#Thief Class
theologicalchimera · 2 months
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ok so yeah, weve redesigned everything (:
used @superxstarzz's combined classpects!! were a collector of melancholy ((which is to say thief+maid of heart+doom))
basically me but cooler haha, anyways, here's the main info:
name : ansrae horibl
handle : theologicalChimera
blood colour : jade
lusus : chimera
weapon : half of a giant scissor ( scissors kind )
classpect : collector of melancholy ((thief of heart & maid of doom))
lunar sway : prospit & derse
land : land of fungus and gummies ( LOFAG )
lovable prick
as silly as entity can be in this god fucking society
throws up often
hates his lusus but feels bad for it
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ninebaalart · 3 months
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Princess Daisy [Thief Class]
she's lookin to plunder some loot so she can level to ninja asap
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irradiatedpathogen · 1 month
sketchbook drawings 8ecause ibis wont let me use it
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basically just clown redesigns of the classes, il post teh sylph one next
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coffeebrewx · 3 days
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*bites your nose*
*runs while you’re stunned, still carrying my loot*
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prince-of-time-pt · 2 months
Anyways, I would like to bring attention to the simple fact of: if you are having trouble classpecting yourself there is a 100% chance you are not a Prince, Thief, or Seer.
There IS a good chance you are a Page, Rogue, or Sylph.
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en8y · 2 months
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[IMAGE ID: three rectangular flags with five evenly-sized horizontal stripes each. the first flag's colors, from top to bottom, as follows: dark blue, deep blue, dark grey, light brown, and dark brown. the second flag's colors, from top to bottom, as follows: dark blue, deep blue, medium grey, bright orange, and warm brown. the third flag's colors, from top to bottom, as follows: dark blue, deep blue, bright purple, bright cool pink, and magenta. END ID.]
moonlighterclasseic: a gender relating to the combination of the homestuck classes thief and page; moonlighter!
confidantclasseic: a gender relating to the combination of the homestuck classes thief and knight; confidant!
adapterclasseic: a gender relating to the combination of the homestuck classes thief and witch; adapter!
all designed by @/superxstarzz!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian
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classpecting-thoughts · 6 months
All heroes of Heart have some manner of splinters and/or masks. They all tend to have different ways that this shows up, though there is some overlap.
A Prince of Heart splinters outward, creating different versions of themselves on the outside. This tends to lead to different variations of themselves being everywhere, and can leave the Prince unsure of who their true self is, or if they even truly have one.
An Heir of Heart splinters inward. They gather different versions of themselves on the inside. Rather than being destructive and tearing down their sense of self that occurs with a Prince, this interior splintering helps build their personality, creating more of it. An Heir of Heart will compartmentalize every part of themselves, and gather labels they associate with themselves in an effort to be able to share/explain these compartmentalized parts of themselves with others.
A Thief of Heart does something similar to the Heir, splintering inward, but rather than being mostly internal, the different bits of their self that they gather come from others. A thief of heart will pick up quirks and habits from those they spend time with or respect at a much faster rate than most. They take these bits and pieces and craft their personality and sense of self out of them, making them their own in the process.
A Rogue of Heart splinters more similarly to the Prince. Rogues’ different splinters are external, but rather than the masks made up of their own personality shown to other people the Prince has, they are splinters they’ve gathered from others in a similar manner to a Thief. A Rogue will take bits and pieces from those around them and reflect them back, making them into both masks and mirrors.
Those are all the classes I currently have thoughts on, but I’d be happy to continue discussing it! Feel free to add your own thoughts if you’d like (even if it’s to say I’m wrong!).
