#plus to mention i took out all of my mods cause the girls been saying that was a secret patch going around?
intercomkris · 1 year
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has/is anybody had this issue in the game?? like, when I go to change my Sims outfit, the sim does the animation but stays in the same outfit? and the sims head/picture is blank/invisible in the ui when I go to click on them??
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hiya, mod fuyu !! hope you've been well !! i was wondering if i could rq a fuyuhiko x GN!reader imagine where the reader confesses to fuyu but he rejects them bc he doesn't want them to get hurt or targeted? (since he's a yakuza n stuff-) could end happily or sadly, i am up for both !! thank you so much in advance !! <3
Fuyuhiko rejecting GN!reader to keep them safe
I have been well, thank you! I hope the same for you <3
I actually have an idea for this one cause I was recently talking about this kinda issue with a friend (we were making Love Hotel scenes for the characters in the first 2 games, may or may not post them at some point). I may or may not rewrite it better? I haven’t decided yet, but I probably will.
Another request!!
Category: Angst to fluff imagine
Specifics: GN!reader, takes place in the anime Despair Arc, no Ultimate (reserve course), affiliation- well you’ll see ;)
Warnings: Mentions and vague descriptions of gangs/violence, spoilers for game and anime
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When you had figured out you had a crush on a gangster, you knew there were risks.
So you can imagine your own disappointment in yourself when you realized the gangster you liked was the Ultimate Gangster. A Kuzuryu. You fell in love with a Kuzuryu.
But oh lord did you fall deep.
You were already friends with Natsumi, you were used to dealing with the overly aggressive and arrogant front from your brothers. So becoming friends with the girl was easy. Hajime didn’t see how you were able to do such a thing, but appreciated it since it meant he had to break up less fights between her and Sato.
But then there was the day you met the older brother of the (self-proclaimed) Ultimate Little Sister.
The boy hated you at first, especially when he saw what looked to be a gang symbol on that jacket you wore almost all the time. But he mostly hated you due to his overprotective nature of Natsumi. Even though he wouldn’t say it out loud, it was painfully obvious that he was simply looking out for her. You understood, of course. Your own older brother was like that constantly when he was alive. And now that you were the oldest sibling, it was your job to be that way with your other brother.
After a little while though, he learned to not pay much mind when he heard your motorcycle come up to the school. Or when he would see you next to Natsumi. Nor when she would bring you up in conversation like you were the only one she actively hung out with. Through further investigation, he found this was exactly the case. It took longer than he would’ve liked, but he found that Natsumi only had one actual friend. And that was you. That’s when he started to appreciate you a bit.
However, he noticed rather quickly that she only ever used your first name. She never mentioned your last. This made Fuyuhiko suspicious, but he figured she didn’t want your name out amongst the clan.
After Natsumi died, the boy began to see and hear of you even more often. Apparently you had made friends with Peko at the funeral, which he certainly did not expect. He didn’t even realize she had invited you to the funeral by demand of his father. But it was that fact that got him to finally take an interest in you.
Your first meeting that wasn’t a simple wave from you followed by a scoff from him was when you were with Peko in the dojo. He watched the two of you train and meditate, not saying too much until you mentioned your little brother. You had an angry little sibling, that’s how you became friends with Natsumi...
So naturally, that’s what he brought up when the three of you left. You and Fuyuhiko were walking next to each other to your motorcycle home while Peko went her respective route (as to not be connected as Fuyuhiko’s bodyguard). The two of you got along well, surprising the short boy. You could handle his anger issues and calm him down just as well as you did with his sister.
Eventually it had gotten to the point where you got along too well. Which is what lead to today...
You found yourself running out of the reserve course building faster than Hajime even. He watched you run off with a chuckle, wishing you luck on your mission. What was that mission exactly? Confessing your feelings to a certain yakuza.
You had met up with Peko earlier that day, she helped you prepare the letter and cookies. She then took them to her classroom and placed them on Fuyuhiko’s desk. When he had first seen the two, he immediately asked Peko who put them there.
“I did.” She said nonchalantly before quickly adding, “I was asked to by someone.”
Fuyuhiko raised an eyebrow, curious as to why she hadn’t given a name. He knew it couldn’t be from Peko, he would’ve seen her make the cookies. He also knew she wouldn’t deliver him anything that was unsafe, so he opened the letter before the bag of sweets.
Dear Fuyu,
Before you ask, you do know me, but I’m not telling you who I am just yet. All you need to know for now is that I really like you, I have for a while. Even before we met, I admired you from a distance, which is kinda embarrassing to tell you.
If you‘re at all interested in who sent you this, I’ll be waiting at the fountain between the reserve and main course buildings. Hope to see you there... <3
Now this got the gears in Fuyuhiko’s head turning. Someone liked him? Why? How?? Who???
Peko refuses to tell him either, using the excuse “you said I don’t work for you while at school” with a small playful smirk. He wanted to yell at her but it was Peko, he just can’t bring himself to yell at her.
He spent the rest of the day trying to figure out who sent it. It wouldn’t be anyone in class cause Peko put it there. He wasn’t close with many others in different classes. Part of him thought it was someone in the reserve course because it said to meet them between the two course buildings. Except Y/n was the only one he was close with in the reserve course, plus they were the only person to call him “Fuyu”. But there was no way they liked him back... right?
So he went with the only option he had, he was going to see who gave him this letter.
You sat there at the fountain. Hajime had told you it’d be a good place to meet up with Fuyuhiko, since he often sat here with Chiaki. He told her to meet him somewhere else today for you. So here you sat, waiting for someone who may not be interested in coming.
Just as you were considering giving up and going home, you caught a glimpse of a short blonde boy in a main course uniform.
