#plex blathers on
plexflexico · 1 month
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plexflexico · 1 month
I miss my mother.
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plexflexico · 25 days
30 minutes after I fell asleep last night I got paged for an outage. At 11:45 pm. I managed to get two hours of sleep between 3:30 and 5:30 and I've been at it since 6 am. It's now 9:35 and my shift covering for my weekend analyst who booked off starts at 10 am. I am so tired and so done but shit is back up and running just in time for me to go through the remaining voicemails before the day starts. At least it will be short because I'm leaving when the phone lines close at 2.
Still gonna be on call, but at least I can grab some sleep then.
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plexflexico · 1 year
Tumblr media
Sweet sufferin' Jesus.
Tumblr media
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plexflexico · 7 months
I Fact-Checked The Worst Video Essayist On YouTube
So in THIS video you don't hear about all the plagiarism, you just get to listen to Janes Somerton, misogynistic and transphobic piece of shit and thieving liar, make up white women to get mad at.
James can't help telling on himself.
What a sad, pathetic asshole.
Edit: And you get to listen to him lie like a bitter fucking hag about queer history and the AIDS CRISIS.
Fuck you, James. You're literally the fucking worst. Fuck you fuck you fuck you.
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plexflexico · 5 days
Stuff I do for my staff as Team Lead / Manager:
Set aside a large drawer in my desk. In that drawer I keep:
Snacks. (Fruit bars/granola bars/cracker-cheese things).
Several kinds of tea.
Paper towel, cleaning supplies in nice scents (mint glass cleaner/lemon all purpose cleaner) and Lysol wipes.
Baby wipes.
Pepto Bismol.
Hand sanitizer (gel/spray/wipes).
A couple of ruanas to wrap up in.
Stain remover pens.
Etc, and so forth...
I encourage them to take what they want/need and let me know when stuff is getting low so I can stock up. Other folks are also welcome to take what they need when they need it.
(Tampons/pads are supplied by the company in the bathrooms by law)
It costs very little in time and money to make sure everyone has a snack and a preferred drink and some items to make a cruddy day less cruddy or a shitty situation better.
If you manage a team I recommend having a **Goody Drawer** where staff can access it and for you to encourage its use.
A shit call or a bad moment can be a lot less terrible with a fruit bar and a cup of cocoa available when it's over. ❤️
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plexflexico · 5 days
I swear to fuck that you fucking twats had best learn and take to heart the saying "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" and you had better get on that shit right fucking now or so help me god I'll turn this civilization back around and no one will get any fucking ice cream.
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plexflexico · 2 months
I am in the world's worst meeting where I have to face the reality that no one in this company know what the fuck I do or what the department I run does or what our purpose is.
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plexflexico · 8 months
I. Fixed. The. Problem. In. That. Fic.
I tried every trick in the book and nothing was working so I deleted everything back to where the set up for the stuck bit was and went slightly to the left of it and missed that goddamn pothole altogether.
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plexflexico · 20 days
Thank you for the tag @anothersundaymorning!
rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
Favorite color: Black... unless "camo" counts as a colour.
Last song: Volare - Dean Martin
Currently reading: Incandescence by Greg Egan and Penpal by Dathan Auerbach
Currently watching: A 3 Blue 1 Brown introduction to calculus series on You Tube.
Currently craving: A club sandwich from Elgin Street Diner with fries and a salad on the side.
Coffee or tea: Coffee
tagging: @lackofhonor @imalovernotahater @phoenixhalliwell @duamuteffe @sistasarah-sallysaidso @klankthetank @botherbother-blog @cacodaemonia
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plexflexico · 11 months
Y'all see new media and are instantly **old man i want to fuck** and I look and it's literally some baby-faced 30 year old.
That is a *child*. Barely out of diapers. A BABY.
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plexflexico · 2 months
I have witnessed a ship name for Astarion / Shadowheart that I can't get out of my head.
It haunts me.
I was just looking for the best choice to make during a particular dialogue tree. That's all I wanted.
Now it drifts through my head during phone calls, meetings, as I'm falling asleep... And then I have to fight the urge to start laughing like an idiot.
BloodShart. It's BloodShart. Blood. Shart.
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plexflexico · 1 year
So what I'm gathering from the few publicity shots I've curated for my collection and then posted here for the satisfaction of the "Samuel Roukin is the perfect actor to play Ghost" demon that lives in my head is that a lot of you are either also possessed by the whisperings of said demon, or you just really agree with its ideas and wish to subscribe to the newsletter.
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plexflexico · 16 days
At 6 am I finally got over my writer's block just in time to start work at 7.
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plexflexico · 10 months
Hey, I just want to say, I was in the Samuel Roukin fandom on here like 8 or 9 years ago, and y’all are making me so proud. I sort of moved on, but damn if all of your edits aren’t bringing up a bit of a flutter, I admit. Seeing a new generation of Sam fans is so cool. Love to you all <3
This is a bit like when you're in fourth grade at school and they get former students who are now at the local university to come in and talk about their path through education and their own days spent roaming the hallowed halls painted in the bright colours of your childish laughter, while still echoing with the memories of their own.
(I'm not exactly new to Samuel Roukin fandom, but I had been a fan of his musical endeavours instead of his acting in the 2000's to 2010's. With no tumblr fandom existing for that (that I've seen) it's been a blast discovering how a series tumblr fandoms took one look at that lanky ginger's acting roles and went: OH YEAH. WE'LL HAVE THAT ONE, PLEASE AND THANK YOU!)
Thank you for your lovely message, Anonymous! Whoever you are and whatever shore you've landed on... we'll keep the lights on for you if you ever make your way back. Love and joy,
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plexflexico · 8 months
Gentle reminder:
Anyone who tries to conflate criticism of the genocidal Israeli regime with antisemitism is, in fact, an antisemite pushing an antisemitic agenda. Israel does not represent "all Jewish people". Jews are not a monolith, all of one thought or belief or way of being.
Push back against this. A single government bent on the genocide of the Palestinian people is not representative of all Jews, or even all Israelis.
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