#Maid Class
theologicalchimera · 2 months
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ok so yeah, weve redesigned everything (:
used @superxstarzz's combined classpects!! were a collector of melancholy ((which is to say thief+maid of heart+doom))
basically me but cooler haha, anyways, here's the main info:
name : ansrae horibl
handle : theologicalChimera
blood colour : jade
lusus : chimera
weapon : half of a giant scissor ( scissors kind )
classpect : collector of melancholy ((thief of heart & maid of doom))
lunar sway : prospit & derse
land : land of fungus and gummies ( LOFAG )
lovable prick
as silly as entity can be in this god fucking society
throws up often
hates his lusus but feels bad for it
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Adventurine: The Maid of Light
Maid: The active creation class
One who creates aspect or creates through aspect
One who creates aspect for themselves
Alternatively, one who fixes aspect
Abstract: Knowledge, Awareness, Attention, Relevance, Fortune, Luck
Literal: Actual Light (Brightness), Vision, Eyes, the Sun, Stars
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Light, the aspect of facts and fortune. If there's a chance of something happening, even at the smallest odds, the Light-bound will grasp onto that possibility. Take for example a gambler in a game of blackjack, the odds are against him and his chances of winning are slim. Yet, despite everything, the gambler walks away with more money than he came in with.
It's a facet that's less emphasized, not even the Extended Zodiac mentions the aspect's fortuitous traits. But within Homestuck's narrative, luck is shown to be one of the most important parts of being a Light-bound.
Let's discuss, starting with...
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Aranea! A fellow Light-bound healer. As a Sylph of Light, not only can she heal others of physical aliments (e.i. Terezi's blindness), but she can also heal fate itself, creating fortune for an otherwise doomed timeline...
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...or so she claims. Aranea became so absorbed with her hubris does she fail to be careful, being so reliant on her luck to steer her towards her goal that her megalomania ended in a rather, dark end. She falls into an abyss (literally is up for interpretation) and is absorbed in irrelevancy. [s]GAME OVER is the last time we see her play any significant role. Something that echoes a eerily familiar scene
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Our next fellow Light-bound is our darling Rose Lalonde.
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Though most perceive her character as the one who Knows it All, Rose Lalonde's role within the entirety of the narrative is to guide others towards a path with the most fortuitous outcomes, but rather than controlling them, she can guide others to take the action's necessary to put them on the best possible path for them to take. An advisor of sorts.
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However, this doesn't necessarily mean victory. Her powers not only assist a single person, but they also assist the timeline as a whole. Whatever she needs to do to reach best possible fate for her friends, she will do it. Even if it means releasing a star and dying within its flares.
Which brings up an interesting parallel between her and Aventurine: both were willing to sacrifice themselves if it meant tearing down the walls that held a microcosm of their reality.
For Rose, the game was meant to be unwinnable. Thus she retaliates by breaking the game in any ways she could before concluding that blowing up the green sun is the best path of action .
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For Aventurine, it's almost the same thing. But instead of desperately trying to burn down all of reality however, he wants to tear at the threads that make up the facade that is Penacony, and The Family along with it; to bring attention to the murders that they're covering up.
He wants to prove that death in this dreamscape is possible, and that Penacony is not all what it seems.
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It's also worth noting that seeking evidence, even at the risk of putting himself in grave danger with powers higher than him, is also a characteristic of being a Light-bound.
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These endeavors both result in their "deaths". In a sense, both have also ascended: Rose became a god and Aventurine has got a newfound reason to live.
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Black Hole, Green Sun.
But I digress
Let's turn towards the last light-bound: Vriska Serket!
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Both he and this Thief of Light have been known throughout their respective fandoms as gamblers. They even appear to wield dice as their weapons!
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Aventurine and Vriska both have been show to be able to manipulate any outcomes to break in their favor. However, where luck comes to Aventurine naturally, Vriska has to take it.
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Both also have been plagued streaks of luck that are a detriment to their lives. One of the first things the read learns about Vriska in her proper introduction is the fact that she has a habit that accumulates bad luck
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For Aventurine though, well...
Aventurine's life is defined by his gratuitous fortune, ever since he's birth he's been blessed with it. Hailing from a desert land in which I can assume has little to shelter its inhabitants from the harsh heat, the moment Aventurine was born however, rain had come upon them. Perhaps the first time in a long time.