“Y/n..?” He sounded like he didn’t believe you were there. You gave an awkward wave.
“Did you like the cookies?” Your voice was light as he walked up to you, standing only a few feet away.
“Yeah.. they were really good..”
Fuyuhiko’s face was slightly scrunched, like he was thinking about something serious. It left you concerned but you didn’t know what to say. Instead there was a short and kind of awkward silence. It was deafening. After about a minute, he voiced his thoughts.
“You realize how dangerous this is, right?”
Your head tilted in question, making the boy sigh.
“Don’t.. get me wrong, Y/n. I... I-I really like you too.” Your face lit up for a moment, making his next words hard for him to let out. “But.. I’m a yakuza- the heir to the most dangerous gang in Japan.. people are gonna target you. I can’t have that.” He let out another sigh.
Your own face contorted into one of slight confusion. It slowly turned into amusement, causing you to cover your mouth to let out a stifled laugh. Fuyuhiko looked back up, clearly irritated.
“What the fuck are you laughing at?!”
His angry voice was amusing to you and made you laugh even more. This only pissed the boy off further. He stepped forward again and grabbed you by the shoulders, bringing your face close to his.
“This fucking is serious, Y/n! I don’t want to get some call that someone has you hostage! I don’t want to make you go into hiding cause someone threatened to hurt you! I don’t want to end up with you beaten to a pulp! I don’t want to find you dead in a warehouse cause they want to get back at the Kuzuryu clan! I just fucking can’t! Not after.. not after Natsumi..”
His hurt words forced you to calm yourself down. You took a breath and brought your hands from your mouth to his face, his freckled and blush-marked cheeks in your palms. A reassuring smile was steady on your lips.
“Fuyu, what’s my last name?”
The question took him off-guard for the third time that day. He knew Natsumi never mentioned it, neither did Peko. Why did this matter?
“I-I don’t know,” he answered honestly anyways. His eyebrows furrowed in frustration as he waited for a response.
Fuyuhiko froze for a second. Owada? As in the biker gang Crazy Diamond?? How did he not figure that out??? Your motorcycle, the jacket you almost always wore, hell even the mention of your dead older brother and alive younger one should’ve been a hint.
It took him a minute to realize why you would bring that up. You had protection from that sort of thing. You were used to being targeted. You could defend yourself with ease. You weren’t gong to end up beaten to a pulp or dead in a warehouse like he had feared. You could take care of yourself even with all the violence surrounding gangs, cause you were the coleader of one. Or at least, your brother was the leader and the gang would protect you.
Once again, you let out a small laugh at his facial expression. It had snapped him out of his thoughts before he angrily grabbed you by the collar. He gave one last look into your happy eyes before kissing you.
To say it was inexperienced was an understatement. But you couldn’t care less, this boy was yours. He felt you soften up and let himself do the same, relaxing into the feeling of your connected lips.
Pulling away, you could see the smile on his face grow wide and the red on his face spread even wider. Both of you stood there for a while, simply staring into each other’s eyes. That is until you heard the engine of a motorcycle in the street.
“Y/n!” You let out a sigh and turned to your younger brother with a deadpan face.
“Mondo, I’m in the middle of something here.”
“You can have your fuckin kissy-face shit later, right now the dudes n chicks are wondering where their soon-to-be former leader is! You’re late for your step down party!”
Step down party? Fuyuhiko decided not to question it too much, he’ll probably ask about it later though.
Mondo stood from his bike and took a few strides towards you and the short boy, causing Fuyuhiko to look around to see if Peko had followed him like she usually did. And of course, she had, right behind the bushes surrounding the fountain. He turned back to see you next to your brother, smacking the back of your his head and messing up his pompadour. He looked like he wanted to smack you back but he knew he’d be in some deep shitif he tried. You turned back to Fuyuhiko, kissing him on the cheek lightly.
“I gotta head back, but I was thinking maybe I could get you a ride around town on my bike tomorrow? Like as a first date maybe?”
His smile couldn’t be wider.
“Yeah, I’d really like that- but don’t fuckin crash and kill me!”
“Just cause I’m stepping down as leader for Mondo doesn’t mean I won’t know how to drive a motorcycle anymore, Fuyu!”
He smiled as you let out a final laugh, turning towards the motorcycle Mondo had driven as getting on the backseat. Said brother tried to turn and yell at Fuyuhiko one last time.
“Hurt them and I fuckin swear-”
“-Mondo shut the fuck up and get on.”
“Peko, you’re not killing my partner’s brother.”
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One Thing Analysis
Kill for kill Eye for eye Blood for blood It’s time to die Retribution tastes so sweet
- We've got her clear, unbridled rage peaking through. Neo's on a mission and it's sole purpose is to kill. Not just that, it's a justified hunt. It's fucking retribution. What happened was unjust and wrong, cruel and shouldn't have happened. She doesn't know what else to do, the only thing that's helping her right now is this.
Gone's the light That he gave Now revenge is all I crave Retaliation soon complete
-A good reference to Roman's namesake and insight to just how much he mattered to her. Remnant is consistently referenced both visually and verbally as a world full of darkness. The darkness is given form through the Grimm and Neo's talking about the only light she's had to survive this darkness. Plus! She's admitting to her desperation for revenge and how it drives her. The tag line of "retaliation soon complete" is also showing, very clearly, that she knows her target or targets (I say target, singular tbh) and is closing in. She can touch the end goal, she's almost there. So close she can taste it.
