#plus had rehearsal so had to get up early
akumanoken · 7 months
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That feeling when you were super productve today and now can rest for the rest of the night and maybe play more fashion dreamer and watch lets lays and edits as a treat
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nerdyjournals · 2 months
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Thank you for your request! Other than the little mishap, this was a fun one to do! You really had me thinking over what each one would get upset over, so hopefully they all fit!
Bang Chan
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You could feel his eyes bore through you as Chan stared at you through the glass in the hospital door. He looked frazzled. Hair a mess, the bags under his eyes even worse than before.
He stepped in and you watched all the air escape him as he took in your bandaged wrist.
"And what have we learned?" He said, voice soft but stern.
"To wait until help arrives and to not be a stubborn and impatient baby," you whined as he lifted up your hand. "They said it'll be a week or so before I can lift anything."
"Do you see why I was so insistent that you wait?" You nodded. "Plus I have seven able body movers who were ready to help us later tonight after rehearsals."
You whispered another apology as he took you into his arms and held you tight.
"I'm just glad you're okay and it was nothing major."
Lee Know
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You felt yourself wince as you stepped over the threshold of your apartment. You had been hoping to do some spring cleaning before Minho got home so he could just rest.
He had told you to do it in stages so you wouldn't overwork and hurt yourself, but what do you do? You overwork and hurt yourself.
Now you softly flinch as you spot him sitting in an armchair that you swear was never positioned in the middle of the hallway.
"I'm in trouble, aren't I?" You scratched the back of your head nervously.
"Big time." Minho stood from the chair and walked over. "You know I tell you not to do things because I care about you, right?" You nod. "So why go against me?"
"I wanted you to have a nice place to rest since you've been working so hard, but I just screwed up again." He pulled you into a soft hug, silently trying to find where you were hurt. "You're not even supposed to be home early. Why are you here?"
"You always send me a photo of your food before my lunch break if you're home, and I know for a fact that you have today off."
"You were worried?"
"Don't tell the media. I do have a reputation to uphold, you know."
Okay, the laugh hurt a little bit.
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The front door opened and closed without Changbin's usual fanfare. Yup, you were in trouble.
His figure came around the corner with a small pharmacy bag and two cups of boba. Okay, so he wasn't that mad....yet.
"Are you okay?" Those words shocked you, having been ready for his beratement or something along those lines.
"I'm okay. A little sore, but okay." He walked over and handed you the drink and bag. "I thought you said you'll be late tonight."
"And I knew that if I didn't come home at my earliest convenience, you'd try something stupid again." You pouted as both of you knew he was right. "I know you want our first place to be perfect, but we have all the time in the world to decorate."
"I work from home, Bin. I need something to do other than watching a computer screen for eight hours."
"Then bring your laptop with you and visit the studio. The guys won't mind. They love you."
"Are you sure I won't be distracting?"
"Never. If anything, you might get annoyed with Jisung's antics."
"I'll take that risk."
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The sound of feet rushing against the tile of your apartment floor brought you back to reality. Your little perch on the balcony slightly helped alleviate your headache.
Hyunjin stood there with a small pharmacy bag and a hand fan.
"Are you okay? Any breakouts or irritation?" He asked, worry filling his voice with each word.
"No. I got out quickly enough." You said, obviously tired. He switched on the hand fan and placed it yours as he set the bag aside. "I'm sorry."
"What were you doing in there anyway?"
"I wanted to clean up a bit. You were really stressed about it."
"I'd rather have a messy studio than have you in the hospital." His gaze drifted from you to the view. "Fresh air help?"
"Not as much as you."
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Hearing footsteps approach, you quickly tried to get off the floor but to no avail.
"Aish..." Han's soft curse came from the doorway. "Didn't I tell you to wait for me before trying to unpack?"
The two of you had moved in together recently and your stuff was the last to unpack and also the heaviest.
"Did you finish your book already?" He asked as the two of you began to pick up the fallen novels. He could see your face scrunch at all the bent pages and covers.
"I thought the next one was in the stack of opened boxes. I just wanted to start and not have to bug you for something so small."
"You enjoy reading, yeah?" You slowly nodded. "Then it's not so small. I think it's small when I interrupt your reading for a thirty second clip opinion."
You nodded and placed another book back in the box as he tilted your chin over to look him in the eyes.
"If any of your books got ruined, they're replaceable. You know what's not? You. So ask me next time, okay?"
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It was a little embarrassing to have Felix walk in and see you with your hand submerged in a bowl of water.
"I thought I told you to do an ice shower," he sighed as he placed the bag in the table.
"Why would I need to shower for just my hand?" You slowly lifted out of the water and showed off the damage. "How bad?"
"Well, it's not blistering so that's good." Felix grabbed the kitchen towel to dry pat your hand. "What were you doing anyway?"
"Taking cookies out of the oven." You pointed over to where a batch of cookies still sat on the baking sheet. "I couldn't find the mitts so i used the rubber ones, but the back of my hand touched the metal."
"You're very brave to even keep them on the tray while in pain." He put the cream on and began to wrap it. "You're not allowed to bake without me here anymore, okay? At least, not until this heals."
"Oh no. I have to spend more quality time with my boyfriend. Whatever shall I do?" The sarcasm dripped from your words, making him smile and press against the injury.
"Don't make me regret it."
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His steps were frantic as he unlocked the apartment door. Part of him was thankful they had chosen to put security cameras in the house, but the other part cursed him cause it forced him to watch his partner take a nasty fall.
"Y/N?" He didn't raise his voice, knowing that you might have a bad headache.
Your hand peeked out from behind the kitchen island and he rushed over. He found you leaned against the cabinet with an ice pack against the back of your head.
"Hey," he whispered, "1 to 10?" You held up four fingers then four more. "Can you stand?" You signed out the sign for 'no.' "Can I carry you? I got the car running outside." You signed 'yes.' "Talking hurts?" You signed 'yes' again as he carefully lifted you into his arms.
You signed 'sorry' as you made it to the car.
"Why are you apologizing? It was an accident and the guys understand that." He gently placed you in the passenger seat. "They will want an update once you're all clear, okay?"
You signed 'okay.'
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Something was off. You had been avoiding his hand ever since he got home. Normally Jeongin won't mind, but you won't even hold it in front of you.
"You tried to hook up the gundam already, didn't you?" He said as he watched you freeze. "Show me the damage."
You slowly held your hand out, placing it softly in his. Small bandages say on a few knuckles while little red dots covered your palm.
"You tried to solder the wires without knowing how to use the tool, didn't you?" You tried to take your hand back but failed. "I told you to wait for me."
"But I wanted it done so that I could show it to you when you got home. Now it's just sitting there, taunting me."
"What's more fun? Building together or building alone?"
"Together." You sounded so shy.
"Then let's have dinner and we'll finish your project together." You nodded. "And then I yell at my brother to never give you a complicated set again."
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jinnie-ret · 8 months
9th member reader passing out on stage during tour because theyve been pushing themselves hard for the tour. forgetting to eat sometimes, pushing themselves in the gym, pushing themselves during practice (not in a punishing themselves way just a getting caught up in the work and not realising how harsh theyre being on themselves way). it all just gets too much during a concert and they just drop, maybe one of the boys catch her before she can hit the floor too hard. the boys beating themselves up a bit for not noticing how hard they were pushing themselves.
don't push yourself
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: reader not taking care of herself
word count: 2.1k
summary: you thought you were doing the right thing for yourself, but it was only a matter of time before your habits became unhealthy, and the boys didn't even notice until it was too late.
Here it is! I hope you enjoy it! :))
Asks are currently shut!
But let me know if you would like to be added to my taglist and reblog if you enjoyed! <3
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With an early rise, there was bound to be a fall at some point.
Whether that was into your bed, when you finally returned back to the dorms from a late night practice; on the sofa of Chan's studio; or to the stage floor of the concert you were rehearsing for.
But we'll get to that later.
The boys hadn't noticed at the start what you had been doing to yourself. You were being more strict with your diet, going to the gym every morning with Changbin, and staying longer at practice. They just saw it as you being their fellow determined member who was trying to improve your health.
And yes, you were seeing improvements, quickly, in fact. But it wasn't healthy. Not that you knew that.
"You should have seen her! She lifted 70kg today!" Changbin boasted with pride, arm wrapped around your shoulders as you both returned from the gym.
Han and Hyunjin had been eating breakfast in the kitchen upon your arrival, so it was the perfect audience for Changbin to show you off to. Chan was probably already at the studio.
"70kg?! I think you can lift more than me now... I can't even lift a spoon," Han laughs.
"Our Han is so squishy," Hyunjin said in an over the top voice and started poking his stomach and arms.
"Yah! Yah!" Han laughed loudly as he shoved Hyunjin away, all four of you laughing.
"Come on, Y/Nnie, show us those muscles of yours," Hyunjin made grabby hands towards your arms, so in return you tensed.
"Woah, your muscles are so big now!" Han's eyes widened.
"Yes I'm secretly training to beat you all up," you did your best to tiredly joke.
"Not much of a secret, plus, you could never beat me," Changbin smirked, ruffling your hair as he went to take a shower.
"Wanna test that theory?" you called after him, pretending to march along the same path he took to his room.
It was easier then, to joke around and act like everything was normal, because you were yet to spiral.
"Y/Nnie? What are you doing here?" Jeongin questioned confused as you walked into the apartment he shared with Seungmin, Felix and Lee Know. You must have not only grabbed the wrong key, but walked back from JYP to the wrong apartment.
"Huh? Innie? Oh, I must have gone to the wrong place," you mumble tiredly, putting your bag down nonetheless.
"You look exhausted... it's 1am! What are you doing up?" Jeongin stood up to analyse your tired figure, one that had also changed from you becoming stricter in yourself.
"I just came back from practising... what are you still doing up?" you looked up at the maknae, poking his cheek lazily.
"From practice? At this time? I was just watching some show on TV," he shrugged, tugging you to sit down next to him.
"What's going on?" a sleepy Felix rubbed his eyes as he entered the lounge, jumping back slightly when he noticed you were there.
"I'm not that scary looking am I, Lixie?" you managed to tease, your head rested against Jeongin's shoulder.
"No! No... I was just shocked to see you're here, why aren't you at the other apartment, did you have an argument?" Felix joined you on the sofa, stealing some of the blanket you and Jeongin had.
"She's so tired she came back to the wrong place," Jeongin laughed, rubbing your head.
"Wah! Y/N you're the first to do that out of us all!" Felix giggled.
"Shouldn't have given me a spare key," you yawned as you stretched your arms, wincing when you did so.
"I'm glad we did by the looks of it, did you push yourself?" Felix brushed some hair out of your face after seeing your pained expression.
"No, no, it's nothing like that..." you trailed off.
"Then what is it?" Jeongin began, "if you didn't push yourself then what is it? Did you not get any sleep last night?"
"I guess so..." you complied with his theories in aid of not having to reveal what you had really been doing.
Surely this wasn't a bad thing though? The concern in their voices was beginning to make you feel differently but you know you were only doing this to better yourself.
"Ah you need to be more careful," Felix tsked, pulling the blanket tighter around you.
"You can't burrito me to death," you tried to fight against the Aussie that was currently swaddling you.
"Oh, but I can."
Another night, you were back at your apartment (the right one) and were currently cooking yourself dinner as everyone else had already eaten. With a pyjama vest and shorts on, it was weird to think how you hadn't noticed the bruises that painted your muscles.
"Ah you're awake now, wait, what happened?" Chan entered the kitchen, happy to see you were awake but alarmed at the sight of your arms.
"Huh? What do you mean?" you questioned as you chopped some veggies.
"Your arms, they've got bruises, lots of them, what happened? Did someone do this to you?" Chan interrogated you all of a sudden.
"What?! No!" you glanced down at your arms and sighed, no wonder they ached so much. "I've just been working out a lot more."
"This looks like a hell of a lot more, you sure you're taking it easy? I mean, I know you go to the gym with Changbin now but that doesn't mean you have to try and match him," Chan sighed, unable to take his eyes off of the purple marks on you.
"Hey, my eyes are up here," you laughed, nudging Chan.
"Y/N..." he sighed, not in the mood for joking around when he could see that you were hurt.
"Chan, it's fine. My body just probably isn't used to it yet, but look, I'm sticking to a good plan, I've got veggies and chicken breast in so I'm getting in my gains like a proper gym bro," you laugh.
"Well, I'm glad to see you're at least eating, just, take it easy, yeah?" he smiled then, patting your back as he returned to presumably his room.
You thought your mind was getting stronger, but your body was getting weaker. Practising had taken priority over your eating.
"Let's go one more time," Lee Know instructed everyone, watching the moves of his members with sharp eyes at the mirror as he danced at the front.
And to your disdain, you stumbled.
"Shit," you put a hand to your forehead, feeling disappointed in yourself.
"Our Y/Nnie can't keep on her own two feet," Lee Know teased, but upon seeing that your expression didn't change at his light-hearted joke, he came over to you.
"Hey, it's ok, I was just kidding," he tried to bend slightly to look into your eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, I just, wanna get it right, you know?" you sighed.
"I've seen you perform this dance amazingly multiple times, don't be so harsh on yourself," he nodded at you before returning to the front of the mirror.
But how could you not be harsh on yourself when everything needed to be perfect?
"Woah, I'm impressed, I've never seen you got a note like that!" Seungmin applauded you on one of your duo vlives.
Fans flooded the comments spamming hearts and mentioning how impressed they also were at you, being a rapper of the group, hitting high notes.
"I've been practising," you waved him off, hiding your face shyly
"Yeah, with who? Ailee sunbaenim?!" he tried to peek at your hoodie covered face.
"Woah you can't compare me to Ailee sunbaenim!" you laughed at him.
You continued to sing together, yet at the end you were getting breathless. And so, after the vlive ended, Seungmin couldn't help but bring it up.
"You sounded pretty breathless at the end..."
"I know, I know, I need to do better," you sighed.
"No it's not that! I'm just a bit worried about you..." he brushed off your doubts.
"Why? I'm fine," you shrugged him off.
"Ok, whatever you say, just take care of yourself, yeah?" he allowed you to brush away his doubts the same way he did to yours, as you both left the company.
And so this cycle of constantly trying to go past the boundaries of your limits continued. All the way into your second concert of your Maniac World Tour.
It had all been going so well. Everyone was on an adrenaline rush and loving the crowd's support. Apart from you. Your body was slowly but surely bound to shut down eventually, you just wished it didn't happen with your stays so happy, because you knew as soon as you hit the floor, you would have taken that away.
"Y/Nnie!!!" screamed the fans as your body slumped and didn't get back up.
The members instantly turned to where you had been performing. It hadn't even been a high energy choreo, because this time, you were simply moving around the stage to interact more with the fans.
You would have scolded yourself if you had a single coherent thought in your exhausted state.
"Somebody help!" Chan worriedly waved over some staff from backstage as they lifted you off.
"Please excuse us stays, everything will be ok, we will be back with you in a moment," Lee Know hurriedly tried to calm the crowd of tearful stays before rushing after his fellow members who surrounded you.
"Come on, Y/N, wake up," Hyunjin patted your face, trying to help you come back to reality.
"Hmmm," you groaned, a pounding feeling in your head.
"Oh thank God!" Han sighed in relief, hand on his quickly beating heart.
"What happened?" you mumbled tiredly as you were sat up by two staff members who fanned you and handed you some water with a straw to sip from.
"You just collapsed out there!" Felix said with wide eyes.
"Oh," you simply said, not wanting to confront what could have happened to you.
"Oh? Just, oh? Y/N, what happened out there?" Chan sternly said from next to you, squeezing your hand to offer reassurance despite his strict demeanor.
"I don't know... One second I was talking to the fans and the next..."
"You... you haven't been taking care of yourself have you?" Hyunjin burst out with his question, unable to hold back his words no longer.
"I have, I've been going to the gym, I've been practising hard-" you began, before you were cut off.
"How didn't I realise?" Changbin pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Realise what, hyung?" Seungmin asked curiously.
"Y/N, please tell me you've been eating and not living off of those energy drinks I see you have every morning," Changbin crouched down in front of you, begging that he was wrong in thinking that.
"Yeah, I ate dinner, umm, it was when, ummm," you stumbled on your words, unable to remember the last time you ate a proper meal.
And that is when you felt like you failed. You had been doing so well but you couldn't even stick to your plan.
"You can't even remember when you last ate?" Lee Know looked around at the concerned gazes of his other members.
"I'm sorry I don't know why, I... I just wanted to do better," you bit your lip, trying to hold back your tears.
"There are so many better ways to go about it Y/Nnie," Jeongin sighed, rubbing your knee soothingly.
"I'm sorry we didn't notice," Felix said regretfully.
"No, no, please don't apologise, this is on me," you mentally kicked yourself.
"How long, Y/N?" Chan insisted on your response.
"Maybe... 2 months?" you wondered out loud.
They all gasped and shared different responses at your answer.
"Y/Nnie that's not good for you, no wonder you were seeming more tired..." Hyunjin looked away.
"I'm sorry, I really am, I never wanted to worry you all," you apologised sadly, and that is when some stray tears fell delicately down your cheeks.
"We will always worry, you're part of our team," Seungmin bluntly said, yet you could still see the compassion behind his eyes.
"Don't push yourself so hard next time, yeah? Let us know next time and we can help you figure out a way to do this more healthily, just talk to us next time, yeah?" Chan wiped your tears away as Changbin wrapped you in a hug you didn't realise you needed so badly.
"I promise," you whispered, yet everyone heard it amongst the sounds of the crowd, and if they didn't, they still felt the words hanging in the air, a vow that next time, you would take care of yourself, and that they'd always be there to take care of you too.
tagged: @skz-streamer @han-jiquokka @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @kiraisastay
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hannieehaee · 6 months
them accidentally ditching you on your bday pt. 2- pu
content: angsty, gender neutral, established relationship, jun's has one brief suggestive mention, fluffy ending, etc.
part 1
wc: 3232
a/n: tysm to everyone who read and enjoyed the whole series <33 it was rlly fun to write angst with a fluffy ending hehe
jun -
against his better judgment, jun sat in silence for a while as he contemplated what to do. you were likely not only mad, but also disappointed at him ditching you like that. except he hadnt meant to! he truly had no idea he would sleep through the entirety of the morning. he had been so excited to spend his favorite day with his favorite person, but now he was left as a complete asshole while you believed him to have carelessly put you aside with no warning
after a few more minutes of self-pitying, he decided to get up. it was better to try and make amends and explain himself than to let even more time pass. he knew you'd be out by the time he arrived to your place, but at least that way he could fix something up for your arrival. he decided against calling you. it didnt feel personal enough, plus, the least he could do was surprise you.
without further thought, jun headed straight to your place, but not before inquiring his mom about a few recipes he knew you liked. his current plan was to make you a romantic dinner upon your return. in order to allow you to enjoy your day in whichever way you wished to, he continued to not contact you with his new plan. he knew it might've been dumb to not even answer the multiple messages you'd left him while he slept, but he wanted to apologize face to face with a romantic gesture.
preparing the meal had been easy enough. he followed it by creating a nice ambience with the lights and a few candles, along with some mellow music and incense. the next step in his plan was to offer you a massage and his wholehearted company for the rest of the night to do whatever you so wished.
luckily for him, your outing did not extend into the night, meaning his meal would become either a brunch or an early dinner. but that didn't matter to him the moment you stepped in and spotted him in suit and tie waiting for you in your apartment, eyes wide as saucers at the unexpected intrusion.
"wait! dont say anything. i rehearsed this, okay? let me say my thing first."
you were already used to his shenanigans, so you gestured at him to continue before voicing any questions.
"i'm so sorry. i know i promised to be here. and i was planning to be here on time! but i, uh, i fell asleep. i know how stupid that sounds, trust me! i didn't plan on this. i was so exhausted and i didnt realize that id sleep through all my alarms and your messages. my phone died last night too, so i didnt even realize you had called me. i'm just ... im sorry. i know im an idiot. please forgive me? i made you a romantic dinner to make up for it! i hope you like it, they're my mom's recipes," he paused for a second before continuing, "i love you! i wanted to spend the whole day with you, i swear. i know it didnt go as planned, but id you let me, id love to spend what remains of it doing whatever you want. im sorry i left you alone. i never meant to."
"junnie ..."
jun immediately noticed your lip begin to stick out in a pout, with watery eyes to match.
"oh, fuck. baby, i'm so sorry," he rushed you into his embrace, "i didnt mean to make you cry! i- how can i make it up to you? i'll do anything, just say the word."
you halted him before he could continue, remaining in his hold but disconnecting yourself enough to look into his eyes.
