#plus it would be cool to RP with new people :)
yo9urt · 5 months
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Intro post
Heyy I'm Kiara. The group blog over on @willows-pjo-ocs is cool and all, but I decided to make my own.
So here's some basic info i guess
Age: 15
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual
Godly parent: Selene
Powers: healing (only at night), photokinesis (limited to moonlight and not that much, Aurelia says I'm like a glowstick), increased strength at night time particularly when the moon isn't obscured by the clouds (which does not change when the moon is new since its still the moon), I can transfer the pain you feel to myself, limited hydrokinesis since the moon controls the tides, and I sees better in the dark. Limited umbrakinesis plus I can shadow travel. Not really a power, but I am pretty good at chariot driving since my mom is Selene, if I do say so myself.
Status: taken i love my wife girlfriend @southerndaughterofeos
I'm pretty chill just don't be a dick, i guess.
Ooc under the cut
Heyyy! I figured it might be fun to make some blogs for my ocs. With the amount i have and probably will make, this will make things easier and more fun.
i am way too autistic about the riordanverse send help
I'm the moderator of @willows-pjo-ocs and my main is @gaygirldoodles
I also run
#willow speaks ◇ is what i'll use for when the mod is speaking vs #willows pjo ocs ♡ and #insomniac daughter of the moon will be for in character stuff
the rest of this will probably be copy pasted from the intro post on the group blog tbh
TW/CW FOR TRANSPHOBIA, MENTIONS OF DEATH, AND SELF BLAME IN HER BACKSTORY also SH so im making it extra big so you dont miss it i dont wanna risk anything
Kiara is a 15 year old transgender demigod daughter of Selene. She arrived at camp a bit before the Battle of the Labyrinth (the battle itself, not the book, but both are technically true), so she did end up fighting in the Battle of the Labyrinth, the Battle of Manhattan, and the Battle of Half-Blood Hill (plus if there was another one in toa i havent read it yet so dont spoil me.)
I would say she was about 12 or 13 when she arrived at camp so she's been there for a bit
She wasn't claimed until 2 or 3 years after she arrived since her mom didn't have a cabin yet
She is currently dating Aurelia Emerson, another oc of mine.
No father issues here since her dad is pretty awesome, but she does have mother issues, which comes with your godly parent being your mother.
She has a good deal of trauma from these battles, as do the other demigods who fought in said battles.
Since she can only heal at night, she compensates with her fighting skills. She was unable to save lots of friends and fellow campers during the battles and she blames herself for their deaths constantly. The tragedy of being a combat medic at her age.
Kids used to tease her all the time and do stuff like pulling on her hair at school but she ended up finding her people
At some point (sometimes i rp before, during, or after this) she ended up going on a quest. I haven't planned out much of this quest or who she gets captured by, but she ends up getting captured by these monster or something who want a son of Selene even though she very much isn't a son, but a daughter. They only ever referred to her as a boy and made her wear raggedy ass "boy" clothes (even though i believe that clothes dont have gender idk how else to phrase it)
She ends up back at camp somehow, havent planned that part out yet, but yet another trauma she has to deal with (yay i guess..?)
She ends up picking up smoking to deal with the trauma. She doesn't really tell anyone, and she tries to hide it since she's underage, it's against the rules, and sincs Aurelia would kill her if word got out.
Every time she heals a patient, whether it's a broken wrist or the entire arm is ripped off, she transfers a great deal of the pain to herself so they don't have to deal with it. Better her than them, she tells herself.
Eventually, she grows pretty numb to the pain. She can still feel it, of course, but she's just used to it. It doesn't bother her as much as it used to. Occasionally, when she takes a smoke break, she'll put out the cigarette on the heel of her palm or her shoulder or something just to prove that she can still feel pain.
Also, I apologize if I accidentally portray her a bit wrong since I'm not trans but feel free to critique me if I do something wrong bc I really want to know so I can do better/be more educated
Face claim:
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tag list from the group blog:
@the-gods-abandoned-us @arisdaughter @mache-of-greece @kaiaalwayswins @unhinged-waterlilly @yourlocalfallenstar @son-of-the-moonlight @luci-likes-dinoss @elixs-mythology-corner @bast-the-best26 @emdabitchass @if-chaos-was-a-boy @luck-is-crucial @love-lightning-forethought @the-prince-telemachus @pink-koi-lovejoy @fire-boy-official
lmk if you wanna be added or removed!
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factorialsotherfandoms · 10 months
its 6am and I'm complaining myself through the ending of purgatory k? This is just the bitching not a full balanced analysis, bits I genuinely enjoyed are missing so it looks like I have a worse opinion than I did, its below a cut because a lot of people don't want that and that's absolutely good. I'm just processing through.
I think purgatory ending feels bad because we were promised by the way it was advertised and treated the end of the arc, and what we got was another fucking mid point instead. A mid point which after this going on for so long nobody really wanted. Setting up new project cool! But it felt miserable to watch the end. Probably could have been helped if the CCs had more info on a meta level - just the timescales and that this wasn't actually the end of the arc - so they could pace themselves and us better. The eggs missing has gone on for far too long, we've been given far too little to work with, and it's just not fun viewing any more. Which is why my engagement is so dependent on the next little while.
That, plus getting to the boat on foot was impossible without near perfection - something they were never going to all have. I like giving qMaxo his big sendoff with the nuke which solves nothing! But people who were legitimately trying to escape (Cellbit, Tina, off the top of my head - Cellbit just legit got lost in the underground. He said after he decided to stay but like... really? We'll have to wait and see next time he plays qsmp. If nothing else he legit had shit to do planned, and I feel like he would discuss it more with Roier if he was going to perma-kill Cellbit as that's massive to put on someone else's character. Pretty sure ccCellbit was just teasing like he fucking does but we'll see. Also changes what Maxo did if any of them die to it /significantly/. I'll be genuinely worried for ccMaxo if his characters actually pretty neat death arc resulted in a fan favourite character permadying in a game without permadeath) should have had a legit chance to do so. If they were supposed to be able to. I really hope the admins smooth that bit over one way or another, because it just made shit feel extremely bad. Kinda expect the /actual/ ruling to be if one person made it they all did, but dear god they needed to tell the players that immediately after or whatever if so. Failing that you could maybe have the others in the Nether or something, but youd need to coordinate everyone who didn't make it and that'd just suck logistically. The sensible answer is if one person got there they all did because this isn't a high legality sort of game. For players.
