#pls buy my stuff im poor btw
via-l0ve · 10 months
OMG UR MIKE SCHMIDT HCS ARE PERFECT!!!!!!!!! pls do a part two 🙏🙏
(btw can I be 😾 anon? )
Dating Mike Schmidt Hcs PT. 2!❣️
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a/n: ABSOLUTELY!!! thank you sm 😾 anon <3 i love u! this also includes just some general head cannons of him because he’s my baby.
warnings: nothing :)
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mike drinks coffee and energy drinks all the time
his favorite flavor of monster is the original or the Strawberry dreams
if you like monster (i’m an addict) he buys you one every time he buys one for himself
when he was working at freddy’s you’d patch him up if he ever got hurt :(
you teach him how to bake so he can teach Abby
You’re the only person Abby likes her brother to be with
she incorporates you into her drawings after a while of knowing you
mike is so happy when he sees you drawn in because his sister’s approval means a lot to him even if she’s only ten
it takes a while for mike to open up to you
but when he does he kinda has to break it up into small bits
he’s surprised when you hug him and comfort him bc what no one’s ever done that before
his love language is most definitely words of affirmation and physical touch
mike is so stressed with his work schedule so he can’t always be there physically but he always, without fail, every. day. sends you a good morning and good night text.
that might not seem like much but it’s everything to me okay!!!!
“hey baby, good morning :) i love you the most and i hope you have an amazing day. im on my way to work now but when i get out ill text you and when i get home ill give you lots of kisses. i love you.”
that’s so fucking cute
you guys have frequent date nights that just consist of laying on the couch or in his bed and watching a movie while he lays on your lap or on your chest
Abby usually interrupts because she “can’t sleep” but we all know it’s just because she wants to watch the movie
Mike secretly has a savings account for the two of you
he wants the best for you and when he can give you the world he will
but for right now he’ll pay for some stuff and give you kisses afterwards
he makes playlists that remind him of you
he loves to give you his clothes
or, if you don’t want those, he gives you blankets of his that smell like him
Mike notices the little things
like if you told him a story about your cousin and how they pissed you off
and then you brought them up again
he would remember the incident but he wouldn’t remember their name
“oh isn’t that the cousin who did all of that stuff to you?”
you guys have deep talks at 2am while he lays on your stomach and you comb through his hair with your fingers and you guys just talk and make out
his lips are soft but his hands aren’t
you definitely flirt with him all the time to make him blush
he hates feet
like everyone wears socks in his house or he will shoot his eyes out
he also hates canned corn
don’t ask me why i think this is just do
he’s scared of being alone
he also most definitely uses “:) :( :/ .-.” instead of actual emojis
he laughs at all of your jokes
even if they’re just not funny
he dosent want you to get sad lol
he’s always scared he’s not enough for you
he works a lot and he’s constantly tired and he makes minimum wage so it’s not like he can take you out to fancy dates or anything
he opens up about how he feels and when you tell him how much you adore your little mundane activities he gets all teary eyed and just hugs you so tight
he just wants to be the best version of himself for you
he adores you
off topic - he’s a lightweight when he drinks
he’ll stumble into the house drunk and just clinging onto you like a sloth
poor baby
he just deserves the world
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yatsugareboyf · 3 years
hi :o,can i request soukoku headcanons with an adopted daughter? like, what kind of parents would they be for your daughter and how would they act in some situations? i really want to see this plss🥺
this is so cute 😭 btw (p/n) is just gonna be in place of like mom or dad just in case any of yall arent comfortable w mom/dad or any parental term and to keep this gender-neutral
nakahara chuuya and dazai osamu with an adopted daughter.
nakahara chuuya
hes so inlove. very inlove. not only w you but w his daughter :(
you probably got her when she was little, not even a year old.
her name is kian and shes currently a 3 year old introverted kid
she was orphaned at a young age because of an accident her birth parents were in:(( and you were friends w her parents and couldnt bare to give her away
"chuuya, remember my friend tht got in an accident recently?"
"yeah, what about it?"
"they left behind a kid, she's probably not even a year old. i- can we keep her?"
probably had to think about it for a while before asking to see the child
and he fell inlove w her like omg :(
she was so small and fragile, not to mention how she smiled so brightly at chuuya when he carried her
he was silent the whole time while holding her, while kian was laughing up a storm
you let the worker in the orphanage take her back when it was time to go, and not even two steps outside chuuya went like
"let's get her today. let's just get her stuff before we go home. we're going to get her now."
and you couldn't agree more
so you came back and took baby kian with you home, driving by the mall to buy her a crib and all the othet things
almost bought the entire baby girl section.
on your first night, he refused to let kian sleep in her unbuilt nursery. so in the mean time, she slept in the middle of you and chuuya in your room.
she wasnt noisy or demanding, she was very shy and quiet which worried chuuya
"isn't.... isn't she supposed to be crying?"
