newt-the-newt · 5 years
The Mandalorian’s Everything Masterlist
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What if, way before the Mandalorian ever got the bounty for a 50 year old child, he met someone that could turn his whole life around in just a few short days? And what if this person, whoever she is, can help him become the person he didn't even know he wanted to be?
Mandalorian x Female!Reader
Some more mature themes, especially in the second chapter, but other than that it's whatever happened on the show. I will write more specific warnings in each chapter.
I own absolutely nothing except the reader's actions in the book, her backstory and all of the characters within her backstory.
All of the chapters kinda maybe sorta get longer and longer as they go on but am I sorry? No.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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quinnbidmead-blog · 6 years
One of my better stories - read it here^
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reenaisnow · 3 years
Strangers outside of time
In a distant village, there spread rumours about an abandoned cottage;
Three friends decided to explore the place as a new adventure…
The elderly warned them, that those who came back from there were not in a stable condition for some time before they were themselves again. The girls didn’t care and soon after, they became in front of that cottage’s fences.
With each step, fear seeped through their bodies as they descended to the entrance…
With a shaky voice said the First “I don’t think I can go any further” looking at her friends.
The other two continued walking to open a door which squeaks makes the heart tremble; and just as the Third took the first step through the door, a screeching scream ringed as it slammed shut between her and the Second.
Amidst her terror, the Third banged the door with her hands and her two friends on the other side of the door trying to open it with all the power they got.
The girl took off running inside that cottage looking for windows or any other exist, wind rustling around, whispers, hums and footsteps echo raising before going faint again as if there is a nation of people dwelling within this place.
The girl ran towards one of the windows facing the entrance of the cottage’s fence and shouted her friends’ names while knocking on the window with her hand but it seemed her pleas fell on deaf ears. She froze right where she stood remembering that the cottage had no windows on the front side nor any other doors but the main entrance.
She went back running downstairs to the main entrance only to find that it had disappeared, the Third paced quickly inside the rooms and corridors except that those seemed endless; as soon as she passes a door, she finds another which leads her to another room with another door and more corridors…
The two girls went back to the village screaming for help for their friend, but not a soul remembered who they were talking about.
Amidst their hysteria and terror, the villagers told the girls to calm down and have some rest for in the morning they will talk about the matter after the girls are in a better state.. the two girls spent the whole night talking and then suddenly when of them said: “a moment, remind me who’s she we’re talking about?” And the other one replied “she’s our friend! She got stuck in the cotta.. what are we talking about again?!” And started smiling awkwardly with confusion about what happened as if it was a disturbing memory.
There in the cottage, sat the Third on the floor in despair after she tried all that could be thought about to exist. She lowered her head and, amidst her silence.. an old man who wore dignity and looked of grace appeared before her. Told her to not worry for nothing here is harmful. As soon as she heard him, things started to unravel in front of her eyes and groups of people appeared before her, all of them in that small cottage. She asked him with wonder “what’s this place?”
He answered “we are the missing and not found, the wanderers with not a home.. lost to the foldings of years; we remember forever and forever we are forgotten, we roam aimlessly in a small world which’s limit ceased not to expand, a world ruled by uncertainty and vague darkness that never dissipated… but worry not my child, for here no one is alone. Here, we all are the same no matter how different, we are you and, you are all of us. So, come with me, I will show you how to bear the sempiternal life here.. you’ll get used to it fast and you’ll never feel a thing ever after.”
The Third went with him, years went by as she made a home of that place and a world which she settled in more than anywhere else. And thus, for every soul that entered that cottage, a star was raised to the heavens above.
There in the village, everyone went on with their lives as if nothing ever happened.. occasionally the two girls would look up to the sky and feel a weird sting in their hearts as if something was missing, they shake their heads ignoring that feeling and, carry on their way...
  #the end
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sad-trashwolf · 6 years
I write!
Read my stuff on wattpad please. I accept feedback and constructive criticism. 😃
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colettesvalentines · 6 years
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newt-the-newt · 5 years
The Mandalorian’s Everything -Chapter 1
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Story Masterlist
Warnings: Mild violence, mild sexual harassment but nothing too detailed, cringey writing, sickening amounts of fluff at times.
It was many years before the Mandalorian was given the mission to find the Child that he met Y/N. And what a day that was. A day that he could never, ever forget.
His bounty was a dangerous thief and murderer hiding out on the planet of Tatooine. This was going to be a breeze for the Mandalorian. He had fought enemies twice as big for pay half of what he was offered. But this was a lot of money, and he needed it.
He was walking through town on his way to the Cantina when he saw a beautiful woman on the side of the street. She looked to be washing the sand out of some clothes while talking to an elderly woman doing the same thing. 
She had the most beautiful smile the Mandalorian had ever seen upon anyone's face. Her eyes were sparkling brighter than any star to exist, despite the poor life she seemed to be living. Her clothes were old rags that were falling apart in many places, there was dirt covering her hands and face, her soft hair was half done up in a braid, the bottom half flowing behind her, and her voice. My god, her voice. She laughed at something the other woman said, and he swears, he died right there.
But he had a mission to do, and he couldn't think about her. He shook his head and walked towards the Cantina, and instantly saw his target. The criminal was a Twi'lek with purple skin and  yellow eyes (a disadvantage for the target, major advantage for anyone trying to find him). The Twi'lek was obviously trying to hide beneath a cloak, but with these extreme temperatures it made it very difficult to do so.
The Mandalorian took a full sweep of the room. There were no other bounty hunters in sight, meaning he did not have to act quickly. He went to sit at one of the empty tables to keep an eye on the target until he left; the bounty hunter did not want to make a scene if he did not have to.
So, he took a seat in the back and told the waitress that he didn't want anything. That's when everything went to hell. The beautiful girl he saw before walked in and went behind the bar. Clearly she works many jobs to get enough money for something.
The girl put on an apron and picked up a tray. He saw his waitress from before leave, meaning this woman was going to be taking over serving him. She walked over, smiling very softly.
"Can I get you anything?" This girl knew that the man sitting before her was a Mandalorian, and he would not order anything because he can't take off his helmet. But, it was her job, so. Whatever.
The bounty hunter looked up at her face and felt his heart stop. Oh god. If he thought that she was beautiful from afar, she really did look like a goddess up close. He could make out some more features of her face, and he swears he fell in love with every single one of them. 