Like the other eggs were probably kidnapped by something and reported out? And I'm betting on black concrete plot as that's the plot actually associated with them disappearing in the first place, but for all it's cool moments up until then it just... dropped the ball. Tbh the entire thing with the eggs being involved was a massive ball drop which lead to /one/ cool conversation but otherwise just made everything infinitely less enjoyable.
Poor BBH. Like cc wise. He's one of a whole lot of them who have horrific rp safety practices, but also there's not really anyone to teach them that and that's nothing to punish someone for. Hope it gets hashed out with him. All of them but especially him.
Having players of another project as "advertising" for a new project without them knowing more in advance tastes kinda shitty. Very shitty. We'll see how tied it ends up being but that's just not comfy.
Quackity saying about big stuff planned is absolute ass. Like legitimately and out of character the CCs genuinely need a break for a bit you can't just throw them back into heavy stuff immediately. They need space to breath oc and find their footing ic. Most of them have streamed far more than usual this fortnight, and even for those who do stream daily usually it's been intense. You can say if its hurting them they can just take a break but you cannot convince me they can when their literal irl incomes depend on this. Some more than others, but they do.
Also like the tension just genuinely doesn't hold that long. Most of what I run is combat heavy fantasy events, but I've done horror too. And a big bit of running horror events is studying how pacing and tension works, especially over an extended period (horror events locally tend to be multi-day). You /can/ change the usual layout, but you have to know your fucking shit and be really careful if you do, and the admins and Quackity just don't seem to - as a collective whole, some individuals may - have the experience necessary to fuck with the formula. Like. I'm burnt out, the players are ooc burnt out, the fandom generally seems burnt out - not giving the players a win here was already a mistake, but the tension /has/ snapped. Too many people are too burnt out from playing more than usual and all that, under very high stakes circumstances, for very little reward. There needs to be a break where players who do other stuff can play other stuff and players who don't can take the time to find their footing again. Tension levels are not sustainable and they broke them open. If they hadn't revealed the eggs you could have stretched it another few days, but they did. At which point losing the eggs again is genuinely so fucking unsatisfying. They could have only been shown the winning egg. Like sure fuck with people, that's what's going on IC and OC maybe it was supposed to be reassurance, but it just ended up feeling ghoulish. It was so obviously playing on feelings it just fell flat for me. Not even the fun playing with feelings, just a fuck you.
Also communication has been fucking atrocious. Yes keep twists in the bag, I can see arguments for all plot points, but the players needed to know the timescale, the fact it was a PvP not a lore event, and that this wasn't the end of the eggs missing arc rather an interlude waaaaaaaaaaay earlier. Like they found out as these things became obvious, but given the time commitment it demanded they needed to know like weeks before it started. As soon as it was announced. We can tall all we like about trusting the admins, but the admins have got to fucking trust their players to still make good viewing times even if not everything is a complete surprise. It fucked over Cellbit and Roier and their murder plot planning, it fucked over a lot of people ooc and their streaming schedules and their ability to do actual life things. Forever when given the Judas plot should have been told in advance when it would be activatable. The players - not the characters or the audience, the players - should have known it was 15 days, PvP, only 1 egg was on the cards for now, that the chance to save the others will come later (I have no doubt it will), and that they would need to escape fast at the end. Not the why, not the how, not the plot, but you need to know the fucking stakes.
Like okay let's look at shit I run a sec. Its nor perfect, but we've been building on a 20+ year tradition of larp in the same place and learning from what does and doesnt work. Info players have in advance:
date and time. for things run for and at the university, dates generally are announced start of the year, and which system will be which day is the start of every term. For events for the uni but at an unusual place or time (often an IC dinner party or similar), 3 weeks in advance. For stuff not associated with the university (I help with fewer of these, as far fewer happen and theyte the ones i can still play with my disability)... well, they tend to be multi day in a hired venue and players pay a lot of money to be there, so its usually about a year and a half in advance. The stuff below about pitches are for saturday ones - paid for multi day events all that info is announced at least a year in advance, and for single day non-university ones at least 6 months. But like qsmp is a constantly running thing so the university stuff is a fairer comparison.
Every event has a "pitch". This goes up the Tuesday before for Saturday events - theres a couple of different teams running different genres but same place same time theres a larp every termtime saturday just 9/30 are run by my team. The pitch will contain the information the characters know going into a mission or social or whatever. If theres a twist the twist isn't mentioned, ofc, just the initial setup. Then, there's an out of character section, with stuff like date and time and reminders to weather weather appropriate clothing and sturdy shoes.
If the event is /not/ in the format players expect, in the out of character info including things like the time, we say that. We run combat heavy stuff. If it's purely social, we say so. If it'll be more Freeform than usual, we say so. If the party is getting split we - you guessed it - say so.
Our events have different levels of IC rewards. The basic reward can always be assumed (3 gold, iirc). Theres also 4 and 5 gold days. If its not 3 gold, it says so in the pitch, and players know this is a difficulty rstinf system. 3 is normal, 4 is "this is designed to be challenging for late end high xp characters and is likely to kill lower levels", 5 is "we are actively trying to kill someone". Death is always an option, but the ref team don't usually want it.
Sometimes there are RP rewards too. These are not explicately stated, but are alluded to "you will be paid so long as you eliminate the monster. If you capture it and deliver it to the university, however, the chancellor promises an extra something for you" sort of thing. "The Dowager Duchess is well known for rewarding those in her favour. Impress her, and she may do the same for you".
If there's distressing content that isn't covered by genre and game style, we include a warning. Last time was "this session will include horror elements. A list of content warnings is available from any ref on request", and we DMed players we knew have triggers on that list the same day pitch went out to liase with them. Yes even when the trigger is a plot twist or a spoiler because fuck you player safety will always be most important. One which had content warnings but was not horror "this session contains potentially distressing material. A list of content warnings is available from any ref on request".
And like... call me naive but this is the sort of info the players should have? In advance they should have a summary (yes it's also given IC at the start of the event, but it means they can prep properly), dates and times well in advance (so they can prep their lives and other projects), expected rewards (even if vague), and any particularly common triggers (like say a third party intentionally sewing paranoia and fucking with mental health of characters) should have a "theres triggers here please put a message in your help channel for a list". I'd say also some indicator of where on a plot arc something falls.