"pls don't ask for it if she cries i dont know what to do"
at night she did cry a lot, probably realized that she isnt sleeping with her parents in their home anymore :(
it took a while for chuuya to calm her down, but she found comfort in chuuya and slept peacefully after that, whining whenever he had to part from her
probably swore over his dead body that he wont ever leave her side
which he know realized, after a few days, would be much harder than he thought it would
hes in the mafia, goddamnit, hes always on-call and hes gone most of the day and into the night so how the fuck will he see his daughter
he thought of bringing her with him at work but you refused, like so much it turned into an argument like
"she's going to be fine! the port mafia isn't kid-friendly but at least i'm there to protect her!"
"no fucking way, you just said it isn't kid-friendly, what if she walks in or sees something she's not supposed to see? she's gonna turn into a liability for the mafia? you are not bringing her there"
"she'll be in my office the whole time, do you think im stupid enough to let her run around a giant ass building? no"
eventually y'all settled down bcs poor kian was so confused why the both of u were yelling her name over and over 😭
you still didnt let chuuya bring her to the mafia but you also cant leave her since u have work/school too
finally, you decided it was best to let chuuya bring her, but only to have her escorted by you all the way to his office to ensure that she's in his office ONLY.
y'all couldnt hire a babysitter bcs kian alr had too many changes in her life and adding another guardian would probably overwhelm her
you worked it out and now kian is happily spoiled by his father 24/7
he wouldn't take any risky missions the first few weeks that kian was there so he wouldn't have to leave her, but once kian knew kouyou and trusted her enough, she started looking after kian whenever chuuya ran to do an errand
ofc nothing would compare to chuuya and the moment she would run to his arms when she saw him again is heartwarming
kian loves chuuya and chuuya loves kian end of story
dazai osamu
i think dazai is... indifferent with children
like, yeah they exist but he never rlly thought of having one? would he even live that long? yeah he didnt think that far
but when he met you, he almost immediately knew that you were taking care of someone at home
he wasn't sure if it was a child at first, but when you showed up one day with the sticker of a diaper on your sleeve, he deduced tht it was a baby, maybe even a toddler.
now tht u two are dating/in a relationship, you had told him abt your adopted baby boy and why u decided to adopt him
your friend loves attending events for adoption centers, retirement homes and charity events and you decided to tag along to some of them
one of them was at an adoption center where you met little baby tadashi, a baby who was abandoned by his parents because "they wanted to live their lives"
you adopted baby tadashi even if u didnt mean to adopt anyone in the first place, you couldnt seem to let go of him
dazai wasn't surprised ofc, he kinda knew alr
at first, he didnt really feel any obligation towards tadashi, like he was dating you and not your son
but the longer you two stayed together, he got to know baby tadashi and see him grow up
he didnt see tadashi that often but when he moved in, he couldn't help but watch him all the time
he felt a tiny connection with tadashi until it grew so much that he would prefer hanging out with tadashi more than going to work apparently
would take him out to the park when hes a bit older, since hes a bit energetic, or bring him to an amusement park to eat all the sugary sweets he likes and ride all the rides he sees
you were so happy to see them get along, but you always reminded dazai that he doesn't really have an obligation to take care of tadashi, since he's your child, but omg
"what do u mean? he's our child now, isn't he? he grew up with us two here with him, it'll be too confusing for tiny little tadashi to say that im not his father."
tadashi calls dazai "osa" ever since he was a baby (or how old a child can talk....) and he calls you by your nickname, never rlly by any parental terms
but when tadashi grew old enough to ask, you weren't afraid to tell him the truth, that he was adopted but you and osamu loved him very much
he didnt really mind it, but he started to try and call you by p/n and osa by dad
the first time tadashi called dazai "dad*, dazai probably cried inside ngl
"dad, can you come to my basketball game tomorrow?"
ofc he plays it off and just smiles at your son and goes "of course! what kind of dad wouldn't be at their son's basketball game?"
he hugged u for so long while tadashi was gone 😭😭
would definitely listen to every story tadashi had to tell
would to everything for your son, in general, whether it be learning to play a sport to play w him or teaching him math he never really learned or driving him to school or bringing him to play dates
he loves tadashi so much 😭 like that's the light of his life right there
probably a bit strict (?) just because he wants him to be safe
bcs of this, they probably get into arguments a lot and its just a while before one of them (or both of them at different times) come to you to tell their side of the story
but dazai is so gentle w his son and talks it out with him and in the morning they would get ice cream together just GAJFJFVJDJAJ
sigh. dazai w a son.
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echo-inthevoid · 5 years
Season 2 q&a and overall reaction
Jonny stealing everyone's names XD 
Is martin going to be ok!? I also need to know! 
He said no;-; 
ok ya, no one's gonna be ok. 
Ya, he must do sooo much research. 
Ya, except for "fatigue" lol.
Eyyy the mechanisms!! 
What's the red string brigade? Ok, I guess a group of fans theorizing about stuff. 
Oh ok so someone else did martins poetry. Ooh, there's more martin poetry out there! *grabby hands*
Ok ya, Alex clarifying that Jon isn't stupid he just makes poor decisions. Probably if he'd paused and thought about it (like I did lol, I had to go do some stuff in the middle of that ep and thought about it a whole bunch lol) instead of immediately going out and buying an axe and further isolating himself and panicking immediately he probably would have figured it out. This is why it's bad to panic in a crisis guys. 