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Hellooooo you seem like someone who understands things well, I’m stuck between thief of time and sylph of space for classpecting myself and I was wondering if you could explain those a bit?? No worries if not!! 💖💖
Now the thief… I have been reading the homestuck book 4 with andrews notes in it and vriska’s entire life since day 1 was spent in pursuit of attention. And she’ll get it from anyone she can. A thief of time would be trying to steal as much leisure time for their own purposes as possible from anyone around them. “Can you do my chore for me? Thanks!” “Cover me?” Or they would be stealing with time. And stealing can really mean anything. Sending someone on a goose chase to ransack their house, or monopolizing someone’s time to get information out of them. Just whatever the thief needs at the moment. Later in the game, they would be able to suck years off of others’ lives. And keep those years for themselves. They might be able to freeze people in place and speed themselves up by stealing the person’s normal passage of time and adding it to their own. Thinking up powers is fun because if you can think it and justify it it is yours. A lot of players got their powers by just wondering if they could do it, whether that’s in the parameters of their classpect, and trying it out. And then they can just do that and continue using it forever. This part is particular to the individual. I don’t know what you would want out of time or your powers, but you could think of a way of stealing something that would get you to that goal. The thief is manipulative maybe on a sliding scale, like meenah to vriska. Meenah encourages or prods others into doing her bidding. Vriska manipul8s people by controlling their fucking brain and makes them jump off cliffs or kill their girlfriends etc. This class is well suited to leadership in a boss-like way. Dictatorially (literally, in case of meenah). They are also girlboss. You know what I mean? They’re like… I don’t want to say sassy bc meenah is such a racist depiction already… but you know, they’re charismatic and con man-esque. They’re persuasive. And good orators.
We have a represented classpect here! Let’s take a look at kanaya and then we can talk about universal traits and possible differences. As you know, I share my classpect with nepeta, and I do have a core connection with her behavior and outlook, but I am. Very different from her. But she does help demonstrate what the classpect Can look like. Sylphs are generally backstage of the show. Ignore aranea. She spent like 1000 years being a side character before flipping out. Kanaya usually pulls the strings on more “important” characters, those who act more. She is constantly called meddlesome. However she isn’t really an orchestrator of anything the way a puppet master might be. She’s more like everyone’s conscience. “Are you sure you should be doing this?” “It’s okay to turn back.” That sort of thing. As she progresses through the story she starts taking more and more action. Out of nowhere she comes back from the dead to be the plot point that kills eridan. She gets more serious about her relationship with rose. She eventually makes rose stop drinking when before she could be considered an enabler (not encouraging bad behavior, but allowing it or not stopping it). Sylphs are calm controlled people who encourage growth and healing of their aspect or through their aspect. Now about space. Kanaya designs her own clothes and fashion, but she has a much stronger connection to the idea of a virgin mother. I kind of hate the christ metaphors in homestuck, not because I am Christian, but because I hate Christianity. But she literally has a virgin mother grub as her mother. And her chastity modus… and porrim her ancestor raised the signless like a mother. And he’s. The Jesus guy. Anyway kanaya needs to get the matriorb so she can hatch a new mother grub so trolls can keep being born. And jade bloods are supposed to tend to the mother grub in this parental sort of role with the baby grubs. Like an oldest sister. Kanaya also has this intense desire to auspitice other people to keep them from killing each other, also like an oldest sister. She has this extremely caretaker role in everything she does. And she ends up breeding the frog. Space players don’t necessarily have to be parental or feminine; jade wasn’t really like that, nor calliope. Those are some examples of other space things. Jade actual space and calliope storytelling and creativity. If you are laid back and accepting and likely a passive player (oh god, this is a big concept so ask in the notes if you don’t understand.) and you care about the journey more than the destination, that is what a space player is like.
It sounds like you have the right theme idea with the aspect since you picked out a dichotomy! The important part is asking yourself how you interact with that aspect and which one is more important to you or dictates your life more. Is your life spent in pursuit of “time” or are you someone who cultivates “space”? Are you nurturing or abrasive? Are you goal-oriented or meditative? And most importantly which one do you just straight up like more.
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dreadful-home · 2 years
Rage Aspect Thoughts
Rage inspires revolution. Rage breaks rules.
Rage knows negative emotions intimately, how to destroy from the inside, how to get under people's skin.
Rage can calm and rage can infuriate. Rage can make the enemy mindless with fury and can pacify betrayers in a session.
A Witch of Rage is the ultimate destroyer.
They can make anything possible with enough self-justification. Meaning, as long as they stay feeling negative emotions strongly (fear, disappointment, anger, sadness), they can do anything in the moment. Think of it as their flight or fight senses kicking in at extremes, letting them teleport away if they're too upset / too scared, or giving them immense strength and whatever powers they can imagine to fight off what's bothering them. Their powers are handy, but dangerous as they feel negativity so passionately, it can literally destroy them. They have to be careful.