I was nowhere I had no one I felt nothing Lost without a voice and on my own Then the candle's flame Brought a brand new name But now you've stolen everything and I'm all alone
- Neo has now, canonly, had an incredibly lonely life. Either metaphorically (like, poor family life) or literally (STREET RAT STREET RAT). She's felt all alone, choosing to feel nothing rather than constant pain. Pain and suffering, of course, attracting Grimm. She's also canonly mute! Something I know a lot of people have been on the fence about, but lacking a proper way to communicate would easily have isolated her further throughout her life. Roman was the first person to show her genuine positive attention. "Candle's flame" meaning both light and warmth into her life for the first time in- well, ever. "Brand new name" could also be metaphorical. She could be talking about being named, his name, or him bringing new meaning and life to the one she already possessed. Now, the love they shared for one another (in however you see it- excluding Father&Daughter it’s not canon guys they were both adults) is gone and she's been thrust back into the cold dark world Roman helped her to escape in the first place.
I had one thing And you've taken it from me A single light A single friend But you've made that end
- This is pretty straight forward. Neo had one thing in her whole life that mattered- Roman. He was the single most important thing to her to ever exist and she's livid. Not only did she love him and he love her, they were best friends. Equals. Partners. Neo's also staring down at the single person she blames, Cinder. These words blame one person and one person only. This song is introduced at first sight of Cinder, aimed only at Cinder. The wording calls for attack on one person. When Cinder redirects all blame for Roman's death to Ruby, it doesn't pick back up. It's quiet- Neo's thinking. She's making a new game plan, one taking into account Maiden Powers.
There was one thing To help escape the misery And now it's all disarrayed You took my whole life away You've sent me back to nothing Now you'll pay Pay
- A lot of this is straight forward, like the last verse. Roman meant everything to her, he was all she had and the only thing to make her happy. Not happy again, happy period, because she had been so absolutely fucking miserable by herself. Look at Weiss- who grew up alone and miserable aside from her sister. Look at Ren and Nora- who had only each other. Roman and Neo weren’t necessarily the big bad guys we were shown- they were doing their jobs. So many of these little tidbits in the song are alluding to direct correlations in the main cast of heroes, just if they were in a different place and different time. She’s also screaming (repeatedly, might I add) that her whole life is literally in shambles. Nothing makes sense anymore, there’s no structure, no Roman.  Neo says it herself, “You took my whole life away.” Again, this is directed singularly. She’s reinforcing her singular target- Cinder and she will pay.
Life for life Death for death Tit for tat Just one last breath Absolution's nowhere near
- I mentioned it before in my analysis over Cinder and Neo’s brawl, but man is Neo out for fucking blood. This is archaic law, in our world. I mean this literally- Hammurabi’s Code were the first historically proven, written and widely known set of laws. He’s the reason we have the “eye for an eye” saying and Neo is only accepting this kind of justice. As long as Cinder is alive, breathing and even remotely well, Cinder isn’t going to be free of her guilt. The only way that she could ever atone for being the cause of Roman’s death is with her own.
Cue the scene Now it's time Reparation for your crime And judgment day is finally here
- Neo’s become Judge, Jury and Executioner. Will Cinder rise to a good afterlife? That’s none of her business, her business is sending Cinder to wherever she belongs. Neo’s so fucking ready to finish this, to get some closure
I have waited for this meeting For this moment Dreamed about the day I'd make you crawl
- Neo wants more than Cinder’s death. Neo wants begging, pleading, desperation and fear from her. This is probably the only thing that’s kept her going since the Fall of Beacon after finding Roman’s body. This rage is absolutely what fueled her survival through the Grimm infested waste lands that are unoccupied areas of Remnant. Neo wants to make Cinder taste the hell she  put them through and to face the same end that so forced upon Roman after it all.
What a sweet release When you rest in peace Vengeance- Justice- Finally mine And I'll watch you fall
- RIP Cinder, there’s no escaping any of this for you. Neo’s determined, this is the only thing she can focus on, the only thing that brings even the slightest hint of relief in her life without Roman.
I had one thing And you've taken it from me A single light A single friend But you've made that end There was one thing To help escape the misery And now it's all disarrayed You took my whole life away You've sent me back to nothing Now you'll pay
- We’ve returned to the chorus, even angrier this time. Out of everything to receive repetition in this song, this makes the most sense. It’s displaying her grief and rage eloquently while showcasing her determination. Neo’s always been shown as incredibly capable, handling herself well and almost always with a level head. It seems Roman was the key to that- they had a security within each other that kept them both level headed. The thoughts “Roman’s alive” and “Neo’s alive” must have been their calming mantras. Sure, Roman would have instances of frustration, but when it came to battle he was always calm and collected. Even more so when fighting along side Neo, but the moment when his mantra of “Neo is alive” can no longer be taken as fact, or could be in serious jeopardy, his collected demeanor is out the window. This fight against Cinder is has Neo struggling to remain level headed. She’s becoming impatient, itching to finally finish off Cinder, bored that it’s not more fun and still enraged that this woman is so selfish as to not realize why she’s grieving in the first place. Neo’s mantra is gone, and it can never come back.
You destroyed my life After years of suffering Finally had a place to go to But not anymore And now it's war And there won't be peace ’til I get What I came for
- Cinder is responsible, and Neo won’t let her back out of it by throwing the blame onto Ruby like there’s nothing she did wrong. Neo spent untold number of years alone, scared, sad and found solace in Roman. They probably found solace in each other, home was where ever the other was. Someone to trust no matter what, years spent together and full of love and respect. His death ripped that away, so now it’s fucking war. Neo vs Cinder, the fight to the death and she’s not going to fall for some scapegoat in the form of a 15 year old little girl. Neo had been in Ruby’s position before, fighting for your life and the life of the people person who mattered more than anything to you and terrified of not succeeding. No, Neo knows that the grown woman who refuses to accept any form of blame is responsible. That doesn’t mean she wont bide her time until the perfect opportunity strikes. Oh no, Neo is not on Cinder’s side. She’s on Roman’s side and even his death won’t change that.