Eyyy! Jonny's parents voiced Gertrude and Leitner! That's so cool. 
XD Jonny grumbling about having to work with his parents. 
Hmm, I hadn't really thought of Gertrude being like a mother figure in the story? She just seems very cut-throat I guess from what Leitner said. Idk so far I've been very suspicious of her. Especially since that one statement where her photo burned a whole bunch of people or something. She just seems very shady... 
Alex chortling over Jonny's pain. XD
Side note, Every time there's a q&a I just can't stop noticing Jonny's voice going in and out of archivist range? Like most of the time I'm just listening along and then he'll say a sentence a bit grumblier and my brains immediately like "ARCHIVIST! That's THE ARCHIVIST!!" 
Martin would be the last one alive in Friday the 13th! It's official! 
(Is it bad that this gives me hope)
Jon likes Nonfiction, documentaries, and probably collects something just a little bit weird. *writes down for use in potential fics* 
also while im at it I remember jon saying he dislikes coffee at one point,  and so many people have him liking coffee in their fics! This has been your daily reminder of that fact because ever since then it keeps bugging me lol. (But also do whatever u want.)
Alex's spluttering sounds so much like Martin.
Yes!! I want to hear jon sing!! Yes! Musical Episode When!!?
Ah yes yes yes! All the characters are so unique!!? How does he do it!! 
Ya, it being in audio format sometimes makes it hard to understand what's happening in the live-action bits. (Live-action is the wrong word but u know what I mean.)
Oh ok ya, how he mentioned he got a pipe was quite clever I didn't realize that that's why he mentioned it at all. 
Ooh, there's a manga where there's something similar to Michael? I'll have to look that up later...
XD Alex and Jonny arguing about apples. 
Ok, so all the statements we're hearing ARE for reals. I kinda assumed but good to have it confirmed.
They used to hang out together!!? Work function curry nights!! ;-; 
Ya Ya! Who made the leitners!?
"You are assuming a book needs to be written" ...ok then. (but it has to have been created somehow??? Did they just spring fully formed from the powers? why? And why take the form of books?)
Alex's mischievous laugh about whether jon has friends *trembles in fear*
Yes!! Micheal is so good! I'm so happy they love him too! Yesyes! His laugh! 
Ah Yes!! Mary kaey was so creepy! 
XD yes yes yes fatigue was written on zero sleep, I knew it! 
Akskdjdkd I love them so much. Also, I've looked up Michaels voice actor luke booys and he does some other horrory type sketches n stuff and I kiiinda want to do a little animatic with some of those but it's Michael like annoying some poor soul lost in his halls... I think that'd be fun. I wonder if anyone's done that yet? If so someone send me the links I neeeed iiitt :3
Season 2 summary:
Uuuuu ya so this season was really good. I kinda listened to it in bursts of about ten episodes every couple weeks and then have been saving up the reactions to post later so these are usually going up about a week or so after I actually listened to the episode just FYI. 
I also do have a lot of spoilers cause I can't keep myself away from fanfic and people don't always tag for spoilers and I kiiinda wana know what's coming beforehand anyway? Idk it's hard man I get very stressed about what might happen and then also listening to too much at a time is too spooky for my poor little heart so I gotta read the less spooky fanfic to fulfill the hyperfixation you see. (If anyone has fanfic with spoilers only up to season 2 that'd be great btw) 
Anyway, I try not to take spoiler type stuff into account unless I'm just so sure of it I can't really not acknowledge that I know about it. 
Also, can I just talk about Michael for a minute?? Cause he's such a unique character? And I guess maybe there are other characters like him but I haven't ever seen one -tho to be fair tma is only like the third horror thing I've ever really got into (the other two are the SCP Foundation in its various forms and Little Nightmares. Hence why I keep making reference to SCP it's really the only thing I know similar to this.) But he's such a cool concept!!? Like someTHING that still has a personality? He's so not human? Like I get what he says but also I don't really? Idk im pretty sure he's an avatar right? Right?? Idk if that means he was a person at some point? But all this to say that he is probably the most inhuman character I've come across so far and I'm trying to figure out what it is about him that's so "other" to me? Like... I don't really know what Micheal's deal is? he seems to want to be sort of a neutral mischief-maker but also it seems like he keeps getting invested. But also I just love the way he talks about himself. Like he's a monster that has a personality and is fully intelligent but isn't just evil but isn't neutral either and certainly isn't benevolent. Like he's so complex and just,,,, the idea of a "thing" that's got a personality?? I love it? Kind of like dryads or spirits of things? Like the idea that after a long time things gain personality just by existing? Not that that's what Michael is necessarily? but that same sort of concept applies to him I think. Like the way he IS the maze and wants to help but wants to just watch but wants to kill them all. He's just so interestinggggggg. (And another vision of what jon could become?)
 also "es Mentiras" is a beautiful name 💕
So are him and not-Sasha avatars? Not-Sasha also seems completely inhuman and I was under the impression that avatars were (or used to be) human? Or are they like personifications of their power? Do all the powers have personifications of themselves. not-Sasha seems even less human than Michael? Like she seems to just really genuinely enjoy causing fear? Tho I guess we didn't really get to hear a lot of her. She just seemed kinda gleefully angry most of the time we heard from her. Was she... Human once!???