An Heir of Rage is especially susceptible to feeling rage and is receptive to other's upset emotions. They would able to shift people's rage through showing them how ridiculous their anger is (by mirroring it) or joining them in their anger/dejection and doing so helps them both deal with it together. Once god-tiered, an Heir can embody their aspect, so this could mean an Heir of Rage can shapeshift to what someone fears the most, or become the very bad thoughts that infiltrate their enemies' brains, like entering their minds to create a tailor-made hellscape they can't escape.
Don't mind me getting a bit personal as I try to describe my thoughts on my Classpect, lol. With how apt Mages of Rage are in sensing negativity, they are able to distinguish who is trustworthy and who isn't, essentially being able to sniff out intent. They have the most potential to be the group therapists. They understand all aspects of Rage, both the good and the bad, and treat it with compassion. They can understand anyone's troubles and be the perfect person to come to for help on what should be fair and how to deal with conflict. On the other hand, the classpect is also stubborn, and when their advice isn't taken, they can take it as a personal affront as their views on an injustice are unbreakable.
A Thief of Rage hoards all negative attention. They like taking all the blame; wants noteriety to be their brand. It can be a kindness that helps calm others and bring peace to the group, to have someone that's always taking the brunt of everyone's emotions so that they may pass, or it can be disastrous as they cause conflict by hogging all attention, concern, and energy that shouldve been given to the bigger picture problem. They make for a great distraction in battle, able to dodge attacks as enemies can't take their eyes off them, even zapping the very motivation to fight out of them the longer they chase and using it to make their movements faster. They can be the biggest detriment to a session or the biggest surprise asset.
A Prince of Rage works to soothe. They want things to stay calm and for everyone to work together in harmony. They would never want to rock the boat, never giving in to their anger with an ocean of pacience and understanding. They prefer doing everything they can to motivate people to see the bright side of things, lulling anger and fear into the background. They're the most comforting of people, knowing just what to say to make you wipe away your tears and giving the best hugs.
In god-tier, I can imagine them having the strongest pacifying power out of any Rage player. Just by being in the battlefield, their opponents start feeling chiller and forget what they're even fighting for. Like a teabag seeping in hot water, the effect can slowly take over and turn the tide.
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sburbian-sage · 2 months
Yeah guy, I read the Thief of Heart post, that's why I was messaging you. I can see how that Thief was being a creep, and between that and all my coplayers thinking I'm deranged, I figured I'd try and get some advice on how to be better.
Real shame then, that your advise is basically "don't feel the way you feel asshole". Not helpful!
The reason I mentioned not respecting my coplayers is because I'm *AWARE* that might be a fucking problem. But I can't help how I feel.
You can tell me I'm not the main character all you want, but how am I supposed to internalize that, when so far, I just keep wining? You say Sburb will punish me for it, but that proves nothing, because the game punishes everybody for everything. I don't actually trust it's sense of moral judgment.
To be fair, most of the time I get messages like the previous one it's from someone who has done 0 introspection whatsoever, and the "go for the throat and call them fundamentally unlikeable" strategy is enough of a psychic shock to get people to fall out of their chair and start thinking. But I will give it a second try.
So when I say "SBURB's usual response to the I JUST CAN'T STOP WINNING attitude is to knock you down a peg", I'm not making a moral statement or that you deserve to stop winning so you eat humble pie to the face. It's a statement of fact, that anytime someone becomes too certain of something, the game pulls the rug out from under them, because it's "dramatically appropriate" and "provides an interesting narrative". A Thief sending a statement like "I don't feel anything when I get one over on an Underling, beating them is the bare minimum" reads identically to a Waste saying "I love being so powerful and outputting so much energy, there is literally no downside to this class". It's also a statement that "Thief wins forever" is a temporary state. Even if Underlings are kinda stupid and it's unsatisfying to outplay them, the game can throw enough of them at you that it still becomes a puzzle. A Thief of Mind can probably render them brainless or rob them of their ability to make optimal decisions, but doing that while 20 Imps try to mob you, an Ogre is throwing boulders, or a Lich is handing out psionic mind-whammys is a bit much. Not to mention the Dersite Agents (who are much more competent and ruthless than your average Carapacian), your Denizen (no more needs be said here), or the many issues the game will just throw at you (BUGS BUGS BUGS). Not to mention, you're not ALWAYS a Thief, right? So I was basically doubting the factual and logistical merits of that claim.