"no, junnie. it's just ... fuck, im sorry if my texts were harsh. i thought you had just ditched me for no reason. you must've been so exhausted, baby, im sorry. i understand why you weren't here, and ... god, thank you for the dinner. you're so sweet, junnie, im so so-"
"no! dont apologize. you're not allowed to apologize on your birthday. in a perfect world i wouldve made it home and fallen asleep in your arms instead. will you have dinner with me? then i can take you to bed," he interrupted himself upon realizing what he said, "oh, wait! not like that! but well, if you want too ... it's your day, anything you say goes. happy birthday, by the way," he pressed his nose to yours, "i love you."
you couldn't help but giggle at his panicked state, appreciating the sweet words nonetheless.
"thank you, junnie. i love you."
soonyoung -
soonyoung wasn't too sure where he was going.
it's not like be was blackout drunk, he was just drunk. period. he still had some sense of reason. he was almost 85% sure he was in minghao's car. but there was no way to be completely sure from the angle in which he was laying down. that's when his friend decided to inquire his name to check on him, thus confirming soonyoung's current whereabouts. that was also when soonyoung fell right back asleep.
next time he gained consciousness he was being dragged out of the car and being directed to follow minghao. he could recognize his new location anywhere. he was standing right outside your apartment. when you opened the door, he couldnt help but instantly let himself fall atop you, attacking you with a hug as you were forced a few steps back due to his body weight being dropped on you. you held him back, patting his back as you spoke to minghao about something. he wasn't too sure. the familiar scent at the crook of your neck had him too distracted to care.
finally minghao left, allowing you two some alone time. you left him on the couch and got him water, telling him he needed to sober up before you could talk, because apparently you had something to say to him. it was odd. you weren't cooing at him as you usually did. you also weren't stuck to his side, giving him his daily dose of physical affection like he'd always demand. he decided to shrug it off, allowing himself to fall into deep slumber on the uncomfortable space of your couch. he'd figure it out tomorrow.
when tomorrow came, soonyoung was hit with two things. one came after the other.
the first was his headache, which almost went away on its own at the mere aight of the aspirin you had left on the coffee table in front of him. he made a mental note to give you a thank you kiss the moment he saw you.
the next thing he was hit with was realization of how uneven this relationship seemingly was.
as he got up to seek you out, he stopped just before entering your bedroom, realizing you were on a phone call. he didn't mean to eavesdrop, but he was also really nosy by nature, so the math did itself.
"yeah. im sorry for cancelling on you yesterday ... no, i know ... it's not like that .... he just forgot .... yeah ..... he came home drunk .... i dont know. i think i'll just let him figure it out on his own .... i am hurt. we made plans and he just blew me off to drink with his friends, of course im hurt .... i'll just see you tomorrow, i gotta go take care of him .... yeah, i know im an idiot, but i love him .... okay, bye. love you too."
soonyoung could only hear your side of the conversation, but that had been enough for him to clue the pieces together. your birthday was yesterday. which was something he knew, but had completely left his mind at the mention of free drinks with the guys.
after that realization came many others.
you had shown him no type of anger upon his arrival, even making sure take care of him in his drunken state. you had changed him into his pjs as he slept, tucked him into your couch, given him medicine. even after he blew you off. on your birthday. fuck.
he gave himself no time to think before he barged into the room, immediately kneeling in front of you as he grabbed onto your hands. he paid no mind to your shocked state as he started babbling apologies to you.
"im so sorry, i- i dont know how i forgot. baby ... im so fucking sorry. i cant believe you took care of me even after i forgot. you shouldve punished me. you should punish me. i dont deserve you. im so so so sorry. i love you so much, i swear i never meant go forget. im just an idiot. that's not an excuse! you're just too good for me. I'll make it up to you! how can i? anything! please, i love you."
his rambling could only be blamed on his still buzzed state, as that had only been half of his apology. he kept going for ten minutes, allowing you no room to respond. he was surprised when by the end of it you'd instructed him to get up, almost tackling him in a hug as you wrapped your arms around his neck. he might've been an idiot, but he'd accept any affection from you he could get. always.
"soonie ..." you pulled away to look into his eyes, a sweet softness behind them. them you decided to slap his chest, making him wince at the unexpectedness of it, "you fucking idiot! i waited for you all day, and you ditch me for alcohol?"
"baby, i-"
"no! i cant sit through another ten minutes of apologies. im pretty sure you're a little drunk still. i forgive you. but you have a lot of making up to do, understand?"
he felt like a scolded puppy, but agreed regardless, telling you that he would swear off alcohol if that's what it took. he enjoyed your giggle as he suggested ridiculous ways to make it up to you, knowing he'd genuinely do anything to make up for ever making you upset.
minghao -
if he hadn't felt immediate regret the moment the words came out of his mouth, he sure felt it now, hearing you cry through the door to your shared bedroom.
he had no idea what had gotten into him. never had he ever even entertained the idea of disrespecting you like that, much less ever making you cry. he could take his job too seriously sometimes, making him a bit too irritable when his work ethic was questioned in any way. although this was true, he knew it was still just a cheap excuse for his behavior. no matter what had been going through his mind, he knew he had no right to speak to you in the way that he did, dismissing you so coldly on a day that was meant to celebrate you.
he was unsure what to do. he wanted to comfort you so badly, but he knew that he had been the sole cause for your pain. he felt himself get emotional at the mere thought, with your sobs making him weak at the knees in regret. he sat himself down on the other side of the door, knowing from the proximity of your cries that you must've been on the opposite side as well. he kept quiet, simply torturing himself as he heard the love of his life cry because of him. there was only so much he could take, however, before finally interrupting.
"my love ..?"
your cries seized a bit at his interruption, but your sniffles and heavy breath could still be heard, breaking his heart bit by bit.
"angel ... im so sorry ... i- i don't know what came over me. you're right. i should've called you. there is no world in which i wouldnt want to be with you to celebrate the birth of the love of my life. you're my everything. i want to shout it from the rooftops. i want everyone to know who my entire world is; who makes my heart beat," he took a pause to breathe, allowing himself to think of how to properly apologize to you, "i should never speak to you the way i just did, i ... im disgusted with myself. you're the most important thing in my life. being the source of your sadness makes me lose my mind. my one purpose in this life is to love you with all i have. im so sorry ... my love, please dont cry over me. no one deserves your tears."
by the end of his speech you had begun to cry harder, making his heart crumble even more.
"angel ... let me see you, please. i need to hold you, need to- need you in my arms. cant stand not taking away your pain, please, i-"
his words were interrupted by a sudden opening of the door. by the time he'd gotten up, you had already walked further into your room, sitting on the edge of the bed as you made yourself as small as possible, looking down while he approached. he knelt in front of you, grabbing your hands as he held them against his own, kissing at the back of your palms as he professed his love for you once more. he then got up and made it so you'd stand up with him, allowing him to cradle you in his arms.
"please forgive me ... i adore you more than anything."
you finally looked up at him, bloodshot eyes as he looked down at you with both worry and adoration.
"did you mean it? do you really not care to ditch me for your career? did you-"
"no! never. you're everything to me. there's nothing i hold more dear to my heart than your own. i'll never make you cry again. i'll grow old with you and give you nothing but happiness. please, please forgive me."
he knew his words could only get him so far, being fully aware that he had purposely hurt your feelings in the heat of the moment. he simply hoped that this would not cause a strain in your relationship; that you would somehow look past it and give him the forgiveness that he didn't deserve.
his thoughts were fortunately interrupted by a soft meeting of your lips, allowing him to melt into you before you pulled away.
"hao ... i forgive you. i- i never thought you'd just disregard me like that," he physically winced at the thought, "but you've shown me nothing but love and respect otherwise. i understand you were stressed, and i love you, so i forgive you."
"thank you, angel. i'll take tomorrow off, okay? let me keep you all to myself so i can show you how sorry i am; how badly i love you."
he then spent the rest of the night attached to you, waxing poetic at you as he told you of all the plans he had for the two of you tomorrow, even eventually progressing into talking about his night at the fashion show. your enthusiasm at his rambles made him realize how fortunate he was to have you all over again. he made a promise to himself and to you that he'd never lose his temper around you ever again.
chan -
"wait, what? ah! don't hit me!"
"you idiot! you're dating a literal angel and you forget their birthday?! what is wrong with you?"
"it's not today! it's, uh, wait. fuck. today?!"
checking his phone really quickly he realized that today's date was in fact your birthday. he hadn't bothered to write down a reminder for your birthday anywhere, knowing there was absolutely more way he could forget. except that the days had begun to blend together at some point, rendering him into a machine as he just went to his schedules without much thought. what he hadn't accounted for, however, was for your birthday to get lost in the mess also.
chan hadn't planned for his day to go like this. he 100% was not expecting to be berated by seungkwan the moment he stepped foot into the practice room, being scolded over being a careless boyfriend. even as annoyed as he was at his friend, he knew he was right. he hadn't meant to, but ultimately he had forgotten about you. it sucked to think about how he had bid you goodbye just this morning with not a single care in the world, now realizing that you were probably alone and feeling disregarded by him. i mean, for fuck's sakes, he had told you to take the day off a few weeks back. promising a fun afternoon together after he got off work. and now he had completely forgotten about it.
he needed to fix this, and quick.
like any lovesick guy (such as chan, who was immensely down bad for you), he ran to leave practice. he knew soonyoung would have his ass on a silver platter the moment he arrived and noticed chan's absence, but after weighing his options (hurting your feelings vs. being berated by yet another one of his older brothers), he decided you were the clear priority.
ran might've been an overstatement, but he did rush as much as he could. he wanted to account for the extra time he'd need to spend to stop by a flower shop on the way in order to beg for forgiveness in a more heartfelt way.
after picking a bouquet of your favorites, he instructed the driver to take him to your address, which led him to his current predicament as he stood outside your apartment door, breathless due to having ran up the stairs in very dramatic fashion. what could he say? he was just a boy in love.
the moment you opened the door to his knocks, he rushed in, rambling endless apologies to you as he handed you the flowers, professing his love to you while also whining (mostly at himself) that seungkwan of all people had been the one to remind him of the love of his life's special day. it was funny, really, how he didn't seem to run out of words when expressing his regret at his mistake.
you interrupted him halfway through his fourth apology, giggling at his widened eyes. okay, this was not exactly the reaction he was expecting.
"chan! jesus, breathe," you interrupted, "i'm not mad. i mean, i was. but you literally only left an hour ago, i cant believe you're back already."
"i headed back the moment kwan told me. baby. i'm sorry. i had planned to take the day off and surprise you, it just slipped my mind, i swe-"
"chan! it's fine! i'm not- i'm not mad, i promise. the fact that you came back running is so ... it's funny," you giggled again, "but its also very sweet. you have nothing to apologize for, okay? i'm just happy you're here."
he hugged you after that, disregarding the flowers in your hands as he nuzzled his nose into your hair.
"remind me to thank kwannie for reminding my bad, forgetful boyfriend about my birthday."
"yah! you're not allowed to hang out with him anymore, okay? he's a bad influence," he complained against you, enjoying the vibration of your laugh in return.
a/n: sorry some are way angstier than others ;-; i wanted to vary them a little. anyways tysm if u read the entirety of this mini series <3
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alotofpockets · 5 months
Unknown | Alessia Russo
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Pairing: Alessia Russo x Actress!Reader
Summary: You get a flower delivery but the bouquet isn't from who you thought it was.
Warnings: Angst (happy ending), stalker fan.
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | Words: 2k
You were busy rehearsing lines for tomorrow when your doorbell rang. On the other side of the door stood a delivery person with a bouquet of flowers in their hands. “Thank you, have a good day.” You say when taking the flowers from them. The flowers were absolutely beautiful, you find the tag, which reads a simple ‘I love you x’, your heart warms at the thought of your girlfriend thinking of you while she’s away. 
Alessia was attending an award show on the other side of the country, and her management had arranged for a few interviews surrounding it, making her trip three days instead of leaving the same day again. Usually you’d be Alessia’s plus one to events, as would she for you, but this time you weren’t able to. You were in the middle of filming your new project that was being filmed in London, so you were able to stay at your own place for the duration.
You were about to leave for work when you found out that your car wasn't starting. In frustration you hit the steering wheel, you couldn't be late for this shoot. You text Lotte, hoping that the usual early bird is awake already.
Y/n: Heyy, are you up already?
Alessia’s teammates had become your friends over the two years that you had been dating.
Lotte: Yeah, what's up?
The girl responded within a minute.
Y/n: Is there any way you can drive me to work like right now? My car isn't starting and I have to be there in an hour.
Lotte: Yes, I've got you. I'll be there in ten.
You head back inside, deciding on having a quick breakfast at home, instead of having breakfast on set to save you some time. 
With a knock on the door Lotte announced that she was there, you let her in to offer her a cup of coffee while you finished your breakfast. “Thank you so much for doing this.” She gives you a side hug, “Of course, no problem at all.” She sits down at the counter and looks over at the flowers. “Less?” She asks and you nod with a smile, “So sweet, right?”
Lotte dropped you off at work and told you to call her when you needed a ride back. “Thanks again, Lotte, I owe you one.” 
You hadn't gotten the chance to talk to Alessia yet, when you weren't filming she was in interviews. But it was a good day of shooting, you managed to get two scenes done today like how the crew had planned. You gave Lotte a call, before you changed out of your character's clothes back into your own.
“You're a lifesaver, Lotte.” You say as you step into her car. “Do you have dinner plans tonight? If not, can I please invite you over as a thank you?” Lotte accepted your invitation but made sure to let you know that it wasn't necessary as a thank you but she'd love the company. The two of you were so deep in conversation when you arrived back at your apartment, that you didn't notice that Alessia’s car was parked in the lot. 
Once you get into your apartment, you notice a familiar pair of shoes standing next to your door. “Lessi, baby, you're back early?” You ask full of enthusiasm, but you're met with silence. It's only when you walk into the kitchen that you see her, she looks both angry and upset. “Who are these from?” Your brow furrows, “What do you mean who are they from? Are they not from you?” Alessia stands to her feet, “I didn't, so please don't fool me.” 
Lotte who had been quietly standing in the background speaks up, “I know it's none of my business but Less, this morning y/n was happily telling me the flowers were from you.” Alessia looks between the two of you. “And what exactly are you doing here?” You step in now, realising that Alessia might be thinking the flowers were from Lotte. “My car broke down, and Lotte is the only person I know that's awake early enough for my set times, so I asked her to drive me to work.” 
Alessia seemed to calm down, and believed what you were telling her. “Why would someone randomly send flowers without signing their name?” You shrug, “I have no clue, maybe someone left the wrong address or something. Let’s just leave it behind us, I want to know how your event went.” The three of you prepare dinner, and talk the rest of the evening.
Everything seemed to be back to usual, until a couple days later a box of chocolates was delivered to you on set. The handwriting on the note matched the one on the bouquet, a cold chill ran down your spine when the realisation hit that this wasn't just coincidental but that there was someone out there that knew where you lived, and when you would be on set.
Your first thought was to video call your girlfriend. After pressing the call button, you start pacing your trailer. “Hi my love, is everything alright?” She could read on your face that something was troubling you. “Less, the flowers, it wasn't a coincidence. They delivered something here addressed to me.” Alessia was furious but stayed calm for you. “Okay, here's what we're going to do. I'm coming over right now, and we'll talk to security at the set, make sure no strangers or packages are to be accepted. Then once you're done with work I’m taking you back to my place. I've got you, okay?” You nod. “Thank you, baby.” 
Alessia stayed on the call with you until she arrived at your set and had her eyes on you. You ran into her arms, and she held you tight. “It's okay, you're okay.” She whispered to calm you down. “I know but it's just so scary that they know where I live and where I work.” With a nod she let you know that she understood your worries. “Do you have time to talk to security now or do you need to head back?” You look at your phone, “I've got about fifteen minutes before I have to get back. Can we please talk to them first?” 
She took your hand, and explained to the head of security what was going on. He assured you that they would make sure that they would keep you safe, and even offered for someone to walk you back to your car, just to be sure. You thanked him, before making your way over to the set.
The rest of your work day you were able to put the worrying to the back of your mind, knowing that Alessia was here and the security team was aware of the situation. It was later that evening, in Alessia's apartment when the worrying started to come back. “They know where I live. What if I go back to my apartment and they're just there? What am I supposed to do?” Alessia held you through your worries. “We're going to figure something out, my love.” 
You didn't get much sleep that night but with an early call again, you made your way to the car. As promised a security guard escorted you from your car to your trailer, which you were grateful for. During hair and makeup, you were more quiet than usual, being too tired to use your energy for socialising. 
The day was going fine, until you heard commotion coming from outside your trailer. You open the trailer door to see if everything was alright, only to find a man trying to get through security screaming your name. “Y/n! You haven’t been home all week, I had to come see you at work. Please come y/n, I need to see you.” You’re frozen in place at the top of the small stairs. “Get back inside, we've got this.” The security called over his shoulder. You closed the door behind you and leaned your back against it. 
Alessia had explained the previous encounters you had with her teammates, everyone had been very supportive and said that if you needed anything they were there for you. She was in the gym with them, when her phone rang, your name on the display. You knew each other's schedules very well, so she knew that if you were calling during her training times something was wrong.
She snapped out of her shocked state, and answered the phone. “Y/n, wh-” She didn't get further than that as you interrupted her between sobs. “He's here” Alessia's worry grows. “Here as in on set?” Her words caught the attention of their teammates, who all stopped what they were doing. “He's next to my trailer, security is trying to keep him back.” Alessia got up and started gathering her stuff, “I'm on my way. I can stay on the phone, if you’d like.” You shake your head, “I'm okay, you focus on driving please.”
The small group of her teammates that were in the same part of the gym, had all grabbed their stuff as well and followed Alessia to the locker room. “We're not letting you go alone.” Katie said, Lotte, Caitlin, and Leah nod agreement. 
They arrived and saw a parking lot filled with police cars, and saw two officers walk a man to the car in handcuffs. Alessia was so angry that she wanted to run up to him, she didn't know what she would do but thanks to Katie holding her back, she wouldn't have to. 
The group walked up to the security guard securing the entrance. Alessia holds up her visiting badge, he nods in approval, “What about the rest of you?” Alessia speaks up for them, “They're with me. We're here for y/n y/l/n, she's my girlfriend.” He shakes his head, “I'm sorry miss but I can't let anyone in without permission.” That's when Alessia sees the head of security, “Paul! Can you come here for a second?” He rushes towards Alessia, “Miss Russo, I'm so sorry for what happened. I will get to the bottom of how he got in, you have my word.” Alessia shakes her head, “Thank you, Paul. For now, can you get my friends in?” He tells the other security guard to let them through and escort them to your trailer.
You see the familiar Arsenal training kits in the corner of your eyes while you’re giving your statement to the police. “Excuse me, can you give me one moment?” The officer looks over her shoulder, and nods. You run towards Alessia and let her wrap her arms around you tightly, as your head is pressed into her chest. Once you’ve had your moment of comfort, you step away from her and say a quick hello to the rest of the girls. “I need to finish giving my statement, you can wait in my trailer if you want to.” You point toward the one that is your. Alessia tells the girls to go ahead, while she stays near you. 
Once the officer was done with your statement, Alessia wrapped her arm around your shoulder and placed a kiss on your temple. “Let’s go inside, my love.” You told the girls what happened, and they tell you that they saw him being put into the back of a police car in handcuffs, which honestly made you feel a bit better. 
Alessia was focussed on one part of your story, the fact that he had said he needed to come to your work since you hadn’t been home. That meant that he had been spying on your house, and also didn’t know where you had been staying. “Hey, love, I know it’s under the worst circumstances ever, but I have loved living with you over the last couple of days, and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to move in with me, like permanently.” Your smile grew, “Yes, I would love to. It’s been so great to come home to you.” Alessia brings you in for a hug, as your trailer fills with aw’s. 
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luvendiary · 11 months
3 times hiccup asked you to marry him + the time you realized he meant it
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hello! this was an early draft for this request: Hello!!! Imagine hiccup telling reader "I'm in love with you" / "Marry me" out of blue after a stare down (can be established relationship or not muahahaha) I like how this turned out, except for the ending. it's sort of shitty in my opinion. also, this isn't proofread. and sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language. feel free to point them out. also, there’s a slight corpse bride reference with the vows!! as always, thank you for reading. let me know what you think and if you'd like more of this. requests are always open!
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Snoggletog was one of your favorite festivities. The beautiful coat of snow that hugged the soil, and the way the sunlight softly reflected on it was perfect to you. You loved to see how vikings busied themselves by hanging up ornaments and mistletoe on the doors. You loved hearing the out-of-tune carols that echoed across Berk. And you loved the late cold nights as you and the dragon riders sat around a warm fire and talked about the day’s happenings.
One thing you did not love though, was the Snoggletog play, specially because it had been assigned to you all this year. It was the dragon riders’ responsibility to plan, organize and act it out the day of Snoggletog.
“What about the start of dragon races?” Snoutlout suggested.
“They did that two years ago,” Astrid replied as she sharpened her axe.
“We could do Loki-”
“We’re not doing Loki day Tuffnut,” Hiccup interrupted him.
A moment of silence passed amongst all of you.