Anyway. Also, can I just talk about leitners line about jon belonging to the eye!!? Just..*chefs kiss* hnnnngg I need more jon grappling with that. I just need more everyone dealing with the fallout post all of the finallies ok? I still need more of jon angsting over his worms scars and stuff and now I also need jon freaking out about belonging to a fear god power thing. 
Also Martin! Is Martin ok? He sure did a lot of yelling which he doesn't usually? Look I love him and he actually thinks before he acts (unlike SOME people *looks at jon*) and he writes poetry and it is pretty good poetry ok!! And he cares about everyone and just wants a happy ending and aaaaa😭
Petition to get some statements from Martin's pov tho? I mean that's not gonna happen cause Jon's the archivist but I want more martin pov!! Maybe we can get some of his poem tapes??? Pls????? 
I feel so bad for Tim. It sounds like he's kinda fallen into despair.
Also Elias!!? Is showing his spooky side!!? He can control cameras and beat a man to death with a pipe!!? This is his "place of powerr"!!? I am afeared!!? At least jon knows he shouldn't trust him now. Oh jeez, I wonder if jon will listen back to the tape and know what happened. Thhhatsss rough. Oh dear, I hope he doesn't feel guilty cause Leitner did keep trying to hurry him and now everyone thinks it was him. Even martin thinks he did it? Wich like I kinda want to hear more of his thoughts on that? How much does he believe that jon did it? Tim certainly seems pretty certain but he's a bit biased and cynical right now so. 
And they were in the maze for DAYS? 
Now I need martin recovering from being stuck with Tim in Michaels maze for days being angry and worried and hungry etc... Dksjdksa knowing jon could be dying RIGHT NOW and there's nothing he can do. Please someone give me the fic links if this exists!! I've already written like 5 drabbles based entirely on spoilers/other fics (which I'll probably post (w/ links to their inspirations) once I'm caught up and can make sure I'm not just completely demolishing cannon lol. 
Leitner didn't even scream or yell or anything when he was murdered. Literally the chillest dude ever. F
Overall super great, Elias is terrifying, let's dive into the next season!!! I've got 2 seasons to finish in like, less than 2 or so weeks(?) if I wana be caught up by season 5 hhhh,,,
Better get started I guess. 
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wanna-17 · 7 years
joshua highschool!au
summary: you and joshua hong were strangers at a tutoring academy but what happens when he moves to your school and you guys bond over music and small cute moments?
genre: fluff, slice of life, semi-real life 
style: bullet-point 
length: 4.4k 
a/n: so this is something i’ve wanted to write for a while because it’s actually semi real life (not me ofc i cry someone i know) and i think their story is super cute. i’ve made some alternatives e.g. in real life it’s a church/school setting but because i’m posting on tumblr i decided to change it to a tutoring academy/school setting. but do let me know if you want a  version of the original setting :) also this ended up being really really long (mainly bc i know like a lot of exact details and wanted to include as much as i can) and im unsure if you guys like my writing style but im hoping to improve more over time as i hopefully write more bullet point styled scenarios :) 
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so you’ve been going to this tutoring academy for a while and you go like once a week
you actually look forward to tutoring bc u were actually put in a really good class where everyone is friends and even have a group chat for memes 
anyways theres this guy called joshua who sits at the back
and hes like the most handsome guy in the class and all the girls /not so/ secretly fawn over him 
and like there are loads of rumours about him which claim that he opened his own lil company that makes apps and stuff which earns him $$$ at the age of 12 and how he like used a drone to capture the whole of his relatives wedding and how he like mastered 3 instruments and is a tech genius and on top of that really smart
which you obviously dont believe because thats not even human ??
anyways you do admit he’s sort of ok-above-average lookswise but u aint that shallow because he has a bad personality and you just hate him 
but you have evidence for hating him !! 
one time you accidentally walked into him verbally being mean to this other poor guy 
so you naturally just assumed he was a bully and had a bad impression of him
you thought he was a prideful annoying rude and horrible person 
and you just dont understand the hype about him at the tutoring academy 
like they literally give out flyers with his face on it ?? umm ?? what marketing purposes lmao 
anyways one day at tutor
your friend kyulkyung is like omg did u hear joshua is transferring to our school next year hdkhfaaku
kyulkyung is highkey a fangirl of him and always tries to talk you into him being a lil angel and nice person but you just snort lol
anyways you obviously dont care that he’s going to your school next year so you just shrug whatever 
later that night when u get home u get a friend request on facebook from...dun dun DUNNNN what a surprise joshua hong 
and you’re kinda like well ok ?? no harm in accepting a friend request 
you accidentally click on his name too and think oh well might as well stalk him a bit 
and damn his fb profile is super interesting bc he actually posts a lot but its not like dumb stuff boys usually post about video games 
but like cute family pictures of him and his lil bro and you’re like this boy is family oriented i LIKE 
then you suddenly come across a video...of this guy from your tutor...on kids masterchef
so u watch it and its the cutest thing ever 
lil joshua stirring an egg and trying to make an omelet hehehe
and omg apparently he made it to the semi finals of KIDS MASTERCHEF???
