#Knight Class
emperor-of-blood · 3 months
Next up is Laios!
The leader of our somewhat intrepid heroes! Laois is best known for his love of monsters. It'd be a lie by omission to leave out his autism. It's quite apparent not just in his monster obsession, but in his social life and peculiarities with different sensations. But it's most obvious in his special interest; which makes sense as that just so happens to be at the forefront of the story. It's why the story is even able to happen. What would've happened if Laios didn't know all he did about monsters? Or frankly, if he just wasn't eager to try eating them?
More secondary information about Laios, funny as this is to say, is that he's one of the front liners for the party. He's courageous and tough. He's versatile and quick-witted. He's resourceful-
And he's kind.
So, with that out of the way:
Laios is....
A Knight Of Light!
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One who exploits [Light]/protects with [Light]
Listen. It's not my fault that all of these knights keep getting a knight class!
Perhaps the first thing I want to talk about here and to remind everyone about, is that Knights exist in sessions void of their aspect. Tbh sometimes I think I should probably try to work that into my little descriptor above at some point; and then I remember it sort of is already. That's the in the "exploit" part. The Knight gets a lot out of a little. How this exists in Dungeon Meshi, is that nobody is really taking advantage of the dungeon as it exists. Laios sees it for what it is, and because of that, our heroes are able to progress through the dungeon despite not having a penny to their name. Part of it fr me too is that when Laios loses his sword he picks up another one that a lot of people would refuse, or at least kill the monster inside it first. And Laios's insistence not to proves a boon! Also, probably the fault of Dave, but whenever I think about how a Knight should work I always look right to their weapon. How do they get the most they can out of this by exploiting their aspect? Kensuke is a great answer to me.
Would Senshi have even joined their party if not for Laios? ... Probably not? But more likely is that no one else would've let him join their party. Which I guess we do know to be true as he'd been living in the dungeon alone for years. Senshi really was a diamond in the rough and I don't think I can understate that. He's just weird. That's really the only " bad " thing about him; and Our Boy Laios here of course sees that as a positive! Laios learning healing magic lets Marcille shine. Despite a lot of people in the story really not liking Chilchuk, Laios wants him in the party and lets him work as he sees fit. I can't think of a boss I've had that would've been fine in the same scenario. And you know what? It lets Chilchuk thrive! He turns out to not just be great at what he can do but also puts his best foot forward even when he doesn't want to do things. He's always emphasizing his role as a noncombatant, which Laios takes in stride, but when push comes to shove he's throwing a dagger into the eye of a Red Dragon. He could've ran!
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Now you might be thinking: "Gee, this sounds an awful lot like a Blood player or maybe a Hope player."
And- well, you're not wrong exactly. There's an argument to be made for each of those. But I want to ask you: "What is Dungeon Meshi really about?" To me, it's about the deconstruction of the dungeon. What actually is a dungeon? Is it really just a setting that only exists when our heroes are inside? How does it function? What happens to all of the monsters after the adventurers leave? Where does the treasure come from? Why are the monsters the way that they are? What happens to the traps after they've been sprung?
These sorts of questions have been largely ignored or hand-waved by storytellers and dungeon masters for years and years. And that's ok. But it doesn't mean you have to do that. As we can see, there are so many wonderful answers to be found here!
And really, who better to explore all of this than Laois?
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
after having a very enlightening discussion about the knight class with my friend (since i am a knight) it also illuminated things about dave’s insecurities that jade rectifies
but uhh some knight classpect analysis whatever
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classpecting-thoughts · 6 months
Apologies for a lack of posts! I fell down an AO3 rabbit hole and just crawled out.
I’ve been reading DCxDP crossovers, despite having 1) never seen Danny Phantom and 2) having never read any Batman comics, and only having seen like.. 3 Batman movies, none of which were the same continuity (The Batman, Batman Begins, and the Tim Burton one, for those curious. Of those three I only enjoyed The Batman).
That being said, I have aspect thoughts for some characters purely based on the fannon in these fics and would like to hear others’ thoughts. Note my above credentials and take everything with a grain of salt.
