grow-and-decay · 7 months
Don’t normally do this & am opposed to call-out posts in general but feel like people making posts/ talking about Palestine atm should be warned about @/boymoder-republik. The blog is pretty new & is basically a troll account; rn she seems to be going thru the Palestine tag or something and responding to lots of pro-Palestine/ solidarity posts with heavy islamophobia and Zionist bullshit, just regurgitating the same shit again and again about how muslims are violent terrorists & inherently homophobic & racist, etc. Claiming anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism and yet seems to be lowkey antiSemitic herself, (as well as anti-immigrant and racist towards Native Americans…anyway). This screenshot pretty much sums it up (warning for islamophobia) (please note this is not the whole post but I thought the tags were the most pertinent here):
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I’ll include some more screenshots for ‘proof’ but it’s all pretty easy to find on their blog since as I said, it’s a pretty new one, there’s not that many posts and they’re all quite recent.
(Also if you scroll further thru the blog you can see she’s also transphobic & shit, despite being trans, but the arguments she has about transmascs/non-binary people is not exactly on the same level as her pro-Israel genocide denialism & violent islamophobia, & the Zionist islamophobia shit is the more recent too, so I’m not gonna do screenshots for that or anything)
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Block em, & also report if you want to, I have, but don’t really expect anything to happen now staff is just a skeleton crew
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yellowlaboratory · 10 months
Omfg screaming with happiness that we are going to get weekly updates for your prom queen fic! I know Its easier said then done so even if you try to stay consistent then that’s still something 😂 your jiara fics are all beautiful and your writing is insane🤍
first of all thank you so much KASJDHLKASJD you are far too kind!!! 💛💛 second of all, I'm hoping the thought counts for something with my posting "schedule". i have a few chapters already written out but we are quickly approaching unknown territory in terms of final drafts so we're getting closer and closer to the wild west of consistency. i'll try to keep y'all updated so it's not like .... weekly updates and then randomly 8 months of silence like i've been known to do with some other fics lol
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kiekiecarrera · 28 days
What do u think happened during Kiara’s kook year? What do u accept as cannon and what are your headcannons? Everything from kie, her parents, Sarah, other kooks, rafe and the pogue boys. I’m still a little fuzzy on the timeline and actual events that happened, even though we don’t know much to begin with. I hope we learn more about it in season 4!
this is the easiest question to answer because my answer will always always always be pltc like all 200k+ words of that fic are my kook year canon @yellowlaboratory is nothing short of a genius
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ghostiewriter · 1 year
Hey girl I'm excited for Jiara I just got into the fandom marathon season 1 and 2 in about a week was wondering if you knew any other blogs about them and anyone who makes fan videos about them love everything about them JJ is my favorite seriously this feels like a better Bellarke not sure if anyone else sees the similarities in them maybe it's just me.
hiya bestie, welcome to the fandom!!! god there is so many good blogs and most of them will come up under the jiara tag but i shall tell you a few of my favs!
@alphinias was one of the first blogs i followed, plus she does some cute ass edits on instagram!!
@yellowlaboratory is one of the og writers (go read pltc!!) and she happens to be a wee delight too
@rae-of-fricking-sunshine is yet another crazy talented writer who is just a pillar in this fandom!!
@smileymikey was another one of the first blogs i followed and her fics are like comfort fics
@hmspogue is a crazy wee fucker but dear god her youtube edits really hit you in the heart
@whitetrashjj is another crazy good editor who does edits on instagram and posts about them on tiktok
some of my fav giffers also have to be @kiekiecarrera and @onlyhereforangst so i suggest giving them a follow
@jojameswinter is a wee ray of sunshine in the fandom so highly recommend her too
and if you want some seriously crazy good fanart, then i recommend @goingfullpogue and @yukswl0v3 because they are both just!!!
there is probably so many more people that i am forgetting rn but my mind is blanking and its 5am so qkwdbkjbkwqjdbqej
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whitetrashjj · 1 year
Omg go to portcitydaily.com and type in outer banks a new Jonas pate interview dropped today and they start filming OBX 4 on Monday!! And they’re actually going to North Carolina this time so film some scenes but I’m not happy about him saying there’s gonna be new faces who are gonna be big characters 🙄 they also said the writers strike won’t effect them that much as they already wrote a lot of season 4 during season 3 but read the full interview!
