#pls i want to see him blush more🥺💖
goliig68 · 9 months
Blushing he tian is so precious to me🥹🫶❤️
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kneelingshadowsalome · 6 months
would you ever be interested in writing a more masc reader? i kind of got it by know you write fem!reader exclusively, so i've been wondering if you'd write something along the lines a manly gal.
like the type that sees könig do his pushups, she must also immediately try to catch up to him? she sits manspread and wears manly clothes and makes everything a raunchy sex joke and has no shame and is kind of a muscle mommy and a total gremlin? something like that? and it disarms könig completely cuz he's used to damsels in distress, but this one can do everything herself but somehow wants him?? like an equal partner?
also can u pls tell each of your königs i love them with all i have? pls? 🥺 they're like my reason for living this past year i wanna give them a big sweet kiss and pet them
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🤲 here, have an offering as gratitude. ignore the arms lol
Maaaan your offering 😭😭💖💞
And yes I have a habit of writing König with helpless maidens and sassy fairies don’t I 😂
So… König with masc!reader…. (Lol this turned out very rivals to lovers but I hope you enjoy!)
König can be a little off-putting. One would think that a man of his size wouldn’t get so threatened by a girl with some muscles on her... But you catch him mansplaining guns to you more than once, showing off his new rifle and then snapping his mouth shut when you fire a round of 5 bullseyes with a calm, stable breath and perfect posture.
“It’s nice,” you give it back to him, “but I’ve seen better.”
Knowing that you just threw his own words back at him – he’s always boasting on the field – König just blinks and grabs his rifle from you.
“In my safe,” you shrug, trying to keep a neutral face.
And you’ve seen him during sparring, knowing already that he likes to one-up everyone. König is skilled and fierce, but he’s also competitive to the point of petty, which is why you’re amused when he suddenly turns gentle, even hesitant when paired with you.
At some point, it starts to get on your nerves though. It’s slightly insulting, even sexist, that he’s trying to treat you like a gentleman when you’re supposed to hit each other. So, you snap a good right hook through his guard and watch the man see some stars. Hoping that it would fix that attitude, you do it again, and again until he stops giving you the princess treatment.
But even after that, you see he’s holding back. The more you try to get him to attack properly, the more pissed off he gets, refusing to strike you even when you bring him down – a man twice your size – and gloat over him. His eyes are flaming because he just lost for the sake of some weird “I don’t hit women” policy, and it shouldn’t bother you. The man’s an asshole, what are you to do?
Still, it’s giving you a headache. Did you win the match only because he allowed it? You almost smack him in the head again. You already dealt with these kinds of idiots at the training program, and now you have to take shit from pros too? While you’re the pro? Jesus.
Determined to give him hell for the rest of the week, you make a lousy joke about the size of his gun when you go on a mission. It’s a bit unhanded, because this lame ass fool actually gets bothered by your quip, and you mentally beat yourself up for messing with your partner’s head before an important hostage rescue.
He barges through the door like a bull, and you purse your lips under your balaclava – on the other hand, is it even your fault if he gets killed because of some stupid Freudian joke?
This guy is simply too much fun…
So what happens is that you can’t keep your mouth shut. It’s horrid, what comes out of your lips when he’s trying to save lives. Things such as:
“Do you have your gun in hand?”
“I’ll keep an eye on your six while you take the women”
“Did you see their faces when König rammed himself in?”
The innuendos are obvious and rampant and so bad that König is surely blushing under that hood before you even board the plane. On top of everything, he rubs the barrel of his gun up and down in the plane because he’s so nervous. He does it absent-mindedly; the poor guy probably doesn’t understand the outrageous amount of Freudian jokes that could be cracked about that…
You try to pull yourself together after that because otherwise, people would start to suspect you’re having a crush on him. Army humour is army humour but you’re taking this shit a bit too far… Your jokes have never been this bad before, they certainly never induced such crazy behaviour from a guy.
...Because it turns out that you’ve awoken a demon.
At the gym, you see König watching you do pull ups – you’re the only girl there, yes, but you don’t wear some sculpting, seamless gym pants and a suggestive sports bra. You only have your old sweats and a tank top on, but the man's looking at you like he’s dreaming of either killing or fucking you. He's smashing the plates around like they've just personally insulted him, and glares at your way again, then lifts more than you’ve ever seen anyone lift before. He never talks to you: just stops and stares when you’re doing a set, then does his own, then glares.
You don’t know if it’s some kind of an awkward challenge or if he’s trying to flirt with you – menacingly – but you’re a mess after that gym session.
Next time during training, König personally offers to spar with you: he even pushes away the guy that had been assigned as your pair. And this time, he doesn’t hold back. He’s serious, and rough, and fucking frightening.
“That’s it, big boy,” you’re panting before half a minute has passed, “You finally found your groove?”
“No talking during sparring,” he grunts, and almost manages to land a blow – almost, because it ends with him on the floor. The takedown is something even KorTac’s best would be proud of, but he doesn’t allow you to gloat this time. Oh no: he rolls through it: actually, he rolls so that he lands on top of you, then smashes his whole weight on your chest to keep you down.
“Right where I want you,” he says, so brunt and brief that you’re not sure if you just imagined it.