I had one thing And you've taken it from me A single light A single friend But you've made that end There was one thing To help escape the misery And now it's all disarrayed You took my whole life away You've sent me back to nothing Now you'll pay (Now you'll) Pay
💖💖💖 -Mod Neo
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siilvers-blog · 5 years
thor x gn!reader // shopping fiasco
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word count : 2 001
just to kick-start the blog !! this thing has been laying around my ao3 for a while now , so i actually have some content to put here to showcase the future of this blog , i guess haha ?? i don’t wanna talk for too long , so enjoy !! reader is gender neutral , feedback is appreciated ofc <33 i love my strong buff space babey
- mod em
( under the cut for length ! )
“God…” You huffed, heels clicking against the wet sidewalk, despite the fact that the heels themselves were quite small. The three giant paper shopping bags were already damp – two of which you were holding, the third hanging off of your right wrist. You could feel your shirt getting slightly wet due to the bags and though it wasn’t unbearable, it just felt wrong. You cursed at yourself for deciding to walk to the store instead of driving. It was just so sunny in the morning, no one could’ve guessed it would’ve started raining so suddenly. Not to mention, you definitely couldn’t have guessed you would wind up with so many groceries. It already spoiled your mood, to see it raining once you left the store was even worse. The cherry on the top was the car that splashed you, making you even more wet than before, but that was without saying. You had absolutely no idea if you were going to make it through the fifteen whole minutes it takes to go back to your apartment. And in the odd case you did, you could already hear your roommate mocking you and telling you that you should’ve paid attention to the weather report.
Of course, the streets of New York proved to be friendly as ever – no one even batted an eye to your struggle or offered to help, which annoyed you to a small extent. Sure, they might’ve had other things to do, but seriously, you could barely even see where you were going because of the damned bags! And no, you sure as hell weren’t going to ask anyone either, that was too big of a price to pay and you sure didn’t need another topping on the abundance of disasters which happened today. Being turned down harshly by someone was going to make everything a hundred times worse, you’d think about it for the rest of your life! But to say it wasn’t tempting would’ve been a huge understatement.
And literally, after two minutes of walking, you felt like you’d pass out any minute. You tilted your head upwards, eyes desperately in search of a bench. Even if it was a wet bench, you didn’t care. The fact that the rain had subsided to a light drizzle was already enough for you, but you definitely still needed to sit down and rethink your life decisions. Unfortunately, it didn’t take you long to realize that in this dark world, there were no benches you could sit upon and you were about to resort to your secret weapon – crying. Not to guilt-trip a random passerby into helping you, no, you just genuinely wanted to cry. But you had already stopped yourself before you could even start, believing you had found your salvation.
There, taking a selfie with two random girls, was none-other than Thor himself. He had changed since the last time you saw him on TV, you recalled. He didn’t have the long blond locks adorning him anymore, hair sloppily chopped up. That all paled in front of the fact that his right eye was covered with an eye-patch, you could only assume that the eye was missing. Nevertheless, you had to admit, he was still incredibly attractive. You wanted to approach him and ask for help, naturally, he was a strong hero – but the girls that had flocked to him just a second ago for that selfie were a reminder to you that he was a nation-wide hero, a very desired one at that. It reminded just how intimidating he was, helping some random person off the street with shopping bags just didn’t seem to be a fit in the schedule. And actually, what the hell was he even doing here? Last time you checked, he wasn’t even human.
But after a second of pondering you had decided to swallow your pride and anxiety, and approach him before he left. Your legs wobbled on the way and you weren’t even sure if it was fear or fatigue, you only hoped you weren’t going to fall over in front of a norse god. You breathed in.
“E…Excuse me…”
That was terrible, nice going!
It took him a second to notice you over the bags, not to mention he was towering over your small frame, but once he did, his face twisted into a friendly smile. “Ah, are you here for one of those pictures?”
Your face was flushed red, you half-debated whether you should just say yes, take the dumb selfie and flee, there was no way he was going to agree with your outlandish request! But…either way, you were already dying, so what did it matter?
“N- No-“ you had denied, but quickly stopped yourself. “N- Not to say I w- wouldn’t want one o- on a normal occasion, b- but- I just wanted to ask if you could please help me with my bags, I- I’m so cl- close to just dropping them and b- being done with it, b- but-”
“Oh, of course!” And before you could even comprehend his answer, the two bags you were cradling were off of your strained arms and firmly held by the straps in his own hands. He glanced at the remaining one, completely ignoring your wide eyes. “Do you need me to carry that one too?”
You could only gape at the man, your face even more red than before. Out of all the ways your day could’ve gone…Thor Odinson, the god of thunder himself, was ready to carry your bags for you.
“N- No, I’m okay!” You stuttered out quickly, face miraculously redder than before as you stared at the man that was looking at you expectantly. Oh! He didn’t know where you lived, of course! “R- Right, let’s go! I don’t live too far from here, s- so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem! S- Sorry!”
“It is no problem, midgardian! I think my brother was about to stand me up anyways!” He grinned, unlike you, pretty unfazed by the bags in his hands. “So, what is your name?”
“(Y/N).” You answered with a smile, not bothering to look him in the eyes in fear of going red again. “I…I guess it’s nice to meet you, I mean… I- I know who you are and t- this is kind of a lousy way to meet an avenger, I- I mean, not like this i- is a long-term thing-”
“You seem awfully anxious,” he started. “It is merely a couple of bags, if you are worried, I have been through worse.” He finished it off with a chuckle and though you definitely would’ve been worried if it were a normal person, it wasn’t the cause of your anxiety currently.