We dont give this because our pacing plot arc wise is determined by how we run them. Paid events are all always one offs (I run them with a different group of people but same circle) - except when they aren't in which case this is made clear at the pitching stage- and uni ones its dictated by the university schedule - we run nine main events a year, 3 each term. There's a small climax last linear of every term, and a major one at the end of a year. Yearly arcplots do not always exist but when they do they end with the last linear of term. There are some other plots brewing over longer periods - when those come to a head, they will become the main plot for a year and their climaxes run on yearly arcplot rules. It is never the case that all sessions in a year are arcplot related, to give players not interested in a specific thing something to do.
Other things they could probably do with include a safe word and establishing a way for an admin to indicate a fuck up due to glitch or mistake - probably an "ignore me" emote only admins have access to.
This all being said - the admin team want people to have fun and for it to go well, and the medium is much younger than traditional LARP. Information for their specific media does not exist, and while they maybe should look at rp for ideas they probably look at tabletop and don't even consider LARP - let alone larp styles more common in Europe. I can say things all I want, but I'm just a guy over here. The admins are trying their best and do want the best for their players, and will have a plan. It's just infuriating sometimes.
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riverbills · 5 months
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RIVER BILLINGHAM ( JUSTICE SMITH ) is a TWENTY-EIGHT year-old SCREENWRITER in LOS ANGELES. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only TWELVE. They are known as THE MELODRAMATIC because they are IDEALISTIC but also TEMPERAMENTAL. Let’s see what choice they make regarding the fate of Woodrow House
Full Name: Christopher River Billingham
Nickname(s): As a child he used to go by Christopher. He decided to start going by his middle name when he moved to Woodrow. River had always preferred his middle name to his first name. Christopher was too inconspicuous and boring. He decided that moving to a new place was the perfect time to reinvent himself (as much as you can reinvent yourself as an twelve year old). Plus, he associated his first name with his parents and didn't want anyone else to call him that.
Date of Birth: March 3rd 1977
Age: 28
Occupation: Screenwriter
Current Residence: Los Angeles, California
Hair: Right now River has a curly bleach blond close cropped fade. Please always picture Justice in Generation even when I'm using gifs from other projects x
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6ft1
Notable Features: Dimples and a cute wide smile but he won't be smiling very much through the course of this rp
Strengths: Inventive,spontaneous and compassionate
Weaknesses: Immature,credulous and scattered
Quirks: Frequently chews gum, talks with his hands, usually wears multiple bracelets which he plays with,regularly gasps de and used to chew pens tops when he used pens more often
Vices:River is a very pleasure seeking person so has dabbled in alcohol, nicotine and drugs at various points in his life. He was a regular smoker from the ages of 16-19 but he didn't like the lingering smell of cigarettes on his clothes so decided to fill the hole nic left with red bull.
Interests: Writing, fashion, the history of film & photography, literature and after he processed his parents deaths he got back into music.
Hobbies: River has cds but he stands by his tape collection. He doesn't go out as much as he used to in his early 20s but he still enjoys clubbing. He also enjoys rollerblading and painting
Special Skills/Talents: Depending on when you ask him River would either answer this question with “Whatever I put my mind to.” or “Nothing.” He's pretty good at writing and acting. He learned to play the drums as a child but stopped after his parents death. However, he started playing the drums again in his late teens. He has tried djing a couple of times and is quite good at that
cws: lightly implied period typical racism and this is woodrow ward lore so parental death (this time with a slight twist on a motor accident)
When River was born his dad was the frontman of a popular psychedelic rock band. River’s birth and his parents long term mostly monogamous relationship was kept a secret from the press because it was safer and more beneficial for River's dad to act as a cool sexually available rockstar than admit to the public that the Black woman working as the bands public assistant was actually his wife. Even long after the band split up and River's dad had moved onto making weird but very of the time new wave music as a solo artist he kept River's existence a secret from the general public. This was so River could have an upbringing that was more luxurious than most people's but didn't involve his classmates asking about his dad or being pestered by the paparazzi. River’s upbringing was very sheltered and he still views his childhood as an idyllic time in his life. His primary caretaker was a nanny but at the time he didn't see this as a negative experience and he didn't feel emotionally neglected by his parents. It was an exciting treat every time they stayed with him for long periods of time. When he was twelve both of his parents went on the twentieth anniversary reunion tour for his dad's band's first album. There was a horrific tour bus crash in which both of his parents died. Even though the general public didn't know he existed, various rich people his parents met at charity events did (this includes Richard Woodrow). Forever the bleeding heart Richard offered to take in River. Both sets of River's grandparents agreed that there would be less chance of a scandal and word getting out about River existing if he lived at Richard's secluded New York Estate.
Unsurprisingly, River was very volatile when he first moved to Woodrow House. He was a sensitive pre-teen who was grieving his parents and had just moved to the other side of the country. He would snap at unexpected moments and cry for no particular reason. With the passage of time and the best therapy Richard could buy that behaviour eased up. However, he was still one of the more expressive wards. He would make his emotions known through his words and actions. He was probably a source of great annoyance for most of the wards. But I'm sure at least one of them found him to be fun, charming and loving. River enjoyed having lots of people around Woodrow as a teenager. He's a true extrovert and being around others reinvigorates him. Though growing up River often felt like a failure compared to some of the other wards because he wasn't an academic genius.
River's sense of style is a lot more garish and informal than most of the other wards. He has a behind the scenes job in film and tv and lives in LA so he really can wear whatever he wants. He has a lot of loose fitting brightly coloured shirts. But he's still young and hot enough for the occasional tight tank top. He also has a lot of shorts of various colours and textures. He does not have many clothes that are weather appropriate for New York. River has one of his ears pierced so he often wear stud earrings or little hoops. He loves wearing multiple embroidered bracelets at once
River chose to go to the same private school other wards had/were attending. He wanted to prove that he was as good as they were despite not being a natural academic. Another reason River wanted to go to a real school was because he wanted to meet more people and have a social life outside of the other wards. While in school one of the writing exercises River enjoyed the most was screenwriting and he wanted to go back to California so that's why he applied for a BFA in film at Dodge.
If it wasn't clear River was a very artistic and dramatic adolescent. He spent a lot of time painting and crafting in the art room. He also enjoyed creative writing. When he started private school he did drama and directed multiple productions. River wasn't interested in sports but decided to try to find some he enjoyed because he knew Richard thought sport was an important part of making the wards well rounded individuals. Plus, he was jealous of the cute little outfits other wards wore as sports uniforms. He played cricket for multiple years. He never fully understood the rules but knew he had to run after batting the ball and thought cricket whites looked chic. He also took up dressage because he thought there was something sweet about doing a sport where you need to connect to an animal and again he got to wear a fun outfit.