You try to fight him in vain: he only presses you further into the mat and forces even your face to the side with his own.
“I thought you liked girls,” he pants into your ear, so low that the others can’t hear.
“That’s funny,” you whisper through clenched teeth, fingers curled around his shirt. “I thought you liked girls.”
You hear him draw air right beside your ear, and then – it’s unmistakable, the throbbing pulse against your thigh.
He’s getting hard.
The fucking moron is getting hard during a sparring session with you–
“There’s no need to crush your partner,” the trainer instructs, to everybody grinding on the mat in general, perhaps, but you have a feeling he’s directing the words König who’s currently choking you with his entire body.
“Is this what you want?”
He lets you breathe, only enough so you can turn and have another staring competition with him, this time with his mouth only a hair’s breadth away. Those eyes are hard as steel and as beautiful as snow, and that stare still wants to either fuck or murder you…
“Hm? You want to get crushed?”
“...Why do you think I joined the army?” You laugh breathlessly, eyes glimmering from mirth. He’s such a sight when he’s angry and confused.
Your cheeky answer only makes him more perplexed. Poor man – it’s so easy to tease him that you almost feel like a bully.
“That's right... Take your time getting up, there’s no need to rush,” you breathe, and watch the snow melt into a bewildered cerulean sea.
It sets sooner than you thought, his lids dropping as he settles to watch your lips, the heavy pulse on your neck.
“Oh I’m up already.”
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weird-dere · 1 year
DEREST!! i don't know much abt bleach but i have seen a little bit from the first season!!
ichigo being a tsundere with a heart of gold... being just a tad bit overprotective of you, even as he scoffs about you nearly getting yourself KILLED in the middle of danger
ichigo always lingering around you, he's gotta keep an eye on you to keep ya safe. even if he pretends to hate every single second of it. but the moment you disappear for just an hour too long on a quick, simple task, he starts freaking the fuck. OUT.
ichigo teaching you how to handle a zonpakuto (idk how to spell it kahfjsd)- standing right behind you- taking your hands in his as his chest brushes up against your back- whispering along your temple about the best moment to strike
ichigo bitching blushing about how badly you need him around, when in all actuality, he's the one who feels a little lost without you
also also also- surprising him with how you can actually handle yourself, leaving him dumbfounded and stuttering while you smile innocently
Knifie my love you do not understand how happy I am to see this after what I have just experienced watching the end of the first part of bleach thousand year blood war. This has me so incredibly soft and came just at the right time. I love him so fucking much.
I would cry if I found out he freaked out so much after I disappeared for a lil while :((((. He’s a grump but is literally the biggest sweetheart. He would complain about how I want him around but I would see right thru him n love on him anyway 🥹.
UGH and the zanpakuto(you were actually really close!) lesson PLS. Him holding me like that, murmuring into my temple would be so intimate 🥺🥺🥺. I would melt on the spot.
I would giggle a little at his shocked face after he sees me handle myself and snap for a moment. Then wink at him, breaking him even more lmao. But I’ll always let him protect me uwu.
I love you so much Knifie. Thank you for this 😭💖💖💖.
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everwisp · 1 year
Do my eyes deceive me?! Is that the loveliest most amazing and talented Ever I see in my notifcations?! 🥰🥰🥰
Hi Ever!!! I'm sorry to kinda burst in here without warning haha but seeing you in my notifications lately has made my week!!! I've been missing you and your art so much while I've been life-ing and forgetting tumblr exists and I've been hoping you're doing well. 🥺 I see you have been on a hiatus and I really hope things look up for you!!! For what it can be worth, I'm sending my best to you as always. 💖
Daily reminder that you're incredible, wonderful, fantastical,amazing, talented, sweet, kind, loving and just all the positive words in the universe!!! 💖💖💖 It's so so good to see you again Ever, and again, sending all my best lots of platonic love your way!!! 💕💕💕Take care as best as you can, ok? Thinking of you!!! 💖
...OH! Someone wants to say hi before we say goodbye!
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"Ever, I hope you are doing well. I saw Moon was messaging you and could not stop myself from saying hello. I was a bit embarrassed to take this photo, as I am still not used to being photographed yet...But Moon has told me how seeing my face makes you happy, and I wish for nothing but your happiness...So it is worth the slight embarrassment of being photographed if I can bring a smile to your lovely face." *smiles softly*
"...Oh. I seemed to have said that outloud..." *blushes* "...But it is true that you are lovely; I daresay you are lovelier than even Tsukioka's flowers he plants. For like them, you are a radiant bloom that shines ever so beautifully in the sunlight..."
"...Oh. I did it again... I do apologize if I am embarrassing you; when I am in your presence, I admittedly find it hard to not compliment you. After all, you are always complimenting me, so I can't resist complimenting you back..."
"...Oh, I got lost in your eyes there for a second. Moon is nudging me to end this message so as to avoid having it be too long. Though I admittedly desire to spend more time with you, I also know you are busy. I will do my best to continue supporting you in anyway I can. If you need anything, I am here for you. Always."