“N- No, that’s not the case!” You rebutted right away, not wanting him to get it wrong. “I’ve just had a super shitty day and I literally just asked one of the world’s mightiest heroes to carry my shopping bags because I’m this pathetic, you know?”
You definitely couldn’t tell, but he was quite amused by your small rambling. Besides, it wasn’t everyday a midgardian asked him to carry their bags, quite the humorous development if he had to say so himself. And he made it apparent in a second by letting a light laugh leave his mouth – a bit different from the chuckle, you could tell, it seemed more reassuring.
“It’s almost like I would only help in life-or-death situation. If I am here, I might as well do something good that doesn’t have me in a life-threatening situation.” His smile got even wider, but this time you looked and got to witness how charming he actually looked with that soft expression on his face. You found yourself…feeling better. “It’s doing something good that matters, don’t you think?”
“I guess so…”
The rest of the walk was filled with small-talk and yet, it was oddly fun. Obviously, it was all made better by the fact that you only had to carry one bag, that Thor kept insisting on taking throughout the whole trip, saying that he might as well carry them all. But you were fine, this time definitely. Plus, you couldn’t wait to brag to your roommate about Thor keeping you company and carrying your bags, you thought you deserved the bragging rights by now. Occasionally, you two were interrupted by girls - and sometimes guys – stopping you two and taking a picture with Thor, but you weren’t bothered, it was cute to see him act so nice towards his fans and you could only watch with a fond smile from the sidelines. But of course, your apartment wasn’t that far, and the fun you were having with your companion was bound to be cut short any second. He had walked you up the stairs, not wanting to leave you alone with three bags. But, of course, here your door stood and it was the time to split ways. It wasn’t supposed to be a big deal, especially with the fact that you had only met approximately fifteen minutes ago, but he had a surprisingly…friendly presence that you didn’t want to separate from. It might’ve been just the five-year-old in your heart talking, but you wanted to…spend more time with him, as if this encounter meant something.
It didn’t, most likely, but you wanted it to.
“Well, I hope you do not run into a problem like this next time you go shopping!” He exclaimed, smile not dropping as he watched you fiddle with your keys.
You shoved the key into the keyhole violently, a bit too much for your tastes, but your hands were trembling nervously and you wouldn’t have actually put the key in if you were doing it with the usual gentleness. There was a single question running through your head right now, kind of like a half-assed rehearsal and you were almost debating whether you should even utter anything besides a ‘goodbye’ at this point, but…you needed to take charge.
“Listen, Thor…” You cringed at your own words, it was like you were talking to an old friend, which…wasn’t how you intended to say it. But at least you had gotten his attention. “D- Do you want to, like, I dunno, hang out some time? L- Like, let me repay you for helping me here- I k- know heroic deeds don’t need a reward most of the time, b- but, and I’m just assuming, but y- you probably don’t have the hang of New York yet, s- so I’d like to show you s- some coffee shops or a f- fast food joint-”
“Have you been to Shawarma Palace before?” He interrupted your ramblings yet again, proposing an interesting question. You couldn’t say you have, you’ve seen it sometimes during your walks, but…
“No, what of it?”
“Well then, I suppose I’ll be the one showing you this fast food joint you speak of!” He chuckled slyly, pulling out a phone out of the back pocket of his jeans. “Stark had given me this device, told me to put it to good use and said I can contact people with it and that I just need a number of sorts. Think you can help me with that, midgardian?”
“R-Right!” You quickly grabbed the phone from his hand and typed your number in, not forgetting to give yourself a small call just so you could have his – you know, in case you decided to make the first move (extremely unlikely outcome).
“I’ll make sure to ask Stark how to work this.” He said as you returned the phone to him. “In the meantime, don’t get stuck with this many bags, I might not be around to help.”
And that was the last of him that you heard that day, seeing as how he gave you a small wave and made his leave, while you stood there, completely in shock after realizing what had seriously just happened.
You definitely deserved those bragging rights.
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hsj-scenarios · 7 years
The Ryosukekeke Saga  Continues...
Mod J had not checked her inbox, phone, and messages in a while, mostly avoiding messages from the OG who continued to vacillate between out of control anger with threats and swear words, and completely broken sobbing, pleading. That said, she finally felt brave enough to take a look--we peek into her world as she skims through the hundreds of messages...
Eighteen days ago:
I see what you all have done! (;¬_¬) Who is this...this.... @keito-okamoto person? A new Mod? Is that what it is? AND MOD L!!!!!!! OMG WOULD YOU LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (☞◣д◢)☞
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Mod L (╬ಠ益ಠ)  backing up this person, this @keito-okamoto person, plus I never settled on the ‘OG’ title. Still! What, did you guys bring on a new mod for the express purpose of disparaging my character? Honestly, I’d like to talk about this. 
And the fact that you’ve changed your password Mod J. 
⁀⊙﹏☉⁀ WTF
I thought we had an agreement. I’m so put out with you I am going to avoid any song with your name in it from now on. Seriously, I’m making someone else sing my lines--and when I say “I love you, Juliet” I am talking to every other Juliet in the world, but NOT YOU!!!!!!!!! 
( ̄へ ̄)
Mod J: ( responding two and a half weeks later)
ILY. That’s not the new mod, that’s Mod C, your paranoia is on high alert,  you need to simmer down now. Look no one is even talking about this anymore! I won’t even be at the concerts, so I don’t care what you do at them......you’re such a toddler.
17 Days Ago:
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WTF is this!?! (; ・`д・´) I thought ( •̀ω•́ )σ you were going to talk to Mod L to get her back on my side! Instead of putting this entire debacle to rest, she is fanning the flames. That quote is taken entirely out of context. It’s absurd and it might even be defamation, or libel, or something, hell, I’m no lawyer. But I DO keep one on retainer--your blog may be hearing from him. 