Batman, at least in any continuity it’s reasonable for him to have the Batfam in (glares at most of the movies other than The Batman), is a Blood player. He’s defined by his relationship to his city, his many children, his dead family, and his adoptive father/butler. He is 100% a passsive class, active use type. I’d say Knight, maybe Heir.
Danny is an Heir of Heart. Did I base this thought mostly on the fact that that is literally “One who becomes/inherits soul”? Yes. Do I still think it fits outside of that? Also yes.
Jason went grimdark when he came back and some of that stuck with him, maybe to the point that either his class or aspect fully shifted. I’m not sure what he was before nor what he is now, but I’m certain that they’re different.
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publiusscipiospqr · 3 months
Old randomly generated Classpects
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Prince of Time + Mage of Blood
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Maid of Rage + Sylph of Breath
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Rogue of Light + Knight of Doom
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Thief of Void + Seer of Hope
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Page of Heart + Bard of Life
If you have any idea on how this session would go, please let me know!
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laplacesbeetle · 7 months
Okay so I don't know where I heard it or where it came from (it might be canon for all I know idk Homestuck was long as shit I don't remember) but supposedly Knights lack whatever their aspect is within their session. For example, Dave's session, as the Knight of Time, was only about a day long and then Karkat, as the Knight of Blood... well, I don't really know but I assume it's because he hid his blood colour? I'm not really sure... Anyway, I think this is interesting for two reasons.
First of all--and this one holds no bearing on the narrative or anything, I just thought it was interesting--Time is associated with music, and while the beta kids' session is supposed to lack Time, each kid knows an instrument (or is otherwise musically inclined cuz idk if turntables are considered an instrument exactly lmao). John plays piano, Rose plays violin, Jade plays guitar, and Dave plays(?) turntables. I mean, I guess they already lack Time in the most literal sense of the aspect, so I guess if the theory is true it might stick to something more literal rather than encompassing the whole of the aspect or something like that idk. And actually, come to think of it, Time being associated with music may just be fanon as well that I've taken to be true solely because it's been hanging around in my head for so long.
But I digress. Long story short there is their session is apparently supposed to lack Time, Time is associated with music, each kid knows how to play an instrument, and therefore they don't lack that aspect of the aspect (lmao). Which doesn't mean anything, it's just interesting.
Anyway, second of all. And still operating under the assumption that Knights lack their aspect in their session here btw. I think it's probably more like they lack their aspect until they don't. Because for Dave their initial session is only about a day long until he, Rose, and the (remaining) trolls have to hang around in the Veil(?) for 3 years waiting for John and Jade and stuff. I.e., they're lacking Time until they got a whole hell of a lot of it. Similar goes for Karkat, I think, with the whole bloodbath Gamzee situation. I.e., they're lacking Blood until there's a whole hell of a lot of it.
Though I guess maybe that bloodloss is supposed to be the lack in the first place? Whatever man. That's just what I've been thinking lately k thx bye xoxo
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What's the difference between a mage, sylph, muse, and knight of void?
Mage knows how to screw in a lightbulb but won’t tell you.
Sylph goes around unscrewing lightbulbs humming to themself.
Muse preaches about the value of darkness but doesn’t actually unscrew anything.
Knight slingshots every lightbulb in the house.
None of them can change a lightbulb.
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en8y · 2 months
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[IMAGE ID: three rectangular flags with five evenly-sized horizontal stripes each. the first flag's colors, from top to bottom, as follows: dark blue, deep blue, dark grey, light brown, and dark brown. the second flag's colors, from top to bottom, as follows: dark blue, deep blue, medium grey, bright orange, and warm brown. the third flag's colors, from top to bottom, as follows: dark blue, deep blue, bright purple, bright cool pink, and magenta. END ID.]
moonlighterclasseic: a gender relating to the combination of the homestuck classes thief and page; moonlighter!
confidantclasseic: a gender relating to the combination of the homestuck classes thief and knight; confidant!
adapterclasseic: a gender relating to the combination of the homestuck classes thief and witch; adapter!
all designed by @/superxstarzz!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian
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felt cute wont delete later because i stay cute
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nekropsii · 1 year
I saw your tag on the post about Karkat "and that's why Karkat is a KNIGHT of blood", what's your analysis of Knights? Why do you think it he is a Knight (or important for him to be one)? No pressure to answer, I know you are generally busy. Thank you and have a good day!