...Hehe, Moon back again! I had to stop him eventually or else this would be a 50 page message. 🤣 (He's not usually so chatty but when it comes to you he is as chatty as Homare! Not that I blame him though, for you are amazing in all the ways. 😊)
Again, we both send lots of good vibes and sunshine to you. 💖 Take care!!! 💕
(P.S I apologize if Guy is OOC...I haven't written him in so long admittedly but I couldn't resist hopefully giving you an extra smile. 💖)
OMG MOON!! HI!!!!! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you on my dash, i hope you’re doing well too, imy!!🥺✨
also guy 😭🥹👏🏼🙈🥰😭🫶🏼 (pLS I WASNT READY FOR THAT SKFNSKFJ)
It’s really so good to see you again and to see you drop in my ask, I’m so touched that you did and thought of me 🤧 Gosh i hope life is treating you well though!! Sending you nothing but good, gentle, soft, sweet, and happy vibes Moon ✨💕🩵🌻
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donghoonie-3 · 1 year
YEAH, this is like the craziest world cup, I swear. Also! I think there's a problem with Neymar now so idk what's gonna happen now🤐 Oh I'm glad to hear that!! And I'm sorry that you're busy :(( You've got this though!!! I'm good😌
Noo imagine his little pout as he whines cause you stopped biting him</3 I'd shower him with kisses</3 just to see his pretty smile🥺 He loves to leave soft kisses all over your body and he loves when you do the same for him while praising him</3 Omg yeah! He'd blush and look away or tell you to stop and you'd have to hug him or kiss him to make it up to him</3 Baby loves when you mark him up, esp in places that only you can see and omg imagine him getting out of the shower and accidentally seeing one of the hickeys on his body- he'd blush and smile while trying not to get hard or just shake his head. No cause same! Also, imagine counting all the moles in his body🫠 I feel like his thighs are kinda sensitive so he'd start getting hard even when you're kissing them softly or marking them up gently. Baby would start whining and biting his lip if you brush his dick, he might even pout and look down at you, waiting for you to actually touch him</3 but if you keep teasing him, he might start bucking his hips or whine a little before starting to beg you to touch him. What about both? Tie him up and sit on his lap😋 He'd look so pretty all tied up🫠 I feel like he'd get desperate and needy so he'd start crying and begging like a good boy<3 and he'd moan so loudly when you finally start touching his dick<3 Now I wanna tie him up on a chair and play with his pretty cock until he's begging to cum and ofc baby only gets to cum cause it's his birthday🥺 and overstimulate him
I heard he like fucked up his ankle or smth?? I don't remember 😭😭 for some reason everything that happened yesterday feels like a fever dream 💀 probably because I had some realistic dreams last night lmao thank you!! I'm just waiting for Christmas break and I'll finally be free :,) I'm glad you're good !!
The cute little pout and the whines </3 I want him:( I'd shower him with kisses too <33 make him feel loved and all :(nooo the thought of him blushing and looking away 😭💖 cute :( pls him bring turned on by the hickeys you've left on him <33 he'd come out of the bathroom with flushed cheeks <33 it would definitely lead to a nice fuck <3 his thighs being sensitive just makes me wanna mark them even more 🥴in general I feel like his skin might be a bit sensitive so even a light scratch would get so visible on his body <33 which reminds me, scratching his thighs 🥴 and calling him yours as you do so while you watch him shiver <33 yesyes tying him up and sitting on his lap, will do 😋 him turning into a good boy :(( I feel like a lot of the times he's bratty but on some days or even you punish him hard enough he'd just obey you and try be the best boy for you :( because he loves to be praised <33 so he'd definitely start begging like the good boy he is <33 his high pitched moans 🥴 especially while cumming <33 no imagine doing that to him as a birthday present <33 pretty boy :( I wanna do that to him too <33
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onlyjaeyun · 3 months
hi my sweetest baby angel love🥹💓🌷 your replies to my asks made MY day even better and just reading those sweet words from you made me blush and kick my feet just like hoonie when jaeyun told him that yn was wearing the ring🤭
pls this new side of hoon is so so cute and the convo between him and yunie made me smile the entire time like they are the cutest platonic soulmate besties ever🥹🫶🏻 jaeyun is so fucking hilarious too like his comedic timing will never fail to make me laugh
also it’s not an onlyjaeyun fic if something major doesn’t happen at someone’s bday so i’m sooo ready to read what happens at won’s party👀👀 i need hoonyn to talk it out and heal not only theirs but also our broken hearts❤️‍🩹
omg a little update on the guy i’ve been spending time with, we had a little getaway with our friends a couple days ago and he was so sweet throughout our little holiday🥺 whenever we would go out to eat or something he always had his hand on my thigh and put food on my plate and also give me his jacket whenever he would notice i was getting cold like omg he makes me so 💓💗💘💕💖🩷💝 idk if i should bring up the “what are we?” talk bc although nothing is rlly official yet but how we are w/ each other is very much bf & gf just without the label so that’s what’s kind of having me on edge lately😭 i’m seeing him again tomorrow for brunch so idk we’ll see!