On that note, I don't imagine "I don't respect my coplayers as people and part of my self-actualization revolves around being a jackass to them" is a brainpoison that only kicks in when you become a Thief and it stops happening when you unbecome a Thief, because that would be a bit silly, so I'll dispense with the overtly game-theory frippery and get down to business and engage in Amateur Psychology. My first observation being that you realized you had a shortcoming, messaged me about this vulnerability with the intention of getting help, and when I brushed off any attempt at actually helping in you favor of essentially calling you an emotionally stunted cognitive nonentity, you got rather pissed off. You were probably thinking that hey, that's a really fucking unfair read of your character, right? Sure, you have your faults, but you also have a lot of things going in your favor, and you like to imagine you're an all-around decent person. So the fact that I not only discounted your entire being, but then turned your message (about a shortcoming you have enough humility and self-awareness to acknowledge and want to fix) into a public spectacle, a huge joke at your expense, and a denunciation of your worth as a person, is somewhat bothersome.
I won't continue this format because I think the point has been made, but if I don't have the right to treat you however I want under the reasoning of "I don't respect you because I'm so much better than you (several replays under my belt, huge brain, huger meat, mildly successful pitsblog)", then you should rethink your stance towards your coplayers. That's me attacking the intellectual basis of how you feel, but there's an instinctual/emotional basis here that only you can deconstruct. Namely by socializing with and attempting to take an interest in them. As a baseline, "one-hour meeting once every week, not necessarily in person" is a good strategy for maintaining mental health, camaraderie, and cooperation (in roughly that order), but you can do more. Organize dungeon raids, especially the ones that NEED another player. If you're facing some sort of trouble, you can ask for help, either over a chat client or by doing Soulsian Jolly Cooperation. Active Class =/= doing the entire game by yourself, you just need to fulfill the conditions of your Title within a team dynamic. "You distract him and draw aggro while I sneak around and mess him up" is perfect for Thieves and Rogues. Sidenote, but why do so many people go through MULTIPLE sessions solo, struggling with the difficulty and the loneliness the entire time, when Unbreakable Unions (which literally give you free RP and a unique ability when you do them right) are right there?
But even outside of the game, it's a good idea to Touch Grass and chat, or organize social events sometimes. You don't have to like everybody, and some dudes are spiritually coworkers in the body of a replayer, but there's still value in it. I had a guy who would marathon those old black and white cowboy TV programs, the mildly-to-extremely racist and sexist ones and sometimes Ronald Reagan is in there. It didn't do anything for me, and I was questioning the dude's ability to critically consume media the entire time, but we at least had something we could talk about. Not to mention there was, and I'm not even kidding, one movie with an honest to god Samurai as one of the main characters, decades before the jokes about "samurai and cowboy flicks are the same" meme was a thing. It's called Red Sun, look it up.
The final thing I'll note is that you said that Thieves are about gaining independence, which means stepping on other people's toes. I won't dispute the first part, all Active Classes are some variant of "be really cool and awesome". Thieves take all the rewards and all the power for themselves, Pages are walking combat machines who Doomguy their way through SBURB, Witches are neck-deep in inscrutable mysteries and they literally aren't even allowed to let the other players know how much mystery they're in or what's going on. So being an Active Class is basically the game giving you a license to be "really really cool". But as we all know, the archetype of "cool well-liked guy who's an asshole to everybody else and views coolness or whatever as a zero-sum game where it's not enough for him to win, everyone else has to lose" is oftentimes a bitter and insecure loser who, regardless of whether or not he eventually slips up and loses it all, can never actually enjoy the fruits of his success, because he's too busy making sure nobody else gets to taste his apples. It does not have to be this way. I may be "the smartest motherfucker in the room", but this isn't comparative. If I lose my status as a walking encyclopedia who knows how to put it all into action because somebody else knows a thing or two about the game, or can come up with an ingenious plan, then I never really had it in the first place, I was just the biggest intellectual fish amid a pond of drooling babies. If I can remain a genius even when I roll into a session full of other scholars and prodigies, then your independence and ability to perpetually accumulate can survive integration into a greater whole without having to undercut your contemporaries. Do you understand what I am saying?