Knights are there to both signal and, more importantly, make up for a deficit in an Aspect in any given session.
Dave is a Knight of Time, and the Beta Kid session lacked Time that he had to scramble to make up for. Karkat is the same with the lack of Blood in the Beta Troll session. The Beta Trolls undoubtedly care about each other, but they were raised in a system that's actively hostile towards the formation of genuine, grounded emotional connections with other people.
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not sure if you’re still taking questions but in case you are, what classpect do you think furina would be!
I’ve said this previously but I do think that she’d be an heir of heart masquerading as a knight. Inheriting the humanity forcalors always wanted to have.
It can work vice-versa too however, a knight masquerading as an heir. Putting up a mask and make everyone belive she’s an archon
Man I love her character there’s so much for me to dissect!!
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ashlyns-general-blog · 10 months
Weird Homestuck Classpect feelings
Does anybody else fight with a really weird form of imposter syndrome when it comes to your classpect? Especially if you get a classpect that is already used by a character in the Homestuck webcomic?
Like, for me I am a Knight of Time but that title is already taken by Dave Strider and it would feel really weird if I made a Knight of Time outfit cause then it would look like a really shitty cosplay (like as if I was dressing up as Dave but didn't bother getting a wig or sun glasses) I dunno, maybe it's just me overthinking this.
Don't get me wrong tho, I fully believe that all these quizzes are right and i relate to it and all, but it just feels... weird, ya know??
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cainwhowanders · 7 months
Knight of Hope
How their powers would manifest~ A knight of Hope always has an aura of pure joy around them, especially when they are excited. They are easy to be around and to get along with. The aura can leave users feeling simply overjoyed but whenever the knight leaves their presence the hope fades off.
The Hope aspect is for those who have a big imagination and even bigger dreams. The knight can utilize this and use his creativity to think up endless ideas of what could be needed for the situation. The user can manifest these ideas of pure creativity into physical items. Tier 4-5: Items are of the SMALL variety, only being able to fit in the palm of the hand and being the length of the arm. The Knight has to succeed a 15+ roll with their IMG modifier. Broken items are able to be fixed with ease (10+ IMG roll).
Tier 6-7: Items of the SMALL variety can be made with ease (10+ roll img modifier), MEDIUM items about the size of the knight themself can be made with MODERATE DIFFICULTY 15+ roll with IMG modifier, LARGE items can be manifested with EXTREME DIFFICULTY (17+ with IMG modifier.
Tier 8-9: Items of SMALL and MEDIUM variety can be manifested with ease, LARGE items can be manifested with MODERATE DIFFICULTY (15+ roll), GIGANTIC items can be made with IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY (20+). Tier 10-11: Items of SMALL, MEDIUM, AND LARGE can be manifested with ease. GIGANTIC items can be manifested with EXTREME DIFFICULTY (17+ IMG roll).
Tier 12+: All items can be manifested with ease (10+ IMG roll)
Harness your HopesThe Knight will physically harness his aspect and turn it into a weapon of his choice, whether that be a literal weapon, or a white hot beam of pure hope is up to the user’s imagination. 
Tier 5-6: The knight can summon one weapon at a time, this is very draining and can be done once every ten turns.
Tier 7-9: The knight can summon one weapon with ease and very little drain. The knight can now summon multiple at one time (One weapon every two turns) or if they summon multiple it is the number of items x2 turns before they can summon another weapon.
Tier 10+: Can summon multiple at a time with ease.
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highbloodsprites · 3 months
hello! could we get a moodboard for a fuschia-blooded knight of space? perferably with themes of fish and planets/general space? :3 /nf!