my baby doll zadie thank you for always making me smile and caring for me, i truly appreciate it so much🥹 i always want to be the same for you💗🧸 !! you deserve the world and more my love, pls take care of yourself! sending my love & a giant wave of kisses to you baby! 💋🩷🌷💖
- 💌
oh goodness my baby's ask has been burried all the way on the last spot of my i box and im SO sorry for being so late with my response angel love 🥺💞
firstly, thank you SO much for the love and support on cold hearts, you know your words means the world to me and ive missed talking to you so so much 😫😫
i cant wait for you guys to see more of that side of him tbh and i promise it's only one more angsty chapter and then its all love and fluff and just lots of cuteness 🤭🤭💞
omg omg omg that actually sounds super exciting babyc im so glad he's treating you well and thag you two get along so good, you deserve nothing but the best and i hope by now you guys have made things official 🤭🤭🤭💞
thank you so much for always checking in on me and giving me so much love, you truly are such a sweet soula nd im so grateful to have you 🥺💞💗💐
hope life's been treating you well baby, pls acceot all my kisses!💞💞💞
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nar-nia · 2 years
Good morning mama xx
Here are my live updates,, sorry it's so long and makes no sense hehe
#justiceforsunoo #letsunoospeak #ilovesunoo
I'd say the same for Hee but at least hes being helpful now
Well appart from the bloody towel 🥴
Oop they have to have more ChEmIsTrY~
Naur is opening the door rly a good idea
Bestie you only just got a compliment 😭
Not them both blushing acajagshsgajagshs
A rabbit plush awwwwwe
Awwwwww Heeseung :((
Stop off hes fuxking cuddling her AAAAAAA
You two will slay come onnn
Wuh oh jake has entered the building
as he should be
Huh 😳 he kissed-
We just met (kinda)
Uh no
Hee angry
Hee jealous
I love jake and all bit like I'm pro-heey/n soooooo
Back off bitch grrrr
Heeseung 😃 wha
Hee kiss
Agahsgshsgsjsgsj THEY KISS AGAIN
Oh the day 6 warning
Sad time D:
Awwwwwwww they talk :(
Heey/n bonding
Jake better not come along me be a little jealous snake >:(
Oop sgsjsyf not hee turning the jake walking in around
Hee definitely left the door unlocked so she would walk in again 🧐
Jake's here
Heeseung jealousy era is in full swing
What if the tension between hee and jake ain't so straight 👀 they do be making alot of eye contact ahdjdkd
Wuh oh not tofu soup again
Jake's smile 🥺💖
Okay I agree with y/n
Pushing the heejake agenda
The fangirls would be thriving
oh wait he'll just BARK back
Okay imma stop here for today as its getting late but
I mean I knew it was good when I read the first 2 chapters BUT AFTER 4 MORE
one again you have Grace us with amazing writing, fabulous descriptions, gripping angst, AND HEESEUNG BEING SO ATTRACTIVE HELP
Honestly you slayed as expected and I even when I do a chain of live thoughts like this I never can Express fully how much I enjoy each tiny aspect if your writing and the story
I hope you slept well or had a good day (depending on how long you leave this to read- it is quite long)
Love you sm mum 💖
~M 🐝
"depending on how long you leave this to read" - way too long and i'm so sorry, i just felt like death those past few days. but:
AAAAAAAHHHHH 🤩🤩 you read it and you loved it 🤩
please I love the live commentary, it was so much fun to read and relive my story through your eyes 😭😭 and i can't wait to see you and Jake in a barking duel 😭
mooo thank you so much <33 I hope you get to read the remaining chapters soon too... okay selfish mode off now: thank you so, so much. I can't be praises for hee being attractive though, he can pull that off without me 😭😭 I just screamed about him today.
I love you so much more and I wish you an amazing week in case it takes you as long to see this as it took me to answer 😭😭 again, I'm sorry. Love you, sprout 💖
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Could I,, get head canons of chrollo, Hisoka, Feitan, Illumi and one male character of your choice with a very hyperactive, chubby, gf who can almost be scary (like that kinda hyper psycho scary?? That kind!!!) Pls,, 🥺🥺💖💖💕💝💕💕
Chrollo, Hisoka, Feitan, Illumi + Shalnark x chubby female s/o
Thank you for my first request! Hope you enjoy! ^-^
He will treat you like a princess (probably stole something for you at some point)
He fell for you because he was intrigued with your personality, which in some ways is opposite of him
He definitely gets surprised when you become scary, definitely is in the background like “yup that’s my gf”
He thinks that every moment with you is a new experience with how active you are (you give this man life!)
If anyone tries to point out your physical appearance in a negative way, let’s just say you never saw the person again (they were definitely killed off either by something like Indoor Fish or a quick stab from a pen)
Showers you in compliments that you’re the one flustered while he just looks smooth
Sees you as the best treasure he’s ever found
Definitely got aroused by seeing you terrifying whoever decided to cross your line
Finally someone who can equal his chaotic energy!
Loves hugging you, you just feel so good next to his body. Don’t be surprised if he uses Bungee Gum on you to pull you towards him
Like Chrollo, he will compliment you maybe make a more dirty flirt to you to the point you feel like your face is burning off
He sometimes wants to push your buttons to see how you would be like when you’re scary (plz don’t let him do it he’ll probably get killed by you)
If anyone tries to bother you, he’ll just get one of his cards and kindly slice their head/hand/whatever off
Hisoka, though he may tease you and might be unpredictable, cares deeply for you and will make sure you know this. You make his life more exciting than it was already.
