#pleeeeeeaaaase go watch it it is so good
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Study of a little detail i spotted first watch. right is vfx-less and colourpicked. og sceencap under the cut. watch Emesis Blue
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hazbinhotelxreader · 8 months
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Mother Carmilla x gender neutral child reader
Words: 1.5k
“Let’s practice”
A/n: hii! Okay so I saw someone post that this would be a great image! So I decided to try it, (or course with permission)! So hope this is great!
(Idea from: lillonvia)
Info: Basically the reader is Carmillas youngest child, and is trying to learn how to use those shoes Carmilla has as weapons. Readers genderless so this is for everyone! Reader is between the age of 9-12
By the way I tried to make all the Spanish words masculine since it goes for all genders (usually)
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Your mother, Carmilla Carmine, was an overlord dealer of the angelic weapons. Which also meant she was pretty much trained to use all the weapons she makes. Your older sisters, Clara and Odette, were also trained, not as much as your mother but still enough to defend themselves.
You ok the other hand, no. You being the youngest of the family made her more protective over you, even not letting you go to close to the weapons. It did make you feel left out.
Your sisters knew how to use the guns and some of the daggers, but those were never really your true interest, it was those ballet shoes your mother wore. Once your sisters told you what your mother did to that exorcist during extermination day with her shoes, you immediately thought it was cool.
You wanted shoes like that. Maybe some like your mother. Though you knew she’d never say yes, it was dangerous, or so you thought she’d say no.
Right now, you snuck into the room where she stored all the weapons. Cases of guns and daggers lined up neatly on the shelves, bullets on all the racks. You’ve never been in the room before, your mother never let you.
You started to look if there were any other shoes that your mother could have. You found some boots with them, they weren’t your size though, you were a kid and most of these clothes and weapons weren’t designed for children. You sigh as you keep looking.
Carmilla just so happened to be walking by to do a daily check on her progress, and you tensed and froze. I’m instinct, being the child you were, you hid. Hiding behind a large shelf that probably wasn’t a good idea to hide behind.
Carmilla walked in, her steps sharp and you could hear your mother’s steps. You hold your breath as she checked the room and weapons that were shipped in. You sighed in relief when she walked over to another area in the room, leaning over a little, but that made the shelf shake…and then it fell. You gasp and froze as the shelf crashed onto the ground.
Carmillas head snapped over to where the shelf fell and saw you. Her eyes narrowed as she walked over. “[Name]? What are you doing in here?” She asked in a stern voice, keeping herself from yelling or raising her voice at the fallen weapons and broken shelves.
“I-uh…” m, You struggled to speak. Carmilla stood up straight and crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at you and waiting for you to speak up. You sigh and stand up, your head down. “I just wanted to…learn how to use angelic weapons too..like how you and my sisters do..” You say softly.
Carmillas expression softens as she looks down at you and sighed. “Mi amor, do you truly want to use these? They’re dangerous and I’d hate for you to get hurt.” Carmilla said stern but soft.
“Pleeeeeeaaaase!! mamá I really want to! I’ll do anything” You beg your mother and gave her some puppy dog eyes to add to it. Carmilla let out a soft smile and held a hand out.
“If that’s what you want mi corazón..” You smiled back and took her hand. “But, if you want to use the angelic weapons, clean this up. Now.” Carmilla said more stern, pointing to the fallen weapons and the broken shelves.
You chuckle nervously and nod. “Yes mamá” you say and picked up all the angelic weapons. While your mother stayed and watched. She began to ask you a questions.
“Corazón? Which weapon would you like to use?” She asked you gently.
“Hmm? Oh! Uh, I was wondering if I could be taught how to use…shoes like yours?” You rubbed your arm, slightly embarrassed to admit.
Carmilla smiled softly at the response. Clara and Odette never wanted to learn how to use their legs to fight, they preferred blades. Her heart warmed at the thought of her youngest child taking after her. “Of course Mi querido, though I may have to make some of your size. So training will not begin so soon.”
You mentally sigh at that, you wanted to train right away, but knew you’d have to wait. You nod and smiled sadly. “Okay mamá..I can wait.” You say. She came over and pushed up the shelf for you.