But what the hell. This has never happened before. What the hell. He's been to plenty of clubs all over the galaxy for his work. He's seen women bathed head to toe in gold, practically drowning in diamonds, radiating their bodies and beauty. But he never thought about any of them. How could he, though, it's not like he could do anything with them.
But this woman? She spoke one sentence to him and he was hers. Just like that. If she asked him to jump off a bridge he would. If she asked him to fight a thousand rancors he would. If she asked him to take off his helmet... he probably would. For her. Cause then he could be with her. Oh my god, shut up. What the hell was he thinking? He's got a job to do, and plenty more after this one. There's no time for that.
"No thanks."
She nodded, and gave another gentle smile. "Let me know if you change your mind."
He gave her a curt nod of is head and went back to looking at his target, for he knew if he didn't he'd ask for something he would come to quickly regret.
She walked away towards another table, and the Mandalorian couldn't help but look back to admire the shape of her body. He quickly deduced that she was way too skinny due to starving on this planet, but he still could only find one word to describe it. Perfect.
He looked back to his assignment. He hadn't moved, just continued to drink his drink. It was about 20 minutes later that his problem escalated more. You see, the truth is that the Mandalorian was barely looking at his target at all. The truth is that he couldn't keep his eyes off the woman. She was just so positive and graceful with her movements. And clearly, he wasn't the only one thinking these thoughts.
It just so happened to be the target himself who wanted to woo the girl as well. And there was no way the bounty hunter was going to let that happen. The girl smiled as she placed another drink in front of the purple alien, but the Twi'lek had other ideas. He reached out and grabbed the girl's wrist, pulled her ear towards his mouth, and the Mandalorian clenched his fists so tightly together he thought his armour was going to break.
"You look good enough to eat, sweetheart. Why don't you get out of here with me. I'll show you a good time."
The girl tried to escape his hold as she responded, "I'm flattered, but no thank you. Now please let me go."
"Not gonna happen sweetheart." And he started to bite on her ear. 
She was now desperately trying to yank her arm away. She even dropped her tray and swung a mean right hook to the Twi'lek's jaw with her free arm, but he wouldn't let loose.
With his heightened hearing in his helmet, the bounty hunter heard every word that was spoken, and was having none of it.
Though he felt an immense sense of pride that she managed to get a good hit in, he knew she couldn't win this fight; this was a murderer after all.
He made is way over in less than 4 steps and ripped the guy's hand off the girl's arm, and stood between them, protectively keeping the girl behind his back while he towered over the target.
He then grabbed the Twi'lek by the collar of his cloak and brought him up to his face.
"You're lucky the bounty is much better for you alive rather than dead. Touch her one more time and you will be a dead man. I wouldn't keep you alive for all the money in the galaxy."
He then grabbed the Twi'lek's arm and dragged him out of the Cantina all the way to his speed racer, punched him so he was knocked out, and tied him up 6 different ways so the target couldn't get away.
After tying up the now prisoner, the Mandalorian stood up and walked back to the Cantina. He spotted the girl wiping up a table, and instantly noticed the bruises forming on her wrists.
He walked up to her, and found his heart melting when she saw him and smiled.
"Are you alright?" he asked her.
She nodded and smiled again. "All thanks to you."
He shrugged and shook his head. "He was my target anyway."
"Still. You saved me, and for that I thank you. Is there any way I can repay you?"
He shook his head once more. "I'm just glad you're okay."
"Please. Let me take you back you my place. It's not much, but there's supposed to be a sandstorm tonight, and those can get very serious. Please."
The bounty hunter contemplated. He knew his ship was quite a distance away; he didn't want his ship to get recognized by other bounty hunters and steal his catch. He also knew that if the sandstorm the girl was talking about did happen, the prisoner would more than likely die. And he needed the money.
He looked down at the girl.
Her smile seemed to grow 10 times at that one simple word.
"Perfect. I get off in about 15 minutes. Can you wait that long?"
The Mandalorian smiled under the mask. "If I have to."
The girl giggled as she walked away towards her last few customers.
When the 15 minutes were up, the girl turned the lights out and locked up the doors. They then walked in a comfortable silence towards, first his speeder, then her home.
After tying up a gag around the prisoners mouth, a blindfold around his eyes, and punching the guy one more time when the girl wasn't looking to make sure he would stay knocked out, he stuffed the guy into the storage compartment of his speeder and turned to face her.
The winds were already picking up outside, and he knew the girl was right about the storm.
After a few seconds of staring at each other, the Mandalorian spoke up.
"What's your name?"
The girl smiled once again. "Y/N."
And with that, she turned around and entered her home, with the Mandalorian trailing closely behind her.
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newt-the-newt · 5 years
The Mandalorian’s Everything - A/N
Okay, so I realize that Mandalorian's are supposed to be stone-cold soldiers who only care about getting the job done. However, as we've seen so far in the first few episodes, this one obviously shows some compassion and sympathy, and is probably a giant teddy bear under all of his armour. I think that with this thought in mind I may have wrote this bounty hunter just a bit too soft, but I believe for the story purposes it was necessary. It will make much more sense when you read into some of the later chapters.
With that in mind, I just had to warn you that this story does feature a soft and vulnerable side to the Mandalorian we know, even more soft than the way he goes back for the Baby Yoda. Some people probably won't like that, and for that I completely understand. I just had to warn though, this isn't your typical Mandalorian story.
I'm a huge Star Wars nerd, and I realize all of the codes that the Mandalorians follow, I realize that there is only one way for a Mandalorian to go about their day. But this is a Mandalorian that is, in a sense, a rebel. He learns to feel some emotions towards characters that bounty hunters of his kind should probably never feel.
Not to mention this story is both extremely unrealistic and cliché, but what can I say, I'm a sap for that kind of stuff. It's super fluffy but also really action-packed too (I think?), so it's hopefully it's good.
I'm going to do a few chapters as a back story for the reader so we can get a sense of the extra character, and then I'll just dedicate each chapter to each episode. I have a feeling that it will all be in the Mandalorian's point of view, but there will be lots of talking from the reader, especially the first few chapters so we can learn about her backstory.
These will probably take sometime to write, so bear with me, I am a very busy person, but I will try my best.