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bluefoolmadness · 1 year
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Sooo Homestuck day! I made some drawings of my sona with my friends ✌🏻
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theologicalchimera · 8 months
to kickstart this blog , id say itd be only fitting to classpect myself : a thief of doom !
lets start breaking down the title :
thief : one who steals their aspect or steals with their aspect
doom : decay , rules , control & sacrifice
so ! how do these two concepts mix ?
well , , , , they dont mix , , per se , given how they lead to a very destructive person , whether self destructive or overall destructive , is fully up to each person , given the two routes of a thief : to steal doom or to steal through doom . which even then can lead to different outcomes , because of the many meanings of doom , although they usually mix they still vary .
so we generally have a very contradictory person , generally acts more controlled as they feel they lack it otherwise , having many rules and either forcing others to follow them too or taking ideas from rules that others have , but still very messy and disorderly .
theyd be more anxious than brooding , always ready for things to go sour , knowing that things will and are bound to be doomed in the end , but desperate to make that end come later and to some but not those they hold dear , even if it means bringing that doom to themself
they can be very mean but would know when to be mean and to who , usually through examining how to theyre attacking behaves and using it to their advantage .
because of being an active class theyd be selfish but because of their aspect would manage to be more sympathetic than your usual thief , overall trying to be kinder but still ending up a prick .
now onto the abilities of a thief of doom :
i dont remember in canon abilities having flashy names so i wont give them any ( totally not out of laziness )
theyd be a fucked up healer , given how theyd have to give that doom elsewhere , at lower levels theyd only be able to heal themselves and throw part of the doom to an enemy , with some of it getting lost the more distance there is within the two opponents . later on theyd be more , , , , normal ?? healers , sort of , , because theyd still have to dispose of the doom somehow but now theyd be able to take away doom from allies !
if they are strong enough theyd be even able to insta kill opponents & revive allies !! given how theyd take so much doom , it only makes sense , but thatd be a lot later on
theyd be able to sway opponents and allies to do their biding by " stealing " their control / rules
theyd be able to effectively avoid a heroic death by " swapping " their sacrifice with an opponent , easily winning battles that way , but i doubt that itd be an easy to get ability
overall thoughts :
they are a trainwreck but an useful one at that , so take them if possible as theyd be a great ally but also an even worse enemy , which is on par for a thief , only real difference is that theyd be smarter and nicer about it all
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giftofclasspects · 4 months
Was wondering if u could do a session analysis of a Maid of life (human+prospit) Thief of mind (troll;gold caste+derse) & a Mage of blood (human+prospit)? if not its fine!
this session wouldn't entirely work with no time player and no space player
however i think it could still be ... something?
you do have a life player, so entirely theoretical, i think your session could make?? SOMETHING??
it wouldn't quite be earth but i think it'd be something interesting to ponder on
a thief of mind could be downright devious. when i think of thief of mind i kind of think of the main character by will wood
as for a mage of blood, i think they're going to be the glue of this session. keep them pretty close cause they're gonna have to be the therapy friend
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alexchawke · 7 months
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Sketches about Turmes, my OC, a magpie spirit and pride sl°ut°ty thief
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coffeebrewx · 7 days
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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (2006)
The Gilded Carafe
My character: bumps the skull.
Claudette Perrick: guards!
My character: fine, I don’t want your skull. I mean this skull, here. Not yours. Oh, bloody hell…
Guard: stop right there criminal scum, no one breaks the law on my watch. I’m confiscating stolen good, now pay your fine, or it’s off to jail.
My character pauses, then tosses the skull at the guards, making a break for it.
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jollysunflora · 1 year
How I see the Homestuck classes
Tagging @golgothas-terrorr because they inspired me with their own post...
capslock ideas under the cut
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