“Thank you mi amor” Carmilla said and ruffled your hair a gently with her large claws. You giggle softly and finish putting the weapons in their places.
It took about 6 days for the shoes to be made, mainly since Carmilla wanted them to be more durable for you. She came and got you from your room. “[Name]? I’ve got you a surprise” She smiled and sat on the bed next to you, smiling softly with a box in her hand.
You smile and sit up, sitting next to your mother as she handed you the box. You open it and gasp and smile when you saw the same styled ballet shoes inside. They were like your mothers but just a smaller size. “ay dios mío- thank you mamá!!” You hugged your mother by the side and she smiled back.
“Of course Mi amor..now why don’t we try these on? And we can start practicing if you’d like.” She offered with a smile. You practically bounce up and down as you nod excitedly.
“Yes! I’d love to!” You just to your feet with the box, pulling the angelic shoes out and tossing the body on the ground to clean up later. Carmillas heart warmed up from how excited you were to use and train in those shoes, taking after her rather than using the more dangerous weapons like guns.
You both walk down the stairs, in the middle of the purple room. You looked around and smiled. Carmilla smiled down at you. “Alright [name], let’s put those on and I’ll teach you some ways to use them. But you must listen alright?” She spoke stern but soft.
You not and smile, putting the ballet shoes on (with a little help from Carmilla since you were struggling with the ribbons), and they fit snug. “Okay! I’m ready to kick some a-“ you stop your words when you saw Carmilla glaring at you softly for you almost cussing. You nervously laugh and calmed down.
Carmilla walked over and started to speak. “First of all, let’s get you better adjusted to walking in them. Stand on your toes.” She commands you gently. You nod and attempt to stand on your toes, though you only lasted about 2 seconds. “Try again.” Your mother stood near you, more firm now”
“Dang it..” you grumble softly as you failed again. Repeatedly, you fail over and over again, your mother demanding you to keep trying and trying. “This is too hard..” you complain a little as you became more and more frustrated.
“Patience Mi amor..you’re doing well..just keep trying. It’s all about practice.” Carmilla encourages softly and sternly. You nod and take a deep breath, trying again.
After a while you were able to hold yourself up for about a minute straight, you smiled and looked at your mom. “Look! I’m doing it!” Carmilla smiled softly at you and walked over.
“See? I told you that if you practice you’d get better..now try walking to me while standing on your toes.” She encouraged. “Like this” she walked across the room with ease, she held her arms out. “Soon you’ll be able to walk normally in them. And when you master that, I will teach you how to fight with them.”
You nod and smile, trying to stay motivated. You started to walk to your mother. Though you failed a lot, standing on your toes were hard, walking across the room on them…oof..even harder. But you did have you mother to encourage you along the way. You kept trying and trying and eventually did it, and you celebrated a little.
“Good job [Name]. Now we will practice more and more everyday. Just be patient alright my dear?” Carmilla told you, giving you a smile of approval.
“Yes mamá, I understand.” You smiled back excitedly.
“Good..then i will expect you to be wearing those all the time around the house to practice.” She nods and ruffled your hair gently, walking away to do her duties.
You smiled and nodded at your mother. “You got it!”. You were excited to keep practicing, you were determined and motivated to train and impress your mother. You knew it would be long, but it would be worth it.
A/n: hi! Hope this was good! If I get comments for part 2 I could make it.
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moonstone210 · 4 years
One Rainy Morning
The pitter-pattering on the window alerted Spinel that it was raining again as she walked out of her room. She walked over to the window, watching the raindrops stream down the glass. Seeing the pale gray clouds, she was reassured that this was no storm, just a simple rain-fall.
   "Spin! Spin!"
   A voice squeaked out. She turned around, a small shape scampering over to her and hugging her leg. Only a bit startled, she almost backed away before she relaxed and smiled, "Oh little Stevie, you nearly scared me half to death."
   The two-year-old looked up at her, "Sorry!"
   Spinel ruffled his hair, "It's alright. What 'cha up to, my love?"
   "Can we go outside?" Steven asked, giving her the cutest puppy eyes she'd ever seen, "Pleeeeeeaaaase?"