If you've read all of this nonsense, I thank you immensely, and I hope you enjoy the story!
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newt-the-newt · 5 years
The Mandalorian’s Everything - Chapter 4
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Story Masterlist
(Y/F/C) = Your Favourite Colour
Warnings: 8700 words of pure, cheesy fluff, and now that I’m looking back on it, a smidge of angst.
It had been about 4 hours of the Mandalorian sitting in the cockpit slowly slipping into madness as he watched the stars before he went back to check on you. For good measure he punched the target in the face as he walked by, and entered his room where he found you still sleeping peacefully.
There was still at least another day's trip to Coruscant, maybe even longer with his damaged hyperdrive, and the bounty hunter was starting to get tired. But there was no way he was going to wake you up. If you needed sleep, then you could get all the sleep you wanted.
The Mandalorian went back to the bathroom to grab some more antibiotics, this time in pill form, and left them alongside a glass of water on the nightstand. He was hoping they could relieve some of the pain in your shoulder.
After taking one last look to make sure you really were okay, the Mandalorian made his way back to the cockpit where he watched millions of stars zoom by. Again.
About another hour later the bounty hunter heard small footsteps. They were gentle, and seemed to be going quite slowly. The Mandalorian smiled to himself as he guessed it was you walking around in a bit of a daze from your sleep.
His assumption was quickly confirmed when he walked into the main sitting area of the ship and saw you looking around with quite a confused expression.
However, it seemed you had heard him coming because you quickly spun around to face him, grabbing a nearby pipe that had fallen off his speeder. The Mandalorian almost tripped over his feet when you laughed at yourself after coming to the realization that you were safe on his ship.
"Oh, Lumpy, thank goodness it's only you. I was worried I had been taken by those horrible clones."
The Mandalorian shook his head. How was he supposed to tell you that if something happened to you while he could have been there to help you, hed never forgive himself? Thatd hed probably end up doing something very reckless and stupid because he now had to live in a universe you werent in anymore? It was my duty. Yeah, that ought to do it, now she knows you like her. Go me.
Your smile fell. "She told you to help me, didn't she? My Grandma?"
The bounty hunter remained silent, and you nodded.
"Of course she did."
"I think she knew it was coming, she told me before I left that I was to protect you. I hadn't realized she meant so soon."
You nodded again. "Well, nevertheless, I must thank you greatly, again, for this is now the second time you have saved my life."
It was quiet in the room for a minute, before you spoke up again. "You can drop me off wherever you'd like. I have a feeling I'll only get in your way if I stay. I don't want to be any trouble."
"You could never." I said that way too quickly. But it's true. How could something so innocent and gentle ever get in his way?
You smiled again, causing the butterflies in his tummy to start up again. "Even if I wasn't any trouble, I don't think I'd be much help either."
"What are you good at?" Smooth. Real smooth.
You thought for a moment before answering. "Not much. I can cook, clean, and I'm pretty good at mechanics. I used to fix a lot of pod racers and speeders at one of my older jobs. I can learn how to use them pretty quickly, too."
The mechanics was good, because it would allow the Mandalorian to have an excuse at letting you stay with him on the ship. "Well, if you'd like to stick with me, you can."
"Are you sure that's a good idea?"
Nope. "Yeah."
"I won't be in your way?"
"Thats not possible."
"I still don't think I'll be much help to you."
"I won't ask you to do too much. Just maybe do some repairs on the ship while I'm retrieving a target and maybe be my quick getaway."
"I don't know Lumpy, I just don't think you're realizing what you're getting into. I'm not that great."
Oh, he knew alright. It was a terrible idea to bring you along with him, because only the maker knows all of the possible things that could go wrong. And there were quite a few, but they were all his fault because he gets so caught up in everything you do.
"You can stay."
You shook your head. "It's really whatever you want, Lumpy. This is your ship, I cant intrude anymore than I already have. I can't ask to stay with you, you've already done so much for me."
"Do you want to stay?"
The Mandalorian could not believe how much he wanted your answer to be yes. But, at the same time he could, because who wouldnt want you around? He knew, if you said yes, then you were staying, and that was it. If it was no, he would reluctantly yet whole-heartedly respect your wishes and help you start a good life somewhere else.
The bounty hunter let out a small sigh of relief as you quietly whispered, "Yes, I think so."
"Then stay with me."
You glanced up at him still with that look of uncertainty, which drew him closer to you. He took 3 steps forward, each bringing him closer and closer to you. So close you were standing practically chest to chest.
"Stay with me," he whispered. "Please?"
At first he wasnt sure if you heard him, since he knew that whispering under a mask cant exactly be easily understood, until you slowly nodded. "Okay."
The bounty hunter almost let out an enormous sigh of relief, but caught himself at the last second, nodding instead.
"Then it's decided."
After awkwardly standing there for 30 seconds, the Mandalorian cleared his throat.
"I have some clean clothes somewhere around here you can change into. When we get to Coruscant we can get you some new outfits."
You nodded once more. "Thank you, Lumpy."
The bounty hunter was silent as he walked down the hall to his small room. He noticed that you had made the bed, and more importantly had taken the medicine, which he was grateful for.
He went into the small chest at the foot of his bed and rummaged through it, looking for some clothes he thought might fit you. He didn't have many clothes anymore, since all he wears is his armour now.
But, he was able to find a shirt and a pair of pants at the bottom of the chest that looked to be relatively the same size as you. There was also a clean pair of boxers, but he decided he would leave it up to you if you wanted to where them. He wished he could smell them quickly to make sure they were in fact clean (he has no idea when these were washed), but he opted out of taking off the mask, just in case you came in.
He came back to see you sitting on top of the speeder waiting for him.
The Mandalorian handed you the clothes and pointed towards his room. "There's a bathroom right beside my room if you'd prefer that, or you can just change in my room."
You nodded and gave him a gentle smile as you turned to go change in the bathroom. As you were doing that the bounty hunter went back to go sit in the cockpit while he waited for you, and contemplated what he should do.
Theres now going to be an extra body sleeping in the ship, and there werent anymore rooms. He figured he could give you his room while he slept in the speeder or something. After all, hes slept in much worse. He could try finding another ship, but that would probably take too much time, and he wasnt too sure the money he had would be enough.