you keep scrolling down and thats when u come across the evidence of him opening up his company with an app and tech jazz and u r like is this guy even rEALL
you’re still doubtful tbh so u go the appstore and type in his app and it comes up...even with CREATOR OF XX APP: JOSHUA HONG ???? you literally fall off ur chair bc wow 
he cooks, he makes apps, he’s family oriented..that is all i need in a man HA HA 
so next time at tutor u see him ur lowkey like the other girls staring at him bc wow he seems decent all of a sudden lol 
ur other tutor friends are like: u r so lucky y/n josh’s gonna be at ur school 
and ur kinda thinking maybe i should befriend him now cos he’ll defs be super popular at school 
but tbh this fawning literally stops after 2 days and you go back to reality and focus on ur studies and all that 
well as for joshua he doesnt really know u too to him ur that cute girl from tutor nothing much 
fast forward to the next year ~
you kinda fully forget that josh is even coming 
so the first school day back is all nice and chill and u get to ur fave class music heheh 
you love music bc it really helps u concentrate and you also play clarinet and piano and love it 
you’re also topping the class and sometimes you think you wouldn’t mind being a music teacher 
so in music u take a seat next to your friend seungkwan who has power vocals and plays trumpet and when he sings at school performances you always accompany him as a pianist with woozi on drums 
you and suengkwan are just chatting and catching up about holidays
when the teacher walks in followed by a student and you see that its joshua 
and you’re like thinking o crap this is really awks i should hide
before u can do any of that tho he kinda makes a  beeline for you and takes the seat next to u cos he only knows u in the class haha 
and you’re literally looking the other way and u pretend u dont notice him take a seat next to u and you’re overly engaged in conversation with seungkwan
but seungkwan being the lovely and outgoing kid notices joshua and is like: hey!! are u new dont think ive seen u before
seungkwan is friends with everyone and everyone loves him back
joshua: uhh yeah i’m new 
and seungkwan is super excited and like welcome!! i’m seungkwan and he sticks his hand out and is like and ur name is?
joshua is like i’m joshua 
and seungkwan is like oh btw this is y/n 
and it gets super awks cos u guys know of each others existence but maybe have talked like once when he had to pass u a bag of chips at tutor and u were like thank u 
and seungkwan senses something and eyes you guys back and forth 
after 837491 decades josh breaks the silence and is like hello y/n in a really meek voice
and you awkwardly smile and say hi 
luckily class starts and the teacher introduces joshua to the class and asks him what instruments he plays 
and the rumours prove to be true - he plays 3 instruments piano guitar and flute the real life guy cant play piano lmao
teacher asks him to demonstrate with the instrument hes most confident in 
and so he starts playing the guitar to the tune of fireflies by owl city and also shyly starts singing to the lyrics check out how cute joshua is playing fireflies on his guitar here IM sOFTTT
and everyone is in awe at how good he is 
and you lowkey feel your heart rate increase bc boi you love guys that play guitar and sing well 
the way he sings is very gentle and sweet and the way he strums the guitar with his long fingers and how his eyes are full of gentle passion just makes you sWOOON
and somehow the way he sings with his emotions poured in just really touches your heart 
after his performance everyone starts clapping and some girls even stand up and cheer lmao 
he gets back to his seat and seungkwan gives him two thumbs up and says: bro are you kimbap kidding you were great you really should play guitar for me next time i sing
thanks says joshua bashfully and he kinda looks over to you with a hopeful look as if hoping you’d say something too
so you’re quickly like: yeah you were really good :)
josh: thanks y/n
anyways the teacher shushes everyone and is like: let me announce your first assignment! it’ll be in groups of 4 and it’ll be a cover of a pop song of your choice which you’d have to arrange yourselves. if you need help, you are welcome to ask other classmates that have experience in arranging or to ask me
whenver its group work you and seungkwan always join woozi
woozi comes over to you guys 
and then both woozi and seungkwan are like to joshua: wanna join our group pls
and so joshua joins your group 
and everyone else in class is jealous lmao because u 4 are definitely the top group with all the musical geniuses 
ur kinda happy that joshua joined ur group bc he’s really good at guitar 
and so u guys decide that u will do keyboard, joshua on guitar, woozi on drums and seungkwan on vocals 
and y’all learn that joshua knows how to hack into arranging music programs for free 
and woozi is like: WHAT MY LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE????