   Spinel blinked and her smile turned softer, "Why, of course. Just get your little raincoat and boots on first." She lightly booped him on the nose as she added, "We don't want you catching a cold, now do we?"
   Steven shook his head and ran to his bedroom, giggling excitedly. Joy seemed to burst out of her gem. Oh, what did she do to deserve Steven?
   After a few minutes, she heard Steven shuffle behind the door, before it opened on its own. Spinel was perplexed for a moment, but then Steven jumped out and posed dramatically, wearing a yellow raincoat and boots.
   "Ta-da!" He declared.
   Spinel stared at him before she laughed and clapped her hands, "You look adorable!"
   Steven pouted, "Nuh! I'm tough and strong, just like you and the Gems!"
   The pink jester's eyes widened, but was deeply touched by his words, "Oh Stevie..." She stretched her arms, curling them around the toddler and pulled him close to her chest, kissing his forehead.
   He chuckled, "S-Stop!"
   "Not until you admit that I'm the best Gem on the team," She teased, starting to hug him tighter and kissed his forehead, making him laugh hysterically.
   "Best Gem, you say?"
   Spinel and Steven froze, turning to the warp pad where Garnet was standing. Even though Garnet had her arms crossed, Spinel sensed a hint of playfulness in her tone.
   "W-Well," She stammered, "Second best Gem is good enough."
   "Can we go outside already?" Steven asked the other gem.
   "Only if you don't stay out for too long," Garnet replied.
   Spinel shook her head, "We won't. Come on, kid!" She ran to the door, swinging it open. They were immediately met with the pelting raindrops, Spinel being quick enough to close the door and she loosened her grip on Steven to place him down.
   Steven rushed down the steps of the balcony. When he stepped foot on the sand, a pink boot stretched down beside him, and Spinel retracted her body so she was standing beside the toddler.
   "Oh Steven! Don't tell me you're gonna leave your best friend Spinel behind!" She said playfully, her pigtails already drenched and drooped down.
   However, Steven looked hurt, "N-No! I don't wanna leave you behind! Never, never, never!"
   Spinel's heart almost melted. She ignored the rain, crouching down and lifted little Steven's chin up, "It's alright, baby. I know you'll never leave."
   Steven gave her a hug, which she reciprocated... until Steven pulled away, "So, what do you wanna play?"
   Spinel put a finger to her cheek, "Maybe... Tag?"
   A hand tapped her gem, "You're it!" Steven squealed as he started running down the beach. Grinning, Spinel followed after him. The rain continued to pour, if not harder, onto the two of them, but they barely cared. The skies over Beach City was now completely enveloped in gray clouds, seeming to stretch for miles.
   As they ran up the hill of the temple, Steven turned around, wondering if Spinel had caught up to him. But he didn't see her. Panic grew in his head, the pounding rain now getting louder and louder. He froze in place, soaked from head to toe in water.
   "Spinel!" He called out, trembling, "Where are you?!"
   Arms coiled around him tightly, surprising but comforting Steven as Spinel retracted her arms and pulled him close to her chest as she ran to the small house.
   "I-I'm sorry Steven!" She had to yell over the pelting water, "I lost sight of you!"
   Steven only snuggled closer, feeling his... guardian's smooth gem.
   They barged into the house, gasping for air and drenched. Spinel slammed the door and locked it behind her. Pearl already sitting on the couch, waiting for their arrival. As she eyed them, Spinel gave her a nervous smile.
   "G-Guess our parade got rained on," She chuckled, with Steven echoing her laughter.
   Pearl scowled at the joke, "Go dry yourselves up, I don't want Steven getting sick again for your carelessness!"
   Spinel frowned, "We were just getting to that..." She led Steven to the bathroom, removing his coat and drying his hair out with a towel.
   Steven stared her with wide eyes, "Did we do something wrong?"
   Spinel looked down, but shook her head, "No. Pearl's just... She..." She scoffed lightly, "She's just worried about you as I am. She loves you too. Pearl will learn about fun, she'll see."