Man if you got this guy as your bf you’re really a special kind of person
He really likes seeing you acting scary, maybe you can help him torture someone
He might not be able to catch up with your hyperactiveness, but it does provide him some life he looks dead inside plz help him
He might tease you for your physical appearance because he thinks you’re cute, he just can’t say it directly because he’ll get embarrassed
Like the others above, he’ll get angry at whoever tries to make you feel bad. He won’t kill them right away, but he might have a surprise victim one day.
He won’t do pda outside or where other troupe members can see, but without anyone’s eyes on you two he’ll secretly want you to hug him (you feel nice to a man who only knows how to cause pain)
If you guys both find someone you don’t like, that person better pray for their lives since they’ll be facing two terrifying terrific partners
How did you get in a relationship with this guy? Who knows! What is obvious is that he is protective of you
He can get annoyed with how active you are, but at the same time he’s intrigued at how much energy you have (you guys both stay up late a lot)
You being scary just reassures him that you’ll fit in right with the Zoldycks
He’s overprotectiveness definitely means that if someone even looks at you in the wrong way they get hit with a needle on their head
Give this man a cuddle, he’s not used to any form of healthy love
He won’t care how you look, to him you are already wife material (yeah this man will not just say gf, you’re gonna get married) because of your intimidating side
Will have trouble expressing his love to you, but whenever you are hyperactive and you’re energetic smile is directed towards him, he’ll be a blushing mess
The poor fellow that crosses you two the wrong way they’ll be dead for sure
You guys are terrifying together, both hyper and both scary, it’s like you guys were made for each other. Partners in crime 100%
He loves hugging you, expect to get surprised often by him jump on you from behind
He thinks you look so cute, he just wants to s q u e e z e you
You guys match each other’s energy really well, and he’ll often invite you over to play video games or maybe steal something together for the troupe
Seeing you scary first surprised him but a few seconds afterwards he was like “THAT WAS SO COOL!!” (yes girlboss!)
Will shower you in compliments, he’s like a golden retriever to you and you guys literally have so many fun dates full of energy
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pixla · 3 years
Surprise me then pls 🥺🥺🥺💖
Berries (Solomon Goode x fem!reader)
Summary: you bring Solomon a small gift and things soon get out of hand
Word count: 800
Warnings: smut, mentions of death, fingering
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You had woken up early to go picking for berries, so excited to bring them to Solomon you almost forgot to wash them.
Carefully stepping across the stones that protruded from the water, you crossed the lake, kneeling down to run your fingers through the lukewarm summer water.
Walking along the rough dirt path you watched as you slowly approached Solomon's home. Outside lay two graves, a larger and a smaller, Solomon’s wife and child. You pulled two daisies from your basket, placing one on each mound, giving them your silent condolences.
You knocked gently at his oak front door, calling out the occupants name. “Solomon!”
You watched as the door slowly opened, revealing the man, dressed in a loose fitting blouse that allowed you to see the beginning of his chest. “Hello, dear.” He moved away, gesturing you inside. The house of his was cosy and warm, his fireplace burning bright. “I brought you a small gift.” You placed the basket on the table. “Oh you shouldn’t have, I wish I had something to give you back.” He walked up beside you as you pulled back the cloth. “It’s my pleasure.” You turned your head to the man, blushing lightly at the closeness of the two of you.
The man pulled away, grabbing a small clay bowl from one of his cupboards. “You’re too kind to an old man like me Y/N.” He laughed, placing it on the table. “Oh don’t be so hard on yourself Solomon, you are but still in your prime, such a great worker.” You smiled sincerely. “And you certainly kept your looks.”
You giggled as he pulled you in by the waist leaning in close to you. “You know I am too old for you.” He spoke, his voice hushed and more sensual, your lips were only inches from his. “But I do not care.” You closed the kiss wrapping your hand round the nape of his neck. Your back leaning against the table, Solomon grabbed your thighs hoisting you up to sit on it. “We really shouldn’t.” Solomon pulled away only for you to pull him back the string of his shirt, pulling it undone. “I think we should.” He looked down at you. “Wed me then.”
The comment took you back but you soon adjusted to the idea. “If that’s what you wish.” You pulled him in for another kiss as your hands trailed under his shirt and up his chest. “God, you’re so perfect.” Solomon mumbled into your lips before breaking the kiss to remove your shirt. Solomon pressed soft kisses down your neck to your chest as your fingers thread through his hair gently. You whined, the littlest touch from him already too much.
He slowly ran his hands up your thighs, hitching up your skirt slowly, his lips pressing softly against your inner thigh. “Oh my god.” You breathed out as you felt him smirk into your skin. “Such foul language leaving your mouth, I’m surprised.” His hand travelled under your skirt, cupping your warmth, making you squirm beneath him. “I once thought you were the innocent type, just like me, you are one of those easily corrupted.” You felt him slowly put the fabric down your thighs. You felt the cold breeze travel along your skin, you were bare, vulnerable.
You breathed out his name as you felt his fingers graze your core. The man blushed slightly, your slick proving just how much you wanted him. He was broken from his thoughts as you spoke softly. “Please.” He pushed a finger into you gently, but without warning. The sensations were different than anything you had ever experienced from your own touch. His fingers were long and brittle, his age and hard work prominent.