River has been coasting through life since graduation. He decided to stay in LA to pursue screenwriting and because he's a west coast baby at heart. Two of his scripts have been made into movies but they weren't big Hollywood features. The movies he wrote were very low budget indie dramas that didn't make much money. The biggest fans of his films are probably people who found them at the Dollar Tree DVD basket. River mainly writes TV show episodes. His most steady source of income is a medical drama. His lifestyle hasn't changed much since his early 20s. He goes out to clubs to feel something and make meaningful fleeting connections. The only way he's more successful than most of the other wards is the fact he has a spacious house with a pool. He uses the fact his house was expensive to justify why he has 3 housemates (an actress who mainly works in tv, a mildly famous model and a director he met because she directed one of his scripts). He also has a cat called Saskia. He adopted her from a friend who couldn't look after her anymore after moving in with her boyfriend with cat hair allergies. River brought Saskia to Woodrow House with him because she’s a daddy's girl and would make everyone's lives miserable if he left her for weeks.
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truly-morgan · 1 year
[Roleplaying PIDW online]
CumPlane | Scum Villain Self-Saving System Modern AU 13-10-2021
[modern day #cumplane roleplaying PIDW]
okay, but what if Airplane enjoyed doing rp about his own novel? usually staring mobei-jun. It's annoying when people say he's ooc (he created the damn character!!).
Then he meets this person who plays platonic luo binghe only. and damn! he is pretty good at it, pretty in character, better than all the other people who tried doing so and couldn't grasp the essence of who lbh was supposed to be.
And so they roleplay in a totally platonic setting, just two bros demons going around the place making quests.
sometimes they nearly enter ooc territory but never quite, it's got to a point where the rp is simply too good to really care if the other one is a bit ooc sometimes.
It's all fun and thing until the to rp slowly turn less sfw.
involuntarily, they turn that rp into a BL, which is not necessarily something Shen Yuan wanted but hey, it is better than his binghe getting another wife. Plus it's totally not gay if the one attracted is /the character/ and not him. him getting hard in more steamy moments is not him not being straight 😤 it's him emulating what lbh would feel like.
although sometimes it is hard to say whether the way his roleplay partner is writing is really meant for lbh or for him (but he assumes it's just his imagination, they are two straight bro enjoying some rp).
I imagine airplane figuring out this cool roleplayer is actually his biggest critic by following sides conversation they have, especially when new chapters drop and sy leak some of his opinions.
there is a confrontation no long before they died, where they truly reveal who they are.
not imagine when they are living in a PIDW that is totally different from before, just hanging out with their husband only for Shang Qinghua to quote one of their replies. His memory may be bad after so long in here, but he still remembers.
it has Shen Qingqiu laughing as he quotes back a replied, often since they were inside jokes from the rp.
This leaves them sometimes laughing uncontrollably, sqq trying to hide against sqh with his fan trying to hide himself, leaving their husbands extremely confused.
maybe cumplane can start doing rp again, or try to rope their husbands into it too
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niaevum · 24 days
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answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
Well, considering I am writing an OC, all ships are my OTPs and I hold them dear to my heart. I love all the ships that I am making on the blog.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Well, pretty much everything, excepting things like non-con, incest, underage stuff and anything that goes along these lines. Other than that, fluff, angst, smut, cute things, the ugly aspects of a relationship, bring them on the table. I am always keep on exploring these themes and the impact that they have on the characters, how it makes them feel, how it helps them evolved ( if at all ), how they handle it. Just gib it to me.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Considering my muse is an adult, anything that is underage. So if your muse is a minor than it would make me feel very uncomfortable and it's a big no-no from me.
Are you selective when shipping?
I... guess? sjcnb well, i am selective in terms of wanting to have at least talked to you out of character. For me, it works so much better if there is some sort of interaction out of character and I know I can come pester you with ideas / memes / stuff. However if there is chemistry and vibe between the muses, even if we're not interacting much outside tumblr, then sure, why not? Other than that, if we're mutuals, we talked / memed / have a good vibe together, my inbox / ims / discord is open for you. We can explore the dynamics even if we have little to no interaction in character. If it works, then cool cool, if not, it is what it is.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Good question actually, because I never thought about this. For now let's say that it goes after the clothes are off. I will be tagging it maybe earlier just to make sure maybe?
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
As long as you want to ship with me, then you.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Yes, please! That way it's way more easier and we don't have to wonder ' do we ship our muses, is it just me ' jsdcndsj plus, discussing it makes it more fun, we can explore their dynamics, see what works and whatnot, you know?
How often do you like to ship?
I'll be honest here--I love shipping. I love developing new bonds with other characters, seeing how that makes my own muse evolve or why not, get worse, the impact is has, the trust they put in each other or not. Creating these connections makes it so much more fun and it's just chef's kiss because each character is unique and the impact they have will be different.
Are you multiship?
Yep! For me it's a little bit limiting if I would set the blog to single-ship, because I wouldn't be able to explore all the types of connections freely, you feel?
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Well, ship invested I guess? dkjvnkd i love shipping like i said and i get really invested in my ships; i will send you memes, random stuff for the inbox, things in dms that remind me of our muses, kind of invested. my only requirement would be to be invested and show some mutual interest? having things we decided mutually be only one-sided isn't very great as a feeling so if we ship together, know that i will be really invested in the ship. all i ask is just genuine interest, you don't have to send me 38579583 things a day, just to have the same level of interest.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Whatever ship I make here is my favorite. I'll hold them forever in my heart.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Just ask me! I'm a chicken so I might not ask you or ask and never mention it again, but just asking is what gets a ship started with me. If we spoke before in some form ooc, than the chances that I will say yes are high. Let's explore the dynamics and potential that our muses have together, that's what makes it fun.