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xxkagomexx · 7 years
Title: Bumps and Bruises
Show: Inuyasha
Pairing: Inukag
AN: Just a quick little look into the life of Inu and Kags dealing with the trials of parenthood. Hope you guys like it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Creds to the inukag kids goes to @thathanyouinuyasha from our threads :)
“Can I play outside now? Mama? Please Mama, pleeeeeeaaaase?” a small girl begged her mother, clinging to her pants dramatically as if the whole world would end if she was denied her request. The girl’s mother, a woman with hair the color of a raven’s wing pretended to think hard on this, tapping her index finger against her chin.
“Well, I don’t know Hikari. Did you pick up your toys?” Hikari stared up at her mother and nodded her head a dozen times to her question. “Did you make your bedding neat?” Another round of nods. “Then I guess my answer is going to have to be…yes. You can play outside but stay close to the house.”
An eruption of excited squeals came from the little girl and a wide grin stretched across her face. “Okay, Mama! When Papa comes home do you think he will play with me?”
Her mother gave her an uncertain shrug of her shoulders. “Papa has been working. He might be tired and want to rest.”
Hikari’s shoulders slumped but she didn’t let it dampen her mood for long. “That’s okay! He can just tell me about all the bad demons he beat up with Uncle Miroku!”
“I’m sure he will.” Kagome watched her energetic daughter run outside, her bare feet slapping against the ground. She didn’t bother with trying to get her to wear shoes when she played outside the house anymore since the tantrums were long and ear piercing and when she did manage to get shoes on her feet they were abandoned in minutes. Watching her daughter and making certain she stayed within eye sight of the house, she continued with the house chores she had to get done, glancing up every few minutes to make sure Hikari wasn’t doing anything that she shouldn’t be.
Going through the house, Kagome grabbed any dirty robes that were lying around, draping them over her arm so that she could wash them in a tub of water outside. Right before she was about to step outside, soft wails came from inside the house. Setting the pile of dirty clothes by the door, Kagome moved to the bedding area, walking over to the smallest one and peered at the infant wailing, having woken up from his nap.
With a warm smile, she slid her hands underneath the baby, scooping him up and cradling him close, she cooed down to the pup in her arms, trying to calm him down. “Aww, baby boy, did you wake up and get scared?” the miko murmured in a reassuring voice, smoothing his white bangs back to plant a kiss on his forehead. As she continued talking to him, the baby began to calm, his wails turning to happy coos.
“There, that’s much better, Yoshiru.” With her son still in his arms, she moved to her bedding to sit down, rubbing his silver puppy ears he inherited from his hanyou father. Speaking of his father, Inuyasha would be home in the next few hours. The thought made the corners of her lips quirk up into a bigger smile.
Although understanding that they needed the money, Kagome never liked it when Inuyasha and Miroku went off on a job several towns away. The days seemed longer when he did, the kids usually behaved worse and the bed was so much colder. “Yoshiru, Papa is going to be home soon. Are you happy about that? Mama sure is,” she giggled as her son tilted his head at her voice, his ears flopping over adorably. “You are just too cute mister,” she rubbed her thumb across his chubby cheek. “Now, Mama has to do some chores around the house, all right?” she stood up from the bedding and moved towards the small chest where they stored their clothes and took out a long piece of cloth. For a moment she set Yoshiru back in his bed as she winded the fabric around her torso like Sango had taught her and tied it off.
Tugging on it to make sure it was secure, Kagome picked the child back up and tucked him into the wrap around her chest, him facing her so that he could rest against her while she worked. With Yoshiru strapped in, the village miko was able to get some of her house work finished.
She was able to wash the clothes, hang them up to dry, check on the herbs she had to see what she needed to pick soon, checked their food supplies and was almost finished with cleaning out some food bowls when a piercing cry stopped her in her tracks. The bowl in hand clattered to the floor and before it had even touched the ground Kagome was already out the door. She kept a hand pressed against Yoshiru’s head as she rushed outside, having recognized the cry as her daughter’s.
“Hikari! Hikari, what’s wrong?” Kagome gasped when she found the little girl on the ground balling her eyes out. Kneeling down, she noticed her daughter clutching her leg.