You felt him slip in another, as his other hand reached up to grip your thigh firmly. You could feel your heart pumping in your chest as the man laid all his attention on you.
You gasped as you felt his tongue across your clit. His fingers pumped in and out as his mouth lapped at your sweet spot. You wriggled beneath him as you felt his fingers press against your g spot. “Solomon. I’m close.” You felt your eyes spot as the pleasure became almost too much.
Looking down at him, you imagined a life with him. One where you carried his child whilst he cared for your own little farm together. Maybe one where you created a whole new union, expanding it until you had an empire. That thought alone pushed you over the edge, sending you bathing in your pleasure.
“Come be with me.” He leaned forwards, almost whispering your name. “Come be mine.”
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rillils · 2 years
hello I see your stucky content in my dash a LOT and I have finally officially learnt how to spell your username bc I read the wolf!Bucky hc (STUNNING by the way) and then saw this on instagram and just…melted
thank you for all your doing for stuckies! xx
Sweetie oh my gosh, I’m actually blushing right now afsafhsgs *flailing intensifies* First things first, thank you so, so much for sending me such a sweet ask, darling, I can’t even express how humbled and grateful I am, reading your words 💖💖💖 Also, that part about my username made me giggle so much xD I guess all of those L’s make it look weird and kinda confusing, I’m sorry 🥺💕
Ohhh oh my gosh, that video is the single most precious thing ever, I’m pretty sure I’m about to melt too!! 😍😍 When I picture wolf!Bucky, I imagine him as gentle and sweet and fluffy as that pupper :3
You know, in that headcanon (and I’d like to thank the wonderful nonnie who shared that amazing concept once more 😘), I was going with a werewolf!Bucky in the more traditional sense, which I absolutely ADORE (pls wish me luck as I try to turn it into an actual fic adfgsdfgh), but also this video gave me THOUGHTS and those thoughts scream Wolf!Bucky + kids and now I can’t help but wonder about a slightly different AU, including but not limited to:
shapeshifter!Bucky who can shift into his wolf form anytime he wants;
actual White Wolf Bucky, because I cannot pass up that chance, it’s just too perfect;
his neighbours quickly warming up to wolf!Bucky once they realize what a big big softie he really is;
the children absolutely LOVING wolf!Bucky and begging to play with him all the time, and Bucky caving because he just can’t say no to those little “🥺” faces;
wolf!Bucky, this massive, majestic, supposedly serious creature, frolicking in the grass like an actual puppy, soaking up the kids’ happy laughter and letting them all take a turn riding on his back - all the while Steve watches from the sidelines, sitting in the shade of the trees with one of the smallest children and two baby goats in his lap, wondering how they got here - and thanking all the gods he knows that they did, because he wouldn’t trade this for all the gold in the world;
(Steve thinking, who knows, maybe there could be children in their future, too. Someday. Their own children, grabbing handfuls of Bucky’s gorgeous fur and laughing, happy and carefree, when Bucky splashes around in the lake with them.)
the kids crafting beautiful flower wreaths for their wolf friend, which Bucky wears proudly - and then unravels later, so very carefully, so that he can press all the flowers between the pages of his books and save those precious memories forever;
wolf!Bucky quickly becoming the village’s designed babysitter; being very protective of the children, watching over them when they’re playing outside and making sure they don’t stray too far; gently, so very gently grabbing them by the back of their shirts when they’re being too stubborn or reckless (god knows he’s got decades of practice with that); herding them back home when it’s time for a nap;
wolf!Bucky essentially acting as a shepherd dog both for the children and for the goats (and groaning every time Steve makes another kid joke);
Bucky being surprised when the children go out of their way to hang out with him, and not the wolf;
Bucky realizing that they look up to him, and see him not just as a playmate but also as a cool uncle, a friend, a part of their family;
Bucky realizing, belatedly, that they’re as fond of him as he is fond of them;
Bucky realizing that they care about him - every time he’s having a bad day, and they come by only to leave snacks and little treats for him; every time they teach him a new word, and laugh with him when he gets the pronunciation horribly wrong; every time they offer to braid his hair for him, ask for a story from him, or watch attentively as he polishes his prosthetic arm;
and Bucky lowkey hiding his face in the crook of Steve’s neck, wet eyelashes and all, when that realization truly sinks in;
“They love you, Buck,” Steve murmurs in his ear, and Bucky knows he’s smiling even if he can’t see Steve’s face just now - he can hear it in his voice, feel it in Steve’s soft breath, in the fingers scratching idly at the base of his scalp. “You didn’t know, sweetheart? How much they love you?”
Bucky burrows closer into Steve’s arms, settling in for their own nap, his flesh hand splayed over Steve’s stomach. There’s a jar on the windowsill, filled with dried flowers and pretty pebbles the children found by the lake and gave to him, the smooth stone glinting softly in the afternoon sun. The smile comes before he can even think to stop it. “I know now.”