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Being blessed by their deity, it's natural that one can assume that his good luck would lead him towards great things later in life. Perhaps he could've used it to bring his clan some fortune to improve their quality of life.
And he does! Somewhat. Only once: His sister's necklace was stolen by a couple of Katicans and through his luck, little Kakavasha was able to win a game and bring the necklace back
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That should've be the beginning of a wide lucky streak for Aventurine, good thing after good thing happening throughout his life is what fate should have in store for him, right?
To him, to be lucky isn't always a good thing, especially if you have a lot of it.
Let's talk about his class, the Maid.
The story of a Maid begins with them having an overwhelming amount of their aspect, so much so that it seems to permeate every facet of their life. It engulfs them to the point that it snuffs out the Maid's true sens of self. In other words, they're a servant to their aspect.
Maid of Time Aradia Megido was so engulfed by death and destruction that by the time the reader is introduced to her, she's already dead. Even before that, voices of the dead speak into her mind and constantly tell her what to do.
Maid of Space Porrim and Maid of Life Jane have similar troubles with their aspect as they're forced to be in a predetermined position that they're placed in seemingly the moment they were born. For Porrim, it was to assist the troll's progenitor, the Mother Grub. For Jane, it was her position as Heiress to a baking company her grandmother created.
For Aventurine, it's his blessing that makes him extremely lucky, yet it pushes him into isolation.
When his clan was slaughtered, he was the sole survivor of their massacre. When he was thrown into a brawl with other slaves, he was the sole survivor of that fight.
When he killed his master, he manages to not only keep his life but also to rise far above the ranks from his status as a slave. A high-stakes gamble that he should've lost. Curious that he's stationed on a planet that used to be a prison.
When his luck is noticed, he becomes a servant to whoever is above him. As long as his luck benefits others, he can keep his life. He creates luck, not just for others, but for his own survival too. He’s quite literally made of it. He even gives you buffs during his boss fight if you manage to roll higher than him, and that still plays to his schemes. We’ll talk about that later however.
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Aventurine is trapped in a cycle of survival. His luck is what keeps him alive but at what price? Aventurine doesn't see a reason to live nor does he actively seek to die, he just keeps gambling and gambling, winning and winning. A slave to his fortune.
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So what can he do? Is he bound to forever run in cycles while his blessing tugs him around like a leash?
A Maid's role is to not only create, but to repair as well. To overcome their aspect and make it theirs to wield.
Let's start off on the surface: there's a murder mystery in Penacony and the Family is diverting attention away from it, to the extent that it never seemed like the victims died. Besides, there is no death in Penacony.
Aventurine seeks to rectify that. Bring light towards the truth of not only the murders, but Penacony as a whole.
But let’s look a little deeper, after all it’s not attention that he has a problem with, it’s his fortune. How does one find a way to overcome good luck? To overcome a blessing?
To set down the path where the best possible outcome is to fail.
The climax of the 2.1 Trailblaze quest has the Trailblazer and the Astral Express Crew face off against Aventurine under the guise of getting the Trailblazer to destroy all of Penacony, when in reality:
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It’s bait. It’s all a farce to get himself killed. And with his luck, he was able to provoke Archeron to draw her blade and make him the third death in Penacony. The reason why he activates your ultimate if you roll a higher number than him in is boss fight? It can be said that he’s a fair man, but it could also mean that he’ll be brought closer to being defeated the higher you roll.
By being killed, it’ll be hard to deny that death does happen within the dreamscape and everyone is unable to look away and is now forced to come to terms with that fact.
Aventurine managed to break the cycle, he had lost because he made it so. Overcoming the curse that was his luck by making defeat the most fortuitous path he could take.
…So, what now? There’s not much to his story left now that he’s dead.
Well… not quite. Aventurine isn’t actually dead.
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This is where things start to turn speculative, but bear with me here.
As alluded to before, Aventurine’s finale mirrors the ends of both Aranea and Rose. One falls into nothingness and obscurity while the other rises anew. Who’s to say that this is just Star Rail’s version of a legendary nap? Right after he conquers his good luck streak that adds in the unveiling of the truth of Penacony, a fitting parallel to completing SBURB’s land quest, Aventurine enacts the ultimate sacrifice and ascends.