( `ー´)OG OUT! 
Mod J:  (2 minutes after two and a half weeks later)
Ah, see I never said that, ever--you said it...a thousand times, but I never said it or agreed to it. I told you that you needed to take it up with them, because I am NOT your messenger. I’m sure this quote IS out of context, the same way you screaming “Mommy” while on the roller coaster was. I didn’t know Kekeke was such a gifted ventriloquist! *sarcasm off*
15 Days Ago:
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Tell Mod L she at least got this s*** right. (*´ー`)
OMG-- @(。・-・)@ your blog is a three ring circus lacking a f***ing ringmaster on it’s best day--on its worst it’s like one of those zoos on Zoo Tycoon where they build this huge zoo, with hundreds of thousands of patrons, and then start feeding the pedestrians to the dinosaurs--or just let all of the carnivorous animals loose. 
へ‿(ツ)‿ㄏ Either way. 
Still, factually speaking, if I were to be a courtesan this is absolutely and unequivocally true. I would be the best, I would win it all, and I would f***ing crush everyone else out of the competition with my prowess.
╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ "
I want more about me, and this, who am I making the check out to?
(also, I’m gonna beat the hell out of Chinen for putting a d*** filter on my computer now!) (○`O´○)
(also, wtf Mod J, ༶ඬ༝ඬ༶ why you gotta bring that up? Am I no longer your number one?)
Mod J:  (5 minutes after two and a half weeks later)
I just...no comment. (yes, you are still my no 1! mmmwah)
11 Days Ago:
I see you’ve closed the requests. <(_ _)> Thank GOD! I know there are at least fifty requests that I sent in about me, which have not been filled to date. Now maybe you can put some quality material out about ME! Please, Mod J, it’s been so long, so long....I’m so sad all the time. I can’t even handle and we’re on tour and I need happy happy happy--give me the happy please!? 
.·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU.
BTW, why aren’t you responding to me? 
。・゚ヾ(✦థ ェ థ)ノ。゚・。
I’ve left messages on your cell phone, your house phone, your email (both), Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, Live Journal, and of course, here. I even got a hold of your neighbor and asked them to tell you to contact me, and if they didn’t I need to know, I gave them a lot of money to do that.
(and I didn’t even catch the kiss, didn’t even watch it come near me, I swatted it away with great force!)
8 Days Ago:
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This fill was strangely accurate. Terrifyingly so. Pls stop. (⁎˃ᆺ˂)
(;´・Д・)(where are you Juliet?)
6 Days Ago:
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Mod J, I am going to need you to help me out here. ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ  I’m not even kidding, okay? I need you to be f***ing serious right now, cause I am in dire need of your help! 
( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
How much do you know about this “Mod L” person? ( ⁰д⁰) Cause...well...I mean, I had a detective come into my house looking for hidden cameras and taps. Paranoid? Nope, realistic, because this is too much like a genuine conversation I actually had with Yutti. I’m freaking out right now. ヽ〔゚Д゚〕丿 Could Mod L be a spy? Could Mod L be someone close to Jump? Could Mod L be someone IN JUMP!?!?! <|๑⊙Д⊙|/
OMG!  ε=ε=(怒゚Д゚)ノ
Please help! Σ(゚Д゚;≡`゚д゚)
Mod J  (7 minutes after two and a half weeks later)
You do need help, but not the kind I can offer. Yama-chan, this is all just fiction, not your actual real life. I mean, if you need us to, we’ll put a disclaimer like those movies where it says anything resembling a real life event or person is strictly coincidental. But still...Mod L isn’t in Jump. 
You’re just really not as complex as you think you are to be honest. I mean, how do you think we all write you so accurately? 
Ryosuke: (2 seconds after the response from Mod J)
Is that an insult? (。•́︿•̀。) I’m dizzy again, I mean the world is tilting sideways, why have you forsaken me Mod J?! 
6 Days Ago:
Ryosuke and Daiki’s friendship in one gif:
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Not gonna lie, I was drinking a soda when I scrolled past this and it literally came out of my nose. It  hurt.  
Still...|o゜)Accurate. Terrifyingly accurate. ヘ(。□°)ヘ TOO accurate. I am still leaning toward my hypothesis. Until you offer me proof, anything is possible. Still, I’m for sure the guy in yellow. 
⁀⊙﹏☉⁀ Right? Right??
5 Days Ago:
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YES. (it wasn’t me I swear!)
4 Days Ago:
Management: Okay guys, I know Dear was a great outlet to show your sexy sides but we kind of want I/O to be a little more PG.
The actual conversation was “Guys, this is going to be a tour with a lot of children attending so we are going to need to keep the atmosphere ‘family friendly’ this time.”
Just to be clear, they were sure as hell staring straight at me while they said it, and you know, that just makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up like someone’s challenging me right up here in my dojo. 
So I plainly responded, “F*** you, how’s that for family friendly?”
Actually, that didn’t really happen, okay, so it did in my head though and that should count for something. That said, an intelligent conversation took place and they decided it would be wisdom to allow us to perform what we wanted.
ヽ( ・∀・)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ 
(If Dai-chan or Chii-chan contact you and tell any lies about me pitching a fit and crying and threatening to quit because the world NEEDS my “ah ah ahhhs”, please hear them as the blatant and bold-faced lies they are!)
4 Days Ago:
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This is true, except it really wasn’t Keito. (>^_^)><(^o^<) He’s been going through a lot lately--and you know...no matter how selfish you guys seem to think I am, I have a heart for the guy! (ps I meant love, not give-- (; ・`д・´)  I can’t write the word f*** on my phone but it can apparently feel the f*** free to change my non-swear words at will!)