Okay a few things of note
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It’s giving jump the shark 😭
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He’s talking motocross tracks so idk if this is like a gold related chase or if it’s like an actually event race. Like did JJ get into motorbike racing? If we are doing sporting events I’d much rather surfing comps…
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And bro… a prequel? Unless it’s a word or word remake of pltc I don’t want it.
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bobsfic · 1 year
These ones really made me think!
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
I have a couple fics that I've started but haven't been able to finish, just due to other ideas taking the forefront. For some reason I find it harder to work through editing/filling in the holes of a large unfinished work, than to just write from scratch. So if someone wanted to finish those for me, that would be excellent! But I have been able to make them both fit a jiara week prompt, so hopefully that deadline will make me buckle down and actually finish them myself!
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Oh my god, only 3? That's nearly impossible!!!! There are so many talented writers who I look up to! But okay, I will say for various reasons, including their excellent characterization, quick wit, and beautiful storytelling: @kiekiecarrera @yellowlaboratory @jojameswinter @rae-of-fricking-sunshine @pakfiction @smileymikey and that's more than three but I could go on and on because this fandom is so darn talented!!!!
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Hm... This is a hard one! i honestly can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I think we've got a pretty amazing prequel to the show in PLTC (which if you haven't read, I suggest reading straight away!).
Want to play? Send a letter from this fanfic ask game!
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electricservicing · 5 months
Types of commercial electrical wiring
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Commercial electrical wiring encompasses various systems and methods designed to meet the unique demands of various businesses and industries. This type of wiring is crucial for powering lighting, machinery, and electronic devices in commercial establishments. Understanding the different types of commercial electrical wiring is essential for ensuring safety, reliability, and compliance with electrical codes. Here, we'll explore some common types of commercial electrical wiring:
1. Non-Metallic Sheathed Cable (NM Cable):
NM cable, commonly known as Romex, is a popular choice for commercial electrical wiring. It consists of insulated copper conductors encased in a plastic sheath, protecting against moisture and physical damage. NM cable is cost-effective and easy to install, making it suitable for various commercial applications, such as lighting and general power distribution.
2. Armored Cable (AC):
Armored cable, or BX cable, features insulated conductors encased in a flexible metal armor. This metal armor provides additional protection against physical damage and can be preferred in areas where the wiring may be exposed to potential hazards. AC is commonly used in commercial settings where durability is a key consideration.
3. Conduit Systems:
Conduit systems comprise metal or plastic pipes that house and protect individual conductors. Conduits are available in various types, including rigid metal conduit (RMC), intermediate metal conduit (IMC), and electrical metallic tubing (EMT). Conduits offer excellent protection against moisture, chemicals, and physical damage, making them suitable for demanding commercial environments.
4. Metal-Clad Cable (MC Cable):
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Metal-clad cable combines the benefits of a metallic sheath with individual insulated conductors. This type of cable is often used in commercial buildings where the commercial electrical wiring needs extra protection against physical damage and interference. MC cable is commonly employed in applications requiring a high degree of reliability and durability.
5. Mineral-Insulated Copper-Clad Cable (MICC):
MICC is a specialized type of commercial electrical wiring that consists of copper conductors surrounded by a layer of magnesium oxide insulation, all encased in a copper sheath. MICC provides exceptional fire resistance and is commonly used in critical applications where maintaining functionality during a fire event is crucial, such as in emergency systems.
6. Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) Cable:
LSZH cable is designed to minimize the release of toxic and corrosive gases in the event of a fire. This makes it suitable for commercial settings where the safety of occupants is a top priority. LSZH cable is commonly used in areas with limited ventilation, such as tunnels and enclosed spaces.