Hearing you enter the cockpit broke him out of his thoughts, causing him to look up at you. He smiled beneath his mask as he took in your look of wonder, your gaze being on what was outside the ship.
"Wow, I've never been in hyperspace before, you breathed out.
He nodded, recalling your childhood story on how youve been a slave your whole life.
"Actually, I've never been in space before. I've always been stuck on that stupid planet."
The Mandalorian thought for a moment. "Is there a place that you want to go?" He was curious, did you even know of anything outside that planet?
You took a minute to answer. "Well, in one of Grandma's stories she spoke of a planet so beautiful it almost didn't sound real. I'm not even sure if it is real. It was something like canoe.. or baboo... or maybe it was-"
Your eyes lit up with recognition. "Yeah, that's it! Wait, does that mean it's a real place?"
He chuckled quietly under his breath. "Yes it is."
"Wow," you sighed. "Grandma said it was the most beautiful place in the whole galaxy."
The Mandalorian turned in his chair to take a look at your full frame. Of course, these had to be some of his clothes. And of course, you had to look good in them. Really good. So good, he felt his throat close up and only let out a very embarrassing wheeze.
The bounty hunter cleared his throat, extremely grateful the mask could cover up just how red his face had gotten, then asked "Are there any other planets your Grandma told you about?" He mentally let out a sigh of relief in that you didnt seem to notice.
"Hmmmmm I can remember a few. Just a couple of days ago she told me about Scarif, which is also really beautiful, but its under Imperial control and theres no way you can go there. There was also Kashyyyk, although that one was told to me by a Wookiee I worked with, oh! There was-"
"Wait, you speak Wookiee?"
You shrugged. "I understand it much more than I am able to actually pronounce the words."
The Mandalorian nodded, when on the inside he felt shock. If you could speak Wookiee, then there definitely some other talents you had. There had to be, and the bounty hunter was ready to know all of them.
"Oh! There's Alderaan, and I remember there's a planet that's like a big swamp, but I can't remember it's name."
He nodded again. "That's Dagobah."
You looked back up at the stars, and the Mandalorian watched you with an amused expression. "How many planets are there? In the whole galaxy, I mean."
The bounty hunter stopped for a moment. "I think theres about 3 million planets we can live on in our galaxy."
He became amused with the shocked expression that took over your face. "Wow. And I've only been on one in my whole life."
Before he could stop himself, the bounty hunter stood up to face you and whispered "I'll take you to anywhere you want to go. Any place, any time." Oh for Petes sake, get a hold of yourself-
"Thank you Lumpy, but I'm not going to ask that of you. You just go where you need to, and Ill do my best to stay out of your way," you whispered back.
The Mandalorian shook his head. You could never be in my way.
About a day and a half later the Mandalorian parked his ship on one of the landing pads and turned towards you.
"I'm taking the bounty to an office about 3 blocks from here. It's connected to a restaurant called Nonchaus Pizza Dogs, which I never understood because the only food they sell stuff like burritos, but that's besides the point. If you need anything, I'll be there, but I need you to stay on the ship, just until I deliver the bounty."
"Okay, Lumpy. Do you know how long you'll be gone?"
The Mandalorian stood up and walked past the speeder, towards the target. "No more than 2 hours. After that I can take you around to buy some clothes."
The bounty hunter saw you nod your head out of the corner of his eye. "Is there anything you need me to do?"
"Just stay hidden in the ship. I have to turn off all the power, so it may get a little cold in here. I would take you with me, but I have a feeling it'd be much safer for you if you stayed here."
He saw you nod once more. "Okay."
As he was on his way to untie the bounty, he noticed you went into his room in his peripherals. Curiosity took over him as he slowly stood up and followed you there.
When he got to his room, he leaned against the door frame as he observed you sitting in his bed reading. Recognition flooded his mind as he squinted at the cover of the book, realizing it was the one book he had actually enjoyed reading front to back. "Where'd you get that?"
You looked up at him and smiled. "It was on your dresser," He followed your finger as it pointed to a piece of furniture that was way too small to call it a dresser. An apologetic frown made its way onto your face as you had a thought. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone through your stuff-"
"No no, it's okay. Do you like reading?"
Your frown turned upside down instantly at that question. "Do I?!?" However, the more you thought about it, the more sorrowful you seemed to become, and a sad smile graced your features as you spoke. "Well, I really liked Grandma's stories, and I figured that if they had to be anything like that, they must be amazing. I've only read a few books in my life, and none of them have ever compared to hers. I'm still on the hunt."
The Mandalorian could see you visibly begin to get more upset the more you talked about your Grandma. "If you'd like we can get some books too while you pick some clothes."
You looked up at the bounty hunter, a melancholy smile still present, and he could feel his heart sink a little at your dampened mood. "Thank you, Lumpy."
When he saw you go back to your book, the Mandalorian took one last look back at you (still beautiful, even when upset), before he went to untie the bounty from his ship and deliver it to the client.
He grabbed another bowl of cold water and splashed it on his target's face; he did not want to carry him. At all.
For good measure, kicked the idiot in the stomach, then grabbed the collar of its shirt and stood it up. The client wanted it alive, but didn't say anything about the injuries. If he had to he could just say the guy put up a fight and it was necessary.
He untied it only from the rope that was attached to the ship, and loosened the ones wrapped around his ankles. After shoving it forward, the bounty hunter spoke in a very threatening voice. "Get moving."
The Mandalorian did his best to make the process go as quick and smooth as he as possible. He did not want to keep you in his ship alone and unprotected for longer than necessary. In only an hour and 15 minutes he managed to turn in his target (good riddance), retrieve his reward and obtain another bounty that he would get to after he made sure you had everything you needed.
When he walked back into his ship, he was relieved to see you fast asleep in his bed with the book laying open in your lap.
The bounty hunter gently kneeled next to the bed, dogeared the corner of the page you were on, placed the book on the nightstand, and, after taking a minute to admire the small smile adorning your face from the dream you were having, he rubbed your arm soothingly and whispered "Y/N."
You hummed, and he grinned as he watched your eyes open slowly.
"We gotta go get you some stuff now."
You looked at the clock next to your bed and whispered, "Wow, you were quick."
"I didn't want to keep you waiting long. Come on, let's go."