“What if, we make a reenactment of Odin and Freya’s marriage? How they stopped the Aesir and Vanir war,” you said while nibbling on your thumb.
“That could work,” Fishlegs said.
“I like it, we could even get the dragons in on this,” Astrid suggested.
“Of course, brilliant idea (Y/N),” Snotlout said as he stood up with a cocky attitude. “Specially because I would make the perfect Odin.” He flexed his muscles and stroke a victorious pose.
You chuckled and pushed him away, “Sit down Snotlout. I was actually thinking that Astrid and Fishlegs could be Freya and Odin.”
“Oh no,” Astrid said immediately. “I’m not good at performing. Plus, you gave the idea, you should be Freya.”
“Alright,” you said. “If no one else is up for it, I’ll be Freya. Fishlegs, are you ok with being Odin?”
“Ye-” his reply was interrupted by Astrid elbowing him. “I mean, I wish I could but…I-I don’t like performing.”
“What but you love perfor-?”
“Hiccup! Why aren’t you Odin?!” Astrid chimed in as she placed her arm around your shoulder while the other went around the brunette-boy’s shoulders.
“Uh…I-I guess,” Hiccup said.
Astrid grinned while looking at you, “Great! It’s settled then!”
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“Why would you do that?!” you shrieked as you pressed the palm of your hands to your eyes.
Astrid, who sat next to you overlooking Berk from a nearby cliff, shrugged, “Oh I don’t know. Maybe because I’m tired of you two beating around the bush. Why don’t you kiss already? It’s obvious you want to.”
“Shut up Astrid,” you said while sitting up. You rubbed your hands together to provide some heat to your body. “I’m not even sure if he likes me.”
“You’re as blind as Gothi is mute,” she replied.
“How can you be so sure? Has he said anything about me?”
“You’re hopeless Y/N.”
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The days went by, and Snoggletog drew closer and closer. Right after training, you went to rehearsals, and while most of it went by in fits of laughter and jokes, you all managed to build a production. You often tended to practice with Hiccup, since you had the most line together, and it gave you an excuse to spend more time with him. During this period, you had managed to gain some small victories in the love department, holding his hand, dancing with him, and hearing him laugh while you acted out some of your scenes being some. However, there was something you both had been avoiding: the marriage kiss. It made your heart flutter and your stomach swarm with butterflies every time you though about the possibility of kissing him; on the other hand, it also felt like Gronkle iron swishing around your intestines. What if he didn’t want to kiss you? What if he just did it out of pity?
Your mind was plagued with questions up until the big day.
“Good luck,” Astrid said while she gave you a knowing look. She was looking forward to the kiss, and if what she had told you was true, all of the dragon riders were too.
The play started out good, Snotlout and Tuffnut played the Aesir family, while Ruffnut and Fishlegs played the Vanir.
The scene changed and the Aesir were complaining with Hiccup about how Freya’s magic and her help towards the Vanir was the reason for their shortcomings.
I was then your time to appear. After several attempts from the Aesir to try to kill Freya, you and Odin came to an agreement: you were to marry each other.
“Marry me,” said Hiccup. And as you looked into his eyes your breath hitched. He had a smile plastered on his face, and his eyes gleamed.
“I will marry you,” you replied as you offered him your hand and he put the ring on your nuptial finger.
The scene was supposed to end there, you were about to take a step backwards so that the actual marriage scene could take place, however you felt a hand wrap around your wrist, and before you knew it you were being kissed. You were being kissed by Hiccup Haddock.
Your shock was palpable, however you dissolved into the kiss once the initial incredulity had passed. Once Hiccup felt the kiss was reciprocal, he wrapped his arms around your waist and drew you closer.
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2 .
Dragon racing was a hefty sport. Ever since it was created, it became a fan favorite amongst Berkians. Once every full moon, a match was held that was sure to be the talk of the town for at least a week. On summer and winter solstice, you held the dragon riding tournament, that usually lasted for about a week; except for that one time when the black sheep had wondered deep into the woods, and you weren’t able to find it for two days.
Point of the matter is, dragon racing was a serious issue for vikings. And that’s why victories where celebrated so grandly. You never particularly cared for the celebrations, however wining was important to you; your usually carefree nature was irrecognizable when it came to the sport as you became a furiously competitive rider. This change, spared no one. Not even your boyfriend.
“Incoming!” you called out before snatching the black sheep from Hiccup’s arms, as you held on with your legs to (Y/D)’s saddle while she flew in an upside down position.
“Hey!” he shouted in response with a light chuckle.
“I wish I could say I’m sorry, but I’m not!” you replied with a shit-eating grin directed his way. With the black sheep secure in your arms, you flew away, not a hint of remorse visible on your face.
You returned to your upright position and quickly flew up to your basket and threw in the black sheep. As soon as you do so, you hear the crowds cheers and applause mixed with the blow of the horn, signaling that the match has ended.
Astrid joined you on the platform, followed by Ruff, as they cheered you on and celebrated your team victory.
Hiccup watched you, still mounted on Toothless with a lovesick smile present in his features, “I’m going to marry her,” he said as he took in your beautiful smile.
“I don’t think you’re her type,” said a voice next to him. Tuffnutt flew next to him with a pissed expression -probably because of their defeat- “but go for it. I’m sure my sister would be flattered.”
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3 .
“Do you think there are other people out there?” you asked as you stared blankly at the stars. “I mean, besides us dragon riders and dragon hunters. Do you think that maybe there’s another civilization that has been familiar with dragons long before us?”
You heard Hiccup chuckle, “Possibly, maybe they even know of species we have yet to discover.”
“I wonder if they maybe think the same of us. Maybe we’re some strange advanced civilization to them”, you said with a light giggle as your thoughts went wild with the idea of the unknown. “Or maybe, we’re cavemen in comparison to their civilization. Maybe…they know about our existence, and they have just decided to leave us alone because we’re not worth their time.”
“That’s a bit depressing isn’t it?” Hiccup asked, humored by your rambling.
“I don’t think so. I think it’s exciting…” you said slightly breathless as you stared at the vast abyss of twinkling lights that spread above you and beyond. “Just imagine everything we’ve yet to discover.”
You faintly heard the huffs and growls of your dragons, who were entertained by Hiccup’s prosthetic leg as they fought each other for it.
Hiccup allowed himself to steal a glance at you for a fraction of a second. He thought that the view in front of you was beautiful, but to him, the real wonder was sitting right next to him. You looked breathtaking with the starry abyss reflected in your eyes. Yet, you were so unaware of it.
“Marry me.”
He didn’t mean to actually say it. But he just couldn’t control himself when he was with you.
Your trance was broken and you stared at him wide eyed, in disbelief at what he had just said. However as soon as you saw his expression mirroring yours, you burst out laughing. You couldn’t say truthfully that you had never though about marriage, especially with Hiccup.
Hiccup’s startled expression morphed into confusion.”W-What? Why are you laughing?”
“Are you sure you want to marry me?” you asked in between giggles. “You don’t seem very sure.”
“What? Y-Yes! Of course I’m sure! Why wouldn’t I want to marry you?” his eyebrows furrowed in the way you loved. The way that told you you had successfully managed to get in his head. He had turned his body so that it was now mirroring yours, and his shoulders were raising up and down as they usually did when he was trying to explain something or defend a point.
“Fine then. I’ll marry you.”
His rambling stopped immediately. “What? Y-You will?”
You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. “Sure. Why not?”
You stood up then as you walked around the small island you had stumbled upon earlier that day. Leaving a very flustered and confused Hiccup behind.
“Wait! Where are you going?” he called after you as he struggled to get up. He rambled on as he chased you, asking about arrangements and other things.
“Aha!” you said victoriously as you crouched down over a patch of grass with some wildflowers sprouting out.
Hiccup peered over your shoulder, trying to see what you were doing.
Eventually you stood up and extended your hand towards him. He stared at you blankly for a moment, and muttered to himself, tryin to understand your actions. Still, an amused smile was present on his face.
“Well?” you said after a bit. “Give me your hand.”
He did as you instructed, and then you took out your other hand from behind, which gently held a blade of grass along with some small wildflowers intertwined with each other, forming a ring.
“I know it’s not the best craftsmanship, but I figured we couldn’t get married without rings,” you explained with a soft giggle.
Hiccup grinned down at you, and laughed incredulously. He wondered how he ever got you to agree to be his. “I’m afraid to tell you dearest, but I don’t have a ring for you.”
You sighed mockingly and rolled your eyes. “I know that. I assumed you would be too in your head about your future duty as chief and the dragons to think about me.”
“Hey!” he protested immediately. “I’m always thinking about you-”
“But worry not!” you said as you giggled playfully. “Since I know you well enough to be married, I know you well enough to be prepared for our wedding.” You reached into one of your pockets and puled out and identical ring, which he gently grabbed.
He stared down at you, with a skeptical expression.
“Well, go on with it. Do you want to marry me or not?” you asked as you tilted your head slightly to the side.
Hiccup sighed and then locked his eyes with yours. “I, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock, the Third, make this oath. With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine."
Once the traditional vows were finished he gently took your hand and slid the delicate ring onto your nuptial finger.
You watched with a smile as he carefully placed it, and once he was done, you repeated the vows and slid his ring onto his own finger.
With your ceremony done, your lips met in a gentle and warm dance. You felt as his hands slid down your back and rested on your hips, holding your body closer to his.
“This is the second time we’ve been married now,” he whispered as he broke apart form the kiss,
“How scandalous,” you whispered back with a soft laugh, as you remembered the Snoggletog performance and how it ended up with your first kiss.
“Maybe the next time we get to do it, you’ll actually be wearing white.”
You stared up at him with a raised eyebrow. “Is that so? Does that mean you’d like to bed me next time?” you teased.
“I’d love to bed you now,” he said with a slight chuckle. “But I’m aware you’d rather follow the traditional path.”
You laughed and patted his chest. “Well, you’ll better get me that white dress quickly then.”
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Hiccup had been acting weird all day. Evading you and whenever you managed to track him down he responded any question you had in a dismissive manner. You had figured you should let him alone for a while, at least until he was ready to talk about whatever was bothering him.
He did tend to get too into his own head whenever he was worried, and it took you telling him about it for him to realize he could share his burden with you. But this time it was different.
When you had asked what was bothering him he dismissed you as soon as he could and continued what he was doing.
It had hurt you. It made you think if you had done anything wrong, but you couldn’t think of anything. It was scary thinking about what this could mean for the both of you.
“And you’re sure he hasn’t ever acted like this before?” Astrid asked as she tried to make sense of the situation with you.
You where both sat in the Great Hall, as the rest of the vikings ate their dinner. You however, couldn’t seem to make anything go down past your throat, as worry consumed you.
“Yes Astrid, I am sure,” you replied rather harshly. “I don’t even know where the hell he is right now. For all I know he’s probably off in another girl’s house. Maybe he got tired of waiting for me. Maybe he realized he doesn’t want this sort of commitment…”
You knew that this was irrational thinking. Hiccup had never given you signs that he didn’t want to be with you anymore, on the contrary, he was always very reassuring on how much he liked being with you. Up until now you had never had any reason to doubt your relationship; but up until now, Hiccup had never behaved like this either.
“Don’t say that! That boy is crazy for you. He has been since we where thirteen.”
You sighed and buried your hands in your hair. “Then why is he acting like this?!”
“I think you should ask him yourself,” Astrid said as she placed a comforting hand on her friend’s back.
“I’ve already tried that…” you groaned out. Your voice muffled by your arms, on which you were resting your head.
“Give it one more try. Maybe he’ll snap out of it.”
Reluctantly, you agreed and made your way up to the watch tower. It was Hiccup’s turn to keep watch tonight, so you knew he wouldn’t be able to escape this time.
You felt the heat of the fire before you saw it, and you knew he was there.
“You need to cut the crap Haddock,” you started as you saw the faint outline of his shadow as you were nearing the end of the stairs. “If I did something wrong, just tell me right now because I can’t keep doing this. We’re not teenagers anymo-”
Your throat closed up as soon as you saw him. A gasp escaped your mouth and your hands flew to your face.
In front of you, Hiccup was down on one knee and a small wooden box sat comfortably on the palm of his hand.
“You bastard,” you whispered just to yourself.
He chuckled at that and smiled as he saw your reaction. He then opened the box to reveal a small silver ring in the shape of some intricate patterns.
“My dearest Y/N…” he started, but the lump in his throat wouldn’t let him go any further.
“Oh Hiccup…” you breathed out as you approached him slowly.
“Please marry me,” he said finally.
You crouched in front of him with tears in your eyes and held his face in your hands.
“Of course I will marry you,” you replied as a teary laugh escaped your throat.
To him, it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.
He laughed then, as he slid the ring in, and looked up at you. He cupped your cheeks with the palm of his hand and pulled you closer until your lips met. He tasted tears and relief in that kiss.
You eventually separated and you hit his chest lightly.
“Don’t ever do that to me again you bastard!” you said as the tears flowed, and you whipped them off as nervous laughter escaped your lips.
“I swear this is the last time love,” he chuckled as he crouched his head slightly to help you whipe your tears.
“Not that! Don’t ever avoid me like that again Hiccup! I was starting to think that maybe you didn’t want me anymore…”
Hiccup grabbed your chin gently and made you look up at him. “Theres no one else I’d rather want.”
You laughed nervously once again and offered him a teary smile.
“I’m sorry I scarred you love. I just…I was so nervous.”
“It’s ok…” you reassured him. “I understand.”
He smiled down at you and whipped another tear. You didn’t mean to keep doing it, but you had been so worried all day long that it was finally coming out. You didn’t want to ruin your moment like this. It was supposed to be a moment for celebration and happiness. You tried to make it stop.
“You can cry. I will lift your sorrows,” Hiccup said with a soft laugh as he whipped another tear.
You smiled then, tears still flowing out. But you knew it would be alright. He would make you feel alright. He always did.
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mirandasidefics · 5 months
But Home is Nowhere- Chapter 2
Pairing(s): Lucien x Plus Size Reader, Azriel x Plus Size Reader, Ruhn Danaan x Plus Size Reader
Chapter 2 Summary: Lucien and Rhysand argue over Reader's imprisonment, only one cell is traded for another. Lucien reaches out to an unlikely alley for support in getting Reader free.
Word Count: 6.3K
Warning(s): Mentions of injuries, mentions of self harm, mentions of body issues/insecurities.
A/N: I was too excited to wait the full month so here is part two a bit early! I apologize that this gets a bit dialogue heavy at the end. I may fix it later. This is going to be a long slow burn fic with a lot of angst. This will also have crossover with some of the Crescent City characters. It also probably goes without saying, but this will not follow canon past the events in HOSAB. Comment on this post if you want to be included on the tag list.
Series Masterlist
Previous: Chapter 1
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Seven days. Seven days he’d been arguing and advocating for her release with Rhysand. For seven days he listened to the same rehearsed list of excuses as to why Rhys wouldn’t budge in his decision.
“You and I both know that the gate to Velaris was sealed with blood magic. Only those whose blood is linked to the seal can pass through, which she shouldn’t have been able to do. On top of that we don’t know what world she came from. I’m not risking the lives of my family-my court, which includes you- on what equates to no more than a hunch.”  
While the High Lord’s statements were reasonable and valid points, his insistence she remained confined in that dark and dank cell was not. Lucien hastily made his way down the main steps that lead into the catacombs, thoughts of his last spat with Rhysand swirling in his mind.
“Why do you care so much about what happens to this woman?” Rhys had questioned. Lucien had asked himself the same thing; but how could he say that it was less about her and more about what she represented? That when he saw her cowering form in the corner of that cell, images of Feyre, Elain, and Jesminda flashed through his mind. He had failed the two sisters. He had failed his first love. He would sooner have the Cauldron blast him from existence should he fail to protect another innocent female. He’d kept his composure standing in Rhysand’s office at the River House long enough. A simmering rage permeated the space as the raven-haired male stared him down. A silent challenge in the already tense atmosphere.
“How can you stand your own hypocrisy?” He seethed, “You sit there thinking of yourself so high and mighty, yet a simple human frightens you? You allowed Feyre into Velaris the second week she spent with you. You allowed Bryce into your home within minutes of her crashing into our world. Yet this human…this woman scares you so much you have her imprisoned in one of the most dangerous areas of your court?”
“ENOUGH!” Rhysand bellowed, his own violet orbs simmered with rage. Lucien felt his flames rise up and encircle his palms. Rhysand’s High Lord command held no sway so he continued.
“Are you that much of a coward that you could not have just asked her a few simple questions? You couldn’t have just looked into her-”
“I could not enter her mind!” Rhys’ breaths were ragged. “Something is protecting that mortal, and it is strong enough to keep me out. So long as those shields of hers remain impenetrable I cannot trust her. I must keep my mate and child safe.” Lucien scoffed, his fire dwindled. “Which is not something I can say I see you doing for your own.”  
Lucien could still feel the cracking of bone and cartilage of Rhys’ nose as it connected with his fist. The argument surly would have resulted in them demolishing the entirety of the business wing had Azriel’s arrival not stopped the two males in their tracks. The Shadowsinger’s haggard appearance set them both on edge, but his words allowed Lucien to breathe a sigh of relief.
“I’m done with this Rhys. I cannot keep hur- I cannot do this… she knows nothing.” The High Lord merely looked between the Emissary and the Spymaster. Expression relaxed and revealing nothing, even as blood dripped over his lips.
“Bring her up to the Moonstone Palace,” the commanded was towards his brother, “Since Lucien is so smitten with the woman he shall remain with her there for the time being.”
Lucien soon found himself outside of her cell. Only darkness and cold emanated from beyond the door. He paused his own breathing, wondering if she was even still alive. The last time he saw her, she hadn’t hesitated to slice open her own skin. Azriel wasn’t far behind and pushed past Lucien to enter the room. Lucien’s breath remained caught in his throat as he took in the mangled sight of her.
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You had no idea how long you’d been in the darkness of your cell. Hours had turned into days, but just how many days you weren’t sure. You had gone silent on what you assumed was the third day. You knew nothing of how you got there, and you had no idea where to begin when Azriel-who’s name you gathered early on-asked you about the world you came from. Its not like he would believe you if you said your world had no magic, at least not in the same way it was here. Then again, that was clearly an incorrect assumption on your part. And after everything that has transpired you determined that this was no dream. It was a nightmare come to life. You weren’t sure how much more your psyche could tolerate. Surely death would be better than the horrors that would plague your mind for years to come if you were allowed to live. You prayed silently to whatever deity would listen to let you die. You started as the metal hinges of the door screamed into the darkness. 
“Mother above,” The horrified yet soft baritone drifted to your ears and you strained to open your eyes. You recognized the voice and Lucien’s warm body was immediately next to yours as you dangled from the ceiling. The male made quick work of the metal shackles holding your wrists high above your head, a bright light flooding the small space making you hiss. His large hand encircled your wrist and you could feel the skin repair itself. Lucien slowly lowered your arms down.
“Her name is (Y/N),” Azriel’s voice was barely above a whisper, as if he was ashamed of the space his normal speaking voice would take up in the small cell. As if what he said would break you further. Lucien held you up, warm hands around your rib cage holding you steady. 
“(Y/N),” His testing of your name tentative, “(Y/N), my name is Lucien…I’m going to take you out of here.” His arms wrapped around you, and you could have sworn you felt your skin get warmer, the cold melting away like ice. His grip never lessened, which you were grateful for as you weren’t sure your legs could fully support your weight.
“Do you feel safe enough to come with me?”  You couldn’t speak, couldn’t move your head in agreement. Couldn’t specify that you felt safe with him. You could only muster enough strength to cling to the front of his shirt, hoping it conveyed your trust towards him and him alone. Your eyes burned with tears. He shushed you as one of his hands rubbed up and down your spine. A footstep echoed in the chamber, and then you felt Azriel’s shadows attempt to wend their way over your bare feet. Your flinch was followed by a low warning growl, one that you felt more than heard.
“Follow me,” Azriel’s swallow was audible.
“Can you walk?” Lucien’s hand lowered to your waist, pushing you back far enough so he could meet your eyes. They felt swollen and your vision was unfocused and hazy, but you tried to keep them open so he could see that you would try your best. You shifted your weight back onto your heels and slowly slid your right foot in front of you. A lightning like bolt of pain traveled up your leg. Air harshly sucked into your lungs.
“I’ve got you,” his voice was reassuring as he continued to support most of your weigh in his arms. You took another step forward. Then another and another. His hands never faltered from their place on your torso as he moved himself to walk behind you. Ready and poised to keep you balanced and catch you should you fall. “Good girl,” he praised, “Let’s get you cleaned up so I can heal you yeah?”