7. Twisted Pair Cable:
Twisted pair cables are commonly used for data transmission in commercial settings. They consist of insulated copper wires twisted together to reduce electromagnetic interference. This type of wiring is prevalent in commercial applications such as Ethernet networks and telephone systems.
8. Fiber Optic Cable:
Fiber optic cables use light signals to transmit data and are commonly employed in commercial settings where high-speed and high-bandwidth communication is essential. They are widely used in networking, telecommunications, and data centers. In addition to these common types, commercial electrical wiring includes specialty cables like power-limited tray cables (PLTC) for control systems, thermocouple extension cables for temperature sensing, and high-temperature cables for demanding industrial processes.
The choice of wiring depends on factors such as load capacity, environmental conditions, and safety regulations. Regular inspections and maintenance are essential to ensure commercial electrical systems' continued efficiency and safety, underscoring the importance of professional expertise in designing and managing these intricate networks.
In Conclusion
Understanding the specific requirements of a commercial space is essential for selecting the appropriate type of electrical wiring. Consulting with a qualified commercial electrical wiring professional such as Advanced Electric Servicing LLC and adhering to local electrical codes is crucial to ensure the safety and reliability of the electrical system in commercial buildings.
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nekocya · 8 months
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grow-and-decay · 2 years
!!!! This is a good step forward!!
(Now let’s keep it going!)
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nerdforcrypto · 1 year
PlatonCoin PLTC White Paper Explained Summary
PlatonCoin PLTC White Paper Explained Summary
PlatonCoin PLTC White Paper Summary: -the PlatonCoin PLTC White paper is an informative document that provides in-depth information about the PlatonCoin PLTC cryptocurrency. -the White paper discusses the inspiration for creating PlatonCoin PLTC, the problem it is trying to solve, and the solution proposed by PlatonCoin PLTC. -the aim of the White paper is to make digital currencies accessible to…
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yellowlaboratory · 2 years
Are you participating in Jiara bingo?? I miss your writing, you are the queen of writing Kie. PLTC was the only thing that got me through my post s2 hangover. I love that fic so much, like I will listen to songs and think about that fic. Most recently, 'Clean' by Taylor from Kie's pov about Sarah, and that lil epilogue scene, ugh so good. Anyway, went off track, love your work <3
YES and I am SO EXCITED!! i just got my bingo card this morning and I have so many ideas!! that, and the bts, has rendered me completely feral. shout out to @onlyhereforangst for putting this all together!! she deserves several bottles of wine akljdfhlksjdf
also you are FAR too kind!! I'm so glad you liked pltc (also pls, I might cry if you call me the queen of writing kie alksdfhlaskdjf). and clean is such a pltc kiarah song!! it's, like, THE song of chapter 20 of pltc. @yougivemebutterfliessss pointed it out when she first read it and I was like *oh my god yes*. if you want any more PLTC songs, I actually have a full PLTC playlist here. There's one song for each chapter, and although they aren't always directly related, I like to listen to it and reminisce. Sometimes the songs are based more on general vibes (or even just the song title) than anything else, but it all works out (and it's the easiest way to remember what happens in which chapter 💀)
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kiekiecarrera · 1 year
i would LOVE to dive more into how rafe knew to taunt jj with that comment about kiara. desperately need to see some pre-season 1 allusions to the whole “i know that doors locked because i’ve tried it.”
like what happened between kie and jj in the past that led to the no pogue-on-pogue macking rule, why does he think the door is locked, how does rafe know jj has feelings for kie I NEED CALLBACKS TO ALL OF THIS I NEED ANSWERS
Anon I would simply perish if we got flashbacks to any of this. The pates are not particularly known for picking up threads they’ve thrown but if they give us Jiara origin story I may just forgive them for the gator rotisserie roll
Also I’m so convinced the door closed thing is something JJ told himself to move on like maybe he flirted with her one day and she thought he was kidding and brushed over it and he took that as a rejection also WHAT DOES RAFE KNOW
Until we get a solid storyline my precanon canon is pltc by @yellowlaboratory
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ghostiewriter · 1 year
Fan fic ask!