The Mandalorian got up and exited the room, and when he felt your presence behind him, he continued off the ship, making sure the hatch was closed and turned to face you.
"I'd ask where you want to start, but I have a feeling you have no idea."
You shook your head, confirming the bounty hunter's suspicion. "I just don't think I need much, only a few shirts and pants. I don't want to take up too much room on your ship."
"Okay, well then I have a better idea of where we should go."
"Better than Coruscant? For shopping? But look at all the stores." You emphasized your words by pointing to the hundreds of shops and businesses lit up with their advertisements plastered everywhere.
"I have a feeling that you're gonna like the clothes much better somewhere else."
You giggled at the situation as you re-entered the ship. "If you bring me to some planet filled with armour like yours, I think Im gonna pass."
The Mandalorian chuckled as he answered, "No nothing like that."
Unfortunately, for gas and travelling time purposes, it would take the bounty hunter a whole other day to travel to where he wanted to take you, but he had a feeling it would be worth it.
He noticed that you had finished the book way faster than he ever could, and went to his small storage compartment to grab you more.
When you finished the second book he had given you in just over an hour, the bounty hunter went looking in the very back of his ship. Amidst the pile of old food wrappers, papers of very old targets he kept when his hologram transmitter broke, spare parts he picked up wherever he found them, and many, many, many other things, he found a tabletop version of Dejarik.
The bounty hunter set it out on the top of the small table he had made for 2, and taught you the basics of the holochess game. The two of you spent at least 4 hours duelling at the game, with you snacking on some chips he found and the bounty hunter losing at 95% percent of the games. You cheered in victory at every win, but what seemed to make you laugh the most was when he just sat there in contemplation on what the hell he did so wrong to make him lose again.
He taught you the game hours ago and you were already better than him. But, he as not complaining at all because the friendly competition came with much laughter and many jokes. There were also questions you asked each other, but never that many.
After being in hyperspace for another 22 hours or so, the Mandalorian had finally arrived at the place you mentioned you wanted to see most: Naboo.
Before he entered the planet's atmosphere, he raced towards his room to retrieve you and show you where you were going. He couldn't wait another minute to see the reaction on your face.
When you entered the cockpit, the Mandalorian had a small smile on his face when he heard you gasp. "Wow, Lumpy, it's so... blue, and... green."
"It's Naboo."
The bounty hunter kept in his laugh as you whipped your head around to face him. "Naboo? We're going to Naboo?"
When he nodded, your smile grew tenfold. "Maker, we're going to Naboo!"
He sat back down in the chair to enter the atmosphere of Naboo. After a minute, when the ship was slowly descending onto a landing pad, the bounty hunter felt you wrap your arms around his neck to give him a hug from behind. It was difficult for him to concentrate on keeping the ship steady because all he could focus on was how you were so close to him, yet so far because of his stupid armour.
When you whispered "Thank you, Lumpy," the Mandalorian had to clear his throat to keep his voice from shaking so you wouldn't notice the effect you had on him.
"Of course." The bounty hunter landed his ship at a much slower pace than usual (he definitely was not trying to make the moment last as long as possible), and turned off all of the ship's systems. After he heard you exit the cockpit, he took a deep breath and followed you out, seeing you waiting by the closed ramp.
He grabbed his weapon and opened the hatch, letting the ramp go down so you two could exit.
While you were too busy looking at anything and everything your eyes landed on, the Mandalorian stuck to watching you look on with awe. He had never thought he could feel so happy, yet when he saw the look of excitement on your face, it was really hard to do anything but that. Every once in a while do a sweep to make sure no threats were near, but he mainly focused on you and how wonderful you were.
Before you went shopping for clothes, the Mandalorian brought you to a little inn where he bought a room. He didn't have the intention of taking a nap, however. The room included a bathroom, and that room included shower.
"I don't think we're going to stay very long, but these showers are much better than the one in my ship, so I figured we could get you some clothes after."
Even though these showers still weren't the greatest, they would hopefully make you feel less grimy, because he knew what it was like to get sand everywhere.
The bounty hunter waited patiently on the bed with his weapon in hand as you showered. He could hear you humming a tune to yourself, which had to be your favourite song because this was certainly not the first time he heard the soft melody pass your lips.
Your shower seemed to be on the longer side, but that was understandable. Who knows when your last proper clean was.
He heard the water shut off, and about 5 minutes later you emerged from the bathroom.
Nothing could have prepared the Mandalorian for what he saw next.
You walked out wearing the same clothes he had given you a few days prior, but this time, since your skin was a bit damp making the shirt cling to your figure, highlighting some features that were well hidden behind the baggy clothing.
Your wet hair was let down, framing your face in the most breathtaking way he had ever seen. Your skin glistened with some of the water that didn't get wiped off, and it looked even softer and smoother than it did before.
The dirt that covered your face was now gone, allowing the bounty hunter to perfectly see even the tiniest of details. The bags were still under your eyes, but weren't as prominent as before, probably from all of the sleep you got on his ship. There were a few freckles that he hadn't noticed before dotted around your face. Your eyebrows now had a defined shape since they weren't hidden from the dirt anymore, allowing your expressions to show even more emotion.
Your nose, jawline and cheekbones were more visible and prominent, defining your face in a whole different way. A very good way, he must say.
And, most importantly, you genuinely looked happier. He noticed that you still seemed melancholy, which was understandable, you had just watched your Grandma get shot. But that shower seemed to lighten you up; you stood taller, and carried yourself in a more confident manner.
The Mandalorian started tracing your jawline with his eyes and continuing down your neck, before he realized what he was doing and very quickly looked away. He did not want you to see him staring, completely forgetting that he was wearing a mask and you wouldn't see his eyes anyway.
He cleared his throat and stood up, looking through his pockets to make sure he brought money. He did.
"Wow, Lumpy, I don't think I've felt this clean in all my life. Didn't you say this was just a dingy motel bathroom? That was fantastic."
"Are you ready?"
"Is it okay if my hair is wet?"
The Mandalorian smiled softly under the mask. "Yes."
You nodded. "Then yes, I'm ready."
The bounty hunter lead you out of the motel room and towards the heart of the city. He grinned again as he saw you pause in his peripherals, admiring everything you saw. He turned to face you. "Are you coming?"
You snapped your head towards him, wearing an apologetic smile. Running to catch up with him, you answered, "Yes, I'm sorry."