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The walk up from the catacombs to the palace proper was brutal. Your legs burned from the muscle strain and you were regretting not accepting help from Lucien while you bathed. However, the last thing you wanted was to have anyone see you naked. Lucien had helped enough with getting the large sunken in bathtub filled. The scent of vanilla and lavender contrasted with the grime and dirt that filled your lungs for the last week. You had specifically asked for the water to be scalding, wanting it to burn away the memory of everything that had been done to you in the dark. The deep cold that laced your bones was finally seeping out in the hot water. A soft knock rapped on the stone archway leading into the bathing chamber. Unable to move your neck freely you covered your chest and turned to face the male. He walked over to the bench set near the tub, a bundle of cream-colored fabric in his arms. Unless it was a bedsheet you doubted that any clothing he found would fit you. Then again, magic existed so its possible that the fabric could be altered instantly. He sat on the bench and set the garment next to the towel that awaited you.
“Are you certain that I can’t be of assistance?” He looked beyond you towards the open windows that overlooked the absolutely stunning expanse of wilderness below the palace. A darkened city jutting out from the base of the mountains the only thing that disrupted the sight. You were thankful for Lucien’s offer. Truly you were, and despite the feeling-knowing- that you could trust the male, your self-conscious nature surrounding your body was too strong.
“I-” You cleared your throat of the gravel you were certain had lodged itself inside from screaming against the rocky surface of your cell, “I’m good.” The vibration of your vocal chords felt like sandpaper as they rubbed together. He looked at you then and reflexively you squeezed your arms tighter around yourself; gripping your elbows as you dipped down into the water until everything below your neck was submerged. You were grateful for the tub size making you look small. It could easily fit two full grown adults and deep enough to reach your waist when you stood to full height. It almost reminded you more of a jacuzzi rather than a bathtub.
“Then I’ll leave you to bathe in peace,” He stood and clasped his hands behind his back, “I’ll be in the room just beyond these arches. Just call our if you need anything. I’m here to ensure that you’re taken care of.” You nodded your understanding and turned towards the side of the tub lined with soaps and lotions, his foot steps retreating against the stone tiles. While you had difficulty with your range of motion, you managed to rid yourself of the dirt, grime, and dried blood from your skin. Your hair felt silky, soft, and light compared to the heavy oily mats from not washing it for a week. You had also found a razor nearby and took the opportunity to shave, savoring the feeling that you were becoming a person again. Drying off was easier with the relaxed muscles. The vanilla scented lotion felt like heaven as it penetrated your dry skin. You surmised that the bath had really only removed one layer of nightmares as you scanned your form in the mirror on the opposite wall. Your eyes first saw the plethora of cuts in every size cover the expanse of both your arms, shoulders, and collar bone from the dagger-Truth Teller-that Azriel had used during your interrogation. Next you took in the dark red and purple bruise on the left side of your jaw. The discoloration spanning from the joint below your ear to your chin. It was a miracle that he hadn’t knocked any of your teeth out or broken your jaw from the force he hit you with. Eyes trailing further down you saw a second healing bruise, its blue-green hue spanning the length of your ribs on the right side of your body. Laying down on your side was going to prove difficult still. Finally, your eyes landed on the only injury that you yourself were responsible for. The shadows had played too many tricks on your mind, too many whispers promising to break you. The psychological and emotional pain was worse than the physical injuries and honestly became too much for your soul. Something in you broke. You still couldn’t figure out exactly how you managed to grab Truth Teller from him, too focused on plunging the black blade into your left inner thigh and dragging it along the flesh. You couldn’t reach your throat, so you had been aiming for the next major artery you knew of in the hopes that you’d bleed out fast, but Azriel was quick. His attempt to get the blade back from you pushed it away from where it would do the most damage. That was the last day that Azriel brought any form of weapon with him, and the last day he put his hands on you. Rhysand had only managed to stop the bleeding, but a large and deep jagged slice remained. Had you paid more attention you may not have doubted the guilt that lined his features as he worked to heal you. You didn’t want this to be real. You still held out hope that if you somehow managed to end your life you’d wake up on the cold concrete of the path leading up to your front door. You didn’t belong here.
You shook the memories from your mind and picked up the fabric on the bench. You expected the intrusive thoughts and nightmares, but you didn’t think that they would be plaguing you so immediately. You slipped on the airy cotton tank top and loose-fitting matching shorts. You were indeed surprised they fit as well as they did, let alone fit at all. Your bare feet padded along the cool stone floor and entered the massive bedchamber. The room encapsulated a warmth with its cream and ivory base colors. Splashes of blues, teals, and turquoise giving it a calming effect.  The dark cherry wood of the four-poster bedframe provided an interesting accent color adding to the space. Lucien sat on an ivory colored couch that faced a white marbled fireplace. Sadly, the flames did nothing to help illuminate the space and only seemed to cast heavier shadows. You glanced around the room again and noticed that the bedsheets had been turned down for you, for whenever you were ready to sleep. But you knew you wouldn’t be able to get any real rest with your injuries being what they were. Rhysand had only stopped the bleeding in your thigh. He did nothing for the other injuries. So, Lucien stated he would heal those for you. Carefully walking over, you sat your self on the couch, keeping enough space for another person to sit between you and the crimson haired male. He turned towards you with a slight smile that quickly faltered as he took in your appearance. He moved closer towards you and examined every inch of your skin. His one real eye held no warmth even as a flame seemed to ignite the iris. He took your chin in his hand to get a better look at the bruise on your jaw. His touch was gentle, but even you could tell that the male was furious with what he saw.
“I had hoped some of this had been dirt,” He turned your head to the side, a finger tracing down along the side of your neck. A metallic scent permeated the air as the hand cupped the left side of your face, covering nearly the entire bruise. His gaze slowly traveled down to your shoulders and the cuts that littered and marred the skin of your arms and shoulders. The skin warmed and tingled under his gentle caress. His eyes paused at your torso, no words needed to understand that he wanted to see the injury to your ribs. You carefully gathered the material and lifted as high as your stiff shoulder and neck muscles would allow. His fingers traced the outline of the mark, and you cringed at the touch of his hands moving your fat rolls out of the way so his palms could lay flat against the skin. Embarrassment colored your cheeks. Lucien continued his healing wordlessly. He motioned for you to stand, grasping your calf and propping your leg on the cushion of the couch. Your inner thigh completely exposed to him allowing the full extent of your wound to be seen. You watched as skin healed almost instantly. His gaze then shifted to the healed scars on your upper thigh, near the junction where it met your hip. “Um…y-you can leave those,” you brought your leg back down to stand before the male, “Thank you Lucien.”
“You’re most welcome,” His smile didn’t reach his eyes. You started to pick at your already blunt nails, a nervous habit you used to ground yourself. You glanced around the room for the third time, almost not believing that you were no longer in the cold and dark. The white walls and bedding opened up the space.
“Is…is that for me?” You pointed over towards the massive bed covered in decorative pillows. Lucien’s red hair swayed with the movement of his head as he followed your gesture.
“The bed is for you,” He stood and walked over to the small bedside table to the left of the headboard, “As is this sleeping draft.” He picked up a deep cobalt vial, giving it a slight shake before setting it back down. You hummed and nodded, but didn’t move from your spot in front of the couch. It went without saying that the potion would be needed after what you experienced over the past week. And you would only feel guilty if you woke him in the middle of the night.
“There’s water for you as well,” His voice softened as he noticed your hesitation. You chewed on your lower lip. The sun was still up, but you didn’t know how its position revealed the time of day. Depending on the time of year and how far north, or south, on the planet you were, you estimated it could be anywhere from 3pm to 9pm. You supposed it didn’t really matter as sleep was sleep and you’d likely remain unconscious for several hours, Gods willing at least.
“I will be in the room next to yours,” He pointed over to a door opposite from the entrance to the bathing chamber, “If you need anything, anything at all you come to me. We’ll get you some food in the morning.” You nodded again as your eyes started to water. You didn’t want to be left alone, but you also didn’t want to take up his time more than you already were. So, wordlessly you forced your feet to move and made your way over to the bed. You crawled in under the blankets that had been moved aside. You grabbed the vial from the bedside table and uncorked the stopper. The scent of chamomile, lavender, and something unknown wafted to you. Before you gave yourself time to reconsider you downed half the contents and set it back down. Lucien was patiently waiting at the door and smiled his first genuine smile towards you.
“Goodnight (Y/N).”
“Goodnight Lucien.”
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Lucien had answered all your questions, to the best of his ability, during your first day in the Moonstone Palace. He filled you in on the basics of the Night Court and Prythian. For each bit of information he provided about the land or himself, you matched it. He also informed you that while here, Rhysand insisted that you work on finding any potential information of your world and how to get back to it in the texts that he sent. A new stack of books was brought into the small library within the palace every morning. So far, your hours of reading yielded no results. Then again, you could only read a fraction of the texts given to you. Most were in languages that you couldn’t even begin to understand. Still you scanned the tombs for any words that even looked remotely similar to names of places within your universe. Sadly, all you could find was information related to a Midgard, which was frustratingly NOT the same as the mortal realm described in Norse mythology. Lucien then explained that they had already received visitors from this Midgard that were set to return to Prythian soon. You had gathered that one of them was Bryce, but you’d not been given names for anyone else.
In addition to the books you had also been gifted a small wardrobe filled with clothing in your size. It had been awkward when the half wraiths appeared to measure you. But you were provided with some simple dresses, pants, shirts, and under clothes. Nothing fancy, which you were grateful for. Lucien explained the clothes were an apology gift from Rhysand. You told Lucien that if the High Lord was truly sorry he could at least express as much to your face. You couldn’t complain in the grand scheme of things. Rhysand wasn’t obligated to house, feed, or clothe you. He could have easily dumped you in the Mortal Lands, leaving you to fend for yourself. Although, Lucien stated that he knew of two people that would have taken you into their care. Regardless, you did as Rhysand bid, reading for hours day after day and never asked for anything in particular.
Another two weeks went by and you and Lucien developed a little routine. Breakfast followed by hours of research. Then lunch and various exercises and tests to determine if you held any sort of latent magic. Lucien explained that his initial assessment of you that first day showed nothing, but that didn’t mean you were completely without power. Truth be told you felt he was keeping something from you. Then came dinner, after which you were free to spend your time however you wished. Mostly you spent time on the veranda studying the night sky, letting the wind caress your face and hair. There was one night you swore you heard voices held within the breeze. A song encouraging you that you would find peace again. In your world the night time hours used to provide a comfort, but here there was nothing familiar about the constellations that dotted the dark sky above. Instead, the lack of familiarity just made you feel all the more alone. It wasn’t that Lucien wasn’t good company, you just felt bad that he was stuck with you. He tried really hard to get you to relax and fall into the playful banter he likely needed to survive his own punishment. While he never said as much, you had gathered that his babysitting duty was linked to your release and apology from the High Lord. Lucien made your days easy, filled with witty remarks and a warmth that felt natural. An easy friendship had definitely taken root.
However, the nights were hard. You already suffered from extreme insomnia without the added fear of night terrors. So, your sleep cycle was suffering greatly. The first two nights were dream less thanks to whatever Lucien had given you. But the third night resulted in his bursting through the doors of your bedroom at the sound of your screams. As much as you hated yourself for feeling weak, you begged him to stay in the room. He obliged, of course, and slept on the couch. His presence helped slightly. It didn’t chase away the nightmares, but it did make the darkness that permeated the night more tolerable. You had never been fearful of the night before, having even preferred it to the hustle and bustle of the day. You had always the quite of the night to bring you a comforting serenity. But since your time in the cell…you insisted on a fire in the hearth and the faelights to remain lit, believing the light would chase away the shadows that plagued your dreams.
You felt bad forcing Lucien to sleep on the couch. But you also didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable if you offered to share your bed with him. He told you about his mate, Elain, and you felt even worse that your arrival took him away from her. Even if he explained that their relationship wasn’t what would be expected between mates after nearly 4 years of being in each other’s lives. So, you kept the offer to yourself.
Today started out like any other. Lucien and you sat down to a breakfast of eggs, toast and jam with orange juice. You never really cared for tea and coffee appeared to not be available in Prythian if your companion’s confusion was anything to go by. The only difference today were the two additional place settings.
“Are we expecting visitors?” You asked. You immediately wanted to kick yourself for asking what was an obvious question.
“Yes,” Lucien answered, pouring a cup of tea for himself, “I’ve asked some people to come and meet you. As much as I enjoy our time together, it seems that the High Lord still needs convincing that you should not be kept in a cell.”
“I’m not in a cell,” You countered. However, you didn’t miss the fact that his glare told you that your new cell was just a lavish one.
“Our guests may be able to help me make a stronger case for you to be able to move freely about the court, if not Prythian as a whole.” You pondered who he would have contacted. To your understanding, not many members of the High Lord’s “Inner Circle” particularly cared for the emissary. There was also no way that members from another court would be able to hold any sway over the inner workings of the Night Court.
“So, what do they need to know about me?” You asked, spiking the yoke of your egg. In the time spent with Lucien you were able to be yourself for the most part. You held back on your swearing, meme related jokes, and slang, but tested out your sarcasm and dry humor. One of the main things you were worried about was how to speak with others. While you had manners, you had no formal etiquette training. Something that Lucien found utterly hilarious when you asked for clarification on how to address him.
“Relax, its an informal introduction,” His gentle smile reassured you, “Just be the sweet girl that I’ve come to know.” His smile widened. You gave him a doubtful look, tucking your lips into a thin line to suppress a laugh. He batted his irritatingly long eyelashes and the two of you broke out into a fit of laughter. While you weren’t cold or bitchy by any means, you also weren’t a sweet and demure woman either. No, Lucien quickly pointed out that you had a fire within you…at least on your good days. The laughter was cut short by the sound of a thud in front of you on the stone patio. Your eyes immediately tracked the large bat like wings and you stood from your seat. Metal and glass clanged against the stone as your thighs hit the lip of the table. Your chair knocked to the ground, causing you to nearly trip as you backed towards the metal railing. Blood rushed in your ears and your vision started to tunnel. Lucien was next to you in an instant.
“Hey. Hey," He gripped your right shoulder to keep you steady, “Shh, it’s okay. It's not him. You’re safe.” Your gaze remained fixed on the unknown winged male that looked on with worry etching his features.
“See what you did,” the voice of the female he’d been carrying was distant in your ears. Lucien’s other hand cupped your face, forcing you to turn towards him.
“Eyes on me (Y/N),” He encouraged, “Breathe. There you go.” Your eyes focused on his features; the jagged scar-raised and tight, the deep reds sprinkled amongst the warm honey brown iris. Your breath evened out, and you covered the hand on your cheek with one of your own to let the red head know you were okay. You took another breath and released Lucien. However, his hand remained on your shoulder. You turned back to the couple that stood on the opposite side of the space. At first glance, the winged male held features that you noted were similar to Azriel in regards to skin, hair, and eye color. Although, Azriel’s held more flecks of green than the honey gold of the male before you. The unnamed male was taller and broader, his shoulder-length hair softly jostled in the breeze. Your eyes wandered over to the female that was with him. Her striking blue-grey eyes would have reminded you of steel had it not been for the soft sadness that shown in them at your display. You hadn’t expected to react in the manner you did. Your heart still hammered in your chest. You cleared your throat and smoothed down the front of the simple sage green dress you wore.
“I-I must apologize,” You started, “I guess I…sorry.” You wrung your hands together and looked at your feet.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” the female spoke up, "It’s this idiot’s fault. We should have given you a warning.” You nodded slightly in acknowledgment. Lucien’s hand trailed down your arm to your hand. He gave it a quick and gentle squeeze before he bent down to pick up the chair you’d knocked over in your haste to get away.
“(Y/N),” He motioned for you to sit back down, “This is Cassian, the General of the Night Court’s Illyrian army, and Nesta Archeron, Valkyrie, sister to the High Lady and fellow emissary.” Lucien gestured to each as they took their own seats across from yours.
“It’s nice to meet you,” You reached across the table, your hand extended to shake theirs. When neither returned to gesture you pulled back. “Sorry, I’m used to hand shakes as a form of greeting in my world.”
“So, you are from another world?” Cassian asked, scooping some eggs onto a plate and handing it to Nesta.
“Yes, we call it Earth,” you searched the table for a spare fork, yours having fallen to the ground. When you couldn’t find one, Lucien handed you his. You raised your eyebrow at him, but he just shrugged and began to spread a blackberry jam on his toast. “And before you ask, there is no magic, at least not the same as what you’re familiar with. Also, creatures such as fairies-the Fae- shapeshifters, vampires, mermaids, nymphs, and so on - are all non-existent. Just stories that have been reduced to myths.” The two regarded you closely, listening to your spiel. When they didn’t say anything you continued, too nervous to allow silence.
“I’m not sure how I got here. There are stories of humans traveling through portals into the realm of the Fae or other worlds, but they are simply stories. Ones made to keep children out of trouble or explain natural occurrences. All prior to finding scientific explanation, of course. Like the changing of the seasons,” You realized you were now rambling, “or fairy rings-rings of flowers or more often mushrooms…” The three non-humans stared at you.
“Don’t Lu,” you warned as the corner of the male’s full lips ticked up, “Yes, I talk when I’m nervous. Yes, I’m nervous because I really don’t know how I got here. I don’t know why I’m here. I don’t understand why…I just…want to go home.” Lucien took your hand in his again, his grip reassuring and comforting.
“That’s what we’re all working on,” He assured, “There is a library that, should we manage to convince Rhys-”
“Wait, she can’t leave here?” Nesta interrupted, her eyes blazed. Cassian tensed in his seat and gave Nesta a warning glance. It was clear that not everyone knew of your predicament.
“She’s restricted to the East Wing of the palace,” Lucien clarified, “There are barriers up that she can’t pass through. Just like what Tamlin did with your sister.” If Nesta had been upset before, she looked down right lethal now. Of course, Lucien had filled in you in on what transpired with Feyre and his former home in the Spring Court. Cassian cleared his throat, his gaze falling to the other male.
“What is it you need from us exactly?” He looked to you, seemingly trying to figure out why you posed such a threat that you required to be locked away.
“I need your voice in your High Lord’s ear. I have no magic, and we’ve tried various ways to test that out.”
“Which you’re welcome to see,” Lucien interrupted.
“Yes. I don’t really know how to use a weapon, nor do I have much interest in doing so. And, as I already mentioned, up until a month ago I firmly believed that yo-the Fae were not real.”
“What did my brother say his reasoning was for holding her here?” The question was directed towards the other male.
“He can’t enter her mind.” Cassian’s surprise was not well hidden, “He believes that something or someone is guarding her-” It was your turn to interrupt your friend.
“If I was being guarded or protected, then whatever was responsible has already failed me,” Your voice was soft. A silence fell across the table, and most of the food had grown cold. You didn’t know what else to do or say to convince the General and the Valkyrie of your innocence. All they had to go on was your and Lucien’s word. Even if you were to demonstrate the exercise that Lucien put you through each afternoon with no results, how would they believe that you weren’t just pretending. A ruse to fool them. You desperately tried to quell the pinpricks of tears behind your eyes. You feared that if Lucien’s efforts failed you’d be sent back to the catacombs or worse left to rot on that-
“(Y/N),” Nesta’s clear and calm voice cut through your thoughts, “I’d like to hear more about where you’re from.” You nodded.
“What would you like to know specifically?”
“Let’s start with you. Your family, your up brining.” She leaned back in her chair, arms crossed comfortably in her lap. You swallowed and nodded again.
“I can do that.” You spent the next few hours pouring every detail of your life to the trio. Most information Lucien already knew, some he didn’t. You talked about your family and your friends. You briefly talked about your work and academic studies in music. This caught the oldest Archeron’s attention, which launched a discussion regarding your dissertation topic. The two males excused themselves as you continued to talk with Nesta. The topic changed to books and Nesta promising to bring you some of the spicier romance novels that she found to enjoy the most on her next visit; to which you were grateful as you desperately needed a reprieve from only reading books provided by Rhysand. Cassian and Lucien eventually returned as you made a raunchy joke that had you and the female High Fae laughing loudly.
“It’s time to go Nes,” Cassian set his hand on her shoulder. He looked to you and smiled. The expression was genuine. After spending the few hours you did with the male, you had concluded that he was much less frightening than the other Illyrian. At least for the time being, that is. Nesta rose from her seat and joined her mate.
“I will speak with my sister,” She told you, her features hard with determination, “It’s not right that you’re kept any where against your will when you’ve done nothing to justify imprisonment.”
“Thank you,” You smiled, “I hope to see you both again soon. I’m certain this fool is getting tired of having to entertain me.” You gave the male a wicked teasing grin. Cassian let out a booming laugh as ‘your fool’ placed his hand to his chest in mock offense.
“And here I thought you loved my company,” He stated. You laughed as you stood to join him at the patio entrance.
“Yeah, yeah,” You brushed him off, the smile still plastered to your face. The two of you said your goodbyes and watched as the guests flew off in the distance.
“I think that went rather well,” you looked to Lucien, “Don’t you?”