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claudemblems · 3 years
OMG requests are open?? I feel blessed friend☺ I have never requested something from any blog but I feel safe in yours so I figured why not☺ i'm sorry if I mess up this request😔 I'm new to the requesting thing. Can I get Armin, Jean and Eren kissing headcanons pls? Like the Levi ones you did? Thank you☺ I send you my love💖
You guys better stop hitting my heart with these kind words outta nowhere! I can’t take it 🥺 But please always feel free to send a request when they’re open or an ask about whatever you want. I know it’s kind of nerve-wracking when you’re sending things to other people, but honestly your messages make my day and give me a lot of motivation to keep writing! Anyways, here are your headcanons as requested (I really loved writing Armin’s hehe).
Notes:  //tw for a brief mention of self harm in armin’s//
Kissing Headcanons with Armin, Jean, and Eren
Armin Arlert
Armin is a shy little bean :3
It took a long time into your relationship before you and Armin kissed. Partly because you didn’t necessarily want to yet, and partly because the both of you were too shy to even bring it up oops.
Your first kiss with Armin is short and sweet and leaves you both flustered messes afterwards. Armin replays your kiss over and over in his head that night and buries his face into his pillow because his poor heart can’t handle it.
Most of your first kisses with Armin are fleeting but loving. They’re shared when no one is looking and are an unspoken way of saying I love you. Good morning kisses, see you later kisses, maybe even forehead kisses when Armin’s feeling particularly sentimental.
It takes time, but eventually he learns to kiss you with more fervor and passion (though he makes sure you’re okay with trying something new)! He realizes how short life is and he wants to cherish every moment with you, remember how your lips feel against his, how you taste, the way your fingers slot perfectly into his. He’s so in love <3
He loves surprise kisses! Sometimes when you’re hard at work he’ll sneak up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, pressing a chaste kiss to your neck. Extra points if he manages to catch you off guard. Seeing you all flustered because of him gives him a lot more confidence and incentive to be bolder around you ;)
Definitely not the type to get into heated kisses with you (at least, not very often), but one time he got so lost in the moment because he hadn’t seen you in weeks and then Eren walked in and Armin wished he could have just disappeared into thin air right then and there.
Bonus: if you have scars from battle or even possibly from self-injury, Armin will gently kiss each one, whispering things he loves about you and reminding you just how special you are to him.
Jean Kirstein
Jean is a fun one ;)
It does not matter where you are, Jean won’t keep his hands (or lips) off of you.
He’s just very physically affectionate and wants to make you feel loved 24/7. He cares about you more than anyone else in the world, and he believes it’s part of his responsibility to see you happy. If you ever need reassuring, Jean will gladly hold you in his arms and kiss all your worries away one by one.
While Jean is very doting and sweet, you might get a little caught off guard by his forwardness sometimes. There are more than a few occasions where you’ll find his hands in your hair, cornering you against the wall and barely giving you a few seconds to catch your breath.
Doesn’t get that flustered if you get caught, but if caught by Eren, he totally rubs it in his face. 
You don’t have a girlfriend because Mikasa is too busy saving your ass from dying. And Historia is right about you being a crybaby. You’re too much for any girl to handle! But at least I have one ;) 
He just likes to one-up Eren in everything; just ignore it.
Jean doesn’t try to tease you that much, but he can’t help but feel a sense of pride when you start blushing from his advances. You may not realize it, but you’ve given him a lot more confidence. Even when he feels like he’s no one special or he has too many flaws to name, he remembers that you chose to love him of all people, and his insecurities quickly dissipate. 
If you’re someone who likes whipping up meals, that’s just a bonus for him. He absolutely loves to wrap his arms around your waist while you cook and press kisses to your skin, showering you in compliments. He finds himself imagining a domestic future with you: cooking meals together, smiling fondly as your children run about the house, hands adorned with wedding rings.
He just absolutely adores you and will use every opportunity to make sure you don’t have a single doubt in your mind of it.
Eren Yeager
Eren’s kisses are loving and full of passion—he devotes himself wholly to the things and people he cares about the most, so you can expect Eren to shower you with every ounce of love he has in his body.
His favorite thing is when he kisses you sweetly out of nowhere and you stand there in shock, cheeks growing pink. It leaves a wide grin on his face every time.
At the start of the relationship, Eren prefers to give you chaste kisses—to your cheek, to your forehead, even to the back of your hand. He enjoys taking it slow and cherishing the newness of it all.
However, if he’s going to be leaving on an expedition, he’ll pull you to somewhere private and give you one last, passionate kiss before his departure.
If you welcome him back home by running into his arms and kissing him without any thought of anyone else in the world, he’ll want to marry you.
Loves receiving affection as much as he loves giving it! Especially when he’s feeling down, he likes to lay his head in your lap as you card your fingers through his hair and press kisses to his temples. He becomes absolute putty in your hands (and he definitely gets teased for it)!
Later on in the relationship when his time is running out, you notice that he becomes much bolder, kissing you feverishly and clutching tightly onto you as if he fears that he may leave you at any waking moment. It’s also his way of letting you know that he loves you before he pushes you away. He just doesn’t want you to get hurt…
If you refuse to play his games and buy his change in attitude, instead choosing to take his hand and promise that you’ll never leave his side, you’ll restore some peace in his heart and mind, knowing that at least one person loved him and understood him before his time finally ran out.
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years
- Inside Giorno's mind -
Devil Giorno: *chuckling* He crashed the car! It must have been a sight to see! Hah, we were a lot more careful when we were younger!