Though ascension in Homestuck is a flashy and a celebrated matter, Aventurine’s is more of a realization.
His entire life was wrought with death, him just being lucky to have his be continuously delayed. Fate has toyed with him and thus sees that no matter what he does, he just keeps living. So within the nothingness, he asks the emanator of nothingness this question:
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To which, she replies:
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Both she and Aventurine know that there is more to life than just simply being alive. She has more to live for and so does Aventurine.
Acheron alludes to his reawakening, telling him that he has much more to do.
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However, it is only when our Maid of Light is finally given some light himself does he make the resolve to stride forward:
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Aventurine is a Maid of Light that has been through so many hardships that ironically were given through his deity’s blessing: his luck. Yet, it’s that same blessing that kept him toiling through his life until his finale, where he finally found the strength to use it for his own downfall. With his arc seemingly finished and currently in limbo, there are still many things that Kakvasha needs to do. He’s not done living.
And this time, he won’t be shackled by the light that bounded him for so long. No more weighted dice.
And if we ever see him again (he has to. At the time of writing this, he’s set to release in 3 days), maybe there will be something new about him.
Maybe one day we’ll get a Nihility Aventurine down the line too.
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vis-ku · 8 months
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en8y · 2 months
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[IMAGE ID: three rectangular flags with five evenly-sized horizontal stripes each. the first flag's colors, from top to bottom, as follows: dark magenta, fuchsia, dull green, bright green, and warm green. the second flag's colors, from top to bottom, as follows: dark magenta, fuchsia, pink-brown, warm green, and dark green. the third flag's colors, from top to bottom, as follows: warm green, bright green, dull green, warm green, and dark green. END ID.]
avatarclasseic: a gender relating to the combination of the homestuck classes heir and maid; avatar!
weaverclasseic: a gender relating to the combination of the homestuck classes heir and sylph; weaver!
artistclasseic: a gender relating to the combination of the homestuck classes maid and sylph; artist!
all designed by @/superxstarzz!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian
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brownievampx3 · 2 months
Istg being a maid(homestuck class) is so annoying like I'm just trying to find silly tumblr posts of my classpect not your malewife in a maid outfit.
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My I have a Maid of Void classpect analysis if that's okay
Maid of Void
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Definition: Maid’s start their journeys out as pushovers doing whatever everyone else tells them to they tend to suffer and be restricted by their Aspect because of this they need to learn to create their Aspect for themselves instead of relying on others to create it for them
Maids can be very passionate people as well they’re passionate in the sense that they have a strong love for things they like and strong hatred’s for the things that they don’t after realization they start to not take anyone’s shit and do what’s best for themselves making them much more independent and confident in their own ideas
Maids tend to be “made” because the Maid throughout their lives has been unable to use their Aspect (i. e Jane couldn’t live because she’s an Heiress Porrim couldn’t express herself because of her role as a Jade blood) so they start to rely on others in a very codependent way up until they break free and learn to do things for themselves
The Aspect of Void
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Key symbols of Void
• Secrets
• Mystery
• Darkness
• Doubt
• Infinite possibilities
• Obscurity
• Indifference
• Water
• and irrelevance
Personality: A Maid of Void like every Maid would start out a really big pushover doing whatever others asked of them or told them to do not really seeing it as a big deal because they’re just helping others and it’s what friends do as for being restricted from their Aspect they might want to keep secrets from others but a friend of theirs might not be a good secret keeper or maybe they want to make themselves irrelevant to others but just aren’t able to because they’re forced to be relevant in certain situations at the beginning they might have the “oh well it was just one mistake it’s fine” approach to these kind of situations but eventually it would start to get under their skin in some way or another eventually they’d get sick of being a doormat for everyone and not able to do what they want to once they do they’ll start to be more confident in their own decisions and creating secrets mystery and irrelevance for themselves the Maid of Void might create irrelevance because they’re famous and just want to be left alone but might’ve been pressured to become famous and became a pushover for their own fans in a “oh well I have to bring relevance to myself because people love me and that’s rude if I didn’t” type of mentality just as an extra example
Dilema: The Maid dilema is that the Maid needs to learn to stop relying on others for their Aspect like all dilema’s this involves the Maid going through some kind of life crisis where they decide enough is enough that they don’t want to be a pushover and rely on others anymore because they want the independence to do what they please or just get sick of relying on people who might be bad for them because sometimes bad people are part of how the Maid is being restricted from their Aspect once they break through however they become much more confident in their choices and creating their Aspect for themselves
Opposite: Sylph of Light
Inversion: Bard of Light
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what's the difference between a Maid of Hope and a Maid of Rage?
