nabrenna-blog · 7 years
Nutrition and Writing Technology
I want to link my unit one essay on “writing as a technology” to my major Nutrition. Some topics I was looking at are how people use social media blogs and posts to informally get nutrition information out there (these are mostly organic intellectuals). I will also talk about how Traditional Intellectuals like actual registered dieticians and nutrition experts use regulated websites to put proven nutritional information out on the internet. So you must be really careful in telling the difference between the 2 sources of information (organic or traditional) depending on how important the nutrition advice is that you’re looking for. The internet enhances the breadth of information we have access to, but it doesn’t mean its all valid info.
So, for the first part of my essay I want to talk about how organic intellectuals can write about nutrition from their first-hand experiences and how writing technology like Instagram, YouTube, and blogs allow them to do this. A lot of these nutrition bloggers are regular people who have tested different diets like vegan and Paleo and are blogging about what they think is best.  For this section of my essay I will relate back to the idea of organic intellectuals from the article “Reading Strategies and Intellectual Communities”. Pulling some quotes from there to establish my claim that people can learn from how they grow up and the nutritional habits of the community they live in. Social media and blogs are the perfect forum for these kinds of people because they are very informal, and opinion based and the population that’s viewing them knows that what their reading is likely not coming from a professional but from a normal person who is talking from experience. I am also going to tie in a unique point that Danah made in her article “Did Media Literacy Backfire”. She says, “Why should we be surprised that most people are getting medical information from their personal social network and the Internet? It’s a lot cheaper than seeing a doctor, and both friends and strangers on the Internet are willing to listen, empathize, and compare notes. Why trust experts when you have at your fingertips a crowd of knowledgeable people who may have had the same experience as you and can help you out? (did media literacy backfire)”. So, I will incorporate this idea to discuss how writing technology like nutrition blogs and Instagram’s have helped people who maybe can’t afford to hire a dietician or medical doctor to help them. This is the organic intellectual’s use of technology for nutrition information.
I will also talk about the Traditional Intellectuals usage of writing technology. I have to do more research on what I want to say about this part and figure out what direction I’m going to take it. I need to find some established nutrition websites to use as sources. I also will do research on how to tell the difference between good nutrition advice online and bad advice because this is a topic I definitely want to touch upon and relate it back to Danahs article.
 This is very rough idea of my essay but some feedback on if this is a good idea or not would be helpful 😊 also if anyone has any ideas I can add or other topics I can discuss let me know!
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Do you want me to post pictures of Victoria's fashion?
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vorthosthewillis · 7 years
Good evening folks! I have no clue how this happened, but apparently 42 people on this planet have decided that I am worth following, that the stuff I make or reblog is worth their time. That’s amazing, and humbling. Thanks guys :) The reason I am making this message is because I want to make sure I am doing what you guys like. That being said, keep in mind I am a 27 year old guy desperately trying to buy a house so he can get out of his in-law’s house and get his life back on track after some crap that happened a year ago, sooooo I do not believe I can write big articles like vorthos experts like Andrew or Jay (not saying I am on their level, I am merely an apprentice compared to them), or do a whole lot of Finn stuff like some of the rp blogs out there. The tales I do write are mostly due to insomnia attacks, which thankfully seem to be dying down (hence why no stories other than S.F.T.W. and Tempting Fate recently). My question for all of you, which you can reply to this or pm me, whatever suits your fancy, is.... What type of vorthos related things, if at all, would you like to see from me? I could always answer questions,or maybe do something small? Any suggestions? What type of Finn (or Faults, or even Libs) related things, if at all, would you like to see from me? What do you think of my stories? (I’m worried about Tempting Fate creating expectations that I didn’t think about until after posting it) Do you like seeing other people’s walkers involved? Would you like to see more original character, walkers or plane-bound?  Honestly, any feedback about how do things is appreciated. I would love to keep doing a blog that you guys enjoy looking at, even from time to time. Please let me know!!!
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Helped a lot!! Thank you! One last question: how is surgical residency over there? Do you have any recommendations regarding universities, where to study for the test and what is expecteded from the candidate on their cv? Sorry to bother you
aw no bother, just glad I could help!
I’m sorry I can’t say I really know anything about surgical residencies, I’m only in my 3rd year so its quite a way off for me yet
so if anyone knows anything about this please reply and let us know!
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Where to next!?
I’m going to England in December to visit a friend and since I’m already in Europe where should I also go??? I’m thinking either Holland, Greece or Spain. I’m only going to be there for about a week and a half which means I’ll only have time for two countries. Please guys help a girl out!!! 
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Autism and Abuse
It seems like a good portion of the articles I see about Autism, especially if it is written by an autistic person, it’s about the abuse they have suffered at the hands of their parents or therapists or teachers. THIS IS NOT A CRITICISM. This is the thought and learning process of a mom of an autistic son who doesn’t want him to be another statistic. So please have a little thought and grace as you read through this, and hopefully reply at the bottom because I really would like to hear from many of you as to your experiences growing up, especially if you began non-verbal like my son and later gained the ability to communicate your thoughts and feelings and opinions with others. 
