifelong partner and has opted instead to let Julius and his partner decide for him. Vangeance then transforms, his facial scars disappearing as he becomes Licht, the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun. Julius, who had always harboured suspicions about Vangeance, is shocked to learn Vangeance had two souls within his body, one of them an elf. Licht explains that after the massacre of his people his goal is no longer peace, but the eradication of all humans, for which they need the last two magic stones in Julius' possession. They duel, Licht's Light magic against Julius' Time magic. Julius is wounded leading Licht to believe victory will be easy, until Julius reveals the true nature of his time magic, along with a minor ability to sense the future, is to steal the future time of his opponents for his own use, and heals his wounds by reversing time on himself. Julius explains his goal is a future free from discrimination and he plans to keep on living until his goal is realised. Licht attacks again but finds himself overpowered as Julius easily predicts each of his moves.
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temixart · 6 years
I'm looking to get a corset but have no idea what size to get or what I may need to know before purchasing one. I thought you'd give me some good advice. sorry if this is a bother, love your art.
yes! if you’re VERY new to corsets, figure out what your budget is first, and understand what it is you are looking for within that budget.
there are three or four different kinds of things that are all marketed as ‘corsets’ and they are not all the same, it takes a bit of work to make sure that you’re looking at the right thing.
Waist cinchers:
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These are made of elastics/rubber. They are stretchy, they have hook and eyelet closures, usually in the front. No lacing involved (usually). These things go for around ten bucks a pop. They’re basically slimming/smoothing undergarments. Some people use these while working out in order to sweat out “excess” water weight.
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These vary VASTLY in design and look like a wide range of things, they can be bras, or tops, or underwear, or thrifty options for costuming. These are usually made out of synthetic fabrics. Because they’re such a wide range of clothing, they could have hook/eyelet closures (bustier/long-line bras have these) it could have a zipper closure like the one pictured here, it could have some decorative lacing+eyelets (Please be aware this is DECORATIVE. They may LOOK functional, but these do not take a lot of stress and you will eventually ruin your garment if you try to cinch down in one of these)
These are generally a bad option in terms of shapewear, they usually have plastic boning that’s meant to hold the shape a little bit, but the plastic is thin and starts to warp against body heat, which leaves you quickly with a wobbly warpy lumpy garment that will never lie smooth. these go from anywhere between $10 and $100+ (and everywhere in between) most large corporate entities that sell ‘corsets’ are actually selling these. (Torrid, Hot topic, victorias secret, costume shops etc.) and this goes for more expensive large corporate clothing distributors as well, often they’ll call their items ‘corsets’ and sell it for a shit ton to convince you these are actually corsets. They aren’t. Recognize the signs that differentiate so you don’t get scammed c: (There’s nothing wrong with wanting this or wearing this, i just resent companies labeling what they’re selling as something its not. It’s underhanded and takes advantage of people who don’t have enough experience to know they’re being overcharged)
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finally we’re at actual corsets! These are big international off-the-rack budget corset producers. (Corset story and corsets uk are an example)
These can be made with synthetic fibers as well as natural ones. I could go down a rabbit whole describing the minute differences between quality of materials with these last two but i’ll save you that headache.
The REAL Big Difference between these, and the last type of corset, are going to be about the shape. Off the rack can be strong enough to compress with (tightlacing) but are shaped in a very generic ) ( way that is not in line with the natural shape of the human body These are not for waist training. And they’re mostly about the aesthetic appeal of corsets. They usually have Functional lacing and eyelets in the back (the lace is a wide ribbon, or shoe-lace textured cording. An important difference between these and the other two types of corsets are that if you grab this with both your fists and pull it, it doesn’t stretch. The ribs are usually made out of metal in these corsets. Sometimes they’ll have Thick plastic boning instead though. thse usually go for between $50-200 each. They last quite a while. But mind that you have to dry clean to wash these.
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These are Usually custom made. You would probably be getting in direct contact with a corset maker if you’re in the market for one of these. the materials alone to produce one of these starts at around $100 if you don’t even begin to account for overhead and time compensations, so if you find someone selling ‘custom’ corsets for under a hundred usd, be aware that there is GOING to be a catch.
These give a more dramatic curvy shape (Usually, as i mentioned, their custom, so you’ll really be getting whatever specific sort of silhouette you were looking for) Metal boning, Natural Fibers, Zero stretch, Usually has a busk front closure (that’s a metal bone that runs down the front with attached steel hook, and ‘pegs’ sticking out of the other side that you use to clasp the front together. The lacing and eyelets in the back Are Functional, and Very Sturdy (able to withstand LOTS of intense stress/weight/tension)
It’s called waist training, it involves a specific structured use of tightlacing in the corset to change the shape of your natural waist, it does this mostly by slowly/gently redistributing they way pads of body fat sit on your torso (other slight things too, but that’s the biggest element of it) It can give you a more dramatic/(”feminine”) sillhouette even when you’re out of the corset if done right over a length of time.  and it’s safe to assume you wont find one of these for less than $200
The top two ‘corset’ products use general sizing, that is to say ‘small/medium/large’. Get whatever size you usually buy in those categories.
If you’d like to measure yourself for one of the bottom two types of corsets;
Their sites will have instructions on how to take your measurements for their products. Always defer to their instructions. generally, in the off the rack world, you’re going to run a measuring tape around your waist (where exactly is your waist? I’m so glad you asked! Squeeze the measuring tape around your soft middle bits, then bend over and start wriggling and dancing around for like ten seconds. Where the measuring tape lands is your waist! and don’t laugh, it’s actually pretty deceptive sometimes c:) You take that waist number and write it down.
Of The Rack corsets come in NUMBERED sizes (26, 28, 30, 32, 34 etc.) these numbers are, you guessed it! The measurements of the waist of the corset when it is Completely Closed. You usually want to buy a corset that is between 2-6 inches smaller than your natural waist measurement. (Or, just measure yourself while squeezing the tape as tight as you can, this is sometimes a great way to cut out the math!) depending on the brand. And remember, because the laces in the back are functional, you can buy a garment that would usually be too small for you, and it will usually work out better than if you try to ‘be safe’ and buy something bigger than you should be looking at. The corsets can get bigger, but they can’t get smaller than that measurement.
i hope that was helpful!
oh also i forgot, here’s an image of a model wearing all these different types of corsets so you can see the difference in silhouette and stuff
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