S, T and V
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
god i am a sucker for so many but i do fucking love any dramione fic that has them in their 8th year AND has them as headgirl/headboy
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
anything with unplanned pregnancy💀its very rare i will willingly read a fic with it and even then i have to really like the writer kbwjkqq
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
i feel like any canon fic i write for jiara is just a sequel to PLTC by @yellowlaboratory because that just is canon to me🤠however, i did technically write a smut scene for the actual sequel that we tricked the gc into thinking annie wrote so😭
fanfic ask game
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cjsantiago1101 · 2 years
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PLTC Food Processing Batch 8 Graduate!🇵🇭🙌💯 . . #wheninmalolos #wheninbulacan #maloloscity #malolosphotographer #malolosbulacan #igports #doports #igmarketing #sincerely #malolosbulacanbased #canonian #foodprocessing https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj5MrYIvIKV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chinacable · 2 years
What is Cable Tray
What is Cable Tray? Cable trays are ideally used for building and construction purposes. Cable trays are used to hold up and distribute cables. Steel, plastic, aluminum, Fiberglass are mostly used to make cable trays. These trays are easy to customize because of its variety in sizes and shapes. The user can choose from Straight, L-shape, T-shape, and X-shape cable trays that can also be mixed and matched. These different shapes of cable trays can be interconnected using common splice washer clamps. They all provide ease in cable cable clips factory routing because of its 2x4 inch grid and factory fabricated junction that cuts down time and cost of installation. Cable trays can be installed on ceilings, walls, or under raised flooring. Importance of cable tray- In any electrical installation, the structure type used to support, fasten, direct, and protect the installed wire and cable runs is critical. That's why choosing the appropriate pathway is so important. 
Various places where cable trays are preferably used:  Houses Stores Buildings Types of cable tray available:   Ladder   Solid Bottom   Trough   Channel   Wire Mesh   Single Rail   Other types of cable tray include: Solid Bottom Cable Tray Trough Cable Tray Channel Cable Tray Wire Mesh Cable Tray Single Rail Cable Tray Perforated type cable tray These various types of cable tray are used for varied and multiple purposes. The uses are varied and can be used extensively.  A cable tray normally is used and functions for the following purposes:    Cable trays support cable the way that roadway bridges support traffic.   A bridge is a structure that provides safe passage for traffic across open spans.   Cable tray is the bridge that allows for safe transport of wires across open spans.   Therefore, think of cable tray as the structural component of a building's electrical system.    Cable Trays can be used outdoor and because of their powder coating they are corrosion protected, however they do not have a specific approval and they should not be used in an environment where there is extreme salt content because it will eventually corrode. 
The types of cables permitted by the 2005 NEC for installation in cable tray systems are indicated in Section 392.3 uses permitted, (a) Wiring Methods. They include:   Power and Control Tray Cable (Type TC)—NEC Article 336  Power Limited Tray Cable (Type PLTC)—NEC Sections 725-61(C) and 725.82(E) Instrument Tray Cable (Type ITC)—NEC Article 727  Optical Fiber Cables—Article 770  Fire Alarm Circuit Conductors—Article 760  Communication Cables—Article 800  Mineral Insulated (MI) Cable—Article 332  Metal Clad (MC) Cable—Article 330  Other cables, including those specially approved for installation in cable trays. Medium voltage (type MV) and single conductor cables in sizes 1/0 and larger are permitted with some restrictions in Industrial Establishments where qualified persons service the installation.  These guidelines permit engineering companies to select and install the necessary type of Cable tray. These regulations entrust proper usage and no misuse of the cable tray.  
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#Crypto 🔐 Coins & Tokens: #PlatonCoin PLTC, #Radicle RAD, #TRIBE, #SSVnetwork SSV, #COTI
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