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charliechaotic · 10 months
Im losing my mind thinking about ut aus sanses, everyone- like BRO. Theyre so neat :[
I am mostly losing it because I have yet to be able to accurately portray them yet but also I havent had the opportunity to try to bc finding rp is SO hard :[
but ermmm if YOU would like to pLEASE IM BEGGING 😔
I even have silly guys based off my minimal knowledge of the different dudes :[
LIKE I HAVE LOREE!! theres this guy Charcoal who is based on swap sans and his universe is counted as a swap universe but he isnt one of those guys!! Hes just a silly guy!! AND LIKE. grggrgggggrg hes traumatized... His magic is fear based and ALSO he wants to help people but so much is stopping him from doing that and when he gets the chance (joining the stars) its at the cost of everything he knew, on TOP of him being rundown and exhausted and just TRYING so HARD to keep up but he CANT
Charcoals refs + angst art (putting below cut bc.. blood warning!! its just in case ^^)
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and also theres Lunaris who's the nightmare of the universe and if you like dadmare content hes basically based on that because hes one of the guys I havent read the og media of yet- (ive read horrortale[up to most recent post] and something new, and I watched a dub of errors origin?? plus the ask error comic)
Lunaris concept ref up ahead! ill admit I made him a lot softer than intended but that happens with my art sometimes Im working on it- once i finish his gacha ref itll help a bit:
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Im gonna die gggrgrggrgh (also if you have the ability to play fresh I adore you bc he is so complicated but so cool) (also I know he isnt a sans but he's here bc of his usual portrayal of possessing a sans)
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lmanburgmcytcare · 2 years
Transcript of Philza and L’Manberg Meeting /rp
[Taiyo]: Is this... yep, yeah, that’s on, or the blinky lights means I’m about to get exploded, one of the two! I think... [shuffling sounds, clears throat] Hello Tumble Peoples! Hi! I’m a recording! It is currently.. hold on.. about five minutes before my sister arrives with Philza! And I’ve decided to record the interaction so that I’ll have a more accurate record of how things go down, but I also don’t wanna show my face and neither does my sister, so we’ve agreed on using audio instead! 
[sounds of multiple MCYTs chittering curiously, plus many small footsteps coming closer]
[Taiyo]: Say hi to the Tumblr people, you guys! 
[more chittering, some of it sounds very enthusiastic]
[Taiyo]: [giggles] Yes Tommy, you’re very amazing on camera, I know. This isn’t a camera though, it’s a voice rec- heY-
[muffled sounds, more chittering that sounds a bit like evil giggles]
[Taiyo]: Tommy, stop- I know you like stealing but you can’t have this right now!
[hissing, a different MCYT starts chittering at Tommy, muffled sounds continue]
[Taiyo]: No need to get all hissy, I didn’t even touch you- Wilbur please don’t encourage him.
[another MCYT starts chittering along with Wilbur, and Tommy makes a proud chirp]
[Taiyo, fondly]: Oh my gods, you guys’ll be the death of me...
[muffled sounds stop, there’s a slight thud as Taiyo places the recorder on the table]
[Taiyo]: Okay, are you guys ready to meet up with Phil again?
[nervous chittering from various MCYTs]
[Taiyo]: I know, I know, it’s pretty scary. Don’t worry, though, I won’t let him hurt you guys this time. He won’t be able to actually touch you, even. I promise
[nervous chittering continues, interrupted by knocking]
[Taiyo]: OH! She’s here early!
[Footsteps, door opening]
[Taiyo]: Come on in, you can put Phil’s carrier down here if you want.
[Sister]: Okay, cool, thank you. Again, I’m really sorry about what happened last time-
[Taiyo]: It’s fine, I’ve told you! You didn’t know I had any new MCYTs, and I didn’t know Phil and Techno would react so badly to them. Speaking off, how’re they doing? I know that it can be hard getting them separated sometimes.
[Philza chirps happily, which is responded to by various chitters]
[Sister]: [chuckles] Well, it wasn’t too this time, the second I told them what was going on they agreed to it. Techno does NOT wanna come back here, so it seems. Phil only agreed to see Wilbur again
[Taiyo]: I’ll bet.. Okay, so here’s the deal you guys. Phil’s gonna stay inside the carrier until we can be sure that you all will get along, and as long as nothing goes wrong they’ll be leaving in an hour or two.
[More chittering and chirping back and forth, ignoring Taiyo]
[Sister]: Is it just me, or does Wilbur sound really aggressive?
[Taiyo]: Yeah? He’s just being protective, cus the others are nervous. Hey, hey, calm down Wil, it’s okay. It’s just Phil, you remember Phil. He’s not gonna hurt them.
[Angry chittering backed by nervous chittering, Philza chirping in response]
[Sister]: I don’t like this.. Should we get Wilbur away from the group so they can interact without him getting all fighty?
[Taiyo]: I doubt that’ll go well for anyone. That’d just make him more aggressive, if anything.
[Sister]: Maybe if we just let them go about.. whatever this is, they’ll resolve it on their own?
[Taiyo]: That’s the hope, I’m pretty sure,
[Angry chirping, Wilbur’s chitters stop completely]
[Taiyo]; Oh, what the hell did Phil just say to him..
[Sister]: Nothing good..
[Fire crackling, hissing that sounds a lot like a blaze]
[Sister]: ON IT-
[Philza makes a pained cry]
[Taiyo and his sister shouting various curses, loud chittering from all the MCYTs]
[End of transcript]
So uhh... Jack has fire powers apparently! Phil is.. uh.. relatively okay? We reacted fast enough that he didn’t get burnt too badly, but he’s going to the vet to treat the burns still. This did not go according to plan at all..
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thebigshotman · 11 months
I’ve decided I’m going to reply to threads in the morning; there’s a couple event-prep related things I need to write and I don’t want to start replies and then not be able to finish them in one go. But! To make up for that, here are a couple of headcanons I’ve thought of for Spaul recently! And once again, thank you all for the Halloween interactions yesterday 😊 I loved them all!
Now onto the HCs…
So Eileen’s @hxzelwallflower nickname of [Hazelnut] came mainly from her URL…but recently I realized Spaul has no in universe way of knowing that lol. I initially thought that he got it from her hazel hair and eyes but then thought: “No! You know what? He probably just looked through the source code and saw the URL when he was having trouble sleeping one night and “hazel” stuck with him”! Because Spamton as a character is just aware of the fourth-wall like that 🤣 Just don’t expect him to admit to that being where it got it from, what with his awareness suppression and everything.
