#pls message me if u want to discuss 0u0
thehopeymage · 7 years
Classes: Thief and Rogue, Knight and Maid
Alright, so, to start off my more open approach to posting here, I’m going to start with my general theory's on Classpects in general, starting with Classes!! Unlike Aspect, which everyone PRETTY MUCH all agreed on how they were paired before being canonized, Class is kind of something no one TOTALLY agrees on. Id have a hard time finding anyone who agrees on everything about class details, inversions, and pairings. So I’m gonna start with that!! First, something no one particularly disagrees with... 
The Stealing Classes, Thief and Rogue!
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This is pretty well agreed upon because it’s one of the class pairings that had been canonically confirmed!
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Wile Calliopes theories has been shown to be about as credible as any of ours (Ex: Gendered Classes), but this seems VERY plausible! 
Thieves, being the Active class, steal their Aspect from others! This can be seen by Vriska (Thief of Light) stealing Luck from enemies and thus having MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF LUCK!!!!!!!! It isn’t CLEARLY seen from Meenah (Thief of Life), other then BRIEFLY during Collide, but we can see it metaphorically present in Her Imperious Condescension when she enslaves multiple people and subjugates her species! 
Rogues, being the Passive class, steal their Aspect NOT NECESSARILY FROM PEOPLE and distributes it to the team! This can be seen by Roxy (Rogue of Void) when she steals the nonexistence from the Matriorb and gives it to Kanaya! These traits aren’t seen very clearly in Nepeta (Rogue of Heart) and Rufioh (Rogue of Breath), and I theorize that this is because they haven't denied their aspect! You see, Roxy denied her Aspect when she quit her drinking, committing herself to clarity! Whereas Nepeta struggles when shes pining over someone and Rufioh suffers with his general attitude of just doing what he wants and going with the flow. At least that’s my interpenetration of why! This leads me to believe that the quest of a Rogue is to rebel against their aspect, (Being called a Rogue, it makes sense) and not play by it’s rules! 
Now here comes a theory Idk if a lot of people will agree with me on lol
The Protecting Classes, Knight and Maid
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This is a pretty good group because we have two Players of the same aspect in this pair, Dave (Knight of Time) and Aradia (Maid of Time) and we also have two players of the same Aspect and opposite class, Jane (Maid of Life) and Meenah (Thief of Life)!! If you think this theory is totally bull already, please hear me out.
Knights, being the active class, weaponize their Aspect to protect their Aspect! Offence is the best Defense, so to speak! You can see Dave literally weaponize his Aspect when he uses changing his swords placement in time to better defeat enemies! Dave is very careful to keep the Alpha Timeline safe, and Karkat does a lot to help the safety of the team, like prohibiting sleeping or leaving the room (Which almost no one followed but still). Now, although we get the best specifics on Dave’s journey, we can pretty clearly see that Knights tend to have some sort of insecurity or something along those lines that they keep up a shield to protect themselves from. This can form in many ways! Literally, Dave keeps on his glasses to hide his emotions! Metaphorically, he keeps up his cool kid shtick to appease Bro. Literally, Karkat keeps his text gray to hide his mutation, but metaphorically Karkat keeps up his anger and shouting to convince everyone he is a ruthless and badass leader. and Latula has a r4d front because shes insecure about not being a kickass enough girl. I believe that shows a Knights quest is to let down their shield (Metaphorical not literal) and use their Aspect to strengthen them! 
Maids, being the passive class, protect their fellow players with their Aspect /protect their Aspect in their fellow players! We can see Aradia do this by freezing Jack to buy her team time, and we can see Jane do this with her revival powers! I think Maids gain general defensive abilities! It seems that Maids typically get walked on by their Aspect OR for their Aspect. Aradia was walked on by Time in the form of death and used by DD for Destruction. Jane was walked on by Life during the events of their session when Jane gets ignored by her friends (except Roxy because shes good and pure). I think a Maids quest is to stand up to 1.stand up for themselves(/against their Aspect in some cases) 2.accept the bad things about their Aspect and 3. accept their aspect in their lives! It’s a weaker connection then the Knights, but to me it makes more sense then Healing and Creating given what we’ve seen in cannon 0u0 
Why these pairs? 
I think these two class pairs are the best candidates to be opposite of each other! Stealing being the opposite of Protecting! We can see the thieves steal their Aspect from people, whereas Maids are protecting it from being destroyed or taken away! Thus, we can see Knights fighting to defend their Aspect, and Rogues trying to take it for redistribution 0u0
With this theory, Karkat inverts with Rufioh! This may be a bit of a stretch because its based on very little cannon info, but Karkat enforces the connections of his team, whereas Rufioh helps the "Lost Weeaboos" by encouraging their individuality! (We dont actually know that much about Rufiohs experiences with the Lost Weeaboos because Meenah kept shutting Aranea up.)
Also, it’s pretty cool that the Maid of Life ended up fighting the Thief of Life!! Jane tried to protect her friends lives, wile )(IC was trying to steal theirs... Neat!!
Thief Inverts with Maid
Rogue Inverts with Knight
Feel free to message me about any of this, I’d love to discuss!! :^D
Okay so this has been my first LEGIT classpecting theory post, so of coarse it’s a little weak, so I wanted to strengthen it a little before moving on! I had a lengthy discussion on the rad @godtier-mods Discord server with some very smart/dope peeps ( @creative-classpect and Taksy as well as Vivs and J, if you want me to link your blogs hit me up, I just couldn’t find links to them for some reason??) and I thought this theory needed an addendum 0u0.
First things first, Inversions!! I see a lot of people interpret her decapitating the frog temple a sign that shes inverted to a Destroying Class, but, what she did was use the data in the frog in the Kernalsprite and fused herself with it, effectively stealing it, inverting to Thief! Additionally, we can actually see Vriska invert to a protector of Void! This can be seen by Vriska making sure to keep Tavros useless (Him only being able to do anything when she isn’t around.), and also by keeping everyone in the dark, notably what she was actually doing during [S] Collide. Additionally, this one I think is maybe less solid, but the pre-retcon Vriska (Vriska) wanted to stay irrelevant! 
And now the pairs!! There’s no real need to get into the Thief-Rogue pairing, but I think theirs a lot to be said about the relationship between Knights and Maids! The best way to compare Dave and Aradia, Knight and Maid of Time!! Along with the fact that you could see them as serving classes (Dave serving the timeline and Aradia serving the dead), they can both be seen protecting the Alpha timeline in different ways! Dave, being the active Knight, aggressively stopped any and all possibilities for doomed timelines, every doomed timeline being seen as a set back to him (Dead Daves are the Enemy!!), thus effectively preserving the Alpha timeline!! Meanwhile, Aradia and the Aradiabots passively allowed many doomed timelines, using them as a tool to protect her team, often times using them as meat(metal) shields, and defeat the Black King! This could also be seen as the Knight Actively preserving the timeline by eliminating any and all doomed timelines they can, and the Maid passively allowing the doomed timelines to serve the Alpha!
Whew, I think that enough for addendum. Again, I am more then happy to discuss with anyone or answer questions about what I think 0u0. If I really feel the need to add more I’ll just make a new post >u< idk. I think i’m gonna do my next theory on Pages, their pairs, and their inversions. If you thought this one was too against most Classpect theories... you probably wont like that one either lmao. But I think I've formulated some very good reasons for it 0u0
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