also shows u guys that infamous app you made and he has some secret code so u guys can download it for free instead of buying it for $15
ur group actually gets along really well and has good dynamics bc everyone has great ideas on what songs to do and how to do it and stuff 
and its actually really fun with them even though you’re still awkward around joshua for no reason and he’s kinda shy too lmao
joshua suggests doing “breakeven” by the script 
and u have a fangirl moment bc u love the script and everyone agrees that its a great song choice :)
anyways one day you guys decide to meet after school to practice and  to refine the arranged piece which joshua and woozi did 
BUT FOR SOME ODD REASON seungkwan can’t make it anymore bc he has to babysit his little brothers and woozi has a student council meeting 
so its just you and joshua
and you two have never been like alone before like during group practice you guys make small conversation when the other two there and its all good and sweet but this was gonna be AWKWARD 
anyways so you try to initiate conversation by asking how he’s finding the new school 
and he just gives a short answer: pretty ok 
and it becomes you two just asking each simple questions and giving short replies
but its only when you he asks you how you started getting into music that the conversation really starts going somewhere because your eyes light up while talking about music and so does hie eyes
and you guys talk about how classical music is so under-appreciated these days and how mozart is a music legend and just the beauty of music etc. etc.
and in no time its getting really dark and you both have to head home
you guys walk to the bus stop and he gets on your bus 
and you’re like: hey i don’t think i’ve seen you catch this bus before?
joshua: yeah, but this bus also takes me home there are two buses that stop near my home!
you: oh ok cool 
from that day on you and joshua actually got super close due to both your love for music
you guys always practiced together with seungkwan and woozi even when the group performance was over (and your group topped and got A+!!!!!!!!)
you also encouraged joshua to join the school band club which seungkwan and woozi were also part of
you literally baited him in because the school band club was going on tour to europe next year to get some sick masterclass training and perform at famous places in austria 
so he basically joined so he could go to europe ;)))))) HEHEH
and even though you guys have different friend groups you guys sat near each other in the classes you shared, went to band club every monday morning at like 7am and also sometimes grabbed food together before tutoring 
this was when literally EVERYONE at tutoring and school started shipping u two together and you’d get embarrassed and joshua wouldn’t really say much either 
and to be honest deep in your heart you thought joshua was the ideal boyfriend but you had a rule where you weren’t gonna date in high school bc you wanted to focus on studies and you thought that high school relationships dont last and that they were pointless
and you’ve never really had a crush before so you’re super clueless lmao 
one time students in ur music class volunteered to busk on the streets and you thought it’ll be fine so u and ur squad (josh, seungkwan and woozi) all signed up for it ^^ 
BUT when the day came around, woozi had a really bad fever and couldn’t get out of bed and seungkwan’s mum had to show up to work so seungkwan had to babysit his little brothers again
and so the busking was at school ..,,, except when u got to school the gates were locked AND it literally started pouring 
you regretted not agreeing to your mum driving u bc u were a good daughter and didn’t want to bother her when it was her birthday 
you also regretted not bringing an umbrella with u as u didn't want to miss ur bus 
and so there you were soaking wet in the rain on a saturday morning not pleasant 
you didn't know what to do and none of your gal friends were busking and u didn't want to bother them so you ended up calling joshua and he picked up in 2 rings 
joshua: hey whats up?
you: sorry to ask of this but are you almost at school? because the gates are locked
joshua: oh really? i’ll be there in like 1 minute
you: ok see you soon
and in exactly one minute a car appeared and joshua hopped out with an umbrella
and he had the most concerned expression when he saw u soaking wet without an umbrella
joshua: omg y/n are you stupid why dont you have an umbrella
you just sighed as he held the umbrella above both ur heads 
joshua: why don’t we go inside my mums car before we decide what to do i dont want you getting sick :( 
you guys headed to his mums car and he just held the umbrella above both your heads and you noticed that it covered more of you than him
he could have easily put his arm around u so he wouldn’t get wet at all 
but this was one thing you came to notice and really admire about joshua
that he’s such a respectful gentleman 
whenever you befriended a guy you’d low key make it clear that you weren’t interested and just jokingly friend zone them 
he never made you uncomfortable with his actions or words and always 100% respected you and kept his boundaries 
anyways soon u guys found out that you had to enter the school from the back gates instead of the front  gates and the rain slowly came to a stop
cue: joshua’s mum eyeing you two in the rear mirror from the front lmao
anyways the day went well and you guys had a lot of fun busking together and even got ice cream together afterwards :)) 
next year rolls around and you guys have only maths and music classes together but still hang at tutoring
its  valentines day and tbh u never expect much because you’ve never received a red rose you’ve only gotten those  yellow friendship roses 
but during roll call the person giving out roses is like: y/n a red rose for you!!!! and you’re so SO happy bc who could be this secret admirer??
the rose also came with a super lame pick up line “did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
you were so curious as to who it was 
joshua: oooOOOHHHH whose the unlucky guy pls we all know its you lmao
anyways europe FINALLy  rolls around and heck u are keen to visit mozart’s house
some of your girl friends like eunwoo, yuha and roa are also going 
when the whole band club arrives in europe every day is busy busy with music workshops and such and its only 5 days in where the teachers who came on the trip give the students like 3 hours of free time
teacher: ok u guys must be in a pair at least so u don’t get lost!!
however, all ur friends only want to go shopping while u wanted to take a walk and admire the scenery of europe 
but then someone taps you on the shoulder and u turn around and its joshua 
joshua: hey what were you planning to do during the free time?
you: i wanted to look around and see the architecture and the scenery and stuff but everyone wants to go shopping :( 
joshua: oh really! thats so good because me too i’d rather take a walk around here rather than go shopping; all my friends wanted to shop too 
you: omg thats great we are always in sync arent we haha
joshua: yeah we are! let’s go together then?