3 Days Ago:
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This isn’t a good thing--it’s still being talked about. 
This is a bad thing. Stop them--don’t you have any power or control Mod J? What are you DOING about all of this!?! First it was the bane of my existence the BPA, I can’t f***ing drive anywhere now, because everyone apparently knows what car I drive! I mean, let’s be honest, I stand out anyway, so I mean the car--I mean, f***, I’m getting off track--listen, this same person is...just, now they’re saying they did the Kekeke thing too? 
┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Щ(º̩̩́Дº̩̩̀щ) Can’t you ban them? For me? Please?! I’ll say “I love you Juliet” and mean you, only you in all the world of all of the girls named Juliet! 
3 Days Ago:
Please? 。゚(゚ノД`゚)゚。
3 Days Ago:
・゜・(ノД`) PLEASE PLEASE!??!?!!? (。♥‿♥。)
2 Days Ago:
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(⊙_☉) What the actual F*** IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!? F***ing hell! This is insane. You’re all crazy. (⊙.☉)7
ꉂ (๑¯ਊ¯)σ л̵ʱªʱªʱª (ps I sent this to Takaki--and now he’s mad at me because I wouldn’t tell him where it came from! lolololololol)
2 Days Ago:
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Less food network, more writing about me. (´`;) ?What has happened to your blog?
2 Days Ago:
Did I do something? (′︿‵。) Did I? (´•ω•̥`) I can’t fix it if you won’t talk to me.
2 Days Ago:
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This is both alarming at how accurate it is (again!) and that you guys paint me to be some kind of control freak who can’t handle a relationship without knowing every intimate detail of someone’s life. 
Well, it’s still alarming how accurate it is anyway. 
I’m hiring a bodyguard.
I quit you. ~(>_<。)\
1 Day Ago:
HS7 @ the 113th 1130000000000000th time that Chinen mentioned Ohno: 
I fixed this for you.
(I can’t quit you, please, you guys gotta still love me, okay!? I didn’t mean it!)
1 Day Ago:
Keito after he watched Ryosuke’s kissing scene 4 84 times, twelve times while Ryosuke was in the room with him begging him not to.
I fixed this for you.
1 Day Ago:
Yuto: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars :)
Ryosuke: If anyone, and I mean /anyone/, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky without sexual gratification in some way, shape, or form they will be removed indefinitely from my life.
I fixed this for you. Just saying, I love to sleep but c’mon. Just...c’mon!
Mod J:  (12 minutes after two and a half weeks later)
Bless your heart. Just...bless it.
Ryosuke:  (20 seconds later)
Are you patronizing me? 「(゚ペ)
Mod J:
No, I really want your heart to be very blessed, you’ve worked yourself up into a frenzy, haven’t you? Deep breath, everything is fine, people are all about Yuya and the salad ship now, you know? Kekeke will get tired of paying us to torture you, and everything will go back to normal, with our blog filled with lots of stories that make you look like the amazing guy you really are! Just take a deep breath, it’s all going to be okay! I’ll take good care of you from here!
ヾ(;゚;Д;゚;)ノ゙You promise?
Mod J:
I promise.
(‘∀’●)♡ ILY Juliet.
ILY2 (´∀`)♡
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Mod J, I take back everything! I just saw that the person who started all of this Ryosukekeke craziness is the one who was in Paris! 
(‘∀’●)♡ Listen, I was terrified, being in a foreign country, facing so many fans, and not sure what the reception would be. I’m used to facing those kinds of challenges with the other Jump members, not by myself--there’s always been a level of security in having everyone there, you know? But this time, I was all alone...
So here I was feeling so alone and worried and afraid and then there was this lovely fan, smiling, and happy, and overjoyed--holding this uchiwa that said “Ryosukekeke” and I swear, I laughed so hard! I really did!
It was this bright shining moment, and the fan was so lovely--a happy smile in the midst of so much trepidation--and there was such peace to be found in the idea that there was at least one fan there who wasn’t going to approach me from the perspective that I was Japanese ( ´△`) and not whatever nationality they wanted Ed to be (despite it being fictional), who wasn’t going to come at me from the thought that I couldn’t possibly be good enough, ฅ(๑’Δ’๑) that our team couldn’t pull it off, that I was going to fail the collective FMA fandom.
That one fan was going to be there to see me, ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Yamada Ryosuke, and not just as the Idol from Jump either! But as the ~ヾ(^∇^) PERSON I really am--as there’s no show that proves more about who I am genuinely than our own show does! That fan watched the show enough to know about my love/hate relationship with Kekeke--and you know what? 
d=(´▽`)=b I’ll go through anything to give back to that fan, even suffer through months of ridicule from my members, and incessant phone call messages from Kekeke, and even having a lot of posts on your blog that make fun of me! Because, there’s no way I can say, not for one second, that my feelings are more important than that single fan’s happiness. 
(⌒▽⌒ゞ Not for one second.
To my Dear @sekairiinu, (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc) my “Ryosukekeke” fan--thank you for being a bright light in a sea of uncertainty. 
(*’∀’人)♥ I pay my respects with my embarrassment gladly! 
PS I am still not so sure about your Mod L. Can you give me definitive proof that she ISN’T someone in Jump?!
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scriptautistic · 8 years
Hi! I'd like to know if it would be possible for a character/their surrounding family/friends to not notice/suspect that they might be autistic until adulthood? (I start writing when she is around 20 and I want her to start questioning this about herself as part of her journey) Is this feasible? Is it actually possible someone could be autistic without picking up on it/others picking up on it until this age? And what sort of things could she pick up on/question now to give her the idea? Thanks!