“Yes, it did,” He held his arm out for you to take, “Cassian agreed to speak to Rhys. He said that he and Nesta would allow you to stay in their home or at least help you get in and out of the library.” You hummed in response as you slipped your arm around his. Your mind wandered, and you felt lighter than you had since you’d been here. He walked you to your room and began prepping the couch to be his makeshift bed for the evening. The sun was quickly setting, and you hadn’t noticed that you spent the entire day talking. You paused near the entrance to the bathing chamber.
“Lu?” he hummed, looking up at you while shaking out the quilt. “Thank you, for everything.”
“Of course, sweet girl,” You rolled your eyes at the term of endearment.
“That’s sticking now isn’t it?” His russet eye brightened with mischief.
“Now that I know it irks you, yes.” You leveled a glare at his to which he just laughed. You huffed a breath.
“If you’re just going to be mean, you can leave,” You stuck your tongue out at him as you made your way into the bathing room. He continued to laugh as he excused himself to his own rooms. When he returned, you were already snuggled in your bed, breathing deep and steady.
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Next: Part 3
Tag list: @jenniferpendragon @impossibelle @sweet-chai-amore @myheartfollower
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bobbin-buckley · 5 months
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That Girl Is Mine
Tara Carpenter x Saxophoneplayer!Fem!Reader
Summary: You play saxophone with a band called “Sweaters In Fall”, you and another girl plus three other guys are in it. You’re girlfriend Tara comes to see your biggest concert at the Radio City Music Hall (NYC), after the concert things do seem to work with you in the band
Warnings: Fluff, Cat-Calling, Little bit of blood, Pervert, sexual mentions, lots of cursing, some punching
Y/F/B: Your Favorite Band
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
It’s the night before you and your bands performance at the Radio Music Hall.
You were very nervous, it was unusual for you to be this nervous. It wasn’t because of the people but it was because your girlfriend was coming to watch with her friends and her older sister Sam.
Not that you were scared of Tara being there, you were excited that the dark brunette and her friends were coming, it was just Sam.
Sam never really liked you, she had her suspicions. You respected that since after what they’ve gone through was tragic. This special night wasn’t just about winning an award to you but it meant to prove yourself worthy for Tara, you wanted Sam to see your talent and maybe she’ll like you. Maybe….
“Yo Y/n! What’s got ya all worked up?” Your bandmate Damien asked, he was a nice guy, he was a tall lengthy black man about in his middle twenties. “You’re not all pumped up like you normally are during rehearsal.”
“Just nervous I guess…” “Nonsense! You’re never nervous!” Kayleen hyped. Kayleen was your best friend, you guys were pretty close she was the reason why you joined the band. Damien and the other two guys were a little eh about another Saxophone player joining, but the raven hair just glared at them and had you join. You were the high voice of the group, the great Alto Sax player.
“Yeah, Y/N/N, you seem so low right now and you’re the loudest person normally.” Pip spoke, Pip was your 3rd favorite of the group. He was pretty quiet the majority of the time but he indeed was a fantastic Trumpet player. ‘Pip the Pipet’ Damien gave him the nickname, Pip hated it but he’s adjusted to it now since it sticks with him.
You all had nicknames, yours was Sexy Sax (boy you hate it but at this point you don’t care, Tara teases you about it), Kayleen’s was Sax Positive, every time you hear that nickname you can’t help but laugh a little. Damien’s is Damn Keyboard (idk) as he played keyboard in the band. Last but not least Dan…
you hated Dan oh boy, if you were to go ghostface he’d be the reason.
Dan was a creep in your opinion. Nobody else agreed though, he was just very…odd. He was an older man, I’d say in his early 40’s, he does have a lot of experience in jazz and band in general but he seemed off…every time after your solo in one of the songs you’d catch him looking at you with heart eyes, you’d catch him doing it to Kayleen as well. Eugh…you hate him
“Yeah baby stop being so low, your supposed have a high pitched voice in the band. If you know what I mean.” Dan said…flirted?
You wanted to throw up after he said that. Fuck he gives you the jeepers creepers.
“I’m fine guys I swear. It’s just my girlfriend is coming to watch tomorrow and her sister..isn’t quite found of me..” you rambled.
“Sorry to hear that champ. But everything will go great! Just…focus on yourself and not the crowed.” Damien explained, you have him a nod.
“Well, it’s getting late guys we should head home for the night,” everybody nodded in agreement with Pip.
It was a quick walk home, you hadn’t lived far from Damien’s house. Which is where you guys rehearsed most days unless the Blackmore’s band director lets you in.
Moonlight On the River by Mac DeMarco was playing in your ears, your saxophone in case swaying in your left hand as you trotted in the perfect white snow on New York’s streets to your way home.
You swore someone was following you, feeling eyes staring at the back of your head. You stopped in your tracks turning around to see no one.
Maybe it’s an animal or my imagination?
You thought
As paranoid as you used to be it’s been higher ever since you heard about the ghostface attacks. Tara always pushed you away when you met, you weren’t sure why until you discovered she was The younger sister of Sam Carpenter.
Eventually you told her you don’t care about some psycho idiot under a ghost mask with a knife.
It wasn’t long after you confessed that you really liked her and started the first date. It’s been a few months since you guys started dating, you both were happy.
You told Tara you’d always be there for her if she wanted to talk about everything or anything else that’s keeping her down. She appreciates you for that, but also doesn’t want to burden you because she knows you have your own issues.
Opening your apartment door, stepping in and feeling the nice warmth greeting you. You flicked on the lights with your free hand after slipping off your shoes and walked to your bedroom.
You sat down your saxophone in the corner of your room as well as your backpack, coat. Walking over to your bed taking the snow covered sweater and sweatpants you were wearing off. (I’m more masc btw so masculine wear)
Putting on a white-T with a sweatshirt over that has Y/F/B on it and throwing on a black pair of sleep pants. That’s when your phone started buzzing in your bag.
You grabbed your bag again and opened it to grab your phone, seeing that your one and only was calling you.
With a smile you pressed the green button without hesitation and pulled the phone to your ear.
“Hey Baby!”
You blushed at her voice and nickname
“Hey Tar, how was your day?”
“Not bad, just- some arguing with Sam. You know, the usual.”
“Sorry to hear that, what was it about? If you done mind me asking.”
“It’s fine love, it was just about me walking alone to school. She needs to grow up sometimes, I mean I do appreciate her safety, it’s just a pain up my ass all the time.”
You understood Tara’s annoyance, your mom was the same. She’d harp on you about being safe even if your taking out the trash, (though you don’t live with her no more)
Sam was always protective, ever since the first Ghostface incident. Sam has prevented Tara from having outside friends (definitely after Quinn and Ethan).
That’s why Sam dislikes you, she’s scared you’ll be the next ghostface. But Tara wants Sam to understand that she’ll fall in love at some point, and she already has. It’s you
You’re the lucky girl
“Yeah I know hun, hey tell you what. Tomorrow night I’ll prove Sam with my magical music talent that I’m worthy!”
Tara chuckled, “sure baby, you are quiet talented my musical girl. I’m excited for tomorrow, by the way, how was practice?”
“Good, Kayleen and the boys are hyped. I think we’re all ready, I’m just a bit nervous…” you said, biting your nails.
“Why nervous Y/N/N? You’re never nervous.”
“That’s what the band said..haha.” You paused with a fake laugh. “I guess it’s me trying to prove how good I am to Sam, and how important you are to me.”
“Honey, even if Sam didn’t care about tomorrow then screw her, cause you shouldn’t care about what Sam thinks. It’s Sam! But I know Sam will get your trust eventually she just has a hard time opening up,” you sigh, “plus I think she’ll love it. Sam really likes music if you didn’t know.”
“I didn’t know actually, but thanks Tar.”
“No problem baby, I gotta go Sam needs my help with dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow night! Love ya!”
Your heart skipped a beat, “love you too, see ya!”
You smiled widely after Tara hung up. You were going to prove your worthy for Tara to Sam.
Sam doesn’t realize how much you love that little feisty girl
It’s currently 7:30
Your show starts in thirty minutes
Sitting on an old chair in the back room as Kayleen does a few more touches with your make-up
You weren’t a big fan of wearing make-up, but Kayleen insisted on you wearing some especially for tonight. It wasn’t crazy make-up, just some highlights and eyeliner, nothing punk looking but more casual.
“Cmon Y/N/N you’re our sexy sax you gotta look sexy,” you rolled your eyes. “Even Pip gets a little bit of a make-over!”
“Uh-what?” Pip quipped.
“…Annnnd done!” Kayleen exclaimed, “it’s your turn Pip!”
Pip groaned but gave in
“A-are we all getting make-up?” Damien asked.
“No, Pip just doesn’t get the option because he’s one of our big soloists! But if you want make-up I’d be happy to-”
“Absolutely not,” both Damien and Dan said. The raven shrugged and went back to work
“So Y/N/N? How are you feeling?” Damien asked, as he sat next to you.
“Better, I talked to my girlfriend last night and told about my nerves but she said I’ll be okay and other things.” “Awe, she must be a real sweet one.” You blushed as his comment, Tara was a sweet one even if she’s a little feisty at times.
“We have about ten minutes left.” Dan looked at his watch.
“Shit!!” Kayleen squealed.
You laughed at her antics when she jumped to grab more blush
“We’ve got time girl.”
Tara shifted in her seat as she looked around the interior of the Music Hall.
She’s never been inside the music building, she’s only passed in on walks, in a taxi or on the bus.
It was quite beautiful, the lights were pretty, the room was nice and warm and it was just gorgeous in general, it was a very open dome with a lot of people.
Sam didn’t want to spend a lot of money so they chose the middle seats on the balcony. Tara wouldn’t really be able to see you but the tv’s they had were enough to see your gorgeous face.
“God I’m so excited! Thanks again Sam!” Chad smiled bright. Mindy thanked her too.
“Of course,” Sam smiled. “Thanks Sam, seriously, you don’t know how much this means to me and especially Y/N/N.”
The older Carpenter smiled at her little sister.
“Up next we have our Jazz Band “Sweaters In Fall!!!”
When Tara heard your band name she perked up and watched ahead of her as she cheered with the crowed.
You and band walked up stage with your instruments, the keyboard and drums already set for Damien and Dan.
“Let’s meet our lovely band! Up first is Pip the Pippet! Our Trumpeter!” Pip smiled shyly.
“Second we have Sax Positive Kayleen!”
Mindy shook her head, “reminds me of Quinn sadly.” Tara chuckled a bit.
“Third we have Damien that Damn Keyboard!” Everybody laughed and cheered.
“Fourth we have Drummer Dan!”
“He looks like he’s sixty!!” Chad yelled. Tara didn’t like Dan, the stuff you’ve told Tara about him make her sick in the stomach but that feeling faded away once the guy announcing announced your name.
“Last but not Least! Y/N/N the Sexy Sax player!!” (Sorry not sorry)
Tara blushed when you waved a bit to the the crowed. Knowing you were looking for her.
“Let’s get this party started!”
~~~~~~~~~(sorry if it’s cheesy 😭)
You were at the last song of your album. The next song was more of something you wrote yourself. (Not actually 😭 cause that’d be copyright)
Tara cheered with the crowed once the song was finished. You eagerly searched for her in the crowed then spotted her a bit later.
You blew a kiss at her as she did it back.
“Cmon Y/n! We gotta go!” Pip called.
You nodded, taking one last glance in Tara’s direction before following your friends.
“That’s it! That was it my guys!” Damien screamed in victory.
“Eh it was alright-” “What do you mean it was alright Kay? That was our best yet!!” Pip cut off Kayleen.
You smiled bright once you entered the backroom. This was definitely the best performance you’ve had in awhile, and you were proud of that.
It didn’t matter to you if you won something but- it mattered that you did it. All you cared about was Sam liking you.
The band continued to talk about the performance whilst you put up your saxophone.
“Y/n!” You looked up at her voice.
Tara jumped into your arms with a big smile, Sam and her friends no too far behind.
“Hey babe! How’s you guys get in?” You looked over Tara’s shoulder, making sure no guards were about to run in saying they broke in.
“They let us in, I told them I was with you.”
“Now who’s this pretty lady?” Dan asked, he made your stomach curl and in a disgusted way.
“I’m Tara,” she said a little grossed out herself.
“Hey! Y/n, you can officially meet Sam now!” Tara turned to her older sister, motioning Sam to approach.
Sam looked at you with those ‘I don’t trust you eyes’. Sam scared you a bit, but being up close..Jesus you were more scared.
“Nice to meet you Y/n,” your eyes widened. Sam, Sam Carpenter being nice to you? She held out her hand waiting for you to shake it. “I-uh hi- S-Sam.”
Sam pulled her hand away and chuckled, “you don’t need to be afraid of me. Sorry for scaring you a bit, I’m a bit worried meeting new people. As Tara probably already told you.”
You nodded with a small smile. Tara was ecstatic with your first impressions on each other.
“Yo Y/n! You gonna introduce them?” Damien spoke.
“Oh uh- yeah! This is my girlfriend Tara her sister and friends. Guys this is Damien, Kayleen, Pip and-..Dan.” You pointed to the each of them.
There were some waves and hi’s
“Y/n, you didn’t tell me your girlfriend was hella hot.” Dan walked close.
“Excuse me?” Both you, Tara and Sam said.
“You heard me.”
You looked at Dan with hatred. “Back the fuck up.”
“Woah, no need to get all frisky babe.”
“Don’t fucking call her that!” Tara yelled.
You put a hand out in front of Tara, keeping her back.
“Damn, she’s loud too.”
“Shut the fuck up you perverted mother fucker!” You shoved Dan back, but it wasn’t long before he struck your nose with his fist.
You stumbled back, wincing and clutching your nose as it bled. “Y/n..”
“Oh come on Y/n, your worse than your are at pleasing her.”
That’s when Sam lost it as well. Sam punched Dan, you pushing Sam back to finish the job.
You grabbed him by the shoulders and slamming him against the wall. “I swear to fucking god! If you ever say any of those things ever again I’ll break your skull!!!”
“Hmp, I’d like to see you try.”
Damien and Sam both grabbed your arm before you got the chance to swing another punch at him.
“Let me go!!”
“Dan, get the fuck away! Go! You’re out of this fucking band!!” Damien screamed.
“Whatever, I didn’t want to be here anyways, I just wanted to see some ladies.” Dan chuckled.
You snarled. “Get him away from me.”
Damien and Pip nodded before getting Dan out of the room.
“Y/n-” “Let’s just go home.”
“How’s it feeling?”
You and Tara were in her bedroom. After tonight’s event, your hand was swollen and bleeding. Sam checked it and no brokenness to it, just some bruises and scratches, plus it’ll sting.
“Like shit.” You huffed, laying back on her bed. Tara already patched you up, it hurt like a bitch too.
“I’m sorry,” “no. I’m sorry, I should’ve just kicked him off the band way before!” You threw your hands up.
“Baby, it’s not your fault. It isn’t your fault he’s some fucked up pervert, but thank you for defending me.” Tara brushed her fingers through your sweaty hair.
“Anytime..” you smile. Tara leaned down to kiss you on the lips, placing her scarred hand on your unharmed cheek.
“I love you.” “Love you too.”
This is fuckin cheesy.
Sorry for not uploading this faster than I planned. Weird shit has happened this past week
I need ideas cause my brain hurts and I can’t think of anything rn
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lust4lifemelanie · 5 months
𝑫𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒎𝒆? pt 1
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| Matty Healy x reader
Summary: Friends to lovers, reader is kinda blind, playful flirting, slow burn, lightly based off fallingforyou. Btw this is really short but trust the process 🙏🏻
A/N: We are soo back, i’m actually so sorry for being so unactive i’ve had so much writers block. I hope y’all enjoy this one though.
Your clock read 9:30 p.m., as you were finishing last-minute homework you heard a knock on your window, making you jump slightly. You open your window and scoff when you see your best friend's face smiling like a dork.
“Really, was that really necessary?" You roll your eyes. “Yes, now can I come in? It's cold as fuck out here.” Matty practically whines, which you couldn't help but smirk at.
"Fine, but be quiet.” You open the window wider so he can crawl through. "I'm always quiet.” He scoffs as he climbs through the window.
“Since when? You never know when to shut your gob.” You tease him as you watch him climb through your window.
“Um? Yes, I do. I just prefer not to.” He stands up. “Whatever, why are you here? I thought your band had practice or something?” You look at him, slightly confused, as you sit down on your bed.
“We finished early; Hann’s mum wanted him home, fuckin pussy,” he says as he sits next to you on your bed. "Plus, I wanted to see you, I feel like we haven’t hung out in forever,” he adds on.
“So you crawled through my window at night because you missed me? Aw, Matty, have you gone soft?” You tease and pinch his cheek.
He playfully slaps your hand away and rolls his eyes. "I'm starting to regret coming here.” You smile softly. You’ve known Matty since primary school, but after he met that group of guys and started that band, you two kind of drifted away from each other. 
“Anyway, how was band practice?” As you gently look into his soft brown eyes, a crooked smile forms on his face. “It was good; we're working on a new song at the moment, so it's been a little more difficult than usual.” He scoots a little closer to you. 
“You should come to practice sometime; it's actually quite funny watching George get mad when he messes up.” He adds on, the smile remaining on his face. 
“I mean, I’d love to, but I don't want to be a bother or something.” After the sentence leaves your mouth, Matty instantly shakes his head.
“You wouldn't be a bother; Hann’s girlfriend always comes to the practices." You sigh because you know he isn't going to shut up until he gets what he wants.
“Fine Matthew, I'll go since you're so desperate to get me there.” Your sarcasm makes him roll his eyes again.
“Please, you practically jumped at the chance."  
For the next hour, you and Matty talked. Your favorite thing about hanging out with Matty was that you didn't feel uncomfortable with him. You could talk to him about anything; guys around your age were gross and annoying, but Matty wasn't; he was sweet and actually funny.
As your mid-conversation matty's eyes wander to the clock on your nightstand, his eyes go wide. "Shit, I missed curfew. My mums going to be pissed. I got to go, but I'll see you later, Bye Y/N”
You smile softly. “Bye Matty, I’ll pray that Denise doesn't kill you." He flips you off before climbing out of your window, getting on his bike, and riding away.
 The next week, Matty got his way, you were sitting on the floor of his basement with your back against the wall, watching and listening to his band rehearse.
 Something about Matty's voice singing was oddly comforting for you. He had a way with his words; you weren't the biggest fan of rock or indie, but for him, you’d be the first one at the barricade.
After the rehersal, Matty sat down next to you and asked, “So what’d you think?” He smiles softly, looking at you with his pretty brown eyes.
“I surprising liked it.” You smiled back, he couldn't help but scoff, “Suprisingly? that sounds backhanded."
“Shut up. I didn't have to give you a good rating. Be grateful that I'm nice.” You say in a teasing tone, he raises an eyebrow after hearing your sentence.
“Nice? Bitch, please; you are so far from nice.” You roll your eyes. "I'm spending my Saturday here watching your band play; I think that's pretty nice if you ask me, Matthew."
 “Actually Y/N, I'm saving you from a boring Saturday of doing homework or going out with whatever douche bag you're dating at the moment.” His cocky attitude was so annoying sometimes.
“Is this slag off Y/N hour?” You ask sarcastically. He smirks, "I'm just taking the piss, darling.” He puts his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to his side.
There was a little bit of silence. Matty’s friends were upstairs, getting drinks. It was just the two of you. “I missed this, Y/N.” Matty breaks the silence and looks at you.“Hm? Oh yeah, same.” You smiled softly, and he smiled back.
 The boys came back down with water bottles, tossing two to Matty and me. The boys sat on the couch in the basement and were going on about the songs, cracking a few jokes here and there.
You never really hung out with Matty’s band friends; as much as you loved Matty, you’d much rather hang out with your girlfriends than with a group of guys. "Matty how come you’ve been hiding Y/N from us?” George asks and playfully nudges Matty’s shoulder. You smirk and join in. "Yeah, Matty, how come?” Matty scoffs at the both of you.
“I haven't been hiding her from anyone; blame her; she's the one who hates meeting new people.” He says defensively, and you roll your eyes.  "Well, I didn't know that your friends were funnier than you.” You say it jokingly, causing the others to laugh.
 A dramatic fake pout forms on Matty's face. "Well, now I know the taste of betrayal." He puts a hand to his heart like the drama queen he is.
 The day went on in Matty's basement, and you got along well with the group. The sun started to set, and you thought it would be best to start heading home before it was fully nighttime.
 You told everyone goodbye and made your way back upstairs out of Matty's basement. You were almost out the door when you were stopped.
 "Wait, Y/N,” you said, turning around to see George. “Yeah?” You look at him slightly confused.
 "I'm having a party Saturday, and I thought maybe you’d want to go?” He flashes a flirty smile.
 You smile back and say, "Yeah, sure, I’d love to." George's smile widens when you agree.
 “Cool, I'll have Matt give you the details. Oh, and you can bring a friend if you want."
"Thanks; Ill see you until then.”