so you and joshua walk around the land of austria and admire the beautiful architecture and takes pictures of the scenery and visit all the pretty churches 
it’s literally your favourite day so far in europe bc you’re so happy ahhaa
(little did you know tho seungkwan literally refused joshua to hang out with him bc he was so sick of seeing joshua tiptoe around you. seungkwan: I BEG U TO HAVE SOME ALONE TIME WITH HER PLS BE ROMANTIC PLS CONFESS ALREADYYYY)
so that night dinner is also free time so students can choose where they wanna go to eat and seungkwan joins you guys and you guys all end up in a really fancy and aesthetic restaurant 
where the lighting is dim, there are lit candles and roses hung around and its literally a beautiful restaurant
you’re super oblivious but seungkwan is like glaring at joshua the whole time and kicking him under the table 
while they’re having a staring contest you’re just chatting away about how much of a great time you’re having and how this is the first time in your life you’ve been inside such a nice restaurant and  chugging on your food 
after the meal you take a toilet break and little do you know while you’re doing so seungkwan is giving mediating lessons to joshua so he can calm down 
and by the time you get back seungkwan is gone
you: oh where did seungkwan go?
joshua: oh he just went to chat with woozi
you take a seat and is like: so do u reckon we should head now?
and then joshua is like: actually there’s something i really want to say to you
and you just look at him super confused bc did something bad happen?? and you’re just super clueless and oblivious to his feelings towards you
bc the reason why ppl even ship u guys in the first place is because everyone can see how the way he stares at you, cares for you, catches your bus thats a 15min walk to his home when there’s one that stops directly in front of his home, how he always helps you with work, how he always encourages you to not give up whenever you’re having a hard time 
and then joshua is like: y/n you probably have an idea already but i really like you, i like you a lot. i’ve liked you since we got ditched by seungkwan and woozi in music class and we ended up talking about music and had a proper conversation. also the rose for valentines day this year, that was me too 
and you are S H O O K 
and your mind is blank
and then you blurt out the dumbest thing ever 
“sorry i only see u as a friend and dont want to date in high school”
teacher: ok guys we are heading back to the hotel now!!!!!
joshua’s eyes and shoulder’s drop completely and he looks so discouraged and sad
and you’re brain is just confused as to what just happened...you suddenly feel hurt? lost? 
you told yourself never to like anyone and up until now you’d never felt your heart race for anyone...you suddenly felt like you lost someone precious....someone special...
you guys part ways and head back to your respective friendship groups 
and the moment you get back to the hotel you head straight for your room, not wanting to talk to anyone about what just happened
bc girl u needed time to process what just happened and to really think bc you’re heart was aching for some strange reason 
(obviously you were oblivious to the fact that you had always liked joshua the whole time sighs) 
you can’t think straight so you decide to call ur sister nayoung 
you completely forget about the time difference between europe and australia 
and so when nayoung picks up she’s groaning into the phone: IDIOT ITS 7AM HERE AND A SATURDAY I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP 
you: you won’t believe what happened
nayoung: what did you get a boyfriend lmao
bc before u went to europe ur sister always joked about finding a handsome european guy with a cool accent lmao
you: not really no
nayoung: WHAT 
so you tell your sister everything that happened and how you felt so empty and lost after rejecting joshua and unexpectedly you even start crying 
and you can hear your sister sigh over the phone
nayoung: look y/n, the fact that you’re crying and even more confused obviously means you like him. to be honest i always had a feeling he liked you and i also thought you liked him too. these days all you ever talk about is him at home and you’ve never said a negative thing about him,,, you totally like him 
and you being a stubborn one are like: “no he’s my friend a really close friend that i trust, he’s basically my brother, its like i lost a relative” you sob
nayoung: remember in weightlifting fairy kim bok joo...do you think you’ll be okay if joshua wasn’t by your side anymore? think about it carefully, thank about all the times you relied on him in the last year sorry had to bring in weightlifting fairy kim bokjoo because #swag forever and this part actually happened in real life bc the girls sister said this lmao
and well it was true that you’d relied on joshua too much recently there were times where you were struggling and u turned to him for advice in particular that time where you were considering dropping out of music bc it was getting stressful and taking up so much time
and no matter what your family and friends said you wouldn’t listen but when joshua advised you mind u with the exact same things nayoung said you somehow trusted his words and he was like your rock at times and always willing to listen to u and encourage u 
by this point more and more tears were flowing and you didn’t even know why YOU LIKE JOSHUA BUT U R OBLIVIOUS POTATO 
nayoung: maybe you can tell him that you were flustered so you can rethink it again you might regret this later
you: ok thats a good idea ill try to...
and after nayoung the best sister in the world pep talked u and lectured u for the next hour u finally decided that you would reconsider ur decision and let joshua know 
you were dreading the awkwardness bc ever since the confession u guys had not talked and avoided eye contact at all costs 
you sighed and decided to sleep so u wouldn’t have to think about it for now and deal with it tomorrow
meanwhile in joshua and seungkwans room 
josh: seUNGKWAN U LIL IDIOT she freaking rejected me this is the most embarrassing rejection in the world how will i live after today??????