“It h-h-hurts, Mama…it h-huuurts!” Hikari wailed, her black ears plastered against her head.
“What happened? How did you hurt it?” her mother asked, using one hand to rub Yoshiru’s back as he began fussing at his siblings crying while using her free arm try and look at Hikari’s leg.
“I w-was just climbing the tree a-a-and I tried to go h-higher than I have before but I fwell,” she sobbed, refusing to let go of her leg so that her mother could look at it.
“Oh baby…” Kagome’s eyes widened in horror, having not seen Hikari climbing the tree. She never let her do that unless Inuyasha was right there watching her but now wasn’t the time for a lecture. “Let’s get you inside,” she murmured and scooped up the little hanyou, moving carefully to the house and trying not to jostle her too much. By this point Yoshiru had begun wailing but she didn’t have time to soothe him as she set him in his bedding while putting Hikari on her own.
With a frown marring her face, Kagome tried to calm down Hikari. “Baby, let me look at your leg.”
“No!” Hikari shouted, fat tears rolling down her cheeks, pulling away the farthest she could from her mother.
With a confused look, Kagome went to move Hikari’s hands herself. “But I have to see if your leg is hurt.”
“No! You’ll make it hurt more!”
“Baby, I can’t make the ouchie better if I can’t look at it,” Kagome tried to reason with her daughter to no avail. The girl kept wailing and shrieking whenever her mother so much as looked at her leg while Yoshiru wailed just as loudly from his bedding.
Right when Kagome was about to give up and start crying with them, the reed mat covering the door opened along with a short yell. “Oi, the fuck is going on?”
“Inuyasha, thank goodness you’re home,” she exclaimed in relief as the figure of her husband came over, discarding Tessaiga by the door. His ears were flattened presumably due to the piercing wails of their children. “I need your help.”
The disgruntled hanyou knelt down, narrowing his eyes at his two pups to try and figure out what was wrong. He didn’t have to guess as Kagome briefly filled him in. “Hikari fell from a tree and she says her leg hurts but she won’t let me get near her. Yoshiru is just crying because Hikari is.”
“You take care of Yoshiru. I’ll handle her.” The frazzled mother watched as Inuyasha sighed, sitting down on the wood flooring and crossing his legs. “Hey, brat, would you look at me?”
Hikari looked up at him warily, but her ears perked upon seeing him. “Papa, you’re home,” she whimpered, rubbing the tears away from her cheeks.
“Yeah, I am and your mother told me you hurt yourself so show me your leg,” Inuyasha told her firmly but not in a mean way. Before Hikari began to protest, he gave her a look. “Hikari, how do you expect your leg to quit hurting if you don’t let us look at it?” His daughter shrugged her shoulders, her cries quieting to listen to him. “Exactly. Won’t it be better to let us look at it and let it hurt a little more for a little while instead of it hurting forever.” Yeah, he was exaggerating but it seemed to work the charm.
Hikari stared at him a moment longer, her fang chewing on her bottom lip, then nodded. Now that he had her permission, Kagome watched as Inuyasha carefully took his daughter into his lap, being careful not to move her too much. Yoshiru was beginning to calm in her arms as she rocked him slowly. Moving the baby to her left arm, she knelt down beside her mate, watching as he examined her leg.
“Hikari, I’m gonna tell you to do some things and all you have to do is try and do them? Okay?” Inuyasha carefully set her leg back on the ground. “Raise it off the ground.” Hikari tried and let outa  yelp, shaking her head.
“I can’t do it, Papa,” she whimpered, squeezing her eyes shut.
Inuyasha raised a clawed hand and patted the spot between her ears to get her to calm down. “That’s all right, you did good.” He had her try a few more things before turning to Kagome seriously. “It’s broken. Not too bad of a break but it’s still broken.”
Kagome set Yoshiru back in his bed, the baby having fallen back to sleep. “I was afraid of that,” she moved to kneel down beside her daughter who was resting in her father’s lap uncomfortably, soft whimpers escaping her throat. “My poor girl, we’ll make you all better,” she cooed, hugging her quickly.
“You promise, Mama?”