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look-at-the-soul · 4 months
The Photoshoot - Part 48
Cillian Murphy x OC
Series Master list: 2014, 2015
A/N: nothing but some fluff and smut 🔥 it’s been a while, but these two continue their path to adopt.
Summary: Yael finds her husband rehearsing for his role as Tommy Shelby. What would you like to see?
Word count: 3,390
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Phone, camera, lights, mirror, emergency kit, rain jacket. Yael made a mental note to leave by the door everything she might need for the day, she’d be having an entire team for the project and as much as she preferred to work on her own, meeting people who moved in her same area was always a blessing because sometimes there’s one person who knows someone who might call her in the future.
Walking into the kitchen to grab a tumbler, she found the coffee was ready and some strawberries in a bowl and a granola bar next to a small note from her husband:
Have a beautiful day just like you.
C xo
A smile formed in her lips while happiness spread all over her, Cillian went for a run just as she was taking a shower and they wouldn’t see each other all day due to her photoshoot commitments and he’d be locked in the basement to focus on the Peaky Blinders script.
It was a subtle way to let her know she was in his mind, a small but thoughtful detail, and that’s what she loved the most about him.
There are two types of clients; those who follow suggestions and those who do whatever they want, the problem with photographs taken professionally is that the photographer knows what looks and works best for the camera and what doesn’t.
And then when she worked with other people as brands and stylists she had to deal with different mindset and ideas, plus the hairstylist stepping in to fix something or whatever. So for todays photoshoot, she’d be photographing flowers but would use a model to make the most out of each bouquet, that’s why she chose an ancient building in the heart of Dublin.
Holding her camera case as her most precious belonging, she started to carry her tripod and lights. As usual, she got there early, so she would have some time to set everything without a rush.
“Alright, can we please get into position?” Yael called, she wanted to make out the most out of the natural light to capture the flowers perfectly. They were already over an hour late because it took longer than they expected to install the flower background.
She took care of even the finest detail to ensure she’d get the shoots she envisioned.
Adjusting the tripod, she made sure to get the entire frame.
“My earrings,” the model called with a worried expression. “I forgot them.”
“It’s okay, you can go to the camper, I’ll start taking the other shoots.” Yael waved.
“No, I mean I forgot them at the hotel.”
Yael looked around, most of the crew were men and she didn’t want to waste anymore time to send someone looking for a jewelry shop.
“Would you mind wearing mine?” Yael proposed looking at her watch.
“Not at all.” The blonde replied.
As she let the camera hanging from her neck to get rid of her earrings, the flower shop owner approached them.
“What happened?” The ginger man asked.
“She forgot her earrings, so she’s borrowing mine.”
“Thank you.” The model smiled at her and moved back to take her place and hold the bouquet.
“I’ve only heard compliments from your work. I’m Miles.”
“Nice to meet you.” She focused on the first images and adjusted the flash. “Lina can you look down at the bouquet?” She walked to the side, and bumped into something. “Sorry, would you mind?”
Miles gave her a long look. She needed space to work freely and he was literally in the middle.
“Of course, I’m just admiring your work.” He admitted but moved back just a couple of steps, his gaze still fixed on her, she could feel it.
“Jacky one step forward please, chin up.” She instructed the other model.
“I’m in awe of the quality of your work.” He praised asking to see the last shoot.
Yael took a deep breath as she titled the camera screen towards him. She was used to work on her own, no interruptions, but he had been making suggestions, asking so many personal questions, invading her personal space.
She tried several times to move away from him, but when she least expected he was again close. Placing her left hand in front of him, so he could see her rings but he didn’t seem to get the hint.
“Thank you ladies, we’re done here.” She called.
“You’re joking right?” Miles asked opening his arms in confusion.
“No, I’ve enough material to work with.”
“I’d like you to get some more, if you need to charge me extra for the time it’s fine.”
“I got all the possible angles already, I need you to trust me.”
Yael didn’t like the smirk that he gave her. “I can totally do that.”
“Look I’ve to go, but you can be sure you’ll get an amazing catalog to choose from.”
“So when can I can see you to choose the photos?” Miles asked.
He filled all the check list as a womanizer, she tried to show off her rings once again.
“Oh I don’t do that, I’ll edit the photos and print the best shoots, you’ll get a copy of the entire session.”
Miles then decided it was time to flirt openly with Yael. “It’s actually just an excuse to see you again.”
“That’s not how I work though, and I really need to go my husband is waiting for me.” She made sure to pronounce that last part slowly and clear.
“Thank you again for letting me use your earrings.” Lina approached them with a smile.
“Glad you could use them, it might be a small detail but it’s important in the end. I’ll start carrying an extra pair for future shootings.” She didn’t want to deal with Miles on her own, so when Lina started a small conversation she answered happily.
“Can I give you a call later? I’d like to add some photos to my book.”
Nodding, Yael wrote her number in a piece of paper and gave it to the model. “Message me and I’ll save your contact.”
Picking up her equipment, she was glad Miles had turned his attention to the other model and they were already exchanging numbers. Rolling her eyes, she silently thanked for not having to deal with him anymore.
As she finished with her lights and camera, the florist asked if she wanted to take a few bouquets home. She couldn’t deny the flowers were beautiful, so she thought of making a couple for her friends and family in law.
The house was quiet when she arrived, only Scout came to give Yael a lick as a welcome and then pressed both front paws against her upper body.
“Where’s daddy?” She scratched his head. “I brought you flowers. You can’t eat those though.”
“Come on, let’s put these in some water.” She carried the bouquet to the kitchen, after adding some water to the vase and it instantly added a lovely pop of color. “Let’s see if daddy is downstairs.”
Before she could even knock on the basement door, Cillian’s voice caught her attention. Who was he talking to? And why was he shouting?
As she was about to ask what was the matter, she heard him clearly.
“Today it’s my fucking wedding day…”
She blocked Scout just in time as she realized her husband was rehearsing his lines. With his back at her and the script in his hand, arms stretched.
“No fucking fighting…” he then moved to the corner and pointed at the lamp. “No fighting…” then to a family portrait from their own wedding that was in one of the shelves. “No fighting.” Moving back to the center of the basement he took a pause and leaning forward, he stated; “No-fucking-fighting.”
Turning around, he stopped abruptly. Not expecting to see his wife standing by the door.
“I swear I’m not trying to start a fight, but did you get lunch?” Yael asked raising her eyebrows.
“Ah… nope.” Cillian gave her a guilty look.
“Since this morning? Why? It’s almost five.”
He shuddered. “Been busy with the script.”
“Okay that’s enough Mr. Shelby, Mr. Murphy needs to eat.” She opened the door and motioned for him to follow her upstairs.
“I wasn’t hungry.” He tried to excuse himself.
“I’m having none of that, you’re working out like a madman, need to eat properly or a snack at least…” She sighed opening the fridge. “I always have something you can just heat.”
“Honestly I got carried away…” He took seat at the other side of the table realizing how time passed and he didn’t seem to notice.
“Hmm.” Yael mumbled to herself as she waited the sandwich to toast.
Walking towards the pantry, she picked a basket and started to fill it with chips, bars, spicy sweets anything Cillian could easily grab as a snack.
“I thought I’d be late, there was a car accident but like in the opposite direction.” Yael chatted making sure the sandwich was ready.
“These flowers are gorgeous.”
She smiled. “Right? Thought of doing small bouquets.”
“So how was it?”
Yael paused for a second closing her eyes, with her back at him. Unsure of how to approach what had happened.
“Good,” she chuckled, “one of the models forgot her earrings, so I gave her mine.”
Cillian smiled. “Really?”
“I’ve been taking photographs for so long and this has never happened to me before.”
He stood and walked slowly towards the stove. Wrapping his arms around her waist, his lips fanning over her neck sending small shocks of electricity down her body.
Cillian turned his wife around, pressing her between his body and the stove. In a surprise movement, Cillian lifted her body to place Yael over the counter in a swift movement. Intensifying the kiss he settled between her legs.
Yael ran her hands from his soft curls to his shoulders, taking in the way his body felt, so strong. Pressing her heels to his bum, she tried to make Cillian stand impossibly closer as he deepened the kiss, making her let out a soft moan when his hand sneaked under her blouse.
The sound of cheese on the grill made her open her eyes abruptly. “Shit. The sandwich.”
“Fuck the sandwich.” He murmured following her as she leaned down to turn off the stove.
“You don’t want a burnt sandwich.” Yael giggled while her body melted in his arms. Her laugh increased when Scout got in the middle of them.
“He wants a sandwich too.” Cillian pointed stealing one more kiss from her.
Yael took a slice of ham and gave it to Scout, who immediately barked demanding more. A text interrupted Cillian’s lunch.
“It’s Mum, she’s already at the airport.” She smiled and texted her mother back, wishing her a good flight.
“Do you think she’ll overpack? Like the last time.” He chuckled.
“It’s more probable than not.” She answered just as she started tidying up.
“Last time Bryan asked me to not let you guys go shopping, the thing is this time around I won’t be here.” He laughed at his statement.
“Oh stop, I’m already missing you.” Yael went to him, passing an arm behind his neck as Cillian moved the chair back to make room for her to sit on his lap.
“I’m going to miss you too.” He whispered tightening the arm around her while his other hand caressed her thigh. “Come here.”
Turning to face him, Yael held his face between her hands, and kissed him tenderly. It would only be for a few days while Cillian went to do some fitting for his Tommy Shelby wardrobe, but it still felt like a long time.
Titling his head, Cillian passed a hand to the back of her neck to keep Yael in place. Soon the kiss became demanding, resuming to where they previously left. Holding her against his middle section, Cillian got up and encouraged her to wrap her legs around him.
“Oh my God.” She gasped in surprise.
Cillian rolled his eyes jokingly. “You’re just looking for any excuse.”
“Well I can’t let these go to waiste.” She gave him a smirk right before he gently placed her on the back of the couch.
His hands moving up and down her figure, he wanted his fingers to memorize every curve of her body. His lips traced her jaw and moved south, to stay focused at her neck. Yael closed her eyes, unable to focus on anything else as Cillian pressed her down against one of his legs adding some friction.
“Ah.” She moaned.
Cillian fumbled with his jeans, a frustrated groan escaped his lips. That made Yael pull back from her bliss to help him undress. As Cillian stood before her in just his Calvin Klein underwear, Yael took a moment that seemed like an eternity to admire his toned abs and chest. But it was his arms what took her breath away.
Cillian raised an eyebrow as she saw his wife bitting her lower lip, and that hungry stare full of desire.
Before he could ask what was crossing her mind, Yael pulled him in for a heated kiss. “I can’t believe this is all mine.” Her hand moved down from his chest to his abdomen and then to his broad back, enjoying how his muscles felt under her touch.
“You’re still wearing too much clothes if you ask me.” He let out a small grunt as he took her in his arms one more time, her legs instinctively around him as he walked around the couch to settle his wife. She rushed to get rid of her blouse as soon as she got the chance. And Cillian kneeled in front of her to help her with the rest. He then settled between her legs, his lips started moving south, finding one of her breasts midway as his hand found its way to her most intimate part, earning a loud moan as she welcomed his fingers in. “Hmm so wet.”
She was past anything coherent. Eyelids struggling to stay open as the pleasure increased.
Hooking one of his fingers up and Cillian brushed the magical button inside of her and it was enough to make her back arch from the couch.
“I need you.” She bit her lip, trying to resist the urge to explode.
“As you wish.” His fingers were soon replaced by his cock. “Better?” He asked bumping his nose against hers.
“Yes!” She nodded automatically feeling as if she was floating on a cloud already, her delicate hand sneaked between their bodies, feeling him withdrawing, she was ready and waiting for the hard thrust. Cillian adjusted her hips and the new angle was enough to send her over the edge.
“I’m gonna.. oh god!” With another thrust he felt her hand on his bum, her fingers tracing the contour of his cheeks, exploring… taunting him. Before he realized it, her hand had sneaked to an unknown territory and the next thing he knew it was his vision blacked out and his seed rushed out of his body like never before. He stayed still for an instant as she was still dealing with the aftershocks of his orgasm.
She held him in his arms while Cillian took a moment to recover.
“Fuck, I think you milked me completely.” He admitted breathlessly.
His arms struggled to hold him. Yael looked up at him admiring him like this, in her arms. Pulling him down, she kissed the corner of his mouth tentatively.
“For the days we’ll be apart.”
“I’ll start planning more trips if this is the farewell I’m going to get.”
After taking a quick shower, they embarked on a trip the airport to pick up Isla, Scout sitting in the back of the car.
“Oh that sounds nice.” Yael turned up the volume of the radio.
Cillian paid attention to the lyrics. “Yeah.”
I don't wanna go
But baby, we both know
This is not our time
It's time to say goodbye
“Want me to add it to your Tommy playlist?” She asked with a grin.
He nodded.
“Something happened at the photoshoot.” Yael confessed out after a moment in silence.
Cillian turned his head for a split second, noticing something in his wife’s voice. “Tell me.”
“I don’t want you to worry though.”
“Well, spill and let me decide if I need to worry or not.” He tried to encourage her again.
“The person who hired me to do the Photoshoot was at the location and tried several times to engage in conversation and such, making comments and I was like can’t you see my wedding rings?” She shook her head. “When that didn’t work, I started repeating, oh my husband this, my husband that you know?”
As he slowed the speed due to traffic, he turned to look at her.
“But he wouldn’t understand, it was so awkward and uncomfortable. Then by the end of the day, he started chatting to one of the models finally.”
She just couldn’t keep that to herself, she didn’t feel like hiding something like that from Cillian.
“People like that it’s so annoying.”
“Look, you’ll find people like that all the time,” Cillian moved one of his hands to her thigh, and Yael covered it with her own as the car started moving again. “Just make your boundaries clear and do your job. I know it’s uncomfortable but some people are just eejits. Plain and simple, there’s nothing you can do about it.”
Yael nodded, her eyes following an airplane that was just taking off.
“I mean, of course I’d go crazy to see anyone looking at my wife the wrong way.”
Yael chuckled. “This is crazy, why would you say that as if it’s Thomas Shelby speaking?”
Cillian scoffed. “That’s not- I’m serious.”
“That’s something he’d say.” She pressed, the smirk was now impossible to hide. “You’re acting more and more like him.”
He opened and closed his mouth, thinking of something coherent to say. “I can’t help it now, it comes involuntarily sometimes, but my point is…” he lost track as they entered the parking lot, “this is a crazy world, full of crazy people. Specially in this business, the line is so thin and easy to cross nowadays. But as long as we’re on the same side, nothing else matters, right?”
She seemed to think about it before nodding.
“I won’t be delivering those photos personally anyways, don’t want him to get a wrong impression.”
She shuddered on their walk to the airport. Lots of people coming in and out.
They’ve talked about it before, while Cillian filmed season two for Peaky Blinders, he came home oddly quiet and when she asked what had happened, Cillian confessed that they had scheduled an intimate scene between Tommy and Grace that day and it was just the two of them on set, the director, camera crew and intimate assistant. The instructions were clear but as they got on with filming the scene, the actress decided to go deeper with the kiss and included her tongue, something he made very clear he was against since the beginning. It wasn’t necessary but happened. He didn’t want to repeat the scene so decided to continue as if nothing happened. But it didn’t mean he had agreed.
They weren’t married back then but it surely sparkled a deeper conversation between them of boundaries on set.
Arriving at the gate walking hand in hand, they headed to one of the cafés to wait for Isla’s arrival. Luckily the flight was on time and Yael’s mother would arrive shortly.
“Look at this.” While they waited, Yael started working on some of her favorite photos from the shooting.
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“I like that.” Cillian stated resting his head on his hand and staring at the photograph she was showing him.
“Now watch how everything changes.”
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Cillian was in awe of her skills to see the magic in every still she got. His wife had a gift for this, she saw things no one else would notice.
“There’s people coming out.” Cillian pointed at the doors.
“I hope she’s in that group.” Yael revealed and her wish became true, as she saw her mother strolling through the crowd.
Melting into a tight embrace, Cillian witnessed the love between them. It was indescribable feeling, he knew first hand how much Yael loved her mother and sometimes how hard it was to live so far away. He’d cherish that for a long time.
“Thank you for picking me up. You’re the sweetest.” She then opened her arms to welcome him. Then her attention turned to Scout. “Hello you, have you been a good boy?”
Taking the suitcase from her hand, Cillian smiled at his mother in law.
“I’ve been looking for this the whole week.”
“We’re so glad to have you around Isla. How about we go to have dinner at that restaurant you like, with the view to the bay?”
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this part, as usual your words is highly appreciated and what keeps me going xxx
Credits photos: same team.photo on Instagram
Song: Tattoos by Loreen
Tag list: @lyarr24 @garrison-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @winchestergirl22 @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @strayrockette @forbidden-forest-witch @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @blondie-22 @thenattitude @moral-terpitude @babaohhhriley @queenshelby @ange-thoughts @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @cilliansangel (cant tag) @rangerelik @already-broken144 @alessioayla @paprikabadger @dolllol2405 @conversationpits @itsilvermorny @lafell @imichelle-l-rigby @yrli8 @cutecurly-hair @mrkdvidal1989 @cillspropertea @hyperfixationsonshuffle @sydneyyyya (can’t tag) @abbymcguire @shelundeadxxxx @elk96 @pono-pura-vida @lovemissyhoneybee @slimeantha (can’t tag) @kmc1989 @ironpen
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pedge-stuff · 1 year
thermos (pedro pascal x gn/m!reader)
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a/n: same vague universe as “marked.” drop a line if you have a sug. (:
summary: sometimes, love boils on the stove. (set 2021.)
It had been a long fucking day.  Delayed table read, late picks, emergency rewrites—  the perfect storm at SNL.  
The steady pressure in your temples had gradually increased throughout the day, despite the Excedrine you'd taken early on. This had morphed into an ache at the back of your throat, because of course it had— bad things always came in waves. 
Halfway through the last-minute pitch meeting post-rehearsal, you'd missed a call from Pedro. The same time he called every day,  usually timed well with your walk home from midtown. Sending him to voicemail was out of character. 
Sorry, you'd texted. Rehearsal tonight. Lightly sautéed, gonna crash after work, talk tomorrow? Love  you very much x 
He'd shot back a " :( " and then had been typing for several minutes, the little bubbles appearing over and over. OK, he finally said. Love you too. 
It tweaked your heart, a bit. The two thousand miles between your phones was hard to stomach, sometimes. Alberta felt, for reasons unknown, so infinitely farther than LA, though the mileage was comparable. You picture him, alone in his trailer, reading glasses perched on his nose as he scrolls his phone, waiting for wrap to leave and tuck his old bones into bed.
Ultimately, you are a little too tired, and achy, and frustrated with work, and maybe a little cranky, to dwell on the finality of his "OK."  There's nothing he can do for you, from Alberta; it's not worth worrying him. 
You drag yourself home, resigned to making a weak cup of tea and curling up with the dogs. (Home is your studio apartment, while he's gone, though he maintains a steady campaign for you to just move into his. You haven't yet been able to articulate how fucking lonely his Brooklyn townhouse is without him.) Politely squeeze past the elderly couple who have pushed their sidewalk table all the way in front of the door to your building. Check the mail, of which there is none. Climb the stairs, a slow shuffle, fumbling with your stupid keys, music still playing at street volume in your headphones, eyes burning, lock turning— 
Fuck, fuck. 
Pedro turns the stove off, offers you a shy smile. Your bag drops to the floor. Something inside you snaps, pulls loose. You burst into tears. 
"Oh," he says, and you forcefully close the distance, wrapping your arms around him as you try and stifle quiet sobs. Wonder, for a moment, what the fuck is happening. "Surprise?" 
You laugh, weakly. Run a hand down your face. "Sorry, sorry." 
He pushes you back, apprising you with a gentle and skeptical look. Holds your face in his hands and thumbs away the fresh tears. Frowns. Presses his palm to your forehead. "You didn't tell me you were sick."
Leaning into his hand, you shake your head. "Not sick. Just tired." You pull back. "I can't believe you're here. Jesus. How long are you here for?" 
His attention is drawn back to the stove, beside which he has set your green travel mug. He smiles sheepishly. "Was trackin' ya on Find My." The kettle spits a small whistle as he pours the water. Your heart clenches; this stupidly thoughtful man. 
"I can rally," you offer, even as he ushers you into the bedroom. There is a suddenly conspicuous absence of dogs. 
"They're in Brooklyn. Figured you'd wanna get some shit here, and then we Uber that way?"
"You really thought this through, huh?" There are clothes and toiletries at his place ("our place," he calls it, though the studio is decidedly "your place."), but you pack a few things, just in case. 
It's not a secret that he doesn't love your apartment— it's a little cramped, for two men and two dogs. Plus, his apartment is more of a full condo. And the bathroom's nicer.
He watches you pack, perched on the edge of the bed. It's hard to focus on anything other than studying the soft lines of his travel-weary face. The rise and fall of his chest. Bits and pieces of him that the front-facing iPhone camera cannot pick up over FaceTime. 