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Here you go! I made twvwo vwversions, one wvwith fuschia (for the blood) and one wvwith grey (from the outfit) so yeah enjoy!! Also the purple ish tint is from the blue mixing wvwith the fuschia. 8')
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preshtagonist · 9 months
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I still really love these super old phone doodles so im posting them… @ryuunosuke ‘s godtier and an alt godtier for our friend
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classpector-bizzarly · 2 months
Knight of Hope
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Definition: Knights serve and protect others using their Aspect Knights tend to be “made” because the Knight has lived some kind of bad life and wants to make sure the people they care about don’t have to live that way they’re very strong in their bonds with others they tend to be mistaken as an Active class because of this but because Knights protect for others instead of protecting themselves they’re regarded as passive because defense and direct action are completely different things
Knights are also widely known to have facades so they can come off as reliable to others or like they can handle themselves and don’t feel emotions or vulnerability because nothing is more important to a Knight than having some kind of purpose or making sure their friends don’t suffer unrealized Knights if not careful are more inclined to have entire life crisis’ over this very thing they will try to continuously protect others and are more prone to inversion because of it
Knights are not meant to lead however they work better protecting from the sidelines than leading groups of people however this can happen often because of the Knight having a sense of duty towards the people they care about
The Aspect of Hope
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Key Symbols for Hope
• Convictions and passion in one’s positive beliefs
• Positivity overall
• Naivety
• Religion
• Literal hope
Hope players are as you’d expect very set in their positive convictions however they have very black and white thinking so what the Hope bound think is right might not be universally correct Hope players will come to the aid of anyone they believe is being treated unfairly and because of this they can accidentally go overboard with their helping without realizing another person might not want their help or find it useful doing right for rights sake is what the Hope bound live for and they aren’t opposed to destroying things if they believe it will help their circumstances or make things better for them
Personality: A Knight of Hope would serve Hope to others so they could be a shoulder to lean on for their friends or literally run around fighting monsters to serve others the Knight themselves could be very hopeful and might even be very bubbly and fun to show this but on the opposing end they could be sort of stoic as a way to show that they’re not vulnerable with their emotions like every Knight does they could also be a Priest or Prophet if they serve through religion the Knight might also be naive but pretend that they’re not because of their facade and try to act like they’re perfectly careful and not naive at all
Dilemma: The Knight dilemma is that the Knight needs to be more vulnerable with their emotions so other people can help them and stop believing that they need to constantly help others they need to let other people do their own things and only protect and serve when others want them to because other people are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves Knights like Pages need other people to help them solve the dilemma or at least need a wakeup call that they could be hurting others and themselves by constantly trying to protect them and using their facade to avoid their own problems (this applies to all Knights so I won’t go into Aspect specifics)
Inversion: Rogue of Rage
Opposite: Page of Rage
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xx-cringe-factory-xx · 2 months
Also in addition to that last ask,
I just realized if you also want a combined class then it would be "The Contributor of Expression (knight+heir) (breath+space)"
So if you want you can do both or either ^_^ thank you again for the DoH analysis! - DoH anon 🔆🌌
YEahhh just finished the last ask a few hours ago, gonna keep them as two separate posts so its easier to find individual classpects :3 BUT THANK YOU SM FOR YOUR ASKS IT'S SO FUN FOR ME AND AAAAA /pos
---------Contributer of Expression---------
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The contributor changes an aspect through serving an aspect or serves an aspect through changing an aspect.
woagh John Egbert?!?! ,':3
two passive classes. wowww they must give themselves away quite a bit, especially when they are a breath player. but breath is all about smaller details, people as individuals, and freedom. Space is all about what is and what isnt, choices, what and where you are, and creation. (sorry i didn't clarify this in the last ask, I was really stuck on the fact they need therapy and stuff)
So like in the knight of expression post, they really know where they need to be to have the best case scenario, they are great on looking at the details, and positioning themselves where others or they find necessary. Their personality isnt too different from the knight of expression, buttt they are a lot more serious and may not fully understand why they need to be somewhere, they just know they need to be there. :3
The Contributer of expression's powers would consist of the windy thing (controlling the wind), making pocket dimensions (like the dream bubbles?), and teleportation :3
close range weapons, medium to large in size. hammers, swords, axes, maybe guns or chainsaws.
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