seungkwan: i dont get it tho y/n clearly likes u why would she reject u i even asked y/n’s sister nayoung to see if she had a crush on anyone 
josh: i’m never talking to u again seungkwan do u know how hurt i am 
*cue seungkwan trying to make joshua laugh by acting out natural disaster scenes from american movies lmao* 
so the next day you’re trying to find the opportunity to talk to joshua but he was always surrounded by ppl 
and u were so nervous bc u had planned what to say in ur head and despite the weather being -2318 degrees Celsius u were sweating from head to toe 
anyways right after breakfast and before boarding the bus u finally see joshua by himself because seungkwan had gone to the loo 
and you slowly approach joshua taking deep breaths because u were about to face the most awkward conversation of ur life 
but before u actually reached joshua he saw u coming and awkwardly looked away as he rubbed the back of his  neck
but u had to do this nayoung was right what if u regretted this and took this to ur grave he was the one guy u were so comfortable around and u could be yourself and he was so supportive and not to mention cute and smart too 
you: hey josh
josh: oh uh hi y/n
you: ummm look i wanted to talk to u about ummm yesterdays events 
cringe it was already getting so so so awkward bury me in a hole already
josh: ahhh ok sure what do you need to say?
you: the thing i’m really sorry about what i said yesterday...tbh i was really flustered and i just ended up blurting that out i hope i didn't hurt you. but i wanted to ask if u could give me a chance to reconsider what u said bc ur a really great  guy and i think i’ve never seen u in a romantic way before so starting now i’ll seriously consider your feelings for me and also work out if i have feelings for u 
and u were so embarrassed and u felt ur cheeks go red  and ur looking at the ground
josh: a chance? i couldn’t even get a single minute of sleep last night says josh jokingly
you: omg really im so sorry :(
josh: its okay im really happy that you’re giving me a chance ;;; like tbh if u think about it, we go same tutoring, see each other in band club and even share closes together...we really can’t be awkward around each other so i was thinking of approaching u and telling u that its ok if u didn't feel the same way
you: *blush* yeah thats true.............
josh: so y/n dont be awkward anymore ok? lets go back to the way we were
you nod sheepishly 
josh: and just give me your answer when you’re ready,,, i can wait an eternity for u HDJWFHWWK CAN YOU IMAGINE JOSHUA ACTUALLY SAYING THAT I CANT EVEN 
and yay its all good between u guys and no awkwardness and you guys back to your usual relationship
and like the more you think about it, you find urself falling for joshua and noticing just how handsome he was and how kind he was 
and you just really liked the fact that he was such a gentleman 
he didn’t push you about your feelings, he continued to respect ur personal space and he didn’t make moves on u and just continued to be a good friend 
but u heard from seungkwan that he was hurting a lot inside even though he smiled whenever u were around 
and u didn’t like seeing him in this state 
so you decided on ur answer !!! 
(bc ur heart fluttered so much whenever you were around him and u started actually caring about ur looks and how he thought of u) 
it was first period at school and it was music class
like 97% of music classes it was just practice 
and u purposely get seungkwan and woozi to practice with all the other students 
so u and joshua are just sitting on the stairs and joshua is lightly strumming on his guitar looking like a prince i tell u 
and u guys are just chatting away normally and u tell yourself i need to say it its okay it’s normal i’m just gonna say it 
and u probably have a super panicky look on ur face 
and josh is like: r u ok y/n?
you: im fine..it’s just that i wanted to tell you something...about u know...that
and you see josh’s face literally drop and he stops strumming his guitar and mumbles: oh
because joshua thinks he’s gonna get rejected for the second time rip 
and you’re really flustered again so you’re like
“i like you too, i want to give us a chance i can’t afford to lose you”
and literally the josh’s mouth curls into the biggest grin and u can see his eye smile hdahfoeifhq
and he looks you in the eye: y/n will you be my girlfriend starting from today?
you: yes i will joshua 
literally everyone is happy and suengkwan wants to throw a party for u guys
basically at school u guys are the music couple bc u guys sometimes do duets and are always defending each other when other ppl say that classical music is dumb 
and one time a teacher was super mean to u and joshua stood up for you and you are like where did the shy joshua go 
you guys perform a lot with the squad aka seungkwan and woozi 
joshua even shouts seungkwan bc seungkwan played a big role 
*nayoung in the background: what about me :((((((* 
and like at tutoring the tutor, jeonghan is even happy and is like to this kid: pass me $10 i said so they’d get together this year lmao 
i just realised i forgot about kyulkyung lmao 
kyulkyung is so happy and loves third wheeling dates to get free food lmao bc joshua is such a gentleman and insists on paying all the time
but eventually u guys decide to take turns and agree that he can treat desert 
and yeah you guys are couple goals because super supportive of each other, always watching out for one another and you guys only have eyes for each other 
ok i need to end it here lmao its like too long
and yes this girl got confessed to in austria (when they live in australia) its actually so romantic tbh im not jealous at all *wiggles eyebrows* 
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