He chuckled. "You've got nothing to apologize for, I know you're excited."
"Where are we going first?"
"There's a market a few streets from here. We can buy you clothes, and some food for the ship to. And I believe there's a book store just down that way," he stated as he pointed towards his left.
After he saw your nod of agreement, the Mandalorian stayed silent. He found himself enjoying the walking in comfortable silence, though he knew it wouldn't last long. As soon as you got to the little market, the bounty hunter heard your gasp.
"Oh my goodness, there's so many people! And there's so much stuff! Where do I start?" When you looked at him with one of your heart stopping smiles, the Mandalorian had to clear his throat before he responded.
"It seems to go in a circle. Pick a side and we'll make our way around."
You giggled. "Okay."
You chose to go to the left first, opting to make the circle go clockwise.
You looked to the first tent, which had many different types of jewellery covering each of the four tables. He noticed the woman behind the tables was wearing something much different to the simple robes and plain dresses everyone else was wearing.
She wore a bright red two-piece with gold accents, the skirt pooling on the ground. Attached to the neck and waist of the top were small, yet many diamonds and jewels. A red shawl draped over her shoulders to match the outfit, with gold lacing the bottom.
Her middle length hair matched her brown eyes, and her skin was tan from all of the sun that shines in Naboo. She was taller, and the bounty hunter could see beneath her skirt one of her feet poked out, displaying a short red and gold heel.
The necklace she wore seemed to be made of pure diamonds, as did her earrings. He could feel your nerves from a mile away. He wanted to pull you into his arms and assure you that no one else's beauty could even come close to yours. However, he could understand why you would feel intimidated. She looked to be dressed like royalty (which is strange, why would royalty be selling cheap jewellery in a tiny flea market?). You probably thought she looked like a goddess because you had never seen an outfit so... expensive.
"Look, one of her earrings looks like it costs more than my entire life. They're beautiful. She's beautiful. Look at her hair, it's like the wind is bowing before her feet, it's so magical. Wow." The Mandalorian didn't think you realized that you were whispering these things out loud, but he smiled nonetheless. Bingo.
When he laughed through his nose at your words, you turned him and gave him a confused stare. "What? I'm serious, Lumpy, look at her hair! The wind is just" as you were saying this you were making motions with your hands and hair, making it look like it was flowing beautifully like in those unrealistic commercials you had seen in the bar at times to emphasize your point.
He laughed again before he gently nudged you toward the woman. "Go on, I'll be back here if you need me."
The Mandalorian watched with amusement as you slowly made your way up to the woman behind the small tables.
She looked up and beamed. "Hi, how can I help you?"
You froze for a minute, which made the bounty hunter's eyebrows furrow. He was about to step up and encourage you it was okay before he heard you say, "You're beautiful."
The girl giggled and replied, "Thank you, but I don't think I can compare to you."
You gave her a look of bewilderment, which made the Mandalorian almost laugh out loud. "Me?"
"Yes, you! You don't have to wear fancy clothes to look nice! You should see me in the morning when I first wake up, my hair's all over the place, my eyes are all crusty and, you know that bit of that dry saliva on the corner of your mouth? Yeah, that's me every morning."
You laughed and responded with "Can't be as bad as smelling like old people all the time and having sand down your bra literally every minute ever. And that sand goes everywhere."
The girl smiled and stuck out her hand. "I'm Hana."
You grinned and took her hand, making the Mandalorian happy you made a friend.
"What brings you to Naboo?"
You glanced back at the Mandalorian, which yet again made him feel weak in the knees (he's gotta find a way to fix that), then answered Hana.
"I need some new clothes. All of my old ones got wrecked."
The girl's face lit up like she had just won the lottery. "Oooooo, girl shopping. D'you mind if I tag along? There's not much going on here anyways."
You nodded furiously, which made Hana laugh again. "I have no idea what I'm doing. Oh, wait." You turned back to the bounty hunter and asked him, "Lumpy, can Hana help me pick out some new clothes?"
He gave you a small thumbs up, and felt the butterflies flutter when you giggled at his actions.
The Mandalorian followed you around for 2 hours after that. He kept his distance, and was constantly on high alert. His eyes kept sweeping over the entire area to ensure there was no danger, though he did find himself getting distracted by many of the things that you did:
The look of awe with every new tent you approached. The look of surprise, yet giddiness you felt when Hana linked your arms together (he made a mental note that you liked this, since you seemed to always go back to this position with her). The little scrunch your nose did every time you saw a piece of clothing you didn't like. The small laugh you did when Hana made a joke, no matter how corny and terrible it was. The annoyed glances you gave when your hair flew into your face from a particularly harsh gust of wind, and the look of wonder you gave Hana when you asked how the wind made her look better and you a child that's rolled around in a sandstorm for the better part of 6 days.
Each and every small quirk made his heart swell that much more. When you put back every item you thought cost too much, thinking the bounty hunter didn't notice. (He did.) The look of disbelief on how delicious the food you ate for lunch was, even though Hana kept insisting it wasn't even that good. The look of surprise you gave when a little girl in a purple dress came up to you and gave you a flower. The small tear that ran down your cheek when you bent down and gave her a tight hug. The laughter that was contagious when a small band came to the market and Hana taught you how to dance one of the traditional Naboo dances.
The thing that the Mandalorian will never, ever forget was when you tried on a dress.
"No, Hana, that's way too much."
"Just try it on, just for fun." Both he and Hana could see how you kept glancing back at it, a look of wanting upon your face every time your eyes made contact with the dress.
Reluctantly you went behind a privacy screen to get changed, and the Mandalorian turned to Hana. "What are you doing down here."
He knew that she wasn't just some pedestrian trying to sell some old things for money, and he was curious as to why on earth a person of hierarchy would be down here.
Hana shrugged. "My sister's the queen, and I get sick of all the prim and proper bull everyone expects me to do. So, my Grandma and I make jewellery and once a month I come out here to give them to anyone that wants them. Normally I would wear less noticeable clothing, but... I don't know."
After a minute, she raised an eyebrow. "And what are you doing here? This doesn't seem like your kind of scene."
The bounty hunter's voice got quiet. She was right, a Mandalorian is never usually even seen with a person, let alone following one like a lost puppy. "She said she'd never been, and she really wanted to come here. Her Grandma used this place as the paradise in her stories."