Please do remember that this is a family oriented blog. I want the truth, but that doesn’t mean you have to be crude or rude to do so. 
Ok, so what I want to know is this: what specifically did you consider to be abusive in your situation that others thought was completely fine? What routines or words or actions were used that from an outside perspective looked totally acceptable, but were actually very damaging to you? How was it explained or justified, and did any of the people who perpetrated that abuse against you ever admit to any guilt or wrongdoing after having it explained to them why you believe it was wrong?
I am not questioning whether or not what you suffered was abuse. The point is not to debate what is or isn’t considered abusive. It’s not to try and justify the actions of others against you. What I want is to be the best parent I can be for a child who interacts with the world differently than me. 
Thank you in advance for those of you who reply. If I have questions I will probably PM you directly, or if you are more comfortably PMing me your reply rather than on this thread, that is absolutely fine as well. I can’t say I look forward to hearing your responses, because you can’t be happy to hear about someone else’s abuse, but I do appreciate your honesty, time, and effort and want you to know that I am listening and I will put what you say to use if it applies to our lives. 
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thenphotograper · 7 years
I'm looking for :
People with gifts such as ESP, clairvoyance and third eye... I have to confirm something.
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Frustrated or Possibly Forgotten
I Have not Written on here in a LONG time but fuck it here we go.
I am a gay women looking for love once again, i am the typical girl that falls in love to fast, The girl that is to clingy because all i want is to be able to talk to that one person be able to kiss you when ever to hold your hand and not care what anyone else thinks. But this is not how this society works not many people want this anymore, and as soon as i find someone who might. I fall and i fall hard not necessary for them but for the idea of love, Those moments the touches first kisses the cute dates the way you begin to look at each other hold each other.  
You see its happened theirs this girl, she's talented, creative, Kind, Beautiful, sassy. And totally a little bit of me and I'm getting to the stage were i can feel my self becoming clingy i know its happening and i can't stop my self the frustration towards myself is unreal. i hate who i become when i begin to like someone and i know it is going to drive her away. but that doesn't stop me from sending another text message if she dose not reply.  Or making me think of everything i have ever said is wrong or annoying when i see you have read my message and haven't replied, or when i see you online but you still not replied. the worst part is i don't want to be like this. i don't want to be a puppy at your feet or that keen girl you thought you liked. I want to be the girl you like the girl that only reply when she's free the girl that isn't super keen the girl that you want to date the one that you rush to text back. but then again what fun would that  be.  I am who i am, i am the girl that rushes to the phone to text you back, i am the girl who will sit out side in the freezing cold in nothing but a top at 2am talking to you rather then joining the party just so i can talk to you for 1 more minute. I am the girl that wants to spend as much time as i can with one person and make as many memories with you as i don't know when you will disappear.  As i type this i lift up my phone and still nothing you are active you have read it but nothing. My sigh is still full of frustration,  but the question i keep asking my self is it Frustration or am i just possibly forgotten.
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Read this out of pity at least please :)
I’m absolutely shite at writing little scenarios (mainly) but I’m pretty alright a longer stories so would anyone be interested in a few longer stories broken into parts?
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isobel-thorm · 6 years
seeds-please replied to your post:  seeds-pleasereplied to your post: ...
Asdfghjkl NO YOU HAVE THE BEST STUFF �� but God yes it’s just so frustrating when you see that people have just rewritten enough (kept the same concepts etc) but reading it, you get this sense first of familiarity and then “huh… This is… Exactly like mine…” but yeah you just feel so paranoid but oof you recognise it?? Idk ahaa
I am fully prepared to play the “NO YOU” game on this debate :P You’re the best of the bunch, DEAL WITH IT.  Also yeah.... seing a bunch of plot points and character reactions that are nearly spot on is agonizing. 
I just realized that this is the second time this has happened for me in a couple of months in two different fandoms and aaahhhhhhhh. Life. 
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dazzledbybooks · 4 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/love2dazzle
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illidanstr · 7 years
intrigue-posthaste-pleasereplied to your post:
woaah last night someone went on a minirant after...
I suspect it’s a thing where my cross-section of community is different from yours, and also possibly men reveal different stuff when they’re around each other than they do when talking to women
re: second half: this is my impression.  and it bugs me.  
but, my impression is also that these people tend to like being able to link “safely.”  i.e. be around someone cool who is not competitively status-aggression.  or who they have enough of a connection to that it is more important than the status games and they feel safe around.  it is really multidimensional.  you can see the world in a lot of different ways depending on your perspective.  and many of them have some validity.
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lordblade · 7 years
RT @OliverMcGee: Will YOU #VOTE for .@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump for a 2nd term in 2020? #PleaseVOTE #PleaseRetweet #PleaseLike #PleaseReply why or why not?
Will YOU #VOTE for .@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump for a 2nd term in 2020? #PleaseVOTE #PleaseRetweet #PleaseLike #PleaseReply why or why not?
— Oliver McGee PhD MBA (@OliverMcGee) August 20, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/LordBlade August 21, 2017 at 03:52AM via IFTTT
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