NEW (from like a month ago lol) SPAMTON’S SHOP ANIMATION ROLL UP ROLL UP (cw for a lot of loud sounds one right after the other towards the end if you’re sensitive to that though). Honestly the voice work is amazing, it would probably be Spaul’s new VC if NiftyTable’s take didn’t hit that “gremlin voice” spot for me. Plus the fact that it’s not a direct adaptation of the script definitely endears it to me too 😆 But that’s not the headcanon lol
I noticed both shop animations include Spamton constantly switching between normal body language and acting out the body language of his voice clips, and while that is indeed uncanny and cool looking that doesn’t really work in an RP setting. But after this second animation, I have decided that whenever Spaul’s voice clips are particularly long (i.e “[[amazed at this amazing transformation? You too can]]”) he does indeed sort of jerkily, like a puppet being pulled by strings, get forced into acting out whatever the body language of that voice clip would be while his lenses go dark. The alternative is him standing there dumb, glaring at his throat while it plays, and that’s not nearly as fun 😄
I feel like it serves a little reminder that he can be unsettling as well as goofy lol! Imagine that happening in the middle of him talking to Eileen, as it very well most likely has in the past. Poor girl 😅
Finally, here are a few songs I associate with Spamton/Spaul that no one else seems to! Or very few people if that. With explainations!
Step Right Up by Tom Waits. This song is literally just a bunch of advertising jargon strung together with no rhyme or reason, some of it flat out contradicting each other or suggesting the product is harmful. And of course there’s the one moment where the speaker snaps about heartbreak lol. All of that over a very city slicker instrumental! Think of this as a non-fan song Ad Infinitum lol, it just keeps going. Check it out!
Let’s Get This Over With by They Might Be Giants. Once the second verse hit it was all over: “Even when you’re out of work you still have a job to do…(a few lines later) I’m talking to myself even when I’m saying ‘you’”. The bridge as well, which calls to mind his speech glitch. This one’s more about the vibe then all of the lyrics, but definitely check it out too!
The Other Side from the Greatest Showman. IT’S LITERALLY A GUY MAKING A DEAL WITH SOMEONE. WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED 🤣 I always end up channeling Spam when I’m singing this song to myself anymore
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etoilesbienne · 1 year
personally i don't Totally know if infighting amongst the english mcyt twitter community is a major part of the anglophone mcyt community being smaller, but it definitely could be; speaking from experience i and many others Completely dipped from mcyt early last year, after dsmp just flopped and sucked so much ass, along with.... Certain...... things that happened with...... certain very big creators 💀💀 unfortunately qsmp has pulled me Back Into the vortex now. but the community has been so much better all so Yippee??
the few english speaking fans i follow on twitter are pretty cool and have follower counts that are nothing to scoff at too, but i see tweets or art pieces from hispanic fans too and it's like. 30k likes always. so. My God. and ill admit a lot of other anglophone twt fans beef and talk about mcyt controversies, but they've all been about certain ccs that are Not on the qsmp. if you know what i mean (pain). likely just the absolute shitshow of dsmp and its dramas just made so many anglophones flee and not come back while hispanic fans have been frolicking in the flower fields
i havent cared about minecraft rp in about 2 and a half years and im the fucking trenches here to be honest ! i am watching streamers in languages i barely understand (shout out to spreen im entirely lost here but ill still hang around and watch)
plus im under the impression the fact the spanish community seems like its always been more... ig positive about everything from fans definitely helped. like the Set Up for why dsmp fandom's behavior about rules of how to ship people was based from smplive and multiple creators from there making very public livestreams about the fact they were uncomfortable with it. i do not think dsmp shipping would have been anywhere near as explosive if that wasn't the pretext to it. (vague gesture to hermits who have been doing this for years and years before smplive and didn't/don't care about shipping. vague gesture in different direction to the fact after smplive and the new social taboos about shipping one of the hermits got harassed off of tumblr for saying she didn't care if people shipped her.)
and then i look over and roier is known for block evading people who block him to stop their ship art of him from getting retweeted and liked by him. and i look back at the 2 hr "we hate smprompa" stream from cmc. and im like damn no wonder they have more fun.
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awful-amateur · 1 year
(I'm going to tag people so I can have y'all's opinions and such, thanks for looking at this post)
This post is directed at: @raph-a-roni @donniesexceptionalmind @neonleonsmessymindpalace @angelo-the-doctor-of-feelings @future-boy-casey @spaceacexino and @veeswims because you are the only people on tumblr I interact with :<
So I've been thinking-
I'm kind of obsessed with the way you guys role-play, and it just seems SO COOL-
That I am thinking of deleting this blog, and making a new one so I can fit in with y'all :D
I've wanted to do this for a while- and just figured out what my account could be-
I plan on calling it emerson-the-psycho because WHY NOT-
And role-playing as some type of mutant, likely either a fox or otter.
When I decide to do it, I will tag you in a post or send you all an ask about it
Delete this blog
create new blog
follow all of the people tagged here, plus a few more that I enjoy
Apologize for being so annoying about wanting to be part of y'all's cool rp club :>
I plan on doing it soon, especially since Leo taught me how to color text, (Thanks btw)
Thanks for reading this!
Shoot me an ask if you have any advice please~
Emmie, out.
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Is there an "original" au for Jax and Mia? And for the this means war au, does Jax help the remaining humans? Befriends others besides Mia? And the big question, what happened to Jax?
The original universe for Jax and Mia is the ride or die universe where giants and humans exist in an integrated society. There's shrinking and growing technology to make things like furniture, food and clothes for the 2 species without too much material waste. Shrinking/growing technology is not used on living things as it is deemed too risky.
Jax is a giant that was born with a birth defect that made him Way too big to safely live among the other giants and humans (giants are around 150ft and Jax is Jax Sized) so since the government is scared of what he potentially can do, they isolate him in a house they grow to his size and keep him in the middle of nowhere where they check on him periodically to make sure he isn't going to go on a rampage any time soon. He's told he isn't allowed to go into populated areas or be seen by other people to avoid mass panic.
They also eventually put a prototype of the shrinking technology into him so he can shrink down to human size and go to the city for food and necessities rather than just relying solely on the government for food and income but given the faulty nature of this technology, it's uncomfortable for him to use and he can't shrink for long periods of time.
Jax wants to be an actor but due to the complications around his existence and the fact that he can't stay reliably shrunken down at movie sets, he settles with voice acting from home until an eccentric movie director finds an old news article about his birth and decides that he Needs Jax to play the villain in his upcoming movie because Jax is Big and that would make a cool and scary villain. Plus it would cut costs on special effects. The movie director won't take no for an answer and begs the government (along with Jax cuz a c t i n g) until they finally give in and let Jax go under the condition that he remains human sized outside the movie set since he's been civil this whole time.
Through an unfortunate event after his first day on set, he meets Mia and helps her out and a few days later, when he finally grows to his normal size around a lot of other people on set and starts freaking out cuz he's not used to being around so many people, especially since they're so small compared to him (whenever a government agent comes by he has to shrink down so he doesn't have much of a point of reference) and he doesn't want to hurt anyone, Mia returns the favour and talks to him after, eventually offering to role play villain scenarios with him at his house to help him gain more confidence in acting like a villain around other people for the movie. And Thus Friendship Commences.