The maid of hope is someone who used to be told exactly what to think and believe by someone else. They might have been scared of this other force that instructed them, making sure they didn't disobey or think in a way that was different from their expectations. When the maid is liberated, they will decide what is optimistic and what is pessimistic, what is possible and what is not possible. They can basically decide what is allowed to be and what is not allowed to be. They create things from their own imagination at will, for their own purposes, all the time. Maids are a bit scary.
The maid of rage is someone who has been controlled in perhaps a more traditionally aggressive form of abuse. Maids start out being under control, and this can be benign, or it can be abusive or harmful. They were shown a version of the truth that was completely controlled by another party. They were not allowed to decide what was right and what was real. Things were condemned and the maid was expected to accept that without question. When this maid is free, they will liberate what is right and true. They correct untruths and deny alternate possibilities. They forge the path of the correct and just for everyone in the party according to their own... heart, I guess.
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seerofaspects · 1 month
Maid of Void
Hey all, sorry for kind of slowing down on the class + aspect stuff. A few things happened such as my fixation sort of died out for a bit, plus the real world got pretty busy for me. However, I had an ask requesting me to do the Maid of Void so figured I would knock it out. 
The Maid class to me is the active maintenance / protection class, they are going to use their aspect to protect others or they are going to protect their aspect in some fashion. The active nature of the class comes from the fact they are going to be direct with whatever action they do and tend to be able to do things on their own without needing other characters involved in a big chain reaction to the best of their abilities. The personality traits of the Maid seem to be someone who has some kind of conflict going on which could potentially let other people see them as a bit of a door mat. However, these characters will eventually stand up for themselves and not tolerate being stepped on for too long. 
The Void aspect to me is going to be what isn’t known, it is secrecy, things that are hidden, it can be nothing but in the context of Homestuck even ‘nothing’ is something. We are shown that more active void powers involve invisibility where more passive void powers come from being naturally obscured from other people. This comes in the form of contents of Rose’s book being blurred out due to Equius’s (a void player) blood being spilled over important parts of the book. 
The Maid of Void is a fairly straight forward class as they are the ones who are going to use the aspect of void to protect themselves or allies, or they are going to do things which protect the aspect of void itself. A Maid of Void could create an invisible barrier that prevents themselves and everyone else in the session from being seen just as much as they could protect information from leaking out by securing it’s status of being ‘unknown’. A Maid of Void is probably the best person to hold important information that is meant to be secretive because they are not going to spill out anything related to it. 
There are a lot of ‘small’ things a Maid of Void could do throughout their journey which would feel maid of void-ish. They could write down everything in a journal but use a special invisible ink which only they know the means of how to read through. They could have some grand mission which requires them to make the entire session obscure from any outside forces, with similar stakes to Jade moving planets and John removing the oil.  
I think the Maid of Void could also do ‘voidy’ things to opposing forces in the same way Aradia did ‘time’ things to Jack. What better way to get rid of a threat than to remove it from existence? It maintains the aspect of void and can be used to protect the Maid and their allies. Making someone disappear is pretty much their main offensive strategy afterall.
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creativegodtiers · 21 days
Can I have a land for the maid of void who loves both cute pastel things and creepy things, hides her emotions behind her mask so she won't feel like a burden to those close to her. And suffers from Sleepy Bitch Disease, and loves icebergs and creepy videos along with weirdly enough cutesy things.
We’re more of a writing prompts blog, so @creative-classpect’s Land making guide (found here: https://creative-classpect.tumblr.com/post/155197786320/how-to-make-a-sburb-land-so-a-looot-of-my ) will probably be of more help. As for my suggestion? Try… LOGAS, the Land of Glaciers and Secrets.
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dailyjamm6 · 8 months
More Maid Class Stuff - III (MMCS)
<This time, a more indepth exploration on the classpect itself outside of a strictly in-source material analysis.>
To begin, the Maid Class is one that can be approached as One who redefines [Aspect] and One who is redefined through [Aspect].