In the back of the Uber, mindful of the rearview mirror, you have his left hand trapped between both of yours. The skin of his palm has toughened, calloused slightly from whatever they have him doing in the woods of Canada. It still feels the same as you press your lips to the center. 
"I'm still a little confused," you whisper, "but I'm so happy you're here." 
His steals his hand back, to card it through your hair. "Me too. Was going crazy, trying to keep it a secret. We've got the long weekend off for Veteran's day, so I thought..." 
"Mm. Do you have an agenda this weekend?" 
The Uber makes its final turn. "Yeah. I would like to sleep for one million years, in a bed, with you. And probably see Oscar and Elvira, at some point. Also maybe order Empanada Mama. I ate a Canadian empanada last week that legitimately made me sad." 
You hold onto his hand as you exit the car, cross the street, key in. The tea put you at ease, but with the shock of the surprise wearing off, the weight of the day resettles as an ache across your shoulders. 
The dogs bound down the hallway as you key in. Pedro's suitcase has not made it much farther than the front door, though it has been cracked open and partially rummaged. "I was in a rush," he said sheepishly.
"Mm. You showerin’?” 
“Probably should. We heading up?” 
You nod, kneeling to re-zip his bag; the duties of young knees. (The age gap is disregarded, unless he plays the old card to his advantage.) Edgar pounces on you while you’re accessibly low. Ten different questions die in the back of your throat. Every step between you and the king sized bed on the third floor feels impossible. 
He smells clean, as he wraps his arms around you, skin still damp and warm from the obscenely hot showers he prefers. You have a long day of rehearsal ahead of you tomorrow, then an even longer show day— but none of that matters now.
"Thank you for coming." You mumble, sleepily, into the worn fabric on his shoulder. Fingers card through your hair, brush gently over your temple. You've got a hand beneath his t-shirt, splayed across the base of his ribs.
Pedro makes an indignant noise, low, from his chest. "Not a place on Earth I'd rather be."
171 notes · View notes
arkiliastuff · 8 months
The Angel of Music - Part One
Ricky Olson x Female Reader
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N/A : So this is one is (probably) going to be a very long fanfic that I will do in several parts. I got this idea on my mind one day, I felt very inspired about it, and thought it would fit into Ricky's vibe somehow (jhfkjdfdh). I'm very excited to share this one. I had much more fun and felt more comfortable by writting in this format, so I'm certainly going to keep it :D
Warnings : Some fluff and angst. Romantic tension (idk how to call it)
It was the end of September. Autumn leaves falling from the trees in your city, with the air getting colder and rainy. Because of the cool breeze, you tried to cover up your nose and neck with your scarf. Walking in this weather didn’t bother you though, since you liked it. But you didn’t want to get sick. Your voice and throat were very important for your job as an opera singer. 
And today was another day of rehearsal at the opera. So you woke up early this morning to enjoy the drizzle. You weren’t freaked out walking there alone. You liked that spooky atmosphere. Usually you didn’t go to the opera this early. You preferred going there when the evening came and going back to your home when it was pitch black.
Your coworkers were worried about you when you did that. So they convinced you to come earlier in the morning, so you could go back to your flat, safely. Even though they did ask you if you wanted them to accompany you or drive you back home, you always declined, enjoying being alone. 
You didn’t want them to tag along because your introverted and anxious ass was too scared to ask them or even bother them with your problems. Plus you didn’t even know if you could trust them. So you made up an excuse : being alone was easier for you to be aware of your surroundings. It made you look paranoid sometimes but you were always cautious, giving a dead look to the people glancing at you.
And so your coworkers started to call you the “Lone Wolf”. You didn’t care about the nickname, if they were mocking you by saying it, you were more appreciating it. It made you look cool and mysterious.
You finally managed to arrive at the opera, easily and safely. When you saw the security guard waving at you to welcome you, you nodded your head as a salutation.
“Good morning, miss” He said to you politely.
“Good morning Alfred” You replied “ Are the others here ?”
“Hmm.. It seems you are the first of your singer co-workers who have arrived. But you’re the second to be early at the opera this time”.
“Oh ? A rival ? That’s interesting. Who is it ?”
“A musician from a metal band called Motionless in White. He asked me if he could train himself at the opera today. I said it was open for few hours before your group arrived, miss”
Motionless in White ?! Your heart skipped a beat. You’ve heard this band’s name before. It was one of your favorites you listened to during your youth. You were such a hard fan of their music.
Thank you for letting me know, Alfred. Well, I better go and start to warm up my voice. Have a nice day”
He replied to you very respectfully, letting you enter the opera. Alfred wasn’t the real security guard’s name. It was actually you who gave this nickname to him, since you were always struggling at remembering names. And the first time you saw the security guard, so respectful and polite, it reminded you of the butler in Batman’s comic books. You couldn’t help yourself but letting out your thoughts at that moment. Surprisingly, he took this nickname very well and didn’t get upset about it. He was even playing along with you. Since that day you kept calling him Alfred.
He was the rarest human being you tolerated in this job. To you, your coworkers were too much and were making you uncomfortable, with their hypocritical behavior, by asking questions about you, pretending they cared. They always ended up socializing between them, anyway. So you tried to avoid them as much as possible, barely talking to them. 
You were so lost in your thoughts, you didn’t realize you were already in front of your dressing room. You unlocked the door with your keys, but before entering, you noticed, in the corner of your eyes, something shiny on the floor. You crouched, looking closer. It was a black metallic key attached to a string. A necklace ? Someone probably lost it. You picked up the key, keeping it in your jeans pocket until you find their owner. And, in case you couldn’t find the owner, you could give it to the lost items office, which was also Alfred’s responsability. 
Once you changed your casual outfit to your scene one, a white shirt with black pants, you locked up your dressing room and headed to the main stage, with your music sheet in one hand. As you got closer to the main stage door, you heard a melody. A guitar sound.
And then, a voice. A beautiful voice. Almost divine. Someone was singing. You felt shivers running through your spine. It was so magnificent to your ears. But also it was very melancholic. As you were getting few ideas about who this musician was, you finally decided to pull the door knob, getting in.
The stage was illuminated by the chandelier, just above. Though it wasn’t the only thing that was enlightening the room. As you went down the stairs, you saw a silhouette of a man, short dark haired, sitting on a chair, playing his guitar with an intense focus. He was wearing a lot of black clothes, a sleeveless jacket that was revealing his arms covered with tattoos. You noticed he had few of them on his neck as well. As you got closer, you realized who this musician was.
Short dark hair, pale skin, blue grayed eyes… It was Ricky Olson for sure. You’ve listened to the band's music for a long time and loved a huge majority of their songs. You loved the lead singer's voice, but the one who interested you more was Ricky. Each time you could hear his voice, in a Motionless song, you were excited. His voice was enchanting. You couldn’t stop listening to it. Plus his personality was so adorable you were melting every time you watched his numerous tour vlogs. Yeah you were an absolute Ricky’s fangirl.
Seeing him alone, in front of you, at the opera of your hometown, was making you crazy. The more you were getting closer to him, mesmerized by his voice and play, the more you could feel a heat wave overwhelming your body. Your heart was beating so fast in your chest, you thought you were having a heart attack. At this rate, you were convinced that even Ricky could hear your heart pounding so much.
As he heard your thoughts, he lifted up his head, looking in your direction while he stopped playing. The sudden silence in the room made you feel a pressure on your shoulders, like you were caught up on something. You felt the urgent need to explain yourself.
“Erm… Hello.. Sorry for interrupting you. I didn’t mean to. I’m actually an opera singer who practices here.” You muttered so awkwardly, choking on your words.
Ricky stared at you with his icy eyes, perhaps gauging you, as he let you talk. But, oh my God, even like this, you knew you could die happily. His gaze on you was so deep. It made your cheeks blush.
“An opera singer, huh ? I see.” He said abruptly, surprising you a bit.
Gosh, even his talking voice was so soothing and divine. His quiet tone didn’t help to calm down, though. It was the opposite.
“Don’t worry about interrupting me” He kept saying “I am the one who came here, in the first place. Pretty unusual for a metalhead, right ?” He chuckled softly.
You were about to pass out on every word this man was saying to you. It was very bad. You loved hearing him laugh quietly, already.
“It’s fine… The security guard told me about it. You can stay if you need to… So, hum.. you are ?”
“I’m Ricky Olson, from Motionless in White. You can call me Ricky”
“I’m Y/N” You said, your voice shivering. “Enchanted to meet you. I’m a fan of your band.”
He arched a brow, a bit stunned, but he kept his sweet smile to you.
“Well, thank you ! That’s very flattering coming from an opera singer. I wasn’t expecting that at all. What a pleasant surprise.”
A pleasant surprise, he said. He gave you an indirect compliment but still… It made you smile. He said you were pleasant… You threw away this random thought coming in your mind. Come on, it wasn’t the time to make weird scenarios.
“I've been a big fan of metal and metalcore music since my childhood. So that’s not new, for me. I guess you can’t judge a book by its cover” You tried to joke nervously.
Ricky giggled as an approval. Oh God, you loved hearing his sweet and quiet laugh. It was so cute.
“Plus, metal and opera singing have more in common to what we might think. And I want to combine these two different styles, if I get the chance to perform on my own.” You added, feeling more brave to talk, all of the sudden.
“Oh really ? Well, I can’t wait to see you perform one day.” He said, with a shy smile, and then looked at your sheet. “What were you rehearsing on ?”
You almost forgot your music sheet you were holding in your hand, too absorbed and excited by the conversation.
“Oh ! Erm… It’s a musical about the Phantom of the Opera.”
“I’ve heard about it” He said, his curiosity peaked. “I watched a movie about the musical. Very impressive. Who are you playing ?”
“The main protagonist girl, Christine.” You replied timidly. “ And I need to practice the part where she follows the Phantom in his cave, below the stage.”
“Can I see it ?” He asked so politely you felt your heart melt.
You lend him the paper, not daring to look directly at him or even touching his hand by accident, even if you wanted to. You didn’t want to make things awkward for him. He didn’t seem to notice your embarrassment as he was reading the script. Just a minute after, he lended you back your sheet, a serious or a poker-face look on his face.
“If you need a partner, I can be the Phantom for your rehearsal. I have memorized his lines. They aren't that long. It’s to make it up to you for disturbing your workplace.” He said as he owed you something.
You felt your jaw drop. You didn’t even believe what you just heard. Ricky... offering his help to play the Phantom for you ?! He didn’t need to apologize or even to feel like he owed you. The opera was open to the musicians after all. You were too happy about his request. Even if it was for a few minutes long, you thought you were gonna pass out for the second time. Also you were very amazed by his photographic memory to remember lines in such a short time.
“Well, you don’t owe me anything. Don’t worry about it. But, if you don’t mind, it would be an honor for me to rehearse with you” You cleared your throat.
You saw him smile, again, looking down on his shoes awkwardly. Then, he removed his guitar and chair away, trying to get some space. It was so thoughtful and adorable of him. Did his cheeks get pink colored just now..?
You turned your back on him, slapping your cheeks to get your focusing back. You did a few voice warm ups, before getting into your character. The kind, innocent and beautiful Christine. Your complete opposite. 
You didn’t even remember how your coworkers and manager agreed to give you such an important role. They were always saying your voice was fitting her. You weren’t sure if they were mocking you or not about it. Either way, you didn’t like that role. It was putting you out of your comfort zone, making you more vulnerable than you already were.
But strangely,  in front of Ricky, you didn’t mind being vulnerable. You barely met him, for real, only for ten minutes, and yet it felt like you knew each other for ages. His presence was making you feel more at ease. Almost reassuring.
Once you were ready, you shifted to face him, waving your arms with grace as you were dancing.
“In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came. That voice which calls me, and speaks my name.”
You spined on your feet, slowly getting closer to him while keeping singing.
“And do I dream again. For now, I found The Phantom of the Opera is there… Inside my mind.”
You paused, remembering the piano notes playing while you danced quietly. Then it was Ricky’s turn. He took a step forward to you and reached a hand in your direction, like a gentleman. You could tell something has changed in his temper. As if his aura was getting more mysterious and sinister.
“Sing once again with me, our strange duet. My power over you grows stronger yet. And though you turn from me, in glance behind. The Phantom of the Opera is there… Inside your mind.”
Oh God, you were having goosebumps when you heard him sing so low, and yet, so divine. He was so elegant by singing these lines. He was charming and elegant all the time, but this… This was different. Both of you were getting closer to each other, each time you were singing. Your turn came again.
“Those who have seen your face, draw back in fear. I am the mask you wear...”
“It’s me they hear.”
Then the part where both of you were singing along came too.
“Your spirit and your voice, in one combined. The Phantom of the Opera is there…”
“...Inside my mind…”
“...Inside your mind.”
Ricky was getting closer to your face, gently putting a hand on your back as if you were dancing together. You didn’t push him away. You were too much focused on your role and on his. He glanced at you with his blue iced eyes which was making you melt even more inside.
“In all your fantasies, you always knew. That man and mystery…”
“... were both in you.” You finished.
This time felt like the two of you were talking directly to each other and not as your characters. At least, that’s how you felt. Both of you kept singing together, your voices harmonizing. You remembered the next coming verse was the one you were the most struggling with, while Ricky was making you spin gently on your heels.
“Sing for me, my Angel of Music.” He said.
“He’s there… The Phantom of the Opera.”
“Sing for me.”
As he said, you began to vocalize gradually, getting higher and higher.
“Sing, my Angel of Music.” Ricky ordered.
You obeyed, getting even more higher.
“Sing for me.” He repeated more deeply.
You did as he said, feeling your voice getting so high pitched, like an angel would’ve sounded. It was so graceful, you even surprised yourself by doing it. You didn’t think it was possible for you. Yet, you felt you were soon getting out of breath and tried to hold on for the last part.
“Sing for me !” He said louder.
And so you gave every breath you had left in your lungs. Pushing your voice to its limits. As you were screaming. Screaming for the Phantom in front of you.
You managed to hold ten seconds of the scream before stopping. Ricky looked at you with widened eyes, impressed and captivated by your performance. You were catching your breath as you saw his mouth moving, talking to you. But you didn’t hear what he said as he was interrupted by loud applause coming from the stands, which surprised you both.
“Bravo ! Bravo ! Absolutely stunning !”
You recognized the voice. It was your manager’s, ruining this beautiful moment you had with Ricky. You knew this wasn’t a good sign for you. You just hoped that eccentric man wasn’t going to drag Ricky too, in to whatever mess he was planning…
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elysabeththequeene · 3 months
fuck it christian and satine headcanons (post-canon / satine lives!au adjacent) because i am silly and crazy and free
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obviously they’re both on the same level of being ridiculously and helplessly affectionate with each other. their biggest love language besides words of affirmation is TOUCH. 
satine likes being an early riser, particularly because it gives her more time to spend with christian before they start going on with their day (him with the writing, her with the acting and dance rehearsals) 
but there are times where she’s knocked out a little longer than him and he wakes ahead of her and whenever it happens, he just gladly gazes at how beautiful she is even when she’s asleep and he’d try waking her up with kisses
their favourite non sexual activity, that isn’t holding each other or being in one’s arms would be reading or singing out lines to each other. or christian cracking up a corny joke (but satine still laughs at it anyway) although there have been instances in which this leads to more than one way or another…
she loves it when he takes her to sit on his lap everytime he’s sat with his typewriter trying to sort out the next scene in his story. sometimes it distracts him from getting work done but it pays off in the end as she’s a great and constant support for him.
and although they try the hardest to be professional when rehearsing for the shows, they still opt to sneak in between breaks just so they could have a talk for a minute (or let’s face it. so they could just kiss each other for that entire time) 
when it gets to a point where they can see a future with each other that involves marriage, christian gets quite nervous at first before he proposes. he never had a problem saying i love you to satine nearly 24/7 but for him to ask her if she would gladly spend their lives together and take the next step was something that felt nerve wrecking
he proposes on the night before they leave france. it happens after satine comes back from a last night out with zidler and the rest of their friends, she walks into his garrett with candle lights surrounding his room. little does she know he’s secretly found a way to get a ring for her, and it’s a small heart shaped diamond ring. satine bursts into tears when he asks her the question, immediately saying yes and they spend the entire night wrapped in each other’s arms, making love in between the sheets.
shortly after the success of spectacular spectacular, they set out a few more shows but they do leave paris to start anew and head off to london, and there christian takes a part time job as a book printer whilst meeting ends to continue his own work as a playwright / writer and satine sings at a local café whilst also trying to land acting gigs.
they also venture into england so christian could introduce satine to his family, as his fianceé. christian’s father not too long before they both arrive receives a letter from him, telling the entire story of his stay in paris, the moulin rouge, and satine. his father is adamant and intrigued at first, but eventually eases off his assumptions and reception towards satine and their relationship when he meets and gets to know her. 
christian’s got two teenage sisters, named emily and charlotte. like him they are both fond of writing and poetry, but lean more towards being musically inclined with the piano and violin. satine forms a great bond with the girls, as if they are the sisters she never had and they treat her as such too. 
christian and satine reside in one of his family’s estates, in a house not too far from central london. their home being a wedding gift from his father. 
their first big argument had to do with their wedding plans, some frustrations arose when trying to send out invitations to paris and where their friends could stay and satine worried about who will make it or not plus christian’s own deals in making proper amends with his father. they are able to get things over with and most often whenever bits of squabbling occur, it just leads them to getting entangled in the sheets with each other in the end. 
their wedding goes smoothly and in the way they want it to be, simple but stunning that’s intimate in the best way possible. satine wears the white dress from spectacular spectacular again, as a way to honor one of the greatest nights of their lives.
satine and christian adopt two cats as company in their home, also so satine’s little bird wouldn’t feel so alone, a white one named marié and a black one named louis.
satine finds out she’s pregnant two months into their marriage. she panics at first, thinking her illness had returned but suddenly realises the symptoms were drastic. when she tells christian the news that she’s with child he sweeps her off her feet and cries happily, as he never knew the day would come that he would get to have a family with someone he loved.
their firstborn is a girl, whom they name celine. she has satine’s red hair and the first few months of them being parents had them very hands on, but this stage of life gave christian even more inspiration for his writing, and satine the motivation to work harder in her acting. 
together they both become a force of a team. satine lands her first big acting showcase in a production of shakespeare’s richard iii, she plays anne neville in it and her performance is praised by many, while christian’s original play about a missing orphan who turns out to be a long lost princess gets picked up with rave reviews 
since they both have way too much fun in the bedroom loool, a year and a half after they have celine, satine falls pregnant again. her and christian are ecstatic to have one more addition in their family, and months later they have another healthy baby girl that they name theresé, this makes christian so delighted as she shares his dark haired features
when the two babies are a little older, satine and christian decide to visit paris again after a long time, and they do so on their 5th wedding anniversary. it's a first family outing for all of them outside of work duties and it's a very happy one <3
and because they really can’t stop at two, satine realises she’s with child for another time after they get back from the trip. pregnancy was something she didn’t thorougly enjoy as much, but being a mother was as much as work of love and devotion to her the way her career does. 
satine goes into labor while christian is at work for one of his plays and at the same time, finds out he’s been invited to hold a private show for the queen. such things happening all at once that he couldn’t believe the life he had looked for in paris all those years ago eventually lead to this.
they have a girl once again and christian is just so over the moon over it, and just like their eldest, the girl inherits her mother’s red hair. they name her margaret blanche after his mother and after satine’s mother. 
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9leaguesofmirrors · 7 months
His Soul's Best Mate (a Dave Parkes and Phil Proctor friendship fic)
I've recently become obsessed with the friendship dynamic between Phil and Dave (the other members of Legz Akimbo) and decided to write this: a fic about platonic soulmates
Two boys sat in a waiting room among several other hopefuls, waiting for a chance to audition for an up-and-coming theatre company called Legz Akimbo
One has his head buried in his audition book, murmuring his lines under his breath and making notes as he went along. If this went well, it could mean breaking through into a tough industry he'd been training for all his life
The other's scrolling through his phone. He doesn't quite know if this is what he wants, but that doesn't mean he isn't up for giving it a good go. Growing bored of Letterboxd, he puts his phone away and glances over at the man next to him. He sees the monologue
"I almost picked that one."
This caused the other man to lift his head in surprise, which quickly changed into a warm smile
"It's one of my favourite plays, you've heard of it?"
"Only thanks to a lot of researching!" Laughed the stranger "I'm not exactly an encyclopedia of theatre knowledge."
"What did you end up choosing?"
"Found a play called One Man, Two Guvnors. Figured I'd give it a shot."
"You're a fan of comedy! I had a feeling."
"Wow, it's that obvious?"
That made them both laugh. In a potentially volatile industry like the theatre, it was nice to meet someone that felt like a human being
"I'm Dave by the way." He extended his hand, a big grin on his face "Dave Parkes."