Also fun fact, the way every au ties in to the ride or die verse is that each alternate universe is basically the real way Jax would act in those scenarios (eg. evil giant merman rp = lighthouse au).
And for your other questions:
Jax and Mia do travel around and help out people after they grow comfortable with each other again. Jax uses his new body and size to restrain monsters and help Mia out with fights while Mia does the Maiming and Killing.
People do generally stay away from both of them, Mia being seen as a deserter and Jax being Jax but they do sometimes escort people to safe places. It's very much a them against the world type deal.
And basically the monsters that ravange the world are called war machines and were made by an unknown group for unknown reasons. The process of making a war machine involves taking a living thing and through a bunch of grotesque experiments, turning them into misshappen monsters. Humans, animals and plants are all fair game but the organization quickly learns to stop going after humans cuz human war machines can usually be reasoned with and thus aren't effective (thus why Mia was so confused to see a humanoid war machine when she first sees Jax again). When the whole war machine thing was just starting though, Jax was nabbed off the street on the way home and was subjected to said cruel experiments. He survived and became a giant shape shifting sludge puddle though since he refused to fight or get violent even when attacked, he was eventually put in what was essentially a sensory deprivation tank and forgotten about.
That is until the base got raided and the unknown horror that was kept in the back was found and released as a last ditch effort.
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gleekingdom · 1 year
I'm looking to rp with this oc I haven't really gotten a chance to be much yet. And my character isn't Darren, Darren Criss is just his faceclaim because I like to imgaine him portraying the character ( I know he won't actually do that though XD)
I usaully like to rp B X B Ships
That would cool to rp with someone who had a oc of the faceclaim grant gustin but I'm not picky as long the ship is B x B
I'm Autistic and dylexic so if your against that for some reason, okay don't roleplay with me then thanks. ^^
I'm not comfortable with NSFW so please keep this pg13 I am 20+ but I'm not comfortable with that stuff.
if you are interested to rp with him then dm me here and I'll give you my code so we can rp on Discord.
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Alex Spector, Alex
Alex, Spec, Specs (you can make up more in rp)
20- 35
April 6th
Bisexaul ( Male lean)
Taurus ♉️
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 positive  . . . Laid back on the outside/ Friendly/ Deep thinker
 neutral  . . . Acts sure of himself even when hes 
not/ a bit of a hopeless romantic/ mysterious 
negative  . . . Doesn't go outta his way to meet new people/ Over thinks
•Personality in a bit more detail
- He acts very sure of himself and sure of what he's doing. And yes well at times he is sure sometimes it's much more of an act. He's not shy and infact can be rather bold. But he's not fully self-assured about himself and questions things deeply, like meaning behind simple things or just life, but at times that gets him to really overthink things and misread a situation.
I think in a way he wants the attention from other people too, but also doesn't want to be variable around them he wants to seem like he's always well rounded and good and doesn't have any problems or things that will worry others. He's kind and cares for people but doesn't usaully go out of his way to become close with other people and though bold can be rather quite especially when deep into his thoughts.
If your mean to him though he won't just take it, he'll stand up for himself, and might say something mean back but he usaully doesn't strike first.
And he is quite the bit of a hopeless romantic, but he's not sure if something like that could ever happen to him. Plus he kinda closes parts of himself off from his band, from people who want to be his friends and even his own family (( Emotionally damaged))
Don't read this part if you just wanna find out rping with him || He's Very Emotional so when he's happy he lights up, when he's sad he's really really down and when he's mad- I think you get it||
He's kinda complicated, at least to me so it's hard to explain his whole personality
And he might be austistic coded and if he is it wasn't intentional I'm just autistic so Idk ( I'm not against him being austistic that was just not my original intent for the character, but I do have other ocs that are austistic. I just like making my characters different from eachother)
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•Space aesthetics
•the Theater/ like plays and musicals
•music/ his favorite kind is jazz pop and rokin roll
•getting his nails painted ( he's not girly he just likes his nails looking fancy)
•Fried chicken / organe chicken
•Favorite colors are red and purple 💜 ❤️
•Reading well mostly of anything
• likes to go to parties weather it's like dancing crazy parties/ or fancy parties
•Just hanging out
•Doing street or wall art
the way he overthinks sometimes
Being told he can only be one thing/ being put in a social latter box
people who whine for things but never work for it
the color organe thinks it looks unflattering
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•Not being good enough at anything
•losing the things that are important to him
• Going to parties
• playing violin / gituare
• getting ready overly early for things like his jods/ interviews/ dates
• Reading
• Listening to music
ambitions• To be a famous singer with his band
occupation•  Singer of his band 'North star' ( he probably has side jods on the side)
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Family realionships
Ellison Spector
His mother and who he is closest to in the family. She loves both of her sons treating them equal. He does many favors for his mom and loves her very Dearly.
John Spector
John wasn't looking for another child after Arnold his oldest, so he never really cared much for Alex. But Alex still wants to win over his father in some way.
Older brother.
Arnold Specter- he's only three years older
His Dads favorite and in Alex's eyes the one who can do no wrong and who somehow wins every trophy and is skilled how can Alex compete with that. There realionship is well rocky at best, more so closed off on Alex's side then Arnold's side, Arnold tries to have a good realionship with his brother.
He lives in a apartment now but I just felt those realionships are kinda important and kinda is part of what made him who he is.
Thank you if you read all of that 😊
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There still is a bit to tell about him but you'd find out if you rped with him.
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🦇 here! I want to say two things:
1- Replying to the answer about college. I am doing a degree on English Studies on a pretty goth city, my faculty is right in front of a cool cathedral. I would love to have you as a classmate hehehe Plus everyone here goes out at night to party more than studying so you wouldn't have that much pressure and plenty of people to choose from. Though I offer myself for some blood donations, type O negative (I'm sorry I had to to the joke, and it's truly my blood type), the best on town, 10/10 I tasted it myself (I bite my tongue on accident way too much)
2- About the... Pregnancy and Gabrielle comments... Why is everyone so fucking disgusting. Being anonymous doesn't give you the right to be disrespectful and rude and gross, and they should feel guilty about it and try to do better. [Inside rol] People change and everyone should have the chance to be better and learn, even if you said unfortunate things or something that could be misinterpreted, you can rectify your words. [Outside RP] Why the actual fuck would you think you have the right to tell a person if their own way of doing RP and interpretating a character is wrong or right???? There's someone behind this account that has the right to be treated with respect and choose if they want to act one way or another. This account is fun, it's fanmade, it's not Canon, it's whatever the one behind it wants it to be, and we should be grateful they are doing such a good job at answering all these questions.