As such, as much as for many cases at first glance it may seem that a Maid is diametrically opposed to, or at least displeased with, their aspect, they in truth are more opposed against the pre-existing ideas and notions they carry in relation to, or ascribe to them.
Truly, they only become satisfied with their aspect once they've recontextualized their idea of what their aspect means and what their relationship with it should be. And thus, until they finally reach that point, the relationship can only be described as rebellious.
More than anyone Maids are deeply tied to the idea of their aspect, and in fact, their aspect itself. Which is made clear as their complex, or rather, tumultuous relationship tends to showcase how close they are to and how much they are affected by it in their lives.
A Maid's rejection and rebellion against their Aspect and what it means, until finally coming to terms with and redefining their relationship, is a partial rejection of theirselves, of the aspects of their own selves that reflect it as a reaction to the connotations they themselves ascribe to their aspects.
Sometimes it is subconscious and abstract, such as one's feeling of futility being reflected in and through fatalism; Other times it is literal, such as the rejection of a label or everything the idea or a tangible form of one's aspect represents.
However, at times said rejection, although potentially and often self-destructive, tends to counter-act the Aspect in absolute detriment, since the Maid may be completely absorbed by their Aspect.
A Maid of Light can become completely lost within myths and stories, even religious beginning to think of their whole world in relation to them and even redefining their own self to approximate those; Whilst a Maid of Life could accept the expectations put upon them by her familial history, culture and tradition and see the world completely in that lens to their own detriment and the detriment of others.
In regards to wielding their aspect, the Maid at face value more closely resembles the Witch, and in fact, if it were not for the special relationship Maids have with their aspect, would be nearly identitcal, since the Maid manipulates through, although also brings upon, their Aspect; However they are less likely to directly manipulate their Aspect.
Maids prefer acting from the sidelines, or at a glance, supportingly, albeit not as an absolute, as they use the position to enact more direct and meaningful impact on a situation.
The main point of the Maid is said impact, whilst the sidelines are simply where they feel most comfortable acting from.
This could make they seem comparable to the archetype of a guerilla fighter, less so to a sniper, because the later acts with premeditation and precision, and whilst Maids are absolutely capable and do use either, even and often both, they prefer the execution over the planning.
This draws parallels with the Thief, for as much both prefer the latter half, the Thief rejects the idea of a plan as inherently curbsome, whilst the Maid is willing to strategise ahead if it'd make sure their actions bring fruits.
The Maid ultimately, like the Heir, holds their Aspect as second nature, at times even more so than the latter, however their tumultuous and complex relationship to it tends to render them unable to use their talents to their fullest until they make ammends with it.
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nekropsii · 2 years
What are your thoughts on 'gendered classes' as a concept?
Gendered Classes aren't a thing, and it feels kind of insulting when people are super insistent on certain Classes only being populated by a specific gender.
Classes are literally just how you interact with your Aspect, and being a man or woman isn't going to prevent you from having a specific kind of relationship with a fundamental truth of reality. Yeah, it has the potential to be formative, but men aren't inherently more capable of being Princes than women are. Women aren't inherently more capable of being Maids than men are. Also, gender wouldn't change a Class's name. A female Prince would still be called a Prince. She would be a Prince. Not a Princess. All Class titles are one syllable.
You could make an argument about Time and Space having potential ties to the nebulous concepts of Masculinity and Femininity respectively, but not Classes, really. Especially not when you acknowledge that Classpects are just a Magic System. That's all.
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towersofprospit · 2 years
Have you done a maid of heart yet, if so may I see your thoughts
🌑 Sorry this took a bit, I got sick right as you sent this. :,) 🌑
Maid of Heart
Maid: Where Heirs embody the idea of their aspect, Maids are quite literally made up of it. Their challenge is to grasp their aspect on their own terms, rather than letting fate or others control the way they live it, and controlling them by extension.
Heart: Heart is the aspect of emotion, self-expression and the True Self. Because of this, they can be very different depending on class, but you can certainly never accuse a Heartbound of being shallow. They can have trouble separating their inner world and the real world, however.
Inverted Title: Bard of Mind
A MoH might have been someone whose self-expression was kept on a very tight leash when they were young, be it for religious reasons, conservative sentiments on behalf of their parents or perhaps covering scars, they would have been placed into a tight box representing their identity and told to stay there and not move.