“I promise, Hikari,” she smiled at her reassuringly, standing back up. “I’ll go grab some medicine and bandages. We have to set her leg.”
Inuyasha nodded in agreement, distracting the girl in his lap by continuing to pet her ears. “Yeah. She’ll heal fast with her demon blood but it will still be a while until she’s back and running.”
The miko nodded in agreement, walking to the other room to the medicine cabinet. Sifting through her materials, she grabbed the required objects and brought them back over to Inuyasha and Hikari, setting them down in a neat pile and giving her husband a look.
Gratefully, he understood the look he gave her and tightened his grip on their daughter. “All right, brat. Your Mom’s gonna fix your leg up and it’s going to hurt but it has to be done.”
Golden eyes widened fearfully, and she wriggled in his lap, unable to move much. “Why does it have to hurt??”
A sigh escaped the silver haired hanyou’s lips. “I dunno, it just has to. I’ll tell ya this. After this I’ll let you look at Tessaiga. I might even let you touch it.”
Hikari’s eyes widened for a different reason now, excitement lighting up her eyes that matched her father’s. “Really, Papa?” she gasped.
“Heh, yeah,” Inuyasha’s smirk melted into a smile at her happier expression. The fond look soon disappeared the moment his wife began the process of setting and splinting his daughter’s tiny leg and after more crying, yelling and being called mean, Hikari’s crying had stopped and she now had a makeshift cast to show off.
“You were so brave, my strong little warrior,” Kagome covered her daughter’s face with kisses as she held her in her arms and squeezing her tight. The little hanyou giggled at the attention she received, giving her mother a kiss on the cheek.
“Can I play now?” Hiakri asked, wiggling to be set down only to find that her mother’s grip on her was steel and her face grew sad. “Mama?”
“Baby, you can’t walk on your leg until it heals.”
“How long will that be?”
“It’s going to be a while…” Kagome answered truthfully, feelings badly for her little girl who loved to always be running and jumping around. “You can still play! You just can’t walk.”
New tears began forming in Hikari’s eyes as her death sentence was laid before her. Not wanting anymore crying, the miko cast a desperate glance to Inuyasha who had finished putting away the medical supplies. Silently, he held out his arms, Kagome depositing their daughter gently into his grasp.
Golden eyes met her watery ones and being careful of his claw he tapped her nose. “Keh, that doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun,” he smirked at her. “Your arms still work, don’t they?” At her slow nod he continued. “Then you can still play.” Without warming he lifted her above his head, placing his daughter on his broad shoulders. After instructing her to hold on tight, he kept a tight grip on her legs. “Do you wanna feel like you’re flying?”
“Yeah! I wanna fly, Papa! I wanna fly!” Hikari chanted loudly, causing his ears to twitch at the high pitched yells. Her little fists gripped his long silver tresses tightly but she moved them to his hakama after she pulled on his hair too hard.
Craning his neck up to look at her, he grinned, giving her a little bounce. “Then you better hold on tight.” Without giving her a further explanation he stepped out of the house and the moment his barefoot touched the grass he pushed off his feet hard, starting off into a run. He started slow, smiling at the shrieks of joy that came from Hikari as she watched the trees go past them in a blur. Dodging trees and other foliage, Inuyasha zoomed through the forest area around their home, not going far. “You ready to fly high, brat?”
“Yeah, Papa! Make Hikari fly as high Kirara!” Her excited voice came loud and clear over the rush of the wind around them.
“I’ll fly higher than that cat,” the red clad man laughed, racing towards a more open area where the trees weren’t as dense. “On the count of three. One���two…three!” At the last number he yelled he pushed off on the balls of his feet, leaping high in the air all the way to the tree branches. The delighted gasps from Hikari made him grin wider as he touched down on the ground, continuing to run without breaking stride.
“Again, Papa, again!” cheered Hikari from his shoulders, seeming much happier than she had been minutes prior. It was simple moment like these that made his heart squeeze in his chest. The fact that he could make his little girl so happy made his chest feel warm and her delighted shrieks, while incredibly loud to his sensitive ears sounded like music to him. These small moments had to be his favorite.