"Phil Proctor." He shook it
"No way, Proctor?" Dave chuckled in disbelief "Like in The Cruci-"
"Yes," Phil sighed with a smile "just like The Crucible. I guess my destiny was laid out in front of me since birth."
"Better hope you're good then!"
That's when Phil knew he'd found a very good friend
Rehearsals were interesting. And by interesting, Dave meant "his personal hell". Seriously, their new director was more unstable than a dingy boat on a stormy sea! He thought that, overtime, he'd get better. He was yet to be proven right
One evening, Dave was on a video call with Phil for their weekly line-learning session. They figured they'd start early, plus Dave appreciated being able to talk to his friend without Ollie breathing, or rather screaming, down his neck
"Have you worked with Ollie before?" He asked during their post-run through break
"Nah, first time. You?"
"Same here, was just wondering how you were finding it. I mean, Ollie seems to like you-"
"Like me?" Phil laughed a little at that "Funniest thing I've heard all week!"
"But he always brings up that audition you're going to, the one for that radio show?"
"Only because he's pissy about me missing rehearsals!" Phil muttered "Sarcastic git..."
Once Dave heard that, it all started to click. It would explain why Ollie spent so much time talking about it, yet never showed any real interest aside from that
"Right. Sorry, sarcasm gets lost on me." Dave shrugged "Joys of autism, I guess."
As soon as he saw the look of surprise on Phil's face, Dave couldn't help but laugh - he'd forgotten that was part of him he didn't know yet
"I was diagnosed pretty recently, plus I'm really good at hiding. Trying to get better at not doing that."
"Why didn't you say anything? I mean, you don't owe anyone an explanation, but surely you could get additional support-"
"From Ollie? Not a chance! We both know what he'd do:" Dave took his pink-tinted sunglasses from his desk and put them on, imitating Ollie's voice and mannerisms "My name is Ollie Plimsolls, and welcome to my new play entitled Autism Speaks. I have no idea that this is also the name of a crapsack company because I do absolutely no research. Please sit through this agonising performance while these two actors beside me slowly feel their souls decay!"
Phil could hardly breathe from laughing, and Dave was no better as he took his glasses off again. There was something about having someone that shared their irritancy with their director that felt like Spring air
"He really is something, isn't he?"
"I think the word they use is 'crackpot'." Phil said "I'd quit, but I need the experience. Plus, I like doing stuff with you."
"Boo, that's soppy!"
"Dave, don't be a dick!" Phil teased lightly "Speaking of dick, I don't think Ollie will like it if we still don't know our lines by next week, so we should probably go for another run-through."
Dave started to move his hands like Ollie again
"You don't have the whole script memorized after 2 weeks?! What kind of actor are you?!"
"Don't Dave, I'll start laughing again!"
They only made it through a page of the second run-through because Dave kept doing the "Ollie Voice" and Phil couldn't concentrate
They'd been there for half an hour...
And Ollie was still ranting
Phil had stopped listening about 10 minutes in... actually, that was a bit generous. He'd probably clocked out by the 5 minute mark. It was Dave's fault, really, for improvising onstage. That was the reason he started laughing. It never happened, Phil was always great at staying in character, people saw it as a challenge, to make him corpse onstage
So far, only Dave had succeeded. And he had a consistent success streak
Of course, Phil wasn't completely innocent. After Dave started it, he had to get him back somehow - besides, they always ended up laughing when they faced each other head-on
They enjoyed it
The kids loved it
Ollie clearly didn't see the funny side
"How hard is it not to laugh onstage? Neither of you are that funny, surely it should be a simple task!"
When Ollie's back was turned, Dave looked at Phil and mouthed you hungry? That earned a silent shhhh from Phil, who was not about to enrage their director anymore - he actually wanted to go home at some point today
"You two are impossible!" Continued the angry blond man, still not looking behind him "You've ruined my production, you've ruined my reputation-"
You ruined my dream journal! Dave mouthed, laughing as Phil tried desperately to hold back his own laughter
"It's like watching a 5 year old throw a fit." Phil murmured, quiet enough that only Dave heard it
"In those silly jumpers, he looks like one too."
"How far could you push him in a pram?"
This time, it was Dave's turn to clamp his hand over his own mouth, trying to avoid any sound coming out
"Odds on 6 meters?"
"No please, I insist!" Barked an irate Ollie "Your turn! Since you're so intent on interrupting everything I do, what is it? Spit it out!"
"Just agreeing with you, Ollie." Phil said quickly, fearing that laughing in his face was a very bad idea
That seemed to set Ollie off on yet another tirade and he started to pace again. For a while, both Dave and Phil were silent. Then Dave turned to face him
"Y'know what this reminds me of?"
"My neighbour used to have this chihuahua-"
Neither of them could hold it in, and the torrent of angry yapping from Ollie afterwards was completely worth it
"What do you mean 'not well'? You were perfectly fine yesterday!"
"It caught up to me, Ollie, I told you there was a bug going around. Dave went off with it, you'll probably get it next."
"So help me if either of you give me your disease-"
"We should be alright by tomorrow, we can pick things up then."
It took a little (more like a lot) of convincing, but eventually Ollie caved. As soon as he'd hung up, Phil turned to Dave with a confident smile
"That's him off our case for the rest of the day!"
"He really has no idea what day it is," Dave would've been lying if he said he wasn't a little downhearted by that, but it didn't matter much in the grand scheme of things "and he says he cares."
"He's all talk, no action. Or height."
They both laughed, some jokes never got old
"So," Phil took a neatly wrapped parcel from his bag and handed it to him "the celebrating begins!"
Dave took the package and opened it, and his eyes instantly widened. Never did he thing he would be holding a vintage polaroid camera in his hands
"How did you even find this?"
"You'd be surprised what you find in Camden market."
"You actually managed to fend of Tish to get me a gift?"
"Don't even mention her name," Phil groaned "I wanted to go on my own, but you know what she's like. You mention Camden Market and she follows you like a bloodhound."
"I think it's just you." Dave adopted her voice "I just love you gay guys!"
"Right, I'm taking back the camera." Phil teased as he reached for it, only to be swatted away by a laughing Dave
"Get Tish to go with you!"
Managing to avoid Phil's grasping, he pointed the camera in front of both of them and snapped a selfie
"Dave! Fuck's sake!"
"This is going on my fridge!"
"You better not!"
"It is!"
Once the laughter subsided, Dave looked at the developing photo. It was as if, somehow, he'd managed to capture the chaos and joy and everything he liked in their friendship.
Part of him wished more people remembered his birthday, he wouldn't even have minded Ollie giving him a visit!
"Thanks for this, mate. Means a lot."
"You OK, Davey?"
"Yeah, I just..." He looked at the photo, then back at Phil with a smile "I'm fine."
Phil knew that wasn't true, he gave a firm pat on the knee. A silent assurance that, all teasing aside, he was there for him
"I just feel..." David started to alternate between clenching and unclenching his fists and pressing the pads of his fingers to his thumbs, trying to find the words "... just feel a bit invisible sometimes."
"Yeah. I mean, Ollie's the main guy: writer, director, producer... all the stuff. You're Phil Proctor, lead in every performance - which you're great at! But... then there's me. Just... Dave."
Phil hated hearing his mate talk about himself like that, especially when his skills were so obvious to him. He picked up Dave's Polaroid camera and held it up
"You," he said with a smile "are Dave Parkes. Future filmmaker and producer."
"Is this you haggling for a role?"
"Well... maybe!" Phil joked, wrapping an arm around Dave's shoulder "But I know that you're gonna make films that put these plays we're doing to shame."
"That's not hard!"
After that day, Dave started to look forward to his birthday again
Dave had been off all day, and he'd have been lying to himself if he said he didn't know why
It meant a lot, that he was the first person Phil told about his new job opportunity, he was filled with pride to think of his best friend finally escaping Legz Akimbo prison
Even so, there was a tiny part of him that wasn't happy about it at all. At first, he assumed it was jealousy. Phil was free to live his life, while he was trapped doing educational plays for kids that didn't care, with a director that seemed to hate his guts
As he sat in his living room, pressing the pads of his fingers against his thumbs in a self-soothing manner, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his phone buzzing. He heard a familiar voice at the end:
"You alright, Phil? How does it feel to have nearly finished your life sentence?"
"Good. Really good, yeah."
Dave knew Phil well enough to know something wasn't right
"Thought you were meant to be a good actor!" He joked "Now tell me what's really going on."
"Alright, you got me." Phil managed a small chuckle "I'm not ungrateful or anything, trust me - I've wanted out of here since day 3!"
"So what's the problem-"
"Is this a bad idea?"
Out of all the things Phil could've said, Dave wasn't expecting that
"You what?"
"I want to get out, I have for ages, but what's gonna happen after I leave? It'll only be you and Ollie left."
"He spoke to you."
No answer. Not that there needed to be one
"Yeah. He did. Usually, I don't listen so much. But he said all this stuff about how I'm such a "bad friend" for leaving you behind. I know he's just saying it to hurt me, probably doesn't even meant it. But you know how I get."
Dave did. Phil had opening up about the pressure he felt to constantly make the right decision. Theatre was a difficult business, one wrong step and you could fall hard. There were many moments where Phil would need that extra bit of reassurance, just a push in the right direction
Not that he'd always ask for it, that was still tricky for him. But, when he did, Dave was there for him
And, even though he'd have loved to keep seeing his best mate every day at rehearsals, keep making him corpse onstage, and ranting about Ollie and all the other things that they did to keep themselves sane, he knew he had to be there for him here too
"Phil, you've earned this! Don't worry about me, I'm a grown up - especially when you see me stood next to Ollie!" He heard Phil laugh on the other end, which was a good sign in his books "This is about you, mate! You'll do great!"
"It'll be nice to work with a director that doesn't keep trying to lob chairs at me."
The conversation started to flow into a number of topics: films they watched recently, the most recent episode of their favourite show, their current (Phil's final) future disaster they were part of thanks to Ollie Plimsolls. Phil's departure almost forgotten until the end of the call
"Showtime next week," he said humourlessly "if it wasn't in front of kids, I'd do it tipsy."
"Not very professional, are you?" Dave teased
"No, but I think I deserve it."
A pause. Dave's fists clenched and unclenched and each finger pressed against his thumb again; with show week happening so close and the fact he wouldn't see his closest friend anymore was eating at him. Come the week after, things wouldn't feel the same. Well, they wouldn't be the same
He didn't realise he wasn't talking until Phil did:
"Odds on Ollie blowing a blood vessel tomorrow?"
Despite himself, Dave laughed
"Very probable, I'll send you a video."
"Yeah mate?"
"I'll call you next week."
Another pause
"Let me know when the ad comes out."
That's how the call ended: with Dave Parkes, alone in his living room, trying not to think about the week after next
Because he was used to the late nights, the rehearsal stresses, the tantrums and the bullying
What he wasn't used to was going about it alone
"Why are you doing this, Dave?"
It was the first time he'd seen any sort of genuine care towards him being shown by Ollie. As if this was the moment he realised that Dave was exhausted. As if he finally felt even the slightest bit of sympathy
Dave looked at him. He wondered if, in another life, they could've actually gotten along. Maybe, if things were different, Legz Akimbo could've really been a trio. Three friends working together, collaborating and supporting each other
But that was a universe lightyears away...
"I just can't stand you, Ollie."
... In this lifetime, they were just too far apart
"Phil! Wait up!"
Upon hearing his name, he turned around, surprised to see Dave running towards him. Phil's shoulder's were grabbed as his best mate caught his breath
"Dave, what happened?"
"I quit!"
"What?" Phil's eyes widened "I mean, that's great but-"
"Remember what you said ages ago? About me being a filmmaker? Well, you were right. I wrote something months ago and I sent it off to Jed Hunter this morning!"
"What did he say?"
Dave's eyes seemed to light up even brighter, his whole face glowed like a lantern about to be launched into the air
"Phil... I'm gonna be a producer."
For a few seconds, Phil was stunned into silence. Then, his arms opened slightly
"Can I-"
His question was answered by Dave pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. That's where they stayed for what felt like a joyful eternity, a buzzing clump of laughter and freedom
"... Odds on you helping me out?"
Phil pulled away, slightly confused, but wth a glimmer of excitement in his eye
"As long as I'm not playing Joseph the carpenter." He joked
"No, but I did write a role with you in mind. Jed said you'll have to audition... but I'm producing, so my say goes-"
"Why are you doing this, Dave? I mean, it's great but.." why me? Was the unspoken part What makes me worthy?
Dave wrapped an arm around Phil and beamed, as if he could see their successful futures right there and then
The struggles, the little achievements, the pushbacks and the pull forwards
He could see the films he'd create, the roles Phil would go on to play, and the awards they both would eventually win - both seperately and for their collaborations
But, right now, he answered Phil's question with the only thing he knew for sure:
"Because you're my best mate, Phil."
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ghouletteanon · 1 year
could we get aether and dewdrop comforting rain after a horrible nightmare that leaves him really shaken, a crying mess and afraid to fall back asleep plz? plus it's a bad storm outside making everything a little worse for rain?
Content warning for drowning mention as the nightmare. I haven't written Rain at all before so this was a challenge.
“What are you doing here?” Dew asked the ghoul standing at the doorway and peering in. It was already late, or rather early morning. Dew had given up trying to sleep and had been lounging around in his room, listening to music through headphones to drown out the noises of the storm raging outdoors. There had been a time when he would have been outside and embracing the elements but not anymore. That was in the past. “I thought you fucked off with Aether?”
“I shouldn’t have come here and bother you. It was a mistake…” Rain said, not moving from the doorway. The water ghoul looked even smaller than usual, sunken in on himself. His ears were drooping, his hair a mess and he was hugging his tail tightly. “I just wanted to check in on you. I’ll leave now.”
“No, no, come in.” Dew threw his headphones on the floor next to the bed and hurried to the door. Rain was obviously upset about something and Dew might put on a mean air when he wanted to but he hated seeing his packmates in distress. He grabbed Rain by the hand and led him to the bed in the corner of the room and sat him down amidst the blankets and pillows Dew had commandeered from the main room. “What’s wrong, Rainy?”
“It’s stupid. Just a nightmare” Rain explained as he cuddled up close to Dew and leaned his head against Dew’s shoulder, his face hidden in a curtain of both his and Dew's hair.
“That’s not stupid.” Dew politely ignored that Rain was scenting him and sat still. He could be fucking polite if he wanted to no matter what Swiss said. Rain was obviously upset by whatever the nightmare had been about that he needed reassurance that Dew was actually alright. “Want to tell me what it was about?”
Rain didn’t say anything at first. The silence was only broken by the sound of rain battering against the window of Dew’s room. The storm was picking up again, and Dew wanted desperately to pick up his phone to play music to cover the sounds but his priority was the ghoul who was now trying to hide that he was crying. It was a lost cause, as Rain’s tears were soaking through Dew’s well–worn band t-shirt. Dew heard Rain mutter something softly, but it was muffled. “What did you say?”
Rain took a deep breath as he pulled away and looked Dew in the eyes. “The Abbey flooded and we got trapped in the basement rehearsal room. You drowned.”
“So you wanted to make sure I was alright? Oh Rain,” Dew said, to which Rain only nodded in response and wiped away tears with the back of his hand. Dew hated when his pack was in pain, especially when he could not just punch whatever was causing the hurt. He cupped Rain’s face with both of his hands, pressing a soft kiss on his lips. Ending the kiss but not letting go of Rain, Dew pressed their foreheads together. “I’m fine. You can go back to Aether now, he’s probably looking for you.”
“I’m not anymore and you’re not fine, Dew.” Rain and Dew turned their heads in tandem towards the unexpected voice.
Aether had been silently watching the scene unfold. When he had woken up with a deep sense of something being wrong, and when he had not found Rain curled up to him anymore he knew there was something wrong and reached out with his power to find where the water ghoul had disappeared. The storm had become stronger than what the ghoulettes had predicted it would be, and Aether would have guessed even without the tether leading him towards Rain that he was in Dew’s room. And true to his instincts, the missing ghoul was found cuddling up to Dew who was definitely supposed to be sleeping at this hour.
“Dew, you’re supposed to find someone on nights like this,” Aether gently reprimanded his mate as he sat down next to the other ghouls. "Scoot over so there's room for me to lay down."
“Hey, Rain found me!” Dew protested but let Aether pull him closer so that three of them were able to fit on the bed with Rain in the middle. The bed was not made for three ghouls to share, but they had made it work before. Rain was already purring by the time Dew threw a blanket over the three of them.
“Be good little ghouls and get some sleep” Aether said in a soft voice. Emotions ran high on nights like this. He could sense Rain still being worked up from his nightmare even if he was valiantly trying to cover it with a purr, and Dew never went to sleep without a fight during stormy nights. “I’ll watch over you.”
“Not a good little ghoul,” Dew continued his protest but only half-heartedly as Rain was already beginning to doze off. It did not take long before Dew fell asleep as well and as the storm died down the room was filled with sounds of three ghouls sleeping soundly.
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beautifulfuckup99 · 9 months
Anonymous asked: "Do you only do BTS? Because I would love a plus-size doc, why choose with Namjoon, Bangchan and Seongwha"
Okay! Let's continue lol.
Title: My Girl
Warning(s): Body image issues, hints of ED: Count!ng Calor!es, but also all-around fluff...
Author's Note: Let's jump back in. Enjoy!
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"Surprise!" Seongwha says with a bright toothy grin. "Baby. You're... Here. Early. Wow." You say slowly as you walk into the apartment. Your boyfriend of one-year walks over to you. "I know. Isn't it great?" He asks with a sigh of relief as if it was a weight off of his shoulders to be home. "Got a day off, so I left early this morning to grab some things for dinner and I thought I'd surprise you by making your favorite." He smiles as he pulls you close. "Oh. Wow. I... I'm sorry, baby. I ate dinner already." You try. In reality, you had a strict 'two meals a day' rule that you didn't wanna break anytime soon. "What? Really? Since when do you eat this early?" He asks in confusion, and you shift from one foot to the other. This was easier to get away with when he was busy writing, recording, or rehearsing. "I just... I wasn't expecting-" He cuts you off. "I get it. but hey, tonight is you and me. Come on, try a little of what I cooked." He says as he pulls you towards the kitchen. "Oh. Baby. I... I can't." You try as he pulls you along. "Just a little bit. It won't kill you." He teases as he gets you into the kitchen and then gathers some food on the fork from the pan, blowing on it softly before holding it to your mouth. You slowly take a bite and it’s so good. Damn him and his amazing food. “It’s really good, baby…” You nod sheepishly and he smiles. “I’ll make you a small bowl then.” He says and your eyes widen at the offer. “No!” You say fast. He backs up a bit at your sudden loud outburst. “I-I mean… I’m not… Hungry…” You try fast as he eyes you closely. “Y/N. What’s going on?” He asks finally, voice soft with concern and you take a deep breath. “I… I’m on… a diet.” You admit quietly. “A diet? Why are you…” Seongwha stops himself to gather his thoughts more, shaking off the initial feeling of this ‘diet’ being completely uncalled for. He’d always support you after all. “Okay. Uh… Okay, well a small bowl won’t affect that, baby.” He assures as he tries to pull you close. “Yes. It will. I have… rules to follow.” You say finally and he again slows his motions of holding you close. “What?” He whispers. “I-It’s just… Calorie counting.” You defend fast and he stares at you in utter shock. “Y/N.” He whispers slowly. “How much have you really been eating?” He asks, heart racing in shame. He should’ve kept a better eye on this. “T…” You feel your throat threaten to close around the words. You can’t bring yourself to look at your worried boyfriend. “Two meals a day…” You admit finally. "Y/N. That’s a terrible way to lose weight!" He says fast, making you hang your head down in shame. "Why... That... You could really hurt yourself doing that! Why-" You finally cut him off. "I'm doing it for you!" You defend finally. He looks at you in absolute shock. "Why would I want you hurt?!" He asks and you frown deeply. "I... We were planning on going public next month at that award show, and... I wanted to look good for it. I didn't wanna... Embarrass you." You whisper quietly as you watch him closely. "Embarrass..." He trails off as if that only made him more confused. "How... Could I ever be embarrassed of you? Y/N, do you not understand how perfect you are!? Y/N, I understand if you want to lose weight to make yourself feel better, but I... I love your body. Exactly the way it is. And you're... You're hurting it! For what? For some award show? You're worth more than that. And I'd never be embarrassed of you. Y/N, I wanna come out with you because I wanna show everyone... that the most beautiful girl in the world... Has agreed to be mine." He whispers as your eyes water up at his words. "Please. Please stop this." He whispers in worry and your heart feels heavy at his pleas. He pulls you close to his chest as you allow yourself to break down, gripping his shirt tightly as you cry while nodding fast. "I-I'm sorry..." You cry repeatedly as your boyfriend just focuses on holding and rocking you, whispering that you're gonna be okay, and that he's got you...
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