The Maid, as an active class, would then need to gather the will to break out of this subjugation and make Heart for themselves, rather than allowing others to use it, and them, as they please. Thankfully, the Maid would have friends and allies to back them up in this endeavour, even in places they might not expect.
A MoH would be someone overflowing with Identity. They have great potential for empathy and emotional maturity, being in touch with the Core of people, what makes them who they are, but this ability would be abused in a way that discards their ability to choose, at least at first. It makes me think of the unwilling therapist friend. They might rather be doing something else with this ability, or they might even genuinely want to help, but having to constantly emotionally support their friends is taxing on their psyche, and they end up not having enough emotional energy to work on themselves. An especially vile example of this would be a child forced to emotionally support their guardian/parental figure(s).
An especially exhausted Maid might then regress into their inverted state, the Bard of Mind. They would passively invite the destruction of Choice and Logic, completely resigning to their situation and giving up their free will in favour of doing only what others ask of them. A Maid who would become complacent in this state would then fail their role as an active class.
I won't lie, this one is not an easy classpect to have. Each character in Sburb has their own difficult path to tread, of course, but some are rockier than others, and this one I would certainly like to take hiking shoes on. Thankfully, Sburb's definition of hiking shoes can be quite varied, and so as long as they have the right support and are not left to fend completely for themselves, the Maid will eventually find the inner strength needed to accept a pair of hiking shoes as a gift from a friend, or make one themselves. ...That was a terribly complicated metaphor for what I wanted to say. Ah, well.
I'm afraid I've spent much of this analysis talking about the Maid's path, but unfortunately their development is integral to the Maid as a class, so I hope you will forgive me. Let us look at some traits and interests this Maid might have.
For some reason, this particular classpect strikes me as belonging to someone who would especially enjoy matchmaking. I suppose it is only fair, the Maid being one who actively creates their aspect, and all the Heart players we've seen seemed to be particularly fixated on romantic love, or rather the way it affected or completed their identity. That's a topic deserving of its own post, though.
Other interests that come to mind are embroidery, arts and crafts, DIY, and other activities of that type. What's more Maid of Heart than the Creation of something previously mundane, with a piece of themselves added to make it truly special? All the Maids we've seen seemed to enjoy doing things with their hands, (Aradia's archaeology, Jane's baking, Porrim's clothes-making), I suppose it is a side effect of being a creation class.
Perhaps doll making, or customisation? Giving Soul to inanimate things also appears to be a Heart thing.
To this Maid, I say this; Do not forget to make things for yourself, sometimes.
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bluefoolmadness · 1 year
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Sooo Homestuck day! I made some drawings of my sona with my friends ✌🏻
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giftofclasspects · 4 months
Was wondering if u could do a session analysis of a Maid of life (human+prospit) Thief of mind (troll;gold caste+derse) & a Mage of blood (human+prospit)? if not its fine!
this session wouldn't entirely work with no time player and no space player
however i think it could still be ... something?
you do have a life player, so entirely theoretical, i think your session could make?? SOMETHING??
it wouldn't quite be earth but i think it'd be something interesting to ponder on
a thief of mind could be downright devious. when i think of thief of mind i kind of think of the main character by will wood
as for a mage of blood, i think they're going to be the glue of this session. keep them pretty close cause they're gonna have to be the therapy friend
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en8y · 2 months
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[IMAGE ID: three rectangular flags with five evenly-sized horizontal stripes each. the first flag's colors, from top to bottom, as follows: dark brown, light brown, dull green, bright green, and dark green. the second flag's colors, from top to bottom, as follows: dark brown, light brown, dull warm green, warm green, and dark warm green. the third flag's colors, from top to bottom, as follows: warm brown, bright orange, warm pink, neon cool pink, and magenta. END ID.]
conduitclasseic: a gender relating to the combination of the homestuck classes page and maid; conduit!
doctorclasseic: a gender relating to the combination of the homestuck classes page and sylph; doctor!
hackerclasseic: a gender relating to the combination of the homestuck classes knight and witch; hacker!
all designed by @/superxstarzz!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian
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classpect-tailor · 2 years
Could you do Maid of Time please? I also hope you have a good day/night :D
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Revealing myself as someone who doesn't know how to draw gears with this one
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