Hana nodded, and seemed hesitant as she asked her next question. "And why is she with you?"
"There was an attack in her hometown, and I got her out."
Hana contemplated her next words before deciding to just bite the bullet. "Doesn't seem like the Mandalorian type to save a damsel in distress."
"She's much more than a damsel in distress."
"And that's why you won't let her go?" The bullet has now been bitten.
Before the bounty hunter could respond, you stepped from behind the screen. The Mandalorian did a double take, and he thought he was going to pass out. You seemed shy and uncertain, but man oh man, did you look angelic.
The dress was what seemed to be (Y/F/C), because this colour was a common occurrence in most of the clothing you picked. The dress was fitted at the top, hugging you in all the right places (though he could tell that the front went a bit lower than you were used to). There were thin straps on your shoulders that held the dress up, and the diamonds that covered the top portion sparkled in the sunlight.
The bottom portion of the dress was made of a material the bounty hunter had no clue of what the name was, but it looked silky smooth and was loose, flowing all the way to the ground in the most elegant way. Your hair had long since dried and curled just a bit, framing your face gracefully.
When you turned around the Mandalorian gasped so hard he started coughing, as he noticed there was a slit on one side of the dress that went up to your mid thigh, and your back was completely exposed. He saw the wound from the shot you got a few days ago was starting to look less red and angry, which relieved him quite a bit.
When you turned back around to face him, he was speechless. No amount of words could ever describe how stunning you looked to him. He was grateful when Hana spoke up because he could not.
"Y/N... oh my god, you look fantastic! Look at you!" she squealed and ran up to you, playing with your hair and asking you to turn a few times, showering you with compliments and oooos and aaaahs while you just giggled and shrugged, looking as though you didn't deserve her praise.
"I don't know... it seems a bit much. What do you think, Lumpy?"
Well, shoot.
"Uhm, uh- I-I-It looks- It looks, good, yeah, it looks good." Maker, I stutter now too?
The Mandalorian could see as Hana rolled her eyes and mocked him. "Looks goo- Y/N, you could outshine the Queen, oh my god."
"Stop it, I could not."
Oh yes you could, and the bounty hunter knew it. If only he could come up with the words to tell you too, but instead he was a blubbering, and quite frankly embarrassing mess.
"Yes you could, now lets go." Hana demanded as she pulled you by your elbow.
"Wha- go where? I have to take the dress off."
She snickered. "Just wear it for now. We need to show you off." She looked to the woman behind the table selling it. "Aurora, can she wear the dress around town? We'll bring it back."
When Aurora nodded, Hana linked your arms again and started pulling you towards her tent. "Come with me, I have the perfect necklace that would match."
The Mandalorian waited 30 seconds after you left before walking towards Aurora. She was an older woman, with olive wrinkled skin and grey hair pulled back into a braid.
"How much for the dress?"
"What currency do you have?"
The bounty hunter emptied his pockets and looked at what was left in his hand. "All I've got left is Corellian Credits."
"I'll give it to you for 1000."
"1000! That's outrageous, my armour costs less than that-"
"1000 credits. These clothes were made for the Queen, and she simply doesn't want them anymore."
"I hardly think the Queen is in need of any more money-"
"1000 credits, boy. No more, no less."
The bounty hunter sighed and looked down at the ground, thinking. He just got the reward of 2500 from the last target, and he figured if he got the next job done quick enough he could fix his ship with the reward from the next bounty. He'd need to be careful with his spending on fuel for the ship when he went to pick some up.
After a minute of staring at the ground, cursing the woman who sat behind the table with a nasty little smirk, he looked up and saw you, giggling and twirling in the dress, looking the happiest he thinks he's ever seen you.
He hung his head low as he started counting out the money, knowing full well that if that dress was 10 000 credits he'd still find a way to make it yours. He counted his blessings though because he was very thankful with was not 10 000 credits.
The Mandalorian sighed again and gave her the correct amount.
"Thank you," she said after placing the money in her little tin and grinning at him with a knowing smile.
He responded only by getting as far away from Aurora as possible before he made a rash decision, and instead chose to focus on you under Hana's tent. His heart beat a bit faster when he saw the smile on your face after Hana did indeed find a matching necklace, a pair of earrings and a clip pinned to the top of your head.
When you noticed the Mandalorian walking towards you, you giggled and ran up to him. "Lumpy, look what Hana gave to me! Aren't they nice?"
He hummed in response, allowing you to turn back to the woman in red, your back nearly pressed against the bounty hunter's chest. He did his very best to stay still because he knew if you got any closer, you would be able to hear his heart beating out of his chest. "Oh my goodness, are you sure Hana? This seems like too much."
She dismissed your words instantly with a flick of her hand. "Please, I made them to give to someone, and they look perfect on you."
"I bought the dress," he mumbled, hoping if he said it quietly enough you wouldn't be able to hear him.
To his misfortune you totally did hear him and whipped around to meet the Mandalorian's gaze so quickly you tripped over your own feet. He reached out and caught you by your hips swiftly, cursing himself and trying not to pay too much attention to what he did as you whispered, "What?"
He swallowed, steadying you as your arms rested on his shoulders and he repeated, a bit louder this time, "I bought the dress."
He frowned when you started shaking your head. "No, no Lumpy I don't need the dress, go get your money back, really, I don't need it-"
Tears started trickling down your face as you continued, not hearing the Mandalorian in your ramble. "- it's just a silly dress, I probably won't even wear it that much so it'll be a waste to buy it, please, go get your money back-"
"Y/N." He kept his voice gentle, but still pressed on.
"-let me go get changed, and I'll put it back on the table-"
"Y/N!" He cupped your face with both of his hands, effectively silencing your ramble. He wiped your tears with his thumbs as he whispered, "The dress is yours."
He sighed in relief as you went on your tiptoes and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly hugged him. He snaked his arms around your waist and squeezed lightly as you mumbled a "Thank you."
"Of course." He replied in a voice so soft he though you might not have heard him, but the Mandalorian realized you did as you squeezed just a bit tighter.
When you stepped back, the Mandalorian couldn't help but follow you for a split second before retreating, not wanting to let go of you just yet. He held himself back though, because this was not the time, nor the place.