Absolutely. No one suspected I was autistic until I was 24, even though I showed many very obvious autistic traits throughout my life. I did well in school and was obviously very intelligent, so no one considered something that they thought of as a disability for me. I was bullied for being weird, had no friends, and constantly punished for being rude and not having “common sense”. The assumption was, since I was intelligent, that I understood very well what I was doing wrong and it was therefore intentional. I was also always very androgynous and preferred boys’ clothes because they were looser - girls’ clothes were painful for me to wear. Instead of noting the sensory issue, I was just labeled a “tomboy” and told I needed to learn to be “more ladylike”. It is especially common for girls to not be diagnosed until adulthood, since we tend to have an easier time mimicking others and blending in, and may hide meltdowns, etc. 
One thing that is very common for girls is that another girl will take them under their wing during childhood or adolescence. Sometimes an allistic girl will see, for example, a socially awkward girl with no “fashion sense” and take it upon herself to teach her how to put on makeup, dress, talk to others, etc. This is far from universal (certainly didn’t happen to me), but common enough to mention. When this happens, it is often much less obvious to others that the girl is autistic.
Boys (and genderfluid and nonbinary people as well) can also “fly under the radar” until adulthood. It is very common. Many autistic people don’t realize they’re autistic until they learn about it later in life and realize it describes them. The public perception is that autistic people are very disabled, can’t communicate properly, or are extremely rude, and that makes them easy to identify, but that is far from always the case. It is also common for someone to be obviously autistic, but for others to try to excuse away the traits, because they see autism as such a tragic thing they want to avoid the word as much as possible. Such an example exists in my own family: my 6-year-old niece is obviously autistic and has shown EVERY obvious trait from the time she was 6 months old, but because at one point she got burned by a cup of tea that got knocked over, the doctors immediately said that she was simply traumatized and would return to “normal” eventually. She can speak now and goes to a normal school, so my sister insists that she is not autistic, even though she very obviously is.
As for what could bring up the idea of your character being autistic, I can only offer my own experience. At age 24 I moved to a different country and my boss/mentor where I was working noticed immediately that I had difficulty with social skills and odd body language. She had previous experience with autistic people. She started probing me with questions about having friends as a child, how I felt when people laughed at me, etc. She was the first person to see my social problems as something unintentional, even something I was unaware of, rather than something intentional, and decided to gently help me. She was the first person in my life to say the words “you talk too much”. When I thought I was being maliciously made fun of, she took the time to explain to me that they weren’t trying to hurt me, they were trying to bond with me playfully, and that it wasn’t intended to be taken literally. I told her I didn’t see any difference, and she offered to point out whenever she saw me taking things the wrong way, so I could slowly learn the difference. (I still have trouble with this but it’s better than it was). Then she started lending me books written by autistic people. I was astounded - they were describing ME. Finally, the idea entered my head that I could be autistic. It was upsetting at first, since I thought at the time that autism was a terrible disability. It meant that no matter how hard I tried, I would never be normal. I started doing research on my own, and the more I read, the more certain it was that this was me. I was autistic. I asked my mentor about it and she confirmed that she was certain I was autistic. Eventually I talked to a psychologist about it (one who specialized in autism) and it was officially confirmed. After that, it was a slow process of becoming an expert on it, learning how I was different and why, and discovering that it’s not a horrible disability at all. I now consider it simply a different but perfectly healthy type of brain which has always been a part of the human race, and without which we would not have the society we have today. 
I hope this is helpful. Your proposed character sounds very realistic to me. Good luck!
-Mod Aira
I agree with Aira, it is absolutely possible. In addition to what she said about reasons someone might not get diagnosed, I would like to add that even in the official diagnostic criteria of the DSM (which one may or may not agree with, but which is still a good point of reference), it is written “The onset of the symptoms is in the early developmental period (but deficits may not become fully manifest until social communication demands exceed limited capacities).” This means that while someone is born autistic, their neurodivergence may not be noticed as a child because their environment is “easy enough” that they don’t show obvious “"deficits”“ in social skills and communications and such, which is what people tend to look for when they’re wondering if someone may be autistic.
I would moreover like to add my own experience of someone who realized they were autistic in adulthood (well, more late adolescence) because I’ve been told it was a typical one.
While I’ve shown autistic traits for as long as I can remember, no one noticed because I did very well in school, had a few friends (all of which had been found for me by a handy adult) and was just considered “quirky”.
When I was about 13 social rules changed from that of childhood to that of adolescence. Friendships were formed more by affinity and design than by whoever was around at the time, and rules to maintain these friendships became more and more complex.
I started being very isolated, until when i was 15 my only friends were online friends who lived hundreds of miles away. That plus bullying and some family problems (also caused by miscommunication due to my being autistic and no one being aware of it) led me to a depression of which I’m just now beginning to get out of.
While I hid my mental health issue to my parents as long as I could, they finally caught on, and I began seeing a whole series of mental health professionals.
Now, this is the stage at which some people get diagnosed. The professionals I saw were not well educated about autism and failed to notice anything. They also failed to do anything useful for me, but that’s another story.
I ended up by pure chance making an online friend who was autistic and very open about it. After a while of getting to know each other, he told me he saw a lot of autistic traits in me. That’s the point when I started learning about it obsessively, eventually self-diagnosing.
I talked about it with the therapist I was seeing at the time, she agreed with me, told me to go see a specialist psychologist, who also said I was probably autistic. I’ve not yet undertaken an official, medical diagnosis, though it is a project of mine.
I’m sorry this got so lengthy, and I hope you can find anything useful buried in there.
-Mod Cat
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