“All right, but you better hold on tight.”
“I will Papa! But you can’t let go of me!”
“Keh, as if I ever would.”
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intrepidmare · 8 years
My observations watching 🎯 Arrow 5x14 "Sin Eater"
I finally saw it and I'm bit speechless. I need time to process this. In meantime here are my reactions...
- awww some Oliver/John bromance in its finest, and totally needed. And all the feels cuz Diggle is so adorable still thinking his job to protect his brother
- Let's see how this go, but i have the feeling it won't go well.
- See what I mean! I knew it. Besides, that he's hurt, I can buy it, but scared? Seriously??! Please Promy’s mommy, make a better arguement.
- Hehehe, Cupid. She's kinda fun. This episode possibly is going to be entertaining as hell Altho, with the other 2, I'm not sure
- ugh! dragon lady is there *vomits a little* and a kiss *vomits some more*
- Damn! my heart stopped. I thought Oliver was serious about telling her that he's green arrow. Don't scare me like that, people!!
-lies come and go between those 2, And we know how ends every relationship in which Oliver Queen has lied. Just saying, for those who still are scared that dragon lady will stay
- You're so right about that Anatoly. Even years later Oliver still takes other people's sin as his own. And yes, you need to get out of there. Like yesterday.
- oh please Oliver. that wasn't a good handling. And I need to remind you that that secret is the worst kept secret ever?!!! How many people have found it out in the last 5 years?!
- oh c'mon Oliver, please the man. We love watching Quentin in his cop self
- oooh!! Thea in the bunker to talk with Felicity. Thea, please tell me you're putting some senses into her and talk about Oliver, please, please, pleeeeeeaaaase!!
- YAAAAASSS!!! YESS!!! the cupcakes going after the dragon lady!!! That’s better!!
- I love watching Oliver and Quentin working together
- oh fuck!
- Damn it, Pike!!
- Fired? hehehe! Well Thea warned her, didn't she? Dragon lady, you don't mess with Thea Queen or anyone she loves otherwise you pay the consequences OOOHH!!! OMG! Accused of plagiarism?! @felicityollies you call it girl with that fic of yours. (given that on your fic they just threatened to do it and here they actually did it!!)
-yep, well done Thea and Felicity
-Oh c'mon oliver. You better not fight Felicity over it
- *grins* Taking out the trash hehe. yep, that sounds about right
- seriously, Oliver? Are you sure about that?  Cuz man, that's hard to believe. Stop fighting with your sister. She might gone a little too far but she did you a favor
- My thoughts exactly, Quentin!!! Oliver listen to the man!!!!!
- *sighs* This is why the secret of your alter ego is the worst kept secret ever. You give clues to anyone!
- oh fuck now what?
- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! That can't happen!!! Oliver Queen has to be Star City's Mayor forever!!!!!!! *screams*
More thoughts: I really believe that having Cupid again was going to be fun, but proved to be boring! I mean they could have put any villain of the week and would have worked anyway. Having the 3 evil ladies added nothing to the episode. IMHO
@felicity-said--yes​ // @emmaamelia95​ // @coal000​ // @miriam1779​ // @somewhatinvisible​ // @acheaptrickandacheesyoneline​ // @wanderingmmries​ // @laurabelle2930  // @hope-for-olicity​  // @nalla-madness​ // @vaelisamaza​ // @cris101071 // @oliverfel4 // @mel-loves-all // @imusuallyobsessed // @smkkbert // @almondblossomme // @djeniiscorner // @mtb1002 // @tdgal1 // @pjcmfalcon // @missafairy //
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intrepidmare · 8 years
My observations watching 🎯 Arrow 5x12 "Bratva"
- awww "the Hood" in training... ooooh nice catch!!
- Why are they keeping Thea away!! 1 episode I can take. 2? I got nervous... 3?!! It's too much. WHERE THE HELL IS THEA?!!
- noooo Oliver my dear. Thea DOESN'T like her. Neither do we. Nobody likes her, except you, for an inexplicable reason
- YAY!! Quentin is back!! And in perfect timing I might add. Completely unnecessary the conversation of sleeping together. Altho, I'm glad that we have the confirmation that they haven't... yet.