Angel Giorno: *turns to him, eyebrow raised* Is that so? I distinctly remember us driving around without a license at 15 because YOU said so.
Devil Giorno: *taken aback* Hey! I didn't hear a single peep out of you when we were doing it! I can also bring up memories too, you know!
Angel Giorno: Exactly! We were just as reckless if not more so when we were his age so let's not try to remember the past differently!
Teen Giorno: *blushes in embarassment*
Haruno: *giggling*
Teen Giorno: *rubs the back of his neck*
Haruno: *hugs Teen Giorno*
- Outside -
Giordano: *grumbling and crossing his arms* ... *frowning* *waves a hand in front of Giorno's face* Father, are you alright?
Giada: *smiles* Dad's daydreaming again!
Awwww my heart, bless them 🥺🤲💖they're so so cute, pls 😭💞
Giorno: *shakes his head* oh. oh no I'm not daydreaming topolina, just reflecting on something.
Giordano: *frowns* I don't suppose you're in a forgive and forget mood?
Giorno: *sighs* Gia, can you give us a moment, please?
Giada: *nods* okay dad, *looks at Giordano* sorry *leaves*
Giorno: its not about being in a forgiving mood or not Gio, you did something very dangerous and could have gotten very hurt or worse. And furthermore, you wanted to cover it up instead of just telling us.
Giordano: Father, I'm sorry, I-
Giorno: *Raises a finger* hold on, let me finish... Whatever happens regardless of how big or small, you always come to your mother and I first, you and your sister are the most important people to us, always, don't ever doubt that okay?
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Awwww I hope you'll have a great day my sweet, and I hope you're well. As always, tysmm for blessing me with these, I appreciate you so much. stay safe my lovely 💖✨💞💕🌟💖🐞❤🕊
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raplinesmoon · 3 years
Attraction tag ✨
Tagged by @lcksndkys (thanks Suzie, this looks fun hehe)
Rules: Post 8-9 people you’re very attracted to.
Kim Namjoon
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Namjoon is the most attractive mf to ever walk this earth, don’t fight me ✨ he’s the ultimate package: his facial features are so nice, from his lips to the dimples, to his eyes (esp when he smiles 🥺). And on top of that, he’s smart and seems nice with a killer personality which only makes him even hotter. Being single is just slightly tolerable knowing if I can even achieve close to a fraction of his perfection, it’s worth holding out for 🥰
Kim Seokjin
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Listen, when I was in Greece, I came across all these ancient statues with features carved to perfection. And you know what? They all reminded me of Kin freaking Seokjin. This man is too attractive, it’s scary in a vampiric sort of way. Not only has his face persisted through thousands of centuries (convinced he was an Ancient Greek official at some point), but just like his whole aura of being super confident is sexy af (WWH indeed) 😍
Choi Youngjae
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I don’t want anyone to sleep on how cute this man is. I’ve never looked at a person and fallen so hard in my life (only Namjoon hahahaha). Like he just has a face that makes you light up and smile and feel like you’ve had an entire cup of hot chocolate on a cold, snowy day. His smile is easily the single best thing I’ve ever seen, and I am a certified simp through and through 🤗
Lim Jaebeom
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My single most embarrassing story from the past few weeks is that I’ve spent such an absurd amount of time staring at JB’s Instagram that he literally became my entire explore page at one point oops 😅 ANYWAYS STAN THIS ATTRACTIVE CAT DADDY (for real he has like five cats, talk about being CEO of that 😺)
Dev Patel
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Abshsjdjdkdk the brown boy crush I wish I had in college!! Like he’s just so cute!! I loved his evolution from being so wide eyed and innocent in Slumdog Millionaire to really coming into his own as a certified hottie in Lion and his more recent works. He’s a many of many talents, and The Green Knight is the one movie I’m looking forward to this year so I can scream over him ok 💖
Farhan Akhtar
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An unconventional pick, considering he’s like 20 years older than me, but also not what one typically gravitates towards when they think of attractive bollywood actors. However, mans exudes big brain energy: he can sing, dance, act, produce, direct, and manage a non profit that seeks to prevent violence against women in India. That alone is worth the mention 💕 (the gif I’m blushing 😳)
Ahn Hyo-Seop
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I would host weekly kdrama nights at my apartment so my friends and I could scream over this man. AND HE ALMOST DEBUTED IN GOT7 😮 Thank you for coming to my TED talk, now go watch Abyss pls n thank u 😃
Andrew Garfield
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Suzie, I am also jumping up and down bc #1 Peter Parker in my heart! I cannot get over how soft and cute he was as Spider Man and I’m so mad they cancelled the planned movies with him 😡 he’s the only reason I had every single line of The Social Network memorized as a teen
Sidney Crosby
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Shoutout to the OG bae, because he’s the reason I found myself on Tumblr in the first place!! I used to (still) have a massive hockey fangirling phase, and he’s 100% of the reason whyyy. Seeing him place in person at my very first hockey game was one of the highlights of my life!! 🤩
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Mentally, Jung Hoseok is on this list too and he does not need any explanation or reasoning as to why so here have a sexy Hobi pic
Tagging: @dinamitae @propinqxity @jinpanman @coepiteamare @sunshinekims @augustbutwinter @cutechim and anyone else who sees this and would like to <3
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