Got a bit too upset about it, ups!
Lestat here.
Thank you so much for your wonderfully long post, bat-anon! I must admit, you made me smile while reading this, and I feel a great sense of happiness that I have people like you in my ask box. ❤️
English Studies sounds like an interesting subject! You must tell me about your escapades or some fun things you have learned! I love my gothic cathedrals, I am an absolute sucker for them! (Ha ha, there is an accidental joke in there) I also appreciate the offer for blood donations, and I did chuckle at the reference to Type O Negative! I also take your word that you'd taste quite good. ;)
Onto the latter half of this discussion; the anonymity of the person making those crude comments is very strange and I am still grappling with what they found so terribly offensive to begin with. I don't believe that I have done anything poorly towards anybody, and something that I find strange is the overall age of that post... it's pretty much old news!
Lestat out. xoxo
[OOC: thank you so much for your reassuring words, it truly means so much to me that I'm doing well at this whole Lestat thing, and that everybody else (bar that weirdo) is having fun seeing what "I" get up to! It did hurt a little when my RP skills got called into question, but I mean, the sad fact is that I can't make everyone happy, and that's okay too! I'm happy that you spoke up about this, and it means a lot that you got upset and decided to talk to me about it over an ask; I truly don't deserve such wonderful followers! 💖💖💖]
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*    knowing  your  partner  well  can  potentially  make  writing  a  lot  easier,    repost,    do  not  reblog.
                                           meet the mun.  — basics
NAME:  Bella PRONOUNS:   she/her PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:  IMs on here are a great way to get ahold of me. I do have discord and I'm much more active there than I used to be but I check tumblr way more often than discord. SINGLE / TAKEN: Single
— three facts
I played softball throughout my undergrad. I was the third baseman (though sometimes was the DH) and I'd been playing that position since I was 11 years old, and softball since I was like 5.
I have two horses that are my pride and joy and have been riding since I was a little girl.
I am ambidextrous and view it as my superpower. Eat it Superman.
— experience
I've been writing/roleplaying since I was 11. I started out on that Moviestarplanet place and created a whole world of characters on there and stories with a bunch of random people, but my mom supervised everything on there because she didn't trust chatrooms (rightfully so) but it was still fun and I got to decorate cool rooms and stuff so that really helped unleash my inner storyteller. I started writing on like weird vampire/werewolf rp sites when I was 15 but it was too much for my innocent 15 year old heart so I didn't do a lot of that then I started writing Gwen Stacy on kik before one of the people I wrote with mentioned Tumblr so I came here when I was 16. I've been canon characters and oc's in multiple different fandoms and I'm honestly so embarrassed by the way I used to write and even though I have my days of feeling super crappy as a writer I'm proud of the progress I've made. This place has absolutely helped me get through school with being as good of a writer as I am in school so I'm so grateful for that. I'm very new to the MCU fandom and even newer to the Netflix's Marvel fandom and sometimes I feel like I'm too late to the party, especially since I believe the height of Marvel was probably from 2014-2019 but I'm still very lucky to be here and have such good, creative, wonderful, and talented people to write and create stories with.
— sub-genres
I've only ever wrote in the realm of fiction and Marvel and Supernatural would be the two fandoms that I've ever wrote in. Deep diving in to now the Marvel genres I have now are Captain America's storyline and of course Daredevil. And inside that- angst always lol
— plots vs memes
Honestly I'm usually one to start out from a meme and dive from there. I'm not the best plotter at the very beginning. I think it's sometimes hard to get things lined up right away so I usually let the meme inspire me and go from there. Don't get me wrong, I love to plot, but I think sometimes it can almost feel forced or take away from the creativeness so memes are typically the way to go with me.
— long or short replies
Long. Even when I try to keep something short for the sake of a quick banter or whatever, I just struggle. I dive too much into description sometimes so short stuff is HARDDD. Plus sometimes I feel guilty that short stuff can spam the dash.
— best time to write
Oh gosh. Nights are usually when I write and on weekends, but summer is a free for all and sometimes that makes it worse because I can procrastinate because I have a "bunch of free time". I like being on a set schedule so then evenings and weekends can be my time to write.
Tagged by : @somewherebetweenrage
Tagging: Youuuuuuuu!
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sapphicrpc · 2 years
am i the only one who hates when wanted connections are like tumblr gifsets instead of written dynamics? i feel like it’s so much harder for me to go off of a written dynamic that’s specific to the muse instead of a random tumblr gifset
i'm gonna disagree with you, i like when people have a mix (i usually provide a mix of both), and i think it depends on the group.
i think gifset/inspo type wcs work really well in groups where people are relatively new to one another and don't have a long history - such as vacation resort rps, summer camp rps, university rps where people are coming in as newbies, etc. in these situations there's no need for a complicated history because muses don't know each other, so in this kind of situations a gifset could be perfect for like "oh yes, this vibe, this would work" and then you can talk it out and throw headcanons at each other which are just inspired by the gifset. it takes a little bit more creativity, but it's also more flexible.
that's the other reason i like the inspo type wcs which are like songs/quotes/gifsets - they're so much more flexible! like, it tends to be easier to figure out how to work your muse into a inpo type wc because it's more general and broad than a specific written out connection. and you can talk through the rest together <3
plus, i would be shocked if the gifsets/inspo chosen are random... like i know when i post connection inspo for wcs i choose the inspo very carefully! everything i post is something that i'm like oh my god, this kind of relationship would be so cute but i don't really care about the specifics of how they met, etc, i just want a best friend that my muse is soft and silly with, for example.
THAT BEING SAID in groups like small town rps where people have been there for years or even their whole lives, and other kinds of groups with more intensive plots like fantasy verses, i think written wanted connections are important! there will always be certain opportunities for connections which are very specific to your muse and are likely too complicated to be captured in a gifset. these kind of wcs are easy to understand because it's all laid out for you nicely, which is super cool. it makes it so much easier to tell immediately what would and wouldn't work for your muse and these are really important and useful.
FINALLY!! i just wanna say i think these two types of wc can work really well together in combination, they both have strengths and weaknesses but the combination of them both leaves something for everyone...
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