- Damn! Not even Adrian likes the obnoxious reporter. More points to him
- Okay, there they go to Russia!! YAY!!!
- Oh Rene on guarding duty hehe. Oh c'mon Lance. Don't be that way. See! yay!
- hahaha Yep, Dinah. Aliens, metas like you, mysticism, parallel universe, anything can happen
- here the punch comes. *cringes* Anatoly, no!
- Seriously? Because of that?! c'mon Anatoly. you know he was against Slade!! not some low thug, please!
- nooo no no no no no!! damn it no!! *sighs* why are they do this to me?!!
- I get you, Oliver, I do... but please, please go to Anatoly and apologize, pleeeeeeaaaase
- See why I like this guy?!!! Oh Anatoly! I love you so much!!
- hahahaha  now Diggle is his fave American hahaha (wasn't you @nalla-madness that said something like this would happen?)
- What are you thinking Felicity? Tell me that you're going to visit Anatoly, please!!
- who's that?
- damn!! Dark Felicity "Bratva queen" Smoak is soooooo great *squeals*
- It's nice to see that, for once, Oliver is the one keeping the head straight and thinks clearly
- Rene got a point, Quentin. Susan won't be nice. Hear the man! Don't... ugh, don't go! *groans*
- Felicity, you know to whom you're sounding like, right? *evil grins*
- and talking about the devil...
- Okay, Anatoly and Oliver are back on the good terms (a little tense) but good *sighs relieved*
- yeah baby, they're going dark, so you need to be their light. That's all. like they were to you in the beginning. Just like Bratva. A favor is paid with favor. Just this time you do it cuz you care about them and not because they’re collecting it. Listen the woman, Oliver. She's right.
- awww Whatever scene that Paul Blackthorne plays is great, not matter with who he plays it.
- hehehe she had to say it, didn't she? what happens in Russia stays in Russia
- aww a much needed OTA scene (I need more!!!)
- Ugh! Curtis did you really needed to interrupt?!
- no no no no no no they can't kill my fave recruit!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! What I'm saying? of course they can!! *screams*
-aaaaaaahhh she hugged hiM!!!!! He's protecting her again!! more touching!!! YAAAAASSSSS!!!! *claps and grins*
- Oh thank god!! he's alive!!
- As always, Digg saying the truth.
- I couldn't agree more, Anatoly.
- YAAASSS!!! Anatoly going to Star city in the present.. yes!!!!
-*sighs* yeah that's the only part I don't like about the bratva. I'm guessing we'll see Anatoly again , in star city, when the obnoxious reporter is going to disclosed Oliver’s connection to the bratva
- OMG!! poor Anatoly!! What happened? yeah, that was what I thought
- ugh! this was totally unnecessary. Why they had to show it. It was more than enough to imply it. I'm feeling sick *gets nauseous* oh please, stop!!!!
- awww I like this. Seriously, I don't know why people don't like Rene
- oh, he's going away. Well, at least he's not dead! That's something *sighs*
-*groans* this hacker chick, I don't know, i don't trust her. I'm sure she's connected to Prometheus and all it's a trap for Felicity. (I mean it makes sense. Promy knows that attacking Felicity, directly and physically, will bring a much fierce reaction in Oliver, something he doesn't want. It much better that tempting her with the dark side to then exposed her. Here’s where the theory of Felicity going to jail comes in nicely)
- Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!!! FUUUUCK!!!
- I hate that's the reporter that makes the connection, but seriously it has been long enough to somebody to find out that Oliver is the Green Arrow. Star city's citizens are a little slow. just sayin!
@felicity-said--yes // @emmaamelia95 // @coal000 // @miriam1779 // @somewhatinvisible // @acheaptrickandacheesyoneline // @wanderingmmries // @laurabelle2930  // @hope-for-olicity  // @nalla-madness // @vaelisamaza // @cris101071 // @oliverfel4 // @mel-loves-all // @imusuallyobsessed // @smkkbert // @almondblossomme // @djeniiscorner // @mtb1002 // @tdgal1 // @pjcmfalcon // @missafairy //
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