"Hana, thank you so much for your help."
The girl being spoken of shook her head. "It was fun. I have to go for a few minutes, but I think you need to see something before you go. Just walk down that street for a few minutes and you'll find it. Also, don't leave without saying goodbye!"
She ran down an alleyway in the opposite direction that she pointed, and you linked arms with the Mandalorian as you pulled him along. "Come on!"
He was glad you were feeling happy again, because he couldn't stand the thought of you being sad, especially since he was the main cause.
The walk you shared was silent, but comfortable as you enjoyed the presence of one another and the noise of busy people from all around.
Hana was right. Not even 10 minutes of walking down the direction she pointed the alley ended, and it opened up to a massive field, filled with grass and flowers of all different colours. The field seemed to go on forever to the left and right, but straight ahead, what looked to be about a mile away, were massive waterfalls.
The Mandalorian smiled lightly beneath the mask as he heard your gasp of excitement, "Oh, Lumpy, look!"
He lead you forward, towards the water, but kept his eyes on you to take in the look on your face. The pure joy that emanated off you was contagious, and it made him want to scoop you up and carry you away into the sunset forever.
The sun did nothing but damage to him to make him sweat in his armour, but it made your skin glow and your hair shine, so he was not complaining at all.
When you were close to the edge of the water you ran forward, and the Mandalorian watched as you knelt down and put your hands in. You giggled as you did so and looked up at him.
"It's much colder than I expected."
"It's a lot of water, and there's not that much to heat it up." The Mandalorian grinned under his mask as he got an evil idea and slowly bent down, dipping one of his hands in the water.
You laughed again. "Okay, smarty pants, but just so you know-" you were effectively cut off with a gasp as the Mandalorian reached his hand in the water and splashed a small bit onto your face.
He actually laughed out loud, and really hard too as you tried to look at him angrily while wiping your face.
"Hey! That's no fair! It's not like I can even get you back, your protected by your armour!"
He laughed even more as you still splashed some water onto him, satisfied that you at least managed to get him even though it had no effect whatsoever.
The two of you laughed some more while splashing each other, and you pointing out even the smallest of details that made you excited.
The bounty hunter sat back on the grass as he witnessed you gasp again and run over to one of those gigantic rhino things. He was shocked when it let you run straight up to it and start petting it. You giggled as you gently stroked it's head, humming the same tune you did in the shower earlier.
The Mandalorian was feeling very conflicted. As much as he wanted you to stay with him, he knew that you belonged somewhere much nicer. You deserved a place that gave you unlimited happiness without the fear of getting hurt.
This was a very nice place, and now that you made a friend, he knew that you could stay with Hana. She could take care of you much better than he ever could. She was royalty, after all, and she could provide so much more.
He knew that was what Hana was implying when she was asking her questions earlier, and it made sense. It didn't seem fair to make you come along with him to a war zone when you could be safe amongst new family and friends.
And she was hinting that it wouldn't be a bad thing if she stayed here instead.
As much as he hated it, he knew that this was the better option for you. So that's what he offered.
"Do you like it here?"
After you nodded in confirmation, the Mandalorian continued.
"Maybe you should... stay here."
You snapped your head around to face him, about to interrupt him right there, but the bounty hunter only pressed on. "You would be much happier here, and much safer, and you have Hana now, you could stay with her. She can help you live the life you were supposed to live, not one filled with the constant fear of 'am I going to make it through today.'" He paused, catching his breath. "I wish I could make this your everyday, but it can't be. It's going to be dangerous and serious, and not beautiful and safe, and-"
"Lumpy, stop!" That shut him up instantly, but he needed to convince you to stay here. It was for the better. "I'm not leaving you! I love it here, but I don't think I could live like this everyday! I like the excitement that comes with you, the adventure, the many places I'm gonna get to see! I know it's going to get rough at times, and we're both probably going to get hurt at some point, but I don't care. Unless... you want me to stay because you want me gone?"
He shook his head quickly, "No, it's not that I don't want you with me, I do, but-"
"Then it's settled." For emphasis you took his masked head between your hands and pressed your forehead against his. Not caring about the tears running down your cheeks again, you continued. "You asked me to stay with you. I'm staying."
The bounty hunter started shaking his head again, feeling the after begin to pool in his eyes as well. "I don't want you to get hurt," he mumbled quietly so voice wouldn't crack.
"I think it would hurt a lot more if you left without me."
The Mandalorian sighed. He was about to begin protesting again when you whispered, "Please, Lumpy."
Why did you have to be so stubborn? Why did you have to be so good? Why did you have to make him want to give you everything you've ever wanted, and more? Why did you have to make it impossible to say no to?
"Okay." The smile that you gave him in return was already making him agree with his decision.
"Thank you."
The high you gave him would have been bone crushing if he wasn't head to toe in bullet proof armour, and it seemed you had noticed that too.
"Grandma was right, it really does feel lumpy."
When you walked back to the little market, the bounty hunter saw Hana standing in her tent again. Her face lit up as she saw you walking towards her. "Well, did you see it?"
You nodded in excitement, "We did, and it was amazing!"
She beaned and walked around the table. "I'm glad you thought so."
Your smile had started to go a little flat as you walked up to her and gave her a hug. "Thank you so much for everything you've done, but we have to go now."
The Mandalorian watched as she nodded and gave you a squeeze back. "Of course. Please come back and visit, I don't have too many normal people in my life." You giggled as you stepped back and wiped a stray tear from your face.
He held out his elbow to you, which you gladly hooked your arm through. He gave a curt nod towards Hana, causing her to nod back in reply, and gave a small wave to you as you started to walk back to the ship.
The walk back was once again silent, but the bounty hunter had a feeling it was because you had been reflecting on your day. "Thank you for taking me here, Lumpy. It truly was one of the best days of my life."
He hummed back as you climbed up the ramp to his ship and went into his room.
The bounty hunter assumed it was because you were putting all the clothes you bought away to be washed, and started up the ship. He heard the door open as you stepped in, and could see you admiring the view as the ship rose up into space.
When the bounty hunter put the ship into hyperspace, there was silence for a few minutes.
It was more than likely because you both came to the realization that your lives were never going to be the same ever again. This had happened to both of you, a long time ago.
The only difference is that this time, your lives were changing for the better.
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